Psalm 63/Commentary

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Psalm 63 “All My Longing”

“Once more the worst has brought out David’s best, in words as it did in deeds” (Kidner p. 224). The mention of the word king in verse 11 points to a time when David was king and therefore when Absalom rather than Saul had made him take to the Wilderness of Judah on his way to the Jordan (2 Samuel 15:23). Apparently, David is separated from the ark (2 Samuel 15:24), and the formal and public place of worship. David satisfied the longing of his soul for worship by praising God for His loyal love even in his distress. As a result, he confidently anticipated a time of joy when his enemies would be stopped. “Separated from God’s sanctuary, which was in Jerusalem and which David loved, David is longing for a sense of the presence of God as a friend longs for one from whom he is separated, or as a lover longs for his beloved. This makes the psalm almost a love song to God” (Boice p. 516).

God Is My Desire 63:1 “I shall seek Thee earnestly”: Literally, this can be translated, “Early will I seek you”. To seek someone early suggests doing so earnestly. “There are three types of people in any Christian gathering. There are those who are Christians in name only. They seem to be following after God and Jesus Christ and say they are, but theirs as a false following…..The second class are those who are following Jesus but are following ‘at a distance’. The third type are those who….in storm and sunshine, cleave to Him and enjoy daily communion with Him. These people want God, and they want him intensely because they know that He and He alone will satisfy the deep longing of their souls. David was a person who desired God above everything else” (Boice p. 516). Point To Note: Do we seek God earnestly? Or must someone prod us to pray, study the Word, share our faith and attend? Do we hunger and thirst for His teachings, character and moral standards to be a part of our lives, and do we long to be conformed to His image? Remember, David longed for God, but David didn’t have the added benefit of beholding God’s great love for us at the cross! How much more should we long for God! Compare with Psalm 42:1; Matthew 5:6.


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