Second Timothy Chapter 1:1-8 Introduction When Paul had written to Timothy in the first letter he was traveling freely (1:3), now in the second letter he is in prison (1:8; 2:9), and he is in Rome (1:17). As noted in the introduction to First Timothy, the events recorded in these letters refer to a time beyond Paul’s first imprisonment recorded in Acts chapter 28. In Paul’s imprisonment mentioned in Acts he was treated with considerable indulgence by the Roman government being permitted to live in his own hired dwelling (Acts 28:30). Now in Second Timothy he is kept in close confinement and is regarded as a criminal (2:9). In Acts he is surrounded by co-workers and friends (Acts 28:17-31; Colossians 4:10-14; Philippians 1:3,14); now he is almost alone (4:11) and former friends are deserting him (1:15). During the imprisonment in Acts 28 he was freely accessible to all who wished to see him (Acts 28:30); now even Onesiphorus could find him only after diligent search and at personal risk (1:16-17). In the letters written from his first imprisonment he expected to be released (Philippians 1:25,26; 2:24; Philemon 22), now in this letter he is looking forward to