Careers Network Skills Guidance Placements Employment
Postgraduate Employability and Achievement Award
Dear Student The Loughborough University London Postgraduate Employability and Achievement Award (PEAA) is designed to encourage a more sophisticated approach to recording and showcasing the co-curricular activities in which you have taken part over the past academic year. In 2015 Loughborough University London launched the Enterprise Through the Curriculum (ETC) initiative which provided a unique and bespoke range of activities for you to grow your employability and develop personally. ETC activities included the Collaborative Project module, Employability Profiling assessments, guest lectures, volunteering and much more. The PEAA will provide you with the opportunity to reflect, record and articulate the experience and benefits of taking part in ETC during your time at Loughborough University London and to receive University recognition. The information in this booklet contains details on how to make a winning submission to receive a Bronze, Silver or Gold PEAA. Pay close attention to the ‘Question Prompts’ and the ‘Loughborough University Graduate Attributes’ to help you to create an impressive submission, and remember you can be as creative as you like! I strongly encourage you to take part in this exciting initiative as the information you collate will be very useful reference material to draw upon throughout your career and the award itself will be impressive to prospective employers. I very much look forward to reviewing all of the submissions and I hope you enjoy taking part! Good luck, Professor Mike Caine Dean, Loughborough University London
Loughborough University London
Postgraduate Employability and Achievement Award The award is a framework to record what you have engaged in while you have been with us at Loughborough University London and to receive recognition on how this has helped your personal development. You have participated in a number of events and activities as part of ‘Enterprise Through the Curriculum’; recording these and other experiences and achievements enables you to reflect on how you have grown as an individual since starting your course. In order to assess, value and articulate your experiences, the skills you have learnt and your achievements, you will need to reflect on: • T he opportunities that you have engaged in since joining your course • How often you have gone above and beyond your academic studies • W hat you have learnt from your experiences since you have been with Loughborough University London • H ow this can help you stand out from the crowd and succeed in your future roles after graduation. On completion of the award you will have recognition from the university of the value you have added to your overall development during your time as a Loughborough University London student.
Your submission for the award will be assessed and graded as Bronze, Silver or Gold, based on your ability to show: • C ompletion of phase one (October) and phase two (April) of the Employability Profiling assessments • The range of activities you have engaged in • How well you reflect on what you have learnt from the experience • T he extent to which you have personally developed and how well you articulate this.
For more details look at the Careers Network Loughborough University London module in LEARN
Your Enterprise Through the Curriculum Journey
Which of these activities did you take part in
For more details look at the Careers Network Loughborough University London module in LEARN
Question Prompts To help you to articulate your submission and reflect on the past academic year, consider the following questions:
1.What have I done? Provide details including dates and a brief summary of the activity
5.What do I still need to develop? Write about the skills and knowledge that you would like to develop further to continue being an agile learner
2.What have I learnt? Detail the skills and knowledge you have developed
6. How will this help me in the future?
Detail how you will use what you have learnt from your activities to help you stand out (e.g. when applying for jobs or further study, in the workplace, networking or establishing your own business)
3.What have I achieved? What activities are you ate really proud of or passion about and why?
7.What would I do differently? Detail what you could have done better and how you would tackle a similar situation again
4. How have I developed personally? Since starting your course consider your personal growth (e.g. confidence, communication, initiative)
8. Have I
considered the Loughborough
University Graduate
While reflecting on your experiences have you thought about how you have demonstrated the Loughborough University Graduate Attributes? >>>.......
For more details look at the Careers Network Loughborough University London module in LEARN
Loughborough University Graduate Attributes The Careers Network team have worked with academic staff, students and employers to define the skills and behaviours that help to distinguish Loughborough graduates from their peers. These ‘attributes’ are outlined in the framework shown below. As part of your submission for this award please ensure that your evidence demonstrates the extent to which you have developed and applied these attributes.
Active, collegial and inclusive
Professional, creative and enterprising
Resilient, reflective and inquisitive
Versatile teamworker Collegial and collaborative
Innovative and enterprising Research-minded and inquiring
Resilient and adaptable Determined and motivated
Caring, ethical and with integrity Globally minded, thriving in diversity Active participant Positively engaged
Reliable and committed Getting things done, and done well Competitive, high achiever Reaching potential, demonstrating leadership
Reflective and articulate Critical and analytical thinkers Agile lifelong learner Rounded and grounded
These are useful to consider when you reflect on how you have developed over the past year.
Submission You can choose to submit your application for an award in many ways and you can be as creative as you wish. Examples could be:
Online booklet
Elevator pitch
Written report
All submissions must have an endorsement from a professional. This could be an individual from an organisation with which you have worked, an academic or a member of Loughborough University London or LSU London staff. The endorsement can be written or delivered as a video.
For more details look at the Careers Network Loughborough University London module in LEARN
Timeline Postgraduate Employability and Achievement Award submission timeline.
Attend the phase 2 Employability Profiling assessments in April: attendance is compulsory and an essential element of your submission to the award
Ask an appropriate professional to endorse your submission (e.g. an individual from an organisation with which you have worked, an academic or a member of Loughborough University London or LSU London staff)
Talk to a member of the Loughborough University London Careers Network team if you have any questions about the award or if you need any additional support in making your submission London-employability
NOTE: we may wish to use your submission for future marketing, please let us know if you do not wish to take part.
Create your submission Send in your submission by Wednesday 15 June 2016
Email the Loughborough University London Careers Network team when you are ready to submit and clarify the method of submission (e.g. video, report, Prezi etc.) London-employability
For more details look at the Careers Network Loughborough University London module in LEARN
Developed in partnership with Loughborough Students’ Union
Do you know a fellow student who should apply for this award too? Email us at:
3 Lesney Avenue The Broadcast Centre Here East Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park Stratford London E15 2GZ
T: +44 (0)20 3818 0777 E:
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Loughborough University London