Training to upskill your business for Autumn/Winter 2024

Training to upskill your business for Autumn/Winter 2024
Welcome to Sparsholt College Group’s Business Training Calendar for autumn and winter 2024. We are delighted that you have decided to find out more about our courses. With diverse ways to study, from one day courses to larger professional training, and flexible distance learning packages delivered entirely online, we have something to suit both your employees’ interests and availability to study.
This year we have seen an increased demand for programmes of study where an employer is able to select a package of training from our extensive offering. Whether you want us to deliver an induction programme for new staff or to upskill a particular group of employees in a range of subjects, our friendly staff will help to develop a combination of training to your exact specifications. In most cases, programmes of study can be delivered face to face at Sparsholt or Andover College, at the employer’s premises or via MS Teams. We are happy to discuss the options.
For information on any of our training please either ring us on 0845 850 0916 or email We are looking forward to hearing from you.
The Sparsholt Business Team
Beautiful place - will be looking at courses in other subjects. Adam, Merityre Specialists, Team Leadership Skills
CMI Level 3 Award in Coaching and Mentoring Designed for Supervisors and first-line Managers. 16
CMI Level 3 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring Designed for Supervisors and first-line Managers. 16 Sep-21 Oct
CMI Level 3 Award Principles of Management and Leadership
9 Jan
9 Jan-17 Jul
7 Jan
Blended Blended courses are a mixture of face-to-face sessions at Sparsholt College and online sessions presented via MS Teams.
You may be able to access funding support through an Advanced Learner Loan for some of our courses. Our CMI Level 3 Diploma in Principles of Management and Leadership and Level 5 Diploma in Management and Leadership may qualify for an Advanced Learner Loan. The loans are available to people aged 19 and over, cover tuition fees and are paid back once the course is completed and you are earning more than £27,295 a year. For more information and details of loan terms visit:
Business Writing
Suitable for those new to business writing or who would like a refresher of basic skills.
26 Nov
Coaching Skills for Managers and Supervisors
Aimed at anyone who has a coaching function in their role.
17 Sep
Communication in the Workplace
Aimed at managers, team leaders and team members.
25 Sep
Communication in the Workplace (one-to-one)
Aimed at managers, team leaders and team members.
£153 Sparsholt
£175 Sparsholt
£175 Sparsholt
Bespoke - on enquiry £397
Conducting Effective Appraisals and Performance Reviews
Aimed at those less experienced or who have no experience undertaking appraisals.
15 Oct
Customer Service Skills
£175 Sparsholt
Suitable for anyone who would like to improve their customer service skills.
19 Nov £153 Sparsholt
Data Protection and Cyber Security Awareness
Suitable for all employees.
12 Nov
Disability Awareness
£153 Sparsholt
Suitable for anyone who wants to improve their awareness of different disabilities and how to effectively support and work with colleagues or customers with diverse needs and perspectives
24 Sep £175 Sparsholt
Facilitating Effective Meetings
Suitable for anyone who arranges or chairs meetings.
Bespoke - on enquiry Fees on enquiry
Inclusive Language
Virtual Andover Sparsholt
Aimed at anyone who wants to improve their awareness of how language evolves when talking to and about other people
10 Oct
£175 Sparsholt
Leading with Emotional Intelligence
Designed for leaders and managers.
18 Nov
Managing Change in the Workplace (one-to-one)
Suitable for managers who need to lead through change.
Virtual Andover Sparsholt
Virtual Andover Sparsholt Bespoke - on enquiry
Managing Change in the Workplace
Suitable for managers who need to lead through change. Virtual Andover Sparsholt Bespoke - on enquiry
Fees on enquiry
Managing Difficult Situations in the Workplace
Aimed at helping anyone who deals with challenging situations whilst at work.
26 Nov
Managing Difficult Situations in the Workplace (one-to-one)
£175 Sparsholt
Aimed at helping anyone who deals with challenging situations whilst at work. Bespoke - on enquiry
Managing Virtual Teams
Aimed at managers who manage staff remotely.
Bespoke - on enquiry Fees on enquiry
Mental Health at Work
Aimed at all managers and team leaders with responsibility for employees.
1 Oct
Minute Taking Skills
Suitable for anyone responsible for record keeping during meetings.
24 Sep
New Manager Essential Skills
Aimed at those about to move into a management role.
17 Dec
Positive Psychology in the Workplace
Designed for leaders and managers
5 Dec
Practical Problem Solving
£175 Sparsholt
£153 Sparsholt
£175 Sparsholt
£175 Sparsholt
Virtual Andover Sparsholt
Aimed at individuals who need creative solutionsfor solving problems. Bespoke - on enquiry
Fees on enquiry
Aimed at anyone interested in the concept of lean management.
26 Sept
Team Leadership Skills
Designed for existing or aspiring team leaders.
27 Sept
Suitable for anybody planning to start a business.
10 Sep £153 Sparsholt
NCFE L2 Certificate in Lean Organisation Management Techniques
Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Principles of Business Administration
Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Principles of Customer Service Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Principles of Team Leading
Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Understanding Business Improvement Techniques
Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Understanding Data Protection and Data Security
* Please see page 32 for more information.
Virtual courses are delivered live via MS Teams
Online courses can be completed at your convenience within a 16-week period
The trainer was hugely knowledgeable and kept my interest - it was confidence-boosting and motivating.
Robyn, Wildflower Turf, Coaching Skills for Managers and Supervisors
Managing Volunteers Virtual Andover Sparsholt
Aimed at volunteer managers both inside and outside the voluntary sector. Bespoke - on enquiry Fees on enquiry
NCFE L2 Certificate in Awareness of Mental Health Problems
Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Counselling Skills
Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Information, Advice or Guidance
Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Understanding Autism
Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Understanding Behaviour that Challenges
Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Understanding Children and Young People’s Mental Health
Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Understanding Safeguarding and Prevent
Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties
Flexible dates
Adult and Community Learning funding is available for charity staff, volunteers and clients in Andover and Winchester. Support for charities is available where a charity is meeting a local need.
The training detailed above is indicative of that delivered to charities in the past and is not a definitive list. Please contact us on or 0845 850 0916 for more information on which courses are available.
* Please see page 32 for more information
SEETEC PLUSS is one of the UK’s leading providers of employability and health services, supporting thousands of people to move into employment each year. We support individuals from all walks of life to enter and progress in the world of work.
Sparsholt Business has been invaluable in providing training to our clients on the Pioneer Programme who face health and disability barriers to work, whether that be in helping them to find jobs (such as during CV Writing and Interview Skills course) or to give employability and soft skills for when they have secured work (such as during the First Steps in IT, Time and Priority Management and Communication in the Workplace courses).
The trainers are experts in their subjects and have taken the time to understand the barriers each individual faces. They have also helped the delegates learn from each other’s experiences and to build their confidence.
David Watt Team Leader WHP Core & Pioneer
Apprenticeships are a great way to earn money and gain a nationally recognised qualification through a mix of training in college and in the workplace. Sparsholt and Andover College work with over 1,100 employers across more than 40 different industries.
For current apprenticeship vacancies and to learn more, visit or contact the Apprenticeships Team at: 0845 850 0916
Standard Level 2
• Animal Care and Welfare Assistant
• Arborist
• Butcher
• Countryside Worker
• Dog Groomer
• General Farm Worker
• Equine Groom
• Horticulture Operative
• Landscape Operative
• Greenkeeper
• Underkeeper
Standard Level 3
• Animal Care & Welfare Manager
• Advanced Sport Turf Technician
• Keeper and Aquarist
• Landscape or Horticulture Supervisor*
• Crop Technician
• Forest Craftsperson*
• Engineering Fitter
• Metal Fabricator
• Content Creator
• Senior Equine Groom
• Information Communications Technician
• Veterinary Nurse
• Team Leader or Supervisor
Higher Apprenticeships
• Countryside Ranger Level 4
• Ecologist Level 7*
Standard Level 2
• Accounts/Finance Assistant
• Adult Care Worker
• Autocare Technician
• Carpentry and Joinery
• Early Years Practitioner
• General Welder
• Hair Professional
Standard Level 3
• A ssistant Accountant
• Business Administrator
• Content Creator
• Early Years Educator
• Lead Adult Care Worker
• Information, Communication Technician
• Installation Electrician/ Maintenance Electrician
• Engineering Fitter
• Metal Fabricator
• Motor Vehicle Service and Maintenance Technician (Light Vehicle)
• Teaching Assistant
• Team Leader or Supervisor
Higher Apprenticeships
• Early Years Lead Practitioner
• Professional Accounting/ Taxation Technician Level 4
I chose to become an apprentice because of the wonderful opportunities and experiences – it’s great being able to learn in the classroom and then put that into practice on the golf course. There’s nothing better than earning while learning.
Dan, Level 2 Greenkeeping Apprentice
Skill up with our skills-focused, bite-sized training modules of 5–10 hours. Designed for individuals living and working in the Enterprise M3 area, they’ve been selected by businesses in the region as the most relevant – and are completely free!
Choose from:
• B usiness Finance
• Collaborative Working
• Competitor Analysis
• Cyber Security
• Digital Marketing
• How to Digitalise my Business
• IPC Circuit Boards
• IT Project Portfolio Management, including Agile
• Innovation and Creativity
• S ocial Media
• S oftware Development – Databases/Java/Python/C++
• Web Development
Create an account and you’re on your way to a whole world of learning. Head to SPARSHOLT.AC.UK or EM3.ISVC.CO.UK to sign up now.
EAL Level 3 Award in the Requirements for Electrical Installations
BS 7671:2018 (18th edition)
Suitable for practising electricians.
4 -18 Oct (Friday, 3 weeks) £411 Andover
EAL Level 3 Award in the Requirements for the Installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Points
Aimed at anyone who is conversant with the relevant wiring regulations, and initial verification and commissioning.
8 Nov
203 Andover
EAL Level 3 Award in Electrical Installation Inspection, Testing, Certification and Reporting
Suitable for practising electricians.
17 Jan-14 Feb (Friday, 5 weeks) £827 Andover
EAL Level 3 Award in the Installation of Small-Scale Photovoltaic Systems
Suitable for practising electricians.
15 Nov-6 Dec (Friday, 5 weeks) £619 Andover
First Responder Training for Electric Vehicles
This course is designed to provide first responders with the knowledge to safely secure and shutdown electric and hybrid vehicles in the event of accidents or malfunction.
10 Jan £156 Andover
L3 Award First Aid at Work
Specifically designed for individuals who wish to act as a first aider in their workplace. Suitable for higher risk work environments.
11-13 Nov £384 Sparsholt
L3 Award Emergency First Aid at Work
Designed for individuals who wish to act as an emergency first aider in lower risk workplaces.
4 Oct £153 Sparsholt
L3 Award First Aid at Work Requalification
Suitable only for those who have a Level 3 First Aid at Work certificate which is in date
10-11 Dec £267 Sparsholt
L3 Award First Aid at Work
Specifically designed for individuals who wish to act as a first aider in their workplace. Suitable for higher risk work environments.
25-27 Sept £384 Andover
L3 Award Emergency First Aid at Work
Designed for individuals who wish to act as an emergency first aider in lower risk workplaces.
6 Dec £153 Andover
L2 Award Basic Life Support and Safe Use of an Automated External Defibrillator
Designed to provide candidates with the skills needed to administer safe, prompt and effective basic life support.
Bespoke - on enquiry
Andover Sparsholt
Fees on enquiry
Great teacher with important information necessary for all people.
James, Finkley Down Farm, Level 3 Award Emergency First Aid at Work
L2 Award in Food Safety in Catering
A regulated and nationally recognised qualification for people working or planning on working in the food industry.
22 Oct
L2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace
Ideal for all employees.
£153 Sparsholt
8 Oct £153 Sparsholt
L2 Award in Principles of Risk Assessment
For anyone responsible for conducting Health & Safety risk assessments in the workplace.
14 Nov
L2 Award in Safe Moving and Handling
For anyone who performs manual handling duties in the workplace Andover Sparsholt
21 Nov
Basic Life Support for Health and Social Care Professionals
Suitable for anyone working in a health and social care environment
Bespoke - on enquiry
Fees on enquiry Andover
Blood glucose training for Health and Social Care Professionals
Suitable for anyone working in a health and social care environment
Bespoke - on enquiry
Continence Care for Health and Social Care Professionals
Suitable for anyone working in a health and social care environment
Bespoke - on enquiry
End of Life Care
Suitable for anyone working in a health and social care environment
15 Oct
Excellence in Care
Fees on enquiry Andover
£153 Andover
£153 Andover
Suitable for those in the care sector who want to enhance and develop their essential skills including in manual handling, basic life support and catheter care
3 Oct-7 Nov, (Thursday, 6 weeks)
Person Centred Care for Health and Social Care Professionals
£460 Andover
Suitable for anyone working in a health and social care environment
Bespoke - on enquiry
Fees on enquiry Andover
Pressure Area Management for Health and Social Care Professionals
Suitable for anyone working in a health and social care environment
Bespoke - on enquiry
Skin Integrity
Fees on enquiry Andover
Suitable for anyone working in a health and social care environment
25 Sept £153 Andover
Stoma Care for Health and Social Care Professionals
Suitable for anyone working in a health and social care environment
Bespoke - on enquiry
Suctioning for Health and Social Care Professionals
Suitable for anyone working in a health and social care environment
Bespoke - on enquiry
Fees on enquiry Andover
Fees on enquiry Andover
Lots of great insights and tactics I think my colleagues would benefit from.
Charlie, Shenton Group, Project Management Essentials
NCFE L2 Certificate in Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care
9 Jan-25 Jun (Thursday, 6.00-8.30pm)
NCFE L2 Certificate in Principles of Working with Individuals with Learning Disabilities Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Understanding Autism Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Understanding Behaviour that Challenges
Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Understanding Children and Young People’s Mental Health
Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Understanding Safeguarding and Prevent
Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties
Flexible dates
* Please see page 32 for more information.
Auditing and Inspection Skills for Food Manufacturing
Suitable for anyone conducting internal food audits in a food business 24 Oct
Call Handling Skills
Suitable for anyone who wishes to improve their telephone technique. 10 Dec
Customer Service Skills
Suitable for anyone who would like to improve their customer service skills.
19 Nov
Food Allergens Awareness (half day)
Suitable for anyone working in a food business
29 Oct
Food Purchasing, Costs and Controls for Catering
Suitable for anyone responsible for purchasing food in a catering business
How to Have a Successful Food Safety Inspection for Your Business
Aimed at anyone who needs to lead their organisation through a food safety inspection. 17 Oct
L2 Award in Food Safety in Catering
A regulated and nationally recognised qualification for people working or planning on working in the food industry.
22 Oct
L2 Award for Personal Licence Holders
Designed for those who want to work in the licence retail sector.
3 Oct
Planning a One Day Event
Ideally delegates will have some team leading or management experience.
Aimed at receptionists who want to give the best first impression of their organisation.
19 Sep £153
Setting up a Takeaway or Mobile Food Business
Ideally delegates will have some team leading or management experience.
12 Sep £153
NCFE L2 Certificate in Principles of Customer Service
Flexible dates
Introduction to Excel
A basic introduction for those who have no experience of Excel.
3 Oct or 28 Nov
Intermediate Excel
Designed for those who have undertaken our introductory course or who have a basic knowledge of Excel formulae.
24 Oct or 12 Dec £153
Advanced Excel
Designed for learners who use Excel regularly and are confident with the Intermediate course.
14 Nov
Introduction to Excel
A basic introduction for those who have no experience of Excel. Virtual
1 Oct £153
Intermediate Excel
Designed for those who have undertaken our introductory course or who have a basic knowledge of Excel formulae.
22 Oct
Advanced Excel
Designed for learners who use Excel regularly and are confident with the Intermediate course. Virtual 26 Nov £153
First Steps in IT
Designed for learners who are new to IT.
Andover Bespoke - on enquiry Fees on enquiry
L2 Certificate in the Principles of Cyber Security
Flexible dates
* Please see page 32 for more information.
Our instructor is knowledgeable, passionate and engaging. Top class facilities too.
Graeme, Hayling Golf Club, Introduction to Welding
A Website in a Day with WordPress
Aimed at business managers seeking to build their first website.
6 Nov £153 Andover
Advanced Social Media to Market Your Business
Aimed at those who have attended our Social Media to Market Your Business Course or who have extensive knowledge of social media.
Bespoke - on enquiry
Advanced WordPress
Aimed at those with some existing knowledge of WordPress.
Bespoke - on enquiry
Boost Your Sales with Amazon Advertising
Aimed at self-published authors and Amazon sellers.
Fees on enquiry Sparsholt
Fees on enquiry Andover
22 Oct £175 Andover
Creating a Marketing Plan half day
Suitable for anyone heading up a marketing department or those who are primarily responsible for marketing in a business
16 Oct £95 Sparsholt
Email Marketing Mastery
For those new to email marketing.
12 Nov £175 Andover
Getting Started with Internet Marketing
For those who would like to learn first principles of digital marketing.
25 Sep £153 Sparsholt
Getting Started with Marketing
Suitable for beginners to marketing who work for start-up or small businesses.
4 Dec £153 Sparsholt
Increasing Sales with Facebook Advertising
Learners should have a general awareness of Facebook and social media.
15 Oct £175 Andover
Online Lead Generation
For those who have a basic understanding of online lead generation and would like to increase their skill.
26 Nov £175 Andover
Market Research and Consumer Behaviour half day
Suitable for anyone who wants to understand consumer behaviour to inform their business’ marketing
27 Nov
Social Media to Market Your Business
Some familiarity with using social media for business or leisure purposes would be beneficial.
23 Oct £153
Social Media Strategy and Content
Some familiarity with using social media for business or leisure purposes would be beneficial.
13 Nov
Develop your CV and Interview Skills
For anybody who needs to write a CV or to update an existing one or to learn better interview technique. Virtual Sparsholt Andover
Bespoke - on enquiry Fees on enquiry
Develop Your CV Skills (one to one)
For anybody who needs to write a CV or to update an existing one.
Bespoke - on enquiry
Develop Your Interview Skills (one to one)
For anyone who wants to learner better interview technique
Bespoke - on enquiry
Developing Assertiveness Skills
Aimed at anyone who feels they would like to be more assertive or less aggressive in their communication.
15 Nov
Developing Assertiveness Skills (one-to-one)
£175 Sparsholt
Aimed at anyone who feels they would like to be more assertive Virtual Sparsholt Andover or less aggressive in their communication.
Bespoke - on enquiry
Improve Your Presentation Skills
Suitable for anyone who needs to make business presentations of any kind.
15 Oct
An Introduction to Mindfulness
£175 Sparsholt
This course is aimed at anyone who would like to learn how regular mindfulness practice can help them live a more happy, healthy lifestyle.
19 Sep
Leading with Emotional Intelligence
£112 Sparsholt
For anybody interested in learning how to be an emotionally intelligent leader.
18 Nov
Leading with Emotional Intelligence (one-to-one)
£175 Sparsholt
For anybody interested in learning how to be an emotionally intelligent leader.
Bespoke - on enquiry
Persuasive Communication and Influencing Skills
Suitable for managers and those who need to influence and persuade in a professional and business context. Please note this is not designed to be a sales negotiation course.
29 Nov
Stress Management and Personal Resilience (one-to-one)
For people who want to deal more effectively with external pressure Virtual Sparsholt Andover but not for those facing mental health issues related to stress.
Bespoke - on enquiry
Time and Priority Management
Suitable for anyone who needs to be able to use their time more effectively.
17 Sept
Time and Priority Management (one-to-one)
Suitable for anyone who needs to be able to use Virtual Sparsholt Andover their time more effectively.
Bespoke - on enquiry
Virtual Presentation Skills
Suitable for anyone who needs to make virtual business presentations of any kind. Virtual Bespoke - on enquiry Fees on enquiry
Virtual Presentation Skills (one-to-one)
Suitable for anyone who needs to make virtual Virtual Sparsholt Andover business presentations of any kind.
Bespoke - on enquiry
Lots of tips for colleagues. Excellent knowledge –the trainer was engaging, thoughtful and adaptive.
Kathryn, Time and Priority Management
Agile Essentials
An introductory course aimed at those who want to learn about Agile project management techniques.
13-14 Nov
PRINCE2 Foundation
£223 Sparsholt
Suitable for anybody who needs to use PRINCE2 project management techniques at work.
14-16 Oct
PRINCE2 Practitioner
£1,198 Sparsholt
Suitable for anybody who has passed or will take the PRINCE2 Foundation course and wants to gain the higher qualification.
17-18 Oct
Project Management Essentials
£999 Sparsholt
An entry level course aimed at anyone wanting to learn basic project management techniques.
11-12 Nov
£398 Sparsholt
A Website in a Day with WordPress
Aimed at business managers seeking to build their first website.
6 Nov
L3 Award Emergency First Aid at Work
Designed for individuals who wish to act as an emergency first aider in lower risk workplaces.
6 Dec £153 Andover
L3 Award Emergency First Aid at Work
Designed for individuals who wish to act as an emergency first aider in lower risk workplaces.
4 Oct £153 Sparsholt
L3 Award First Aid at Work
Specifically designed for individuals who wish to act as a first aider in their workplace. Suitable for higher risk work environments.
25-27 Sep £384
L3 Award First Aid at Work
Specifically designed for individuals who wish to act as a first aider in their workplace. Suitable for higher risk work environments.
11-13 Nov £384 Sparsholt
Email Marketing Mastery
For those new to email marketing.
12 Nov £175 Andover
Getting Started with Internet Marketing
For those who would like to learn first principles of digital marketing.
25 Sep £153 Virtual
Getting Started with Marketing
Suitable for beginners to marketing who work for start-up or small businesses.
4 Dec
Social Media to Market Your Business
Some familiarity with using social media for business or leisure purposes would be beneficial.
23 Oct
Writing a Business Plan for a Start-Up
Suitable for anyone wanting to start a business
10 Sep
NCFE Certificate Level 2 – Creating a Business Start-up Flexible dates
* Please see page 32 for more information.
Introduction to Welding Thursday
A general introduction to MIG, TIG, MMA welding and gas cutting.
5 Sep-17 Oct or 24 Oct-12 Dec (Thursday, 7 weeks, 6.30-9.30pm) £537 Sparsholt
Introduction to Welding Wednesday
A general introduction to MIG, TIG, MMA welding and gas cutting.
4 Sep-16 Oct or 23 Oct-11 Dec (Wednesday, 7 weeks, 6.30-9.30pm) £ 537
City & Guilds Level 2 MIG Welding Monday
Suitable for those who have experience in MIG, TIG or MMA welding. A test weld will be required before learners are accepted on the course.
9 Sep-2 Dec (Monday, 12 weeks, 6.30-9.30pm) £935 Sparsholt
City & Guilds Level 2 MMA Welding Monday
Suitable for those who have experience in MIG, TIG or MMA welding. A test weld will be required before learners are accepted on the course.
9 Sep-2 Dec (Monday, 12 weeks, 6.30-9.30pm) £1,029 Sparsholt
City & Guilds Level 2 TIG Welding Monday
Suitable for those who have experience in MIG, TIG or MMA welding. A test weld will be required before learners are accepted on the course.
9 Sep-2 Dec (Monday, 12 weeks, 6.30-9.30pm)
City & Guilds Level 2 Oxyacetylene Welding
Suitable for those who have experience in oxyacetylene welding. A test weld will be required before learners are accepted on the course
9 Sep-2 Dec (Monday, 12 weeks, 6.30-9.30pm) £1,029 Sparsholt
City & Guilds Level 2 MIG Welding Saturday
Suitable for those who have experience in MIG welding. A test weld will be required before learners are accepted on the course.
7 Sep-7 Dec (Saturday, 12 weeks, 9.30am - 12.30pm) £935 Andover
City & Guilds Level 2 MMA Welding Saturday
Suitable for those who have experience in MMA welding. A test weld will be required before learners are accepted on the course.
7 Sep-7 Dec (Saturday, 12 weeks, 9.30am-12.30pm)
£1,029 Andover
City & Guilds Level 2 TIG Welding Saturday
Suitable for those who have experience in TIG Welding. A test weld will be required before learners are accepted on the course
7 Sep-7 Dec (Saturday, 12 weeks, 9.30am-12.30pm)
City & Guilds Level 3 Award in Advanced Welding Skills MIG
Suitable for those who have significant experience in MIG welding. A test weld will be required before learners are accepted on the course.
18 Oct-28 Mar (Friday, 19 weeks, 1.30-5.30pm)
City & Guilds Level 3 Award in Advanced Welding Skills TIG Friday
Suitable for those who have significant experience in TIG welding. A test weld will be required before learners are accepted on the course.
18 Oct-28 Mar (Friday, 19 weeks, 1.30-5.30pm)
City & Guilds Level 3 Award in Advanced Welding Skills MMA Friday
Suitable for those who have significant experience in MMA welding. A test weld will be required before learners are accepted on the course.
18 Oct-28 Mar (Friday, 19 weeks, 1.30-5.30pm)
Abrasive Wheels
For anybody who needs to use Abrasive Wheels in their work. Bespoke - on enquiry
Oxyacetylene Gas Cutting
For anybody who needs to use oxy gas cutting in their work. Bespoke - on enquiry
Plasma Cutting
For anybody who needs to use plasma cutting in their work.
Bespoke - on enquiry
Fees on enquiry
Fees on enquiry
Fees on enquiry Sparsholt
Davina makes me want to be a better welder. It was awesome to be taught by someone with so much real world experience.
Malcolm, Introduction to Welding
Suitable for anyone interested in making burgers and sausages, including keen home cooks and smallholders, in addition to those in the hospitality and catering sectors
4 Sep
£183 Sparsholt
Suitable for anyone who would like to process pork joints, chops and rashers
2 Oct £412
Suitable for anyone who needs to know how to process a venison carcass, including hunting and shooting participants
6 Nov
£511 Sparsholt
Benefit from an industry placement and access the workforce of the future today. Our diverse range of courses from Livestock Production to Adult Nursing means our students can bring their new ideas, skills and talent to a wide variety of industries.
We have a dedicated team offering year-round support to employers and students.
Why not contact them today on 01962 797415 and see how an industry placement can benefit your business.
You can hear from students and employers in our case study videos at placements/
Our online courses offer an opportunity to obtain a Level 2 NCFE recognised qualification in a number of business, personal development and health and social care subjects. Complete the training at your convenience*, supported online by an assessor who will provide guidance as each unit is completed.
*Learners have 16 weeks to complete their course
Business and Work Skills
NCFE L1 Award in Managing Your Money
Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Creating a Business Start-Up
Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in the Principles of Cyber Security
NCFE L2 Certificate in Principles of Equality and Diversity
NCFE L2 Certificate in Information, Advice or Guidance
NCFE L2 Certificate in Lean Organisation Management Techniques
NCFE L2 Certificate in Mental Health First Aid & Mental Health Advocacy in the Workplace Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Principles of Business Administration
Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Principles of Customer Service
NCFE L2 Certificate in Principles of Team Leading
NCFE L2 Certificate in Understanding Business Improvement Techniques
NCFE L2 Certificate in Understanding Climate Change and Environmental Awareness
Flexible date
NCFE L2 Certificate in Understanding Data Protection and Data Security
Flexible dates
* Please see page 32 for more information.
NCFE L2 Certificate in Awareness of Mental Health Problems
Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Counselling Skills
Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care
Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Principles of Working with Individuals with Learning Disabilities
Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Understanding Autism
Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Understanding Behaviour that Challenges
* Please see page 32 for more information
NCFE L2 Certificate in Understanding Children and Young People’s Mental Health Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Understanding Safeguarding and Prevent Flexible dates
NCFE L2 Certificate in Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties Flexible dates
* Please see page 32 for more information.
City & Guilds Award L3 Education & Training
Designed for learners with no prior experience of training or teaching as an introductory qualification to the adult education sector, giving you a beginner’s look into teaching and what it involves.
14 Mar-6 Jun, Thursday (12 weeks, 1.30-4.30pm)
Diploma in Education & Training Year 1 of 2
This Level 5 course leads to an in-service professional qualification for those working as Post-16 teachers/trainers
27 Sep-22 May
I thought the course was genuinely interesting, with just the right balance of classroom learning, controlled environment learning and practical, hands-on experience, with plenty of opportunity to ask questions and try different scenarios that we may come across in the field.
Ian, Siteline Ltd, Bespoke Equine Safety course
Our Level 2 online learning courses are free to eligible English learners aged 24+ regardless of previous qualifications. Eligible English learners aged 19-23 can access free courses if they have already achieved a full Level 2 qualification or equivalent. Learners aged 19-23 who have not already achieved a full Level 2 qualification may be subject to costs. Please contact the college for further information
*Please also note that due to funding restrictions, courses marked with an asterisk are not available to residents from devolved local authorities (Cambridge and Peterborough; Greater London Authority, Greater Manchester; Liverpool City Region; North of Tyne Combined Authority; South Yorkshire; Tees Valley, West of England, West Midlands; West Yorkshire; North East)
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