Power 50

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In Association with



Our movers and shakers are revealed




Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Modern law firm has evolved from core values inspired by its past KITSONS may have bright new steel and glass offices but ironically, for all the vibrant pink branding, it is the past that is their greatest asset. The modern company has merged and evolved from a set of core values inspired by its founder, William Kitson, 175 years ago. He was a Torquay solicitor, banker and philanthropist, and is widely credited as the founder of Torbay. It is these values that chime with managing partner James C r o s s : “ Wi l l i a m K i t s o n’s greatest legacy was his name and the goodwill that goes with it. “He had a vision for prosperity and believed that wealth should be for the wider good of the community. “Much of his money went to

MANAGING PARTNER: James Cross build the great Victorian institutions that Torbay still enjoys. His mantra was to provide an incomparable service at an honest price. That is certainly

something that we share with him.” James has a strong affinity with Devon, where his grandparents lived, and returned here 25 years ago from South Wales where he was born and brought up. He is a specialist in commercial litigation, particularly with regard to property, and is a member of the Property Litigation Association. The Chambers Guide to the Legal Profession credits him as an astute tactical thinker and calm under fire. As the managing partner of a long-established firm, James is aware that the law is changing and adapting to a world that is very different to that of Kitsons day. We asked him about some of the challenges the profession

MODERN OFFICES: Kitsons faces: “Lawyers no longer have a monopoly, they have to try harder. “The old sense of entitlement has gone, and you have no right to clients by simply putting up a sign. “We work hard to make sure our clients and employees are happy. “Technology has brought a huge sea change to the legal

profession. We deal with courts now via telephone conferences and it wont be long before were using Skype, which is great. Information technology is key; it has come on in leaps and bounds. “It has been a great help but brings with it a mass of information which needs to be controlled. “Employment law has grown into a big area for us. Europe now has a significant effect with new legislation coming out twice a year, and social change has brought about new family and business structures.” A keen squash player, walker and father of three, James’ cheery but businesslike manner is refreshing and his approach straightforward. We asked James what the one

piece of legal advice he thinks everyone should have: “Always go armed! Know your rights and your position before you go anywhere. Get advice when you start, not when you are distressed.” Although Kitsons has expanded to include offices in Exeter and Plymouth, they have not forgotten the blue plaque on Torquays Harbourside honouring their founder. “We are true to our roots and will always give a considerable amount of our time and energy to a range of activities and interests in Torbay from charities, sponsorship and business promotions. “Many of our staff populate various committees, boards and interest groups in the Bay, for the good of the Bay and us all as a community.”

Power 50 list ‘start of something big’ THE announcement of 2015 Herald Express/Kitsons Power 50 could be the start of something big. At the launch of the third Power 50 at a reception at Torquay’s Imperial Hotel, Herald Express editor Jim Parker said while the list of the people believed to have the passion, determination, drive and influence to make things happen in South Devon was ‘a bit of fun’ it is hoped it could lead to something more tangible. He said the compilation is ‘completely subjective’ but in what is prob-

By TINA CROWSON tcrowson@heraldexpress.co.uk Twitter: @TinaCrowson ably one of the most significant years in recent history — with the opening of South Devon Link Road on the horizon — the Power 50 will play a key role in ensuring that the golden opportunities of a lifetime are not missed. A Power 50 Business Club which would meet regularly with specific aims and goals set such as increasing apprenticeships throughout the area

Check who’s in this year’s list... INFLUENTIAL TOP 50 START HERE


STEPHEN CRIDDLE, principal at South Devon College: The steelwork rising out of the ground at Newton Abbot which will become South Devon’s new University Technical College is another example of how the college is always forging ahead creating new educational opportunities for young people in South Devon

— and young people who employers locally will find ready to slot into their new job. The first cohort of students will be graduating from the college’s new Devon Studio School in Torquay this year. Both campuses address the Catch-22 situation that young people find themselves in — not being able to get a job without work experience.

has been mooted. Jim (pictured) said: “The Herald Express/Kitsons Power 50 2015 is about having a bit of fun and winding people up, but it could also have a major bearing on South Devon’s future. “I think Torquay and the English Riviera is on the threshold of a new beginning. “The Abbey Sands development has transformed the promen-


(joint) GORDON OLIVER, Conservative Mayor of Torbay: Notable achievements include securing an investment package of £7million for the Bay, including millions of pounds of road improvements, helping companies create more than 280 new jobs through his new £1m Growth Fund, the opening of the Palm, Court/ Abbey Crescent complex, securing City Deal with Plymouth, including


CHRIS HART, managing partner at law firm Wollen and Michelmore and chairman of the awardwinning English Riviera Tourism Company: Chris is working hard as a champion for the industry during the process of setting up the joint tourism and retail business improvement district. He is also chairman of the Law Society’s Law

ade and the town. Torwood Street is about to happen. Now all we need is the hotel on the harbour plan to be resolved and the RICC to start standing on its own two feet and we will all be quids in. “Those on the Power 50 list for 2015 have a huge part to play in securing that future.” James Cross, managing partner at Kitsons, said the list does three things: recognises those who put in a tremendous

amount of work for the Bay, identifies those named to the public, and is a platform for new entrants. “Kitsons like to be involved in the Power 50 because it does so much,” he said. “And if we could harness the power of the most 50 powerful people in the Bay and make the Bay go the way we want it to go then that would be fantastic. “There is a feeling of renewed energy in the Bay, with the new road coming. 2015 could be an important year for the Bay.”


Plymouth University, taking on the former Astra Zeneca site at Brixham. Unemployment is at its lowest rate in the Bay in recent years. During his term, children’s services were removed from intervention and Torquay seafront renovated.The biggest challenge in the next few years is reshaping the way Torbay Council works in the face of further multi-million Government cutbacks. He needs the council and, especially, his own Tory group on side to get through some tough times ahead.

(joint) JEREMY CHRISTOPHERS, Conservative leader of Teignbridge Council: Jeremy was re-elected as leader of Teignbridge Council following the May elections. He has championed improvements in infrastructure and housing, freezing council tax, backing business, promoting tourism and reviewing parking charges. Teignbridge has had to cope with its share of Gover nment cutbacks. It is working closely

management section. He is a past president of the Devon and Exeter Law Society and currently chairman of the Devon and Somerset Law Society’s practice management subcommittee. Chris is a trustee of the Friends of South Devon College, executive member of the Torbay Business Forum, and a member of the Devon and Cor nwall Committee of Somerset County Cricket Club.

JAMES CROSS, managing partner and head of litigation at Kitsons Solicitors: James specialises in commercial litigation, ranging from debt recovery to complex multi-party disputes and has significant experience in acting on property litigation arising from both commercial and




Wednesday, June 17, 2015



Who will play a key role in our future? By TINA CROWSON tcrowson@heraldexpress.co.uk Twitter: @TinaCrowson SO here it is — the list you have all been waiting for, the South Devon movers and shakers. There have certainly been some movers since the last Herald Express/ Kitsons Power 50 in 2013. The last Number 1 — Greg Fitzgerald former chief executive of the giant Galliford Try building Kingskerswell bypass — is among a dozen names who are out of this year’s list, principally because of retirement or moving on to pastures new. However, as the list spreads its reach into South Devon including principRichard Ibbotson and Dominic Nick James and Rhoda Honey Simon Hulstone and Kathryn ally Teignbridge, there are 19 new Hollingsworth ANDREW UGLOW TQPT201506010B-003_C ANDREW UGLOW TQPT201506010B-002_C Murdin ANDREW UGLOW TQPT201506010B-006_C names for the people who it is believed will play a key role in the future of the Number 1 position by Jeremy Chris- these vital industries in the Bay to ment Agency with schemes like whole area. tophers, Conservative leader of Teign- survive and thrive in the face of Oldway Mansion, Clennon Valley, Though it has been meticulously bridge Council. massive Government cutbacks to Claylands, Paignton and the new crafted, don’t forget Power 50 is also photonics innovation centre at It is perhaps fitting that they are Torbay Council’s budget. totally subjective and meant to be a bit joint Number 1 as their constituencies Joint Number 3 are Torbay Council’s Paignton on its books. of fun, seriously. are at either end of the new South executive director of operations and At Number 4 is Stephen Criddle, And we can now reveal that the 2015 Devon Link Road opening in Decem- finance Steve Parrock and chief exec- principal of South Devon College Number One is a joint accolade. ber and one of Jeremy’s major political utive of Teignbridge Council Nicola which continues to climb the ranks of It may come as no surprise that one achievements is of course the progress Bulbeck. further and higher education estabof them is Torbay’s re-elected mayor on road which is seen as much of a They are charged with steering their lishments and could never be accused Gordon Oliver — one of only six Tory catalyst for growth in Teignbridge as it councils through the increasingly of resting on its laurels. mayors in the country who moves up is for Torbay. stormy waters of Government cutThe college’s latest venture, the from Number 2. At Number 2 is Carolyn Custerson, backs that are taking tens of millions South Devon University Technical ColGordon has been re-elected as Mayor chief executive of the English Riviera of pounds out of the councils’ coffers. lege being created in partnership with of Torbay for a further term with more Tourism Company, whose company is Steve Parrock is overseeing a radical local businesses and Exeter Univotes than before but with a reduced starting to show tangible results in backroom shake up of the council versity, is due to open in September majority of 621 votes. reversing the downward trend in tour- structure which will prepare it for the offering a combination of academic One of the highlights of his new term ism in the Bay. pioneering new joint working partner- and vocational qualifications which will be the opening of the South Devon That is no mean achievement in ship with health and social care organ- will open doors for the young jobseekers when they leave. Link Road but he says he is working on itself but Carolyn is also a major player isations in the Bay. dozens of projects to regenerate the in the team charged with creating a Number 5 is Chris Hart, managing At the same time he continues to Bay. new, self financing tourism and retail play an important role in the regenera- partner of Wollen Michelmore but also As the Power 50 reaches out into business improvement district which tion of the Bay through his second job a very active and hugely supportive South Devon, he is joined in joint top it is said will enable promotion for as chief executive of Torbay Develop- chairman of the English Riviera Tour-


with Exeter City and East Devon councils on decision making on planning, housing, resources and infrastructure. The three councils have worked together on economic development and tourism. Teignbridge Council is one of the best 10 councils for reducing the number of people on Jobseekers Allowance. Teignbridge and its leader are key to building relationships with Torbay Council– and vice versa – to take full advantage of the South Devon Link Road.

CAROLYN CUSTERSON, chief executive of the English Riviera Tourism Company and chairman of Visit Devon: The company is now heavily involved in the delicate task of creating the largest retail and tourism business improvement district in the country. Meanwhile, the tourism industry is continuing to gain strength as the profile of the English Riviera has been raised by the company’s efforts, particularly on line. The resort is

residential property. James is a member of the Property Litigation Association and has handled a wide range of disputes relating to property for individuals as well as companies of all sizes. He is also a well-known figure in Torbay’s business community including past chairman of Torquay Chamber of Trade and is its president..

(joint) KEVIN FOSTER, Conservative MP for Torbay: Kevin Foster is the newly elected Torbay MP, having beat Lib Dem Adrian Sanders who held the seat for 18 years. As part of the majority Gover nment, he will have more influence in the corridors of power, and indeed during the election when Torbay was a Tory


making steady progress towards meeting the targets of the Turning the Tide tourism strategy she produced, including reversing the downward visitor trend, restoring the English Riviera’s role as a premier destination and introducing the resort to a new generation of visitors and producing new video advertising. All this contributed to awarding of the accolade of Top Seaside Destination award through TripAdvisor.

target seat, the Bay was visited by not one but a bevy of ministers, and even the Prime Minister himself. His challenge will be to work with other West Country Tory MPs to ensure that the Conservative focus does not move away from the region, and the Bay now that the party has such a strong hold on so many seats.


(joint) STEVE PARROCK, Torbay Council executive director Torbay Development Agency chief executive: Now firmly established in his second role at the helm of the council as well as running Torbay Development Agency. He has already helped deliver major regeneration projects in the Bay including Brixham Fish Quay, White Rock business park, the Torre Abbey and Cockington Court regeneration. But it is in his behind-the-scenes


(joint) ANNE MARIE MORRIS, Newton Abbot MP: Anne Marie

was prominent in the battle to get the Dawlish railway line reopened, and the partnership off the ground which will be running the South Devon University Technical College.


Martin Cavanna and Patrick Gaskins ANDREW UGLOW TQPT201506010B-001_C

ism Company at a time when its future is in the balance with the proposed creation of the combined tourism and retail business improvement district. The Power 50 features names old and new, from both the public and private sector, politics, the voluntary sector, health and education. It reflects the hard work, dedication and passion that so many people put into making the place that we all love to work, live and play in. New names for this year’s Power 50 are Richard Barr, Nicola Bulbeck, Nick Bye, Jeremy Christophers, Kevin Foster, Martin Foulger, Sally Henley, Bronwen Hewitt, Sir Richard Ibbotson, Peter Lawrence, Chris Lewis, Steve Margetts, Pat Masterson, Glenn Mayhew, Mairead McAlinden, Anne Marie Morris, Kevin Mowat, Bruce Robertson and Matthew Shanks.

role that he will wield even more influence. The council has embarked on a radical slimming down of its structure so it is ready for the day, in the not too distant future, when more of its work is down by other organisations for example in public health, adult services and children’s social care. Radical changes are to be expected when the council faces cutting tens of millions more off its budgets in years to come, when there really is no more fat to cut.

(joint) NICOLA BULBECK, chief executive of Teignbridge District Council: Nicola has been instrumental in the setting up of the partnership with Exeter City and East Devon councils. She sees working as one team as key to how local government operates in individual authorities as it is to working across organisational and sector boundaries. Nicola worked with members, voluntary and community organisations, local businesses and

She is a strong champion for businesses, and cochaired the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Micro Businesses.

(joint) TIM GODFREY, partner at Bishop Fleming chartered accountants: In charge of corporate services and head of health care, Tim specialises in the care home sector. Tim is also chairman elect of the increasingly influential Torbay Business Forum.

Her priorities are improved infrastructure, education, elderly healthcare, superfast broadband, democracy in planning, and small business.


residents to develop a 10year strategy for Teignbridge that is delivering on the vision of prosperity, growth, a firstclass environment and quality communities. She led the dynamic restructuring of senior management to enable a clear focus on top priorities, such as Teignbridge’s recognition as a top performing council. Nicola never loses sight of the fact that what matters most is that the authority is well-managed and offers good value for money.





(joint) ROB NEWMAN, former deputy coroner and now retired as a partner from Kitsons Solicitors in Torquay: Rob played a major role in Kitsons’ litigation team. He was a well-known figure in the liquor licensing world and lectured frequently on licensing issues. Rob is currently chairman of the Torbay Business Forum which is going from strength to strength.


(joint) SIMON HULSTONE, Michelin star chef and restaurant owner: Simon continues to win accolades both for his cooking at the Elephant and in professional competitions. This year he has expanded, taking over the running of Burridge’s Cafe Tearooms in partnership with his father, Roger and setting up The Kennel below Mambos, specialising in hotdogs.


GRAHAM BROWN, managing director of Pavey Group: Graham Brown is managing director of Pavey Group at Edginswell Business Park which has been providing personal and commercial insurance, risk management and financial advice since being founded by Michael Pavey in 1971. The group, which has offices in Torquay and Exeter and employs 90 people, has bought Buddens Westinsure, as part of its ongoing growth strategy.


(joint) STEVE MARGETTS, principal at Torquay Academy: When he started, Steve Margetts laid out his ‘Vision 2020’ a clear plan to make the academy an inspiring place to be taught. The turnaround at the school continues to inspire and by all accounts, the number of parents who want to sent their children there continues to rise.


VINCE FLOWER, managing director of Shearings Hotels Ltd which operates 50 hotels in the UK: Vince is chairman of governors at Torquay Community College and serves on the boards of the Torbay Economic Development Company and the English Riviera Tourism Company.

Shearings Hotels operates 50 hotels in the UK, which together accommodate almost two million bed nights, and the group employs nearly 3,000, some 1,900 in the hotels division. Shearings bring around 5,000 tourists to the English Riviera each year.


STEVE COLLINS, Francis Clark senior partner: Steve is Francis Clark’s head of tax and has specialised in tax for more than 30 years. On the South West Council of the Confederation of British Industry, Steve established the firm’s tax consultancy, which now advises more than 400 firms of accountants on specialist tax matters. He is a Chartered Tax Adviser and a member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners.


ALEX ROWE, former joint managing director of CLS, now serving as a non-executive director on the board of Jelf Group PLC: Alex is standing down as chairman of the board of the Riviera Inter national Conference Centre and is a former director at Torquay United.


THE millions of pounds worth of BETTESWORTH commercial property sales FAMILY: The including, hotels, pubs and family of retail. Bernard and Maureen The directors today are Bettesworth — who founded Matt Bettesworth, Barney Bettesworths Estate Agents Bettesworth, Mick commercial and licensed Bettesworth, Paddy property agents in the west country — continue to Bettesworth, Stephen expand the business. Lofthouse and Paul Bettesworth. The company handles

Wednesday, June 17, 2015



ALAN DENBY, director of economic strategy and performance at Torbay Development Agency: Among Alan’s achievements is establishing the TDA as a growing provider of business advice services not only in the Bay but as far away as Somerset particularly for ICT exploitation and start-ups. He is a member of the Institute of Economic Development and of the Chief Economic Development Officers’ Society and sits on the executive group of the Heart

of the South West enterprise partnership.


BRUCE ROBERTSON, managing director of Trago Mills: The son of Trago founder Mike Robertson, Bruce has a firm hand at the tiller of three thriving stores at Newton Abbot, Falmouth and Liskeard. Newton Abbot is the largest of the three and includes the Trago Family Fun park. Trago, known for its keen pricing, celebrates 50 years of trading in 2015.


LES BURNETT, managing director Francis Clark accountants: A key and influential figure in Torbay’s business community, Les is also a non-executive director on the board of South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, member of the South West Council of the CBI, and for five years was chairman of Torbay Development Agency Ltd.

SARAH WOLLASTON MP for Totnes: Reelected in May, tripling her majority, Sarah worked on the frontline of the NHS for 24 years and, perhaps, it is that nonpolitical background which means she is willing to speak her mind, on health and other issues. It’s a stance for which she is well

respected in both her constituency and in Parliament which resulted in her being named as backbencher of the year. In the last Government, she was elected chairman of the Health Select Committee which published a number of influential reports. As a keen cyclist, she was also on the allparty Parliamentary Cycling Group.


SIR RICHARD IBBOTSON, chairman of South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust: Sir Richard was appointed shortly after retiring as Vice Admiral in the Royal Navy. His naval career included periods as Commodore

Select Group has now developed the world’s first instrument which can detect airborne asbestos fibres in real time. He is a director of Torbay Development Agency.

22 Boys’ Grammar School: Pete Lawrence is principal at Torquay Boys’ Grammar School which goes from strength to strength with 10 students last summer offered places at

(joint) PETE LAWRENCE, principal of Torquay


(joint) PETER TISDALE, of the property development company THAT Group: Peter Tisdale, of the property development company THAT Group, will be hoping the planned work on Torwood Street will swing into action in the next few months. The proposed plans, which have sparked interest from the Hilton Hotel group, will also bring three restaurants, three offices and a gym to Torwood Street, creating between 320 to 410 new jobs.


DAVID THOMAS, leader of the Conservative group on Torbay Council: David Thomas was re-elected councillor for Blatchcombe. For mer deputy mayor to Gordon Oliver, Cllr Thomas retained his role as Tory Group leader following the election. In the last


ALAN ARCHER, founder and managing director of the expanding Select Group of Companies Ltd and former chairman of Torbay Business Forum: Alan Archer founded his own business in Brixham at the age of 19.

what makes a business successful is its people.


Wednesday, June 17, 2015



LAURENCE MURRELL, managing director of TLH Leisure Resort: Laurence Murrell runs the biggest independent hotel group in Torbay, one of the biggest in the West Country — the Toorak, Derwent, Victoria and Carlton hotels. A board member of the English Riviera Tourism Company, and past chairman, Laurence is also a lifetime achievement winner in the English Riviera and South Devon Tourism and Hospitality Awards. He is a great believer that


Oxbridge as the school celebrated an ‘outstanding’ batch of A-level results. It is also heavily involved in the South West Academic Trust partnership which works with Exeter University to raise achievement and aspiration in grammar schools. Through the multi-academy trust, it also supports Torquay Academy.

22 Torquay Girls’ Grammar School: Dr Nick Smith is head teacher at Torquay Girls’ Grammar School. Last year the school was ranked 67th in the

(joint) DR NICK SMITH, head teacher at


(joint) JOHN HAVARD, of Havard Estates: John Havard was responsible for transforming the derelict Palm Court on Torquay seafront into Abbey Crescent. The development is now complete, and has now become the trendy new hub of Torquay seafront having attracted several major national restaurant chains to the Bay.



council he played a major role in driving through the vital Local Plan and local masterplans. As the Tories strengthened their hold on Torbay Council at the last election, being group leader is an increasingly important role especially as the new administration has set its stall on all members working together in har mony.

(joint) MITCH TONKS, celebrity chef and restaurant owner: The Brixham-based celebrity chef has expanded his empire in the past year. Former Herald Express columnist Mitch, who runs the Seahorse and the Rockfish restaurants in Dartmouth and Plymouth, has expanded into Torquay and now Brixham. He is a passionate ambassador for the quality of Brixham and South Devon seafish.

of Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, Commander British Forces Falkland Islands and, most recently, Deputy Commander-inChief Fleet (effectively Chief Operating Officer of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines). He is also a deputy Lord Lieutenant for Devon, governor of Plymouth University and chairman of the Royal Navy Royal Marines Charity.

THE CAVANNA FAMILY: Founded in 1923 by Philip Cavanna, the Cavanna Group of companies which celebrated its 90th anniversary recently, has a multi-million pound turnover, a major building programme and is now recognised as the largest independent house builder in the region. Only recently have non-family members been

top 200 state schools, making it the highestachieving local school and one of the top three state schools in the South West in the Sunday Times Parent Power survey. Last summer, the school celebrated the A-level results, with 75 per cent of grades A* to B, among the best results in the school’s history.


appointed to the board while third generation Cavannas — Jeremy, his brother Jonathan and their cousin Martin — moved to executive roles.


(joint) JANE ENGLISH, principal Paignton

and Kings Ash Academy as part of the Bay Education Trust. In February, the college took ownership of its second phase of the multi-sports hub, a £150,000 project for a new spectators seating area, which received lottery funding from Sport England.


CRIS BOYCE, a partner at solicitors Boyce

on commercial issues, including the buying and selling of firms for years. Vice-chairman of the board at the Riviera Inter national Conference Centre, he was also part of the trio who were all part of the consortium that saved Torquay United Football Club from disaster some years ago. He is standing down.

Community and Sports Academy: Never one to rest on her laurels, Jane has steered the college to new heights. In January, it joined forces with Curledge Street Academy

Hatton: Cris Boyce, partner at solicitors Boyce Hatton, the head of the firm’s commercial department and has been advising clients throughout the West Country






ANGELA GEORGE of I M S M a rketing: Angela George is an experienced intern at i o n a l business mana g e r, b r a n d and marketing manager, business mentor and c a r e e r c o nsultant. Angela was appointed the first woman chair man of t h e To r b ay branch of the Federation of


PAT M A STERSON, managing director of Newton Abbot Racecourse: Pat spent 10 years in the army before moving into the race world — and is currently in his 25th year there. He has won the gold award of the R a c e h o r s e O wn er s’ As so ciation; Top Small Racecourse for Ow ner s’ Ra ced ay Experience; South West Racecourse of the Year in 2012; Vi s i t E n g l a n d Award; runner-up for Betview Race-

RICHARD HUTCHINGS, senior partner at Kitsons Solicitors: Richard is one of South Devon’s most-respected solicitors and a power house behind the scenes at Kitsons where he has helped broker major deals. He specialises in commercial and licensing and represents many significant clients throughout the West Country. He is a non executive director of Dartmoor Brewery Ltd.

course of the Year 2012 and Groundstaff of the Year awards 2009. Pat is also chairman of Independent Racecourses Limited, a group of nine independent racecourses, which are Hexham, Ripon, Taunton, Fakenham, Leicester, Stratford, Plumpton, Towcester and Newton Abbot. Pat i s a l s o director of the RCA, the trade association of all racecourse, as well as being chairman of the Te i g n Va l l e y Golf Club.

S I M O N TONGE, chief executive of the Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust and executive director of Paignton Zoo : Simon Tonge is chief executive of the Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust and executive director of Paignton Zoo since 2000. The trust also owns Living Coasts and Newquay Zoo. Paignton has become one of the country’s top tourist attractions and a world leader in conser-


(joint) CHRIS LEWIS, P r e ston councillor: Chris, re-elected as a Preston c o u n c i l l o r, w a s d e p u t y m ayo r t o former mayor Nick Bye. He has now been appointed by councillors to chair the overview and scrutiny board of Torbay Council which is seen as having a key role in holding the council, and particularly the mayor, to account.


BILL PHILLIPS, formerly acting chairman of Torquay United: Bill Phillips is a former acting chairman of Torquay United and was its 12th board member. He has brought his management expertise to the club after a lifetime in business and will be key to the handover to a new consortium there.



MARTIN FOULGER, H i - Te c h F o r u m chairman and positioning divisional managing director of Spirent Communica tions: Martin Foulg er’s Spirent C o m m u n i c ations of Aspen Way, Paignton, recently won a conditional offer of £2million as part of £47million of extra funding from the Regional Growth Fund to help


DEREK ELLIO T T, m a na g i n g director of the award-winning Kay Elliott Architects: Derek Elliott is managing director of the award-winning Kay Elliott Architects which he established in 1978 with Harold Kay. U n d e r D erek ’s direction, the office has grown steadily from a local practice to an international design studio employing over


T O N Y CARTER, Torq uayb a s e d businessman and entrepreneur: Tony was part of the nine-man consortium of bu s i n e s s e s wh o b o u g h t Torquay United Football Club from former owner Mike Bateson in 2007 after the disastrous Chris Roberts era. His business skills and network of contacts, which he has built up since moving to the Bay from the North in 1967, will have been invaluable to the new board of directors at Plainmoor. He has owned several prominent properties and


vation. Paignton Zoo scored third best zoo in the UK last year, and after the success of its gorilla public art project, recently launched the Great Big Rhino Project. The aim of the initiative is to raise money for the zoo’s work in Zimbabwe as well as that of Save the Rhino International. A fo r m e r z o o ke e p e r, Simon studied accountancy and became curator at London Zoo. He boasts invaluable mixture of animal experience, conservation knowledge and financial affairs.

K E I T H RIC HARDS O N , owner of Richardson Hotels: Millionaire Keith is the owner of a growing portfolio of West Country hotels which includes the Grand Hotel in Torquay and also owner of Britain’s best known TV hotel, the Grosvenor. Keith can re gularly be seen in the skies over To r b a y, a n d has become

companies in the south west. Under his chairmanship, the Forum is increasingly raising the profile of the successful sector of national and international hi-tech companies which is attracting more such businesses, dev e l o p i n g Torbay into a thriving centre of excellence for the hi-tech market. M o r e r ecently Martin b e c a m e a member of the UK Space Committee.

WENDY BENNETT, Princess Theatre g e n e r a l manager: Wendy Bennett has been influential in bringing star names to Torquay over the past year. The likes o f A l M u r r a y, W e n d y Peters, Kenn Dodd and Dawn F r e n c h h a v e graced the

30 staff operating in 24 countries on four continents. Since last year Kay Elliott Architects have completed the Abbey Sands project as well as submitting plans for the Torwood Street development and continuing with designs for Torquay Pavilion. After a busy year, Kay Elliott’s have even more to celebrate after rec e n t ly w i n n i n g Firm of the Year and Building of the Year at the Michelmores Property Awards, a rare feat for a single practice.

SUPT GLENN M AY H E W, police commander for South Devon: Supt Mayhew has responsibility for more than 300 employees inc l u d i n g p o l i c e o fficers, civilians and special cons t a b l e s a c r o s s T o r b a y, Teignbridg e and South Hams. Since beginning his career as a




businesses in the Bay, including pubs and clubs, including Churchills on Babbacombe Downs.

NICK POWE, owner of K e n t s C a v e r n , Torquay: Nick Powe, is the fifth-g eneration owner of the Kents Caver n preh i s t o r i c caves. He was also champion of Torbay’s successful bid for ‘Global Geopa rk ’ st at us and is chairman of its manag ement group. He played a

f a m o u s f o r t r ave l l i n g between them by helicopter. Richardson Hotels regul a rl y s e e s t u r n ove r i ncreases, despite the economic downturn which has put many other hotels under pressure. H i s c a re e r i n hotels started in the late-1980s when he bought the Idle Rocks Hotel, at St Mawes, with the idea of turning it into flats, but with the property market soon hit by a recession, he decided to continue to run the business as a hotel.

JIM PORTUS, chief executive of the South Western Fish Producer Organisation: Jim has been chief e x e c u t ive o f the South Western Fish Prod u c e r Org anisation since 1989, before which he was for two years a fisheries inspector in the Ministry of Fisheries. Through his w o r k , h e b e c a m e i nvolved with the

Princess Theatre stage in 2014/5. Wendy has transformed the Princess from a seaside summer show venue into an aw a rd- w i nning theatre which now attracts top We s t E n d shows. Shows at the theatre over the next few months include East is East, Dirty R o t t e n S c o u nd re l s and The Full Monty.

police constable over 20 years a g o, S u p t M ay h ew p rogressed to the position of director of intelligence for Devon and Cornwall Police in May, 2012, to work across the South West of England to t a ck l e o r g a nised crime groups. More recently in July, 2014, Supt Mayhew accepted the position of South D e v o n c o mmander superintendent of Devon and C o r n w a l l Police.


RICHARD BARR, mana g i n g d i rector of the C e n t r a x g ro u p , N e w t o n Abbot: Richard is one of the managing directors of the Centrax group, along with his b r o t h e r Robert. In 2014, he was awarded an MBE by the Queen, alongside his brother for services to the power generation

Fisher men’s Mission, the charity that Fishstock Brixham supports through fundraising. Jim was awarded for his working on Fishstock Brixham with the Heritage Crafts Volunteer of the Year Award 2012 from the Marsh Christian Trust, as well as the festival winning the gold in the 2012 Herald Express South Devon and English Riviera Tourism Event o f t h e Ye a r Awards.

M AT T H E W SHANKS, executive h e a dteacher Coombeshead Academy: Matthew is credited with t u r n i n g around a failing Coombes h e a d College when he took over in 2010. The college has been h ig hl ig ht ed by education inspectors for the rapid i m p r o v e-


utive of South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundat i o n Tr u s t : Mairead has spent last f iv e y e a r s leading an inte g rated health and social care trust in Northern Ireland, w i t h a n income of £ 55 0m i ll io n



major role in attracting a £1.4million Geopark conference to the Bay next year. Nick is the past chairman of trustees of Torbay Coast a n d C o u ntryside Trust, and a board member of the English Riviera Touri s m C o mpany. He is championing plans for a a National Centre f o r P r e h i story and Geology — at K e n t s Caver n.

MATT NEW- ies such as Rowcroft Hospice BURY, mar- and Devon Air Ambulance. Matt created and estabk e t i n g executive at lished Pride Torbay in 2002. The event was a success and Hannahs Seale-Hayne: h a s c o n t i nT o r q u a y ued every B oy s ’ G r a myear since m a r S ch o o l with the new ‘old boy’ Matt name of Rivihas been marera Pride. keting executi v e a t M o r e r eHannah’s cently wild Se ale -Hay ne swimming since 2013. fan Matt has Matt has a helped to strong sense launch brand of charity and new wild often organswimming ises charity magazine: events for Just Add local charitWater.



Wednesday, June 17, 2015




Small Businesses in 2013. A Brixham Chamber of Commerce chamber executive member, she has played an important part improving trade and conditions in Brixham. She combines this with many voluntary roles. She is also a founder member of B r i x h a m Means Business, and was the first winner of the South Devon Woman of the Year 2012.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

and 13,000 staff serving a population of around 400,000. Under her leadership, the trust has been a CHKS Top 40 Hospital for the last t h r e e years. Her appointment comes as SDHCFT prepares t o i n t e grate with Torbay and Southern Devon Health and Care N H S Trust.



S A L L Y H E N L E Y, town dev e l o pment manager of Newton Abbot: Since 2008, Sally has worked hard to help lead the development of N e w t o n Abbot. Sally is responsible for business promotion within the p ed es tr ia nised areas of the town centre, she


K E V I N M O WAT, newly appointed executive head for business services at Torbay Council: Kevin Mowat is a former director of marine services for Tor Bay Harbour Authority. He has been responsible for one of the most business like sections of Torbay Council. In his new role he will also be responsible for issues such as parking. He is also currently chairman of South Devon College governors but is due to stand down.



industry and exports from the UK. Centrax was founded in 1946 by Richard and the late Geoffrey White, who both pioneered the use of the gas turbine in airc r a f t p ro p u lsion during the Second World War. C e n t r a x makes aircraft components for companies such as RollsRoyce and Airbus as well as gas turbine equipment for power generation.

BRONWEN H E W I T T, chief executive of the Dame Hannah Rogers Trust: Bronwen is chief executive Dame Hannah Ro g ers T r ust which is in its f i f t h ye a r a t Hannahs at Seale-Hayne. The charity won the Herald Express South Devon Business Excellence A w a r d s c a tegory for social enterprise/ community

ments it made. The ‘notice to improve’ was lifted after just 12 months because of the excellent progress the college had made. C o o m b eshead joined forces with Christow Community S c h o o l , R y d o n P r i m a r y School and Teign School as the Templer Academy T r ust of wh i c h M a tthew is now the executive headteacher.

(joint) NICK BYE, Wellswood Conservative councillor: Four years after being defeated by Gordon Oliver, the former mayor was re-elected to the council in May. He has an almost unmatched knowledge of the inner workings of Torbay Council.

also deals with busking and performance queries, new events, town centre facilities and provides support to new business ventures within N e w t o n Abbot. Sally also acts as town development ambas sador where she helps to voice opions of b o t h b u s inesses as well as the council for the future objectives and plans for the town.

J O H N COUCH, of John Couch the Estate Agents: John has been a major player in South Devon’s property world for decades, with serious knowledge of the property market. The estate agents in Wellswood has held the keys to some of the most beautiful and expensive properties in the Bay, as well as selling some million pound properties to the rich and famous. In the last year, John Couch has handed over the keys to the two £1million penthouses in the Abbey Sands development.




GWYN GIBBONS, mana g e r Imperial Hotel, Torquay: The first ever female general manager at the landmark hotel, now part of the Hotel Collection group. Gwyn’s personal mission is to restore it to the affections of people locally as well as visitors. She has extensive hospitality and management consultancy experience, including working at Bovey Castle when entrepreneur Peter de Savary bought it and was sales and marketing manager at Wentworth Golf Club.

impact in 2014 with the judges praising the way it has worked with adults with disabilities but also created support adults with disabilities but is also a place where art, music, food, wellbeing and social enterprise meet in an inclusive and sustainable environment for the whole c o m m un i t y a c r o s s S o u t h Devon.


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