Toast 2015

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your complete student lifestyle guide



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8/12/2015 9:59:50 AM

your complete student lifestyle guide

Hey, it ’s Toas t, C ornwall’s fre she s t s tudent life s t yle magazine. Our s tudent writer s have te s ted out some of our funkie s t eaterie s and danced til dawn lis tening to the be s t music at the coole s t par tie s and gigs around the count y jus t to let you know what you c an find out there. Needle s s to s ay, this involved ex tensive re search into tr ying to gain an insight into the pain that is T he Morning Af ter. If you c an look as cool and alluring as our Falmouth Univer sit y models looked in our special feature shoot then, well, good for you. C ornwall has never been cooler on the small and silver screens than in the pas t year and we have an exclusive inter view with Claire Fox, from the C ornwall Film Fe s tival, which kick s of f in November, and we have the diar y of an ex tra in what could well be a movie hit nex t year direc ted by a Holly wood legend. We also explore the count y from dif ferent angle s including an aerial tour, tips on how to explore the coas tline as well as ways to discover C ornwall by bike or on a board. St aying in? Why not tr y some of our mouth -watering recipe s created by one of our de sign s tudent s. Toast has done much of the hard work so you don’t have to, so sit back and relax into your new term with all the info at your finger tips. Happy reading, Love Toas t. Creative Direction Creative Hub

Editorial and Design Students (see contributors)

Advertising Simon Mullinger

Editorial Co-ordinator John Sykes

© DCMedia 2015 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission of the publishers, although conscientious and beleaguered fair users can relax and have a cup of tea. Views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of DCMedia, the contributors, editors, publishers or the authors’ mothers. Availability and price of items are correct at time of going to press, but we accept no responsibility for any rejected items or unfulfilled orders. All information included in this magazine is correct at the time of printing. However events are sometimes subject to change and cancellation.

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8/11/2015 2:03:50 PM


Claire Martin


Jade Berry


Emma Burke


Ben Edward J. Ward


Robyn Glass


Sheila Lee-May


Heidi Summerbell


Jenny Jones


Krisi Hughes



EAT Orange and radish salad Eggs benedict Munchin’ in Cornwall

six seven eight

PARTY Street beats Where to go Curiouser and curiouser Festival fever The morning after

twelve fourteen eighteen twenty twentyfour

EXPLORE Surf spots Beaches Bike trails Art spaces Sky high With your parents Travel hacks Crave adventure Cornwall to Cornwall

thirtyfour thirtysix thirtyeight thirtynine fourty fourtytwo fourtyfive fourtysix fourtyeight

WATCH Cornwall Film Festival An audience with Louise Fox Lights, camera, inaction Next door films

fiftyone fiftytwo fiftyfour

Hat’s off Nature by design Top tips for house sharing

fiftyeight sixty sixtytwo


8/12/2015 12:18:21 PM

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8/12/2015 10:25:59 AM

E AT Af ter a hard day’s graf t at college it ’s sometime s dif ficult to know what to make for dinner.

Let us help with this sec tion where we give you some lovely simple recipe s to tr y out and some really great place s to eat out with your friends. Bon appetite!

#UniStudent #Student C anC ook #HomemadeFood #NomNom #Foods t am #LoveC ooking #L ife s t yle #HongKong #Foodie #Falmouth

Ins t agr am: @ sml _ li

TOAST_MASTER_2015.indd 5

8/11/2015 2:06:27 PM

Photos Sheila- Mae




@ SML _ LI



2 Orange s

1. Place the let tuce s in a large bowl then cut the top and bot tom of f of the orange s. St and them up on the cut side and remove the re s t of the peel and pith by cut ting away s trips.

1 Cup of Let tuce s ½ Cup of Radishe s ½ Cup of C arrot s 2 TB SP Olive Oil 1 Squeeze Lime Juice 1 Punnet s S alad Cre s s Sea S alt to t as te

2. Slice the radishe s and c arrot s as thin as you c an. C ombine it with the let tuce s and orange s with olive oil. 3. Season with sea s alt, fre shly ground black pepper and a squeeze of lime juice. Turn the punnet s s alad cre s s on their side s and slice the cre s s s t alk s near the base. And sprinkle on the top the s alad.

Black Pepper to t as te


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8/11/2015 2:19:21 PM

Photos Sheila- Mae




@ SML _ LI



1 English Muf fin

1. St ar t of f with the s auce, put the eg g yolk in a heatproof bowl and place over the bowl of simmering water. Whisk the eg g yolks with the s alt until pale. Add the vinegar and lemon juice into the yolk and continue whisking until well combined. Slowly add the melted but ter in a s teady s tream whisking cons t antly until the s auce is smooth and thick .

1 Egg 1 T SP White Vinegar 1 TB SP Uns alted But ter ½ Cup of S alad Greens

Hollandaise Sauce 1 E g g Yolk 5 0g Melted Uns alted But ter 1 TB SP Lemon Juice ½ T SP White Vinegar ¼ T SP S alt

2. Fill a small pan full with water boil till simmer and add white vinegar. Break the eg g in a small bowl, swirl the vinegared water briskly to form a vor tex and slide in an eg g. It will curl round and set to a neat round shape. C ook it for 1minute and turn of f the hob,cover the bowl then sit s it for 5 minute s,then remove the eg g and place them on a kitchen towel. 3. Place the muf fin on a plate and add some s alad greens,place your poached eg g on top of that and finish the whole thing of f with the hollandaise s auce and herbs.


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8/11/2015 2:20:10 PM

MU NCH IN’ IN COR NWA LL Falmouth Bangers with a Twist


Open for break fas t from 8 am, Banger s with a Twis t, in Ar wenack Street, Falmouth, of fer s a full gourmet hot dog dining experience. And for s tudent s there’s a 15 per cent discount on all the main menu.

All of their sausages are handmade on the premises using local ingredients, supplied by Cornish butchers, food and drink suppliers. All hot dogs come with their own unique ingredients and toppings. T here is also a Banger s on the Go van which is of ten parked at the Penr yn c ampus as well as a regular on T he Moor. And, s tudent s c an also make use of their BOGOF Mondays bet ween 4pm and 8pm when there’s a hos t of loc al music al t alent on show as well.

Wildebees t, jus t up (or down) the road from BWAT was founded at the end of 2013 by Josh and Rose with the aim to celebrate vegan cuisine and provide a welcoming place to eat and drink – and they of fer a 10 per cent s tudent discount. T hey are s trongly influenced by culinar y s t yle s and flavour s from all over the globe, par ticularly Japan and Mexico. T hey are s triving to use the be s t and fre she s t produce, which is loc al and organic as of ten as pos sible. T he owner s also use c arbon - neutral webhos ting, and tr y to minimise their c arbon footprint by using a number of loc al supplier s. It is open six days a week, four of which during the evening, and welcome bookings via telephone or email. Open from 10am, food ser ved 12 to 3 and 6 -9pm but remains open until around 10. 30 pm. Closed on Tue sdays and Sunday evenings.


Founded by John Duncan from St Vincent, Cribbs of fers an authentic Caribbean experience to the South West. Ser ving both authentic Caribbean dishes and Caribbean twists of classic British dishes. T he fre sh new interior of Cribbs, de signed by Falmouth De sign A gency A-Side s tudio, celebrate s the fun and vibrancy of the C aribbean whils t ensuring an element of sophis tic ation to match the qualit y of the food and ser vice on of fer. Monday’s of fer 20 percent discount if you are a student. So get your chops round some Jerk Chicken and wash it down with a BAHAMA MAMA SUNRISE Bahama Mama Sunrise cocktail - made with rum, naturally.


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8/11/2015 2:21:04 PM

T r uro

Hub BoX

Fancy a proper burger in one of the world’s “coole s t re s t aurant interior s”? Hubbox in Truro ser ves up all sor t s of gourmet of ferings in a 19 th- centur y grade t wo lis ted Wesleyan chapel. E xecutive chef Alex Towill fell in love with Americ an s treet food while living in New York and so Hubbox of fer s all sor t s of handmade burger s, gourmet hot dogs, pulled pork and beef brisket, alongside crispy Cornish mackerel burger s and veg gie burger s. T he have firm has jus t opened a laid-back beach shack at Pentewan S ands, near St Aus tell. If you want s tunning sea views, coas t al vibe s and more award-winning burger s and hot dogs, with crab and lobs ter treat s as summer specials, then you know where to look . Hubbox Truro is open 11. 30am to 10 pm, s t aying open til 2am on Fridays and S aturdays (las t food order 9pm).

Craftworks Kitchen

T hink global, eat loc al. A new place for those who mis s the food they might have had in their gap year has opened in the hear t of Truro. Craf t works K itchen is where Hub Box used to be on Lemon Quay and it has a great range of s treet food on of fer. Burritos, sliders, burgers, fish tacos and Thai beef salads feature in the internationally influenced menu that utilises great local ingredients. The owners are well-travelled fans of street food, so when the oppor tunity arrived for them to set up a venue in the shipping container recently vacated by the popular burger joint, they jumped headfirst, bringing their signature mix of bold flavours and professional ser vice to the South West. With a 25 per cent s tudent discount on T hur sday evenings and a 10 per cent discount throughout the week what ’s not to like? w w w.craf t

Redr u th

The Melting Pot

T he Melting Pot is a hidden gem of a c afe tucked away at the we s t end of Redruth and based in the old grammar school which is now the site of the K rowji centre for ar t s. It ’s the per fec t place to grab break fas t, lunch or a quick snack with it s rela xed bohemian atmosphere, excellent cof fee, fre sh s alad bar, delicious c ake s, a range of hot or cold drink s including a fine selec tion of beer s. T here’s also free WiFi available for cus tomer s, plus meeting rooms for hire, regular event s and gigs. If you are looking for somewhere a lit tle dif ferent to hold your par t y, meeting or any event you c an imagine why not hire the whole c afe? nine

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8/11/2015 2:21:24 PM

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8/11/2015 2:22:07 PM

Right, it ’s the weekend. Lec ture s are over, as signment s are…erm… under way, the four walls are hemming you in. It ’s time to go out and par t-ay! Whatever your t as te - whether it ’s thrash met al or dubs tep there is something for ever yone in C ornwall if you know where to look. So we took a look . O ver the nex t few page s are a few of our favourite place s and music maker s which have made the count y come alive come rain or shine. So get out there and make some noise. Or would you prefer the librar y?

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Defazed /defazed /defazed

2DARK2CORNISH f a c e b o o k .c o m / 2DA R K 2C O R N I S H s o un d c l o u d.c o m / 2d 2c

DEFAZED For some school and music jus t do not mix. Slyly tr ying to inser t head phone s to drown out the monotony of mathematic s doe s not usually end well, however, one man has managed to combine the t wo, and quite succe s s fully at that! Par t-time gue s t lec turer at dBs Music C entre, C ornwall C ollege and music sof t ware tutor with Ableton Live and Native Ins trument s, Richard ‘Defazed’ Gale is a man with beat s on the brain. O f ten found lurking in corner s recording random sounds, Richard combine s loops and t weak s the seemingly benign noise s of windscreen wiper blade s, train track s and touris t chat ter into the symphony of sound that is glitch hop and Neurofunk . Pas sing this wisdom on through his teaching, working to develop new music as a sound de signer, and playing dark and t wis ted live synth set s at fe s tivals and club night s throughout the South We s t, Defazed is set to create wave s in the loc al music scene.


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8/11/2015 2:40:10 PM

“Too weird to live, too rare to die??” Or just

too dark, too Cornish? Many a t ale has been told of the underground music scene in deepe s t darke s t Kernow. A spec t acle shrouded in mys ter y to the unacquainted but legendar y in s t atus to the initiated. Back of beyond barns, rigs of my thic al propor tions, booze no one has ever heard of and dank filthy sounds from DJs that jus t won’t quit. Once discovered they are hard to mis s, nothing quite beat s the sneak y pleasure of revelling in the moment of a good old-fashioned par t y. If you are luck y enough to be included in the loop, one set you do not want to mis s is more than likely to be coming from the music al s t yling s of 2DARK 2CORNISH. A DJ duo from C amborne, Stuar t (A sylum) and Ben (St y x) aim

to melt your ear s with mixe s from the filthie s t end of indus trial drum and bas s, techs tep, cros sbreed and skulls tep. Having released an EP with Phaked Soundsys tems, tune s with Infetech Recording s and s t ar ted their own label ‘Lethal Injec tion Records’, 2DARK have made a real impac t on the ‘Dark Side’ of music. Recent gigs at Ethos Fe s tival in Tavis tock and at the T hearapy Se s sions, Bris tol, as well as loc al pop - ups at Mangoe s in Falmouth and Sound in Penzance among many other s, 2DARK will continue to push the boundarie s of European cros sover drum and bas s.


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Back in April, Lee Trewhela, What ’s On guru for the whole of C ornwall, s aw potential in a new venue opening in Falmouth. He s aid MONO, in K illigrew Street, “could be an exciting development for live music in C ornwall”. And he should know. Already, it s regular music night s have seen the be s t of the Falmouth sound, from Los t Dawn and the Red C ords, to punk legends T he Pop Group and Wire, grace the intimate ups t air s s t age to wow young and old alike. Music is in the venue’s blood as it ’s co - owned by Ordinar y Boys’ drummer Charlie St anley. A s well as the regular live music there are DJ night s including Oh! Darling’s soul garage and funk and full- on ’8 0 s shoulder- padded sounds from Yacht Club. And don’t forget the range of great craf t beer s downs t air s…. Lee was right.

If you’re new to the town you could be forgiven for thinking that ever y thing jus t happens on the level of f T he Moor or the main drag to Trago. But, it isn’t. O f f T he Moor are some s teep s teps. C alled Jacobs L adder, they head up the hillside to a delight ful pub. T he Jacobs L adder Inn has always had a s trong live music connec tion, with music ac t s five night s a week including an open mic night. It also shows live spor t s on T V and has pool and dar t s – jus t like a proper pub should – and a popular burger and piz za menu. It pride s it self on having one of the be s t Sunday roas t s in town, ser ved from noon. Originally c alled T he Summerhill Hotel, the inn now occupie s t wo old dwellings. In the old days on one side was the hotel and on the other, now the game s room, was a baker y. T he hotel changed it s name in the 19 8 0 s to celebrate the famed Jacobs L adder s teps, which were built by the loc al busine s sman Jacob Hamblen. He used to have proper t y at the top of Summer Hill and had busine s se s at the bot tom. So he erec ted the ladder in the 179 0 s to make his life easier. In 18 4 0 111 granite s teps were added, which are s till there today. t


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8/11/2015 2:41:53 PM

One of THE be s t things about Falmouth is that it ’s by the sea, being a por t and all. T here are few place s in Falmouth with such an outlook. Perched right on Gyllyng vase beach, the Gylly Beach C afé is in a per fec t loc ation. It has grown in popularit y over the year s and is a per fec t place to meet, whatever the season. It ’s not jus t a place to meet, eat and drink, however, as it is also on the venue trail for young and up -and- coming musicians. Manager Mark Agnew s aid: “Embrace all the reasons you moved to Falmouth, in one place. Drench your self in sunshine on the terrace for pre - drinks, cock t ail, pint or glas s in hand.”

Depending on which way you walked you might have pas sed the Prince s s Pavilion, in Melvill Road. Jus t up the road from the Gylly Beach C afé is the Prince s s Pavilion. T here is a touch of a bygone era about the Pavilion, with it s bands t and and Vic torian Gyllyngdune gardens that open up on to the seafront. But it ’s a modern venue as well with a regular showc ase of bands and comedians including it as par t of their UK tour s.

“ We’re a s tone’s throw from Woodlane, a shor t s troll from town, beach - side and buz zing all year round, and ser ving up the be s t of what ’s loc al. Need any more reasons for a visit? ” “A 10 percent discount is all ver y well – but we’re of fering 15 percent. Jus t s aying!” g

Truro is C ornwall’s c apit al cit y. However, it is finding it dif ficult to keep up with the vibe in Falmouth. But it ’s tr ying it s be s t to fight back . A good music venue is the Old Ale House, which also has a decent re s t aurant ups t air s. And Bunter s has a mix of live ac t s. T he O f fice and L 2 are good for DJ -led night s. T here’s also the Hall For C ornwall if you like your enter t ainment mains tream. fifthteen

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Fur ther afield in the count y it ’s always wor th a trip to T he Watering Hole, in Perranpor th. Citing it self as the ‘UK’s only bar on the beach’, T he Watering Hole is situated in the middle of mile s of golden s and. A large veranda for the sunny days and a cosy interior for the chillier one s, this beach bar is one to enjoy all year round. But it is at night when T he Watering Hole really come s to life. T he rela xed flip flops are replaced with some serious dancing shoe s as big named ac t s pack the place to the raf ter s. Sigma, Wilkinson, Shy F X , T he Cuban Brother s, DJ Yoda, Roni Size and even the Wur zels! T he Watering Hole has become synonymous with funk y beat s and a cracking night out. Check out the late s t news on their website:

And while there are loads of place s to eat, drink and be merr y in Newquay we thought it would be good to pick out one of our favourite s: the Ohana Beach C afé. T he mode s t c afé front age situated opposite Newquay train s t ation, hide s one of Newquay’s be s tkept secret s. Ohana Beach C afé is home to lush food and a cool reg gae groove. T he venue pride s it self on knowing it s three ‘Rs’: root s, rock and reg gae. E ach Friday night there is either a live band or DJ playing some hot groove s. Among their summer programme they had the like s of Pre s sure Root s Hi- Fi, from Falmouth, and Rus sell Sinclair & T he Smoking Locos. K ickin’! If you’re feeling brave and fancy a t as te of the spotlight your self they of fer a popular open mic night ever y Wedne sday.


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8/11/2015 2:43:48 PM

For Falmouth illustr ation gr aduate Je s sie Bay lis s it was a dre am challenge . the Freel ance de signer, who has Just Finished her degree , was selec ted to provide chalk mur al s at the ne w g ame s room in Falmouth e arlier this y e ar By the owners. Je s sie, 23, who has a growing reput ation and lis t of client s, explains: “It was a great projec t to be involved in, and my fir s t mural. I learnt a lot! I wanted to reflec t the play ful nature of the bar so I took an eccentric approach, using Vic torian s t yle anthropomorphised charac ter s playing game s and drinking cock t ails in suit s and bowtie s. T he idea is that the charac ter s greet you as you walk up the s t air s to the Game s Room – and I’m sure a giant flamingo wearing a bow-tie is pret t y bewildering af ter a few cock t ails! “For the bar mural I continued the Vic torian eccentric theme, focusing more on the t ypography side being s trongly influenced by Stranger & Stranger’s Mar vellous Absinthe Bot tle Design and the Vic torian Mas ter Engraver s.” “My original ideas were ver y det ailed and I learnt quite quickly that put ting that level of det ail into a much larger sc ale wall mural t ake s a huge amount of time. I had some pret t y late night s tr ying to get the murals finished on time, and got through a lot of chalk!”


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Af ter graduating las t year Je s sie has moved back home to Birmingham but has C ornwall under her skin. She is currently doing another mural for a de sign s tudio in Redruth. C ornwall’s got a great buz z and is full of so many creative people. “I’d move back in a flash,” she s ays. The Games Room opened in Februar y this year and is fast becoming established on the local student scene. Situated opposite Marks and Spencer, in Market Street, the Games Room is a contemporar y take on a traditional pool and snooker bar with added extras like a giant Jenga and Connect 4 and table football. Je s sie’s contribution is jus t the s t ar t. T here are new areas of the bar that require some illus tration work, so any budding illus trator s amongs t you should get in touch with T he Game s Room on Facebook facebook .com /gamesroomfalmout h Je s sie c an be cont ac ted at w w w. Jes siebaylis s .com

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BUDE JA ZZ FESTIVAL SEP 1ST - 4TH This four-day live music event is a must for jazz lovers and is held in the lovely seaside town of Bude. It focuses on Traditional and New Orleans Jaz z while also while holding on to other popular s t yles from year s gone pas t. This promises to be a great event.


THE GRE AT CORNISH FOOD FESTIVAL , LEMON QUAY, TRURO SEP TEMBER 25TH LOOE MUSIC FESTIVAL T his is the large s t event any where SEP TEMBER 18TH - 20TH dedic ated 10 0 per cent to C ornish food and drink. It ’s a chance to enjoy three days of t as tings, culinar y titbit s and food-loving fun for all age s. C elebrated seafood chef Nathan Outlaw is confirmed to headline a t ant alising programme of mas terclas se s and demons trations acros s t wo dif ferent s t age s, in company with a host of Cornwall’s top chefs and food experts. Entrance to the festival is completely free of charge. GRE ATCORNISHFOOD.CO.UK

It ’s the las t of the summer fe s tivals in a dramatic, magic al loc ation. For three days in September the lit tle town of Looe get s hit with big music, manic enter t ainment and a smat tering of culture for good measure. Ever y where is the venue, and ever ybody’s welcome to the par t y. And ever y year, they tr y to push it one s tep fur ther.T his year’s line - up include s T he Proclaimer s, Jools Holland and Johnny Marr. New this year is the BBC Introducing s t age. LOOEMUSIC.CO.UK


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"big music, manic entertainment and a smattering of culture for good measure" REDRUTH MINING & PAST Y FESTIVAL SEP TEMBER 11TH - 13TH C elebrating all that is great and good about the town’s rich mining herit age and the food that kept the miner s going as they won the tin. T he town was once the riche s t in the world in it s tin and copper mining heyday. T he event s are broken up into Mining Day, on September 11, Pas t y Day, on the S aturday and Memorial Day on September 13. VISIT REDRU TH.CO.UK

LIT TLE ORCHARD CIDER & MUSIC FESTIVAL , HE ALE Y’S CYDER FARM, PENHALLOW, NE AR TRURO. SEP TEMBER 11TH - 13TH B ack due to popular demand, it ’s the third ye ar of this growing summer late summer event. He adline ac t s play in the Big L it tle Apple Top and there’s also a BBC In troducing s t age. L as t ye ar s aw Ben O t tewell of Gomez, Mad Dog Mcre a and S am and the Womp. CORNWALLCIDERFE S TIVA .CO.UK

FALMOUTH OYSTER FESTIVAL, E VENTS SQUARE OCTOBER 8TH - 11TH Falmouth O ys ter Fe s tival celebrate s the s t ar t of the oys ter dredging season, the diver sit y and qualit y of C ornish seafood and in par ticular, one of the las t remaining traditional oys ter fisherie s, dredging by s ail and hand punt. FALMOU THOYS TERFE S TIVAL .CO.UK

FALMOUTH BEER FESTIVAL OCTOBER 22ND - 24TH C amra Kernow’s celebration of beer and cider. With visitor s being able to s ample more than 20 0 real ale s from all over the countr y, dozens of superb cider s and perrie s and the ever- popular alcoholic ginger beer s the fe s tival is always a fant as tic event. CAMR AK ERNOW.INFO


THE MASKED BALL OCTOBER 31ST It ’s a Hallowe’en date for this year’s Masked Ball at ‘Los Flambardos’ T heme Park, in Hels ton. Det ails are thin on the ground at the moment about the event but it has been dubbed the Los t Boys Hallowe’en Ball. E xpec t glamour and poise and exotic a from C ornwall’s par t y people. MA SK EDBALL .NE T


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PADSTOW CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL DECEMBER 4TH - 7 TH Showc asing Pads tow at it s be s t the fe s tival is one of the UK’s large s t and brings together chef s, loc al food producer s and craf t s-folk to celebrate Chris tmas in a c aptivating water side set ting. E ach event at trac t s tens of thous ands of people and this year is set to be even big ger. PADSTOWCHRIST MA SFE STIVAL .CO.UK


MONTOL , PENZ ANCE DECEMBER 21ST C elebrate the winter sols tice with a day of music and dance. T he central tradition is Guise (pronounced ‘geeze’ ) dancing. All forms of Guise Dancing have one thing in common, disguise. MONTOL .INFO


THE SPRING MASKED BALL MAY 2ND - 3RD O f fering curated and themed arenas for an amazingly- dre s sed crowd. MA SK EDBALL .NE T


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FALMOUTH INTERNATIONAL SE A SHANT Y FESTIVAL JUNE 17 TH - 19TH T his is billed as ‘one of the big ge s t music venue s in Europe’ which, with event s around various venue s in Falmouth filling the town with music and singing it might jus t be. T he whole weekend is infused with a great communit y spirit.



" Elton John, Paolo Nutini and Paloma Faith"

EDEN SESSIONS ST AUSTELL T he se are firmly e s t ablished on the event s c alendar for C ornwall. 2015 headliner s included Elton John, Paolo Nutini and Paloma Faith. EDENPROJEC T.COM /SE S SIONS

LEOPALLOOZ A BUDE Af ter giving it a mis s this year, 2016’s event, dubbed LEOX , is expec ted to be spec t acular. It ’s not known as ‘ the greate s t house par t y in a field’ for nothing. LEOPALLOOZ A .COM


BOARDMASTERS, WATERGATE BAY, NEWQUAY You c an’t go wrong with a mix of good sur fing and music. It always at trac t s major ac t s like Faithle s s, Rudiment al and Bas tille who featured this year. BOARDMA S TERS.CO.UK


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8/11/2015 3:04:18 PM

Open your eye s and tr y not to blink . Squeeze them back up tight. Now tr y a limb. Doe s your arm move at all? Are toe s s till at t ached to your body? If experiment fails and room s till spins, re sume lying prone for at leas t t wo more hour s, preferably three. If the unbelievable amount of noise created by pas sing birds, un thought fully cheer ful neighbour s and random insec t s dis trac t s you, bur y your self under the quilt until fur ther notice. If the se sur vival tips do not work then maybe you should not have gone to bed at all‌. E ase the pain with comfor t able mate s and even comfier surroundings; let the hangover wait.


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8/11/2015 3:05:21 PM

Recently I found myself modelling for Falmouth’s loc al hairdre s ser s Black Dog. I ver y much s tumbled acros s the whole ordeal but to my surprise it happened to work out per fec tly. T he whole theme of the shoot was ‘ T he Morning Af ter’ speaking in terms of how one might feel af ter having a lavish, clas sy evening out with your favourite ladie s and how that night may leave you feeling. Now to re -phrase the lat ter the kind of merr y making that we were tr ying to re -live was not quite as clas sy. T he shoot was revolved around tr ying to c apture the t ale s of unre s trained debaucher y and the shameful feeling that is lef t sit ting in the bot tom of your s tomach the morning af ter. I’m t alking tens of shot s, dancing on t able s, embarras sing your self in front of ‘ the hot guy from the bar’ bec ause you’ve had ten tequilas and thought the way to get his number was to ask him to pour the nex t one s traight in your mouth; or why not s traight at your che s t, spending the re s t of your evening in a wet white t- shir t (but don’t worr y that ’s sex y). All this and more with nothing but a chicken leg and a greasy lump full of chips in your arms (and probably your hair too), and your girls to go home and laugh and cr y with. Although unfor tunately the shoot didn’t involve any tequila stained clothes and or chicken and chips it was enjoyable on many plat forms. I met some amazing people, who did an amazing job on all fronts. Jade Berr y’s photographs have an unrequited simplicit y holding focus on dreamlike similarities. The photos captured that sof t hazy feeling af ter a heav y night. I enjoyed myself in many ways and would one hundred per cent take par t in a Black Dog shoot again and for a mat ter of fact any shoot.


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8/11/2015 3:05:54 PM

ROBYN GL ASS twentyseven

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8/12/2015 12:24:20 PM


Trendy, s av v y, s t ylish, cool. T he se words are of ten bandied around when discus sing hair s alons, but how many are ac tually wor thy of the name? Walk into your average rinse and set parlour and you might be lef t wholly under whelmed. However, s tep into this high s treet s alon and you may jus t feel it live s up to it s own blurb. St af f at Black Dog have been shavin’, pimpin’ n groomin’ the male population of Falmouth since 2010, of fering the late s t in looks for all s t yle - s av v y gent s. Following on from this succe s s they have expanded and now of fer the ver y be s t in high s treet look s to men and women. But they don’t s top there. When the light s dim and the s t ar s s t ar t to t winkle, Black Dog t ake s on a whole new role; that of a sex y swinging nightclub venue. How of ten do you go out to par t y at your hairdre s ser s? T he fully refurbished floor s ups t air s, decorated with vint age vinyl, iconic wall ar t and eclec tic furniture, of fer a slick and chic hangout. Bands and solo ar tis t s of all t as te s and de scriptions will fill your ear s as you cut loose and par t y with the be s t the happening por t has to of fer. Having danced the night away the wear y-toed among us troop home. De solate, cold and on a come down from the music al high of life. Black Dog gave us a glimpse of their Morning Af ter…..


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8/12/2015 12:56:59 PM

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8/11/2015 3:10:13 PM

Image s are my life. C apturing the ever yday, the ordinar y made ex traordinar y, the mundane made beautiful. When I was asked to shoot Black Dog haircut ting s tudio, I was immediately inspired by their unique mix of grunge and cool; s t yle, but with a dis tinc t lack of fus s. T his fir s t impre s sion was confirmed when I met the models, mos t of whom are s tudent s at Falmouth Univer sit y. Young, fre sh and as tonishingly beautiful but unconventional, dyed hair, piercing s, t at toos, Lycra and vint age clothing, the se were models with a t wis t! Once the models had been prepped by the hair and make - up team I set about arranging a shoot that would convey the pain and miser y but also the intimate c amaraderie of a Morning Af ter. I was luck y in finding a loc ation at Black Dog that was filled with awe some props, jukeboxe s, fair y light s and vinyl records, as well as homely t ype objec t s such as plate s, mugs and magazine s.


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8/12/2015 12:58:08 PM

I chose the bed to feature prominently. It would create a foc al point for the ‘ac tion’ and repre sent that close friendship shared by mate s, an almos t sensual bond. When you share a house with family or friends your bedroom and your bed of ten become the centre of your world, the only place you c an be you. So to invite people into that world is an enormous token of trus t and friendship, this was an impor t ant par t of the shoot and gave the image s a sof t and quirk y feel. Another key aspec t I wanted to convey was the brightne s s of light on a sunny Sunday morning. T he sun is never more glaring than when pouring through a crack in a cur t ain af ter one vodka too many and I was adamant that this was to come acros s in the pic ture s. To achieve this ef fec t I deliberately placed the models in front of as much direc t sunlight as pos sible. L arge Vic torian paned windows flooded the room with an almos t painful light. To add to the drama I used a large incandescent external flash, this emphasised the flat white quality of the light. The resulting portraits were gritty, real, seemingly grainy but still extremely defined; they give the impression of being produced on cheap disposable film but in reality are highresolution magazine-ready images. Black Dog was a fant as tic shoot to work on and one I would love to revisit. If you would like to know more about my work as photographer you c an visit my website jadeberr


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8/11/2015 3:11:11 PM

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If you’re kicking around the flat or the college cafeteria staring at the walls, it might be time to have a rethink and get out and explore the count y. There are many websites saying what there is to do in Cornwall so we thought we would do a job for you and give you the top five of our favourite destinations and activities you can find other than just going down the pub. And it doesn’t have to be taxing, we’re not expecting you to yomp across the moors with a backpack full of stones. In fact, it can just be a leisurely browse around an ar t galler y and then to the pub. Or a bracing cycle ride and then down the pub. But why stop with just exploring the count y? And for those of you looking for adventure fur ther afield we have some great advice on how to get the best out of travelling abroad.


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8/11/2015 3:12:17 PM



Brit ains mos t famous sur fing beach, Fis tral has been the venue for major international and dome s tic sur fing competitions over the year s. C onsis tent beach break that breaks at all s t age s of tide, be s t on a we s t swell. O f f shore on a south eas terly wind.


Long beach at low tide which has great peak s. Drosk yn to the south has a great lef t but is for more experienced sur fer s. Works be s t on a south eas terly wind and south we s t swell. C an have heav y rips.


Beach break that is favoured by beginner s, gentle slopping ride s when small, works be s t on a south eas terly wind and a we s t nor th we s t swell. C an be rippy though.


Probably one of the mos t consis tent beach break s due to it loc ation jus t nor th of L and’s End. Heav y punchy wave that c an be rippy. Be s t at mid to low tide. O f f shore on an eas terly wind.


One of the souths coas t ’s be s t beach break s, and like Fis tral c an get ver y busy when on. A fas t peak y wave, be s t at mid to low tide. Tends to dump at high tide. Be s t on a nor th eas terly wind and south we s t swell.


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Explore cornwall > TOP FIVE BEACHES <

Daymer Bay

Position your self at the sandy golden bay for great views of the pret t y village of Rock along the C amel E s tuar y.


T his south -facing beach at the Roseland Peninsula plays neighbour to C arne Beach. With rock pools one end and secluded s andy spot s the other, this is a great place for the family.

Church Cove

T he sheltered south we s t-facing cove on the Lizard peninsula is home to the only church in C ornwall situated on a beach.


Loc ated We s t C ornwall bet ween Mor vah and Pendeen, this St Ive s beach has become a hidden treasure. Seals c an be spot ted and dogs are always welcome.


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Jus t south of Newquay, Crantock beach is situated on the River Gannel E s tuar y. You c an park in the top c ar park and climb the s and dune s until you’re faced with open - space, white s and and blue sea.

8/12/2015 1:31:20 PM


01209 890 705 - For further details for events and session times go to Follow us on Instagram and Facebook

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8/12/2015 10:14:08 AM

Explore cornwall > TOP FIVE bike trails <

St Austell

Lanhyd rock

5 mile s - mos tly of f-road Clay Trails in spec t acular scener y surrounding the his toric town and it s neighbouring village s.T his former indus trial area has been trans formed by tree planting and c areful environment al management creating a haven for wildlife.

8 mile s – T his exciting new mount ain bike centre has been open for jus t over a year and has green and blue graded M TB trails, a skills area, a balance track and bike hire. T he trails are ideal for familie s. T here is a c afé and parking.

Cardinham Woods 8 miles – Stunning woodland routes include the Bodmin beast blue (moderate) trail that splinters of f to two red graded tracks. The blue has loads of single track, a fair share of technical climbs and descents, tight corners and rollers. It’s fast and challenging yet still achievable for confident novices. The red sections have a number of technical features and a ver y steep final descent.

Bissoe Trail 11-14 mile s – Full of his tor y and old mine ruins, the trail runs from Devoran on the south coas t to Por treath on the nor th coas t on the old mineral tramway which means it ’s pos sible to cros s C ornwall in a day. T he trail c an be rough, uneven and hilly but it ’s all par t of the experience. T here are route s that are ideal for mount ain bike s.

Camel Trail 18 miles – This is a popular route that follows an old railway line bet ween Wadebridge and Pads tow. It is largely level and is ideal for novice cyclis t s or those who want to take a leisurely pace and drink in the beautiful scener y.


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8/11/2015 3:22:25 PM

Explore cornwall > TOP FIVE art spaces <

The Fish Factory, Falmouth. Tucked away from the main town, of f Nor th Parade, this ar t space is well wor th the ef for t to get to as it feature s contemporar y ar tis t s and regular exhibitions. It also hos t s theatre per formance s and music from up and coming bands both loc ally and nationally.

Pop, Wadebridge A s well as ar t viewings showc asing the be s t of contemporar y work from ar tis t s from we s t to eas t, other pop -up event s will include kids’ ar t clas se s and regular comedy night s, playing hos t to t alent from around the countr y.

Millennium, St Ives. T his small seaside town has been the epicentre for modern ar t for a centur y and this galler y, set over three floor s, has continuous exhibitions from some of the leading contemporar y ar tis t s working in the countr y today.

The Exchange, Penzance. A huge galler y regularly used as a projec t space in which ar tis t s and curator s te s t new ideas. T he E xchange enable s audience s to see work on a sc ale never before acce s sible in the region. T he huge space ret ains the indus trial feel of the original telephone exchange and feature s a large T- shaped galler y showing national and international contemporar y ar t, plus work by some of the be s t loc al ar tis t s.

The Lander Gallery, Truro. T he galler y is ups t air s in the award-winning Lemon Street Market and has plent y of room for the display of af fordable ar t. T here is also a c afé which make s it a good place to meet up with friends and “do lunch” or jus t sit and read and enjoy the ar t.


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8/11/2015 3:24:11 PM

Sky-high worDS by - Cl aIre Mar tIn C ornwall is beautiful. O f that we c an all be cer t ain.Turquoise seas, golden beache s and emerald fields, surround us in all their glor y. Unfor tunately they c an also be blanketed with brash touris t s and craz y loc als, so how doe s the s tudent in the know get away from it all? By t aking to the sk y of cour se! Our bumpy Indiana Jone s s t yle t ake of f over gras s in an aeroplane that I swear was so small it could fit in my living room and seemingly filled with more rat tling par t s than a banger c ar, was terrif ying to s ay the leas t. Holding on to my c amera for dear life we climbed s teadily banking over the granite out crops of Bodmin Moor. T he bounce and roll of the aircraf t played with my inner ear and as my ear s popped I looked out of the window and the view jus t blew my mind. Gone was the fear and the slight hys teria. It was replaced by an awe s truck wonder at the beaut y below. T idal washed river s, snaking roads, clus ter s of house s and acre s of patch -work green. Even the A 30, a road that drive s many of us to dis trac tion looked serene and c alm as c ar s sped purposefully in both direc tions.

Our lit tle aeroplane, freed from the cons tric tions of land travel, breezed along easily, covering about half of the count y in a couple of hour s in a circular route. T he front pas senger is even of fered the chance to t ake the controls, if they are brave enough! I spent my air time “oohing” and “arhhhing” at all I s aw, t aking blurr y pic ture af ter blurr y pic ture. If however you are good at t aking pic ture s and have the correc t lens you c an get some spec t acular shot s. I lef t the aeroplane af ter a gravit y def ying decent feeling elated and revit alised with a fre sh love of this count y. It really was an inspiring trip and one well wor th t aking if you ever get the chance. Loc al flying clubs about the count y of fer all sor t s of package s and discount s from site seeing flight s to flying le s sons and parachute jumps! w w

w w w. aerIalCornwall .CoM Photo taken by - Mat the w bur t well


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8/11/2015 3:24:43 PM


T his fant as tic image was t aken with an aerial drone by Mat thew Bur t well. You c an find more of Mat thews amazing aerial image s on his website at w w

Mat thew Bur t well Aerial cornwall 07815 4976 31


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8/12/2015 1:32:47 PM

EXPL ORE WITH Y OUR PARE NTS Newquay Boating Lake East Mine Pool Fir s t of f at the beach town of Newquay, we pre sent a ver y nice day out for the family who want s to have fun by rela xing and having some peace, and what bet ter place to do it than here at the boating lake? Here the family c an go paddling and encounter some wildlife that live on the lake. And, af ter you’re finished paddling and splashing each other, you c an head of f to the L ake side C afe where they ser ve up delicious seafood. If you’re not a seafood fan, don’t worr y bec ause there is an ice cream kiosk right nex t door. Fun for the family that want s to rela x.

T he moment I walked into the renovated engine house at the E as t Pool and A gar Mine I was transpor ted back to those dramatic and challenging days of our Vic torian ance s tor s. Looking at the working engine house made me not only realise how luck y we are today, but how challenging life was. You c annot imagine the sheer awe some power of the working of this engine house until you experience it, it is breatht aking in it s brut alit y. Even though the engine house only work s nowadays by compre s sed air and not by the s team that it would have in Vic torian time s, a visitor feels an automatic connec tion with the pas t. T his engine house has been magnificently re s tored with the bras s work gleaming like burnished gold. Ever y nut and bolt of the engine has been meticulously re s tored to it s former glor y. A visit therefore to this at trac tion, in my mind, is not only considered to be somewhat educ ational but is ac tually fun!


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8/11/2015 3:27:33 PM


Ben Edward J. Ward

Glendurgan Gardens

Caerhays Castle

In Falmouth, most people know about the beaches, Ships and Castle swimming pool, Pendennis Castle and the local pubs, but hidden up in the Helford area is Glendurgen Gardens, owned by the National Trust, its a huge landscape filled with exotic plants and beautiful flowers. Unlike other family day trips, this is a great family outing. Get to walk around the vast landscape, obser ve the large plants, wildlife and mature gardens that you’ll never see any where else. But it isn’t just looking at plants, they have also created a maze to get the family psychically challenged as well as mentally challenged and trust me when I say this, it will drive you crazy. While it may be secluded up in Helford, it is cer tainly wor th the drive with all family members.

The final tourist at traction on my list is at Caerhays near St Austell. While it is a farm area, hidden beneath those farms is a castle tucked on the edge of Caerhays. The histor y behind Caerhays Castle goes back 200 years where it has played significant roles in the histor y of Cornwall. Now turned into an e s t ate that is opened up to the public, people c an gaze in wonder at this c as tle, the wonder ful garden they have in the back that could be a garden centre on it s own, a c afe set up to have nice c ake and tea. Following that up with a gif t shop bec ause ever y great touris t at trac tions needs one. Once you’ve finished with the tour of the castle, don’t bother leaving, you can head straight to the beach where its peaceful and warm and also there’s a beach cafe next door where you can grab some ice cream and lunch to finish off this day.


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8/11/2015 3:28:39 PM

TOAST_MASTER_2015.indd 44

8/11/2015 3:29:08 PM

t r a v e l? Keen to t hese ou Check t om b la c a r.c w w w .b la u r f in g .c o m uchs om w w w .c o r o li n e s .c m .e www u .c o s t e lw o r ld w w w .h o

for die-hard travellers who want to squeeze in an extra city in one day but can’t af ford a place to stay for the night

1 When packing for any t ype of trip my mother always told me to keep this in mind: pack half, double your money. 2 Pack as lit tle as you c an, and bring as much money as you c an. If you really need something, you c an buy it there. 3 C onsider the weather where you’re going and pack appropriate clothe s. Take layer s. 4 C omfor t able walking shoe s (even if they’re not ‘cute’ – you won’t be feeling cute with feet full of blis ter s) 5 Clothe s that don’t wrinkle. You will thank your self when you realise not ever y where you go will have an iron. (not to mention you don’t want to spend your trip ironing!) 6 Easily foldable clothing. In order to compact your things, pack clothing that isn’t thick so you can fit as much as you can into the limited space. 7 Quick dr y towel. E specially if you’re going couch sur fing or s t aying in hos tels. 8 Bed sheet s. Do your re search before you go, mos t hos tels don’t provide bed sheet s so you’ll be glad to have a set of your own.

9 Adapter s. 10 Forehead light. If you plan on s t aying in hos tel dorm rooms, when there’s other people asleep in the room and you want to find something in your backpack ( you will want to use both hands so a torch isn’t as useful!!!!) you and your fellow dorm mate s will appreciate you having your own lit tle light to find your things. 11 Souvenir s. E specially when couch sur fing – bring some lit tle souvenir s from wherever you’re from to give as thank-you gif t s to your hos t s. T hey’ll appreciate the ge s ture and have a memor y of you to keep! 12 Why having a backpack is bet ter than a suitc ase: for die -hard traveller s who want to squeeze in an ex tra cit y in one day but c an’t af ford a place to s t ay for the night, a suitc ase would drag you down while touring the cit y. 13 Can I wash my clothing when I’m travelling? Don’t count on it. Be prepared to wear your clothe s a few time s – wash your sock s and knicker s with soap and water in the sink if de sperate!


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8/11/2015 3:30:36 PM

crave adventure Truro College english s Tudie s s TudenT emma Burke from Canada has re ally CaughT The Tr avel Bug. here she give s a Tas Te of whaT iT is like To jusT Take off and e xperienCe The world. From my experience, the be s t way to plan a trip is to not plan at all. Travelling with no set plan give s you the freedom to t ake on ever y oppor tunit y that come s your way. OK , that ’s not entirely true. It ’s of ten be s t to figure out where you want to go and where you’re going to s t ay and then go from there. One of the cheape s t ways to find somewhere to s t ay is couch sur fing.

Hos tels are a great cheap alternative if you don’t feel comfor table s taying in a s tranger’s home. You are guaranteed to meet some of the coole s t people as traveller s from all over the world unite in hos tels. I met the mos t inspiring Mexic an woman in her late six tie s who told me all about her 5 0 year s of solo global travelling, including her hitchhiking through rural Afghanis t an before the war. T he mos t expensive par t of travelling is the ac tual get ting around. C arpooling has become increasingly popular over the year s and there are secured website s that allow traveller s to organise their c arpooling in a s afe and friendly s t yle.

It ’s such a unique concept. I don’t know any other communit y that is made solely around the fac t of free accommodation in exchange for sharing culture s and good company. T here’s a website dedic ated to it.. Jus t fill in a profile and see what ’s out there. My fir s t couch sur fing experience was in France and Belgium where I s t ayed with four dif ferent hos t s who I s till keep in cont ac t with.


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8/12/2015 4:04:56 PM

Bla Bla C ar s is among one of the more popular c arpooling website s within Europe. Another cheap travel option besides flying is Euro Lines bus company. I struck gold when I found a ticket from Penzance to Paris for £ 80 return. If you find your s tudent budget decreasing and decreasing and you’re up for the challenge, hitchhiking is another alternative for free travel. I had always been a lit tle skeptic al about hitchhiking af ter reading so many horror s torie s involving innocent hitchhiker s, but af ter I’d involunt arily hitchhiked in Slovenia for the fir s t time, I decided to tr y my luck again in Turkey. In the rock y C appadocia region de ser t of Turkey, while walking along a dus t y road with no sidewalk, I decided to s tick my thumb out in hope s that the hitchhiking thumb was internationally under s tood. Le s s than a minute had pas sed before a c ar pulled up and of fered me a ride into the cit y. Although they spoke ver y limited English, I hopped into the back seat. T hey of fered me cigaret te s and tried to figure out what in the world the word ‘C anada’ meant before dropping me into the cit y centre. I would sug ge s t hitchhiking for those who crave adventure, however, hitchhiking with a friend is always a s afer option.

S By Word BurkE EmmA


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8/12/2015 4:22:03 PM

WORDS BY EMMA BURKE Eleven year s ago, when my parent s told me we were moving to C ornwall, England, for a year, my first thought was: ‘There’s a Cornwall in England?’ At eight years old I don’t think I really understood that I was living in another countr y, I just wondered why my new friends had silly accents. O f the ver y few memorie s I s till rec all from my year in Penzance, Mr s. Whippy is one of them. Never in my life had I imagined that ice cream trucks that played music ac tually exis ted – I thought it was only in the movie s. Looking back, I think my parent s were equally thrilled which is the only explanation why they gave my brother s and I money for a whippy ever y single time. Another memor y from 20 05 was my ver y fir s t ‘C ornish snow day’. T here was enough snow on our front lawn to make a single snowball.

We were used to continuing on with ever yday life in -35º weather with six feet of snow. A ‘snow day’ in C anada had meant a school bus had slid from the ice on the road and ended up in the ditch. I hadn’t been back to Cornwall for nearly ten years when I decided to come back for universit y. Cornwall, Ontario even uses the same coat of arms as Cornwall, England; which just goes to show you how creative and original we are in Canada. C ornwall’s big ge s t claim to fame is that Holly wood ac tor R yan Gosling was born and raised there. And you c an guarantee that ever y single individual you speak to is his second cousin, t wice removed or their friend’s mum used to live acros s from him or that their great aunt used to babysit him on weekends.


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8/11/2015 3:35:47 PM

De spite being the teenage pregnancy c apit al of Ont ario, C ornwall has a gorgeous river front that nex t to no one in the communit y pays any at tention to. T he goose -poop filled ‘beache s’ or the light coloured dir t placed in front of the brown water s of the St. L awrence River do not compare to the s tunning golden beache s with winding coas t al paths of C ornwall, England.

T he Seaway International Bridge has ac ted as the symbol of C ornwall since 19 62 and only jus t closed in 2014, so the infamous symbol of C ornwall is not even available to see anymore. T he cit y father s are tearing it down af ter they realised they didn’t need it anymore.

Mos t people from C anada c an hardly believe that England even has beache s.

One thing I will never under s t and about C ornish people, or English people for that mat ter, is queuing.

"THERES A CORNWALL IN ENGLAND?" Much like Cornwall England, it’s definitely useful if you own a car if you wish to do some sightseeing. Although you won’t need to worr y about winding and narrow hedgerow roads, the roads in C ornwall Ont ario are wide open and flat ever y where you go. C ornwall’s well-known landmark is the Seaway International Bridge, which is a bridge from C ornwall to C ornwall Island. From C ornwall Island, another bridge leads to New York St ate; so smug gling – mainly cigaret te s and alcohol as they are cheaper in the St ate s – is a common pas time in C ornwall. Some traditions live on.

A smaller bridge has been built ins tead and doe s the job quite nicely, thank you.

I used to c atch the U1 from Truro to Falmouth and the senior citizens of C ornwall never failed to snake around in single file in front of the bus s top, waiting. If you tried such queuing in C ornwall, Ont ario you’d soon find a gang of wannabe gangs ter s and their teen mom girlfriends pushing and shoving each other to squeeze to the front of the line. I sometime s que s tion my decision to move back to C ornwall for univer sit y when people ask me things like ‘ What par t of Americ a are ya from den aye?’ But then I remember the countle s s s andy beache s, the c as tle s, the C ornish cider, the pas tie s, the snow-le s s winter s, the ever-amusing C ornish accent and the abilit y to order chee sy chips and a cup of tea vir tually any where you happen to find your self.


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8/11/2015 3:37:22 PM

WATCH C ornwall has been a de s tination for film maker s pret t y much since the medium was invented. A quick search on the internet reveals one of the fir s t movie s made in the count y was a document ar y c alled ‘ Wreck of the S S Paris’ in 189 9. Since then lot s of direc tor s have used C ornwall’s s tunning coas tline, the rug ged moor s and it s his toric buildings to tell their myriad of s torie s. BBC’s popular Poldark serie s has been the mos t recent show to bring C ornwall’s delight s to the small screen and, as we learn later, top Holly wood direc tor T im Bur ton was here earlier this year for his late s t projec t. In this sec tion we look at the C ornwall Film Fe s tival and t ake a behind-the - scene s look at being an ex tra in a T im Bur ton movie. And we chat to C ornishman Josh Bamford, of Nex t Door Films, who s tudied media in Truro, before heading for the big cit y and a burgeoning reput ation as a film -maker.


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Film festival There’s plent y of homegrown talent in Cornwall already plying their trade and many of them have learned their craf t at Falmouth Univer sit y in their leading degree cour se. One of the be s t showc ase s for their t alent s is the C ornwall Film Fe s tival which is held in November. Fir s t set up in 20 02 to showc ase loc al t alent it has s teadily grown to include a range of skills work shops, educ ational event s and profe s sional development oppor tunitie s and, in 20 0 8, bec ame a regis tered charit y. We speak to fe s tival direc tor Louise Fox, in an exclusive inter view, about the event and what she love s about the movie s. Some of the film maker s they have featured, and who may feature this year, are not household name s yet this space.


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AN WITH FILM STUDENT BEN EDWARD J. WARD SAT DOWN WITH LOUISE FOX, WHO TOOK OVER AS DIREC TOR OF CORNWALL FILM FESTIVAL L AST YE AR, TO GE T AN INSIGHT OF WHAT CFF IS ABOUT, THE NUTS AND BOLTS OF WORKING WITHIN THE FILM INDUSTRY AND WHAT SHE LOOKS FOR IN A FILM. Why was Cornwall Film Festival created? It started with a group of enthusiastic film makers 13 years ago to give the films that don’t really have exposure down here. It’s grown and developed each year it’s gone by and we’ve held it in different cinema’s across the county. The festival is set around the Merlin cinema but not WTW cinema. Why? There are two different cinema companies in Cornwall. WTW cinema is quite private and wanted the festival spread bigger but we couldn’t handle that nor did we want to so we joined Merlin. How has Mark Kermode helped the festival? And why no Simon Mayo? We call (Mark) a “festival friend” because it gives the festival more exposure to the public. He did an interview about the festival two years ago and he brought his band down to play his silent music. We don’t know why Simon Mayo hasn’t come down, we should try him, get BBC Radio Two down here. Off the top of your head, what is your favourite student film? Last year we had a film called ‘Process’ that was done in Plymouth university. It was very grainy, film noir. It was more of the genre of a music video. Four minutes long but I really enjoyed it.

When was the student films first introduced? Screen action is the programme we run in further education that started in 2005. As part of the competition, we always have a student entry and judge the top three. What we look for in student films is not the best looking because we understand about budget constraints, we’re looking for a really strong story. If it’s a drama, make it a good drama, if it’s a concept piece, make it unique. We don’t care about films we’ve seen 100 times, we like something original, even if it’s crazy and out the box. Lots of people say concept films are made up and they try to put a story behind it. Do you believe that? I think that we can pick up a film that is trying to wing it a mile away.It’s really good to understand the history behind it. A lot of students try to claim it as their own when we know were it came from, we show them up in public. Do you prefer watching films in the cinema or on the computer? The cinema absolutely, There’s nothing that beats the feeling of going to the cinema with your friends or loved ones, sitting in front of a huge screen with the surround system everywhere and eating your popcorn with the friends. It’s an experience you can’t do on the laptop.


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A lot of production companies are now coming down to Cornwall to shoot films. Could this get bigger in the future? Yeah, I always thought Cornwall had beautiful scenery. I’m not surprised they come down here. We all like to see more companies come down to Cornwall but it’s very expensive to work here in terms of getting crew down here. Poldark for example had their crew come from Bristol to work here, so its quite tough but its worth it. Why does WTW cinemas only show big Hollywood films and not enough independent films? Because the film industry is mainly supported by huge companies who swamp the market but we at BFI try to balance the film world. What’s your favourite movie? It’s very hard to choose a favourite but my favourite film of last year was ‘Girlhood’ which is about a gang of girls on the mean streets in France, directed by Céline Sciamma. It has the most amazing soundtrack. If you’re interested in film making, you should watch it.

Tell us about the autism friendly screening? Well we try to make the environment seem as friendly as possible. We keep the lights on, turn the volume down and have the seating arranged so they can get out easier if they need to. The first film we’re showing is Minions. Where do you see Cornwall Film Festival going in the future? Well were just on the verge to launching ‘BEACON’ which is our educational programme. We also started pop-up cinemas for fans to watch classic films, like last year we showed Jaws, which still scared everyone there. And we’ve also started a mentoring programme to help people to get jobs in the film industry to those who are about to be made redundant and to young people who are just starting. It isn’t just based on Cornwall Film Festival, it’s also other Cornish-based programmess, like Volunteer Cornwall.


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Lights! Camera! FILM STUDENT BEN EDWARD J. WARD DISCOVERS BEING A MOVIE EXTRA INVOLVES A LOT OF WAITING AROUND DOING NOTHING. HERE HE DESCRIBES HIS FIRST EXPERIENCE ON A HOLLYWOOD SET IN TIM BURTON’S LATEST MOVIES MISS PEREGRINE’S HOME FOR PECULIAR CHILDREN. THE FILM ‘MISS PEREGRINE’S HOME FOR PECULIAR CHILDREN.’ IS SET FOR RELEASE EARLY NEXT YEAR. Day 1: I was contacted to be at the set at 6am sharp and, as a teenage boy who spends half his life staying up till 2am and waking up at 10am, this felt like an impossible task but I was determined to get past the bed comfort and my cranky attitude to arrive on the set on time. The location was somewhere in the middle of the Roseland. In other words, I had no idea where it was. I had doubts I would find it but I did. Or, at least, I found the base where the extras get their breakfast and costumes. It took up an entire field. Amazing. Two hours later: we were gathered into a mini-bus and driven to the location, a tiny hamlet next to the beach. We walked past this cemetery with tombstones and torn-down statues which we thought looked real but a crew member told us was fake. I couldn’t believe it. We were told that we would be staying in one room while we were not wanted. It was, like, there’s 20 of us staying in this one room which wasn’t comfortable. It was at that point I learnt that “we’re gonna be stuck in here for a long time” so we kind of had to get used to it. We passed the time by chatting and throwing a tennis ball back and forth and

playing a board game we found in a cupboard. To my surprise, we actually had a very nice lunch, like restaurant quality food, for free and even got chocolate cake and whenever you get a cake for free it’s always perfect. Six hours later: The assistant director (AD) walked up to us and said “you’re done for the day”. So, eight hours of nothing. While some extras say “at least we’re getting paid to do nothing” well, good for them, but I’m the type of person who actually wants to do things and if we don’t get it done, I feel very let down so I was hoping for better tomorrow. Day 2: Same time, same place, same miserable weather; cold winds and rain which wouldn’t bother me if they had given me some warmer clothing to wear. Today was a bit different because filming took place out at sea with the actors on a boat arriving on shore.They filmed a long shot of us with this huge jib camera on a separate boat. I was on the bench with two girls and two of the actors in the film. One of them, Justin Davis, starred in the show “Stella” which was really awkward because none of us had actually watched the show. While they were filming, I chatted to Justin and learned a little more about the film like the plot, its name and who’s starring in it.


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Among the cast were Chris O’Dowd, from The IT Crowd, and Asa Butterfield, from Hugo, and I also learnt that Tim Burton is directing this film. (TIM BURTON is here in Cornwall making a movie and this little Cornish native is working in this film – my dreams have come true. I can say he is a very calm director, quite relaxed while working which I like in directors, the ones who don’t take everything seriously.) After those shots were done, the AD told us to head back to the base to await further instructions. It was after a nice pork chop coated in gravy that they told us they were not going to use us again for the day. Now that wouldn’t bother me but it’s the fact that they left us at the base and told us not to leave and at 3 o’clock they finally told us that we can go home. Finally. Day 3: After two whole days of doing nothing, we would finally be in a scene. All I can say is it was totally worth the wait. Without giving away too much, the scene plays out with Chris and Asa approaching us seven friends (five extras and the two actors) and asking us if we’re willing to take them to the other side of the island for a fiver and Justin takes the money and shows them the way. That’s it and that one scene took three hours to shoot but that didn’t bother me at all because we were finally doing something. After we finished we chatted to Asa – which was really cool – and he told us that we were nice people and that made my day.The only thing that ruined it was that they served lasagne for lunch which I absolutely despise. Day 4: The final day for us and this time it was different. Instead of being in the hamlet, we filmed on Caerhays beach on the hottest day of them all and that’s the one day the costume department gave me multiple layers of clothes to wear which sucked. The shots were filmed on the top and at the bottom of the cliffs and again without giving away too much,

we had to look at a dead body. I kept thinking “what kind of family film is this?” but then I remembered this was a Tim Burton film. The scene required us to look scared and frightened so I interpreted that as act how I would normally so I kind of fidgeted but after the first take, the AD came up to me and said stop doing that, just stand still and do nothing. So, basically, I got told off for acting.After that scene was finished with some good acting from Chris O’Dowd we sat on the beach waiting for our next scene and passed the time by playing Cards Against Humanity that I had managed to sneak on the set, a game which, I should state, for the record, is pure evil. Next we moved onto the cliffs waiting for our next shot but it never came so we lay on the grass while the main actors got their own personally branded water bottle and a tent. Thankfully the AD spotted that we were boiling so she gave us a spare tent. The funniest thing that happened that day was one of the girl extras hitting on Asa and maybe he was cool with it but it was cringeworthy from our point of view and especially cringy was when she yelled “ADD ME!!”. Awkward. At 2pm, they gave us a ride back to the base and told us that we were finished.I couldn’t believe it, we had finished and it was actually over, so we said our goodbyes and headed home. To summarise: It was fun. Painful, but fun. It was an experience to see the inner workings of making a movie, especially the treatment the actors received.Now there were a lot of things that I really didn’t like (like getting up at 5am) but that was outweighed by the things I did like. For me the days felt like a never-ending walk but the other extras really helped to turn the boring times into fun times. While it was painful, I can’t wait to do it again.


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what's next for next Door films? " AlwAys keep your eArs to the ground for A greAt story, open eArs And An open mind is key with documentAry.


To sTare blankly aT a T V screen is a modern day curse, hours seemingly gobbled up by The goggle box, which could haVe been spenT acTiVely sTudying or working, righT? buT…..whaT if you see iT differenTly? T V as a creaTiVe medium? a medium, which expresses emoTion, informs opinion and proVokes discussion righT There in fronT of you? well one man who does see iT ThaT way is Josh bamford. a TalenTed cornish film maker, Josh has some big crediTs under his belT, ToasT goT To ask whaT’s nexT for nexT door films?


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interview with Josh bamford – Next Door Films

Where did you study ? I s tudied at Truro College, which was such a good experience for me. I really loved the lec turer s they were so encouraging and so suppor tive of all of us. They saw potential in me and really pushed me to take film seriously as a c areer.

What did you study ? I s tudied a BTEC national diploma in media par tly bec ause they s aid there would be no exams and I wasn’t hugely ac ademic! I jus t liked making s tuf f and being creative and re sponded bet ter to prac tic al teaching. T he cour se is ver y wide ranging so we got to play with lot s of dif ferent mediums, radio, graphic de sign, script writing for ins t ance, as well as the film making.

What or Who is the bigge s t influence on your career? Ever y year I tr y to at tend Shef field Document ar y Fe s tival. A s the big ge s t document ar y fe s tival in Europe it is where some of the be s t films and direc tor s show their amazing films. T here is no single source of inspiration for me but that fe s tival, it ’s screenings, work shops and Q & A s always leave s me invigorated and proud that I chose the path of document ar y film. Meeting other filmmaker s who have lived the se rich live s full of adventure is pret t y inspiring as well.

I’m from Kernow! Truro and St Aus tell were the t wo close s t college s to me, I decided on Truro. So glad I did, as Truro is a great place to learn.

Without wanting to sound too chee sy I would also add that the people who we make films about c an be really inspiring. Making document arie s t ake s you place s you never would have other wise been and you really delve into people’s live s and gain new per spec tive s about your own life. For me document ar y is a conduit, a way for me learn about the world and share those experience s with other people.

career highlight so far?

future pl ans?

Wh y did you choose to study in cornWall?

T here has been lot s of highlight s in lot s of dif ferent ways but the single mos t enjoyable moment was when we won be s t s tudent film at the Shef field Document ar y Fe s tival. It really made us decide that we had something good going and we really should be doing this as a c areer. Now I run my own produc tion company c alled Nex t Door Films with my co direc tor Sebas tian Feehan. Since we s t ar ted the busine s s we have worked with Channel 4, Jamie Oliver and a number of large brands such as Microsof t, Redbull and A sda.

What have you alWays dreamed of filming but have not yet got round to? Our dream is to shoot a feature document ar y. Right from the s t ar t our aim has always been to create a film for cinema release. If we could combine a great s tor y that ’s wor thy of a 1 hour 30 minute comment ar y, with a socially conscious me s s age that make s a dif ference in the world, I think we would be ver y happy. I’m so inspired by direc tor s who make bold films about subjec t s like climate change or social jus tice and I would love to be a par t of that kind of movement of filmmaker s. I would also love to make a film about war journalis t s /photographer s; I think they are incredible people.

The plan is to hopefully get a Fir s t Cut with Channel 4 in the nex t year. Fir s t Cut is a series of commis sioned films where up and coming direc tor s are awarded the oppor tunit y to make 1 hour long programmes on mains tream T V. We have had lot s of interes t from the commis sioner s recently so we jus t need to find that killer s tor y which is always the hardes t par t of our work .

favourite pl ace or thing to do in cornWall and Wh y? Sur fing C ornish wave s and eating pas tie s are my t wo favourite thing s.

cr a zie st student moment ? Our college media trip to C zech Republic was pret t y wild. We didn’t do much learning but we did manage to break the ceiling in the corridor playing football and accidently snapped a bed in half play fighting unbeknowns t to our poor lec turer s.

your best piece of advice to budding film makers in one sentence? Always keep your ear s to the ground for a great s tor y, open ear s and an open mind is key with document ar y.


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“W hether it’s peaked caps, Rasta hats or bobbly beanies, for some a piece of headgear is essential and they wouldn’t be seen dead without one. However, where do you go when the occasion demands more than a cosy ‘ole faithful?W ell Holly Young, a talented Cornish milliner has all the answers..”

WHERE DID YOU STUDY ? I s tudied at Truro C ollege, gaining a National Diploma in Ar t and De sign. I then travelled to London C ollege of Fashion and completed a degree in cos tume de sign for film and theatre. Back then the relevant degree cour se s didn’t exis t in C ornwall, so I didn’t really have a choice but I wanted to live in London any way. C ornwall is so luck y now to have such great place s to s tudy. I recently s t ar ted a programme of gue s t lec ture s at Falmouth Univer sit y with their tex tile s tudent s. It was great to see such t alent being kept in the count y.

YOU S TUDIED COS TUME DE SIGN, WHICH IS A TALENT IN IT SELF, HOW DID YOU END UP MAKING HAT S? During univer sit y I worked for the English National Opera’s millenar y depar tment. It was incredible. We were tasked with creating fantas tic al ex travagant hat s and masks; the s tunning designs jus t blew me away. I was sold on the theatric s of millenar y and wanted to bring some of that drama to the ever y day, making hat s that people would feel amazing wearing.

YOUR PIECES COULD BE CALLED TIMELESS, AS RELEVANT AND WEARABLE IN TEN YEARS AS THEY ARE TODAY. IS THIS SOMETHING YOU STRIVE TO ACHIEVE? Mos t definitely. T he fas t fashion of high s treet s tore s is not for me. A s an independent de signer it is impos sible to keep up with the like s of Nex t and New Look, so I don’t even tr y. I prefer to be original, be spoke and unique, my hat s may cos t more but they will cer t ainly las t longer. I love that any lady wearing one of my de signs will never see another, no embarras sing par t y moment s for them!


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Absolutely. Ever y hat or fascinator is de signed and made from scratch using only British supplier s by either myself or my employee Lydia. Ever y thing is hand s titched using couture methods I learnt in London...

I would s ay the theatre is definitely a mas sive influence on my de signs.I worked for many year s behind the scene s in theatre s and I s till look to the s t age for inspiration. I learnt that for a cos tume to s t and out on s t age it has to be big ger than life, sculptural, I tr y and incorporate that in my de signs while maint aining elegance and sophis tic ation for the wearer.

IT IS OF TEN SAID THAT YOU CANNOT BE SUCCE S SFUL IN FASHION IN CORNWALL , DO YOU THINK THIS IS TRUE? Maybe ten year s ago, but not now. I moved back to C ornwall bec ause for me C ornwall will always be home. I got tired of the London life and wanted to be me again. C ornwall now benefit s from high speed broad band and an airpor t. I c an live and work here and travel to London when nece s s ar y (I s till love visiting ), to at tend trade shows for example. I believe busine s s in C ornwall is heading in the right direc tion, the internet has brought the world to us, so we c an have the be s t of both worlds.

YOUR DE SIGNS ARE HUGELY VARIED AND OF TEN CUS TOMISED TO A CUS TOMER’S SPECIFICATION, BUT WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE DE SIGN AND WH Y? I have always been a hands -on person, be it with art, design, painting or sculpting and the pieces I love most are those that are artistic and ‘me’ - unusual shapes and considered colour combinations, oh and feathers! I love feathers! Everything is better with feathers. My favourite pieces are my feather tiaras and sculpted headpieces.


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Where did you study? All over the place! I s t ar ted at C amborne C ollege, then s tudied towards but didn’t fully complete a BA in fine ar t illus tration at Falmouth Univer sit y. I finally decided jeweller y was my pas sion. I took on the challenge of learning a new craf t and completed a BA honour s degree in silver- smithing and jeweller y in 20 0 9. Back then it was a new cour se and Truro had only jus t s t ar ted of fering degree level cour se s, but it was great and I haven’t looked back since. During the course, she won the Goldsmiths Company Precious Metal Bursary award for her designs. Why did you choose to s tudy in C ornwall? I am from Cumbria originally and love being close to nature, be it the L ake s or the se a. I feel I have moved from one be autiful place to another. I love living in C ornwall and moving away to s tudy was never an option. When I go to tr ade shows, no one has he ard of Truro C ollege, I like that, it ’s dif ferent and shows you do not have to follow the crowd to the big univer sitie s to be succe s s ful. What inspires your unique creat ions? My s tronge s t influence is definitely nature. Plant life, with all it s tiny intric acie s, is jus t so be autiful. I c an’t re sis t the challenge of tr ying to recre ate them. w w w.v wjeweller

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Career highlight? It has to be travelling to a large jewellery fair being surrounded by hundreds of talented artists and finding someone who is blown away by my work. I have been offered jobs with top jewellers so many times, but I always turn them down, the hectic London life is not for me. Future plans? To work hard at my busine s s here in C ornwall, making beautiful jeweller y. It isn’t easy making a busine s s that is financially viable but it is something I am working hard to achieve. Making jeweller y is now my full time occupation and I want it to s t ay that way. Your work is unique, how do you go about creating it? I like to release a new piece ever y year. E ach one t ake s months of thinking, planning and sketching. I draw each piece many time s before set tling on the final de sign. A s far as the making of them? Well that ’s a closely guarded secret!

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8/12/2015 10:17:58 AM

SCHEDULE Draw up a cleaning schedule to divide chore s equally with no quibble s Let tings specialis t s DIGs find houses for s tudent s acros s Falmouth and Penr yn. Here, they share their top tips for house sharing…

HOUSE RULES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

If you open it, close it If you turn it on, turn it off If you unlock it, lock it If you break it, fix it If you can’t fix it, call someone who can If you borrow it, return it If you use it, take care of it If you make a mess, clean it up If you move it, put it back If it belongs to someone else and you want to use it, get permission 11. If you don’t know how to operate it, leave it alone 12. If it doesn’t concern you, don’t mess wit h it

BILLS BILLS BILLS Keep a ‘bills’ jar which you all contribute to monthly to cover shared expense s, like utilitie s, detergent s, etc GET FRESH Make it a habit of opening windows and airing the house and bedrooms in order to avoid mould grow th and funk y smells AIR HEAD Step away from the computer, enjoy the many beautiful and idyllic coas t al walk s and ac tivitie s around Falmouth. Clear your mind, move your body, improve your mood. HAVE FUN Enjoy s tudent discount s in loc al s tore s & c afe s and lively s tudent night s out. Turn housemate s into lifelong friends, be s afe, have fun!!


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8/12/2015 10:20:19 AM

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