Volume: 22 21 No: 51 SEPT/OCT JAN/FEB 2013 2014
Science & Research Research
PG 14
Photo Source: Amplitude Systemes - Ultrafast Laser Material Processing of Semiconductor Wafers
Laser Institute of America, America isthe the international society dedicated to fostering lasers, laser applications and laser safety worldwide.
13501 Ingenuity Drive, Suite 128 Orlando, FL 32826 Phone: +1.407.380.1553
iewed Peer rev PaPerS!
CALL FOR PAPERS Sheraton® Atlanta Hotel • Atlanta, GA USA
October 18–22, 2015 ICALEO® brings together the leaders and experts in the field of laser material interaction, providing the world’s premier platform for sharing new ideas and discovering breakthrough solutions. Focus: Laser Materials Processing, Laser Microprocessing, Laser Nanomanufacturing, Laser Applications, Laser Systems, Direct Diode Processing, Ultrafast Laser Processes and more.
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Peer revieWed PaPers! Submitters can select the option to have their technical paper reviewed by a blind peer review process. The peer review panel will look for quality of the research, relevance, and significance of the findings. These papers will be identified as such in the ICALEO® 2015 Congress Proceedings and will comprise a special issue of Journal of Laser Applications (JLA).
About ICALEO® The International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO®) has a 33 year history as the conference where researchers and end-users meet to review the state-of-the-art in laser materials processing, laser microprocessing, and nanomanufacturing as well as predict where the future will lead. From its inception, ICALEO has been devoted to the field of laser materials processing at macro, micro, and nanoscales and is viewed as the premier source of technical information in the field. Each year ICALEO features areas of topical interest. This year’s featured sessions include diode lasers for processing and pumping, laser process monitoring and control, laser processing of biological materials, lasers in nanotechnology and environmental technology, laser hybrid processing, laser manufacturing for alternative energy sources and laser business development. 2
FEATURES ICALEO 2014: The Premier Conference for World-Class Laser Research
Dicing of Thin Si Wafers with a Picosecond Laser Ablation Process
Introduction to Laser Micromanufacturing
LME 2014 Showcases Global Opportunities for Laser Manufacturing Processes
Corporate Member Profile: GE Global Research
2014 LIA OFFICERS President – Yongfeng Lu University of Nebraska – Lincoln
President-Elect – Robert Thomas USAF Research Laboratory
Calendar of Events
Executive Director’s Message
President’s Message
Members in Motion
Member Innovations
New Corporate Members
BLS Update
Laser Insights
JLA Editor’s Pick
LIA Announces
Editor-in-Chief – Peter Baker
Past President – Klaus Löffler TRUMPF Laser & Systems GmbH Secretary – Lin Li The University of Manchester Treasurer – Stephen Capp Laserage Technology Corporation
Managing Editor – Michelle Williams
Contributing Editor – Geoff Giordano
Aerotech, Inc.
ANSI Z136.1
ANSI Z136.2
Publisher – Jim Naugle
ANSI Z136.8
Advertising Sales – Andrew Morrison
Board of Laser Safety
ILSC 2015
IPG Photonics Corporation
Kentek Corporation LAM 2015
Laservision USA
13 9
LIA’s Medical LSO Online Training
LME 2015
PennWell (ILS)
PhotoMachining, Inc.
Photonics Media
SPI Lasers TRUMPF, Inc.
BUSINESS STAFF If you are interested in advertising space in this newsletter or a subscription, call +1.407.380.1553/1.800.34.LASER or email
LIA’s Laser Safety Officer for R&D Training
Copy Editor – Barbara Sams
8 8, 31
Laser Institute of America (LIA) is the professional society for laser applications and safety. Our mission is to foster lasers, laser applications and laser safety worldwide. We believe in the importance of sharing new ideas about lasers. In fact, laser pioneers such as Dr. Arthur Schawlow and Dr. Theodore H. Maiman were among LIA’s original founders who set the stage for our enduring mission to promote laser applications and their safe use through education, training and symposia. LIA was formed in 1968 by people who represented the heart of the profession – a group of academic scientists, developers and engineers who were truly passionate about taking an emerging new laser technology and turning it into a viable industry. Whether you are new to the world of lasers or an experienced laser professional, LIA is for you. We offer a wide array of products, services, education and events to enhance your laser knowledge and expertise. As an individual or corporate member, you will qualify for significant discounts on LIA materials, training courses and the industry’s most popular LIA conferences and workshops. We invite you to become part of the LIA experience – cultivating innovation, ingenuity and inspiration.
LIA TODAY is published bimonthly to educate and inform laser professionals in laser safety and new trends related to laser technology. LIA members receive a free subscription to LIA TODAY and the Journal of Laser Applications® in addition to discounts on all LIA products and services. The editors of LIA TODAY welcome input from readers. Please submit news-related releases, articles of general interest and letters to the editor. Mail us at LIA TODAY, 13501 Ingenuity Drive, Suite 128, Orlando, FL 32826, fax +1.407.380.5588, or send material by email to
CALENDAR OF EVENTS Advanced MLSO Training Nov. 6-9, 2014
Atlanta, GA
*Certified Medical Laser Safety Officer exam offered after the course.
Laser Safety Officer Training Dec. 2-4, 2014
Orlando, FL
Feb. 24-26, 2015
San Diego, CA
Laser Safety Officer with Hazard Analysis* Oct. 20-24, 2014
San Diego, CA
Nov. 3-7, 2014
Dallas, TX
Jan. 26-30, 2015
Orlando, FL
Mar. 9-13, 2015
San Jose, CA
*Certified Laser Safety Officer exam offered after the course.
Medical Laser Safety Officer Training* Oct. 18-19, 2014
San Diego, CA
Nov. 1-2, 2014
Dallas, TX
Jan. 24-25, 2015
Orlando, FL
Mar. 7-8, 2015
San Jose, CA
*Certified Medical Laser Safety Officer exam offered after the course.
International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO®) Oct. 19-23, 2014
San Diego, CA
Laser Additive Manufacturing (LAM®) Workshop Mar. 4-5, 2015
Orlando, FL
International Laser Safety Conference (ILSC®) Mar. 23-26, 2015
Albuquerque, NM
Lasers for Manufacturing Event® (LME®) Sept. 16-17, 2015
Schaumburg, IL
Visit for all course and event listings.
President’s Message
Dear LIA members and LIA TODAY readers, Comfortable time passes quickly. Summer is almost over, and Fall is approaching. When trees turn colorful under a clear sky, it is time for the harvest, time to reap the fruits of the year’s labor. This is also true for people working with lasers. It is time to harvest the fruits of their labor after a year of hard work in research and product development and share their research results at the ICALEO® conference and their products at the LME® exhibition. Certainly, this is also a time to meet our friends, shake hands, exchange friendly greetings, see smiling faces, and share exciting developments in our research and businesses. Year after year, time repeats itself. However, we recognize the fast pace of change at the same time, particularly those of us working in the laser fields. I still remember that twenty years ago, it took millions of dollars to build a lab to work on “microfabrication,” which gave us a resolution of barely a few microns. When I did my graduate study, several people had to share a single argon ion laser, taking turns 24 hours a day. We also needed to warm up the laser before use, wait for the laser to cool down after each use, and adjust the power from time to time. Lasers were “high-end” equipment; expensive, delicate and hard to use. Thanks to the great efforts of engineers and entrepreneurs, revolutionary changes have been achieved in the past two decades. Now, we have fiber lasers with output powers over 10 kW and ultrafast lasers with hundreds of watts. Most lasers are becoming turnkey and can easily be operated by most people with just a short training period. Laser microprocessing, such as wafer dicing, has been transformed from scientific research to industrial solutions.
Executive Director’s Message
By now laser systems can claim to be some of the most reliable and long lived systems employed in manufacturing. Attendees at our annual Lasers for Manufacturing Event® (LME®) were delighted (why not?) by having their laser questions answered and their system options clarified. Exhibitors, as usual, loved the fact that every person coming to their booth was interested in laser systems and components and many profitable leads were generated. This year we supplemented LME with the inaugural Lasers for Manufacturing Summit, both of which are featured on page 16. The Summit gave manufacturing executives a high level briefing on the state of laser manufacturing and access to key industry executives. In this issue, the article by Christian Fornaroli on page 10 brings us very close to the dream of precise Si wafer dicing with a narrow kerf and a high quality edge. Then the always knowledgeable and irrepressible Ron Schaeffer educates us further on microprocessing on page 14. Finally, we look ahead to our 33rd International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO®) where all of these laser manufacturing processes were born and raised. Come and see what is coming next. See you in San Diego!
Peter Baker, Executive Director Laser Institute of America
How will lasers transform over the next two decades? It is a tough question, even for most experienced laser researchers. With my limited knowledge of laser development, I cannot make a good prediction either. I wish the laser industry could follow the evolution of the automotive industry — standardization, cost reduction and mass production. I hope it is not a crazy idea that 20 years from now we will be doing yard work using lasers.
Yongfeng Lu, President Laser Institute of America
ICALEO 2014:
The Premier Conference for World-Class Laser Research
World-Class Research
For the first time, presentations at the Laser Institute of America’s 33rd International Congress on Applications of Lasers & ElectroOptics (ICALEO®) will undergo a peer-review process that will bring even more scholarly rigor to the cutting-edge research presented at the conference. “It’s my second year as general chair, but there have been a few more years of my being a member of the conference chairs,” says returning Congress General Chair Stefan Kaierle of Laser Zentrum Hannover. “The lessons I have learned have grown during that period, and one of my main findings is that we need a good team, composed out of the conference chairs, the advisory committees and the staff from the LIA in order to set up a good conference. Only if we all work closely together with intense information exchange, are we able to find the best solutions for changes to incorporate or just to decide on how successful parts of the conference can be further improved or maintained.” The most significant improvement for the flagship LIA event, to be held Oct. 19-23 in San Diego, CA, is a brainstorm that arose directly from attendee feedback.
As always, ICALEO offers something for everyone at every career stage. “Young career professionals should not miss any parts of the program!” Kaierle urges. “Of course, some topics may not be relevant for everybody, but due to the large number of parallel sessions, there should always be a topic of interest for everybody. And besides the technical sessions, I also highly recommend that attendees participate in the short courses on Sunday, since there will be interesting presentations — especially for newcomers. Last but not least, the social program, which includes the President’s Reception and all the other excellent networking opportunities, should be taken advantage of, since there is always a wonderful forum for getting to know colleagues in the field and starting new collaborations.” Besides the Sunday short courses, overseen by Kerstin Funck of Ruhr University Bochum (Germany), are the traditional education tracks and business forum and panel discussion.
“A big novelty of course is the implementation of peer-reviewed papers in the conference for the first time ever in order to further improve the scientific level of the event,” Kaierle explains. “The idea to introduce peer review of papers arose from the fact that more and more often in recent years I heard from colleagues who did not take their latest research results to ICALEO because they wanted to publish these results first in a peer-reviewed journal. This led me to the idea to introduce that process at ICALEO.” This year, peer review is optional “and all those that ‘survive’ that process will be published in a special edition of the Journal of Laser Applications® (JLA).”
“We’re excited about the number and quality of papers, which is likely driven by the introduction of the peer-review option,” notes Silke Pflueger of DirectPhotonics, chair of the Laser Materials Processing (LMP) Conference. “Aside from driving higher-quality contributions, it also increases the visibility of ICALEO and the LMP. As is the case every year, the majority of contributions are in the area of welding and additive manufacturing — but plenty of other topics have exciting contributions. As in the previous years, the LMP starts Monday afternoon with a subplenary, this year highlighting the use of lasers in energy generation. While this has traditionally meant cladding of machinery used in energy generation, this year’s subplenary puts a new twist on it: How can we use lasers to decommission power plants?”
“Since this peer review of papers is a lot of work, we have motivated all the members of the advisory committees to participate in the evaluation of the papers,” he says. “And since these are all experienced researchers, we are able to maintain a very high quality level. The final decision on acceptance of the papers will be by the conference chairs and the general chair in a final step.” Papers will be reviewed “by at least three people each, so that there is always a broad base for reaching the final decision. Typically a reviewer is allocated three to five papers max.”
Meanwhile, Laser Microprocessing Conference Chair Henrikki Pantsar of Cencorp notes that “areas that have increased the most since last year are laser processing in renewable energy and microelectronics. It will be interesting to see especially the former and the differences in research focus since 2010, when the number of papers in this field sharply declined. I am waiting to see the recent advances in solar cell processing and the impact on efficiency.” This year, “I think that the ability to submit a paper in a peer-review process has attracted more
high-quality papers to the conference. So far I have not seen problems in the peer-review process, which is surprising given that this the first year to do it.”
THE ABILITY TO SUBMIT A PAPER IN A PEERREVIEW PROCESS HAS ATTRACTED MORE HIGHQUALITY PAPERS TO THE CONFERENCE. LIA President Yongfeng Lu of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is once again chair of the Nanomanufacturing Conference. “We have presenters covering different areas of laser nanomaterial applications,” he notes. “These studies present the role of lasers in a variety of advanced applications, including nanoelectronics, photonic crystals, optoelectronics, sensors and plasmonic devices.” The traditional slate of short courses provides a primer on a variety of fronts. “Talks generally provide a great deal of background knowledge for novices as well as experts of other areas,” Funck says. “The selection of topics reflects what I consider to be of particular interest today and what I, as a researcher, experience to have the greatest impact on the development of laser application technology. There are probably very few participants who are actually experts in all the topics covered in this session. It is the diversity of topics that makes this session interesting.” Special Features Always intriguing are ICALEO’s opening and closing plenary sessions; this year’s congress will open with three talks spotlighting ultra high-precision photonic applications and end with a focus on unusual laser applications, including a presentation on the effect of CO2 irradiation on surface and dyeing properties of wool for textile design.
“The plenary sessions have been set up with recommendations from all conference chairs,” Kaierle notes. In the plenary session, we are always looking to feature a variety of topics ranging from nano to macro, while also having internationally top-ranked presenters able to provide us with new insights in different areas of photonics applications. Another highlight of every ICALEO is the presentation of LIA’s Arthur L. Schawlow award, this year being bestowed upon recent LIA Past President Reinhart Poprawe, managing director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (ILT). “It is a great honor to receive this recognition and be associated so directly with the very best in lasers — the Nobel Prize winner and laser inventor Arthur L. Schawlow,” Poprawe says. “Having been caught up in the fascination of lasers in 1976 while visiting the Shiva laser at Lawrence Livermore, I immediately thought, ‘This is wonderful energy; there must be very many more things we can do with that!’ I committed my professional life to the development and application of lasers in university, in industry and at Fraunhofer.” Meanwhile, the annual Business Forum & Panel Discussion, led by immediate LIA Past President Klaus Löffler of TRUMPF, Inc., is titled How to Build a Sustainable Business Based on Your Laser Idea and will feature insights from highly successful laser entrepreneurs who have “survived many downturns” in their careers. These days, Löffler says, “there are more and more new companies starting with short-pulse lasers and ultra-short pulse lasers. But a lot of small companies still start with one laser marking system or a flat-sheet cutting system.” In terms of other opportunities, he says, “there is definitely a way to start with industrial-ready lasers and build special machinery and partner with an OEM laser company. A great opportunity is to start with a laser welding or laser tube-cutting business.” Of course, networking remains a key attraction of ICALEO, which offers numerous opportunities to interact with representatives from sponsor companies like IPG Photonics Corporation, SPI Lasers, TRUMPF, Inc., Coherent, JDSU and Spectra-Physics. Attendees can meet key industry players, LIA officials and peers from all sectors of the laser industry at the Sunday Welcome Celebration, Monday evening President’s Reception, the Tuesday night Vendor Reception, LIA’s morning running club and the Annual Meeting & Awards Luncheon on Wednesday. (Continued on page 8)
“ICALEO has a lot to offer in terms of networking,” Löffler asserts. “You could start early in the morning by attending the running club. Believe me — at the end of the run you have at least 20 new friends from the laser business.” ICALEO ultimately represents the efforts of a well-oiled partnership, notes LIA Executive Director Peter Baker: “Team LIA is everybody… all the staff, all the speakers, all the members, all the board people. The trick is we work together to make something happen that we need.” For more information about ICALEO and to register, visit
Visit us at ICALEO
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Presented by:
Dicing of Thin Si Wafers with a Picosecond Laser Ablation Process BY CHRISTIAN FORNAROLI
Currently, electrical semiconductor components such as LEDs, solar cells or transistors are commonly produced in a batch process. This way, many identical components can be processed in parallel on one big wafer; subsequently, each chip has to be singulated. Mechanical sawing with diamond blades has been used for a long time, but as the wafer material gets thinner and the chip size smaller, this classical process can be replaced by laser-based dicing processes. In particular, the mechanical load and the relatively large kerf width are serious disadvantages of a mechanical dicing process. A reduction of the kerf width leads to a much higher yield of chips per wafer and, therefore, to increasing efficiency and conserving resources at the same time. The experiments were carried out with a Coherent HyperRapid 50 at a wavelength of λ = 532 nm, an average power of up to 22 W @ 400 kHz and pulse duration of τ = 6 ps. In this setup, the laser beam is deflected to the workpiece by a Scanlab IntelliScan 14DE Galvo scanner and focused onto a spot diameter of 14 µm by a 100 mm f-Theta lens. The laser source and the entire beam path are installed in a Kugler MICROGANTRY Nano3x with aerodynamic bearings for highest precision. Different fluence levels were investigated as to the cutting depth attainable. At a pulse repetition frequency of 400 kHz, the scanning speed was set to 2500 mm/s, which means a temporal pulse overlap of 50 percent. Figure 1 shows ablation results for different fluences – 0.75, 5.5 and 10 J/cm² – for up to 1000 repeats. In general it is shown that a sufficient cutting depth of 120 µm cannot be
Figure 1. Progress of the groove depth and width at different fluence levels: dark blue (0.75 J/cm²), light blue (5.5 J/cm²), orange (10 J/cm²)
attained with the low and medium fluence. At a fluence of 0.75 J/cm² the cutting depth amounts to almost 20 µm after 400 repetitions and does not rise significantly during the following 600 repetitions. For an increased fluence level of 5.5 J/cm² or pulse energy of 3.1 µJ, the cutting depth after 1000 repetitions is 105 µm. Although the depth is increased, the progress is again degressive. Even an additional few thousand repetitions will not lead to the desired cutting depth of 120 µm. In contrast, a high fluence level of 10 J/cm² leads to a final groove depth of 135 µm after 1000 passes. The 120 µm are even obtained after 400 repetitions which means an effective cutting speed (scanning speed / number of passes) of 6 mm/s. The groove width also strongly depends on the pulse energy. For low pulse energy, the width amounts to less than 15 µm, or medium and high fluences the groove dimensions increase to 20-25 µm. Altogether the cutting depth development is logarithmically shaped with different saturation levels, dependent on the fluence level. Once the saturation area is reached, the depth no longer increases significantly. It is likely that the subsequent repetitions even cause damage: cracks and melting zones in the chips. Figure 2 shows light microscope pictures of ablation results for the three different fluence levels. After a particular experiment was conducted, the wafer was cleaved perpendicular to the cutting direction, thus exposing the cutting geometry. The groove shapes at different fluence levels differ only marginally. Big differences occur in terms of the depth attained. At a high fluence, micro cracks can be observed at the cutting edges.
Figure 2. Light microscope pictures of ablation results at different fluence levels: dark blue (0.75 J/cm²), light blue (5.5 J/cm²), orange (10 J/cm²)
The observed ablation behavior is affected by a multi-pass ablation strategy using a Gaussian beam profile together with the material properties of silicon or semiconductors in general. In a multi-pass ablation strategy, the beam is guided over the workpiece several times. In every repetition a certain amount of material is removed out of the cutting groove. During the first repetition, the Gaussian beam hits a flat surface perpendicularly. Thus, the complete fluence or intensity of the beam is available for the ablation process. After the first repetition, the irradiated area is no longer planar, and the incoming laser beam is projected to the walls of the cutting kerf. Therefore, the effective beam diameter increases, and the fluence decreases. Figure 3 shows an ablation geometry and the dependency of the projected intensity from the angle of incidence. The occurring critical angle determines the attainable cutting depth in relation to the cutting width, and thus explains the observed dependency of the cutting depth on the fluence. Also, the appearance of a saturation level can be explained, because once the critical angle is reached, almost no ablation takes place inside the cutting groove anymore. The steepest point with the critical angle always occurs in the center, due to the highest fluence at this point. However, thermal effects can change the ablation threshold temporarily and multi-reflexes can change the effective angle of incidence. Therefore, the cutting kerf may not develop absolutely vertically, but can drift to one side (compare Figure 2, middle image).
Figure 3. Explanation of the cutting kerf geometry and the progress of the groove depth due to the Gaussian beam profile
and kerf widths can be reached. According to the experiments, the amount of the groove depth strongly depends on the laser fluence. The depth of the kerf develops logarithmically with a saturation level after a certain depth or number of passes. Afterwards the depth no longer increases. This correlation is the result of a multi-pass ablation strategy with ultra-short pulsed laser radiation, in which a critical angle of incidence limits the attainable cutting geometry and depth. Christian Fornaroli is a research engineer with Fraunhofer ILT.
In conclusion, dicing thin silicon wafers with an ultra-short pulsed laser system has been investigated as to which cutting depths
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Introduction to
Laser Micromanufacturing
Laser micromanufacturing is just like traditional manufacturing except that we use photons (light!) instead of, for instance, drill bits and saw blades. Lasers are used for machining, marking, welding and surface treatment. This article provides a brief summary of how lasers are used in several exemplary situations. In conclusion, a discussion is made concerning the use of Contract Manufacturers with respect to owning in-house laser tools. First though, it is important to define ‘micromanufacturing.’ Our definition of it is that the process involves lasers for material removal, addition or alteration and furthermore, the feature sizes on target are less than 1 mm (and usually much less) and the material thickness is also less than 1 mm (and again, usually much less). Perhaps we should start with the definition of a laser. LASER (Light Amplified Stimulated Emission of Radiation) light has some unique properties that make it attractive for machining purposes. So, why use lasers for materials processing? First, they are non-contact meaning that there is less chance of damage to the part and no tool wear. Second, they can be very selective in the material removal or joining process. By choosing the right laser wavelength and energy density on target, we can, in many cases, remove one material selectively over another or weld dissimilar materials. A third reason is that lasers can be very flexible. We frequently encounter situations where high volume manufacturing of a part might be more affordable using custom, hard tooling, but this is very expensive and cannot usually be done for prototypes. Lasers make exceptional prototyping devices because of this flexibility. Finally, they can frequently replace other technologies that have their own inherent disadvantages. Because lasers are available from the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum through the ultraviolet, we have a lot of choices concerning just which laser to use. In general, IR lasers (like CO2 and Nd:YAG for instance) are infrared lasers and the material removal is by a first order thermal mechanism. UV lasers on the other hand can, in principle, have enough photon energy to break chemical bonds without heating the material and the first order removal mechanism is via a non-thermal or ‘cold’ process. Even for UV lasers though, longer pulse lengths can increase the thermal component of the laser processing, so for material removal we typically like to work with the shortest pulses possible, given cost and reliability requirements. As a general statement, pulse lengths over 1 ns (10-9 seconds) show thermal side effects and pulse lengths below 1 ns may not,
depending on the material, etc. In any case, the key to clean and low taper processing seems to be Peak Power Intensity. High PPI is achieved by any combination of short pulse length, high energy per pulse and focusing to a small spot size. Fortunately, new lasers have been commercialized over the past few years which now allow us to go down into the picosecond (10-12 seconds) and even femtosecond (10-15 seconds) pulse length regime, which turns out to be extremely valuable for micromachining applications especially. For joining and deposition, longer wavelengths and longer pulse lengths (or cw = continuous wave) are used since the purpose is to precisely deliver heat to a certain point. Longer wavelength lasers inherently introduce heat into the system by exciting the vibration-rotation bonds. Figure 1 shows a graph depicting laser wavelength plotted against pulse length. It can be seen that in the upper right hand corner the IR lasers with long pulse lengths are used for joining applications, while machining is carried out in most other quadrants. There are no big manufacturing applications currently for UV lasers with long pulse or CW output.
Welding CW or Long Pulse Purely Thermal Input
Pulse Duration
Micromachining - Ablation -<30ns, typically UV -5-10 ps, greater range of materials -fs less than the thermal diffusion timescale
Wavelength Figure 1. Laser Pulse Duration vs Wavelength
The most important thing in material removal applications is that there is strong absorption of the incident photons – at least 50 percent absorption is needed and the closer to 100 percent the better. Absorption depth is a function of the material, the incident energy density and also the laser wavelength – as a
general rule, UV photons are absorbed within fractions of microns of the material surface whereas IR photons have a penetration depth on the order of 10’s of microns or more per pulse. All other things being equal, this means that UV photons are capable of higher precision and controlled ablation, but are slower than IR lasers. Figure 2 shows a representative plot of Etch rate (microns per pulse) vs. Fluence (J/cm2). Fluences below the ablation threshold show no material removal at all. Above the ablation threshold there is material removal, the rate of which increases until some point at which the curve plateaus. In general, a ‘good working area’ is on the flat part of the curve where small changes in laser output do not significantly affect per pulse material removal rates. Going higher on the curve gives no payback in removal rate, so it is generally not a good idea to do so unless other factors are involved. Note also that other factors, such as taper and HAZ (Heat Affected Zone) may also be affected by the energy density on target. It should also be noted that this absorption is intensified using shorter pulse length lasers because of non-linear effects, which in principle make an otherwise ‘transparent’ material, opaque.
some companies provide both services and systems. Contract manufacturers are an ideal resource for small runs and prototypes and can, in some cases, be more cost effective even in high volume manufacturing than large companies because of lower overhead. There is no need for a large capital expense, no equipment to maintain, and no need to hire specialized laser operators and engineers. Typically there is some recurring set up cost incurred whenever a particular job is run and there may be NRE (non-recurring engineering) if special tooling is needed. Piece pricing is dictated by the laser, complexity, number of parts per run, handling and shipping requirements. Hourly rates vary from about $100 per hour for marking jobs to $500 per hour for high power femtosecond lasers or other more ‘exotic’ laser choices. In-house systems minimize or eliminate shipping and handling issues, can be more cost effective long term, and allow onsite QC and retention of process control. This is accompanied by a large capital expense and the need to make sure that appropriate facilities and personnel are available so that the laser system works in the best manner possible. Typical system costs are shown in Table 1 and include the laser, beam delivery components, motion control elements, vision, facilities, safety/ interlocks, shipping, training and documentation. A small IR marker with simple galvo and enclosure can sell for as little as $20,000 while a USP laser machining system, or a deposition system, can go for over $1,000,000. Laser Marker
$20,000 - $70,000
Laser Micromachining (IR)
$200,000 - $400,000
Laser Micromachining (UV/USP)
$400,000 - $600,000
Laser Additive Manufacturing
$400,000 - $1,000,000
Laser Welder
$70,000 - $200,000
Table 1. Typical Laser System Costs Figure 2. Etch Rate vs Fluence
Because of the wide range of available candidate lasers with differing pulse lengths, wavelengths and power outputs, almost any material can be a candidate for laser materials processing as long as the thickness and absorption are within the boundary conditions set previously. In addition, these laser tools are used in a variety of markets including medical devices (usually disposable), microelectronics, aerospace/defense, semiconductors and alternative energy. There are many laser contract manufacturers possessing the equipment and expertise to do precision laser manufacturing, just as there are a number of systems integrators that will build a laser system for in-house production environments –
In summary, lasers provide valuable and unique opportunities for high precision materials processing. Lasers however are just ‘fancy light bulbs’ and they need the addition of a variety of other hardware and the underlying expertise in order to make them suitable for manufacturing environments. Systems integrators can provide in-house laser solutions while contract manufacturers provide a valuable resource for prototyping, R&D and even high volume production. As parts continue to get smaller, lasers will continue to play an ever increasing role in the manufacturing of next generation products and devices. Ronald D. Schaeffer, Ph.D. is CEO and co-founder of PhotoMachining, Inc.
LME 2014
Showcases Global Opportunities for Laser Manufacturing Processes BY GEOFF GIORDANO
Sapphire cutting for electronic displays, laser marking and processes related to retrieving and transporting oil, were among the leading applications spotlighted at LIA’s fourth Lasers for Manufacturing Event® (LME®) on Sept. 23-24 at the Schaumburg (IL) Convention Center. Attendees packed 101-level courses on laser types, laser welding, cost advantages of lasers and laser safety, as well as four keynote addresses at the Laser Technology Showcase Theater in the exhibit hall. Nine working laser systems added to the attraction, as did a new tour of exhibits by Ask the Experts booth chair Rob Mueller. This year, LIA’s first Lasers for Manufacturing Summit, the day before LME, painted a broader picture of global opportunities for laser processes. In addition to providing vital statistics on established and often-disappointing emerging markets, the summit offered a fast-paced panel discussion and spirited question-and-answer period providing the kind of insider perspective attendees craved. Five expert panelists tackled questions about the future of feedback control in micromachining, diode lasers directly coupled to fibers, technology that might replace solid-state fiber lasers, and what will become of CO2 lasers. Another summit Q&A topic was the shortage of skilled labor to tackle 21st century manufacturing demands. Workforcebuilding efforts to increase the talent pool of laser technicians and process engineers were discussed, including programs at OP-TEC in Texas, LASER-TEC in Florida and the new Midwest Photonics Education Center at Indian Hills Community College in Ottumwa, IA. Exhibitors displayed products ranging from new lasers to eye protection. Newcomer Gravotech of Duluth, GA, brought CO2 and fiber gantry lasers, a 50 W galvo-steered fiber laser and a 3 W green laser. “The people we have talked to have had real interest in projects,” said Andrew Wellons, manager of industrial sales for Gravotech. “Obviously (LME) is laser-focused, so expect to be talking to people who are very well-versed in and focused on lasers.” All
the lasers they brought are for marking — an area of opportunity frequently addressed at LME. “There was some downturn a few years back, but it’s been coming on pretty strong. (There are) a lot of new competitors… a lot of very small companies.” Coherent noted via Facebook that they brought “our nextgeneration picosecond laser, our new CO2 laser platform, and our direct diode laser series.” During Coherent’s Showcase Theater presentation, strategic marketing director Magnus Bengtsson discussed the company’s revamped midpower (150 to 400 W) CO2 line and noted that CO2 lasers “continue to be workhorses, and there’s definitely innovation still to be made.” During the summit Q&A, panelist Stan Ream noted that when he joined EWI, they still had a 6 kW CO2 laser: “It didn’t get much work, so we sold it — and now I wish I had it back. There are things you can do with that wavelength that are just better than you can do with some of the shorter wavelengths,” for example with polymers and other nonmetals. In terms of process monitoring and product tracking, several new or recently introduced devices drew attention. First-time exhibitor Innovar Systems Limited of North Jackson, OH, showcased its new Enforcer Total Traceability Controller, while Germany’s Precitec unveiled its In-Process Depth Meter and Macken Instruments of Santa Rosa, CA, showed an upgraded product to monitor beam shape. Making Sense of Markets In opening the summit, LIA Executive Director Peter Baker noted that it was conceived to give executives “a perspective on the world of lasers in manufacturing, to show you the market, the players, the technology and the opportunity.” Kickoff speaker Mark Douglass of Longbow Research illustrated a challenging world economy in which the US remains “the best house in a lousy neighborhood.” Douglass, formerly a laser researcher and engineer turned analyst, pointed to sluggish global economic growth in 2014 and 2015. Providing snapshots of industrial markets relevant to lasers, he asserted that Brazil has been “very disappointing” despite World Cup and Olympics hype and government stimulus. Argentina and Venezuela are “basket cases,” and “we’re still waiting for India to grow.” China
is “somewhat better, but there are still lingering issues with banks and real estate as they transition their economy.” Europe in 2013 was “weaker than anticipated but seems to be stable.”
for materials processing represent 11 percent of all machinetool sales globally. We’re no longer a curiosity. However, it’s still a weak global economy for manufacturing.”
Turning his attention more to the US, Douglass noted that reshoring of manufacturing is real, “but it’s not a panacea.” The downturn of 2009 made manufacturers realize short supply chains are most desirable during an economic shock, he explained. Quality issues and labor and transportation costs are contributing to the effect. However, “reshoring might be hard to see; US production levels have been growing nicely, but employment continues to shrink. …We’re at roughly 30 percent of (manufacturing) jobs we had before the big recession — but we’re already at the same levels of output.”
Amid the highlights of Belforte’s midyear analysis:
Nevertheless, Douglass said, appliance and automotive manufacturers are adding capacity in North America — often in Mexico. For 2014-15, he expects most industrial markets to improve modestly. “Machine-tool demand we think recovers; mining hopefully finds the bottom in 2015; automotive and truck production rates are still great, but they’re likely peaking.” Rail car production should continue to grow as they are needed to move oil produced by fracking — and pipeline construction should also remain healthy.
• •
“Rail car production has been off the charts,” Douglass asserted, “and now because of safety concerns, old cars have to be retrofitted; there’s a lot of opportunity in heavy metal fabrication.” Related infrastructure needs provide yet more opportunity. Other US industries Douglass highlighted include: • Machine tools: 2015 might see an uplift after “a soft couple of years.” • Farm equipment: Demand might fall by double digits as farmers who have been spending on equipment the past few years earn less from crops while commodity prices fall. • Construction equipment: Experienced the massive reduction in production that looms for agriculture but improved moderately in the first half of 2014. • Heavy trucks: Good momentum the past couple of years and a good sector to be in. • Automotive: “Really nice recovery in North American production,” with pent-up demand pushing equipment sales. • Aircraft: Production modest in 2014 but improving. Echoing those themes in his traditional LME keynote address, LIA Past President David Belforte noted that “industrial lasers
Global revenues from laser sales should increase by 5 percent by the end of 2014, “courtesy of the 21 percent that the fiber laser industry has contributed.” Fiber laser sales are likely to approach the $1 billion level, representing about 38 percent penetration into the total laser marketplace. Fiber lasers are slow to penetrate in Japan, where CO2 and solid-state units dominate. “Japanese job shops that buy laser cutting machines think by virtue of past experience that CO2 lasers give them the most flexibility in terms of processing a variety of materials in their plants.” East Asia and Japan represented 47 percent of the $11 billion worth of industrial laser systems installed in 2013. In macro applications (lasers greater than 1 kW output power), CO2 lasers remain dominant as fiber lasers catch up; in micro applications (lasers less than 1 kW output power), solid-state lasers are strong. Energy and aerospace remain hot areas of opportunity in North America. Smart phones require about 15 laser functions. “Sapphire cover glass looks like the wave of the future, and if you look at the patents… all of them include laser cutting.” Metal stents appear to be losing favor vs. nonmetal versions, which might change or diminish laser use in that sector.
Array of Applications Additive/3D processes figured heavily throughout LME, from summit presentations by Terry Wohlers on the state of the industry and James Yang’s overview of additive manufacturing at GE to Paul Denney’s tutorial on laser additive manufacturing systems and Tim Biermann’s Showcase Theater keynote. Denney, of Lincoln Electric, gave an overview of the converging technologies at the foundation of the revolution in 3D printing and what he calls 2D-plus. Laser hot-wire cladding presents a growth opportunity when compared with powder processes, he noted. By his estimation, cladding material with powder can cost about $35.70 a pound vs. $15.95 with preheated wire. Preventing or repairing corrosion on equipment used to retrieve oil from increasingly inhospitable environments can be a significant driver of laser-related revenue, he demonstrated. (Continued on page 20)
LME 2014
Exhibitors Showcased the Latest Laser Applications Technology Providing Solutions for the Needs of the Manufacturing Industry
“If I have a 6 inch diameter pipe and I put 3 mm buildup on it and it’s a kilometer long, it’s about 40 kg per meter of pipe. If you extrapolate out for a kilometer, it’s 40,000 kg (of material), and I’m putting it down at about a kilogram an hour. We’re talking about the tsunami that’s being created by GE’s request for 35,000 (additively manufactured) parts a year; think about the tsunami we’re creating to clad pipe.” Meanwhile, Biermann, of Fraunhofer ILT, discussed powderbed and powder-fed additive processes and the importance of optimizing every step of their vertical and horizontal process chains. Noting that a metal powder-fed system might cost about 200,000 to 1.5 million Euros and a powder-bed system 250,000 to 1 million Euros, he cautioned attendees from smaller companies to “get your math done” before diving into AM. Not doing so, he warned, could result in a failed project and potentially hinder broader acceptance of AM by creating the perception of low ROI. For diode laser maker Laserline, the tipping point for job shops to embrace additive processes could be around the second quarter of 2015, said Wolfgang Todt, vice president of US operations. That’s when “the accounts we’re talking to are going into full production with their machines,” he noted. “Job shops overall are busy like crazy, and the ones we’re dealing with are all looking for more lasers. A lot of the end users buying from job shops are looking into getting their own lasers.” Wohlers said AM hype really took off around the third quarter of 2012. Now, “we think there are between 400 and 700 startup companies” on the low-cost side of AM. High-end applications in aerospace, medicine and dentistry contributed to the surge in interest; he noted that Boeing uses tens of thousands of polymer AM parts, while Airbus claims it will be using hundreds of AM machines to produce its parts — many of metal — within five years. Revenues from sales of metal AM machines grew by almost 76 percent last year, Wohlers said — and most are laser-based. But in addressing the myths surrounding AM — that you can make “anything” additively, that AM is fast and just as inexpensive when building one part at a time — he concluded that AM will not replace conventional manufacturing. “There’s a lot of stuff that’s not yet a fit. Will it ever be? In some cases, yes.” But the hype is understandable when, for example, NASA takes a 115-part rocket nozzle and consolidates it into two digitally printed components.
• •
America’s Geoff Shannon provided a broader overview on laser welding. SPI Laser’s Ken Dzurko illustrated how to adjust a single laser for multiple uses — cutting, marking, engraving and texturing. Ultrafast processes were covered by TRUMPF’s Sascha Weiler and Ronald Schaeffer of PhotoMachining in Pelham, NH, while TRUMPF’s Patrick Grace delved into system costs. In detailing optimal parameters for using pico- and femtosecond systems, Schaeffer compared per-watt costs of nano-, pico- and femtosecond lasers.
All in all, LME again delivered as a laser-only showcase packed with advanced manufacturing applications and opportunities to network with the key industry players. “Overall I was impressed,” said Bystronic product specialist Mitchell Van Zuiden, who gave a keynote address on laser cutting applications. “I was surprised by the number of exhibitors as well as the number of attendees. The Showcase Theater seemed to be very popular… there seemed to be a lot of interest. I am encouraging my superiors to consider exhibiting at this event next year.” And for Brian Olsen, who is trying to break into the laser business through a program at the College of Lake County in Grayslake, IL, “I’m trying to find out as much as I can.” He found LME’s welding instruction useful “because it took a theory and applied it.” LME returns to Schaumburg on Sept. 16-17, 2015. Follow updates at REVISED!
Safe Use of Lasers 2014
Beyond additive, other application highlights included: •
In his tutorial on high-power laser welding, David Havrilla of TRUMPF illustrated the benefits of partial vs. full penetration, butt vs. overlap joints, special cuts and bends in tubing and how designing for laser welding can increase vehicle accessibility and driver visibility by reducing or eliminating flange width. Using the Volkswagen Golf as an example, he detailed how the Golf V featured 70 meters of laser welding, resulting in 80 percent more static torsion stiffness, 15 percent more dynamical torsion stiffness, and 35 percent more dynamical bending stiffness vs. the Golf IV, which featured only 1.4 meters of laser welds. Miyachi
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7th Annual
March 4–5, 2015
© Fraunhofer ILT
LEARN state-of-the-art applications ATTEND more than 20 quality sessions S EE how to make parts the additive way E XAMINE the right lasers for the job REAP the benefits of laser manufacturing
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REAL-WORLD EXAMPLES Additively made parts can be up to 50% lighter!
Corporate Member Profile GE Global Research
GE Global Research is a renowned source of innovation and technological advancement. Born from the minds of chemists, engineers and physicists at the turn of the 20th century, this branch of General Electric has accepted no limits to their interests in research and outreach. Participating in countless fields from photonics to aviation, GE Global Research collaborates with industry members and research partners to incorporate its vision into successful commercial applications. With a combination of intellectual rigor, state-of-the-art working environments, and no shortage of curiosity, GE Global Research has been able to make an impact on many of today’s emerging fields and markets. GE Global Research has a total of nine facilities worldwide. The company headquarters in Niskayuna, NY, was founded in 1900 and currently houses 2,000 employees. Other locations include Munich, Germany; Bangalore, India; Shanghai, China; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and a global software center in California’s Silicon Valley. Each of these facilities contributes to various projects or modes of expertise, such as Bioenergy Systems and Oil & Gas. Regardless of location, GE Global Research attracts top thinkers from around the world, employing over 3,000 scientists, engineers and researchers overall. With such a large network of ideas and research capabilities, GE Global Research has contributed technologies, improvements and applications to virtually every major industry active in the US and abroad. In the recent years, the company has expanded its outlook on oil production as well as biofuels. In Brazil, for instance, GE Global Research has established “Centers of Excellence” dedicated to ongoing innovations in offshore and subsea systems, systems integration and more. In Niskayuna, GE Global Research’s Photonics Lab conducts research and promotes collaborative applications in photonic communications and sensing. The wide-ranging proficiencies of GE Global Research, combined with the amount of effort the company puts into the fruition of each sector, allows for unprecedented advancements in today’s technologies. In addition to a fully operational Photonics Lab, GE Global Research has a history of laser manufacturing research and applications. In the 1960’s GE physicist Robert Hall
demonstrated the first semiconductor laser. Since then, GE has established a foothold in the laser industry through many manufacturing applications in aviation and medical components. Recent developments include GE Global Research in Shanghai’s laser deposition machine, which assembles materials such as titanium into workable parts, and work involving the additive manufacturing process known as laser sintering. As a member of LIA since 2008, GE Global Research’s network possibilities and research options provide immense value to the laser community. For more information, visit
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2012 Safe Use of Lasers in Research, Development, or Testing
We’ve Done the Research So You Don’t Have To. Published by:
Member Innovations
Members In Motion
Linear Piezo Nanopositioners are Ideal for Applications Ranging from Microscopy to Optics Alignment Aerotech’s QNP-L series linear piezo nanopositioning stages give nanometer-level performance in a compact, high-stiffness package. A variety of travel and feedback options make these stages ideal for applications ranging from microscopy to optics alignment.
AdValue Photonics Names New Chief Operating Officer AdValue Photonics, a leading manufacturer of 2-micron fiber lasers for the scientific, materials processing and medical markets, announced today that Scott Dunbar has joined the company as Chief Operating Officer. In this new role, Mr. Dunbar will be responsible for the sales and marketing, operations and engineering for AdValue Photonics’ industry leading products.
The QNP-L linear piezo stages are guided by precision flexures optimized using finite element analysis to ensure high-stiffness and long life. This design offers best-in-class stiffness and resonant frequency for high process throughput and fast closed-loop response. The design also provides unparalleled geometric performance (straightness and angular errors) while minimizing overall stage package size. For more information, visit
Mr. Dunbar has over 25 years of general management, operations and engineering leadership experience in the laser, optics and data storage industries. He served as General Manager of the Newport / Spectra-Physics laser diode business located in Tucson, AZ and later became the General Manager of the Oclaro laser diode business. For more information, visit
Microoptics Opens Door for New Applications SCANLAB AG underscores its innovation leadership in laser positioning and deflection systems by setting new standards for galvanometer scanners. It is well-established that digital encoder systems offer the highest precision for laser processing. A digital encoding innovation by SCANLAB can now remove existing limitations to dynamic performance. This new approach to digital position detection substantially lowers the moments of inertia of the drives in high-precision semiconductor processing or microstructuring. The new encoder technology is already featured in SCANLAB’s dynAXISse galvanometer scanner units, as well as in the ultra-high-performance intelliSCANse 2D scan systems. For more information, visit Photonics Industries Introduces the Highest Pulse Energy YLF Ultraviolet Lasers Available Photonics Industries (PI), The Pioneer of Intracavity SolidState Harmonic Lasers, was the first to develop high efficiency Q-switched, intracavity second harmonic Nd:YLF green pump lasers back in 1993. PI continues to lead this technology with the introduction of our new DM20-351, the highest pulse energy Ultraviolet (UV) laser: Over 20 mJ @ 1 kHz. Commercially available with the same excellent beam quality (i.e., M2 ~10) of our green DM Series laser. Furthermore this high pulse energy is scalable to 40 mJ in a dual head configuration for applications ranging from UV induced fluorescence, Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) to annealing semiconductor materials for the flat panel display industry. For more information, visit
Element Six Helps TiSa Laser Cool Down as Project Heats Up A EU-funded initiative that aims to further develop an ultrafast pulsed disk laser that will have the highest speeds and output powers ever achieved, has chosen Element Six to assist the design using its cooling crystals. The laser will improve the micromachining processes used to produce transparent materials, such as the glass for smart phones. The project titled ‘Ultrafast high-average power Ti:sapphire thindisk oscillators and amplifiers’ will attempt to build, as the name suggests, two high-average power ultrafast Ti:sapphire (TiSa) thin-disk laser systems, one amplifier system using chirped pulses to obtain high-energy pulses, and one high-power oscillator to achieve high repetition rates. For more information, visit
CORPORATE MEMBERS Bowen Learning Network, Inc. Chapel Hill, NC
Ohio Laser LLC Plain City, OH
Syneo, LLC For a complete list of corporate members, visit our corporate directory at
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LME 2015 ®
3D Printing
L A S E R S F O R M A N U FA C T U R I N G E V E N T ®
Additive Manufacturing
September 16–17, 2015
Welding Drilling
Everything LASER. All Manufacturing. Presented by:
Schaumburg Convention Center Schaumburg, IL USA
Magazine • Website • Newsletters The International Resource for Laser Materials Processing Industrial Laser Solutions delivers timely, knowledgeable information on industrial laser materials processing to end users in manufacturing who are interested in understanding the technical and cost benefits of these processes prior to their implementation in production environments.
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Featuring: • Laser Safety Scientific Sessions – get the most updated information on laser safety • Technical Practical Applications Seminar – Participate in panel and hot topic discussions • Medical Practical Applications Seminar – Earn contact hours while experiencing cutting-edge presentations • Poster Presentation Gallery – Join presenters to share ideas!
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Plan to attend the conference where safety professionals meet to review current industry standards and learn the latest in laser safety practice and hazard control.
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Why Become Certified? In the Online Business Dictionary, certification is defined as the “Formal procedure by which an accredited or authorized person or agency assesses and verifies (and attests in writing by issuing a certificate) the attributes, characteristics, quality, qualification or status of individuals or organizations… in accordance with established requirements or standards.” More simply stated, certification indicates that an individual has specific knowledge, skills or abilities in the view of the certifying body. For professionals working around lasers, becoming certified by the Board of Laser Safety (BLS®) is one of the highest credentials a Laser Safety Officer (LSO) can acquire. BLS certification demonstrates to the public, colleagues and employers one’s qualifications and proficiencies. It identifies the individual as an LSO who has achieved a specific level of knowledge and expertise, and possesses a higher level of commitment to the industry. It enhances the LSO’s credibility as the authoritative individual responsible for the facility’s laser safety program.
Moreover, employing a Certified Laser Safety Officer (CLSO®/ CMLSO®) validates the company’s dedication to a safe working environment. The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) requires employers to provide a working environment free of recognized hazards and to comply with OSHA’s regulations. This certainly pertains to laser safety because Class 3B and Class 4 lasers pose a recognized hazard. By passing the CLSO/ CMLSO exam, an LSO is officially recognized as having a thorough understanding of laser safety concepts, practices and state and federal regulations. When an organization has a CLSO/ CMLSO on staff, it illustrates to OSHA that the company has high standards in place with regard to its laser safety program. However, the most significant reason to become certified may just be the connection to other laser safety professionals. It goes further than great networking – it is the ability to call on one another whether there is a need or facing a problem not encountered before – there will be someone out there who will offer an ear to listen, a shoulder to lean on, advice to consider, a possible solution, or a warning of what not to do. For information on becoming certified, please visit or contact the BLS office at +1.407.985.3810.
Certification for Laser Safety Officers Providing Professionals a Means for Improvement in the Practice of Laser Safety
Gain a Competitive Advantage by Becoming Certified Today! Elevate your status as an LSO Stay up-to-date with industry changes Increase both confidence and credibility Demonstrate your commitment to the job Validate your employer’s dedication to a safe working environment
1.800.34.LASER +1.407.985.3810
Laser Insights
Featured Abstracts
Laser Insights is a feature to give insight into the very latest developments in laser safety and the possible applications of laser materials processing. These overviews are designed to give you insight into the content and applications of the papers presented at our conferences and workshops. Visit to begin your search. View complete articles of the abstracts below online under the Featured Category.
High Density Through Glass Vias for Advanced Chip Packaging
The Novel Technology for Thick Glass Cutting with Small Power Laser Saw
Glass is a promising material from which advanced interposers for high density electrical interconnects for 2.5D and 3D chip packaging can be produced. The supply of ultra-thin glass wafers with thicknesses of 100 µm and below shows attractive cost and superior high frequency performance relative to polished thin wafers made of silicon. As thin glass is extremely brittle, micromachining to create through glass vias is particularly challenging and laser processing using deep UV excimer lasers at a wavelength of 193 nm and ultrashort pulse laser provide a viable solution.
In recent years, glass has been widely used in different industrial fields due to its excellent physical and chemical properties. However glass cutting is always a difficulty because of its fracture characteristics. Especially in the field of irregular curve cutting, sloped cutting and drilling. In this study, we developed a so called “laser saw” technology. With this technology, the laser power for cutting thick glass could be significantly decreased. Not only can it cut irregular shapes but it can also realize sloped cutting which means the cutting section is not perpendicular to the glass surface.
The excimer laser has become a preferred technology in microelectronics manufacturing because it offers substantial advantages over alternative technologies. In particular, its non-contact nature and scalable output power enables the production of small, high precision features on a wide variety of materials.
The focused pulse laser beam makes a reciprocating motion like a saw under the control of “laser saw” system. So that many micro crack dots were generated in the glass and they were connected to each other through the micro crack lines around dot. So that cutting face was generated in the glass.
LIA’s Medical Laser Safety Officer (MLSO) online course meets the special needs of RNs, OR supervisors, training coordinators and other medical professionals who have been appointed the critical responsibility of LSO. Now, your laser safety training is just a click away! This course meets all LSO training requirements outlined by ANSI, OSHA and The Joint Commission. You will earn 13 Contact Hours, 2.0 BLS CM Points by the Board of Laser Safety, 4 CECs by AAHP and is eligible for ABIH CM Points.
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Editor’s Pick
The Laser Institute of America’s official refereed publication, the Journal of Laser Applications® (JLA), an online-only journal, is complete with new features for a broader audience. JLA is hosted on AIP Publishing’s robust Scitation online platform, providing the journal with great functionality and the ability to leverage a wide range of valuable discoverability features. JLA features nine topic sections, a faster peer-review process and a more functional website ( that makes content easier to access and more interactive. Readers will find full-text HTML rendering featuring inline reference links and the ability to enlarge tables and figures by clicking on them. Among the new features are enhanced search functions with more options and better controls to explore returned content in more useful ways.
Laser Cladding with Scanning Optics: Effect of Scanning Frequency and Laser Beam Power Density on Cladding Process BY JOONAS PEKKARINEN, ANTTI SALMINEN AND VELI KUJANPÄÄ
Scanning optics is an effective way to manipulate a laser beam for laser cladding. The numerical adjustment of the scanner gives a great deal of flexibility to the cladding process. However, the effect of the scanned beam on the cladding process itself has not been studied very thoroughly so far. This study concentrates on explaining how the scanning frequency and power density of the laser beam affect the stability of the cladding process. The results showed that both of these factors significantly influence the process stability and the outcome of the cladding process. If the local specific energy input was over 2.46 J/mm2, the process was noticed to be unstable. This limit was cross when scanning frequency was under 40 Hz. Power density’s limit value for stable process was found to be 191 kW/cm2 and higher power densities than this was found to produce unstable process. If the cladding process was found to be unstable, dilution increased significantly and process started to resemble more laser alloying.
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For non-members of LIA, call the American Institute of Physics at 1.800.344.6902 for subscription information.
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Safe Use of Optical Fiber Communication Systems Utilizing Laser Diode and LED Sources
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LASER World of PHOTONICS – The Industry’s Most Important Marketplace and Think Tank LASER World of PHOTONICS has been bringing together all key players in science and industry for more than 40 years. The 22nd edition of the International Trade Fair and Congress for Optical Technologies, Components, Systems and Applications, will be held from June 22-25, 2015 at the Munich Trade Fair Center. In 2013, the show set a new record in the number of exhibitors, featuring 1,130 companies from 37 countries. Also the share of foreign attendees among the approximately 27,000 visitors reached a new high with 54 percent. Due to this growing success, the upcoming show will expand by one hall to nearly 600,000 square feet of exhibition space. There are plenty of good reasons to join the photonic industry’s flagship show. LASER World of PHOTONICS revolves around both research and applications giving you a complete market overview and access to concrete solutions for your daily business. It depicts the entire value chain from components and systems to concrete applications and services, and provides an excellent B2B platform for global suppliers and customers. The leading European scientific congress, the World of Photonics Congress, will be held in conjunction with the show. For more information, visit Visitors can purchase tickets as of early 2015.
Check Your Vital Laser Hazard Analysis Calculations with the Evaluator Need to verify vital hazard analysis calculations on the fly? Look no further than the Evaluator — the Laser Institute of America’s industry-first web-based system that helps you quickly and easily ensure a laser-safe environment. Now updated to reflect the changes in the 2014 version of the ANSI Z136.1 parent standard for laser safety, the Evaluator provides LSOs of all skill levels a robust yet easyto-use online system for verifying calculations of potential laser hazards. Still using the 2007 version of ANSI Z136.1? No problem: The ability to perform calculations under those criteria has been retained in the new version as well. For more information, visit
Save the Date for LAM 2015 & Sign Up to Exhibit Today! For the first time, the Laser Institute of America will hold its highly popular Laser Additive Manufacturing (LAM®) Workshop in its home base of Orlando, FL on Mar. 4-5, 2015. LAM 2015 will bring industry specialists, executives, users and researchers from around the world to show how laser additive processes can be applied effectively and affordably to today’s manufacturing challenges. Industries that will be represented include aerospace, oil and gas, agriculture, automotive, powder production, military, power generation, construction/steel, bio-medical, tooling, dies and molds, and much more! Visit for more information.
Mark Your Calendar to Attend ILSC 2015 The biennial International Laser Safety Conference (ILSC®) is scheduled to take place on Mar. 23-26, 2015 in Albuquerque, NM. ILSC is a comprehensive four-day conference covering all aspects of laser safety practice and hazard control. Scientific sessions will address developments in regulatory, mandatory and voluntary safety standards for laser products and for laser use. The Practical Applications Seminars (PAS) complement the Scientific Sessions by exploring everyday scenarios that the LSO and MLSO may encounter. For more information on ILSC as it becomes available, please visit
OSHA Update OSHA Schedules Meeting of the Federal Advisory Council on BLUE- Pantone 288 Occupational Safety and Health GREEN - Pantone 356 The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has scheduled a meeting of the Federal Advisory Council on Occupational Safety and Health Nov. 6, 2014, in Washington, DC. The tentative agenda includes updates from FACOSH subcommittees and on record keeping rule changes affecting federal agencies, protecting workers from retaliation, and update and future metrics on the Presidential POWER Initiative. For more information, visit
13501 Ingenuity Dr., Suite 128 Orlando, FL 32826 USA
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24 hours a day, all around the world.
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