ICALEO ® 2018 CONFERENCE AGENDA* Sunday, October 14 11:30 a.m. LIA Board of Directors Meeting............................. Salons 5 & 6 1:00 p.m. ICALEO Registration Desk Open................Registration Desk 3
Wednesday, October 17 7:30 a.m. ICALEO Registration Desk Open............... Registration Desk 3 ICALEO/Rosen Guests: Exclusive Breakfast Lounge........................................Salons 5 & 6
4:00 p.m. Welcome Celebration................................................... Poolside
Monday, October 15
8:00 a.m. Poster Presentation Gallery Open.................................Salon 9 8:30 a.m. LMP 9: Welding and Brazing..........................................Salon 3
7:00 a.m. ICALEO Registration Desk Open................ Registration Desk 3
LMP 10: 3D Metal Printing (SLM) III...............................Salon 4
7:30 a.m. Appreciation Breakfast...................................................Salon 8
LMF 7: Hard and Dielectric Material Processing.........Salon 11
ICALEO/Rosen Guests: Exclusive Breakfast Lounge.........................................Salons 5 & 6 9:00 a.m. Opening Plenary: Emerging Laser Technologies: a Path to
LMF 6: High Speed Microprocessing......................Salons 1 & 2 Nano 3: Laser Processing of Battery Materials I...........Salon 10 9:50 a.m. Morning Break.................................................................Salon 9
Disruptive Businesses........................... Junior Ballroom
10:10 a.m. LMP 11: Lightweight Materials (CFRP)...........................Salon 3
10:10 a.m.Morning Break.......................................Junior Ballroom Foyer
LMP 12: Laser Metal Deposition II..................................Salon 4
Lunch Break
LMF 5: Advanced Laser Technologies for Microelectronics and IC Fabrication..............................................Salon 11
1:30 p.m. LMP 1: S ub Plenary..........................................................Salon 3 LMF 1: S ub Plenary (Joint Session with Nano)............................Salons 1 & 2 Poster Presentation Gallery Opens.................................Salon 9 3:00 p.m. Afternoon Break.............................................................Salon 9 3:30 p.m. LMP 2: Cu- and Al-Welding I...........................................Salon 3 LMP 3: 3D Metal Printing (SLM) I....................................Salon 4 LMP 5: Welding: Process Control..................................Salon 11
Nano 4: Laser Processing of Battery Materials II..........Salon 10 Lunch Break 1:30 p.m. LMP 13: Cutting...............................................................Salon 3 LMP 14: Laser Metal Deposition III.................................Salon 4 LMF 8: Beam Shaping..............................................Salons 1 & 2 Nano 5: Synthesis and Diagnostics of 2D Materials.....Salon 10 2:50 p.m. Poster Presentation Gallery Afternoon Break and Q&A....................................................Salon 9
LMF 2: Surface Functionalization...........................Salons 1 & 2 Nano 1: Nano Sensing and Characterization...............Salon 10 5:00 p.m. ICALEO President’s Reception................................. Signature 2
Tuesday, October 16 7:30 a.m. ICALEO Registration Desk Open................ Registration Desk 3 ICALEO/Rosen Guests: Exclusive Breakfast Lounge.........................................Salons 5 & 6 8:00 a.m. LMP 6: 3D Metal Printing (SLM) II...................................Salon 4 LMF 3: S urface Texturing.........................................Salons 1 & 2 Nano 2: Fs Laser Processing and Fabrications..............Salon 10 8:10 a.m. LMP 4: Cu- and Al-Welding II..........................................Salon 3 9:20 a.m. Technology Presentations................................ Junior Ballroom 10:10 a.m. Morning Break.................................................. Junior Ballroom 10:40 a.m. Technology Presentations. Cont’d................... Junior Ballroom Lunch Break 1:30 p.m. Vendor Showcase Open................................... Junior Ballroom Flash Poster Session ........................................ Junior Ballroom LMP 7: Welding................................................................Salon 3 LMF 4: Advanced High Power Microprocessing.....Salons 1 & 2 Business Forum & Panel Discussion...............................Salon 11
5:00 p.m. LIA Annual Meeting & Awards Gala............... Junior Ballroom
Thursday, October 18 7:30 a.m. ICALEO Registration Desk Open................ Registration Desk 3 ICALEO/Rosen Guests: Exclusive Breakfast Lounge.........................................Salons 5 & 6 8:30 a.m. LMP 15: Thick Metal and Hybrid Welding......................Salon 3 LMP 16: Laser Metal Deposition IV.................................Salon 4 LMF 9: Biomedical Applications..............................Salons 1 & 2 Nano 6: Fs Laser Nanostructuring.................................Salon 10 10:10 a.m. Morning Break...................................................... Salons Alcove 10:40 a.m. LMP 17: Emerging Technologies.....................................Salon 3 LMP 18: Surface Treatment.............................................Salon 4 LMF 10: Micro-joining.............................................Salons 1 & 2 Nano 7: Advanced Approaches in Nanoscience and Engineering..............................................Salon 10 Lunch Break 1:30 p.m. Closing Plenary....................................................... Salons 3 & 4 3:00 p.m. Farewell Break....................................................... Salon Alcove *Program subject to minor changes
1:40 p.m. LMP 8: Laser Metal Deposition I.....................................Salon 4 1:50 p.m. LMF 3: Surface Texturing. Cont’d.................................Salon 10 2:30 p.m. LMP 6: S3D Metal Printing (SLM) II. Cont’d..................Salon 10 4:00 p.m. Vendor Reception............................................. Junior Ballroom
ICALEO® 2018
TECHNICAL SESSIONS AT-A-GLANCE Monday, October 15 | MORNING SESSIONS Emerging Laser Technologies: a Path to Disruptive Businesses
General Welcome — Nat Quick, LIA Executive Director Milan Brandt, LIA President Recognition of ICALEO® Sponsors — Milan Brandt, LIA President
Opening Words and Introduction of ICALEO Conference Chairs Christopher Leyens, ICALEO Congress General Chair
The Next Wave of Information and Computing Technology: a Perspective on the History, Challenges and Future Opportunities for Lasers and Integrated Circuit Technologies (OP101) Islam Salama
10:10 AM – 10:40 AM MORNING BREAK 10:40 AM
Lighting the Path towards Autonomous Mobility (OP102)
11:20 AM
9:30 AM
9:20 AM
9:00 AM
Chair: Christoph Leyens Room: Junior Ballroom
Jason Eichenholz
LIA in the Next 50 Years (OP103) Milton Chang
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM LUNCH BREAK
ICALEO® 2018
Peer Reviewed Paper
LMP 1: Sub Plenary
LMF 1: Sub Plenary: Joint Session with Nano
Chair: Klaus Kleine Room: Salon 3
Co-chairs: Yongfeng Lu and Eric Mottay Room: Salons 1 & 2
Novel Optical Concept for Line Beam Optics for Large Area Thermal Processing (101) Martin Huonker
Nano and Microscale Light-based 3D Bioprinting: An Enabling Technology for Regenerative Medicine (M101) Shaochen Chen
In-Situ High Speed Diagnosis – A Quantitative Analysis of Melt Flow Dynamics Inside Cutting Kerfs During Laser Fusion Cutting with 1 µm Wavelength (102) Dennis Arntz
Application of Lasers in Atomically Thin Flatlands (M102) Masoud Mahjouri-Samani
Development Status and Prospect of Laser Hybrid Manufacturing Technology (103) Jianhua Yao
LMP 3: 3D Metal
LMP 5: Welding: Process
Welding I
Printing (SLM) I
Control and Monitoring by OCT
LMF 2: Surface Functionalization
Nano 1: Nano
Chair: Masoud Harooni Room: Salon 3
Chair: Barbara Previtali Room: Salon 4
Chair: Markus KogelHollacher Room: Salon 11
Chair: Corey Dunsky Room: Salons 1 & 2
Chair: Yongfeng Lu Room: Salon 10
Stable Keyhole Welding of 1 mm Thick Copper with a 600 Watt Blue Laser System (201) Mark Zediker
A Study of the SLM Process on Produced Aluminium Part (301) Emilie Le Guen
Process Control and Quality Assurance in Remote Laser Beam Welding by Optical Coherence Tomography (501) Christian Stadter
Femtosecond Laser Pulse inducing Hydrophilicity and Hydrophobicity on Polycarbonate Surfaces (M201) Zhongke Wang
Microfluidic Chips Integrated with a 2d Metal Nanodot Array by All-FemtosecondLaser-Processing for Highly Sensitive Sers Sensing (N101) Koji Sugioka
Influencing the Electrical Properties of Laser Beam Vacuum-Welded Cu-Al Mixed Joints (202) Willem Holtum
A Novel Approach to Optimized Support Structures in LBM by Combining Process Simulation with Topology Optimization (302) Katharina Bartsch
Inline Weld Depth Measurement for High Brilliance Laser Beam Sources Using Optical Coherence Tomography (502) Maximilian Schmoeller
The Formation of Osseointegrating (Bone Integrating) Surfaces on Titanium by Laser Irradiation (M202) Jan Frostevarg
Influence of Laser Parameters on Tensile Shear Strength of Copper Welds (203) Nathanael Eisenreich
Functional Integration Approaches via Laser Powder Bed Processing (303) Jakob Schneider
Remote Laser Beam Welding with OCT Seam Tracking (503) Jan-Patrick Hermani
Wettability Transition Modes of Aluminum Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Various Micro/ Nanostructures Produced by a Femtosecond Laser (M203) Weijian Liu
Numerical Analysis of the Effect of Welding Positions on Formation Quality during Laser Welding of TC4 Titanium Alloy Parts in Aerospace Industry (204) Peng Wen
Industrial 3D Printing for Modern Machine and Handling Systems – Potential and Solutions (304) Michael Gorn
In-Process Control of Penetration Depth for HighPower Laser Welding of Thick Dissimilar Joints of Steel and Aluminum (504) Rabi Lahdo
Flexible Control over Optical Reflection Property of Metallic Surfaces via Pulse Laser (M204) Xiao Luo
Extraordinary Diffusion in Semiconductors: Defect Driven Morphological Transformations (102) Steve Yalisove
00 20
Laser Nanojoining of Copper Nanowires (N103) Yangbao Deng
30 40
Peer Reviewed Paper
Sensing and Characterization
4:00 PM
LMP 2: Cu- and Al-
3:30 PM
ICALEO® 2018
2:30 PM
2:00 PM
1:30 PM
Monday, October 15 | AFTERNOON SESSIONS
LMP 6: 3D Metal Printing
LMF 3: Surface Texturing
Nano 2: Fs Laser
Welding II
Chair: Masoud Harooni Room: Salon 3
Chair: M. Angeles Montealegre Room: Salon 4
Chair: Beat Neuenschwander Room: Salons 1 & 2
Co-chairs: Koji Sugioka,
Multimaterial Bathless Stereolithography using Aerosol Jet Printing and UV Laser based Polymerization (601) Arndt Hohnholz
A Simple Way to Achieve Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Tunable Water Adhesion by a Nanosecond Pulse Laser (M301) Zhongli Qin
Functional Nanostructures Inside Materials Induced by Femtosecond Laser Pulses (N201) Yasuhiko Shimotsuma
Track Geometry Variations in Selective Laser Melting Processes (602) Joerg Volpp
Antireflective Copper Surfaces Fabricated by Low-Cost Nanosecond Lasers for Efficient Photothermal Conversion and Desalination (M302) Jiangyou Long
Towards Application of Hierarchical Structures by Ultra-short Pulsed Laser Ablation (M304) Norbert Ackerl
Study on Mechanism of Ductility Improvement for SLM-process Ti6Al4V Alloy (605) Yangli Xu
Nanosecond Pulsed Laser Surface Nano Texturing of Tantalum (M305) Mahmood Al Bashir
Laser Induced Chemical Vapor Deposition of Crystalline Graphite Thin Film (N203) Sungho Jeong
Effect of Process Parameters on Thin-wall Distortion in Selective Laser Melting (604) Chen-Nan Sun
10 Shock Peening by Ultrashort Pulsed Lasers (N204) Xin Zhao
The Influence of Melt on Structure Quality in a 2-Beam Interference Structuring Process by Using Ultrafast Laser (M307) Ludwig Pongratz
First Investigation on Processing Parameters for Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Ni-Mn-Ga Magnetic Shape Memory Alloy (606) Ville Laitinen
9:00 AM
Thermal Emission-Based Geometry Determination of Hot Surfaces Generated During Laser Material Processing (603) Michael Sawannia
Wobble-welding of Copper and Aluminum Alloys with Inline Coherent Imaging (406) Christopher Galbraith
Femtosecond Laser 3D Printing of Optofluidic Devices and Systems (N202) Qiying Chen
Process Development and Coaxial Sensing in Fiber Laser Welding of 5754 AlAlloy (405) Ali Gökhan Demir
Influence of Ultrasonic Amplitude and Position in the Vibration Distribution on the Microstructure of a Laser Welded Aluminum Alloy (404) Sarah Nothdurft
Room: Junior
Microstructure of Laser Pressure Weld of Pure Aluminium (403) Jingquan Zhang
Xinwei Wsang Room: Salon 10
A First Principle Model for Closed-Loop Gap Bridging of Remote Laser Welding of Aluminium Components (402) Pasquale Franciosa
Technology Presentations & Panel Discussion
Processing and Fabrications
10 9:20 AM Laser Processing of Advanced Materials 9:45 AM Commercialization of Additive Manufacturing 10:30 AM Process Sensors - Keys to Industry 4.0 TRUMPF Inc. 10:45 AM The Future of Fiber Laser Technology 11:15 AM IPG Photonics
50 00
Laser Induced Three Dimensional Assembly of Functional Nanomaterials (N205) Wei Xiong
10:00 AM
LMP 4: Cu- and Al-
8:00 AM
Tuesday, October 16 | MORNING SESSIONS
11:30 AM Large Scale Processing & Manufacturing 12:00 PM Complete Approach to Laser Materials Processing Systems Coherent, Inc.
20 30
Panelists include: IPG Photonics Coherent TRUMPF, Inc. Han's Laser Light Conversion Laserline Inc. SPI Lasers Intel Corporation Calton Hill Business Advisory BOS Photonics LIA Univ. of Central Florida
12:30 - 1:30 PM LUNCH BREAK
ICALEO® 2018
Peer Reviewed Paper
TECHNICAL SESSIONS AT-A-GLANCE Tuesday, October 16 | AFTERNOON SESSIONS LMF 3: Surface Texturing (continued) 1:30 PM- 2:30 PM
LMP 7: Welding
LMP 8: Laser Metal
Deposition I
LMF 4: Advanced High Power Microprocessing
Business Forum & Panel Discussion
Flash Poster Session & Trade Show
LMP 6: 3D Metal
Printing (SLM I) (continued) 2:30 PM - 3:40 PM Chair: Friedhelm Dorsch
Room: Salon 10
Chair: Prabu Balu Room: Salon 3
1:30 PM
Influence of the Burst Mode on the Specific Removal Rate (M402) Beat Neuenschwander
Panelists: David Belforte Flame Chen Honqiang Chen Bo Gu Klaus Loeffler Wenjie Lv Thomas Schopphoven Weija Yang Ulrich Zeltwanger
20 30 40 50 00 10 20 30 40 50
Determination of Appropriate Process Windows and System Engineering for LMD (802) High Energy Fiber-Solid Nanosecond Laser Investigation of Jana Kelbassa Pulse Surface Texturing the Influence of Hybrid Picosecond Laser Superimposed Intensity for Generation of Regenerative Amplifier Distributions on the Superhydrophobic (M403) Spatter Behavior in Laser Surface (M310) Tingting Wang Manipulating the Melt Juan Pedro Godoy Vilar Welding of Steel (703) Propagation of Short Arc Michael Jarwitz GMAW with Diode Lasers < 1 kW (803) Jan Leschke 100 W Picosecond Pulse LMP 6, cont'd Investigating the Effect of Polarization-maintaining Beam Parameters on Joint All-fiber Amplifier (M404) Wavelength Formation (704) Process Characterization Ning Su Dependent Laser Anna Unt in Laser Metal Deposition Material Processing of EN AC-43000 (804) of Ceramic Materials Michael Guepner (607) Focus Shift due to Thermal Dynamic Laser Coupling Juliane Moritz Efficiency during Laser Lensing in Ultrafast Laser Optics at Kilowatt-Level Spot Welding (705) High-Performance Laser Laser Powder Bed Average Powers (M405) Brian Simonds Fusion of Pure Zn Cladding using 20 kW Rudolf Weber Diode Laser Power and a Metal Parts (608) Novel Rectangular Powder Peng Wen Nozzle (805) 500W Class Femtosecond Power and Welding Denise Beitelschmidt Speed Influence on Bead Lasers and Beam Shaping High Throughput MicroQuality (706) Processing (M406) Luis Eduardo dos Santos Micro-arc Oxidation Customized Exposure Paes Eric Mottay Process of the Porous Strategies for Manufacturing Hybrid Titania Coating on Parts (806) Titanium Alloy (609) Florian Huber Ye Wang In-situ Monitoring using Investigation of Heat Spectral Analysis (707) Accumulation Effects Seung Kwan Lee during Deep Hole Percussion Drilling (M407) Laser Absorptivity Control of Dilution and Approximation in Distortion in LMD Process Dennis Haasler (807) the Heat Transfer Nazmul Alam Modeling of Selective Laser Melting (610) Zhidong Zhang
2:00 PM
kW-Class Thin-Disk Multipass Amplifier Delivering Sub-300fs Pulses (M401) Christoph Röcker
3:00 PM
Salon 11
Laser Welding with Beam Shaping – Latest Application Results (702) Tim Hesse
Laser Surface Texturing with Shifted Method (M309) Jiri Martan
Laser Enhancement of Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (801) Jonas Näsström
Chair: Eric Mottay Room: Salons 1 & 2
Laser-Laser Hybrid Welding for Joining of Challenging Materials (701) Wojciech Suder
Chair: Shuang Liu Room: Salon 4
Peer Reviewed Paper
ICALEO® 2018
Junior Ballroom The Flash Poster Session will include 3-minute / 3-slide oral presentations by select poster presenters.
Klaus Loeffler, Bo Gu
Chair: Klaus Kleine Room: Salon 3
Chair: Verena Wippo Room: Salon 4
Chair: Aravinda Kar Room: Salons 1 & 2
Chair: Sanghoon Ahn Room: Salon 11
Chair: Wilhelm Pfleging Room: Salon 10
Numerical Investigation of Residual Stresses Caused from Laser Induced Melting of Carbon Steel (901) Haram Yeo
Estimation of Melt Pool Size by Complementary Use of External Illumination and Process Emission (1001) Matteo Pacher
Optimized Strategies for Galvo Scanning in Fully Synchronized Mode Leading to Massive Improvement in Machining Time (M601) Markus Gafner
High Speed Glass Cutting at Oblique Angles (M701) Tony Lee
Integrated Anode with Si/ Cu Porous Architecture for Lithium-Ion Batteries (N301) Ting Huang
Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of Advanced High Strength Steels (902) Raquel Mansur
Study on the Effect of Fluid Flowing and Interface of Gas and Liquid in Molten Pool on SLM Process (1002) Dongyun Zhang
Optimization of the Micromachining Process by the Simulation of Ultrafast Laser Ablated Profiles on Metals (M602) Christopher Reed
Influence of the Brazing Speed on the Seam Characteristics in Laser Beam Brazing of Zinc Coated Steel (903) Eva Heuberger
Laser Additive Manufacturing of Zn Metal Parts for Biodegradable Implants (1003) Yangzhe Chen
Predicting Ablation-Cooled Gigahertz Ultrafast Laser Processing via Integrated Modeling (M603) Jie Qiao
Multi Spot Modules to Improve Joining Processes Due to Tailored Spot Geometries (904) Axel Luft
Study on the Element Segregation and Crystal Growth Behavior of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced in 718 Alloy (1004) Yuan Chen
High Efficiency Femtosecond Laser Ablation With GHz Level Bursts (M604) Eric Mottay
LMP 11: Light Weight Materials (CFRP)
LMP 12: Laser Metal Deposition II
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Ultra-Short Pulsed Laser Ablation of Diamond (M702) Paul Boerner
Ultrashort Pulsed Laser Ablation for Decollation of Solid State Lithium Ion Batteries (N302) Ludwig Pongratz
9:00 AM
Nano 3 & 4: Laser Processing of Battery Materials I & II
Surface Modification of Additively Manufactured Gamma Titanium Aluminide Hardware (1203) AndrĂŠ Seidel
Evaluation of Material Based Influences at Laser Based Heat Conduction Welding of CFRP (1104) Verena Wippo
Microstructural Characterization of Al2O3ZrO2 Ceramic by LMD (1204) Fazhi Li
Laser-based Microfabrication Systems for Electronics Packaging (M503) Haibin Zhang
Laser Forming of Sandwich Panels With Metal Foam Cores (1105) Tizian Bucher
Investigation on the Effect of Laser Remelting for Laser Cladding Nickel Based Alloy (1205) Yanzhe Zhao
Laser Processing of Glass: Considerations for Integration onto a Factory Floor (M504) Todd Lizotte
Laser-based MicroManufacturing (N403) Benxin Wu
10 20 30 50
Electrochemical Performance of Laser Processed Cathode Materials (N404) Wilhelm Pfleging
40 10
12:00 PM
Effect of Processing Parameters on Cut Quality in Fiber Laser Cutting of CFRP (1103) Sehyeok Oh
Laser Structuring of Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries (N402) Jan Bernd Habedank
Laser Processes Enable Advanced Mobile Devices (M502) Dirk Mueller
Advanced Manufacturing Approach via the Combination of SLM and LMD (1202) Jakob Schneider
Ultrafast Laser Inducing Nanostructures for Efficient Hydrogen Generation via Catalysis Water Splitting (N401) Minlin Zhong
High Precision Laser MacroDrilling of CFRP with a New Nanosecond Pulsed Laser (1102) Richard Staehr
Nano 4
Femtosecond Laser Trimming for OLED Panel Repair (M501) Sanghoon Ahn
Thermal Monitoring of the Direct Laser Metal Deposition Process using Different Scanning Strategies (1201) Sabina Luisa Campanelli
Chair: Mark Zediker
Automatic Control for Laser-based Repair Preparation of Composites (1101) Hagen Dittmar
LMF 5: Advanced Laser Technologies for Microelectronics and IC Chair: Islam Salama
Development of Laser Structured Silicon/ Graphite Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries (N303) Wilhelm Pfleging
Chair: Tim Hesse
10:00 AM
LMF 7: Hard and Dielectric Material Processing
11:00 AM
LMF 6: High Speed Microprocessing
LMP 10: 3D Metal Printing (SLM) III
8:30 AM
LMP 9: Welding and
Peer Reviewed Paper
TECHNICAL SESSIONS AT-A-GLANCE Wednesday, October 17 | AFTERNOON SESSIONS LMF 5: Advanced Laser Technologies for Microelectronics and IC (continued)
LMF 8: Beam Shaping
Nano 5: Synthesis and
Chair: Dirk Petring Room: Salon 3
Chair: Paul Denney Room: Salon 4
Chair: Islam Salama Room: Salon 11
Chair: Ilya Mingareev Room: Salons 1 & 2
Chair: Masoud Mahjouri-Samani Room: Salon 10
Efficient Separation of Battery Materials Using Remote Laser Cutting (1301) Robert Baumann
Hyperspectral and Thermal Monitoring of Laser Cladding Process (1401) Margot Lison
Laser Electrospray Printing of Nanoparticles on Flexible Substrate (M505) Eduardo Castillo
Combined Galvanometer Scanners and Motion Platforms over Standard Industrial Networks (M801) Cliff Jolliffe
In situ Diagnostics of 2D Materials Synthesis and Heterogeneity: Closing the Loop (N501) David Geohegan
Advances in Fiber Laser Cutting (1302) Dahv Kliner
In Situ Observation of CoCr-Alloy Layer Formation by Multi Laser Coating (1402) Yuji Sato
A Novel Laser-Based Metasurface Fabrication Process for Transparent Conducting Surfaces (M506) Hongtao Ding
Advantages of Laser Cutting of Metals at High Peak Power (1303) Rouzbeh Sarrafi
Powder Catchment in Laser Metal Deposition (1403) Himani Siva Prasad
A Novel Pump-Probe Microscope for Measuring the Dynamics of Plasma and Surface Structuring (M508) Jie Qiao
Investigation of Assist Gas Flow to Improve Slope Angle of Kerf in Thick Plate Cutting of Mild Steel by Fiber Laser (1304) Kyo Kitagawa
Microstructural, Mechanical and Thermophysical Characterization of Hypereutectic AlSi40 Fabricated by SLM (1404) Michael Mueller
High Power UV Lasers in PCB and Microelectronics Manufacturing (M509) Jim Bovatsek
Diagnostics of 2D Materials
40 50 20 30
Nanosecond and Picosecond Energy Transport StateResolved Raman for Probing Conjugated Phonon and Hot Carrier Transport in 2D Materials (N503) Xinwei Wang
LMP 13: cont'd
LMP 14: cont'd
LMF 5: cont'd
LMF 8: cont'd
Demonstration of a Mobile Laser Cutting System for Complex Rescue Operations (1305) Alexander Brodesser
Influence of Shielding Environment on Solidification Cracking in the Laser Deposition of Aeromet®100 on 300m Steel (1405) Cameron Barr
Characterization and Control of Laser Induced Modification inside Silicon (M510) Xinya Wang
New Beam Deflection Technologies for Ultra Short Pulse Lasers (M803) Holger Schlüter
3:50 PM
Beam Shaping Optics and Features of its use in Microprocessing (M511) Alexander Laskin
10 20
400 PM
Energetic High Average Power Petawatt Laser Systems: a New Generation of Lasers Enabling Precision Science and Commercial Applications (1306) Constantin Haefner
Bessel Beams Generated by a Segmented Deformable Mirror for Laser Material Processing (M804) Xiaoming Yu
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM AWARDS GALA
Peer Reviewed Paper
ICALEO® 2018
3D Micro and Nanoscale Structuring using Engineered Ultrafast Laser Beams for Photonic Applications (M802) Cyril Mauclair
Seeing the “Breathing” of Layered Materials Systems (N502) Shenxi Huang
2:00 PM
LMP 14: Laser Metal Deposition III
1:30 PM
LMP 13: Cutting
LMP 15: Thick Metal and Hybrid Welding
LMP 16: Laser Metal Deposition IV
LMF 9: Biomedical Applications
Nano 6: Fs Laser
Chair: Antti Salminen Room: Salon 3
Chair: Jana Kelbassa Room: Salon 4
Chair: Lucian Hand Room: Salons 1 & 2
Chair: Wei Xiong Room: Salon 10
Laser-Multi-Pass-Narrow-GapWelding of Nickel Superalloy Alloy 617 OCC (1501) Benjamin Kessler
Laser Ablation of Additively Manufactured Surfaces at Oblique Angles of Incidence (1601) Sina Hallmann
Antibacterial Properties of Microscale Surface Topographies Generated by Ultrafast Laser Processing (M901) Rainer Kling
Preparation of Functional Nanoparticles by Femtosecond Laser (N601) Jianrong Qiu
On the Search for the Origin of the Bulge Effect in High Power Laser Beam Welding (1502) Antoni Artinov
The Effect of Pre-Heat and Laser Scan Speed of Laser Cladded High Cr White Iron Powder (1602) Stephen Sun
Comparison of 1G and 2G Position Laser Welding of Thick Section D6A Ultra-high Strength Steel (1503) Xianfeng Shen
Effects of Multidimensional Vibration on Laser Cladding of SS316L Alloy (1603) Zhehe Yao
Three-Dimensional Analysis of Biological Systems via a Novel Laser Ablation Technique (M904) Asheesh Lanba
Femtosecond Laser Bionic Micro/ Nanofabrication (N602) Feng Chen
Laser Metal Deposition Strategies for Repairing Flat and Notched Substrates Made of Ni-Based Single Crystalline Superalloys (1604) Milton Pereira
Circular Microchannels inside Bulk PMMA generated by Femtosecond Laser using Slit Beam Shaping (M905) Gian-Luca Roth
10 20 30 40 50
Effects of Assisted Gas on Inconel 718 Alloy Coating Fabricated via Laser Cladding (1605) Qunli Zhang
10:00 AM
Laser Welding of Thin Sheets by Means of Direct Energy Deposition Technique (1505) Alessandro Ascari
Femtosecond Laser Induced Anisotropic Modifications (N603) Jingyu Zhang
10:10 AM – 10:40 AM MORNING BREAK LMP 17: Emerging Technologies
LMP 18: Surface Treatment
Chair: Friedhelm Dorsch
Chair: Anna Unt Room: Salon 4
Chair: Eric Mottay Room: Salons 1 & 2
Chair: Minlin Zhong Room: Salon 10
3D/6D Calibration and Real-time Focus Shift Compensation for Automated 30 kW Laser Remote Scanner (1701) Georg Cerwenka
Laser Induced Heating for Enhanced Fatigue Life of Aluminum Alloys (1801) Milton Lima
Picosecond Laser Welding of Glass with Large Gap (M1001)
Semiconductor Microspherical Crystal Whispering Gallery Mode Lasers (N701) Daisuke Nakamura
Development of a General Approach for the LocationIndependent Optimization of Production Processes Using Beam Welding Processes as an Example (1702) Willem Holtum
Laser Polishing of Additively Manufactured CoCr and Ti6Al4V Parts and Subsequent Stress Relieving (1802) Wojciech Gora
Application of Fibre Lasers in Micro Joining of SS304L (M1002) Julio Coroado
Advantages of an Adaptive Absorption Coefficient for Simulations of Iterative Laser Beam Processes (1703) Helge Kügler
Fiber Laser Cladding of 17-4 PH Stainless Steel on Low Carbon Steel Alloy for Enhanced Surface Properties (1803) Ravi Rajamure
Investigation of Surface Topography on Micro-welding Characteristics of Copper by Pulsed Laser (M1003) Yasuhiro Okamoto
Laser Assisted Thermite Coating of Aluminium Alloy with Air and Argon Shielding (1704) Manoj Rathod
Biocompatibility Enhancement of Mg-Gd-Ca Alloy by Laser Surface Modification (1804) Yingchun Guan
Micro Keyhole Welding with High Brightness Fiber Lasers (M1004) Brian Baird
LMF 10: Micro-joining
Nano 7: Advanced
Laser-Based Approaches in Synthesis and Processing of 2D Materials (N702) Masoud Mahjouri-Samani
Approaches in Nanoscience and Engineering
Laser-Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition of 2D Materials (N703) Masoud Mahjouri-Samani
10:40 AM
Room: Salon 3
11:00 AM
9:00 AM
8:30 AM
Thursday, October 18 | MORNING SESSIONS
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM LUNCH BREAK
ICALEO® 2018
Peer Reviewed Paper
Thursday, October 18 | AFTERNOON SESSIONS
Closing Plenary Chair: Christoph Leyens Room: Salon 3 & 4
1:30 PM
Direct Laser Interference Patterning: Past, Challenges and New Opportunities for Laser Textured Surfaces (C101) Andrés Fabian Lasagni
The Art of Additive Manufacturing (C102) Youping Gao
2:30 PM
Peer Reviewed Paper
ICALEO® 2018
2:00 PM
Latest Developments and Basic Understanding in Laser Cutting, Welding and Coating (C103) Eckhard Beyer