ICALEO 2021 Advance Program

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October 18-20, 2021

Advance Program The World’s Premier Platform for Breakthrough Laser Solutions

Conference Chairs Congress General Verena Wippo - Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. Laser Additive Manufacturing Edward Reutzel, Ph.D. - Pennsylvania State University Milan Brandt - RMIT University Laser Macroprocessing Friedhelm Dorsch - TRUMPF GmbH + Co. KG Klaus Kleine, Ph.D. - Coherent, Inc Laser Microprocessing Florian Kiefer- TRUMPF Laser and Systemtechnik GmbH John Lopez, Ph.D. - University of Bordeaux Laser Nanomanufacturing Ya Cheng, Ph.D. - East China Normal University Yves Bellouard, Ph.D. - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Frontiers in Laser Applications Eric Mottay - Amplitude Laser Group Robert Braunschweig - LASEA

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Save the Date 40

October 17-20

2022 Orlando, Florida


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The Windy City will Palmer House host ICALEO in 2023 Hilton - mark your calendars Chicago, IL now! October 16th - 19th

Table of Contents


General Chair Welcome




Highlights and Features






ICALEO 2021 Partner List


Opening Plenary


LAM Track Summary


MACRO Track Summary


MICRO Track Summary


NANO Track Summary


FLA Track Summary


Closing Plenary






Sponsor Thanks

Welcome to our 2021 virtual ICALEO conference!






GENERAL CHAIR WELCOME Verena Wippo - Laser Zentrum Hannover Verena Wippo works in the Composite Group at the Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. in Germany. Her main field of activity is the laser welding of unreinforced and fiber reinforced thermoplastics. Ms. Wippo has a diploma in Mechanical Engineering with the focus on Machines, Systems and Automation in Production Engineering and Mechanisms and Robotics. Since July 2019, she is head of the composites group.

The LIA, co-chairs and I are delighted to welcome you to the 40th anniversary of the International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO)! The conference chairs and program committee have put together a highly interesting program consisting of presentations and posters from participants from all over the world, which is devoted to five (5) core technical tracks: • • • • •

Laser Additive Manufacturing Laser Macroprocessing Laser Microprocessing Nanomanufacturing Frontiers in Laser Applications

General Information

We are looking forward to an excellent scientific technical conference in which many presentations and posters will be peer reviewed. This combined with the newest developments directly from industry regarding laser sources, process monitoring, and processing strategies will ensure an outstanding opportunity to learn about advances in laser material processing.

Laser industry professionals from academic and industrial settings will gather to discuss the latest in laser additive manufacturing (LAM), laser macroprocessing, laser microprocessing, and laser nanomanufacturing. The Frontiers in Laser Applications track will cover additional topics like regional laser markets, industry-specific applications, and more.

Join us October 18-20, 2021 for this year’s virtual event with interactive sessions, networking tables, and more!

This year’s ICALEO will offer the chance to have interesting discussions with researchers, engineers, and scientists in an inviting social atmosphere. You can look forward to the possibility of igniting new projects, new collaborations, or paving the way for new business connections. You will have several opportunities to meet other attendees.


I wish you a very pleasant and rewarding experience at the 40th annual ICALEO and I am delighted to welcome you to our 2021 conference!

Registration includes access to the three day live event, as well as an on-demand library with all of that content to view at your leisure.

Registration Pricing: Standard: $175

Visit icaleo.org/attend to register today!






ICALEO 2021: Conference Agenda* Monday, October 18

11:00 AM EDT Networking Break: Meet Panel Speakers

8:00 AM EDT Welcome Remarks & Opening Plenary Session

12:00 PM EDT LAM 4: Large Scale AM Macro 4: Non-metal/Surface Micro 4: Laser Drilling Nano 4: Nano-structuring & Nano-printing

9:40 AM EDT Networking Break: Meet Opening Plenary Speakers 10:00 AM EDT LAM 1: Advanced DEDAM Processing 1 Macro 1 : Cu-Welding Micro 1: Texturing Nano 1: Femtosecond Laser for Photonics and Nanoprocessing FLA 1: Frontiers in Laser Processing

1:30 PM EDT Networking Break: Meet Session 4 Speakers 2:00 PM EDT End of Day

Wednesday, October 20

11:30 AM EDT Networking Break: Meet Session 1 Speakers

8:00 AM EDT LAM Session 5: Process Monitoring and Processing High Reflectivity Alloys MACRO Session 5: Sensing MICRO Session 5: Beam Engineering 1

12:30 PM EDT LAM 2: Advanced DEDAM Processing 2 Macro 2: Dissimilar Materials Micro 2: Micro Nano 2: Femtosecond Lasers for Surface Processing and Future Technologies for Integrated Laser Photonics FLA 2: Frontiers in Medical Applications

9:30 AM EDT Networking Break: Meet Session 5 Speakers

2:00 PM EDT Networking Break: Meet Session 2 Speakers

10:00 AM EDT LAM 6: AM of Relective Materials Macro 6: Emerging Technologies Micro 6: Beam Engineering 2

2:30 PM EDT End of Day

11:30 AM EDT Networking Break: Meet Session 6 Speakers

Tuesday, October 19

12:30 PM EDT Closing Address & Plenary Session

8:00 AM EDT LAM 3: AM Design and Processing Macro 3: Welding Micro 3: Matter Deposition Nano 3: Laser Synthesis FLA 3: Frontiers in Laser Applications

2:00 PM EDT Final Networking Break: Meet Closing Plenary Speakers and Say Farewell until Fall 2022! 2:30 PM EDT End of Day

9:30 AM EDT Networking Break: Meet Session 3 Speakers 10:00 AM EDT Panel Session: Artificial Intelligence in the Laser Industry WWW.ICALEO.ORG


*This agenda is subject to change.




Highlighted Sessions and Events Artificial Intelligence in the Laser Industry Don’t miss our industry panel discussion on Tuesday, October 19 from 10:00AM - 11:00AM.

Artificial Intelligence in the Laser Industry - Moderated by Prof. William M. Steen

Panelist: Prof. Carlo Holly, RWTH Aachen University Panelist: Julia Hartung, TRUMPF Laser GmbH Panelist: Prof. Dr. Volker Sorger, George Washington University

Awards Ceremony Join us as we honor industry luminaries in this year’s awards ceremony. Look for this ICALEO tradition in virtual format, located among our on-demand content. We hope you will enjoy this annual celebration in recognition of your peers in the following awards categories: Arthur L. Schawlow Award William M. Steen Award LIA Fellows JLA Paper Award

On-Demand Presentations Enjoy 24/7 access to even more content under the “On-Demand” section of our platform. You will find 30+ more hot topics and posters presented by students, researchers, and industry leaders. Watch at your convenience, then look for the On-Demand and Poster presenters at designated tables in the platform Networking Area Monday through Wednesday. * Program subject to change To access this content, visit the On-Demand Tab in the menu at the top of the page while in the event platform.






Platform Features Interact During Sessions! Ask a question: During presentations, use the Q&A tab on the right side of the page to post your question as a text message. The session chair may select your question to be addressed by the presenter! React with Emojis: Use emojis to react and offer motivation or applause to the speaker during their presentation. Raise Hand: If you would like to interact with the speaker and the session chair on camera, you may select the “Raise Hand” button (see right). If this is accepted, you will join the stage with the speaker and be visible to all participants.

Tip: Choose Your Language! English is the default language on the Airmeet platform, but you can change the language to the one you know best. This option changes all in-event interface elements.

»English »French »German »Portuguese »Spanish »Korean »Mongolian »Japanese »Norwegian »Chinese »Turkish

Step 1: Click on the profile section at the top right corner of the event. Step 2: Select the “language” option. Step 3: Select a language to use for this event. Step 4: Click on “Save” for changes to take effect. The event interface will appear in a new language automatically.

Watch this video to learn more about the platform and its features!

More Interactions! Chat: You can engage in public event chat or direct/private chat. All the participants can view the general chat. To have a private chat with a particular participant, hover over their display image on the “Attendees” section and select “Direct Message” from the menu. Push Notifications: Throughout the conference days, watch out for push notifications in the platform to remind you of sessions starting, networking breaks, and more.






Networking Networking Lounge Stop by to continue the conversation with speakers and peers! Look for tables dedicated to specific tracks and topics like OnDemand presentations, Poster presentations, Sponsors, and more! It’s as easy as “taking a seat” to join a LIVE video chat experience with fellow attendees and speakers.* *Each table video chat can accommodate up to 50 attendees at a time. See our sample lounge floor plan and check out this video to learn more!

Monday, October 18

Tuesday, October 19

Wednesday, October 20

9:40 AM EDT

9:30 AM EDT

9:30 AM EDT

- Meet the Opening Plenary Speakers at the Plenary table

- Meet the Session 3 Speakers at their designated track tables

- Meet the Session 5 Speakers at their designated track tables

11:30 AM EDT

11:00 AM EDT

11:30 AM EDT

- Meet the Session 1 Speakers at their designated track tables

- Meet the Panel Session Speakers at the designated Panel table

- Meet the Session 6 Speakers at their designated track tables

- Stop by the Daily Sponsor table to meet with Amplitude representatives - Check out the On-Demand tables by designated track to discuss presentations with the authors and fellow attendees

2:00 PM EDT

- Check out the On-Demand tables by designated track to discuss presentations with the authors and fellow attendees

1:30 PM EDT - Meet the Session 4 Speakers at their designated track tables

- Meet the Session 2 Speakers at their designated track tables

- Stop by the Daily Sponsor table to meet with TRUMPF representatives - Check out the Poster table to discuss presentations with the authors and fellow attendees

2:00 PM EDT - Meet the Closing Plenary Speakers at the Plenary table

Always Available! Need help? The Platform Concierge Support table is always available to assist you with any technical or platform issues. Stop by The Laser Institute table in the networking area during all breaks to answer any questions you may have about the event, courses, membership, and more! The Open Networking tables are available for you and other attendees to meet up with each other freely so take advantage! *Each table video chat can accommodate up to 50 attendees at a time.














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Amplitude’s Presentations: I “High Power Femtosecond Laser for Parallel Processing” (Micro 604) - presented by Eric Mottay, CEO Amplitude Laser Group, Track Chair for Frontiers in Laser Applications II “High Power Nanosecond Laser for Dynamic Shock Compression” (FLA 304) - presented by Florian Mollica, Laser Project Manager at Amplitude



Femtosecond Laser Applications High Speed Microcutting & Drilling Flat Panel Display Cutting Large Surface Texturing Microelectronics Micromachining



3 mJ

Awards AR T H U R L . S C HAW LOW AWA R D One of LIA’s most prestigious honors, the Arthur L. Schawlow Award recognizes outstanding, caree r-long contributions to basic and applied research in laser science and engineering, leading to fundamental understanding of laser materials interaction and/or transfer of laser technology for increased application in industry, medicine and daily life. The Schawlow honoree will be acknowledged at the LIA Awards Ceremony, during which the recipient will givean address. Eligibility: Nominations are open to candidates who made outstanding contribution to basic and applied research in laser science and engineering. The recipient does not have to be a member of LIA but sustained service to LIA can be one of the additional contributions that is considered for the award. Nominations are active for three years.

W ILLIA M M. ST E EN AWA RD The Laser Institute of America is pleased to invite applications for the prestigious William M. Steen Award for significant developments in laser material processing named after one of the early pioneers in the subject. Laser Material Processing is one of the growth points in modern manufacturing. To bring focus to the many developments taking place and to promote the development of new ideas the LIA is making awards for the top idea of the year as adjudicated by a prize giving panel. In order to qualify the innovative development should have experimental proof of concept in the use of lasers or monitoring of laser processes and should fit one of the criteria stated below: • Open a new area of application for lasers. • Be of benefit to manufacturing with lasers. • Solve a problem either particular or general by the use of lasers. • Show some novel sensing system by using optics or when monitoring laser processes. • A development in photo chemistry. • A development in photo-therapies. • A development in 3D printings with lasers






FEL LOWS AWA RD T he g r a d e of Fe llow is the highes t l e v e l of m e m be rsh i p i n t h e LIA . It i s aw a r d ed t o r e cog n i ze mem bers of the ins titute w h o h av e : - A t t a i n ed u n us ual profes s ional dist i n ct i on i n t h e LIA m i ssi o n are as of l aser s c i enc e a nd tech n ol ogy, las e r applic ations an d/or l ase r saf e t y, an d - P rovi d ed ou t s tanding s ervic e to t h e i r f i e l d. N o mi n a ti on s are ope n to c andidat e s w h o m u st h av e pract i ce d t h e pro f es s i o n o f l a se r sci en ce and engine e ring in acade m i a, m e di ci n e , i n du st ry or gov e rn ment f o r a t l e a s t 10 yea r s, and fe llow m em ber sh i p f o r an y i n di v i du al sh al l n ot be i n s t i t ut ed o r r e ma i n i n effect unles s his /he r m e m be rsh i p i s cu rre n t . F o r e xce pt i on al ca nd i d a t es , t he E x ecu ti v e Com m itte e m ay wai v e t h e e l i gi bi l i t y re qu i re m e n t s.

JLA BEST PA PE R AWA R D T he Jou r n a l of Las er Applic ations B e st P ape r A w ard i s gi v e n an n u al l y i n rec o g ni t i o n o f o u tsta n d i n g las er applic ations re se arch t o t h e pri m ary au t h o r o f a se l e c t ed p a p er p u b l i sh ed i n the journal in the pre ce di n g t h re e ye ars. E ach E di t o r n om i n at e s a s i ng l e p a per i n th ei r topic al are a for c onsi de rat i o n by t h e f u l l E di t ori al t e am bas ed o n t he q u a l i ty a n d si gnific anc e of the wo rk . Th e w i n n i n g au t h or re ce i v e s f re e reg i s t r a t i o n t o I CA LE O a n d a Crys tal Award.







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Website: https://www.ailu.org.uk/


The Association of Industrial Laser Users (AILU) is an independent UK-based non-profit organization dedicated to helping manufacturing industry make the best use of laser technology. In particular, we seek to foster co-operation and collaboration on non-competitive technical matters and provide a forum and mechanisms for sharing experience and expertise. AILU members receive The Industrial Laser User, a leading magazine on the practice of industrial laser applications, free “hot-line” consultancy, member-only information on our website at www.ailu.org.uk, plus heavy discounts on attending workshops and other events in the UK and worldwide.

Website: http://directedlight.com/



Address: 1305 Walt Whitman Road, Ste 300 Melville, NY 11747 USA

Address: 201 S Wallace Avenue, Suite B2C Bozeman, Montana 59715 USA

Phone Number: +1 516-576-2200

Phone Number: +1 (866) 658-5404

Email: sales@aip.org

As North America’s largest distributor of replacement components Directed Light provides high quality, cost-effective laser products, repair and service to the Industrial, Medical and Scientific Marketplace. Our Sales and Service group is committed to excellence in product quality, customer satisfaction and we offer an extensive stock of critical components.


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AIP Publishing exists to connect authors and readers to a living legacy of published science, accelerate discovery and advance the physical sciences. As a not-for-profit organization, we are committed to ensuring that all scientific work supporting our mission be presented, promoted, and made permanently available through our journals, books, and resources. Visit AIP Publishing booth and learn about all of AIP’s highly cited applied physics journals.

Manufacturer of DPSS lasers, optoelectronics, and power supplies for industrial micromachining applications. Products include the Atlantic pico-second laser, a DPSS laser with up to 80W average power at 1064nm, with 532nm and 355nm harmonics options. These lasers are an excellent choice for high throughput material processing and black marking applications.



Address: 11, avenue de Canteranne Cité de la Photonique, bât. Meropa 33600 Pessac, France

Address: 445 St-Jean-Baptiste, Suite 160 Quebec, QC G2E 5N7 Canada Phone Number: +1 (418) 651-8003

Phone Number: +33 (0)56464060


Email: info@amplitude-laser.com

Created in 2001, Amplitude Laser Group manufactures and commercializes ultrafast lasers for scientific, medical and industrial applications. Leading the international market since its beginning, Amplitude offers a large range of products: diode-pumped ultrafast solid-state lasers, ultra-high energy Ti:Sapphire ultrafast lasers and a full line of high energy solid state laser products. Amplitude has three manufacturing locations and several commercial offices in Europe, Asia and North America.


Email: info@gentec-eo.com Website: https://www.gentec-eo.com/

Website: https://amplitude-laser.com/


Email: info@directedlight.com



Gentec Electro-Optics is specialized in laser beam and terahertz source measurement and analysis. With an outstanding 45-year track record of innovation, developing and providing state-of the-art technologies to the laser market, Gentec-EO has become The Expert of the laser beam measurement field.






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We are at the forefront of developing new technologies and new products as building blocks for an increasingly smart and connected world. These technologies and products are used as integrated solutions for a broad spectrum of markets. From processing to transferring, storing, and analyzing data, our broad product portfolio offers innovative solutions to a wide array of customers.

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Address: 201 S Wallace Avenue, Suite B2C Bozeman, Montana 59715 USA

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Phone Number: +1 (866) 658-5404

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Email: sales@lightcon.com


Email: oeminfo@trumpf.com

Website: http://lightcon.com/

Website: https://www.trumpf.com

Light Conversion offers flexible industrial grade femto-second lasers, with high pulse energies, tunable pulse durations and leading harmonics technology. Our suite of femtosecond laser products offers compact and affordable platforms that meet the needs of both the consumer electronics market and medical device manufacturers.

TRUMPF Inc. is a leading manufacturer of laser technology for industrial applications in North America. Founded in 1969 in Farmington, CT, the company is the largest subsidiary of the TRUMPF Group. With more than 1,000 employees in region, TRUMPF Inc. serves the U.S., Canadian and Mexican markets.

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Photonics Media brings you the latest research, product information, and business news for the entire photonics industry. As the publisher of Photonics Spectra, Vision Spectra, BioPhotonics, and EuroPhotonics magazines, the Photonics Buyers’ Guide and Photonics.com we offer news, research and applications articles to help you succeed.









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The professional society for lasers, laser applications, and laser safety worldwide.

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Some benefits include: • Discounts on LIA courses, conferences, and seminars • Special member rates on all LIA publications, videos, and safety training guides • Complimentary subscriptions to the LIA TODAY and the peer reviewed Journal of Laser Applications® • Career enhancement and networking opportunities • And more!

Some benefits include: • Discounts on LIA courses, conferences, and seminars • Special member rates on all LIA publications, videos, and safety training guides • Complimentary subscriptions to the LIA TODAY and the peer reviewed Journal of Laser Applications® • Discounts on exhibit space at LIA Conferences and Workshops • 50 word listing in our Corporate Directory with link to your website • And more!

*Special student rates are available

www.lia.org/membership membership@lia.org

Opening Plenaries JULIA HARTUNG Julia received her B.S. degree from Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University in Villingen-Schwenningen (Germany) in 2016 and the M.S. degree from the University of Applied Science in Esslingen (Germany) in 2019. She is currently pursuing a doctorate degree with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany). Her main research interests include AI based quality assurance and multi sensor fusion.

AI in the Laser Industry – from Sensor Parametrization to Process Control In this speech different application areas of artificial intelligence in the laser industry are shown based on two examples. The main topic of the speech deals with an AI based optimization of complex sensor systems. Using optical coherence tomography, which has different physical parameters as well as algorithmic parameters to control the post-processing of a signal, the approach is illustrated. Due to interactions of parameters and the asymmetry of the value ranges, a high-dimensional, highly complex parameter space results, which requires expert knowledge to handle. With the help of an evolutionary algorithm, as well as an intelligent selection of the initial population by a neural network and clustering, ideal sensor parameters can be determined in a very short time. A second field of application which is discussed, is the laser process control based on image data. Examples are quality assurance of weld seams or spatter detection in the laser welding process. With an algorithm based on a convolutional neural network, the image data are analyzed and classified pixel by pixel. With the aim of using the system in the production process, the focus here is on low computing time of the prediction, as well as training with a small amount of input data.

CARLO HOLLY Prof. Carlo Holly received the Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat.) from RWTH Aachen University. He worked in the field of Laser and Laser Optics at the Chair for Laser Technology LLT and joined TRUMPF Photonics (USA) in 2017, where he developed semiconductor lasers and models of high-power edge-emitters. He worked on non-invasive glucose measurement as Head of R&D Photonics at DiaMonTech AG in Berlin. In 2021, Prof. Holly became full-time professor at RWTH Aachen and head of the Chair for Technology of Optical Systems TOS. He and his chair work in close collaboration with the Fraunhofer-Institute for Laser Technology ILT.

Artificial Intelligence and Digital Solutions for Laser Technology Digital solutions offer a holistic approach for understanding and optimization of laser-based manufacturing by bridging between individual photonic technologies ranging from the laser beam sources, optical systems, and sensors to the applications and material interaction. On the software-side, these solutions include elaborated design tools, digital twins, management and analysis of large data streams and the connection to edge devices. The software developments are accompanied by solid sensor technology and fast hardware to obtain process data and control lasers and active optical systems. This combination of laser manufacturing technology and digitization enables Digital Photonic Production. New software and design algorithms based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) play a crucial role for the increase of efficiency and quality for laser materials processing. In the recent years, AI has gained great popularity and enhanced the performance of various products in the fields of information technology, robotics, healthcare, autonomous driving, and many others. Prominent examples involving the processing of large data sets and complex dependencies are computer vision, natural language processing, logistics, or control of manufacturing robots. While these AI-based algorithms have penetrated the information technology market and today are state-of-the-art in many consumer products, new developments aim to exploit their full potential also for the photonic production. The field of applications for AI in laser technology range from automated design and process analysis for quality inspection to AI-based self-optimizing machines for laser materials processing. We have successfully used AI-based solutions for the qualitative evaluation of laser-welded seams to reliably detect defects during production of batteries, for surface quality improvement in laser powder bed fusion (LPBF), and for process control in laser metal deposition (LMD). In addition, Neural Networks are employed to perform a model-based characterization of extreme ultraviolet (EUV)nanostructures or evaluate interferometer data to determine distance and inclination with an optical sensor. In the future, novel digital solutions in combination with AI will allow us to improve design, process analysis, systems control, efficiency, and quality inspection for laser manufacturing.






LAM Track Summary Track Co-Chairs EDWARD REUTZEL

Pennsylvania State University Pennsylvania, USA

Dr. E.W. (Ted) Reutzel is Director of Penn State’s Center for Innovative Material Processing through Direct Digital Deposition (CIMP-3D), is an Associate Research Professor at Penn State’s Applied Research Laboratory, and serves as graduate faculty in Penn State’s Engineering Science & Mechanics Department and the Additive Manufacturing & Design Program. Dr. Reutzel has led numerous programs to investigate and implement metal AM, including support for the Navy’s first demonstration of a flight-critical part (Ti6Al4V AM link on the MV-22B Osprey). Current interests include process monitoring for AM process understanding, machine learning for quality control of metal-based AM processes, and process implementation.

MILAN BRANDT Milan Brandt is a professor in Advanced Manufacturing in the School of Engineering, Technical Director Advanced Manufacturing Precinct and Director RMIT Centre for Additive Manufacturing, RMIT University, Melbourne Australia. Professor Brandt has been involved with lasers and manufacturing technologies professionally for 36 years and is recognized nationally and internationally as the leading Australian researcher in the field. He is the recipient of several awards and is the author of over 200 publications, 5 book chapters and a book on laser additive manufacturing. He has also commercialized the results of his research through the companies he has helped establish. RMIT University Melbourne, Australia

Professor Brandt is a Fellow and currently an executive member of LIA. In 2018 he was the president of LIA. He has had a 33 year association with LIA being involved on the organizing committees for ICALEO and LAM for many years, as well as serving on the LIA Board of Directors. He is also the Senior Editor of JLA in Additive Manufacturing.

“With new suppliers and devices entering the market daily, and a greater range of materials and material suppliers, Laser Additive Manufacturing is one of the highest growth areas within manufacturing globally. The Laser Additive Manufacturing track shines a spotlight on the latest techniques in additive manufacturing—from part design and process chain to finished product. Don’t miss out!”

Track Organizing Committee Milan Brandt - RMIT University Edward Reutzel - Pennsylvania State University Stefan Kaierle - Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. Christoph Leyens - Fraunhofer IWS Manyalibo Matthews - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory




Ehsan Toyserkani – University of Waterloo Mihaela Vlasea - University of Waterloo Jana Kelbassa - Fraunhofer ILT Adam Hicks - USAF Dongdong Gu - Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics



MON D A Y , O C T O BER 18 S e ssion Title L AM 1 : ADVANCED D ED A M P R OC ESSI N G 1

Chair TE D R E U TZ E L

Tim e 1 0:00AM

1 . L a rge A rea DED: St at u s Qu o an d Expe cte d D eve l o p m e n ts i n th e N ex t 5 Ye a r s ( L A M 1 01 ) * Ele na L ópez, Mi r ko R i e d e , Fran ce s co B ru z z o, Fr a n z M a r q u a r d t, J a k o b S c h n e id e r , C h r isto p h L e y e n s, F ra nk B rückner - F r aunhof e r I W S, D re s d e n , G e rm an y; Jak o b Sc hnei der , C h ri s t op h L e ye n s - T e ch n i s ch e Un ive r sitä t Dr e sd e n , Dr e sd e n , G e r ma n y ; Fran k Br üc kner -L ul e å U n i v e rs i t y of T e ch n ol og y , L u le å , S w e d e n 2. E x t reme High- s pee d L ase r M ate rial D e posit io n fo r Co ati n g , Re p a i r a n d Ad d i ti ve Ma n u fa c tu r i n g ( L AM 102) Thoma s Schopphoven - Fraunhofer ILT Institute for Laser Technology, Aachen, Germany

3 . Ad apting Additive M an u fact u rin g an d L ase r G a s A l l oy i n g fo r Di re c te d E n e rg y Ti ta n i u m N i tr i d e D e posit ions (L AM 103) Co ry Jam i eson, A bd al l a Nas s ar - A p p l i e d R e s e ar c h L a b o r a to r y , Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA

4. Dynamic Las er Claddin g wit h Variable Track Wi d th a n d Ad a p ta b l e L a s e r Powe r Di str i b u ti o n ( L A M 104) Maria Barbosa, Holger Hillig, Stefan Kuehn, Raphael Goldberg, Marko Seifert, Christoph Leyens - Fraunhofer Institute for Materi al and Beam Technology IWS, Dresden, Germany

MON D A Y , O C T O BER 18 S e ssion Title L AM 2 : ADVANCED D ED A M P R OC ESSI N G 2

Chair S TE F A N K A I E R L E

Tim e 1 2:3 0 PM

1 . Nex t Generation Lase r M ate rials P roce ssin g ( L A M 2 01 ) * Michael Schmidt - Institute of Photonic Technologies, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germa ny

2. Process Developme n t an d M e ch an ical P rope r ti e s o f Ti - 6 A l - 4 V S a m p l e s G e n e rate d by L a s e r M ate r i a l D eposit ion w ith Coaxial Wire Fe e d (L A M 2 02 ) Jana Kelbassa - Fraunhofer ILT Institute for Laser Technology, Aachen, Germany

3 . A Novel Key hole- Base d Wire -Fe e d L ase r Add i ti ve Ma n u fa c tu r i n g P ro ce ss ( L A M 2 03 ) Shihui Guo, Rongshi Xiao, Ting Huang -Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China

4. In fluence of the L ase r Be am Param e te rs in t he L DN A P ro ce ss o n th e S e a m G e o m e tr y o f G e n e rati vely Ma n u factured Str uc t u re s (L A M 2 0 4 ) Tjorben Bokelmann, Marijan Tegtmeier, Marius Lammers, Stefan Kaierle, Jörg Hermsdorf -Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Hannover, Germany; Sobhan Emadmostoufi, Oleg Mokrov, Rahul Sharma, Uwe Reisgen -Welding and Joining Institute RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany

* indicates invited speaker.






T U ES D A Y , O C T O BER 19 S e ssio n Title L AM 3: A M DESIGN & P R OC ESSI N G

Chair MI H A E L A V L A S E A

Tim e 08 :00 AM

1 . E ffe ct of Inter nal Pore s an d St re ss St ate on M u l ti a x i a l F ra c tu re o f Ad d i ti ve l y Ma n u fa c tu re d A l l oys ( LAM 301) * Allison Beese -Pennsyl v an i a St at e U n i v e rs i t y, State College, PA, USA 2. De sign Guidelines for L ase r Powde r Be d F u s i o n i n I n co n e l 7 1 8 ( L A M 3 02 ) Dirk Herzog, Karim Asami, Christoph Scholl, Christoph Ohle, Claus Emmelmann -Hamburg University of Technology, Hamburg, Germany; Ashish Sharma -GE Aviation, Garching bei München, Germany; Nick Markovic, Andy Harris -Autodesk Ltd, London , UK

3 . St u dy Of Spatter s Eje ct ion s D u rin g L-P BF P ro ce ss fo r A l u m i n u m A l l oys ( L A M 3 03 ) Gwenaëlle Chebil, Yves Renollet, Cécile Davoin, Marc Thomas -DMAS, ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab, Université Paris-Saclay, Châtillon, France; Gwenaëlle Chebil, Pierre Lapouge, Véronique Favier, Matthieu Schneider -Laboratoire PIMM, Arts et Metiers Institute of Technology, HESAM Université, Paris, France

4. Effe ct of Post P ro ce ssin g Te ch n iqu e on Su rfa ce Ro u g h n e ss o f Ad d i ti ve l y Ma n u fa c tu re d P u re Co p p er Pa rt s (L AM 304 ) Samira Gruber, Lukas Stepien, Elena Lopez, Frank Brückner, Christoph Leyens -Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS, Dresden, Germany; Frank Brückner - L ul eå U n i v e rs i t y of T e ch n ol og y, L u le å , S w e d e n ; Christoph Leyens -Technical University Dresden, D r e sd e n , G e r ma n y

T U ES D A Y , OC T O BER 19 S e ssio n Title L AM 4: LARGE SCA L E A M

Chair MA R K U S K O G E L - H O L L A C H E R

Tim e 1 2:00 PM

1 . L a ser Additive Manu fact u rin g P roce sse s an d Syste m s : O n e S i ze D o e s n ’ t F i t A l l ( L A M 4 01 ) * B rian Gi bson, Jay Re yn ol d s , Pari t os h M h at re , M ic h a e l B o r ish , P e te r W a n g , J o sh u a V a u g h a n - M a n u f a c turi ng D e monstr ati on Fac i l i t y, O ak R i d g e Nat i on al L ab o r a to r y , O a k R id g e , T N , US A 2. A Comparative Study Of F ilame n t -Fe d an d Bl ow n Powd e r B a s e d L a s e r Ad d i ti ve M a n u fa c tu r i n g Fo r Tra nspa rent Ma g n e s ium Aluminate Spin e l Ce ramics (L A M 4 02 ) X ia ng yang Dong, John Pap p as - M i s s ou ri U n i v e rsity o f S c ie n c e a n d T e c h n o lo g y , R o lla , M O , US A 3 . In fluence of Timin g St rate gie s on P roce ss St a b i l i ty a n d D e p o s i ti o n Acc u ra cy i n L a s e r Mate r i a l De p osit ion wit h Coa x i a l Wire Feed ( L A M 4 03 ) Max Fabian Steiner -Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (ILT), Aachen, Germany

4. Pre diction of Build G e ome t ry for D ire cte d En e rg y De p o s i ti o n U s i n g S u p e r vi s e d Le a r n i n g Me th o d s on Sim ulated Pro ce ss Monitor ing D at a (L A M 4 0 4 ) Charles Snyer s, Jul i e n E rt v e l d t , Jorg e San ch e z M e d in a , J a n H e lse n , Z o é J a r d o n - V r ij e Un ive r site it B r u s s el , Brussels, Belgium ; Zoé Jar don -von Kar m an In s t i t u t e f or Fl u i d D yn a mic s ( V K I ) , R h o d e - S a in t- G e n è se , B e lg iu m

* indicates invited speaker.








Tim e 08 :00 AM

1 . F rontier s for Addit ive M an u fact u rin g (L A M 5 01 ) * Je nn ifer Wol k 1 . S e n s ing Of Lack-Of-F u sion A n d Key-Holin g P ro ce ss i n g Re g i m e s D u r i n g L a s e r - B a s e d Powd e r B e d F usion Ad d i tive Manufactu rin g Of I n con e l 6 2 5 (L A M 5 02 ) Christopher Stutzman, Abdalla Nassar -Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA

2. Mater ial Loss A na lysis in G lass Addit ive M anu fa c tu r i n g By L a s e r G l a ss De p o s i ti o n ( L A M 5 03 ) Khodor Sleiman, Katharina Rettschlag, Peter Jäschke, Stefan Kaierle, Ludger Overmeyer -Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Hannover, Germany; Nichol as Capps, Edward Kinzel -University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA

3 . L a ser Powder Bed F u sion Addit ive M an u fact u r i n g O f Co p p e r Va p o r C h a m b e r s ( L A M 5 04 ) Adnen Mezghani, Abdalla Nassar, Corey Dickman -The Applied Research Laboratory, State College, PA, USA; Adnen Mezghani -Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA; Eduardo Valdes, Raul Alvarado -SET Group, LLC, Telford, PA, USA

WE DN E S DA Y , OCT O BER 20 S e ssion Title L AM 6: AM OF REFLEC T I V E M A T ER I A L S

Chair DO N G D O N G G U

Tim e 1 0:00 AM

1 . L a ser Additive Man u fact u rin g of High Re fle ct i vi ty A l l oys ( L A M 6 01 ) * Sag ar Patel , Mi hael a V l as e a, J i g ar Pat e l - U n i v er sity o f W a te r lo o , W a te r lo o , O N , C a n a d a 2. New Development s in M e t al Addit ive M an u fa c tu r i n g (G re e n L a s e r & 5 00C ) - L M F ( L A M 6 02 ) Roland Spiegelhalder -TRUMPF Inc, Playmouth Township, MI, USA

3 . Development of H igh In te n sit y M u lt i-Be am L a s e r M e ta l De p o s i ti o n Syste m w i th B l u e Di o d e L a s e r s for Ad d i tively Manufact u rin g Of Coppe r Rod (L A M 6 03 ) Kazuhiro Ono -Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Suita, Japan; Yuji Sato, Keisuke Takenaka, Nobuyuki Abe, Masahiro Tsukamoto -Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University, Suita, Japan; Yorihiro Yamashita, Yoshinori Funada -Industrial Research Institute of Ishikawa, Kanazawa, Japan

4. L a ser Metal Deposit ion of High Re fle ct ive M ate r i a l s ( L A M 6 04 ) Roland Spiegelhalder -TRUMPF Inc, Playmouth Township, MI, USA

* indicates invited speaker.






Macro Track Summary Track Co-Chairs FRIEDHELM DORSCH Since 2018 Friedhelm Dorsch is a Technology Scout at TRUMPF GmbH + Co. KG in Ditzingen (Germany). He observes market trends, evaluates new technologies and assesses their applicability for TRUMPF. He joined TRUMPF in 2000 and has held various positions in the laser division. He started with diode laser pump source development at TRUMPF Laser in Schramberg and served as Managing Director at TRUMPF Photonics in Princeton (NJ) in 2005 to 2010, where high power diode lasers are developed and produced. After his return to Germany he headed the Process Sensor group that was in charge of monitoring and controlling laser welding processes. TRUMPF GmbH + Co. KG Before Friedhelm joined TRUMPF he worked for JENOPTIK Laserdiode where he was, in various positions, responsible Germany for diode laser development and production.

Friedhelm holds a Diploma degree in physics of the University of Hamburg (Germany).


Coherent Inc.

Dr. Klaus Kleine, currently working at Coherent Inc. as a Director of Applications, is responsible for the management of the global application lab organization at Coherent. Coherent is specialized in the development and production of lasers for industrial and scientific applications. Prior to his assignment with Coherent, Dr. Kleine worked at Laserline as the General Manager for US operations, Guidant, Tsunami Optics, Iridex Corp, DuPont and the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology. Dr. Kleine holds a PhD from the University of Liverpool and MS (Dipl. Ing.) from the Aachen University of Applied Science in Germany. Klaus Kleine holds 20+ patents in the area of laser development, laser processing and medical device design.

The Macroprocessing track includes some of the most prolific laser processing applications. Although these applications have been widely adopted, researchers and industry are continually innovating to provide new techniques and novel technologies to improve macro materials processing. Discuss the results of your research and testing with your peers in these macroscopic specialized sessions.

Track Organizing Committee Friedhelm Dorsch - TRUMPF GmbH + Co. KG Klaus Kleine - Coherent, Inc Christoph Leyens - Fraunhofer IWS Mark Zediker - Nuburu, Inc



Barbara Previtali - Politecnico Milano Dirk Petring - Fraunhofer ILT Markus Kogel-Hollacher - Precitec Optronik




MON D A Y , O C T O BER 18 S e ssion Title MACR O 1: CU- WELD I N G

Chair F R I E DH E L M DO R S C H

Tim e 1 0:00AM

1 . We l ding Of P ure Coppe r Wire s U sin g a Hybri d L a s e r Syste m w i th a B l u e D i o d e L a s e r a n d a S i n g l e - M ode Fiber L a se r ( Macro 101) * Sh umpei F uji o -Gr adu at e Sch ool of E n g i n e e ri n g , O sa k a Un ive r sity , Suita, Japan ; Yu j i S ato, Kei suke Take n aka, R i ka It o, T e t s u o S u g a , M a sa h ir o T su k a mo to - J o in in g a n d W e ld in g R e se a rc h I ns t i t ut e, O sak a uni ver si ty, Ibaraki,, Japan ; M a s a t oshi Ito, Masayu ki H arad a - T e ch n ol og y an d I n n o va tio n C e n te r , Da ik in I n d u str ie s, L T D., O sa k a , J apa n; T a kashi Ni shi kawa -A i r C on d i t i on i n g M an u f act u r in g Divisio n , Da ik in I n d u str ie s, L T D., O sa k a J a p a n 2. L a ser Welding of Coppe r to A lu min u m wit h S p i ra l Tra j e c to r y a n d I d e n ti f i c ati o n o f E xce ss i ve A l u m i num M elt ing (Ma c ro 102) Karthik Mathivanan, Peter Plapper -University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

3 . In fluence of P lum e At te n u at ion Un de r High Powe r L a s e r We l d i n g o f Co p p e r U s i n g Vi s i b l e Wave l e ngt hs (Ma c ro 103) Florian Kaufmann, Jakob Ermer, Stephan Roth, Michael Schmidt -Bayerisches Laserzentrum GmbH (blz), Erlangen, Germany; Jakob Ermer, Stephan Roth, Michael Schmidt -Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT), Erlangen, Germany; Michael Schmidt -Institute of Photonic Technologies (LPT), Erlangen, Germany

4. L a ser Beam- Subme rge d A rc Hybrid We ldin g o f Th i c k D u p l ex Sta i n l e ss Ste e l ( M a c ro 1 04 ) Rabi Lahdo, Sarah Nothdurft, Jörg Hermsdorf, Ludger Overmeyer, Stefan Kaierle -Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Hannover, Germany; Patrick Urbanek, Markus Puschmann -Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik IWU, Chemnitz, Germany

MON D A Y , O C T O BER 18 S e ssion Title MACR O 2 : DISSIMIL A R M A T ER I A L S


Tim e 1 2:3 0 PM

1 . New Poss ibilities for L ase r Be am We ldin g of Co p p e r a n d A l u m i n u m A l l oys w i th Dy n a m i c B e a m Mo d ulat ion (Ma c ro 201) * St e p han Bör ner , Di r k D i t t ri ch, A x e l Jah n - Frau n h o f e r I W S Dr e sd e n , Dr e sd e n , G e r ma n y ; Clau d ia Rei nl ei n -Rob u s t A O G m b H , J e n a, G e rm a n y 2. Di fferent A pproach e s to P reve n t Solidificat io n C ra c ki n g i n L a s e r B e a m We l d i n g Sta i n l e ss Ste e l - Co p per Dissi milar Joints ( M acro 2 02 ) Jonas Rinne, Sarah Nothdurft, Jörg Hermsdorf, Stefan Kaierle, Ludger Overmeyer -Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Hannover, Germany

3 . Ex per imental Stu dy of D issim ilar M e t al Join i n g by L a s e r R i ve ti n g o f Ti - 6 A l - 4 V to AA 6 061 ( Ma c ro 2 03) Bowei Li -National Structural Integrity Research Centre (NSIRC), TWI Ltd, Cambridge, UK; Ali Khan, Paola De Bono -TWI Ltd, Cambridge, UK; Bin Wang, Bowei Li -College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences, Brunel University London, London, UK

4. A Per s onalized D e man d Re spon sive Opt im iz ati o n M e th o d fo r D i ss i m i l a r M ate r i a l s L a s e r We l d i n g ( M a c ro 204) Yuewei Ai, Chang Lei, Pengcheng Yuan, Jian Cheng -School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, China Yuewei Ai, Chang Lei, Pengcheng Yuan, Jian Cheng -Key Laboratory of Traffic Safety on Track of Ministry of Education, Central South University, Changsha, China * indicates invited speaker.






T U E S DA Y , OC T O BER 19 S e ssi on Title MAC RO 3: WELDIN G


Tim e 08 :00 AM

1 . L a ser - Bas ed Manufact u rin g in E-mobilit y – In n ovati o n Dr i ve r fo r L a s e r Te c h n o l o g y ( M a c ro 3 01 ) * T im Hesse, Ol i ver Bo cks rocke r - TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik GmbH, Ditzingen, Germany ; T ra cey Ryba -TRUMPF L as e r T e ch n ol og y C e n t e r , P ly mo u th , M I , US A 2. L a ser Lap Joining Of High -St re n gt h Ste e l to A l u m i n u m w i th Co l d S p raye d Ste e l Co ati n g ( M a c ro 3 02) Kyohei Maeda -Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Suita, Japan; Yuji Sato, Tetsuo Suga, Masahiro Tsukamoto -Joining and Welding Research Institute (JWRI), Osaka University, Ibaraki, Japan; Reiichi Suzuki, Kyohei Maeda -Kobe Steel, Ltd, Fujisawa Kanagawa, Japan

3. Lo cal Hardness Re cove ry in t h e He at -Affe cte d Zo n e o f L a s e r B e a m We l d S e a m s i n A l M g S i -A l l oys w it h a n I nProce ss Las er Post- h e at Tre at m e n t (M acro 3 03) Frauke Faure, Christian Hagenlocher, Artur Leis, Rudolf Weber, Thomas Graf -Institut fuer Strahlwerkzeuge (IFSW), University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany

4. New Shielding G a s M ixt u re s for L ase r Con du c ti o n We l d i n g O f A l u m i n u m w i th F i l l e r Wi re ( M a c ro 3 04) Junjie Ma, Keith Pierce -Linde Technology Center, Tonawanda, NY, USA

T U E S DA Y , O C T O BER 19 S e ssi on Title MAC RO 4: NON- MET A L / SU R F A C E

Chair C H R I S TO P H L E Y E N S

Tim e 1 2:00 PM

1 . Au tomatically Con t rolle d L ase r-Base d We ldin g P ro ce ss fo r Re p a i r O f C F R P Pa r ts ( M a c ro 4 01 ) * Simon Hirt, Jan Erik Battmer, Verena Wippo, Peter Jaeschke, Stefan Kaierle, Ludger Overmeyer -Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Hannover, Germany

2. Cons olidation of Th e rmoplast ic Coat in gs by Me a n s o f a Th u l i u m - Do p e d F i b e r L a s e ( Ma c ro 4 02 ) Alexander Wittmann, Florian Huber, Michael Schmidt -Institute of Photonic Technologies (LPT), Friedrich-A lexanderUniversität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany; Alexander Wittmann, Florian Huber, Johannes Heberle, Michael Schmidt -Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT), Erlangen, Germany; Johannes Heberle, Michael Schmidt -Bayerisches Laserzentrum GmbH (blz), Erlangen, Germany; Michael Schmidt -Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany

3. 2KW Nanos econd High P rodu ct ive L ase r C lea n i n g By Me a n s o f B e a m S h a p i n g ( M a c ro 4 03 ) Christoph Neugebauer, Daniel Corbean, Sabrina V ogt -TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik GmbH, Ditzingen, Germany

4. S u r face Deoxidation of A lu m in iu m A lloys wit h N s - P u l s e d L a s e r R a d i ati o n i n X H V-Ad e q u ate Atm o s phere for L a se r Braz ing P rocesse s (M acro 4 0 4 ) Witali Aman, Ludger Overmeyer -Institut für Transport- und Automatisierungstechnik, Leibniz Universität, Hannover, Germany; Sarah Nothdurft, Jorg Hermsdorf, Stefan Kaierle, Witali Aman -Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Hannover, Germany

* indicates invited speaker.






WE DN E DA Y , OCT O BER 20 S e ssion Title MACR O 5: SEN SING

Chair B A R B A R A P R E V I TA L I

Tim e 08 :00 AM

1 . E n a bling E-mobilit y - Wit h L ase r We ldin g an d S o p h i sti c ate d S e n s o r Te c h n o l o g y to G u a ra n te e d Q u a lit y (Ma c ro 501) * M a rk us Kogel -Hol l ach e r, T h om as Ni col ay - Pre cite c O p tr o n ik G mb H , N e u - I se n b u r g , G e r ma n y ; M a rk us Kogel -Hol l ach e r, J e n s R e i s e r - Pre ci t e c G mb H & C o . K G , G a g g e n a u , G e r ma n y 2. Ed dy Cur rent Dete ct ion of L ase r-D ispe rse d Ma r ke r s a s a N ew A p p ro a c h to D e te r m i n i n g th e Po s i ti on of Loa d S u p p or ting Means (M acro 5 02 ) T j orb en Gr i em sm ann, C h ri s t i an H of f , Jörg H e rm sd o r f , S te f a n Ka ie r le , L u d g e r O ve r me y e r - L a se r Z e n trum Ha nnover e. V . , Hannover , Ger m an y 3 . O CT Solutions for E-M obilit y We ldin g A pplic ati o n s ( Ma c ro 5 03 ) Jan-Patrick Hermani -TRUMPF Laser GmbH, Schramberg, Germany

4. S o lution for Real Tim e Se n sor G u ide d P LCon tro l o f G a l va n o m e te r S c a n n e r s ( M a c ro 5 04 ) Sabine Nieke, Peter Rauscher, Jan Hauptmann, Th omas Schwarz, Marcel Mende -Fraunhofer IWS, Dr e sd e n , Germa ny


Chair MA R K Z E D I K E R

Tim e 1 0:00 AM

1 . Ap ply ing Edge A rt ificial In te llige n ce to C lose d Lo o p Re a l Ti m e Co n tro l a n d Mo n i to r i n g O f L a s e r B ased B at tery Pa c k Welding ( Macro 6 01)* B eñ a t A r eji ta, Juan Fe rn an d o Is az a, C on s t an t i no R o ld á n - E XO M E n g in e e r in g , B a r a k a ld o , S p a in ; B eñ a t A r eji ta, A i tz ol Zu l oag a - U PV / E H U , B i l b ao , S p a in 2. In Situ X Ray Obse rvat ion of Keyh ole D yn am i c s fo r L a s e r B e a m We l d i n g O f Sta i n l e ss Ste e l w i th 1 6 kW D isk L a se r ( Macro 602) Yuji Sato, Masami Mizutani, Nobuyuki Abe, Masahiro Tsukamoto -Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University, Ibaraki, Japan; Naoki Shinohara -Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Suita, Japan; Tomoki Arita, Hitoshi Nakano -Graduate School o f Science and Engineering, Kindai University, Higashiosaka, Japan; Tomomasa Ohkubo -Department of Mechanical En gineering, Tokyo University of Technology, Tokyo, Japan

3. Mu lti-Spot Optics for Be am Sh apin g Of High - Powe r S i n g l e - M o d e a n d Mu l ti m o d e L a s e r s ( Ma c ro 6 03) Alexander Laskin, Vadim Laskin -AdlOptica GmbH , Berlin, Germany; Joerg Volpp - L ul eå U n i v e rs i t y of T e ch n ol og y, L u le å , S w e d e n ; Takuji Nara -Profitet, Saitama, Japan; SeongRyol Jung -ShinHoTek, Seoul, Republic of Korea

4. O ff -A xis Las er Beams for We ldin g Efficie n cy ( Ma c ro 6 04 ) Nicholas Goffin, Lew is Jones, John Tyrer, Elliot Woolley -Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK

* indicates invited speaker.






Micro Track Summary Track Co-Chairs FLORIAN KIEFER Florian Kiefer is currently Head of Product Management Services for TRUMPF Laser- and Systemtechnik GmbH in Germany. He has 11 years of experience in short and ultra short pulsed lasers for industrial and research micro processing applications. Mr. Kiefer has worked with various lasers for developing applications and has held various positions in applied laser processing in the US and Germany. Mr. Kiefer holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Duale-Hochschule Baden-Wuerttemberg of Germany. TRUMPF Laser and Systemtechnik GmbH Germany


University of Bordeaux Bordeaux, France

John Lopez was awarded from the French graduate school of Physics and Chemistry of Bordeaux in 1993. He got his PhD on laser ablation of polymers at the University of Bordeaux in 1997. He has a permanent position as a senior research engineer in the French CNRS since 2001 and he is currently working in a public institute in the UNIVERSITY OF BORDEAUX (CELIA laboratory). He is known worldwide as an expert in laser ablation and laser micro machining. His current research topics are metals and transparent material processing, GHz-burst material processing, beam shaping and laser-assisted eye surgery. John Lopez is the author of nearly 30 peer-reviewed scientific papers and 90 proceedings. Furthermore, John Lopez is the President of the French association of industrial laser users called Club Lasers et Procédés since 2010 (CLP); as such he is the general chair of Laser Processing for industry conference (PLI). He is as well involved as an expert ALPhANOV technology center and on the board of PHOTONICS FRANCE. He was highly involved in the creation of ALPhANOV in 2007 and he used to be the Laser Material Processing Business Unit manager in ALPhANOV from 2007 to 2011. He is also a founding member of the French national committee for laser safety. Finally, John Lopez was a member of the LIA Board of Directors from 2017 to 2019.

The Microprocessing track will consist of papers featuring a wide spectrum of applications and innovative equipment for materials processing in microscales. The presentations will introduce the latest and greatest advancements in their respective fields, presented by world leading companies and research organizations.

Track Organizing Committee Florian Kiefer - TRUMPF Laser and Systemtechnik GmbH John Lopez - University of Bordeaux Jack Gabzdyl - SPI Lasers Beat Neuenschwander - Bern University Stefan Nolte - Fraunhofer IOF Carlos Molpeceres - University of Madrid Duncan Hand - Hariot Watt University




Razvan Stoian - Université Jean Monnet Andreas Ostendorf - University of Bochum Nathan Mathew - TRUMPF, Inc Gediminas Raciukaitis - Center for Physical Sciences & Technology, Vilniaus Albert Leanhard Jung - TRUMPF, Inc Yasuhiro Okamoto - Okayama University Javier Solis - Instituto de Optica, CSIC ICALEO@LIA.ORG


MON D A Y , O C T O BER 18 S e ssion Title MIC RO 1: TEX TURIN G


Tim e 1 0:00AM

1 .Ultrafast P ump-P robe Re fle ctom e t ry an d Ellip s o m e tr y fo r M e a s u r i n g Tra n s i e n t Mate r i a l State s D u r i ng La ser Pro ce ss ing ( MICRO 101)* Alexander Hor n, The o Pf l u g , Ph i l i p p L u n g w i t z , M a r k u s O lb r ic h - L a se r in stitu t H o c h sc h u le M ittw e id a , Mi t t wei da , G ermany 2. E n ergy Eff iciencies an d Th e rmal Effe ct s for U l tra s h o r t P u l s e L a s e r Ma c h i n i n g O f Va r i o u s Mate r i a l s ( M I CRO 102) Axe l Fehr enbac her, M arc Sai l e r, A l e ks an d e r B u d n ic k i - T R UM P F L a se r G mb H , S c h r a mb e r g , G e r ma n y ; St e ffen Ruebl i ng -T RUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik GmbH, Ditzingen, Germany 3 . L a ser Micromachin in g of Tran sport St ru ct u re s o n Ti - 6 A l - 4 V w i th U l tra s h o r t L a s e r P u l s e s fo r Pa ss i ve D irec t iona l Tra n spor t of Fluids (M I C R O 103 ) Daniel Holder, Rudolf Weber, Thomas Graf -Institut für Strahlwerkzeuge (IFSW), University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany

4. L a ser P rocess ing Of G aN wit h Ult ra-sh ort P u l s e s fo r S e m i co n d u c to r A p p l i c ati o n s ( M I C R O 1 04 ) Beat Neuenschwander, Michalina Chaja, Stefan Re mund -Bern University of Applied Sciences, Burgdorf, Switzerland; Benjamin Bernard, Anita Knes -Infineon Technologies Austria AG, Villach, Austria

MON D A Y , O C T O BER 18 S e ssion Title MIC RO 2 : MICRO

Chair C A R L O S MO L P E C E R E S

Tim e 1 2:3 0 PM

1 . S mar t Medical Device s an d Tissu e -En gin e e re d O rg a n o n a C h i p Devi ce s ( M I C R O 2 01 ) * G era rd O’C onnor -N at i on al U n i v e rs i t y of I re l an d G a lw a y , G a lw a y , I r e la n d 2. E ffect of P uls e Du rat ion on Opt ical P rope rt ies i n U l tra fa st L a s e r M i c ro - P ro ce ss i n g O f Po l y m e r s ( MI CRO 202) Arifur Raham an, Xi np e n g D u , A rav i n d a K ar, X i ao min g Y u - C R E O L , T h e C o lle g e o f O p tic s & P h o to n ic s, U ni vers i t y of Ce nt ral Fl or i da, Or l an d o, FL , U SA 3 . F ib er Las er Texturin g of Su rface s to I n cre ase Ad h e s i ve B o n d Stre n g th ( M I C R O 2 03 ) Liam Momsen, Vijay Kancharla, Brian Baird, Marco Mendes -IPG Photonics Corporation, Oxford, MA, USA

4. O p timized High-Qu alit y Ult ra-t h in G lass C u t ti n g a n d G l a ss M i c ro We l d i n g Wi th U l tra s h o r t P u l s e L a sers (MICR O 204 ) Terence Hollister, Jim Bovatsek -MKS Spectra-Physics Lasers, Milpitas, CA, USA

* indicates invited speaker.






T U E S DA Y , OC T O BER 19 S e ssi on Title MICR O 3: MA TTER DEP OSI T I ON

Chair R A Z V A N S TO I A N

Tim e 08 :00 AM

1 . Na n opatter ning wit h P h oton ic N an oje t s (M IC R O 3 01 ) * M art i Duoc astel l a -U n i v e rs i d ad d e B arce l on a, B a r c e lo n a , S p a in ; M art i Duoc astel l a, S al v at ore Su rd o - I n s t i t u t o I ta lia n o d i T e c n o lo g ia , G e n o a , I ta ly 2. L a ser - Induced Forward Tran sfe r as a Pote n t i a l A l te r n ati ve to P i c k- a n d - P l a ce Te c h n o l o g y W h e n A ssem bling S e mi conductor Com pon e n t s (M IC R O 3 02 ) Matthi as Springer, Jan Düsing, Jürgen Koch, Peter Jäschke, Stefan Kaierle, Ludger Overmeyer -Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Hannover, Germany

3. Ul trafast Las er Deposit ion of Powde r M ate ria l s o n G l a ss ( M I C R O 3 03 ) Ilya Mingareev, Nicolas Bautista, Darshan Yadav -Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL, USA

4. L a s er Induced Elect role ss P lat in g Wit h M icro d ro p l e ts o f S i O 2 N a n o s u s p e n s i o n ( MI C R O 3 04 ) Tianyi Li, Ranganathan Kumar, Aravinda Kar -University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA

T U ES DA Y , O C T O BER 19 S e ssion Title MIC RO 4: LASER DR I L L I N G

Chair A N DR E A S O S TE N DO R F

Tim e 1 2:00 PM

1 . Q u ality A s pects in Pe rcu ssion L ase r D rillin g w i th U l tra s h o r t P u l s e s ( MI C R O 4 01 ) * Ann e Feuer, Rudol f W e b e r, T h om as G raf - In s t i t u t f ü r S tr a h lw e r k z e u g e ( I F S W ) , Un ive r sity o f S tu ttg a r t , St ut t ga rt , G ermany 2. Ul tras hor t P uls ewidt h F ibe r L ase r P roce ssin g o f Po l y m e r Co m p o n e n ts ( MI C R O 4 02 ) B rian Bai r d, L i am Mom s e n , V i jay K an ch arl a, Joha n n a Y la n e n , Xi L u o , C r istia n P o r n e a la , M a r c o M e n d e s - I PG P hot o ni c s Cor por ati on , O x f ord , M A , U SA 3 . Re duction of Sur face Fe at u re s in Bou n dary A re a s B e twe e n A ss e m b l e d L a s e r Po l i s h i n g F i e l d s ( M I C RO 403) Lucas Beste, Tim Radel -BIAS – Bremer Institut für angewandte Strahltechnik GmbH, Bremen, Germany; Patrick Faue, Brodan Richter, Frank Pfefferkorn -University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA; Kevin Klingbeil -Cross Product Solutions, LLC, Osceola, WI, USA

* indicates invited speaker.






WE DN E S DA Y , OCT O BER 20 S e ssion Title MIC RO 5: BEAM EN G I N EER I N G 1

Chair N A TH A N MA TH E W

Tim e 08 :00 AM

1 . Fe m tos econd P ulse d L ase r P roce ssin g By Usi n g Ad a p ti ve O p ti c s B a s e d o n a D e e p Le a r n i n g Me th o d (MICR O 501) * Sat o shi Hasegawa - C e n t e r f or O p t i cal R e s e arch a n d E d u c a tio n ( C O R E ) , Utsu n o miy a Un ive r sity , Utsu nomi y a , Ja pa n 2. S i n gle Pass Cleavin g of U lt rafast L ase r M odi f i e d C- S h a p e d G l a ss Ed g e s ( M I C R O 5 02 ) Daniel Flamm, Myriam Kaiser, Jonas Kleiner, Tim Hesse -TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik GmbH, Ditzingen, Germany

3. Ab er ration- Free H igh N A Focu sin g In Tran sp a re n t Me d i a at D e p th u p to 4 m m ( MI C R O 5 03 ) Ale xa nder L aski n, Vad i m L as ki n - A d l O p t i ca G m b H , B e r lin , G e r ma n y ; Ale ksei Ostr un -St. Pe t e rs b u rg Nat i on al R e s e ar c h Un ive r sity o f I n f o r ma tio n T e c h n o lo g ie s, M e c h a n ic s a nd Opt i c s , S t . P e ter sbur g, Russi a 4. G l a ss Tube Cleav in g wit h P h ase -Corre cte d N o n - d i f f ra c ti n g L a s e r P u l s e s ( M I C R O 5 04 ) Daniel Flamm, Jonas Kleiner, Myriam Kaiser, Felix Zimmermann, Tim Hesse -TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik GmbH, Ditzingen, Germany

WE DN E S DA Y , OCT O BER 20 S e ssion Title MIC RO 6: BEAM EN G I N EER I N G 2


Tim e 1 0:00 AM

1 . Ul trafast Las er Writ in g D e e p in side Silicon (MI C R O 6 01 ) * And ong Wang, A m l an D as , O l i v i e r U t é z a, D av i d G r o j o - Aix - M a r se ille Un iv, M a r se ille , F r a n c e 2. Ultras hor t P uls e Micro M ate rial P roce ssin g U s i n g a H o l l ow Co re F i b e r ( M I C R O 6 02 ) Axel Fehrenbacher, Benjamin Fuehra, Stefan Baumbach, Jochen Glunk -TRUMPF Laser GmbH, Schramberg, Germany; Jonas Kleiner, Steffen Ruebling -TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik GmbH, Ditzingen, Germany

3 . H i g h Shar pness Top-Hat L ase r Be am Sh apin g Fo r Low Ta p e r D r i l l i n g Wi th Fe m to s e co n d L a s e r ( MI CRO 603) Clément Jacquard, Ivan Gusachenko, Gwenn Pallier, Pu Jian, Guillaume Labroille -Cailabs, Rennes, France; Girolamo Mincuzzi, Simon Nourry, Rainer Kling -Alphanov, Talence, France

4. H i gh Power Femtose con d L ase r for Paralle l Pro ce ss i n g ( MI C R O 6 04 ) Martin Delaigue, Clemens Hoenninger, Eric Audou ard, Eric Mottay -Amplitude, Pessac, France

* indicates invited speaker.






Nano Track Summary Track Co-Chairs DR. YVES BELLOUARD Dr. Yves Bellouard is Associate Professor in Microengineering at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland, where he heads the Galatea lab and the Richemont Chair in Multi-Scale Manufacturing Technologies. Before joining EPFL in 2015, he was Associate Professor at Eindhoven University of Technologies (TU/e) in the Netherlands and prior to that, Research Scientist at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in Troy, New York. His current research interests are in advanced manufacturing in general and more specifically on laser-based methods to tailor material properties. Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Switzerland


East China Normal University/Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics China

Ya Cheng received his BS degree from Fudan University in 1993 and PhD degree from Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics in 1998. He is currently the Dean of School of Physics and Materials Science, East China Normal University and a Professor of Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics. He is also the founder and director of XXL- The Extreme Optoelectromachanics Lab in China. His research focuses on ultrafast nonlinear photonics and femtosecond laser micromachining. He has co-authored more than 200 papers in peer reviewed journals which have been cited more than 9,000 times (Database: Web of Science, H-index 47). He is a council member of Chinese Optics Society and a Fellow of the Institute of Physics, UK.

The Nanomanufacturing track will highlight research in emerging nanomanufacturing technologies in 3D micro/ nanomachining, 2-photon lithography, digital fabrication, nanoparticle formation, surface nanostructuring and laser assisted growth and epitaxy. Don’t be afraid to focus on small applications with huge impact in these Nano centric discussions.

Track Organizing Committee Yves Bellouard - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Ya Cheng - East China Normal University








Tim e 1 0:00AM

1 . Ul trafast Las er Wr it te n 3 D P h oton ics: Fabricati o n a n d A p p l i c ati o n s ( N A N O 1 01 ) * T o n e y Fer nandez , Si m on G ros s , M i ch ae l W i t h f o r d, An d r e w R o ss- Ad a ms - De p a r tme n t o f P h y sic s a n d As t ronomy , M a cq uar i e U ni ver si t y, Syd n e y, A u s t ral i a 2. Fe mtos econd Lase r-I n du ce d N an o-C ryst allizati o n i n D i e l e c tr i c M u l ti l aye r Syste m s ( N A N O 1 02 ) Ruben Ricca, Yves Bellouard -Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Neuchâtel, Switzerland

3 . F u l ly Reflective B e sse l Be am G e n e rat ion wit h Co n sta n t E n e rg y D i str i b u ti o n ove r th e P ro p a g ati o n Ax is for Comp lex Glass Cuttin g (N A N O 103 ) Siddhartth Sivankutty, Antonin Billaud, Avinash Kumar, Gwenn Pallier, Pu Jian, Guillaume Labroille -Cailabs, Rennes, France

4. L a ser 3D Nanoma n u fact u rin g of Re n ewable O rg a n i c s a n d P u re I n o rg a n i c s vi a M u l ti p h o to n L i th o g ra phy (NANO 104 ) * Mangirdas Malinauskas -Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania



Tim e 1 2:3 0 PM

1 . Ul tras hor t P uls ed L ase r St ru ct u rin g of Biomim e ti c S u r fa ce s ( N A N O 2 01 ) * Emmanuel Str ataki s - Fou n d at i on f or R e s e arch a n d T e c h n o lo g y , H e lla s, I n stitu te o f E le c tr o n ic S tr u c tu re a nd La s er, Hera kl i on, Gr eec e 2. Ac t ive Lithium Ni obate M icro/ N an o P h oton ic D evi ce s Fa b r i c ate d by th e Fe m to s e co n d L a s e r a n d C hem oMe c h anical Etching Te ch n iqu e (N A N O 2 02 )* Zhiwei Fang, Junxia Zhou, Zhaoxiang Liu, Ya Cheng - East China Normal University, Shanghai, China; Zhe Wang, Difeng Yin, Yuan Zhou, Ya Cheng - Sha nghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China

* indicates invited speaker.






T U ES D A Y , O C T O BER 19 S e ssio n Title NANO 3: LASER SY NT HESI S


Tim e 08 :00 AM

1 . L a se r Sy nthes is of Ele ct rocat alyst s: F rom N ano p a r ti c l e s to S i n g l e Ato m s ( N A N O 3 01 ) * Zh u Liu -The U ni ver s i t y of M an ch e s t e r, M an ch e s te r , UK 2. L a ser - Enhanced Large -Scale G rowt h of Pat te r n e d 2 D M o S 2 a n d WS 2 C r ysta l s D i re c tl y o n M o l y b d e num a nd Tu n g sten Substrates (N A N O 3 02 ) Parvin Fathi-Hafshejani, Masoud Mahjouri-Samani -Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA

3. Ad d itive Nanoman u fact u rin g Of F lexible an d R i g i d E l e c tro n i c s ( N A N O 3 03 ) Masoud Mahjouri-Samani, Seungjong Lee, Nima Shamsaei -3National Center for Additive Manufacturing Excellence, Auburn, AL, USA; Masoud Mahjouri-Samani, Seungjong Lee, Nima Shamsaei, Zabihollah Ahmadi -Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA; Raymond Unocic -Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, US

4. Th e Dendr itic Si NWs En capsu le d in R G O wit h S u p e r i o r R ate C a p a c i ty a n d Cyc l i n g Sta b i l i ty i n L I B s (NANO 304 ) Li Cao, Ting Huang, Rongshi Xiao -Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China

T U ES D A Y , O C T O BER 19 S e ssio n Title NANO 4: NANO- STR U C T U R I N G & N A N O-P R I N T I N G


Tim e 1 2:00 PM

1 . Me t a l Nanostr uctu rin g in side 3 D G lass M icrofl u i d i c s by H y b r i d Fe m to s e co n d L a s e r P ro ce ss i n g fo r At tom ola r S ER S Sens ing ( N A N O 4 01)* Koji S ugi oka, Shi Bai - R IK E N C e n t e r f or A d v an ce d P h o to n ic s, W a k o , J a p a n 2. Na n os cale 3D P r int in g of F u n ct ion al St ru ct u re s U s i n g B l e n d e d Re s i n M i x tu re s w i th M i c ro /N a n o j o i n i ng of Me ta llic N anowires ( N A N O 4 02 )* Yongfeng Lu, Ying Liu, Wei Xiong, Aofei Mao -University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA; Jean-Francois Silvain -Institut de Chimie de la Matierè Condensée de Bordeaux, Pessac Cedex, France

* indicates invited speaker.






FLA Track Summary Track Co-Chairs ERIC MOTTAY Eric Mottay graduated from the Ecole Superieure d’Optique near Paris, the leading institution in France for Optical Engineering. He is the president of Amplitude Laser Group, a company he founded in 2001 and which is now a leading manufacturer of ultrafast lasers for industry and science. In doing so, he developed during the past ten years many scientific and industrial partnerships with research institutions, technology centers and industrial companies. He is passionate about laser technology and applications development and believes that sound engineering and collaborations are the key to success in photonics. Amplitude Laser Group USA



Robert Braunschweig received his MS in 1997 from the School of Advanced Processes in Electronics and Optics (ESPEO) in Orleans, France, with a Major in Lasers and Photonics and has been working in the laser industry since then. Robert has been working with ultrafast lasers and their applications for the past 17 years with positions held at High-Q Lasers (now part of MKS), Amplitude Laser and more recently B-Lasers and LASEA Inc., where he is the General Manager since 2016. Robert has co-authored several papers throughout the years, is a long time member of the LIA (as well as board member) and has co-chaired the 2017 ICALEO micro-processing conference.

“The Frontier in Applications track explores cutting edge new applications of lasers, at the frontier of research and industry. From environment to medical, advanced instrumentation to extreme light sources, space to surgery, the Frontier in Application track brings a unique perspective.”

Track Organizing Committee Robert Braunschweig - LASEA Eric Mottay - Amplitude Laser Group



Andrew Forsman - General Atomics Jiyeon Choi - KIMM




MON D A Y , OC T O BER 18 S e ssio n Title F L A 1 : FRONTIERS IN L A SER P R OC ESSI N G

Chair E R I C MO TTA Y

Tim e 1 0:00AM

1 . Process Optimiz at ion in L ase r M icro-P roce ssi n g w i th U l tra - S h o r t P u l s e s by H e l p o f A r ti f i c i a l I n te l l i g ence (F L A 1 01) * Christ oph Wi l dbol z, M arku s G af n e r, B e at Ne u e nsc h w a n d e r - B e r n Un ive r sity o f Ap p lie d S c ie n c e s, B u r g dorf, Sw it ze rl and; M a nas Mejar i , Dar i o Pi g a - T h e U n i v e rs i t y of A p p lie d S c ie n c e s a n d Ar ts o f S o u th e r n S w itz e r la n d ( S UP SI ) , Luga noV ig a nel l o, Swi tzer l an d ; N ico la s Tor c heboeuf , St e f an K u n d e rm an n , C h ri s to p h H o f e r , L a u r ia n e Ka r le n , Da vid K a llw e it, S te ve L e c omt e - CSEM SA, N euc hâtel , Swi tze rl an d ; P a s cal Magl i e -Tec pr oce s s SA , L a C h au x - d e - Fon d s, S w itz e r la n d ; M a xim Gaponenko, Gab ri e l Sp ü h l e r - NK T Ph ot on ic s S w itz e r la n d G mb H , R e g e n sd o r f , S w itz e r la n d 2. O p t imization of P roce ssin g Parame te rs of Ultra - s h o r t ( 1 00 f s – 2 p s) P u l s e d L a s e r S h o c k Pe e n i n g o f St a inless Ste e l ( FLA 102) Lalit Mohan Kukreja -Epi-knowledge Foundation, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, India; Lalit Mohan Kukreja, Jan S. Hoppius, Kishore Elango, Andreas Ostendorf, Evgeny Gurevich -Chair of Applied Laser Technology, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany; Fabian Pöhl -Chair of Materials Testing, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany; Marina Macias Barrientos, Frank Walther -Chair of Materials Test Engineering, TU Dortmund University, Dortmund, Germany; Evgeny Gurevich -Laser Center (LFM), Münster University of Applied Sciences, Steinfurt, Germany

3 . Ad vantages of Tun able G Hz an d M Hz Fe m tose co n d B i B u r st fo r Va r i o u s M ate r i a l P ro ce ss i n g ( F L A 1 03) Simas Butkus, Aivaras Urniezius -Light Conversion, UAB, Vilnius, Luthuania; Simas Butkus -Laser Research center, Faculty of Physics, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania

4. C h a racter ization o f D issim ilar L ase r We ldin g P ro ce ss e s w i th S p ati a l B e a m O s c i l l ati o n o f Co p p e r a n d Alum inum Al loys in Multilayer Con figu rat ion for Bat te ry Ap p l i c ati o n s ( F L A 1 04 ) Vincenzo Dimatteo, A lessandro Ascari, Alessandro Fortunato -Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

MON D A Y , OC T O BER 18 S e ssio n Title F L A 2: FRONTIERS I N M ED I C A L A P P L I C A T I ON S

Chair E R I C MO TTA Y

Tim e 1 2:3 0 PM

1 . PDT as a Pos itive M odifyin g Factor in t h e Treatm e n t o f Pe r i o d o n ta l D i s e a s e i n Pati e n ts L i vi n g Wi th HI V / AI DS (PL H IV / AIDS) ( FLA 2 01) Rafaela de Matos, Gilberto Noro-Filho, Guilherme Pires, Elcio Giovani -Universidade Paulista-UNIP, São Paulo, Brazil

2. Th e Low-Power Lase r as a Th e rape u t ic Con d u c t Af te r E xo d o n ti c s i n Pati e n ts L i vi n g Wi th H I V/A I DS ( PLHI V/ AIDS ) ( FLA 202) Guilherme Pires, Rafaela Matos, Gilberto Noro-Filho, Elcio Giovani -Universidade Paulista-UNIP, São Paulo, Brazil

* indicates invited speaker.






T U E S DA Y , OC T O BER 19 S e ssi on Title F L A 3: FRONTIERS I N L A SER A P P L I C A T I ON S


Tim e 8 :00 AM

1 . A G limps e into Lase r A pplicat ion s for Space E x p l o rati o n ( F L A 3 01 ) * E lia na Fu -TRUMPF, I n c. , Pl ym ou t h M I, U SA 2. 1 000 Fold Reduct ion in Wate r Con su m pt ion U s i n g L a s e r Pe r i - D ye i n g ( F L A 3 02 ) Francesca Wheeler, John Tyrer, Lewis Jones -Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK

3. 3D Fabr ication and C h aracte rizat ion of Poly m e r - I m p r i n te d O p ti c s fo r F u n c ti o n - I n te g rate d , L i g h tweight O p to mechanical Syste m s (F L A 3 03 ) Fabian Kranert, J ana Budde, Moritz Hinkelmann, Jörg Neumann, Dietmar Kracht, Roland Lachmayer -Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Hannover, Germany; Moritz Hinkelmann, Jörg Neumann, Dietmar Krach t, Roland Lachmayer -Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD (Photonics, Optics and Engineering across Disciplines), Hannover, Germany; Roland Lachmayer -Institut für Produktentwicklung und Gerätebau, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany

4. H igh Power Nano se con d L ase r for D yn amic S h o c k Co m p re ss i o n ( F L A 3 04 ) Stéphane Branly, Flo rian Mollica, Eric Mottay -Amplitude, Pessac, France

* indicates invited speaker.

Closing Plenaries CHANG HEE NAM Chang Hee NAM received his Ph. D. in plasma physics from Princeton University in 1988. After working at KAIST as a faculty member from 1989 to 2012 and the director of the Coherent X-ray Research Center from 1999 to 2012, he launched the Center for Relativistic Laser Science in Dec. 2012, a research center of Institute for Basic Science, for the exploration of relativistic laser-matter interactions using femtosecond PW lasers. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society and of the Optical Society of America.

Laser Technology for Realizing the Ultrahigh Intensity of 1023 W/cm2 Ultrahigh power lasers with output over one petawatt (PW) have been developed in a number of institutes around the world. At the Center for Relativistic Laser Science (CoReLS) of Institute for Basic Science we have developed a 20 fs, 4 PW laser in 2016 [1]. The 4 PW laser is a chirped pulse amplification laser with a front end with cross-polarized wave and optical parametric chirped pulse amplification stages and a series of Ti:Sapphire amplifiers. Recently we achieved the record-breaking laser intensity reaching 1.1x1023 W/cm2[2]. We corrected the wavefront distortion existing in the PW laser beam with a two-stage adaptive optical system to obtain near diffraction-limited focusing and employed an f/1.1 off-axis parabolic mirror to reach a focused spot size of 1.1 μm. This ultrahigh power laser has been operated to explore strong field physics for the last five years. In this presentation the laser technology to achieve the unprecedented laser intensity is explained, along with recent result on strong field quantum electrodynamics. [1] J. H. Sung et al., “4.2 PW, 20 fs Ti:Sapphire Laser at 0.1 Hz,” Opt. Lett. 42, 2058 (2017). [2] J. W. Yoon et al., “Realization of laser intensity over 1023 W/cm2,” Optica 8, 630 (2021).

DANIEL SMALLEY Late on a stormy night (Friday the 13th it was!) a shrill cry pierced the darkness and Daniel Smalley was born. He experimented a great deal with holography, and for this reason was led to attend MIT where he earned a B.S., M.Eng, M.S., and Ph.D. degrees while working to create the world’s first low-cost holographic video monitor. Now as an associate BYU professor, he is working to make the 3D displays of science fiction a reality using waveguide-based modulators and optical tractor beam technologies.

Science Fiction 3D Made Real In this presentation we discuss how freespace volumetric displays in general, and optical trap displays (OTDs) in particular, are making real the 3D displays of science fiction. For decades many of the 3D displays of science fiction were considered impossible to realize because long-throw projections, tall sand-tables, and wrap around displays all require light to change direction in mid-air. Optical trap displays, first presented in 2018, demonstrated that mid-air scattering could be achieved for full-color, high definition, aerial 3D displays. This platform has now successfully demonstrated once-forbidden sci-fi geometries in miniature. Our current efforts now turn to i) scaling this display, ii) making it more robust, and iii) and mitigating safety issues. Once these issues are addressed OTDs will make possible a host of new applications. The materiality and low-bandwidth requirement of the display will make it possible for an individual to have a physical presence in more than place at once. The screenless nature of the display will make it possible to have large displays from small devices. Directional scattering will make it possible for multiple viewers to observe entirely different 3D images, even while gazing at the same volume.Finally, the OTD platform will point the way to a future that fundamentally changes the way that we interact with our digital information by making it a physical part of the world around us.






On-Demand LAS E R ADDITIVE MA N U F A C T U R I N G Pro ce ss Parameter St u dy for En h an ce m e n t of D i re c te d E n e rg y De p o s i ti o n Powd e r E f f i c i e n cy B a s e d o n SingleTra c k Geometr y Eva lu at ion (L A M 701) Zoé Jardon - von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI), Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Belgium; Zoé Jardon, Patrick Guillaume, Julien Ertveldt, Michael Hinderdael -Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium

De si g n and Fabr icat ion of Pe rson alize d Kn e e P ro sth e s e s by L a s e r - B a s e d Powd e r B e d F u s i o n : I n f l u e n ce of Ma n u factur ing P roce ss on G e ome t ric Accu racy ( L A M 702 ) Erica Li ver ani , Ni c ol a San ci s i , M i ch e l e C on con i , Ale ssa n d r o F o r tu n a to - De p a r tme n t o f I n d u str ia l E n g ineeri ng, Univ e rsi ty of Bol ogn a, B ol og n a, It al y

Pro ce ss ing Space M on itorin g v ia Opt ical Emiss i o n s d u r i n g Powd e r B e d F u s i o n Ad d i ti ve Ma n u fa c tu r i ng of B ea do n -Pl ate Depos itions (L A M 703 ) Christopher Stutz m an, A b d al l a Nas s ar - Pe n n s ylva n ia S ta te Un ive r sity , S ta te C o lle g e , P A, US A

Nu me r ical A nalys is of t h e M olte n Pool D yn am ic B e h avi o r s i n th e L a s e r Ad d i ti ve Ma n u fa c tu r i n g ( L A M 704) Yu e wei A i , Pengc hen g Y u an, Ji an C h e n g , C h an g L e i - S c h o o l o f T r a f f ic a n d T r a n sp o r ta tio n E n g in e e r in g, Cent ra l Sou t h Uni ver si ty, Ch an g s h a, PR C h i n a | K e y L ab o r a to r y o f T r a f f ic S a f e ty o n T r a c k o f M in istr y o f E d u c a t i on, Ce nt ral South Uni ve rs i t y, C h an g s h a, PR C h i n a

Ta ilo ring Inconel 7 18 L ase r D ire cte d En e rgy D ep o s i ti o n P ro ce ss Strate g i e s fo r Va r i o u s A p p l i c ati o n s ( LAM 706) Co ry Jam i eson, Mari s s a B re n n an , T od d Sp u rg e o n , S te ve B r o w n , J a y me Ke ist, E d w a r d R e u tz e l - Ap p lie d Res ea rc h La b o rator y, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA

Th e E ffect of Weave On D ire cte d En e rgy D e po s i ti o n o f Th i n Wa l l e d G e o m e tr i e s ( L A M 708) Julien Ertveldt, Zoé Jardon, Michael Hinderdael, Patrick Guillaume -Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium

L a se r Powder Bed F u sion of A L Si10 M g Th in F ins : Pa ra m e tr i c A n a l ys i s ( L A M 709 ) Adnen Mezghani, Timothy Simpson -Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA; Abdalla Nassar -Applied Research Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA

Comp os ite Additive M an u fact u rin g Wit h a Tailo re d B e a m - S h a p e r a n d a 6 kW Di o d e L a s e r ( L A M 7 1 0) M a t t hi eu Meuni er , Av i n as h K u m ar, A ym e ri c L u c a s, G w e n n P a llie r, O livie r P in e l - C a ila b s, R e n n e s, F r a nc e; D e nis C ar ti e, L oi c G ai l l ard , Y v an H ard y - C ori ol is C o mp o site s, Q u é ve n , F r a n c e

Me t a l Additive Manufact u rin g Wit h N on -diffrac ti ve B e ss e l B e a m s ( L A M 7 1 1 ) T h e j aswi Tum kur, Thom as V oi s i n , R on g p e i Sh i , P h ilip De p o n d , T ie n R o e h lin g , S h e ld o n W u , M ic h a e l C r umb, John R o eh li ng, Gabe Guss , Saad K h ai ral l ah , M an yal i bo M a tth e w s - L a w r e n c e L ive r mo r e N a tio n a l L a b o r a to r y, Li vermore, CA, USA






LAS ER MACROP ROC ESSI N G In d iv i dualis ed and Con t rolle d L ase r Be am P re -tre atm e n t P ro ce ss fo r Ad h e s i ve B o n d i n g o f F i b re - Re i nforced Pl a stics – Par t III: Effe ct s of Con t am in an t s (M AC R O 701 ) Hag en Di ttm ar, Pete r J ae s ch ke , St e f an K ai e rl e , L u d g e r O ve r me y e r - L a se r Z e n tr u m H a n n o ve r e .V ., Hannover, Germany ; Christoph Bei er , Jose f W e i l an d , A l e x an d e r Sch i e b a h n , Uw e R e isg e n - W e ld in g a n d J o in in g I n stitu te , RW TH A a c hen Univ e rsi ty, A ac hen, G e rm an y

Inve st igation on Red u ct ion of D ross He igh t by A n a l yz i n g B e a m I n te n s i ty D i str i b u ti o n i n F i b e r L a s e r Cut t ing (MAC RO 702) N a o t o Kai, Yasuhi r o O kam ot o, A ki ra O kad a - O k a y a ma Un ive r sity , O k a y a ma , J a p a n ; Hiroaki Ishi gur o, Ryoh e i It o, H i ros h i O kaw a, A k ih ik o S u g iy a ma , R io F u j ita - AM ADA C O ., L T D., K a n a g a wa , Ja pa n

Th e Var iation A nalysis of t h e D yn am ic Be h av io r s o f M o l te n Po o l w i th th e We l d i n g S p e e d I n c re a s e I n the La ser We ld i ng By Numer ical Sim u lat ion (M AC R O 703) Yu e wei A i, Xi aoyi ng L i u , Y i H u an g , L on g Y u - Sc h o o l o f T r a f f ic a n d T r a n sp o r ta tio n E n g in e e r in g , C e n tr a l Sout h Univ e rsi ty, C hangsha, C h i n a

Th e Investigation of We ld Format ion P roce ss D u r i n g th e D i ss i m i l a r M ate r i a l s F i b e r L a s e r We l d i n g by Num eric a l S imu l ation ( MACRO 70 4 ) Yu e wei A i , Xi aoyi ng L i u, Y i H u an g , L on g Y u - Sc h o o l o f T r a f f ic a n d T r a n sp o r ta tio n E n g in e e r in g , C e n tr al Sout h Univ e rsi ty, C hangsha, C h i n a

Th e Analys is of Evo lu t ion C h aracte rist ics of We l d Mi c ro str u c tu re i n A l u m i n u m A l l oy L a s e r We l d i n g by Pha se Field Mo d e l ing ( MACRO 70 5 ) Yu e wei A i , Yi Huang, L on g Y u , X i aoyi n g L i u - Sc h o o l o f T r a f f ic a n d T r a n sp o r ta tio n E n g in e e r in g , C e n tr a l Sout h Univ e rsi ty, C hangsha, C h i n a | K e y L ab orat ory o f T r a f f ic S a f e ty o n T r a c k o f M in istr y o f E d u c a tio n , C e nt ra l Sout h Univ e rsi ty, C hangsha, C h i n a

Th e Analys is of Wel d Porosit y in t h e Oscillat in g L a s e r T- J o i n t We l d i n g O f A l u m i n u m A l l oy by N u m e r i c a l S imu l ation ( MACRO 70 6 ) Yu e wei A i , Ji an Chen g, L on g Y u , C h an g L e i , Pe ng c h e n g Y u a n - S c h o o l o f T r a f f ic a n d T r a n sp o r ta tio n E ngi neeri ng, Ce nt ral South Uni ve rs i t y, C h an g s h a, C h i n a | K e y L a b o r a to r y o f T r a f f ic S a f e ty o n T r a c k o f M in istr y o f Educ a t i on, Ce nt ral South Uni ve rs i t y, C h an g s h a, C h i n a

In flu e nce of P rocess-Re late d He at Accu m u lat io n o f L a s e r B e a m We l d e d 1 .7035 Ro u n d B a r s o n M e l t Pool Sha pe a n d Welding Defects (M AC R O 707 ) Jan G rajc zak, Sar ah Not h d u rf t , Jörg H e rm s d orf , S te f a n Ka ie r le - L a se r Z e n tr u m H a n n o ve r e .V ., H a n n o ver, Germa ny ; Christi an Nowr oth, J e n s T w i e f e l , Jörg W al l as che k - I n stitu te o f Dy n a mic s a n d V ib r a tio n R e se a r c h , L e ibni z Univ e rsi ty, Hannove r, G e rm an y; Fe lix Saur e, Ti m m Coors , Fl ori an Pap e , G e rh ard P o ll - I n stitu te o f M a c h in e De sig n a n d T r ib o lo g y , L e ibni z Univ e rsi ty, Hannove r, G e rm an y; V olker Wesl i ng -C l au s t h al U n i v e rs i t y of T e ch n o lo g y , C la u sth a l- Z e lle r f e ld , G e r ma n y

L a se r Welding Of Thin Ste e l wit h Low Orde r A nn u l a r n e a r I n f ra re d B e a m s ( MAC R O 708) O liv er Boc ksr oc ker, T i m H e s s e - T RUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik GmbH, Ditzingen, Germany ; D a v id Havr i l l a -TRUM PF L as e r T e ch n ol og y C e n t e r , P ly mo u th , M I , US A






On-Demand Cont. Re d u cing Scatter ing I n Be n din g A n gle by a L as e r S h o c k Pe e n i n g P re tre atm e n t ( M AC R O 709 ) T o b ia s Val enti no, A n d re as St e p h e n , T i m R ad e l - B I AS - B r e me r I n stitu t f ü r a n g e w a n d te S tr a h lte c h n ik GmbH, B re men, Ger m any Comp ar is on of the Th e rmal Focu s Sh ift an d A b e r rati o n by th e S i n g l e - M o d e a n d Mu l ti m o d e L a s e r s ( MACRO 7 11) Ale xa nder L aski n -Ad l O p t i ca O p t i cal Sys t e m s Gmb H , B e r lin , G e r ma n y H i g h Throughput Lase r Be am We ldin g Wit h 16 kW 1 .03 μm A n n u l a r B e a m S h a p i n g ( MAC R O 7 1 2 ) M a t t hi eu Meuni er , Aym e ri c L u cas , Iv an G u s ach e n k o , G w e n n P a llie r, G u illa u me L a b r o ille - C a ila b s, R e n nes , Fra nc e; N ico las Gai l l ar d, Dav i d L e m ai t re - In s t i t u t M au p e r tu is, B r u z , F r a n c e

Effe c t s of N on-sy mm e t rical I n te n sit y D ist ribu t i o n o n th e L a s e r C u tti n g P ro ce ss ( MAC R O 7 1 3 ) M a t t hi eu Meuni er , P i e rre V e rn az G ri s , G w e n n P a llie r, G u illa u me L a b r o ille - C a ila b s, R e n n e s, F r a n c e ; Jan nik L i nd, Mar kus K og e l - H ol l ach e r - Pre ci t e c G mb H , G a g g e n a u , G e r ma n y

L AS ER MICROP ROCE SSI N G In c re as ing the Removal R ate by I n cre ase d P roce ss P re ss u re Du r i n g L a s e r C h e m i c a l M a c h i n i n g ( MI C R O 701) M arcel Si m ons, Ti m R ad e l - B IA S - B re m e r In s t i t u t f ü r a n g e w a n d te S tr a h lte c h n ik G mb H , B r e me n , G e r m a ny






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Posters L AS ER ADDITIVE MA N U F A C T U R I N G E ffe c t of P uls e Energy on Ti P late Fabricat ion by Va c u u m S L M fo r U n i fo r m i ty o f G ra i n S i ze ( P 001 8) Yuta Mizuguchi, Masahiro Ihama -Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Suita, Japan; Tsuneyoshi Arimura, Minoru Yoshida -Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kindai University, Higashiosaka, Japan; Yuji Sato, Norio Yoshida, Masahiro Tsukamoto -Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University, Ibaraki, Japan

Effe c t of Fluctuatio n in L igh t A bsorpt ion R ate o n P u re Co p p e r Fa b r i c ati o n by S L M ( P 002 1 ) T s un e yoshi A r i m ur a, M i n oru Y os h i d a - G rad u at e S c h o o l o f S c ie n c e a n d E n g in e e r in g , Kin d a i Un ive r sity , Os a k a , Jap an Keis uke Takenaka, Y u ji Sat o, Nori o Y os h i d a, M a sa h ir o T su k a mo to - J o in in g a n d W e ld in g R e se a r c h I n st i t ut e, Os a k a Univ e rsi ty, Ibar aki , Jap an M a s a hi r o Iham a, Yuta M i z u g u ch i - G rad u at e Scho o l o f E n g in e e r in g , O sa k a Un ive r ity , S u ita , J a p a n

Ex p e rimental A nalysis of L ase r Sin te re d Copper Wi c k Str u c tu re s fo r Th e r m a l M a n a g e m e n t A p p l i c ati ons ( P005 1) Ap a rna Chandr am oul i, R aje e v Nai r, M ah m ood Ba sh ir - W ic h ita S ta te Un ive r sity , W ic h ita , KS , US A

De p e ndence of Ligh t A bsorpt an ce of Su bst rate o n P u re Co p p e r L aye r Fo r m ati o n w i th a Mu l ti B e a m La ser M et a l De p os ition System w it h Blu e D iode L ase rs (P 01 01 ) Keis uke Takenaka, Y u ji Sat o, M as ah i ro T s u kam o to - J o in in g a n d W e ld in g R e se a r c h I n stitu te , O sa k a Uni vers i t y , Ib ara ki , Japan; Kazuhi r o Ono -Gr ad u at e Sch ool of E n g i n e e ri n g , O sa k a Un ive r sity , S u ita , J a p a n ; Yosh inor i Funada -In d u s t ri al R e s e arch I n s t i t u t e o f I sh ik a w a , K a n a z a w a , J a p a n

L AS ER MACROP ROC ESSI N G Al /C u Las er Weld Pe n e t rat ion Est imat ion U sin g D e e p N e u ra l N e two r k C l a ss i f i c ati o n M o d e l s B a s e d o n Photodiode S ig n a l ( P 004 0) Cheolhee Ki m, Ki do n g L e e , Su n g Y i - Port l an d S ta te Un ive r sity , P o r tla n d , O R , US A; Cheolhee Ki m , Sangh oon K an g , M i n ju n g K an g - KI T E C H , I n c h e o n , R e p u b lic o f K o r e a

O p timization of G as Sh ie ldin g for Vacu u m L aser We l d i n g o f Ti - 6 A l - 4 V Ti ta n i u m A l l oy ( P 009 6 ) Cheolhee Ki n, Yongki L e e , Jas on C h e on - K I T E C H , I n c h e o n , R e p u b lic o f Ko r e a ; Yon g ki L ee, Byung- K w on M i n - Y on s e i U n i v e rs i t y , S e o u l, R e p u b lic o f Ko r e a

L AS ER MICROP ROCE SSI N G O p timization of Lase r P roce ssin g Parame te rs Th ro u g h Au to m ate d D ata Acq u i s i ti o n a n d A r ti f i c i a l N e ura l Net works (P0026) X ia o m i ng Yu, C am er on V o, B oyan g Zh ou - C R E O L , C o lle g e o f O p tic s a n d P h o to n ic s, Un ive r sity o f C e n tra l Fl ori da , O rlan do, FL , USA

S u b -m icron Sur face St ru ct u rin g wit h a Be sse l B e a m G e n e rate d by a Re f l e c ti ve A x i co n ( P 0047 ) M a rt in Osbi l d, El i sab e t h - A n n e m ari e G e rh ors t - Fraunhofer ILT Institute for Laser Technology, Aachen, Germany Siddhart Sivankutty, Gwenn Pallier, Guillaume Labroille - Cailabs, Rennes, France






G a lva nometer Scann in g L ase r M icro-We ldin g O f 3 04 Sta i n l e ss Ste e l Fo i l s ( P 0072 ) Weizhe Du, Ti ng Hu an g , R on g s h i X i ao - B e i ji n g Un ive r sity o f T e c h n o lo g y , B e ij in g , C h in a

Effe c t of Single P uls e an d Pe rcu ssion I n cision s o n th e C h a ra c te r i sti c s o f L a s e r I n c i s e d H o l e s i n Wo o d s ( P0127) Su b hasi sa Nath, Davi d W au g h - C ov e n t ry U n i v e r sity , C o ve n tr y , UK; G ra ham Or m ondr oy d , M orw e n n a Sp e ar - B an g or Un ive r sity , B a n g o r , UK; And y Pi tm an -L i gni a W ood L t d , B arry, U K ; P a ul Mason -Mi l l eni u m L as e rs L t d , Sw an s e a, U K

St u d y Of Pointing St abilizat ion Un it for Fe m tos e co n d F i b e r B e a m De l i ve r y Syste m ( P 01 4 6 ) B en o it Beaudou, Pi erre G u ay, Fe t ah B e n ab i d - Glo p h o to n ic s, L imo g e s, F r a n c e ; Clément Jac quar d, Iv an G u s ach e n ko, G w e n n Pa llie r, G u illa u me L a b r o ille - C a ila b s, R e n n e s, F r a n c e

Ve rsatile Fully Reflect ive Be am Split te r for Hig h Th ro u g h p u t M a n u fa c tu r i n g Wi th H i g h Powe r G re e n Fem tosecond L a se r ( P 0150) Iv an Gusac henko, Gw e n n Pal l i e r, Pu Ji an , O l i v i e r P in e l, G u illa u me L a b r o ille - C a ila b s, R e n n e s, F r a n c e ; M a t h ieu Di joux, Sébas t i e n E s t i v al , Pau l - E t i e n n e M a r tin - L a se a , I n c ., P e ssa c , B e lg iu m

S u b micron Sur face Sh apin g an d Su rface Re pair o f M e ta l s vi a L a s e r A b l ati o n ( P 01 5 4 ) Zachar y Gavi n, A ndr e w Fors m an , G ran t Sch rad e r - G e n e r a l Ato mic s, L a J o lla , C A, US A










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