Succeeding in business requires insight, creativity, and a comprehensive marketing plan. Market Treasury Multimedia shows you how. Turn the page to begin, and find out how to write your own success story.
Table of Contents
Branding and Design ~ 2 Market Treasury Magazine ~ 4 Market Savings ~ 5 Website Design ~ 8 Designer QR Codes ~ 12 MapSavings.com ~ 13 Augmented Reality ~ 15 Motion Graphics ~ 16
Š 2012 Market Treasury Multimedia All Rights Reserved. 4345 Beverly Street, Suites A + B Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 T: 719.487.8158 | F: 719.487.8157 www.markettreasury.com | info@markettreasury.com
“It takes more than capital to swing business. You’ve got to have the A.I.D. degree to get by: Advertising, Initiative, and Dynamics.” – Ren Mulford Jr. “The only limits are, as always, those of vision.” – James Broughton “A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts.” – Richard Branson “It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there. ” – Conventional Wisdom All of those quotations above may be true, but they are not necessarily helpful. It’s easy to find pearls of wisdom from great entrepreneurs, but it is much harder to find guidance on how to become one of those success stories. And as technology advances and business practices evolve, it only gets harder. But here’s the secret: The formula never changes; it is the method of delivery that does. No matter what your business is, success depends on the same things. Attract. Promote. Engage. Connect. Sell. Excite. Here’s how, brought to you by Market Treasury.
When you put your business out there, first impressions are everything. The recognition that your company gets can either make or break you. That’s why you need the best visual representation of your company with a strong brand. Consistency is an essential part in effectively branding your company. Using a professional brand means having the same fonts, colors, and design elements across all materials and media, which maintains your company’s familiarity with consumers, helping you to both keep current customers and bring in new ones. In this highly competitive, challenging marketplace, you can’t risk appearing amateurish. Market Treasury Multimedia provides unique and original branding designs to set you apart from the crowd. From business cards to your own catchy tagline, we make you look good, in every professional aspect.
{Brand Start-Up} Logo, Business Cards, Letterhead and Envelope Get 3 unique concepts and up to 3 revisions to the logo design of your choice. Starting at $1,299
{Enhanced Brand Design} Logo, Fonts, Brand Color Scheme, Tagline, Email Signature, Business Cards, Letterhead and Envelope Get 5 unique concepts and up to 3 revisions to the logo design of your choice. Starting at $2,299
Market Treasury’s designers are seasoned professionals in logo design and branding. We work with you from the start, making sure we understand your business before we begin to brand it. Throughout the process, you will remain in the loop until we all agree that your branding is just right. Don’t forget collateral! Ask for details and pricing on every print item you need, including brochures, media kits, posters, door hangers and more.
A great logo and brand suggests what a business does without hitting you over the head with it. The right colors, the perfect fonts, and an attractive logo that easily reproduces in any medium gives your company a professional look and feel. First impressions are everything, so make yours count.
{How To} SAY TWO THINGS AT ONCE The logo and design elements for a multi-class dance recital combine the energy of dance and music using bright colors, images of sheet music and silhouettes of dancers in various positions, representing different styles.
{How To}
Finding inspiration in ancient Chinese philosophy and medicine, this logo suggests the indelible symbol of the Yin Yang, which represents balance and harmony. The soothing green color palette is derived from another Chinese tradition, feng shui.
This logo uses imagery from the company name, The Charity Auction Barn, to suggest a small town community organization, but is modern enough to represent an online penny auction website.
This landscaping company specializes in concrete borders and edging. The logo is defined by the edges of abstract shapes. A second version of the logo uses only one color, which can be used on carbon contracts, fax sheets, and embroidery on employee shirts.
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{How To} RE-BRAND, RE-ENERGIZE, RECONNECT This client wanted to update their brand to attract new customers and reflect contemporary trends in kitchen design. We decided to go with a clean, modern design and sophisticated color palette. The logo and colors create a sophisticated website.
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Style: Other: Home Value: Notes on budgeting: Planning a budget depends on the length of time you plan to be in the home. If you are staying less than 5 years, it is advisable to stay closer to the 7% mark, whereas the higher end is for those who are planning to stay for an extended period of time. However, these are just guidelines to help you establish a budget, and your budget may or may not follow these guidelines. Home | Styles | Brands | Gallery | New Home Builds | Contact Us Š â&#x201E;˘ 2012 JK Cabinets and Design 719.591.1373
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Direct mail introduces your business to future customers. It is your point of contact, your first encounter, and an essential tool for launching or expanding your company. In fact, businesses who advertise in a direct mail magazine can increase their overall advertising results by 300%-500%. Market Treasury offers editorial content that is completely unique to our publication. Market Treasury Magazine engages readers to flip through every page with informative articles, humorous essays, contests for kids and adults, raffles, and fun facts or trivia throughout the magazine. That’s how we turn magazine recipients into readers, then participants, and then customers. We know who your demographic is: homeowners with families and traditional values, and we produce a magazine their whole family looks forward to receiving. We like to call it “kitchen counter life.” Advertising in Market Treasury Magazine lets consumers see your ad in a whole new light. Our editorial content draws people in, and our write-ups (also called advertorials) for your business will make you look like an expert in your field. A Market Treasury write-up of your business will provide a more in-depth look into your company and give consumers insight into how you run your business, why you do what you do, and how you make Colorado Springs a better place to live and work. It’s one of the most effective ways to persuade customers to choose you over the competition.
There are many factors to consider about advertising through direct mail. Who are your current customers? What attracts them to your business? How far do people travel to eat at your restaurant or shop at your store? Do you have many direct competitors in your area? How much growth can your business sustain? The answers to these questions help you determine which direction to go with direct mail. Coupon books are a proven advertising method for restaurants, retail, entertainment, salons, portrait studios, family recreation and more. Coupons are popular with families on a budget, couples looking for a casual night out on the town, events and in-store promotions. Market Savings is a great opportunity to target specific groups because you can choose from three different distribution zones, each with a circulation of 33,000 every other month. If you want to reach out beyond your demographic, coupons help you attract customers from other demographics. Choose one, two or three zones to cast your net as wide as you like. While ordinary coupon books often make it no further than the recycle bin, the unique square format (about the size of a CD case) of Market Savings makes potential customers take notice. The high-quality, full color edge-to-edge printing looks more polished than regular coupons, and the perforated pages makes it a snap to neatly remove coupons without scissors. It’s easy to work Market Savings into a larger direct mail campaign because the send-out dates for Market Savings are staggered to work in conjunction with Market Treasury Magazine, featured on the next two pages. Advertising in both keeps your ad fresh and your company’s name in mind for potential customers.
Pricing for Market Savings All ads in Market Savings are the same size. Cost is per issue and includes full design. Some advertisers may want to consider purchasing two ads so they can be printed back-to-back. Front and back covers must be designed by Market Treasury, but other pages can be submitted “camera-ready” by the client.
Front Cover: $799 Back Cover: $499 Single Page: $299
Now that you have established your company brand, it’s time to get your name out there with advertising. Direct mail is a great way to do so. Market Treasury Magazine provides full award-winning design services and guidance to make your ad as effective as possible. With a distribution of more than 100,000 per issue mailed exclusively to single family homes, our publication targets your demographic, so your advertising investment is not wasted on apartment complexes or rentals. That’s 100,000 reasons to advertise in Market Treasury. Increase your impact with a professionally written “advertorial” to accompany your ad.
AD SIZES AND PRICING Requires a 6, 9 or 12 issue contract. Prices are per issue. All ads include design services and revisions up to a reasonable number of changes/proofs.*
Ad Size (Width x Height)
12 issue
9 issue
¼ page (3.375" x 4.75") $395 $430 ½ page (7" x 4.75") $795 $815 Full page edge-to-edge $1,495 $1,595
6 issue $495 $845 $1,695
SHARED-MAIL POSTCARD CAMPAIGNS Market Treasury offers the lowest prices on postcard campaigns through shared mail. Your postcard will be tucked inside the magazine, saving you thousands of dollars on your campaign.
Only 11.5¢ per piece *Last-minute ad changes or additional proofs after 3 may be charged an additional fee.
{How To} JUDGE A BUSINESS BY ITS COVER Every direct mail publication sells its cover, but with Market Treasury, we sell the story. Our beautiful front covers speak volumes about the businesses that appear on them. Why buy an ad when you can buy a work of art? The back cover, inside front and inside back cover are also available at a lower rate. With the purchase of any cover options, you also get your choice of one ¼ write-up + one ¼ page ad, or one ½ page ad.
Front Cover Exclusive: $3,500 Back Cover Exclusive: $3,000 Inside Front Cover Exclusive: $2,500 Inside Back Cover Exclusive: $2,250 Please note: Front covers must be designed by Market Treasury. Back, inside front and inside back covers can be submitted “camera-ready” if you choose. Ask for details and specifications.
{How To} JUMP OFF THE PAGE Purchase an advertorial (also called write-ups) to up the ante for your competitors. Advertorials are printed on prominent color blocks and always appear on the outer edge of the page. This makes them “pop,” so they stand out, even if you are merely thumbing through the magazine. Pair your write-up with an ad for maximum impact. Advertorials are priced per size at the same rate as ads. You are not required to buy an ad along with it (but we recommend it).
~ But That’s Not All ~ PREMIUM PLACEMENT Maximize results with premium placement in strategic locations through the magazine for an additional fee. Placement is on a first-come, first-served basis, so don’t wait! Page numbering begins with the cover as page 1.
Full Page Ads Only Page 3 (opposite the inside front cover): $300 Pages 4-5 Premium Placement: $200 ½ Page Ads Only Pages 7-10 Premium ½ Page Placement: $100 Upper Right Placement ~ By request, early birds only Prices are in addition to cost of ad.
Quick, when is the last time you used a phone book? (Using it as a door stop or a stand for your monitor doesn’t count.) If you are like millions of daily internet users, you may have a hard time answering that question. Our lives seem to revolve around the exchange of instant information. More and more people spend their days at work in front of a computer, always connected and engaged with the whole world. When they aren’t at their desks, they are browsing the web with mobile devices, smart phones, laptops and even game consoles. The internet is literally accessible 24/7, and with a website, so are you. What does this mean for you? It means that if you don’t have a website, you are losing customers to businesses that do. People are more likely to use search engines than phone books to find contact information, research companies and products, and make purchasing decisions based on what they find online. To many people, especially consumers in their twenties and thirties, if you do not exist online, you don’t exist at all. A professionally-built website does more than just make it easier to be found. It makes your company look legitimate and established. If given a choice between two companies, one with an organized, clean, user-friendly website and one with a site that appears to have been created in Microsoft Frontpage sometime during the last century, the majority of customers will choose the first company, based entirely on the impression your website gives on first glance. Websites engage customers in a way no other business tool does. With builtin email contact forms, visitors can ask you questions about your products and services, giving you the opportunity to establish a connection with them before they even walk through your doors. With a website, you can keep customers updated on changes to your company or announce promotions and new products. Add customer testimonials and user reviews from sites like Angie’s List to make customers feel more confident about choosing your business. Integrate Facebook and Twitter widgets to really showcase your technology prowess. Market Treasury offers affordable website packages and custom websites, tailored to your company and your customers. We’ll guide you through the tech talk, design an attractive site to enhance your branding, and help you decide what content you need to get the best results. With our expertise, your web presence will help your business succeed.
It’s time to face it: If you don’t have a website (or your current website stinks), you are losing sales. A great website attracts new customers and provides a way for people to keep informed on new products, services or promotions. Here are examples of our web packages and how they have enhanced these businesses.
~ Package 1 + Flash (extra) ~ HTTP://GOO.GL/AGK6Y This basic website helps a recycled clothing store buy its merchandise from the same demographic that purchases it. The rapid turnover makes it impractical, if not impossible, to maintain a gallery of items in stock, so the website must emphasize their business model and turn shoppers into both buyers and sellers. The site encourages visitors to opt-in for email newsletters and text messages with an easily accessible email sign-up. Flash animations (not included in package cost) are informative and visually dynamic.
~ Basic Package 1 ~ TEMPLATE-BASED 5-6 PAGES
~ Basic Package 2 ~ TEMPLATE-BASED 7-15 PAGES
This basic website is a great solution for companies that want to establish or strengthen a web presence but do not need features such as e-commerce. Package 1 provides a design to enhance your branding in an easy-to-use site that you can update yourself—no need to contract another company to do site maintenance.
Sometimes 5-6 pages aren’t enough, so consider an upgrade to Package 2. If your company sells specialized products or services, consider this package, which gives you the opportunity to describe many products in detail on separate pages. This is an excellent, affordable website for service industries such as contractors and landscapers. You can show off pictures of your work with simple Flash-based slideshows (included), explain your process and include customer testimonials in multiple-level navigation.
With a Home page, Contact Us page with email contact form built-in, an About Us page to describe your company, and 2-3 more pages with whatever information you need, this affordable package is perfect for the small business that wants to engage its customers in a big way.
~ Custom Package 3 ~ WWW.NEWSKINNEWYOU.COM This website requires three levels of navigation to offer detailed information about medical procedures. The home page features a unique design. The clinicâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s services are categorized in the main menu bar, then individual products in each category are given their own pages for details. Each service and procedure must be explained in-depth and accompanied by before-and-after pictures to give website visitors the information they need to feel confident about choosing this company. Patient Resources answer F.A.Qs.
~ Custom Package 3 ~ CUSTOM 15-30 PAGES Do you need a website with customized, unique pages that differ in structure and/or style across the website? A 15-30 page website may be for you. With a simple navigation that organizes your site in an intuitive, user-friendly structure, this is a great option for companies that provide health care or highly specialized medical procedures, giving you the room you need to explain products, benefits and dangers, and include photos of the results patients may expect. This package includes an initial consultation with designers and programmers (up to 3 hours).
~ Advanced Website Solutions ~ CUSTOM SITE WITH E-COMMERCE AND INTERACTIVE ELEMENTS If you plan to sell products online or need more advanced programming, we can sit down with you, discuss your needs and then tailor the perfect site for you. Some examples of why you would need an advanced website: maintaining a database of information or member registrations; selling and shipping products through e-commerce; and websites that require interactive graphics or multiple fill-in and submit forms. Call to set up a consultation.
Price Varies
~ Advanced Website Solutions ~ WWW.PREMIUMPETDOORS.COM This company sells various types and brands of pet doors that come in multiple sizes, requiring an extensive multi-level navigation structure and advanced programming for order options. The home page is designed to engage visitors with a demonstration video at the top and brief summaries of products found on the site. Though this particular website consists of nearly 50 pages total, the navigation style streamlines all content into intuitive categories with drop-down menus as well as clickable links.
If customers know what they are looking for, it takes just four clicks to get from the home page to the order page. Built-in credit card processing makes shopping more convenient for customers, and order fulfillment more efficient for the company. The back-end programming is made fully accessible through an easy-to-use administrative website, allowing employees of Premium Pet Doors to modify, add or delete products themselves.
You’ve probably noticed those strange, white and black boxes showing up on everything from advertising to product packaging. They are QR codes, one of the latest trends in smart phone technology. They can be scanned by any smart phone that has a QR reader app installed to deliver instant information about different products and services. They can be quite a nifty tool for boosting your company’s advertising results and getting your name out there. The novelty factor alone encourages people to snap the QR, just to see what it does. Market Treasury has always been on the leading edge of using QR codes in advertising, but we take it even farther. We direct your QR code to strategic destinations on the web, not just to your home page. If your goal is to establish contact with new customers, we direct your QR code to your “Contact Us” form. If you want to increase online sales, we point your code to product order pages. And if you are interested in simply bringing in more business, we point your QR code directly to your coupon on MapSavings. com, which instantly delivers your promotional offer to the user—AND shows them where your business is located based on the user’s current location. We’ll talk more about MapSavings on the next page. More than half of all cell phone users in America now use smart phones, making QR codes a great way to take advantage of a new platform to boost your image. And since smart phones are not equipped to be full-fledged web browsers, QR codes bridge the gap between websites and cell phones, bringing even more mobility to internet users. QR codes give consumers 24/7 access to the web, even if they are not sitting at a computer. That means 24/7 access to you and your business. The advantages to using QR codes as part of your comprehensive marketing strategy are too great to pass up, especially if you have Market Treasury create a custom designer code, which integrates your brand into the appearance of the code without affecting its readability to smart phones.
MapSavings.com makes it easy to find great deals going on in your neighborhood or anywhere else. We take all of the deals from every local coupon book and put them in one place. You can browse by category or region or simply search for the deal you want. The map feature makes it ridiculously easy to find places to eat or things to do near your home. If you’re venturing outside of the Springs, you can find coupons pretty much anywhere in the country and print them at home. Say you’re out and about and want to grab a bite (and save a buck or two). The mobile app lets you see what deals are available near you and shows you where they are. Just present your phone or use the code word to get the discount. Look for the color-coded lightbulbs to find the “Best and Brightest” businesses in Colorado Springs, recommended by Market Treasury. The website is simple to use and 100% ad-free. No matter where you are, it’s easy to find nearby deals. You don’t need to create a user account. There’s nothing to “join.” Your inbox won’t be spammed with annoying emails from us. You don’t have to pay a membership fee to use the coupons. It’s totally FREE and always will be.
While QR codes are a very effective way to drive traffic to your website or MapSavings offer, they are not at all attractive. And the prettier they are, the more likely they are to fail, unless they are designed by Market Treasury. Our experts can create a stunning, working QR code for you, enhancing your brand and setting your code above all the rest.
DESIGNER QR CODE PRICING Starting at $59 per code. More detailed or time-consuming designs may be subject to additional charges. Please note: Like all new cell phone innovations, QR reader apps are sometimes temperamental and slow to scan, but we will take all steps necessary to make sure your designer QR code works on various mobile devices.
Putting a coupon on MapSavings.com costs less per month than just one typical night out for two, making it one of the most affordable and effective methods of driving traffic to your business that you will ever find.
Here’s where it gets really cool: Advertise in Market Treasury, and a QR code next to your ad directs smart phone users straight to your coupon on MapSavings.com. It’s another great example of the integrated marketing solutions we offer.
Sign up to become one of the “Best and Brightest,” which gives you a special, eye-catching map marker, prominent listings appearing next to any coupon someone views, and a detailed description of your business or product with the option to add graphics. Advertisers in Market Treasury Magazine automatically become featured businesses on MapSavings.
Beauty & Spa
Commit to 5 months of advertising on MapSavings.com and get your 6th month free.
1 coupon: $49/mo. 2 coupons: $69/mo. 3 coupons: $79/mo. “Best and Brightest” Featured Coupon: $99/mo.
Go Beyond Print {What It Is} Augmented Reality (AR) is actually quite different from Virtual Reality (VR). That’s because VR creates a digital environment, like a video game, but AR enhances the real-world environment. AR is a new technology that takes a two-dimensional medium like magazine ads and creates a live, real-world environment viewed through smartphones and other mobile devices. Traditional print materials become enhanced with computergenerated sound, video, graphics, GPS data, and even real-time tours. Sound familiar? That’s because you’ve already seen it, in Hollywood blockbusters such as Minority Report and Iron Man, where the inside of Tony Stark’s helmet shows him real-time data while he fights the bad guys.
{What It Does} Augmented Reality is like opening a window in a printed ad, revealing a completely different world. At Market Treasury, we are already using advanced AR capabilities to enrich direct mail with multimedia. AR goes beyond the printed page, turning an ad into entertainment.
{What It Means to You} With the exciting new technology of AR, direct mail becomes an immersive experience. That means your physical shopping experience will now change. For example, Augmented Reality lets consumers see restaurant deals all around them based on their smartphone’s GPS, and a landscaping or fencing company can use AR to give potential clients a glimpse into an improved backyard.
augmented reality pricing vary based on the project. Contact us for a media consultation, and we’ll help you figure out how to harness this exciting technology to take your company to the next level.
With Market Treasury, your business is now attractive, actively promoted, engaged with customers, connected to consumers and making sales left and right. Everything is coming together—so let’s set it in motion for you. Motion graphics are the last ingredient to making a powerful impact. Visually dynamic, entertaining animation adds an extra punch to television commercials, online advertising and your website. Combining the elements of movement, sound, music and imagery, animation engages the viewer’s brain in more ways than any of the previous marketing techniques. An entertaining commercial or flashy How-To video on your website is an effective way to etch your message onto a consumer’s memory. But how do you start? First, you need a message and a script to go with it. Even if you do not plan on using a voice-over, it’s important to plan out how your message will be communicated. The “script” provides the timeline for the information and is the basis of any good animation. Next, you need visuals, everything from live action to “stock” video footage to graphics. Then, you need sound: music or voice, or both. Lastly, you need to bring it all together in one professional, stunning video. Market Treasury is a national motion graphics production company, with award-winning work for some of America’s top brands, including Harkins Theatres and Toyota. Our animation department designs and builds your video from beginning to end, including helping you write your script, editing previous live action footage, producing the voice-over audio track and setting the whole thing to music. It doesn’t matter if you are a Fortune 500 company or a small start-up; our philosophy is always the same. You, the client, are passionate about your business and livelihood, and we are, too. With our creativity and expertise, we can make your passion just as exciting for your customers as it is for you.
Combining the elements of movement, sound, music and imagery, animation engages the viewerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brain in more ways than any of the previous marketing techniques. An entertaining commercial or flashy How-To video on your website is an effective way to etch your message onto a consumerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s memory.
Š 2012 Market Treasury Multimedia All Rights Reserved. 4345 Beverly Street, Suites A + B Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 T: 719.487.8158 | F: 719.487.8157 www.markettreasury.com | info@markettreasury.com