How to look good and feel 10 years younger
GUIDE CONTENTS 03 - Transform Your Body Fast! The Most Amazing Way to Transform Your Body Fast!
05 - Modern Mum & Successful Chiropractor Then I had a Stroke
5 Techniques I Used to Bring Myself Back to Health
07 - How to Manifest Fulfilment and Total Happiness 5 Life Coaching Tips for the Busy Tauranga Woman
09 - Reboot Your Energy Levels and Sex Appeal The Benefits of Juicing and Blending.
11 - Thai Yoga Massage Relief from Depression, Pain, Stress, or Slow Recovery
13 - Is a Life Dedicated to the Quest for Beauty One Worth Living? 9 Steps to Being Confident in Your Own Body
15 - Lorraine Downes Lorraine Downes Answers the Hard Questions on Breast Cancer
THOUGHTS FROM THE EDITOR In the next few pages you’ll discover some self-care secrets that are not widely known or promoted. Secrets that you can use right now to look good and feel younger. True inner beauty is a function of the food you eat, the exercise you get, the thoughts that you think, and the quality of your sleep. It has really helped me in my life to take advice from the right people. The following are experts in their field and are worth listening to - Aroha nui Mark Fantham
TRANSFORM YOUR BODY FAST! The Most AMAZING Way to Transform Your Body FAST! By Mark Woodgate, Body Transformation Specialist.
Have you ever wondered how Hollywood celebrities transform their bodies and look fantastic for their lead roles? Or how some people can go from 'flab to fab' in as little as 12 weeks? You're about to discover one of the least well known methods for increasing fitness, burning body fat and reshaping your body in record time!
Is Cardio Really the Best Way to Lose Body Fat? For over 40 years cardio has been touted as the number 1 way to burn body fat and increase fitness, but is that really the case? (By the way, cardio is defined as a 3
steady state aerobic type workout lasting 30 minutes or more) In 1996 a ground breaking study conducted by Japanese researcher, Izumi Tabata, compared 2 types of exercisers. One group did 60 minutes of low to moderate intensity exercise 5 days per week. The second group also exercised 5 days per week however this group performed interval style training consisting of 20 second sprints and 10 second recovery periods lasting a total of 15 minutes. At the end of the 6 week study the moderate intensity exercisers had increased their aerobic fitness by 10% with no increase in their anaerobic fitness. (Anaerobic fitness refers to the kind of fitness required for short burst, high intensity exercise)
Interestingly, group 2 increased their aerobic fitness by 14% and their anaerobic fitness by an incredible 28%! This achievement is despite the vast difference in exercise time. Interval training has also been proven to burn significantly more body fat than regular cardio. A study done by Laval University in Canada compared 20 weeks of endurance training vs. 15 weeks of short duration interval training. While the aerobic/endurance group managed to burn more total calories during exercise, the interval training group lost nine times more body fat! One of the reasons interval training is superior for fat loss is because of the effect on the body's metabolism. In other words, the majority of calories are burned after the workout. To experience the amazing benefits of interval training, try the following routine which can be performed on most cardio machines or as a walk/fast paced jog. •Warm up for 2 minutes •For the following 2 minutes : Sprint for 20 secs followed by 10 secs recovery. (Repeat this 4 minute cycle 5 times)
For example: •2 min jog (warm up) •20 secs of kettlebell swings followed by 10 secs recovery •20 secs burpees followed by 10 secs recovery •20 secs push ups followed by 10 secs recovery •20 secs bicycle crunches followed by 10 secs recovery (Repeat 4 min cycle 5 times) The evidence is clear. If you'd like to increase your fitness and burn body fat faster than you ever thought possible, add interval training to your routine and get ready to transform! Still confused? contact me Mark Woodgate 027 616 9141 bodyblueprint.co.nz
This interval style workout can also be done using strength based exercises also known as metabolic resistance training.
THEN I HAD A STROKE By Dr Christy Oppenlander, Chiropractor
To the observer, I looked and portrayed a picture of health. I was an active, healthy food conscious 38 year old. The mother of two vibrant healthy girls and I was running a successful chiropractic office. Behind the scenes, the reality was very different. I was stressed, over worked, sleep deprived, emotionally unbalanced and never taking time for myself. That’s when my body told me enough was enough – my wakeup call came in the form of a stroke! I woke early one morning and realised that my right arm was not working. I knew I was holding my baby but I could not feel her. I tried to talk to my partner but I could not speak. With my medical background I knew exactly what was happening to me. 5
After weeks in hospital I knew I needed to help myself and use the knowledge I had to heal my own body. Colleagues were able to provide chiropractic adjustments to ensure my brain was getting the right messages through to my body. If these connections were firing I knew my body would know how to heal itself. Similar stroke symptoms kept occurring. This time they were anxiety and panic attacks mimicking the stroke. This made me feel very nervous, I felt scared, unable to care for my children, unable to drive or be on my own and loosing trust in my own body. I had to find other methods to help my brain think differently. It forced me to re-evaluate what was important in my life.
These are the steps to healing I made. These steps will also make a difference to your life:
essential to bringing my exhausted body back to life.
Put Yourself and Your Needs First
A Thermography Scan
As a woman and mother this is an extremely difficult step to achieve, however it turned out to be the most important of all to myself and my family. Learning to say “I would love to but NO”...was an important tool for me.
Learn Mindfulness Techniques and Yoga After my stroke I suffered debilitating anxiety and panic attacks so I needed tools to retrain my brain and thoughts. Mindfulness, mediation and breathing techniques helped to calm my nervous system and continues to enrich my life now and keep me balanced.
Regular Chiropractic Adjustments My most valuable and important treatment of choice. I had to make sure my brain and nervous system were communicating effectively to all my body parts and that my innate intelligence (internal healing mechanism) was functioning at 100%.
Live Food, Juicing and Supplements Nourishing my body and my cells with the most nutritious food sources was
The scan let me see the pain I was feeling inside my body, visually displayed on a computer screen, through changes of colour. This gave me a clear idea how my nervous system was functioning and what I should do next.
Exercise A gentle walk on the beach, a run in the fresh air, yoga or pilates, a bike ride. Exercise releases endorphins which are your happy hormones and reduces your stress hormones. Don’t let a health crisis be your wakeup call. It’s time to take action and make a natural positive change for the health of you and your loved ones. Call me about a Thermography Scan – You’re worth it! You are magnificent and deserve to have time out to nurture yourself and most importantly have your nervous system functioning at it’s full potential. Dr Christy Oppenlander 07-574 9378 naturallychiropractic.co.nz
HOW TO MANIFEST FULFILMENT AND TOTAL HAPPINESS 5 Life Coaching Tips for the Busy Tauranga Woman By Sarah Lanigan, Life Coach.
Are you running as fast as you can but seem to be getting nowhere? Are you feeling stuck in a rut? Is life not working out the way you would like it? Do you want more fulfilment?
Here are my 5 best Life Coaching Tips
Acknowledge your strengths... Your perception creates your reality. If you perceive yourself in a loving way, you will have a healthy respect for yourself, and in turn other people will treat you with love and respect also. Take out a pen and piece of paper and list the top 10 qualities you like about yourself. Twice per day for the next seven days, read each item on this list 7
deeply by closing your eyes and really imagining yourself being and feeling each of these particular qualities. At the end of this experiment, notice how you feel, your self-confidence around other people, and most importantly how your perception of yourself has changed.
Live life in an attitude of gratitude... It is so important to shift your thinking away from lack and scarcity and into an abundance mindset. This can be done by living in an ‘attitude of gratitude’. When you can be truly thankful for the things you already have, watch how your life will open up to the things you truly want. You will be amazed! Buy yourself a journal. Write down five different things that you are grateful for. After you write down each item,
spend some time thinking about why you are grateful for that particular item. Be sure to think about why you are grateful for each, its important to do it until you experiance the feeling of gratitude well up inside your entire body.
Get crystal clear on what it is you really want... What do you really want? What would bring you ultimate happiness? In your journal, write down all the things you really want. These may include, the type of career you would have, how your relationships would be, where you would live, where you would travel, what type of car you would drive, or your ultimate healthy lifestyle. The trick is to close your eyes and visualise what it would be like living a life like this. These questions are really important - What would it look like? What would it feel like? What would you hear, smell, and taste? Close your eyes and really think about it, as if you were really there...
Make small steps each day towards your goal... Once you have decided on your goal, work backwards from the end result by breaking your goal down into smaller goals. By creating mini goals, your goal will seem less daunting, and ultimately, more achievable. After you have determined your first mini goal, write down what the first step will be? What will come next? And so on. It is important to also write down what attitudes you will need to take on to complete each step effectively. Set time frames, and make sure to reward yourself at the end of each mini goal!
If after trying these tips you are still 'stuck' then you are probably going to need some help. Gain a new lease on life with a FREE half hour consultation
Set Goals!! Here comes the part where you will need to choose the goal, which if successful would have the most significant impact on your life. This goal needs to be (S.M.A.R.T) Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reassessable, and completed within a certain Time frame.
Sarah Lanigan 0212660279 baymomentum.co.nz
REBOOT YOUR ENERGY LEVELS AND SEX APPEAL The benefits of Juicing and Blending. By Mark Fantham
You should get about 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day, right? Wrong - 5 servings is the minimum, in a perfect world. You are not living in a perfect world add to that the probability that you are time poor as well and your five servings is going to be impossible.
Chlorophyll is the green life force in green leafy plants like kale and spinach. Drinking this juice means instant energy for you. This is why these plants form the basis of a green smoothie.
You have been short changing yourself in the nutrient department.
Chlorophyll is a potent detoxifier and life force provider. Plants convert energy from the sun into ‘green plant’ energy that we can digest, absorb, potentiate and radiate. If you want to be more vibrant and sexy looking, this is where you need to start.
You can stop short changing yourself now by juicing or blending your fruit and veg. It’s a fast and convenient way to get your nutrients and hit your recommended target.
Assuming you can get fresh produce from your own garden or someone else's garden, like your local Saturday markets - you will want to select a juicer or a blender.
These nutrients you are missing are the building blocks of what makes you look and feel more desirable. They also feed your cells to produce energy, including sexual energy. Could your sex life do with a boost?
Which is best? Should you Juice or Blend?
Juicing will give you a quicker hit or uptake of the nutrients that you want, but juicers have more moving parts and
will take longer to clean. Juicing is recommended however for people with chronic nutrition problems that need instantaneous results, like yesterday! If you don’t have a chronic disease and you just want to get a smoking hot body, then you will want to add more fibre to your diet. A high powered and durable blender will do this. The blender will liquefy your fruit and veg for easy absorption like the juicer, plus it retains the valuable fibre which will help pull toxins out of your body. Also, a big plus is the fact that unlike a juicer, a blender will allow you more interesting and delicious variety, e.g. you can add things like extra protein in the form of powder and/or peanut butter. Or extra high quality fats like coconut oil and/or avocado or superfoods like maca and cacao. You can’t do that with a juicer. The blender is basically a jug with a blade in the bottom so that means it’s easy to clean. You just rinse the inside with hot water and leave it to dry, upside-down. Pretty simple - even for the extremely time poor. Want to fit those skinny jeans without going all muffin top? Juicing will certainly help. The padding around your waist isn’t just fat, it is also going to be: inflammation and backed up faecal matter. The best and fastest way to reduce your waistline is to stop
eating bread and look to drastically reduce all grains. This combined with juicing will clean you out pretty fast, shrink your tummy and leave you feeling more energised with a corresponding increase to your sexual attractiveness. However, you can’t live on juicing for an extended period and you will eventually have to come back to “normal eating.” BIG TIP - Having a green blended smoothie as a meal replacement during the day, is an easier option to implement and a better long-term strategy, then going on a juicing fast. Select a Juicer Here Select a Blender Here
2 Smoothie Recipies. Smoothie Starter (breakfast) 1½ cups water small bunch organic spinach 3 stalks organic celery 1 organic apple, cored and chopped 1 organic pear, cored and chopped 1 organic banana Thai Soup (lunch or dinner) 2 cucumbers 1 large avocado ,1 lime, juiced 3 cloves garlic 6 leaves curly kale, stems removed ½ teaspoon dried turmeric powder ½ inch fresh ginger root 2 cups water Coriander as garnish
THAI YOGA MASSAGE Relief from Depression, Pain, Stress, or Slow Recovery By Mark Fantham
I tried Thai Yoga Massage in California for the first time. Even though I was an extreme case of pain, anxiety, inflexibility and hypersensitivity to everything, I was still willing to give it a try. It released my tension, anxiety and scar tissue, not to mention a swathe of toxins into my blood stream, which I was happy to eliminate as soon as possible. I went home and slept well and in the morning I felt like a million bucks. No oils are used in a Thai massage. It usually takes place on the floor where the therapist and subject wear comfortable loose clothing. The therapist may use any part of their body including forearms, elbows, knees and feet. I once got a massage from a guy that used only his feet.
The unique thing about Thai Yoga Massage is how they combine the physical and energetic aspects. You get a deep full body massage starting at the feet and going up with a focus on the sen or energy lines of the body. The aim is to clear blockages in these lines sometimes called meridians, stimulating blood and lymph flow. It’s typical to feel a deep calm progressing to a dreamlike dimension as you enter into a meditative state. The body relaxes, the joints loosen, the muscles stretch, and done properly, the body undergoes a transformation as the healing begins. A regular session can really transform a person physically and mentally and should be considered for disease prevention. This ancient art was brought to Thailand 2000 years ago. It’s described as an Ayurvedic practice combining Indian Yoga, Ancient Vedic Wisdom and Massage.
You’ll experience assisted stretches like the back arching cobra position. It looks like the “Surfboard Hold” an old wrestling maneuver. If you sit down a lot during the day you are going to eventually get a curved forward posture. The cobra position helped me straighten my spine out and stand up straight, like it took 10 years off my life. Thai Yoga Massage is a beautiful practice synonymous with the beautiful people and country of Thailand. What I am really impressed with is; the fact that in Thailand the average family cannot afford western medicine of any kind and Thai Yoga Massage is their answer to that situation. You may agree that it’s a better answer. They have been using it for 2000 years. The parents teach it to their children ans so it is passed down from generation to generation. Its ancient origins should be an obvious clue to its effectiveness and enduring timelessness. Something else worth noting is that if you live alone and you don’t get hugged or touched very often, a massage of any kind is going to give you a sense of inclusion, connection and wellbeing that may be missing from your life right now. I had a friend that was prone to over eating and she lived by herself suffering in silence with her cats (you know what I mean). That has all changed now; she no longer has a desire to fill herself with food due to her regular massage visits and has since married. Are you suffering from pain, depression, and anxiety or maybe you just need to recover properly from some physical trauma? Give Thai Yoga massage a try. TAURANGA WOMANS BEAUTY GUIDE
IS A LIFE DEDICATED TO THE QUEST FOR BEAUTY ONE WORTH LIVING? 9 Steps to Being Confident in Your Own Body By Michal Cochrane, Beautician
Many women and some men spend up to a 3rd of their income on looking good. They do this because there is a “perceived” advantage. People who are attractive get the best jobs, get elected as politicians, get a break as performers and sometimes even get let off speeding tickets. It’s not a secret. A study done by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis found that attractive people tend to earn 5% more than their plain looking counterparts. And if that isn’t amazing enough, they also found that unattractive people earned 9% less than the average.
mathematical proportion of facial features and the spaces between them can identify who is attractive and who isn’t. But is there more to being attractive, than just the arrangement of the features you were born with? How a person acts can make them ugly or beautiful, surely that counts? Real beauty comes from within and being physically strong, nutritionally healthy, well rested and having mental clarity, delivers a massive boost to anyone’s confidence and therefore to their beauty also.
Scientists have discovered through facial recognition software that the 13
9 Steps to Being Confident in Your Own Body 1 – Look in a mirror when you are
feeling confident. Have you noticed that you are better looking when you are confident, just because of the feelings and thoughts you have in your mind and heart?
2 – Everyone has some feature that is attractive to somebody. It may be the colour of your skin, your eyes or the shape of your mouth or nose. 3 – Think about your inner beauty. Do you have a personality that people comment about? Are you charitable, trustworthy, confidant - are you fun to be with, can you make people laugh?
People can see these virtues and talents in you even if you can’t. And this helps them feel the vibe you give off or the intent you have.
4 – Your overall package of talents,
virtues, looks and personality are unique to you. Nobody else is quite like you. This is your ‘natural beauty.’
6 – Exfoliate your facial skin and use a moisturiser that is formulated for your skin. Never use soap on your face this will increase spots.
7 – Try a volumizing shampoo on your hair. Blow dry your hair in the mornings and use a protector/spray cream. Keep your nails filed and use a protector coat to keep them shiny and strong. Use hand creams. Find some natural scents that work well with your own personality and natural smell.
8 – Wear clean and trendy clothes that make you feel bright and cheerful without being over the top.
9 – Cultivate an attitude of gratitude.
This point by far over arches everything. It’s nice to be around people that are grateful and confident, everyone likes them. It’s like they emit a certain frequency which literally attracts us to them. Need a bit of help? Contact me Michal Cochrane 0210 489 610 The Beauty Shoppe
5 – Now, just consider your facial
features. There are highlights you can make. A little mascara, some skin toned cover-up powder to cover spots, some gloss on your lips for shine. Maybe some colour on your cheek bones.
LORRAINE DOWNES ANSWERS THE HARD QUESTIONS ON BREAST CANCER Lorraine Downes won the Miss New Zealand title and went on to represent her country at the 1983 Miss Universe pageant broadcast live from St. Louis, Missouri in July 1983. After the preliminary competition, Lorraine made the top twelve cut in 6th place, but placed 2nd in the final evening gown competition, 3rd in the interview competition, and 4th in swimsuit. She made the final five in 3rd place behind Julie Hayek of the USA and Lolita Morena of Switzerland, and was eventually crowned Miss Universe. She wore a midnight blue gown and long gloves during the competition. Lorraine Downes' win was New Zealand's first in the pageant's history. 15
1. What made you decide to support the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation? My mother got breast cancer in 2012. So it felt very important for me to support this foundation. 2. How has it affected you having someone close to you get diagnosed with cancer? When Mum was diagnosed, it was a real shock as Mum was in her 70's and I thought Mum was past getting breast cancer.
Going through the whole experience intimately with her has made me very aware of how vital it is to have regular mammograms and of course educating one's self on how to live a healthy lifestyle.
3. How do you think NZ women would rank compared with other countries regarding the risk of Breast Cancer? NZ women have a 1 in 9 (11%) lifetime risk of breast cancer. Australia is the same. The UK and USA have a 1 in 8 (12%) risk. Generally, developed countries have a higher incidence than developing nations.
4. Do you know if there is a certain profile of woman that is more at risk than others? Age is the biggest risk factor, 70% of cases in women are over 50. Women who carry the
BRCA gene mutation (like Angelina Jolie) have a very high risk at 45%-90% chance of cancer depending which variation of the mutation they have. Women of Ashkenazi Jewish descent have a high risk, as they have a high rate of the BRCA mutation. Women with very dense breasts have a 4-6 times higher risk than women with the lowest level of density. Maori women have a higher risk than non-Maori. Pacific women have a lower incidence of breast cancer, but a higher mortality rate once they do get the disease. There are studies that suggest a higher risk among women who got their periods early, who have their first child later in life (after 30), who don’t breastfeed, who take combined HRT or who are shift-workers. Some of those are to do with the
amount of estrogen you produce through your life – there’s a high rate among nuns, because they don’t have breaks from their menstrual cycle through childbirth etc. Post-menopausally, Body Mass Index is a big factor in breast cancer risk, this is because body fat produces estrogen. It’s not so clear pre-menopausally. But of course it’s always good to maintain a healthy weight (BMI). Alcohol is a clear risk factor for breast cancer (a good reason for girls not to start drinking too young, and to aim for moderation throughout our lives).
5. What steps can women take to protect themselves from Breast Cancer besides getting regular screens? Regular self-examinations, checking for lumps and any changes to the look of the breasts - dimpling, any discharge from the nipples, or any breast or nipple pain that is 17
unusual. Eating a healthy diet by limiting alcohol and coffee. Exercise regularly and manage stress. Women on HRT should talk to their GP about HRT and breast cancer risk.
6. What kind of support is available once a person is diagnosed? One of the most helpful things for women that’s actually part of “the system”, is the Breastcare Nurse who’ll be assigned to them by their hospital. She provides a consistent presence right through treatment…women really appreciate their help and support. Outside the public health system there are: Advice and education services, like the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation’s Breastcare Nurse advice line 0800 BC NURSE. We help women understand
treatment options etc. We run a directory on our website of “Pink Pages� listing a wide range of services for women with breast cancer. Support groups like Breast Cancer Network (which of course you know well), Shocking Pink (focus on younger women), The Gift of Knowledge (women with BRCA mutation), Sweet Louise (women with secondary breast cancer), Look Good Feel Better (all cancers, not just breast). There are various regional groups, too.
7. What can women business owners do to show their support? Give a percentage of a product sold to the NZBCF. Lipstick-Precious is an example of this. Buy here and $1 goes to the NZBCF
8. Breast Cancer is mostly associated with women but what about men? About 1% of breast cancer diagnoses in NZ are men. 21 men were diagnosed in 2010, which is less than 1%. For men, the symptom is usually a lump by the nipple. Male breast cancer can be an indication that you may have the BRCA gene mutation in your family. 9. What else would you like to say to NZ women at this time? Make yourself aware of what you are using on your body. On an average day, a woman can apply 165 chemicals on her body. Research has found Parabens present in breast tumors. Educate yourself about what you eat and apply to your body. Lorraine Downes 1983 Miss New Zealand, Miss Universe lorrainedownes.com nzbcf.org.nz