RBA - Real Estate Development Services

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Real Estate Development Ser vices Ellis Avenue


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Character Zones

Haddonfield Downtown Visioning Workshop


Brown & Keener Bressi • Urban Partners •melvin|kernan • Charles Carmalt



RBA was founded in 1968 to provide new town planning services for rapidly expanding suburban areas across the country. Columbia, Maryland—one of the few completely planned communities in the US—was one of RBA’s signature projects. RBA was a dynamic partnership of engineers, architects, planners, and landscape architects working together in a team environment to plan and design new towns. For the past 45 years, the company has continued its mission of delivering high-quality innovative, consulting services to our clients and expanded its core services. Today, RBA offers an integrated multi-disciplined approach to design and engineering solutions. The firm employs more than 200 talented professionals working in offices located in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania. RBA provides a full range of design and technical services for the planning and implementation of real estate development projects—all in one company. Our designers and engineers work collaboratively, enhancing the efficiency, feasibility, and creativity of plans and designs.

Design Services Land Planning


Urban Design

Landscape Architecture

Technical services Cultural Resources

Civil Engineering


Structural Engineering

Land Surveying

Traffic Engineering

Our cities, and the increasingly urbanizing areas surrounding them, continue to grow and change in ways that present new opportunities and challenges in real estate development. RBA offers broad experience in the design and engineering of buildings, landscapes, and supporting infrastructure. To meet the challenge of creating dynamic and engaging places that attract people, RBA continues to expand and evolve, providing technical expertise and a fresh perspective across a variety of service areas.

Ta b l e o f Contents Planning Places

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Destination Downtown 5

New Neighborhoods & Towns


Building Places


The Team 20 New Cassel Community Center, Hempstead, NY

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Downtown Area Master Plan, HAddonfield, Nj

Planning Places South of Kings Ch

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The real estate development process involves many steps—from initial land acquisition to the disposition of built assets—and a wide range of legal, consulting, and government facilitators and partners. A/E development teams typically include a long roster of companies, each

providing specific skills. RBA has many of these capabili- ments and restarts are part of the process. RBA works with ve oln A clients to design a program that meets pro forma objecties in one company. This enables clear and efficient comLinc munication, which can lead to the timely preparation of tives, regulatory standards, and community goals. designs and engineering plans. Real estate development processes does not always occur in a straight line; adjust-

Kings Hwy

Character Zones

Haddonfield Downtown Visioning Workshop

Site Analysis/Due Diligence Brown & Keener Bressi • Urban Partners •melvin|kernan • Charles Carmalt RBA understands that developing real estate is more complicated than ever, and in many ways: physically, economically, politically, and legally. RBA’s interdisciplinary team of planners, engineers, and allied professionals provide expertise that supports a thorough site analysis during the due diligence process.

(a) Typical Condition / Siting Example

For illustrative purposes only

(d) Character E

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Zoning/Form-Based Code RBA can help navigate zoning issues and work with opportunities and incentives that a community’s regulatory framework might provide. RBA’s planners have crafted master plans, redevelopment plans, RFQs for developers, and zoning codes for municipalities, including innovative formbased and hybrid codes.

Mid-Block Condition

End-Unit/Corner Condition

Concept Development Mixed uses, walkability, and public amenities are integral to many projects, both to serve the people who live there and to add enduring value to real estate. It takes interdisciplinary talents to effectively integrate these attributes into development projects. RBA’s planners, urban designers, landscape architects, and architects work together with its traffic and civil engineers to prepare viable concepts that depict building massing and form, development density and orientation, mobiility networks, and landscape elements.

Design & Development RBA’s architects can design a wide range of building types with a variety of environmentally sustainable systems and features. Our structural engineers advise on the structural integrity and design of the building system. Our landscape architects and civil engineers are up-to-date on the latest materials, products, and technologies and work together to design green stormwater infrastructure into sites, paths, and roadways to help reduce costs and improve environmental quality.


(b) Description A detached building that abuts one side lot line, with the primary yard to the other side. The Sideyard Building (often called a Charleston House, after the city in which it is most common) is a building type appropriate for lots in those blocks for which street frontage is valuable but interior block space is ample. Lots in such blocks tend to be narrow and deep. The Sideyard Building type is correspondingly narrow and deep, and is often developed in series, so that rooms face south onto porches, and porches on to side yards whose privacy is maintained by a blank north wall on the adjacent house.

(e) Zone Appl

(c) Local Examples Sideyard Buildings have been used elsewhere in the region to develop narrower lots with greater yard privacy. They may not be found in Haddonfield today as built for this purpose, but they are similar to older homes that are not directly oriented to their primary street or where a corner building is oriented differently than the rest of the block.

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Cedar Crest Village, Pequannock, NJ

N e w N e i g h b o r h o o d s & To w n s Where cities were once centers of industrial production, they are now centers of knowledge, information, and culture. The gradual demise of heavy industry left behind large tracts of contaminated real estate near rivers and city centers—both open land and the shells of industrial buildings. Through partnerships between public agencies and private investors, many of these fallow areas have been successfully transformed into new places. Apartments and condominiums capture the growing demand for living space in transit-accessible urban areas. Retail stores and restaurants complement the “walking wallets”

and draw customers from other parts eager to explore a Working with RBA provides several key advantages: new frontier. New parks and open spaces provide places • A virtual “one stop shop.” RBA’s professionals span the to recreate and add value to residential projects. Small-todesign and technical disciplines, from land surveying medium sized cities and suburban communities are also and wetlands analysis to architecture and structural enleveraging former industrial land—in addition to failing gineering. shopping centers and office campuses—to expand their • Significant expertise working with state and local govcenters, create new destinations, and grow their tax bases. ernment agencies. RBA staff are well-versed in rules and Since its founding more than 40 years ago, RBA has participrocesses that apply to real estate development projects. pated on development teams to design and engineer new • Strong experience in designing sustainable buildings, neighborhoods and towns. landscapes, and infrastructure.




The Planning Framework


In designing a project, our approach is to understand the natural and built context of a place, the market trends that might shape futures, and our client’s capabilities and aspirations. From there we can envision possibilities that capture the imagination, are calibrated to demand, and have a clear path to implementation. RBA staff prepared the open space master plan for the Washington Town Center in Robbinsville, New Jersey. The plan called for a mixed-use downtown, a boulevard, and five neighborhoods around the downtown, each with their own unique pattern of lots and open spaces. The 400-acre Washington Town Center is nearly 80 percent complete. Downtown has attracted a range of high-quality retail, commercial, and medical tenants, and the residential component, which consists of a variety of single-family and multi-family housing and unit types, is virtually sold out.

Park Square






Revitalizing Brownfields RBA developed full concepts for a 200-acre brownfield redevelopment project in Palmyra, NJ. Architects and landscape architects developed site-specific sketches, renderings, and a development document for a transit village proposal. The existing property included a sanitary landfill, abandoned drive-in movie theatre, and multiple gas stations. The program included: age-restricted housing, commercial/retail development, a community center, active and passive recreation, a train station along the South Jersey Light Rail Line, and pedestrian/vehicular links to the adjacent nature cove and heritage trail.

Making Complete Neighborhoods Since RBA’s founding, its focus has been on designs that enhance quality of life. This applies to both some of our earliest projects, such Columbia Town Center in Maryland (pictured to the right), and to our latest projects. Parks an open spaces are key elements that add to quality of life in neighborhoods and cities. RBA designed a new $38 million park along the banks of a 1.5 mile-long stretch of the Bronx River. An important part of park is a new recreation facility that features a playground, boat launch, dock, walking path, synthetic turf athletic field, and interpretive and wayfinding signs.



Photo Simulation of New Development, east orange, NJ

Destination Downtown Downtowns have regained their luster. A recent U.S. Census Bureau report reveals that since the 2000 census, metro areas with more than 5 million people experienced doubledigit population growth rates within their downtowns. With more people living in downtowns, they’ve become more vibrant places for commerce, education, culture, and social life. Smaller cities are also experiencing a downtown renaissance. These trends are being fueled by the desire among young people, empty nesters, and seniors to live in walk-

able, transit-friendly places with a full range of resources Working with RBA to undertake development in downtowns and amenities from shopping to healthcare. Developers provides several key advantages: have responded to this shift by building apartment, loft, • The skills and experience to integrate new projects into condominium, and mixed use projects in downtowns. New often constrained urban environments. retail, entertainment, and office projects have followed the • Experience navigating multiple government agency processgrowing residential population. RBA has planned and dees for permitting, utility coordination, and design review. signed numerous projects that have contributed to downtown revitalization projects in cities. • Skills to design buildings, landscapes, and supporting infrastructure that add value to the project and to the vibrancy of downtown life.

The Downtown Campus Colleges located in urban centers have been investing in new educational and mixed-use facilities, transforming campuses into vital parts of the downtown fabric. For Passaic County Community College in downtown Paterson, NJ, RBA designed a 30,000 sf academic facility that includes classrooms, lecture halls, and a library. The lower floor houses a childcare facility that serves the campus community. The design of the faรงade along Broadway features a repeating series of pillars and windows, which creates a rhythm that adds to an interesting street environment along Broadway. Faรงade lighting contributes to a feeling of vitality and security at night.



Downtown Landscapes RBA is skilled at designing landscapes in urban environments for all types of developments. RBA designed two spaces for residents of this multi-family housing project in New York City: a landscaped rear courtyard with seating, and a 9,000 square-foot intensive and extensive ‘green-roof’ atop the adjacent parking garage that includes walkways and plaza spaces on a raised pedestal paving system, fixed and moveable seating areas, raised planters, shade structures and a playground.


Filling In Downtowns Many downtowns still have the potential to be more complete, more economically-productive places through a combination of public and private investment. Public investment can make streets safer for pedestrians and streetscape improvements can make downtowns more lively, green, and inviting to people. RBA staff helped the resort town of Ocean City, NJ, which has a growing year-round population, envision how a combination of public and private investment could make its downtown more complete and vibrant. Infill development at a prominent corner across from City Hall along 9th Street could serve as a prominent gateway to the beach and provide new retail and residential options for visitors and residents.


Grand Cascades Lodge at Castle Springs, Hardyston, NJ

Building Places The worlds of designers and developers are coming to a point of mutual understanding where the idea of making great, sustainable places can have both enduring civic value and economic return. People are choosing to spend their time and money in places where the environment offers a multidimensional experience, RBA’s interdisciplinary staff

is experienced in creating sustainable places that appeal They also demonstrate the following: to people, whether it’s a home, a place of work, a shopping • Collaboration between RBA’s designers and engineers to or entertainment venue, a street, a park, a neighborhood, create effective solutions to technical challenges while also or any combination of these. The projects on the following incorporating beautiful structural and landscape features. pages demonstrate various elements and features that to• Excellence in creating environmentally sustainable feagether, can create more complete, sustainable places. tures and systems that conserve energy and reduce stormwater runoff.

Nassau County Community College, Hempstead, NY

2013 Acec New York – Silver AWard

RBA designed a 20 acre/1400-car green parking lot and connecting roadways that incorporate the use of permeable pavers, bio-retention swales, rain gardens, LED light fixtures, raised planted islands and walkways, modern roundabout, decorative pedestrian crosswalk mixed-inplace recycled base course.


Delaware River Trail, Philadelphia, PA RBA is working on several related assignments for the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation (DRWC) that all share the same goal, realization of a continuous recreational and commuter trail along the Delaware River waterfront opposite Central Philadelphia. First hired to prepare preliminary design plans for the entire 5-mile long proposed trail, RBA has since completed final design for the first piece of this new trail along a portion of Delaware Avenue and Penn Street (the Penn Street Trail) and is now preparing design development plans for the section of the trail that runs through Penn Treaty Park.

New Castle Community Center, North Hempstead, NY

Awards AIA Recognition AWARD 2013 ACEC New York - Gold Award

RBA designed this LEED Platinum rated building. The 60,000 sf center includes sustainable features such as: photovoltaic, solar wall, daylight controls, recycled water for toilets and urinals, rain water for irrigation, geothermal heating and cooling, native plantings and high-efficiency lighting systems. The building offers a broadcast TV and sound recording studio, a performing arts rehearsal area, which doubles as a stage, two basketball courts, passive recreation, game rooms, computer training rooms, reading room, senior meeting room, youth lounge, fitness center, dance and aerobic studio, emergency management facilities, 311 call center, conference rooms and a multipurpose social gathering space. RBA also provided civil engineering services. 13

Grand Cascades Lodge at Castle Springs, Hardyston, NJ RBA provided complete architectural design services for this new $50 million condominium/hotel facility. Set in a mountainous wooded region of New Jersey, the character of the lodge conveys a rustic country feeling in a an elegant way through the use of lavish interior appointments along wit natural colors and materials. The upscale tone creates a warm and inviting space geared for relaxation, fun, and breath taking views. The expansive project is approximately 300,000 sf and encompasses 210 units with additional underground parking. RBA also designed a permanent connection to the Wild Turkey Golf Course Clubhouse that aesthetically complements both facilities. The lodge also offers an enclosed biospshere that features rock outcrops, waterslide, and variety of plant life.


Reconstruction of West 11th, 12th and 13th Roads, New York, NY The community of Broadchannel in Queens has been long suffering with the effects of coastal flooding, which has progressively worsened over recent years with rising sea levels. RBA evaluated and prepared a feasibility analysis to mitigate concerns. Following the recommendations of the study, RBA prepared construction plans for new composite sheeting bulkheads at the end of each street and detailed design of over 150 adjacent properties to mitigate issues from raising the street grade almost 3-feet to reduce flooding.


38 Varick Street, Brooklyn, NY RBA provided site planning, site engineering, architectural, and landscape architectural services for the a new two story Soil Vapor Extraction “SVE” Facility. The 8,000 sf building houses a combination of industrial processing equipment, workshops and administrative offices. Both the building and the site design incorporate sustainable “green” design features, including rain gardens to reduce impervious coverage and receive water from both the roof and parking lot and an array of solar photovoltaic panels on the roof provide 100 percent of the facilities electrical needs.

County Route 58, Suffolk County, NY With ever-increasing commercial development making traffic delays worse each year, the County determined a need to widen one of the busiest roads on the East End of Long Island, County Road 58, from 3 to 5 lanes. However, early analyses estimated that costs for this expansion could be up to $40 million with 2 years of additional time needed for the condemnation process. RBA crafted a plan that centered on the development of a two-lane roundabout at the corridor’s most congested intersection (CR58 / CR73) and successfully designed a narrowed roadway section within a constrained right-of-way. As a result, $32 million was shaved off the projected price tag, and construction was completed in less than 10 months – on time and on budget.


2011 ACEC New York DIAMOND Award

The New York Botanical Garden Leon Levy Visitor Center, Bronx, NY Architect Hugh Hardy selected RBA to design the connecting open spaces and surrounding landscape of the new Leon Levy Visitor Center. The design is built around a 450 foot long native, New York State, bluestone-paved central promenade lined with custom designed steel planters, teak benches, low railings, bollard lighting and terminated by a reflecting pool with granite coping. The design also features an outdoor dining terrace and plant shop.

NY Construction Magazine Award

“A welcome entry to our greatest museum of plants... a transcendent simplicity that’s all the more impressive.”

“The land[scape] instead presides over the building, breaking down pat geometries so that they frame views, respond to the terrain, and skirt existing trees.”

Martin Filler, House & Garden

Joseph Giovannini, New York Mag


The De velopment Team 17

DAN MCGOVERN, RA Mr. McGovern is Director of Architecture at RBA. He has more than 35 years of experience in the field with private and public clients. He coordinates and participates in the full range of tasks from programming through design, contract documents, and construction administration. He has extraordinarily diverse experience in terms of building types, ranging from hotels and recreation centers to multi-family residential complexes and industrial buildings. Mr. McGovern has also designed higher education buildings, municipal facilities, and senior housing.

MARK KEENER, AIA AICP PP RA Mr. Keener is Director of Urban Design at RBA with 20 years of experience in planning and design consulting. A planner, architect, and urban designer Mr. Keener’s work has consistently led to successful preservation and development strategies that reconcile the goals of private entities and the concerns of public agencies. His planning work in cities such as Hoboken, South Orange, and Hartford has been implemented, leading to millions of dollars in public and private investment and new life and vitality in these places.

JACKSON WANDRES, RLA Mr. Wandres has over 25 years of experience in the design and reconstruction of public and private open spaces. His extensive experience as an urban landscape architect includes plazas, streetscapes, courtyards, gardens, neighborhood parks, playgrounds and recreational facilities. His experience in urban planning and design includes site master planning, downtown redevelopment and regional trail networks. Mr. Wandres believes in a collaborative approach to planning and design that results in holistic design solutions for sustainable infrastructure.

Linda Reardon, PE Ms. Reardon has 28 years of experience managing the design of street and roadway reconstruction projects for city and state government agencies with specialized expertise in projects that integrate urban design amenities and improvements. Her strength is completing large-scale complex projects on time and within budget. She is experienced in community outreach and agency coordination enabling her to expedite project approvals. Recently, Linda has worked to implement green infrastructure initiatives for a variety of clients including Brooklyn Navy Yard, Delaware River Waterfront Corporation, NYCDDC, and others.


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NEW Jersey

27 Union Square West New York, NY 10003 212.741.8090

40 Marcus Drive Melville, NY 11747 631.891.3200

1315 Walnut Street, Suite 900 Philadelphia, PA 19107 215.751.1133

20 North Main Street Norwalk, CT 06854 203.956.0512

7 Campus Drive, Suite 300 Parsippany, NJ 07054 973.946.5600

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