RBA - Urban Landscape Architecture

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Urban Landscape Architecture

RBA was founded in 1968 as a dynamic partnership of engineers, architects, planners, ecologists, and landscape architects working together in a team environment to plan and design new towns. For the past forty five years, the company has continued its mission of delivering high-quality innovative, consulting services to our clients. RBA offers an integrated multi-disciplined approach to the development of creative design solutions. RBA employs over 200 talented professionals working in offices located in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania.

Services Offered Urban Landscape Architecture

Civil & Structural Engineering

Sustainability / Green Infrastructure

Traffic & Transportation

Architecture & Urban Design

Environmental Design & Mitigation


Construction Services / Surveying

Our cities, and the increasingly urbanized areas that surround them, continue to grow and change in ways that present new challenges to maintaining a healthy environment and high quality of social life. RBA offers broad experience in the design of all types of public open space from parks and gardens to plazas and streetscapes. RBA also offers design expertise in the areas of environment, transportation, structures and sustainability. To meet the challenge of creating dynamic and engaging public places, RBA continues to expand and evolve, providing technical expertise and a fresh perspective across a variety of service areas. Reconstruction of Battery Place, New York, NY

Ta b l e o f Contents Public Plazas

1 iii

Streetscapes 3 Classic Institutions


Parks and Recreation


Multi-Family Housing 15 Outdoor Nature Classrooms


Infrastructure and Engineering


Getting Around Town


The Team

26 Bronx Zoo Astor Court Restoration, New York, NY


P u b l i c P l a za s Public Plazas – they are not streets and they are not exactly parks either. Public Plazas are a unique form of public open space that serve a unique purpose. Like parks, they provide breathing room in a tight grid defined by narrow streets, but unlike parks they tend to be more architectural in their form and use of materials, and as such they tend to better facilitate, perhaps even encourage, direct human interaction. Plazas can be big or small. They can be filled with design elements or left open, even empty. They come in all shapes and sizes and accommodate all types of uses,

from sitting-back and watching people go by, to hosting a rock concert or a farmers market. There is no single recipe for creating a successful urban plaza but there are critically important design guidelines to observe‌ pay close attention to how the space is used and what sort of use the surrounding environment supports and encourages. RBA’s urban landscape architects are experts at observing existing environmental conditions and patterns of human use and then designing a habitable space that people can enjoy.

West 10th Street Street-End Park, Brooklyn, NY RBA designed a gracious new urban plaza where the street meets the historic Coney Island boardwalk. This is the primary access point for pedestrians en-route to the boardwalk, and beach for which Coney Island is famous. The plaza steps people up 8 feet to the raised boardwalk via a series of curved steps and landings flanked by raised planters offering a variety of seating opportunities. Sustainable Features Porous Pavers + Native Plantings + Recycled Materials

Fordham/Kingsbridge Plaza, Bronx, NY Following the completion by RBA of a streetscape master plan for the Fordham Road BID, RBA prepared a design to reconstruct a small triangular traffic island called Bryan Pk. Located at the itnersection of Fordham Rd. and Kingsbridge Rd. The design reclaims under-utilized roadway space to double the size of the park, turning it into a spacious and lush public plaza and neighborhood gathering place. Sustainable Features Porous Pavers + Rain Gardens + Recycled Materials


Plaza De Las Americas, New York, NY RBA redesigned West 175th Street, between Broadway and Wadsworth Avenue, closing the street and turning it into a new public plaza that features a bosque of trees, pedestrian lighting, benches, drinking fountain, bicycle racks, public art fountain with decorative tile mosaics, and permeable paving and ‘Silva-Cel’ Tree Planting System. Sustainable Features Porous Pavers + Silva-Cel Tree Planting System


Streetscapes Streetscapes – Arguably a city’s most important form of public open space, if for no other reason, because streets typically comprise the majority of accessible urban land not covered by buildings. City streets are much more than arteries rgar carry traffic, they are pedestrian thoroughfares where much of our daily lives play themselves out. Along with other forms of public open space, like parks and urban plazas, public sidewalks are where people from all ‘walks’ of life rub shoulders and mingle as equals. No matter how you travel, everyone is a pedestrian at the be-

ginning and end of each urban journey, and so we must all spend at least a little time on the sidewalk with our neighbors. Designing streets so that they equitably meet the needs of all users is an area of expertise for RBA urban landscape architects. We are skilled at designing city streets that welcome exploration and encourage people to pause and take in their surroundings, delighting in what they might discover.

Reconstruction of Stone Street, New York, NY RBA performed total design services for the $2 million reconstruction of Stone Street from Coenties Slip to Hanover Square; and Mill Lane from Stone Street to South William Street. Design improvements included curbs and roadway, historic lighting and signage, movable tables and chairs, and new stone sidewalks. Sustainable Features Salvage/Re-Use of Existing Paving Materials + Pedestrianization of Roadway

Reconstruction of Greenwich St. (Chambers St. to Hubert St.) New York, NY RBA was hired by the New York City Economic Development Corporation to redesign Greenwich Street from Chambers Street to Hubert Street to reflect demographic and land-use changes in the neighborhood from warehouse and manufacturing to loft-style residential. RBA narrowed the road bed from 70 to 38 feet creating a wide pedestrian promenade on the west side of the Street, complete with trees, benches and decorative paving elements, that accommodates a new Greenmarket. Sustainable Features Salvage/Re-Use of Existing Roadway Paving Materials + Travel Lane Reduction + Widened Sidewalks


Reconstruction of Battery Pl., New York, NY Through simplification of traffic operations and removal of on-street parking, RBA was able to narrow the roadway and create additional public open space on newly widened sidewalks on both sides of the street. The design also features raised landscaped medians in the middle of the street that serve as pedestrian refuges at busy crossings. Sustainable Features Travel Lane Reduction + Widened Sidewalks + Use of Structural Soil in Continuous-Connected Tree Planting Trenches


Classic Institutions Classic Institutions – Many well known, well used and much beloved public open spaces are owned and maintained by private or semi-private institutions such as museums, libraries, hospitals and universities. RBA has designed many such landscapes for some of the most prestigious cultural, scientific and educational institutions. In many cases, these landscapes and the buildings that frame them, are historic, particularly those associated with the oldest and most venerated of institutions. In the case of these iconic landscapes, RBA takes great pride

in our ability to work closely with clients and allied preservation specialists, whose concern is the care and preservation of an important architectural and landscape architectural legacy, to document historic design precedents and carefully reconstruct or rehabilitate timeless works of art. RBA is also expert at designing tasteful new additions that are sympathetic in their use of materials, to the landmark structures to which they are added.

Reconstruction of Bronx Zoo Astor Ct., Bronx, NY Working around mature canopy trees, RBA designed a restoration of the grounds of the historic Astor Court at the Bronx Zoo including redesign of the plantings, pavements, curbs and drainage and integration of new site furnishings. The plan also included restoration of the terraced Italianate garden and fountain at the zoo’s Fordham Road entrance gate and plaza. Sustainable Features Enlarged Tree Pits + Low Flow Irrigation System + Use of Reclaimed Materials + Native Plantings

Awards Excellence in Historic Preservation: The NY Landmarks Conservancy Preservation League of NY State - Lucy G. Moses Preservation Award


American Museum of Natural History – 77th St. Entrance Plaza, New York, NY RBA redesigned the plaza at the Museum’s 77th Street entrance to include a large raised circular granite planter with inset accent lighting and fountain. The materials chosen for use in this award winning formal design blend seamlessly with the fully restored historical façade behind. Reconstruction of the surrounding plaza space also included new asphalt block paving and benches, lighting, fencing and planting beds laid out around the perimeter of the space. Sustainable Features Low Flow Irrigation System + Advanced Tree Protection + Landscape Mitigation Measures + Native Plantings

Site Restoration Project New York Public Library, Humanities and Social Sciences Library, New York, NY In anticipation of the Library’s centennial celebrations scheduled for 2011, RBA was retained to provide design services related to restoration of the stairs and raised plazas, or “approaches,” leading to the Library’s main entrance on 5th Avenue. Sustainable Features Salvage/Re-Use Existing Paving Materials + Low Flow Irrigation System


The New York Botanical Garden Leon Levy Visitor Center, Bronx, NY In 2004, the Architect Hugh Hardy chose RBA to design the connecting open spaces and surrounding landscape of the new Leon Levy Visitor Center. The design is built around a 450 foot long native, New York State, bluestone-paved central promenade lined with custom designed steel planters, teak benches, low railings, bollard lighting and terminated by a reflecting pool with granite coping. The design also feature an outdoor dining terrace and plant shop. Sustainable Features Permeable Paving + Native Plantings + Low-Flow Irrigation + Stone Mulch Xeriscape

NY Construction Magazine Award

“A welcome entry to our greatest museum of plants... a transcendent simplicity that’s all the more impressive.”

“The land[scape] instead presides over the building, breaking down pat geometries so that they frame views, respond to the terrain, and skirt existing trees.”

Martin Filler, House & Garden

Joseph Giovannini, New York Mag



Pa r k s a n d R e c r e a t i o n There is a lot of pressure on public parks in urban areas these days to really ‘perform’. As city’s grow and become more dense, we ask more and more of our parks. While it is considered acceptable, even desirable from a maintenance standpoint, to render streetscapes and urban plazas in hard materials, it is harder sometimes to all agree on what our neighborhood park should look like, what it should aspire to be, what uses it should be designed to accommodate and hence, just how much or how little ‘green’ is acceptable. City parks are where we go to do

everything from lie in the grass and read a book to play a pick-up game of basketball. In our parks we reconnect with nature, see a concert and go ice skating. We want paths for bike riding, lakes for boating and playgrounds for climbing and swinging. At RBA, working with local communities to come up with an equitable and exciting plan for our shared park and recreational resources is a distinct pleasure and one of our most rewarding activities.

Bethpage Skate Park, Town of oyster Bay, NY RBA designed a new ‘plaza’ style skate park for the Bethpage Community Park in Oyster Bay, NY. The new design includes: above and below grade custom-formed skating structures, site furnishings, walkways, entry/ticket booth, planting, irrigation, lighting and perimeter fencing. Sustainable Features Native Plantings + Locally-Sourced Recycled Materials

Starlight Park/Bronx River Greenway, New York, NY RBA was hired by NYSDOT to design, prepare contract documents and provide construction services for a new $38 million park built along the banks of a 1.5 mile long stretch of the Bronx River. An important piece of the elaborate design is a new recreational facility called Starlight Park, that features a multi-sport synthetic turf athletic field, playground, boat launch, canoe/kayak dock, walking paths, benches, fencing, drinking fountains, path and sports lighting, interpretive and wayfinding signage and all site utilities. The design was coordinated with New York City Department of Parks and Recreation who have taken over the new park and with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and New York City Department of Environmental Protection for restoration of riparian habitat and river ecology. Sustainable Features Recycled Materials + Native Plantings + Rain Gardens + Wetland Restoration + Reconstructed Riparian & Upland Habitat

Awards Greenlights (NYSDOT) NYCPDC Design AWard



Roberto Clemente State Park (RSCP) Aquatics Facility, Bronx, NY RBA has designed over $30 million worth of improvements at RCSP over a 6 year period. Among the many assignments completed, RBA designed a state-of-the-art water-park that included reconstruction of the main pool and diving tank and addition of a new splash pad/spray zone, wading pool, shade structures, security fencing and surrounding planting beds. The project also included rehabilitation of the adjacent Activities Building to include new ticketing/queuing area, new toilet and locker facilities, an outdoor dining terrace and accessible roof decks and installation of a 10,000 square foot energy-saving green roof. Other projects RBA has deisgned at RSCP include new playgrounds, new basketball court, new synthetic-turf multisport athletic feild, and new main entrance plaza. Sustainable Features High Efficiency Water Controls + High-Albido Pavement + Recycled Materials + Green Roof + Native Plantings

2013 ACEC New York Platinum Award

Roberto Clemente State Park Esplanade And Bulkhead Reconstruction, Bronx, NY The RBA Group, in partnership with CH2M was recently awarded a contract by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation to prepare concept through final design and engineering details for replacement of the existing bulkhead and waterfront esplanade at Roberto Clemente State Park, located on the Harlem River in the Fordham section of the Bronx. The design calls for complete replacement of the aging deteriorated steel sheet-pile bulkhead and with it, full reconstruction of the pedestrian esplanade behind it. The design of the new esplanade adds a significant amount of new greenery to the park, provides places for people to sit, accommodates cyclists passing through and integrates adjacent unused plaza spaces. The northern end of the project features a unique semi-armored design that allows the river to inundate a portion of the park at high tide and offers people a chance to ‘get-down’ and touch the water. Sustainable Features High-Albido Pavement + Recycled Materials + Porous Pavers + Solar Lighting + Sustainable Storm-Water Management


School Construction Authority Term Agreement: Landscape Architecture, New York, NY Landscape Architecture Assignments Performed Under SCA Term Agreements - RBA has provided landscape architecture and site engineering design services to the New York City School Construction Authority for the reconstruction and redevelopment of NYC City school yards, playgrounds, athletic courts, sports fields, parking lots and fence and pavement repairs through two consecutive on-call AE term contracts. On all assignments RBA prepares a scoping report followed by schematic through final design and provision of construction administration services. 13

Sustainable Features Native Plantings + Sustainable Storm-Water Management + Recycled Materials

Reconstruction of 26 NYC Parks & Playgrounds: John Jay Park Playground, New York, NY RBA completed 26 individual assignments for New York City Parks and Recreation under a term agreement for landscape architecture design services. Typical assignments included: playgrounds, sports fields, athletic courts, urban plaza’s, streetscapes, bike paths, esplanades and reconstruction of site infrastructure. Sustainable Features Native Plantings + Sustainable Storm-Water Management + Recycled Materials



M u l t i - Fa m i l y H o u s i n g Multi-Family Housing – RBA is fortunate to be working with a number of private clients that provide high-quality multi-unit residential housing options in the urban environment. Each of these clients share two things in common: 1) They all put a premium on providing their tenants with high-quality shared outdoor open spaces as part of their residential offerings and 2) They have chosen to work with RBA to develop creative and engaging landscape architectural designs for their outdoor common areas. Specific design elements routinely integrated into these proj-

ects includes: parking areas landscaped with trees and shrubs, landscaped walkways and foundation plantings, community gardens, playgrounds, dining terraces, courtyards, roof decks and terraces, intensive and extensive ‘green’ roofs and site furnishings such as benches, pergolas, bike racks and litter receptacles.

La Celia, Bronx, NY RBA designed a private roof terrace for residents of this Multi-family, low income housing complex. The terrace includes custom steel and wooden planters and a low flow irrigation system, fixed and movable seating and tables made from recycled materials, on a raised pedestal paver system. Sustainable Features Low-Flow Irrigation Systems + Recycled Materials + Native Plantings


Castle Village Landscape Restoration, New York, NY RBA redesigned the landscape connecting all of the outdoor common areas of this sprawling apartment complex overlooking the Hudson River in nothern Manhattan. The design includes sweeping lawns, walkways, trees, plantings, rock gardens, benches, lighting, pergola and a playground, all arranged around the perimeter so as not to obstruct the panoramic views of the George Washington Bridge, Hudson River and Palisades Cliffs of New Jersey. Sustainable Features Impervious Surfaces + Native Plantings + High Albido Pavements + Low-Flow Irrigation

Myrtle Avenue Apartments, Brooklyn, NY RBA designed the private rear courtyard of this affordable and supportive housing project to include a lushly planted intimate community sitting garden with shade trees, flowering shrubs, both fixed and movable tables and chairs, ornamental fencing, private parking, and a playground for small children surrounded by a colorful low concrete seat wall. Sustainable Features Porous Paving + Native Plantings


Liberty Apartments, Brooklyn, NY Located in the Brooklyn neighborhood of East New York, RBA designed a rear yard for the tenants of a multi-family building, which includes a playground designed for children 5-12 years of age and a seating area that features decorative pavers, tables and benches and is surrounded with flowering shrubs and shade trees screening it from the private onsite parking area. The design also incorporates a secluded ‘secret’ garden with custom wood planters and fieldstone pathways surrounded by densely planted flowering gardens. Sustainable Features Low-Flow Irrigation Systems + Recycled Materials + Native Plantings

2012 Building Brooklyn Award


Cook St. Apartments Brooklyn, NY RBA designed two spaces for residents of this multi-family housing project: a landscaped rear courtyard with seating, and a 9,000 square-foot intensive and extensive ‘green-roof’ atop the adjacent parking garage that includes walkways and plaza spaces on a raised pedestal paving system, fixed and moveable seating areas, raised planters, shade structures and a playground. Sustainable Features Green Roofs + Native Plantings + High Albido Pavement


Outdoor Nature Classrooms Early Childhood Learning Environments – A relatively new area for RBA, the design of Outdoor Nature Classrooms for young children is proving to be an extremely fun and rewarding exercise for our landscape architects. As landscape architects, we consider ourselves stewards of the environment, we care about it and want to see it preserved. Working primarily in an ever expanding urban environment we recognize that society is growing newer and newer generations of young people who spend less and less time in nature. We are concerned, as are those who sponsored the projects on these pages, that those

children will grow into adults who enjoy no meaningful connection with nature and as a result, do not cherish and will not care for the natural world as carefully and with as much enthusiasm as we do. These projects are designed to provide children growing up in park-starved areas an opportunity to interact with and learn about the natural world and the natural materials it is made of. Doing our jobs well means that future generations will neither be fearful of nor disinterested with nature; instead, they will possess a healthy curiousity and respect for it.

Nature Explore Classroom - Circulo de la Hispanidad Hempstead, NY RBA designed an outdoor nature classroom for Círculo de la Hispanidad’s Evergreen Charter School. The ‘classrooms’ were created in two small areas within the parking lot of the schoolyard. The design allows young students to learn about science by playing and working with natural materials in a hands-on fashion. Sustainable Features Porous Paving + Pervious Surfaces + Locally Sourced Native Plants + Recycled Materials

Home Depot Garden, New York, NY Sponsored by the New York Restoration Project (founded by Bette Middler) and funded by the Home Depot Foundation, Home Depot Garden was a 20’ x 100’ vacant city lot in East Harlem that RBA transformed into a children’s learning garden designed in accordance with Arbor Day Foundation guidelines to qualify for a “Nature Explore Classroom Certification.”

“The community loves it. People in the neighborhood can use it as their backyard.” Nik CHerov, Qtd in Arbor Day Mag


Middle Country Public Library ‘Explorium’, Centereach, NY RBA redesigned an existing unused outdoor garden space as an outdoor nature classroom, or ‘Explorium’, to supplement on-going youth activities and programs. The Explorium includes: water and messy materials areas, climbing and crawling, a quiet activities area, a shade structure, seating, and a small performance stage all connected by a brick-paved garden path.

“the Explorium gets kids active and moving to interact with materials outside”

“I think it is beautiful, there are so many nice things here.”

Sandy Feinberg, MCPL Director

Carolyn Stein, Parent


Infrastructure + Engineering Infrastructure and Engineering – While the purpose of this brochure is to introduce you to RBA’s capability in urban landscape architecture, we want to take this opportunity to remind you that we are a multi-disciplined firm that combines all engineering disciplines together with our landscape architecture capability in a seamless studio environment. All of the projects shown on the preceding pages included an engineering component designed in-house here at RBA, be it traffic, civil, structural, environmental, or all of the above. The projects on these pages may be viewed as ‘engineering’ projects or they may be viewed as

2011 Acec New York Platinum Award

‘site-improvement’ projects. Landscape Architects played Brooklyn Navy Yard Infrastructure Improvements, important roles in each of these projects as well, from the Brooklyn, NY laying-out of walkways and bikeways, to the selection of material finishes and site furnishings to the development RBA designed a $30 million upgrade of site infrastructure including new utilities, roadways, parking lots, walkways, of detailed planting plans. seating areas and arrivals sequence at major entrances. Sustainable Features Solar Powered Street Lighting + Rain Gardens + Bio-Swales + Porous Pavers + Native Plantings

Nassau County Community College, Hempstead, NY

2013 Acec New York – Silver AWard

RBA designed a 20 acre/1400 car ‘green’ parking lot and connecting roadways that incorporate the use of permeable pavers, bio-retention swales, rain gardens, LED light fixtures, raised planted islands and walkways, modern roundabout, decorative pedestrian crosswalk mixed-inplace recycled base course. Sustainable Features Rain Gardens + Bio-Swales + Native Plant Material + High Albido Pavement + Recycled Locally-Sourced Materials + Free-Flowing Modern Roundabout + LED Lighting


County Road 58, Suffolk County, NY Problem: With ever-increasing commercial development making traffic delays worse each year, the County determined a need to widen one of the busiest roads on the East End of Long Island, County Road 58, from 3 to 5 lanes. However, early analyses estimated that costs for this expansion could be up to $40 million with 2 years of additional time needed for the condemnation process. Solution: RBA crafted a plan that centered on the development of a 2-lane roundabout at the corridor’s most congested intersection (CR58 / CR73) and successfully designed a narrowed roadway section within a constrained right-of-way. As a result, $32 million was shaved off the projected price tag, and construction was completed in less than 10 months – on time and on budget. Sustainable Features Free-Flowing Modern 2-Lane Roundabout Improves Traffic Operations and Reduces Air Pollution

2011 Acec New York – Diamond Award


G e t t i n g A r o u n d To w n As cities and suburbs grow and become more dense and travel destinations get pushed closer together, and as mass transit systems are planned and implemented, society becomes less and less reliant on traveling by car. This is a good thing for the environment. Less than half of all households in New York City own a car. More and more people are discovering the efficiency, cost effectiveness and sheer pleasure of commuting and moving about on foot and by bicycle. At RBA, we believe in promoting alternative forms of transportation including walking, bicycling and mass transit, not just in big cities, but in small cities, towns, villages and subur-

ban communities as well. For this reason, a chosen focus of our planning and design work, and an area of expertise for which we enjoy a national reputation for excellence, is the planning and design of non-motorized transportation infrastructure projects including high-quality pedestrian environments, traffic calming and safety engineering, development of local and regional bicycle route networks, design of on and off-road multi-use recreational and commuter trails, and downtown redevelopment projects based on a transit oriented development (TOD) framework.

New York City Bikeshare System, New York, NY New York City Bikeshare, LLC has been selected by NYCDOT to implement a Bikeshare system on the streets of New York. NYC Bikeshare, LLC turned to RBA as their local partner to assist with planning and designing the system and preparation of detailed site plans for individual station locations. Sustainable Features Solar Powered Bike Share Kiosk + Alternative Transportation + Locally Sourced Manufacturing

New York City Pedestrian Wayfinding System, New York, NY The RBA Group is the Managing Partner of a new international Joint Venture, PentaCityGroup JV (PCG), which is developing a standardized citywide pedestrian ‘wayfinding’ information system and implementing it across four pilot neighborhoods in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens. Sustainable Features Locally Fabricated


Manhattan Waterfront Greenway Wayfinding Signage Kiosks, New York, NY Following on the successful completion of RBA’s Manhattan Waterfront Greenway design project, which built new pathways and blazed a 32-mile bicycle and pedestrian trail around the perimeter of Manhattan Island, the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation (NYCDPR) turned again to RBA to design a typical two-sided stainless steel and granite information sign kiosk and map that was fabricated and installed at 15 key access points along the Greenway route. Sustainable Features Locally Fabricated

Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway Master Plan and Preliminary Design, Brooklyn, NY New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) hired RBA to plan the route of, and prepare preliminary engineering design plans for, a continuous 14 mile mostly ‘on-street’ non-motorized ‘Greenway’ trail along Brooklyn’s East River and New York Harbor waterfront. The route integrates physically separated trail facilities into existing street networks through the application of progressive ‘complete’ streets, ‘green’ streets, and sustainable storm water management practices. Sustainable Features Alternative Transportation + Sustainable Storm-Water Management 25

Delaware River Trail, Philadelphia, PA RBA is working on several related assignments for the Delaware River Waterfront Corporation (DRWC) that all share the same goal, realization of a continuous recreational and commuter trail along the Delaware River waterfront opposite Central Philadelphia. First hired to prepare preliminary design plans for the entire 5-mile long proposed trail, RBA has since completed final design for the first piece of this new trail along a portion of Delaware Avenue and Penn Street (dubbed the Penn Street Trail) and is now preparing Design Development plans for the ‘Penn Treaty Park’ section of the trail. Sustainable Features Alternative Transportation + High Albido Pavement + Rain Gardens + Solar Lighting

The Urban Landscape A r c h i t e c t u r e Te a m JACKSON WANDRES, RLA Director of Landscape Architecture - Mr. Wandres has 28 years of experience in the design and reconstruction of public and private open spaces. His extensive experience as an urban landscape architect includes plazas, streetscapes, courtyards, gardens, neighborhood parks, playgrounds and recreational facilities. His experience in urban planning and design includes site master planning, downtown redevelopment and regional trail networks. Mr. Wandres believes in collaborative design for sustainable infrastructure.

ART KLEINMAN, ASLA “Mr. Kleinman has produced masterful examples of landscape art… the new classic landscape that designers will look to for inspiration.” – ASLA

Linda Reardon, PE Ms. Reardon has 28 years of experience managing the design of street and roadway reconstruction projects for city and state government agencies with specialized expertise in projects that integrate urban design amenities and improvements. Her strength is completing large-scale complex projects on time and within budget. She is experienced in community outreach and agency coordination enabling her to expedite project approvals. Recently, Linda has worked to implement green infrastructure initiatives for a variety of clients including Brooklyn Navy Yard, Delaware River Waterfront Corporation, NYCDDC, and others.

Susanne Boyle, RLA Ms. Boyle has over 15 years of experience in landscape architecture and landscape design and construction. Ms. Boyle’s diverse background covers sustainable site design, construction technology, and project management. Her experience spans a broad range of project types and includes urban landscape architecture, green roof design, waterfront planning, downtown beautification, bikeway and trail design, streetscape improvement, traffic calming and pedestrian safety, and residential garden design.

Tom fEIN, RLA Mr. Fein is a Senior Landscape Architect with over 16 years of experience in diverse project types. He has worked locally and internationally on projects ranging from intimate residential designs to large scale urban design projects. He is a skilled designer with excellent technical knowledge and also has extensive experience in landscape construction oversight and has served as an onsite inspector. His recent work on historic landscape restoration and rehabilitation at several iconic New York City institutions has garnered multiple prestigious awards.

aLEX bERRYMAN, RLA Mr. Berryman has over 16 years of experience in urban-based landscape design and project management. His many years of experience in New York City give him a broad knowledge and insight into the City’s unique design opportunities and the complex logistical challenges to successfully implement his creative design solutions. His multi-faceted experience includes project development and administration, conceptual planning, design development, preparation of contract documents, public meetings and inter-agency coordination.

Art Kleinman is a landscape architect and planner with more than 30 years of experience. He has planned and designed projects ranging from small intimate gardens and large estates, to urban public open spaces for a wide variety of public and private clients alike. Mr. Kleinman is a recipient of the Tucker Architectural Excellence Award from the Building Stone Institute and his work has been featured in many publications.



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NEW Jersey

27 Union Square West New York, NY 10003 212.741.8090

40 Marcus Drive Melville, NY 11747 631.891.3200

1315 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 215.751.1133

20 North Main Street Norwalk, CT 06854 203.956.0512

7 Campus Drive, Suite 300 Parsippany, NJ 07054 973.946.5600

The Urban Landscape A r c h i t e c t u r e Te a m 28

JACKSON WANDRES, RLA Director of Landscape Architecture - Mr. Wandres has over 25 years of experience in the design and reconstruction of public and private open spaces. His extensive experience as an urban landscape architect includes plazas, streetscapes, courtyards, gardens, neighborhood parks, playgrounds and recreational facilities. His experience in urban planning and design includes site master planning, downtown redevelopment and regional trail networks. Mr. Wandres believes in collaborative design for sustainable infrastructure.

ART KLEINMAN, ASLA “Mr. Kleinman has produced masterful examples of landscape art… the new classic landscape that designers will look to for inspiration.” – ASLA

STEPHEN NORMANDIN, PE Mr. Normandin has over 17 years of experience in the field of civil engineering with specialized expertise in site development, highway engineering and utilities. He has a broad range of experience, which includes the design, inspection, and construction administration of highways, bridges, retaining walls, bulkheads, drainage systems, traffic improvements, streetscapes, traffic calming, bicycle paths, site work and utilities. Mr. Normandin has managed engineering projects with construction costs of up to $20 million.

Susanne Boyle Ms. Boyle has over 15 years of experience in landscape architecture and landscape design and construction. Ms. Boyle’s diverse background covers sustainable site design, construction technology, and project management. Her experience spans a broad range of project types and includes urban landscape architecture, green roof design, waterfront planning, downtown beautification, bikeway and trail design, streetscape improvement, traffic calming and pedestrian safety, and residential garden design.

Tom fEIN, RLA Mr. Fein is a Senior Landscape Architect with over 16 years of experience in diverse project types. He has worked locally and internationally on projects ranging from intimate residential designs to large scale urban design projects. He is a skilled designer with excellent technical knowledge and also has extensive experience in landscape construction oversight and has served as an onsite inspector. His recent work on historic landscape restoration and rehabilitation at several iconic New York City institutions has garnered multiple prestigious awards.

aLEX bERRYMAN, RLA Mr. Berryman has over 16 years of experience in urban-based landscape design and project management. His many years of experience in New York City give him a broad knowledge and insight into the City’s unique design opportunities and the complex logistical challenges to successfully implement his creative design solutions. His multi-faceted experience includes project development and administration, conceptual planning, design development, preparation of contract documents, public meetings and inter-agency coordination.

Art Kleinman is a landscape architect and planner with more than 30 years of experience. He has planned and designed projects ranging from small intimate gardens and large estates, to urban public open spaces for a wide variety of public and private clients alike. Mr. Kleinman is a recipient of the Tucker Architectural Excellence Award from the Building Stone Institute and his work has been featured in many publications.

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