Business Examiner Vancouver Island October 2017

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CAMPBELL RIVER Grieg Seafoods is an industry leader



NANAIMO The creation of effective systems is a large part of Lanson’s Drywall success

There’s More Than Business To Local Professional Organization

Young Professionals of Nanaimo Play Roles In Various Local Community Efforts BY DAVID HOLMES


INDEX News Update


Port Alberni


ward what an contributed on” IMO



Comox Valley


Cowichan Valley


Campbell River


Who is Suing Whom 41 Opinion


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ANAIMO – It all comes down to making a diffe r e n c e i n t h e c o mmu n it y – t h at’s one of t h e core philosophies behind the Young Professionals of Nanaimo (YPN). Founded in 2009, the YPN is a non-profit organization created to foster a vibrant and progressive professional community in the city. Open to business professionals 40 years of age and under, the YPN currently numbers more than 100 of the region’s best and brightest youthful leaders. “The new executive was voted in during May and except for three of the board members it’s all new faces to help lead the group forward, building on the legacy of our predecessors,” explained Kim Krieger, YPN’s current President. Loosely affiliated with other similarly minded organizations

The 2017 / 2018 Board of Directors of the Young Professionals of Nanaimo were voted in this past May across Vancouver Island and beyond, the central mission of the Young Professionals of Nanaimo is to create a connected young

professional community in the city while working to support the professional development of its membership.

“ T h e r e a r e f o u r k e y p i llars of the group: professional SEE YOUNG PROFESSIONALS | PAGE 36

Coast Salish Development Corporation Division A Winner Thuy’she’num Property Management Wins 2017 Aboriginal Business Award

Canadian Publications Mail Acct.: 40069240



A DYSMITH – Economic success is an important business benchmark. Being recognized by your peers as both a success and as an industry leader is another. Thuy’she’num P rop er ty M a n agem ent Ltd . (TPM), the land management

division of the Coast Salish Development Corporation (CSDC), can now check off both of these achievements. It was recently announced that TPM is the winner of the 2017 BC Aboriginal Business Awards’ Community-Owned Business of the Year Award. “Thuy’she’num came about to provide property management

services to the Coast Salish Development Corporation and essentially to serve as the wealth container for the Stz’uminus First Nation,” explained Ray Gauthier, CSDC’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO). “When it was formed we knew it would be performing certain functions, it does perform typical property management duties,

but really it operates as an investment company / property management company. So all of the work taking place at Oyster Bay Village is taking place under the guidance of Thuy’she’num Property Management,” Oyster Bay Development is in essence a complete village taking SEE THUY’SHE’NUM PROPERTY | PAGE 17



NANAIMO Alkan Air Opens Hangar at Nanaimo Airport Nanaimo News Bulletin Alkan Air, an airline specializi ng i n med ica l f l ights a nd charters to remote parts of the Yukon, opened an 835-squaremetre hangar and operation base at the Nanaimo Airport earlier this month. Ray Rothlisberger, A l ka n’s operations manager, said the airline has operated medical flights in and out of Nanaimo successfully for nearly two years and the time was right to make a more solid commitment to the city and to Vancouver Island. “Ou r core business has mainly been medical f lying. Mainly picking up Canadians vacation i ng i n the States or further afield, who have either gotten injured or sick. We pick them up and bring them back to Canada into the medical system here,” he said. “We decided it was time to go ahead and do a long-term investment and put some roots down.” Prior to the construction of the hangar, Alkan Air was using outdoor space to store provided by the Nanaimo Flying Club. Rothlisberger said the arrangement was great, but the rain sometimes caused some issues with their planes over time.

Alkan Air has been operating out of Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport i n the Yukon since 1977. The company currently has a fleet of 17 planes, with three of them, a Beechcraft King Air 200, Beechcraft King Air 300 and a Beechcraft 1900D slated to fly out of Nanaimo. In addition to providing medical flights, Alkan Air will also be using the Nanaimo Airport to fly workers from the Island to a mine in the Yukon. “One of our clients started up a new mine just outside of Watson Lake and they were looking for someone to move their crew and a large portion of their crew come from the Island,” he said. “They were using commercial flights from the Island to Vancouver and then getting them up to Watson Lake, but it was too challenging for them.” It’s one of the reasons why the company purchased the Beechcraft 1900D, which was once operated by Air Canada. “We can take 18 people with it,” Rothlisberger said. “It’s been good.” He said the company is looking at operating corporate charter flights to sporting events and other events out of Nanaimo, adding the 1900D has the ability to fly non-stop to southern California. “T he 1900D has given us a bit of leeway to start looking at other markets as well,” he said.

VANCOUVER ISLAND Tourism Vancouver Island Elects New Board Tourism Vancouver Island’s 54th Annual Conference and AGM was held from September 19-21 in Sidney, themed ‘Embracing our Roots’, and included networking, professional development sessions and keynote speakers. The business meeting concluded the event with the announcement of the incoming Board of Directors for the 2017 – 2018 term. At the fi rst meeti ng of the newly constituted Board of Directors, Ian MacPhee of Prince of Whales Whale Watching was re-elected to the position of Board Chair. “It’s a bittersweet start to the fall season in the wake of Dave Petryk’s impending retirement, but we’re poised and ready to continue the great work of the organization,” said MacPhee. “Our mission continues to focus on building the economic benefits of tourism on behalf of our stakeholders, and we’ll stay the course in the development and marketing of our beautiful islands destination.” Returning to the board and ele c te d b y a c cl a m at ion for two-year terms are: Ian MacPhee of Prince of Whales Whale


Watch i ng; Janet Clouston of Chamber of Commerce and Salt Spring Island Tourism; Janet Docherty of Merridale Ciderworks Corp.; and Arthur Wong of The Beach Club Resort. Serving out their second year of a two year term are Lara Greasley of Comox Valley Economic Development and Tourism, and Andrew Jones of Kingfisher Wilderness Adventures. Lillian Hunt of Aboriginal Tourism Association of BC and U’Mista Cultural Centre has been re-appointed to the board for a two-year term, while Raymond Chan of RCA Consulting, Jenn Bogwald of MNP LLP, and Jim Owens of JTO Hospitality Group will serve their second year of a two-year appointment. The Officers consists of: Ian MacPhee as Chair; Arthur Wong as Vice Cha i r (Cha i r Elect); Raymond Chan as Governance Chair; Jim Owens as Marketing Chair; Jenn Bogwald as Secretary-Treasurer; and Carol Ann Terreberry as Past Chair.

COWICHAN VALLEY Saturday Transit Services between Cowichan and Victoria Expand Saturday transportation options between the Cowichan

Valley Regional District and Greater Victoria are expanding this fall. Starting October 14, new route 44 Victoria/44 Duncan will operate express transit service on Saturdays with three daily round trips between the two regions. This service complements the successful weekday Cowichan Valley Commuter (CVC) service launched in 2008. The new service will use existing commuter buses already in the local fleet. “Our government is committed to making life more affordable and improving services for the people of British Columbia,” said Claire Trevena, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure. “Expanding transit service to meet the needs of the growing Cowichan Valley community will be a great benefit to many people in the region.” The one-way cash fare of $10 provides an affordable option for people wishing to travel from Duncan to Victoria and viceversa. As with local and CVC routes, children four years of age and under also ride free when accompanied by a fare-paying adult. “Route 44 is a great opportunity to increase transit ridership at a fairly low cost,” said CVRD Board Chair Jon Lefebure. “It also allows us to showcase our region to visitors who may not otherwise explore it.” SEE NEWS UPDATE | PAGE 3




The implementation of the new service follows a public survey in March 2017, which revealed strong support for Saturday service between Victoria and the Cowichan Valley. Information collected through the survey also reflects the priorities identified in the Cowichan Valley Transit Future Plan. Approximately 200 people took the survey. “The success of the Cowichan Valley Commuter shows that customers want safe and sustainable transportation options into Victoria,” said Manuel Achadinha, BC Transit President and Chief Executive Officer. “The new Saturday service provides more opportunities to better connect people and communities on the south island.”

COMOX VALLEY Comox Airport has Record Month in August A record setting 43,072 travelers passed through the Comox Valley Airport (YQQ ) this August, breaking the previous record of just over 42,000 set in the same month of 2016. “It’s been a great summer for tourism in the Comox Valley and North Island,” commented Fred Bigelow, CEO at YQQ. “We’re happy to see people are choosing YQQ as the best way to get on and off the island. “I know you have heard me say it before, but we are very fortunate to have the level of air service we do. I don’t know of a similar sized community in Canada that has the level of service we enjoy. With our nation’s two largest airlines providing service to three major Canadian hubs, travelers have endless options to access their global networks.” YQ Q i s s er ve d b y re g iona l c a r r i e r P a c i f i c C o a s tal and by Canada’s two main carriers WestJet and Air Canad a . E a rl ier t h i s ye a r b ot h Pacific Coastal and Air Canada

added additional YVR service a nd WestJet added a n add it ion a l week ly f l ig ht to E dmonton over the peak summer months. WestJet’s direct season service to Puerta Vallarta begins November 4.



T he Cou nci l of the City of Parksville has approved the purchase of a tract of land known locally as the Ermineskin land from the Ermineskin Cree Nation. The lands, located at the civic address of 790 Hirst Avenue, encompass about 35.9 hectares or 97 acres and were purchased for $1.3 million.

Duncan and North Cowichan to hold Amalgamation Referendum Duncan City Council and the Municipality of North Cowichan Council have agreed to hold the referendum on amalgamation in the spring of 2018. Subject to the approval of the Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing, both municipalities will choose a date to hold the referendum in the spring next year. Earlier this year, the DuncanN o r t h C o w i c h a n C i t i z e n s’ Assembly on Municipal Amalgamation recom mended the amalgamation of Duncan and North Cowichan. The report is available at w A Duncan-North Cowichan Work i ng Group, con si st i ng of two Councillors from each municipality, will work with an external consultant to provide unbiased information, covering both the pros and cons of amalgamation, to the public prior to the vote taking place. “I am pleased the communication plan will be providing unbiased information prior to the residents of both municipalities voting on amalgamation, enabling them to be fully informed and make their own determination,” says Phil Kent, Mayor of Duncan. Amalgamation would require the approval of the provincial government and residents of both municipalities by public referendum. “It’s encouraging to see both Councils move forward with a spring referendum,” says Jon Lefebure, Mayor of North Cowichan. “With such a big decision on the table, we hope to see a large turnout of v o te r s c o m i n g o u t to h a v e their say on the future of the community.”

Ermineskin Lands Purchased by the City of Parksville

The City of Parksville and the Ermineskin Cree Nation share a vision for the preservation and conservation of this important area, and the sale of the Ermineskin lands supports that vision by allowing the City’s residents and their future generations to enjoy this area. The Ermineskin lands are included in the Agricultural Land Reserve and at the request of the Ermineskin Cree Nation will be maintained as a park in perpetuity. At the meeting on September 18, Council gave three readings to a bylaw which will officially dedicate the lands as park.

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3 Mayor Marc Lefebvre said, “I am extremely pleased with the City’s successful purchase of the Ermineskin lands. It is truly a rare opportunity to preserve such a large piece of natural habitat so close to residential neighbourhoods. We anticipate strong public support for this significant area which we have secured for future generations of Parksville residents.” Chief Randy Ermineskin said, “the Ermineskin Cree Nation is pleased this section of land will be maintained as a park SEE NEWS UPDATE | PAGE 4






Do You Have The Answers?



of the restaurant in 2013. Plans for the building were first submitted in 2016 and originally called for the construction of a new two-storey building that would be home to four residential units and four commercial units, with Amrikko’s being the anchor tenant. The new plans, call for a three-storey building with 12 residential units and four commercial units and Amrikko’s remaining as the anchor tenant. The existing building, which is currently home to Ian Niamath Architects and the Sand Dollar CafĂŠ, would be demolished. Niamath, architect for the project, said the decision to increase the building’s height and add more residential units was due to economics, adding that constructing a two-storey building would have been far more economically feasible 20 years ago than it is today. “ I t d o e s n’ t m a k e s e n s e t o p u t a two-storey building up because it is just not economically viable,â€? he said. “The building has got to make enough money to pay for itself.â€? The original blueprints for Amrikko’s remain unchanged. They include a streetlevel open-concept patio in front of the Indian restaurant, which faces towards Departure Bay beach. Previously, Amrikko’s patio was enclosed and much further back from the sidewalk. The proposed building fits in with the current zoning as well as Departure Bay’s neighbourhood plan according to Niamath, who said the only major change is the addition of a third floor, which he said will make the building look nicer. “The architectural features are still


in perpetuity. It would be fitting, that Parksville City Council, consider placing a memorial on the land to commemorate this agreement.� For many years, the Parksville Council has worked to acquire this site; over the years, Council has received delegations from concerned residents requesting the City consider acquiring the lands to ensure members of the community may continue to enjoy the wildlife and natural environment of the site. Currently the lands contain several City wells and are used by the public for bird watching, walking and the opportunity to quietly enjoy the natural surroundings. These uses will continue and maintenance of the park will be performed by City staff, keeping the park, as much as possible, in its natural state.

NANAIMO Amrikko’s By the Sea Rebuild Proposes Three-storey Building Nanaimo News Bulletin After remaining idle for months, a redevelopment project in Nanaimo’s Departure Bay neighbourhood is expected to move forward, but not as originally planned. A development permit application has been re-submitted to the City of Nanaimo for 1400 Wingrove St., a commercial building once home to the popular Indian restaurant Amrikko’s By the Sea, which closed after a fire damaged large portions






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BC Salmon Farmers Show Results


AMPBELL RIVER - An independent economic analysis of the salmon aquaculture industry in British Columbia shows an increase of 37 per cent over the past three years in its value to the province, resulting in the creation of over 1,600 jobs. Overall, farming and processing 92,800 Metric Tonnes of salmon in 2016 resulted in over $1.5-billion towards the BC economy. â–Ş The total output generated by the BC farmraised salmon industry i n c re a s e d 37 p e r c e n t from $1,144.0 million to $1,561.9 million. â–Ş The total GDP generated by the BC farm-raised s a l m o n i n d u s t r y i ncreased 36 per cent from $411.5 million to $557.8 million. â–Ş The total employment generated by the BC farmraised salmon industry increased 33 per cent from 4,977 to 6,610 full-time equivalents. â–Ş The government taxes generated by the BC farm-raised salmon industry increased 39 per cent from $62.0 to $86.1 million.Â

The total production of farm-raised salmon in BC has increased 8 per cent since 2002. “The full value chain in the salmon aquaculture sector has turned record high prices over much of the past three years into an unprecedented investment i n the sector i nclud i ng farming infrastructure, process plants, land-based hatcheries, and marine vessels leading – the net resu lt is a n i ncrease i n business performance, as well as an increase in environmental and biological performanceâ€?, said BCSFA Executive Director Jeremy Dunn.  On September 18th, the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch program recognized BC’s industry by changing its recommendation of BC farmraised Atlantic salmon to “good alternativeâ€?. BC is the only such region in the world to have this distinction for its entire Atlantic salmon production. At the centre of the invest ment a nd i n novation story in BC is BCSFA Member Poseidon Ocean Systems in Campbell River. Port Hardy native Matt

Clarke launched the company in December of 2015 to prov ide f u l l ser v ice aquaculture engineering and support services, focusing on collaborative problem solving and new product development for the sector. Less than two years later, the Poseidon team is 15 strong in Campbell River, they have opened an office in Newfoundland, and have been looked to by the industry to engineer better farms, better moorings, and leading-edge aeration equipment designed to improve biological results and environmental performance in BC and internationally. Sa l mon fa r mers h ave worked closely with First Nations partners through this period with 20 Nations and many First Nations owned businesses benefiting from working together. Farm-raised salmon is BC’s highest valued seafood product, the provi nce’s top ag r icu ltu ra l e x p or t, a nd ge n e rate s o v e r $ 1 .5- b i l l i o n t o wards the BC economy, resulting in over 6,600 jobs.Â

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he Alberni Valley Chamber of Commerce was pleased to represent the local Business Community at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce AGM held in Fredericton NB in late September. We have never been involved in the National scene so this was a first for AVCOC. Our primary reason for attending was to present our Policy Recommendation titled “Supporting New Investment in Infrastructure to Enhance Canada’s Asia Pacific Gateway Canada Initiative.” T he prem i se of t he Pol icy Recommendation was and is to encourage the Federal Government to invest more heavily in our transportation needs along the West Coast of Canada. The APGCI has been quite successful and in some ways almost too much so. That success

has contributed to significant municipal infrastructure costs particularly in the Lower Mainland with ongoing road maintenance, and the success is also a large contributor to the commute time issues as felt daily by tens of thousands of people through the Vancouver area. The policy recommendation put forward by the Alberni Valley Chamber of Commerce and supported by the Nanaimo, Parksville, Duncan/Cowichan and Qualicum Beach Chambers encourages the Federal Government to invest in the infrastructure needs of today that will allow Canada to continue in the forefront of the Pacific Gateway. One such investment pushed by the Alberni Valley Chamber and colleagues is the proposed Port Alberni Transshipment Hub which would be located in the heart of Huu-ay-aht First Nation territory who are also on board and working closely with the Port Authority. To learn more about PATH please visit their site at: Bill Collette is the Executive Director of the Alberni Valley Chamber of Commerce. He can be reached at or 250.724.6535



he answer to this question is an emphatic “yes”! All organizations can benefit from a well-written guide that describes what is expected from staff and, just as importantly, what staff can expect from the organization. The challenge is to determine what to include in a handbook and how to set a tone that reflects the organization’s culture, including how employees are treated and the values and ph i losoph ie s for wh ich t he organization stands. An employee handbook should not read like a “list of what not to do” or “what will happen if an employee does something they shouldn’t”. Instead, the language and presentation should be clear, support the culture of the orga n ization, a nd lay

a foundation that will enable rather than hinder staff performance and engagement. Effective employee handbooks help staff to do their jobs well, including ensuring they understand what this means. Employee handbooks also play an important role in an organization’s risk management strategy by identifying applicable provincial and federal legislation. Employers can face significant risk and the potential for costly lawsuits (not to mention ill-informed employees) by not ensuring that workplace HR practices complement current legislation. For example, if the Federal Government legalizes marijuana, employers should develop a policy around its use in the workplace. In addition to serving as an ongoing resource for all employees, employee handbooks serve as a very useful source of orientation information for new employees and can help determ i ne a new h i re’s fi rst impression of your organization and set the tone for their employment. So, how do you get sta rted with what can appear to be a challenging task? Firstly, identify what is important to your business and workplace culture and use this insight as the basis

for determining what policies to include. Possible sections include: Company History, Vision and Mission, Employee Leaves, Compensation (include pay and benefits), Employee Relations, P rofession a l D evelopment, Health and Safety, etc. You can find all kinds of employee handbook information, including templates, suggested topics and formatting styles, on a variety of HR websites including BC H R M A, H R Reporter, H R I nsider, SHRM, and HR Council of BC. Finally, there is little point in creating an employee handbook and documenting policies and procedures, if they are not adhered to, or if application is done in an ad hoc manner. Employees have an expectation that what is written in an employee handbook will be upheld in a consistent and fair manner. A well-written employee handbook can support and protect employers and employees and help reinforce a company’s culture and values. As such, creating and maintaining such a document is worth the investment of your time. Marcia Hammonds, CPHR, is a Senior HR Consultant with Chemistry Consulting Group

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n 2019, new CPP rules will come into force and business owners need to start planning for the changes today. T wo ty p es of cont r ibution increases will be phased in: ▪ Starting in 2019 and e n d i n g i n 2 0 2 3 , t h e re w i l l be a phased-i n i ncrease of 1 per cent in the employee and employer contribution rates, which is currently 4.95 per cent of earnings. By 2023, the employee contribution percentage will be 5.95 per cent, paid on earnings between $3,500 and a n u p p e r l i m it k n o w n as the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings (YMPE). ▪ Starting in 2024, there will be an increase in the maximum amount of earnings that are subject to CPP. T he m a x i mu m will go up 7 per cent in 202 4 and another 7 per cent in 2025, for a total increase of 14 per cent. Employees and employers w i l l c ont r i b ute a n additional 4 per cent on whatever they earn between the YMPE and this

Stephen J. Struthers, DBA, CFP®, RRC®, CLU® Senior Financial Consultant, Struthers Wealth Management Investors Group Financial Services Inc. new upper earnings limit, which is projected to be $82,700 in 2025. Here’s how owners can prepare for the new rules: ▪ Conduct detailed projections to estimate what your additional costs will be du ri ng the phase-i n period and into the future. If you have a defined benefit plan for your employees and it’s integrated with the CPP system, will you need to change your benefit formulas? ▪ It’s important that employees understand the

changes, because come January 1, 2019, they will see their take-home pay drop – unless their employer decides to ma ke up the difference. They should also understand that because the increased CPP benefits take 40 years to completely kick in, they may, depending on their age, benefit very little from the changes. As a business owner you have key decisions to make that will have a profound effect on the continued financial success of your business and your own financial well-being. Make the right decisions for your situation with the help of your professional advisor. Stephen J. Struthers, is a Senior Financial Consultant with Struthers Wealth Management at Investors Group Financial Services Inc. Struthers Wealth Management, helps businesses, professionals and individuals build wealth, save tax, and receive retirement income for life. Email: stephen.struthers@


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Former ADSS Property Sells to Vancouver-based Developers

Housing Market Shows No Signs Of Cooling


A NCOU V E R I SL A N D - The Vancouver Island Real Estate Board (VIREB) reports that single-family home sales dipped in September, down to 511 from last year’s 527, a decrease of three per cent. Sales declined by five per cent from August, which saw 540 sales. However, VIREB attributes the slight decline in sales numbers to seasonal market conditions and inventory challenges. There were only 1,233 single-family homes for sale in September, a decrease of three per cent from 2016. Strong economic fundamentals are underpinning housing activity in BC, particularly in the southern half of the province. The BC economy has expanded at above-trend growth for over three years, with 2017 expected to be the fourth consecutive yea r of econom ic growth hitting three per cent or higher. Employment growth is around seven per cent, and consumer confidence is high, with retail sales in the province expected to climb close to eight per cent this year. Add a high level of interprovincial migration to the mix, combined with the supply of homes for sale dropping to its lowest level in over a decade, and it is easy to see why home prices are rising and sellers’ markets thriving.

These economic trends are expected to continue for the remainder of the year at least. “With a sales-to-active-listings ratio of around 32 per cent, the VIREB market is firmly in sellers’ territory,� says Janice Stromar, 2017 VIREB President. “A housing market is characterized as favouring sellers when the ratio of home sales to active listings is above 20 per cent, while a balanced market is between 14 and 20 per cent.� Stromar adds that multiple offers are still occurring regularly, even on condominiums, townhouses, and mobile homes, which is unusual for the VIREB area. However, although many properties are selling above list price, sellers still need to price their homes correctly because consumers are savvy and will not pu rchase a n over priced home. “When you find a property you like, you need to act quickly, so make sure your financing is pre-approved,� says Stromar. “You should also decide beforehand on the price you’re willing to pay if you find yourself in a multiple-offer situation.� In September 2017, the benchmark price of a single-family home in the VIR EB area rose to $ 462,500, up 18 per cent f rom one yea r ago. (Benchmark pricing tracks the value

of a typical home in the reported area.) The benchmark price of an apartment last month rose to $270,600, up 30 per cent boardwide from the previous year, while the benchmark price of a townhouse hit $357,200, a 23 per cent increase from 2016. The September 2017 benchmark price of a single-family home i n the Ca mpbel l R iver area was $370,700, an increase of 22 per cent over September 2016. In the Comox Valley, the benchmark price hit $461,700, up 22 per cent from last year. Duncan reported a benchmark price of $410,500, an increase of 16 p er c ent c ompa re d to September 2016. Na na i mo’s benchmark price rose 18 per cent to $ 498,300 wh i le t he Parksville-Qualicum area saw its benchmark price increase by 16 per cent to $518,000. The price of a benchmark home in Port Alberni was $254,700, up 18 per cent from one year ago.

Single-family, Multi-family and Seniors’ Homes Planned for 22.8-acre Land Alberni Valley News ancouver-based developers have purchased the f o r m e r A l b e r n i D i strict Secondary School site on Burde Street and plan to develop multi-use housing on the lot. Port Alberni realtor Darren DeLuca said the 22.8 acre property, owned by School District 70, was sold in March for $1.8 m i l l i o n . T h e s i te h a s b e e n vacant since the high school moved locations to Roger Street in 2010. The purchasers, who DeLuca couldn’t name, have ties to the A lberni Valley and have developed there in the past. “I’m going to let them tell their own story, which will happen fairly soon because they have to go into the Official Community Plan (OCP),� DeLuca said. “[The property] is currently zoned institutional. [Developers] want to do some multi-family units and they’re well aware of the interest in seniors’ housing so that will require rezoning.� The developers’ plans call for single-family, multi-family and seniors’ homes. DeLuca said they hope to have


the rezoning —which will be a public process—done before Christmas and have some of the properties on the market as early as 2018. “It will be a phased development. They have 22.8 acres so I think they’ll start doing chunks at a time,� DeLuca said. “I think it will happen over two to five years.� He added that the developers are conscious of 17th Avenue residents’ views of the Inlet and they don’t plan on adding any “skyscrapers� on the upper lots. “One of the big benefits will be increasing the tax base by $100 million.� DeLuca said with people moving to Port Alberni from more expensive real estate markets, he believes the homes will have no problem with occupancy.

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Producing First Impressions That Deliver A Positive Impact Professional Food Photographer Helping Businesses Succeed


ANAIMO – You never have a second chance to m a ke a go o d f i rs t impression - is a message professional food photographer and marketing consultant Tim McGrath regularly tells his clients. For someone operating in the hospitality or food services industries that first impression might be an image on a website, in an advertisement or on a menu – if that image is appealing you’ll make the sale, if not, you may have lost a customer. “Great images of your culina r y d ishes a nd del ig hts ca n make significant improvements to your success. The purpose of these images is to increase your business, so my job as the photographer is to make you, the client, successful! How your food is presented, in a photo or on the plate, will ultimately be critical to your success. You want that first impression to be the best that it can be.” A professional photographer with more than a decade of experience McGrath, through his company, has worked with restaurants, stores and other hospitality industry clients on projects ranging from menus and cookbooks, to

Tim McGrath has worked as a professional food photographer and marketing consultant for more than a decade Social Media marketing campaigns as well as traditional advertising. “Un ique photos w ill tempt new c u s tomers a s t hey c a n imagine the gourmet delights they could experience. Quality images remind loyal customers of the deliciousness of their last meal, encouraging them to come back time and again,” McGrath said. “Producing images for any business is great fun! People stop me a l l the ti me a nd

comment about how great it must be to be a professional food photographer, and it is, but it is also hard work. Working with restaurants, working on a cookbook, producing images for a supplier, capturing a bottle of wine, regardless of the assignment it’s all about achieving the same goal – finding the best way to make this image help the client’s business.” More than a provider of professional grade images, also regularly works

Food photography can be used in any number of venues, from websites to traditional newspaper advertising with clients to develop compl e te b ra n d i n g p a c k a ge s – which could include everything from logos and color schemes to website design and even the m a n agement of t he cl ient’s social media presence on any platform. “We create solutions to make you successful. We help you with branding and of course we create images for your website, your social media presence, you menus and even your traditional print needs. The bottom line

is that we create advertising solutions to help you reach your customers,” he explained. D o e s a pros p e c t ive cl ient rea l ly need to h i re a professiona l food photog rapher to succeed? For busi nesses a l l across the west the answer to that is an absolute yes. The first impression presented to any new client should be a great one and Tim McGrath specializes in delivering first rate first impressions! 08-07-3112


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OCEANSIDE ROOFING IS THE REGION’S RE-ROOFING SPECIALIST Residential Roofing Company Has Operated In Oceanside Area Since 2004


A R KSV ILLE – Multiple Better Business Bureau (BBB) Torch Award winning firm Oceanside Roofing Ltd. has been successfully serving clients throughout the Parksville and Qualicum Beach area since 2004. Combined with a desire to raise their son out of the hectic pace of city life and Lower Mainland real estate prices, the husband and wife team of Paul and Lorelie Shoesmith made their move to Parksville. “We moved from North Vancouver about 13 years ago just because I knew I wanted to work for myself. We also knew we wanted to move to the Island, so that’s why we started this business,” Paul explained. “I’ve been in the roofing business more than 30 years now, having worked for other companies in North Vancouver but I always had a desire to start my own thing. Before coming here I’d worked as a sub contractor for other companies for many years.” Having a desire to run their own firm the couple looked around for places to settle, initially giving thoughts to Kelowna and the Okanagan Valley, but settled on

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Vancouver Island and its quieter pace, more affordable real estate, and less extreme seasonal weather changes as the right destination. “It came down to a tipping point with the price of real estate in North Van. The best we could hope to afford over there was a condo, even though my crew did more roofing than any other crew on the Lower Mainland the last year I worked there. I couldn’t see how we could ever really afford a proper house. Our son was just turning four when we moved here and I wanted him to have a back yard like we had when we grew up,” he said. The Island lifestyle and the sheer beauty of the area were other key factors that saw the Shoesmith’s make their successful move to the region. Oceanside Roofing is a residential re-roofing specialty firm, with the area’s inventory of existing homes its primary marketplace. Typically not involved with new home construction, Oceanside Roofing specializes in replacing aging shingles with the latest generation of long lasting, virtually maintenance free fiberglass laminate shingles. Oceanside Roofing is also in every sense a family-owned and operated business, with Lorelie Shoesmith handling the administrative duties while Paul’s focus is in the field, working with his crew. “Mainly my job is running the office. I do all of the accounting, payroll, marketing, answering phones, a nice variety of work,” she explained. “I put the estimates together once Paul gets the jobs all measured up and calculated. I put the final presentation together for the client, so yes it’s very much a family business.” Working directly with homeowners, as opposed to working with builders or developers, has been the focus of Oceanside Roofing right from the beginning. “Our market has always been the homeowners themselves. We seldom work with builders, but prefer to work with the homeowner directly. We come and take off

Tops in their industry, Oceanside Roofing’s crew work for clients all across the Central Vancouver Island region your old roof and give you a new roof,” Paul explained. The upgrading of homes that have cedar shake roofs to the new fiberglass shingles is another key component of the company’s workload. “Cedar shake roofs were in vogue years ago, and in many older developments there actually was a covenant in place where the home had to have a cedar roof. But time has gone by, the roofs are starting to wear out, and they have to be replaced,” he said. As a roof is considered by many home builders to be the single most important part of any house, the quality of the roofing materials used is paramount. While the cedar shakes used in earlier decades have weathered well, a shortage of quality replacement materials has led to a willing adoption of the new generation of fiberglass shingles. “It’s not like in the old days, with first growth cedar that would last forever. Today secondary growth cedar is more likely to be used so after 20 years it’s starting to look pretty worn. That’s when a new

Paul and Lorelie Shoesmith were excited to be recipients of the Better Business Bureau’s Torch Award roof can really breathe new life into an older home,” he said. “As the shingles we use are made using a fiberglass mat they don’t shrink up like other

Central Construc on Materials Ltd. Congratula ons to Oceanside Roofing, we are proud to work with you. Suppliers of: • Insula on • Drywall • T-Bar Ceilings • Steel Studs • Roofing & Masonry Products 1360 Valley Road | Parksville, BC | 250.248.7336

products can over time, ensuring a longer service life, especially when compared to the older style asphalt shingle which can shrink up quite a bit more.



Winning the Torch Award was a real source of pride for Oceanside Roofing’s owners Paul and Lorelie Shoesmith

The real strength of Oceanside Roofing is the skill and dedication to quality shown by its team of installers With a team of about seven employees, Oceanside Roofing works with clients from Nanaimo to Qualicum Bay, with Paul regularly on site working alongside of his crews. “There is definitely a certain satisfaction in seeing the job through to its conclusion. It’s definitely more satisfying when you play a direct part in the project, rather than just watching from the sidelines,” he said. Another source of business satisfaction, and a clear sign the company is serving its clients right, has been the collection of BBB Torch Awards it has garnered over the years, starting in 2011. The Torch Awards were launched by the Better Business Bureau as a way for the public to honor and recognize the efforts of outstanding BBB member businesses. The

awards are only presented after the organization receives nominations from satisfied customers testifying to the extraordinary lengths the nominated firm has gone to for its clients. “We certainly don’t tell people to go vote for us. The people have to fill out a form and then send it to the Better Business Bureau. We do make them aware of the form but we never push it on them. They have to actually want to do it,” he said. “At the end of every job we provide our clients with a feedback form, so we can see where we can make improvements, or to learn how well we’ve done. The form is very useful as we can provide our crew with feedback as well, showing us what things we’re doing right and what areas could

use some improvements,” Lorelie explained. “T he Better Busi ness Bu reau suggested to us many years ago that it’s a good idea to let the customers know about the Torch Awards, otherwise no one would know about them. So we include that information with our package, saying any nomination is strictly at their discretion, asking them to submit it if they feel like it. I always include a sticky note saying ‘at your discretion’ and clearly they have responded, which is a real source of satisfaction.” Established, experienced, service-driven and award-winning, Oceanside Roofing has become a leading re-roofing specialty firm in the Central Vancouver Island area not by doing the greatest

A multi-award winning firm, Oceanside Roofing has been serving its growing client base since 2004 number of jobs – but by doing the best job possible every time. “The fact that we’re not huge is a big part of our success. There is the time to build relationships with our clients. Our customers aren’t numbers they’re people we know. I think that’s been an important part of our growth,” he said. The other central part of the company’s success is the skill and professionalism of its team of installers, many of whom have been with the firm for years. “I have some guys who have been with me right from the beginning. You find some good guys and you do what you can to hold onto them. Our team members are really our ambassadors in the field. They are the real strength of the company and the reason we’ve won these awards,” he said. Lorelie added her appreciation for the company’s team of installation experts. “We really do have an amazing crew, they’re outstanding. They always show great pride with the work they do and we always get a lot of positive feedback from all of our customers for how polite they are and how hard working they are. They’re awesome roofers,” she said. A family owned and operated business offering quality products for its expanding client base, Oceanside Roofing looks forward to continuing to serve the Central Island area for the foreseeable future.

“Over the years we’ve received literally hundreds of testimonials from satisfied customers, something we’re very proud of. I guess it means we’re doing the job right,” he said. An example of that sort of unsolicited accolade came from G. Lajoie of Qualicum Beach who said: “I had great interaction with all, from the office, to the main man, Paul Shoesmith and the staff. Just great fellows, no nonsense, get the job done and Paul was always in touch, making sure the job got done to his liking. The guys came through. My thoughts are, they like him and that makes for a great work environment. It is not an easy job but they rose to the challenge. Thanks guys.” While D. Cadby of Parksville added: “Crew very professional, always on time, gave good to strong effort. They were always positive and polite and did a daily clean-up which we appreciated.” For the future Oceanside Roofing anticipates continuing to grow to better serve the Central Island market with its skill and quality products, but doesn’t really envision expanding into other markets. “I could certainly see us hiring additional guys to keep up with the demand. But it’s all about quality and customer service. We’d never grow to the point that we lose contact with the customers, that’s always been at the heart of everything we do,” he said.

Congratula ons Oceanside Roofing on many years of service excellence!

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anaimo Port Authority has a new President and CEO to replace Ernie Dumas in Ewan Moir. Moir, 56, arrives after completing his final duties as President and Chief Operation Officer at Pacific BioEnergy Corporation in Vancouver, which manufactures wood pellets at three plans in B.C. Moir takes his post October 10, continuing a long career in senior management that has taken him to Norway, Singapore, Holland, India and the United Kingdom. His resume includes working for Ulstein, which was acquired by

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Rolls-Royce, as well as Mainland Sand and Gravel, SNC-Lavalin, Fraser River Pile and Dredge Inc. and Finning International. Moir and his wife Lesley have three adult sons. ■■■ Derek Haarsma has sold his Haarsma Waste Innovations Inc. business to Toronto-based GFL Environmental. Derek started the business 10 years ago, and he is staying on with the company, now as District Manager for Vancouver Island. ■■■ Nanaimo Chrysler on Wellington Road has been purchased by Tony and Leslie Harris, Tony’s brother Mike Harris, Craig Sabourin and Jason Neal. Mike heads the Harris Auto Group, which also includes the Harris Victoria Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram dealership in Victoria, was finalized on Sept. 5, which was the birthday of patriarch Tom Harris, who passed away in the summer. ■■■ Registered Psychologist Dr. Arthur Burrows notes that the transition for his Becker Burrows and Associates taking over the practice of Dr. Larry Waterman at 121599 Dufferin Crescent has gone quite smoothly. The office will be providing services to the island and communities across B.C. and Alberta. Sarah Becker, a Reg istered


Ewan Moir arrives after post at Pacific BioEnergy Corporation in Vancouver

Ewan Moir Clinical Counsellor and doctoral student at the University of British Columbia has recently moved to Nanaimo from Vancouver and has started taking clients. Services the office provides include therapy for adults and children, psychological and psycho-educational assessment and consultation/professional training. ■■■ HazBeans Coffee is undergoing an expansion at its location at 4890 Rutherford Road, next to the Island Highway. ■■■ Congratulations to CAO Tracy Samra, CFO Victor Mema and the team at the City of Nanaimo, for earning a Community Excellence Award for Best Practices, Excellence in Financial Stewardship at the recent Union of B.C. Municipalities Annual Genreal Meeting. ■■■ ScanDesigns is undergoing a renovation to the front of its store on Bowen Road. ■■■ Nanaimo Athletic Club off Bowen Road at Quarterway has re-opened for business, after a lengthy closure due to a fire and renovations. ■■■

Blue Poppy Garden Gallery has moved from Wallace Street to 31060 Commercial Street. ■■■ Plans are underway for a new facility for the Nanaimo Recycling Exchange on Kenworth Road. It will include a large number of parking spaces on a lot adjacent to the existing facility. ■■■ Long Lake Chateau has a new Executive Director in Brande Terris, most recently with the Coast Bastion Hotel. ■■■ Central Vancouver Island Multicultural Society has a new Executive Director in Jennifer Fowler, most recently from Edmonton, where she served as Director of Communications and Director of Multicultural Relations. ■■■ Terry Marshall has sold Marshall Plumbing Ltd. on Willgress Road. Details to come about the new owner. ■■■ Physiotherapist Kyley Mohrenberger has opened her own practice at 901-5800 Turner Road. ■■■ There’s a new Community Engagement Manager at Habitat For Humanity Mid-Vancouver Island: Sarah Pachkowsky. Mark MacDonald writes about business in Nanaimo. Tell him your news by emailing him at mark@

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ANAIMO - Businesses cycle on a regular basis, b ut h av i n g ef fe c t ive systems in place creates cost saving efficiencies. For Lanson’s Drywall Systems, it has also brought a successful and reproducible business model for staying strong throughout the ups and downs. “In 2009, we wondered if we were going to be able to weather the storm. We dow nsized and went through some tough times. But that same year we changed the infrastructure of the company, investing and integrating new software and systems focused on fine tuning the estimation process,” said owner and President, Guy Landry. It was a move that gave the company the ability to visualize live job costing and, for tracking purposes where a project was at and when it was losing or making money. “ We w a n t e d t o g e t t e c h savvy,” he added. “But we also needed to find a way to job cost on a daily basis so if a job was going sideways we could catch it immediately. T he old system had us billing payroll to

Lanson’s was awarded its biggest project to date at Vancouver Island University CREDIT:LANSON’S DRYWALL SYSTEMS

payroll. The new method has us job costing day by day. It introduced a whole new business model and a highly successful system.” Landry explained that adding more technology meant totally rebuilding the front end to integrate the system. Not only did it increase efficiency, but it dramatically cut costs. “It gave us a better handle on costs. In a meeting with the largest drywall supplier in Canada that employs 600-700 people, they were amazed with what we were doing and accomplishing. And customers like Ledcor were pleasantly surprised with what we provide in the way of 3D shop drawings and how the job was managed.” The system is so successful, that the company looked to expand into the Vancouver market and Landry and his Vice President and business partner, Kris SEE LANSON’S DRYWALL | PAGE 15

For our residential clients, we have a dedicated insulation division, including spray foam as well as a dedicated drywall division CREDIT:LANSON’S DRYWALL SYSTEMS

Proud to support Lanson's Drywall Systems. Best wishes for continued success.




Staines, purchased Benton & Overbury Vancouver. “They have a solid reputation. As our system got more exposure we wanted to move into the larger market on the mainland b ut h ad no m a np ower. T he company has been in business for 53 years and employs 150 people. W hen we found that Benton & Overbury were looking to sell its Vancouver operation, we invested. We’ll be bringing our systems over but keep it as a separate entity with no crossover.” Landry has a long history in the construction industry, partnering initially with his father, Yves, and then with Staines, a co-owner in Lanson’s. “Dad plugged away at his own business, but during the 80’s it was a real crawl. I quit school at the age of 16, foregoing graduation to make a decent wage with my dad. In 1992 to 1993 I took a hiatus and got into the cell phone business. Dad and I founded Lanson’s Drywall Systems in 1999.” Landry explained that when he and his father started the business, Yves had no interest in the administrative aspect o f t h e b u s i ne s s . A s a m a ster plasterer, lather and drywall finisher, he preferred the ha nds-on work. Guy, on the SEE LANSON’S DRYWALL | PAGE 16

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The tenant improvement in the Woodgrove Mall won Project of the Year for Vancouver Island through the BC Wall and Ceiling Association for Lanson’s CREDIT:LANSON’S DRYWALL SYSTEMS

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Guy Landry joined his father, Yves, at installing drywall at the age of 16 and went on to found Lanson’s Drywall Systems with his father in 1999. CREDIT:LANSON’S DRYWALL SYSTEMS


other hand, naturally gravitated to the management and business development aspects of the business. Staines came on board after Guy noticed how successfu l he was, even during the tough times of 2009 and 2010. Born and raised in the drywall industry, it was a natural step for him to enter the industry, initializing installing it himself and then running his own drywall labourer company. “Kris ran a board crew of about 15 guys and was subcontracting for us installing drywall. When everyone else was struggling, K ris and his guys were making money. I decided to ask him to come in-house and join the business. He bought 50 per cent of the company. It was the best decision for the company. Kris now runs the Vancouver Island operations and I am commuting a few days a week to Vancouver to manage the new company.� Although Landry credits the creation of effective systems as a large part of the company’s success, he said that diversifying to suit customer needs also was a factor. “We wanted to be a one stop shop for ou r customers,� he

“It introduced a whole new business model and a highly successful system.� GUY LANDRY PRESIDENT, LANSON’S DRYWALL SYSTEMS






Lanson’s specializes in custom acoustic and specialty wood ceilings and soffits CREDIT:LANSON’S DRYWALL SYSTEMS

said. “For our residential clients, we have a dedicated insu lation d iv ision, i nclud i ng spray foam, so a homeowner’s renovation or new build can be smooth and seamless.� Fo r c o m m e rc i a l p ro j e c t s , Lanson’s builds from the steel studs out, installing light gauge steel framing systems and then adding insulation, spray foam, drywall, suspended ceilings, acoustic tiles, soundproofing and/or fireproofing. “Our largest project to date was the tenant improvement in the Woodgrove Mall to which we won Project of the Year for Vancouver Island through the BC Wall and Ceiling Association. Our current work load is Shelly Square for IWCD, Magnolia and Passive House for Saywell Contracting, Webmaster and NCS for RW Wall. We have also recently been awarded the three new bu i ld i ngs at Vancouver Island University for Ledcor valuing at over $3.5 million.� “ We w o r k e d o n fo u r n e w buildings including the new Health Sciences building and two new marine facilities installing the steel studs, drywall, acoustic ceiling, insulation and

specialty ceilings.� Both Staines and Landry have grown a strong and knowledgeable tea m of employees a nd speak freely about the pride t h e y fe e l i n w h a t e a c h o n e brings to the table, from Echo Blackwood, office manager, the glue that holds them all together, to a highly qualified group of estimators, foremen and division managers. Each one brings an extensive background within the industry, strong leadership skills, exceptional work ethic and the drive to ensure Lanson’s stays at the top of its game. “Robert, our chief estimator, is brilliant; Echo we hired through the internet was an incredible find; Mike, our longest-term employee, ensu res our high standards; and Aaron, Shaun and Rob, our division managers, have helped build a strong foundation for our company to grow on.� It isn’t all about work. Both Raines and Landry take time out of their busy schedules for team building activities that keep morale high. “W hen one of our jobs was completed, we took all of the guys that were involved over to

Vancouver for a night out and we make sure we take time to have fun together.� Landry believes that partaking in activities off the job site fosters a st ronger tea m a nd better on-site cooperation and teamwork. Employees reg ularly take part in golf tournaments, pitching softball with the Lanson’s Gypsox, fishing a nd fa m i ly-i ncluded ba rbecues. It is also very active in the community, supporting several charities and sports teams including: Home Builders Low Income Housing Projects, Haven Society, Big Brothers and Sisters of Central Vancouver Island, Nanaimo Midget Clippers, Nanaimo Clippers, Oceanside BM X a nd Factory Squared Canada. “You only keep what you have by giving it away,� said Landry. “My personal belief is that giving is what makes the world go around. Contributing to your community creates happier and healthier families and a better world.� La nson’s Dry wa l l Systems Ltd is at 2535 McCullough Rd in Nanaimo



Thuy’she’num Property Management Wins Award

A key part of the Oyster Bay development is the new ESSO service station and its companion Tim Hortons outlet

The Oyster Bay development will essentially become a new village with commercial and residential components


“It all comes down


to celebrating

shape on Stz’uminus First Nation land just south of the Town of Ladysmith, and will in time include a mix of both residential and commercial developments. A number of commercial components including a bank, service station, an 81-room hotel and others are already taking shape at the site. TPM operates as a business unit of Coast Salish Development Corporation providing land management and administration services for Stz’uminus properties. Other activities include billboard leasing, rents, and tax collection. TPM also operates the municipal functions of planning, development and by-law enforcement. “The award is being presented to Thuy’she’num primarily in regards to the work being carried out at Oyster Bay. In the past 18 months we’ve created what is essentially a sub division that includes a Tim Horton’s, an ESSO service station, a credit union, the Microtel hotel is taking shape, really we’re creating a little village,” Gauthier explained. Organized by the British Columbia Achievement Foundation and funded through an endowment from the Province of British Columbia, the BC Aboriginal Business Awards were established in 2003 to celebrate excellence and achievement among First Nation enterprises and to recognize the successes of First Nation entrepreneurs. T h u y ’s h e’n u m P ro p e r t y Management will be receiving its award at a gala presentation to be held October 26 at the Fairmont

entrepreneurs, which is what Thuy’she’num Property Management is all about.” RAY GAUTHIER CEO, COAST SALISH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION

Hotel Va ncouver. B a s e d o n past events it’s anticipated the awa rd’s n ig ht w i l l attract a crowd of 600 or more. TPM’s awa rd (Com mu n ity-O w ned Business of the Year) has been created to acknowledge community-owned business that have striven to increase employment and training opportunities for Indigenous peoples, among other criteria. “Overall what Thuy’she’num is essentially managing is a 65acre Master Planned Development that will ultimately have 200,000 square feet of commercial space, 100,000 square feet of office space and an eventual population comprised of various forms of residential properties including single family homes and apartments,” Gauthier said. “These awards are a way to recognize what is going on in First Nations communities in a positive light. It all comes down to celebrating entrepreneurs, which is what Thuy’she’num Property Management is all about.”

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GRIEG SEAFOOD LTD – A PROVEN INDUSTRY LEADER Salmon Farming Enterprise Known For Their Community Spirit


AMPBELL RIVER – Already a leader a nd i nnovator in the expanding British Columbia aquaculture industry, Grieg Seafood BC Ltd. has also been recognized for its ongoing support of the many communities in which it operates. The local salmon farming enterprise is a nominee for the Campbell River & District Chamber of Commerce’s 2017 Business Awards of Distinction, in the Community Spirit category. “In BC we have about 125 employees working on Vancouver Island and area, with about 25 of them in our head office in Ca mpbel l R iver,” ex pla i ned Grieg’s Managing Director Rocky Boschman. “The rest of our team is located either at our freshwater facility in Gold River where our hatchery is, or at about 14 different sea farm locations spread between the east coast of the Island and on the west coast of the Island. We also have farms in the inner Sechelt area and in Jervis Inlet on the mainland. So our presence has an impact on a number of different communities right

The Grieg Seafood Senior Management team includes Boschman (center) and Marilyn Hutchinson (second from left)

Rocky Boschman is the Managing Director of Grieg Seafood BC and is a 30 year veteran in the sector across the region.” Grieg Seafood BC is the British Columbia division of Grieg Seafood ASA, one of the world’s leading fish farming companies. Based in Bergen, Norway, the international enterprise, which specialized in the production of Atlantic salmon, operates facilities across Norway and in the Shetland Islands in the United Kingdom in addition to its expansive presence in BC. With a global workforce of more than 700 Grieg Seafood ASA has an annual production capacity of more than 90,000 tons (gutted

Campbell River City Councilors and senior staff members recently took part in a tour of Grieg’s hatchery operation weight) of Atlantic salmon – fish of the highest quality served to customers from around the world. The parent company has been actively involved in salmon farming for more than a quarter century and is considered a pioneer and a technological innovator

in terms of developing systems and procedures for managing salmon production. “W hile I’ve only been with Grieg for just over two years I’ve been involved in farming salmon in BC for more than 30. I came to this position with a fairly

extensive background having worked with various other salmon farming companies, having held a number of different positions along the way,” he said. Grieg Seafood BC began its SEE GRIEG SEAFOOD BC | PAGE 19



September 20 the Board of the BC Agriculture Council visited one of Grieg’s farms to watch a harvest in action

Sea farming requires the latest in technology; here a worker monitors an automated feeding system at Barnes Bay


operations in 2000, entering the market by purchasing several farms located on the west coast of Vancouver Island, specifically at Nootka Sound and at Esperanza Inlet. The company continued its

expansion by purchasing additional existing operations near the Sunshine Coast and in the Okisollo Channel near Sonora Island in 2007. Presently the company maintains 22 licenses to farm Atlantic salmon with its employees working in more than a dozen,


mostly rural communities on the Island, Powell River and Sechelt. Some of Grieg’s farms are operated in First Nations territories either with formal long-term agreements in place, or Grieg is in the process of developing relationships toward such agreements. Permissions to operate

from coastal Nations are critical components of the company’s commitment to open, respectful relationships with local First Nations. Working across such a large area, and having a direct impact on so many different communities, Grieg Seafood is very conscious of the importance of being a good corporate neighbor, a major reason for the firm being nominated for the Chamber’s Community Spirit Award. Since 2012, Grieg Seafood BC has contributed more than half a million dollars, primarily in various North Island communities, funds that have been donated directly to foundations, local Legion Branches and numerous service clubs In addition, the company has over the years sponsored everything from arts and culture initiatives to community, sports and salmon enhancement activities and has assisted many not-for-profit organizations with its operations in rural communities. The company has also provided more than 20,000 pounds of fresh salmon, fish donated to support local fund-raising events such as community barbecues

and many local service clubs, to help reduce the organizational costs of annual dinners and similar events. It’s all part of an ongoing effort by the company to acknowledge the importance of giving back to the communities - communities that have helped to make Grieg Seafood the industry leading success it has become. The company’s impact on the communities where it operates also extends far beyond its impressive philanthropic endeavors. Working in so many different regions, the company’s day-today operations are significant local revenue generators for the local business communities. For example, in 2016 alone Grieg purchased goods and services totaling $94.5 million of which $84.2 million was spent in BC for equipment, feed, wages and benefits, technical services, transport and many other diverse requirements – a ripple effect felt right across the region. “Just think of the local airlines alone. A large percentage of the traffic of the local air carriers is devoted to aquaculture, not just us, but all of the other operators in the region. So the effects of our business go far beyond the sea farms into all areas of the business community,� Boschman said. Recognizing the economic impact of the sector, and encouraging its future development is one of the main focuses of the SEE GRIEG SEAFOOD BC | PAGE 20

Proud partner of Grieg Seafood

1924-14th Ave., Campbell River

P: 250.830.1528



Grieg’s farm raised Atlantic salmon is prized by chefs around the world and is served in some of the finest restaurants


BC Salmon Farmers Association (BCSFA). Founded in 1984, the BCSFA was created to help provide information to both the general public and to the stakeholders involved in the sector about salmon farming, while working to coordinate research,

community events and industry wide activities. The Association’s Executive Director Jeremy Dunn, says aquacu ltu re has g row n over the past few decades from a fledgling enterprise with a modest impact into a significant part of the provincial economy, especially in terms of British Columbia’s export market. “Aquaculture and salmon aquaculture in particular generates about 6,600 jobs in BC and about $1.5 billion towards the economy. Farm-raised salmon is by a wide margin the most valuable fishery in BC and the single most valuable agricultural export in the province,” Dunn explained. “If you were to add seafood and agriculture together it would represent the second highest valued agricultural product in the province, just behind dairy. It is certainly a valuable commodity and it creates a significant amount of economy – right through the value chain.” In the provincial government report: British Columbia Seafood Industry – Year In Review 2015, the document stated agriculture,

Family-owned and operated business committed to the wild commercial groundfish and salmon aquaculture industries in British Columbia contact: Phone: 250.380.8691 or 250.661.7449

Another day at the sea farm, a diver gets ready to enter the water at Grieg’s Concepcion operation aquaculture and commercial fisheries, as well as the processing of food and beverages generated a total of $13 billion in combined gross revenues in the province while $3.5 billion worth of agrifood and seafood products were exported to 150 markets around the world. The government report showed that by 2015 more than 100 different seafood species were being harvested in the province’s marine and fresh waters, while the provincial production from combined wild and farmed harvests totaled 254,900 tonnes of fish, with a landed value of $867.4 million. At that time aquaculture operations realized a farmgate value of $497.2 million from 96,000 tonnes of production, an increasingly importance component of the overall seafood production. Dunn also acknowledged that beyond the revenues generated through the production and sale of farm-raised salmon, aquaculture firms such as Grieg Seafood SEE GRIEG SEAFOOD BC | PAGE 21

A significant local employer, Grieg Seafood has a staff count of about 125, including farm worker Rudy Dick

Proud supporter of Grieg Seafood, congratulations on your Business Award of Distinction nomination! Phone: 1-800-363-7100 1343 Alberni Hwy, Parksville Email:

ŽŶŐƌĂƚƵůĂƟŽŶƐ to Grieg Seafood on their Community ^Ɖŝƌŝƚ ǁĂƌĚ ŶŽŵŝŶĂƟŽŶ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞŝƌ ĐŽŶƟŶƵĞĚ commitment ƚŽ ĐŽŶƚƌŝďƵƟŶŐ to the local community ǁǁǁ͘ďĐƐĂůŵŽŶĨĂƌŵĞƌƐ͘ĐĂ



Sea farm worker Rob McKinnon is another member of the Grieg Seafood team, one of more than 125 employees

Grieg Seafood operates sea farms on both coasts of Vancouver Island as well as in the Sunshine Coast area


are key local economic generators, especially in the smaller communities where their operations are based. “We did a farm tour to one of Rocky’s sites just last week and we used the services of a local watertaxi up in the Broughton Archipelago that took us to the farm. So aquaculture’s impact is certainly felt by a lot of different businesses in each of these remote communities,� he said. “If you think of the economies of the mid and north Vancouver Island, depending on the year forestry is having, aquaculture and forestry are the top two private industries in the region. When you consider that all of the services are set up to deal with the folks who either work for the government or private business, aquaculture is a large portion of the primary economy that helps to drive the doctors and lawyers and baristas and everybody else along the line.� Despite being a provincial export success story, regardless of its direct impact on the vibrancy of the economies of many remote communities, it is the firm’s willingness to go beyond the fiscal and to unselfishly work as a community partner that has made Grieg Seafood BC a nominee for


“The effects of our business go far beyond the sea farms into all areas of the business community.� ROCKY BOSCHMAN MANAGING DIRECTOR, GRIEG SEAFOOD BC LTD.

the Chamber’s Community Spirit Award. Much of the impetus for that effort is credited to Marilyn Hutchinson, Grieg’s Regulatory & Compliance Director and her team. “When I joined Grieg six years ago one of my mandates was to really build and to deepen the relationships the company already had with Campbell River, Gold River and wherever we were operating,� she explained. “So I took a look at what we had been doing and tried to firm it up, to try and focus our efforts on several key areas; Health and wellness, education, sports, First Nations and arts and culture.

W hat we fou nd was that by identifying those key areas, we were able to make contributions to many different community-minded events. The more than half a million dollars contributed by Grieg in the past six years has helped to assist a large number of communities on Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast, to really improve the quality of life in those smaller towns.� In Campbell River alone Grieg has helped to support everyt h i n g f rom a w ide ra n ge of sports organizations to community-focused groups such as the local Hospital Foundation, Ducks Unlimited and the River City Arts Festival. By working with groups and organizations across a wide spectrum of interests Grieg and all members of the aquaculture sector are striving to keep the communities in which they operate vibrant and economically resilient. But aquaculture is a business, and for Grieg Seafood and other regional operators business has been good, with the future of the sector looking very positive. “We’re not just here to make a profit and move on. We’re here for the long haul. BC is recognized as the best place in the world to grow salmon, that’s why we’re here. It really is the water that gives us a competitive advantage over operators anywhere else in

the world, a natural resource that we value,� Boschman explained. “There has been a very strong progression, just within my career, in the ways that we operate, by the values that make our business a success. Whether it is from the First Nations peoples, or whether it comes from the people who live in these small communities, who love the small community lifestyle, and we recognize that – after all many of our workers come from those same communities. Day by day we’re conscious about how we have to behave and interact in the communities in which we work.� For any business to succeed it has to be creating a product for which there is a need. Aquaculture in all of its many forms produces food, and when a swelling global population is matched to a shrinking wild fishery the need for this increasingly important sector becomes obvious. World Ocean Review 2015, a study organized by the United Nations, indicated that world-wide aquaculture has been the fasted growing food production sector for the past 20 years – an industry with a trajectory that continues to climb. Grieg Seafood BC is a community-focused local company with roots and connections that span the planet. The company is a regional industry leader with a vision that sees it remaining an important part of the communities in which it operates for now and for the foreseeable future. “The parent company’s slogan

is “They’re feeding the world� and that’s really what it’s about. Farm-raised salmon is a high quality product, in demand all over the world. The global population is increasing and the overfishing of wild stocks is having a serious impact on our oceans and the species that live there. People aren’t going to stop eating, and salmon is an excellent and healthy source of protein,� Boschman said. “So yes, I’m very optimistic, for our company and for the entire aquaculture industry. New technology is always coming on line, new people are joining the industry and the demand for our product is not going to go away. It’s fair to say that the future for this sector is very bright.�

CAMPBELL RIVER NETLOFT LTD. Proud supporter of Grieg Seafood

Campbell River, B.C. • Canada V9W 5A7 Telephone 250-286-3249 • Toll Free: 1-866-NET-LOFT •

Congratulations to Grieg Seafood on their Business


Award of Distinction




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BBB TORCH AWARDS ...and the finalists are? On Friday, November 3, 2017 the most ethical and trustworthy companies in our region will be recognized and celebrated for their accomplishments, at our annual Torch Award event. The following 50 businesses are in the running to win this prestigous award!

Rosalind Scott, BBBVI President & CEO

Award Category: Contractors – General Villamar Construction Ltd. (Victoria) Classic Home Improvements (Victoria) Excalibur Custom Homes Ltd. (Nanaimo) Mike Geric Construction Ltd. (Victoria)

Award Category: Customer Service Expedia CruiseShipCenters (Victoria) Kgeez Cycle (Victoria) M&N Mattress Shop Ltd. (Parksville) Momease Baby Boutique (Victoria)

Award Category: Environment & Safety Brighton Drain Services Ltd. (Sidney) Garden City Pest Control (Victoria) RemovAll Remediation Services Ltd. (Victoria) Victoria Tank Service Ltd. (Victoria)

Award Category: Health & Wellness Comfort Keepers (Victoria) Diamond Optical & Eyecare (Victoria) Helping Hands PSS Ltd. (Sidney)

Award Category: Cleaning Services Dri-Way Carpet & Upholstery Care (Victoria) Luv-A-Rug Services Inc. (Victoria) Moore’s Cleaning & Maintenance Service (Comox) Pro Sweep Plus Ltd. (Victoria)

Award Category: Renovations Bath Fitter (Victoria) Island Dream Kitchens (Sidney) The Kitchen Technician (Victoria) X 2 Lewis Home Renovations (Qualicum Beach) Award Category: Technical Services Blackapple Cellular (Victoria) devEdge Internet Marketing (Victoria) Mid Island Computer Enterprises (MICE) Ltd. (Nanoose Bay) Priority 1 Computer Service Ltd. (Victoria) Award Category: Heating & Electrical EM Electrical Contracting (Victoria) Gaslight Heat Services (Victoria) Servicexcel (Nanaimo) 4 Seasons Mechanical Contractors (Victoria)

a special thanks to our

Community Partners

Award Category: Movers Moveco Moves Ltd. (Victoria) Moving On Up Home Solutions (Victoria) On Line Moving and Delivery Ltd. (Victoria) Provincial Moving & Storage Ltd. (Victoria) Award Category: Professional Services Auxilium Mortgage Corporation (Victoria) Pain Free Tax & Bookkeeping Service (Victoria) Personal Protection Systems Inc. (Victoria) The Resume Hut® (Victoria) Award Category: Windows and Doors Enerheat Windows (Victoria) PacificView Windows & Doors (Victoria) Van Isle Windows Ltd. (Victoria)

Award Category: Home Improvement Blue Skies Painting & Renovations (Victoria) CBS Masonry (Victoria) CBS Stoneworks (Victoria) Fuller Landscapes (Nanaimo)

*Trade-mark of the Council of Better Business Bureaus used under license.

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Award Category: Roofing Contractors High Definition Roofing Ltd. (Victoria) Oceanside Roofing Ltd. (Parksville) Parker Johnston Industries Ltd. (Victoria) Soare Contracting Ltd. (Victoria)

Ros Scott


For more information about the BBB Torch Awards or the services and programs at BBB serving Vancouver Island visit:

BBB of Vancouver Island

WELCOME OUR NEWEST ACCREDITED BUSINESSES For more information on becoming a BBB Accredited Business call: 250.386.6348 ext. 115.

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Bambora Inc. (Victoria) Budget Blinds CVI and Nanaimo (Courtenay) Colonial Railings Ltd. (Shawnigan Lake) Double N Hardwood Floors (Nanaimo) Greenlight Renovation & Handyman (Victoria) Ina Motors (Victoria) Kicking Horse Automotive Services (Duncan)

Mid-Island Fence Products Ltd. (Nanaimo) Nickel Custom Carpentry & Renovations (Victoria) On Line Electric Co. Ltd. (Parksville) Salish Eye Productions (Chemainus) The Finer Details (Victoria) U-Pak Mobile Storage Ltd. (Victoria) Westview Power Ltd. (Duncan)







e have recently compiled the building permit and construction values for the Comox Valley and Campbell River areas for the third quarter of 2017. We have noticed a trend in the increase in the construction of secondary suites and carriage homes.

We see an overall increase of 238 per cent. We can track this information when we know that is separate building permit has been taken out for a secondary suite or carriage home. In many municipalities such as Courtenay, Comox and Cumberland specific zoning allows for the construction of a secondary suite in a single-family home without applying for a separate permit. Based on this information we estimate that the increase is actually more like 400 per cent in 2017 compared to 2016. This means, according to the building permits reported, that there has been approximately 100 secondary suites and or carriage homes built in the past year, compared with approximately 25 built in 2016. Due to the rising cost of individual lots, the cost of

construction, and the looming shortage of sub trades, more buyers are looking to subsidize the high cost of a new home by building a secondary suite or a carriage home. According to the Vancouver Island Real Estate Board (VIREB) report for September of 2017, the cost of purchasing a home in the Comox Valley and the Campbell River area has increased by 22 per cent over the same time period last year. There is a shortage of lots in both the Campbell River and Comox Valley area, and this is contributing to the extremely high cost of buying a new home. Many new subdivisions are being proposed in both areas, but it is taking, in some cases, years to get the subdivision approved by the various municipalities. According the to same report




elegates from hundreds of chambers of commerce across Canada overwhelmingly endorsed a call for genuine consultation on tax reform at the Canadian Chamber’s annual policy conference in Fredericton, NB. Having been raised in a family business, I understand the challenges faced by small business owners during both profitable and not-so-profitable times. Small business owners are the backbone of our economy and invest in their local communities. Our Chamber, mainly comprised of small businesses, has spoken out against this proposed tax. At the Chamber AGM, delegates opted to move up a late-stage resolution calling on the government to extend its 75-day consultation period and to establish an independent commission to recommend ways

to modernize and simplify Canada’s tax laws. The resolution, titled “Stop the Harmful Tax Changes on Private Corporations” passed with 98.8 per cent support. The resolution can be found on the Canadian Chamber website. H o n . P e r r i n B e a t t y, President and CEO of the Canadian Chamber stated, “This isn’t just about dollars and cents. It’s about the survival of tens of thousands of small businesses and family farms across Ca nada. T he Ca nad ia n C h a m b e r a p p re c i a t e d hearing from the Minister of Finance at the AGM but remains convinced that his proposed tax changes pose a clear threat to small businesses and that the government’s consultation process is totally inadequate.” Small businesses are the largest employers in Canad a. T he products a nd services they provide and the taxes they pay are responsible for our country’s standard of living. We have a responsibility to protect their growth. When provincial governments of all different affiliations and hundreds of tax professionals all express their concerns, it’s time for the government to listen. The Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce is a member in good standing of the Canadian Chamber. The Cha mber is the Comox Valley’s largest and most

influential business association, your Business Champion. The Chamber powers the people who power t he Comox Va lley and beyond. We are listening to what Businesses wa nt: More exposu re, h igh ly focused networking, professional learning opportunities, business leadership, and sol id con nect ions. For more information on the Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce check out www. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce is the vital connection between business and the federal government. It helps shape public policy and decision-making to the benefit of businesses, communities and families across Canada with a network of over 450 chambers of commerce and boards of trade, representing 200,000 businesses of all sizes in all sectors of the economy and in all regions. News and information are available at or Twitter @ CdnChamberofCom. Parts of article courtesy of Canadian Chamber of Commerce

by VIREB in September, strong econom ic f u nda menta ls a re underpinning housing activity in British Columbia, particularly in the southern half of the province. The BC economy has expanded at above-trend growth for over three years, with 2017 expected to be the fourth consecutive year of economic growth hitting three per cent or higher. The secret is out about Vancouver Island, its beautiful scenery, the welcoming communities and up to now, the reasonable cost of buying a home. The real estate

scene is changing dramatically and quickly and more people are choosing Vancouver Island as their destination to retire or relocate. In my view, the price of real estate will continue to go up due to the demand to live in a piece of paradise, known as Vancouver Island. Clarice Coty is the editor of Building Links. Contact: clarice@ or find Building Links on Facebook at www.

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Dianne Hawkins is president and CEO of the Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce. Reach her at dhawkins@ or 250-334-3234. www.


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CR METAL FABRICATORS GAIN INTERNATIONAL REPUTATION New High Tech Machinery Improves Efficiencies And Keeps Business Local


AMPBELL RIVER - More than 50 years after CR Metal Fabricators (CRMF) created a close working relationship with the logging industry, it has gained an international reputation for making it safer for the transportation of explosives across several industries. “We started out making boxes for loggers to haul explosives into the bush,” said Rob Beetstra, company president. “We wanted to make it safe and legal so we went to Natural Resources Canada (NRC) and Transport Canada to find out what we needed to do.” After several reviews, the company received a stamp of approval and the requests poured in. Speaking about the process, Beetstra downplays the time and energy that went into the design. But the highly specialized powder boxes have now broken into industries that include mining, road building and the oil and gas sectors in addition to logging. “The final design had our customers excited. There was no one else building anything like them and clients were now able to transport explosives either into the bush or across the country without fear of being ticketed or fined or worse.” T he proprietary explosives tra nspor t boxes use ba rrier laminate dividers and have created a buzz. When word got out, not only did orders come in, but CRMF’s fame had Natural Resources Canada inviting the company to showcase the boxes at the International Society of Explosives Engineers (ISEE) conference in 2013. As Beetstra explained, the orders haven’t stopped since. “We’ve created a niche market. Our driving force was to

The additions of the new cutting tables have opened up a new customer base, especially for exacting cuts in all types of stone including granite and quartz, and in rubber, plastic and fine glass. CRDIT:CR METAL FABRICATORS

“We can now cut any material with fire, water and electricity, and we’ve tripled our speed and shortened the time it takes to cut out boxes by two thirds!” ROB BEETSTRA PRESIDENT, CR METAL FABRICATORS

Rob Beetstra and wife, Darcy, saw the acquisition of CR Metal Fabricators as a smart move



Plasma / Oxy-fuel / Pipe-tube cutting / Robotic / Waterjet / Laser / Router Beveling / Drilling / Marking / and more (418) 268-4020 PLASMA


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Machitech’s team is very proud to have been part of CR Metal’s growth and wishing you an endless stream of clients and projects!

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CR Metal Fabricators employs 18 unionized workers and is proud of its local roots CREDIT:CR METAL FABRICATORS


With orders for the proprietary powder boxes coming in from across the country and business across all departments is seeing growth. CREDIT:CR METAL FABRICATORS

We wish CR Metal Fabricators all the best as they continue to grow their business. AJ Forsyth-A Division of Russel Metals Inc. 1950 East Wellington Road, Nanaimo, B.C. V9S 5V2 Phone: 250-753-1555 Fax: 250-753-5443 Toll-Free: 1-800-663-7381

help clients out by creating a safe and legal way to transport explosives. We were in the right place at the right time and today we are the go-to guys for powder boxes. Now, BC, Alberta and Ontario Transport inspectors use our product in the back of their pick-up trucks to transport confiscated explosives.” With orders for the powder boxes coming in from across the country and business across all departments seeing growth, CRMF responded with the purchase of three new pieces of high tech material cutting equipment. “We can now cut any material with fire, water and electricity,” he said, “and we’ve tripled our speed and shortened the time it takes to cut out boxes by two thirds!” Beetstra speaks with the pride

of a business owner growing his company and the enthusiasm of a guy who likes his technology. As he explains, the capabilities of CRMF’s new machines and their ability to make exacting cuts, save time and cut through almost anything; it’s similar to listening to a car enthusiast describe speed enhancing engine modifications. “We now have a brand new 5 x 10 CNC Water Jet Table, a 5 x 10 CNC Plasma Cutting Table and a 5 x 10 CNC Oxygen Fuel Gas Cutting Table. The water jet cuts by using computerized precision with a stream of water at 60,000 pounds per square inch and can slice through steel, fibreglass, quartz, marble, glass and even a bowling ball!” With only a few of the water jet tables on Vancouver Island and the broader scope of cutting, the additions have opened up a new customer base, especially for exacting cuts in all types of stone including granite and quartz, and in rubber, plastic and fine glass. “The tables are large so we can cut large pieces with the accuracy across materials staying impressive and consistent. We had an old plasma table that was about 20 years old; at the time, we were the first welding shop on the North Island to acquire that kind of technology. We’re now retiring it and are once again pulling a first on the North Island by having this innovative and leading-edge technology.” For Beetstra, the purchase of the machines was a big decision, not just for the costs involved and the future business reach, but because of where it came from. “We support our local economy and wanted a product that would last at least a nother twenty years,” he said. “The purchase was through Praxair, a welding supply shop in Campbell River, and the tables are from Machitec, which are built and assembled in Montreal using Canadian and United States parts. We wanted to stay within the Canadian market for quality assurance and consistency, and with our local shops because that’s what keeps companies in Campbell River growing.” SEE CR METAL FABRICATORS | PAGE 26




Beetstra said that part of the local theme means customers from the North Island can get their products cut at CRMF and bypass the need to transport raw materials to the South Island or Vancouver and back again. “This ensures we maintain our position as the North Island’s premier metal fabricator. It’s a reputation that’s been developed over 54 years and is still standing strong. It will save our customers on logistics costs and time.” He added that the other benefit of buying local and Canadian is the ease in troubleshooting. “There are local technicians with cell phones at the ready if we need help, and the company back east gave us their personal cell phone numbers so we have a direct line to tech support 24/7.” Each of the new machines has u n ique cha racteristics. T he plasma cutter, which uses an electrode and nozzle to constrict a very high temperature and ionized gas so that it can be used to melt and sever sections of electrically conductive metal, improves edge quality and squareness on materials thinner than one and a half inches. The CNC Plasma Cutting system cuts shapes in steel, stainless steel and aluminum to exacting tolerances. The water jet table adds a whole new level of versatility by using a n ex tremely fi ne strea m of water that can be infused with

Congratulations CR Metal Fabricators on 54 years of success 1433 16th Campbell River B.C. V9W 2E4, Tel: (250) 287-9111 Fax: (250) 287-9118

Customers from the North Island can get their products cut at CRMF and bypass the need to transport raw materials to the South Island or Vancouver and back again. CREDIT:CR METAL FABRICATORS

a sand-like abrasive. It travels at high speed to erode material away without any heat damage or the need for conductivity. It can cut almost any material with fine detail and be applied to cutting countertops to custom tile cutting and plexiglass to rubber. Oxy fuel cutting has been around the longest and uses a combination of fuel gases and oxygen to cut metals. It uses a torch to heat a metal to its kindling temperature and then fires a stream of oxygen, burning it into metal oxide. The heat produced by the metal oxide and the contact it makes with the rest of the material is what creates the cuts. SEE CR METAL FABRICATORS | PAGE 27

Proprietary explosives transport boxes have created a buzz across several industries CREDIT:CR METAL FABRICATORS

Steve Marshall

Congratulations to CR Metal Fabricators on your new expansion and equipment. The entire staff at Steve Marshall Ford wishes you continued success.

2300 N Island Hwy Campbell River, BC | 250-287-9171



CRMF provides metal fabrication across many industries including aquaculture, logging, mining and hydrogenation CREDIT:CR METAL FABRICATORS


The CNC 5 x 10 Water Jet Table uses computerized precision with a stream of water at 60,000 pounds per square inch CREDIT:CR METAL FABRICATORS



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As Beetstra ex pla i ns, each machine is cutting edge and connects seamlessly with computerized 3D software. “Which machine is used depends on the type of material to be cut and its thickness and finish requirements. For instance, oxy fuel cuts steel up to six inches thick, beautifully. The plasma cutter slices and carves with precision, and the water table is versatile with its lack of heat conduction.� Staying innovative, with cutting edge equipment, is why Beetstra feels CRMF has continued to be successful. “I f you don’t stay up w it h tech nolog y, it’s easy to fa l l

behind. Once you are behind, it’s too hard and costly to catch up.� He also credits relationships the compa ny has developed with local companies like York Machine Shop and T-Mar Industries, and industry specific companies like Marine Harvest and Walcan Seafood. “Partnering with companies that ship product globally has introduced us to an international marketplace and helped grow CRMF’s reputation.� Beetstra purchased CRMF in 2007. Long-time residents of Campbell River, he and his wife, Darcy, saw the acquisition as an opportunity to take a local company to a new level, infusing it with new ideas and carrying on its tradition of innovative thinking. “The logging industry helped build this company, but now it a nd ot her i ndu st r ies l i ke aquacu ltu re, m i n i ng, hyd ro generation and oil and gas are continuing to support it as a truly home-grown business. I am grateful for that and for our 18 employees who have continuously embraced and been actively involved in thinking outside the box. It’s how we became the go-to company for metal fabrication on the North Island and also how we will maintain that stellar reputation.� Campbell River Metal Fabricators is at 1970 17 th Avenue in Campbell River

Proud to insure CR Metal Fabricators Bill Forbes, Federated Insurance

Senior Commercial Insurance Specialist for

Vancouver Island

250-218-0111 bill.forbes@

Congratulations CRMF on your new CNC equipment

Congratulations to CR Metal Fabricators! We’re happy to celebrate with you on 54 years in business.




Architecture & Engineering: Working To Design & Build The World Dedication & Commitment A Requirement For Long Term Professional Success BY DAVID HOLMES


ike two columns jointly supporting the roof of a Roman temple, the twin professions of architecture and engineering are inexorably linked - while remaining distinct and separate branches of the same creative process. It’s no exaggeration to say that virtually nothing that we use, operate, work or live in every day would exist were it not for the efforts of the practitioners of these two intertwined professional vocations. “Pretty well everything you see around you is the product of engineering. There’s not much that isn’t, unless it’s a natural thing like SEE ENGINEERING & ARCHITECTS | PAGE 29

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Modern architectural projects, such as university campuses, are designed today to be examples of energy efficiency


a tree,” joked David Harvey, President of the Structural Engineers Association of BC (SEABC). “In reality, all of the built-environment is the product of engineering. Even the things that can be taken for granted such as

the telephone system, the power grid, the water coming out your tap and the waste water system going down your drain are all the products of engineers. They’re owned by companies and bodies that employ engineers, who envision, design and ultimately maintain them. It’s a profession with a tremendous impact on our

daily lives.” In its simplest terms architecture is the art and practice of designing and constructing buildings. Engineers are those persons who design, build and operate systems, typically found within those buildings (and elsewhere) that allow for safe and automatic enjoyment of those environments.

Not merely jobs, both functions are viewed as professions, with the same level of governance, regulation and certification found in other professions, such as medicine or the law. As a result to become either an architect or an engineer requires a long term dedication to each craft, including a decade or more of formal education followed by years of apprenticeship experience. “Architecture is a regulated profession and those regulations are administered by the Architectural Institute of British Columbia (AIBC). The Institute was created under provincial statute to serve as the regulator for the profession back in 1920, so we’re rapidly approaching our one hundredth anniversary,” explained Mark Vernon, the Chief Executive Officer of the AIBC. “Our role is to regulate the profession on behalf of the public. We act in the interests of the public, not in the interests of the membership, as is the case with business associations, which is a differentiation that is noteworthy.” The engineer’s regulatory body is Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia (EGBC) which is the business name of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of the Province of British Columbia. Engineers and Geoscientists BC regulates and governs these professions under the authority of the provincial Engineers and Geoscientists Act. As with its architectural counterpart,

29 the entity was created to ensure continuity of training and certification for its practitioners, while providing protection for the general public. “This is the body that governs engineering in this province, they have legal status. In Canada engineering is a regulated profession so you have to be registered to practice. The EDBC has a lot of legal clout as they have an act of legislature behind them. They regulate the profession, they can discipline people, investigate things, they assist government and carry out multiple function on behalf of the public,” Harvey explained. “As far as I know Structural Engineering is the only segment of the profession that has a member services organization set up specifically to address the needs of that discipline (the SEABC). Our group only deals with things that pertain to structural engineering, such as bridges which is my specialty. But even under the term structural engineering there are sub sets of specialization – so as a profession it covers a wide gamut of disciplines.” Twin professions operating under strict and administered guidelines, both architecture and engineering are the unique melding of science with art and imagination that collectively design, build and operate essentially all facets of the modern world. If an SEE ENGINEERING & ARCHITECTS | PAGE 31

VANCOUVER ISLAND A MAJOR GROWTH HUB FOR ARCHITECTURE FIRM Wensley Architecture: Eager To Work On New & Innovative Projects


ICTOR I A – Operati ng from offices in Vancouver and Victoria (Langford), Wensley Architecture Ltd. (WA) is a firm of over 30 dedicated design professionals that provides a full range of architectural, planning, and interior design services for a client base that encompasses all of Western Canada. “Our firm has the experience and the expertise to work on a wide range of project types including mixed-use, residential, office, retail, and seniors living projects throughout BC, as well as in Alberta and Saskatchewan,” stated David Echaiz-McGrath, a Principal of the firm. In addition to Echaiz-McGrath, WA is under the direction of Principals Barry Weih, Neil Banich, and Joel Smith. WA has striven to achieve a middle ground between the large scale and the smaller boutique architectural firms – while regularly demonstrating the unique strengths of both types of

enterprise. The firm is capable of delivering both large and small projects while retaining personal working relationships with their clients regardless of the size of the assignment. “Over the last 15 years we have developed a strong presence on Vancouver Island and a solid client base – from Campbell River to Victoria,” said Weih. A few of the company’s recent and current Vancouver Island projects include the Belmont Market in Langford, the upcoming Element retirement living project in Victoria, and the Summerhill rental residential in Nanaimo. “The steady growth within West Coast communities creates areas of opportunity for us,” says Weih. “Langford is a case in point as a major growth hub. Many Island municipalities encourage new business, and we find collaborating with people who are so motivated very rewarding.” Both Weih and Echaiz-McGrath are confident about the future. “We believe in the continued growth on Vancouver Island and are proud to have a talented and dedicated team here. In our experience, the combination of a strong economy and team leads to new and repeat business.”

Wensley Architecture Ltd. is an award-winning, full-service architectural and interior design firm with offices in Vancouver and Victoria, BC, Canada. As a dynamic and engaging workplace, we specialize in the high-end residential, commercial, office, and senior care sectors. Visit our website for more information and career opportunities T: (604) 685-3529 Vancouver + Victoria, BC, CA




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Structural Engineers specialize in the creation of structures, such as bridges, that help society function


Mark Vernon is the Chief Executive Officer of the Architectural Institute of British Columbia

architect designs a shopping mall, or an office building or a hospital, there will be engineers who look after the structural design of the buildings, while working to ensure the structures are adequately heated and that the elevators work. Both professions strive to keep society housed, moving and functioning. But like with all areas of Canada’s workforce a general aging of the population is occurring, so both key professions are actively seeking the next generation of

practitioners to carry the torch forward. “There are a number of entry points for architects. The traditional course is taking an architectural degree, the majority of which are Master’s levels. The graduate then enters into an architectural intern program which involves real world application of their profession while taking additional courses to gain the necessary experience,” Vernon said. “Once they feel ready and meet the specified requirements, they can apply to write the final exam. An internship could take three years but typically averages four or


Even services that can easily go unnoticed, such as wastewater treatment, would not occur without engineers five years. This is on top of having earned a Master’s degree, so it certainly requires a lot of dedication and commitment. Even though it is a lengthy process, there has been a steady increase of intern architects joining the AIBC Internship in Architecture Program over the past several years. We are happy to see a growing interest amongst the younger generation regarding the profession of architecture in BC.” For Harvey, while parts of the shortfall of engineers in British Columbia have been filled by experienced persons moving to the province from elsewhere, there is an ongoing need for new engineers

to enter the profession. “It’s a great profession. It’s competitively paid and very appealing for the right person. Why do I still love my work after having been in it for more than 35 years? Because it’s exciting and thanks to new technology it keeps getting more exciting.” Related but separate, engineering and architecture are twin professions that have helped to build and operate the world today. But as both leaders in their various vocations have stated, there is always need for another good engineer or architect. or

ESC AUTOMATION A LEADER IN BUILDING AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY Computerized Systems Used To Control Functions Such As Lighting & Security


ANAIMO – Despite having access to some of the most sophisticated and innovative building automation systems on the market, the success experienced by industry leading building automation and energy management company ESC Automation comes down to one thing – it’s dedicated and certified professional team. “Having access to automation technology is one thing, and through our partnership with Delta Controls Inc., we have access to the very best on the market. But the real focus of our company and for our Vancouver Island clients is all about service and professionalism. Our people and their dedication to doing the job right every time has been the core of the company’s success from the very beginning,” explained Gord Brown, ESC’s Operations Manager for northern Vancouver Island. Founded in 1980, ESC was a pioneering leader in the field of building automation, capitalizing on the increasing sophistication of computer systems to allow everything from security to heating, cooling

and lighting to be controlled via a unified digital interface. Today ESC Automation looks after the installation, servicing and upgrading of literally countless HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) controls, lighting controls, secured access and Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) systems and others right across North America. The company’s Nanaimo office was originally opened in 1990 and routinely services clients from Mill Bay to Port Hardy. The branch’s technicians are specialists in digital data control (DDC) systems that are key elements in modern building operations. ESC looks after the automation systems of many institutional and office buildings around the island, including medical facilities and schools. Its technical experts can even service DDC systems from other makers, as older structures are updated and renovated to meet more contemporary standards. “Our key business is the install and maintenance of HVAC and DCC systems, both new builds and upgrading work. As there are many buildings on Vancouver Island approaching that 30 year mark, their systems are aging and in need of upgrading, that’s where our technicians really come into their own, using Delta systems to make older buildings more efficient and

economical,” Brown explained. His enthusiasm for customer service is echoed his team of technicians. “What I think makes ESC great is the commitment to customer service. I have been dealing with some clients for well over 10 years,” said Alan Ross, an ESC Red Seal Electrician. Another ESC Red Seal Electrician, James Black, is in full agreement. “I enjoy working with this company as the job site variety and the customer base is always growing. ESC Automation provides ongoing training as the Delta products are technically advancing and the process controls are always changing.” For Brown the future for his field and his firm in particular is bright. “Our clients may know us as the ‘DDC Company’ but they’re also learning that we’re more than that, as our entire ‘back web’ control system is changing. Technology is changing rapidly and our people are working right at the forefront,” he said. “ESC certainly has experience working on Vancouver Island, considering we’ve completed more than 600 projects since we opened our office here, and we plan on continuing to provide that level of service for a long time yet. We’ve been servicing the Island for more than 25 years now, and we want to keep doing it for 25 more and then some.”

ESC Automation is a proud Made in BC company offering HVAC DDC/Mechanical, HVAC Electrical Service & HVAC Refrigeration services from Mill Bay to Port Hardy


Contact us now for your solution 1 888 756-3006 | 3057 Barons Rd, Nanaimo, BC V9T 3Y6



THERE’S LOVE IN EVERY BITE AT CAMPBELL RIVER’S FLURER SMOKERY Local Firm Has Developed A Global Market For Its Hand Made Product Line


AMPBELL RIVER – T here’s a not so secret ingred ient in every product prepared, processed, smoked or shipped by Flurer Smokery Ltd., and that’s love. Love brought the company’s co-owners together, and a love for doing the job right has made its way into every smoked fillet of Sablefish, farmed Atlantic salmon or vacuum packed bag of locally harvested mussels. The company’s motto is: Love in Every Bite – and they mean it. “That’s something that our customers have said to us, that they can taste the love and that’s where the slogan came from, so I guess in a way you could say it’s like a love story,” explained company co-owner Kelly Flurer. The husband and wife ownersh ip tea m of Brian a nd Kelly Flurer met while attending high school in Campbell River, but never imagined they would eventually be business owners, producing hand-made, locally sourced seafood products that

The Flurer Smokery team take a momentary pause to pose for a photo while working on the mussel processing line are now routinely shipped to eager customers across North America, to markets in Asia and beyond. As Brian is of Aboriginal origin Flurer Smokery is a private a n d A b o r i g i n a l ow n e d a n d operated facility that is fully Federally Registered, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control

Point (HACCP) Certified and registered with the American Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) allowing its expanding range of products to be sold anywhere on the continent. Operating out of a non-descript 8,000 square foot industrial building at 5722 Menzies Way in Campbell River for the

The fun loving crew at Flurer Smokery are among its greatest assets, and range in age from 19 to 64

Thank you Flurer Smokery: for turning our beautiful fish into a delicious treat!

Leading the Blue Revolution

Company owners Brian and Kelly Flurer have turned a homebased hobby into a thriving global enterprise past seven years, the Positive Aquaculture Awareness Association (PAAA) has nominated the firm twice for its coveted Company of the Year Award, a testament to the quality of its product and to the soundness of its ongoing business practices. Not bad for an enterprise which began almost by accident, thanks to a home-made fish smoking recipe and techniques they developed in their home’s carport. “L itera l ly t h i s a l l s t a r te d by us smok i ng f ish for ou rselves, using a Big Chief Smoker we bought at the store,” she explained. SEE FLURER SMOKERY | PAGE 33





A Brian and Kelly Flurer still enjoy meeting new customers and selling product at the local Pier Street Market


“For about 18 years we had been smoking fish at home for friends and family. We were always told by many people that our smoked salmon was the best they’d ever tasted and that we should be selling it. The recipe we use was developed on the coast over many years and is a flavor that truly reflects the British Columbia west coast. Every thing we do is hand done, and labor intensive, but the product has a quality and a flavor you can’t get any other way.” Flurer Smokery is a wholesale and custom value-added a nd ready to eat processi ng plant that was created to provide its customers, locally and now a rou nd the world, w ith the highest quality local products, and very best in customer service. Using state of the art computerized smokers the company processes both wild (from sports fishers for example) and farmed salmon, halibut, Sablefish (black cod), white sturgeon,

“Literally this all started by us smoking fish for ourselves, using a Big Chief Smoker we bought at the store” KELLY FLURER CO-OWNER, FLURER SMOKERY LTD.

tuna, oysters, mussels, prawns and more. “Bria n a nd I have spent so many years working in the industry that we understand this business and what customers

Congratulations and thanks to Flurer Smokery for being an excellent business partner, and for their commitment to excellence in producing the finest seafood products.

wa nt. We identi fied a need, a nd ex pa nd i n g wh at b ega n as a hobby at home has now grown into a business with 18 employees, and sales of more than $700,000 last year, and as we have plenty of room for expansion in our building there’s now the opportunity to either increase our production or to introduce new products, so it’s very exciting,” Flurer said. A ll of the fish processed at Flurer Smokery are hand-cut and hand-boned. Dry brine is used in the smoking process, a recipe the couple developed th rough tria l a nd error that consists pri ma ri ly of brow n sugar and salt. The company never used dyes or preservatives in any of its products and each piece of fish is hand rubbed and hand rinsed one at a time. “We really function as a family here, with most of our staff having been with us more than two years, ranging in age from 19 to 64. Everyone gets along, it’s a tight crew and everyone just can’t wait to get to work, which is awesome,” she said.

thriving Cowichan Valley woodworking business is the recipient of an award that honors its role i n creati ng a more i nclusive workplace. Gordon Smith of Cowichan Woodwork Limited received the inaugural Champion of Inclusion Award from the Cowichan Intercultural Society this past summer. During the past four and a half years, Cowichan Woodwork has brought aboard new workers from across the globe to its Cobble Hill location, offering them a fresh start and an important welcome to life in Canada. Cow icha n Woodworks has been produci ng a w ide va riety of high-end cabinets and does custom millwork for an incredible array of residential and commercial applications since 2003. As the company has grown and succeeded in Cobble Hill, its demand for skilled and entry-level workers has steadily increased. “The workers we’ve hired are distinguished by their character and their work ethic,” says Sm it h. “T hey’re mot ivated to do well and create a better life for themselves and their families.” Bringing immigrants into the workforce takes a commitment to being flexible, as many new workers need time to continue their English language traini ng. Wit h i n t he tech n ica l ly advanced environment of Cowichan Woodworks, teaching new workers the vocabulary of workplace skills and safety is also necessary. Yet for the staff at Cowichan Woodworks, learning to be respectful of immigrant challenges and cultural nuances has created added benefits. “People who come here a s new immigrants are profoundly shaped by their early experiences,” notes Gord Smith. “If we give them a positive experience, it shapes their perception of Canada and British Columbia in a very powerful way.” The Cowichan Intercultural Society created its business

Gordon Smith of Cowichan Woodwork

As the company has grown and succeeded in Cobble Hill, its demand for skilled and entry-level workers has steadily increased

awards out of a desire to recognize local individuals, organizations and businesses who are leaders in creating inclusive and welcoming environments i n t he Cow ic h a n Va l ley. I n re cog n i z i n g t he le ad ersh ip demonstrated by local award recipients, the society hopes to motivate business and community leaders to incorporate the value of inclusion in their daily lives, their place of employment, and throughout the community. “Gordon Smith is not only a successful entrepreneur and business owner, he also has the vision to see how his business ca n be made stronger, more productive and more innovative through diversity,” says Michelle Redfern, Settlement Coordinator for the Cowichan Intercultural Society. “Gordon goes out if his way to hire, train, accommodate and integrate newcomers to Canada and he’s a shining example of a smart and skilled 21st century employer.” Amy Melmock is the Manager of the Economic Development Cowichan Valley Regional District. She can be reache at





CAMPBELL RIVER Steve Marshall is the recipient of the Campbell River Chamber’s prestigious award



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elebrating the s u c c e s s a n d i mpact of busi ness, not-for-profits and individuals is the highlight of the Chamber’s Business Awards of Distinction, a sig natu re event fo r o u r C h a m b e r t h i s month. One of the many highlights, was announci ng Steve Marshall of S t e v e M a r s h a l l Fo r d , a s t he recipient of t he 2017 Board of Governors Award. This prestigious award was presented to Steve, by the Chamber’s B oa rd of D i re c tors, at the Business Awards of Distinction event at the T idem a rk T heat re on October 7th. The award honors a business person who displays a significant commitment to the success of both their business and the community as a whole; demonstrates business leadership and v ision; a nd ser ves as a p osit ive role mo d el or mentor for other business people in the community. The Chamber received the highest number of nominees to date across all 14 award categories. The finalists and award recipients will be hosted at a V IP Nominee reception to be held at Berwick by the Sea and a

gala reception at the Tidemark Theatre, sponsored by Aecon SNC-L ava lin Joint Venture and Nyrstar Myra Falls. T hanks to Presenting Sponsors, Alitis Investment Counsel and WestUrban Developments Ltd. Guests will enjoy an outstanding evening of fantastic food, fun and celebration at this sold out event. â– â– â– Our Chamber is excited to announce the launch of a new show on Shaw TV. Chamber Biz Bytes will be hosted by our Chamber to showcase the opportunities and challenges of small business in our com mu n ity th rough interactive interviews, spotlights. We will discuss issues that are keeping businesses up at night a nd focus on i n formed understanding through t i m e l y, re l e v a n t l o c a l d a t a o f h o w o u r c o mmunity is changing and how that is positively impacting growth and investment. The show will launch during small business month. â– â– â– This month we welcome the opportunity to take the pulse of our local business community through our annual Business

Walk. On Thursday, October 19th, businesses in Campbell River will again have an opportunity to share their insights and opinions through a brief face-to-face survey on the success and obstacles to doing business in Campbell River – and what we can do to keep local businesses thriving. The results of that survey will be shared to foster business grow th throughout the community. It’s our Chamber’s 85th anniversary this year as we celebrate serving the ch a ng i ng need s of ou r members and community by sha ri ng i nsig hts to continue growing the people who power Campbell River. Colleen Evans is President and CEO at the Campbell River Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at 250287-4513 or colleen.evans@

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ONE TIME HARDWARE STORE TRANSFORMED INTO SAGE SPA Sage Spa Regularly Works With Clients Of All Ages & Of Both Sexes


A M PBE L L R I V E R – It began life as a large hardwa re store w ith a tremendous ocean view. But the facility has now been transformed into one of Vancouver Island’s most unique, soothing and multi-faceted enterprises. Campbell River’s Sage Spa regularly attracts patrons (of both sexes) from Nanaimo to Port Hardy, from persons seeking care for medical aesthetic services - to those who just want to relax and feel pampered. “Sage Spa, which began in a small way in my home, provides full aesthetic services for both men and women, but females are certainly the larger percentage of my clientele,” explained spa owner and Medical Aesthetician Valine Wheatley. “When I went to school to become an Aesthetician it was always my goal to have my own spa. After spending a few years building experience in the industry, I started a home-based business in 2007. This allowed me to work from home and raise my two daughters. I hadn’t really thought about this but it’s actually the spa’s 10th anniversary.” Housed in what had previously been a Rona Hardware store at 2780 South Island Highway in Campbell R iver, Sage Spa opened at its present location about a year and a half ago. The expansive nearly 3,000 square foot facility allows sufficient room for the offering of a range of contracted and related services, turning the operation into what is essentially a mall for Day Spa and medical aesthetic services. “It has grown into much more than I originally envisioned. I always imagined my business to be home-based. I even used to joke about having a big spa on the ocean some day, and guess what? It really happened,” Wheatley

Sage Spa owner Valine Wheatly is a Certified Aesthetician who still regularly works with her clients

“I even used to joke about having a big spa on the ocean some day, and guess what? It’s really

Sage Spa offers a wide range of services, and sells an equally diverse range of products in a comfortable setting


said. T he products, services and experiences offered at Sage Spa have been so well received the company has been nominated this year for a Business of the Year Award (6 – 25 employee category) and New Business of the Year Award through the Campbell River & District Chamber of Commerce’s Business Awards of Distinction program. “There are about 20 people working here now, including Sage Spa employees, contractors and renters offering their own services. When I decided to expand, my plan was always to include the medical aesthetics field in

Valine Wheatly introduces a client to some of the distinctive products available for sale at the Sage Spa the operation, having worked in that field myself. You’d have to say that skin care is my passion,” she explained. “Medical aesthetics involves high grade skin care services and products, and often includes injectable treatments and machines such as lasers and other medical technology. In reality the operation is more Day Spa / medi-spa – allowing the collaboration of

businesses to offer a wider range of treatments. Essentially we’re talking about deeper treatments with a more corrective outcome,” she said. “These include services such as medical grade facials, Hydrafacial MD, Chemical Peels, Microneedling, Laser facial rejuvenation, Skin Resurfacing treatments, injections such as Botox and dermal fillers, laser

hair removal and more.” Sage Spa currently has nine treatment rooms, four of which are rented by business owners offering distinct but related services such as medical aesthetics, laser services, cosmetic tattooing / microblading and Gel Nails. With such a large facility, and with much of the building’s footprint still untenanted, Wheatley envisions additional services and practitioners being added to the overall Sage Spa vision in the coming years. “There are definitely a lot of ideas that we throw around about what could be added in the future but nothing is set in stone. We will definitely need to add extra treatment rooms at some point soon,” she said. “It’s definitely doing much better than I ever could have imagined and the support of our community means everything to us. I never anticipated this amount of growth in such a short time and we can attribute that to the hard work and dedication of our team and community support.”

Congratulations to Valine and her team at Sage Spa!

CATHERINE LAVERDURE, СРА, СМА 2545 Penfield Road Campbell River, В.С. V9W 5ZЗ Phone: 250-926-0015 Fax: 250-926-6064 E-mail:

Congratulations to Sage Spa on your Business Award of Distinction nomination! 1850 Northfield Road, Nanaimo Phone: 250.758.1809 Toll Free: 866.758.1809 Email:

Open Monday-Saturday | 250.287.2611 | #109-250 Dogwood Street




Golf Club Wins Prestigious Tourism Vancouver Island Award Arbutus Ridge Golf Club: Winner Of The go2HR Employer of the Year Award


OBBL E H I L L – A m ajor prov i ncia l tou rism umbrella organization, go2HR (formerly known as the Hospitality Industry Education Advisory Committee), announced in late September that the Arbutus Ridge Golf Club was voted this year’s Tourism Vancouver Island Employer of the Year Award winner. “Arbutus Ridge Golf Club is honored to win this prestigious award. It is our belief that if we take as much care of our Team Members as we do the paying guests and members, our business will not only be successful but also be a fun, motivational and rewarding place to work,” explained the golf course’s General Manager Richard Ingle in a recent media release. The creation of go2HR was carried out in conjunction with an expanded mandate to coordinate the BC Tourism HR Action Plan, a set of procedures and policies that had been updated in 2012 and is now known as the BC Tourism Labor Market Strategy. Re-branded as go2 in 2003, the awards program has been created to recognize tourism businesses that exemplify best practices in all areas of operations and human

“Our team thrives on this responsibility and I am so proud of all of them.” RICHARD INGLE GENERAL MANAGER, ARBUTUS RIDGE GOLF CLUB

Arbutus Ridge’s Andy Hajer, Richard Ingle, and Mike Brown (l to r) receive their award from go2HR’s Arlene Keis resource management. In 2013, the organization has refreshed its brand to become go2HR. For Arbutus Ridge to win the prestigious award a number of key criteria had to be fulfilled including; quality of the workplace and work atmosphere, leadership in recruitment, performance management and career advancement, excellence in skills training and workforce development, leadership in compensation and benefits and community involvement and support of ongoing tourism education. Arbutus Ridge Golf Club was selected as the recipient of the 2017 Employer of the Year Award

for the exceptional leadership and quality of workplace that it provides its employees. Arbutus Ridge is actively involved in community outreach through supporting local charities and donations, and survey results confirm the positive corporate culture that is reflected in the organization. “We are fortunate to serve people from all over the world who are vacationing on beautiful Vancouver Island. With that comes a duty to represent our game, our brand and our Island to ensure that visitors go home and tell stories of how amazing Vancouver Island is as a holiday

destination. Our team thrives on this responsibility and I am so proud of all of them,” Ingle added. Arbutus Ridge Golf Club is located in Cobble Hill, 25-minutes from the outskirts of Victoria and 15 minutes from the City of Duncan. The Bill Robinson design 18-hole golf course is rated Four Stars by Golf Digest, ‘Best Destination Golf Course in British Columbia’ by Golf Nerve Magazine and is considered One of Canada’s Ten Best Courses for Your Money by Westjet Magazine. Arbutus Ridge is owned and operated by the GolfBC Group,

with the facility having played host to numerous provincial and national championships over the years. The golf course previously earned a Certificate in Environmental Planning and has formed a Greening Committee to preserve and protect the local environment. The course has also achieved a Sustainability Award from Tourism Vancouver Island. Offering year round golfing opportunities, Arbutus Ridge golf course and clubhouse are specifically designed to offer some of the most stunning views on Vancouver Island amongst the characteristic Arbutus trees. The back nine climbs a ridge to overlook the Satellite Channel where you will find the facility’s distinctive Satellite Bar & Grille which includes a wraparound patio and ocean views. The club’s Mount Baker room provides panoramic views and is considered one of the most desired wedding, meeting and banquet facilities on Vancouver Island. The GBC Golf Academy showcases a full length practice facility with five target greens and two short game areas. Arbutus Ridge is also complemented by three indoor tennis courts.

Young Professionals of Nanaimo Play Roles In Various Local Community Efforts YOUNG PROFESSIONALS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

development, community involvement, business networking and social networking – so there is definitely a social aspect to being a member. While created to allow young professionals to meet and network, it can also be a lot of fun, which is another key benefit of being involved,” Krieger explained. While the business and career advancement of its membership, through networking opportunities and other outlets, is one of its central pillars, the YPN’s ongoing and diverse community involvement has most often put it in the regional spotlight. The YPN has, for example, has been involved in a community garden project in the city’s north end for many years, as well as a sister project in the south end that has been passed along to another community organization. The Young Professionals also took part in raising $420,000 for the restoration of Nanaimo’s historic railway station, helping to bring a living piece of the city’s commercial history back from its potential destruction. Currently the YPN is a major force, via both the application of direct sweat equity through its hands-on efforts, and by

Helping at the Sanala project are (l to r) Taylor Farrell, Jocelyn Matwe and current YPN President Kim Krieger networking with suppliers and other interested groups, in the Sanala Housing Project. Under the guidance and direction of the Nanaimo Aboriginal Centre, the once notorious King Arthur Court apartment complex on Fifth Street is being renovated and re-invigorated for a new generation of tenants. A known nuisance property with a long history of what is essentially slumlord operation, the complex was purchased for $4.6 million by the Nanaimo Aboriginal Centre in May and is currently the subject of a major redevelopment effort – one the YPN is playing a significant role in. “There is a lot of positive energy in the Harewood

community and the Sanala project is one part of making that part of the city even better,” she explained. “We’ve participated in work days at the site, with YPN members volunteering their time to help restore some of the units. We’ve also been able to enlist some local businesses to donate services, equipment and materials for the project as well, such as flooring, painting and other materials. But the work isn’t done yet so we expect to be part of the Sanala project throughout the duration of the restoration.” Sanala is the Kwakwaka’wakw term for ‘to be whole’ – so the rejuvenation effort will help to repair social wounds in the

A fundraiser for Nanaimo Hospital Foundation, September’s Golf for Life Tournament was supported by the YPN c om m u n it y at l a rge, wh i l e providing a safer environment for the complex’s residents. Through its efforts the Young Professionals of Nanaimo are helping to make the city a better place, but after all, that’s one of its central pillars. “T he Y P N i s about g iv i ng back, and it’s also about creating different types of networking opportu n ities for ou r members. Our membership ranges in age, professions, gender, and countless other demographics. But what is universal is our willingness to work together. That’s part of what makes it so appealing for so many,” Krieger explained.

Current and past presidents, Kim Krieger (left) and Elise Morgan at Sanala with Robert Collins from Pride Painting



THE SUPER PLUMBER HAS SERVED THE REGION SINCE 2006 “I sort of dropped out of Residential Plumbing Specialist Works With Clients From Victoria to Nanaimo


HAWNIGAN LAKE – Serving clients from Victoria to Na n a i mo, T he Super Plumber has been working for its expanding list of residential customers for the past 11 years. But if owner Brody Funk hadn’t fallen in love with Vancouver Island, his plumbing enterprise could just as well have blossomed on the prairies. “I sort of dropped out of nowhere, coming here from Saskatoon, starting up the company the very first day I arrived here,” Funk explained. “I was a journeyman plumber, gas fitter, HVAC technician in Saskatoon where I did all of my training and my journeyman work. But my folks lived here on the Island, and while visiting over the years I fell in love with the area as all Islanders do, and decided I’d better make the move, so in 2006 I came here and opened up my business right away.” The Super Plumber was originally based in Duncan and started out serving clients across the Cowichan Valley. Growing gradually for the first five or six years, The Super Plumber slowly began to expand both its staff count and its service area, initially into the Nanaimo area in a tentative way, and then in time into the Greater Victoria marketplace which represents the bulk of the firm’s trade today, as much as 60 percent of the company’s workload. “In 2012 I bought a competitor in the Victoria market and that’s when the period of major growth really began for the company,” Funk said. W i t h i t s c o r p o ra te o f f i c e and parts warehouse located at 10102-700 Shawnigan Lake Road in Shawnigan Lake, The Super Plumber currently has a team that includes 18 employees,

Proud supporter of The Super Plumber #200 – 44 Queens Road Duncan Phone: 250.746.7121 Email:

nowhere, coming here from Saskatoon, starting up the company the very first day I arrived.” BRODY FUNK OWNER, THE SUPER PLUMBER

including plumbers and gasfitters as well as administrative personnel. Two of the keys to the firm’s outstanding success have been its unmatched customer service, as well as its fleet of fully equipped service vehicles, units capable of responding to emergency situations 24/7. “The extra parts and supplies are warehoused in Shawnigan Lake, but all of the vans are fully stocked with everything the crew needs to do the job, they’re almost like roving warehouses in their own right,” he explained. Maintaining an impressive fleet of rolling stock, The Super Plumber (a name Funk settled on just because he thought it sounded cool) operates 10 service vans, an install truck, a parts runner to deliver priority items into the field, and a vehicle for the Service Manager. T he company’s focus right from its very first day has always been looking after the needs of its residential customers. From repairing faulty plumbing, to replacing hot water tanks, to fitting out outdoor gas barbecues The Super Plumber’s experienced team can quickly and professionally handle any regular repair assignment – and some unique tasks as well. The company can look after draining cleaning, can handle sewer and septic tank issues and even has the capability to carry out specialized trenchless ‘no dig’ sewer repairs. “We’ve never worked w ith builders on new projects, there’s plenty of work available looking after repairing and upgrading existing residential plumbing systems. From fixing a leaky tap

Some of The Super Plumber’s team of specialists enjoy a breakfast meeting before hitting the road

The working day begins as the firm’s certified plumbers get ready to head off for their first assignments

Company owner Brody Funk (seen here speaking at The Q Radio) opened his plumbing business in 2006 to a complete updating we can handle it all,” he said. While growing to the scale it has wasn’t necessarily part of Funk’s original plan, it is clear

Operating a small fleet of service vehicles, The Super Plumber works with clients across the central and south island to him that there is an increasing need for the services he and his team can provide and anticipates continued expansion in the future, likely with the opening of a Nanaimo office. “In the next year or two we have plans to open another shop in south Nanaimo or the Ladysmith

a rea as we have had a lot of growth in that area,” he said. “Based on the demand that we’re seeing I anticipate we’ll double in size over the next five years, we could start adding extra services at that point – but that’s still in the future right now.”

PEOPLE, PRODUCTS, PRIDE SINCE 1905 550 Culduthel Road Victoria, BC V8Z 1G1 PH: 250-475-6272 FX: 250-475-6282 TF: 888-545-6111

1075 Henry Eng Place Langford, BC V9B 6B2 PH: 250-391-3050 FX: 250-475-6200 TF: 866-551-6789

2258 Dorman Rd. Nanaimo, BC V9S 5G2 PH: 250-751-2622 FX: 250-751-2621 TF: 877-751-2622

Plumbing, HVAC, Hydronic, and Industrial Supplies



NORTH ISLAND AIRCRAFT COMPANY SOARS TO SUCCESS Sealand Aviation An Industry Leader In Aircraft Maintenance & Customization


AMPBELL RIVER – What began nearly four decades ago as the vision of an aviation entrepreneur, has evolved into one of Western Canada’s leading and most innovative aircraft maintenance and customization enterprises. Campbell River’s Sealand Aviation Ltd. is not only a major provider of aircraft maintenance services, it is also a pioneer in the art of designing, fabricating and installing after market aircraft modifications – systems currently used on countless aircraft around the globe. It’s no pun to suggest that the sky really is the limit when it comes to the future success of this expanding firm. “The company’s founder Bill Alder came to Campbell River in 1980 as a freelance aircraft maintenance engineer. Once he was here, he saw a good opportunity to branch out and start his own business,” explained Aaron Spetifore, Sealand’s Director of Maintenance. Responsible for all of the aircraft maintenance activities of Sealand Aviation, Spetifore operates under strict Transport Canada guidelines, ensuring that every task completed by the company, from routine maintenance to a complete aircraft rebuild or restoration, meets or exceeds the quality

standards dictated by the federal government. “According to Bill, those were especially busy days for aircraft maintenance as Campbell River was essentially viewed as one of the floatplane capitals of the world. At that time, many of the major logging companies and road building companies operated their own aircraft, and as very little aircraft maintenance occurred in Campbell River many of these firms had to send their aircraft to Vancouver for repairs and maintenance,” Spetifore explained. “Bill recognized that as a golden opportunity and officially started Sealand Aviation in 1981. Launched solely to provide aircraft maintenance, Sealand quickly grew as the quality of the work, and the convenience of bringing local aircraft to a local facility appealed to many regional operators.” To service and repair all classes of private and commercial aircraft, from land based units including multi engine transports to the classically West Coast floatplane community, Sealand Aviation operates out of two distinctly different locations in Campbell River. Headquartered at the Campbell River Airport, Sealand’s main office and land based repair and maintenance facility is located at 2300 Airside Drive. To service the water-borne aviation sector the company operates a second facility at 3050 Spit Road. This expansive man made peninsula has served as the home base for floatplane equipped airlines and aviation enthusiasts for decades. But being an established aircraft maintenance service provider is

only part of the Sealand Aviation story. The Sealand Group operates three separate but interrelated businesses: Sealand Aviation, which is a Transport Canada approved maintenance organization, Sealand Aerospace, a firm that does contract manufacturing for Victoria-based Viking Air Ltd., and Sealand Flight, an aviation charter service and flight training centre is based at the Campbell River Airport. “Since Day one Bill’s company motto is: Take care of the customer and the rest will fall into place. So providing extraordinary customer service, delivering industry leading maintenance technology and developing improvements to make the experience even better are all part of the Sealand Aviation mission,” Spetifore said. Sealand Aviation also works with North Island College in its current aviation program. “We also work very closely with North Island College to help train the next generation of aircraft maintenance engineers. The College has a Transport Canada approved aircraft structures program, and we work with them to provide some real-world experience,” he explained. “Over 70 percent of our structures staff has graduated from that program. Remembering where we’ve come from while looking toward tomorrow, that’s the future of Sealand Aviation.” Most recently, Sealand took home the Campbell River Chamber of Commerce’ International Export Award at their annual Business Awards of Distinction.

Taking a break from working on their latest project the crew at Sealand Aviation is central to the company’s success



All aboard! Nanaimo Foundation celebrates the donation of the Sullivan Family sailboat. Back, from left: Nanaimo Foundation Treasurer Mike Delves, Andre Sullivan, Andre’s son Stanley, Nanaimo Foundation Executive Director Laurie Bienert, Helene and Pat Sullivan. Front row, from left: Pat and Helene’s daughter Dominique Sullivan, Andre’s daughter Mackenzie Sullivan, Nanaimo Foundation Communications Director Jocelyn Matwe, Dominique’s daughter Zoe MacKinnon and son Oliver MacKinnon

Unique gift lifts the sails at Nanaimo Foundation


A NA I MO – T here’s a “sail” on at the Nanaimo Foundation. The sail is thanks to Patrick Sullivan, who has now donated a unique gift of the family’s beloved sailboat to the Sullivan Family Endowment Fund. The sailboat will benefit the youth sailing program at the Nanaimo Yacht Club. Sullivan, founder of Integral Wealth Management now owned and operated by his son, Andre Sullivan, has spent 40 years racing sailboats and cruising, and wanted to share that love with others through the Nanaimo Foundation. “I wanted to donate my boat and was also looking to set up a Family Foundation to act as a conduit for donations we wanted to make to various causes,” says Sullivan. “The Nanaimo Foundation was integral to find that Sail Canada would be able to help with our contribution to the Nanaimo Yacht Club’s youth program. It is good to hear subsequently the boat is being used to the benefit of youth and new sailors.” He set up the Sullivan Family Fund for several reasons. “Firstly, we had wonderful working careers, mostly in Nanaimo. I felt it important to recognize my fortunate life by giving something back that could be used for positive action in our community,” he says. “Secondly, the Nanaimo Foundation has acted as my preferred method to donate. We can direct the money in the direction we want rather than making separate decisions,” he adds. “Lastly, by establishing a Family Fund we leave it open for our children to donate to the Family Fund if they wish sometime in future.” Laurie Bienert, Executive Director of the Nanaimo Foundation, notes the Sullivans’ recent generosity to the Nanaimo community has touched the lives of many. “What began as a conversation with Pat and Helene Sullivan on charitable goals resulted in benefits to many in our local community for

years to come, while achieving their desired tax reduction benefits,” Bienert says. The Nanaimo Foundation provides a means to build a family legacy that is compatible with personal and financial circumstances and will make a difference today and tomorrow. It works with individual donors in a variety of creative ways to have charitable impact, and Bienert recalls Pat’s interest in donating a sailboat the youth sailing program at the Nanaimo Yacht Club. “T he Nanaimo Foundation worked with Sail Canada to facilitate this gift and provide the Sullivans with a charitable tax receipt for this gift of property,” she adds. “The Sullivans were keen to establish a permanent endowment fund in addition to providing a gift to Eden Gardens. “With one donation the Sullivans established the Sullivan Family Fund and under the direction from Pat and Helene, the Nanaimo Foundation disbursed a portion of this donation to Eden Gardens.” The Nanaimo Foundation works with donors to establish donor advised funds - endowment funds which operate in the same capacity as private family foundations, except the Nanaimo Foundation handles all of the administration responsibilities as the funds they administer offer the same level of flexibility as private family foundations. Last year, the Nanaimo Foundation facilitated $350,000 in flowthrough donations. Many local, smaller organizations do not have the capacity to facilitate gifts of securities, and gifts like the Sullivan’s sailboats, but the Nanaimo Foundation can. “The Nanaimo Foundation has the capacity to facilitate complex gifts: Cash, gifts of securities, insurance, property, etc. We call these charitable instruments,” she adds. “The foundation works one-on-one with donors to help achieve unique giving goals in tandem with reducing taxes that best suit each donors’ personal situation.



For services in your community, please call:

CARIBOO REGION • Community Futures Fraser Fort George Phone: 250-562-9622 Susan Stearns at Charles Scott at CENTRAL VANCOUVER ISLAND REGION • Community Futures Alberni-Clayoquot Phone: 250-724-1241 Darrell Goertzen at • Comox Valley Economic Development Society Phone: 250-334-2427 John Watson at Geoff Crawford at

Our community-based advisors provide expert advice and guidance throughout the entire export process.


Export readiness assessment


Market entry strategy support


Market research tools and information


Streamlined service connections to support services


KOOTENAY BOUNDARY REGION • Community Futures Central Kootenay Phone: 250-352-1933 Michael Hoher at NORTH OKANAGAN REGION • Community Futures North Okanagan Phone: 250-545-2215 (Ext. 200) Kazia Mullin at Connie Viszlai at PACIFIC NORTHWEST REGION • Community Futures Pacific Northwest Phone: 250-622-2332 (Ext. 4) John Farrell at Eli Kelly at For businesses in the Lower Mainland and those outside of the pilot communities, the Province’s trade professionals and its network of international Trade and Investment Representatives are available to help you. For more information please email:

Diversifies your customer base Expanding to new markets increases the size of your target market, may broaden your product offering and offset seasonal fluctuations in sales.


Increases profitability Increased production generally leads to economies of scale and decreased cost per unit, which increases your profit margins.


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WHO IS SUING WHOM The contents of Who’s Suing Whom is provided by a thirdparty resource and is accurate according to public court documents. Some of these cases may have been resolved by publication date. DEFENDANT 0608352 BC LTD 1890 Ironwood Dr, Kamloops, BC PLAINTIFF Watson, Peter Guslton CLAIM $85,600 DEFENDANT 7517149 CANADA INC 3483 Fulton Rd, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Business Development Bank Of Canada CLAIM $100,548 DEFENDANT AIR CANADA 2700-700 West Georgia St, Vancouver, BC PLAINTIFF Turner, James CLAIM $11,419 DEFENDANT ARMAC TRUCKING LTD 2-6990 Market St, Port Hardy, BC PLAINTIFF Finning International Inc

CLAIM $ 27,896

$ 13,558

DEFENDANT B & R HOMES LTD 1618 Government St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Martin, Mary Ann CLAIM $ 31,386

DEFENDANT Dieticians Of Canada 604-480 University Ave, Toronto, ON PLAINTIFF MacDonald, Janice CLAIM $ 35,216

DEFENDANT Black Rock Oceanfront Resort Inc 701-17665 66A Ave, Surrey, BC PLAINTIFF Jacky, Richard Thomas CLAIM $ 16,256

DEFENDANT Livingston 2009 Family Trust 4314 Staulo Cres, Vancouver, BC PLAINTIFF Topseal Services CLAIM $ 31,107

DEFENDANT Custom Safety 2010 LTD 491 Dupplin Rd, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Business Development Bank Of Canada CLAIM $ 42,395

DEFENDANT Livingston Family Trust Tofino 4314 Staulo Cres, Vancouver, BC PLAINTIFF Topseal Services CLAIM $ 31,107

DEFENDANT DANSKO STUDIOS 2007 Inc 4TH FLR 1007 Fort St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Poland, Marcel CLAIM $ 13,558 DEFENDANT DANSKO STUDIOS INC 204-655 Tyee Rd, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Poland, Marcel CLAIM

DEFENDANT Manuke Holdings Ltd 28080 Downes Rd, Abbotsford, BC PLAINTIFF Saywell Contracting Ltd CLAIM $ 25,586 DEFENDANT Nanaimo Precast Limited 1111 Wallace St, Nanaimo, BC PLAINTIFF Viking Reinforcing Ltd CLAIM $ 140,913




Naughty Dogge Behaviour Modification Inc 1633 Kangaroo Rd, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Hansen, Jane CLAIM $ 5,333

Seba Construction Limited 1167 Jolivet Cres, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Island Floor Centre Ltd CLAIM $ 57,249

DEFENDANT Nourish Lifestyle Consulting Ltd 1521 Amelia St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Day, James CLAIM $ 35,216 DEFENDANT Petromaxx Construction BC LLP 201-45793 Luckakuck Way, Chilliwack, BC PLAINTIFF Saywell Contracting Ltd CLAIM $ 25,586 DEFENDANT Raven Marine Services Limited 9830 Fourth St, Sidney, BC PLAINTIFF Rent Spent Ltd CLAIM $ 15,161 DEFENDANT RC Time Property Management Ltd 8666 Ebor Terrace, North Saanich, BC PLAINTIFF Union Bay Credit Union CLAIM $ 610,488

DEFENDANT Three Guys Construction Inc PO Box 157, Shawnigan Lake, BC PLAINTIFF Small Town Carpentry CLAIM $ 7,370 DEFENDANT Visima Holdings Inc 1000-2002 Victoria Ave, Regina, SK PLAINTIFF Hadfield, Cheryl CLAIM $ 25,176 DEFENDANT Westwood Roofing Inc 2450 Highland Blvd, Nanaimo, BC PLAINTIFF Titan Slegg GP Inc CLAIM $ 36,084 DEFENDANT YFN Management Services LP 100 Hitacu Rd, Ucluelet, BC PLAINTIFF Mayneburger Management Inc CLAIM $ 9,657



Business Examiner Gold Event Sponsors

NORTH ISLAND Captain Wayne Garton from Stubbs Island Whale Watching was rewarded with the Tourism Employee of the Year Award from Tourism Vancouver Island at their awards gala on September 20, at the Mary Winspear Centre in Sidney. The Tourism Employee of the Year Award recognizes a tourism employee that has demonstrated exemplary work performance that enhances business or customer satisfaction. Wade and Shannon Dayley are celebrating their 15th year of owning and operating Bear Cove Cottages, a luxury cabin resort in Port Hardy. The couple also offers eco-tourism and fishing services through their company Wicked Salmon. Wade is a former player with the Nanaimo Clippers of the B.C. Hockey League.


(26-49 employees) – Chan Nowosad Boates; Business of the Year (50+ employees) – Marine Harvest Canada; Diversity Leadership Award – Habitat for Humanity; Excellence in Workforce Development (1-50) – Waypoint Insurance; Excellence in Workforce Development (51+) – McDonald’s Restaurants; Community Spirit Award – McDonald’s Restaurants; Non-profit of the Year

– Greenways Land Trust; Young Professional of the Year – Jennifer Lestage, CR Animal Parties; New Business of the Year – Beach Fire Brewing; Excellence in Innovation & Technology – SuavAir; Social Enterprise Award – Salvation Army Thrift Store and International Export Award – Sealand Aviation. Willow Street Auto Service is now

open for business at 1501D Willow Street. Quinsam Medical Clinic welcomes Dr. Ayorinde Dada to their team of medical professionals at 280-1400 Dogwood Street. Vancouver Island’s oldest homegrown land surveying and engineering company, J.E.

Rasberry Rascals, a children’s clothing store, has opened for business at #15-1270 Dogwood Street.

CAMPBELL RIVER The Campbell River Chamber of Commerce has named Steve Marshall of Steve Marshall Ford as the recipient of the 2017 Board of Governors Award at their annual awards banquet held on October 7th. The Business Awards of Distinction winners are: Business of the Year (1-5 employees) – Island Fever Travel & Cruise; Business of the Year (6-25 employees) – Tremain Media Inc.; Business of the Year

Anderson & Associates has opened a new location. They have steadily expanded to include offices in Victoria, Nanaimo, Parksville and now Campbell River and a staff of more than 60 highly skilled employees, including civil engineers, BC Land Surveyors, technicians and survey crews. Projects range from single-lot subdivisions to multi-year phased developments, forestry, First Nations land claims surveys, and municipal infrastructure projects.

Home Hardware Building Centre in Campbell River recently celebrated their 80th anniversary at 1270 Dogwood Street. Unveiling Toys is now open at 975A Shoppers Row. The new store sells toys, collectibles, comic books and more.

Past and present Partners of J.E. Anderson & Associates gathered at the grand opening of the company’s new Campbell River office (l-r) Ross Tuck, Jeff Tomlinson, Dave Wallace, Mike Manson, Colin Grover, Ryan Hourston, Doug Holme, Phil Buchanan and Scott Stevenson.

Vancouver Island’s Office Outfitters™

Leishman Early Learning and Care Centre at 394 Leishman SEE MOVER’S AND SHAKERS | PAGE 43







resort for 41 years.


Road celebrated their 50th anniversary on September 23. Child’s Play Physiotherapy adds physiotherapist, Sam Bright BSc. PT and occupational therapist, Christine Pearce MOT to their team of professionals. The Government Financial Officers Association of North America has presented the City of Campbell River with the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the second year in a row. The award recognizes the city’s excellence in putting together their long-term, 10-year financial plan. Discovery Passage Aquarium and Explorer Lab is closing for the winter and will re-open in May 2018.

COMOX VALLEY True Grain Bread Ltd has acquired Grain Bakery at 445 10th Street in Courtenay. True Grain plans on opening a sister store under the True Grain name this month. Brittany Evans, a longtime True Grain employee and current manager in Cowichan Bay, will move to the Comox Valley to be the general manager. True Grain Bread is a family owned, Cowichan Bay-based company established in 2004. OnDeck Systems Inc, a Courtenay-based IT firm, announces the formation of a strategic partnership/ acquisition with F12 net. Through F12’s acquisition, they will be able to expand their business into BC for the first time. F12 is an Edmonton-based IT service provider. Roxanne’s Fashions celebrated their 40th anniversary at the end of September at the Comox Centre Mall.

Congratulations to Larry Epp of Arbutus RV and Marine on being the top salesperson of the month at the dealership. Arbutus RV and Marine is at 2603 Sackville Road in Courtenay. The Comox Air Force Museum celebrated their 30th anniversary on September 12. Geoff Mummery is the top salesperson of the month at Sunwest RV Centre at 2800 Cliffe Avenue in Courtenay. Additionally, Dave Hampshire and Rik Sharples have joined the Sunwest team. Malinda Mazzochi is the top salesperson of the month at Brian McLean Chevrolet Buick GMC at 2145 Cliffe Avenue in Courtenay. The Family Business Association Vancouver Island (FBAVI) is receiving nominations for the 2018 Family Business Excellence Awards and Young Entrepreneur Award. These awards recognize significant achievement made by Vancouver Island family business and an outstanding entrepreneur. The organization is accepting nominations until October 12. Westisle Heating & Cooling has opened a new location at 3771 Island Highway South in Courtenay. Dr. Kirsten Emmott is retiring from her family practice at Southwood Medical Clinic in the Driftwood Mall. Dr. Asmaa Abdulkhader will take over from her. Finneron Hyundai congratulates Glenice Neal on being the top salesperson of the month at the dealership. Finneron Hyundai is at 250 Old Island Highway in Courtenay. The Comox Valley Fall Home Expo is celebrating their 25th anniversary. The event is produced by Evergreen Exhibitions Ltd. of Parksville, which is now the largest show producer in Western Canada,

Bill Mckinney with 18 events annually on Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland. The Comox Valley Community Foundation announces that Dr. Harry Panjer has been elected as President. Panjer is a Comox Valley resident who holds the title of Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Waterloo. He succeeds Dr. Norm Carruthers, who held the position for the past three years. The L’Arche Comox Valley I Belong Centre recently celebrated their official opening. The centre at 1465 Grieve Avenue in Courtenay, is an 8,500-square-foot facility, offering recreational and educational activities for the community.

Email: Phone:

1 888 227 5043


PARKSVILLEQUALICUM Ideal Images and Bill McKinney are joining Kevin Kinnear and his team at Parks West Business Products of Parksville. Bill will continue to meet the needs of his clients’ promotional products and logoed apparel needs under the Parks West brand. Susan and Grace Stark have re-located their business Captivating Details from a shop in the Arbutus Mall on Second Avenue to a newly renovated building at 152 Second Avenue West. Captivating Details offers a wide-array of home décor, from wall-hanging mirrors and art to lamps, vases, globes and bookends. SEE MOVER’S AND SHAKERS | PAGE 44

Peter Gibson Peter Gibson, general manager at Mount Washington Alpine Resort will retire next spring, after serving with the

Serving all of Vancouver Island

Cindy Eagles Business/Corporate Account Manager Direct: 250-701-1600 Email: Store: 250-748-4847

Why Cowichan Sound & Cellular For Your Business? ✔ Locally Owned & Operated Since 1993 ✔ We Will Come To Your Office At Your Convenience ✔ Free Rate Plan Analysis ✔ Continued Service & Support For Your Business ✔ Free Learning Specialist Sessions ✔ We Service What We Sell ✔ Designated Line For Telus Business Lines ✔ We Will Find The Best Communication Business Solutions For Your Business ✔ Dedicated Account Manager To All Clients Dr. Satish Desai (left) and Dr. Natalia Levental



MOVERS AND SHAKERS Toonie Town is now open at 3506 Island Highway West in Qualicum Beach. Toonie Town offers toys, hardware, office and school supplies, toys, kitchenware and more.

Business banking is about a shared perspective

Arbutus Dental Clinic welcomes Dr. Simon Gooch to their team at Suite 101183 Fern Road West in Qualicum Beach.

We understand your unique business needs. Count on us to make timely, locally-made decisions that help you grow your business. Talk to your local branch manager today to find solutions perfectly suited to your business banking needs.

Kevin Wilson AVP & District Manager Nanaimo branch 6475 Metral Drive T. 250.390.0088

Jeannine Krefting and Mandy Truman are teaming up to found West Coast Recreation – a day program that will offer various activities, from exercise to baking, gardening, art therapy and more. The company is targeting seniors who are living at home but are in need of assistance.

Jean-Marc Jaquier AVP & Branch Manager Courtenay branch 470 Puntledge Road T. 250.334.8888

A CWB Financial Group Company

Dr. Satish Desai, who has practiced medicine in Parksville for 25 years, announces the addition of Dr. Natalia Levental to his practice. Dr. Desai’s practice is at 156 Morison Avenue.


A Vancouver-based


developer has purchased the former Alberni District Secondary School lot and is planning to develop multiuse housing on the site. The 22.8-acre property, owned by School District 70, was sold in March for $1.8-million to a developer who remains anonymous. According to realtor Darren DeLuca, the developer has ties to the Alberni Valley and has developed in the area in the past. Rimrock Chances recently celebrated its 10th anniversary at 4890 Cherry Creek Road. Coulson Aviation has been contracted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to assist in the recovery after Hurricane Irma in the Caribbean. Pilots and engineers from the company arrived in Puerto Rico at the end of September to work with the US government in providing aid and support to those in need. Barkley Sound Solutions, Silvercloud Handyman Company and The Real Deal Exterior Esthetics are all businesses that opened in Port Alberni in the last month.

Chapel of Memories Funeral Directors announces that Taylor Poulin has completed her apprenticeship and is a fully licensed Funeral Director/Embalmer in the Province of British Columbia. Chapel of Memories is at 4005 6th Avenue. Haven Living has moved to a new location at 5039 Johnston Road, the former home of Curious Coho Books. Pop up shops filled the space over the summer and Haven is the sites new permanent resident. Haven Living offers natural skin products, workshops, home items and more. Abbeyfield Port Alberni is celebrating their 15th year serving the community at 3839 8th Avenue. Abbeyfield is a retirement home and community.

TOFINOUCLUELET Tofino Tourism has named Nancy Cameron as their new Executive Director. Cameron replaces former Kirsten SEE MOVER’S AND SHAKERS | PAGE 45



as a dispatcher, is the new Fire Chief of the department. Fry takes over from Craig Richardson, who retired in the spring. Dodd’s Furniture, a family owned and operated furniture and mattress retailer is celebrating their 40th anniversary. The locally owned business has outlets in Nanaimo, Campbell River and Victoria.

Nancy Cameron Soder, who held the position for


seven years before resigning in June to pursue a tourism opportunity in Campbell River. Mackenzie Beach Resort, a yearround resort at 1101 Pacific Rim Highway, has sold for $6.25-million. Frederick Montpetit, a Community Health Nurse in Tofino and Ucluelet for Island Health, was recently recognized as an Algonquin College Alumni of Distinction. Montpetit’s healthcare career includes holding positions with the Government of Nunavut, were he served as the community’s first Chief Nursing Officer from 2009 to 2013.

NANAIMO Nanaimo Chrysler on Wellington Road has been purchased by a partnership group that includes Tony Harris, his wife Leslie, his brother Mike Harris, Jason Neal and Craig Sabourin. The partnership takes over from the Neal family ownership which has run the dealership since the 1970s. Al Slater has rejoined Nanaimo Chrysler team at 4170 Wellington Road. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) has announced the 2017 Torch Award Finalists. The list includes 50 businesses from across Vancouver Island that are recognized for their outstanding customer service and commitment to maintaining trust in the business community. The award winners will be announced at the BBB’s gala event on November 3 at the Union Club of BC. Karen Fry, who began her career with Nanaimo Fire Rescue in 1999

Karen Fry

TimberWest was recently awarded a bronze certification in the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business’ Progressive Aboriginal Relations (PAR) Program for 2017. The company is among 13 companies from across the country who received certification in the program this year. The PAR program was established in 2001 to confirm corporate performance in Aboriginal relations at the bronze, silver or gold levels. Congratulations to Lexy Kriegel, the top salesperson of the month at Steve Marshall Ford at 3851 Shenton Road.

now underway. Phase one went on sale April 29, 2017, sold 51 of the 71 lots in one weekend alone and is now sold out. Construction on the site began September 18 with Knappett Industries Inc. mobilizing their work force and commencing work on the roads. Brian Brock-Phillips, construction manager for The Foothills, predicts the total number of jobs created for this phase from the engineering and design to the final landscaping could encompass as many as 100 people.


Keith Pope has been named the top salesperson of the month at Nanaimo Toyota at 2555 Bowen Road.

Dr. Shannon Waters

Cedar Village Square, home of the Country Grocer off of the highway in Cedar and other outlets is celebrating its 20th anniversary.


Congratulations to Sean Krepps, the top salesperson of the month at Harbourview Volkswagen at 4921 Wellington Road. The City of Nanaimo’s Charlotte Davis has been awarded the Inaugural Women’s Ambassador Award by the Public Works Association of BC at their annual conference in Penticton. Davis is the city manager of sanitation, recycling and public works administration. Wholesale Sports Canada, a wholly-owned subsidiary of United Farmers of Alberta Co-operative Ltd has announced their plan to close their 12 retail locations in Western Canada. This will include their Nanaimo Wholesale Sports Outdoor Outfitters location at 4900 Wellington Road. Greyhound Canada announced plans to cancel service on five routes, including the Nanaimo to Victoria route with the province’s Passenger Transportation Board. The four remaining locations are in northern British Columbia. The cancellation comes as ridership on the five routes has dropped by 51 per cent since 2010. Lone Tree Properties Ltd.,has launched a second release of properties at The Foothills in Lantzville. The first release of home sites are now sold out with over $23 million in sales and a second series of 31 view lots has now been released. $15 million in total funding for the civil infrastructure has been approved and construction is

Mike Sumpter Den’s Ladysmith Collision at 26 Symonds Street in Ladysmith has been acquired by Mike Sumpter. The local vehicle repair company has been in business for over 40 years. Karla Silva takes over from Peter Watts as the new General Manager of the Best Western Plus Chemainus Inn. Silva previously worked at the Cowichan Valley Inn for 28 years and has worked in most every aspect of the hospitality business. GNB Builders announces the departure of Kelsey Ann Smith, who has decided to step out of her office role to spend more time with her young family. GNB Builders is at 13100 Magdalena Drive in Ladysmith. Chroma Paint & Design Ladysmith welcomes Clinton Hubenig as the company’s new owner. Chroma is at 132B Roberts Street in Ladysmith. Lugh Vegh and Sherry Mattin are celebrating the 10th anniversary of Chemainus Health Food Store. The store offers a variety of products including vitamins, cosmetics, health food items, make-up and more.

in Duncan. Valley Carpet One welcomes Tom Perry to their team of sales professionals at 230 Kenneth Street. Island Dental Health Centre welcomes Rachelle Young to their team of dentists at 2700 Beverly Street. Derek Kennedy was recently named the top salesperson of the month at Bowmel Chrysler at 461 Trans-Canada Highway.

Dr. Shannon Waters has been named Island Health’s new representative for the Cowichan region. Dr. Paul Hasselback had been the medical health officer for Central Vancouver Island and he remains in that position, however he will now leave the Cowichan Valley up to Dr. Waters. Waters is a Coast Salish physician and a member of the Stz’uminus First Nation. Canada’s Best Karate School is opening a new learning centre at 301 Brae Road. Sensei Jordan Giebel started the school in 2013 with only three students and has grown it to more than 80 students.

Wayland Sports has opened a new location in Nanaimo at #1-4906 Wellington Road. The company owns gymnastics studios across British Columbia.


Cobble Hill’s Arbutus Ridge Golf Club won the Employer of the Year award at the annual Tourism Vancouver Island Gala held on September 20. The award recognizes a company that exemplifies best practices in all areas of operations and human resources management. Mariya Young, CPA and Michelle Strougler, BBA have joined the firm of MY Accountant CPA Ltd. Additionally, MY Accountant CPA will be moving its office on November 20th to 149 First Street. PC Auto Electric Ltd has moved to a new location at 2821 Roberts Road in Duncan. PC Auto Electric provides automotive electrical services. Huyen Jewellery & Gift store is celebrating its 25th anniversary in Duncan at their location in Beverly Corners Mall. The store offers high quality products ranging from Canadian diamonds to custom-made jewellery and an extensive line of engagement rings. Cowichan Valley Running recently celebrated their grand opening at 118 – 2720 Mill Bay Road in Mill Bay Centre. The new outlet provides shoes, apparel and accessories for runners and is working on cultivating and connecting the Cowichan Valley running community. Island Kung Fu, a family martial arts academy, has moved to a new location at 2753 Charlotte Road

Cashco is now open in Duncan at 268 Trans-Canada Highway. Cory Lammi has joined the Cashco team as their branch manager.

Paige MacWilliam The City of Duncan has named Paige MacWilliam as its new Director of Corporate Services. MacWilliams moved from Pemberton to Duncan in early 2016 and held the role of Corprate Services Coordinator. She has been the acting director since July and after a thorough competition for the position, the City offered her the permanent position. Stevie Lindquist has moved her company The Guild Salon from Lake Cowichan to Berkey’s Corner in Duncan. Ted Swabey is the new Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) for the Municipality of North Cowichan. Swabey recently served as the CAO of Maple Ridge and has over 28 years of experience in municipal government. He was formerly CAO of the City of Nanaimo. Buckerfields CEO Kelvin McCullock recently announced that all of their full-time staff will be paid according to a living wage scale. A living wage is a standard of pay based on actual living costs in an area. Discovery Honda congratulates Trevor Scheck and Red Bellis, their recent top achievers at the dealership at 6466 Bell McKinnon Road. Chris Gale, Manager of the BC Forest Discovery Centre announced the fundraising SEE MOVER’S AND SHAKERS | PAGE 47



OCTOBER 2017 A division of Invest Northwest Publishing Ltd. Vancouver Island Office 25 Cavan Street,Nanaimo, BC V9R 2T9 Toll free: 1.866.758.2684 Fax: 1.778.441.3373 Email: Website:

PUBLISHER/EDITOR | Lise MacDonald SALES | Shawn Bishop –, Josh Higgins –, Joanne Iormetti – WRITERS | Julia MacDonald, John MacDonald, Beth Hendry-Yim, David Holmes, Kristin Van Vloten WEBSITE | John MacDonald –




t’s become vogue in political circles to harvest seeds sown to the masses about greedy business owners, to provoke and promote class warfare into votes. By doing so, it appears that governments perform as if it is their duty to vilify and demonize business owners and entrepreneurs, making it appear that it’s “just the right thing to do” to bring them to heel and tax them to death. A f ter a l l, these people a re “sprinkling” revenues to family members to escape the taxman, and creating endless loopholes to avoid contributing even more to government coffers. Right? Except they willfully overlook one important fact: There are no loopholes. The tax laws that exist are there because government wrote them, and they are perfectly legal. They’re incentives to encourage growth and reward hard

work. The truth is, when business owners pay less tax, they aren’t ripping off the government. The wise ones have enlisted accountants and lawyers to make sure their rights are protected. Justin Trudeau’s much publicized tax attacks are bold and crass. The Liberal government has apparently concluded that business voters represent only a sliver of those who actually cast ballots, so they can be re-elected by ignoring them. These taxes not only take aim at business people now, but in the future, at retirement. By targeting corporations, family trusts and Capital Gains, they’re directly attacking their retirement plans. They don’t have gold-plated government or union pension plans. Their businesses, buildings and assets are their retirement. If these risk-takers choose to retreat, then the number of jobs they create will slowly shrink, making voters realize that government attacks on business are really an attack on everyone else – only in slow motion. It seems only then will they experience the effect of such draconian, punitive measures. If businesses don’t – or can’t – grow, they’ll shrink to survive, if necessary. Faced with the option of collecting taxes for governments

– which businesses do – or feeding their families, what do you think they’ll do? A vivid example of what has happened is in Greece, where not paying taxes is the norm, with some estimates indicating over one-third of business owners won’t collect or pay tax, and the underground economy is about 25 per cent of GDP. Could they revolt in placid Canada? That’s highly unlikely, given our unofficial “tax me, I’m Canadian” mindset. But businesses could go further underground. The underground economy is already substantial. Or they cut back. Faced with increased overhead like minimum wage hikes, if they can’t foresee the marketplace accepting price increases, they adjust. They reduce hours. Studies show that in Washington State, where government has mandated a $15 per hour minimum wage, the average lower-wagescale worker has had their weekly schedule cut from 6-10 hours each. Politicians and bureaucrats need to open their eyes to what is already here, and what is inevitably coming. Walmart, SaveOn Foods and other large retail outlets have had self-serve aisles for years. While it was introduced under the guise of

convenience, allowing customers to pay and exit the store quicker, there is little doubt it was at least a test flight for eventually cutting staff, if necessary. McDonald’s Restaurants has maintained its strong position in the fast food industry due to its innovation and consistency. Golden Arches customers are now greeted by a large screen, self-serve menu where they can fill out their own order, pay, and wait a few minutes to pick it up. Convenient? Of course. But doesn’t that make it one-step closer to removing some entry-level order taking positions altogether? And how will restaurant owners respond to government-mandated payroll increases? Besides working harder, there are a few ways they could possibly adjust. Could they view tips for service as house money? Perhaps they eliminate servers and make their restaurants buffet-style. Maybe patrons will have to give their own orders and pick up their own food. Or maybe companies reduce, or stop paying benefits to staff. In the U.S., where Obamacare’s clumsy introduction was excessively costly to small business, some owners have capped their health benefits to employees at a fixed dollar amount. Since they can’t afford to pay the whole bill, they

contribute a flat amount of money each month, and let employees look after the rest themselves. And perhaps worst of all, businesses do other things outside of business, under the table, to earn unmarked – read untaxable – cash. Black markets have always been out there, but there’s no doubt they increase when governments over tax. When people who would normally want to be law-abiding citizens see no other choice, they can choose to go to the dark side to stay in business and provide for their own. Or they’ll give up. If profitability is a faint hope here, business owners may just look for greener pastures. As these punitive tax measures and regulations are introduced, watch the money flow out of Canada. Why? Because it can. What business bashers fail to recognize is, that in today’s global economy, money is more fluid than ever. Investment advisors can move their clients’ cash to other countries with a tap of the keyboard, moving to areas of the world that are more tax and investment friendly. If Canada and BC continues its current tact to be antagonistic to business, then investors will simply move on. They will, and they are, because in this global economy, they can.




ike many Chartered Professional Accountants and tax lawyers who have extensive knowledge of our present tax system, we have become increasingly frustrated and puzzled by the refusal of either Finance Minister Bill Morneau or Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to seriously listen to all of the warnings on the consequences of these complex and misguided tax proposals. Indeed, if anything, Trudeau’s claims are becoming even more outrageous with every passing day

with claims that people earning $250,000 pay less tax than someone earning $50,000. If there are any supporters of Trudeau reading this article, please send me your “math”. This statement is mathematically impossible and it is incredibly troubling to me to see our Prime Minister make such an egregious statement. Morneau, who inherited his father’s business of selling Individual Pension Plans to high wealth Canadians and who, coincidently, is also married to Nancy McCain of the East Coast McCain Foods family fortune, should clearly be able to identify individuals who are truly “rich”. Once again, it is incredibly disingenuous on his part to identify hard working doctors as an example of the “rich” that are taking “unfair advantage of these tax loopholes”. I continue to read articles from “economists” and “statisticians” that “prove” that these proposals

will only affect the “the rich”. As I read these articles, I am again reminded of the old saying: There are lies, damned lies and statistics, as they come up with statistics that are breathtakingly meaningless and totally devoid of any knowledge about how business really works. Fundamentally, they fail to realize that, for small business, net income cannot be equated with available cash, which turns their assumptions into nonsense. And then I read that public service unions such as the Canadian Nurses Associat ion and the Canadian Association of Social Workers have come out “in favour” of these proposals. I intend no disrespect to any nurses but for the same reason that I would never presume to provide advice or opinion to a nurse on how to insert an indwelling catheter (especially if the patient was me), I would question whether even a handful of the 139,000 nurses have even

a rudimentary knowledge of our present corporate tax system or the incredibly complex proposals of the Liberals. I also note that all four of the final candidates for the federal NDP leadership came out in favour of these proposals. I did do a Google search to see if I could find any business organizations at all that support these proposals. Not surprisingly, I could not find a single organization on Google that was in support. But I did see the results of a poll from the Canadian Federation of Independent Business that 88 per cent of its members feel that these proposals will negatively impact on their ability to grow and to hire new employees. As someone, who has worked with small business for 45 years, the decisions that small businesses make will not be based upon statistics or even what their CPA might say. It is based upon emotion, and I can state for a fact that these

proposals have already had a negative impact on business growth, based upon the perception of what they are seeing from our Federal and Provincial governments. It is becoming increasingly obvious to me and other members of our profession that this has become a ideological battle created by Justin Trudeau to increase his power base by attempting to attract more of the left wing vote from the federal NDP who are in disarray and vulnerable. He knows that there is no way his economic promises that he was elected on in 2015 will come to fruition and he needs to paint himself as a “populist” who is happy to go after the so-called “rich” - regardless of the truth or how badly it hurts our country. Doug Johnston is a Chartered Professional Accountant and founder of Johnston Johnston & Associates Ltd. in Nanaimo.

SUBCRIPTIONS | $45 PER YEAR (12 ISSUES), $80 FOR 2 YEARS (24 ISSUES), SUBSCRIBE ONLINE: BUSINESSEXAMINER.CA. DISTRIBUTION: SECOND WEEK OF EACH MONTH VIA CANADA POST AD MAIL. The publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited submissions. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Produced and published in British Columbia. All contents copyright Business Examiner Vancouver Island, 2017. Canadian Publications Mail Acct.: 40069240

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kick off for their massive expansion plans to a crowd on Thursday October 5th. Kicking off the fundraising of 1.5 million dollars were generous donations from TimberWest, Western Forest Products and the Truck Loggers Association to a total of close to $600,000. A great start however the Discovery Centre is still seeking funders to raise the balance. To mark World Mental Health Day, Providence Farm publicly unveiled its newest therapeutic project: a healing labyrinth. Paid for by a grant from the Victoria Foundation

Professional services clear and simple and designed with the help of Camosun College, the labyrinth garden is expected to enhance the Farm’s world class horticulture therapy program. They provide horticulture therapy


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there except this time around it is much nicer because the scale is there. By adding that little bit of extra height it gives the building more presence in the Departure Bay area,” he said. Niamath said the addition of more residential units should help create a more vibrant neighbourhood. He said the increase in height also means the building must include a percentage of affordable housing units, as well as more environmentally responsible construction practices. The project is expected to go before council sometime in October, according to Niamath, who said he’s unsure as to when the project will be completed.

VANCOUVER ISLAND WestJet announces New Island Flights WestJet announced that it will begin operating daily, year-round service from Nanaimo Airport and Comox Valley Airport to Vancouver International Airport on WestJet Encore. “WestJet is looking forward to providing Nanaimo and Comox with improved connectivity into the broader WestJet network,” said Brian Znotins, WestJet Vice-President, Network Pla n n i ng,

and associated therapies in a stimulating rural environment, while teaching participants new skills and employing them in the cultivation of organic produce for market.

Alliances and Corporate Development. “In addition, WestJet Encore’s Bombardier Q400s offer an affordable, quick and comfortable option for leisure and business travellers looking to hop back and forth between the island communities and British Columbia’s largest business centre and airport.” “It’s great to see WestJet recognize the opportunity to expand in our marketplace,” said Fred Bigelow, CEO at the Comox Valley Airport. “We’re well served with WestJet service through Calgary and Edmonton. By adding Vancouver International Airport to the mix, travellers now have more options for easy connections within the Province and Hawaii.” “Developing service is key to Nanaimo Airport’s continued growth to ensure safe, reliable transportation for Central Vancouver Island residents,” said Mike Hooper, President and CEO Nanaimo Airport. “This announcement is a major indicator of how strongly the Mid-Island region is supporting WestJet Encore service.” These new routes provide convenient connections to Oahu, Maui, Island of Hawaii, Kauai, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Kelowna, Prince George, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg and Toronto in addition to the direct access that the Vancouver International Airport offers to greater Vancouver area businesses. This winter, WestJet has a total of 21 weekly flights out of Nanaimo and 36 weekly flights out of Comox, including a weekly flight to Puerto Vallarta.

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