Business Examiner Thompson/Okanagan - December 2014

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–PAGE 9 Earlug 201.6 x 129.6 points 2.8” x 1.8”

KAMLOOPS Fulcrum Development Inc. creating quality projects in Kamloops



Resort Offers World Class Corporate Retreats Big White Ski Resort offers winter sports, conference space and boutique dining for business guests

KELOWNA Townhouse development in


downtown Kelowna


named best multi family project


INDEX New Update


Vernon 3 West Kelowna


Kelowna 5 Summerland 5 Kamloops 17 Movers and Shakers 20 Opinion 22 Green Sheet

ELOWNA – Canada’s largest “Ski In, Ski Out” ski resort is placing an emphasis on corporate retreat programs that feature prominently among its offerings. Encompassing 7,300 acres, Big White Ski Resort contains an alpine village complete community providing everything from luxury accommodations to fine dining and spa services. Big White Ski Resort covers 7,300 acres with a village that encompasses a compact and complete community that provides everything from luxury accommodations to fine dining and spa services.“With our growing focus on corporate retreats, we aim to be a place that facilitates success in the business community,” says Director of Snow Sports Josh Foster. “Our world class amenities including conference rooms allow us to offer one of a kind corporate SEE CANADA’S LEADING   |  PAGE 13


Sales 23 Contact us: 1-866-758-2684


Leading BC Recruiting Firm Ashton and Associates Meets the Growing Need for Executive Search Services in BC

Increased competition in business demands finding exceptional talent CHRISTOPHER STEPHENS

Canadian Publications Mail Acct.: 40069240

Banner 707 x 144 points 9.8” x 2”

Big White Ski Resort offers world class corporate retreats with team building activities in a beautiful mountain environment


A M L OOPS – T h roug h commitment to nothing le ss t h a n e xc ep t ion a l human resource development, Ashton & Associates Recruiting

has grown into one of Canada’s leading headhunting firms. Serving Kamloops, Kelowna, the BC Interior, Okanagan and Lower Mainland, Owner/ Founder Barbara Ashton built a firm poised to help companies reach their full potential.

Enormous pressure on global resources, combined with increases in mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures present both opportunities and challenges to BC businesses. “Right now, rapidly increasing competition in the market

means companies must be at their best in order to succeed. The executive search results we deliver makes this possible,” says Ashton. “We are increasingly being SEE LEADING BC RECRUITING   |  PAGE 16

2 VERNON Heineken Canada signs 3 year agreement with Silver Star As a pa rtner bra nd of Molson Coors Canada, this agreement not only brings with it t he st reng t h of Heineken, a g loba l ly recog n i zed i mpor t premium lager which has just celebrated its 150th birthday, but also a first class portfolio of products. Heineken, Strongbow Cider, Newcastle Brown Ale, Coors Light and Granville Island Pale Ale will be served at all five outlets on and off the mountain. Anne Haight, Director of Sales and Marketing for Silver Star Mountain Resort, said “We’re excited to be able to align our emerg i ng bra nd w ith one of the world’s most recognizable brands” she said. Both parties plan to develop several exciting on-mountain events as well as create engaging retail promotions throughout Canada. Award-winning Silver Star is recognized as one of Canada’s best family resorts. An intimate, colourful, mid-mountain village provides true slope-side lodging nestled in the heart of British Colu mbia’s T hompson Okanagan region. In summer, the Silver Star Bike Park is widely regarded as one of the premier downhill mountain bike facilities in North America. “The year round appeal of this first class resort creates a prime backdrop for seasonal programming and brand support 12 months of the year, making this a partnership that our organization is genuinely excited to be a part of,” says Barb Mitchell, Marketing Manager for Heineken Canada.

KELOWNA BC tree fruit sector to benefit with sustainable, long-term replant program The Province is committing $8.4 million for a seven-year tree fruit replant program that supports grower’s efforts to meet consumer demands for high-value, high-quality BC fruit. P rem ier Ch risty Cla rk a nnounced the details of the program at a Kelowna orchard with representatives of BC’s tree fruit industry. “It’s about prov id i ng certainty for BC fruit growers,” says Premier Clark. “And making sure we continue to showcase the best tree fruits in the world, both here at home and internationally.” B e g i n n i n g A p r i l 1 , 2 015 , th rough to the 2021 season, growers will be able to apply for the new program. It is estimated that more than 600 hectares (1,500 acres) of orchards will be replanted over the next seven

NEWS UPDATE years providing 2,600 jobs each year for the Okanagan. The new program builds on the recent success of growers who replanted low-value orchards with high-demand and highquality varieties like Ambrosia apples and late-season cherries. BC growers produced Canada’s second-largest tree fruit crop in 2013, generating almost $103 million in farm cash receipts. Program applications and criteria will soon be available on the BC Fruit Growers Association website. “Growers are genuinely excited about the announcement of the replant program as the government set a goal of a sustainable, long-term replant program, and today this promise is delivered,” said BC Fruit Growers’ Association president Fred Steele. Focusing on high-value BC products are key to growing the BC government’s agrifoods industry to a $14-billion-a-year industry by 2017. In 2013, BC growers produced more than 103,000 tonnes of tree fruits including apples, sweet cherries, peaches, pears, plums/prunes, nectarines and apricots, as well as other tree fruits. This is almost a quarter of the total Canadian production, while BC exported $41.7 million in cherries in 2013 with the top markets in Hong Kong, Un ite d S t ate s, Ta iwa n a nd China. BC apple ex por ts h ave i ncreased almost 30% in the past two years. In 2013, BC exported $19.1 million in apples and top three markets were the United States, Mexico and Taiwan.

KELOWNA Downtown Hotel to contribute $112 million to economy The Urban Development Institute (UDI) Okanagan Chapter announced the enrollment of the Westcorp’s downtown hotel into the UDI Okanagan Building Our Community Sign Program. The proposed Downtown Hotel is a 205 room boutique hotel with between 12,000 and 15,000 square feet of meeting and conference space, and a full range of guest services and amenities. T he project is ex pected to contribute $112,000,000 i n economic impact, 540 (fulltime equivalent) construction jobs, 224 (full-time equivalent) long-ter m s jobs a nd a n a nnual expenditure by guests of $20,800,000. Westcorp is the developer behind the proposed downtown hotel. According to Gail Temple, VP Stakeholder Management with Westcorp, “As community builders, we decided to enroll in this program because we believe that it’s important to showcase the positive contribution that our development, and the development industry in general,

has on the community.” According to Andrew Bruce, President of UDI Okanagan, “We are pleased that most of our members are enrolling into the program and communicating the positive benefits that responsible growth has on our community. We are also hoping that momentum for this program will continue to build as we believe it’s an important message to get through”. The UDI Sign Program allows a ny U DI Oka n aga n member developer to pay a small fee to enroll one or more of their developments into the program. Developers choose to showcase a variety of economic, community or environmental benefits associated with their particular development. One of the key features of the prog ra m is that a l l benef its featured on the sign need to be verified by a qualified UDI Okanagan appraiser/verifier/CA firm member. For more information about the Building Our Community UDI Okanagan Sign Program or to view a list of enrolled projects, visit www.udiokanagan. ca

SUMMERLAND BC APPLE GROWERS’ AT NATIONAL APPLE COMPETITION BC apples captured the top spots in the Ambrosia, Golden Delicious, Aurora Golden Gala, and Heaviest Apple categories at this year’s National Apple Competition at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair (RAWF) in Toronto. The agriculture fair is held in the heart of the largest urban centre in Canada. “BC apples did great again this year in the national apple competition, a fitting tribute and a finale to the BC Fruit Growers’ Association celebration of its 125th year,” said Fred Steele, President of the BCFGA. Commercial Varieties Class: Gala - 2nd Steve Brown of H appy Va l ley H a r vest of Summerland and 3 rd Julie Sard i n h a , Sa rd i n h a O rch a rd s, Summerland. Class: Johnagold - 1st Billy and Shauna Boerboom, Windmill Orchards of Summerland Cl a ss: G olden Del iciou s – 1 st Peter Simonsen, Northern Lights Orchard of Naramata (certified organic) Heritage Varieties Class: Other named – 1st Devin Jell of SunOka Fruit Farms, Summerland (Granny Smith); 2 nd David and Arlene Sloan of Matheson Creek Farms, Okanagan Falls. New Varieties Class: Ambrosia - 1st Devin Jell of SunOka Fruit Farms, Summerland; 2 nd David and Arlene Sloan of Matheson Creek Farms, Okanagan Falls. Class: Au rora G olden Ga la


– 1st Keith Johnstone of Naramata; 2 nd Jack Machial of Machial Enterprises, Oliver; 3rd Tom Ouchi of Ringoen Orchards, Vernon. Class: Other named – 1st David and Arlene Sloan of Matheson Creek Farms, Okanagan Falls (Pinova), 3 rd Devin Jell, SunOka Fruit Farms, Summerland (Pink Lady) Class: Champion and Reserve - Keith Johnstone of Naramata (Aurora Golden Gala) Best Collection of 5 Varieties – 2 nd Devin Jell of SunOka Fruit Farms, Summerland (Honeycrisp, Ambrosia, Aurora Golden Gala, Granny Smith and Pink Lady) The BC Fruit Growers’ Association represents 550 commercial growers in BC.

ARMSTRONG New Residential Water Meters for Armstrong Residents The City of Armstrong has now completed a major component of its Water Conservation Plan with the installation of nearly 1,800 residential water meters in the community. I n add it ion to con ser v i n g water, the project is also exp ected to reduce t he City’s energy consumption and defer the need for additional water supply and treatment upgrades in Armstrong. Funding for the $760,000 project was made possible thanks in part to $470,000 from the federal Gas Tax Fund, as well as $16,300 from the Okanagan Basin Water Board and its Water Conservation and Quality Improvement Grant Program. T he remaining funds for the project were provided through local revenues. “The City is grateful for funding from the federal Gas Tax Fund and the Okanagan Basin Water Board. Adding residentia l meteri ng to ou r a l ready metered commercial and industrial properties has been a high priority for many years. There is a real value to our community in understanding our water use and it is very exciting to see the project coming to fruition,” says Chris Pieper, Mayor, City of Armstrong

KELOWNA Roy Daykin joins Okanagan College Okanagan College welcomes one of the sector’s leaders to its executive team when Roy Daykin joins the institution as its new Vice President Finance and Administration on Dec. 15. Daykin brings nearly three decades of leadership experience in post-secondary; he was most recently Vice President,

Roy Daykin Administration and Communit y E n ga gement at L a nga ra College. Prior to that role, Daykin spent three years in senior executive roles at Langara, serving terms as the institution’s Vice President of Administration and Finance, Associate Vice President of Administration and Finance, and Langara’s interim President and CEO. In addition to senior executive roles at Langara, Daykin spent nine years at Kwantlen University College as Associate Vice President of Finance. Prior to that appointment, he was with Douglas College for 16 years where he progressed from a position in accounts payable to Manager of Accounting Information and Internal Audit, and eventually to Director of Finance. “ O k a n a g a n C o l l e ge h a s a great reputation and there are so many reasons I am looking forward to joining the team,” said Daykin. “There is such a strong sense of community in the Okanagan and the College is deeply engaged with the community and that is very important to me. “I’m also excited about the depth and breadth of programming the College offers. From trades to university studies to applied programs, it’s a great variety of programming that supports students a nd thei r learning.” Daykin holds a master of arts in leadership and training from Royal Roads University. In addition, he is a Certified General Accountant. He is currently the chair of the BC Post-Secondary Employers Association Board, chair of the BC Consortium for Skills Development, member of the BC Task Force on Reengineeri ng, a nd cha i r of the Sen ior Finance and Administration Officers for BC Post-Secondary Institutions.

KELOWNA Okanagan Rail Corridor On December 1st the City of SEE NEWS UPDATE   |  PAGE 3



Kelowna, on behalf of the Inter-jurisdictional Acquisition team signed a negotiated sales and purchase agreement with CN for the discontinued rail line between Kelowna and Mile 88 in Coldstream. The negotiated cost to secure the corridor is a combination of $22-million in monetary consideration and land donation for which the City of Kelowna will issue a charitable donation receipt. Local governments respect and support the Okanagan Indian Band in its claim of reversionary rights on the land that falls within IR No. 7 and as such those parcels have been excluded from the pending agreement. T hrough the sales agreement, local municipalities will now have a 120-day due diligence period to lift conditions, which includes financing. This agreement supersedes the previous application for non-binding Net Salvage Value determination, so the CTA process no longer applies. Local governments are making every effort to minimize the current tax impact in the interest of securing a land asset that would be valued for generations.

NEWS UPDATE/VERNON T he specific land parcels fall within the jurisdictions of Kelowna, Lake Country and the Regional District of the North Okanagan, so fu nd ing opt ion s such a s pa r t nersh ips, g ra nts, mu n icipa l reser ves or borrow i ng w i l l be f i n a l i zed by t hose ju r i sd ictions during the due diligence period. Under the Ca nad ia n T ra nsportation Agency discontinuance process, a single entity must put forward an interest in acquisition of the corridor, therefore t he t ra n sfer process i s to h ave the City of Kelowna be the sole purchaser with subsequent purchase and sale agreements to other jurisdictions. While a number of ownership models were explored the preferred model is for each municipality to own the land that falls within its own boundaries. The agreement stipulates that CN will attempt to remove the rail infrastructure from the corridor for salvage by the end of 2015. Once the discontinuance process has concluded, and assuming public ownership is achieved, local governments will establish construction and operation agreements; determine future costs and other considerations as part of protecting the rail corridor for future generations.




olitical newcomer Akbal Mund was appropriately at a charity dream auction when he fou nd out h is dream came true – he is the new mayor for the City of Vernon. The well known businessman who once chaired the BC Winter Games in Vernon, was instantly surrounded by well wishers as the news spread of his election win over four other candidates. “I think people were looking for change, and they saw that I was the person who could give them the change they were looking for,” says Mund. Greater Vernon Chamber President Jaron Chasca was among the first to congratulate the new mayor who vowed to work closely with the Chamber to create a more development and investment friendly environment. Mund succeeds Rob Sawatzky, who announced in July he wouldn’t seek another term. The face of the Council also shifted towards a more business focus as four incumbents are joined by two newcomers Dalvir Nahal and Scott Anderson, both of whom stated economic development was a top priority. The election campaign resulted in many sleepless nights for a number of candidates and that is something Brynne Morrice can relate to. Well at least the sleepless part. He isn’t a would-be politician but rather a passionate young film maker from the North Okanagan and what has been keeping him up at night

is zebra mussels. Yes mussels. Brynne and his sister (Eilidh) feel so passionately about the need to prevent the invasive species from coming into BC’s lakes that they are making a documentary about the issue. “The lakes in the Okanagan are very important to us, as I know they are to others, so we decided to do something about it,” says Morrice. They have mostly finished filming in BC and are now filming on the East Coast of the U.S. They are also trying to raise some needed funds to allow them to film in locations such as Arizona, where the mussels have only recently arrived and where residents and authorities are still reeling from the effects which have impacted the environment and the economy. If you are interested in finding out more about this project you can just do a web search for their kickstarter campaign (short documentary on the threat of zebra mussels in B.C.). Speaking of films, the North Okanagan is buzzing with the appearance of Sir Anthony Hopkins. The veteran actor is staring in Go With Me, which is being shot in nearby Enderby and Lumby. The film also stars Ray Liotta and is being produced by Rick Dugdale, an Enderby native who is now one of the principals in the production company Enderby Entertainment, a LA based independent film and media company. Of course while it is nice to see your favourite movie star at your local coffee shop, the major bonus is the millions of dollars of economic activity the film is generating in the region. Finally the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce is pleased to welcome a number of new members including, Legal Shield, Okanagan Shade & Shutter, Associated Property Management, Rumours Hospitality Group, Target Pharmacy, Peerless Training Solutions, Salad Greenhouse Inc. and O’Connor, Smith & Associates. Dan Rogers is the General Manager at the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce and can be reached at


IS COMING • • • • •

Please give generously during the 2014 Christmas Kettle Campaign. To volunteer to be a Kettle Host please call: VERNON - 250-307-7770 • KELOWNA - 250-860-2329 Ext 335







LET’S GO! OKANAGAN! Late last year, a network of Okanagan-based organizations joined together to provide air travelers with improved


ground transportation options to Penticton and Kelowna airports



onnecting from the South Ok a n a ga n to Kelow na International Airport is getting a whole lot easier. In Aug ust the South Okanagan Chamber of Commerce, along with partners throughout the south and central Okanagan, i nclud i ng the Greater Westside Board of Trade, Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association and Air Canada, announced a new daily schedule shuttle service from Osoyoos to Kelowna International Airport (YLW) with ten inter-community stops along the way. There are four round trips per day with specific pick-up and drop off times and locations. Late last year, a network of

Okanagan-based organizations joined together to provide air travelers with improved ground transportation options to Penticton and Kelowna airports. Additionally, the service would improve inter-community access for locals and visitors. Through an RFP process, Let’s Go! Transportation was awarded the contract to provide the daily express shuttle service. “We plan to give our passengers the best in customer service and a value-added experience when they step onto our shuttles,” says L et’s G o! T ra n spor tation co-owner Birgit Santana. “From a bottle of water to the tourism overview and highlights that will be provided as we drive them to and/or from their destinations, visitors will feel welcome from the moment they step onto our new customized shuttles.” R ates between Kelow na to Osoyoos are $45 one way or $30 from Penticton to Kelowna Airport. Air Canada, normally in the business of air service, sees this as a unique opportunity to connect air travelers to both Kelowna and Penticton airports to the entire south Okanagan. Visit for more information or reservations on the South Okanagan Express Shuttle.

…And now it’s moving northbou nd! A n in formation sess i o n , l e a d b y Y LW A i r p o r t Di rector Sam Samaddar a nd Let’s Go! Transportation coowners, Fabio and Birgit Santana, was recently held at the Vernon Chamber of Commerce office to engage various Chamb ers i nclud i n g t he Ver non, Armstrong-Spallumcheen, Salmon Arm, Enderby, Lumby and Sicamous Chambers of Commerce. This North Okanagan Express Shuttle is in its early stages and is already reaping success. Even though the GW BOT i s n o t ge o g ra p h i c a l l y n e a r th is nor thern add ition to the shuttle service, GW BOT Co-Ch a i r Nor m L e Cava l ier explains, “T he GW BOT embraced the opportunity to continue working with YLW and L et’s G o T ra nspor tat ion on this regional transportation i n itiative to ensu re that the North Okanagan Shuttle Service is introduced effectively and collaboratively.” We are also pleased to welcome the following new members to the Greater Westside Board of Trade: 1st Class Auto Glass & Upholstery, AA Septic Service (1991) Ltd., Arcola Computer Electronics, Atelier Pom, Bear Creek Landscape,

Benewealth Strategies Inc., Bob Herron Electric, Body Shop Training Centre, Bugmaster Pe s t C o nt rol , B u r n c o Ro ck Products, C4U Inspections, Callahan Property Group, Canada Synthetic Turf International, Centric Health Physiotherapy and Wellness, Century 21 Assurance Realtors, City of Merritt, City Pawn Brokers and L enders, Cloud 9 Doggy Daycare, Dragon Interior Designs Corp, Edwards Jones, Final Phase Contracting, Frogbox Okanagan, Gux Construction, Keeling Accounting & Tax Services, Kelly O’Bryans Restau ra nt & P ub, Kelow na Rockets, Lasting Impressions Editing, Maple Reinders Inc, Okanagan Servers, Optimal Purchasing Services Inc., Pat r icia Mor r is B o ok ke epi ng, RP Howard Enterprises,, The Heritage Retirement Residence, The Medicine Sh o p p e 259, T MG B u si n e s s S er v ic e s , Wat t s N ew, WCG Services, Whole Heart Wellness, W T Fast a nd Zero Slip Solutions. For further info please contact Karen Beaubier, Executive Director, Greater Westside Board of Trade 250.768.3378 or admin@



n t he ty pica l l i fecycle of a busi ness, you reach a p oi nt du r i ng t he g row t h phase when you have proven your business concept and deter m i ned, “ Yes, I ca n m a ke m o n e y d o i n g t h i s .” T h a t’s often the time when it makes sense to i ncor porate you r business. A corporation is a business which is owned and operated by shareholders. A corporation is a separate legal entity that ca n operate a busi ness. W hile the shareholders ow n t he sh a re s of t he compa ny, the cor poration ow ns the assets and is responsible for a ny debts or cla i ms aga i nst the company. This means the assets that are most exposed to a potential legal claim are the assets owned by the corporation. Your personal assets would be significantly harder for a claimant to reach. Un l i ke a propr ietorsh ip or a pa r t nersh ip, t he cor poration is a taxpayer. The taxable income or loss from the business operations carried on by a corporation are calculated separately from your personal fi na nces. T he sha reholders a re remu nerated th roug h wages or dividends. Wages are a deductible expense for the cor poration a nd a re ta xable to t he re cipient. D iv idend s

Brian Posthumus, CPA, CA are paid to shareholders from the accumulated profits of the corporation a nd a re not deductible for the corporation. Div idends a re then ta xed i n t he sha reholders ha nds at a preferential rate. T here a re a nu mber of adva ntages a nd d isadva ntages of using a corporation to carry on you r busi ness. T he su mmary below assumes that 2014 B.C./Federal tax rates apply. Advantages: • Limited liability – Corp o ra t i o n s c a n p ro te c t the shareholders against legal claims. • Ta x d e fe r ra l – I f a B C corporation is engaged i n a n a c t ive b u s i n e s s,

the first $500,000 of active business income is taxed at a rate of 13.5%. • Debt repayment – Since the corporation is taxed at a lower rate, you a re able to pay off business debt faster t h a n i f you were in a partnership or proprietorship. • I ncome spl itti ng – I f a c o r p o r a t i o n i s s t r u ct u re d c o r re c t l y, d i v idends ca n be pa id to fa m i ly members of t he busi ness operator. A ssuming those family members have no other income, a $40,000 dividend can be paid to each family member with only a nominal amount of person a l ta x. I f you were to receive that $ 4 0, 0 0 0 d i v i d e n d a s t he bu si ness op erator, you would pay approximately $15,000 in tax if you were at the highest marginal tax rate. • Capital gains deduction – The $800,000 lifetime capital gains deduction c a n b e ut i l i z e d on t h e s a le of t h e s h a re s of a qu a l i f y i ng sma l l business corporation. By accessing the exemption, each sha reholder ca n save up to $183,000 i n


personal taxes when the business is sold. Disadvantages: Complexity – A corporation adds more complexi t y a n d re q u i re s m o re professional advice. Costs – T he additional complexity comes with increased costs for professional fees and other ser v ices rel ated to t he corporation. Loss restriction – Losses incurred by the business may get trapped i nside the corporation. T hese losses cannot be used by the individual except in specific circumstances. your business grows and

prospers, incorporating your business usually makes sense. I f yo u r b u s i n e s s c ont i nu e s to f l o u r i s h , m o r e c o m p l e x structures can be introduced. These will be discussed in future articles. Brian Posthumus, CPA, CA is a Taxation Specialist with MNP LLP | Accounting > Consulting > Tax. Contact Brian at 250-9791736 or brian.posthumus@ Please consult a tax advisor for advice on how the above information should be applied.

Coming next month: Industry in Focus


Toll free: 1-866-758-2684 ext 124 Josh Higgins Joanne Iormetti ext 122







ur Chamber launched another trip in our “Travel and Learn” Program in October, partnering with Wells Gray Tours, with its four Okanagan and Interior based offices; and the Kelowna Daily Courier. Our first trip sold out within three weeks, and we announced a second trip departing one day later. The success of this program is based on numerous factors: the good reputation of the Chamber; the excellent reputation of Wells Gray Tours in the Chamber catchment area, and the strong support of Publisher Terry Armstrong of The Kelowna Daily Courier.

But, the tour’s lure to our members and non-members in the Okanagan isn’t just based on price, or five-star hotels. It’s more to do with finding out about this fascinating neighbour across the Pacific – one with which Canada’s economic daily life is more and more intertwined. Is China’s economy slowing down? There have been some questioning headlines over the past few months. The Canadian Chamber’s Senior Director of Economic, Financial and Tax Policy, Hendrik Brakel says “no”. He published figures a few weeks into November about Canada’s second largest trading partner ($70 billion/year in bilateral trade). Clearly, a slowdown in China could have major impact in Canada. While China’s economy is changing dramatically, growth will remain over 7% for the foreseeable future. China’s middle class is growing at the head-turning rate of 30 million people a year. This is truly a consumer revolution. And yes, this new emerging class loves to spend where? Online, of course. Canadian companies looking to do business with China should

Canadian companies looking to do business with China should take note that ecommerce is a remarkable way to penetrate the Chinese consumer market take note that e-commerce is a remarkable way to penetrate the Chinese consumer market. We’re frequently asked: “How do I start up business with China?” Of course, the BC and the Canadian government have offices in China to facilitate the growing two-way business: Invest BC’s office in Beijing is hosting our business travelers at an information breakfast during our April 2015 trip. Brakel says in his November comments that the 7.5% increase (on an overall US $9 trillion economy) reflects growth shifting away from investment and export dependence and toward a more broad-based expansion

of consumption, thanks in large part to rising wages in China. China does have high debt levels. However, the banks are well capitalized: with $4 trillion in foreign exchange reserves, there is more than enough of a safety cushion to weather a downturn. Real estate prices continue to soar in China, and overbuilt areas are noticeable. But, with two million people per month moving from rural areas to the cities, China must add “one New York City every year” to keep up. The usual damping tools of raising mortgage rates and down payments are being utilized to control the pressures. W i t h a c o n s u m e r re volution underway, growth looks to continue strong. In 2013, China became the world’s largest e-commerce market. KPMG forecasts that these transactions will reach US $540 billion in 2015. Five years after that, in 2020, KPMG says China’s e-commerce market will be larger than US, UK, Japan, Germany & France – combined. Nearly everyone in business has heard of Alibaba – the world’s largest e-commerce company, twice the size of Amazon. They handle

500 orders a second. That’s right, a second. Here’s a great quote from Jack Ma, head of Alibaba (setting investors into overdrive with his IPO news this fall): “in the U.S., ecommerce is dessert. But in China, it’s the main course.” Just google “Alibaba IPO” and be amazed at the numbers. That’s why the Canadian Chamber of Commerce has been lobbying to establish a renminbi trading hub in Canada to make it easier to do business in China’s currency. In early November the Canadian Chamber President, Perrin Beatty, and Stephen Harper met with Ma (his net worth is currently estimated at $21.9 billion – he’s called a “Disrupter” by Vanity Fair) - to talk about boosting trade. Says Brakel, “It’s time to feast. Canadian companies looking to list their products on Alibaba should start the process, now.” Here at the Chamber of Commerce in Kelowna, we’re certainly paying attention. Caroline Grover is the CEO of the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached by email at




he Summerland Chamber of Commerce recently said farewell to our retiring Mayor, Janice Perrino. The past years have seen many successes in Summerland; a new transit service, a new water treatment plant, attractive streetscaping, new infrastructure, minimal tax increases, municipal restructuring and increased financial reserves. Throughout these years the Chamber has appreciated working with the outgoing Mayor and Council. Moving forward, the citizens of Summerland have elected a new Mayor and Council who

Summerland Chamber Board says farewell to outgoing Mayor. L-R, Retiring Summerland Mayor, Janice Perrino and Summerland Chamber of Commerce Board President, Arlene Fenrich.

have pledged to dedicate themselves to serving the community, enhancing key sectors such as agriculture and tourism, and bridging the gaps between stakeholder groups. While various interest groups in Summerland have differing opinions on how to address some of our challenges, we likely all have more in common than we realize. In early December the Chamber Board will meet with the incoming Council for ‘Chamber 101’ an informative orientation session designed to give our new Mayor and Council a comprehensive overview of the two areas where the Chamber works on behalf of the District – tourism and economic development. One of our economic development focuses this past year has been on agriculture, an area of significant interest to our incoming Council. Through the development of new videos the Chamber has highlighted this sector. As well, the presence of PARC in our community provides us with a unique opportunity to leverage our community’s scientific brain trust. More recently the Chamber has been able to gather individuals from the research station, the District, local agriculture entrepreneurs and provincial innovation specialists for more coordinated conversations around growing our agricultural technology sector. Regional partnerships are also a priority and currently we work with all of the South Okanagan communities in widely diverse portfolios ranging from bike path development, regional airport development, attracting people from oil workers to immigrants to our communities, and expanding our presence nationally and globally. As we grow our community together, The Chamber Board is looking forward to working with the incoming Mayor and Council. Christine Petkau is manager at the Summerland Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at


• How to make cold calls fun and effective. • A systematic basic way to use Linked In for introductions and referrals. • The difference between Cold, Cool, Warm and Hot Prospecting and ideal ways of approaching each. Date: Friday, January 23rd, 2015 Time: 8:30am - 4:30pm Location: Sandler Training Centre, Kelowna, BC Details and Registration:




Custom home builder is branching into high quality spec homes


ra me Custom Homes Ltd . i s wel l k now n for never compromising on quality. The multi award winning company has an enviable reputat ion for bu i ld i ng t he highest quality custom homes i n t h e O k a n a g a n ; n o w it i s bu i ld i ng on that good na me by moving into the spec home market – without compromising on quality. At T h e Pon d s, a 450-a c re master planned community in the Upper Mission Area of Kelowna, Frame Custom Homes is currently building its fifth of s i x hom e s – a nd t h e y ’re sel l i ng as fast as compa ny president Bill Frame can get them completed. T he Frame homes stand out; they’re not the traditional or craftsman style homes people have come to expect. “I decided to br i ng something else to the marketplace,” Frame said. “That’s why I did some new, modern desig ns. A nd it seems that the public i s h appy w it h wh at I’m doing.” He described the homes as chic and contemporary. He

“My philosophy is to build a quality, award worthy home at every price point. Every price point merits the same quality of materials and craftsmanship.” BILL FRAME PRESIDENT, FRAME CUSTOM HOMES LTD.

Frame Custom Homes works closely with its customers to realize their dream home was also determined to build homes that weren’t as large as ma ny homes that have been built in the last few years. “It’s often such a huge waste of space,” he said. “I wanted to c o n d e n s e t h e s p a c e a n d m a k e i t m o re u s e a b l e . T h e rooms are still quite large but I eliminated hallways and a lot of the large foyer space. It’s a very f u nctiona l f loor pla n.” In 3,000 square feet on three

levels, one of Frame’s homes boasts five good-sized bedrooms on the upper and lower levels and a large great room plus office and powder room on the main level. Frame said that people who have bought the homes are downsizing or coming as young families. The feedback f rom t hem i s t h at the space f lows well and the quality is superb. T he ex ter iors a re ced a r or

hardi-plank board and batten siding; yards are fully fenced w it h detached ga ra ges t h at actually allow for more yard space. t he i nter iors featu re hardwood, tiles and carpets, modern fixtures and cabinets, and sleek appliances. Frame has entered one of the homes i n t he prov i nci a l Ca nad ia n Hom e B u i lders A sso ciat ion Georgie Awards, for which it is a finalist.

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Interiors are meticulously finished

Bill Frame says he won’t compromise on quality

Frame Custom Homes is in high demand for the quality of its projects “ T h a t r e a l l y p u m p s m e ,” F ra m e s a i d . “ I n t h a t p r i c e point there is probably a ton of competition.” H is homes have been so successful that he plans to purchase six more lots i n phase th ree of T he Pon d s, w it h a s l i g ht ly d i fferent ta ke on the homes he pl a n s to bu i ld t here. W h i le t he nex t homes w i l l a l so be modern, they will be smaller to accommodate a price point under $500,000. Frame Custom Homes is also bu sy el sewhere. At t he new 2 1-lot Craw ford Poi nt sub­ d iv i sion, it i s t he on ly preferred bu i lder. Fra me hopes t o b u i l d a go o d n u m b e r o f the new homes slated for the d e ve lo p m e n t, w i t h g ro u n d brea k i ng ex pected i n the spring. T he company is also ver y much i nvolved i n the c u s to m h o m e m a r k e t w i t h five currently underway and another two awaiting building permits. Bill Frame founded his company in 2005. Prior to that he and his family owned a general contracting and marine t ra n s p or t at ion b u s i ne ss i n Fort McMurray. They hauled freig ht dow n the Athabasca R iver to the communities on the shores of Lake Athabasca. In the 1990s they transported new homes to va r ious communities around the lake and also did new construction. In 2002 they sold their business and Frame moved to Kelowna where he believed there was a niche in the market for quality home construction. “Every home we build is award worthy,” he said. “My

philosophy is to build a quali t y, a w a rd wo r t h y h o m e a t every price point. Every price poi nt merits the sa me qua lity of m ater i a ls a nd cra f tsm a n sh ip. It do e sn’t m at ter wh at pr ice ra nge you’re i n, you’re going to get the same product.” T he Pond s i s not t he on ly proje c t t h at i s a f i n a l i s t i n t h is yea r’s G eorg ie awa rds. Fra me i s a f i n a l i st w it h t he Huber Residence i n the cate gor y $1.5 - $3 m i l l ion a n d w it h L itt le Rock i n t he categor y, $3 m i l l ion a nd over. He a l so h a s severa l ent r ie s re a dy for t h e n e x t Tom m i e awa rds. Frame described Little Rock as a particularly exceptional h o m e . I t to o k fo u r f i n i s hing carpenters six months to complete the project, wh ich boasts 20,000 l i nea r feet of baseboards plus miles of other

The Ponds is a contender for a Georgie award custom trim. The entire home is built of stone – and not just as a façade. Frame said that he plans to continue building the custom homes his company is known for but he also has ambitions to involve himself more thoroughly in quality homes at a lower price poi nt. For those projects, he plans to create a new division of his company called Homes by Frame. “ I ’m n o t go i n g to c h a n ge who I am at a lower price poi nt.” he sa id. “B ut t h at’s my objective – build quality homes at an affordable price.” Fra me Custom Homes Ltd. is in Kelowna


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eople need insurance, said financial planner Frank Allen of the Frank Allen Financial Group, especially business people. What kind of insurance do they need? The short answer is that every situation is different, with one common denominator. “Debts should last no longer than the person who created them,” Allen said. “Business owners typically have a lot of debt – that’s not uncommon, whether the business has the debt or the business owner has the debt, so the first thing we look at is coverage for a case where, if somebody died today, we want to make sure that debt is paid off.” That is not only important for a business owner, Allen said, but also for an individual. However, that is not the primary use of life insurance. The more common scenario is disability. Statistically, 20% of people buying insurance at age 30 will become disabled for at least a few months before the age of 65. “It doesn’t matter who we are, we all rely on our incomes,” Allen said. “If a business owner is disabled for five or six months, the company can keep paying the salary but after a while, you say, ‘Hey, we’ve got to replace me; we’ve got to have someone come in and do the work that I was doing’ and disability insurance is logical, either through an employee’s disability plan or individually.” Insurance also plays a role in estate planning. A business owner may have more than one child, but only one or two are involved in the business. In that case, it makes sense for the business to go to the child or children in the business. Life insurance can then be used to equal out the division of the estate. Insurance is also useful for succession planning. When a company passes to a child, a new corporation is formed where the common shares are owned by the child or successor and the preferred shares are held by the founder. “Often life insurance is required to say that there will be a large tax bill at the death of the elder and we want to make sure it’s paid,” Allen said. The business can then continue to function successfully without having massive amounts of capital withdrawn. He added one last important item: when a

Serge Corbeil says a big part of his job with the Insurance Bureau of Canada is education

“Put it all on the table and really work with that broker to look at the different options that exist that would best suit the needs of that business SERGE CORBEIL GOVERNMENT RELATIONS MANAGER WESTERN AND PACIFIC, INSURANCE BUREAU OF CANADA

life insurance policy has a named beneficiary that money is protected from creditors – and that can be crucial for business owners as well as for individuals and their families. Serge Corbeil, government relations manager Western and Pacific for the Insurance Bureau of Canada agreed that the short answer to “Who needs insurance?” is, “Everyone.” Automobile insurance is mandatory – the only insurance that is. Mortgage insurance is requested by the mortgage provider and can almost be considered mandatory. And most people understand the importance of insuring their assets. “Everyone needs insurance that has assets that they believe

Financial Planner Frank Allen says business owners need life insurance

would cause them great financial distress if anything happened to those assets,” Corbeil said. “So you want to protect your home and your goods. Insurance is there to replace the goods due to loss or damage.” He added that another aspect of insurance that is not as widely known is liability coverage. “Typically a homeowner’s insurance policy or a renter’s policy would come with that liability protection,” he said, adding that this kind of insurance is particularly important for businesses. A business would have a property policy as well as a commercial general liability policy. A retail shop or professional firm that sees the public coming to the premises would want insurance against accidents such as a slip and fall. “In the commercial environment, it’s more complex and more involved than a homeowner’s policy,” Corbeil said. “Businesses are all different. If you’re a restaurant you have different needs than if you’re a consultant on floral arrangements.” He said that the number one advice he has for business owners or people thinking about starting a business is to talk to a broker and explain, in detail, the nature of the business. “Put it all on the table and really work with that broker to look at the different options that exist that would best suit the needs of that business.” When it comes to

liability, even people who volunteer on boards of directors have to ask about liability insurance. Corbeil said that when he volunteers for a board, his first questions is always, “Do we have directors’ and officers’ liability insurance?” His number two piece of advice for new business owners is to shop around, or have your broker look at different insurance companies – some offer better premiums than others. He also noted that some brokers specialize in commercial insurance, dealing with more complex risks. The third piece of advice, Corbeil gives is to have a risk management plan. “Look around and think of everything that could go wrong. How can you minimize the risk to you and, ultimately, to your customers?” he also advised people who run home-based businesses to talk to their insurance professional. Homeowner’s insurance might not be enough. “It’s essential that you give the most information that is available so they can correctly assess your risk,” he said. “People don’t really think a lot about insurance but it plays an essential role.” He said that a one-time pillar of the insurance industry once said, “Without insurance no plane would fly, no building would be constructed and no business would operate.” Insurance companies take on the risk that allow commerce and progress in today’s world.






he Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board (OMR EB) reported October sales activity of all MLS proper ty ty pes i mproved by 15% compared to the same month in 2013. “ W h i l e O c to b e r n u m b e r s were lower tha n the September highs, they were still wel l a head of the seasona l average as home sales in the O k a n a g a n-S h u s w a p m a rket cont i nue to outper for m l a st yea r,” says Da rcy Griffiths, OMR EB President and a c t ive re a lto r i n t h e No r t h Okanagan. “S p u r r e d b y p e n t-u p d emand, robust consumer c o n f i d e n c e, a n d a s te a d i ly i mprov i ng prov i ncia l econo m y, t h e s t r o n g u p w a r d yea r-over-yea r a nd monthover-month trajectory in our Board area has continued for seven con secut ive mont h s. We a re caut iou sly opt i m istic that this trend will carry onward and into 2015 as confidence builds, especially with the variety of positives in the region and their multiplying effect on our market. Sa les act iv ity w it h i n OMR E B’s t h ree d iverse m a rket a re a s te n d s to v a r y a m o n g property types zone-by-zone

and month-by-month with ups and downs at different times and locations. T he Shuswap Zone leads the way this month with a 27% improvement over O c tob er 2013, c omp a re d to 14% in the Central Okanagan and 12% in the North Okanaga n. T he Shuswap Zone a lso saw a 50% rise in single family re sid ent i a l sa le s compa re d to 2 2% i n t he Cent ra l Ok an a ga n a nd 6% i n t he Nor t h Okanagan. “T he best va lue for buyers is still in the Shuswap where there is more supply than demand and prices remain relatively low, despite confident local buyers coming back into the market,” Griffiths notes. “C o n d i t i o n s i n t h e C e ntral Okanagan are in sellers’ m a rket ter r itor y w it h more demand than supply in some a reas – especia l ly i n homes priced below $500,000 where inventory is short – and a buyers’ market in the higher price category. On the other hand, the North Okanagan market remains stable for both buyers and sellers.” T he pr ice of si ng le fa m i ly homes is fairly steady in most areas with modest gains seen in some locations where supply is tighten ing. On the

d e c l i n e fo r t h e p a s t s e v e n mont h s, act ive l i st i n gs a re cu rrently 12% lower tha n i n October 2013, significantly reducing the selection of entry level homes – particularly in the Centra l a nd North Okanagan where new listings are scarce. “I f you a re lo ok i ng to sel l before winter sets in, now is the ti me to l ist wh i le prices are strong, the demand is high and inventory low, and more importantly, less competition for buyers than in the spring,” Griffiths says. Griffiths warns that the comp et it ion for buyers c a n still be a challenge for sellers if properties are not priced attractively from the start. “Being realistic about the market value of your home and willing to negotiate for the best offer a re t he keys to a successf u l sale.” In order to fully understand the overall picture of the current residential market, it is i mporta nt to consu lt w ith a profession a l rea ltor to look at prices w ith i n proper ty ty p es a nd sa le pr ice t rend s within different price points. B o a rd-w i d e , P e a c h l a n d to Revel stoke, showed overa l l s a l e s of a l l p ro p e r t y t y p e s

i mproved by 15.4% i n October compared to 2013 – to 706 units from 612. Total residential sales for the month rose 15 . 2 % t o 63 6 u n i t s b o a r dw ide compa red to 552 l a st October. Year-to-date, overall sales so far this year improved by 25.5% to 7,466 units compared to 5,949 during the same period in 2013 (January through October). The 1,131 new listings taken b o a rd-w i d e fo r t h e m o n t h were up 2.5% compared to the 1,103 listings posted in October 2013, while inventory (active listings) declined 12.2% over th is ti me last yea r – to 6,752 from 7,689. P e a c h l a n d to L a k e C o u ntry, the Central Zone, during October had overall sales up 14.4% – to 437 units from 382 in 2013. Total residential sales for the month improved 13.0% to 400 units compared to 354 last year at this time. The sale of 203 si n g le fa m i ly homes was up 22.3% over the 166 in October 2013. The 759 new listings taken in the Central Okanagan during the month saw a 7.5% increase compared to 706 in 2013, and tota l i nventory was reduced by 15.8% to 3,342 units from

3,970 last October. North Zone, Predator Ridge to E nderby, showed overa l l sa les for O ctob er i mproved 11.5% to 165 u n its compa red to 148 units sold last year at th is ti me. Tota l residentia l sa les for the month were up 10.5% over last year with 147 u n its sold compa red to 133. Single family home sales (90 units) rose by 5.9% compared to October 2013 (85). T he 234 new listings taken for t he mont h were dow n 5.7 % f rom t he 2013 level of 2 48. I nventor y for October saw a 7.9% decl i ne to 1,970 f rom 2,140 l a st yea r at t h i s time last year. D u r i n g O ctob er, Shu swap Zone, Salmon A rm to Revels tok e, s h owe d ove ra l l u n it sa le s i mprove d by 26.8% to 104 u n its compa red to 84 in 2013. Total residential unit sa les for the month were up 36.9 % o v e r l a s t y e a r a t 8 9 u n its compa red to 65, wh i le the sale of single family homes rose 50.00% over October 2013 (to 45 from 30). T he 136 new l isti ngs ta ken in the Zone were down 8.7% compa red to 149 last October. Overall inventory dipped 9.0% to 1,430 from 1,571 during the same month in 2013.






ore than ever, lifelong learning is not just an ideal, it is a practical necessity in today’s rapidly changing workplace. To answer the need, Okanagan College in Kelowna boasts a Continuing Studies Division that keeps employees on the leading edge of technology in a vast variety of fields. The federal and provincial governments also recognize the need for ongoing training for both employees and employers. The Canada-BC Job Grant is an innovative cost-sharing program that helps employers offset the cost of training for new or current employees by sharing the cost of employee training with BC employers. Employers can receive two-thirds of the cost of training for current and future employees, to a maximum government contribution of $10,000 per grant; employers must contribute the remaining one-third. Dr. Dennis Silvestrone, the college’s director of Continuing Studies and Corporate Development, explained that the grant builds on training and skill development opportunities funded over the past five years under the Canada-BC Labour Market Agreement. This spring the Agreement was renewed with 10% of the approximately $65 million in funds that were part of the original agreement set aside to support businesses and non-profit organizations improve the skills and knowledge of their employees or new hires. That 10% amounts to between $6 -$7 million for 2014/2015 and is set to increase another 10% each year to a total of 40% - 50%. “The upshot is that these funds are now being directed to businesses and non-profits to secure the training they need for their employees,” Silvestrone said. “If I’m hiring you and you don’t know a particular kind of software we’re using, I can apply for a grant through this program to cover tuition, books and some of the other related expenses. So you can get the training.” Two-thirds of the cost is covered up to a maximum of $10,000 per employee. For small businesses under 50 employees, the one-third employer contribution can also be offset in other ways through human resources activities. “Small businesses can get that $10,000 with a relatively small contribution,” Silvestrone said. “So businesses that want to access the skills they need in the emerging economy can tap into this program.” He added that there is no cap on how many employees a business can send for training and also no cap on how many times a business can

Okanagan College offers a vast variety of programs for continuing studies

“We want to put this information out into the world and be able to sit down with businesses and find out what are their training needs and what can we provide to them. How can we assist you to access this support from the province?” DR. DENNIS SILVESTRONE DIRECTOR OF CONTINUING STUDIES AND CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT, OKANAGAN COLLEGE

apply. However, a business does have to show that the training is relevant to the person’s work. Silvestrone said that applying is straightforward and staff at the college are happy to help with the application process. Selfemployed people can also apply. “It presents as a pretty flexible tool for businesses and other organizations,” Silvestrone said. “We want to put this information out into the world and be able to sit down with businesses and find out what are their training needs

Dennis Silvestrone says Okanagan College is ready to sit down with business and discuss their training needs and what can we provide to them. How can we assist you to access this support from the province?” Okanagan College offers training that ranges from leadership and technical skills to trades and apprenticeships, from programs in accounting software to training customized to the needs of a particular business. “We can craft a solution for you through work that we do with the other faculties within the college,” Silvestrone said. For larger groups inside a business, the college can also bring training to the site. One of the issues facing many employers today is succession, he said. Older people

At Okanagan College students learn in an exciting and supportive environment are retiring and a new generation is coming along – they may well need up-to-date training in leadership skills. Okanagan College has an enviable track record of delivering education and training since the 1960s. There is tremendous value in lifelong learning, Silvestrone said. “In a knowledge economy, being able to access the education and skills they require is essential, and employers can have confidence in the product we deliver – and I think we offer good value for money.” He added that on the job learning is valuable, but more formal education often fills in the gaps in a way no other training can. “Things are moving along at

an extremely fast pace. There’s value in a business being able to access the most current information and knowledge that’s available. We can provide a depth of understanding about why you are doing what you’re doing; if there are problems or issues, the person is going to be able to solve problems on his or her own because there is a deeper knowledge they get with an institution like Okanagan College.” He added that the long term benefit of the program is more effective and prosperous businesses, and that also benefits the communities where the are located. Okanagan College is at 1000 K.L.O. Road in Kelowna.




retreats aimed at facilitating team building and business development experiences.” With first rate meeting places and accommodations, fine catering under Red Seal Chef and Sommelier Trevor Hanna and a range of snow sports and outdoor activities available in a stunning natural environment, Big White is positioned to offer only the best team building opportunities. “We provide the ability to meet in a pristine mountain environment which offers an incredible experience,” says Foster. “Big White is already a worldwide destination for snow sports and we are working to continually grow our profile as a premium business retreat location. Our business guests gain the maximum value from the completely customized corporate retreats and winter adventures we provide.” Big White recently celebrated its 50th anniversary, being family owned and operated since its inception. Big White builds corporate retreats for groups of any size, for stays ranging from a day on the mountain or extended visits. Easy airport transfers and shuttle bus service at Big White optimize accessibility. “We have a regularly scheduled shuttle, and we can also charter coaches and limousines to suit every budget and time table. We will customize transportation

“Big White is already a worldwide destination for snow sports and we are working to continually grow our profile as a premium business retreat location. Our business guests gain the maximum value from the corporate retreats we can provide.” JOSH FOSTER DIRECTOR OF SNOW SPORTS, BIG WHITE SKI RESORT

schedules to meet the needs of the visitors” says Foster. “Door to door, we are located inside of an hour from the Kelowna Airport. Our location in proximity to the airport makes us the most rapidly accessible Western destination ski resort.”

“Ski in Ski Out” accommodations, world class catering, and ease of access create a memorable experience for business guests Upon arrival, accessibility and the quality of amenities present are immediately apparent. Vision in designing and managing the resort and the natural characteristics of the region have played a major role in making Big White a world destination for winter sports. “We call the snow Okanagan champagne powder, it is some of the best snow in the world,” says Foster. One of our main catchphrases is “It’s the snow.” “Ski in ski out is what people are really after when it comes to a ski holiday because it is highly convenient. Accommodations, meeting facilities and world class restaurants are never more than a few meters away from the slopes, which allows us to take a strong position in the market.” Big White is well positioned as a

destination for corporate retreats with its wide range of activities offered. “For team building and creating memories at business retreats, we can offer a wide range of activities in addition to the skiing and snowboarding experiences we feature. Horse and sleigh rides, ice climbing, Nordic skiing, and sled tours are among our offerings,” says Foster. “Being in the region that we are, we are able to offering fine local food pairings with local wines.” After several years of success hosting premium corporate events both large and small, Foster and the management team are excited to see this aspect of the business grow further. “We have hosted everything from local business to leading

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13 corporations such as Telus. We can manage everything from a small business to a larger corporate event with gala dinners, or simply provide a company with the meeting space to do their own thing and connect as a team,” says Foster. “We see our retreats as offering a unique experience where people can get away from their office and connect as coworkers as well as bond over all of the different experiences we have at the resort.” Foster identifies a company vision centered on expanding the market while continuing on a path that has brought success and world class experiences. “We see all aspects of our business continuing to grow through word of mouth. Corporate guests share their positive experiences with us and raise our profile in the business community.” Big White finds its largest market in the Vancouver and the Lower Mainland, the Okanagan, then Ontario and the rest of Canada as well as Australia. “Those locations form our top three sources of business, and we look forward to expanding our regional, national and international markets,” says Foster. “We are fortunate to be able to offer only the best and we look forward to continuing to develop and feature this growing aspect of our business here at Big White Ski Resort.” Big White Ski Resort is at 5315 Big White Rd in Kelowna Visit




The Gathercole Clinic was a finalist in the SICA commercial building awards SPOTLIGHT

Fulcrum Development Inc. creating quality projects in Kamloops


ulcrum Development Inc. in Kamloops may not be the biggest developer in town, but when it comes to doing a job right, the company would be hard to beat. Recent proof of that is its construction of the Gathercole Clinic that was a finalist in this year’s Southern Interior Construction Association commercial building awards. Tom Calne and Chris Gjernes joined forces in 2000 to create a unique development company that would provide quality homes to people at a very competitive price point. At the time, Calne was working as assistant controller at a large development company

“We like the projects where we buy the property and service the land and then go through the entire development process – that’s what we like the most.” TOM CALNE CO-OWNER, FULCRUM DEVELOPMENT INC.

Chris Gjernes and Tom Calne enjoy the lifestyle Kamloops offers in Vancouver. His high school buddy, Gjernes, was building homes in Whistler on a relatively small scale. “I started calling Chris and asking him if he wanted to try something bigger,” Calne recalled. “Eventually he said yes.” He admitted it was a big risk. He and his wife had just started a family and

Bridgeport Floors proud be a partner Bridgeport Floors is is proud to to have worked onofthe Fulcrum Development. award-winning Kensington Terrace project. Congratulations to the Fulcrum Development Congratulations Matacan Construction! team on all of your success! | 250-762-4877 Kelowna, BC BC | (250) 374-7144 | |Kamloops,

he was putting everything he had into this new venture. But staying in his job was not an option, he said. Two weeks after quitting, he and Gjernes had their business up and running. “I was just not satisfied with what I was doing,” he said. “And I always wanted to do this and be able to do it on my own.” Calne

joined his partner in Whistler. Their first project was a small fo u r h o m e d e v e l o p m e n t i n Pemberton. “Everyone at the time thought we were crazy,” Calne said, “But we ended up bu i ld i ng those and then moved on to a 24-unit townhouse project in Pemberton right away and then a 15-unit



Fulcrum Development sees projects through from land acquisition to completed construction

Livingston Court is a 26-unit townhome project in Aberdeen including 5,000 sq. ft. of commercial space

The Views is a recent Fulcrum project apartment building with commercial space.” In 2005, the market in the Seato-Sky corridor slowed; at the same time, Calne was doing some consulting in Merritt. “I just fell in love with the Interior,” he said. “I loved the climate and I started looking forward to going to work because it got me out of the rain.” Once Gjernes finished the company’s outstanding work in Pemberton, he joined Calne and they looked for development property in the

area. They found what they were looking for in Kamloops and have never looked back. “Kamloops as a place to live is wonderful,” Calne said. “It’s a great place to raise a family and a nice place to work. We have a group of people we’ve been working with since 2005 and they’re a great team of subtrades and realtors.” Over the past years, Fulcrum Development has built a number of successful projects including: • The Views – a 48 unit bare land strata development


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Office: (250) 320-6260

• A 10-12 unit infill development in Brocklehurst • A 13- unit infill development in Guerin Creek • Gathercole Clinic • Livingston Court, a 26-unit townhome project in Aberdeen including 5,000 sq. ft. of commercial space. Ca l ne sa id he’s esp eci a l ly pleased with the last project that Fulcrum is still completing. “We leased out the commercial space to Kids Time Daycare and that’s a real success story: it’s

bursting at the seams and we’re really happy because the whole neighbourhood is benefitting from that building.” Fulcrum Development is also currently working on a subdivision in Campbell Creek. Calne said that he and Gjernes are always looking for new projects that will suit them and their investors. ‘We like the projects where we buy the property and service the land and then go through the entire development process – that’s what we like the most.” He added that once the project is completed, the homes or townhomes generally appeal to first time buyers or people who are downsizing. “I think we turn out a really nice product for people,” he said. “We always try to build to a really competitive price point, so we try to give people really good quality. We may not be throwing in granite countertops and slate floors, but people know they’re getting a really good quality unit at a really fair price.” In fact purchasers have shared their appreciation with Calne and Gjernes. Beau Jarvis wrote, “I purchased

my unit in Woodbridge during the pre-sale stage of the project. The delivery of the unit was on time and the end product was exactly what was promised by the developer. I purchased many upgrades from the developer with the workmanship being of very good quality. Any deficiencies (which were few in my unit) were dealt with professionally and in a timely manner… which I might add is becoming rarer these days in residential development.” Fulcrum’s website offers similar happy customer testimonials. Calne said that realtors also compliment the company on the quality of the units it builds. He said that he and Gjernes are pleased with the work they are doing and plan to continue for many years to come. “Chris and I both enjoy the lifestyle that Kamloops affords us and we both like the pace at which we’re going: it allows us to live our lives and spend time with our kids. And we like building quality homes that people can afford.” Fulcrum Development Inc. is in Kamloops.

Congratulations CongratulationsTom Tomand & Chris, Chris, and and best best wishes on your your continued on success! Office: 250.374.5572 Fax: 250.374.5582 Email: Kamloops, BC




sought out by companies looking to hire the right executives to steer their company in the r i g ht d i re c t ion to c omp e te globally today, with an eye on tomorrow.” Businesses are continually challenged by a lack of knowl e d ge a n d re s o u rc e s i n t h e critical but often underpowered aspects of hu ma n resou rces planning and development. “P romoti ng you rsel f as a n employer in the job market to attract the best talent is an essential part of running and developing a company,” Ashton explains. “The companies we typically deal with don’t have the means to sustain a strong social media presence or build the employer brand essential to attracting the top talent essential for maximizing success.” “Our clients come to us in real pain,” says Ashton. “They have capital and ideas but cannot access the talent pool they need to grow their business. T hat is a very real problem, one that we ca n solve.” “Though most hiring managers today understand the importance of hiring right, many simply don’t know how to do it.” “Compa n ies don’t come to us for the people they can find easily on their own. They turn to us to find high demand talent, and to make sure the get the right people on board, every time.” Ashton and Associates employs a va riety of adva nced tech n iques to fi nd the right people for the position. “We dig farther and deeper to access people who wou ld otherwise not be available to our clients.

“Though most hiring managers today understand the importance of hiring right, many simply don’t know how to do it. Companies don’t come to us for the people they can find easily on their own. They turn to us to ensure they are hiring the right people, every time, and for talent that is exceptional.” BARBARA ASHTON OWNER/FOUNDER, ASHTON & ASSOCIATES RECRUITING

Barbara Ashton, CEO of Ashton & Associates Recruiting helps businesses reach full potential by hiring, and keeping, exceptional talent  |  ASHTON & ASSOCIATES “O u r recr u it i ng act iv it ies include use of predictive perfor m a nce tools i nclud i ng psychometric assessment programs that get past emotiona l ly d riven h i ri ng a nd focus on performance based hiring. We look at the person and the job holistically and go beyond surface qualifications and even experience. “ We look at t he long ter m impact of a hire by comparing our client’s growth needs, and the career goals of the people b ei n g shor t l i s te d . We t hen back that up with our psychometric assessments and very

in-depth employer reference investigations.” As a core element of the Ashton approach, focus is placed on assessment of motivators, drivers, values, communication styles and personal qualities to ensure competence and a good overall fit between the potential employer and position seeker. “You can have the best business pla n, customer base or suppliers, but in order to compete and take the place you deserve in the market you have to have the right people working with you,” says Ashton.


“Any organization is only as strong as its weakest link, and just a few poor performers can adversely affect our client’s entire operations. This is something we take very seriously, as the wrong decision can cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. T he cost of de-hiring can be overwhelming and inconvenient, not to mention the impact on morale and productivity.” The services of Ashton & Associates a re soug ht by w ide range of businesses and organizations looking to stay ahead of their competition. “Our client portfolio is as diverse as the multitude of candidates we recruit,” says Ashton. “Cl ients assisted by ou r headhunters, human resources consultants and recruiters range from C-suite executives and production management, skilled trades for mining and heavy industrial, to sales and customers service representatives in wholesale distribution, to finance professionals in accounting and business administration,” says Ashton. “An area we are also strong in is First Nations bands and their organizations.” Ashton and Associates is committed to doing the next right thing as an expert team of HR professionals. T he company proudly focuses on serving Employers of Choice, values driven business leaders who put people first. “We are selective about the companies with whom we m atch job seekers,” A shton concludes. “The choices about the people we serve are what define who we are today, and tomorrow.” Ashton & Associates Recruiting Inc. is at Suite 204 - 444 Victoria Street in Kamloops and 748 Bernard Avenue in Kelowna Visit

SALMON ARM NAMED SANTA’S TOWN Since the program’s inception in 1999, The Holiday Train has raised close to $9.5 million and 3.3 million pounds of food



a s t y e a r, S a l m o n A r m was honoured to be t it led Sa nta’s Tow n by The Province newspaper. The news spread quickly but came as no surprise to the residents, as every year our community is transformed into a festive wonderland of decorations and

cheer. This year, the trend only strengthens with many events taking place within Salmon Arm during the month of December. A family-favourite activity during the holiday season is bundling up and cuddling under a bla n ket for a horse-d raw n sleigh ride. W hile cupping a warm hot chocolate, let Lois Lepp from High Country Trail Rides or Joyce Marchant take you out on their farm to enjoy a picturesque ride through the country. To book a sleigh ride, call (250) 515-0667 for Lois, or ca l l (250) 832-5700 to reach Joyce Marchant. Come dow n to T he Mall at P iccad illy on Sat u rd ay D ecember 20th and enjoy the Old Fashioned Family Christmas event from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. There will be free outdoor sleigh rides, strolling carolers, musical entertainment, wreath

making, and more. Visit The Mall at Piccadilly at 1151 10th Ave. SW or call (250) 832-0441 for further information. Be sure to stop into Centenoka Mall and fill out your ballot to win a 5-foot tall stocking, filled with gifts from the mall merchants, as well as an iPad and iPhone. Contest starts December 6th, with the draw taking place on December 20th. Winner must be in attendance to win. In addition, a Farm and Craft Market is on the 12th and 13th, with shopping hours extended until 9:00 p.m. starting on December 17th. Centenoka Mall is located at 360 T rans Canada Highway S.W. or call (250) 832-9731 for more details. Each holiday season brings traditions, and a Salmon Arm favourite is the annual CP Rail Holiday Train. Each December, the train rolls in and gathers

donations for local food banks wh i le a lso enter ta i n i ng t he com mu n ity w ith th is yea r’s line-up comprised of Jim Cuddy and Tracey Brown. Since the program’s inception in 1999, The Holiday Train has raised close to $9.5 million and 3.3 million pounds of food. This years’ Holiday Train is on December 15, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at the Lordco Gravel Parking Lot located at 51 Lakeshore Drive N.E. The Salmon Arm Chamber of Commerce would like to extend our warmest wishes for a safe and happy holiday season. We look forward to a healthy and prosperous 2015. Corryn Grayston is the General Manager at the Salmon Arm Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at (250) 832-6247 or







he holiday season is coming quickly and many of us will be planning office and house parties. Do you know what your responsibilities are? Here are some tips to ensure this holiday is happy and safe. You’re responsible for your guest’s well being with regard to liquor consumption and the safety of others that they may put at risk. If you’re hosting the office party in an unlicensed hall or

facility, it’s your responsibility to ensure that a Special Occasion License is in place……..Information available at: http:// special-occasion-licence If you host a party in your personal home or office, your responsibility remains the same as if it were in a hall or licensed establishment. Top ten ways to limit your risk, as stated by the Insurance Bureau of Canada, are as follows: • L i m i t i n g a l c o h o l consumption. • Ensuring bartenders are experienced and do not serve obviously intoxicated persons. • Offering food service. • Encouraging taxi use. • Providing reduced/subsidized taxi and hotel rates. • Encou rag i ng ca r pools a nd desig nated-d river programs. • Reminding guests before

and during the event not to drink and drive and of the other options available. • Having several trained doormen/bouncers/spotters who remain sober and watch people leaving and encourage/insist on taxi use. • Informing guests that intoxicated persons will be put into taxis. • Displaying posters from Mothers Against Drinking and Driving (MADD), Students Against Drinking and Driving (SADD) or similar organizations, outside and around alcohol consumption areas. More Information Available At: insurance/risk_management/ liquor_liability.asp Bryce Herman is a chamber director and on the Social Issue Committee.

DECEMBER CHAMBER EVENTS • Connect 2014 Tradeshow Our biggest social of the year! 60+ exhibitors | Chance to win a $500 Aberdeen Mall Gift Certificate | Innovation Zone | Networking Zone | Cash Bar | Refreshments | Appies from 5:00pm-7:30pm | FREE to attend | Everyone welcome Wednesday December 3 | 3:00pm-7:30pm Coast Kamloops Conference Centre | 1250 Rogers Way Sponsored by: Coast Kamloops Hotel & Conference Centre, Radio NL, Country 103, 97.5 The River, Aberdeen Mall

• Say thanks to your top clients at the Chamber Corporate Christmas Luncheon The Kamloops Chamber invites you to celebrate the holiday season with us at our 1st Annual Corporate Christmas Luncheon Join us for entertainment, wine tasting, networking prizes and more! Friday, December 12th | 12:00PM - 2:00PM Hotel540 | 540 Victoria Street $49.00 + GST | Members $385.00 + GST | Members table of 8 $89.00 + GST | Future Members RSVP by December 5th! | mail@kamloopschamber. ca or 250.372.7722


Executive Flight Centre Expands into the Kamloops Market


xecutive Flight Centre celebrated the grand opening of their new Fixed Base Operation (FBO), Industrial Charter Terminal at the Kamloops Airport on November 24. The 3,200 sq. ft. terminal is tailored to private and corporate aircraft owners, connecting them to work, home, and recreation while also supporting travel and tourism in the region. “I am pleased EFC is able to bring our established FBO model and brand into Kamloops, offering the city an improved connection with aircraft owners and operators, heli-ski operations and Industrial Charter companies. It’s a good feeling knowing that EFC is supporting economic growth in every project that we take on,” said Dean Buckland, CEO of Executive Flight Centre. Establishing roots in Kamloops will offer multidimensional benefits for residents. From a corporate standpoint, it will entice companies looking to provide employment opportunities to residents of the Kamloops area, supporting the hydro, mining and oil & gas projects. Recreationally, EFC’s FBO will offer the

first heli-ski connection for Kamloops, allowing passengers to land at the airport and jump into a helicopter – taking them to some of the province’s finest ski destinations. “We’re thrilled to welcome Executive Flight Centre and its new facility to the airport,” said Fred Legace, Kamloops Airport Managing Director, “It’s an excellent addition for us – one that will allow us to compete in the high-end tourism market while offering convenience for general aviation, commercial, corporate and charter operators at the Kamloops Airport.” Today, well over a million passengers are processed through FBO’s and Industrial Charter Terminals within EFC’s network. Due to the expected growth and aviation fuel servicing opportunities, Kamloops was selected for us to initiate this FBO. Furthermore, EFC’s FBO facility, managed by Roger Nickel, will act as a primary check-in point for industrial charter passengers as well as the main distribution point for EFC’s off airport bulk fuel operations, and also supporting wildfire management in B.C.

Executive Flight Centre has been setting standards in the aviation industry for over forty years. Building on EFC’s experience in aviation fuel sales and

service, they offer expertise in the areas of airport management and aviation real estate development across Western Canada.

How Much Does A Bad Hire Cost YOUR Company? $20,000? $50,000? $100,000 or more? These are very real numbers that we hear from clients who come to us after they’ve hired the wrong person. Don’t let this happen to YOU! Get the team at Ashton & Associates working with you before you get hit with these costs. We’ll create customized staffing solutions that work. Then you and your hiring managers will rest a whole lot easier knowing you’ve hired right, every time.


Trish Matthews

Karen Shaben

Carla Clark

Executive search and human resource specialists. Offices in Kelowna & Kamloops serving BC Interior, Okanagan & Lower Mainland. Affiliates throughout Vancouver & Western Canada to meet all your hiring needs.




Kensington Terrace offers eight quality townhomes in downtown Kelwona SPOTLIGHT

Townhouse development in downtown Kelowna named best multi family project


e n s i n g to n Te r r a c e , a new eig ht-u n it tow nhome development i n downtown Kelowna has been t u r n i n g h e a d s. R e m i n i scent of the elega nt terraced h o m e s f o u n d i n L o n d o n ’s K e n s i n g ton a n d Hyd e Pa rk a reas, the new development recently received the Southern Interior Construction Association (SICA) commercial

building award for best multi family project. It is also entered in several categories in t h i s ye a r’s Ca n ad ia n Home Builders Association Tommie Awards. Jeremy Anderson, director of Matacan Construction Corp. gave credit to the entire team for the success of the project. That team included Steve and K aren Hyndman of High life Holdings Ltd. and Garry Tomporowski Architect Ltd. “I l i ke to th i n k that the award is more about the contribution to the com mu n ity in addition to the actual construction of the project,” Anderson said. “And, of course, it’s always good to be involved

The townhomes offer high quality interiors


Colonial would like to thank Jeremy, Steve and Karen and their team for a very beautiful and successful project ! | 250-979-1668 Kelowna, BC

with something that wins an award.” He added that at the s t a r t of t h e p ro j e c t h e w a s st r uck by how t h i s pro duct was d i fferent from other of fer i ngs i n dow ntow n Kelow n a . K en si ng ton Ter race is one of the only townhouse developments i n t he dow ntown core. S te ve Hy n d m a n s a i d t h a t t h e C i t y a n d n e a r b y r e s idents were supportive of the development. Rather tha n a h igh-rise w ith a ga rage and central lobby, Kensington Terrace offers homes that front the street and add



Kensington Terrace recently received the SICA commercial building award for best multi family project s oph i s t i c at ion a n d a n “old world” feel to the streetscape. For A nderson, who had recent ly for med h i s compa ny a f ter ga i n i ng ex p er ience i n the industry, it was his first major project. He said it was one that he ca n be proud of. Hy nd ma n bega n developi ng i n 1997 at Big W hite Ski Resort, a nd went on to create Sout hpoi nt , a m i xed 28 u n it tow n home/condo project located at the base of the gondola overlooki ng the Big White skating rink and Happy Valley Lodge. Several of these projects won the prestigious G old Tom m ie awa rd for excellence in building and design. Hyndman also built the

“I like to think that the award is more about the contribution to the community in addition to the actual construction of the project.” JEREMY ANDERSON DIRECTOR, MATACAN CONSTRUCTION CORP.

D&M Excavating is proud to have been a part of the award-winning Kensington Terrace project.

Madison, a 15 storey, 63-unit h i g h-r i se ne a r K en si n g ton Te r ra c e , w h i c h a l s o w o n a G old Tom m ie awa rd . Hy nd ma n was a lso pleased w ith the recent SICA win. “It has validated all the hard work and creativity our team put into it,” he said. “We created a pretty unique product a nd it’s n ice to b e ack nowledged for that.” Certainly the façade is the most obviously u n i q u e a s p e c t of K e n s i n gton Terrace – but the special feat u res don’t stop t here. Quality was a prime concern a nd that qua l ity is appa rent i n every deta i l. Fi n ish i ng is reminiscent of classic European architecture. All homes

f e a t u r e e n g i n e e r e d h a r dwood f loors, Cambria quartz cou ntertops, sta i n less steel a p p l i a n c e s a n d h i g h q u a lity f i x tu res. Hy nd m a n sa id he’s especia l ly pleased w ith the private roof top terraces that offer excellent mountain views during the day and romantic urban sights by night. “T he terraces a re plu mbed a nd w i re d for hot t u b s a nd outdoor su m mer k itchens,” h e s a i d . “ Yo u c a n h a v e i rrigation for you r ga rden – a n d t h e te r ra c e i s p a r t ly covered with a trellis with a ret ractable ca nva s cover so you ca n have shade or shelter from the rain.” He called the townhouses an excellent

alternative to a condominium with very low strata fees. At 2,200 sq. f t. for the sma l ler u n it s a n d 2 ,6 0 0 f t. fo r t h e t wo l a rge s t o n e s , h e n o te d that they feel much more like a home t h a n a n apa r t ment. And if location is everything, K e n s i n g to n Te r ra c e i s t wo block s for m B er n a rd St reet a nd on ly th ree a nd a ha l f blocks from the lake. K en s i n g ton Ter ra c e c ompleted i n September of t h i s year. Only two homes remain to be sold. T he K en s i n g ton Ter ra c e s h o w s u i te i s a t 625 F u l l e r Ave. in Kelowna. www.kensingtonkelowna. com

Ploutos Enterprises Ltd would like to thank Matacan Construction for the opportunity to be involved with a great team on a signature development in the heart of Kelowna “The Kensington.” Congratulations Jeremy!

Congratulations Jeremy & the team at Matacan Construction.


250-469-3341 | | Summerland, BC | (250) 860-7740 | Kelowna, BC




KAMLOOPS Zimmer Autosport Mercedes-Benz, located at 695C Laval Crescent, congratulated Norm Langlois on achieving top sales for the month of October. Kamloops’ Chris Pooli will be the manager of the newest Kelly O’Bryan’s Neighbourhood Restaurants located in Vancouver. Kwan’s Chinese Restaurant has reopened for business after undergoing renovations to its location at 501 Tranquille Road. River City Nissan, located at 2405 East Trans Canada Highway, congratulated Brandyn Dixon on achieving top sales for the month of October. Construction has begun on a new operating room at Royal Inland Hospital, which when completed, will bring the number of operating rooms at the hospital to nine. The $3.6-million construction project is expected to be complete by spring.

Kamloops City Council has given the go-ahead to McGill Holdings to develop a mix of residential and commercial space at 1452 McGill Road.

City Furniture and Appliances received the Best Customer Service Award by a CHBA member at the CHBA 10th Annual Keystone Home Builder’s Awards of Excellence.

Woodwork, and Pre-Manufactured Casework. We are able to take the vision that your architect or designer has specified and create a product of lasting impression. AWMAC 2012 BC Gold Award for Excellence in Quality.

’ n for w pro he con dis t in t ana nd IslH grou wes Fulton a en 2 r & Company LLP has announced that en s uvn reak ’ ne r wom ge 1 o o c o paSherryl Dubo, Margot McMillan and Leah Card s nd is b f i a d V Ha Ha roun Ce– U a 2 joined its partnership, located Mother ores at 300nn ks g dVI have e1 n g o do ais breea Nt a g a 350 Lansdowne Street. Fulton si an&d Company has –p H tM Ce ny zinc U

d an f g 12 e o li ve te 20 Jun of te n g ha Ca o in d in n da di ams lly il aim un tio d to rea d an gro ple Bu ee te cte for t a al an a le m f N akge d r e o e s 5 o n h h g re c s l T ic bid Isla 15 it2y0 b ah a . e’l ed w it s,” en 12 th1e3C0ects tor wpit 2014 at w of m long ioner es to l be vide rth ject o o o 20 exp is yeaomrbyer e is thation stas nadacf tit e hopedica ell pr Pr rkNs jo p ls 2 n o r h g ho bin ia0li1 l npe tfs r m s w nd th epte mlai vitea a thteao he r a a rJu a CaSte “My com p einc 2nin e o h t ng Hsohsap n a g o i d r e l so gned din flo a lt d am m on nfu d on y o inlly he il ro nic nntaaimro d to t D co . s f ing ea pg o ,lea ti ac mreaa ndd Bu ee te cte for bu e s o SI – e th s s nd f dN roauk Hoamisp arm theet a palaan a ca ll ok ings le d r Io g o sit. h w n lo d e rld ak le r a ity. o bgre aid Th n se bids slan a c .ph o’lnl esdhic e rfes,” w uil t th o yN I e e wo g m s t r y age ll LCtd e vgicw a ae b ntto witshse0e14a ictewse fe od m n ’s e ets be vide rth ject sit 23 ern u itioen ptoestotoael r g th naimnal -r r 2 erthva cofof slo go an elpin d u l ma ) Wtah spidec m o a ge o o on n y s a e it e a N r g r o oicth in a io B p p P ex tiscoy pm-b pesis satiao nsets eatcqt v in a m h n in ra ob pre cti e h rd ddll N g jor ls e n elo s t’s ais is t io ene . 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M fo g k in R.W , Ca poGr oera let aH w N w c e to Po adnin ild tRao as nat poom 26 R h D cy a na lo o e a r nto pa Sneeon d on pe inu an g cbte naglth aicl a iss ’ ted oN2N0ay fore th nn of ny Cor ormp buuril er ch thaa te lue ge w e tC y f m ag io te pro a R C l i s ge n m a r e a y m pa do Uc ture l ll.h deer is shite roosf Dearilo rino je a khie e deicd f oH a star eeadll, ave pa ent ata c afo fro agin a a to h s in isat ca ro em SW o hset p h . up an o t s t S t he us s – it h ino kaeim asntyN rty lo nido e Ch 0bme imoothn tedp eler t t m Mnnae im m str edic aall no,nshyeoamr m2m b ’t r ca ket y B T p o t m lv n a m re w a in a d tt a c ir W a – m s e l w sep mF pe og th r 10 m . io uisr oC’sh ahne r rveo u’snli f ooof e No al.e fi or,mB uld tu r w to e4 th imo Nt uin e. It e -g h- itsh d fre o fu he ne ma 2 are R.W d it fo C o orp. tz’u s a s d e a ntdh etco pro e S e of o ’ cly v s rin ta sp n th c r d ag e a e th d a n o im n n y d h ls s S a o th h i ie an toN o lafa ly la e C e a rn | p h e a is e as tsid . 9 b I n sits ana bisy th N . C hn m by a ug svsit qguin netof l Hple e like rticu ork he p e4 th s in c u re e sgtoa spaid Io ou lley d X d r N he H ag ith f Jo storo rceti -bse dcoen el rpaeo ed th at b u se inn vi n baerldo nde their g pa he w g t | p Va 11 an reate e. S is th mn’spa t0h0e dja n de date y tN e n as sm ie ve ve S rin i ,0 IS RS to M c d R i ube v u ge in . in s Up Valle re t aam l Gerefurcwhs. is a a dy ch g in ati G e Ha e FI 18 mer r an hild a3t0a ansicn noaw la ion in s N cu w n RRC HD y fo na o k a r sw pNue c t n g : a l Na Se c h li io Ne hgae 26 u a r at in u do er C iosnh enc ma e lo a ye a n t p yy oN i l ag to a r 19 fo her er t shecwRee ne st N R M main the furth fohrR a D ogs pDaanil r o je a k e d ic o m y is wicpa o ed e o s ll y d in m C S C S e n r e n a n e5ar 0 g omo t p r t h m a im he r ir R nt s – h e im 2a cim n d e iot t a n T 2105 wo 20 na B o a s t t h inu e t s w it p o k pa ito s F ed t Ch sig w fo ratio le m – rr is y ’sp na e Na N vil 12 22130 te a inu join ge a 25 tol allo -pa C o rp. ’um a s s e a l n d s e com th imo Na u r r e u nyes-mf o he ital. d fro rks oas2t c t e p pa m iott sta pril wil dCphree nnt. Co Stz e s s a d r a th C ey 20 32 na y th ry ’ i v aadr to os lan e st eh a9ll r Ell on ge a ich ahn. m bgo a is e s s s qlu ent al H the th s in c u re e s to said We ox V Rive H p r 0 - c er ” ed e Jo tX rs ors lle wh tiomnit gie s ref es e 3t4e b u se in v bard pp nt ll11 ke de date omy es l Co ent, ltdays al cah inv ativ Ca i m 0,0 0 adjal Gesntrcfiht,athse to R ub in s Up VaClle mpbe 8Sha s a nta sin a tin ing s N ocu r &1 m nr slua nio 3 n ic na bepu of . it n RC on H ng ccou bu n n u ign Ca S ew a t rs i e e o u li in ir y N d h te d W e a a io rs to e a c s c g than ha o a v v 9 ee s p c rn th wic sa toria app and et y Ne ion and a n e and ndingjoorry neiraspt oNRCR Memainn ther furthn for D Mo orial1 Co aimo 5 aRg woam ic, ve and .” k DaIl s it a ss F ed Ch sig fo tio 2105: n le at s e nc sta mrit 4 ls] c ag f go nithn ituc e o g 20 Vic elop ings ed u Na vil s v v 12ct us22183-2068 aspseMehinard o ecyissiomple o nBby ath“NlealxIMi-n irst Ne r s u nnou nder totea r maininu join ge at 25 tol allow para rks oast de d sa gres a u re tt il 05 2 ie C arnyar bo us dadpeo io F ia F a d to pa C ey nta 6-7 aNsi il et 7 of lead Stz’umEllio on stae apr h wiland p ent. is 3 m uosye y’s o l 0 st or all Co r 2 bu k pro ple le gen m ld ec rd w 2 m g ic We ox V Rive1-86 rs [Ja 4eSh Ct cp eo it peav du ou t in id rsit nim d e d ”a ors lleg wh tion gree vi m ll traap tant ke s2a3a8ttive una e ha th efibt,o .”e ve p id. “eeof oran at c men ess l Co Co ent, lta al a be C ha n t a S g id in s e p p n te th a a a S m s s r th u r s a u n th h s it e m de u lo & ng ccou Ca ouof wa mm sels s ehaenb mairbliof lrsto. it ,”e he awaa.”m oeWUicS) deve d bu a n n sign g mconsotenti rs to a vi ve u ly e (MUN V ew an n nd in y co as itastet ,hcuh errfnuo ydoth sa toria app and Mo orial sity tia l ap a a d r d C m e an cu.”te hav raIl aty inla n d le us m] wgaagnic ognodv hnin ait youe o eD t hme atio s e d unce stan majo us dit iver esn: sat84, o ls 5 A u ta , Vic elop ings e it n f u c r re I th e n io e id w N u in o fais yoo yy acIM a- f t s e o e a in S n es t u ee 6nt g d res lete s v v ss citehin ’s pa itard eirec esple ilnitb Nhsais“Nex er o Firs deewr h ahnt,n f und d to ’um de d sa gres a n &W mp agen p NIo e U prtac itt 8-2e iaCa M a s t h ia’sConm m6r-7e5s id itmeier t,saenar’s b“o ot uths d apkeo nis sibio awna mb le liak ot utog o lea Stz il ri dy l a n A c o sw t u n le n m g 6p cra eSeuy ity pu o2m0 poec erd bu k pro to oo h e ictor h co1-8 u g d a at is Volk ug h h ers animalsad rees d lsoba a me peopt “itit’s . e“vieth ndu ould nt in y c iC w t of [J am id yg o a t e v in e o c c b e b . h e l h tr aid D eh t V a r n lis d to s8 eth ssee a.”s ve hida aidof ora at m g br n l es ” s an id Cdath a r 2 univras taivu ittee sath p ie 1 g a wa se a r b en rin be se d a g hu va seri rt, r m d li8n h we s hear memUe)3th velo Jam ls t n e eets W h bou il l f in tin ateo f iswa m els an m19b kn,”oh g,”aw a poVagic de t se ky TV in sta e h a u ufu u unly ve.”(M str nt. eigh ip w to au n d id y o mlin com ass ittee hin |U ew en as toy e G r k oo ille g bd C m nd dfaecr Yinoyuo cyuote r a e n rs h aditlegut-h w o ha eNatt inla sid C ta e w n a a n rsitd nadtia at sp oksv ootin ey e2 es ch ta e t, om g a on h“ ’rea ou SIder hme re d o haI d he c : ive aid th a le . n’tAwu t in ne s r o he 5 all S tt e ate cna d nores t lente n | pag to ors it s gn ices tee andet, ary c itin ’s w fait yyoouu ity y pcreare of t ic p hen Sp asg V s it d U s p Io P is h en d a dein mpr e it id rp e rt n lee iornia r c “it eir kes ibil NehWis er UV e w ht, or to aWsea Aik&,Wpoom wag SuhIp p y N th clu b w e e t h de’s ncm rseesd vis sta icha k ug ct end rb ag t th a ns eae n “l w mc s rt od a rit iledt, inn Acraiaercieom w pu o miospno beSg mem Ne ’s li i tho t ra h- e f u sw ik u g rdzaenot iis olk euagLeh go he • to ph ew-bp aonfdc ip bmuen y Co it ls are t els a T ta V e do on ig d r olk te w r, o in by le at id. “ aid s Vic aerxc vanlue ligic es , st sdhto me tive 0an5th ice ag e c w h a n ed V r z loroD -beh nA ut h ring SeChbr sse a s al rie ” s an wh e sa ie d se •Ad a ate e u orb ir g tiohna acu t12 e W up h ir ne ra15 02 u pCa 981 a.t r T -efa ts 3 rt, m y v TV se th Gro kteoy h a rs h ip cqu 1 thy , now ,” h gis ic013m m te twon b ueile seW” h hbo Seeilp l ta G er h a d Jamsels ge f in •nsttrinrealate ess in k s h e a t lt f g a tr d tr . w s s a o k p to y in o in d , P n- o ts nc t ig ip it t’ so ille in n s o eli le ly . t au •A is cen 2f c | to e r k d id sin d m e th or sacyu woeu aonun f d t nko ng ide Ca d w han ion lik wdne a nt hip a n lit aob feo elrrya aeunto ait g t h w o t- l o w n a a n Bu dara lsip veoksv ooti ey eg tofa “ieY 012y e o f eN rs 17 u il es e2 ate rc at uld to ryce rs s m eils e -h w d o had he c : • Fa unnd den leevre y onat rate e rev inou2’re Junate oeSId . ’t w t in e t ge s entdh able pr h ll ag ng hpao or e niz o wrnt vere eale o k e .5tom uoarrsc “je pa it at t ing ic• stu lehad nar ersC ccu at w imoy nd in n dW pr y Vic 4s qP a h it ehn- n bdee date can , no r t n | p di ams S torts s n Va ab e M ga o w dpoo a d il a e Hedig lsio leepr e a th na rou tieoNe d g oo oll ntr or wh e Iinm aavdey . un-s p cato$r0n-ds rto all dU th clud dem nc• to We ik p o hIp b is haig s a g plee Bu e te cte staforwich e “ ew m v yg hre this co aerid •s ilvis pild b rS o c Ce ots ers riuto a a re ewn sw il l s ik Le i ths a ,0h0- aekfinu hlke’s le d re z e g 3 in Ac perie e-ba nsdk pbeou ould idate of N reaiok ncom S l get icNal a h a als nk sroT own e th A thin ea by- onte1hla Th n se bids Co lan a Aip wen nd ity bat a . e’l d Tr u to – r sco w e w or, c ng 6ig st- lo,sbt ab tripee,to ed 4 • ex valu gic • w it ers,” e ba goralosnisess emrcan ngdettie. vein Is e z mgn d odr V – sh it a C toic ith 14 w Ch A be vide rth ject r k. Ais cehinW eto -pe cryeshnhir hAneewteipeinak.rirPe il e s r T r -f lo d7 •A ate tion ac“umthe c the ectsu nar w r 20 thatt of m long on es toal ess as a rS u s C sin mem o o e o a k a o u il e” tr X te e g isrr kleteo arhsidca nEdssh acnfo s ofg ic exmp mye be e is thtiaon, ts a ctiti hop dic ullsin d h Tim bu ceoG anor ahyath qu b ep pro r N Pro 10 •s rela es in e tw ilwitd st’iotsnlyG coeivfaic Se tba m o P e t , tw t b as oss orfle De pda jo a resly ls ntr o is m p y a d s ra e e be n om e icuw isne n end ek,”ePlito se heNstb in ws u a ict - ip. n on o o y c uto t ma pita 14 •A usin drais ce of c thSreipate y ho msabiniecwiaeli ral p at sh er merraosfw rasnad k f r he eadrneba W ioi oarliy nt w lr a u il W eto too vpe e g th oth obo bhe ac . T rcifdb m s heac tdth n eVn u th 5 a li f Ne tori gneg17 16 •B Fun ent- velnna C- ton 5“Mte wilto ewrrin s pate urrcr Avuea nooucrld Ho eyc ors ge s m il e - we d e c e re fl eem a lt db m l s gen in or um e r be os r Oeg oiz p oo-obworunt nahtoip v eaable| poak e .5 m u a r “je -en b e b Vic vepnati h 17 • stud h let Do5cvoinrso.20cunraice y 1 es0o ac gdaetnwtaup of is, add acyine ma aninrnddmh g feellsemfrobkinmgesmbegin ollab traev“Minilodtorgaamnnnttheoomww,inm rdesy . y isdaNnK-s p a $4 -s q to a ig h o n ncdpdale oavw In anic hore alle 1S8I • H ig– blsu12thelesps3 h so aa in am o’s g t c d nH ce waw vneaI inehare t 1 bendte.a s th gro Ha harmnhth e aisn ToBu eid 0 Sa st S an V rs NIo 20 •orldskilakeople0 lder a ap y id p og hboop ias. t wnct mn bloeuril2d5in0tath.eaolsoipnakteCensarlioTos htswt dunoeprs’BrthoAroriuiemto td ieedyg thp eSc thsa ,0 0 a k incehe’s il l We wich 3 hakoedy om ’s2w1 g mA ps t r yw2noaug dllidL entor sa ee a bicroesu ueseeds rvinicite e uarferetow trhin cinogmwbNt abwby-e,to e1la 6 – srits w en gdeeW a r obm tha00im ic snisgs eo rc Ow al rw tt a n o h g a h o g 4 v a in s b 23 u ff – M a S g n • o e c t 3 e 2 l a o s c a s a lo c lo m oPno s e LAin g ssan a r n egCo itin rv co susn udit g to C les & y g g W ma elp2 d “litm e c) W stide m Bng hiee. NTOe ntrip n ein e ge q in ra thob prea co p- e,”se afo 7 s he othn frine to pa eN s apsgiost Keas vissin omwesmrhmekrw h a rs B in kc.tir il e a k. is ga,acthindOiswreto-ic cres h idc hAe ds te nufo s neg eta n inT ur w ddvin t G u ya e n s le a s E atr o b eX ate S Move ’s Su 10 t’s ais isc t iongene o.f(B also C en lo ids -a llb gst ltovs? d ogroidrabhuahselphdaehr reWmeTimhsm:be ekhcneo Noatno odraia EX m eveaensatsge ham we Wpea m rng fo uegco eto tw Seiot ly ceiva os r o fa n eos-ntbs m ne s.stb inu o t D upd .W etw ia hcich d er- “ prelesuce ahnahse syraeoawfillrbtr lXl ouicutil cisesn thi ed rey,”P earbr w 14 H r u e R e is lop D W seaon kt ofr T he Wgh ssesW re eN dcif ma re Wh w as in ws a Vcic u t 5 vXIX al s t th in Sh ve shtoderm e e d oa nt n W es traic c v. erob rwy eb s eo a ip s obfine ghabm he ecta wn e b em h co i,Ne torino ng La itori 16 ais is ner o. ’s de n CaiCath en dis n ell5 voef eloepm at it rep r spsh ll,”ugm ese inre acsehhpe etoeOyug’vrr oAvu pnocr -ouwil toipawnine a b o page b. lkrasth h C 0-h kno the mXsX edd 4 all ia5 v ildenecemve D st ern VTicofi ntim sc isth d H1u7s:art n8aim e b icwbsaehndeltmgiebinbguginsfo-grore,rsh r r w cdo b snaht is | n om n o dfo re fuannin e“vm wit 0 is e wh iam , v“in am aXrX leasn naslit ut buT hm a th 1 ohnin, o0Lnik2s,e0abs edg fehu sm ia e aef Pon th we Alb and Invuerisnich ore e lley is n a er 2,4 at nea ive r y aNK ct a 1p88N-2a6 . W na1d2ra oaw b arsbo eeadntsH a ceil-dtowantte n a, n adHle wtiit 3 hcagreincmelisen tps’seacm aoetrkir CXhX tmdeorl psim a r.ti tinog ag onotaBrutt theyeo- htot ninewoaormdeit-in rt let la uolpte n a h rtn a wh y s R th yrte u e toSa st S an V Contars 6-7in520f R.W , Caaenrpts m Po aorv2rpa0olirae1 is aemsyrercashte a sahn dugop roiem iendninea p a eSTB R r. s ag b om uergf d p in ayfo bec ia pa n on d on pert inu ht beunastl isab’nesr eud5t0w w e h il y lt 0 th b gyr pisronm uini e e o d e li o u h h lu to ic o c s SUut teolo w r ro a e 1n hy cao ablu u is ro o m N C rd o o ita in k 6 n om e tin O ’B 6 r gedW W wic rdr racam ta 0. eicfoip il brto2 ll0,|e2co Uc ture C l q c o ad c w ing ittekinof oror se rnt-inhe M ha -8 om p2a 2eetnrcht C ta ing ati cateoro p hem to vt erelita s aom saSth cue eocfehH re 3 avltm lowfr ngsag howLin ge tem Le icgao, tsehoegkmmloobetsr inothb efoecduinta p Co les & S g1Wh BM h e NTO sdtro ate 2 id dm m8 aim st N rty lo nid e C otfrohbeaaW nto ’t huaar . Key uispitminaNK – na lo co’re amce,”m lv yesttgleu saenlfd Tnhem ca stra eds W et 2m pa oalurm elu ye ows ew , t Ow fiwrsn Blym Sa vers Suin rk sa r,mit v ldivnsidp reesrtwas: vto . ” ioC e - vo ntl’sbli gsit Fir pe Sog f th tf d so?fo hro em e 4 areureyo Chnta min lintcdh adho is th ur 10 bkan Notn t o r iaSee d ro e e o ma sg thCeror, ag oaae It in anhyacoinrudhrafuftu ge Whe ghonesto otsoidthalymin tricddeitrs n foth th t abree Rn.W X w E t lt Mo o’s p r a o w c p s c s s in th s. t . l u pa im a X o e d d n o ed uh Eg es ou sro a b o t, a r eals cghh s ere rn foNs leha nfa l | ie in bcye m -t as tsid . Wh w hye kelytobicula N u atibvit bra a n m e by sn e oBre ictrk roe p tw p In tsthaNanueelaW ar in egses4 ed ’ve vXgeIX ritallsim al Io p d ou lley g g h isveorroyereahm n eohip oegrosocf ’sliha m rt trwo th mendasin te rreth he y c tbeitg id th t he as La itori d Nat mXsX esedm in lo de eir a seotsdreo ul ps a m S eth bnm’s ohf ere ath a irin Va p a,hnheec peaDSishewrianlkg d ge ISus|inparerascch the d in e v e u n e th in g ree hrce.ndikd.eis amre e erfd s.c nin e utos: ng 84 RSt , aXrX leasn naslit ut b y Se hite aLn ed “cetnsastwthr unWtam M fo g k ngct ou -26k to . Gtwm r isarT : a th ess e a n NeairHa boefrPo nts e FI won ew ld CXhX tmdeorl psim s la uolpte R h D cy a na lo o e a r. n Se r elixeupr.r ahetrocchhbilpro ietoje cntui n g itha l sin swnts th sy ha N am trantages26y 5b8ac ase nts g ao eawr.teaB stbpeoy ilaeylrN NO u m R C l is gen m re a y m a r th refo o Jaa k ewd ic buo ha ouetdo churte aea vafo Tishe desein ey d sCo pay a 6-7g e c n,” ggyre pisronm uini va p rin SUut5 teolo erc g kminog o aoDrd t Se eco t h S a e a s to – a6h in e s ny is inim c r sh il un nit-86 in th tiohy i- a oaalll docth nu aG Cr q C n tair e r t- m a erhe ab sSth| al m 15 20 o ada mto vt erelita so u 1om be raetrchbuLseC& ein B o a s t th inu e t s gew it p o k pa tem fo sistohyekeine’s.lo20o nLaim eri e h d taro t a n mT re m u s g ew e244 12 130 sdtrp eluated in ht omm is c s to llab2om8 e o p. – ’um s s paa l d s com d’roe N athlo im oalurm eactsucor r-ce utlnyes-foitseelfNf ital. dmfroo lymhaanivid aaidar,lieitr o-” – re y By NK agge h ’s 2 ig C a a s e d a o c p r h 0 r c n c e y k e r ta a o p 2 c u H abve etcric trs a nTae thionen ’acs iv en a r gto thrdoosp lan oany d rady wthm walint b he Co e Stz e s s a d r a id th t m at a ba n seemew o in r. is s s cq u dint al H e 9 en trbice t, th byrSc ard st . C hn go gesrosis th s in c u re e s to sa o d th nhe C to th est at X s: n alie . LreC ascth -to ism a la Hoa r e s re-s nen Bra te ith f Jo stllsim wE b u se in v bard W ut th doerd Cdaatev t Nllhe.Jeyawaesll 1n1dmDe an therer-gu bi mepr ha0 0reabdrajacideene hase oersoce’s sm ie ve ve Ca rita sX sem to R ub dy ch g in ati a sg k a 8th ir b r e. b 0,0ofic esatsl G urc a mp , h , b ionw sLUep t aVto XaXs s la on in s N cu RC on H n p c ry life TldwS oNerwm gnhisgaentdo.,uan cakntorc. e1. mtehme maand ham c3ecssli nr W it CXl a r ati in u do her t “ D e r 19 oxp e c ro teeegio pany ie r nua teic y tb XDX pdir lass ne t N R M ain e rt r l NO N aotwra saLs o ebsa cmaes o,” u he h aR tric cir y irs RC hem ign th r fu on fo XrXl lensSe rladliCt t ey said ssnsdtrCsiaitteynaim e non f w 20 T e0p5 reagcom a v a in Jath einWg om fo ti s ito F d dis rin t u s Cr o X XO nt adgoa sim w C air mi rr us ine at C 5 to llow ara m osvbfileCleth israoti yuosi- 1215 2ed0th2the Gp nsoeussmoucnNoafoth lp e ri nd , p ee is e u te 'W u h in s a p o jo 4 b . e st & 2 s 2 a t r uaboa aan r 13 rk L g a dre24 is n ir c pbsaeto k a n d gr e M i Utk bopaelo O cllC e’s lley lie o-20 2as raderyc e co-c ady m iott sta pril will d pre nt. By agge igh oAm ais lln- on a h n l an mo g, ittl e a va eerc t 3 T oi n as bdp emr' il eliqu tem m t a c acnhk heaemm rWfo ceosts e ,Hm E V e o u a t m a s g ic e g h n iv ic d s uw r. x a stb ich chin at l ll eS v p te w ” lu o ree s V orsrs e ers th estb aCt s:“One abliaCeom.oLeC eallsRth isatr a3t4 board we ine r Coa ob ap ntant Ddoisluti min t do eshel s toColl nt, wltati l ag fit, e dO v .J epllb d DSh k th rd ip C t t in s r, a a a e t W a s e th m s li u rt e f m -ns nti a ssissX bu wo sehC at N Cawm aarsn & ng ccou ice rra hip sh bu an n u ngvn me S be e e b o . it eXas X to a co sote vi fe, wo rm L gist ., as waN s nd 0n0a gdIsi ing s pro off d lo ders t ca th chair ors the itt sim nokve ce. al em a r N eW p li a s it ir dXCXl rit n ,0 n s T y sa toria app anX rn a , e d p n a s t n 5 a r ina d esr aa “ No ate Ltd lsOtb M eritorir m o m Il D epdir s las iso , a le fir ] w gic ov an it.” e o Da tiof $e d Spce an inajo sch be’s id tr s Ee m d u h tric ciVic elop inOgXrsXl alensSe adliCt lia erce nd n’s Nae ou s n un rst usm in sa ss s iate eKW om oen o f w us: 684 ssels hina of g ision on y thaxIM hou rie arv dis rin t strize r s aganno nde etoba , m s c th f C o ct 8-2 Ca Me ard ec ple n b a“Ne orl lput 8 e Xv X grenstsadgo sim de d saw ier, m mo aga a u eagd n’u w id P at p Fir nd , p ee is ge ia n sso of r o s is n y onta -75 u au h ie nar bo s d eo io aNs r'W il d pa d atnto of le ub om ich n . ll otz a paor A air be cu a C 66 on m usae ’s ou 0 p cis w k a n d gr e M Utk boelod ilis n ui bu k proO t ea f C e r Oka c t s plean le ken m uCldo aintsS n, s st w ly a[Ja idtSh yrsity nim ad 2 e de oard an mo g, ittl c ch am r fo e , m t m 1-8 bd emr' eogr “it e eOv s.ndu acn liq n B r o in e du viC h ict an s mra aagt o vmeenW aga t is ejun tra sa8 ive na e h th e b duo tite stb ich chin at l e p .tu rof uow ll ve olute 14 C O u a s re be ra th ro b n lotep a n epe V r.tors s t r ols ord O ath lu “ ge r 2 un s a u itte aid d th ng.” hav said re oerm we e r Coa ob K a am t lor r s at e t p pa 2 h ip Ddois is min lit d ouof wa mm sels s e an mbli l to ,” he awaea.”FamdoOUick) doerveS e Ok oant cth gvfoes cu s -e to e w con or er, rrain hyip h m C h l a m e ur m a s s u V s u o th c g ic u r m s n in te e ly fo s a y l se c a it s a I n 3 ff lo rle es p sto go sp,ro msb d in hty ne Na t U fe 00 ogkin C m nd h derf in yo cuteoiutnhtavh a(M inlaw tu ols sim sit a a n o and eaAdued rtastuc- , m g a on h ay ypou it er me Ven t to er enti sat X ate cu ief 34 OI w 5,0reprloin t h weosrds choa ir r’sea aug e do top o o 5 l it $ th u iv fa s erit c y re a n ir e id h w e e nt, in ES o n e a f n s g ef aS er adsin polec cbe n y’v s to d ais ce, dnld ’srefi lete n on g C pa n cit iti’s eir fa es ymailitycitis c tehreo en wechho hats 14 5 K INDE s Up NIo e U pre itte e ia “S b o h r nt,n at h d bbu eoh –Porie gpaisr-t the help ing r, li er osna gAa&nW ompwage up k e g c in t h ’s m s id iter t, 8 w d2y0 iO t th atooonsiwhgann efombut th elipakriz onuaegg “ R aenge wnp, weid r a nhaint ha lnto ully la nna . c s ht in a k p bie mm hm naXage rief Ne oo 262 h e n toria com p re f cr ee y N pu o m’tsp dll o lk g rsbe om b li’skd “iktha b m n n t lo t au o icu g da a cattsis d yyg ooo htso hne,thsa m ey Ks elowps inlaBnd ic h ew o Vo u tew , w lyoo earid alsreenre euels eas sa oes, na’trtaitn . O la a r e v e e nBse- of C eDro eehOink th ath renass e 1r a d wishg saride a n. angC zWea w llbe ll sa a n e s lly rtto e INDE h 308V ea rc a n list ad to gOOtive nn r inr b reondu ring be bro s d p a ll d e r n m lyemiedaga ttish juntia etrteicSicyabn s.” va seri Neewac aimo n14Va rt,” r m d 32 s nd ti ng te h Byistra here ep Cco19r 8 sotowr rsh.etu e rtuhme 3rnaal g tevJa w e araeirmbe ornreaa aeettsthW ls rd n ph ou l p bs tNio 0 ro paegkga oSf t kasanenlsxcte– tr ,” ky TV in p Nanlespicahgae pasll2ey kers n r sta e h a otomo hwilceoe oan-is H n e ov KC 1to a t-lnd rsstr ighb wil in 36fi au n d ida t en theiniscPult oupka unnegu motFin ia r n O s on eg. Efo cnouads yg fr to e G k m oo ille m g Saow xov oBper u Cc her4orrd a g G a nd Ch ata d o dg eNn | O sgseossidenree Ca cte igo in, theedin l ablaemnedora urn e ne rship wait g th t w o r ad as Chrfa o“uYth eepyre in nesfo w n d a3191 ca n int agtya ne n r t sp oksv ootin ey C oamolo lbe&rnS3hil en Ida sfe liu s-ols nkic 2 b a s onscto ta h p s g o r d t e p h n u n e d e re ’r d lo th g h y s le p . e e a d o a th r e . o ge CK a y rd l m a n w o e utr co sh p on s s rs N fs or e : an hrs sh all X ea te n’t oti n tosit crusckieitm Sp es er eyon uyny pwrfaeSait eirnVt icyeVr e cacteto arelt lo r tish vBewroy nticaooge relt aBeau| gt o eadn atoeprb ad ary ite t th g te ortve c 3 | pa hhr gens for d to da e ca , n o r t rsnil-ld PboloC rts an V ge n NneWitde phme U la scuh Wa 7e aed te s H to tow urienp s y’v le da pMoort Moririaall 4 4Sehtak tha ludin em icce d le ion er succ form er s la c is c Ip a s ta d p ik p b h o n fo y in a h W n p s 1e i d n se is d c n g acctc -ecit gu r y sw a ll es INDE s U p ditito “ ew m en so t henets 20a0t isd b peoo o Sgpsist e thDeu heelp rSh e i oth nhoam See eoac elor Nt euwth ltip wic f -illk l c Le S&h 50 in ca rie ba v uil i r sa w th S f isoto R n p – n in at to w lle yin nrtr e r ed ith envfo m oinjegig haek in a re m Co efeed oveenrs 2 62 •A xpe lue- and ip b n sw pVo sta nedw ik r, erT rzu t o NiO t o ati dea ut wkae by st“ f tha tw er e aChri Ne r t d fa pl les wnX Bri re wht in l set-t u . copn hhre 2 s: ee he ichn’t uebrs esdo s,,ab a’ttli ed ug u 3oood Hhao -et h m 8e4 va gic nsh ume dy lo nre edopeon c-eTar z floo vd-is atA y,e n toWtoeb r-peb,etsh irpseeladnneuwatrte auencveire lo u elo s inland Mglley e thn as An ril g zoe dh e S allm ma ut do sim is rSC ua C enwe rtehta gduoin KINDE asr o- uaild eth ypdo a bll ct 3088-26 •A stratelatio ac g gOOic os h ip w prow teh ti tethrrSeei eyrbsoetur.” rd qu pnrm sis ch inh a pl Tly po ” m wach imo Va a in n e il r p e re n n B ta te e n e re to r e t k ss t h 2 t r t r G o s t 5 c y id e Se s Npe na an ey on r . y t rAa , ’snd t– en beithSiom • rea ne in a vh.eer al Pire , tw etnb caaid B ntr ohme ep acro y thPieeebd,rskto urs sc e fs ron srhsHaale rheew U dolo tem -7 3 n mdo l,ys ustob-e turtr pe sa brw fo ian N ont’or niloceeepliakevlito e ne a tnntlsy. T a pu paonre . tOeng tuorfe anya exdt Ess n da w min alit •AE si rais ce f c ers66 1306 Na alewsich vpasll iC ak-8 is n ialr aa ilC el inace agr rsGhoipenrm dcaC illioela e p asne mm s-tfo te . igteodrygchfra maotipoThr uuhld n egnes npe ard h y Bu nd t- l o nen s tteh toCrisreluvPiem do dolu ssis SCo oloxo ernSghe 171 chor4wd ry s y vnr nwnced engdheabrsu. rall ip 38 m w nice eosra 191t ••Fu den leve v o in izd B o tC netoeaevrnedre a ra he a uth pwre eod ilalino intta e t e m yeenalemr tkmae .5 m in sim &pa il le e b tu h u oa k“sajea hd-rin db g thM alapngeero wtnhdta|poopwsargtw lo b a ss cnoli arso cu . Cw gyo l ite eyc hC m ali e ut CKoa rt aelb rs cNe it rs 2 h aine at ovdeya n70a dfnrc-bsoep o sa. $4 -alsnsqit Fcain a s tet reo ceeress lt isllaByrye rg Ng n iloo onlrye th P d iq u •s ig pe e ac esths at er feuntr n m 5 keur guglpe i er it is0il nbkto h aa acnisa. ooue neid co venetr tsntio rso wuvlteeBIm c s rm r isu 350w laen d ythe w a lo bhruig pMoovrt M aall c la fo 9 e r s ra •H ills ople ld b ucte htaO o ne spriuritoeepygshret hnth te usa ,0 sk pe u sida e fo the a sDla ra$nd hpism, aipnlaouotshu e W 0a7lso k Ce ro ix-cH l th 15 20 praind liqu hto0w Bkyain ew’sfo silaelllves as4i- a M po dititooriri &heSe 3 g mbebyn d fo g SA tthin D o d spoT w enth w h 20 isan snis 6c ne–aclait rsncilhey w 12 130 iato la e r,elo ylt s f o h fo inu a bta eed enrsS veed tem e 4 e –folrc tyd isre a s a ngdsettin t thb ralo ss o eCrchri lan din d •A it w can th t o is s it yeeav urmitu yaMs y t ssnte, ego,e1jeinmre ws e og o m ie. v e-telo “ e plory oles dolu ove 20 lo h r eb e d ec, a oatttw d b g ues 3aosf HesaagCto sine mSemerm des iprhdAuepncsrteateti h ko.ref Ptfah ilpneosdsa pearn e ll iser the buil an re . Ais naacthin isbreto : 7 84 c ts a M s k g r th c N C B P rk e in G h e n S e id u t u u e fo t b X te o d f g w u in c t d e t u ctth as Aus ilh mToim bd ehce ano maya eenly ivaricle mteg ut im is e osoar s fitnEohdu tbearau ororo paroc s w dv ie a old uip ild 0 o e -2160 ct De pda ro he stb tw wd iot cet il rs o esid -B gm a n in ng u s h inf b pnrd Tow eap hsep e a t a upth e n diq bu 4 e e ifbicuil Scistesrn thri eds rpeyr,”oPpearsbwarabW in ws u a Conta -758 14 hep d tse Ca Ut dolo tem ar ri o art Pe kid u rc yr o enrsAa crke,fr Ty’s htheiceoauttTineh5 ocniatl to r men oscacidins bthe Mr-e llel out W Neto c rrm e od o nter ntV min alit Ne tori ng 66 to 5 p lub for s p pmabne m 16 yE . ilv win ug oAvmue nohcrea ouw . Ob btua eprsa.n baerdr-ey u a real ab sp in er|spagtlyer r y s est cecriayl, rshta dsb. C h17 do dolu ssis ipn in afablo Vic venti h1-8 “O am viC 20 e C ame wa oam wpTcdo-tbconhto one fevend mm n m b em nu lim ll ed y t in n v m g P ed ? w v e y n e fi is e a g 15 im e o t r a to w 8 K to e o e a a C e s l in r a s,in iea hr ecutip m c In anic hore all 2 th ws d nte , nh o rs y y N re 18 t 12 130 ag g u l it ehyt in omailrd titensgt t me ec r’esrem at be ali it 24 d H hceil wa ie n at adles b a n70TBa co sr.o ea.n ’sFGin ailrd luype 9Pt a riq of no lots e Ng e Sa st S an V ur p ry f isung 3d50b iala dnth bw 20 lpu er ge rs ate ali s duop ’B romriedinehamapnweS of n itg toisr ucnek 0 ybeu oecrac ”94th yeed ss k 20 la pa h 250 . e isit arnre am nu qui We wich O hake om 21 re r ho e’s t h v w4 ilM geW e c ot hwN ix l u hso Bl rBa te7w osw in u bDro cru$s n h ut m 00 cip wn e t Ow ro M go dg fo Wg er in in a li a w a un n e nisea m TO m ia Co les & S g Wh fo aur, nitd yc, heMcho n fro to 3 arti Kelo itingswsho Lin m B 22 te fo plaron , “in ; th le ve it eg r T y w ve s p st vis no t ew , t hdOwN a ent ce, tion atbhoe t isfor hrety“ he afas e,” Sa vers Suin Ca lute he sauidilditaisnd il-ab d y ’s ing se bye estcua s?ott e s: k d ru a of hna d r pt e t te ll o n ia e ro a a tsid mEX do Mo o’s B hN a tu tero aw . oudt t cld pSa sutltP as g ear h er h of W ugh to s. N utto r Se e b autip avilad b o ta k cau k es cha erh lXl h ie o ro c s g e b p t o h X e c h o 0 I it o u t W b y u e reu ip f a m ic ro in ss ed e a vX al w e W ry b s w e id g a thlae rge a s ag gcaup tBhre isew diq ceb tn4 ’re b y.” re La itori th ve em t it sh g o ch istr alkth gett sine ach che ey’v i w ed mXsX edd o ea r inoc nint, yM sllpael a noud We c-ity u rr u a th atin on s tin 4 in e e m ha ore b . q a ed lky nin he e D ss w nd bu rPorers , th aXrX leasn naslit ilult oles us: 68 ith Lik e “ w t m nd T h th e ef lo ly y y Tcaer pfimrset ndobmyrcPiaalr lleedya uch ethdee esa?l h 0 s a ir e ts -2 ct CXhX tmdeorl psim la ch rk rent c e r rw lier. to b g on r. Bu beyo r to it usin nts t the atemsybofhan r ,0s 0 , epcoie teh Vcat m itth y w nta -758 ts ro erlo uolpte ut d r sim ilis u u m a s o r m n w y n o a G e a t B u f C o h in e . 6 e o m t a rc g b fo is r u g lo t i gloe 24 m 4 SU o akn r lo 6 hy av l us g in ord g re ce’s yevae 6hcecu om49 aenr to sesw in erch abo |ecocurl me ss ilpisro Uta e quin dpoam adteo m 1-8 erch eC oa c in k min lit te lute sreto u 0 g To c ” hy o im ino fo’s t h pB ru art lf m ore ansSth ua sdtro ate m8t id L s g – fo look e loo ts in d to evt ereli dooalurm rtu dBr t 7 aow ofew micil d agt re en h esre in pagea o elu y sis im a y st se f air m lymha ivid in r 2 sa er, it ic” are ey’r ntac pa le ou pn “n ofaw y to atro be“W atllh aNK min lintcdh lit d t es adho is th ntl g it o ch credit s oany ind de hedu oamb s at is t he t hCe u rr ttehpe p na’tid, c tisc; ableeNyt ’s| g it e b ntr ers th co tb a ou a ce din ard n C sw ow to it a u s s ro s b fr in o r r t, e il e d s h it re o e to eh r y c -t ge t e t v s je a M c em a ula lp k e sio | Ph llsim wE as ran e B ar ocnh d b a s re argt ette h a o. onou hace hroat av loo bp o ta cau ncuk qui m an threg rita he s r h reb id mis se oers e’s sem we ith l fa ch ckla g t ag ab eru ewp ce Ven ’re be .” e to g a th eir d. mbe of ests wa veedli tem a mp , h om lie llo . w Tota xtra a ti in a rs ing t,wB Ty his pa N nded We ity rry u a r S ge un to li th pan cha cess r W r c ary ld t C ug an yo ck . ., fo p.m .m. alle e hile 7.81. alsyoe alk men om ia l s ueNCyaa ch. he c l hu sq il les dolu or p li e nu NO ex he pro ate str as ba case ,” ch ut do sim T e re ey a.m :30 7 p inugrk , w $12 will omT lop con erc eeadll mu h t rea 00 v a in Ja irp erio nd ity ing e on ilis r Cr C a air :43 at 12 t 2:5 slusdB 0.83 cost hn nd fr ve he e m m nSV too e wit a ny r 4,0 d ththe G ou mun om be th rati usio a nt F e s e ri 11 Ut dolo tem h o a 4 b . e c & a t c in l L a Jo to t o y B b a r T co h do tim in fo as de c e co-c m ggee24 t aim e By ru $14 wil trStu r o, in ep igh com k is s to olla e’s alie ooa ed an esid do dolu ssis papa ali to ry ora vle ily of o w ic to at a een a ll s ag Tra in as im aim lga hair eedit t m at a a n seemew c r. H Cav e c ict p ruic S rd a | p da t C rry p ’t b t c na an Ca annacim r, N pr t th stb at n lie e s th tr a t e it sim omcr lg ,dFe sed m w ali 14 We t th rds: ava .J. L ll a Dis p e nd eN Na om N l in N bo l octo Ca y oa tJsectheer. frod nees hu e ste ven oje c lpu er rge u o C N e d pM o o nt a sX tosiow| ilPh o to ndabim fr riva ryis v re cearg et esa fa pa be r e on e ha pr nu qui , b o w Le t at s w k an , ae W elo XaXs s e H ide ith olu ouanch tick ar olgma m lixeesse aim tooNw ilw li eV life Tw orm gis td., a ban rce. mem m a it w he CXl s t a “ N te L st ll da. y VaTnoctanxntr ve Mik es a T Nd telXDmX Sepdir las e me u r h o p rtCC npdutag Nan io.,nfo t,.m id ra s Ca tric cier -pr d . oalla e hile 7.81. l also oluXrX lens rladliCt ut to sa 3ss st iate e W om on o f w it e0cp apn.m uN dw ag vice dis prin et lsg , w 55$12 il om s e oc f th f C is o -s airl-po rioa from adad.mdir o X XO nt adgoa sim n ed a y d n lp n 7 :3 e is a y w r in s o , 3 3 n u S au r'W in:4 ivte12 lg2a:5 alunyd .8 agoest hn nd fr no ndoCa otisFe As14air o ber cus a n t m ve k a nd gre e M Utk boelod ilis n ui O y, o aim or uti en w t 11nre-coea rCyaato,minpc $140N |ilpl c t. Jo to a an mo g, tl ch am r fo e , m im bd emr' liq a il aw emX rief tb h in lit nas nsaid ne eto a eim duo tite irp xec a e co to trioy w rt S ice ll ve olute C2h0 Ou b a s ily olgth es e ric oach b at B h d aNim O prae the esatJim neanVa tobrs lu “ Nd v C o oa te da e s Ca Thaim me taru e Wan t thN Ddois is min lit di ws in nc eaer,nad4d. N 2ip r, w in C mo lga o, F t ser S im tJe S ew a W tG evlrsein Nan- l co NC s2h s o 14 alley e ice rra hip sh m ea2n eiv yN lau nopN xam a na e s Ne aim o Ne ro ils Cto ge es im aim stJ er. d n y off d lo ders t ca il l twHeieottJuennt rec ted b ,0N0fre0oinegrnivgIna ry to Na d W 30 OwN s ps, w irSeeo an We ouv nce ts il n pa an V n s w n a a a 0 a p 5 e r ri o s r to rs a e sgid s era 4f $0 apsa lg inhe xaech aim D ’s N y nc ou t l N h e an is , a le fi ey o to ail a n K3E2 e ie p o 8nppS Cabus ittaho inaniebenartJe eMbik tin wic vall iM lia erce nd n’s a es rgveicr sta-pr r cit be o riiezreQ g7to Co gNPr ittiop ct, d nd V o an Na x 8 i e o l p n-ags l- egaeya, nnw,dwin ier, m mo aga a Na 36 3 mo ge ern sea om ub om ich n . a id ddh ire na als 55 n CaCoallisd tsaorrfriv an arvyic t tw wil bnadrd kyoain Co pa alb , s instaw e d yaroy -ny ea f C e r Oka cts il 5 ge 39 tl pna rt o Wadga n ju t m vge rs at gmra e rOrn . d nrip N1e4 n B r o in e du pa eiv alg pf o or uti e fi e th Bo tuf ilcr ya, mo annadgaatim 15 20 e re be a th ro X ve.naaennwa t pt is rec s trCic oolsma ord s N | Mc14 ge 12 130 ag ers 0 Ka am t lorrrs at et p irp xec f th vic t of h doa Foaru rie ort imka nnSte e k ee r. sth e to de .m e c w coCntior p pa oria2l2 Shak p ry tahO ecsotJnc eng fo cbuo th Ch l a me urm n OroNuoar11 o a t e e o ser lee bcle iN s in B o 20 Th e tru e re ttu W im stJe on eecWtS e’s f claapuoanunngNha n2e4fe. ysseaiv pa sto go ls otG deity rs3&22 kin arns fo s, mbinadNin S hty one a o go e ew X o y n x ll o rd r f e g e e u n ir r c b N e e o e N d p elo g o o c ie im ateVa t C u dy o t,l y e bitenir lgraeV dat to N ve 34 30 Na d W h il nc rawf il e fa na n Jue ato cteh 0are seernthad w pale c nceSeree na y’ve sto to 4 : Mo Ca E ect mabe cit ilgl th on g C Da Na sicUphda 14t5us 2 68 s d b eoh o g is the elp g Cs en era 4n0ts aath INDE an ey o Si ir o tim gieth e ho w h in c 0 3 -2 g c in p e p tinrin tJ – ww all iM iO r eas’tato wpiterg inan inwhat l to ully n in t a k lo p - t vcitut bliekoe a ier Q 78“Rod an ow NCeo wonXxa v Brief i onta 2 2-76258 6 tvaic weroern ofo Na y N o b n re e nserurs hsta thin e , s leeas, b il’t l g go e hay, eiv ea 6 3 n Na d lom nd ern Cy n KINDE o isn bard ya in are ne rTyreahttw z d whrr e m ally er to berpla a e v m e sCeoewaschinlaalbo Vallile 1-86 308 9 h y gOO re re gareflrigsbte d atrw . a rt hr ra l iplyandd a– th enti bettioSicy es.”a n d H a ll w d e r n a ir n Npe onrtaim anNe ey 32 38t By e thsto Borsm he trep coe firi c g ftr .aan x t Ess a y N om hilce is n e ov C re pNa lesichMcpasll 13206 ers nd en the ths P icepa t onfeu m n d fr p u r a G d ofo te s do te . 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MEDIA KIT 2013 MEDIA KIT 2013 Vancouver Island | Victoria | Thompson-Okanagan | Fraser Valley


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Entertainment to move its Lake City Casino from ti e no Na an ces ndowntown c st a to the c r iniformer Rona building at 1555 i i n F l cl The location, which will be four Drive. UVCm nou r r Versatile a c i r a a d st e 5 the size an ls Nexpa times RdJ ori operation, will be meon induof the current ag Co ic sseO ictain a –p Re t istructiCascades V Cera S c ll » rebranded Casino. UVmTiNe W r g e j ns rO JaN ess fo build a ria pro he co Nanad Vi sineerssshirpeady to Victon O 14 est en in t S, Isl u S 0 e r w b i r e 2 the recent ing announced euv om Kelowna siln ghas ne BDO eri or d aga ett s rw TNcoW forenda ebuoaof is s p f buil is’ nd fopromotions ew iVNan rkineAdil a n i o r Hosenbocus and Miranda t w V H u e h ws h B , lo netu o dy s c r a p e a S s r g e » 2 s s n e t b lnee ng r :aogepW1oesrt Kimoporrto Burdock Managers. ri onagbarneaks a si getti k e u e d b n s ew aHnai ba e–tepalwize n Aeutno fcehlowendeatwork isT U es Br Ok th n» or estdVIrCevNi G:ermoapMaru Mothergrand wi so nwt aks to San oesrtsKimport nSushi is celebrating opening, p o a re auseseidgnits k p m gnI eNoo o W nd t o n a o c a e e s t T w d ns iyn n , zinc iz n Au20 at 750 Fortune s ooDrive. Th anwtMion l balocated l l e l a k o i f a g pnaes h pper t it rmga e N Ot eSrat ' v s n i b e s to e o r Gpe a on NVbo bu wid |c sw mo or m dpooNcIolla n w oks t SS– 2p0oints nt 'Cnaisvheorpsiptyersitinfonglhsecslpmpotisnomgruteondfitincyauisneneed om Th CUSNew ow ion lo iNe Kinetic o Wellness c filns hco + n u Energy Health Centre has h o 6 a e i . s e t e l t g S fo id to th dLommcasodtbbNu'atilfidoor a businyes|s g 1g29 » wn bora Bu Eawelcomed rlu pxa 8” es et s s it its team, located at 207inr rs aCnainsuhs FaKelly n S01–.6” x 1. pr innittcsmhen Tracy elp to u e doew cIollaieS & h S n 2 io 'ma opp tion omm Ne 2.8 w puom C 13 20


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u l d p epm has s renEugene r ri s YocoDr. iN Ebata n no l ip y to b announced his retirement mm ioo se , V tro een d y ua sdeihilvneoeelsrpsssitaihleaving Fra rea eS lmuotllorttisesigmoptometry, b ng his practice to his isfrom o rilley y in gr v t r a s t t u e a n o eu ge q ew Va le ield sesrsee do sdotr r in e n f wenda bork is f a t son,e Dr. e Russ hlo netw Ebata, and associate Dr. Lindsay Br er ng c p e » Fras la wn titrpor s eeraen olor ssim s K nd i r m ortki : opWoesrt import l n e to brolaegynimi imlaidunsatgganse quisCopeland. T gM ranensfs-iOek raes atedsotdboarevNiteaelwrizman Au n th wi la ompwpso dit p tis ewr ks to G re use ed ro m s n o Four Kamloops businesses been e sto d ca n nhave 0 s Tbh agni imoiuw ion lo l 2 o l o ess i fi e M aessnt orat in | b' r a g usSmall nominated for the Business BC o2015 ag b o w r b p m f a y s sh rs help unit S– ts dpoew coll 'Ca oppe include: Awards. DesignAID, Innergy eS oin on m pNominees N h al acti ds com iN .6 s S 9 l i c g 12 s Inc., Lo d bu Interior Freeze Athletics Bu Corporate Yoga rlu x 8” an Ea 01.6 x 1. che I CieS & and 2 .8” un 2 Wholesale a d Furniture Brokers. l li n o ha be ait aid tp rie nyriven bsyaffe y First for eN d ids alle late s p ompaeurDevelopments NM i Granite Inc. is a finalist in this r r r Ve Ch w c trepretnto keep k V opeunsiness nd owrnperopoasre go year’s which honour the la ne t ne y b calAwards, » ne ung enitmen Georgie r n n a a e o l




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Rivershore Ram congratulated Art Marcyniuk on achieving top sales for the month of October. Stay Tuned Auto Repair Ltd. is celebrating its 10th anniversary, located at #8-1121 12th Street.

d B1 aR ge aW B paucket g Chevrolet, located at 650 Notre Dame e Smith – R n S B lli Lortapisisable ableto totake take the the vision vision that that your your architect architect or designer has specied aVaI Fi Lortap specifiedand andcreate create e7 Rd ic ag Stan Boone on achieving at e pcongratulated Wa Road, Se clin Wd product of of lasting lasting impression. impression. Ba et product k o e c sales for alOctober. top R R c y Bu lling I i r C Fi e 7 ed ust c tV ag Rd nd lini ep m Se s Co Projects da ni AWMAC 2012 BC Gold Award for Excellence in Quality: Large Commercial i Medox tio al cHealth Solutions has welcomed Re t c oW u Drake c » R je nstr edic ustry dC pe ro the co s mPurdy d oR ind and Cara Nordin to its team, t Marilyn lan eC on 13 05spag in s 5 0e R 0 2 1 I t i truat cti 164 Oriole Road. n 2 12 w 3 e r located c » 01 e y s 2 m r e e oo j s v nk

Extreme Professional Driver Training is now open in a new location at 735 East Sarcee Street.

Zimmer Wheaton GMC congratulated Gaetano Briglio on being names Salesman of the Month for October.

Jan Cook has announced her retirement from B1 thegeHeritage Commission after 27 years with the pa organization. – S

Lortap Architectural is among the largest manufacturers of custom Lortap Architectural Millwork isMillwork among the largest manufacturers of custom casework and millwork in Western casework andpast millwork in Western Canada; providing architectural woodwork Canada. For the 35 years, Lortap has provided architectural woodwork in the disciplines of Finished Laminated Architectural Woodwork, and Pre-Manufactured in theCarpentry, disciplines of Plastic, Finished Carpentry, Laminated Plastic, Casework. Architectural

were: Dr. Gur Singh for the President’s Award; Scorpion Technologies Ltd. for Business of the Year; Norm Daley of Daley and Company Chartered Accountants for the Business Person of the Year Award; Tk’emlups Petro Canada for Aboriginal Business of the Year; Angela Veltri of Kix 4 Chix Kamloops for Young Entrepreneur of the Year; Princess Auto for the Retailer Award 11+ Staff; Aglow Bridal Lounge for the Retailer Award 1-10 Staff; Riversong Guitars for the Manufacturer Award; Harper’s Trail Estate Winery for the Tourism Award; The Great Canadian Dog Academy & The Buckhorn Dog Ranch for Home-Based Business of the Year; Rozalind Ewashina Photography for the Service Provider Award 1-10 Staff; Berwick on the Park for the Service Provider Award 11+ Staff; Finning Kamloops for the Resource Industry Award; Nuggles! Cloth Diaper Co. for the Green Award 1-10 Staff; ARC Asphalt Recycling Inc. for the Green Award 11+ Staff; NL Broadcasting Ltd. for the Community Service Award.


Privato Vineyard & Winery has had its 2011 Pinot Noir selected as the Top Red at the Cornucopia food and drink festival in Whistler.

SALMON ARM Salmon Arm City Council has approved a rezoning that will facilitate the sale of a portion of the former JK Jackson school site for commercial use. Dr. Tim Bollans and Dr. Mhairi Russell have announced the opening of their newly relocated practice, Hudson Dental, to 207-270 Hudson Avenue. Telus has marked the conclusion of the first phase of installation of a fibre optic network in the city. The Canadian Federation of Independent Business has ranked Salmon Arm as seventh among mid-sized cities in a survey of entrepreneurial communities. Two Salmon Arm construction projects were named finalists in the Southern Interior Construction Association building awards. The Lerwick building and the new uptown Salmon Arm Savings and Credit Union building were both nominated for the awards. Robyn Cyr, Shuswap Tourism/Columbia Shuswap Film Commission officer, has received a twoyear appointment to the Thompson-Okanagan Tourism Association.

VERNON Vernon Dodge Jeep has welcomed Leif Peek to its team of professionals, located at 4607 27th Street. The Shuswap Pie Company will be featured on Food Network Canada’s hit TV show, You Gotta Eat Here! Vernon Hyundai congratulated Adam Figley on achieving top sales for the month of October. Bellmann Specialty Produce has been nominated for a Small Business BC Award. Bannister Honda congratulated Udai Sangha on achieving Salesperson of the Month for the 14th month in a row.



operations of Fitness Superstore after 15 years as sales and service manager for Eurosport Fitness Innovations Inc.

Cherry Lane Liquor Store is celebrating its grand opening Dec. 6 at its 2111 Main Street location.

Debi Nicoletti has opened Orah Spa + Salon at 2790 Richter Street.

The Ramada Penticton Hotel & Suites and the Coast Penticton Hotel have announced the appointment of Jessica Agur to Vice President, Hotel Operations.

Ashbury Bridal, owned and operated by Shilo Verhaegan, is celebrating its second anniversary, located at 1619 Ellis Street.

Bannister GM has welcomed the addition of Tyler Cull to its sales team. The dealership also congratulated Robert McLaren on achieving top sales for the month of October. Parnell’s Appliance and Electronics celebrated its grand opening, located at 4408 27th Street. Watkin Motors has announced that Audias Valverde has been named Salesperson of the Month for October. Lindsay James and Caldeeda Ross have opened Red Door Studio & Artisan Market on 30th Avenue. Valley First Credit Union has moved to a new location on Highway 6. Coldstream’s fire chief Shane Code has accepted a position with the Estevan Fire Department in Saskatchewan. Snap Fitness celebrated its grand re-opening after undergoing renovations, located at #103-5301 25 Avenue. A new website,, has been launched as a resource for employers and new immigrants and their families. Universal Packaging has developed an Innovation Team that will ensure the company is on the leading edge of bottle decoration technology.

KELOWNA Odlum Brown Limited has welcomed Chuck Droppo to its team of professionals, located at Suite 15001631 Dickson Avenue. Fabricland celebrated the grand opening of its new location at #1101135 Stevens Road. Winners have been announced for the 2014 Business Excellence Awards. Recipients include: Mike Jacobs of Emil Anderson Construction for 2014 Business Leader of the Year; Mission Creek Orthodontics for the Rising Star Award; Kelowna General Hospital Foundation for the Community Impact Award; Guiseppe Simpatico of GoodSir Creative Inc. for the Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award; GreenStep Solutions Inc. for the Eco-Star Innovation Award; Wells Gray Tours Ltd. for the Distinction in Hospitality & Tourism Award; Get in the Loop for the Marketer of the Year Award; Interior Portable Rentals for the Small Business Award (1-10 employees); Border Plumbing, Heating and Air for the Mid-size Business Award (11-30 employees); Waterplay Solutions Corp for the Large Business Award (31+ employees). The Kelowna Community Food Bank has welcomed Ami Catriona as its new Director of Community Relations.

His N hers Ladies Fashions has moved to a new location in the Capri Centre Mall with an outside entrance. Flooring Canada Kelowna has welcomed Shawna Stafford as its newest partner. Bruce Vermee has been awarded the Golf Professional of the Year Award for the BC Interior from the BC-PGA. Vermee has been the director of golf and CPGA golf professional at Sunset Ranch for the past 17 years. Donna Pawulski of BC Prosthetic & Orthotic Services, located at 1012000 Enterprise Way, has announced her retirement.

The Delta Grand Hotel has appointed Iain Rennie as its new executive chef. RauDZ Creative Concepts Ltd. has appointed Brock Bowers as executive chef for RauDZ Regional Table and Micro Bar Bites, both located on Water Street. The District of West Kelowna has been honoured with the 2014 Employer Award for Career Enhancement and Success of Technology Professionals at the Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of BC annual awards and recognition celebration held in Vancouver.

Eight Kelowna Certified Management Accountant students recently received their designation from the CMA-BC Society. Those designated include: Laura Bot, Wynn Griffith, Kathleen Marshall, Allison McEachern, James Schisler, Justin Sharko, Alanna Snitynsky and Richard Wagner.

The Eldorado Hotel has welcomed Sean Coward as its new director of operations. Dustin Serviss has opened Serviss Wealth Management at 103-1353 Ellis Street.

Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Corp. is celebrating its fifth anniversary this year.


Green & Bear It is celebrating its 11th anniversary, located at 4600 Lakeshore Road.

Mosaic Books is celebrating its 46th anniversary, located at 441 Bernard Avenue.

Skaha Chiropractic has welcomed Dr. Danielle Morgan to its team, located at 3373 Skaha Lake Road.

Sheila Meyer, formerly of California Dreams, has joined the team at Stylize Hair Studio, located at 180 Asher Road.

The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy celebrated its grand opening at the end of November, located at 105-3957 Lakeshore Road.

John M. Hughes M.D. has announced his retirement from his practice, located at 601 Martin Street.

Dr. Jason Rowan and his wife Arnica have opened Pandosy Village Veterinary Hospital and Pounce & Hound Fine Pet Goods at 2720 Richter Street. The business is a combined integrative medicine veterinary hospital and fine pet goods shop all in one.

Ross Derrick has opened The Table, a casual café that serves menu items made from the market’s 100 per cent sustainable seafood, located at Cod Father’s Market.

Teriyaki Experience has purchased the Chopped Leaf restaurant chain based out of Kelowna. Certified orthotist Renaud Fortin has opened Feet Expert at 3103 Shetland Road. The business specializes in custom-made orthotics. Okanagan Countertop Systems is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. Eleven Kelowna certified general accountants received their CPA, CGA designation at a convocation ceremony. Those recognized are: Elizabeth Demer, Heather Eccles, Senne Echterbecker, Min He, Lisa Houghton, Catherine Lecours, Susan Moran, Shauna Odermatt, Carly Reise, Janelle Weiss and Junrong Wu. Central Kitchen & Bar has opened at the rear of the Central Sports Club at 1155 Ellis Street. The Canadian Brewhouse’s newest location is currently under construction at 3000 Pandosy Street. Sherry Barton, owner of Vivid Hair Studio at 2-2925 Pandosy Street, has welcomed stylist Lexis Dollevoet as her new business partner.

Parker’s Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ltd. congratulated Tony Sloboda on achieving top sales for the month of October.

Dr. Guy Fradet, cardiac surgeon and IHA medical director, and Caroll Laberge, program cardiac director of KGH Cardiac, have been awarded the Leadership in Quality Award by the BC Patient Safety and Quality Council.

The BC Government has announced the appointment of former Kelowna Mayor Walter Gray as its new chairman for ICBC’s board of directors.

Earthly Creations Floral is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year, located at 2630 Pandosy Street.


Drew Tyler of Mott Welsh and Associates Drew Tyler has joined Mott Welsh and Associates. Prior to moving to Penticton, Mr. Tyler practiced civil litigation, federal and provincial administrative law with Conlin Bedard LLP in Ottawa. He dealt with international trade, privacy and access to information, transportation, and public procurement matters and advised and represented municipalities, health care institutions, airlines, steel manufacturers and other businesses in these matters. Mr. Tyler can be reached at 250-492-2425

The Arthritis Society in Kelowna has nominated Laurel D’Andrea for an award through the Association of Fundraising Professionals. D’Andrea was named the winner in the Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser category. Corinne Shoranick has been named the 2015 president for the JCI/Yukon Region. Malcolm Mitchell has been appointed as the new president of BC Tree Fruits, replacing long-time president Robert Dawson, who will continue to sit on the board as director. Other directors elected were: Nirmal Dhaliwal, Gordon Hahn, Gurjinder Sandher, Jora Dhaliwal, Joginder Khosa, Talwinder Bassi, Jeet Dukhia, Karmjit Gill. The following 12 Kelowna businesses have been nominated for the BC Small Business Awards sponsored by the Insurance Bureau of BC: Culinary Ink Gastro Ventures, Dash of Modern, The Habitat, Mavazi Apparel, Float Space, Inspired Eyes Creative Eyewear, Vantage West Realty, Kekuli Café, Cottage Quilting, Orphan Grape, Nourish and Muninn’s Post. Sandrine French Pastry and Chocolate, located at 1865 Dilworth Drive, is celebrating its 10th anniversary. The KPMG office located at 200-3200 Richter Street has promoted Magnus Aaserud as its manager. Rob Reynolds has recently taken over

Joanne Iormetti

Senior Marketing Advisor

PUT YOUR COMPANY IN THE SPOTLIGHT In the life of every business, certain events always stand out: • A grand opening • A brand new building • Completing a major project • Landing a major contract • Celebrating a milestone anniversary Spotlights are your opportunity to spread the word about your firm to the entire region of the ThompsonOkanagan. Contact me today to have your business featured in our publication.

To market your firm in the Business Examiner contact Joanne Iormetti at 1-866-758-2684, ext. 122 or



DECEMBER 2014 A division of Invest Northwest Publishing Ltd. Thompson Okanagan Office 200-1789 Harvey Avenue, Kelowna, BC V1Y 6G4 Toll free: 1.866.758.2684  Fax: 1.250.758.2668 Email: Website:

PUBLISHER |  Mark A. MacDonald, EDITOR |  Lise MacDonald, SALES |, WRITERS |  Goody Niosi, Julia MacDonald, Christopher Stephens




uestion: If you’re young, or have very little education, where’s the best place in the country to find a job, make a decent income and prosper? Answer: Alberta, followed by Saskatchewan and British Columbia. Most Canadians likely suspect that economic opportunities are increasingly available in Western Canada. But the hard numbers for young adults (a group I spotlighted in my recent study) reveal stunning, positive facts about the three Western-most provinces. The same data is flashing neon warning signs at Central and Eastern Canada. Consider migration patterns for the 25 to 34 age group— call them the “young career class” likely

finished their education and seeking a job. Over a 10-year period (2003 to 2012), Alberta gained 60,855 young career class adults, on a net basis, from other parts of the country. British Columbia gained 10,643 while Saskatchewan stopped losing young people and gained 581. During that same 10-year period, on a net basis, Quebec lost 24,355 young adults while Ontario lost 27,451. (Manitoba and Atlantic Canada also bled young adults but that’s been a constant for some time.) So what explains this westward migration? Private sector investment, which left a cornucopia of jobs and income in its wake. The figures for private sector investment (excluding residential construction but capturing non-residential structures, machinery and equipment) clearly point West. The numbers are a slog, but revealing. In 2013 alone, Alberta garnered a total of $83.5 billion in investment followed by Ontario ($42.1 billion), Quebec ($26.8 billion), British Columbia ($23.3 billion) and Saskatchewan ($14.6 billion). Do the math. Canada’s

two most populous provinces, Ontario and Quebec, had less investment than did just Alberta. With Newfoundland and Labrador added in (which had $8.2 billion in total private sector investment last year) and converting to per worker calculations, the results are even more stark: In 2013, per worker private sector investment was $57,122 in Newfoundland and Labrador followed by Alberta ($56,675), Saskatchewan ($47,348), and Manitoba ($16,918). Meanwhile, Ontario ($9,411) saw less private sector investment per worker than did Nova Scotia ($9,878) and also lagged Quebec ($10,206). All three were only slightly ahead of Prince Edward Island ($9,159). The relative lack of private sector investment should greatly concern Ontarians and Quebecers. It signals that their economies now replicate the economic malaise of Atlantic Canada—save the very recent uptick in Newfoundland and Labrador. More numbers. The 10-year average unemployment rates for the young career class were significantly higher in Quebec (7.3 per cent) and Ontario (7.1 per cent) when compared with Alberta (4.2

per cent) and Saskatchewan (4.8 per cent). And here’s another statistic to keep in mind. As a share of those already unemployed in the young career class, here is the proportion of those out of work for six months or longer: Alberta (11.5 per cent) and Saskatchewan (13 per cent), and Ontario, where 23.5 per cent were unemployed for more than six months - the highest percentage in the country. But what about the wallets and bank accounts of working Canadians? A lberta a nd Saskatchewa n have the smallest proportion of tax filers who declared less than $30,000 in income (42.2 per cent and 47.4 per cent respectively). In every other province, more than half of declared tax filers earn less than $30,000. Alberta and Saskatchewan also have the largest middle classes as a percentage of their populations and a larger share of high–income earners (above $100,000) compared with the other eight provinces. Lastly, take a look at total household per capita income (adjusted for inflation). Eleven years ago, Alberta led the league (at $40,744) with Ontario second ($37,018).

B y 2 01 2 , w h i l e A l b e r t a n s ($52,207) remained on top, followed by Saskatchewan ($42,249) and British Columbia ($41,239), Ontario had dropped to fourth place ($40,838) with Newfoundland and Labrador ($39,836) nipping at Ontario’s heels. Here’s the takeaway. In recent years, the young adult career class in Canada has flocked to Alberta, and to a lesser degree, British Columbia; Saskatchewan is now retaining its young adults. Why? Because the West is where private sector investment money flowed. And jobs, low unemployment, shorter durations of unemployment, and high incomes have followed. Meanwhile, Central Canada now resembles Atlantic Canada, except Newfoundland and Labrador where things are picking up. Mark Milke is Senior Fellow at the Fraser Institute. A long-time contributor to the Institute, Mr. Milke is the author of four books on Canadian politics and policy and dozens of studies, on topics such as property rights, public sector pensions, corporate welfare, competition policy, aboriginal matters and taxes.




hen Americans voted for ‘Change’ and the Presidency of Barack Obama, they got what they asked for. Not cha nge i n the positive sense, as Obama promised. That kind of change, of the way government conducts itself, is not really possible in democracies like the United States, and even Canada. There are many, many people involved in the running of a government, and layer upon layer of individuals from all political stripes. Most people don’t like change anyway, and the statement “we’ve always done it this way” is perhaps no more

prevalent than within extensive, entrenched bureaucracies. In other words, just because a new leader comes forth with promises of change, doesn’t mean that’s even possible, other than incrementally. There’s too much to change, too many people to change, too many mindsets to change, too many systems. One person, no matter how virtuous their intentions, can effect that much positive change. At any level, including civic politics. The change that Obama has brought, however, is instability and American insecurity, both home and abroad. The president’s indecisiveness, or unwillingness to address the real, tough issues that face the U.S. throughout the world, have contributed to worldwide unrest, the likes of which we haven’t seen since the Second World War. Oba ma has a l most si ng leha nded ly destabi l ized the world. How? By refusing to flex American muscles where they’re needed most: In the faces of despots and terrorists throughout the world, who have been emboldened to further their agendas and march forward, knowing the Obama-led U.S. won’t step up and

“just say no.” We’re not talking about warmongering or brinkmanship. Simply restating the hard-earned facts that the U.S. has been the world’s primary military power since WWII, and has the technology and manpower to step in when needed. Or even when it’s not. And will do so. Obama has long been referenced as the weakest president since Jimmy Carter. It has become tiresome, even reckless, to hear Obama state that this situation “makes him angry”, or he’s “really upset” about that development. Even to see his dear wife holding placards asking for villains and terrorists to be nice and release hostages may look caring to some, but on a much bigger level, it’s really pathetic. Here you have the one couple in the world that could actually do something about these problems with all the forces and resources at their fingertips. Potentially the most powerful household in the globe, and they’re content to simply express their displeasure. What, really, did Americans expect when they elected Obama? There was no track record to

speak of, other than successful organizing. No business background, no indication from experience that he was ready for the world’s top job. Obama was an opportunist that came from virtually nowhere to interrupt Hillary Clinton’s push for the White House and rode the unpopularity of George Bush to a decisive victory. Without question, Americans were enamored with the prospect of a leader who romanced them with the idea of a cross between Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy. That the U.S. would elect its first black president was a tremendous triumph and really, part of King’s legacy. What this president has done in office, however, has failed to approach even the most realistic expectations. Canada’s relationship with the U.S. is too strong to let the ideological and political differences between our leaders inflict serious, long-term damage. Presidents and Prime Ministers change. Obama’s stubborn insistence to block the Keystone pipeline, despite its obvious advantages to both countries, will become a footnote in history. As

Stephen Harper said: It’s not a matter of if, but when. This pipeline needs to be built, and it will. The recent mid-term elections almost made it happen, subject to the possibility of a presidential veto, which, if exercised, would be a very risky political move. Obama has two years remaining in his mandate, and other than vetos and the threat of unilateral action, is basically hamstrung. It has been said that we get the government we deserve. The U.S., with the mainstream media and late night court jesters laughing and cajoling voters all the way to the polls, has their man. An unproven politician with no successful, firsthand experience, other than unproven theories. The results speak for themselves. Yet with all that, the alternative, the Republicans, slowly trudge in circles, with perhaps their brightest hope yet: Another Bush. Surely the U.S. has more to offer than more Clintons and Bushes. Again, Americans are looking for change. Hopefully, this time it will be true, progressive, constructive change that will bring the global theatre back to “normal”.

SUBCRIPTIONS  |  $45 PER YEAR (12 ISSUES), $80 FOR 2 YEARS (24 ISSUES), SUBSCRIBE ONLINE: WWW.BUSINESSTO.CA. DISTRIBUTION: FOURTH WEEK OF EACH MONTH VIA CANADA POST AD MAIL. The publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited submissions. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Produced and published in British Columbia. All contents copyright Business Examiner Thompson Okanagan, 2014. Canadian Publications Mail Acct.: 40069240





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John ds to share that vision can you check ifwith that kind of Glennon is the owner of money, right solution, Insight Sales Consulting Inc., yone who willfor bethe affected John Glennon is the owner of Insight is going to be ok with col-authorized Sandler Training . The navigator informs theyourthe leagues and manager? If we Sales Consulting Inc, the authorized w. The crew knows the des- licensee for the Interior of B.C. get a red light, we don’t need Sandler Training Licensee for the tion. Members the crew at toll-free 1-866-645to pursueof this any furtherReach and him Interior of British Columbia. He can then empowered the 2047 nobody has with wasted any time. reached at jglennon@sandler. If we get green light, then we com, toll free at 1-866-645-2047 or acity to share in athe pursuit Visit


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GENERAL CONTRACTOR Plaza – 4 structures, 3 comPROJECT mercial structures including Singla Brothers Holdings – New waterretail treatment - theHeather disa supermarket, and facility 567 St, Penticton trict is currently testing several methoffice spaces – 1 residential V2A 6N8 250-490-1700 LOCATION odswith including membrane technology building 17 condominium LOCATION 2648 Tranquille Rd – LOCATION units – 1 to 4 storeys Townhouses PROJECT STATUS– stone, 739 Birch Ave – Duplexes 175 Kokanee Way - Ramada Hotel stucco and shake exterior – PROJECT TYPE TYPE - Tender call for PROJECT PROJECT TYPE slopedDesign metalunderway roofs multi-family new General Contractor anticipated multi-family new commercial new PROJECT STATUS July/14 - construction completion PROJECT PROJECT Release of development PROJECT anticipated late 2015 New townhouses – 2 storeys LOCATION permit application pending New duplexes – 2 structures New in the Campbell – 20Ramada units –Hotel 3 bedroom units CONSULTANT approval from the Ministry of – 4 duplexes each contain- Rd - Mission 2241 Springfield Creek industrial park - 4stone, storeys – garages – cultured Environment ing secondary suites – wood Opus Dayton Knight 255 1715 Crossing Westside 3,780 - 80 rooms restaurant vinyl sm siding, board- and batten- pool frame construction – attached Dickson Ave, V1Y 9G6 250-868-4925 with - elevators - concreteARCHITECT PROJECT TYPE andwaterslide wall shingles with smart McCuster Architecture single car garages OWNER trim accents – peaked roofs with Patrick construction - roof articulation commercial new PROJECT STATUS Inc – 3034 Benvoulin Rd, and dormers porte cochere - asphalt shingles - 98 District of Sicamous - 1214 PROJECT Kelowna V1W 4M5 778-484Development permit applicaPROJECT STATUS surface parking stalls 2V0 0223 Riverside Ave, Sicamous V0Etion approval anticipated New commercial urban lifestyle RezoningSTATUS and development 250-836-2477 PROJECT OWNER early/15 – subdivision appli- - 2 to 7 storey centre - 6 buildings permit application submitted PROJECT MANAGER Construction start anticipated late CERJ Shopping cation submission anticipated retail commercial at ground leve Centres – – construction start antici2014 February/15 – construction MHPM 550 555 W 12th Ave, 2954 W 23 Ave, Vancouver with office units above - undergr pated mid/15 start anticipated spring/15 V6C 1P5 Vancouver V5Z 3X7 604-714-0988 parkade 80 above ground short ARCHITECT DESIGNER DESIGNER term parking stalls Pinske Design Inc – 209 1339 DF Architecture - 1205 4871 Shell Giroux Design Group –STATUS 102 PROJECT McGill Rd, Kamloops V2C 6K7 Rd, Richmond V6X 3Z6 604-284-5194 Ellis St, Penticton V2A 4L5 250-314-7595 Development permit application 250-770-3285 DEVELOPER DEVELOPER submitted LOCATION 250-492-1005 Prism Inc -–3571 ArjanVentures Khun Khun 811 Barmond Grant 8709 LOCATION Jubilee Rd – Rental ARCHITECT OWNER Ave, 604-338-4656 Rd, Richmond KamloopsV7E V2B1A4 6K7 250To Be Determined - Ice Facility Housing Ekistics Town Planning - 1925 Ma Westridge Contracting – 198 377-5830 OWNER PROJECT TYPE TYPE PROJECT St, Penticton Vancouver V2A V5T 3C1 604-739-7 Williamson St, Prism Hotels and Resorts - 800 multi-family new add/alter institutional 0N1 250-490-5077 DEVELOPER 14800 Landmark Blvd, Dallas TexasPROJECT PROJECT LOCATION R366 Enterprises Ltd - 4870B Ch 75254 214-987-9300 Redevelopment of the former 564, 576, 580 Ellis St – 4M3 250-764-8963 New ice facility for the Greater Kelowna V1W RCMP site into a rental housLOCATION Townhouses Vernon area to replace the aging GENERAL CONTRACTOR ing development Hwy 97N north of Leathead PROJECT Civic Arena - 4,000 seats - may be TYPE PROJECT STATUS Lambert and Paul Construction L Rd – Auto Dealership an addition to Kal Tire Place or the multi-family new 300 2000 Spall Rd, Kelowna V1Y Rezoning application at 2nd PROJECT TYPE Priest Valley Arena or construction of PROJECT 250-860-2331 reading LOCATION commercial new a new ice facility New townhouses – 3 buildCONSULTANT PROJECT 451 Shuswap St - SD 83 North OkanaPROJECT STATUS ings – 3 storeys – six 2 stoCitySpaces Consulting Ltd – gan Shuswap Administration New auto dealership – 2 Building rey 3 bedroom units above Feasibility study and cost analysis 585 1111 West Hastings St, buildingsTYPE – relocation of the PROJECT ground flex units – wood study anticipated shortly the Vancouver V6E 2J3 604-687current Kelowna Volvo, Land frame construction – front institutional new dealerships 2281 Greater Vernon Advisory Committee Rover and Jaguar will decide in June whether orporches not to – amenity space PROJECT OWNER located at 1210 Leathead Rd PROJECT STATUS hold referendum in in Kelowna of aSummerland – November/14 New administration building on the District Rezoning and development to fund a new ice facility location, PROJECT STATUS Henry Ave Box 159, old JL Jackson school site - 2,640 sm13211 permit application submitted preliminary design and estimated Summerland V0H 1Z0 250application submis2Rezoning storeys - 75 parking stalls CONSULTANT cost to be determined 494-6451 sion anticipated PROJECT STATUS early/15 – Radec GroupLOCATION Inc – 625 E 16 construction start anticipated OWNER Site work underway Ave, Vancouver V5T Boulevard, 2V3 604- Okanagan Fal summer/15 Vintage City of Vernon - 1900 48th Ave, 676-0008 ARCHITECT OWNER Vintage Views Vernon V1T 5E6 250-545-1361 Vaughn Wyant -Automotive MQN Architects 100 3313 32 Ave, PROJECT TYPE LOCATION Group V1T – 419 Pl, Vernon 2E1Brand 250-542-1199 subdivisions 245 Edmonton Ave – Saskatoon, Sask 306-986OWNER Condominiumst PROJECT 7001 School District 83 - North OkanaganPROJECT TYPE 1-800-667-1939 New subdivision - 30 SFD lots Shuswap - 220 Shuswap St NE, multi-family new PROJECT STATUS Salmon Arm V1E 4N2 250-832-2157PROJECT 250-545-5344 Construction start anticipated PROJECT MANAGER New condominiums – 3 stoJune/14 17 units – 19 parking Stantec - 400 1620 Dickson Ave, reys –LOCATION SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT OWNER stalls Kelowna V1Y 9Y2 250-860-3225 2425 Orlin Rd - Addition to the COMMERCIAL LITIGATION PROJECT STATUS Vintage View Developments c/o Village at Smith Creek LOCATION REAL ESTATE Robert Milanovic 250-492-5939 Release of development 851 Anders Rd – Commercial TYPEanticipermitPROJECT application – Condominiums – Lakewood patedseniors shortlyhousing – construction Village start anticipated late/14 or PROJECT LOCATION PROJECT TYPE early/15 Addition to the Village at Smith Creek 524 Dabell Stdev - Mara Lake Water Mixed-use ARCHITECT seniors housing facility- 1,810 4th. sm -Floor 4 - 3205 32nd. Street Treatment PROJECT Facility Norman Goddard Architecture Vernon BC storeys 23 units 8 additional u/g PROJECT TYPE use redevelop– 218 219 Main St, Penticton Phased mixed parking stalls fibre cement board ment of Lakeview Heights V2A 5B1 250-770-1104 industrial new










Jeff Boschert


Jeff Boscher


exterior - 4th floor stepped back as gables


PROJECT STATUS Construction underway - foundations commenced early April/14



Does Your Business Need Star Employees? Employment Readiness is a program designed to help people become better employees. We mentor employees in communication skills, time management, safety on the job, how to be a team player, personal hygiene and being a self starter. Employees with diverse abilities bring unique experiences that transform a work place and enhance services. As part of your team, employees with diverse abilities help build your business and can lead your company into the future. “Companies should not limit their search for employees in any way,” commented The Honorable David C. Onley, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario and the Honorary Patron of SenseAbility. “There are almost 800,000 skilled people with disabilities ready and able to work today – half with postsecondary education and training. My message to business is that when you open your door wider, you don’t lower the bar. You reap the benets in better business performance.”

Left to Right: Ryan Pat, Crystal Rohrer (Employment Readiness Participant) and Barbara Hodder (from Monashee Wellness Centre & Shoe Emporium).

Kindale Developmental Association Employment Readiness Program Phone: 250-546-3005

van uver foundation

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