APRIL 2018
APRIL 2018
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Nori Sushi Restaurant Is On A Roll Popular Nanaimo Establishment Sizzles Its Way to the Top
Barkley Project Group Has Been Involved in More Than 60 Projects Since 2003
INDEX News Update
Port Alberni
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ANAIMO – Sea urchin, octopu s, whole sof tshell crabs, fresh oysters, sockeye salmon, and fresh tuna engulfed in flames: all of these, and more, can be found on a table at Nori Japanese Restaurant. Con sidered by m a ny to be one of the best eating establishments in Nanaimo, Nori is coming off of an exciting year of award-winning and special recognition. Now in its eighth year, Nori Sushi is one of Nanaimo’s hottest restaurants. On any given night, the establishment can have lineups out the door with every single seat filled with customers anticipating the Nori experience. A lready recognized as best Japanese Restaurant in Nanaimo
Nori Sushi’s owner and head chef, John Lim
Who is Suing Whom 30 Movers and Shakers 31 Opinion
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Record Number Of Finalists For VIREB Awards 54 Buildings From Malahat To Port Hardy Up For Honours At April 19 Gala
A NA I MO – A re cord tota l of 5 4 bu i ld i ngs have made the cut to become Finalists for the 11 t h Annual Vancouver Island Real Estate Boa rd Com merci a l Building Awards, set for April 19 at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre in Nanaimo. The largest number of projects since the event started 11 years ago were eligible this year for the awards, which celebrate the best in commercial, community
and industrial buildings north of the Malahat on Vancouver Island which were completed between January 1 and December 31, 2017. “It’s the largest nu mber of finalists we’ve had yet,” notes Mark MacDonald of Business Examiner Vancouver Island, which coordinates the event. “T his is an indication of the construction activity that has taken place in the region last year, and it’s been very, very
busy. “Each year there seems to be an increase in the quality and diversity of the buildings which are involved with the Awards, and this is no exception,” he adds. “It takes a lot of vision, commitment, financing and skill to bring these buildings to completion, and the event is all about celebrating the people behind the scenes who make them become reality.” A team of independent
judges chooses the w i n ners i n the 12 categories of these awards: Retail, Retail Renovat ion , O f f ic e, M i xe d Use, I n s t it ut ion a l , I n s t it ut iona l R enovat ion, Com mu n it y Amenity, Hospitality Renovation, Multi-Family Apartment, M u l t i-Fa m i l y To w n h o m e , Multi-Family Renovation and Seniors. Gold sponsors of the event SEE VIREB | PAGE 13
2 NANAIMO Tilray Announces Partnership with Sandoz Canada Sandoz Canada Inc. has announced a partnership with Nanaimo-based Tilray to develop and distribute medical marijuana products. The two companies announced their signing of a binding letter of intent to form a strategic partnership to sell, develop and promote medicinal marijuana products across Canada, pending regulatory approval. The agreement will see the companies develop co-branded products, conduct
joint research and development, and have Sandoz’s sales team assist in getting non-smokable Tilray products into pharmacies and hospitals across the country. This partnership marks the first deal between a major pharmaceutical company and a Canadian cannabis producer. T he ag reement focuses on non-combust ible products, which starting in 2018 consist of oils and gel caps. Longer term products could include sprays, creams and patches, if they become legal. The financial details of the agreement have not been released, though Tilray confirmed Sandoz has not taken a financial stake in Tilray. Tilray is a private company ow ned by Se at t le c a n n abi s
APRIL 2018
investment firm Privateer Holdings. It is the 10th company to secure an Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations licence from Health Canada, back in 2014, and the first company to legally ship medical cannabis into the European Union.
CAMPBELL RIVER $27M Waterfront Renewal Begins in Summer A three-year renewal project for the waterfront corridor along Highway 19A in Campbell River will be underway this summer. The waterfront improvements
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will include three key upgrades: a rebuild of the Big Rock Boat Ramp, completing the next phase of Highway 19A improvements and updating the waterfront sewer line from Rockland Road and the Maritime Heritage Centre. “This work will bring a number of long-term benefits to Campbell River,” says Mayor Andy Adams. “We now have the funding to move forward with these related projects, and we’ve coordinated the timing to maximize efficiencies and minimize disruption as we upgrade our highway and sewer infrastructure.” While planning has been underway for some time, residents will see construction get started at the beginning of summer, particularly between 1st Avenue and the Maritime Heritage Centre and at the Big Rock Boat Ramp. The first phase of construction work is expected to go out to tender shortly. For the waterfront sewer work, which will begin this summer, significant excavation will be required to lay the new gravity-fed sewer and related utilities. While two-way traffic is intended to be maintained in 2018, the project work will inevitably cause disruption to traffic, parking, and in some areas, property along the route. The project team is reaching out to people who will be directly affected by changes to traffic – and updates will be shared with everyone on the project webpage, via social media, published notices, news stories and more.
“This summer’s work sets us up for the more extensive work scheduled for 2020, which will require closures along the highway,” says Ron Neufeld, deputy city manager.
VANCOUVER ISLAND Home Sales Down from 2018 Sales of single-family homes, apartments, and townhouses in the Vancouver Island Real Estate Bard (VIREB) area all dipped in March. The change is likely due to a combination of government policy changes, stricter mortgage qualification rules, and consumer uncertainty. Last month, 399 single-family homes sold on the Multiple Listing Service System compared to 316 in February and 482 one year ago. The number of apartments changing hands in March decreased by 23 per cent while year-over-year townhouse sales remained static. There were 979 single-family homes for sale in March compared to 812 in February and 1,023 one year ago. The supply of apartments decreased in March, down 12 per cent from one year ago, but townhouse inventory rose by 30 per cent. SEE NEWS UPDATE | PAGE 3
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APRIL 2018
The British Columbia Real Estate Association (BCREA) reports that housing sales in most BC jurisdictions are down compared to last year. Guideline B-20 and uncertainty surrounding new provincial taxes appear to be taking their toll on sales. Broadening the scope of the Foreign Buyer Tax to include the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) should not have a significant impact on the VIREB housing market. Only 4.4 per cent of RDN residential real estate transactions in 2017 involved foreign buyers. More troubling is the new speculation tax imposed on the RDN, which targets homeowners who do not pay income tax in BC. I n Ma rch 2018, the benchmark price of a single-family home in the VIREB area reached $490,100, up 19 per cent from one year ago. The benchmark price of an apartment last month rose to $297,600, up 25 per cent board-wide from the previous year, while the benchmark price of a townhouse hit $385,600, a 24 per cent increase from March 2017. Last month, the benchmark price of a single-family home in the Campbell River area climbed to $401,500, an increase of 24 per cent over March 2017. In the Comox Valley, the benchmark price was $475,600, up 17 per cent from last year. Duncan reported a benchmark price of $426,900, an increase of 17 per cent compared to March 2017. Nanaimo’s benchmark price rose 17 per cent to $528,900 while the Parksville-Qualicum area saw its benchmark price increase by 20 per cent to $554,400. The cost of a benchmark home in Port Alberni reached $276,600, up 27 per cent from one year ago.
COWICHAN VALLEY CVRD Gets Grant for Wastewater The Cowichan Valley Regional District has obtained significant
grants to assist with enhancing wastewater and power infrastructure. Two of the grants will go towards enhancing wastewater infrastructure in Cobble Hill and Mill Bay, while another will assist the Ditidaht First Nation with maintaining a reliable power supply. The Federal Gas Tax Fund will contribute $1,900,000 for a wastewater integration and reuse upgrade in Cobble Hill and $5,888,894 for the first phase of a wastewater integration project in Mill Bay. The Cobble Hill Sewer System project will combine two existing CVRD-operated sewer systems, Twin Cedars Sewer System and Cobble Hill Sewer System, into one integrated sewer system. The Mill Bay project will allow for the integration of small existing problematic community wastewater systems, in and around the Mill Bay area, into a central system that will meet the high-quality standards required under the South Sector Liquid Management Plan. Opportunities for re-use of ef f luent a nd t he protect ion of t he receiv i ng f reshwater and marine environment are also goals of this project. Ditidaht First Nation will receive $166,180 to en su re rel i able power supply for their community on Nitinat Lake near the mouth of Caycuse River. A planning process with BC Hydro will determine the technical and financial viabilities of regulating their line voltage in isolation from the BC Hydro grid in association with a proposed hydropower project. “These grants are important for the CVRD in allowing us to develop a more strategic, integrated approach to dealing with wastewater challenges in the Cobble Hill and Mill Bay areas. We are also pleased to be able to assist Ditidaht with improving access to reliable power for their community.,” states Board Chair Jon Lefebure. “Communities across BC are looking for funding to replace, upgrade and expand local i nfrastructure,” said Director Wendy Booth, UBCM president.
COURTENAY Toquhat Nation Gets ICET Investment The Toquaht Nation is set to begin construction of a new $1.35-million marina development at Secret Beach and the Island Coastal Economic Trust is supporting the project with a $400,000 investment. The project includes the construction of 40-slip marina, construction of a new doublewide boat launching ramp, a new marina access road, parking facilities, and breakwater at Secret Beach. The Marina is the first phase
of a broa d e r pl a n t h at w i l l transform Secret Beach into a regional tourism hub. F ut u re developments w i l l include the construction of a common building with café, gift shop and meeting rooms, rental cabins, kayak comfort station and other infrastructure to support cultural tourism. In conjunction with the future replacement of the marina at Toquaht Bay, there will be slips for 80 boats in the two nearby locations, with access to campgrounds and other services for the growing number of visitors to the region. The region is a key access point for visitors to explore the Broken Group of islands between Bamfield and Ucluelet on the west
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3 coast of Vancouver Island. “My father – Chief Bert Mack – spent decades fishing in Barkley Sound, and I know he would be proud to see this new marina at Secret Beach,” said the Toquaht Nation’s Chief Anne Mack. “Our economic development mission is to create businesses that respect the history, culture, and traditions of the Toquaht Nation, and this project embodies that mission exactly.” The Broken Group is a prime destination, particularly for t he g row i ng k aya k tou r i sm m a rket. T he isla nds, wh ich nu mb er more t h a n 100 u ninhabited islands, is often described as ‘dream destination’ SEE NEWS UPDATE | PAGE 4
APRIL 2018
Do You Have The Answers?
for paddlers. The project is expected to create approximately three person-years of new construction phase jobs as well as 15 permanent local jobs within a 3-5year term.
COURTENAY Courtenay Selected for Pilot Project
The City of Courtenay w i l l be one of 7 2 comm u n i t i e s f ro m a c ro s s Canada to participate in an initiative to mitigate flooding. The pilot project, supported through the 2018 Municipal Natural Asset Initiative (MNAI), will see the city develop an action plan to reduce f looding in the downtown core by using natural assets and the built-up environment. T h e 2 01 8 M N A I i s a partnership between the Town of Gibsons, Smart Prosperity Institute, The Dav id Su z u k i Fou nd ation, a nd Brooke & Associates. T he initiative supports loca l governments in their efforts to
i nteg rate natu ra l asset m a n agement i nto core asset ma nagement a nd financial processes. The go a l i s to u n d e r s t a n d ma nage a nd va lue natu ra l a ssets a s much a s the com munity’s-built environment. For decades the natural flow of the Courtenay River has been modified through a combination of privately and publicly-owned dykes, berms, seawa l ls, a nd bridge abutments. Responsibility for nearly all these constructed assets now fa l ls u nder t he City of Courtenay. P ri ncipa l f u nd i ng for the M NA I projects will come from the pilot project communities for their own purposes. Funding up to $110,000 had a lready been set aside in the City of Courtenay’s 2017 budget for flood mitigation planning through a Storm-water Master Plan. As an MNAI pilot project, Courtenay will now have access to additional funding, expert support and guidance. T h i s i n it i at ive i s offered through the Munic i p a l i t i e s fo r C l i m a te
I n novation P rog ra m (MCI P) wh ich is del ivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and funded by the Government of Canada. M C I P i s a f i v e-y e a r, $75-million program desig ned to s upp or t a nd encou rage Ca nad ia n municipalities to reduce g re en hou se g a s em i ssions and adapt to climate change.
BRITISH COLUMBIA Export Navigator Pilot Extended The Government of British Columbia has extended the Export Navigator pilot program for another year. T he E x p or t Nav i gator program helps small- and medium-sized business owners and entrepreneurs expand their offerings to new markets. T he prog ra m helps busi nesses i n si x reg ions i n BC to become export ready by providing access to comm u n i t y-b a s e d e x p o r t a dv i sors who c on n e c t businesses with programs a nd ser v ices that a re SEE NEWS UPDATE | PAGE 5
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APRIL 2018
unique to their business needs. Specially trained export advisors provide personalized, step-bystep approaches to help businesses prepare to become exporters, navigate the services available to them and tackle the logistics of customs certifications a nd other ex por t requirements. The program has grown by 50% i n t he pa st si x mont h s, w it h 5 2 bu sinesses taking advantage of the free service for the first time. The pilot will be extended to March 31, 2019, through $607,800 in funding from the Province, and in-kind support from Western Economic Diversification Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Community Futures network partners. Since the launch of the pilot program in October 2016, 157 companies have engaged w ith Export Navigator. Twenty of them are in the final stage of the program, which focuses on export market strategies. Program participants are focused on exports to Canadian provinces, the United States and China.
T he Export Navigator pilot was developed by the Province in partnership with Western Economic Diversification Canada, Small Business BC, Community Futures offices and the Comox Valley Economic Development Society. Export Navigator is available in the following six B.C. regions: Cariboo, Central Vancouver Island, Comox Valley, Kootenay Bou nd a r y, Nor t h Okan a g a n a n d t h e P a c i f ic Northwest.
PORT HARDY Council Approves Pool Construction At a council meeting on March 19 the District of Port Hardy approved the first phase of construction on a new aquatic centre. The new aquatic centre w i l l repl ace t he ex i sting pool which is over 40 years old and requires major upgrades and repairs to remain operational. The new centre will include a 25-meter pool containing lap lanes that share the body of water with a slide, lazy river, zero beach entry,
a hot-tub, sauna and leisure/programmable area. Phase one of the project is estimated to cost $12,750,000, wh i le the entire project, which includes additional features and the demolition of the existing pool is projected to cost $14,382,116. To fund the construction of the project, the district has received a $6,000,000 Gas Tax grant, $250,000 from Marine Harvest and $500,000 from the Community Forest Fund. This leaves $5,000,000 t he district will have to borrow from the electorate to fund the first phase of the project. An overall assessment of the pool was completed in 2015 that provided options to either repair the pool or replace the building entirely. The District sought input from the public regarding the project and the survey results returned 74 per cent in favour of building a new aquatic facility. A referendum (Assent Voting Opportunity) was held Oct. 22, 2016. The electors of Port Hardy approved the project, and the District began looking to pursue grant funding for 2/3 of the $12,000,000 project.
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APRIL 2018
Hertel’s Meats Still Changing With The Times Island Good program showcases local flavours Alberni Valley News hen the local farming i ndu s t r y ch a n ge d , Port A lberni’s Hertel’s Meats cha nged w ith it, a nd Isla nders a re savou ri ng the results. Hertel’s roots reach back to 1963, when Tom Hertel founded the company to service the local hog and cattle farmers. But as feed a nd tra nsportation costs reduced the number of those farms on the Island, H e r t e l’s t r a n s i t i o n e d t o o , u si ng t i me-honou red t raditions to prepare quality pork products for retail sale. It’s been a great thing for Island consumers. Today owned by Tom Hertel and Ron Caldwell, Port Albern i’s Her tel’s Meats rema i ns a family-owned and operated bu si ness, whose va r iou s pork products a re ava i l able throughout Vancouver Island a nd t he Gu l f Isl a nd s, a long with twice-weekly distribution to the Lower Mainland. “The Island is a pretty unique market – they’ve always supported us,” Caldwell says. K e e p i n g p r o d u c t i o n “o l d school” in terms of using quality ingredients without a lot of unwanted additives or fillers
creates foods people are proud to put on their dinner table, from bacon and boneless ham to fresh sausage and Bratwurst free of fillers. “The feedback we get back on our bacon and Irish Gammon Ham is unreal,” says Hertel’s Peter Rueschmann. “It’s produced the old-fashioned way and is as local as you ca n possibly get,” Ca ldwel l explains. “We a re most tha n k f u l for everybody’s support. We try 100 per cent of the time and it’s hard to put into words – it’s a very, very nice thing that people support local.” H e r t e l ’s M e a t s i s o n e o f nu merous Va ncouver Isla nd g rowers a nd producers pa rticipating in Island Good, an i n it i a t ive w it h fo u r I s l a n d grocers to increase consumer awareness of Island-made and Island-grown food products. T he Vancouver Island Economic Alliance pilot project, in all Island Thrifty Foods, Country Grocer (except for Country Grocer Sa lt Spr i ng, Quality Foods and 49th Parallel Grocery stores through Aug ust, aims to increase demand for products made and/or grown on the Island.
Tom Hertel, Ron Caldwell, Mitch Fitzgibbon and Peter Reuschmann, from Hertel’s Meats PHOTO CREDIT: ALBERNI VALLEY NEWS
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APRIL 2018
ith a strong economy and recent data from BC Statistics indicating an unemployment rate of 4.8 per cent, the ability to find qualified and ready workers is challenging businesses all over the province. Over the past year, some restaurants in Victoria have had to close their doors, or reduce opening hours because of an inability to find culinary staff. Technology firms have not been able to expand or capitalize on business opportunities due to staffing challenges and construction firms have had to postpone work because they have been impacted by the inadequate number of tradespeople. W hen all efforts have been
exhausted to find a Canadian worker, and in order to meet business needs, some employers have explored the option of hiring foreign workers. While this tactic has both benefits and challenges, it has been successful for many organizations. Benefits: ▪ Many individuals who are able to move to Ca n ad a for work are focused and tend to be com m itted, d i l igent a nd hard-working. ▪ As a n employer, you ca n specify a trade certificate or post-secondary requirement. ▪ There are firms that will help you locate the right candidate, able to help with the legwork required to bring the person to Canada, and support them in getting the appropriate working visas. ▪ Because a business has to qualify to bring in a foreign worker, the successful hire is provided the visa/work permit as long as they work for the approved business which offers employers stability in staffing. ▪ An ethnically diverse workforce can improve collaboration and inclusion in the workplace, sti mu late new th i n k i ng a nd introduce more effective ways of doing business. International
workers may help you develop new global markets. Challenges: ▪ The process to recruit fore i g n wo rk e rs h a s s t ra te g i c business implications and does take time, usually from 6 - 12 months. ▪ The employer will have administrative work and costs based on the type of program utilized. ▪ There are financial commitments for employers including travel costs for the worker, accommodation options and BC Medical for the first 3 months. ▪ There is a misconception that foreig n workers ca n be paid less which is not the case. and employers must commit to providing competitive wages for all staff, regardless of where they are from. In this time of labour shortages, it is critical that you look at all of your options in order to find the best people. If you are interested in learning more about international recruitment, please connect with Alison Langford a.langford@ chemistryconsulting.ca. Dawn Robson is an HR Consultant with Chemistry Consulting.
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APRIL 2018
ou were hit and killed last night. How does your business look today? Will it keep running now that youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re no longer around to oversee it? Are your business, business associates and family facing a chaotic mess? That all depends on whether or not a business owner or partner has planned for an eventuality like this. Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what could happen if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not prepared: â&#x2013; Without a will your provincial government could determine what happens to your assets, including your business. â&#x2013; Without the proper insurance, your business can go under due to lack of funds.
â&#x2013; Without a shareholder agreement in place, your spouse could now become a partner to the business. For these reasons and a lot more, you should have a carefully crafted, and legally binding, shareholder agreement that documents exactly what you and your business partner wants to happen should you or your business partner die. And yet, fewer than 30 per cent of small-business owners have a written succession plan, and many donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have insurance either. Why? Because owners donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to think about what might happen if they suddenly pass away. But they should. While a plan should be tailored to the business ownerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s specific circumstances and objectives, there are common elements that require consideration, especially around insurance needs. Key Person Insurance: Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an insurance policy typically taken out on the owner. If the key person passes away, the company gets the proceeds from the policy to keep the business running. Buy-Sell Insurance: With Buy-Sell Insurance, when a shareholder passes away,
money gets distributed to the other partner to purchase their portion. Business Loan Protection: This kind of insurance provides funds to settle any outstanding loans or mortgages. Also, if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re injured and unable to work for a long time, consider taking out a disability and critical illness insurance. Clearly, succession planning and insurance coverage is absolutely necessary to maintain the value of your business, provide financial security for your family and other stakeholders, and provide for the unexpected. Talk to a professional advisor, accountant, lawyer or insurance broker to find out how best to protect your company. This column, written and published by Investors Group Financial Services Inc. and Investors Group Securities Inc. presents general information. Stephen J. Struthers, is a Senior Financial Consultant with Struthers Wealth Management at Investors Group Financial Services Inc. Email: stephen.struthers@ Investorsgroup.com
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APRIL 2018
he fer ti le ag ricu ltu ra l lands of the Cowichan region are a magnet for small farm activity. Yet with the rising cost of land and farm inputs, many emerging farmers struggle with being viable. Now, with the development of a new Agricultural Equipment Library Study, Economic Development Cowichan (EDC) hop e s to prov id e emerg i n g farmers with a small helping hand. EDC worked with the Cowichan Green Community (CGC) to commission the Agricultural Equipment Library study in the fall of 2017. The study responds to several regional agricultural plans produced during the past decade that acknowledge local food production can be increased through the establishment of an equipment library. The study, authored by CGC’s S e e d Fa r m I n c u b a t o r C o ordinator Foster Richardson, examined existing models for equipment libraries established by the Comox Valley Farmers’ I n st it ute a nd t he Kooten ay Agricultural Society. Drawing on the experiences of these
orga n izations a nd data collected from an online survey, Cowichan Green Community also approached agricultural organizations throughout Cowichan for their feedback. This study determined there is a strong interest among many producers in Cowichan in an equipment library. Overall, it was determined that the region is well suited to the establishment of a project of this nature. T he Cowichan Green Community’s key recommendations for the implementation of an Agricultural Equipment Library in the Cowichan region include building the library incrementally and honing in on the user groups that can derive the most benefit from shared equipment. Cowichan Green Community hopes to garner support from various sources in the coming months to begin a trial run of an equipment library. For Economic Development Cow ich a n, t he A g r ic u lt u ra l Equ ipment Libra ry Study provided a practical means of investing resources in the agricultural community to produce hands-on results. In the coming year, Economic Development Cow ich a n w i l l cont i nue its work in agriculture by facilitating ongoing discussions on potential land lease programs in the region. For more information, visit the Economic Development Cowichan website at www.ecdevcowichan.com or contact Amy Melmock at amelmock@ cvrd.bc.ca Amy Melmock is the Manager of the Economic Development Cowichan Valley Regional District. She can be reache at amelmock@cvrd.bc.ca
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APRIL 2018
anaimo-based F&M Installations has won a $33 million contract to build a substation for BC Hydro’s new Site C Dam in northern BC. Frank Crucil is President and Mike Crucil the CEO of F&M, also known as FMI. The firm will also be building a Coast Guard building in Port Alberni. ■■■ The new John Deere dealership that will be opening in the former Crane building next to the Island Highway south of Nanaimo is expected to open in May. ■■■ Brad Archibald, Associate Broker of
Brad Archibald
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Colliers International, says there have been several key transactions that have gone th roug h thei r Na na i mo office recently. Vancouver eFasteners Tools & Supply Ltd. has signed a lease for #6-4836 Boban Drive and takes possession May 1. Brad notes that Realstream recently made two major acquisitions, including an office building at 488 Albert Street in Nanaimo which is home to the Service BC Access Centre, Nanaimo Law Courts and the Ministry of Children and Families. They also bought an office building at 961 England Avenue in Courtenay for the Comox Valley Community Centre, which is under the Vancouver Island Health Authority umbrella. Also in Courtenay, VitalAire will be going into #99-1742 Cliffe Avenue in Courtenay July 1. ■■■ Nanaimo will soon have its own whale watching business, called Vancouver Island Whale Watching. Their office is at 2-90 Front Street, and tours will leave from the area where Harbour Air Seaplanes arrive and depart. ■■■ Woodgrove Centre’s newest tenant will be a virtual reality business called VR Experience Centre. ■■■ A NAPA mechanical shop will be going into the former Speedy Muffler building downtown, on Terminal Avenue. ■■■ Anthony Dagostini has joined the Harris Mazda team on Bowen Road as a Product Advisor. Anthony is originally from Vernon.
■■■ Mike Carmel notes that Mikero Computer repair has opened at 14-1601 Bowen Road. ■■■ Operations Manager Thom McCann notes that Lighthouse Bistro will be renovating its upstairs dining room and has added in a sushi bar. ■■■ Devcon Industrial Services Ltd. has opened a shop and office at #10-2525 McCullough Road. ■■■ Westmark Construction is now building a three-storey, industrial-commercial building at 6543 Portsmouth Road. ■■■ The Foam Shop is now open beside Pennington’s. ■■■ Goulet Law has opened at 120-256 Wallace Street. ■■■ Congratulations to Little Valley Restorations, located just south of the Nanaimo Airport, upon being officially certified by Certified Collision Care to repair participating Automaker brand vehicles according to the manufacturers’ specifications. Owner John Neil notes Little Valley is officially certified by Fiat Chrysler and Kia as well, adding that less than five per cent of body shops across the nation are able to gain this certification. ■■■ Discount Battery is undergoing renovations at its 11 Cliff Street location. ■■■ Any Time Fitness has opened its doors at 118-50 Tenth Street. ■■■ Windley Contracting will be building a 27 unit multi residential apartment at 867 Bruce Avenue. ■■■ JoAnne Freelund is now a Commercial Insurance Specialist in the Western Canadian Division of Polaris Solutions. She is still based in Nanaimo, and is well-known in the local insurance industry. ■■■ First Choice Hair has a new neighbour in Rock City Centre, as Modern Beauty Products has opened there. Mark MacDonald writes about business in Nanaimo. Tell him your news by emailing him at mark@businessexaminer.ca
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APRIL 2018
A NA I MO – T he one i ng red ient fou nd i n ever y t h i ng produced at Hearthstone Artisan Bakery Inc. isn’t a secret – its love. The owners and staff at this compact South Nanaimo bake shop clearly love what they do and the amazing range of products they create on a daily basis are a testament to that devotion. “You bet, I just love it,” exclaimed Hailey Mannynvali, the firm’s co-owner. Opening just over two years ago, the Hearthstone Artisan Bakery is housed in a commercial space of just over 1,200 square feet at the city’s Southgate Shopping Centre. It’s there that Mannynvali and her team of eight produce an amazing assortment of baked goods, from cookies, cakes and sausage rolls to a collection of exceptional hand-made breads. “Paul Aboud is my business partner and he’s the mastermind behind the breads. He’s the Bread Head, I’m the Pastry Geek and both of us went through the VIU (Vancouver Island University) Baking Program but at different times. Eventually we wound up working together at Coombs Country Market. It was obvious that we were both really passionate about making quality products and that showed in our work there,” she explained. Working together, both sharing a love for baking and having a belief that quality is more important to a product’s marketability than quantity, when the space at the Southgate Shopping Centre became available the pair pooled their resources and took the entrepreneurial plunge – opening December 28, 2015. “We first started planning in the spring of
Hailey Mannynvali is the coowner of Hearthstone Artisan Bakery Inc., working with her business partner Paul Aboud
“We all have a passion for good food and we want to deliver that product and to share that passion with
Located in the Southgate Shopping Centre, Hearthstone Artisan Bakery opened for business two years ago
2015 and opened just before New Year’s,” she said. From the first day the goal at Hearthstone A rtisan Bakery was to produce the best quality products possible, using locally sourced materials whenever feasible, for as large an audience as it can reach. Essentially carrying out no advertising, except for a very active Social Media presence, Hearthstone Artisan Bakery has quickly attracted an appreciative client base from all across the Central Vancouver Island region. “Every th i ng we do is done from scratch, there’s nothing that we bring in. If we want to make something we go out and buy the ingredients for it. I like to say that everything here is made with butter and love, because it really is,” Mannynvali joked. “This is definitely a career, and
Proud to support Hearthstone Artisan Bakery. Congratulations!
Hearthstone Artisan Bakery produces a dizzying array of products, from homemade breads to an assortment of pastries a business that is driven by passion. We all have a passion for good food and we want to deliver that product and to share that passion with our customers. Being a ‘Foodie’ is something that is second nature to me as I grew up in a household where having good food, quality food was very important.” While not growing up in the hospitality or restaurant trade,
Mannynvali’s family enjoyed exploring the potentials of the culinary world and that early exposure and encouragement has helped to spur her on to business success. “I always loved to cook at home but I’ve never worked in a professional chef setting, but it was actually my very first job that put me into baking. I applied for a job at Quality Foods, was expecting a cashier’s position but was put in the bakery and I fell in love with it. I never left, 12 years later I’m still doing it,” she recalled. Even a s a f le d g l i n g ba ker Mannynvali had dreams of one day opening her own bakery, with that dream taking form two years ago. “That was always a goal. I remember in one of my interviews, when I went to work at Country Grocer, the interviewer asked me what my five year plan was and I told her I’d like to open my own bakery – and it was actually six years from that time when we opened the doors here,” she said. Today, with a dream fulfilled and a steady stream of quality
products finding their ways to the tables and palates of contented customers throughout the region, Mannynvali, Aboud and their staff look forward to whatever future opportunities their growing venture will provide. One such opportunity could include the future opening of a second shop in the city’s Northend, to keep up with the demand from that part of the city. “People really do travel to come here, we’ve definitely noticed that. People come from Victoria, from Nanoose and up Island all of the time. Anytime they’re passing through they have to make a stop which is fantastic. Our sausage rolls can’t stay on the shelves and our Nanaimo bars were recently featured on the Food Network which has been huge for us,” she said. “Will we be opening another shop? It would be great to have a sit down area where people could have a coffee so I’m certainly not going to rule anything out. Who knows what the future will bring?” www.hearthstonebakery.ca
CongratulaƟons on your success! Southgate Shopping Centre
APRIL 2018
Colliers Team Bullish On Nanaimo-Central Island Market BY MARK MACDONALD
“Colliers has a great
reputation, and we
ANAIMO – Colliers International is bullish on the Nanaimo and central Vancouver Island commercial real estate market. They were when they urged Jason Winton to move to Nanaimo from Vancouver in 2004, and their move into the market has been rewarded. Since Winton, Vice President and Managing Broker of Commercial Sales & Leasing officially opened the office in 2006, Colliers has grown by adding Brad Bailey and Brad Archibald, and have posted over 500 deals worth over $500 million. “Colliers has a great reputation, and we wanted to bring Vancouver clients here to the Island,” says Winton. “We had to educate people here about what we did and how different things are with Colliers. I was their pilot project, and when the revenue and listings kept climbing, we knew we needed to add other brokers. “Colliers has a very professional way of doing business,” he states. “We’ve been known to do a lot of big deals, but we also do a very good job of the smaller stuff, yet in the same professional manner. “We’re a small office doing big things and doing them well.” The trio has had as many as 150
wanted to bring Vancouver clients here to the Island.” JASON WINTON COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL
Jason Winton listings at one particular time. “Every year, we’d tick up,” he recalls. “By 2010, we were getting invited to every dance to present
about our services. We’ve been bullish on Nanaimo before bullish was fashionable. It’s always been a no-brainer for us, especially
coming from Vancouver.” Some of the office’s notable deals include the sale of Pacific Rim Shopping Centre in Port Alberni for $17.1 million, Metral Station in Nanaimo for $11.35 million, Holly House and Westwind Manor in Duncan for $10.5 million, Southgate Shopping Centre in Nanaimo for $9.7 million, Marina West Resort in Tofino for $7.9 million, and Timberline Village in Campbell River for $10.3 million. Colliers had conducted many high-profile transactions from Duncan to Campbell River involving shopping centres, office buildings, retail buildings and commercial land, industrial buildings and land, apartment buildings, retail, office and industrial leasing, resort and hotel properties, and even land for single and
multi-family developments. Bailey notes that “CAP rates are pretty attractive here, so investors are getting good returns on their investments. . .It’s real estate migration at the end of the day. The market is so competitive in Vancouver and Victoria so people may sell there and buy here in Nanaimo and they’re banking significant residual proceeds after the sale. This area has always looked affordable, and people have discovered it now.” Archibald adds that there is plenty of activity in multi-family units. “We haven’t seen this type of demand for multi-family residential for probably 10-plus years,” he states. “Right now, there are around 1,500 purpose-built rental units currently being built or in the design phases in the Nanaimo region alone. That’s unheard of.” There is a dire shortage of industrial land available in the region, however, and whatever does come on the market moves instantly. Their latest project is the massive 840-acre-plus Sandstone property in south Nanaimo, zoned for commercial, residential and industrial flanking the Island Highway. “The owners want one developer to come in and quarterback the project,” Winton states. www.colliers.com
QUALITY IMAGERY ESSENTIAL PART OF EFFECTIVE ADVERTISING Food Photographer Tim McGrath Says A Good First Impression Is Crucial For Success
ANAIMO – The old expression goes: “You never get a second chance to make a good first impression” – that sage wisdom couldn’t be more correct than when discussing the photos business owners often use to promote their ventu res. To profession a l food photographer and corporate marketing consultant Tim McGrath, ensuring that the imagery used to promote a business is of the highest quality can make all the difference when it comes to making that positive first impression. “A question business owners often have is why should they hire a professional photographer when they can take the picture themselves? For me the real advantage of hiring a professional, with professional grade equipment, is ensuring that the first impression is a good one,” McGrath explained. “S u re, t h e y c a n w h ip o ut their smartphone and take a picture, and the technology in today’s smartphones is pretty
One of the factors that a professional like Tim McGrath brings to the assignment is the ability to effectively stage a photo
Professional quality photographs are an essential part of any restaurant’s marketing efforts, in print or even online
“A question business
the first thing people think of, even if they’re not consciously aware they’re doing it, is that the restaurant is also unappealing. That’s not the way to attract new business,” he said. McGrath stated that a professional photographer can bring tools to the photo shoot a business owner isn’t likely to have – such as supplemental lighting, tripods for long exposure images, as well as a trained eye for effective photo composition. “You might have a beautiful meal on a plate, and after you’ve taken the shot realize the tablecloth had a stain, or there was something in the background that was
owners often have is why should they hire a professional photographer?” TIM MCGRATH OWNER, ITS-FOOD.CA
impressive, but if they end up with a good shot it’s going to be more a case of luck than anything else. By hiring a professional they’re going to be assured of getting the photo they want, and their business needs.”
The owner of ITS-Food.ca and a working professional photographer for more than a decade, McGrath’s work has been used in everything from newspaper advertising, to restaurant menus, to cookbooks. Specializing in the unique niche of food photography, he knows that an unappealing or unimaginative food image can directly impact a restaurant’s bottom line. “Successful restauranteurs recognize the importance of today’s online lifestyle – meaning the images found on their website have to be appealing when viewed on a smartphone. But if they put up a bad or unattractive picture
distracting – being able to effectively set the stage is the kind of real world experience a professional can bring to the job,” he explained. Visual appeal is essential in any effective marketing effort, especially in a field as customer-driven as the food services industry. For McGrath, ensuring a prospective client’s first impression is a good one is vital for any restaurant owner. “You have to know your audience, you have to know how the image is to be used, and you have to ensure that it’s the best that it can be. Those are the attributes a professional will bring to the assignment,” he said. www.its-food.ca
APRIL 2018
54 Buildings From Malahat To Port Hardy Up For Honours At April 19 Gala VIREB CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
are Re/MAX Commercial, MNP LLP a nd Coastal Community Credit Union. Categor y spon sors a re NAI Commercial, Yellow Sheet Review, Herold Engineering, Colliers International, Invest Comox Valley, Canadian Western Bank, the Harris Auto Group and the Vancouver Island Conference Centre. Black Press is the Media Sponsor. The 2017 Judgesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Choice Awa rd Wi n ner for Best Overall Entry was the St. Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Centre for Ministry in Nanaimo. Finalists are, by community: Port Hardy: Roya l LePage Advance Realty, Kwaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;lilas Hotel. Campbell River: Ma riner Square, Steve Marshall Ford, Dairy Queen, St rat hcon a Toyota, Ca mpbel l R iver Sea rch & Rescue Station, North Island Hospital (Campbell River). Comox Valley: Extreme Ends Salon and Spa, River Wa l k Cent re, Nor t h
Denise Barber Partner- CPA,CA
Island Hospital (Courtenay), Hornby Island Fire H a l l, I B elon g Cent re, Twin Sail Buildings, The Ambleside. Parksville: Mid-Island Co-op L iquor Store, Kingsley Manor Seniors Housing, Qualicum Beach: Quali t y Fo o d s , Fe r n R o a d , Memoria l Avenue R a i n G a rd e n a nd R e tent ion Pond, Coombs: Zolenaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. T o f i n o : C y p r e C o rner, Ty Histanis Health Centre. Ucluelet: Toquaht-Macoah, Welcome Bay. Nanaimo: Na n a i mo Audi, Pacific Station Ph a se 3, A r iya h Pl ace, 1 8 47 & 1 8 4 9 D u f fe r i n Crescent, K iwanis Soroptom ist Di n i ng Room Addition, Kwâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;umut Lel u m C h i l d a n d Fa m i l y Services building, Best Western Northgate renovat ion, 130 Va ncouver Avenue, Stirling Heights, N e l s o n R i d ge To w nhomes, Painted Village, Franklyn Heights, Pinestone Estates, T imberwood Trail, Forest Glen Manor, Malaspina Care
Colin Haime Partner- CPA,CA
Partners in your Success Unlimited no-fee email and telephone advice for our clients.* Individuals & Corporate. Building Relationships, Trust & Confidence throughout the year. No Invoice Surprises!
R e s i d e n c e , E d e n G a rdens, Nanaimo Memory & Complex Care. Ladysmith: Oyster Bay Esso/Tim Hortonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Meadow Woods. C ow i c h a n Va l l ey: We n d y â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s R e s t a u r a n t , Du nca n Nissa n, 373 Coronation Avenue, Dakova Square, Cowichan Women Against Violence building, Cowichan Tribes Administration & La nds bu i ld i ng ex pa nsion, Cowichan Sportsplex, CVRD Bings Creek Recycling Centre, Maple Woods, Sequoia Lifestyle Homes. For further information, contact Mark MacDonald at Business Examiner at 1-866-758-2684 Ext. 120 or em a i l : m a rk @ b u sinessexaminer.ca. T his event sells out early, so tickets must be pu rchased by Mond ay, April 16. Tickets are $125 and are available at www. businessexaminer.ca/ events.
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APRIL 2018
BARKLEY PROJECT GROUP: RENEWABLE POWER GENERATION EXPERTS Energy Consultant’s Group Has Been Involved In More Than 60 Projects Since 2003
A NA I MO – W hen it comes to the potential for generating electricity Mother Nature was very kind to British Columbia. With an abundance of flowing water to power hydro-electric projects, sunshine to energize solar panels and even rolling surf to generate wave power, the province has access to an unparalleled wealth of opportunities. Identifying those opportunities and then matching them to the needs of their clients is at the heart of everything the Barkley Project Group (BPG) does. Founded in 2003, BPG has been the driving force behind more than 60 individual renewable power generation projects around the province, often in remote and challenging locations with many of the efforts for the benefit of isolated First Nation communities in need of clean and renewable energy to reduce reliance on diesel generated electricity. Since its inception the firm has been responsible for the installation of facilities now generating more than 16 megawatts of electricity – and for company president and founder Iain Cuthbert that’s only the beginning. “If I were describe what it is we do, it’s that we’re clean energy project management consultants. We provide both the technical and management capacity to get these projects built,” he explained. As a professional biologist, Cuthbert began his business life as the owner of an environmental consulting firm. The catalyst for the founding of the Barkley Project Group occurred when his firm was hired to conduct an environmental assessment of proposed small hydropower projects in the Kennedy River watershed. The BC government of the day was a keen proponent of the numerous hydropower projects
that were in the development stage at that point – projects being designed with the goal of selling their power to BC Hydro. While the business concept had generated a great deal of interest in the province it soon became evident that there was a shortage of experienced technical personnel to assist in the actual design, regulatory permitting and construction of these projects. As there was clearly more demand for this service than there were experienced people available Cuthbert and founding partner John Ebell, recognizing the opportunity, set about to create a team with both the necessary skills and the common shared desire of creating clean and renewable energy and the Barkley Project Group was born. “We’ve been involved in a number of projects in the past 15 years, and while not all of them have been built and many are still a work in progress, each has been a learning experience. Projects like these can be very challenging. We’ve been involved in two types of small scale energy generating projects; those that have been created to sell power to BC Hydro and those that are generating electricity for their own use in isolated communities and business that are not connected to the grid, replacing energy currently being supplied by diesel generators,” he said. “As these undertakings typically take place in remote locations they can really be a test of engineering and construction capabilities. Imagine trying to carry out civil construction on the side of a mountain in the pouring rain and you’ll get an idea how challenging they can be.” One of BPG’s first successes was the Canoe Creek Hydro facility, an energy project undertaken on behalf of the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation (TFN) from Tofino. A six megawatt power project, Canoe Creek Hydro takes advantage of the region’s abundant rainfall to produce electricity that is sold to BC Hydro. SEE BARKLEY PROJECT GROUP | PAGE 15
Iain Cuthbert (far right) and Yuho Okada (right of center) meet with clients and suppliers at the Clean Energy Association of BC conference
“If I were to describe what it is we do, it’s that we’re clean energy project management consultants.” IAIN CUTHBERT PRESIDENT & FOUNDER, BARKLEY PROJECT GROUP
BPG’s Iain Cuthbert and Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation hydropower plant operator Brendan Tom share a happy moment
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APRIL 2018
FTN Chief Elmer Frank and James Lunney, MP cut the ribbon at Canoe Creek Hydro with BPG founders Cuthbert (r) and Ebell
BPGâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cuthbert (l) and Ebell (r) with TFN Tribal Parks Manager Saya Masso measure stream flow at Haa-ak-suuk Creek
Here is the intake at Canoe Creek Hydro, a six megawatt facility located in Clayoquot Sound near Tofino
â&#x20AC;&#x153;TFN hired us to undertake an inventory of clean energy project opportunities throughout their traditional territory. We focused on streams that were non-fish bea ri ng, steep a nd located close to existing roads a nd t ra n sm i ssion l i nes a nd oversaw the construction and operation of their first project, which commenced operation in 2010,â&#x20AC;? Cuthbert said. Following on with the success of this first endeavour the TFN
went on to construct two additional hydropower projects and is in the advanced planning stage to build as many as four more. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Combined, these projects will bring more than $150 million in investment to the west coast of Vancouver Island, employing local professionals, trades and construction materials and services suppliers. These projects generate electricity to power homes and businesses throughout the region,â&#x20AC;? Cuthbert explained. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They also serve as tremendous sources of pride for the Tla-oqui-aht First Nation itself, as
the benign nature of the projects are in keeping with the TFNâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s commitment to the well-being of their traditional lands while building a sustainable economy.â&#x20AC;? The success the Barkley Project Group had with the Canoe Creek Hydro project ultimately sparked the interest of other Coastal First Nations with an interest in clean energy generation. Since its inception BPG has worked on more than 60 clean energy development projects throughout coastal BC, often in remote First Nation communities. But Mother Natureâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s blessing on British Columbia in terms of energy generating potential isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t limited to its abundant wealth of running water. For many small scale energy producers the appeal of tapping into the nearly limitless supply beaming constantly from the sun, or the heat being generated by the earth itself are opportunities too great to miss â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and are avenues BPG is just beginning to explore. â&#x20AC;&#x153;While our work up until now has mostly focused on small hydropower projects, this year we are excited to have completed our first solar project (in Chemainus) and we are in the planning stages of a five megawatt geothermal energy project in Fort Nelson,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;At present we are very close to the completion of construction of three new hydropower projects and have three more that are at the beginning stages, including the Huu-ay-aht First Nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s five megawatt project located at Sarita River near Bamfield.â&#x20AC;? BPG is far more than a construction management firm. The company is also a provider of a wide range of services involved with clean energy planning, in addition to working with both businesses and communities in helping to make them more energy efficient and in many cases energy self-sufficient. Cuthbert explained that the Barkley Project Groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s clients fall into three primary categories: Clean energy project developers seeking to generate power for BC Hydro; remote communities, lodges and industrial site that are SEE BARKLEY PROJECT GROUP | PAGE 16
Congratulations to the Barkley Project Group on your 15th Anniversary! Phone: 250.585.4144 Unit 603, 5800 Turner Road, Nanaimo www.llcpa.ca
APRIL 2018
located off the BC Hydro power grid and are wanting to reduce their dependence on costly (and polluting) diesel-generated electricity; as well as individual businesses and communities looking for ways to become more energy efficient. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As project management consultants we help our clients by managing the development, construction and operations stages of clean energy projects. We procure the engineering and other technical experts, equipment and construction services for projects and lead these multidisciplinary teams. We also help our clients obtain funding and financing for their projects. Our mission is to add value to the organizations we work with,â&#x20AC;? he explained. â&#x20AC;&#x153;To be successful with relatively small projects with thin margins requires experience and being very cost effective. Our business model differs in that the project owner acts as the general contractor, dealing directly with the many suppliers to avoid the large mark-ups typical of engineer-procure-construct (EPC) contracts. We lead the project teams, but we do not hire the other companies as sub-consultants or apply any mark-up to the supply or work of others. This allows the client to save costs, adding value and helping to make their project a success.â&#x20AC;?
Cuthbert (center right) and Ebell (2nd from right) with TFN members commissioning the Haa-ak-suuk Creek Hydro facility Currently operating with a team of 16 engineering, planning, project management and administrative professionals, including the four company owners BPG looks forward to seeing its business grow as the demand for its specialized services continues to be sought out. One thing that keeps Barkley Group interested in their work is the fact that each project is unique and offers a distinctive set of challenges and opportunities. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no one size fits all approach when it comes to renewable power generation. Each site is different and each clientâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
expectations and needs are different. We especially enjoy working with communities as they will have a very long range view of pay back. Being able to reduce the costs, noise and pollution of diesel generators helps to improve the quality of life in these communities. They are able and willing to invest in the change to renewable energy, and they have access to government programs that provide support and encourage them to invest in systems like this,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have a lot of respect for the First Nation communities we work for. We strive to bring value
Iain Cuthbert and John Ebell (middle) with project engineer Glen Ichikawa lead a tour at Haa-ak-suuk Creek Hydro and to help them achieve what they want but it always has to be the right fit for the community. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not all about us coming in and telling them what they should do by any means â&#x20AC;&#x201C; thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not the way we work.â&#x20AC;? For t he f utu re t he Ba rk ley
Congratulations to the Barkley Project Group on your 15th anniversary!
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Project Group will continue to embrace new technology and systems as they become available to assist with all levels of pla n n i ng a nd desig n, wh i le striving to create projects that will successfully serve the needs of their clients for the long term. Producing clean and renewable electricity isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t necessa ri ly cheap, but the long term benefits for the end users in terms of reliability, convenience and sustainability have made it the right choice for BPGâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s clients across the province. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We take a lot of pride in our projects and we are grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the clean energy economy! From the beginning our mission has been to bring clean energy projects to life by providing the sustained capacity and support needed for every stage of development, from idea to operation. For us the future looks both bright and sustainable,â&#x20AC;? Cuthbert said. www.barkley.ca
APRIL 2018
Simonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cycles Company Celebrates 30 Years Comox Valley Record t started in their basement 30 years ago. Since then, Simon Brampton and have expanded Patti Fletcher Simonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cycles to a garage addition, to a location on Church Street to its present location on Comox Avenue. Looking back on those early days, Brampton recalls he was among the first Kona dealers anywhere in the world. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They were new, so they dealt with us,â&#x20AC;? Brampton said of the Vancouver-based Kona Bicycle Company. He recalls delivering flyers by bike to homes â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a practice which came to a halt as the business
grew. They opened a Satellite Simonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in Cumberland â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the Villageâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first bike shop â&#x20AC;&#x201D; but then sold it to the people who opened Dodge City Cycles. The coupleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first employee was a teenager. The teenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s father â&#x20AC;&#x201D; wanting his son to have a job and gain some useful skills â&#x20AC;&#x201D; insisted on paying his sonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wage. But he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to do it directly, so he paid Brampton and Fletcher, who in turn paid their worker. They now employ a staff of five when itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s slow and eight during the busy months. Manager Craig Harris has been with them for 25 years. Regardless of time of year,
the business likes to remind customers of its credo: No bad weather, just bad gear. It a l so bel ieves i n â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;d i f ferent spokes for different folks.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Electric bikes, for instance, have become a popular mode of transportation for some people. Along with running a business, Brampton and Fletcher take pride in being part of the Comox Valley recreation scene. The business supports organizations such as the Cumberland Forest Society, and events such as the Comox Valley Tri-K, the Royal Lepage Snow to Surf, and the Simonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cycles YANA Ride. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s (community involvement) important to us,â&#x20AC;? said
New Design Gets Council Approval Comox Valley Record ith a new desig n i n hand, Chris Morrison i s hopi n g c u s tomers will be coming to the new Church St. Taphouse in Comox in about one yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time. Morrison is one of the owners behind the â&#x20AC;&#x153;walkable, bi ke-friend ly, fa m i ly-based taphouse,â&#x20AC;? at 215 Church Street proposed to Comox council last year. Initially, the building was designed as a two-story, nearly 5,000 square foot facility with a m a x i mu m c apacit y of 175 people. At a recent council meeting, Morrison explained construction costs have risen, â&#x20AC;&#x153;and we really want to have a project that is really sustainable for the long term.â&#x20AC;? O w n e rs re t u r n e d to lo c a l architect Tom Dishlevoy for a re-design that cut the square fo o t a ge i n h a l f, a n d a s k e d council for a new development permit. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We will still be able to do a lot of the things that we want to do. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a completely new design with more of a pub feel. T he outdoor patio is the gem of the building,â&#x20AC;? noted Morrison.
Fletcher, noting the business used to host an event called the Fat Chance Poker Ride at Comox Lake. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That was a huge event for years.â&#x20AC;? Simonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cycles won the Chamber of Commerce New Business
of the Year Award in 1991. It has also picked up a few of the Recordâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Choice Awards. Stay tuned for a 30-year celebration sometime in April â&#x20AC;&#x201D; but not on the first, Brampton quips. simoncycle.com
QHOVRQURRĂ&#x20AC;QJ FRP The proposed design of the new Church St. Taphouse PHOTO CREDIT: COMOX VALLEY RECORD
The building will also feature a â&#x20AC;&#x153;really unique bar on the side that you can roll up a window to serve outside patrons as well,â&#x20AC;? he added. T he new design will not change the agreement-in-principal with the provincial liquor l aws or hou rs of operat ion. Capacity will also remain the same. Cou nci l u n a n i mou sly approved the new perm it w ith Coun. Marg Grant declaring a conflict of interest due to a fa m i ly rel at ion sh ip a nd removed herself from the vote. Morrison said construction can start in early June, with a proposed nine-month build.
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APRIL 2018
COASTLAND WOOD INDUSTRIES HAS PROSPERED BY BEING INNOVATIVE Nanaimo Forestry Firm Specializes In Producing Veneers & Roundwood Products
ANAIMO – A willingness to embrace innovation, combined with an uncanny skill at recognizing opportunities in the marketplace, have helped Coastland Wood Industries Ltd. to weather fiscal uncertainties that would have stymied other forest industry firms. Coastland Wood Industries are specialists in the production of quality veneer products u sed i n con st r uction, as well as a unique line of roundwood products suitable for everything from fence posts to orchard stakes. T h i s Na n a i mo-ba sed (a nd e n t i r e l y p r i v a t e l y-o w n e d ) company has in the past three decades bucked the concept that the provincial forest sector is a so-called sunset industry by being willing to adapt to new technology, and by turning what had previously been viewed as a waste material into a sought-after product line. That level of visionary clarity has been the driving force behind the firm since its inception. “It all came together in 1988 when a gentleman named Don MacKay recognized that the forest practices of the day were wastef u l a nd that what was being left behind in the bush had real economic potential,” explained Doug Pauze, the company’s Senior Vice President of Operations. “He saw that after the local m i l ls had ta ken t hei r product out of the ha rvest there was enough material left over to ju st i f y sta r t i ng a veneer operation. So that year he put together a one-line veneer mill with one veneer-peeling line and one log merchandising line and Coastland Wood Industries SEE COASTLAND WOOD INDUSTRIES | PAGE 19
This operator at Coastland Wood Industries has some of the most advanced technology in the industry at his fingertips
“Nobody says ‘you can’t do that’ at Coastland, because those thoughts that may seem far-fetched today might be the next big thing tomorrow.” DOUG PAUZE SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT OPERATIONS, COASTLAND WOOD INDUSTRIES
One of the keys to the growth of Coastland Wood Industries is its willingness to embrace the latest in technologies
Congratulations to Coastland Wood Industries on your 30th Anniversary! 1009 Old Victoria Rd, Nanaimo P: 250.753.6411 www.motioncanada.ca
Congratulations to Coastland Wood Industries on your 30th Anniversary! 1950 East Wellington Road, Nanaimo P: 250.753.1555 E: nanaimosales@ajforsyth.ca www.ajforsyth.ca
APRIL 2018
Coastland Wood Industries has earned a solid reputation for the quality of its veneer products, the mill opened in 1988
Nanaimo’s Coastland Wood Industries has been producing high quality veneer products for more than three decades
Congratulations to Coastland Wood Industries on your 30th anniversary!
9896 Galaran Road, Sidney
P: E: forestsales@nicholsonmfg.com www.debarking.com
Congratulations to Coastland Wood Industries on all your success! From Greg and Jan Saabel. P: 250.755.5717 E: GregSaabel@gmail.com | JSaabel01@gmail.com
was born.” Located on a 10 acre parcel at 942 Haliburton Street in Nanaimo, the facility is home to the firm’s veneer mill and is just one of a number of facilities currently operated by Coastland Wood Industries to support its production efforts. The firm continued to operate with one production line until 1998 when Peter Shields bought into the company. In 2000 a second line was introduced to keep up with the expanding demand for the firm’s quality product. “This second line was geared more toward usi ng sma l l logs, a move we had to ma ke as the i ndustry
i n genera l h ad t ra n sit ioned to using the logs that we had previously been using for their o w n s a w m i l l o p e r a t i o n s ,” Pauze said. “So we had to adapt to using small logs, we did this by putting in a high speed small block lathe which was the first of its kind. We worked with the company that had built the system to essentially create the fastest small block lathe in North America. At that same time we installed a second log line so at that point we operated two veneer lines and two log merchandising lines. The company was really taking off, but then came the overall economic downturn of 2008, which hit many forest companies hard.” SEE COASTLAND WOOD INDUSTRIES | PAGE 20
Enex Fuels is proud to support Coastland Wood Industries Happy 30 year anniversary, and best wishes for the future. 866.973.3639 73.3639 | www.enexfuels.ca Victoria - Nanaimo anaimo - Port Alberni - Courtenay - Campbell River
APRIL 2018
But despite an economic blip that had a wide ranging impact on the entire provincial economy, not just the forest sector, Coastland Wood Industries was once again able to not merely survive but thrive thanks to its long-term and visionary approach to business. “ T h a n k s to h o w l e a n o u r operation is and of course to the quality of the veneer products we were producing we managed to stay in full operation throughout that downturn. In fact I think we were one of the few coastal forestry companies to run for 30 consecutive years uninterrupted, regardless of market conditions, which is a great source of pride for us,” he stated. In 2013, after the worst effects of the downturn had subsided, the firm added a third production line using a state of the art Japanese designed system that increased the company’s production by as much as 40 percent. In 2015 Coastland began t he pro cess of up d at i n g its two earlier production lines to further enhance its production capabilities, an upgrading process that included an automated strapping system. But diversity is often the key to the success of any business, and for Coastland Wood Industries the quest to identify
Congratulations to Coastland Wood Industries on your 30th Anniversary! 2940 Jacob Road, Duncan TF: 800.665.5405 E: enquiries@promacgroup.ca www.promacgroup.ca
There are three state of the art production lines at the Coastland Wood Industries veneer mill in Nanaimo new markets and to introduce new product lines led to the introduction of its roundwood division. To produce veneer a log has to be peeled down to its core, this left over material is the heart of the company’s roundwood production. As a result of the company’s veneer peeling process Coastland today produces between si x and seven million peeler cores per year. Sold all across North America in a wide variety of sizes and finishes, this distinctive product line is used for everything from vineyard or orchard stakes to landscaping projects to fence posts. “We developed this product i nto a very successf u l fence post / tree stake business and cu r rent ly we’re t he l a rge s t manufacturer of this type of product in North America – all
from something that previous generations would have viewed a s w a s t e ,” P a u z e p r o u d l y explained. Coastland Wood Industries currently produces more than 60 different products using this approach, from 1.9” to 4.5” in diameter. “We point and cap them before shipment. We’re the only manufacturer in North America to offer a 15 year warranty on our fence posts,” he said. In add ition to the veneer / roundwood production centre, Coastland operates a state of the art wood drying facility at A nnacis Island in Delta, a ba rge faci l ity at Na n a i mo’s Duke Point Industrial Park, and a pair of dry land log sorts – one in Campbell River and another on the Sunshine Coast. Overall the company has about 300
employees and as its main plant is located adjacent to Snuneymuxw First Nation (SFN) lands, the firm has become a key employer for the Band. Presently about 20 per cent of Coastland’s workforce are members of the SFN. For Pauze the company’s ability to think outside of the box, to recog n i ze ma rket opportunities where others see only waste has ea rned Coastla nd Wood Industries a unique place in the BC forest sector and has helped to ensure its continued success. For the future Coastland will continue to grow and to innovate, continuing a visionary legacy that has lasted for more than 30 years. “Impossible isn’t a word you hear around here. Nobody says ‘you can’t do that’ at Coastland, because those thoughts
that may seem far-fetched today might be the next big thing tomorrow,” he said. www.coastlandwood.com
APRIL 2018
Popular Restaurant Sizzles Its Way to the Top
The Nori Japanese Restaurant Staff
on TripAdvisor, the restaurant has been the recipient of multiple nominations and awards throughout 2017. In early 2017, Nori was selected as a finalist for the BC Restaurant and Foodservices Association (BCRFA) hall of fame awards. In celebration, owner and head chef John Lim took nine of his staff members to the award gala in Vancouver, where his business won for the independent category. “We were up against some of the best restaurants in Vancouver, so when we won the award, I had to make an unexpected speech,” says John. “It was a great experience, and our staff was very proud to be there. When we came back from awards, we had a lot of motivation to propel us into the future.” Nor i wa s a l so n a me d a s a finalist for the Vancouver Island Business Excellence Awards t h i s Ja nu a r y, c appi n g of f a year of recognition in culinary excellence. The business was John’s first foray into the world of restaurant ownership in 2010, but his experience in the culinary world started some time before that. “I have been working in the sushi industry since I was 18 in Vancouver,” John said. “I worked at a restaurant in Coquitlam called Nagano under an owner and head chef with over 30 years of experience.” After working his way up from dish-washer to store manager over 11 years, John decided it was time to start an operation of his own. “I started to look at some locations. I wanted to find somewhere else i n Ca nada where Sushi restaurants weren’t as popular. I travelled to Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and all across the Island,” says John. In each of these cities, he would conduct research, tasting the local sushi offerings, and trying to get a feel for the quality expectations and demographics of various communities. “I settled on Nanaimo for a few reasons,” says John. “There weren’t many sushi restaurants
Chef’s choice: Omakase Sashimi
The BCRFA 2016 Restaurant Hall of Fame Best Restaurant Independent Award, given to Nori Japanese Restaurant in early 2017 there, and I really liked North Nanaimo. It has a nice look, and there’s a great mix of residential and commercial. There was a sushi restaurant that was struggling and had been trying to sell for years, so I bought the restaurant and started my business with a new menu and new staff.” One of John’s biggest initial challenges was finding the right chefs for the job. Unlike many bigger cities, Nanaimo has a low population of chefs who understand Japanese culture and cuisine. Most chefs with over 10 years of experience end up moving to larger cities like Vancouver to find better jobs. “I started by training our cooks and chefs to transfer skills to local people,” says John. We have a pretty multi-cultural team now. A lot of people want to learn Japanese cooking right now, as it’s a trendy and fun cooking style.” The establishment has now ra c k e d u p a re p u t a t i o n fo r high-quality Japanese food all over the Island. It now has regulars from Tofino, Campbell River, and even Victoria. Some of these will drive to Nanaimo for the sole purpose of eating at Nori Japanese Restaurant. Due to an increase in demand, the restaurant expanded their service hours to include lunch service last December. Now, starting this April, Nori will expand their hours again, opening for all 7 days of the week.
Since their opening in 2010, Nori Sushi has seen several other Japanese restaurants open in the area, many of whom have left Vancouver due to an over-saturated sushi market. Even with this new competition, John believes his restaurant has a lot that sets it apart in the local market. “We have more variety and unique choices than any other local Japanese restaurant, and can offer a lot of modern as well as traditional options,” he says. “We have a lot of man power, so we can do a lot of things. We also try to source most of our seafood locally, though we import some very rare kinds of fish from the States, Australia, Taiwan, or other countries.” Another key to success, according to John, is their relationship with their regulars. “We try to treat our customers as friends,” he says. “I learn the names of all my regulars, and greet them saying ‘Irasshaimase!’ meaning ‘welcome to the store!’ or ‘come on in!’” John believes that the most important part of his business is listening to his staff. “I listen carefully to what they are expecting from Nori, and I love to hear opinions and complaints, as it is a chance to improve our environment. This makes the customers happier to be in our restaurant,” he says. For this reason, he consults his employees for many of his business decisions, including his recent decision to extend the business hours. John holds his restaurant staff in high regard: “I don’t call my chefs and servers employees. I call them co-workers,” he says. “Their success is my success.” www.nanaimonori.com
APRIL 2018
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APRIL 2018
Tex Electric: Working With Clients All Across The North Island Electrical Company Certified To Work On Any Electrical Job – Including High Voltage
ORT HARDY – Many businesses refer to themselves as one stop shops, but when Brian Texmo the founder and owner of Tex Electric Ltd. describes his firm in that way he really means it. Launched only two years ago, Tex Electric services a diverse range of clients from residential customers needing some simple wiring to the largest of commercial and industrial clients and everything in between. “Basically I’ve been working in the electrical trades since I was 18 and I’m turning 31 shortly so you’ve have to say I’ve been doing this all my working life,” Texmo explained. Born and raised on the North Island he found the field fascinating and eventually became a Journeyman Electrician and later went on to earn his Class A FSR (Field Safety Representative) certificate, allowing him to work on electrical projects of any scale, without any limitations to voltage or amperage. “I completed half of my apprenticeship through a local company here in town, completing the rest in Alberta. Once I had that I returned to the North Island, going to work at the Port Alice pulp mill from 2011 to 2015 when the mill shut down,” he said. “The mill closure essentially drove me to start my own company. There weren’t a lot of other things going on in the area, and I didn’t want to go to work for another company, so I took the leap and started Tex Electric in May 2016.” Despite being a relatively new firm, Tex Electric was recently voted in the North Island Gazette’s Reader’s Choice Awards as the region’s Best New Business and Best Electrician in addition to being a finalist in the Business Examiner’s 2018 Vancouver Island Business Excellence Awards. “We were also the recipient of the Port Hardy Chamber of Commerce’s New Business of the Year Award, so it’s certainly gratifying to receive accolades like that so soon after starting the business.
Despite only opening his business in 2016, electrician Brian Texmo has been the recipients of numerous awards
“I think that one of the reasons we’ve been so successful is that we’re
commercial fishing boats. One of the unanticipated challenges of operating a start-up business that has experienced such exceptional growth is finding the time to look after the details involved in running a successful business. “I certainly don’t get the chance to wear a toolbelt as often as I’d like these days. I really try to as much as possible, as I enjoy doing the work, but as time goes on I seem to spend most of my time doing paperwork and finding that next job to keep my guys working,”
Texmo explained. “Now that I’m an owner I’m the one responsible for finding the jobs to keep them busy which is not something I ever thought of when I was just an employee.” Skilled, certified, successful and showered with accolades, Tex Electric has gone from being a single person start-up to one of the North Island’s leading electrical contractors in a very short time. Looking toward the future Texmo anticipates continuing to grow, and possibly adding additional
services to his product line – such as data cabling and perhaps even the installation of fire alarms. “I think that one of the reasons we’ve been so successful is that we’re incredibly fair with our prices, and that our customer service goes above and beyond every time. The North Island is a small place, word travels fast and if I can do a good job, provide good customer serviced and be fair in my pricing, then I have no doubt that we will continue to be successful,” he said.
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incredibly fair with our prices.” BRIAN TEXMO FOUNDER / OWNER, TEX ELECTRIC LTD.
In all it’s been a pretty humbling experience,” he said. Located in a 6,000 square foot shop space at Unit 9A - 9250 Trustee Road in Port Hardy, Tex Electric currently has a staff of seven and routinely serves clients all across the region, employing a small fleet of service vehicles. Having the training and certification to handle any class of electric issue, Texmo regularly works for many of the North Island’s largest commercial and institutional clients – including BC Hydro. Tex Electric are specialists in such diverse areas as residential, commercial, industrial, high voltage, automation and even marine, as Texmo has the expertise to work on larger vessels such as
• Word class technical staff • Full IT services (networking, servers, computers) • Class ‘A’ Co-location Datacenter • IntraBAC Secured Offsite Backup • Web/Cloud Solutions
APRIL 2018
UNCAN – Being innovative and having a fearless determination to tackle any challenge has been the key to success for builder and entrepreneur Nick Woywitka his entire life – a legacy of drive and hard work that has kept his company Nicon Developments Limited at the forefront of the Vancouver Island construction industry for more than four decades. An iconic Vancouver Island builder and developer, Nicon Developments has been the creative and pioneering force behind some of the Island’s finest single family residences, most recognized commercial and institutional buildings, and most sought-after housing developments. Since its inception more than 40 years ago the company has been the recipient of virtually every award and accolade that the construction industry can bestow on it – including being a finalist for the upcoming VIREB Commercial Building Awards for its exceptional Sequoia Lifestyle
Congratulations to Nick and the team at Nicon Developments
(250) 743-4111 1340 Fisher Rd, Cobble Hill, BC
Nick Woywitka loves life and helping the community, and is always the official lobster cook at Rotary Club barbecues Homes project. But despite decades of experience, an expansive catalog of successfully completed projects behind him, and a long list of satisfied customers Woywitka remains humble and appreciative of the lessons he’s learned along the way and of the countless people who have helped to guide and inspire him throughout his long and ongoing career. A graduate of the School of Hard Knocks, and proof of the power of On the Job Training, Woywitka freely acknowledges that it has been the challenging experiences and the many people he’s met along the way that have inspired him and have helped to shape him into the entrepreneur he is today. “Yes, you’d have to say that I’ve been involved in the building of just about everything at one point along the way. From building a dam, to a school, a fish hatchery, warehouses, the Chemainus Theatre, single family homes, apartments and other multi-family residences, subdivisions, restaurants and just about anything else you could name,” he explained. “But I’ve been lucky to work with good people, to receive the trust and support I needed when I needed it, to have terrific staff and sub trades, and I guess to just happen to fall into things at
“Someone would ask if I could do something and I’d say ‘sure’ and then give it a try.” NICK WOYWITKA PRESIDENT / FOUNDER, NICON DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED
exactly the right time. Maybe I was confident, maybe I just didn’t know any better, but even when I was a kid I was never afraid to work hard and to try new things. That’s the way it’s always been, and that’s why Nicon is the company it is today.” Nick Woywitka was an entrepreneur practically from birth, thanks in no small part to the lessons and enthusiasm for business shown to him by his father Mike Woywitka as he was growing up. The owner of a small lumberyard in Westlock, Alberta, the elder Woywitka instilled an appreciation for business and a solid work ethic into his eldest son at an early age. Nick actively worked in his father’s business as a youth, often
Nick is also a champion of youth and is seen here presenting the prize at the 2017 Duncan Rotary Club spelling bee before and after school, learning to operate a forklift before he was old enough to drive. Those early years taught Woywitka the value of hard work and the trust and the importance of a handshake. Growing up in a familyrun business and working as he did in a lumberyard, he also learned the intricacies of construction and the satisfaction that comes from building something of permanence with your own hands. Over the years, despite not being formally certified, Woywitka learned all of the aspects of home building via direct on the job experience. “I’ve done basically all of it, with the exception of electrical. I’ve framed, I’ve carpentered, I’ve done drywall and cabinetry and I’ve even done plumbing. Someone would ask if I could do something and I’d say ‘sure’ and then give it a try. That’s how you learn I’ve discovered, by doing,” he said. A family vacation to Vancouver Island in the 1960s changed the direction of Woywitka’s life forever as his father fell in love with the region, moving him and his siblings to the Cowichan Valley in 1968 after selling the family business in Alberta. The Senior Woywitka’s first acquisition after moving to Vancouver Island was a 52 acre parcel of land outside of
Congratulations to Nicon Developments on all your success! 2853 Roberts Road, Duncan Phone: 250.748.1418 Email: bryan.sundeckcentre@shaw.ca
Duncan, complete with a small scale sawmill – putting him right back into the lumber business. Nick Woywitka worked with his father for a time in his new venture, but eventually moved back to Alberta, initially becoming a realtor, but soon realizing he enjoyed building homes more than he did selling them. He quickly became the youngest Site Superintendent for Edmonton-based Carins Homes, honing his construction skills before the lure of the Cowichan Valley beckoned him to return to his new homeland. Upon his return he launched his own business, with Nicon Developments Limited becoming a formal entity in 1976. A wholly privately owned company, Nicon Developments is a relatively lean firm employing only about half a dozen employees, including Project Managers, an office staff and others. “I’d have to describe us as both a builder and as a developer. My preference is where I buy an acre and I then sell a square foot,” he joked. “Once I have the land I develop it, put in all of the services, and I then put my crews to work to build the actual houses. I operate without partners so I have a Board SEE NICON DEVELOPMENTS | PAGE 25
Congratulations to Nicon Developments on all your success! Victoria: 250.388.9975 Cobble Hill: 250.743.9922 Cumberland: 250.400.3830 E: lui@victoriatrussltd.ca www.victoriatrussltd.ca
APRIL 2018
The crew of experienced Project Managers and carpenters that work with Nicon Developments are among its greatest assets
The extraordinary custom residences designed and built by Nicon Homes are created for comfort and exceptional energy efficiency
Meeting every morning. While I’m shaving I talk to myself in the mirror. One advantage of that business model is that every decision is unanimous, no in-fighting and no dissenting votes.” A lynchpin component of Nicon Development’s current activity is the spectacular Trumpeter Pointe project, nestled on the shores of Quamichan Lake just outside of Duncan. Envisioned as the ideal meld ing of ru ral and u rban, Trumpeter Pointe is in essence
an intimate community of custom designed and built homes, situated in an idyllic lakeside setting, yet only minutes from all the usual urban amenities. Trumpeter Pointe consists of 17 lakefront and 49 lake view building lots in a wide range of sizes, accented by nature parks and rustic walking trails to appeal to the tastes of the community’s select residents. This now sought-after residential destination would never have existed had it not been for the vision of Woywitka’s father. “T hese days you’d have to
describe me more as a developer, with Trumpeter Pointe a good example. This was originally my Dad’s project as he had purchased the land in 1968, a parcel of 42 acres consisting of half acre lots on septic fields. In the mid-1970s the Health Act changed to requiring four feet of permeable soil, and we didn’t have it so about 24 acres of the parcel had to sit unused until city sewer lines came up Maple Bay Road to service a nearby large scale development,” he explained. “We were able to get the site rezoned in the late-1990s, later
subdivided it and it took until 2006 to begin the development as it is today. So it was the work of about eight years to launch Trumpeter Pointe as it is today, but it never would have happened if my Dad hadn’t had the foresight to acquire the land in the first place.” Over the past 42 years Nicon Developments has been involved in a diverse range of building projects from residential to commercial. The company even operated an Alberta-based division for several years with a focus on constructing multi-family projects and new home subdivisions, closing that portion of the company in 2004. Returning to his residential roots Nick Woywitka and Nicon Developments (through its custom home division Nicon Homes) specializes today in residential developments and in custom home building. A believer in leaving a positive legacy behind, Woywitka is a dedicated Green Builder and Nicon Development is a Licensed Residential Home Builder through the Homeowner Protection Office and is a Certified Residential Home Builder through the Canadian Home Builders Association (CHBA). Nicon is also registered by Built Green Canada and the Canadian Home Builders of Vancouver Island (CHBA-VI) in addition to being an Energuide Licensed
Nicon is a finalist for a VIREB Commercial Building Award for its exceptional Sequoia Lifestyle Homes project Member as well as an ENERGY STAR - Certified Builder. As the company’s Sequoia Lifestyle Homes project is now sold out and the Trumpeter Pointe development is nearing completion the company’s newest venture is Fairview Terrace project, a family-friendly townhome project in Duncan. E n t re p re n e u r, i n n o v a to r, hands-on builder and self-taught businessman, Nick Woywitka has learned his craft through personal experience and a dedication to fairness and in doing the job right every time. For the future he envisions his company continuing to build on its legacy of quality as well as its continuing emphasis on building homes as energy efficient as they are comfortable. “We’re Built Green certified, which is something that is very important to me. I really would like to leave the world a better place than when I found it. The Cowichan Valley is my home and everybody knows me. That’s why there’s never any cutting of corners with any of our projects,” he said. “It comes down to this, if you want a good home, one that will serve you and your family for many years, then hire Nicon. I’m your guy in the Valley.” www.nicon.ca
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APRIL 2018
BOATING AND MARINE Industry Leaders Buoyant Over 2018 Boating Season Boating BC Association Is Anticipating Increased South Of The Border Traffic BY DAVID HOLMES
hile all of the statistics haven’t yet been tabulated, the early indicators show the 2017 boating season was one of the most successful on record. Now into a New Year, and based on the number of bookings and other indicators, 2018 promises to be even better! “We did an economic impact study in 2016, with the one prior to that taking place in 2012, and there were some great increases during that period of time. So all I can say right now is that 2017 was probably stronger than 2016 based on the reports I’ve received from operators all along the coast,” explained Don Prittie, the President of the Boating BC Association. The voice of recreational boating in the province since 1957, the Boating BC Association routinely works with industry, communities, all levels of government and other stakeholders to promote the appeal and to grow and enhance the boating experience in British Columbia. The Association’s work includes being actively involved in the promotion of recreational boating and in the delivery of member services and benefits. The group is also a major advocate for boating industry
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The quality and variety of the boating resources available in the province, such as marinas, are central to its success issues while being a supporter of environmental stewardship. “As president of Boating BC where I normally get most of my information is from the boat brokers and dealers as well as the province’s repair yards. Those businesses are my barometer for finding out how things are going on. The general feeling from talking with those groups is that 2017 was a good year,” he said. L a st su m mer t he National
Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) Canada, the recreational boating industry’s national umbrella organization, completed work on a nationwide economic impact study. The research showed that in Canada recreational boating generated more than $10 billion in revenues, and was directly responsible for more than 75,000 jobs coast to coast. The study indicated that the
industry included nearly 4,800 marine companies, generated nearly $3 billion in salaries and that the boating sector contributed $5.6 billion toward Canada’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). “This new economic impact data reinforces the importance of recreational boating in Canada and the significant contribution our industry makes to the Canadian SEE BOATING & MARINE | PAGE 27
APRIL 2018
Com i ng off of a potentia lly record setting year, industry leaders are buoyant about the prospects of the com ing recreation boating season in British Columbia. “All of the indicators are that this is going to be a strong year. Despite anything going on south of the border the American economy remains strong and people from
Recreational boating is certainly not limited to salt water, as the province’s lakes also attract a myriad of boaters
economy,” explained Sara Anghel, executive director of NMMA Canada at the time of the report’s release. “Boat i ng is a favou rite pasti me of m i l l ions of Canadians and the 8.6 million boats on the water in Canada stimulate jobs, revenue and taxes. Findings from this study prov ide v ita l boati ng data we can deliver directly to Parliamentarians to illustrate the important role recreational boating plays in the Canadian economy, and lends further support to our industry efforts to protect and grow recreational boating in Canada.” N M M A is the lead i ng association representing the recreational boating industry in North America. NMMA member companies produce more than 80 per cent of the boats, engines, trailers, accessories and gear used by boaters and anglers throughout the US and Canada. The association is dedicated to industry growth through programs involving public policy advocacy, market statistics and research, product quality assurance and promotion of the boating lifestyle. In British Columbia recreational boating generated more than $2.2 billion in revenues last year, and was directly responsible for more than 17,000 jobs, accord i ng to Boat i ng BC’s Prittie, who when not working with the Association is the General
Don Prittie is the President of the Boating BC Association, the voice of the province’s recreational boating industry Manager of the Canoe Cove Marina near Victoria. In that capacity he reported a marked increase in vessels coming into the area from the United States last year, a trend he expects to continue this year. “US business coming into Canada remains strong. It certainly took a bit of a hit a while back when the passport rules changed and things like that but it has continued to grow back again, increasing each year,” he said. “Over time people adapt to the new system and requirements. When you add to it where the dollar is right now coming to Canada offers great value for American visitors which certainly works in our favour. The other thing that works in our favor quite frankly is the fact that we have some very capable people here and many of my customers say they feel they are getting better advice for a better price.” Another of Boating BC’s
industry bell weathers is the level of interest generated by the Vancouver Boat Show, which is owned and operated by the group. The largest boat show in Western Canada, the annual extravaganza is held at BC Place and on Granville Island each January. During the 2017 event more than 30,000 visitors were in attendance. This year, which is the event’s 56 th anniversary, will feature more than 250 exhibitors, with the organizers anticipating an even greater public turnout. “T he Va ncouver Boat Show is to me a great indicator of the health of the sector. All of the exhibition spaces at this year’s event have been sold out which tells you that dealers are optimistic and are expecting good results,” he said. For Prittie one of the real strengths of the recreational boating industry is its variety. He points out that there is literally something for everybody i n the sector. W hether on fresh water or salt, or using power, sail or paddle, there is a boating niche to satisfy every taste, talent or budget – with vendors available to service every aspect of the activity. “It’s not a ll about big yachts. You can go boating on a paddleboard, or an aluminum ‘tin boat’ it’s all about the tastes, needs and budget of the users. T h at’s t he g reat t h i ng about boat i ng, t here’s something for everyone,” Prittie explained.
27 the US like to travel to Canada so boating traffic is very likely to be coming north,” Prittie said. “Their dollar is going to be getting them further, the weather in the past few years has been good, so in all likelihood 2018 is going to be a great year.” www.boatingbc.ca and www. nmma.ca
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APRIL 2018
CREATIVE WOODCRAFT: CUSTOM CABINETRY SPECIALISTS Family Owned & Operated Firm Has Served Region For More Than 30 Years
OBBLE HILL – It started out as a simple enough idea – create a business that can produce custom cabinetry of a quality, fit and finish that exceeds anything that can be provided ready-made. Flash forward 33 years and the multi-generational, family owned and operated Creative Woodcraft, has become one of the building trades leading cabinetry providers – for everything from residential kitchens and bathrooms, to a full range of commercial and institutional customers. “My father John Duggan, and a business partner, started Creative Woodcraft, quite literally in a basement in 1985, so you’d have to say that I really did grow up with this business,” explained Will Duggan, the company’s current owner. “They were both ticketed joiners, which is the trade of cabinetry. What it all came down to was that due to the economic times in the 1980s, the construction sector and the economy in general wasn’t in great shape. Both of them were working for a large cabinet shop in Cobble Hill and were among the firm’s last employees before it shut its doors.”
Will Duggan is the current owner of Creative Woodcraft, a family-owned cabinetry builder located in Cobble Hill Following the closure of the company the two partners, continuing to believe that there was a market for quality custom cabinetry launched their fledgling business. Today, serving residential and commercial clients all across the Central Vancouver Island region, the faith and determination of those two corporate progenitors has proven to have been well-founded. The 2018 version of Creative Woodcraft, operating out of a state of the art 11,000 square foot woodworking shop at 1340 Fisher Road, has a staff count of nearly 35 and in addition to decades of practical, handmade craftsmanship has now incorporated the latest in 21st Century production capability with CNC (Computer Numerical Control) routers and other contemporary systems
High quality custom kitchens are one of the specialties of Creative Woodcraft, a firm that first opened for business in 1985
We are proud to support CreaƟve WoodcraŌ. CongratulaƟons on your Business Excellence Award! 609/646 Alpha Street | Victoria, BC (250) 383-1926 | www.colonialcountertops.com
Originally operating out of a basement today’s Creative Woodcraft is housed in a large state-of-the-art woodworking shop employed to service its expanding client base even better. Partnering with many of the top builders Creative Woodcraft has become the go-to source for quality cabinetry, in many cases having worked with the same firms for decades. “It gets to be a good relationship over the years, you know what to expect from them and they know what to expect from us. Much of our work has definitely involved high end homes but in recent years we’ve started working on spec houses as well, in part to compete with the shops that are more production based rather than the custom cabinetry route that we’ve always taken,” Duggan said. Not actually building the spec homes themselves, Creative Woodcraft has been involved in providing the cabinetry package for the builders. For Duggan residential projects have a special appeal, as the firm from its earliest days has always been tailored to service that sector of the marketplace. “Residential work comes fairly naturally for us as we’re really
Traditional or contemporary, Creative Woodcraft kitchens are always a showpiece for quality and custom craftsmanship better set up for projects of that type. That’s not to say we don’t do commercial assignments, as we’ve worked in many professional offices and businesses before, but there is a satisfaction in designing and building cabinets for a homeowner. You know they are going to be a part of that home, of that family’s life for a long time and you want that
“Congratulations to Creative Woodcraft on winning their award for Woodworking Company of the Year.” Rod’s Auto Glass & Upholstery Ltd. 2986 Boys Road, Duncan, B.C. V9L 6W4
250-748-4466 lois@rodsautoglass.ca or rod@rodsautoglass.ca
experience to be a good one for them,” he explained. So what exactly sets custom cabinets apart from those that are ready-made? For Duggan, it’s just about everything. Custom cabinetry by its nature has been designed from the outset specifically for that one location. SEE CREATIVE WOODCRAFT | PAGE 29
APRIL 2018
Creative Woodcraft operates out of a state of the art 11,000 square foot woodworking shop at 1340 Fisher Road
As a custom cabinet builder Creative Woodcraft’s products can be found in some of the region’s finest high end homes
Exceptional kitchens are a specialty for Creative Woodcraft – a firm that has designed and built hundreds over the years
to create a whole that is as unique and distinctive as the customers it was crafted for. “We can put the two elements together in our shop, where most other shops would definitely sway one way or the other, and the price point would follow. It’s really a case of providing the best of both worlds, the production and the custom, all from one facility,” Duggan explained. Custom kitchen cabinetry is far and away the most frequent assignment Creative Woodcraft handles for its clients, whether contractor or homeowner. “But that’s not to say we don’t do bathrooms and other types of shelving. In most home packages there are going to be some built in closets, there are vanities, there are
Whether kitchen cabinets, an expansive entertainment centre, a bathroom or a home office / library – custom cabinets are going to fit perfectly. They will have been designed in many cases in consultation with their future owner, will incorporate better quality materials, long lasting hardware and will be created to match the overall design theme of their setting. “The big thing for us is that we try to be a custom production shop, which is somewhat unusual in our trade. The custom portion comes from everything we do – we try to build everything in-house,” he said.
“We build our own doors and we have the ability to produce whatever components are needed in the kitchen, whereas other shops will buy components from different suppliers and sort of put them together. We on the other hand, building everything in-house as we do, we’re able to have a much shorter timeline, while still being able to compete at a lower price point compared to a lot of shops.” Functioning almost as a hybrid, walking the line between a production and a custom woodworking shop, Creative Woodcraft has the ability to take a project, such as a residential kitchen and essentially break it apart – successfully melding custom created components with those made using conventional production techniques
entertainment centres with the kitchen being a major element of the overall package,” he said. Strategically located as it is in Cobble Hill, Creative Woodcraft routinely services clients from Victoria to Nanaimo, with the Cowichan Valley the firm’s primary market area. Over the years however the company has built cabinetry for clients as far afield as Tofino, into the Comox Valley, Washington State and beyond. While having grown up in the business, Duggan today spends much more time working on and growing the business than he does on the shop floor, but he’s certainly not adverse to the smell of sawdust. “You’d have to say that I learned this business right from the breakfast table. I started out
pushing a broom in the shop and actually ran my first crew of guys building furniture for my Dad when I was 13, which was really my first step into management,” he recalled. Over the past 33 years, beginning out of economic necessity in a tiny basement shop, Creative Woodcraft has grown and evolved into a leading provider of quality cabinets, and millwork for builders and owners all across the Central Vancouver Island region. For the future the firm anticipates continued expansion, including the addition of new staff, the embracing of the latest production technologies as they become available and an expansion of its current shop space. The one thing that has never changed, from the first day to today, has been a dedication to customer service and for doing the job right regardless of the scale or complexity of the task. That focus on quality was something the current owner learned from the very start of his involvement with the company. “Cabinetry may not be genetic but it held a definite appeal to me, that’s for sure. I took an interest quite young, and actually began working under my Dad’s partner and not my Dad,” Duggan explained. “I had to prove myself just like any other worker, without favoritism or special treatment. But that helped me to learn the business literally from the ground up. I definitely wasn’t the ‘boss’s kid’ able to get away with anything, I certainly had to prove myself, but that has helped to prepare me to run the company we have today.” Now entirely owned by the Duggan family, Creative Woodcraft looks forward to building on a legacy of quality and professionalism that has helped to power it for decades. “My son is only 15 months old so while there may be a third generation someday, that’s going to be a long way into the future,” he explained. “I really think our biggest thing is reliability and satisfying timelines while maintaining consistent quality. That’s the way it’s been since the start, and we’re not going to be changing that in the future.” www.creativewoodcraft.ca
WOODWORKING COMPANY OF THE YEAR Congratulations to our valued partner Creative Woodcraft!
Premium Quality Cabinet Finishes Provided By
30 WHO IS SUING WHOM The contents of Whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Suing Whom is provided by a third-party resource and is accurate according to public court documents. Some of these cases may have been resolved by publication date. DEFENDANT 0555653 BC LTD 360 Harbour Rd, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Owners Strata Plan VIS 6763 CLAIM $35,000 DEFENDANT Brad Squire Plumbing & Contracting 3200 Arrowsmith Rd, Nanaimo, BC PLAINTIFF Beringa Communications Claim $32,176 DEFENDANT Coast RV Sales & Service Ltd 1458 Industrial Way, Parksville, BC PLAINTIFF Yanen, Marina CLAIM $36,029 DEFENDANT Dockside Green LTD 183 Terminal Ave, Vancouver, BC PLAINTIFF Owners Strata Plan VIS 6763 CLAIM $ 35,000
WHO IS SUING WHOM DEFENDANT Kubica Family Trust PO BOX 336, Shawnigan Lake, BC PLAINTIFF Elk Ridge Estates Ltd CLAIM $ 250,000 DEFENDANT Mueller Industries INC 2021-800 South Gay St, Knoxville, TN PLAINTIFF Zhou, Qingru CLAIM $ 35,296 DEFENDANT Parker Johnston Industries LTD 837 Burdett Ave, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Owners Strata Plan VIS 6763 CLAIM $ 35,000 DEFENDANT Payless Cabinets LTD 880 Van Isle Way, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Matte, Michelle CLAIM $ 15,056 DEFENDANT Q Academy LTD 302-771 Vernon Ave, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Mandrusiak, Ernest CLAIM $ 29,763 DEFENDANT Q College Elearning INC
302-771 Vernon Ave, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Mandrusiak, Ernest CLAIM $ 29,763 DEFENDANT Q College LTD 302-771 Vernon Ave, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Mandrusiak, Ernest CLAIM $ 29,763 DEFENDANT Reid 777 Holdings LTD 201-467 Cumberland Rd, Courtenay, BC PLAINTIFF Glacier Valley Homes LTD CLAIM 18,728 DEFENDANT Renew Building Services INC 3059 Glen Lake Rd, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Nickell, Paul CLAIM $ 23,936 DEFENDANT Rose Bank Gardens 1125 Blanshard St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Trigg, Christopher CLAIM $ 25,236 DEFENDANT Sawiras General Trading INC 236 Cilaire Dr, Nanaimo, BC PLAINTIFF
APRIL 2018
0838778 BC LTD CLAIM $ 21,559 DEFENDANT Strata Plan VIS 4078 1125 Blanshard St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Trigg, Christopher CLAIM $ 25,236 DEFENDANT Summerhill Kitchens 880 Van Isle Way, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Matte, Michelle CLAIM $ 15,056 DEFENDANT TNT Industries LTD 3RD Flr 612 View St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF K5 Contracting LTD CLAIM $ 37,996 DEFENDANT Totem Plumbing LTD 6171 Werners Way, Nanaimo, BC PLAINTIFF Zhou, Qingru CLAIM $ 35,296 DEFENDANT Travelers Insurance Company Of Canada 2500-650 West Georgia St, Vancouver, BC PLAINTIFF Owners Strata Plan VIS 6763
CLAIM $ 35,000 DEFENDANT Urban Bee Supplies LTD 200-931 Fort St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Pure Engineering LTD CLAIM $ 10,174 DEFENDANT WCGP Nova Scotia CO 1200-200 Burrard St, Vancouver, BC PLAINTIFF McCallum, Barbara CLAIM $ 31,570 DEFENDANT Westcoast Taekwon Do INC 3-4011 Quadra St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Norris, Andrea CLAIM $ 7,094 DEFENDANT Western Watershed Designs Inc 103A-8275 92nd St, Delta, BC PLAINTIFF 0873373 BC LTD CLAIM $ 45,604 DEFENDANT Whirlpool Canada Co 1200-200 Burrard St, Vancouver, BC PLAINTIFF McCallum, Barbara CLAIM $ 31,570
APRIL 2018
Business Examiner Gold Event Sponsors
NORTH ISLAND Dave Landon Motors Ltd. has been acquired from long-time owner Todd Landon by Applewood Auto Group. The dealership is at 7150 Market Street in Port Hardy. Applewood Auto Group is based on the Lower Mainland, and includes Kia Surrey Applewood, Kia Langley Applewood, Nissan Surrey Applewood, Nissan Richmond Applewood and the original Applewood Motors in Langley.
Farmers’ Market Association (NIFMA) received top honours in the “small” category for markets with up to 20 vendors for the 2017 season. Dr. Gloria Cranmer Webster of Alert Bay received a lifetime achievement award at the 2018 Indspire Awards held in Winnipeg on March 23. The award recognizes Indigenous professionals and youth who have demonstrated outstanding career achievement. Webster was recognized for her contributions to cultural reclamation, artefact repatriation and language revitalization. The Port Alice Community Garden announced a new board of directors with Faerlyn Bush as chair, Brenda Seymour as treasurer, Carrie Noel as director and Debra Lynn the secretary and vice chair.
Beacon Tattoo Co. has opened for business in Port Hardy at #10-7070 Market Street. Tattoo artist Patrick Berube and his wife Alyssa opened the tattoo parlor following a move to Port Hardy from Edmonton.
Campbell River Toyota celebrated the grand opening of their certified pre-owned center at 2785 North Island Highway. The dealership also welcomes Ryan Nye to their team finance team.
North Island Farmers and Artisans Market in Port McNeill was named Farmers Market of the Year by the BC Association of Farmers’ Markets. The North Island
The Museum at Campbell River celebrated their 60th anniversary on April 5th. The Museum is at 470 Island Highway.
Thomas Doherty Ron May is top salesperson while Lynn Keenan is the top RV and marine salesperson of the month at Bill Howich Chrysler RV and Marine. The dealership is at 2277 North Island Highway.
FYiDoctors recently celebrated the grand opening of their outlet at 710-1400 Dogwood Street in Mariner Square. Fire Chief Ian Baikie will retire at the end of June and Deputy Fire Chief Thomas Doherty will take over the leadership of Campbell River’s fire department. Doherty was born and raised on Vancouver Island and has been a deputy fire chief with the City of Campbell River Fire Department since 2013. Michelle and Chef Ramm are the new owners of Dockside Fish & Chips at 1003 Island Highway. The duo celebrated the grand opening of their floating patio restaurant on March 30.
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APRIL 2018
Join us as we celebrate the best in commercial construction on the Island north of the Malahat
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Date April 21st Thursday, April 20,6pm 6 pm the CoastCoast Bastion Nanaimo atat Nanaimoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bastion Hotel Category Sponsors:
Tickets can be purchased at Commercial www.businessexaminer.ca (Events Page) Commercial Real Estate Services, Worldwide.
The Sandtrap restaurant at the Campbell River Golf & Country Club has reopened after a kitchen fire forced the restaurant to close for two weeks. The Campbell River Golf & Country Club is at 700 Peterson Road. Brad and Dennyse Harris will hold the inaugural Craft Beer & Wilderness Retreat in June at the Nootka Sound Resort near Tahsis. The five-day event will take place from June 9 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 13, 2018 at the resort where participants will get to brew beer with top BC brewers, and enjoy craft beer and food pairings, rare beers, tap-side chats and formal seminars. This yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brewers include Brent Mills, the cofounder and head brewer of Four Winds Brewery in Delta; Michael and Karen Kuzyk, co-founders of Category 12 Brewing on the Saanich Peninsula; and CĂŠdric Dauchot, brewer and owner of Powell Riverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Townsite Brewing. The all-inclusive five-day retreat is $1,999 (plus taxes) per person, though an early bird discount that can be redeemed before April 15 brings the total to only $1,599 (plus taxes).
COMOX VALLEY Courtenay Mazda was awarded the DealerRater Dealer of the Year Award for the second year in a row. The award recognizes auto dealerships across Canada that deliver outstanding customer service, based on consumer reviews written on DealerRater.ca. Courtenay Mazda is at 475 Silverdale Crescent. Natural Pastures Cheese Company received a bronze medal in the Camembert category at the World Championship Cheese Contest. The contest is held once every two years in Madison, Wisconsin and ranks the best cheeses in the world in 121 categories ranging from mild cheddar to yogurt. Natural Pastures Cheese Company is at 635 McPhee Avenue in Courtenay. Visual Sound AVU has renovated and reopened their shop in Downtown Courtenay at 456 5th Street. Ophthalmologist Dr. Glen Hoar announces the opening of his new office in Comox as of April 1st at #8 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2225 Guthrie Road. Shine-Eze Window Care Ltd. is celebrating their 20th year in business in the Comox Valley. Better Mousetrap Marketing, a Comox-based full-service marketing agency adds Brent Curtain to their marketing team. Curtain was previously the manager of destination marketing with Comox Valley Economic Development and Tourism and served over 10 years at Mount Washington Alpine Resort as their director of public relations. For the 19th year in a row, BCbased investment firm Odlum
Brent Curtain Brown Limited is one of Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Best Managed Companies. Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Best Managed Companies mark the excellence for Canadian-owned and managed companies with revenues over $15-million. The Guerrilla Food Company will move their Guerrilla Pizzeria from its current location at Gladstone Brewing Company to 444 Fifth Street in Courtenay in three months. The pizzeria will be replaced by a taco stand, also operated by Guerrilla Food Company. Meanwhile, the frozen food division of Guerrilla Food Companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s business is liquidating and will close in the middle of this month. The frozen food outlet offered high-end TV dinners made with local ingredients and is closing to allow the company to focus on their other endeavours. Patti Fletcher and Simon Brampton are celebrating the 30th anniversary of their business Simonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cycles at #3 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 1841 Comox Avenue. Chan Nowosad Boates CPAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s congratulate Tom Miller on obtaining his CPA designation. The accounting firm is at 201 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 1532 Cliffe Avenue in Courtenay. Van-Isle Wine and Beer Makers has been acquired by David Ball, who is looking forward to carrying on the tradition of the you-brew business at 2440 Cliffe Avenue in Courtenay. Rik Sharples is the top salesperson of the month at Sunwest RV Centre at 2800 Cliffe Avenue in Courtenay. Seeds Natural Food Market is celebrating their 10th year in business at 2733A Dunsmuir Avenue in Cumberland. John Mundy and Sven Kars have tied for top salespeople of the month at Finneron Hyundai at 250 Old Island Highway in Courtenay.
PARKSVILLEQUALICUM BEACH The Parksville & District Chamber of Commerce announced the winners of the 2017 Business Achievement Awards at a ceremony held at the Parksville Community and Conference Centre. Angela Giannotti of Expedia Cruise Ship Centers took home top honours in the Service Excellence category, Namaskar Yoga Studio was named Small Business of the Year, SEE MOVERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S AND SHAKERS | PAGE 33
APRIL 2018
Eat Fresh Urban Market received the Large Business of the Year award and Kiyo Salon & Boutique received the Outstanding Workplace Employer of the Year award. Renate Sutherland took home the Community Spirit Award, Forward House Community Society won out in Not-for-Profit of the Year and Meaghan L’Heureaux of Iron Warehouse received the Young Professional of the Year award. The Parksville Downtown Business Association has appointed its officers for 2018-19. They are: President Melisa Beatty, Coastal Community Credit Union; Vice-president Kristy Lotzien, Soak Essentials Marketplace; and Secretary-treasurer Nicole Thomas, RBC Royal Bank. Other directors elected to the PDBA Board at its recent Annual General Meeting are: Craig Carmichael, Island Exposures Gallery; Helen Dyck, Marlin Travel; and Arthur Wong, The Beach Club Resort. They join continuing director Sandy Herle, Close to You Ladies Fashion and Lingerie. The Parksville Downtown Business Association administers Parksville’s downtown Business Improvement Area. 460 Realty has added Donna Jager to their Parksville office at 314 Island Highway East. Jager has spent most of her life on Vancouver Island and graduated from the
University of Victoria with a degree in Social Work.
moved into a new larger space as part of Coombs Country Market at 2326 Alberni Highway in Coombs.
Chuck Couillard
Jessica Philpott and Tatiana Simpson have opened Power of Three at a renovated space at 3092 3rd Avenue. The new business includes a day spa, holistic health services and a hair salon.
Chuck Couillard has ta ken ownership of Parksville Physiotherapy Clinic at 176 Weld Street.
Berwick Retirement Concepts has applied for a development permit on land at 180 Jensen Avenue to build a new retirement living facility. The proposed facility would have 188 units and include underground and surface parking, a dining facility, theatre and daycare centre. The development is expected in front of council by May at the latest. Zolena Boutique and Gift Shop has
RE/MAX Mid-Island Realty congratulates Lance Engstrom an Cathy Braiden on receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award for their career long successes in the real estate business. RE/MAX Mid-Island Realty is at 4213 Princess Road. Arbutus RV is celebrating their 30th anniversary at locations across Vancouver Island, including Sidney, Mill Bay, Nanaimo, Courtenay and Port Alberni. Hetherington Industries has opened a new location at 4715 Roger Street.
The Grotto Spa at Tigh-Na-Mara is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year at 1155 Resort Drive in Parksville. Island Self Storage has opened a new location at 990 Shearme Road in Coombs. The self-storage facility offers 24-hour access, heated units in a variety of sizes, alarms on all units and easy drive-up access.
a First Nations motif.
Aaron Vissia Aaron Vissia CFP, and the owner of AV Financial was recognized as Top Wealth Advisor and Top Associate for 2017 at the London Life Insurance Company Gala in Vancouver. AV Financial is at 4855 Johnston Road. Harreson Garner has opened Harreson’s Military International for business at 4035 Redford Street. The new shop specializes in military clothing for hunting, fishing, camping and regular wear. Saasin Gifts at 3074 Kingsway Avenue has rebranded to the name Koliber Gifts. The shop sells souvenirs, gifts and homewares with
Peter Mieras of Rendezvous Dive Adventures has earned international recognition for his short film I Am Salmon. The film has been accepted for the Elements International Environmental Film Festival in Vancouver, the Wildlife Conservation Film Festival in New York and the Smaragdni Eco Film Festival in Croatia. The seven-minute short analyzes the life cycle of wild pacific salmon and their relationship with the Tseshaht First Nation.
TOFINOUCLUELET Black Rock Resort and Floathouse Patio and Grill took home
top honours at the Chowder Chow Down fundraising event. Seven restaurants from Tofino and Ucluelet competed for top honours at the event and served over 500 attendants. Black Rock was named the Chow Down’s overall winner by a panel of judges while the Floathouse was named People’s Champion. The annual Chowder Chow Down is a part of the Pacific Rim Whale Festival which raises money for the Food Bank on the Edge. John O’Brien and Pamela Frazee have retired from their medical practice and are being replaced by Celina Horn and Lincoln Foerster. Hjalmer Wenstob, a Tla-o-quiaht artist, has opened the Cedar House Art Gallery at 180 Main Street in Ucluelet. The Tofino-Long Beach Chamber of Commerce is hosting their annual Business Excellence Awards May 10 at The Shore Pier in Tofino. Tickets for the event are on sale now and can be purchased from the Tofino Chamber.
NANAIMO CCA presented Ross McLean with 2017 CCA Trade Contractors Award. A partner and regional manager for Houle Electric, Ross has served as chair for the SEE MOVER’S AND SHAKERS | PAGE 35
APRIL 2018 A division of Invest Northwest Publishing Ltd. Vancouver Island Office 25 Cavan Street,Nanaimo, BC V9R 2T9 Toll free: 1.866.758.2684 Fax: 1.778.441.3373 Email: info@businessexaminer.ca Website: www.businessexaminer.ca
PUBLISHER/EDITOR | Lise MacDonald SALES | John MacDonald – john@businessexaminer.ca, Josh Higgins – josh@businessexaminer.ca, Cheryl Lee - cheryl@businessexaminer.ca WRITERS | Julia MacDonald, Beth Hendry-Yim, David Holmes, Kristin Van Vloten, Val Lennox WEBSITE | John MacDonald – john@businessexaminer.ca
hen the NDP unveiled its first budget recently, it took awhile to realize the devastating impact it would project upon the provincial economy. It set calculators abuzz, as accountants and industry experts began to calculate what damage NDP inventions like the “speculator’s tax”, the expansion of the foreign buyers’ tax and the most devastating of them all, as far as small business was concerned, introducing a payroll tax for business owners to cover the complete cost of Medical Service Plan fees. T he beh i nd the scenes response? Plans are being made to sell secondary properties, which could flood the market. Some business owners are consulting lawyers to check the legalities of recouping the MSP downloading
by eliminating existing benefits. T hen there’s the minimum wage hike. Watch what happens in the restaurant business. Either there will be a boost in business to operations like Skip The Dishes, which delivers meals from local eateries right to the customers’ doorstep, or there will be a rapid expansion of buffets, which would lessen the need for table service in establishments. It’s not the owners’ moral obligation to provide employment while they lose money. T hat won’t happen; restaurants will close first. But I digress. . . All of these moves were really unnecessary. The NDP could have done what the BC Liberals did to spur the economy under Premier Christy Clark. Nothing. Look back over the last term of the BC Liberals. What did they do to stimulate the provincial economy? Major projects? Resource development? They stalled out on Liquefied Natural Gas, and moved at a glacial pace to start Site C Dam in northern BC, eventually leaving it up to the NDP to decide its fate. Are we missing anything else? It was the real estate and construction industries that propelled BC’s economy over the past number of years, filling
government coffers. British Columbia had been re-discovered, and people wanted to invest and live here. If one were to take those revenues out of the budget, the province would be in deep financial hardship. The economy basically ran on autopilot during the last term of BC Liberal government. Surely the NDP can do the same, and reposition the revenues to the projects they deemed most worthy, right? The NDP’s ideologically based taxes are unnecessary. T hey could have changed absolutely nothing tax-wise, and still managed to pay for what they say they want, namely affordable housing. There is one way the NDP government can make housing more affordable: More supply. Get their municipal farm teams to take their feet off the brakes and make it easier for new housing to be built. Simple, right? Not so fast. Just weeks ago, a developer shared the NDP’s Request For Proposal (RFP) process for building affordable housing, noting there’s been an indication they are asking builders to target around $350 per square foot for completed projects. If that’s the case, it’s a true indicator of government waste and excess. Several years ago, a successful
builder told me he built a “very nice home” - what some might dub a Canadian mansion - for about $160 per square foot. It had everything they could think of in what was their dream home. His company won a government bid to build a low-income housing project, for over $300 per square foot – roughly double what he built his own dream home for. We l c o m e t o t h e w o rl d o f government. The NDP arrived in government greeted by a healthy surplus, which they’ve obviously already spent. Then they start scrambling for more revenue with ill-advised, made-on-the-fly policies that have sent tremors throughout the business and investment community. The reality is, there really is “more” where that revenue came from, and here’s how they could get it: Leave the economy alone. Don’t tinker with it. Maybe NDPers just can’t allow themselves to do that. Either their anti-free enterprise ideology won’t allow them to do it, or their never-been-in-successful-business-for-themselves “experts” can’t admit they don’t understand the basics of economics. Remember the federal Liberals under Prime Minister Jean
Chretien? Paul Martin, a very successful businessperson in his own right, was beloved as Finance Minister, and performed admirably in the portfolio. Liberals typically lean to the left side of the political spectrum, but Martin understood what a strong economy was all about, and for the most part, succeeded. To Chretien’s credit, he didn’t allow party ideologues to tamper with something they really didn’t understand. Martin did “get it”, and Canada benefited. I sha red th is thought w ith NDPers in the past, including directly in a lengthy interview with former NDP leader Adrian Dix – and presumptive Premier - just prior to the 2013 election. I challenged him, asking why they wouldn’t get experts from outside the party to look after the economy? If you don’t have them within, then find them without, and glean the success. If their advice led to failure, then the NDP could blame them, as if it wasn’t their fault. Dix didn’t win the election, so I didn’t get to see whether he’d take the advice or not. Yet here they are, one cycle later, with the NDP doing exactly what they’ve always done. Those who refuse to learn from history are bound to repeat it.
A FLICKER OF HOPE IN CANADA’S GLOOMY ENERGY CLIMATE BC’s proposed tax incentive plan for an LNG facility in Kitimat is a step forward. But more must happen to revitalize Canada’s economy
he British Columbia gover n m ent re c ent ly a nnounced it will provide a large tax incentive to promote the building of a natural gas liquefaction and export facility in Kitimat. The announcement is a bright spark in an otherwise gloomy environment for energy transport and export infrastructure. The Kitimat facility will export liquefied natural gas - a cleaner, lower-greenhouse gas fuel
option - to Asia and other foreign markets. We know that markets abroad are eager to import natural gas from Canada, a reliable democracy with some of the highest environmental standards in the world. According to LNG Canada, the consortium that will build the facility, between 4,500 and 7,500 jobs will be created at the peak of construction. They estimate another 450 to 800 operational jobs will be created if the full project is completed. The facility will produce 26 million tons per year of liquefied natural gas (LNG). Getting the Kitimat project built would mark a huge step forward on the LNG front, and momentarily disrupt the narrative that
Canada can no longer build conventional energy projects. As we reported in 2015, delays in LNG exports come with a large price tag. Under a conservative assumption that actual sales of BC LNG to Asia-Pacific importers would comprise only 11 to 20 per cent of the potential Asian LNG market in 2020, the annual export revenues lost due to delay would be some C$22.5 billion in 2020, rising to C$24.8 billion in 2025. While BC Premier John Horgan should be commended for encouraging this important energy infrastructure project, it’s critical that his conditions - such as ensuring the project fits with BC’s GHG emission goals - not derail the project. According to the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP), crude oil production, primarily heavy crude, is expected to rise in coming years, increasing by 1.3 million barrel per day from 2016 to 2030. That translates into more than 1.5 million barrels per day of additional crude oil supplies that will require transport to markets. Given the steady growth
in oil production and lack of adequate transport capacity, Canada urgently needs new pipeline infrastructure to transport heavy crude production from Western Canada to Gulf Coast refining hubs and access to overseas markets, breaking our captive market to the United States. As reported by Bloomberg in 2017, the three proposed pipeline projects (Trans Mountain expansion, Mainline Line 3 Replacement project and Keystone XL) in various stages of development could transport Canada’s additional oil production by increasing the export capacity of Western Canadian oil producers by 1.5 million barrels per a day. However, even if these projects overcome their regulatory hurdles (a big if), no new capacity will come online until at least late 2019. Again, there’s a lot on the line for Canada. As we calculated in 2016, if Canada could export an additional million barrels of oil to world markets, and get $60 a barrel for its oil (the world price as of this writing is about US$65 a barrel), Canada could net an
additional $4.2 billion in export revenues. Energy exports could help propel Canada’s somewhat lacklustre economic performance to greater heights, creating private-sector earnings and employment, and generating royalties and revenues that help pay for the social spending (health care, education, etc.) that Canadians demand. But to deliver on that promise, our energy resources must secure access to tidewater and get to lucrative markets abroad. Oil and LNG are vital to the future of Canada’s energy sector. Horgan’s flicker of light on the Kitimat LNG project must be matched provincially and federally to get pipelines built and free Canada’s energy markets from excessive (and increasingly perilous) reliance on our sole customer to the south. Let there be light! Kenneth Green is senior director of Natural Resource Studies at the Institute. Niels Veldhuis is president of the Fraser Institute.
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APRIL 2018
and Kevin Reid of Royal LePage Comox Valley.
Ross McLean Vancouver Island, Prince George and British Columbia Construction Associations (BCCA). He is a past recipient of BCCA’s Distinguished Service Award a nd served as i ndustry co-chair on the deputy minister’s Industry Infrastructure Forum and was the founding director of the Construction Foundation of BC, which launched Project Shop Class to upgrade high school shop classes. 460 Realty has added Robyn Hewer, Jay Deleskie and Jeff Deleskie to their Nanaimo office at 202-1551 Estevan Road. The Deleskie brothers join the 460 team from the Engel & Volkers brokerage in Nanaimo while Robyn is new to the real estate industry but came from NAI Commercial Central Vancouver Island, a 460 Group Company. Denise Barber and Colin Haime have founded Connect Live CPAs, an accounting, tax and advisory services company that uses web-based technology to offer cost-effectives services to clients. The duo is opening the firm after selling their practice - Barber & Haime Chartered Accountants in July 2017. The new accounting practice is an approach they consider to be the accounting services model of the future. T he Vancouver Island Real Estate Board (VIREB) installed their 2018 board of directors at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre on March 9. Janice Stromar, the president for 2017 passed the gavel to incoming president Don McClintock from Re/Max of Duncan. Stromar takes on the role of past president this year, with Kaye Broens from RE/ MAX of Nanaimo serving as president-elect for 2018. The board of directors for 2018 includes: Marty Douglas of RE/MAX Mid-Island Realty; Ray Francis of Royal LePage Comox Valley; Eric Kavanaugh of Royal LePage Parksville-Qualicum; Lovina Miller of DFH Real Estate Ltd.; Chris Quinn of RE/MAX Check Realty; Sandy Rantz of 460 Realty;
Nanaimo-based Copcan Civil Ltd. has been awarded the construction contract for the Complete Street Pilot Project on Fifth Street in Courtenay. The project will include an overhaul of above and below-ground infrastructure on Fifth between Fitzgerald and Menzies Avenues. Copcan’s bid was the lowest, coming in at $2,911,616 – which falls within the amount covered by a federal grant from the Gas Tax Fund.
LADYSMITHCHEMAINUS Ed and Cheryl Bosch have opened Kings & Queens Companionship Care, a company that provides service to seniors in the Ladysmith-Cowichan and surrounding area. Their services include transportation, meal prep and med ication rem i nders, accompanying to appointments, outings and more. The Travellers Hotel, a historic Edwardian-era bu i ld i ng i n dow ntow n Ladysmith, has been sold to a father and son from Vancouver who will work to revive the hotel. The three-storey hotel was built in 1913 by Annie and Chris Stevens and is listed on the Canadian Registry of Historic Places as well as on the town’s Heritage Inventory. Jemico Enterprises is in their 25th year of business at 3353 Sm i ley Road i n Chemainus. Geoff Hopps is retiring from Crofton Auto Service at 8314 Crofton Road. Hopps bought the business in 1972 and has operated it since.
COWICHAN VALLEY Small Block Brewing is the latest addition to the Cowichan Valley’s craft beer industry. Owners Cate and Aaron Scally opened the business for the first time towards the end of March at 205 – 5301 Chaster Road. Alec Wheeler has been added to the Duncan Cowichan Chamber of Commerce team as their new events and membership manager. Wheeler is from Malcolm Island, located off the north coast of Vancouver Island, and she recently worked for MNP.
Alec Wheeler
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Heritage House Trophies and Frames i n D u nca n has rebranded to Heritage House Gifts and Awards to represent the company’s concentration on custom gift ware. The store at 160 Trans Canada Highway recently completed renovations to make way for gifts for birthdays, weddings, family additions and more.
Kyle You ng h a s b e e n appointed the director of development services for the Municipality of North Cowichan, replacing Scott Mack who has resigned. Young has been with the municipality since 2014, most recently as the assistant manager of subdivision and previously as a planner.
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Discovery Honda congratulates Joe Graham and Lloyd Jones, the top two stars of the month at their dea lersh ip. T he Honda dealership is at 6466 Bell McKinnon Road.
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Uncle Albert’s Furniture is celebrating their 45th year in business at 107 – 2 Street in Duncan. Bowmel Chrysler congratulations Eamonn Carter, their top salesperson of the month for their dealership at 461 Trans Canada Highway. Rogers has moved to a new location at Unit 3 in Village Green Centre at 180 Central Road.
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Johns Southward Glazier Walton & Margetts LLP Barristers and Solicitors has moved their Duncan office to Suite #201 – 64 Station Street. Ayla Xaveriss has opened Healing Reflections at 167 Canada Avenue in Duncan. Buddies Natural Pet Fo o d i n D u n c a n h a s opened a new location at 420 Trans Canada Highway. The company makes all their pet foods locally w ith locally sou rced ingredients. T he Duncan Wellness Centre has added Kathryn Belsher, a registered massage and yoga therapist to their medical team at 80 Station Street.
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