Business Examiner Vancouver Island - July 2018

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JULY 2018

JULY 2018




There’s No Stoppin’ Ballard Fine Homes

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PARKSVILLE Harris Oceanside GM Keeps Businesses Rolling


INDEX News Update


Port Alberni


Nanaimo 10 Cowichan Valley


Sales 17 Comox Valley


Building Links


Who Is Suing Whom 30 Movers and Shakers 31 Opinion 34 Contact us: 1-866-758-2684


Coulson Ice Blasting Blows Cleaning Tech Out of the Water IceStorm Set to Revolutionize the Industrial Cleaning Industry


ORT ALBERNI - IceStorm is poised to sweep across the globe. Coulson Ice Blast recently announced the release of their new product, IceStorm. This industrial cleaning solution is the first machine that allows users to blast surfaces with either ice or dry ice at the switch of a button. The Coulson Group of Companies began in 1960 when Cliff Coulson founded Coulson Forest Products Ltd. Nearly 60 years later, the company is run by Cliff’s son, Wayne, and grandsons Britton and Foster. Coulson Ice Blast, which is run by Fosterm is one of the newest wings of the business. The industrial cleaning equipment business is a multi-billion dol la r busi ness. Every th i ng needs to be cleaned. Coulson Ice Blast is the only manufacturer of industrial cleaning equipment to produce machines that blast with real ice. “We were looking to de-paint one of our aircraft,” says Foster. “Many of the available cleaning methods were too expensive,

and we had an engineer who had worked with a company that developed a mechanism that would take regular ice, crush it into small particles, and would blast out at high speeds using pressurized air.” The company that developed this technology had gone bankrupt over a decade before, so they had this engineer build a system. “It was very large at the time, but we knew we had something special and unique,” says Foster. “There was nothing else on the market like this.” Foster took the helm of the newly acquired Coulson Ice Blast in 2015 and started investing in research and development the following year, creating a smaller, more affordable machine. “We were recognized by R&D Magazine for one of the top 100 technologically significant products of the year,” he says. “From there, things have started to snowball. We have more traction, more distribution partners, which is part of our path forward for disrupting the industry.” SEE COULSON GROUP   |  PAGE 7

Foster Coulson has been leading Coulson Ice Blast since its beginnings in 2015

EDI Makes Biology Work for Island Businesses

Western and Northern Canadian Environmental Consulting Firm Boasts Down to Earth Consulting

Canadian Publications Mail Acct.: 40069240


ANAIMO – EDI brings a dow n-to-ea r t h approach to environmental consulting. For over 24 years, EDI Environmental Dynamics Inc. (EDI) has been helping companies navigate the environmental regulatory process through to the completion of their project.

EDI is an environmental consulting firm that provides practical services through their team of aquatic and terrestrial scientists, working on everything from single property developments, to collecting baseline information to large-scale environmental assessments and environmental construction monitoring.

The company started in Prince George in 1994, initially focussing on providing environmental guidance to the forestry industry. Over the years, it has expanded to have eight offices across Western and Northern Canada, including the Southern Region offices of Nanaimo, Victoria, and Vancouver led by Ian Redden, as well as

the Prince George, Whitehorse, Calgary, Grand Prairie, and Saskatoon locations. “The company has grown to include 85 specialists, but it still has a family feel. We work to understand the markets we work in and what our clients need,” says Rahul SEE EDI ENVIRONMENTAL  |  PAGE 22


2 CUMBERLAND Brewery to Double Seating T h e C u m b erl a n d B rew i ng Company has been approved by Cumberland village council to nearly double the occupancy of their brewery at 2732 Dunsmuir Avenue. The application which is now forwarded to the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch (LCLB) would see the brewery increase their occupancy from 49 to 94 people, including a maximum of 29 people in the lounge and 65 on the patio. T he compa ny i s cu r rent ly u ndergoi ng constr uction to move its cellar to a newly renovated space next door. Two washrooms and an exit from the patio will also be installed during the renovations. T he micro-brewery has also commissioned two additional brite tanks and a fermenter, to allow them to increase production capacity by about 30 per cent.

NANAIMO Air Canada Begins Non-Stop NanaimoToronto Flights S t a r t i n g o n Ju n e 2 1 s t , A i r

Canada began offering non-stop service from Toronto to Nanaimo through their low-cost subsidiary, Air Canada Rouge. The route will be operated by a 136-seat Airbus A319 which has been configured to include premium economy and economy seating. Air Canada has seen growth in the mid-Island market and the new non-stop service marks a significant investment from the airline. The company added 10 per cent more flights in and out of Nanaimo in this year alone, while the new route means an additional 34 per cent increase in seats. The company found that for all the passengers that f lew out of Nanaimo in 2017, over 8 4 p er cent were connecting to other destinations most of which were Toronto, Calgary, Las Vegas and Beijing. In addition to the new route, Nanaimo and Vancouver Island may be serviced by Bombardier’s CS300 jets soon, which Air Canada has ordered in an effort to modernize their fleet. The airline ordered 45 of the fuel-efficient single-aisle aircraft that have a range of over 5,000-kilometres and can take off from short runways. Air Canada believes regional airports, especially ones in BC, will see increased demand as more people retire and as you n ger p e ople lo ok to relocate to less expensive housing markets.

JULY 2018



NIC Forestry Gets Provincial Boost

New Regulations in Place for Realtors

The provincial government has committed $328,000 for forestr y education at North Island College to enhance and develop training programs. With the funding, NIC will expand the certificate program with an in-field training and mentorsh ip model. T he new diploma program will include industry leadership, mentorship and on-the-job training. T he forest r y i ndu st r y accou nts for a th i rd of a l l exports, is worth $14-billion to the economy and provides roughly 60,000 jobs directly. The funding is a response to demand for new skills and changing workplace requirements as well as an outgoing aging population. North Island College is consulting with local employers to develop the curriculum and ensure the certificate and twoyear diploma positions students and the industry for long-term success. As planning continues, the program’s tuition, start date and curriculum details will be confirmed.

New real estate rules imposed b y t h e Of f ice of t he Sup erintendent of Real Estate are expected to significantly impact the way rea ltors a nd cl ients work together. T he new ru les, wh ich took effect on June 15, prohibit the practice of dual agency and require real estate licensees in British Colu mbia to prov ide additional compensation information to their clients. Dual agency occurs when a realtor represents more than one party in a real estate transaction, such as a buyer and seller, two or more buyers, or a landlord and tenant. T he Real Estate Council of British Columbia (RECBC) recommended the dual-agency ban in 2016, following the release of the independent advisory group’s report on conduct and practices in the real estate industry. Prohibiting dual agency, which aims to protect consumers, means a real estate agent cannot represent two clients with competing interests at the same time. Don McClintock, 2018 Vancouver Island Real Estate Board

(VIREB) President, says VIREB welcomes measures that protect consumers but has concerns about how the ban will affect clients on Vancouver Island and throughout the Gulf Islands. “Prohibiting dual agency will impact consumers in our communities, many of which have only one or two licensees who possess the necessary knowledge and experience to help clients make informed decisions,” says McClintock. “Under the new r u le s, you m ay end up working with someone who is unfamiliar with the area and doesn’t understand its unique characteristics.” “A nother potential ramification of the dual-agency ban i s t h at con su mers won’t b e allowed to use a realtor they know and trust because he or she is represent i ng a not her client in the transaction,” adds McClintock. British Columbia is the first Canadian province to implement rules that require realtors to act for one party only.

PORT ALBERNI Coulson Aviation Begins Nighttime Firefighting Authorities i n the State of SEE NEWS UPDATE  |  PAGE 3

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Business Systems

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JULY 2018


Victoria, Australia approved Coulson Aviation to begin flying their S-61 Sikorsky helicopters at night in the fall using night vision goggles (NVG). The Port Alberni-based company is the first company in the world to be approved to suppress wildfires at night using the technology. Nig ht v i sion gog g les were pioneered during the Second World War and have been primarily used on military craft. The technology is touted as a strategic advantage in controlling wildfire since it extends the operational hours of firefighting when temperature and humidity and temperature are optimal. Aerial firefighting is done at n ight i n some wel l-l it a reas such as Los A ngeles, though helicopters are ty pically requ ired to land to refill their water tanks. Coulson Aviation uses a technique called “hover filling” to allow them to refill their 4,000-litre basins while airborne, thus saving precious time. The company has been working on this innovation for the past decade. Their S-61 helicopters are key to this innovation as the design of the craft increases the pilot’s visibility in key areas when hovering low over water. Cou l son a l so u ses sp ot ter aircraft overhead to direct the helicopters to their target drops, one of several extra precautionary measures the company uses to manage the risk associated with flying at night. Because of these provisions, Coulson believes NVG-assisted operations are as safe as flying during daytime. The company will install the technology in its C-130 Hercules, for testing by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority in Australia. Coulson Aviation has yet to convince North American government agencies to proceed with testing the technology, though they are in discussions with the State of California to introduce the technique. The BC Wi ld f i re Ser v ice i s a l so

con sider i ng t he i n novat ive technique and intends to review Coulson’s trials in Australia.

LADYSMITH Paramount Preparing Ladysmith Filming Paramount Pictures is budgeting over $7-million for a film that will be shot later in the year on the streets of Ladysmith. The production company will be filming an animated/ l ive-action version of Son ic the Hedgehog, the iconic SEGA video game, in mid-September for between eight and 11 days. The shoot will take place on First Avenue between Gatacre Street and Roberts Street. The film crew plans on closing the block and hopefully running intermittent traffic control. Filming will take place overnight for up to six days. Sonic the Hedgehog will be the feature film directorial debut of Jeff Fowler, an Oscar nominee in the Best Short Film, Animated Category in 2015 for Gopher Broke. Fowler also did the visual effects for Spike Jonze’s Where the Wild Things Are. Ja mes Ma rsden a nd T i ka Sumpter a re a mong the cast for the feature film. Marsden’s acting bio includes roles in Enchanted, Hairspray and X-Men as Cyclops. Su mpter played Michelle Robinson in a romantic d ra ma that recou nts the first date between the former first lady and president Barack Obama. She also starred in the soap opera One Life to Live in 2010 and as Raina T horpe in Gossip Girl. As part of the shooting, Bayview Framing at 421 First Avenue w i l l become the pol ice station in the movie while Top Drawer Consignment will be transformed into a donut shop. The studio is also in discussions with other storefronts on the street to temporarily transform them for filming. Upwards of 150 crew members will come from Vancouver for the shoot and will be staying in local hotels. The film is also

planning on buying and hiring local as much as possible. The studio will continue to work with local government and partners to ensure they are ready for filming in September. The film is expected to be in theaters in November of next year.

COMOX VALLEY Island Hospital Certify Heliports

Pat ients i n hospita l i n t he Comox Valley and Campbell River will have access to helicopter transportation by the end of the summer as Transport Canada has certified both hospitals with rooftop heliport H1 classifications. Both heliports were certified on June 8th and activation work is now underway to prepare for the pads to be fully operational. Helijet will perform test flights and operational clinical staff will be working to ensure employees understand the procedures surrounding helipad operations.

3 T he 153-bed Comox Va l ley hospital along with a 95-bed facility in Campbell River opened in the fall of 2017 and are part of the North Island Hospital’s Project. While both hospitals have been operational since last year, the helipads at both facilities were not certified for operation. Canadian heliports have three classifications which determine the helicopter type that can be used at each heliport. H1 classification is reserved for when a heliport is in an environment where there is no emergency SEE NEWS UPDATE  |  PAGE 4

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To learn more, contact Stephen Ison or Rebekah Hutchison at 778.265.7990 or visit * Island operated and owned.

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JULY 2018

New Online Distribution For Business Examiner Vancouver Island

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ANAIMO – Business Examiner Vancouver Island is upping its game with its online distribution to businesses throughout the region. Since starting in 1987, Business Examiner Vancouver Island has been distributed mainly through Canada Post AdMail, but starting with the August, 2018 issue, the monthly business publication will also be distributed through a new, exciting partnership with participating Chambers of Commerce. “We are excited about this new phase of our development, as it’s something we’ve been considering for awhile now,” says Mark MacDonald, Publisher of Business Examiner Vancouver Island. “Canada Post AdMail has served us well over the years, but we’ve partnered with Chambers of Commerce to reach their entire membership and mailing lists with online versions of the paper. “Not only are we looking forward to having Business Examiner exposed to new readers with our monthly digest of news and information this way,” says MacDonald, “This is expected to add several

thousand new businesses to our readership roll. It’s a great value-added reason for companies to join the Chamber of Commerce, as they will also be able to receive an online version each month with their membership.” A number of Chambers have indicated they’ll be participating in the distribution offer thus far. Studies conducted over the years indicate that each copy of the Business Examiner is read by three-plus people. With over 10,000 distribution, that means over 30,000 readers for each issue, and with the exciting new online options through the Chambers, it is expected that the number of people reading the Business Examiner will jump significantly. “That’s good news for our advertisers, and for the businesses we write about,” says MacDonald. For more information on Business Examiner Vancouver Island distribution, email, and for subscriptions, visit www.businessexaminer. ca


patients can expect improved service with patient transfers in addition to organ transplant services. Air ambulance transport in the Comox Valley has been diverted to Courtenay Air Park during the day and the Comox Valley Airport at night. In Campbell River, the Campbell River Airport has been used for air ambulance transport.


landing area within 625 metres of the landing pad. An H1 helicopter must be multi-engine and capable of remaining at least 4.5-metres above obstacles with one engine non-operational. Once both helipads are up and running,

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VANCOUVER ISLAND COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT PROPERTIES RESTAURANT W/BLDGS & LAND - DUNCAN Indian Style Restaurant with Excellent Reputation Upgraded Building & Property $819,000 Over 7 Years in this Location

Ladysmith - For Sale $235,000 or For Lease $2,100/Month ž Strata Warehouse in Ladysmith w/Mezzanine ž 1,298 Sq. Ft. plus 250 Sq. Ft. Mezzanine ž Enclosed Boardroom, Kitchen area, 3 Phase Power, Gas Heat, 16 Ft. Ceilings, Front & Rear Man Doors & Overhead Roll-up Door ž Light Industrial Zoning ž Information Portfolio Available


MIXED USE PROPERTY - LADYSMITH 3 commercial Tenants & 1 Residential Suite Up Good Sized Lot with Parking $379,000 Circa 1900's w/some Upgrades




Central Nanaimo Location, 2 Buildings, 1 with Long

Term Restaurant Tenant, Plenty of Paved Parking, 3/4 Acre of Land


BUSINESS W/BUILDING & LAND Industrial Yard & Customer List


INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY - LANTZVILLE 1.3 Acres over 2 Lots in Upper Lantzville Industrial Park Ocean View from upper bench $1,595,000 Good Phase 1 Enviromental Report

COURT ORDERED SALE - VACANT LAND Established Upscale Women’s Footware Store High Visibility Location w/Terrific Street Presence Loyal Regular Clientele Exclusive Brands with Long-Term Suppliers Information Portfolio Available

1,040 Sq. Ft. w/Potential to add an extra 1,000 Sq. Ft. DT 2 Zoning allows for office/retail $229,000 Strata fee is $332/Month

Near Nanaimo Hospital, 995 Sq. Ft. Space Reception/Offices/Storage Area $299,000 Ample Parking, Nicely Finished

12 Yr Old Highly Successful Mid-Island Operation Sale incl/Truck Fleet, Warehouse,

Business for Sale Courtenay, BC - $39,900


1.55 Acres of Potential Dev. Highway Waterfront Land Across from Somass River $339,900 Information Portfolio Available

NEW COMMERCIAL STRATA UNIT - DUNCAN Suite 103 is 3,104 Sq. Ft. Main Level Unit - Dakova Square Great Visibility, Close to Downtown Residential Suites Above



NEW COMMERCIAL SUITE - DAKOVA SQUARE Suite 101 is 2,287 Sq. Ft. Main Level Entry in Duncan 12 Ft. Ceilings, Vacant & Ready $594,900 Parking Avail. for Commercial Suites



Former Care Facility now Vacant Close to Hospital on 1.87 Acres Information Portfolio Available

& Ready for Ideas


HIGHLY VISIBLE CORNER LOCATION - Nanaimo 1/4 Acre Commercial Property w/approx. 1,800 SF Bldg Long Term Month to Month Tenant $625,000 Security Fenced, Paved Parking

2.7 ACRE PARCEL IN PARKSVILLE High Visibility, Easy Access, Fenced and Level Property Commercial Zoning allows Gasbar,

Restaurant, Retail, Recreation etc.


DAKOVA SQUARE - DUNCAN Suite 102 is 2,890 Sq. Ft. Main Level Unit 12 Ft. Ceilings, Residential Units Above Gateway Entrance to Downtown



Delivery & Storage Business - Mid-Island Ricky’s Family Restaurant - All Day Grill Franchise Courtenay Popular Family Restaurant, Duncan Indian Style Restaurant, Duncan - Business Only - REDUCED Baan Do’s Stir Fry Restaurant, Duncan Baan Do’s Too Restaurant, Duncan

$705,000 $379,900 $595,000 $149,000 $169,900 $49,900

LEASES Operator Wanted for Restaurant/Lounge in Dorchester Hotel – Beautifully Renovated Prime Downtown Nanaimo Location near Waterfront, 150 Seats in Restaurant 24 in Lounge, Information Portfolio Available $12.50/SF + TN Expense 1,199 Sq. Ft. Main Level Corner Unit - Parksville – Great Exposure in Shopping Centre Location close to Downtown, $12/SF + TN Commercial Street 2nd Level Space - Nanaimo – 2,200 Sq Ft Corner of Terminal & Commercial, Great Visibility across from Convention Centre, $2,900/Month 1,005 Sq. Ft. 2nd Level Unit - Central Nanaimo – Vacant w/Good Exposure at corner of Bowen & Meredith Rd. Lots of Parking, $16/SF Gross Lease 1,298 Sq. Ft. Strata Warehouse - Ladysmith – Enclosed Boardroom, Kitchen area, 3-pc Washroom, 3 Phase Power, 16 ft. Ceilings, Overhead Door $2,100/Month 7,600 Sq. Ft. over 2 Level in Old City Nanaimo – Available June 1st, Oil Fired Forced Air Furnace, Parking, Rear Loading Dock $2,950/Month + TN DAKOVA SQUARE - Downtown Duncan – 3 Commercial Units for Lease - 12 Foot Ceilings, Main Level, 4 Floors of Residential Suite above, Designated Parking for Commercial Units - #101 - 2,287 Sq. Ft. #102 - 2,890 Sq. Ft. #103 - 3,104 Sq. Ft. $20/Sq. Ft. + TN Each 6,443 Sq. Ft. Light Industrial Warehouse & Office Space – Central Nanaimo, SubLease scenario, 10 Parking Spots, Real Overhead Door $5.54/SF + TN




JULY 2018

$6.3M Cheque For Vehicle Processing Centre At Port Of Nanaimo

Business Elite Includes:

From left: Nanaimo Port Authority Chair Dr. Michelle Corfield, Board Member Donna Hais and federal Minister of Transport Marc Garneau


A NA I MO – T he Nanaimo Port A u t h or i t y rec e i v e d a $ 6.3 m i l l i o n cheque from the federal government on June 20 to help pay for construction of an already announced

vehicle processing centre at the Nanaimo Assembly Wharf. Federal Transport Minister Marc Garneau was in Nanaimo June 20 to announce the funding. The vehicle processing

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centre, which will see vehicles sent to Nanaimo from manufacturers, offloaded and detailed before being shipped to dealerships throughout BC, is expected to create as many as 100 full time jobs.


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JULY 2018

‘Let Me Compete’ Seeks Small Business Access To Federal Government Procurement BY MARK MACDONALD BUSINESS EXAMINER


ANAIMO – On the surface, the federal government’s recent announcement that it is trying to change the way it purchases business equipment and services directly from manufacturers sounds harmless. Dig a little deeper, though, and the move appears to shut the door on small businesses that want to be involved in Service Canada’s procurement of services, most notably office equipment, and deal only with multi-­‐ national manufacturers. In other words, not small businesses. A website (www.letmecompete. ca) has been created to help small companies voice their objection to these measures and urges to keep the current system where firms of all size can compete for federal government contracts. It encourages affected firms to contact their Members of Parliament and voice their concerns. Andre Brosseau, President of Innov8 Digital Solutions, is one of many ringing the alarm bells about the heavy-­‐ handed decision, noting that prior to deciding to introduce the policy, Service Canada spoke only to manufacturers and one very large equipment dealer in Greater Toronto. SC failed to consult with small office equipment businesses

Andre Brosseau of Innov8 Digital Solutions from across the country,. “As part to the RFP (Request For Proposal) qualification process, they outlined that you must have a minimum of 15,000 devices in the public service in order to be able to bid,” Brosseau says. “This would eliminate all but 2 multi-­‐national vendors from having the ability to bid from the current number of 12. “When companies such as Canon, Sharp and HP called foul, Service Canada told them they could join forces in a joint venture to meet the size requirement. They are essentially saying that in order to compete for federal business you have to have a big fleet currently. Nothing about what is right for the end user or service levels.” “Price has not even been brought

up in is this process, which is shocking,” Brosseau says. “This whole process in mysterious, and where there is mystery, there is margin.” Hundreds of small businesses across Canada provide service for copiers and printers for the federal government, which manufacturers often supply directly. “This income is an important component to being able to provide service in many remote areas that otherwise would be unprofitable,” Brosseau notes. “Service Canada wants to eliminate this method to one or two large foreign multinationals whose service model is different, in that they will first try to use their phone support services to resolve issues, then use their own employees to service if necessary.” Brosseau believes this type of policy could affect other small business sectors, not just the office machine industry. “Our government says it stands up for small business in Canada, but this is a glaring example of taking profits and jobs away from small business,” he adds. “Companies like ours provide stable m idd le i ncome employ ment positions in the communities we serve, and policies like these could put some of these jobs at risk in favour of offshore call centers. For further information, visit

Home Sales Cooling While Prices Rise


ANCOUVER ISLAND – Last month, 444 singlefa m i ly homes sold on t h e Va n c o u ve r I s l a n d R e a l Estate Board’s (VIREB) Multiple Listing Service (MLS) System compared to 518 in May and 617 one year ago. The number of apartments changing hands last month dropped by 21 per cent, while sales increased by 26 per cent in the townhouse category. Housing demand in the VIREB area shifted lower in the first half of 2018 as stricter mortgage qualifications for conventional borrowers and rising interest rates took their toll on household purchasing power and affordability. It is unclear whether the June slowdown is reflective of seasonal summer market conditions or if demandside policy changes are finally beginning to play a larger role in VIREB’s housing market. Despite lower sa les thus far in 2018, lack of inventory continues to tilt the market in favour of sellers and push prices upwards. The number of singlefamily homes for sale has been slowly increasing, hitting 1,336 in June, up only three per cent f rom M ay but a sig n i f ic a nt increase from the 893 properties available in January. The supply

of townhouses rose by 33 per cent from one yea r ago, but ma ny of the l isti ngs beh i nd these modest inventory gains in both property types are being quickly snapped up by buyers. I n its 2018 SecondQ u a r t e r H o u s i n g Fo re c a s t , t he British Columbia Real Estate Association (BCR E A) anticipates that MLS residential sales in the province will decline by nine per cent to 94,200 units this year from 103,700 in 2017. “BC housi ng ma rkets have benefited from the provincial economy expanding well above trend growth over the past four years,” says BCREA chief economist Cameron Muir. “However, economic growth is expected to slow and reflect the long-term average this year.” On a local level, BCREA predicts that over the next eight months, VIREB’s long-term sellers’ market will begin shifting towards more balanced conditions. Further, the pace of price increases will slow if demand keeps declining, but it is unlikely that prices will drop until additional inventory enters the market by way of new construction or buyer appetite decreases drastically.

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JULY 2018



This new tech marks the first major wave of innovation in the cleaning industry in decades. Ice is a cost effective media with very little water waste. “Our research has shown that the average return on investment for a customer ranges from three to six months,” says Foster. The Ice Storm product is a compact machine that can take advantage of both ice and dry ice medias. Ice is readily available, cost effective, and more aggressive, but dry ice is ideal for situations such as the cleaning of electrical components and fungal spore removal, where even minimal amounts of moisture are unacceptable. “We wanted to create a tool that produced a lot of value for the customer,” says Foster. “We’re now the globa l leader in ice blasting technology and are going through a significant amount of growth. We have around 45 stocking distributors right now, and we deal around the world all the time.” As the company was developing this new product, they focussed on creating something that was not only cost effective,



F At the touch of a button, IceStorm can switch between cleaning with ice and dry ice but that was esthetically pleasing. “We’re disrupting an industry that hasn’t seen any change in decades,” says Foster. “Until we launched our product, the industrial cleaning industry hasn’t seen much i n novation. There was sand blasting in the 1800s, pressure washing in the 1900s, and few

other notable innovations. “I believe we have created a tool for the customer that will generate significant value for consumers. Being able to own just one piece of cleaning equipment that is effective in many different cleaning applications is the ideal system.” www.coulsoniceblast. com

ive yea rs ago, Dan and Bouchra Savard sa i led t he 95-foot MV Songhee into Port Alberni for refitting. They planned to take it on to Tofino to open a Bed & Breakfast there. The Songhee had been a fishing lodge prior to then so was well suited to that. Dan & Bouchra found Port Alberni so friendly and so full of amenities, they decided to stay. With Bouchra’s exceptional cooking and Moroccan heritage and Dan’s talents as a beer and wine connoisseur, they opened the Swept Away Inn, which has gone on to become Port Alberni’s most unique accommodation provider and restaurant. Almost every mealtime,

there are many nationalities around the dinner table and conversations often go on into the night. They have garnered several tourism and hospitality awards and been featured in many magazines and videos. A couple of months ago they were happy to report they were very heavily booked through the summer and into the fall. T hen a few customers failed to show. As is their practice, they tried to call the number of the individual doing the booking but found it didn’t exist. T hey t ried f i nd i ng t he ‘customer’ through reverse lookup only to find the address didn’t exist. They tried to run charges through on the credit card number that had been given but found it declined. The few have now turned into many. In the most recent event, they received an email from a ‘booking’ asking for a late check-in. They agreed and waited up till almost midnight before following their protocol only to find out this too, was a fraudulent booking. They are working with the platform from which the reservations were made to

understand what and how this has happened. They don’t want to abandon the platform because many legitimate customers are coming through it too. To say this is a concern, is of course, an understatement. In the true entrepreneurial spirit however they are also telling people this is an opportunity. It’s an opportunity to experience some amazing hospitality, great food and make new friends. It’s an opportunity to base yourself out of Port Alberni and explore Tofino and Ucluelet one day, Bamfield and the ancient Huu-ayaht village of Kiixin one day and the Alberni Valley one day. It’s also an opportunity to do this and save on West Coast accommodation costs. For more, go to Pat Deakin is the Economic Development Manager for the City of Port Alberni. He can be reached at 250-720-2527 or Patrick_deakin@portalberni. ca























Existing Hedge




Bicycle Parking



RWL Louvers


3m Setback






4 5




7 S.P.









New Sidewalk


Dec. 2, 2015

Property Line

New Sidewalk 9






HP Panel

PARKSVILLE MIXED USE 560 Island Hwy East and 539 Stanford Ave, Parksville BC

Ramp Down 17%



Signage Tower

CRU BUILDING 2 7,037 ft2 (653.8 m2)





CRU BUILDING 3 5,414 ft2 (503.0 m2)

CRU 402 3,077 ft2 (285.9 m2)


CRU Bldgs Southwest







Up 22R

Stair 1 Dn 18R




Lobby 101




ck Setba 3m S





CRU 105 3,058 FT2



CRU 104 1,915 FT2

CRU BUILDING 1 9,857 ft2 (915.7 m2) (CRU's only)



CRU 103 1,782 FT2



CRU 102 1,623 FT2


Corridor 101


CRU 101 1,478 FT2





A V E.





10 S



3.7m S



92 Parking 18.27m R.O.W Further West

Rainwater Feature





5.79m 1.52m 5.79m



New Sidewalk

CRU 401 6,497 ft2 (603.6 m2)


CRU 101 1,779 ft2


3.50 m setback

Property Line

Up 22R



Restaurant 3,302 ft2

Dn 18R

Stair 2




HVAC (mezz)


CRU BUILDING 1 5,001 ft2 (464.6 m2) incl. mezz.


2.7m Garbage / Recycle


HVAC (platform)

Ramp Down 17%



Property Line

R O A D 0





50 FT
















Floor Plan Notes: 1. Exterior Insulation not shown.


PARKSVILLE MIXED USE Site Plan/ Main Floor Plan

560 Island Hwy East and 539 Stanford Ave, Parksville BC


Overall A1.1 Northwest


PARKSVILLE MIXED USE 560 Island Hwy East and 539 Stanford Ave, Parksville BC

Dec. 2, 2015

RAYMOND de BEELD ARCHITECT Inc. 755 Terminal Ave. North, Nanaimo, B.C. V9S 4K1 Tel: (250) 754-2108; Fax: (250) 754-2118 Email:


FLOOR PLAN L1 Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0"







1 2 3 4

2016 06 01 2016 07 25 2016 07 25 2016 11 10

Issue Notes



Revision Notes

Foundation BP BP Tender IFC

Do not scale drawings. Contractor shall verify all dimensions of the work and report any discrepancies to the architect before proceeding. This drawing is not to be used for construction until stamped and signed by the architect, and "Issued for Construction". As an instrument of service, this drawing is the property of the architect and may not be reproduced without permission. This drawing is for the use of the specified project only and shall not be used otherwise without written permission of the architect.

543 Stanford Avenue East, Parksville, B.C. Lot 1, District Lot 4, Nanoose District, Plan EPP27393, PID 029-787-360



As Noted DATE:

Feb 27, 2018

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JULY 2018

COWICHAN WOMEN AGAINST VIOLENCE SOCIETY GETS PERMANENT HOME Executive Director Jane Sterk Helps Organization Impact More Lives Than Ever Before


U NC A N - Cow icha n Women Against Violence (CWAV) Society is reaching more people than ever thanks to the visionary leadership of its board, management, and staff, and to its new home. Since 1980, CWAV has been working to provide a safe, supportive environment, especially to women and children affected by abuse. The society operates out of a feminist perspective, offering counselling, advocacy, emergency shelter, community development and education. For the last four and a half years, Executive Director Jane Sterk has been leading the organization. It’s been an era of unprecedented community impact. The impact has been enhanced, thanks to their new, permanent location at 246 Evans Street. “We took possession of our new building on July 1 of last year,� says Sterk. “It was a pretty big investment, and allowed us to acquire a newly renovated building that better met the needs of our organization. It helped us provide better support for staff and the clients that we serve, and will be a lasting contribution to the community.� The process of finding their new location began in the beginning of 2017, when an owner of the Evans Street building indicated that they were negotiating with a nonprofit for the purchase of the building. “The other sale fell through and he contacted us,� says Sterk. “We negotiated in February, 2017, and after a quick and dramatic renovation, we moved in that summer.� Sterk credits her supportive, forward-thinking board for the short time-frame. T h roughout the months of renovation, the facility was upgraded and reconfigured to better

Jane Sterk has been leading the Cowichan Women Against Violence Society as Executive Director for the last four and a half years meet the needs of the society. “Our new space is very flexible, and we’ve been able to ensure that every staff member has an exterior office with a window and natural light,� says Sterk. “We have two small meeting rooms, and three group rooms of various sizes, allowing us to increase the number of programs we offer. We can now host concurrent meetings, and have a lot of flexibility with the size of the group.� The building’s full kitchen is a major highlight of the facility, which better serves the staff and allows the society to host group celebration events that include shared meals. “We now have a quiet room reserved for staff,� says Sterk. “The work we do is pretty intense, so our staff now have a great space where they can decompress.� This new space is one of many significant changes Sterk has helped bring about at CWAV. Before coming to the organization, Sterk worked as a municipal councillor, university professor, small business owner, and eventually became the leader of the BC Green Party. She joined CWAV shortly after stepping down from leadership in 2013. “The main thing that brought m e h e re w a s a l i fe-l o n g

The team at CWAV moved into their new space on July 1 of last year

“[The new building] was a pretty big investment, and allowed us to acquire a newly renovated building that better met the needs of our organization. It helped us provide better support for staff and the clients that we serve, and will be a lasting contribution to the community.� JANE STERK EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE COWICHAN WOMEN AGAINST VIOLENCE SOCIETY

commitment to feminism and a desire to improve the lives and agency of women,� she says. “At a management level, I like organizational change, and I had a history of doing organizational development work.� She helped CWAV focus on its approach, its ser v ice to women, and to reach out to the community. “Having a political, history, I’m

The new facility has outdoor space, and every office has access to natural lighting comfortable with asking people for money, so one of my objectives was to increase the amount of money we received from fundraising initiatives,� she says. Sterk also helped to find funding for the organization’s first men’s program. Men Choose Respect, has received special government funding through a Civil Forfeiture grant. “Men who use violence haven’t been offered a lot of services in the past. Men Choose Respect comes from a place where a man has to acknowledge his responsibility and desire to change,� she says. The Society has been able to

increase staffing, particularly at their transition house, which is now double staffed during daytime hours six days a week. “A very significant change is that we were able to get a program through BC Housing called the Homelessness Prevention Program,� says Sterk. “This provides women with small rental subsidies for relatively short periods of time - up to a year. The program has had a phenomenal impact on many of these women. Many of them feel safe in their home for the first time, and can make some profound change in their life.�

Vancity is proud to support organizations that help those in need. Congratulations to the Cowichan Women Against Violence Society for this recognition. Mark Fulmer Community Business Account Manager 250.858.7843

Valley Carpet One and our sales team member Juvie Rebelo are proud to have been a part of the Renovation to the CWAVS Building and congratulate them on their nomination as a Finalist at the VIREB Awards. 230 Kenneth St. Duncan, BC T: 250-748-2581 W:


Proud to support the Cowichan Women Against Violence Society VICTORIA OFFICE: DUNCAN OFFICE: #204 – 655 Tyee Rd. #201 – 64 Station St. T: 250-381-7321 T: 250-746-8779



JULY 2018



reen Thumb Nursery has been sold. A sale of the 44acre site at 6261 Hammond Bay Road has been anticipated for several years, and Brad Bailey of Colliers International noted the multi-million dollar sale to a private, out of town b uye r, w a s c om pl e te d recently. The property is currently zoned urban reserve, and needs to be rezoned to accommodate mixed use/ com merci a l a nd h ig her den sity resident i a l, including multi-family

Former VIU Dean Takes Position With University In Qatar

Kevin Gillanders, left, with RBC Chief Economist Craig Wright

Business banking is about a shared perspective We understand your unique business needs. Count on us to make timely, locally-made decisions that help you grow your business. Talk to your local branch today to find solutions perfectly suited to your business banking needs.

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Bill Girad Sr. Manager, Commercial Banking Courtenay branch 470 Puntledge Road T. 250.334.8888

developments. It is expected to include higher density tow n homes, condominiums and apartments. The city has long planned for a road connecting Enterprise Road - the lights on the Old Island Highway at the retail complex that is home to Brown’s Social House and Starbucks - to join up with Calinda Street at the traffic light off Hammond Bay Road to curve its way through the property. The development of the land is expected to take several years. ••• Computer repair business R-U Computing at 549 Haliburton Street has been sold. Craig and Jessica Reimer have purchased the company from Brent Rotar, remains actively involved w ith operations a nd service. DR Systems will be moving into the Haliburton office and sharing space with R-U. DR Systems is a software and consulting service company founded in 1983 by Dr. Don Reimer. ••• Gerry Patenaude and the team at Omniart Creative conti nue to g row thei r

business at 209-335 Wesley Street. A long-t i me a nd wel l r e s p e c t e d d e s i g n e xpert, Gerry is the owner and Creative Director of the company, which has a team of eight that has done work for 7-Eleven, RE/MAX , Coastal Community Credit Union and Weyerhaeuser, amongst other clients. www.ominartcreative. com ••• Congratulations to Kevin Gillanders, Vice President, Com merci a l Fi n a nci a l Services, and his team at RBC Royal Bank, for a very informative gathering to hear Craig Wright, RBC’s Chief Economist June 28 at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre. Wright’s poignant insight about global, North American and Canadian economic prospects was well received by the room full of Central Island business owners. ••• Core Insurance Services has opened at 102-6551 Au lds Road, across the parking lot from Milano’s Ristorante. ••• Congratulations to Lee Odgers and Kim Strynadka on their recent marriage. Kim is the Owner/Mortgage Broker at Dominion Lending Centres Integrity Mortgage BC. Kim recently bought the building at 204-503 Comox Road and moved the business there. Lee is with Freedom 55 Financial a nd Quadrus Investment Services Ltd. ••• Blake Erickson Roofing has been sold, as Gayton Connelly has purchased the long-time Nanaimo compa ny f rom Blake Erickson, who has retired. ••• Colin McDougall is the

Dr. Andrea Smilski new manager of Costco Wholesale outlet in north Na n a i mo. He repl ac e s David Hahn, who h a s moved to Ed monton to manage the Costco store that Colin managed before coming to Vancouver Island. ••• T he f i rst a n nua l Tom Harris Golf Classic was an enormous success, raising over $250,000 for charity and the Nanaimo Foundation, much to the delight of Mike and Tony Harris and the Harris family. ••• Burnt Honey Dessert’s has opened i n Country Club Centre. ••• Dr. John Christensen has purchased the Metral Dental practice next to Staples from Dr. Gerry Sugiyama, who has decided to retire. ••• Congratulations to Dr. Andrea Smilski, who has accepted a position in Doha, Qatar as Dean, Health Sciences, with the College of North Atlantic (CNA), the public college of Ne w fo u n d l a n d a n d Labrador. A nd rea recent ly ret i re d f ro m Va n c o uve r Island University, where she most recently served as I nteri m Dea n of the Health and Human Services Faculty. SEE NANAIMO   |  PAGE 11


JULY 2018





he Du nca n Cow icha n Chamber operates the Cowichan Regional Visitor Centre servicing over 25,000 visitors annually from our facility at the BC Forest Discovery Centre and via mobile visitor servicing at community events throughout the region. Between the four Visitor Centres in the Cowichan Valley (Chemainus, Ladysmith, Lake Cowichan, Duncan) we service over 130,000 visitors annually. Cowichan was host to the BC Elders Gathering July 10 – 12. Cow icha n T ribes welcomed 3000 attendees to the 42 nd Annual BC Elders Gathering on


CNA in Qatar features 300plus Canadian instructors, with over 2,000 post-second a r y students from Qatar and other nations. A nd rea’s husba nd, George Hrabowych, principal at Herold Engineering, is very proud of her appointment and success, and looks forward to visiting her in Qatar during her tenure, which starts this August. ••• Pride Painting has opened an office between Brilliant Business Solutions and the Bluebird Motel on North Terminal Avenue. ••• Kylee Power, Manager/Owner of Central Drugs at 495A Dunsmuir Street, is pleased to note that Central Drugs is opening a new store in the Pacific Station Complex on Dublin Way, just off

their traditional territory. The Visitor Centre team were onsite, providing information on the many things to see and do in the Cowichan Valley. The Cowichan 2018 BC Summer Games kick off on July 19. 3072 of BC’s best emerging high performance talents have registered and are ready to be part of the celebration of sport and community which runs July 19-22. These athletes will be supported by 453 coaches and 246 officials and many accompanying family members. The Cowichan Valley is going to be hopping with energy this week! Lake Cowichan will also be hoppi ng on the Aug ust long weekend as country music lovers descend on Laketown Ranch for Sunfest Country Music Festival. Another great line-up this year, featuring Eric Church, Brett Young, Dallas Smith, Emerson Drive, George Canyon, Aaron Pritchard and more. Single ticket and full event passes are still available at Golf Canada and Duncan Meadows Golf Club will be hosting Metral Drive. Grand opening for the store is set for July 18. ••• City Electrical Supply has purchased Torbram Electric Supply. ••• Seadrift Fish is now open in its new location in the South Parkway Plaza, in the former Serious Coffee premises. ••• Sales Manager Gina Bethell is pleased to note that the Vancouver Island Conference Centre hosted 337 delegates from across the country recently for the BC Rural Health Conference. ••• Apex Bikes is opening its doors on Dover Road.

240 golfers for the Canadian Men’s A mateu r G ol f Cha mpionship August 6 – 9, including teams from each Canadian Province as well as golfers from Eu rope a nd the US. Word is out that Cowichan is a golfer’s paradise. The Vancouver Island Motor Gathering returns to the Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit on August 26. The Motor Gathering is a fun-filled family event showcasing an array of classic, unique, modern and

custom cars and motorcycles. Going in to its 7th year, the event hopes to raise over $183,000 for the Cowichan District Hospital Foundation and the David Foster Foundation. On the Cha mber front, we welcomed 33 new members to the Chamber during our May Membership Month promotions. Here’s a sampling of our diverse group of new businesses: QuintEssential Accounting and Bookkeeping, Ironworks Café and Creperie, Genoa Laser Therapy,

United Greeneries Operations Ltd, Equine Emporium, Farm’s Gate Foods and Catering, Small Block Brewery, Malahat Investment Corporation, Edward Jones-Lianne Waters, Microtel Inn & Suites Oyster Bay and Forte School of Music. Sonja Nagel is Executive Director of the Duncan Cowichan Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at or 250-748-1111

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JULY 2018

THERE’S NO STOPPIN’ BALLARD FINE HOMES Five-Year-Old Construction Firm Climbs to the Top, Endorsed by Marie Osmond


ARKSVILLE – If a client can dream it, Ballard Fine Homes can build it. Owner/operator Don Ballard has built everything from high rises in Mazatlan, Mexico to upscale executive rancher communities locally, with multi-million dollar mixed-use projects in Bowser and Parksville on the drawing board. Ballard Fine Homes has experienced an impressive rise in the Island’s construction industry, and now stands among Vancouver Island’s biggest residential contractors. “There’s no job too big or too small for us,” says Ballard. “We do everything, from bathroom and kitchen renos, demolition and reconstruction, all the way to land development and building residential subdivisions. “We are committed to making home building an enjoyable and timely experience, while exceeding our customers’ expectations”. Ballard Fine Homes’ business model is to build exceptional quality without compromise. The company’s outstanding growth is based on referrals from their customers to their family and friends, and

Serving the Island since 1975

Congratulations on your 5th Anniversary, from Rob, Dan and the United Floors Parksville team!

#4 - 287 Martindale Rd, Parksville P: 250.248.4664 C: 250.228.4439 E:

Ballard Fine Homes has set up shop in Parksville testimonials include famed singer and actress, Marie Osmond. Ballard says, “I bought a condo in Mexico in the 90s, and I recognized there was a demand for real estate there. There had been no new real estate development for years, and everyone was trying to get me to sell my condo every time I visited.” Taking advantage of the market potential, Ballard relocated to Mazatlan to build homes and oceanfront condominiums. “To help meet the market demand in Mazatlan, one of the highrises I built was the tallest in the state of Sinoloa at the time,” he says. “When I was developing there, I also built vacation homes for a number of celebrities,” says Ballard. “One of them was Marie Osmond, who was voted the second most trusted female celebrity in the world, next to Oprah Winfrey.”

Osmond was so impressed with the exterior construction of her Mazatlan home, that she asked Ballard to do the furnishing and interior design work. “I’ve known Don Ballard for almost 10 years now and had an instant connection with him,” Osmond says in her testimonial. “I met Don as a Builder and was unbelievably impressed with his work, ability and personality. His quality of build was second to none. I had Don customise my residence and I trusted him enough to finish my home to his taste and fully furnish my home.” As the testimonial demonstrates, Ballard’s reputation for quality and attention to detail has been a significant contribution to the company’s growth. SEE BALLARD FINE HOMES   |  PAGE 13

Ballard Fine Homes employs a full-time customer service representative to take care of all their customers’ needs

• Residential & Commercial: - Electrical Services - Security Systems - Sound Systems • Connected Homes: Smart Home Automation • Central Vacuum Installations P: 250.933.5557 • E: #4 7221 Lantzville Road, Lantzville •


Proud supporter of Ballard Fine Homes. Congratulations on reaching this significant milestone! ~ From Paul & Sarah

Not just another D.A.M drywall company Congratulations to Ballard Fine Homes on your 5th Anniversary!



JULY 2018

Ballard Fine Homes’ office, showroom, and show homes make it easy for customers to visualize the possibilities for their own home

rancher’ style home,” he says. “I was thinking I’d maybe build 5-6 houses per year, however, there was a huge demand for our product. Our quality and attention to customer detail is what has grown our business to what it is today, one of the largest residential builders on Vancouver Island, creating work for hundreds of people and investing millions of dollars into our local communities.” One of the big selling points for the company is that they are ready to build when the customer is ready. “Many builders have to put customers on a waitlist,” says Ballard. “With our team, we can start whenever the customer is ready. There’s no waitlist. “As an example, we just had a customer looking at building, and he was told by a smaller builder that his house would take one year. With us, it was a five month job at the most.” Ballard’s team also offers services that most other residential construction companies don’t. Ballard Fine Homes provides their customers with a complete package deal, including fencing, landscaping, and appliances, so their projects are move-in ready upon completion. Ballard’s company operates with old fashioned family values. They understand the gravity of a new home purchase, and take it very seriously, as it is often one of the biggest financial decisions people SEE BALLARD FINE HOMES   |  PAGE 14

Don Ballard is owner/operator at Ballard Fine Homes. Over the past five years, he has created one of the largest residential construction companies on the Island


Tiara Sands was one of several major developments Ballard worked on while in Mexico

When Ballard wrapped up his last developments in Mexico in 2010, he moved back to Canada. “I did my real estate licensing

Congratulations to Ballard Fine Homes on 5 years in business!

The famed Marie Osmond, who is a personal friend of Don Ballard, has written a hearty endorsement of Ballard’s work when I was 19 and didn’t really expect I would still be selling real estate 28 years later,” he says. He subsequently bought the Macdonald Realty real estate office which now shares office space with Ballard Fine Homes in Parksville. “I started to build houses in 2012, when I saw a need for an ‘executive

Congratulations to Ballard Fine Homes on your 5th Anniversary! 6400 Hammond Bay Road, Nanaimo

P: 250.390.0326 E:

Congratulations to Ballard Fine Homes on your 5th Anniversary! Parksville, BC P: 250.240.4493 E:


JULY 2018

Ballard Fine Homes aims to make their client’s dreams a reality



to Ballard Fine Homes on your 5th Anniversary, wishing you continued success!

P: 250.668.9210



will make in their lives. “I understand how important a home investment is for people.” Ballard says. “I treat them like I’d want to be treated.” That is why the company’s business model is to only build exceptional quality without compromise or cutting corners. “We go over and above, from foundation through the entire construction process, working with our customers every step of the way,” says Ballard. When they are building a custom SEE BALLARD FINE HOMES   |  PAGE 15

They understand the gravity of a new home purchase, and take it very seriously, as it is often one of the biggest financial decisions people will make in their lives

Bedrock Redi-Mix would like to congratulate Ballard Fine Homes on their 5th Anniversary!

Proud supporter of Ballard Fine Homes. Congratulations on your 5th Anniversary!

Nanaimo Plant 250-754-0126

Parksville Plant 250-951-2344

P: 250.585.1185 E:


JULY 2018

In Mexico, Ballard developed a reputation for quality and attention to detail

One of the major selling points of the company is that it offers custom design services at no additional charge to the customer

While living in Mazatlan, Mexico, one of Ballard’s projects was the tallest in the state of Sinoloa at the time


managers in addition to himself working on the company’s various projects. He also has a full time customer service agent who assists customers with their unique choices and follows up with them


plan, the home is designed around the lot, sunlight, and other environmental features. Ballard

Fine Homes’ office, showroom, and show homes make it easy for customers to visualize the possibilities for their own home. The team at Ballard Fine Homes has a lot on the go.

“Over the years, we have built a strong, knowledgeable team and the success of Ballard Fine Homes could not have been achieved without them,” says Ballard. Ballard has two full-time project

to ensure satisfaction. “With the expertise and commitment of the team the company can confidently expand as we are. SEE BALLARD FINE HOMES   |  PAGE 16

CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Don and his team on all your success and growth! Parksville P: 250.248.1100 #1-1009 Allsbrook Road, Parksville Duncan P: 250.748.1011 5130 Polkey Rd, Duncan

Happy 5th To you Don, and your Ballard Fine Homes Team!!

Hewer Bros Construction Qualicum Beach B.C. Mike Hewer

250-927-0124 Rod Hewer


High Standards and Quality Craftsmanship are our keys to success.

to Ballard Fine Homes on your 5th Anniversary!


JULY 2018

One of the significant benefits for the customer is that the company is ready to build when they are


Due to the high demand for our product, we’re looking at setting up our showrooms in some of the neighbouring cities right now,” he says. “I’m asked if I will build in the Victoria area or Mill Bay all the time, and we get calls from other areas of the Island that we’re looking at expanding into.” A show home for one of its current developments is described as a 2018 sq. ft. executive rancher in Parksville’s newest subdivision Avalon Place, which is a 22 lot subdivision next door to Ballard Fine Homes’ office at 546 Island Hwy W. in Parksville.

The home boasts an open concept floor plan with vaulted ceilings, 7” hardwood flooring, floor to ceiling stone fireplace, custom cabinets with stainless drawer boxes, granite counters and LED lighting. It’s wired for smart home technology, has a built-in sound system, central vac and heated tile floors. The exterior includes 2 timber frame covered decks with cedar soffits and stamped concrete patios. The property is fully fenced, professionally landscaped with two water features, and has a 12 year bumper to bumper warranty on the heating and A/C units. The home is complete with on demand gas hot water, 5 ft. crawl & extra storage above the garage. Key projects that are going to be

Ballard has two full-time project managers in addition to himself working on the company’s various projects

completed in the coming months and years include a new nine lot subdivision with ⅓ to ½ acre lots in Nanoose Bay and a new eight lot subdivision on Imperial Avenue in French Creek. “We also have a 12 acre waterfront development site in Bowser planned for next year,” says Ballard. “We’ll have up to 100 units on that project, with a mix of waterfront homes, single-family, patio homes, some apartments, and some commercial space. It’s going to be a huge mixed-use development.” The company also has a 4-acre waterfront development planned for next year for the old French Creek Cabins site. It will include

Congratulations Ballard Fine Homes On Your 5th Anniversary!

Victoria l Nanaimo l Parksville l Campbell River l Proud Supporter Serving the Community since 1959

Legal Surveys • Municipal Engineering • Land Development Consulting

Thanks to show homes like this one, Ballard Fine Homes allows their prospective clients to get a close look at their quality work single-family and ocean front homes, commercial space, and ocean view condos. Even with all of these major projects on the go, Don Ballard still gets excited with every custom home build. One of the major selling points of the company is that it offers custom design services at no additional charge to the customer. “We build a lot of custom homes, basically any size,” says Ballard. “If someone has a dream or vision, we can create that for them. We bring their dream into reality. That’s why our slogan is: ‘If you can dream it, we can build it.’ I will never tire of handing over the keys for someone to unlock the home of their dreams.”

Proud supporter of Ballard Fine Homes, congratulations on 5 years in business! CONGRATULATIONS to the team at Ballard Fine Homes, and best wishes for continued success!

Serving the Mid Island Area


Little Mountain Transport Ltd. Parksville, B.C.



JULY 2018

Harris Oceanside GM Keeps Businesses Rolling Vancouver Island’s Only Business Elite Dealership Take Care of Business


ARKSVILLE - The team at Harris Oceanside Chevrolet Buick GMC know what they’re doing when they handle fleet vehicles. As Vancouver Island’s only General Motors dealer to have ‘Business Elite’ designation, the company is proving itself as a reliable option for many businesses in the north Island. “In order to get this designation, we need to fit certain requirements including a dedicated fleet service staff and sales staff who can handle the area of commercial trucks,” says Richard Allan, Fleet and Business Elite Sales Manager at Harris Auto Group. “We have a 30,000-pou nd hoist installed, that can handle anything from motorhomes to ambulances to heavy duty commercial vehicles.” Harris Oceanside GM facilitates complimentary loaner vehicles to all their commercial customers. “We offer special pricing, including discounted labour and major discounts on parts for our Business Elite clients,” says Paula Szabo, Harris Oceanside GM’s Service Manager. “We prioritize their vehicles as they come in, servicing them as quick as possible, sending them out as fast as we can, and making sure they’re clean.” Allan, Szabo, and their team realize the importance of getting these vehicles back on the road. “These companies rely on these vehicles running at optimum performance, all the time. They need this kind of quick turnaround,” says Allan. “One of the great things about working with General Motors is that we have some great colleagues at the corporate office. If we have any problems, we can reach out to our colleagues, who know how important our business clients are.” Va lu i ng t he cu stomer a nd

Paula Szabo, Harris Oceanside GM’s Service Manager, has been with the company for nearly six years

“We prioritize their vehicles as they come in, servicing them as quick as possible, sending them out as fast as we can, and making sure they’re clean.” PAULA SZABO SERVICE MANAGER AT HARRIS OCEANSIDE GM

understanding their particular needs is the core value of Harris Oceanside GM. “Our whole team is focussed on customer satisfaction,” says Allan. “The end goal is a happy customer who keeps coming back and telling others about the great service we provide.” The service team is always working to make their dealership a one stop shop for their commercial clients. “Our parts department has access to a variety of accessories, tool boxes, box racks, and other things that make work trucks function better,” says Szabo. “Whatever a company needs, we can kit out the trucks and make sure they’re work ready.” Currently, the dealership is running a promotion for fleet customers. This is a year round program from General Motors called “Business Choice” Customer who have a FAN (Fleet Account Number from GM) or a GST Number from the CRA can qualify to have a portion of

Richard Allan is the Fleet and Business Elite Sales Manager at Harris Auto Group the cost related to upfitting covered by GM up to $750. The dealership also boasts a longterm staff who build trusting relationships with their clients. Allan has been with the company for nearly 13 years and Szabo for five and a half years. “ We a re ver y for tu n ate to work for Mike Harris and Andy

Lankester,” says Allan. “They support us as we go about our jobs, and if anyone has a problem, they are more than happy to take time and listen to you. They’re really good people to work for.” “We are very much like a tight family,” says Szabo.


SALES JOHN GLENNON #1 “Most of my team’s most important prospects for new business are on vacation during the summer months.” Salespeople say this so often that lots of managers who ought to know better sometimes come to believe it. Actually, summer

is a great time for your salespeople to reach out to decision makers. Many top executives a re i n the office wh i le thei r staff is away. Find a case that proves this (it won’t take long) and then share the results with your team. A side note: My own best month has consistently been July… because in June I start calling top-level decision makers directly, knowing that the rank-and-file players are more likely to be out camping or having fun at the beach during the summer months. Guess who’s more likely to be minding the store? The senior people! #2 “New business comes from new accounts.” Most of the salespeople we

work with are content to have just one or two active contacts at even their most important accounts. Summer is the perfect time to remedy this state of affairs, broaden the contact network, and, ultimately increase your wallet share. Ask your team, “Who’s three deep and three wide at (insert company name here)?” If you get a blank stare in response – and you probably w i l l – ex pla i n that “three deep” means having a professional relationship with one person above and one person below their current primary contact on the organizational chart, and “three wide” means having such a relationship with at least two of that

contact’s peers. T he stronger the relationships, the more likely you are to generate new business from that account. Some of these folks are going to be receptive to meeting with members of you r tea m. (A fter all, it may be their “slow season” too.) Use the summer months to go “three deep and three wide” at all your current accounts! #3 “No one buys a ny t h i ng during the summer.” Head trash a ler t! T h is is a self-limiting belief. If even one of your salespeople operates on th is assu mption, or says it out loud, your whole team is susceptible to taking it on. If you start to operate on this

assumption, the situation is even more serious! Worrying about the time of year isn’t going to help your team hit its Q 3 quota. We can help your team to transform something they can control: their behavior. Copyright 2018 Sandler Training and Insight Sales Consulting Inc. All rights reserved. John Glennon is the owner of Insight Sales Consulting Inc, the authorized Sandler Training Licensee for the Interior of British Columbia. He can be reached at jglennon@sandler. com, toll free at 1-866-6452047 or visit www.glennon.


JULY 2018

Third Generation CEO Leads At Monk Office Caitlin McKenzie Follows In The Footsteps Of Father James, And Grandfather Ron BY MARK MACDONALD BUSINESS EXAMINER


IC T OR I A – T here’s a familiar name leading the way at Monk Office. Caitlin McKenzie is the new CEO and President of the Vancouver Island office products and services company, proudly following in the footsteps of her father, Chair of the Board James McKenzie. Caitlin takes over from Mark Breslauer, and her arrival at the helm of the family business completes a circuitous route m ap p e d o ut ye a rs a go t h at included earning her stripes outside the company. “ M y D a d t o l d m y b r o t her, Max, and I that we had to work outside the company in order to get a d i fferent perspective and experience if we ever wanted to the opportunity to lead it,” Caitlin says. To that end, she left in 2003 and was away from Monk for 12 years before returning in 2015. “It wa s h a rd . . .t here wa s a lot of ti me for sel f-ref lection,” she adds. “Monk Office is a family business, and my grandfather Ron started it, so there is family-legacy piece as

well. Plus, you think of all the people here that count on Monk for food and shelter – there are 140 people on our staff now. “ Na t u ra l l y, t h e s e a re b i g shoes to fill, but I will remind myself that I would not have been considered for this position if my Dad or our Advisory Committee didn’t think I would be the best person for the job. They would never put someone in this position if they didn’t qualify for the job.” C h a rl i e M o n k o p e n e d t h e first Monk store in 1951, and the business was later sold to Caitlin’s grandfather, Ron McKenzie. James grew up in the business and took over from his father, Ron, in 1990. To d a y, M o n k o f fe r s c o p y centre services, business mach i nes, office fu rn itu re a nd supplies at 10 retail locations across Vancouver Island: 6 in Greater Victoria, and outlets in Duncan, Courtenay, Campbell R iver a nd Por t Ha rdy. Head office is at 800 Viewfield Road in Esquimalt. While still Chair of the Board, Ja mes is a lso a pa rtner w ith Jed Grieve in Cook Culture, a popular kitchen and cookware retail outlet with four stores,

three in Vancouver and another i n T he Atrium on Bla nsha rd Street. Ca itl i n’s brother Ma x, besides managing properties with Len Wansborough, is working in other family businesses with James: Self-storage operations in Shawnigan and Cobble Hill. James recalls discussing the possibility of Caitlin managing the company while she was a teenager. “ We ba sic a l ly s t a r te d t he process when she was 14-16 years of age,” he recalls. “She has worked elsewhere and done very well, and I’m just thrilled about what she has done. I’m very proud of Caitlin.” Caitlin started at the bottom at Monk and worked her way up through the warehouse, stores, customer service, operations and online ordering. After leaving Monk in 2003, she was in the life insurance industry, then Thrifty Foods, b efore joi n i n g t h e Oa k Bay Marine Group, where she held severa l p osit ion s over n i ne yea rs, i nclud i ng Sa les Manager. Three years ago, she decided it was time to return to Monk. Like everyone else, she had to

apply. “I had to submit a cover letter and resume, and interviewed for the Director of Sales position to lead the Back to School Program. I saw that as a great opportunity to grow that part of the business.” Grow it she did, and it proved to be the last step in her preparation to lead the company. “I’m very fortunate to be able to do this,” Caitlin says noting her father, James, is “my Dad, my buddy, and he’s my mentor. He has never really been like my boss, actually. If I ever asked him a question, he would tell me who I should ask, and I needed to go to them and find out the answer.” Besides her responsibilities at head office, Caitlin plans on visiting and the retail stores. “I’m curious to find out what our staff would like us to do,” she says, “a nd where they’d like to see the company go as well.” Caitlin w ill continue to sit on the board of the Think Loca l Fi rst com m it te e, wh ich encourages support for local business. “There has been an increase in awareness and support for

local companies, and that is definitely an asset on the Island,” she says. “Our team here is phenomenal,” she adds, noting that having such a knowledgeable staff is a competitive advantage. “When our customers come into our retail stores, they are greeted immediately and asked ‘How ca n we help?’ T here’s something to be said about that level of service, and that’s what we strive for.”




ould you read an article? Or watch a 1-minute video? Yes, I would go with video too. According to a recent Facebook announcement, their users watch over 1 million hours of video daily. YouTube reported an even bigger audience at 1 billion hours of video daily. No wonder videos are today’s #1 online marketing tool! A simple corporate video a fantastic way to reach, educate and influence new audiences on your products and services. More importantly, it offers viewers the ability to get to know your brand. A wise business mentor often reminds me that there is an order to selling. Sell yourself first, your business second and your products and services third. People buy

from people, and businesses they know and trust. The idea of pushing products/services right away can have an alienating effect. Corporate video easily takes care of all 3 in a simple, authentic and emotionally memorable way. A corporate video is a 2-5 minute video of your business, key staff and your products/ services. Done right, these videos connect with the heart and the head of your customers and bring you closer to that prospective sale. In addition to giving customers, a peek into your corporate cu ltu re video marketing offers numerous additional advantages: Two senses are better than one. Unlike most visual advertising you can hear and see people and products. This strengthens the message and the connection a viewer has to you and your brand. We buy from people we trust. Video allows customers to get to know the people behind the products, see them as industry leaders with passion and professionalism. 24/7/365. Videos can be wherever and whenever your customers are online. Unlike your office or showroom, people have the option to get

to know you at the convenience of their own schedule. BEST bang for your buck. You can repurpose your video throughout your marketing plan including your website, social media accounts, online advertising, and on YouTube. A good videographer can create multiple length videos to suit the marketing tool (e.g. 15-30 second clips for online ads) YouTube is not only a go-to source for video content, it’s also a powerful search engine that can influence your rankings in Google. You can interact with your audience about any topic, preschedule video publications, and measure how well your content is holding your viewers’ interest. If you’re not using video in your marketing strategy yet, you’re missing some valuable opportunities. Think about a simple corporate video to start and then perhaps some product promotions following that. The world wide web is your oyster and video is the pearl to be found within! Lisa Henderson is an Owner and Principal of Better Mousetrap Marketing.


We’re DELIVERING Local Business News A New Way!

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JULY 2018


All Bryans Mechanical technicians are fully certified, licensed and have undergone a complete background check

Nanaimo’s Exclusive Daikin Dealer Puts Quality First


A NA I MO - “Do what you say you’re going to do, and do it well,” says Bryans Mechanical Ltd. owner/ operator Bob Bryans. For Bryans, this mantra is the reason his company has been


so successful for 25 years and counting. With all work done in-house, Bryans Mechanical offers products and services that are making homes more comfortable, including high quality furnaces, fireplaces, air conditioners and air purifiers from Daikin, Napoleon, and Bryant. “I’ve been doing this work since I was 16 years old,” says Bryans. “I got involved in the heating business, working on the weekends, and I decided to stick with that when I got out of school.” Bryans has been in the mechanical industry ever since, racking up a staggering 44 years in industry experience. He has acquired Red Seal certification for sheet metal work and gas fitting, and has undergone extensive training in HVAC and air design. “I started my first company in Vancouver around ‘86,” he says. “I got sick and tired of being out of town, as I used to work big jobs in sawmills and other big shutdowns out of town. “I was never home, and always in some camp. The work was good, the pay was good, but the

“Do what you say you’re going to do, and do it well. If you say you’re going to be there Thursday, then be there Thursday. If you say you’re going to be done Friday, be done Friday. Do the job well and back up what you say.” BOB BRYANS OWNER/OPERATOR AT BRYANS MECHANICAL


The company installs furnaces, fireplaces, air conditioners and air purifiers

Proud to support Bryans Mechanical in all of their success! Congratulations Bryans Mechanical MNP is proud to be a partner in your success! Contact Doug Tyce, CPA, CA at 250.734.4368 or



JULY 2018

They are Nanaimo’s premier Napoleon Fireplaces sales and service providers, offering direct vent, stove, and electric inserts


life sucked.” After working in Vancouver for about five years, Bryans decided to move to the Island. “We had jobs on the Island in my old company, and I really liked it there,” he says. When it came to breaking into the Island’s construction industry, Bryans faced some initial challenges. “Vancouver Island is a tight knit community, which is a good thing, but it means that people are more hesitant to trust outsiders,” he says. “It’s hard to be transient here and get steady work. If people get burned out here, they talk, and it’s hard to get a reputation back after that. It’s really hard for a no-name to break in.” It took Bryans almost a decade before he felt he’d earned the trust of the construction community. This reputation came thanks to his commitment to doing quality work. “Do what you say you’re going to do, and do it well,” says Bryans. “If you say you’re going to be there Thursday, then be there Thursday. If you say you’re going to be done Friday, be done Friday. Do the job well and back up what you say.” Over the years, Bryans has

been entrusted with many significant projects, including the Kwa’lilas Hotel in Port Hardy, the new Stz’uminus Secondary School, Industrial Plastics and Paints, Lewkowich Engineering Associates, and the renovation of Harewood Mall Shopping Centre into the University Village Mall in Nanaimo. He has worked on countless residential projects, and there was a period where builders had him working on 50 to 100 homes per year. He is the main HVAC contractor for Ballard Fine Homes, which is one of the largest residential construction firms on Vancouver Island. “We service everything we install, and we try to balance the amount of installation and service work we do so our employees are busy enough throughout the year.” The company started with 4 employees and 2 vehicles, and now fields around 30 qualified employees with about 20 vehicles. Bryans Mechanical has exclusive dealing rights for Daikin products for an area covering Duncan to Nanaimo to Tofino. Daikin is a multi-national air conditioning manufacturing company based in Osaka, Japan.

They carry a line of products that keep indoor air quality at a healthy level

Bryans is the main HVAC contractor for Ballard Fine Homes, which is one of the largest residential construction firms on Vancouver Island

Congratulations to Bryans Mechanical on your 25th anniversary, and your reputation for quality and service. EMCO is proud to be a supporting partner in your success.



Daikin is Air Intelligence™ No matter the environment or climate, Daikin offers solutions to make inside air feel perfect. Air Intelligence™ offers new technologies that raise the bar for the HVAC industry.





JULY 2018


Founded in 1924, the company has recently expanded into North America, offering an unusually high quality product. “Representatives from Daikin approached me when they first started moving into North America about 5 years ago,” says Bryans. “I was one of the biggest HVAC contractors on the Island, and I had a proven track record of high quality service. “One of their policies is that you get exclusivity in an area that you’re going to service. They sold me the ability to service their brand and warranties. It’s a pretty big deal, because they’re very selective with who they let represent them.” One of Daikin’s biggest selling points is their 12 year factory warranty. “That warranty is amazing,” says Bryans. “A lot of companies have unreliable warranties. If Jupiter isn’t aligned with Mars that day, you won’t be covered. With Daikon, their 12 year warranty covers everything. Since it’s a factory warranty, I could drop dead one day, and the whole thing would still be covered.” Daikin is an industry leader in reliable, sustainable, and stalwart HVAC products, including an innovative approach to split system air condition. “Daikin products are a great selling point for Ballard Fine

You’ve really outdone yourselves Congratulations to Bryans Mechanical! It is always a pleasure doing business with you.


2067 Boxwood Road // 250.758.1771

The company started in Prince George, and now has eight offices throughout western and northern Canada


From heat pumps to fireplaces, Bryans Mechanical is about making clients’ homes more comfortable Homes customers,” says Bryans. “Since we install all the HVAC in our homes, they all have these amazing 12 year warranties.” The team at Bryans commits to servicing all the systems they install. They offer heating systems including furnaces, heat pumps and packaged units. They are Nanaimo’s premier Napoleon Fireplaces sales and service providers, offering direct vent, stove, and electric inserts. Their staff of fully-licensed refrigeration and gas fitting technicians are able to offer a full range of service to commercial facilities. They carry a line of products that keep indoor air quality at a healthy level. They also install ductless systems, which offer a smart, energy-efficient way to cool or heat individual rooms, including mini-split air conditioners, heat pumps, inverters and flex multi-split systems. Their company description

Bryans Mechanical has exclusive dealing rights for Daikin products for an area covering Duncan to Nanaimo to Tofino states that “Bryans Mechanical technicians are fully certified, licensed and have undergone a complete background check. You can rest assured that your unit will be installed correctly.”

First in Quality, First in Service Global Leaders in the HVAC Industry

Congratulations Bryans Mechanical on your continuing success on Vancouver Island.

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Ray, Chief Strategic Initiatives Officer at EDI. “The best part about working at EDI is that we’re not huge, and we have a home-grown feel while still being able to support some of the biggest projects that are happening in western Canada,” says Jason Collier, one of EDI’s Environmental Scientists. “The relationships we have built with our clients are long-term and collaborative. In all eight of their offices, EDI has a strong relationship with its community. In Nanaimo, volunteering and supporting community organizations is an important part of our company fabric. As an example, an organization Ray volunteers with, Power To Be, recently began leasing a former golf course. “I put the word out to our EDI team that they were planning accessible infrastructure on their 78 acre parcel, and overnight I received several emails from EDI volunteers to do an environmental inventory of the site,” he says. “The inventory results are now being used to help the design of the infrastructure in less-environmentally sensitive areas to help individuals and families with mental, physical, financial, or other barriers reconnect to nature.” Along with this community focus, EDI thrives because they offer practical solutions-oriented consulting. “The work we’ve done out of our Nanaimo office covers a variety of sectors, including power projects, municipal, residential and industrial developments and many more.” When proponents are planning a project EDI helps guide them through the environmental components of projects early, continuing through successful project completion We have a broad range of skills, and team with other local companies to provide a reliable, proven team. “We do a lot of the baseline work to help the proponent put the project in the right place, minimizing environmental effects, and reducing regulatory and schedule risk,” says Ray.

“The company has grown to include 85 specialists, but it still has a family feel. We work to understand the markets we work in and what our clients need.” RAHUL RAY CHIEF STRATEGIC INITIATIVES OFFICER AT EDI.

The team has a team (using the word team a lot) How about a great understanding of both the business world and the regulatory processes, as well as a great deal of experience working with Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities. “We’re here to help our clients find smart solutions to the environmental permitting, mitigation planning, construction monitoring, and reclamation efforts they need to undertake,” says Ray. Their portfolio of project ranges from small projects all the way to major projects across western Canada Recently, led by project manager Adam Compton, the Nanaimo office supported construction contractors on a major project called the Salmon River Diversion Decommissioning Project. EDI was project manager for environmental support services to the contractor. We were responsible for water quality compliance monitoring, erosion and sediment control planning, in-stream works planning, fish salvage bird nest surveys and general environmental mitigation measures. The company is also proud to be involved in the environmental components of run-of-river projects for some smaller indigenous communities. “We’ve been going for 24 years, and actually grew through the recent market downturn,” says Ray. “We really like the range of clients we get to work with, and our reputation as a collaborative solutions-oriented firm continues to grow.”


JULY 2018

40TH ANNIVERSARY FOR ICONIC PORT HARDY SUPPLY STORE Macandales Started in a Basement, Grew to Become North Island’s Biggest Equipment Supply Store


ORT HARDY - Macandales is celebrating 40 years of supplying the North Island’s workforce. Founded in 1978, Macandales specializes in the sales and service of logging, marine, home and garden, and off-road recreation equipment and supplies, as well as a large selection of work wear, safety gear, and casual clothing. The company was started by Mac Dorward and his son Dale, who created the North Island’s first tool rental business, combining their names in the company moniker. “I was making lots of money in the logging industry, but was convinced by Dad to start in the tool rental business,” says owner/operator Dale Dorward. “He was making lots of money in the logging industry, and saw a need for a tool rental business in the community.” They started renting equipment out of their home in Port McNeill, and it was run with the help of Dale’s mother. Over the next 10 years, the company picked up a few different lines of product for resale, expanding the business to offer more than just tool rentals. “Now we do more on the sales side of things than the rental side,” says Dale Dorward. After a move from Port McNeill to Port Hardy, Macandales has grown to be the dominant equipment distributor for the North Island, and serves as far as the Queen Charlottes and Bella Bella. “We’ve never had any dramatic drops in growth since we started,” says Dorward. “We recently had a party for our 40 year anniversary, and I brought out our first financial statement, which I’ve kept. In our first 6 months, we did $7,800 worth of business. That would count as a bad day for us now.” Dale’s parents have been involved as investors and advisors

Dale Dorward has been running operations at Macandales since their beginnings 40 years ago

“When the ‘81 recession came, we were hit pretty hard. It took us about 10 years to get out of that. It makes you smarter though. I took that knowledge with me, and when the 2008 recession hit, I was prepared. We only had about six to eight months of slowdown, and it didn’t have a lasting impact on our business.” DALE DORWARD OWNER/OPERATOR OF MACANDALES

from day one. “My mom and dad lived in the apartment in the end of our building for their last few years,” he says. “I finally bought my dad’s shares about 5 years ago, so now I’m the sole owner of the company.” Macandales thrives thanks to Dorward’s attention to the industry and ability to learn from past challenges. “When the ‘81 recession came, we were hit pretty hard,” he says. “It took us about 10 years to get out of that. It makes you smarter though. I took that knowledge with me, and when the 2008 recession hit, I was prepared. We only had

Macandales opened in Port McNeill in 1978, and has been serving the North Island ever since about six to eight months of slowdown, and it didn’t have a lasting impact on our business.” Dorward focusses on stocking product for the area’s booming industry. When aquaculture started to take off 30 years ago, Macandales was one of the first to supply equipment for the industry. “We are always innovating, so when certain product lines drop away, we pick up newer product lines,” he says. “We try to keep up with changing technology, and we supply many of the biggest industries in the area, including commercial fishing, fish charters, and logging.” They are well stocked with work clothing for the construction industry, and are Port Hardy’s authorized sales and service centre for Stihl, Husqvarna, Honda, Yamaha Marine, Oregon Power and BE Pressure Washer products. They also carry products from brands including Carhartt, Helly Hansen, Viking, Viberg, Lil Workers, Pioneer, Canswe, Big K, Sevaen, Stanfield’s, and Mustang. One of the central values of Macandales is their belief in giving fair deals and treating their customers with respect. “We started our business, and a week later, another guy started a competing business in the area,” says Dale Dorward. “A close friends told us, ‘you guys will do

fine, You’re good people.’ This competitor had a bit of a reputation for being dishonest, and sure enough, his business closed after a short period of time.” There are no signs of slowing down for Macandales, as Port Hardy and the North Island are becoming more and more attractive to newcomers. With a lot of natural beauty, parks, and camping ground, the area is attracting more visitors and residents every year. “Port Hardy is showing a slow steady growth, especially over the last five to six years,” says

Dorward. “The community is poised to become the quick response headquarters for the Coast Guard for the whole North Island and Central Coast, so we have a lot of government money coming in. “Logging isn’t showing signs of slowing down, and there is a possibility that the mining industry could get going in the next three or four years.” With their emphasis on customer service, broad range of product offerings, and pulse on the industry, Macandales has a bright future ahead.

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BuSiNeSS owNerS with commuNity rootS Feeling good about the food is just the beginning.

the community around me. This with the freedom

eventually working his way up to owning his own

Community engagement and exceptional

to focus on allocating every minute of my day into

Panago in Duncan, BC.

Franchisees have helped build the Panago brand

things that will have the most benefit for myself

to more than 190 stores across Canada — and

and for those around me.”

Vancouver Island is no exception. Now Panago

Govorov and Mill Bay by Matt Huotari. As brand ambassadors, these two franchisees have worked

“The best thing about owning my business is the ability to

tirelessly to strengthen their businesses and

help others… I’m able to really

Panago’s growth in the Vancouver Island area.

contribute to the community

South NaNaimo aNd LadySmith

around me.”

from Vancouver to Nanaimo. Familiar with the strength of the brand, Slava bought his first Panago in Nanaimo, and felt the instant support of head office and a strong business foundation. He steadily built his sales over the years, attributing his success to hard work, focus and luck.

Using his business to help fundraise, organize events or volunteer feels great, his employees feel like they are working for a business that actually cares. By creating a positive working environment and weaving himself and his team into the fabric of the Cowichan Valley community, Matt is able to put his passion for people to work. In only a few months, Matt will be opening his second Panago location

Before owning a Panago, Slava was a university student, while working at various Panago stores

Feeling supported and excited, he’s able to help his staff grow and reach their own goals and potential.

is proud to announce the addition of two new stores, in Ladysmith owned and operated by Slava

For Matt, it’s his people that really inspire him.

in Mill Bay, BC and looking forward to building the Now, with the opening of his second location in

same meaningful relationships in the Mill Bay area.

Ladysmith, BC Slava sees a bright future with

Both Slava and Matt believe in the product they

Panago and is looking forward to entering a new

serve and know that the Panago brand cares for

community where he can help spread the pizza love.

their customers and staff just as they do. Spreading

duNcaN aNd miLL Bay

the pizza love one customer at a time. They know that working with a team of great people can lead

At 16, Matt’s first job was at the Maple Ridge Panago

to success and building strong community ties can

“The best thing about owning my business is the

location. By the time he got to university, he was

only lead to greater success.

ability to help others,” says Slava. “With a universal

working as a driver at the North Nanaimo Panago,

product like pizza, I’m able to really contribute to

Slava Govorov, South Nanaimo + Ladysmith Matt Huotari, Duncan + Mill Bay


JULY 2018

KINGSLEY MANOR: NEWEST SENIORS RESIDENCE FULLY TENANTED “Kingsley Manor is a Kingsley Low Rental Housing Society Was Originally Established In 1965

terrific step in the right direction but clearly the problem hasn’t gone


ARKSVILLE – Canada’s aging population is a growing concern across the nation, with health care needs and accommodation among the most significant long term issues. That challenge is especially significant in areas with a higher than average retirement age population, such as the Parksville – Qualicum Beach area. But thanks to the vision of the Kingsley Low Rental Housing Society (KLRHS) and to the creative expertise of Windley Contracting Ltd. the regional accommodation issue has become a little less worrisome. Constructed on behalf of the KLRHS, Kingsley Manor, the Society’s newest residence was completed late last year and the project is already fully tenanted. Located at 312 Hirst Avenue in Parksville, Kingsley Manor is a 28 unit apartment building designed specifically for the unique needs of the region’s senior population. The project consists of 16 one bedroom suites for seniors 55+, and a dozen one bedroom suites for adult persons with disabilities, including two that are fully wheelchair accessible. Kingsley Manor has also been designed to accommodate its resident’s fixed incomes by offering rents tailored to match its tenant’s economic limitations. “There’s a tremendous demand for senior’s housing and low income housing in this area as we really have a senior-dominated population,” explained Duane Round, Kingsley’s Building Chair. An Oceanside builder for more than four decades, Round has worked as a general contractor throughout the region and had offered his support and involvement to the Kingsley Manor project as part of his personal way to give back to the area that has supported him through the years. “The Society had asked me to come on the Board as its Building Chair to help it redevelop an older six-unit building that had been on


Parksville-Qualicum MLA Michelle Stilwell (front) participated in the ground breaking ceremony at Kingsley Manor


the site into the project we now have today. Previously I essentially did the same thing for the Lion’s Club, helping them re-develop an older six-plex they had into a new 33 unit affordable housing residence, making me a natural for this project.” Designed for tenants capable of living on their own without requiring long term or ongoing care, all of the suites at Kingsley Manor are approximately 550 sq. ft. in size each has a full kitchen, bath with walk-in shower and a balcony. Vehicle and scooter parking is available on site. “Essentially we torn down the original building at the Hirst

Avenue site and then rebuilt it into a 28 unit one bedroom apartment building. It was a way to make a better and more effective use of the land that the Society already owned. We essentially used the land as our collateral to enable us to get the funding we needed for the project through BC Housing and the Canada Social Infrastructure Plan. We were actually the first group in BC to receive funding under that plan,” he explained. Established in 1965 the Kingsley Low Rental Housing Society is a non-profit group created specifically to address the shortage of available and affordable senior housing in the greater Parksville area. Today, 53 years later, that need is greater than ever and steadily growing worse, a catalyst that led to the development of Kingsley Manor. The Society’s stated mission

is to be a provider, advocate and resource for persons needing supportive housing. The Board of Directors consists entirely of a group of volunteers with experience in construction and the operation of affordable housing (such as Round), who work closely with other community service organizations and agencies across the region to connect their expanding list of clients to services they increasingly need. “The land for this project was actually donated to the Society by a gentleman from Errington. The Society itself was initially formed back in the ‘60’s by a group of individuals from the Legion who recognized the growing need for residences of this type. The also operates another project called Forty Niner Manor (280 Moilliet Street) which consists of 36 one bedroom units,” Round said.

The Forty Niner Manor development includes 26 BC Housing subsidized suites with rents linked to a percentage of their resident’s incomes. All of the residences in this project are approximately 500 sq. ft. in size. With a price tag of more than $5 million, Kingsley Manor will help reduce the low income rental problem in Parksville, but not eliminate it, especially as the now fully tenanted building had a long waiting list of prospective residents even before it was complete. For Round, while the project is a help, there is still more that needs to be done in the region to help alleviate this ongoing problem. “This project took four years to complete, and the Society is taking a bit of a break now that it’s done, but obviously there’s still a need for this sort of accommodation in the city. Unfortunately the Society doesn’t have any other property available for development right now, so there’s no way to be sure what the next step is,” he said. “Kingsley Manor is a terrific step in the right direction but clearly the problem hasn’t gone away so more projects of this type are going to have to be developed in the future. The cost of housing here is making it harder for everyone, not only seniors to survive. So something is going to have to be done and soon.”

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JULY 2018

VI Creature Teachers Presents The Wild Side C AMPBELL RIVER: Put the wild in your hands with Vancouver Island Creature Teachers. Based in Black Creek, this unique experience-based business provides hands-on introductions to exotic animals including snakes, lizards, frogs, tarantulas and more. Throughout the week owner Jennifer Lestage, husband Chris and some post-secondary biology students travel Vancouver Island, bringing some of their approximately 80 animals to public shows. They are often booked for birthday parties, seniors’ care

homes, schools, and for community events. “When we come, everyone gets to safely handle and interact with various reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates,” Jennifer Lestage explains. It is fun and exciting for all but Lestage also has a more serious purpose: education. She was initially involved with reptiles as a breeder supplying retail pet stores. But as the boom in exotic pets intensified, she recognized a problem. Many people did not know how to care for their unusual pets and since there were few experts available, sick and

abandoned reptiles ended up on her doorstep. “There was a severe lack of knowledge,” she said. Equipped with a background in Environmental Sciences and Small Business Management, she founded VI Creature Teachers in 2012 to address the issue. Her goal was education by entertainment. Her tools were her menagerie of exotic animals, many of which had required rescue. Initially, the venture had a few bookings a month, then a few a week as word spread. Soon Vancouver Island Creature Teachers

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was thriving, with bookings doubling and tripling year by year. Lestage earned two Young Professional of the Year awards from the Campbell River Chamber of Commerce. They are now booked up to five months in advance. Many bookings are repeat customers, who are thrilled with the opportunity to handle some of the world’s more unusual creatures, learning in person instead of through a screen. “For a generation that is glued to the screen, it is easy to disconnect ourselves from nature and wildlife,” Lestage said. By putting their hands on a reptile or giant snake or box turtle, people build connections to nature. “We work hard to ensure people care about the future of these animals and our planet.” The presentations also stress animal care. The animals at VI Creature Teachers were all rescued or re-homed and come with sometimes shocking stories: heatloving reptiles left outside in the middle of winter, reptiles falling ill due to improper care, and some exotic pets abandoned when the novelty wore off and the owners became bored.

Jaymie the Albino Boa Constrictor meets a new friend Jaxson Tobacca at his birthday celebration. Lestage’s largest snake is an Albino Burmese Python which measures 14 feet – as a Controlled Alien Species he is unavailable for shows “These animals often require specialized care, environments, and diet,” Lestage said. But even if exotic creatures are not pets for everyone, everyone can still experience them. Visit to take a walk on the wild side.

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JULY 2018





he Chamber of Commerce Group Insurance Plan provides group benefits for

more than 30,000 firms, making it Canada’s #1 employee benefits plan for small to midsize businesses. As owner and operator of their Comox Valley distributor, Darren Kardynal takes pride in helping local companies meet their insurance needs. “Between my business partner and myself we have over 40 years’ experience,” says Darren. “We have a great attitude towards business and will do anything to satisfy our customer.” The Chamber Plan is a notfor-profit program that offers customizable benefit packages and competitive renewal rates

typically under five percent. Darren’s organization supports a variety of community events and initiatives through the Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce, and this year they have teamed up with the Chamber as a corporate partner. “We chose to become a corporate partner to become more connected to our community, to increase awareness of our brand and to network with other companies,” says Darren. “We had a publicity boost years ago when we first joined the Chamber as we were a small fish in a big pond and it thoroughly helped our

organization get our name out No matter what the business, Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan can provide accessible, flexible and stable employee benefits to match your organization’s needs. Call Darren Kardynal at Glacierview Financial at 250-338-7577 or gview@ ••• The Chamber welcomes these dynamic businesses as members in June: Union Bay Credit Union, Comox Valley Community Arts Council, Care Medical Transportation, Insight Safety and the Kiwanis Club of Courtenay.

••• 34 years this month, Comox Centre Mall has been a Chamber member! More long-term members that deserve mentioning are: Filberg Heritage Lodge and Park, Comox Valley Record Newspaper, Excel Career Colleg, and The Wine Cottage all celebrating 24+ years as Chamber members! Dianne Hawkins is president and CEO of the Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce. Reach her at dhawkins@ or 250-334-3234.

CONSTRUCTION UNDERWAY FOR JUBILEE HEIGHTS Every hole on the golf course was remodeled, under the direction of golf architect Graham Cook and Northern Course



Clarice Coty is the editor of Building Links. Contact: clarice@ or find Building Links on Facebook at www.



e a re re p o r t i n g o n two major projects in Campbell River in this column. T he Campbell River Golf & Country Club is scheduled to open their golf course in August of 2018, and Jubilee Heights, owned by Couverdon has received approval from council to begin Phase 1 of their multiphase development. T he Campbell R iver Golf & Country Club re-design and update is a comprehensive project that includes redevelopment of the existing clubhouse area and work on the golf course. Formerly known as Sequoia Springs golf course, the new owners have been working on a wide scale renovation for the past two years. Every hole on the golf course was remodeled, under the direction of golf architect Graham Cook and Northern Course Design. Mature trees have been kept and but otherwise the 18-hole, 6,100yard course is completely new with an additional 12 acres added to the golf course. The goal of the renovation was to make the course enjoyable for everyone. The driving range and building have been upgraded as well. The golf course and driving range are expected to be open in August. The Sandtrap Restaurant and Lounge has been remodelled and is open Tuesday through Sunday. Recently, the new owners have made an application to rezone part of this property to accommodate a 60-room hotel development. The rezoning application

the established South Dogwood/ Jubilee residential neighbourhood. Through its phased, multiyear buildout, neighbourhood commercial/ retail opportunities and a variety of housing options as well as parks, trails, and other public amenities will be constructed.

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ISLA OWNEND OPER D & SINCE ATED 1968 is expected to be presented to council in October. Once the full project is complete, the site redevelopment will be home to the new driving range, golf operations building (with pro shop, storage, and golf simulators), golf academy building, and 60-bed hotel. ••• Land clearing and site construction are underway to allow for the construction of Phase I at Jubilee Heights in Campbell River which will include approximately 28 lots, mostly for single-family housing. The lots in Phase I of this project will range in size from 6,000 square feet to 9,000 square feet. This project is 166 acres in size and is expected to be developed over the next ten years. A new trail is also being constructed along the west side of South Dogwood Street from South Alder Street to the northern edge of the development lands adjacent to Beaver Lodge lands. Jubilee Heights is a master planned, mixed-use development that will serve as a walkable community hub providing all the necessary amenities to

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JULY 2018

Sue Connors Named Head Of BC’s Biggest Bidding Platform New BidCentral CEO Brings Decades of Tech Experience


“With 50,000 projects and $24.65 Billion tendered through BidCentral to date, I’m looking forward to expanding our services (L to R) Chris Atchison, President of BCCA; Sue Connors, new CEO of Bid Central; Alan Fletcher, Chair, BCCA Board of Directors $24.65 Billion tendered through BidCentral to date, I’m looking forward to expanding our services and reach, further solidifying BidCentral as BC’s largest Construction bidding marketplace.” Chris Atchison, President and CEO of BCCA announced the appointment of Connors to the position June 14. Connors has a deep background in developing and implementing grow th strategies for global ecommerce marketplaces and B2B platforms. With over 25 years in the tech i ndu st r y, Con nors br i ngs a wealth of experience to the table.

and reach, further solidifying BidCentral as BC’s largest Construction bidding marketplace.” SUE CONNORS CEO OF BIDCENTRAL

She worked as a network administrator and systems analyst at the City of Victoria through most of the 1990s, introducing over 1,200 city staff to new personal computer technology. She helped create a web presence for the city, and promoted

their Smart City concept with public presentations on a plan to make Victoria a technology hub. Eventually, she hosted a shaw@ home weekly TV series, focussed on introducing home owners to the internet. Prior to her appointment at BidCentral, she was Vice President of Business Development at RevenueWire, where she was responsible for revenue growth, global expansion and strategic channel development. During her almost decade-long tenure, RevenueWire became an award winning industry leader in performance marketing and online payment processing. Prior to her position at RevenueWire, Sue was VP of Sales and Seller Management for global bookselling giant, which was acquired by Amazon in a deal estimated at $120 Million USD. She was contracted by ActNow BC, where she used online marketing and partnership strategies to promote BC’s healthy living initiative tied to Vancouver’s hosting of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. During this time, she facilitated and promoted over 100 Olympic-themed offline events. In her new role at BidCentral

Connors will be responsible for aggressively expanding the public and private industrial, commercial, and institutional pre-bid and project content in the platform, with additional focus on developing services and partnerships to improve the user experience. In the past year BidCentral made a sign ifica nt business model change, opening premium project access to all companies working in BC’s construction sector regardless of Association membersh ip status – a fi rst i n twenty yea rs of platform operations. “BCCA takes procurement seriously and BidCentral is our commitment to the industry” says Atchison. “With so much construction underway and planned for BC it’s more important than ever that BidCentral operate to its maximum potential.” We’re thrilled to have Sue’s technology and platform experience to guide us forward at this crucial time.” At time of writing there are 881 listed prebid opportunities and 365 projects out for tender on BidCentral.

You We cancan count on us PAINT





ICTORIA - Sue Connors is the new CEO of the BC Construction Association (BCCA) hi-tech bidding platform, BidCentral. BidCentral facilitates tendering services for public construction projects using a secure online system for document and bid management. With access to thousands of public, private and early stage pre-bid projects, BidCentral houses BC’s largest construction bidding directory. The organization has been operating for 20 years, tendering $24.65 Billion with over 10,000 different contractors. Based i n Victor i a w it h i n t he BCC A of f ices, BidCentra l operates i n pa rtnersh ip with the regional construction associations. It is supported locally by project services staff, project experts who serve the needs of association members. “BidCentral is ready to grow,” says Connors. “It’s got a solid foundation of 20 years of project data, an established brand, expert staff, and thousands of contractors, manufacturers and suppliers accessing it. “With 50,000 projects and










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JULY 2018

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30 WHO IS SUING WHOM The contents of Who’s Suing Whom is provided by a third-party resource and is accurate according to public court documents. Some of these cases may have been resolved by publication date. DEFENDANT 1946328 Ontario Limited 2546 Government St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Haynes, Craig Frederick CLAIM $32,171 DEFENDANT 19812506 BC 2006 Ltd 51 Northshore Rd, Lake Cowichan, BC PLAINTIFF 0762956 BC LTD CLAIM $41,056 DEFENDANT ABRC Holdings Corp 800-1070 Douglas St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Business Development Bank Of Canada CLAIM $5,969

WHO IS SUING WHOM DEFENDANT Cow Cafe & Cookhouse 51 Northshore Rd, Lake Cowichan, BC PLAINTIFF 0762956 BC LTD CLAIM $41,056 DEFENDANT Crane Canada Co 2400-745 Thurlow St, Vancouver, BC PLAINTIFF Becher, Christine CLAIM $ 35,256 DEFENDANT Eminnow Holdings Inc 204-655 TYEE RD, VICTORIA, BC PLAINTIFF Business Development Bank Of Canada CLAIM $152,641 DEFENDANT First National Financial Corporation 1200-100 University Ave, Toronto, ON PLAINTIFF Ferguson, Colin David CLAIM $ 15,832 DEFENDANT Graham Design Builders LP 1200-200 BURRARD ST, VANCOUVER, BC

PLAINTIFF Island Precision Manufacturing Ltd CLAIM $ 558,572 DEFENDANT Graham Design Builders Ltd 1200-200 Burrard St, Vancouver, BC PLAINTIFF Island Precision Manufacturing Ltd CLAIM $ 558,572 DEFENDANT Hilo Granite 4628 West Saanich Rd, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Petes On Site Service CLAIM $ 5,517 DEFENDANT Jurassic Vac Ltd 2500-10303 Jasper Ave, Edmonton, AB PLAINTIFF Sterling, Vicki Maxine CLAIM $ 25,203 DEFENDANT L&R Holdings Ltd 4080 Riverside Rd, Duncan, BC PLAINTIFF C&L Supply (1998) Ltd CLAIM $ 17,605

DEFENDANT Rawganique Eco Apparel Ltd 201-467 Cumberland Rd, Courtenay, BC PLAINTIFF Cloutier Matthews CPA LLP CLAIM $ 5,215 DEFENDANT Sam The Roofer Inc 800-1070 Douglas St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Business Development Bank Of Canada CLAIM $ 23,879 DEFENDANT South Island Power Sweeping Ltd 2130 James White Blvd, Sidney, BC PLAINTIFF Enex Fuels Ltd CLAIM $ 23,585 DEFENDANT Summit Leasing Corporation 1700-750 West Pender St, Vancouver, BC PLAINTIFF Westshore Towing Ltd CLAIM $ 13,446 DEFENDANT Syncronet Systems Corp 200-1682 West 7th Ave, Vancouver, BC

JULY 2018

PLAINTIFF Carats Investments Inc CLAIM $ 28,632 DEFENDANT THP GBB Inc 900-400 St Mary Ave, Winnipeg, MB PLAINTIFF Island Precision Manufacturing Ltd CLAIM $ 558,572 DEFENDANT Thp Partnership 1406-1030 West Georgia St, Vancouver, BC PLAINTIFF Island Precision Manufacturing Ltd CLAIM $ 558,572 DEFENDANT

Valley Exteriors 643 Powell St, Duncan, BC PLAINTIFF Brennan, Michelle CLAIM $ 10,216 DEFENDANT Valley Roofing & Exteriors 111 Park Rd, Lake Cowichan, BC PLAINTIFF Brennan, Michelle CLAIM $ 10,216

DEFENDANT Victoria Fish Company Ltd 610 Davida Ave, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Vintage Roofing Ltd CLAIM $ 9,826 DEFENDANT Westsea Construction Ltd 300-1122 Mainland St, Vancouver, BC PLAINTIFF Rourke, Peter James CLAIM $ 28,953 DEFENDANT Wing Lee Holdings Ltd 1817 Douglas St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Leaf Compassion CLAIM $ 66,772 DEFENDANT Word Of Mouth Construction Ltd 1-505 Fisgard St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Grewal, Kamaljit Kaur CLAIM $ 5,752


JULY 2018

Business Examiner Gold Event Sponsors


Recognition Award for 10 years of municipal service in a management capacity from the Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators (CAMA). The long service award recognizes dedication to public service and municipal management.

The Port Hardy Chamber of Commerce welcomes three new members to their board of directors: Stephen Hall from Marine Harvest, Anna Burgess from Cove Adventure Tours and Alex Higgins from Wolven IT Services.

Century 21 A rbutus Realty welcomes Travis Grant to their sales team in Campbell River at 561A – 11th Avenue. Travis is an award-winning real estate agent who previously worked for Century 21 in Saskatchewan.

Orca Sand & Gravel congratulates Shay Peterson, Rick Dobson and Andrew Warner for taking home first place in the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Miners Three Person First Aid Competition in the Central Zones Division.

The Campbell River Museum celebrated their 60th anniversary recently at 470 Island Highway.

Port Hardy Fire Rescue celebrated their 50th anniversary at the end of June.

CAMPBELL RIVER Chances Campbell River has opened MATCH Eatery and Public House at 111 St. Ann’s Road. The restaurant is a part of a $3.5-mill ion renovat ion to Ch a nces Campbell River and is the eighth MATCH Eatery & Public House to open in BC. Chances also opened a MATCH inside Chances Courtenay at the end of June. Mark’s Safety Centre is celebrating their 30th anniversary at 1930 Island Highway. Island Sun Tanning has opened for business at 1275 Cypress Street. Lady Fit is a new women’s only fitness facility in Campbell River at #25 – 489 South Dogwood Street in Merecroft Plaza. The facility offers fitness classes, child-minding, personal training, tanning and sells high quality active wear.

Bill Howich Chrysler RV & Marine congratulates their top salespeople of the month for their dealership at 2777 North Island Highway. The top performers were Kayla Greenwood, Ron May and Lynn Keenan. The City of Campbell River’s Chief Financial Officer and Director of Finance Myriah Foort will resign this month to take on a similar role at the Strathcona Regional District. The City has begun recruiting to fill the vacant position. In the interim, General Manager Ron Bowles, will be acting chief financial officer and director of finance. The City’s Communications Director, Julie Douglas, was the recipient of the Volunteer Service Award by the Local Government Management Association (LGMA) at a recent conference. Adam’s Tarp N’ Tool Co. has opened a new location in Campbell River at 1364 16th Avenue. The Campbell River Storm have added Cam Basarab to their staff as the assistant coach for the 2018/19 season. Cam joins the team from Lethbridge where he had been working with the Western Hockey League’s Hurricanes. T he City of Campbell River issued a development permit to BC Transit for the construction of a new maintenance and operations centre on Evergreens Road.

COMOX VALLEY Ron Neufeld Ron Neufeld, a senior manager with the City of Campbell River, has received the Long Service

Crown Isle Resort and Golf Community recently acquired Longlands Golf Course. The operations of the roughly 100-member club will continue as usual. Longlands Golf Course is at 1239

Anderton Road in Comox. The Waverley Hotel recently appointed Ryan Gark as their executive chef. Ryan has been working in kitchens since he was a teenager and is most known for winning a season two episode of the reality TV series Chopped Canada. The Waverley Hotel is at 2692 Dunsmuir Avenue in Cumberland. Odlum Brown is celebrating their 20 th year of serving the valley region at 1001 Fitzgerald Avenue in Courtenay. British Columbia Protection Services has established their headquarters for Vancouver Island operations in Courtenay at 105 – 2960 Moray Avenue. The company provides nightly security detail and other security-related services to small businesses and residences. LIFT Startups was recognized as the Best Entrepreneur Promoter in British Columbia at the recent Startup Canada Awards held in Vancouver. LIFT is a business and community economic development network that provides dynamic and collaborative business and marketing solutions.

in Courtenay.

physicians open to new patients.

Dr. Pedro Camacho has moved his internal medicine practice to #2 – 1836 Comox Avenue in Comox.

Finneron Hyundai congratulates John Mundy on being their top salesperson of the month for their dealership at 250 Old Island Highway in Courtenay.

Comox Chiropractic has added laser therapy to their services. The company recently acquired a state of the art low level laser therapy unit that helps to reduce pain and inflammation and accelerate healing. Comox Chiropractic is at #203 – 1723 Comox Avenue. The Port Augusta Family Practice is opening in Comox this August at the Comox Mall. The space will offer five new practices with

Churro Chica, a dessert food cart that offers authentic Mexican churros, has opened for business at the Comox Marina. Phat Parrot has also opened at the Comox Marina, offering gourmet hand-made food like macaroni and cheese and Hawaiian burgers. Royal LePage in the Comox Valley was named the top brokerage SEE MOVER’S AND SHAKERS   |  PAGE 32


Cyber Security

Protect Your Business From Online Threats Tomorrow’s technology is shaping business today. To stay ahead, contact Ron Borsholm, B.C. Leader Cyber Security at 778.350.3562 or

Evelyn Voyageur Dr. Evelyn Voyageur, a champion of Indigenous health care and a North Island Hospital advisor, has been recognized nationally as the recipient of the Indspire Award for Health. The Indspire Awards represent the highest honour the Indigenous community bestows on its people. Dr. Voyageur was also the recipient of an honorary doctorate from Thompson Rivers University. She was presented with TRU’s Honorary Doctor of Letters, which recognizes exemplary and distinguished community service. We s t v i ew Fo r d w e l c o m e s Al Wall to their sales team at 4901 North Island Highway in Courtenay. Brian McLean Chevrolet Buick GMC congratulates Malinda Mazzocchi on being their top salesperson of the month for their dealership at 2145 Cliffe Avenue

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Meet our new HR ampion Chemistry Consulting is pleased to welcome Sara Bauer to our HR Consulting Division. Based in Nanaimo and serving the mid-Island, Sara has over 15 years of experience in many areas of HR with a strong focus on leadership training, day-to-day HR management, and policy development. Sara has worked across many sectors in both operations and consulting. She is also an avid concertgoer and loves to travel to see her favourite bands!


in British Columbia at Royal LePage’s annual Leadership Conference in Quebec. The brokerage was also one off five brokerages from across Canada nominated for the national award. Rob Samsom of RE/MAX Ocean Pacific Realty announced he is retiring from the real estate industry. Sunwest RV Centre announces that Rick Sharples is their top salesperson of the month for their dealership at 2800 Cliffe Avenue in Courtenay.

PARKSVILLEQUALICUM BEACH Rawthentic Eatery has opened a location in downtown Parksville at 144 Morison Avenue. The company offers delicious vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free and dairyfree food.

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Morningstar Golf Club has appointed Randy LaRoche as their new general

JULY 2018

manager. LaRoche previously served in leadership roles with the Canmore Golf & Curling Club, Osoyoos Golf Club, Sandpiper Golf Resort in the Fraser Valley and Oakwood Inn & Golf Resort in southern Ontario. The golf club is at 525 Lowrys Road in Parksville. Island Self Storage is now open in a new location at 990 Shearme Road in Coombs. 460 Realty welcomes Donna Jager to their team of realtors in their Parksville office at 314 Island Highway East. Harris Oceanside welcomes Dennis Moore back to their team after a winter hiatus. The dealership is at 512 East Island Highway in Parksville. The Society of Organized Services is celebrating their 50 th anniversary. The organization is holding a celebration in Parksville on July 8th from 1-4 pm at 245 West Hirst Avenue and a celebration in Qualicum on July 14th from 12-2 pm at 744 Primrose Street. Parksville Petro Canada celebrated their 25th anniversary on June 17th at 431 Island Highway East. SOS Thrift Shop has received a development permit to expand their parking lot at 188 Hirst Avenue. The expansion will take place on the vacant grassy lot to the east of the shop and will also include minor landscaping improvements. The improvements will increase the amount of parking spaces from 31 to 53. SEE MOVER’S AND SHAKERS   |  PAGE 33


JULY 2018


The Parksville night street market opened for its 15th season on June 12th. The Summer by the Sea Market on Craig Street will run until August 28th from 6-9 pm. Andrew West is the new executive chef at Butlers at the Mansion restaurant. West, originally from England, previously worked as head chef of Retro Bistro in London, England earning it two AA red Rosettes and the Good Food Guide London Restaurant of the Year in 2012. Coastal Community Credit Union’s Oceanside wealth services team moved into a renovated space on Second Avenue adjacent to Coastal Community Insurance Services. The new space owned by Coastal Community was renovated to create three offices and a multi-purpose fully equipped board room. In addition to being home to the Coastal Community Private Wealth Group team, the space has an Estate and Trust Specialist and a newly relocated Commercial Insurance Advisor. M el i s s a Eva n s h a s j o i n e d Henry’s Kitchen as a chef. The restaurant is now open from 8 am to 8:30 pm and features a new Western and Chinese inspired menu. Henry’s Kitchen is at 5968 West Island Highway in Qualicum Beach.

Bayshore Home Health is now open in Qualicum Beach at 650 Berwick Road North. The company is a full-service home care company that offers everything from hourly to live-in care services and basic home support to palliative and dementia care.

PORT ALBERNI Westcoast Games has moved from the old Klitsa school on Tebo Avenue to a former cabling station near Canal Waterfront Park. The company also opened a retail showroom at the Port Alberni Visitors Centre to market their products to tourists. Westcoast Games is owned by Jan Lavertu, the owner of Westcoast Home Hardware, and is a small board game manufacturing company based out of Port Alberni.

M a c D e r m o t t’s I n s u r a n c e Agency at 4907 Argyle Street is celebrating their 110th year in business. The company, which has been run under the MacDermott’s name since 1975, will change the name of their Port Alberni branch to Schill Insurance this fall. MacDermott’s Insurance was presented with the BC Brokerage of the Year award by the Insurance Brokers Association of British Columbia (IBABC) during the recent IBABC Centennial Gala.

Kelly Gilday has resigned as fire chief for the City of Port Alberni to join the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District as their emergency services manager.

Courtenay made the list at number 17 and Victoria ranked 23rd.

La Bruschetta Bistro Fine Italian Dining and Bistro announced they will no longer be open on a nightly basis and will only focus exclusively on serving private functions like weddings, funerals, parties and meetings. The bistro is at 4065 6th Avenue North.

Prairie Coast Equipment has opened for business at 1531 Harold Road.

Chris Washington, owner of Flandangles, and Kevin Wright, owner of Steampunk Café, are the team behind a new business development program called Sprout. Sprout is a centre designed to incubate start-up businesses in the community and advocate for business development in Port Alberni. The organization will open on Third Avenue.

The Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) is closing their Port Alberni office at 3088 3rd Avenue which was being provided to them by the Alberni Valley Hospice Society. The closure of the space will not impact the ability of Alberni residents to continue using CCS services and the Hospice Society will offer free use of their boardroom for CCS meetings going forward.

Kurt Meyer, a newly licensed Notary Public, is opening an office at Kingsway Crossing on Argyle Street next to Boomtown Café.

From left to right Shawn Fehr (President, IBABC), Rosemary Mesic (General Manager, MacDermott’s) and Brian Carriere (Systems Manager/Account Executive, MacDermott’s)


Gary Russel of Marshall & Lamperson Law Corporation is adding his office to the services at AV Financial at 4855 Johnston Road. Alberni Valley Denture Clinic is moving to 5092 Angus Street on July 10th.

NANAIMO Tilray, a Nanaimo-based cannabis cultivator, has announced that is has filed an application with the Securities and Exchange Commission in the United States for an initial public offering of shares on the Nasdaq Global Select Market using the symbol TRLY. The number of shares to be offered and the price range for the offering have not been determined at this time. Central Drugs has opened a new store in the Pacific Station Complex at Suite 103 - 5160 Dublin Way. Tina M. Lloyd Notary Public has opened a new location at 527 Fifth Street.

TOFINOUCLUELET Co-op Tofino congratulates Darren Lopez on his promotion to the position of Ha rdwa re Manager. Expedia’s 2018 ra n ki ngs of Canada’s top 25 friendliest cities ranked Tofino as the third overall. Tofino was the only city from BC that was among the top 10, while

Lesley’s Esthetics & Accessories has opened a second location at #5 – 4800 Island Highway North. The first Nanaimo Commercial Street Night Market opened on June 21st. The market is open on Com mercia l Street f rom SEE MOVER’S AND SHAKERS   |  PAGE 35

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JULY 2018 A division of Invest Northwest Publishing Ltd. Vancouver Island Office 25 Cavan Street,Nanaimo, BC V9R 2T9 Toll free: 1.866.758.2684  Fax: 1.778.441.3373 Email: Website:

PUBLISHER/EDITOR |  Lise MacDonald SALES |  John MacDonald –, Josh Higgins –, Cheryl Lee - WRITERS |  Julia MacDonald, Beth Hendry-Yim, David Holmes, Kristin Van Vloten, Val Lennox WEBSITE |  John MacDonald –




here have been rumblings and hints of a push to rid Canada Pension funds of so-called “unethical” funds, i.e. anything tarsands or oil/petroleum related. That day has come, as the University of Victoria has released a report titled “Canada’s Fossil-Fuelled Pensions: the case of the British Columbia Investment Management Corporation”. UVIC political ecologist James Rowe states that BC Investment (BCI) has a duty to “act in the best financial interests of plan members. Its carbon-heavy holdings, however, raise questions about BCI’s management of these interlinked climactic and financial risks.” I thought the people behind Canada Pension were doing just that: By investing in companies that provide the best possible returns for their customers, in this case, pensioners

across Canada. There’s a very good reason why Canadian pension portfolios include oil and gas holdings: Because they yield better returns than other stocks. How do we know that? Because oil and gas stocks wouldn’t be included if they didn’t produce solid yields. This is yet another demonstration of how climate change advocates believe they can push markets and bend them to their will. There is, however, something greater at work here. It’s called the law of supply and demand. And there is plenty of demand for oil and gas globally, even though Canada’s supply of the resource is being restrained. If anybody is watching, while the Canadian government believes it is setting an example in regards to global warming/climate change/ the weather policy, it might want to look around and notice that fewer countries are following their lead. The economic surge in the U.S. is due in no small part to its expansion of the energy sector, most notably oil and gas. Demand is increasing. Demand is on the increase for the foreseeable future, throughout the world. That’s why oil and gas stocks are valuable members of any portfolio, particularly Canada’s pensions. Most people, directly or indirectly through mutual funds

or pension funds, are invested in that sector. Take oil and gas out, and watch what happens to the fund. Another way of looking at it is how the finance industry declares by its actions how they view global warming/climate change/the weather. Many scientists maintain that one of the by-products of rising temperatures could be higher ocean levels. However, if bankers or others in mortgage-related finance – and insurers - truly believed that, one would think they would automatically deny applications for ocean waterfront properties, right? Since they’re likely to be covered by salt water in the not too distant future, financiers would be, literally, “under water”. Yet they don’t stop approving oceanfront mortgages. And are there more cautious people than lenders? They don’t hand out financing unless they’re assured the investment is solid, and they can get their money back, with interest, of course. Interesting, isn’t it? Carbon Tax Expensive The Fraser Institute has released information from a report to the Senate Standing Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources by University of Calgary economics professor Jennifer Winter that revealed the bottom line of the Trudeau Carbon

price. If implemented, it will cost Alberta taxpayers in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia over $1,000 per year to comply with the self-imposed $50 per tonne carbon tax mandated for 2022. BC residents will pay $603 – but we can’t forget that we already have a carbon tax. If the goal jumps to $100 per tonne, the average price per home would rocket far above $1,000 per household per year. More taxes for life’s essentials translates into less spending on other retail/lifestyle items by Canadians. Tax Revolt Last month’s column testing the waters about a possible Tax Revolt by business owners produced some interesting responses and commentary in support of the idea. None against. A couple of ideas that came up were withholding the payment of business property taxes, which would undoubtedly get the attention of civic governments. Then there was the thought of charging federal and/or provincial governments a fee for collecting taxes on their behalf. The latter is particularly interesting, as business owners know well how much staff time is taken up calculating and remitting taxes to Victoria and Ottawa. Just think about how much time – at how much per hour – someone

on the company payroll has to put in, collecting from customers, employees and the business itself. It isn’t free. Since governments already charge companies for various licenses and imposes fees for the right to start and operate a business, wouldn’t it be fair to send them a bill for the time its staff members spend on tax remittance? And then there’s this: Seattle city council recently unanimously imposed a $275 head tax per employee which would be paid by companies. After backroom protests by Starbucks and Amazon, with strong suggestions that further expansion in Seattle would be thwarted by the extra levy, the tax was unanimously withdrawn. Most businesses would have been against the tax, and there was loud vocal opposition to it, but it was the two heavyweights that tipped the scales. The objections included this: That Seattle already collected enough tax revenue to solve the homeless problem and others – so stop siphoning off more. It was a vivid, recent lesson that when businesses band together, they can get government to back up. There may be no other way to stop tax inhalation. As Seattle has just demonstrated, unified, coordinated objections to objectionable taxes can still work. Let us know if you have any other ideas:

Unfortunately, this federal government’s misunderstanding of the role and importance of incentives is not limited to differences between the government sector and private businesses. Since coming to office, it has introduced a number of policies it believed would not adversely affect the economy because the incentive effects were weak or non-existent. For instance, the federal income tax increase, which affects entrepreneurs, professionals and business-owners, combined with similar policies by many provinces, means that the top combined income tax rate now exceeds 50 per cent in seven provinces, with the remaining provinces just below 50 per cent. And because Canada’s capital gains tax is linked to personal income taxes, these rate changes have also increased our capital gains taxes. Ottawa doesn’t believe that a tax rate near or above 50 per cent changes the willingness of entrepreneurs, professionals or business people to invest and start businesses. These tax changes are on top of

other tax increases, new regulations and a distinctly anti-business rhetoric from Ottawa and several provinces. These policies - and the incentive changes they produce - have had adverse consequences for the economy. There’s a general consensus, including in the federal Department of Finance, that economic growth will slow starting this year and continuing into the future. In addition, rates of entrepreneurship are declining and investment, particularly by foreigners, is collapsing. This is not the basis for long-term prosperity. The foundation for a better economy and higher living standards relies on improving incentives for entrepreneurship, investment and work effort. That would require a wholesale reversal of many, if not most, of the economic policies enacted by this federal government and a recognition that incentives do indeed matter.




here have been many assessments, mostly critical, of the federal government’s decision to purchase the Trans Mountain pipeline. And yet, a key aspect of the decision - this government’s dismissive view of the importance of incentives - has been almost entirely ignored. The government doesn’t believe incentives matter all that much in the economic decision-making of individuals, families, entrepreneurs and businesses.

Finance Minister Bill Morneau announced the government’s decision on May 29, two days before Kinder Morgan’s self-imposed May 31 deadline. The minister revealed the government’s confidence in the public sector to undertake and complete activities as well, if not better, than the private sector. While avoiding the specific question of how much the government expects to pay for the construction and ongoing operation of the pipeline, Morneau repeatedly assured Canadians that the value of the pipeline would be secured. This belies Canada’s experience and international research. Oxford University scholar Bent Flyvbjerg co-authored a study examining major government projects in 20 countries and found that nine out of 10 public infrastructure projects incurred cost overruns. Flyvbjerg concluded that large projects done in the public sector are inefficient in minimizing costs. His findings support a large review completed in the early 2000s on the benefits of transferring publicly-owned assets to the private sector.

That’s not to say the public sector is not staffed by well-intentioned, skilled bureaucrats. Indeed, Canada can be quite proud of having one of the best, most professional bureaucracies in the industrialized world. The problem - and what the federal government seems oblivious to - is that bureaucrats face markedly different incentives than people in the private sector. If Kinder Morgan (or any private company) goes over budget on infrastructure projects, their owners and employees pay the price through lower rates of return, lower share prices and/or reduced compensation. The costs of missteps are borne directly by those responsible, which imposes a real discipline on financial and economic decisions. This discipline is wholly absent in the public sector. If the construction of the pipeline is over budget or if it sells in the future at a price below market, no politician or bureaucrat will lose their own money. It’s a basic economic axiom that people are far more careful with their money than with other people’s money.

Jason Clemens, Elmira Aliakbari and Ashley Stedman are analysts with the Fraser Institute

SUBCRIPTIONS  |  $45 PER YEAR (12 ISSUES), $80 FOR 2 YEARS (24 ISSUES), SUBSCRIBE ONLINE: BUSINESSEXAMINER.CA. DISTRIBUTION: SECOND WEEK OF EACH MONTH VIA CANADA POST AD MAIL. The publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited submissions. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Produced and published in British Columbia. All contents copyright Business Examiner Vancouver Island, 2017. Canadian Publications Mail Acct.: 40069240


JULY 2018


Terminal Avenue to Church and Chapel Streets from 5-9 pm each Thursday until August 30th. Royal LePage Nanaimo Realty has added Shelly McNeil, Charles Bendall and Deb Drover to their Royal Service Group at 4200 Island Highway. Joe Thoong, a first-year Vancouver Island University (VIU) student, placed first at this year’s Skills Canada National Competition in the graphic design category. The competition held at the Edmonton Expo Centre in early June promotes skilled trades and technology careers amongst Canadian youth. Harbourview Volkswagen announces that Chris Rigby is their top salesperson of the month for their dealership at 4921 Wellington Road. The Art 10 Gallery is celebrating their 35th anniversa r y at Nanaimo North Town Centre on July 9 th and 10 t h . T he gallery is artist run and has had over 120-member artists since its founding. Laird Wheaton welcomes Don Germiquet to their sales team at 2590 Bowen Road. Bronwyn Arundel has opened Nanaimo Ceramic Arts Studio and Gallery at 140 Wallace Street. U-Haul International Inc. ranked Nanaimo No. 35 among the U-Haul Top Canadian Destination Cities. Rankings are based on the total number of arriving one-way U-Haul trucks into a city in the past calendar year. Na n a i m o Toyot a a nnounces that Paul Debron is their top salesperson of the month for their dealership at 2555 Bowen Road. Nanaimo Aboriginal Centre’s $6.4-million affordable housing project on Bowen Road was recently unveiled. The 25-unit Nuutsumuut Lelum complex includes two-storey buildings, a play area for children, a common room and a community garden.


celebrated t hei r g ra nd o p e n i n g o n Ju n e 2 0 th at 12570 T ra ns Ca nada Highway in Ladysmith. The 81-room hotel operating under the Wyndham brand, is a partnership of MasterBUILT Hotels and the Stz’uminus First Nation through its Oyster Bay Development Corp. T wo bu si nesses h ave o p e n e d t h e i r d o o rs i n Ladysmith. CHS Electrical Services has opened at 11N-606 Farell Road and Ladysmith Auto Glass is now open at 12 Wa rren Street. Riot Brewing in Chemainus received a silver award at the 2018 Canadian Brewing Awards held recently in Halifax. The brewery won a silver medal in the Porter category for their Vortex Robust Porter. This is Riot’s second year in a row winning a medal at the awards. Riot Brewing is at 101A 3055 Oak Street. Smile Essentials Denture Clinic is now open in Ladysmith at Unit 12 – 74 1st Avenue. Renee Salonen has closed Renee’s Soup and Sandwich shop at 720 1st Avenue in Ladysmith.

COWICHAN VALLEY Cal Kaiser, a RE/MAX of Duncan realtor for the past 20 years, and Doyle Childs, formerly from Cunningham & R ivard Appraisals, are the new owners of R E/M A X of Duncan. The pair are taking over the 30-year-old real estate firm from the retiring Cordell Ensign. Childs and Kaiser have already hired six new realtors, bringing the total number of realtors to 34, and plan to hire more. They have also appointed Jodi Hill as the new office manager. RE/ MAX of Duncan is at 472 Trans Canada Highway. Private school Brentwood College in Mill Bay was the top academic secondary school in the Cowichan Valley in 2017 according to the Fraser Institute’s annual report card on British Columbia’s secondary schools. The report ranked 253 public and independent second a r y school s based on seven academic indicators using student results from annual province-wide exams, gradeto-grade transition rates


a n d g ra d u a t i o n ra te s . Shawnigan Lake School ca me i n second on t he charts. Whippletree Furniture ow ner Debora h El fe i s retiring and closing the store near the end of July. Whippletree is selling off the remainder of their inventory for between 30 and 40 per cent until then at 4705 T ra n s-Ca n ad a Highway. 420 Bong Shop in Duncan has moved to 60 Queen’s Road. Du nca n’s Community Farm Store is celebrating their 25 th anniversary at 5 3 80 T ra n s Ca n a d a Highway. Bowmel Chrysler congratulates Eamonn Carter on being their top salesperson of the month for the dealership at 461 Trans Canada Highway. Christina Hanson is moving her home-based business, Backwoods Soap & Candle Co., to a storefront in Suite D at 225 Canada Avenue. The storefront is undergoing renovations and will open on July 14th. Treefrog Tropicals has opened at 277 G overnment Street in downtown D u nc a n. T he bu si ness carries a wide selection of plants, pots and garden accessories. Thrift Town has moved t o 10 5 9 D C a n a d a Avenue. Owner Tracy Clements made the move as t he compa ny wa s outgrow ing their previous location on Government St re et. T he new s pace has a used f u rn itu re component a nd more parking customers. C ow i c h a n R e cycl i s t s have expanded their services from organics and recycling waste pick up to include transporting produce, baked goods and more to Duncan consumers. Owners Erin Ward and Patrick Devlin have partnered with food hub, the online farmer’s market, to deliver produce sourced from over 30 local growers and processors. Bike delivery is currently offered to customers within a small radius of the City of Duncan. Discover y Honda a nnounces that Dave Pears and Trevor Sheck are their top two stars of the month for the dealership at 6466 Bell McKinnon Road.

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