Business Examiner Thompson/Okanagan - April 2015

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APRIL 2015

Rona celebrates a decade of consistent

growth and award winning service


Thompson/Okanagan PAGE 12

VERNON Keith Dahlen Construction continues to build

National Hospitality Group offers big ideas to Kamloops core BY JOHN MACDONALD

on its success




–PAGE 10


INDEX News Update


Penticton 3 Kamloops 4

A M L O O P S – N a t i o nal Hospitality Group is launching an innovative one-stop-shop legal center. 500 Victoria Street will soon be home to Centerpoint, a meeting facility focused specifically on serving lawyers working in mediation and arbitration. The all-inclusive concept will include meeting spaces and legal specific amenities, the development aims to fill a void in the community determined by a feasibility study. The business model exists in large business centres like Vancouver a nd Ottawa, but not

typically in smaller regions like the Thompson-Okanagan region. “We’re excited about the venture, because it hasn’t been done before in a market like Kamloops,” says Chris Rowe, Director of Finance for NHG. “In the research we conducted, the need for a technologically advanced facility specifically designed for arbitrators, mediators, and the legal community was evident.” The project is expected to add significantly to the Kamloops business core. “The feedback has been incredibly positive from the surrounding area, the business community and our partners,” says Rowe.

“We’re rea l ly excited about bringing this project to market.” Construction on the 4,200 square foot development has already started. The building will feature fully furnished meeting, hearing, discovery and breakout rooms, which can be used in conjunction with each other to offer clients a customized experience, depending on the nature of use. The project’s amenities will be complemented by Hotel 540, located on the adjacent property, and also owned by NHG. In addition, Centrepoint will offer private serviced offices for short SEE NATIONAL HOSPITALITY  |  PAGE 18

Chris Rowe, Director of Finance for the National Hospitality Group

Vernon 9

Accounting firm helps private businesses thrive

Summerland 18


Salmon Arm


Kelowna 5 West Kelowna



Movers and Shakers 21 Opinion 22 Sales 23 Greensheet 23 Contact us: 1-866-758-2684


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ELOW NA - Ma ny private busi nesses i n the Okanagan have found no better or more trusted advisor than Crowe MacKay LLP Chartered Accountants. Don Turri, managing director of the Kelowna office, explained that the firm made a decision decades ago to focus on serving private businesses, building strong relationships with its clients to help them succeed and thrive through all the stages of their businesses’ growth. Crowe MacKay is a Western Canadian company with eight offices in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and the North.

“This allows us to have the depth and the professional service to deal with client matters from the routine to the complex,” Turri said. “But we can still focus on what’s importa nt i n each com mu n ity that we operate in.” T here are 42 partners in the firm with each office operating and making decisions locally. In Kelowna, Crowe MacKay has been operating since 1969 and has grown to a staff of 55 – 60 people, the number fluctuating depending on the season and the number of co-op students currently working and training at the firm. Explaining the company’s longevity and success, Turri said, “You have to pay attention to the needs of your community

– a nd you have to sta nd for something. We decided quite a nu mb er of ye a rs a go t h at we wanted to focus on private businesses and their owners. T h at’s a s u b se t of wh at a l l accounting firms do, but we wanted that to be our primary focus.” What follows from that, he said, is exceptional tax support. The firm has 10 full time tax professionals including four tax partners who are recognized as spea kers a nd i nstr uctors across the country. “That tax strength leaves us uniquely positioned in the BC Interior to provide creative and innovative tax planning to successful businesses and their owners,” Turri said. “That’s a major strength that followed our decision to be really strong

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For more information contact us, or your local Chamber office.

in private businesses and their owners.” Crowe MacKay works with a wide variety of businesses from start-ups to family owned firms and large privately owned corporations that do work globally. T he firm provides two main functions for its clients: compliance and planning. As an accounting firm, Crowe MacKay does every thing such a firm would be expected to do such as preparing taxes and financial statements. “But it’s really the planning piece that people come to our firm for,” Turri said. “We often get people coming to see us who are already getting their tax return done but no one is giving SEE ACCOUNTING FIRM  |  PAGE 19



APRIL 2015


Courts Photography as Young Entrepreneur of the Year.


Vernon Chamber Announces Award Winners


Municipalities Get Together To Purchase Rail Line

The Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce recently hosted their Business Excellence Awards at the Best Western Vernon Lodge. Nearly 300 were in attendance to recognize the top businesses and organizations in twelve different categories. This year, Piscine Energetics Inc won big, taking home the prestigious Business of the Year award as well as earning recognition as Manufacturer of the Year. Piscine Energetics is headquartered in the North Okanagan and has been revolutionizing the ornamental aquaculture and aquarium industry through innovation in aquatic nutrition. The Vernon company produces a nutritionally complete, sustainable fish food for the global market. Bannister Honda also earned accolades, taking home the Employer of the Year award as well as being recognized as Marketer of the Year for companies with more than 10 employees. O t her w i n ners i nclude; Cau f ields Engraving as Sma l l Busi ness of the Year, Vernon Farmers Market as Marketer of the Year (under 10 employees), Meridian Rehabilitation Consulting Inc winning the Professional Service Award, The Room Collection winning the Sterling Service Award, Top Knots Events as New Business of the Year, Healthy Spot Pet Nutrition and Supply as Green Busi ness of the Yea r, VantageOne Credit Union as Community Suppor ter of the Yea r a nd Camillia

New Brewery Ready for Development in Kelowna

A n ag reement was reached i n December where Kelowna, Lake Country and the Regional District of North Okanagan agreed to pay $22 million in land donations and monetary considerations in an effort to purchase the defunct CN rail line between Kelowna and Coldstream. T he City of Kelow na has agreed to pay $7.6 million, and will fund half of Lake Country’s $5.1 million portion while the R DNO will be on the hook for about $1.9 million. T he partners a re lo ok i ng for add it ion a l f u nd i ng for the remaining balance (approximately $7.3 million) of the agreement pu rchase a mou nt th rough alternate sources of funding, including grants and partnerships. T he prov i nce w i l l l i kely be one of those sources. Premier Christy Clark at this point is noncommittal, but mentioned in a recent announcement that “perhaps” the province will engage. The government partners are worki ng at getti ng add itiona l sou rces of funding with the hope of closing the sale in June. Lake Country is currently preparing for a referendum, asking its residents for permission to borrow up to half ($2.6 million) its share of the 47.5-kilometre line.

Starkhund Brew ing Company w i l l likely be in full operation in Kelowna sometime in 2016. The Kelowna-based company received final approval from city council for development of their proposed 58,000 square-foot brewery. At a public hearing, council unanimously approved the issuing of both a development permit and development variance permit. These were the final documents needed before construction could begin. The brewery is set to be situated on the old BC Fruit Packers Co-operative Fruit Market and warehouse site on the north side of Clement Avenue and will include a brew pub and tasting room. Construction is set to begin sometime later this spring with completion set for mid-2016. The new development is the first of what the city believes will be three development lots on the former packaging house site. All three will be developed comprehensively and are to be known a s Urba n Squa re. Cit y s ub d iv i sion manager Ryan Smith believes the area could be ideal for other similar business types, such as breweries, cideries or wineries. Currently, there are two breweries situated in Kelowna, Tree and Big Surf. An additional small brewery has been approved for the adjacent area for Flashbacks Nite Club on Ellis Street.

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KAMLOOPS Kamloops Building Permits Up Five Times Over Previous Year February 2015 saw a more than five times jump in the building permit values compared with the same month in 2014 within the City of Kamloops. A tota l of $2 2.4 4 m i l l ion worth of commercial and residential building permits were issued in the past month by the city, which represented a total issuance of 45 permits. These increases could represent a construction boom in the growing municipality that holds claim to being the tournament capital city of Canada. Thus far in 2015, the City has issued a tota l of 213 bu i ld i ng perm its that represent a value of $30.8 million, approximately $20 million more than in 2014 at this point in the year.

KELOWNA More Micro-Suites Coming to Kelowna City Council approved rezoning approval for a proposed 24-micro-unit row housing development at the corner of Ethel Street and Glenwood Avenue. T h is project ma rks t he t h i rd such development given approval by council over the past number of weeks, totaling over 300 suites. O thers g iven approva l a re nea r UBC Okanagan a nd on Dickson Avenue nearing the Landmark district. A micro-suite is an apartment that is less than 300 square feet in size. T he apartment w ill likely cost between $600 a nd $700 per month i n rent. According to city planner Ryan Smith, the development in question

will fit well with the Official Community Plan for the area. The design for the project indicates a row house styled building with a bit of European character. Parking will be tucked in behind the building, which will mirror the parking lot of the building just north. Council was generally supportive of the development, however concerns were raised over the sudden popularity of this type of housing and the fact that m icro-su ite developers a re not required to provide the city with Development Cost Charges. Development Cost Charges are per-unit charges developers pay to allow cities to provide infrastructure improvements such as roads and parks.

VERNON Local Distillery Moving into Vernon Okanagan Spirits Craft Distillery is prepa ri ng to move from its ex isti ng Vernon location to a pu r pose-bu i lt 16,000-square-foot, state of the art building in North Vernon. The $3-million building will feature the best ava i lable equ ipment i n the industry including a 24-foot, 50-plate distillation system, one of few on this side of the Atlantic. Made in Germany, the 50 plates are accompanied by 1,500 and 2,000-liter pots, plus a number of holding tanks. Installation of the unit required a hole to be cut in the roof alongside other challenges. Other features of the building include a patio, now allowed under BC liquor law changes, a 27-foot themed tasting bar and showcasing of reclaimed bea ms from the former 1913 Vernon Fruit Union Packing House. The company also owns a distillery in downtown Kelowna. I n 2013, the World Spi rits Awa rds named the company Distillery of the Year. This year, the company is waiting for word to see if they can repeat its 2013 success at the Awards. In the process, the judges had a chance to taste a new Haskap berry liqueur, a Proof Master Distiller whiskey and a single malt whiskey called Laird of Fintry.

KELOWNA Kelowna Airport Looks at Building Link to Europe Kelowna International Airport is seeking public input about possible future European direct routes. T he airport is currently asking the travelling public to fill out a survey that asks about where in Europe people want to f ly to, how frequently they would travel, i f they have fa m i ly or business connections in Europe that would prompt them to travel more frequently and where they fly out of now if heading to Europe. Kelowna Airport’s runway is now long enough to handle large jets needed for direct f lights between Kelowna and Eu ropea n a i rports. Secu ri ng routes anywhere around the world is a lengthy process. More recently, Kelowna secured a route to San Francisco, which took five years of lobbying. While the now SEE NEWS UPDATE  |  PAGE 3


APRIL 2015




nother year has passed at the Penticton & Wine Country Chamber of Commerce. Recently the Chamber held its Annual General Meeting and reported on an excellent 2014. The Chamber was very busy this past year with a number of new programs and services, including the highly successful Top 40 Under 40 campaign, now being replicated elsewhere in the Okanagan, and the Be BOLD member engagement campaign. Bu i lt on a st rateg y of membership engagement, Be BOLD Penticton was an opportunity for the Chamber to take a leadership role in the business community by hosting forums and focus groups throughout 2014, in

order to develop constructive solutions to the issues impacting our community. The final report that was released in October, and can be found on our website, formed the basis of the municipal election campaign. Our candidates often referred to the grassroots solutions presented by Be BOLD Penticton in their election campaigns. The result of the election in Penticton demonstrates the importance of the business voice in our community and the desire for progressive change. Since the election in November, the Chamber has been working behind the scenes with our new City Council to ensure those BOLD messages are not lost. The Chamber has representation on several municipal committees, giving voice to our businesses and being the go to source for solutions to economic and community issues. Now, we have a new Board of Directors picking up the torch. In the coming weeks the new Board will be meeting to elect its Executive, strategize its objective, and continue the advocacy work the Penticton Cha mber has been offering its members for years. We welcome


well-established Kelowna to Seattle route, operated by Alaska Airlines, took nearly six years to secure. In the case of direct flights to Europe, it could take even longer as larger aircraft are needed to service the routes-planes carrying a minimum of 250 people - and as a result the commitment of an airline would be even greater than an airline flying to West Coast destinations. Kelowna’s airport is the 10 th busiest airport in Canada and hit the 1.6 millionpassenger mark in 2014, a year ahead of schedule.

KELOWNA Beer Festival Coming to Kelowna Next Month T he Great Okanagan Beer Festival w i l l ta ke place on the shores of the

aboard: Boehm, Chris - Burger 55; Brown, Don - Brown Benefits Agency Ltd; Clarke, Daryl - Individual Member; Cox, Jason - The People’s Crafthouse; Dean, Doug (Dino) - Grape Escapes Wine Tours & Wine School; Eaton, Doug - Locke Property Management; Hernberg, Rylan - Next Level Marketing; Jessup, Corey - The Sandman Hotel Penticton; MacIntyre, Keith - Big Bear Software Inc.; Magnusson, Michael Lake City Casino Penticton; Marte, Chris - Royal Lepage Locations West; Melissen, Mark - Wildstone Group of Companies; Nendick, Andrew - White Kennedy LLP Chartered Accountants and Taylor, Jennifer - Taylormade Ideas. Stay tuned to for the news and developments of our new Board of Directors, and read our weekly e-newsletter to stay abreast of all the recent happenings at the Penticton & Wine Country Chamber of Commerce. John Devitt is Executive Director of the Penticton & Wine Country Chamber of Commerce. He can be reached at 250.492.4103 or

Okanagan on May 7-9, bringing over 40 breweries together. The event will take place on Kelowna’s beach, steps away from the downtown, Waterfront Park and will host breweries from across North America and the world. T he Great Okanagan Beer Festival, which is being put on by Gibbons Festivals and Events, is a three-day festival, offering patrons beer and brewing seminars, exclusive cask events and a beer sampling main event pouring for an estimated 2,500 beer connoisseurs. Having over 40 breweries attending means that over 90 beers will be available to try a nd sa mple at the event. The festival has an array of craft talent amongst the exhibitors including; Tree Brewing – a Kelowna local brewery, Four Winds Brewing Co. (Delta, BC), Bad Tattoo Brewing (Penticton, BC) and Bomber Brewing (Vancouver, BC). Tickets and schedule information are available online on March 6.

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Okanagan-Shuswap Housing Market Rallies in February


E L OW N A - T h e O k a n ag a n M a i nline Rea l Estate Board (OMREB) reported February 2015 sales activity of all MLS property types improved 34% compared to the same month in 2014 – bouncing back 53% from sluggish results in January. “A f t e r a m o r e t h a n usual slowdown in Janua r y, O k a n a g a n-S h u swap home sa les ra l l ied along with consumer confidence during Febr ua ry despite wea ker economic conditions in Alberta. While not at the record pace seen at the close of 2014, t he yea r has started off at a much st ronger level t h a n we saw during the first six months last year. However, days on market in our Board area is now at 95 days on average compared to 141 last year at t h i s t i me,” says Darcy Griffiths, OMREB President and active realtor in the North Okanagan. “The Shuswap lead the way in February with single family residential sales improving 71% compared to 2014,” Griffiths reports. “In the Central Okanagan, single family residential sales were up 68% while the North Okanagan saw an 18% increase over this time last year.” An increase in demand and fewer homes for sale h a s e d ge d t he OM R E B market from balanced into seller’s market conditions for some segments where dema nd outpaces supply. While the selection of single family homes has been reduced with the ongoing decline in inventory and fewer new listings – especially for entry-level homes – the price of single family homes is steady and strong in most areas with modest gains seen in some locations where supply has tightened. “D e si rable, wel lpositioned and

well-presented units are sel l i ng qu ick ly,” Gr i ffiths notes. “Home sellers listing early this year will have the edge and see results.” Ex perienci ng ups a nd downs at different times and locations, sales activity and prices within OMR EB’s three diverse m a rk e t a re a s te nd s to va r y a mong proper ty types – zone-by-zone and month-by-month, Griffiths explains. “In order to fully understand the overall picture of the current residential market, it is important to consult with a professional realtor to look at trends within property types and different price points.” Board-wide, Peachland to Revel stoke, showed overall sales of all property ty pes reported i n OMREB’s Board area during February 2015 improved by 33.8% compared to 2014 (to 511 units from 382) – up 53% compared to January (from 334). Total residential sales for the month jumped by 33.3% (462 units boardwide compared to 339 in 2014), while single family home sales were up 57.4% compa red to Febr u a r y 2014 (to 244 from 155). The 1,447 new listings t a k e n b o a rd-w i d e fo r the month were up 15.2% compa re d to t he 1,256 listings posted in February 2014, while inventory (active listings) declined 10.5% to 6,226 from 6,924. T he average nu mber of d ays to sel l a si ng le fa m i ly home i n Febr uary was 95 days Boardwide – down 32.5% from 141 days at this time last year – and ranged from 85 days (from 110) in the Central Okanagan, to 100 (from 148) in the North Okanagan, and 102 (from 1 67 ) i n t h e S h u s w a p . Peachland to Lake Count r y, t he Cent ra l Z one, d u r i n g Fe b r u a r y, h a d overa l l sa les that were

up 43.0% – to 379 units from 265 in 2014. Total residential sales for the month jumped by 45.2% to 181 units compared to 108 in 2014. T he sale of 181 single family homes saw a 67.6 % improvement over the 108 in February 2014, wh i le tow n house sa les improved by 66.7% (to 50 from 30). T he 93 2 new l i st i ngs taken in the Central Okanagan during the month s aw a n 1 1.1% i n c re a s e compared to 839 in 2014, and total inventory was reduced by 13.2% to 3,211 units from 3,698. The North Zone, Predator R idge to Enderby, showed overall sales for Febr u a r y r ise 15.8% to 88 units compared to 76 units sold the previous year at this time. Total residential sales for the m o n t h w e re u p 13 . 4% f rom l a st yea r w it h 76 units sold compared to 67. Si ngle fa m i ly home sales (39 units) improved b y 18.2% c ompa re d to February 2014 (33). T he 301 new l i s t i n g s taken for the month were up 9.5% f rom t he 2014 level of 275. Inventory for February saw a 5.2% dip to 1,767 from 1,863 in February of 2014. Salmon Arm to Revelstoke known as the Shuswap Zone, showed ove ra l l u n it s a l e s i mproved by 7.3% over 2014 at 44 units compared to 41. Total residential unit sales for the month were up 18.2% at 39 units compared to 33 in 2014, while the sale of single family homes jumped 71.4% (to 24 units from 14). The 212 new listings taken i n the Zone were dow n 51.4% compared to 140 in February 2014. Overall inventory dipped 10.5% to 1,242 from 1,388 last year. During February, the average number of days to sell a single family home was 102 – down 39.1% compared to 167 days in 2014.

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APRIL 2015

CHAMBER PLANS FOR THE YEAR AHEAD “We are the only Chamber in Canada that seeks input from our members in this way,”



t a session at the Plaza H o t e l o n T h u r s d a y, Kamloops Chamber of Commerce members debated and voted on important issues pertaining to provincial and federal government policy. “It is i mpor ta nt to us that we seek our members’ input on these significant matters,” s t a te s i n c o m i n g P re s i d e n t Steve Earl, General Manager of the Holiday Inn Express. “We are the only chamber in Canada that seeks input from our members in this way, which has earned recognition from across the country.” Policies that were approved on T hu rsd ay i nclude: Modernizing the Safe Streets Act, Resources working for BC economic prosperity and Business immigration as a critical resource for succession planning.

All policies passed can be found at Chamber membership elects latest board of directors

Kamloops Chamber of Commerce members gathered at the Plaza Hotel for thei r a n nua l general meeting on Thursday n ig ht. M ayor Peter M iloba r swore in the new directors and Naom i Ya ma moto, M i n ister of State for Tourism & Small Busi ness was the key note speaker. “Our directors and staff at the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce have put together a solid plan for the next three years,” states newly-elected President Steve Earl, General Manager of the Holiday Inn Express. “I look forwa rd to a g reat yea r working with this team of accomplished individuals.” The new leaders of the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce for 2015/2016 i ncludes; Stephen Earl as President, Ryan Scorgie as 1 st Vice-President, Mona Murray as 2 nd Vice P resident, Brent Ashby as T re a s u rer a nd Pau l Ross a s Secretary. The board of directors includes; Bob Gieselman, Bryce Herman, Joshua Knaak, Fred L egace, Jeremy Heighton, Sa ndy Vol lo a nd Bra nt Hasanen. Deb McClelland is the executive director of the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached by email at

Workshops | Microsoft Word & Excel Are you looking to improve your Microsoft Office skills? Sprott Shaw College w ill brush up your basic Word & Excel skills in these workshops and teach you how to more effectively use these important programs. • • • •

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Leadercast comes to Kamloops! Leadercast exists to positively change the way the world thinks about leadership. On May 8, 2015, for the first time in Kamloops, join more than 100,000 leaders from around the world and discover what it means to be a leader worth following. This one-of-a-kind event provides local businesses and individuals a cost effective training opportunity generally found in major cities. THE SPEAKERS Malala Yousafzai—Nobel Laureate Ed Catmull—President of Pixar & Disney Animation Studios Rudy Giuliani—107th Mayor of New York City And many more… THE DETAILS 8:00 – 4:30PM Coast Kamloops Hotel & Conference Centre $99 Members | $119 Non-Members Includes: Snacks, refreshments, lunch, networking, welcome package and more! Ticket prices increase on April 17, 2015!

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APRIL 2015


BC ECONOMY IN 2015 – HOW ARE WE DOING? destined for China. These are 2014 numbers. In 2001, our exports looked like this:

Consumption equals 70 percent of the US economy. And consumer durables – everything consumers

British Columbia



here has been a blizzard of economic forecasts since the beginning of the year – we’re particularly interested in the numbers for BC, and really focused on the central Okanagan and Kelowna in particular. One of the highlight graphics of Premier Christy Clark’s budget presentation in Kelowna on February 20 was the current “diversification of trade” slide. It looked like this:

That much higher dependency on the US looks a lot like central Canada – and a mono-source for exports is always scary. China has nearly doubled from that time. All in all, much more diversified and thus, better protected from specific risk. These graphics lead directly into an article published this week in Business in Vancouver by Emma Crawford Hampel, which summarizes RBC’s Provincial Outlook forecast for 2015. RBC is predicting BC’s strongest growth rate in five years, driven by exports. As the US economy rebounds – Economist Hendrik Brakel is predicting very bullish growth,

SOURCE: BC Stats (Total may not add up to 100% due to rounding.)

While half our exports headed for the US, nearly 20 percent were

based largely on the housing sector – exports will grow to the US.

buy when they feel more flush, and they buy for their homes – went up a huge 6 percent in the last quarter, nearly double the previous quarter. BC is anticipating, according to the RBC Outlook, real GDP growth of 3.1 percent in 2015 – that’s the secondhighest rate of increase in the country. The US recovery has a lot to do with this growth. Number one is Ontario at 3.3 percent (predicted). “Improved performance in the export sectors is expected to be led by an increase in US demand in part reflecting the weaker Canadian dollar,” said RBC senior vice-president and chief economist Craig Wright. “Homebuilding activity in the US is anticipated to increase in 2015, as rising housing demand will be met with low inventory levels, which will likely produce positive effects for British Columbia’s forestry exports.” Once again, our friend oil is part of the mix: “Lower gasoline prices puts more money in the pockets of consumers; we estimate that the drop in oil and corresponding fall in gas prices will pump up consumer




’m pleased to invite you to attend the Greater Westside Board of Trade’s Golf Classic, Friday, May 8 at Sunset Ranch Golf & Country Club. With Title Sponsor SNC Lavalin and Event Sponsor Fort McMurray International Airport on board, this tournament is shaping up to be an exceptional day of golf, great networking and good fun. Golf Tournament Chair, Marek Buryska says, “These organizations see the value of taking lead roles in our tournament and we look forward to hosting a contingent of business folks from the Fort Mac area to interact with

key members of our Board of Trade.” The morning of the tournament, Kelowna International Airport is hosting a follow up Business-to-Business Exchange meeting with business leaders from Fort McMurray (the first meeting was held last October in West Kelowna). Following the meeting, the group will be shuttled to Sunset Ranch just a quick ten minutes away, so they can tee off with one hundred of their Okanagan counterparts, coming from as far south as Osoyoos. “Working with the Fort McMurray Chamber of Commerce and the Fort McMurray International Airport, the goal is to draw Fort Mac businesses to the Okanagan that will seek out opportunities to do business here and encourage the flight service to grow,” adds GWBOT Chair Norm LeCavalier. L o c a l t ra n s p or t at ion company, Let’s Go Transportation is the power cart sponsor, which is a great fit for them. Hole sponsorships are going fast! Registration & sponsorship details: www. or call 250.768.3378. Under the reins of Membership Chair, Bill Raine,

the GWBOT is launching its membership drive the “Westside 500”. The goal is to reach 500 members within the next year. Yes, think of the Indy 500 and then think about your old Hot Wheels racetrack and join us at the next Business After Hours, April 9 at Coldwell Banker for some real car racing adventures – you have to come see it to believe it! We are pleased to welcome the following new members to our growing Board of Trade: First Class Steel Buildings Inc, Headwaters Family Camp Ltd., Brightside Dental, TSI Print Solutions, Innov8 Digital Solutions Inc, Liquid Venom Hydrographics, Valley Lift Truck Services Ltd, Infuse I.T., Unveil Shuttles, Paragon Home Watch, Floramaxx Technologies Ltd, Dockside Marine, Dominion Precast Ltd., Western Star Auctions, Touchstone Administrative Services, The Victorian Order of Nurses, and Jesse’s Plumbing & Heating. Karen Beaubier is the Executive Director for the Westside Board of Trade. She can be reached at 250-768-3378 or admin@

BC is anticipating, according to the RBC Outlook, real GDP growth of 3.1 percent in 2015 – that’s the second-highest rate of increase in the country. purchasing power by $11 billion in 2015,”Wright said. I’m getting an up-close-and-personal look at the oil reality this week, as I journey first to Calgary, and then to Fort McMurray, with a trip to the Suncor oil sands with my Chamber colleagues from across the country. We’re all getting a clearer picture of what the present looks like “up there” and what the future holds in this core industry for Canadians. The RBC Outlook points out that lower oil prices of course have “profound adverse repercussions” for BC’s energy sector, but that the economy of Alberta will continue to expand, albeit at a much slower pace. This may actually mean good news for BC. With fewer BC out-migrants to Alberta, more BC spending stays home. Once again in 2015, BC’s population is expected to grow, and the BC housing market will reach its highest

point since 2008. When you look at another slide from the BC budget road show, you see that “Real Estate, Rentals and Leasing” accounts for the highest percentage of BC’s 12 major industries at 17.5 percent. Cautious optimism for BC is the RBC Outlook’s bottom line. We definitely agree with that. When it comes to LNG, “Prospects for the yet-to-be-born industry were given a boost, however, by the federal government’s LNG tax initiative announcement on February 19, which may incentivize some proponents to commit to highly anticipated, final investment decisions in 2015,” said the RBC report. Exports are meant to expand in Ontario as well this year, helping that province achieve the highest real GDP growth in Canada at 3.3 percent. This is the first time Ontario would lead in 15 years. Back at home, we’re pretty pumped – and no, that’s not a pun on the flagging oil industry. We do seem to be firing on all cylinders (here I go again, with the oil/gas industry metaphors). I guess it’s being headed for Fort Mac that’s making my prose fuel-related. Can’t wait to tweet my updates! Caroline Grover is the CEO of the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached by email at caroline@

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APRIL 2015


Vernon builder known for quality renovations and custom home builds


ER NON - Keith Dahlen Construction Ltd. continues to build on its success. This year, the renovation and custom home building company was recognized with a gold Tommie award and four silver Tommie awards as well as four silver Georgie awards, all presented by the Canadian Home Builders Association on a local and provincial level. Ken Dahlen, who owns the company with his wife, Karen, said that he is honoured every time he wins. The company was also voted Best Residential Renovator and Best Builder in the North Okanagan for a third year in a row. “This is the first year we had this many projects that were nominated so it was very good,” Ken Dahlen said. “It’s a really good feeling to know that your trades and your staff are putting together a product that is exceeding expectations in the marketplace.” The gold Tommie award was presented for the Carlton Residence, a renovation that saw the interior of the 1980s–era home transformed.

“We have found success with our inhouse drafting, and work with our clients to create a design that matches their budget.” KEN DAHLEN OWNER, KEITH DAHLEN CONSTRUCTION LTD.

The Carlton residence won a gold Tommie award CREDIT:DON WEIXL PHOTOGRAPHY



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Keith Dahlen Construction works on a wide variety of styles of homes, according to the client’s wishes CREDIT:DON WEIXL PHOTOGRAPHY

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Proud Supplier To Keith Construction


APRIL 2015


The walls of the living room and kitchen were taken down for a complete modernization to create a more open and livable space. “It was quite a dramatic change to the home,” Dahlen said. “Albeit, it was just the interior, but sometimes simplicity is the key. The owners had a very good vision and a good eye for what they wanted – that always helps.” The silver Tommie and Georgie award winners spanned a variety of projects. The L’Heureux residence was a new build on Okanagan Lake on a very challenging site. “The clients, once again, had some really nice ideas,” Dahlen said. “It was a lot of fun working on that one.” The project encompassed numerous timberwork details including timber stairs and an exterior granite rock face that became a retaining wall and created an outdoor shower area. The kitchen incorporated a large walk-in pantry hidden within the custom maple cabinets. Dahlen said those kinds of details made the project very gratifying. An Okanagan Lakefront Residence project was also creative and interesting with its fully detached two-level garage connected to the house by a breezeway. The home looks out over Okanagan Lake with a retaining wall that supports a cantilevered deck. “So you’re actually sitting out in mid-air looking over the lake,” Dahlen said. “We also put a gas fire pit out there. Once again, it’s the client’s vision

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The L’Heureux residence offers numerous timberwork details CREDIT:DON WEIXL PHOTOGRAPHY

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that makes it such a success.” He pointed out that Keith Dahlen Construction is a design/build company that works with clients to embody their ideas. “It’s ‘real’ clients, ‘real’ design with their input and their ‘real’ furniture. For us to be in the awards, we feel very fortunate.” Keith Dahlen Construction will also build for homeowners who already have complete plans for new homes or renovations. Another outstanding home the company built this year was designed by a Vancouver architect. The home, overlooking Kalamalka Lake, is contemporary with large cantilevers, floor-to-ceiling glass and a cantilevered deck with edgeless glass. Dahlen said that the finishes on the project were unique and included panels of raw steel siding and raw soffits that rust over time. The wood siding was torched to give it a charred, blackened surface. The interior was as eye-catching as the exterior. “When you get to work on projects like that, it makes the work pretty interesting,” Dahlen said. Other award-winning projects from the past year include the L’Heureaux kitchen and the Secretan bathroom that transformed an old-fashioned bathroom through the addition of a walk-in shower and new modern vanities and cabinetry. Keith Dahlen Construction is known for home design, drafting, construction of new homes, and

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APRIL 2015

The award-winning Okanagan Lakefront residence offers outstanding views CREDIT: DON WEIXL PHOTOGRAPHY

KEITH DAHLEN CONSTRUCTION its customers can be proud of. The CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7

renovations or additions. Dahlen said that the goal of the company is to build affordable homes that

staff provides service, professional advice and quality craftsmanship. The company is a Certified Registered Builder and a member with Travelers Guarantee, the




2255 Kirton Ave., Armstrong BC

Canadian Home Builders Association and the Better Business Bureau. Keith Dahlen Construction designs homes and draft plans with input from its clients. It approaches renovations the same way it approaches new home construction, taking into account tight timelines to complete the project quickly while ensuring that structural integrity is maintained while integrating new and old construction. Keith Dahlen Construction has been operating in Vernon since 1987. Before that, the founder and Ken’s father, Keith, built and renovated homes in Edmonton. Ken already had almost 10 years experience in home building when he arrived in the Okanagan with his father. “We’ve always done renovations,” he said. “That was the mainstay. As we grew, clients asked us to build homes for them. We now have a good blend of both renovations and new homes. We’re

not just doing large renovation projects; we’ll work with someone on a small reno or addition as well.” Today the company has grown to seven office staff including a professional who does 3D drafting. In the field, it employs 10 – 12 people as well as a trusted group of sub trades. It builds no more than five or six custom homes a year, Dahlen said, noting that quality is the key to success and custom homes are a hands-on project every time. “We have found success with our in-house drafting, and work with our clients to create a design that matches their budget. We make sure that we’re on track. Homeowners appreciate that we understand their budgets prior to completing the drawings.” He added that 3D drafting allows clients to get an in-depth and realistic feeling for the finished project. “This is our strength,” he said. “We’re very hands-on. We work hard with our clients up-front to make sure the selections meet their

needs.” He noted that the company works with Builder Trend software that allows clients, no matter how far away they live, to follow the progress of their projects through updated reports and photos. Currently, Keith Dahlen Construction is working on more award-worthy homes that will be entered next year. They include dramatic renovations as well as a spectacular custom home on the lake complete with a tram to the waterfront. Dahlen said that thanks to an exceptional staff that includes general manager Mike Sanford, the future of the company is assured. “I think we’re very comfortable where we are,” he said. “We are able to service our clients very well, and our sub trades are a very big part of our success. Their quality of work is beyond reproach.” Keith Dahlen Construction Ltd. is at 8205 Aberdeen Road in Vernon.

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APRIL 2015





he very best of Greater Vernon’s entrepreneurship was celebrated at the Annual Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce (GVCC) Business Excellence Awards in early March. Close to 300 were in attendance to recognize the top businesses and organizations in twelve different categories including the Business of the Year which went to Piscine Energetics Inc. The firm was also recognized as Manufacturer of the Year. Piscine Energetics is headquartered in the North Okanagan and has been revolutionizing the ornamental aquaculture and aquarium industry through innovation in aquatic nutrition. The company produces a nutritionally complete fish food for a global market sustainably harvested from pristine Okanagan Lake. Meanwhile Bannister Honda also had a good night winning the Employer of the Year as well as being recognized as the Marketer of the Year for companies with more than 10 employees. Congrats to the other winners including Caufields Engraving for Small Business of the Year, Vernon Farmer’s Market for Marketer of the Year (under 10 employees), and Meridian Rehabilitation Consulting which was recognized with the Professional Services Award. The Room Collection won the Sterling Service Award, Top Knot Events was the New Business of the Year and Healthy Spot Nutrition & Supply was tabbed as the Green Business of the Year. The Community Supporter of the Year went to VantageOne Credit Union while Camillia Courts Photography won the Young Entrepreneur of the Year. Speaking of celebrations, GVCC is pleased to recognize one of our members, TIER Support Services and the great work they are doing in the community to fill a need while helping those that are too often marginalized in our society. An example of their work is reflected in a special client of theirs, Marcus Carberry of Vernon. Marcus’s story is a great example of what can happen when you combine organizations like TIER Support Services and Community Living BC (CLBC) with business people that have an open mind and a commitment to make a positive contribution. The Community Living BC team in Vernon began working with TIER Support Services early this year. Having expressed a strong desire to

enhance employment, they introduced TIER to Marcus. TIER’s support worker began to get to know Marcus and quickly identified one of his greatest strengths and passions during this discovery process: Marcus is incredibly good at puzzles! He loves the challenge of putting many pieces together to form a completed image. In exploring the community, TIER discovered that Canadian Tire was looking to hire bike and barbecue assemblers. After some discussion Marcus met with the main bike assembler at the store, watched him assemble a bike, was handed a screwdriver, and then with supervision, put the next one together. He was hired on the spot. Marcus now works 3-5 shifts a week, putting a wide variety of bikes together and getting them out on the floor so they can be sold. When asked about the benefits he has experienced from his first job, Marcus identifies his growing independence as one of the most significant. “I have learned how to deal with money, pay bills and am learning how to save. I’m not as dependent on my government cheque as much. This has helped me be wiser with my money. I am learning how to organize myself and while it may be a slow process I’m starting to get it.” It is also be positive for Canadian Tire. “It’s been really great having him here,” says Chris Koenig, the main bike assembler at the store. “I love his positive attitude. We are ahead of the game this year, and because of Marcus working here, we’ve been able to get more bikes on the floor and out of the store which is great!” The collaboration between CLBC and TIER Support Services was able to develop a great match of Marcus’s strengths and Canadian Tire’s employment needs and in the process help Marcus take some important steps on the road to his growing independence. Markus’ story is just a small example of how our future employment needs can be addressed with creative thinking and a small investment in fostering the development of a partnerships like this one. Finally the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce is pleased to tip its glass to salute one of its long standing members Okanagan Spirits Craft Distillery which recently won Distillery of the Year and Spirit of the Year as well as retaining its World Class Distillery designation at the 2015 World Spirits Awards in Denmark. Okanagan Spirits beat out 65 distilleries from around the world for the Distillery of the Year award. “We are proud to have Okanagan Spirits as a member of the chamber,” says Jaron Chasca, GVCC president. The Distillery of the Year award speaks volumes about the quality of craft that they produce from their North Okanagan distillery. Dan Rogers is the General Manager at the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce and can be reached at

Clark’s Tile Roofing works on some of the finest homes in the Okanagan Valley SPOTLIGHT

Local Penticton company boasts an impeccable reputation


ERNON - At Clark’s Tile Roofing Inc. in Vernon, form and function come together for beautiful roofs that perform exceptionally well. Since founding the company in 1991, Clark Johnston has had one aim for his company: to install the perfect roof. “We’ve come very, very close,” Johnston said. It must also be acknowledged that Johnston’s standards are so high that a “perfect” roof is virtually impossible. Before founding Clark’s Tile Roofing, Johnston worked for a master roofer from Germany for seven years. Under his tutelage, he learned the true art of the trade. When the roofer retired, Johnston set out on his own, quickly earning a reputation from Kamloops to Osoyoos as the top full service roofing company in the valley. T he compa ny is know n for every kind of permanent roof including copper, zinc, standing seam steel, real slate, clay and concrete tiles. Clark’s T ile Roofing works with the best contractors in the valley and on many of the top Tommie award-winning homes. Johnston noted that his crew recently completed a slate roof on an 18,000 sq. ft. home. They have also installed a large copper roof and many more of the most beautiful roofs in the Okanagan. The company also does copper chimney caps and more. “I’m a bit of a stickler for detail,” Johnston said. “My guys will tell you that I can critique their work at 60 miles per hour from the highway.” And he does;

“We want it to function flawlessly and we want it to look aesthetically as best it can.” CLARK JOHNSTON PRESIDENT, CLARK’S TILE ROOFING INC.

he goes up on the roof of every house his company works on to make sure it meets his standards. Contractors hire Clark’s Tile Roofing for that reason and more. “We’re seamless,” Johnston said. “You tell us when it’s ready and we’ll tell you when it’s done – it’s that simple. We don’t need anybody holding our hands. I’ve got guys who’ve been with me 12 or 13 years and I’ve trained them how I want the roof done and that’s how they do it.” He added that he also has a longtime relationship with the largest sheet-metal shop in the Interior.

Clark Johnston aims for a perfect roof every time In collaboration with the owner, every challenge is met with complete expertise. “If you can build it, we can roof it,” Johnston said. “We’ve done some pretty serious roofs. We want it to function flawlessly and we want it to look aesthetically as best it can. Function trumps aesthetics but we want both to be perfect.” Clark’s Tile Roofing Inc. is at 2805 45 Avenue in Vernon.

Largest selection of clay roof tiles Sonja Riediger

Always a pleasure working with Clark!


Design, Plan, Build Solid Wood Homes



APRIL 2015


Land and sea produce a bounty for BC Production is up for agriculture and aquaculture


tatistics show that Vancouver Island has a three-day supply of food – and farmers are doing their best to change that. In the forefront of the movement is the Southern Vancouver Island Direct Farm Market Association (SVIDFMA). Farmers like association president Dan Ponchet often farm year-round, sell their produce at farm markets or from the farm gate. Ponchet noted that more and more people are looking for farm fresh produce rather than processed foods found in grocery stores. “I think that people want to see where their food comes from,” he said. “And they want to know what’s in their food. They’re thrilled to get something that’s fresh and local. That kind of food means a lot more to people and I think that’s why we’re being supported by a lot of the local population.” He added that farm markets are not only busier than ever but they’re growing in number. Some farm markets, like his own farm, are also open all year. He said that local farms are good for the economy. They employ people, often year round, and local farmers also buy locally, everything from seeds to all their local household and farming needs. If there is any one thing standing in the way of even greater expansion of fruit and vegetable farms, it’s the cost of land. Ponchet noted that he only owns five acres of his 50-acre farm, leasing the remaining 45 acres. Although he makes a good living – and many farmers do – it can be hard for a young person to get a foot in the door. “I wish there was a way to make it easier for young people,” he said, adding that young people also have to know that during the growing season, they can’t expect any time off and they have to be prepared to work very hard. “I still really enjoy it,” he said. “Some people can do well if they want to but in those first years you have to be motivated – forget about everything else. You have to be dedicated, but it’s also satisfying and it can be rewarding in many ways.” According to the BC Salmon Farmers Association, aquaculture, and specifically salmon farming, is the second highest valued agriculture product in British Columbia after dairy. Salmon is also BC’s number one agricultural export product. Lisa Stewart, communications

“I think that people want to see where their food comes from. And they want to know what’s in their food. They’re thrilled to get something that’s fresh and local.” DAN PONCHET PRESIDENT, SOUTH VANCOUVER ISLAND DIRECT FARM MARKET ASSOCIATION

officer at Creative Salmon Company Ltd. in Tofino said that while her company accounts for a very small piece of the salmon farming pie, the industry as a whole has changed and grown, with industry certifications becoming more important. Creative Salmon is celebrating its 25th anniversary – and it has always done things differently. It has always farmed indigenous Chinook salmon and put its focus on natural and sustainable farming methods. In May 2012 the Canadian General Standards Board published the Canadian Organic Aquaculture Standards. In Dec. 2013, Creative Salmon was certified organic. But that is not the only certification available. “Having a third party certification has become very much a part of the industry,” Stewart said. “The other salmon producers in British Columbia are Atlantic producers and they have all been pursuing certifications of their own – Best Aquaculture Practices, for one.” For Creative Salmon, growth will be moderate and controlled, she said. The larger producers are hopeful that they too will be allowed to grow in the future. But even small growth will make a big difference. Stewart said. “They’re hopeful there will be some movement – and if there is, I think the projection for growth would be about two or three new farms per year, but even that can have a really significant job spinoff plus economic benefits.” She added that organic certification is new. Creative Salmon is still the only certified organic salmon farm in the province. However, with the United States about to publish its

Kevin Boon says there is much more capacity for beef ranching in BC

Lisa Stewart says the salmon farming industry is hoping for more growth

Beef ranching makes a significant contribution to the BC economy organic aquaculture standards, the demand for organic salmon is likely to grow – and that too, will bring change to the industry. The latest report from the International Salmon Farmers’ Association (IFSA) shows that salmon farmers are producing 14.8-billion meals each year and creating 121,000 jobs around the world. According to the report, the global salmon farming industry produces $10 billion (USD) worth of salmon each year and stimulates economic growth in a wide variety of other sectors. Gail Shea, Canada’s Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, said the ISFA report marks a significant milestone in the development of the salmon farming industry. “This report confirms Canada’s aquaculture industry has come of age. It illustrates the critical importance of salmon farming globally and how Canada’s coastal communities are uniquely

positioned to benefit. Our government is proud of our commitment to grow the aquaculture industry sustainably and create much needed jobs in rural, coastal and Aboriginal communities.” said Shea. It’s not just the demand for salmon that is growing – there is also a growing demand for beef. BC may not be the largest cattle growing province in the country – in fact, it accounts only about five per cent of the the national herd – it is an industry that is on the move and one that plays a big role in the BC economy. Kevin Boon, general manger of the BC Cattlemen’s Association, said that most of the herd is located north of Kamloops and is divided between more than 11,000 producers. Due to BSE (mad cow disease) the herd diminished considerably starting in 2003 but has SEE LAND AND SEA  |  PAGE 11

APRIL 2015


The majority of the BC herd is located north of Kamloops


been growing again and thriving. An economic impact analysis done in 2010 estimated the direct and indirect economic impact of cattle ranching in BC at $660 million. However, Boon pointed out that

in the last few years prices have almost doubled. “As an estimate – and this is nothing more than an estimate – I would say that we contribute more than a billion dollars into the economy,” he said. “And the other really important part is that we utilize a lot of crown land for

our grazing purposes. Of the agricultural land available for production, we use about 85 per cent.” He added that that land is shared with forestry and mining companies as well as with guide outfitters. It is estimated that a growing world population means food producers will have to double their

SUPER BERRY ADDING PROFIT AND HEALTH At $15 per pound, the Honey Berry offers Canadian growers a high value crop


ELOWNA - Dr. Kamlesh Patel, owner of AgriForest Bio-Technologies Ltd. wants to get the word out: there’s a new berry in town and it promises a fresh and profitable new crop to Canadian farmers. Haskaps or Honey Berry, a Japanese import, is a super blue package-of-delicious, ideal for growing conditions across most of Canada, including BC. Tasty and rich in phyto-nutrients, it’s the earliest berry to produce, mid to late June, sells for up to $15 per pound, is hardy to sub freezing temperatures and resistant to most pests and diseases. Patel said it’s a high value crop that could add another stream of income for berry growers. “We use tissue culture cloning methods, choosing the ideal mother plants with the highest nutritional profile and taste. One plant can produce up to 50,000 new starts. In three months they are 6-8 inches tall, can be put on pallets and shipped to growers,” He added that the process keeps the plants in a sterile environment reducing the

output by 2050. Boon said that BC million over seven years to re-plant cattle ranchers are well positioned old orchards to high density high to make an enormous contribu- value crops. In an area that might tion. The land that is used for cattle have yielded 35 bins an acre, 50 ranching, particularly on the sides bins will now be harvested. of mountains, can’t really be used Association president Fred Steele for anything else. Boon also noted said that the tree fruit industry is that the cattlemen are working worth $550 million to the econwith the forest industry to avoid omy in direct and indirect busiclear cutting. Selective logging ness – and that number is set to is far more conducive to foraging increase. Cherries are becoming a huge export to China and other for cattle. In 2005 the breeding cattle countries in Asia. Steele noted that herd in BC numbered 320,000. the association owns a company Today that number is down to called Summerland Varieties that 200,000,meaning there is signifi- partners with government, private cant room for growth. Three other industries and the research stathings point to a growing future for tions to handle propagating and intellectual property rights around BC cattleman. “Our cold climate really helps the world. “Most people don’t realize that in livestock production because it kills a lot of the bacteria so we can 80 per cent of all the new comraise very healthy cattle at a lower mercial varieties of cherries becost with less medications. We ing grown around the world come have the availability of water and out of Summerland,” Steele said, that is probably our most valuable adding that the association is not resource. And one thing that is resting on its successes. It is now important to British Columbians: working on finding programs that ranching is the one stable in rural will help farmers plant new trees BC. It keeps our towns and small on bare ground. He also pointed cities going. Mining and lumber out that another reason Okanagan will come and go. Ranching and fruits are in such high demand is food production has been there the low use of pesticides and its for 150 years and will remain there integrated pest management and that’s what adds the stability programs. “Optimism is infectious,” he to rural BC. Farther south in the province, said. “The industry has come rural BC is doing very well in the together. We’re working togethtree fruit business. The re-plant er with the cherry growers and A Cluster of Tissue Culture program was announced this past the co-op packing houses. We’re working for the good of the indusfall by the BC Fruit Growers Asso-Berries, Saskatoon Berries, Honey Dwarf Sour Cherries ciation and the provincial govern- try – there are a lot of things that ment. The program supplies $8.4 we can do.”

New Berry & Small Fruit Crop Plants AgriForest is pleased to offer tissue culture-derived cold hardy small fruit tree plants of:

Looking for New and Exciting Berry Crops? Look no further… SASKATOON BERRIES

“The berry is ideal for creating value added products like jams, jellies, chutneys, wine, beer and liqueur.”


With five times the phytonutrients of blueberries, the Haskap promises a healthy future need for quarantine measures or pesticides, speeding up the greenhouse to production cycle, and lowering shipping costs dramatically. “Each plant yields about 10 pounds of fruit,” said Patel, “and you can have 1,000 plants per acre.” For berry growers in BC, Haskaps add profitable diversity to their existing crops with the added bonus of extending the season. “The berry is ideal for creating value added products like jams, jellies, chutneys, wine, beer and liqueur,” Patel said. “In 2013 one of our major clients, LaHave Natural Farms won best new entrant at the World Juice Awards in Cologne for their Haskapa juice vintage.” Currently AgriForest is producing more than a half a million plants annually, with major buyers in Nova Scotia. But its


market is expanding. Recently, in Armstrong, a grower’s workshop on the Haskap was sold out. With over 30 years experience in the industry, Patel feels this berry offers growers a wealth of opportunities. “It has 5 times the quantity of polyphenols as blueberries,” he said. “Is not genetically modified or engineered and is low maintenance. Our growers use a compost tea for fertilizer making the fruit easy to grow organically.” With interest growing in diverse, value added and healthy crops, the Haskap delivers a powerful and profitable opportunity to growers and a delicious alternative for consumers. Agriforest Biotechnologies is located at 4290 Wallace Hill Road in Kelowna and can be reached by phone at 250-764-2224 or via email at

These varieties are selected and bred by the University of Saskatchewan, Agriculture Canada Research andto private breeders. AgriForestCenters is pleased offer tissue culture derived cold hardy plants of newtissue varieties of: plants are: Our culture

Berries Berries • saskatoon Exhibit a denser branching habit and floral raspBerries production resulting in a larger fruit crop sour CHerries • Dwarf Characterised by even ripening for easier


H Le Le P P

Saskatoon Berries

• Haskap/Honey True to the variety

mechanical harvesting and pick-your-own These varieties are selected and bred operations by the University of Saskatchewan, Agriculture Canada Research Centers and private The fruits ofbreeders. these newly-released varieties are not

only delicious but also a rich source of antioxidants The fruits of these newly-released varieties are not only delicious but also a and vitamins known for their roles in prevention of rich source of antoxidants and vitamins cancer and heart diseases! known for their roles in prevention of

Haskaps/ Honey Berries


Dwarf Sour Cherries

A B (p B C

cancer and heart disease.

Most competitive prices in the industry!


A G R I F O R E S T B I O - T E C H N O L O G I E S LT D

4290 Wallace Hill Road Kelowna, BC Canada V1W 4B6 T. (250) 764-2224 F. (250) 764-2224 E. W.


C Ju C R


APRIL 2015


Local store consistently growing its contractor base


ENTICTON - Looking back on 10 years in business, Chad Mielke, store manager of Rona in Penticton, said it has been a remarkable decade. Accolades for the store began coming in only four years after it opened when it was named Canada’s Outstanding Retailer of the Year in the category Best Building Supplier/Home Centre over 25,000 square feet by Hardware Merchandising Magazine, a subsidiary of Rogers Communications. Praise continued almost daily from Rona’s customers and last fall, in a new Rona program, the store won Fourth Quarter of the Year and took second place in Store of the Year for Western Canada. It was also recently nominated for Business of the Year by the Penticton and Wine Country Chamber of Commerce. Mielke, who opened the store with his father, Rick Mielke, said that the store has thrived through good times and bad. “We opened during the boom. We went through the recession – and now we’re back into the boom. It feels like we’ve come full circle.” How did the store survive during the tough times?

“We tell our staff over and over again that we need to be quick and efficient with the contractors. It’s their business and the fastest we can make things happen is the ideal.” CHAD MIELKE STORE MANAGER, RONA PENTICTON

“We were blessed to have a very good staff,” Mielke said. “We tightened up and our core group became even stronger.” He added that the store was lucky that it kept most of its people and that it weathered the storm. Today the store is reaping the benefits. A lot of new building is taking place in the south Okanagan and the renovation market is also beginning to pick up again. For many people who are building a new home or re-doing an old one, Rona is the first choice. “We tell our staff that every person who walks through our door has chosen us,” Mielke said. “In doing that they’re paying for our mortgages, our rent, our groceries and our lifestyle in the Okanagan. We are truly grateful that they have

Rona Penticton celebrates 10 years in business chosen to enter our store. And why do they do it? I’d like to think it’s because we have really good staff. We have staff who have been here for a long time.” In fact, this is not just the 10th anniversary for the store, it is also the 10th anniversary for 23 staff – people who have been

Congratulations to Rona! Congratulations on 10 exceptional years! AFA wishes you continued success 1165 Gordon Dr., Kelowna, BC

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with Rona Penticton since the day it opened. In addition, nine staff will be celebrating 10 years in 2016 and eight more in 2017. “That’s unheard-of in retail,” Mielke said. Six years ago, when he received the award for Outstanding Retailer of the Year, he explained his success by saying, “I don’t think it’s prices; I don’t think it’s location; I don’t think it’s the look of our stores; I don’t even think it’s the banner we fly. Why we’re successful is 100 per cent due to our staff – they are why we are as strong as we are in Penticton.” There is, however, another reason people shop at Rona. Mielke noted that the company is a front-runner when it comes to innovation. “It seems our store changes on a weekly basis. New product rolls in. We offer choice and selection. I have over 100 different faucets. You can’t walk into any other store in Penticton and choose from the selection we carry.” Rona caters to both the public and to contractors. Today, Mielke estimates that 50 percent of the

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business is with contractors, a demographic that has been growing steadily. Both areas have grown but the contractor side, remarkably so over the last two years. Indeed, the last three years have seen double digit growth for the store overall. Great products and exceptional service is bringing contractors to Rona, Mielke said. “We have a very good core group of contract sale people and they are getting what the contractors need. On top of that, we have a first rate shipping department that makes sure the contractors get the product when they need it.” He said that the staff understand that for a contractor every minute of time is money. “We tell our staff over and over again that we need to be quick and efficient with the contractors. It’s their business and the fastest we can make things happen is the ideal.” The public also finds that Rona is the ideal place to shop for all their home needs, whether it’s new kitchen cabinets, a new shower stall

Congratulations Rona Penticton from your friends at CanWel

Ph: 250-765-2036 205 Campion Str. Kelowna


APRIL 2015

Rona welcomes both customers and contractors to its store

The management team of Veronica Spidel, Laszlo Lakatos, David Farebrother and Chad Mielke take pride in Rona’s award winning service

Rona product changes constantly to reflect new items and changing seasons or lumber for a deck or house addition. And if they need some help, Rona’s staff can offer the advice they need. “We can take you from the start of a project all the way to the very end,” Mielke said. “I have people who can walk you through every project. If you need flooring, we have a flooring guy; if you need paint, we have paint people.” He

added the reality is that some staff are part time and not as expert as the core group, but at least half the staff can answer questions expertly and steer people in the right direction. Mielke said that he can’t remember a time when he was not in the building supply business. His father owned building supply and hardware stores in Osoyoos, Penticton,

Congratulations on your 10th Anniversary! #130 – 1979 Windsor Rd.,Kelowna Tel: (250) 762-3559 •

Summerland and Kelowna, and that was pretty much where he grew up. When the opportunity with Rona came up, father and son thought it was a chance they simply couldn’t pass up. “My dad was interested in getting back into building supplies,” Mielke said. “And Penticton had only one building supply store. The competition was needed – and Rona was growing and expanding. We were excited to get on board.” The Mielkes formed a joint venture with Rona and the store has been going strong ever since. He added that there have been many rewards over the past 10 years. “I have enjoyed getting to know my staff; I have enjoyed getting to know our customers. We have experienced the highs and the lows and it has been a phenomenal learning experience.” In the past 10 years, Rona has also become known for its contributions to the community. The direction of that support, with impetus from staff, has changed and strengthened. “We have started getting behind groups that make the lives of other

Rona Penticton offers a massive selection of lighting people better,” Mielke said. “We sponsored and helped out a group that aims to give single moms opportunities to put their kids in day care so that they can complete their education. We are also involved in Kidsport.” He noted that the Rona name may not be quite as visible at big events, but the store is doing tremendous work quietly in the background. Last year it raised almost $30,000 for important causes in the community. That community support is not about to change. Mielke said that the store will continue to grow and thrive for the next 10 years and on into the future. Rona Penticton is at 384 Duncan Avenue in Penticton.


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APRIL 2015

Sidney firm turning natural gas into gasoline Blue Fuel Energy’s pet project could be a fossil fuel game changer BY JOHN MACDONALD


IDNEY - The world’s cleanest gasoline could be produced in British Columbia in a matter of years. Sidney-based Blue Fuel Energy’s (BFE) is developing a process combining established and proven technology that converts natural gas into gasoline. The plan to leverage this ‘low carbon intensity gasoline’ in BC was birthed in 2008 by Juergen Puetter, a serial entrepreneur with a history of converting scientific innovation into profitable businesses. “The economics of the project are very compelling,” says Puetter. “This project is ideal for BC, and takes advantage of the low cost of clean electricity and the significant access to natural gas the province has.” “I believe we have the social licensing aspect of the project in spades,” he added, referring to the recent overwhelmingly positive reception the project received from District of Chetwynd residents and the surrounding northern BC community. He contrasted Blue Fuel’s positive experience with the current challenges being faced by natural resource projects such as the Trans Mountain and Northern Gateway pipelines. “We have been working on obtaining th is l icense f rom the a rea for eig ht years,” he added, with the company having gained public support from both

Juergen Puetter, Chairman and CEO of Blue Fuel Energy Chetwynd and the City of Dawson Creek, along with a memorandum of understanding with the West Moberly First Nations. “Blue Fuel Energy will be an excellent corporate citizen and this project will be a huge asset to Chetwynd and Dawson Creek. We welcome the opportunity to work together to facilitate sustainable development,” said Mayor Merlin Nichols, District of Chetwynd. The project consists of two separate plants on a 1,055-acre site. The natural gas to gasoline plant is called Sundance Fuels.

Financial Controller Valley Comfort Systems, the manufacturer of Blaze King high efficiency wood stoves is looking to hire a financial controller for their Penticton, BC operation. The position offered is full time and permanent. Salary is negotiable and could include bonus potential, benefit package and matching RRSP contribution potential. Skills & Expertise: Accounting designation: CPA - Experience in manufacturing setting - Experience with banking relationships - Able to deal with multi-currency and multi-company setting - Familiarity with AccPac (To assist in transfer to new system) - Familiarity with modern accounting / MIS / ERP software systems - Basic understanding of computer hardware needs and issues - Experience with back-up, file storage and directory management systems - Strong documentation skills Familiarity with Lean Manufacturing processes Personable Attributes: Ability to work under strict deadlines - Self managed - Strong ethical compass - A cooperative team member and leader - A motivator - Strong communicator - Sense of humor - Must have valid Canadian Passport and be able to periodically travel to US. Send resume to: President, Valley Comfort Systems, 1290 Commercial Way, Penticton, V2A 3H5 Or Email resume to:

Blue Fuel President Michael Macdonald in front of a methanol plant he developed for Methanex, it is similar to what the Chetwynd project will look like. The first to be built will be Blue Fuel Energy’s natural gas to gasoline plant, currently in the permitting stage, with construction expected to begin in 2016, depending on funding availability. BFE is seeking $50 million to advance to the next phase, and would like to maintain control of the project following the investment, as well as to keep the primary investment Canada-based. Construction completion is expected in 2019. The second plant to be built will be Canadian Methanol’s natu ra l gas to methanol plant, with construction expected to start about a year and a half after completion of the Sundance project, sometime between 2017-2018 with completion coming in 2020-2021. Puetter has had several previous successes in business, including Bionaire Inc., Hydroxyl Systems and Aeolis Wind. Aeolis will play a role in supporting the BFE project by supplying wind-generated electricity that will further reduce the carbon intensity of the gasoline. Electricity from Aeolis wind farms, and other renewable electricity from BC Hydro, will be used to power electrolyzers to produce hydrogen and to operate the plant. The hydrogen will be combined with carbon dioxide and natural gas to produce syngas, which is then converted to produce methanol. The methanol will then be dehydrated to create dimethyl ether (DME). Finally, the DME will be dehydrated to produce gasoline. Bridging the gap between renewable energy and fossil fuels is important to the BFE team. When completed the project is expected to produce what they term the “least carbon intensive gasoline in the world”. Their focus on reducing the carbon footprint doesn’t end with gasoline conversion, as the project also plans on distributing waste heat from the plants to greenhouses to be co-located on the Sundance site. The project will also provide an alternative way of using BC’s abundance

of natural gas. At the moment, the allure of liquefied natural gas exports has companies investing in pipelines and refinement factories, which has created significant controversy throughout the province. However, BFE’s project would not require new transportation infrastructure, since the proposed site would have rail access to transport their product from the facility. Currently, fuel distributors in BC and several other west-coast jurisdictions must comply with their respective lowcarbon fuel standards, which, according to Puetter, provides BFE with a competitive advantage. T he company’s Blue Fuel Gasoline will exceed low-carbon fuel standard requirements, while competing products have to be modified in order to meet them. Further, the renewable elements of BFE’s gasoline don’t draw from food sources, compared to existing gasoline pools that are blended with cornbased ethanol in order to comply with regulations. California and Oregon have similar standards in place, and Washington is planning on following suit in the near future, meaning that BFE’s market will not be limited to just BC. At full production, the facility is expected to produce almost one billion liters of gasoline per year, which is approximately 20% of the gasoline consumed in BC, but only around 1% of what’s consumed in the west coast jurisdictions with low-carbon fuel standards. BFE will use 130 million cubic feet of natural gas per day, and 150 megawatts of electrical energy as inputs to generate the 1 billion liters. Of those 150 megawatts, 50 will be used for the electrolysis process, and 100 will be used to run the plant. Recently, Michael Macdonald, formerly senior vice president, global operations, at methanol giant Methanex, joined the BFE team. Macdonald brings 30 years of industry experience to the project.


APRIL 2015


Family owned company does eavestroughs, siding and timberwork


ELOWNA - Don’t let the name fool you: yes, Eagle Eavestroughing Ltd. in Kelowna is well known for eavestroughs, soffits and gutters, but it does much more than that, including Hardi-plank, vinyl and wood siding as well as custom timberwork of all kinds. The company works for the public as well as some of the top contractors in the Okanagan Valley, on both renovations and new construction. When it comes to eavestroughs, Eagle Eavestroughing replaces or installs every kind, including copper eavestroughing. Manager Shawn Dawson said that replacing old eavestroughing and soffits not only makes for a better look but also improved venting and a healthier home. The company was founded by his father, John in 1989 and is still a family-run business with Shawn’s mother, Brenda still managing the office. Shawn started working for his father in 1990 when he was still in school, putting in time during summer holidays and on weekends. Back in those early days, Eagle Eavestroughing focused mainly on eavestroughs but also took on other odd jobs like additions and deck repairs. From those small beginnings, the company grew exponentially. When Shawn started working for his father full time after high school, he quickly won his father’s trust, not just because he did a good job but also because he loved the work. “I like looking at the finished product and seeing the smile on my customer’s face,” he said. “I like walking away from the job and knowing that it looks good. I start the job with the goal of finishing it really well, then getting to that goal and moving on to the next one.” Being a self-described “people person,” Dawson also enjoys dealing with the clients and contractors. “”I even like interacting with the construction society,” he said. “And it makes you feel really good when a client calls you back and wants you to work for them again. We have a number of repeat customers.” Eagle Eavestroughing has installed siding almost from the beginning, but timberwork is a relatively new enterprise. In 2010, a contractor asked Dawson to handle some exterior timberwork on a project. Not only did he handle it well, he far exceeded expectations. Today, Dawson has the knowledge, expertise, manpower and equipment to handle any scope of a project. Eagle

“We’re a family business and this, for me, is more than just work. I put emotion into what I’m doing.” SHAWN DAWSON MANAGER, EAGLE EAVESTROUGHING LTD.

Eagle Eavestroughing works on some of the finest homes in the valley

Eavestroughing works with some of the top custom home builders in the Okanagan Valley and has worked on countless Tommie award winning homes. “I get lots of referrals,” Dawson said. “And I don’t want unhappy customers. I take personal pride in this work. We’re a family business and this, for me, is more than just work. I put emotion into what I’m doing. If we do something I don’t like, usually it’s taken down before anyone gets to see it.” He noted that his standards are probably higher than anyone else’s and he will not compromise

Congratulations Shawn, Brenda and John on 25 Years of business. 450 Lougheed Rd., Kelowna


Shawn Dawson says his biggest satisfaction is providing his customers with exceptional service and a quality product his high expectations of the work that he and his crew do. “I don’t take on a project just for the money,” he said. “The difference with our company is that we don’t worry about the jobs we

We would like to congratulate Eagle Eavestroughing on 25 years of success! 206 - 1353 Ellis St., Kelowna, BC

(250) 763-4660

don’t get, our focus and concern is the jobs we do get.” Many of the company’s 16 crew are long-term employees and they are very good at what they do. With excellent pay and company benefits as well

as job satisfaction, the employees have every reason to stay. Dawson noted that he has never pushed the company to grow, but it has grown to meet demand. He expects that process to continue. Not too long ago, when he found that his crew was being asked more and more to go out on service calls, he acquired a service truck. “If a customer has a minor issue we take pride in giving it top priority. There are no such things as problems, only solutions. I deal every day with a call from someone who has an issue, maybe with a downspout. I tell them, ‘It’s not a problem, we’ll come by and fix it.’” He added that he expects to keep fixing problems for a long time to come – and to keep on working on a multitude of projects each year, including some of the most spectacular homes in the valley. Eagle Eavestroughing Ltd. is at 3471 Seratoga Road in Kelowna.

Congratulations, from all of us! 250-765-1050 0F&XUdy Road Kelowna


APRIL 2015


Diversified services grew to handle trees, trucks and real property


ELOWNA – A respected community leader’s keen eye for opportunities has helped establish a Kelowna-based family business for the next generation. Hugh Fitzpatrick started Hawkeye Holdings Ltd. with his son Dock Fitzpatrick in 1986. Today, all of Hugh’s children are set to carry on the family legacy with the company,


“We see a strong future for our company. Our father sadly passed away in January 2015, but left us a business built on a firm foundation. I know he would be proud that my sisters Sheilagh and Shaune and I are carrying on the family legacy through Hawkeye holdings.” DOCK FITZPATRICK PRESIDENT AND CO-FOUNDER, HAWKEYE

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which now offers trucking, seedlings, warehousing and property management services to customers. The roots of the company were set in 1922 when Hugh started working at the Rutland fruit packing warehouse established by father, F.L. “Doc” Fitzpatrick. His company, McLean & Fitzpatrick Ltd., moved to the current location at 3396 Sexsmith Road in Kelowna in 1926. “In 1986 my dad and I bought the family property, starting a

Congratulations on your success. We are proud to be your partner now and in the future.

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Hawkeye has always been a family business. From left: Mother Jacqui Fitzpatrick, who passed away in October, 2014, with Dock, Shaune, Jordan, Sheilagh and Hugh Fitzpatrick, who passed away in January 2015 new warehouse business. Hawkeye Holdings formed, diversifying into trucking, seedling tree storage, property management and civil construction,” says President and Co-founder Dock Fitzpatrick. “Our father sadly passed away in January this year, but he left us a business built on a firm foundation. My sisters Sheilagh and Shaune and I now continue the family legacy serving local and multi-national customers from our original 12 acres. We see a strong future.” Hugh Fitzpatrick built Hawkeye Holdings the right way, focusing on relationship building, sincerity and honest service. “Dad was a big part of the community and he built lasting business relationships,” says Sheilagh Fitzpatrick. “From 1944 to 1949 dad was an Army Cadet attaining the rank of Lieutenant and later he served with the BC Dragoons Army Reserve. From then on he served in over 30 community service roles. Among the President of the Rutland Board of Trade, BC Chamber of Commerce Director and Kelowna General Hospital Board Chairman. He was one of the driving forces in

Glen Weninger packs baby trees for Hawkeye, which has grown to become the largest forestry seedling storage facility in BC bringing the Kelowna Cancer clinic to the city.” “His strength was in being a strong business leader, caring and collaborative in his dedication to problem solving. His further roles included design and supervision of the Rutland Centennial Community Hall and volunteering as Cub Leader for the 1st Rutland Cub Pack.” A year after start-up, the BC Ministry of Forests had new

requirements that needed to be met, and Hawkeye was ready. “Soon after Hawkeye was established, an opportunity came through the ministry of forests, who had been evicted from their tree seedling storage facility following a property sale,” recalls Dock. “The guy charged with finding a new site in the valley just walked over when I was locking up the warehouse and said ‘Would you be interested in providing refrigeration

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Congratulations on your continued success. We look forward to working with you for many more years to come. Winn Rentals Ltd


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APRIL 2015

FL “Doc” Fitzpatrick ran his fruit packing warehouse on the 12 acres that was purchased by his son and grandson to start Hawkeye Earlier years - Hugh Fitzpatrick stands beside his 1950’s International truck

Hugh Fitzpatrick in one of the company’s newer trucks

storage for seedling trees?’. We said: Sure, we can do that!” “Our first contract was to store 40,000 cartons of seedlings each year for three years. Now we are the largest seedling storage facility in BC, serving Tolko, Weyerhaeuser and West Fraser Mills as well as the Ministry of Forests, which forms 40 per cent of the market for winter timber seedling storage.” Under watchful and prudent management, the company has not only survived, but thrived. “We are a diversified company operating from a 12 acre property, and we are one of the companies with the longest operating history on a single site in the Okanagan. After seedling storage, opportunities in trucking and civil construction came our way,” Sheilagh Fitzpatrick notes. “Tenants wanted us to build a warehouse, and since Dad had been involved in construction, we built all of our own buildings onsite and rented them out. Now we are in property management with 12 tenants including a truck transmission shop, agricultural supply warehouse, soil remediation company and kitchen cabinetry shop,” she adds. Hawkeye has a history of turning internal ventures into entirely new divisions. “Once we finished building our rental properties on-site, we decided to do civil construction work for other people. We remain a smaller company, but our reach and diversification has allowed us to service some prominent customers,” Dock Fitzpatrick notes.

“Our focus in trucking is reliability, expediency and safety. We updated our fleet through effective and positive negotiations with International to ensure we operate the most current and well equipped trucks available.” The company’s commitment to seeing projects through and emphasizing customer service is a key to its success. “We are a family business, so we tend to be less top-down and instead have a very collaborative approach,” explains Sheilagh. “All of our children have been and some continue to be involved in some way in the company. We don’t view staff as just employees but rather, as part of our team who have something to share. “Our employees feel comfortable approaching us with their ideas. We always have our doors open - guys don’t hesitate to come in and say ‘Hey I want to talk about something’.” Family members will continue to explore new opportunities as they arise. “Going forward, we are seeing opportunities to grow in strength and possibly in our diversity of services,” says Dock Fitzpatrick. “Demands fluctuate, but we keep our costs down and our revenue up so we can make some money and keep our customers satisfied. “We will build on the lasting relationships Dad established as we carry his memory forward.” Hawkeye Holdings is at 3396 Sexsmith Road in Kelowna.

“As the first ones on the ground, we take care of services including underground pipe networks, water main upgrades and storm drain upgrades for municipalities. We have done foundation work and structural fills, site services for high rise apartments, and paved surfaces for the Kelowna Airport.” In recent years, trucking has become a leading division of Hawkeye. That division started when they couldn’t get the gravel they needed. “There was a contractor by the name of Doug Petch who worked in my grandfather’s fruit packing on this property, and he used to deliver gravel, with his first load being for my grandfather. Whenever we had a construction project and needed gravel, Doug got it for us,” says Dock Fitzpatrick. “In the mid 1980’s when we took over this property, we ordered gravel, but there was a less than helpful person in his office who failed to help us. So we bought our own gravel truck which led to the acquisition of John Deere backhoes, excavators, MTLS, packers and rollers.” Hawkeye’s close watch on new opportunities resulted in the creation of a distinct long-haul trucking division in 2008. “We added highway tractors and started doing long-hauls that year,” Dock states. “We acquired high quality machines and skilled crews to serve customers from BC to Ontario. We now have nine long haul trucks as well as our three dump trucks and our local transport truck.”

Civil division work - Fleet Service Manager Adrian Boruta drives a Ford while Senior Gravel Truck Driver and Equipment Operator Jack Mapstone operates a multi terrain loader

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GROWERS INC. “Our Business is Growing" Congratulations, it's a pleasure doing business with you. Ph: (250) 494-9467 • (250) 494-0804 E: 14608 Washington Ave., Summerland, B.C.

Congratulations Hawkeye Holdings on your continued growth and success! EMCO Waterworks Kelowna is proud to be a supporting partner in your past, present and future! 103-199 Pinto Rd, Kelowna, BC V1V2G9 Ph: (250) 765-3653 Fax: (250) 765-3658



CHAMBER DIRECTION FOR 2015 Within the area of Tourism the Chamber operates the visitor centre, welcoming approximately 12,000 visitors each season.



n March 10, the Summerland Chamber of Commerce members met for the Annual General Meeting at Sumac Ridge Estate Winery. Elected by acclamation for 2-year terms on the Board are: Robert Hacking of Bad Robot Computers and Electronics, Michael Hughes of Ripley Stainless, Erick Thompson of ET2media and Kelsey Van Alphen of Alder Street Auto Body. Board members with one year remaining on their current term are Christine Coletta of Okanagan Crush Pad, Jason Embree of Good Omens Coffee House and Kelly Marshall of the Summerland Credit Union. As part of the presentation to the membership, the three areas where the Chamber is active were reviewed: Tourism, Member Services and Business Retention and Attraction. Within the area of Tourism the Chamber operates the visitor centre, welcoming approximately 12,000 visitors each season. Along with coordinating the photography and writing the copy for the annual visitor guide, and promoting the community as a tourism destination, the Chamber also organizes Summerland’s


and medium term rentals to small businesses and professionals on assignment in the city. Construction is expected to be completed in late summer this year. NHG also announced the project’s first tenant, Kamloops Reporting Services Ltd., owned by Marina Hopkins. “We believe that by providing our court reporting services within this bright, spacious, and technologically equipped new facility, it will enhance our productivity as court reporters and provide an overall calm, positive, and superior experience for all parties,” she said. “We are excited about the enhanced services Marina and her team will bring to our project.” Besides Centrepoint, NHG has made efforts to innovate and contribute to the City of Kamloops, offering a look at what a potential performing arts centre might look like on the current site of the Lake City Casino on the 500-block of Victoria Street.

Festival of Lights. In 2014 the Chamber launched a dedicated tourism website for Summerland, along with a new tourism video. 2015 special projects include participating in the creation of regional bike path guides and the

“The feedback has been incredibly positive from the surrounding area, the business community and our partners. We’re really excited about bringing this project to market.” CHRIS ROWE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE FOR THE NATIONAL HOSPITALITY GROUP

Last year the city commissioned MHPM Project Managers to conduct a $233,000 two-phase feasibility study to explore options for the performance centre. Also included in the study with NHG’s location is the former Kamloops

production of the Summerland Showcase quarterly tourism bulletin – a digital resource distributed electronically to more than 15,000 addresses throughout BC and Alberta. Within the area of Member Services the Chamber provides business advocacy on behalf of its membership and offers educational opportunities. Members receive promotional benefits through avenues such as the Annual Awards Gala, the Summerland Phone Directory, Business after Business events, monthly newsletters and articles in various publications. In 2014 the Chamber hosted a comprehensive election issues blog as well as an all-candidates forum. In 2015 the new Chamber website will be completed. The Chamber will also host specific sector meetings to determine key issues for members. In the area of Business Retention and Attraction the Chamber coordinates sector networking, the development of key partnerships and the promotion of Summerland as a place to do business. In 2014 the Chamber produced a n on l i ne Relocation and Investment Guide and partnered with the District of Summerland to create a series of economic development videos, which are available on-line. In 2015 the Chamber will partner with the District to conduct business walks to engage members. As well, a video/Facebook campaign is planned to highlight the impact of shopping locally. Christine Petkau is Executive Director at the Summerland Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at cpetkau@ Daily News site and Henry Grube Education Centre. Vancouverbased Kasian Architecture designed the proposal. “At this stage, we wanted to just let the people of Kamloops know we’re here and we’re able to provide this facility in a manner that we think is going to be economically sustainable and has significant economic operational advantages,” says Rob Gritten, President of NHG. The company was approached by the city almost two years ago about having an arts centre on its land. There will be an upcoming vacancy, since Gateway Casinos has given notice that its Lake City Casino would be moving to a new location on Versatile Drive. NHG has been involved in the Kamloops community for some time, with its ownership of the Thompson Hotel and Conference Centre and Blue. Dining + Lounge. The company plans to expand outside of the city in the future. “It’s always been a part of our long term dream,” says Rowe.

APRIL 2015

COMFORT INN WINS PRESTIGIOUS AWARD This prestigious award is given to the top 10 percent of Choice Hotels in Canada and was the only recipient in British Columbia to receive this award.



wner Carmen Jarvis could not be more pleased after learning the Comfort Inn and Suites in Salmon Arm is the recipient of the 2015 Gold Award by Choice Hotels. This prestigious award is given to the top 10 percent of Choice Hotels in Canada and was the only recipient in British Columbia to receive this award. Manager of the hotel, Jill Powers, knows her and her staff take pride in remarkable customer service, which is what sets them apart from the other award recipients with newer hotels. To congratulate Carmen and her staff, visit them at 1090 – 22nd Street N.E. or call 250-832-7711. A new food truck will be circulating in Salmon Arm this tou r i sm sea son, a nd ow ner David Allard is look i ng forward to serving our community delicious wood-fired cuisine. Panzudo Flatbreads, meaning “big-bellied” in Spanish, has a sense of humor when it comes to their name, but is serious when it comes to providing the best and most delicious oven-fired pizzas, international cuisine and flatbreads using local Shuswap

produce. If you are looking for a mobile food truck or catering for your next event or festival, look no further. David and his food truck welcome you to browse his website where you will find menu information as well as where to find him next. Visit or call (250) 503-7879 for more details. Cong ratu l at ion s go out to owners Brad and Kathleen Honey who purchased The Brick in Salmon Arm last year and celebrated their one-year anniversary on March 21st, 2015. Brad and Kathleen are excited to bring in new energy to the company by offering the community great furniture at an even better cost. If you have been thinking about getting new furniture or appliances, or you would like to meet Brad and Kathleen, stop in 1701 – 10th Avenue S.W. or visit them online Corryn Grayston is the General Manager at the Salmon Arm Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at (250) 832-6247 or

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APRIL 2015



a lot of thought to their issues or potential. With our private business owner hat on, we’re thinking about their needs. Our clients come to us because they want that attention to detail – and we invest big time in our clients.” He added that Crowe MacKay prides itself in adding value and on its reputation for saving money for its clients. Crowe MacKay is thorough and client focused. Many of those clients have been with the firm for years – some since the day it opened its doors. Those clients may be retired now, but with the advice and help of Crowe MacKay, their businesses have passed successfully into other hands. And even though the original clients are older, they still avail themselves of Crowe MacKay’s ser v ices – even i f that on ly means a tax return in March every year. ” T h at’s w h e re we ge t o u r s a t i s f a c t i o n ,” T u r r i s a i d . “We’ve on ly been able to be successful over the years because of the clients we have – and every client is looked after the same as they always were.” Start-up businesses face their own set of challenges. Often the question of accounting and bookkeeping falls very low on a new company’s to-do list. But that’s where Crowe MacKay can step in and make a difference right from the start, by removing that worry from the new business owner’s mind and making sure that the business is not going to be surprised by a big tax bill. The firm can also help with sudden growth, which is not unusual with new tech companies. “ We w o r k h a r d w i t h t h e

Don Turri says the great strength of the firm is its work with private businesses

“We decided quite a number of years ago that we wanted to focus on private businesses and their owners. That’s a subset of what all accounting firms do, but we wanted that to be our primary focus.”

Crowe MacKay’s Partners recently received the Award for Community Service from the Rotary Club of Kelowna: Dennis Campbell, president of the Rotary Club of Kelowna presents to Ken Laloge, Don Turri, Murray Bye, Angela Bailey, and Lynn Wong


Crowe MacKay new partner group: David Gauthier, Nick Moffatt and Mike Crowley cl ient to m a ke su re t h at a l l those things that are new to a new business person are handled correctly – we make sure that their payments are made on t i me a nd t hei r f i n a nci a l

information is handled in such a way that we can handle and process it at the end. Let’s get that done right and let them focus on their areas of strength.” Turri added that the firm has a

lot of next generation talent on board and is excited to see them develop into future leaders. “As long as we’re plugged into the community and doing the right things, we’ll always be

able to have a successful firm going forward.” Crowe MacKay LLP Chartered Accountants is at 500 – 1620 Dickson Avenue in Kelowna.



few yea rs ago succession plans were trending heavily with banks and valuation firms foretelling the doomsday impact the plethora of retiring boomers would have on small business. In fact the Canadian Federation for Independent Business stated that fully 1/3 of independent business owners, mostly baby boomers, planned to exit their businesses within the next five years. Today exit plans are taking a new turn, with changes in the economy pushing them out by another ten or more years. Add to that, less than half of the boomers who want to exit their businesses, have any sort of succession plan in place, which hugely diminishes their business valuation. It’s not hard to see where this road is headed. There is no magic bullet in fixing this problem. Finding and investing in right people late in your business is seldom easy, nor will it be painless. Regardless, succession plans don’t need to be

costly or unwieldy organizational projects. This 8 step process is designed to get you smoothly cross-training and developing your key people so you can be ready to sell up, out, or hold steady place in your competitive market. 1. Start with a valuation of your current business. A succession plan without first knowing where you are - so you can track essential developments - is meaningless. 2. Get out your org chart and mark each of the key positions that have real impact, eg. they significantly contribute to generating profitable customers. 3. Under each position, without thinking about who is in the role now, list the top three qualities of most desirable skills for that role. 4. On a separate piece of paper, write down the name of each of your high potential employees across the top. Under each name list that person’s unique values and qualities which make them

Barbara Ashton of Ashton & Associates valuable, regardless of the role they are in. Pick one that most stands out about that particular person. Think in terms of where they most add value to your company. 5. Now go back to your org chart and see what other roles these high-potential employees

would be suited to. Then list the development they need, match them up with mentors or set up outside training. 6. Meet with each of these key people, introduce them to the process and analyze their response. Discuss your 5-year plan, what you are considering to offer, and what you are looking for in return. 7. Rigorously evaluate each of your key players to see if any display selfish, protective or soloed behaviours. Coach them up to embrace your vision, or make plans to replace them with people who have the ambition and loyalty to work through what it takes to develop themselves and build your company. At this point you may need to look outside your company, and perhaps even your industry. 8. Meet regularly with your teams to revise and reset objectives. Remember to benchmark and then reward each member’s progress and accomplishments. Beware Putting All of Your Eggs in Anyone’s Basket

Don’t squeeze too many expectations, nor rely too heavily, on just one or two people in your succession plan. Keep two people in mind for developing into any one role, but take it just one person, one role at a time. Give each person tasks that allow them to experience one or two key elements of the new role at a time. This will prepare them for real game experience and let you see how keenly they step up to the challenge, or not. There may not be a magic bullet. But a workable plan, one that breaks your succession plan into bite-size and manageable pieces, then every small win adds up to one great victory. Barbara Ashton and her team at Ashton & Associates provide executive search human resource consulting services to leading BC Interior Okanagan employers. For links to free hiring tools and howto’s visit



APRIL 2015


BC Tree Fruits is getting ready to celebrate the launch of its new cider, Broken Ladder, which is now sold in liquor stores.

Niagra Falls-based Civil Constructors has been awarded the major reconstruction of the Overlanders Bridge, estimated to cost around $9.3 million.

MacDermott’s on Bernard, owned and operated by Wayne and Jay MacDermott, is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, located at 10-565 Bernard Avenue.

Kamloops City Council is voting to adopt a borrowing bylaw worth just under $2.1million to widen Columbia Street.

ReMax Kelowna’s own Broker/owner Cliff Shillington accepted the award for Top BC Office Transactions, and was also named multi-office broker/owner of the year at the ReMax of Western Canada annual awards gala.

The following individuals were recognized for their outstanding sales during the month of February within their dealerships: Grant Dolson received salesman of the month for Kamloops Dodge Chrysler Jeep, Norm Langlois received salesman of the month for Zimmer Autosport, Jack Hartling received salesman of the month for Zimmer Wheaton, and Lorne Hamer-Jackson received salesman of the month at Smith Chevrolet. Oops Café Swiss Coffee House is closing its doors for business. The NorKam Trades and Technology Centre has officially opened for operations as of March 13. The Kamloops Chamber of Commerce has selected Steve Earl as its new president. Other members of the board include: Ryan Scorgie, Mona Murray, Brent Ashby, Paul Ross, Aleece Laird, Bob Gleselman, Bryce Herman, Joshua Knaak, Fred Legace, Jeremy Heighton, Sandy Vollo, Brant Hasanen. Smith Chevrolet has welcomed Chad Graham to its sales team, located at 950 Notre Dame Drive. Kamloops Dodge has welcomed Kristie Kushniruk to its dealership, located at 2525 E. Trans Canada Highway. Fresh is Best Salsa & Co. has moved to a new

location at 1425 Cariboo Place. Highland Valley Copper has announced that general manager Chris Dechert will be leaving the mine near Logan Lake to assume the role of vice-president of copper operations for Teck Chile, based in Santiago. Greg Brouwer, the company’s current manager of operations, will be succeeding Dechert. Acacia Schmeitenknop, president of Enactus Thompson Rivers, received a regional Women Leaders of Tomorrow award at the 2015 Enactus Regional Exposition in Calgary. Manulife Securities Investment Services Inc. and D.W. Page Wealth Management have welcomed Caroline Knox to their team. Safety improvements, including LED arrow signs and pavement markings, are coming to Highway 97 at Monte Lake this spring, as a part of BC’s new 10-year transportation plan.

SALMON ARM Randolph David Jewellery, located in the Centenoka Park Mall, has congratulated staff member Valerie, for successfully completing her Canadian Jewellers Association credential of Graduate Jeweller.

Tents & Inflatable f Products Like No Other

Askew’s Uptown has taken home the top prize for wood buildings in North America. Designed by Allen + Maurer Architects (now named Landform Architecture), the store features a 32,000 square-foot timber roof. Makeup artist Missy MacKintosh received ninth place in The Brush Contest, a makeup contest sponsored by L’Oreal. Drew Lee-Hai & Associates has welcomed Heather Balfour as a manager, and Steve Deboer as an accountant with its firm. Two parking stalls for charging electric vehicles are in the works for Salmon Arm’s Ross Street parking lot. Royal LePage Access Real Estate has congratulated its 2014 award winners, which includes: Lisa Nobbs and Jeremy Osborne for the Director’s Platinum Award, Eric Leek and Doug Hubscher for the President’s Gold Award, Shirley Barker, Steven Lewis and Tara Gallant for the Master Sales Award, and Susi During for the Sales Achievement Award.

250-819-6282 |

After 25 years of service to the City of Kelowna, John Vos is retiring from his position as director of corporate business ventures. Don Backmeyer, also an employee with the city, is retiring from his position as sport and event development manager after 27 years of service.

Vernon Crown prosecutor Howard Pontious has retired from his position, first beginning his law career in 1976.

Brandy Fralick, former Canadian men’s sprint team member, along with some life-minded partners, has recently opened the doors to Prime Physiotherapy and Performance. The 4,000-square-foot location on Richter Street employs eight employees, which includes three physiotherapists.

Dr. Brooke Parker has announced the opening of his Vernon optometric practice in association with Peter Martens. Vernon Chiropractic and Massage has welcomed Dr. Erin Woitzik to its team, located at 105-3301 24 Avenue. Woitzik is now Vernon’s only Sport Specialist Chiropractor.

Tutt Street Optometry has welcomed Dr. Bree Anderson to the clinic, located at 2918 Tutt Street.

Katie Matheson has opened Spruce Salon and Spa, an Aveda Concept Salon, on 30th Avenue.

For the second time in three years, Okanagan Spirits Craft Distillery has been named Distillery of the Year at the 2015 World Spirit Awards. The distillery also had its blackcurrant liqueur named Spirit of the Year.

Armstrong Toastmasters has moved to a new location at Heaton Place. Vernon Public Art Gallery has opened the doors to the Okanagan Valley’s first art gallery in a box, supplied by BigSteelBox. The exhibition, called the Okanagan Print Triennial, will be running until May 21, featuring works from upwards of 200 international artists from 35 countries. Aberdeen Wellness Clinic has welcomed Dr. Kelly Harrison D.C – Chiropractor and Medical Laser Therapist – to its team, located at Suite 203-2903 32nd Avenue.

B.C. Dealer

Capri Insurance is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year.

The Wedding Café, located 2655 Pandosy Street, is celebrating its sixth anniversary in business.

Colmar Construction has won the bid for the road, drainage and water work on Okanagan Street, and road and water main work on Pleasant Valley Road.

Inflate Once - Stays Inflated! No Constant Air Supply Needed.

The Uptown Rutland Business Association has announced its new board of directors for the 2015/16 term. Members include: Mike Kourtsantonis, Shawn Swail, Dan Van Norman, Dawm Thiessen, Nicholas Aubin, Al Kirschner, Mark Beaulieu, Garry Benson, Carole Bergeron, June Forman, Wendi Swarbrick, Shawndra Woodin, Frank Pohland, Kevin MacDougall, Brad Sieben and Laurel D’Andrea.


Dr. Marke Pedersen, a retired Vernon dentist, has been awarded the BC Dental Association’s highest award as an honourable member in recognition of exemplary and sustained contribution to dentistry in BC.

• Pop Up Tents & Airtents • Screen Printing & Embroidery • Race & Event Arches • Promotional Products • Awards & Recognition

Mission Park Shopping Centre’s longtime M&M Meat Shops owner Brett Irving has sold the shop to Cam Ellison and Shannon Harris.

Little Creek Dressing is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. The company has also expanded to a new production kitchen, warehouse office location at 101-840 McCurdy Place. Jon Kadin has retired from his position as director of golf after 13 years at Gallagher’s Canyon as of March 31. Brice MacDermott has accepted the position as general manager and head golf professional at the Kamloops Golf and Country Club, leaving his job at MacDermott’s on Bernard after three years. Rosebuds Designer Consignment Boutique, located at 1855 Kirschner Road, is undergoing renovations. The renovations include moving a wall to create another 200 square feet of retail space.


The Kelowna Chamber of Commerce has appointed its new board or the 2015/16 term. Members include: Ken Carmichael as president, Tom Dyas, Brian Bonsma, Una Gabie, Angela Nagy, Al Hildebrandt and Stuart Grant.

Orchard Ford is celebrating its 32nd anniversary this year, located at 2741 Highway 97 N.

Farris, Vaughan, Wils & Murphy LLP has welcomed Aaron Dow to its firm, practicing in the areas of corporate and commercial law, real estate, bank lending and wills and estates.


APRIL 2015

The Overwaitea Food Group is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. W&A Bistro is now open at 315 Lawrence Avenue. A donation of $20,000 from TB Vets Charitable Foundation will support efforts by Kelowna General Hospital to acquire a new Endobronchial Ultrasound Video Scope valued at $48,000.

Christopher Miller

Anthony Bastiaanssen

Hotel Eldorado has welcomed the addition of Stewart Sharp as its new executive chef.

its 2015/16 term. Anthony Bastiaanssen has been elected as the Vice President of the board. Other board members include: Darcy Griffiths, Marv Beer, Tim Down, Dave Favell, Maggie Garvey, Kim Heizmann, Derryanne Hubbard, Doug Hubscher, Michael Loewen and Tanis Read.

The Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board has announced the election of Christopher Miller of Royal LePage Kelowna to the position of President for

PENTICTON The Okanagan Cosmetology Institute is celebrating its sixth anniversary, located at 348 Main Street.

SUMMERLAND The Summerland Chamber

of Commerce has welcomed the following new members: Classic Touch Auto Detailing, Companion Care, Complete Copywriting, Custom Home Finishing by Christian, Global Hottub Essentials Ltd., Meritage Viticulture Services Ltd., Okanagan Experiential Tourism, Quality Projects, Reddings Roofing, Shane Valcourt Enterprises, TAC Solutions and Yard Guys Property Maintenance. Summerland Agri-businesses Mazza Innovation was awarded the Most Innovative Ingredient, as part of the 2015 Editors’ Choice Awards at Engredea – the premier annual event for the global nutrition industry. Founded three years ago by Dr. Giuseppe ( Joe) Mazza, the company’s technology creates dietary supplements from plant and fruit extracts using water instead of alcohol or solvents.

21 It’s been a whirlwind of announcements from Okanagan Specialty Fruits. In February, the US deregulated the company’s non-browning Arctic® Apple. Days later it was announced the company had been sold to the Intrexon Corporation for $41 million. Most recently, Health Canada approved OSF’s Arctic Golden and Arctic Granny. Huan Pham and Annelore Wuensche are the new owners of Lakeshore Fitness and Health on Lakeshore Drive. Pham holds a Bachelor’s Degree of Kinesiology and Health Science from UBC, and prior to moving to Summerland, worked with one of Vancouver’s leading Personal Training studios. The couple is looking forward to putting their own stamp on the 2100sqft gym, located above the Summerland Racquets Club.

Lower Loonie Leads to Mobile Storage Company Raising Prices moving because you can take as long as you need to pack,” says Siebenga. “Customers love the mobility of a BigSteelBox that can be picked up and moved to their new home when they’re ready.” E s t a bl i s h e d i n 1999, B i gSteelBox is a family-run company that has built its success through outstanding customer ser v ice, wh i le con si stent ly providing innovative products a nd ser v ices. Wit h its head

A great wall of BigSteelBoxes outside the factory in Shanghai, China.


E L OW NA - Kelow n a BigSteelBox announced a significant change in sale rates in response to the low Canadian dollar, which has increased the national moving and storage company’s cost of importing shipping containers from China. “ We’ve seen a 20 p er cent change in the Canadian dollar, which has a direct impact on our bottom line as all of our product is purchased in US dollars,” says BigSteelBox president Jason Siebenga. “Steel sh ippi ng conta i ners a re the foundation of our business and the low Canadian dollar effects our operations across Canada, as replacement costs have risen dramatically.” The Canadian dollar has fallen to less than 80 cents (US) from near parity last summer. The current exchange rate is at its lowest levels in five years. The

consensus among Bay Street economists is that the loonie will remain under pressure for some time, reaching no higher than around 90 cents (US). BigSteelBox is a key player in the multi-billion dollar moving and storage industry. The company imports new shipping containers from Shanghai, China, which enter Canada through the Port of Vancouver. BigSteel B ox’s si ster company, BigSteelBox Structures, custom modifies the shipping containers into living quarters and offices for construction and industrial sites in remote areas across the country. The construction industry is a major segment of BigSteelBox’s customer base, where the shipping containers are both sold and rented for storage on construction sites. W h i le B i g S te el B ox ra i s e d pr ices for t he sa le of new

containers as of March 30, it will hold the rates for rentals. “T here i s some pressu re on rental rates but we can spread the increased cost of new stock across our entire rental fleet,” says Siebenga. “The financial impact is not the same as selling a box that needs to be replaced in inventory the next day.” With the current hold on rental rates, homeowners can still take advantage of BigSteelBox’s affordable moving service. Local moves with BigSteelBox are approximately $500 in most locations, while city-to-city moves cost about 30 to 40 per cent less t h a n mov i ng w it h traditional moving companies. One 20’ BigSteelBox can typically fit the contents of a 2-3 bedroom home. “We deliver the storage container directly to the customer’s home and eliminate some of the most stressful aspects of

office in Kelowna, BigSteelBox has 17 f u l l serv ice locations across British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario. The company has been built around the idea that a BigSteelBox is a better, more secure option for moving and storage, whether it is for commercial or residential use. A BigSteelBox can be delivered almost anywhere as a temporary or permanent storage solution.

Joanne Iormetti

Senior Marketing Advisor

PUT YOUR COMPANY IN THE SPOTLIGHT In the life of every business, certain events always stand out: • A grand opening • A brand new building • Completing a major project • Landing a major contract • Celebrating a milestone anniversary Spotlights are your opportunity to spread the word about your firm to the entire region of the ThompsonOkanagan. Contact me today to have your business featured in our publication.

To market your firm in the Business Examiner contact Joanne Iormetti at 1-866-758-2684, ext. 122 or


30 22

APRIL 2015 2015 APRIL A division of Invest Northwest Publishing Ltd. A division of Invest Northwest Publishing Ltd. Head Office Thompson Okanagan Office 200 - 3060 Cedar Hill Road, Victoria, BC, V8P 3Y3 #210-347 Leon Avenue, Kelowna, BC V1Y 8C7 Ph: 1.250.661.2297 Fax: 1.250.642.2870 Toll free: 1.866.758.2684  Fax: 1.778.441.3373 Toll free: 1.866.758.2684 Email: Website: Website:

PUBLISHER/EDITOR | Lise MacDonald, PUBLISHER/EDITOR |  Lise MacDonald, SALES | Thom Klos –, Josh Higgins –, SALES |  Thom Klos –, Josh Higgins –, Joanne Iormetti – Joanne Iormetti – WRITERS | Goody Niosi, Julia MacDonald, Christopher Stephens, Ezra MacDonald WRITERS |  Goody Niosi, Julia MacDonald, Christopher Stephens, Ezra MacDonald, John MacDonald, Beth Yim



opping-up government opping-up government wages wages & benefits costs & benefits costs taxpayers taxpayers $20 billion per $20 billion per year; Urban year; Urban transit workers in BC transit37% workers BC of make 37% make more,inone highest more, one of highest gaps in country. gaps in country. If you you work work in in the the private private secsecIf tor, you’re you’re making making up up to to $8,500 $8,500 tor, less per per year, year, and and working working up up to to less six hours hours more more each each week, week, than than six someone doing doing the the same same job job for for someone the government. government. This This is is one one of of the several key key findings findings from from the the several latest Wage Wage Watch Watch report report rerelatest leased today today by by the the Canadian Canadian leased Federation Independent BusiFe d e rat i o of n of Independ e nt ness (CFIB), pointing to a huge Business (CFIB), pointing to and benefits for awage huge wage and advantage benefits advpublic a n t a sector g e f o rworkers p u b l i cover s e ctheir tor counterparts in the private workers over thei r cousector. nterW hen benefits and pa r ts isalaries, n t he pr ivate sector. working hours are factoredand in, W hen salaries, benefits the average federal, provincial working hours are factored in, or municipal employeeprovincial makes 18the average federal, 37municipal per cent more thanmakes someone or employee 18doing the same in someone a private 37 per cent morejob than business. Canada doing the same jobPost in aworkers private business. Post workers and federalCanada government employand federal government employees are the biggest beneficiaries. ees are the biggest beneficiaries. Urban transit in BC also had one transit ininBC had ofUrban the biggest gaps thealso country, one the biggest in cent the withof workers makinggaps 25.6 per

country, withthan workers mak- is the elephant room more in salaries their private when it comes in to every setting the ing 25.6 per cent more in salcomes to setting the sector counterparts, and 36.7 per when publ icitpol icy agenda i n th is aries thanintheir private sector publ ic polsaid icyTed agenda i n chief th is cent more salaries and benefits. country,” Mallett, counterparts, and 36.7 per cent country,” said Ted Mallett, chief The report compares private economist and vice-president more in salaries and benefits. economist and vice-president sector employees to those at at CFIB. “Public sector earnings The report compares private at CFIB. “Public sector earnvarious government employers, have been allowed to drift well sector employees to those at ings have been allowed to drift and offers clear solutions to close above market-tested norms, and various government employ- well above market-tested norms, the earnings gap between these cash-strapped governments are ers, and offers clear solutions to and cash-strapped governments workers, such as capping tax- looking for ways to invest in close the earnings gap between are looking for ways to invest in payer-funded contributions to infrastructure and other priorPublic sector salary and benefits government pensions. ities. Closing the gap is not just % advantages over private sector, Canada Public sector salary and benefits % advantages over private sector, Canada

Public sector salary and benefits % advantages over private sector, British Columbia

Salaries only -BC -Vancouver -Victoria Salaries & benefits - BC - Vancouver - Victoria

Federal Government

Provincial Government

Municipal Government

Education Institutions

Healthcare Institutions

Urban Transit Authorities

5.8 2.1 10.0

2.0 0.3 8.1

6.8 5.6

2.9 0.8 3.6

-0.6 0.2 -1.1


20.7 16.5 25.5

17.4 15.3 24.3

16.7 15.4

17.9 15.4 18.6

13.9 14.8 13.3


* salaries only are adjusted for occupation, age, education ** salaries and benefits include pensions and working hours

these workers, such as capping taxpayer-funded contributions government workers were toIfgovernment pensions. paid at the same rate as theirwere priIf government workers paid at theequivalents, same rate as their vate sector taxpayprivate sector taxers would saveequivalents, $20 billion each payers year. would save $20 billion each year. “The public-private wage gap public-private wage gap is“The the elephant in every room

infrastructure and other priorities. Closing the gap is not just what’s fair, it’s what is needed.” what’s Based sed ch chief iefly ly on on Nat Nation ionaall Ba Household Household Survey Survey (NHS) (NHS) returns returns from from 2011, 2011, the the findings findings represent represent average average full-time full-time employment employment earnings earnings for for more more than than 7.2 7.2 milmillion Canadians. Occupations lion Canadians. Occupations that

don’tdon’t existexist in both sectors are that in both sectors excluded. are excluded. In British British Columbia, Columbia, it it was was In pretty much much the the same same story story as as pretty the national national picture: picture: aa continued continued the and substantial substantial gap gap in in salary salary and and and benefits in infavour favour of ofpublic publicsector sector benefits employees, even even after after adjustadjustemployees, ments for for differences differences in in occupaoccupaments tional mix, age, and education. tional “It comes comes down down to to aa basic basic issue issue “It of fairness. fairness. Since Since these these jobs jobs are are of supported by by taxpayers, taxpayers, it it is is supported completely completely appropriate appropriate to to ask ask questions questions about about these these salary salary and and benefit benefit gaps, gaps, and and the the impact impact on on the the public public purse’, purse’, said said Laura Laura Jones, Jones, Executive Executive Vice-President Vice-President

for CFIB. CFIB. for “This is is particularly particularly true true since since “This people in in the the Metro Metro Vancouver Vancouver people region are are voting, voting, as as we we speak, speak, region to add a new muiin n aa plebiscite plebiscite to add a new nicipal salessales tax totax paytofor inframunicipal pay for structu re. Yet, even ll infrastructure. Yet, evenaasma small narrowing of of the the compensation compensation narrowing gapover over time could produce gap time could produce savsavings would completely ings thatthat would completely nulnullify arguable needfor fornew new lify anyany arguable need tax revenues”, concluded Jones. tax CFIB CFIB is is Canada’s Canada’s largest largest association association of of smallsmall- and and medium-sized medium-sized businesses businesses with with 109,000 109,000 members members across across every every sector sector and and region. region.




osses say ‘Go’; Leaders say osses say ‘Go’; Leaders say ‘Let’s Go’. ‘Let’s Go’. T hat’s one of the best T hat’s one of the best descriptions of leadership I’ve descriptions of leadership I’ve ever heard, boiled down into ever heard, boiled down into onesentence. sentence. It says everyone It says everything thing about what good leaderabout what good leadership is, ship should is, and should to.not It’s and aspireaspire to. It’s not about telling people what to about telling people what to do do – it’s showing and demon– it’s showing and demonstratstrating what should done--so so ing what should bebe done that others come along for the that others come along for the journey. journey. There no place where T hereisiperhaps s p erh aps no pl ace this is this moreisimportant than in where more important the corporate world. world. The adage: than in the corporate The “Do as I say, not as I do”, adage: “Do as I say, not as works I do”, as effectively at home as it does works as effectively at home as it

does atoffice, the office, which is to say, at the which is to say, it it doesn’t. People are looking doesn’t. People are looking for for leaders leaders who who lead lead by by example. example. One One of of the the benefits benefits of of entreentrepreneurial preneurial start-ups start-ups is is that that the the person person who who starts starts aa company company has has obviously obviously had had aa vision vision they’ve they’ve had had the the courage courage to to follow follow to to imimplementation, taking the necesplementation, taking the necessary sary risks risks along along the the way. way. During During the the journey, journey, the the leader leader has had to do a number tasks has had to do a number ofof tasks as as revenues risestaff and are staff are revenues rise and added, added, giving them first-hand giving them first-hand experiexperience of what is required. ence of what is required. Then, Then, when employees come when employees come on board, on board, they can be shown they can be shown how the owner how the owner wants it done, wants it done, and, of course, add and, of course, add their own their own expertise to the process expertise to the process once once they’ve grown accustomed they’ve grown accustomed to to - and appreciate - the corporand appreciate - the corporate ate structure. structure. In business, business, it it is is the the leaders’ leaders’ job job In to set set the the vision vision for for the the company company to and chart chart the the course. course. ObviousObviousand ly mission mission statements statements are are imimly portant. They They are, are, in in their their most most portant. productive forms, productive forms,collaborative collaboraefforts withwith staffstaff and other team tive efforts and other members. But before it gets to team members. But before it gets that point, to to that point,the theleader leader has has to

decide decide that that this this course course of of action action needs to be taken, and needs to be taken, and sets sets the the parameters parameters for for the the exercise. exercise. It It is, is, after after all, all, his his or or her her ‘baby’. ‘baby’. Once Once the the vision vision is is established, established, then then it it is is the the owner/president/ owner/president/ manager’s manager’s job job to to stay stay the the course, course, and and repeat repeat the the vision vision often often so so that that everyone everyone on on the the ship ship reremembers members what what the the purposes purposes and and goals goals of of the the company company are. are. That’s That’s easy easy to to do do when when things things are are going going well, well, but but much much tougher tougher when storms arise within the when storms arise within the firm, or in the economy. It’s in firm, or in the economy. It’s in difficulty that the strength of difficulty that the strength of the vision is tested and steeled. the vision is tested and steeled. In other words, when things In other words, when things are at their darkest, vision and are at their darkest, vision level-headed leadership are and the level-headed leadership most vitally important. are the most vitally important. Successful business owners Successful owners recognize thebusiness importance of recognize the importance of having a positive mindset. Alhaving when a positive mindset. Although things look bleak though when things look bleak some may view having a “glass some may outlook view having a “glass half-full” as unrealishalf-full” outlookthat as unrealistic, tic, it is exactly mindset it is will exactly thatthe mindset that that ensure team stays will ensure the stays enenga ged u nt i l team t he compa ny gaged until the company sucsuccessfully navigates rough cessfully navigates rough waters. waters.

A A friend friend often often explained explained his his vision of leadership vision of leadership with with rerespect spect to to results: results: W When hen there there is is success, success, good good leaders leaders share share the the credit. credit. When When there there are are mismistakes, takes, they they own own them them and and take take responsibility. responsibility. Sharing Sharing the the credit credit is is aa wise wise recrecognition that company success ognition that company success is is due due to to the the sum sum of of its its parts, parts, and and team team members members will will appreciate appreciate not just the acknowledgement, not just the acknowledgement, but but also also the the humility humility of of aa leader leader who knows he/she wouldn’t be who knows he/she wouldn’t be where they are without the hard where they are without the hard work and input of others. work and input of others. Some may doubt the validity of Some may doubt the validity of shouldering the blame for probshouldering the blame for problems created by staff, but there lems created staff, but there are some veryby positive benefits are some very positive benefits for doing so. Firstly, staff refor doing respects the so. factFirstly, that thestaff leader/ spects the fact that the leader/ owner takes responsibility for owner takes for the error, and responsibility shields them from the error, and shields from exposure. Really, thisthem should be exposure. Really, be the case – the buckthis hasshould to ultimthe case – the buck has to ultimately stop at the one who signs ately stop at the one who signs the cheques. the cheques.customers and cliSecondly, Secondly, and clients respectcustomers the owner/leader ents respect the owner/leader for for standing and being accountstanding able – andand for being doingaccountable what needs

to be done to make it needs right. to be – and for doing what We’ve all had situations where done to make it right. we’ve purchased goods orwhere serWe’ve all had situations vices something hasorgone we’veand purchased goods serwrong. How annoying is it when vices and something has gone the compa representative wrong. Howny annoying is it when gives an explanation that justithe company representative gives fies their actions, yet doesn’t an explanation that justifies their present offer to “make things actions,an yet doesn’t present an right”? offer to “make things right”? It’s It’s amazing amazing how how fast fast we we can can “put the fire out” by quickly “put the fire out” by quickly asking asking the the complainant: complainant: “What “What can I do to make it right?” It’s can I do to make it right?” It’s disarming and engaging all at disarming and engaging all at the same time, and the answer the same time, and the answer is, almost always, a reasonable is, almost always, a reasonable request. The ensuing positive, request. The ensuing positive, satisfying solution to a happy, satisfying solution to a happy, satisfied client can sometimes be satisfied clientincan sometimes more valuable terms of good be more valuable in terms transof good will than the original will than the original transaction action itself. itself. Leadership, obviously, starts starts atLeadership, the top. An obviously, investigation of at the top. An investigation of any solid, successful company any reveal solid, successful company will great ownership and willnagement, reveal greatwh ownership and ma ich a lways ma nagement, wh ichproducta lways translates into happy, translates into happy, productive ive team members carrying out team members carrying outsame their their responsibilities the responsibilities the same way. way.

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APRIL 2015



When personal visions

management training is

and goals are in alignment technique driven.

with team visions and goals as well as company

have the intention to sell but they visions goals, mayand not be inspiredato sell. Developing our attitudes is as important as developing our powerful synergy is JOHN GLENNON selling skills. Have you ever met someone who had a fear N GLENNONn h is book, T he Power created of of cold calling and prospectIntention, Dr. Wayne Dyer ing, asking for the money, askou m aytalks notabout re a people l i z e itwho have ing for referrals, or asking the attitude; who tough qualifying questions? but, aasnever-give-up a sa les leader, have an internal picture that pro- These may be technique issues you must often serve as pels them toward fulfilling their but they are definitely attitude vigator. You setHethe course dreams. goes on to note that i ssues t h at m a n i fest t hemyour sales team or for your greater selves as fear of failure, lack intention is something than a determined ego or in- of confidence and call relucartment. You set a course dividual will. He suggests the tance. T he result is procrasourself. You help your staff power of intention must also be tination, longer selling cycles mbers set their courses inaccompanied by inspiration. All and being busy rather than bedually and withincomes the team inspiration from a field of ing productive. tex t. You a rethat consta ntly us and Sales is a high-rejection busienergy flows within ness. It takes a strong gut system us. out terrigating. around You map Sandler we calltest this Attitude fuelled by a positive attitude to es, chart At steps to take, and it’s one of the three points in actually do what you intend to conditions, correct others the Sandler Success Triangle. It do. It’s not unusual to have these have strayed and may beoff thecourse most important as- feelings, in fact it’s totally normal o reach the destinations pect of all success. deto find yourself in a rut. Mostin sales andby sales The difference is successful mined for you, large, themanageof the vision and the attainment ment training is technique drivpeople know how to pull thempany. of the goals. en. Without question technique selves out of the rut quickly. e course the company takes Establish a plan of action to is important, but without attirgely determined by its viachieve the vision. It is postude training as well it may serve , just as the we take in sible move “what closer to Glennon is theis” owner of Insight onlycourse to educate the person. But toJohn Consulting Inc, the authorized will they turn their knowledge as individuals is determined “what Sales could be” – but not alone Training Licensee for the into behavior andWhen do it? At Sandur personal vision. and notSandler without a plan. The last ler when we interview people for Interior of British Columbia. He can onal visions and goals are in step in visioning is to establish a sales positions, we often find be reached at jglennon@sandler. nment with team visions and plan of action. Develop the goals people who can sell but we want com, toll free at 1-866-645-2047 or s as wellto asknow company that give and action to the if theyvisions will sell. They visit life






goals, a powerful synergy vision. Here is where leader and eated throughout the com- follower are joined in their comy. Part of what you have the mitment to the vision. er to do as a manager is to Think about how your personal k to shape your vision, the vision and goals fit with the vion of those on your staff and sion and goals of your company. fit or afacilities forced fit? The vision of the he company inincreasing a Is it a good Province is permanent is critical best when your vision cothat gives meaning to the the maximum lengths on fittoisthe lease-holder’s business. kinds of leases example, base camp lodges alescesFor with the company’s vis you work tospecific set. licences available often operate under a lease. sion. When you achieving your ow yourand company’s adventure tourism operators, Forests, Licences of occupation are the company achieve sion is different from goals goals helps Lands and Natural Resource available for adventure tourism its goals, synergy is occur created. mission.OItp eexpresses a view ra t i o n s M i n i s te r Steve activities that overImlarge agine what would happen the what could be. The vision, Thomson announced. areas, like horseback if riding, “Extending the terms and kayaking vision wildlife of eachviewing, team member cosharing in the vision, can of longterm leases g ives adventu re – and guided services within alesced with your vision for thean ivate and inspire us to reach tourism and nature-based tour- extensive operating area. These goals. Determine your com- team? What if their goals led to ism operators the certainty they services include nature viewof your goals? y’s visionneed andforshare that vi- attainment rafting, sea kayaking, their businesses,” says ing, river with your staff. This creates If youskiwere to set out to make touring, snowmobiling, ATV Thomson. tours, heli-skiing and hunting. adventure tourntext inCurrently, which company some or all of your visions beleases and licences oc- a reality, The changes the adventure whattogoals would s make ism personal sense to ofcome cupation issued under the Land tourism policy also streamline you set to get there, in the real loyees, Act which in turn is a ca n last up to 30 yea rs. the tenure application and reworld? erful motivating dynamic. ■ Under the new policy, which placement processes, modernvolve everyone who to might is designed give be adventure izes existing procedures and tourism operators long-term simplifies fee structures. The cted. A leader with a vision expanded tenure terms business government John Glennon is the owner ofalso act ds to share that certainty, vision with can grant up to 45-year terms on the June 2014 commitment to Insight Sales Consulting Inc., yone who will be affected for licences of occupation and support economic and tourism Sandler Training . The navigator informs the the authorized opportunities in rural B.C. by 60-year terms on leases. for the backcountry Interior of B.C. w. The crew knows thei ssues des- le licensee tourism G over n ment a ses ensuring operators have appropriate and site-specific licences to him tion. Members of the crew Reach at toll-free 1-866-645-acto Crown land. adventure tourism operators then empowered with the 2047 orcess There are over 600 adventure for smaller, clearly defined paracity to share in the pursuit Visit

BC increases lease terms for adventure tourism operators


cels of Crown land and where a substa ntia l i nvestment i n


175 Kokanee Way - Ramada Hotel PROJECT TYPE PROJECT TYPE Mixed-use dev

23 level includes a walkway mezzanine area to view brewery operations below, brewery tasting area, administration and staff areas - tumbled brick and timber accents, exposed metal finishes PROJECT STATUS SIMONE SUNDERLAND Construction start anticipated June/15

level, office space on 2nd level, PROJECT ARCHITECT 22 residential units on 3rd and New water treatment facility BlueGreen - the dis- Architecture Inc 4th levels trict is currently testing several meth- Highway 33, W - 202-110 PROJECT odsSTATUS including membrane technology Kelowna V1X 1X7 778-753-2650 Framing underway - construc-


PROJECT STATUS tion completion anticipated DEVELOPER mid 2016 Design underway - Tender call for Compass Real Estate

General Contractor anticipated Development Ltd - 1574 Harvey ARCHITECT July/14 - construction completion Meiklejohn Architects Inc - 233 Ave, Kelowna V1Y 6G2 778-436New mixed use development - 4 PROJECT anticipated late V1Y 20156N2 Bernard Ave, Kelowna 2077 LOCATION structures 2 and in 3 storeys New Ramada- Hotel the Campbell 250-762-3004 CONSULTANT 14 multi family units approx 2241 Springfield Rd - Missio Creek industrial park - 4 storeys 3,000 sm of industrial space CONSTRUCTION MANAGER Opus Dayton Knight 255 1715 Crossing Westside 3,780 sm - 80 rooms - restaurant - pool MapleDickson ReindersAve, - 225 Lougheed - approx 1,610 sm of office V1Y 9G6 250-868-4925 with waterslide elevators concrete PROJECT TYPE Rd, Kelowna V1V 2M1 250-765space - 50 seat restaurant - u/g OWNER construction roof articulation with commercial new parking under Building D - com- 8892 porte cochere shingles - 98 District of Sicamous - 1214 LOCATION PROJECT posite cement- asphalt panel siding, Indian Band Land surface parking stallsbrick stone Riverside Ave, Sicamous V0EPenticton 2V0 exposed concrete, New commercial urban lifest Skaha Hills Winery and masonry,STATUS corrugated metal 250-836-2477 PROJECT centre - 6 buildings - 2 to 7 s Vineyard cladding exterior commercial PROJECT new



PROJECT MANAGER Construction start anticipated late - retail commercial at ground LOCATION PROJECT STATUS 2014 MHPM - 550 555 W 12th Ave,PROJECT TYPEwith office units above - und Construction start anticipated 1835 Gordon Drive – Capri commercial new Vancouver V5Z 3X7 604-714-0988 parkade - 80 above ground s ARCHITECT April/15 Centre Mall Redevelopment term parking stalls PROJECT DF Architecture Inc - 1205 4871 Shell ARCHITECT PROJECT TYPE New winery vineyardsSTATUS - wine PROJECT Rd, Richmond 3Z6 604-284-5194 Owen Hunter V6X Architects - 500 mixed-use dev shop - tastingDevelopment lounge - indoor permit applica 153 Seymour St, Kamloops V2C DEVELOPER outdoor bistro - meeting space PROJECT submitted 2C7 250-372-8845 LOCATIONof the Capri Prism Ventures Inc - 3571 Barmond Redevelopment viewing platform ARCHITECT CentreTo Mall - large scale -mixed GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ave, Richmond V7E 1A4 604-338-4656 Be Determined Ice Facility PROJECT STATUS Ekistics Town Planning - 192 A & T Project Developments use development - 15 buildings OWNER PROJECT TYPE Site work andSt, planting under102 1339 McGill Rd, Kamloops ranging from 6 to 26 storeys Vancouver V5T 3C1 604-7 Prism Hotels and Resorts - 800 way - construction completion V2C 6K7 250-851-9292 - residential neighbourhood institutional add/alter DEVELOPER 14800 Landmark Blvd, Dallas Texaswith street oriented townanticipated 2018 PROJECT R366 Enterprises Ltd - 4870 75254 214-987-9300 houses, SFDs and condominifacility for the Greater GENERAL CONTRACTOR Kelowna V1W 4M3 250-764ums - New mixedice use neighbourhood areastore to replace Greyback Construction villageVernon with food and the aging GENERAL Ltd CONTRACTOR Arena open - 4,000 seats - may 402be E Warren Ave, Penticton publicCivic accessible spaces Lambert and Paul Constructi an addition Kal Tire Place or the including an urbantosquare with V2A 3M2 250-493-7972 300 2000 Spall Rd, Kelowna LOCATION ice rink - below grade parking Priest Valley Arena or construction of 250-860-2331 LOCATION OWNER 11850 Oceola Road and 2855 - pedestrian andfacility cyclist patha new ice Penticton Indian Band ways Woodview Road, Winfield – Okana451 Shuswap St - SD 83 North PROJECT STATUS Development Corporation - 200 Turtle Bay Crossing gan Shuswap Administration Building PROJECT STATUS study and cost analysis Feasibility Westhills Dr, Penticton V2A 6J7 Rezoning and development per- - the PROJECT TYPE PROJECT TYPE study anticipated shortly 250-492-3154 Commercial new new mit applications at 3rd reading institutional Greater Vernon Advisory Committee - development to be carried out PROJECT will -decide in June or not to PROJECT in Phases anticipate 15 whether to 25 New commercial development hold out a referendum in November/14 New administration building on the year build 7 separate retail or commercial to fund a new ice facility - location, old JL Jackson schoolsfsite - 2,640 smARCHITECT buildings - 38,092 - concrete preliminary design and estimated 2construction storeys - 75 parking stalls LOCATION Dialogcost Architects - 406 611 to be determined





Site Sitework workunderway underway - construction start anticipated sumARCHITECT

Alexander St, Vancouver V6A OWNER 1E1 604-255-1169

6015 Kootenay St - Kiwanis LOCATION Senior Citizens Housing

City of Vernon - 1900 48th Ave,

Vintage Boulevard, Okanaga

OWNER PROJECT TYPEVintage Views Vernon V1T 5E6 1177 250-545-1361 mer/15 RG Properties - 2088 W MQN Architects - 100 3313 32 Ave, Hastings St, Vancouver V6E 2K3 seniors housing PROJECT TYPE ARCHITECT Vernon V1T 2E1 250-542-1199 604-688-8999 PROJECT subdivisions BlueGreen Architecture Inc OWNER Addition to the Kiwanis Seniors PROJECT - 202-110 Highway 33, W Citizens Housing complex School District 83 -778-753-2650 North Okanagan Kelowna V1X 1X7 New subdivision - 30 SFD lot Shuswap - 220 Shuswap St NE, - 8 rowhouse units - 1 storey GENERAL CONTRACTOR PROJECT STATUS Salmon Arm V1E 4N2 250-832-2157 wood frame construction Edgecombe Builders - 5 220 Construction start anticipate LOCATION PROJECT Neave Rd,MANAGER Kelowna V1V 2L9 PROJECT STATUS Ethel St and Clement St June/14 250-491-8655 Stantec - 400 1620 Dickson Ave, - Commercial Construction underway - conLOCATION Building OWNER Kelowna V1Y 9Y2 250-860-3225 Starkhund struction completion anticiBrew to the 2425Brewery Orlin Rdand - Addition Pub atVillage Urban at Square pated fall/15Vintage View Developments Smith Creek




PROJECT 524 DabellTYPE St - Mara Lake Water Mixed-use dev Treatment Facility PROJECT TYPE PROJECT

tourism and nature-based tour- New mixed use development industrial ism tenures in the province. 4 storeys new - u/g parking on 1st


PROJECT TYPE TYPE PROJECT commercial new seniors housing

Robert Milanovic 250-492-5

DESIGNER Schuster Home Design - 109 1390 Dilworth Cres, Kelowna V1Y 4M5 250-215-3919

Jeff Bosch

PROJECT PROJECT New commercial and retail Addition to the Village at Smith Creek building - 2 storeys - 58,000 OWNER seniors sm - 4 sf - main floorhousing includesfacilitytasting 1,810 Oliver storeys 23 units 8 additional u/g Kiwanis Senior Citizens tap room, retail sales, producparking processing, stalls - fibrestaff cement board Housing Society - PO Box 2566, tion, storage, exterior - 4thspace floor -stepped back as V0H 1T0 Oliver and outdoor patio 2nd



PROJECT STATUS Construction underway - foundations




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