Business Examiner Vancouver Island - June 2017

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JUNE 2017



PARKSVILLE With a combined 100 years of experience, Bayview Custom Motorcycles can accommodate all needs and wants of motorcyclists today


Fire and Ice: Coulson Group Businesses are Hot and Cool PAGE 30

NANAIMO Holdfast Metalworks Ltd. is looking to expand its reach

Sale of Coulson Forest Products Allowing CEO Wayne Coulson to Focus on Coulson Aviation and Coulson IceBlast BY MARK MACDONALD BUSINESS EXAMINER


INDEX News Update


West Coast


Qualicum Beach


Cowichan Valley


Port Alberni




Campbell River


Comox Valley


ORT A LBER N I – May’s announced sale of Coulson Forest Products will allow President and CEO Wayne Coulson to concentrate on “fire and ice”. As in firefighting throughout the world with Coulson Aviation, and the Coulson Group of Companies’ ot her a r m, Coulson IceBlast, which cleans sand-blasting style with ice. T he Cou lson Group sold its timber harvesting company in 2015 to the Toquaht First Nation, and last month, their lumber manufacturing facilities to San Lumber of the Surrey-based San Group of Companies after two and a half years of negotiations. Although he will stay on as a n adv isor, Cou lson’s main focus will be identifying SEE COULSON FOREST PRODUCTS | PAGE 33

Wayne Coulson, right, with son Britton in front of one of the new Coulson Fireliner aircraft at Alberni Valley Regional Airport

Who is Suing Whom 34 Movers and Shakers 35 Opinion


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Investors High on Medicinal Marijuana Victoria’s Green Sky Labs Has Developed Two Patents That Can Extract Concentrated Medicinal Properties From Cannabis BY MARK MACDONALD BUSINESS EXAMINER

Canadian Publications Mail Acct.: 40069240


ICTOR I A – Green Sky Labs is aiming to raise t h e b a r h i g h er i n t h e medical marijuana industry. The Victoria-based tech has big plans to utilize two patented

breakthrough technologies to isolate valuable active ingredients in cannabis/marijuana that have proven to possess medicinal qualities. Green Sky Labs’ team of scientists have derived two processes where the plant’s cannabinoids, terpenes, flavinoids and

alkaloids can be isolated into pure concentrates than can be placed in a variety of medical products and creams before application, including food like chocolate bars, as opposed to smoked. That means medicinal compa n ies a nd end users ca n be

assured of consistent, accurate, stable levels of active health enhancing ingredients, as opposed to a veritable mixed bag of effective residuals obtained b y s mok i n g m a r ij u a n a , for instance. SEE GREEN SKY LABS | PAGE 29

2 Government Of Canada Launches Job-Creating Superclusters Initiative Canadians will benefit from the well-paying middle-class jobs that will be created as a result of a $950-million initiative designed to jumpstart innovation in high-growth sectors. T h e H o n o u ra b l e Navd e e p Bains, Minister of Innovation, Scienc e a nd E c onom ic D evelopment, recently launched an initiative to select up to five innovation superclusters that will qualify for this historic investment from the Government of Canada. This program, a centrepiece of the Government’s Innovation and Skills Plan, represents a federal investment in innovation on a scale that has never been seen in Canada. The purpose of this initiative is to create more middle-class jobs and more opportunities for Canadian businesses to grow into globally successful brands. Successful proposals will be evaluated based on their strategy for creating and growing new companies, creating jobs that require advanced skill sets, equipping Canadians with the knowledge and skills for the jobs of the future, attracting private investment and generating meaningful economic activity that leads to prosperity for Canadians.

NEWS UPDATE COMOX VALLEY CVRD Board Approves Civic Centre Schematic Design & Financing Strategy The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) Board on May 30, approved the Civic Centre – Regional Office Building Project schematic design and financing strategy. For several years the CVRD has been working towards a board strategic priority of developing a regional office facility. The CVRD office is an extremely important aspect of CVRD operations, offering essential services to residents and housing key assets including IT infrastructure, corporate records and fleet vehicles. The current office is problematic due to its flood prone location, inadequate space and expensive lease cost. “The value of owning a community asset ensures financial security and stability for residents within the region for generations to come,” states CVRD Board Chair Bruce Jolliffe. The schematic design features a durable, cost effective, energy efficient, attractive community building and the project is estimated to cost 11.7-million dollars based on Class D estimates. The building will be built to LEED Gold standards and will include Passive House features as well as a post-disaster emergency operations centre, shared board and

meeting room opportunities and will be designed to maximize solar exposure to reduce energy costs. The project will be funded through a combination of 2 million dollars from reserve funds, 1.5 million dollars of grant funding from electoral area community works funds, and the remaining 8.2 million dollars through long term borrowing. The 8.2 million dollars would be funded through a loan authorization bylaw approval process with long term debt borrowing for a maximum 30 years to ensure affordability for residents. The approved financing strategy for the construction of the regional office building will be tax neutral to residents. The CVRD board identified using an Alternative Approval Process (AAP) to obtain public support for the borrowing as the project is tax neutral to residents and an AAP is a more cost effective elector approval process.

COWICHAN VALLEY Duncan-North Cowichan Citizens’ Assembly Recommends Amalgamation The Duncan-North Cowichan Citizens’ Assembly on Municipal Amalgamation has recommended the amalgamation of Duncan and North Cowichan. On May 23, 2017, the Assembly’s final report was

JUNE 2017

presented at a special meeting of the Duncan and North Cowichan elected officials. The proposal to amalgamate still needs the approval of both Councils, the provincial government, and residents by public referendum. The Assembly was a special initiative commissioned by both municipalities. The Assembly – 36 randomly selected local residents – met over six Saturdays from January to April to consider the potential amalgamation of Duncan and North Cowichan. During that time, they heard from 20 speakers on various topics, held two public meetings and received a Technical Report that examined the implications and likely financial impact of amalgamation. “The Assembly is mindful that their recommendation carries significant implications and that this is a major undertaking,” says Peter MacLeod, Assembly Chair. “Nevertheless, the Assembly reached a clear consensus and believes that Duncan and North Cowichan will be stronger together.” The Assembly cited a number of benefits to amalgamation and expects that a unified municipality will be better able to manage future growth, afford quality public services and infrastructure, and attract outside investment. The Assembly felt that residents will benefit from a more coordinated approach to local governance and planning; although, they believe the cost savings to come from amalgamation will be negligible.

The Assembly was also careful to underscore the importance of protecting the area’s many distinct communities. It believes the character of these communities can be preserved and enhanced through the development of a new Official Community Plan as well as local area plans. Any proposed amalgamation would need to be supported by both municipal Councils and go to a public referendum, to be held no later than autumn 2018.

NANAIMO Harbour Air Launches ‘Share the Fare’ Campaign to Support BC Charities Harbour Air, North America’s largest seaplane airline, is launching a year-long campaign to donate to three BC charities on behalf of passengers who fly every Friday. Harbour Air has also committed to participating in volunteer opportunities with these charities. The Share the Fare campaign, which begins June 2, 2017, will see Harbour Air donate $1 for every passenger who flies on Fridays over the next year. There will be no increase in air fares for passengers, the donation is from the airline. The charities that will receive the donations are the Boys and Girls Club of South Coast BC, Canuck SEE NEWS UPDATE | PAGE 3


JUNE 2017


Place Children’s Hospice and the BC Cancer Foundation. Passengers will have the option to add a donation to the charities when booking their flight, if they wish. “We believe these charities have a history of touching the lives of British Columbians in important ways, including many of our passengers,” said Harbour Air CEO and founder Greg McDougall. “We’re delighted to contribute in any way to support their important work and I’m proud of our Harbour Air employees who will be joining me in volunteering their personal time to assist those charities meet their missions.”

BC Cruise Ship Industry Contributes $3.2 Billion To The Canadian Economy In 2016 Cruise ships, together with their passengers and crew, make a significant annual contribution to the Canadian economy – and cruise industry spending is increasing at a healthy rate in all three of Canada’s major coastal cruise regions – BC, Quebec and Atlantic Canada. Those are among the findings of a new study detailing the economic impact of the cruise industry in Canada – including everything from spending by cruise lines home-porting and making port calls; to on-shore spending by passengers and crew members; to commissions paid to travel agents across the country. The study, entitled The Economic Contribution of the International Cruise Industry in Canada 2016, was prepared by Business Research & Economic Advisors (BREA). The study is based on data from 2016 with comparisons to 2012, the last time a comparable study was commissioned. Total economic impact of $3.2 billion – including direct and indirect spending – increased 34 per cent since 2012, attributed to gains in cruise line, passenger and crew spending, along with increases in business taxes such as those on food, fuel and retail

items, and a favourable Canadian exchange rate. The 9 per cent increase in passenger visits between 2012 and 2016 is about to be eclipsed by a 14 per cent single-year growth forecast for 2017, ensuring further gains in cruise industry spending in the coming year. Other study highlights include: · Direct spending by cruise lines in Canada totaled $933 million, including items such as goods and services necessary for cruise operations (food & beverages, fuel, vessel maintenance/repair, equipment & supplies), shoreside staffing, port fees & services, equipment, and advertising & promotion. · Direct spending by cruise passengers – including lodging, tours & transportation, food & beverage, and retail – totalled just over half a billion dollars in 2016, a 12 per cent increase since 2012. · Passenger visits to all Canadian ports totaled 2.23 million in 2016, an increase of 9 per cent over the 2.05 million visit recorded in 2012. · The number of jobs generated by the industry in Canada – direct and indirect – is estimated at just over 23,000, paying just over $1 billion in salaries and wages. Total employment generated by the cruise industry has increased 31 per cent since 2012. · Of the nationa l tota l, BC accounts for 66 per cent of direct cruise industry spending; Quebec accounts for 15 per cent; Atlantic Canada accounts for 7 per cent. Other provinces and territories also benefit, as recipients of spending on ship provisions, equipment, tourism, advertising and agent commissions.

fitness centre, bicycling trails and a large area devoted to housing. The housing area includes single-family homes, condos and townhouses, large parts of which haven’t been developed. When Ecoasis created their master development plan, they planned to expand the residential component into a community with 10,000 people over the next 15 years. Thus far, the area is home to about 3,500 people. Meanwhile, Ecoasis has poured money into two 18-hole Jack Nicklaus-designed golf courses, constructing a clay-court tennis facility, establishing Bear Mountain as the home of a number of national athletic teams, restarting development of two townhome

projects and revamping a condo project now called Elevate. Ecoasis bought Bear Mountain in 2013 from HSBC Bank Canada after the bank took control of the property from previous owners who were unable to meet loan payments. Bear Mountain Resort is at the top of Skirt Mountain at 1999 Country Club Way in Langford.

GABRIOLA ISLAND Gabriola Island Embarking on Economic Development Strategy

3 The Island Coastal Economic Trust will be providing the Gabriola Chamber of Commerce with up to $6000 to support the development a new economic development strategy. “The project is being funded through the ICET Economic Development Readiness Program designed to help communities build a foundation for economic growth and investment,” said ICET Chair Phil Kent. “This project presents a great opportunity for Gabriola to develop the critical building blocks to strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem that exists on the island.” The project will involve several SEE NEWS UPDATE | PAGE 4

VICTORIA Bear Mountain Looking for Suitor Bear Mountain Resort owner Ecoasis has hired Jones Lang LaSalle to review the resort’s assets and find a buyer or partner. Ecoasis hired the firm to have them provide advice on how best to move forward on completing the resort. The resort currently includes two golf courses, a hotel,


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JUNE 2017


history through artwork, food and ecotours experienced by guests. “This is an emotional day for our community, the realization of a vision we had to proudly share all of who we are and where we come from as a people. Kwa’lilas Hotel is inspired by our traditional Big House, the centre of our community. Our roof features a smoke hole that vents steam as a signal to visitors that they are welcome to stay, rest and rejuvenate, at any time,â€? says Paddy Walkus, Chief of the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nation. “The project has lit a fire of excitement amongst our community as we realize today what is possible when we stay true to our ways and celebrate our origins.â€? Key milestones in the construction of Kwa’lilas Hotel include: Early 2015: The k’awat’si Economic Development Corporation (KEDC) purchases the former Port Hardy Inn and begins extensive plans for the transformation of the 85-room hotel into Kwa’lilas Hotel; Fall 2015: Renovation plans, including architecture and interior design sketches, are revealed to the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nation and local community; Summer 2016: k’awat’si Tours, a business arm of KEDC, launches guided eco-adventure tours and cultural experience packages including Nakwakto Rapids tours, San Josef, cedar weaving, drum making, and more; March 2017: Kwa’lilas Hotel launches soft opening and hosts the first Aboriginal Business Match Vancouver Island; and May 2017: Kwa’lilas Hotel hosts grand opening including blessings from hereditary chiefs, dances from the Gwa’sala ‘Nakwaxda’xw School and installs copper artwork central to the history of the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nation.


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stakeholder sessions to gather input, review previous work and reports, and set goals for future direction. Defining and developing vision, mission, strategic priorities, governance models, and resources will be key activities. “At the conclusion of this project, we’ll have a guiding document that is formed by Gabriola Islanders themselves,� said Gloria Hatfield, Chamber President. “When it comes to decision-making about a community’s economic future, local stakeholders need to be engaged to ensure a plan that helps the Gabriolan business community thrive while protecting the wonderful character and nature that is our island.� Deliverables include a three-year strategic plan with priorities, action plans, and resource allocation to support economic development on Gabriola Island.

PORT HARDY North Island’s Kwa’lilas Hotel Celebrates Grand Opening THE

Frank Allen

Kwa’lilas Hotel, the first Aboriginal owned hotel to offer stay and play cultural experiences on the North Island, recently opened its doors after a year-long renovation from the ground up of the former Port Hardy Inn, celebrated through traditional blessings, dances, songs and food. The Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw Nation, who fully own and operate the hotel, officially unveiled the transformation that represents a legacy for the community and a unique opportunity to showcase their culture and



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JUNE 2017

A Snug Harbour Inn Searching For Legacy Successors Owners Place Popular Ucluelet Bed & Breakfast Property On The Market BY MARK MACDONALD BUSINESS EXAMINER


CLUELET – It was just over 16 years ago that Sue Brown and Drew Fesar fell in love with A Snug Harbour Inn. Now that they’ve built the acclaimed Bed & Breakfast into a solid business, they’re looking for someone to take over the Inn, nestled on a cliff high above the crashing Pacific Ocean on Marine Drive. They want their successors to maintain their legacy and keep the same standards they’ve worked hard to establish. While Brown and Fesar have had offers from prospective owners, they are holding out to find the individual or couple who will love the Inn as much as they have. “We’ve taken 16 years to build it to what it is today,” notes Fesar, agreeing it’s been a labour of love. “We’ve developed a solid book of clients and earned a great reputation. That doesn’t happen overnight.” Brown adds: “We’re looking for someone that will keep up our standards. I know they’re out there.”

Sue Brown and Drew Fesar on the deck at A Snug Harbour Inn in Ucluelet Brown, whose background included the hospitality industry, and Fesar, who ran his own advertising agency in Toronto, purchased the property 16 years ago. The founding owners had put the Inn up for sale by live auction, and Fesar closed the deal to buy it just prior to auction time.

Fe s a r c om m ute d b e t we e n Ucluelet and Toronto for the first four years, spending two weeks in Toronto, then two weeks in Ucluelet. A Snug Harbour Inn is enjoying its induction to TripAdvisor’s Hall of Fame in 2016 for achieving five years of being ranked as a Five Star by their guests. The

owners hung a “No Vacancy” sign up for a couple of years now, as most room dates – in all four seasons - are filled by repeat customers, or via on-line reservations. All clients are adults. The six rooms on the property all have their own private balconies and jetted tubs, with one of the u n its completely

wheelchair accessible, and another is pet friendly. A large hot tub rests on the outside deck, next to stairs that descend down to the beach and a helicopter pad. Brown and Fesar have carefully maintained the decks, roofs and railings, and all rooms have had major upgrades. Guests are served homemade breakfasts featuring Brown’s secret recipes, which they can either enjoy at a central, communal table, or in their rooms. “Around the table” conversations add that “little extra” for guests and hosts. “We’ve had people from all over stay with us, evenly split between Canada, the U.S. and other i nternationa ls, mostly from Europe,” says Brown. “ S o m e t i m e s a t t h e b r e a kfast table you’ll hear English, broken-English and other languages from all over the world. We meet people you’d never meet in normal life.” “We’ve really enjoyed A Snug Harbour Inn, and it is our desire that the next owners will as well, to continue to provide a first class experience for our guests,” adds Fesar.


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JUNE 2017

Qualicum Beach’s Old Fire Hall to be Remodelled For High Tech Businesses The town wants to help start-up companies with affordable office space Parksville Qualicum Beach News UALICUM BEACH - The Town of Qualicum Beach w i l l be renovat i ng t he old firehall and turning it into an office studio that will accommodate start-up high tech businesses. The town has seen the creative marketplace growing and considers it to be a future economic driver for the local economy. The area is rapidly becoming a hub for creative workers, including graphic designers, sound engineers and video game designers. These professions, according to CAO Daniel Sailland, are attracting a mobile workforce with the potential to grow, and may lead to the establishment of a high-tech business network in the region. A n e x a mpl e of t h i s i s t h e award-winning pioneer in virtual reality, Cloudhead Games. In 2014, the town established a digital media studio in the old train station that offers business-minded individuals lowcost, hot desk opportunities, and two incubation offices that allow small groups of three to five people. However, it does not


provide much room for businesses to expand. The town has already seen two startup companies leave the region due to lack of affordable space to suit their needs. “That became too small,” said Sailland. “We needed a larger space to accommodate these companies. And that’s where the old fire hall comes into play.” The bays of the old fire hall can provide an ideal open location for the installation of desk spaces in the downtown core and it is also close to a myriad of amenities. Once remodelled, it will be able to provide space for up to 10 extra people. The plan is to conduct minor improvements that include upgrading electrical and flooring, fixing the bathroom to meet building codes, and paint and window coverings to create an ideal ambiance to meet the needs of tech companies. At present, the top floor is being leased by Cloudhead Games, which employs about 14 people and is rapidly expanding. Sailland said Cloudhead will be the first company in line to accommodate the renovated old fire hall.

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“That’s because they’ve been doing well,” said Sailland. Sailland said they are hoping once the start-up tech companies grow bigger they will be able to move into a building of their own. The cost to rent the new space will be below market value and the lease is for 18 months, said Sailland. “There’s a reassessment after 18 months and because we’re new to this and we’re feeling our way across, we’re probably looking at three- to five-year windows with any one company and then we provide opportunity for another company,” said Sailland. “This certainly allows companies to start from a hot-desking model all the way through growing into a company and then stepping into full-market rates and the regular market.” Sailland said they are adapting to the needs of the industry and are exploring this business incubation concept for the town’s economic benefit. The cost of the project is around $19,932. The town has just been awarded $5,000 for the project by the Regional District of Nanaimo’s Northern Community Economic Development program.

Ucluelet First Nation implements Living Wage Policy


CLUELET - President Les Doiron has declared that Ucluelet First Nation has become the second First Nation in Canada to implement a living wage policy. Beginning June 1, Government hourly employees will be paid the current living wage rate for Ucluelet, which is $20.11/hour. President Doiron, who championed the living wage policy, firmly believes that citizens working for the Ucluelet Government should not be required to work a second or third job to make ends meet. “This living wage policy is huge for our people,” says Doiron. “The cost of living is extremely high where we live and I wanted to ensure our people do not suffer unfairly as a result. That is why I made adopting a living wage policy a priority. The new living wage is really going to make a difference for our people”. Asked what this new living wage rate would mean to her, Celena Cook, a Ucluelet Government employee said “It means I won’t have to work a second job and I can spend more time with my family including two young kids.” When discussing the importance of a living wage policy, Doiron underscored the significance of being a Treaty Nation for the people of his Nation. “As a Treaty Nation, we are free

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President Les Doiron to make our own decisions, in accordance with our own laws,” Doiron says. “We are no longer a ward of the Federal Government and dependent on INAC (Indian and Northern Affairs Canada). The Treaty affords us the ability to make decisions – such as the living wage policy – that makes a positive difference in our community.” A living wage is the hourly amount a family needs to cover basic expenses. The living wage calculation is based on a two-parent family with two children – the most common family unit in BC – and each parent working full-time. There are currently over 80 Living Wage Employers across BC. The UFN Government joins Vancouver, Huu-ay-aht First Nation, Port Coquitlam, Pitt Meadows, Parksville, New Westminster and Quesnel as one of the eight local governments with a living wage policy.

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JUNE 2017

PORT ALBERNI ENTERS THIRD CYCLE OF A HOT REAL ESTATE MARKET Incredible Outdoor Recreation Opportunities Coupled With a Gateway to the West Coast Make Port Alberni an Excellent Investment


O R T A L B E R N I - H i psters, downsizers, remote workers and those looking for an affordable lifestyle have discovered Port A lberni and they’ve brought with them an infusion of trendy businesses and revitalization. “After 25 years in the business, we are entering Port Alberni’s third cycle of a hot real estate market,” said Dave Koszegi, team leader for the DaveTeam. “T he first and second cycles were made up of mostly retirees looking for an affordable place to live. Now we’re seeing a wave of young people, i nclud i ng a rtists, computer technicians working remotely and business owners who want the lifestyle the Valley offers.” He added that part of the phenomenal boom is due to people wanting to buy older homes and renovati ng to ma inta in that ‘distressed wood’ style. “I have clients who a re

Dave Koszegi, team leader for the DaveTeam

“Many people have looked at other places like Hope or the Okanagan, but have chosen Port Alberni.” DAVE KOSZEGI OWNER DAVETEAM, PORT ALBERNI

looking for the next big place to invest. One moved here from Squamish where 15 years ago he bought before the market took off. It’s gotten a lot busier so he went looking for a new place that would be a good investment and offered the lifestyle he wanted. He found it in Port Alberni.” Surrounded by mountains, lakes, and ocean, the city is a short hop from Nanaimo and is the gateway to Tofino, what many call the Whistler of Vancouver Island. “Many people have looked at other places like Hope or the Oka naga n, but have chosen Port Alberni. It’s reflected in the businesses that are thriving here. We now have three Tim Horton’s, the ma l l has been completely changed, there is a vegan restaurant, brewpub, a new high-end apartment complex on the waterfront, plus we’re seeing artists coming to town and setting up studios. We also have a brand new hospita l wh ich appea ls to bot h young families and those heading into retirement.” With some of the lowest house prices on Va ncouver Isla nd, Port Alberni is a town worth discovering. DaveTeam is at


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JUNE 2017

Libre Naturals Specializes In Producing High End Granola Bars North Cowichan Based Firm Ships More Than One Million Bars Annually BY DAVID HOLMES


U NCA N – High end granola bar manufacturer Libre Naturals is proof that the adage necessity is the mother of invention – really is true. “I have a daughter with a severe pea nut a l lerg y a nd simply couldn’t find the sort of peanut free snacks for her that I wanted, so you’d have to say filling that need was behind the creation of the company,” explained company founder and President Alana Elliott. Satisfying that need led to the launching of Nonuttin’ Foods in 2002, a home based venture where El l iott pioneered her work on developing a range of nut and allergy free snacks, a firm that eventually evolved i nto today’s Libre Natu ra ls. Located at 6200 Scott Road in Du nca n, Libre Natu ra ls a nd its tea m of 10 produce more than one million granola bars per year, a range of products shipped across North America and around the world. “ We d o e v e r y t h i n g r i g h t here in North Cowichan, from preparing to packaging. Libre means “free” in both French and Spanish so if you’re looking for truly delicious foods that are peanut free, tree nut free, dairy free, certified gluten free, soy free, in fact, manufactured in a dedicated facility free of ALL of the top 11 food allergens and gluten, you’ve come to the right place,” she said. While not found at the local corner store, Libre Naturals granola bars can be purchased

Founder and company President Alana Elliott began producing high end granola bars more than 15 years ago

“We do everything right here in North Cowichan, from preparing to packaging.” ALANA ELLIOTT FOUNDER & PRESIDENT, LIBRE NATURALS

Libre Naturals was selected to be one of the snack providers at the prestigious TED Talks event held in Vancouver in specialty shops and health food stores. The company also supplies colleges and universities in the United States for its National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCCA) athletes. “We were thrilled this year when we were selected to be a provider of

snacks at the TED Talks event held in Vancouver,” she said. “When people are paying something like $8,000 a seat to attend the TED Talks organizers are very particular about the sort of foods and snacks they serve their guests at the TED restaurant, so

being included was a real pleasure. There was a very detailed vetting process so we were delighted to be part of it.” T ED Talks is a global community of thinkers, media persons, scientists and others who regularly come together to share ideas, listen to keynote speakers and to collectively help to make the world a better place. The Vancouver session held in April attracted such notables as chess Grandmaster Garry Kasparov and technology leader Elon Musk. “T he Pope was even there, but his presentation was delivered online, so I didn’t have a chance to have him actually try our granola bars. If he had that would have been something,” Elliott said. Today the company produces a wide range of products sold under its own brand and as a private label item, where a company will use Libre Naturals bars but put them in their own wrapper. From quite literally a kitchen table to global distribution of her products in 15 years, Elliott has seen her company come a long way. “Where do I want to be in five years? Realistically, based on how well it’s gone so far, I’d like to see us increasing our production to something like five million bars per year. We have sufficient production capacity right here, and I know the market’s out there, so that’s where I’d like to be,” she declared. To learn more please visit the company’s website at: www.

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JUNE 2017





h e D u n c a n C owichan Chamber of Commerce was well represented at the recent BC Chamber of Commerce AGM and Conference in Victoria, MAY 25 – 27. Because of the proximity, our Chamber was able to send four representatives to the Victoria conference. “ We a t t e n d t h e B C Chamber AGM to make sure Cowichan businesses are represented at the prov i nci a l level,” sa id Julie Scurr, President of t he D u nc a n Cow ich a n Chamber. “The Chamber is committed to growing a vital business environment in the Cowichan.” BC Chamber of

Commerce is BC’s largest and most broadly-based b u si ne ss orga n i z at ion driving insights to govern ment, i ndustry a nd throughout the Chamber network. The BC Chamber AGM and Conference is the largest annual business policy-building forum in the province with over 250 in attendance at the Victoria conference. Every year local Chambers develop and submit policies for the consideration of their peers at the AGM. This was a banner year for policy development in our network, with 63 policies debated at the AGM. The Duncan Cowichan Chamber supported several policies that impact our local business community. Four representatives were also fortunate to participate in a post AGM day trip to Fort McMurray and the oil sands, organized by the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers. We joined other Chamber Executives and Directors from the island and across the province to experience first-hand Canada’s oil sands industry. It was a ver y long d ay but a n

excellent opportunity to visit Suncor and Cenovus operations and to learn how Canada is leading the world in environmental performance through collaborative action, innovation and technological advances. ■■■ We would like to welcome new members who took advantage of joining the Chamber during our May Membership promotion: Daecan and A ssociates, Bayshore Planning Services, Raven Valley Kitchens, Rosalina Heard Carelse, Pemberton Holmes-Doug Webber, Nourish Cowichan Society, The Original Udder G uys, Nat ion a l Money Mart, Lockhart Tactical, Riot Brewing Company, Paci f ic I n du st r i a l a n d Marine, Pro Mac Manufacturing, Indus Travels, Thrift Town, Two Hoots Gift Gallery and Dan Duta Medical Corporation. Sonja Nagel is Executive Director of the Duncan Cowichan Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at manager@ or 250-748-1111

Local Marijuana Facility Plans Major Expansion Cowichan Valley Citizen ob seekers in the Cowichan Valley can soon look closer to home for employment as a recently established licensed marijuana producer near Duncan has major expansion plans. United Greeneries, which currently has a 16,000 sq. ft. facility in an undisclosed location in the Cowichan Valley Regional District, will be hiring up to 100 new workers as expansion plans progress. United Greeneries began operations earlier this year and has, so far, produced two crops of more tha n 4,000 ma rijua na plants each. The first crop of Kush strain successfully harvested in early April at the facility yielded approximately 60 kg of dried cannabis buds. Colin Clancy, the company’s communications director, said the preliminary plans and designs for phase one of the expansion plan should be completed within the next two months, and construction should be ready to begin soon after that. It’s expected that phase one of the expansion project will see t he faci l ity g row to approx imately 130,000 square feet.



“We intend to use local construction companies and workers to build the expansion, as well as the new workers (who will each make about $20 an hour) we’ll need once the expansion plans are completed. Further expansion is planned and the project should cover about 20 acres when finished, but that’s in the future.” It’s expected the market for recreational marijuana will be approximately $5 billion a year once it’s legalized next year, and the industry is gearing up to meet the demand. United Greeneries has received a Canadian medicinal cannabis cultivation licence, making it one of only a few companies in the world with the capacity to commercially cultivate cannabis in a federally regulated environment. Clancy said the company’s location in the Cowichan Valley was chosen because “an opportunity arose” as well as the fact t h at Un ited Greener ies h ad starting forming relationships with the local First Nations. He said the company will set up long-term training programs for First Nations that will help fill some of the new positions that will become available.



iring the right p e o p l e fo r y o u r business is probably the most important task that any owner or manager/executive undertakes and having these key people involved at some stage of the hiring process has been shown to be a key factor in successful companies. While your HR Manager may take the lead in the process, having the owner or manager involved prior to the final decision ensures that the company values and culture stay front and foremost. The depth of the involvement will depend on the level of the position in the company, so step one should be to review the

following questions: ■ Who should be part of the recruitment process for this position? ■ At what stage do they get involved? ■ Will the interviews be conducted on a oneon-one basis or by a panel? and ■ W ho, u lt i m ately, makes the final decision on the successful candidate? W h i le t h i s m ay seem straight forward and common sense, too often we end up recruiting in the same manner for all positions. One size does not fit all and the most successful outcomes are achieved through a customized recruiting process. After the initial round of screening followed by identification of the short-listed candidates, a combination of the HR Manager and the direct reporting supervisor for the position is most appropriate to conduct the full interview. This interview should focus on the skills and experience that the candidate can bring to the position. If recruiting for a position that engages with other department managers or the tasks relate to

another manager or team lead, these managers could be brought in once the final two candidates have been selected. It is also at this point that either the owner, manager or other executive could be brought in to review the documentation from the interviews and have a short meeting with the candidates before any offer is made. The meeting with the owner or executive should not be another interview, but rather a meet and greet to ensure that the person is the right fit for the company. T here may be severa l candidates that bring the right skills and experience, but not everyone will be suitable for your workplace. Your people are the lifeblood of your company and in most cases are the ones that reflect your values back to your clients and the community. Make sure that those values match your own and that the candidate is committed to your company culture. Christine is with Chemistry Consulting and can be reached at c.willow@


JUNE 2017

Board Of Trade Ceo Shares Secrets Of Growth, Change Iain Black Laid Out Reasons For Positive Change At Duncan-Cowichan Chamber Luncheon

Iain Black, President and CEO of the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade, receives a gift from Duncan-Cowichan Chamber of Commerce President Julie Scurr


Congratulations to Our Newest Partners Leaders are made, not born. That’s why MNP continues to develop and promote our best people to ensure we continue to meet all your business needs. MNP congratulates Elizabeth, Chris and Marcel on their appointments to the Partnership. As integral members of MNP’s Island team, our new partners offer experience and solutions in diverse areas to serve our clients’ growing needs. As a leading national accounting, tax and business consulting firm with 20 locations across B.C., MNP continues to grow and deliver the industry-leading people and the results you need to be successful. Contact one of our new Partners today! Elizabeth Vannan, B.C. Leader, Technology Consulting Victoria office T: 778.265.8893 E: Chris Duncan, CPA, CA, Regional Leader, Forestry and Forest Products Services Duncan office T: 250.856.2443 E: Marcel Moose, CPA, CA, Business Advisor, Professionals Services Courtenay office T: 778.225.7231 E:


UNCAN – Greater Vancouver Board of Trade President and CEO Iain Black shared details of the organization’s transformation w it h t he Duncan-Cow ichan Chamber of Com merce M ay 2 4 at the Duncan-Cowichan Golf & Country Club, wh ich also provided useable tips and guidelines for other business groups. Although careful not to lay t h e b l a m e fo r i n h e r i t i n g a very sizeable debtload at the GV BOT on h is predecessor, Darcy Rezac, who suffered from a lengthy illness in the latter stages of h is 23 yea r tenu re at the helm, Black did outline the steps the group undertook starting with his arrival in 2011 to turn it around. T hey’ve achieved the goals of a five year financial plan in just two years, and the GVBOT is now firmly back on a solid financial footing. “Renovations” to the organization’s structu re i ncluded going painstakingly through each department, and identifying why their membership had dropped 24 per cent. Ne w pro g ra m s i m pl a n te d i ncluded the formation of a Compa ny of You n g P rofessionals certification program, a Leaders of Tomorrow mentorship program, and the creation of two new councils, for Small Business and Women’s Leadership. Black says the biggest change c a me t h rou g h t he B oa rd of

Governance, which instilled a new attitude that “focused on what is right, as opposed to who is right,” adding that if a staff member did something incorrect, they were constructively corrected. He cited one exa mple of a n employee m i sf i r i ng on a task, who then ca me to h i m and announced: “Iain, we have a teachable moment to celebrate.” Membersh ip has g row n by 33 per cent since Black came aboard, and the GVBOT is one of only three Chambers in the province with numerical gains, he notes. W it h 5, 20 0 m e m b e rs, t h e GVBOT is a powerful advocate for business interests not just in Greater Vancouver, but in the province. It’s come a long ways since its formation in 1887 following the Great Vancouver Fire, when 31 people joined together to form the first Board of Trade. In terms of advocacy, Black notes the GVBOT focuses on building longer-term relationships, adding “you need to establish relationships when you don’t need them”, in order to have an ear when you do need to be heard. That includes having a busi ness orga n i zat ion wa l k t h e p o l i t i c a l t i g h t-ro p e o f non-partisanship, including being “friendly, without being friends” with groups non sympathetic to the free enterprise cause.


JUNE 2017





&R Truck Centre has broken ground on a new location in Nanaimo, near Inland Kenworth, which is on Northfield Road. Serving the Vancouver Island transportation industry since 1979, P&R has four other locations, in Saanichton, Millstream, Burnside and Duncan. They are full service Western Star, Freightliner, Sterling and Mitsubishi Fuso truck dealers, and is the Doepker Trailer dealer for the island. ■■■ Jim Mercier has sold his Boston Pizza restaurant in Longwood Station in north Nanaimo to Brett and Cy from northern B.C. Jim has also announced he’s running for the seat vacated by Wendy Pratt on Nanaimo city council in July by-election this year.

■■■ Greg Constable’s Island West Coast Developments is busy these days throughout the central Island. The company is doing the renovations at Duncan’s Wendy’s Restaurant, a nd i n Pa rksv i l le, they’re bu i ld i ng Shelly Place, the commercial/ residential development next to Parksville Chrysler, owned by Dea ler P ri ncipa l Bruce Alexander. ■■■ Katherine Wolfe was one of the 13 B.C. Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) students who made the National Honour Roll for her outstanding results on the Common Final Examination (CFE). Her achievement was recognized at the Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia’s convocation May 27 at the Vancouver Convention Centre. ■■■ Chair Ian MacPhee announces that David Petryk will be stepping down as CEO of Tourism Vancouver Island after 17 years, effective December 1, 2017, as he is heading to Thailand with his wife Sandra. ■■■ KC Boutique in Longwood Station will have a new neighbour soon: Posh Nail Spa. ■■■

Cathy Dyck is now working for Staples as a Business Development Manager for Vancouver Island. ■■■ Roger’s Trucking and Landscaping, at 901 Maughan Road in Duke Point, has new owners in Mike Dewit and Neil Nelson. The company offers top soil, aggregates, delivery and large scale landscaping. ■■■ More pizza! Pizza Mia, which already has two locations in Nanaimo, has plans to add another three within the next year and a half. ■■■ There could be some building

activity on the empty lot adjacent to Longwood Station, as a furniture store is rumored to be looking at opening a location on the former gas station site that most recently was a community garden. ■■■ Teri Lynn Boyle notes that Amethyst Forest is moving into the former Concise Systems location in the Bowen Plaza. Concise has moved to Northfield Road. Mark MacDonald writes about business in Nanaimo. Tell him your story by emailing him at

Don Tamelin, Vice President and General Manager of Coastal Community Private Wealth Group Don Tamelin, Vice President and General Manager of Coastal Community Private Wealth Group, tells us that they will be the lead sponsor for the Nanaimo & District Hospital Foundation’s 24th annual Golf for Life Charity Classic September 8 at Fairwinds Golf Course. Mid Island Coop will be moving some of their staff to a new office in the Bowen Plaza as they continue to grow. ■■■

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Smythe LLP announces the retirement of Joyce A. Smith Please join us in extending best wishes to Joyce A. Smith, who retired from Smythe LLP on May 1, 2017. Joyce has been an esteemed member of the Nanaimo business community for over 45 years. During this time, she has served a wide variety of clients and helped both individuals and businesses create a bright financial future.

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In her retirement, Joyce plans to spend more time golfing and travelling. We thank Joyce for her contribution to the Firm and wish her a wonderful retirement.

Smythe LLP is a full-service CPA firm focused on the areas of accounting, tax, insolvency and business advisory services. For all future inquiries please contact Trevor Topping or Theresa Dyck.

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JUNE 2017

MAXXAM EMPLOYEE SERVICES: DESIGNING USER FRIENDLY EMPLOYEE BENEFITS “As business women Maxxam Systems Allow For Creation Of Customized Employee Benefits Packages

ourselves we understand the importance of having a job completed on time and on budget.”


ICTOR I A – Maxxam Employee Services has become the one stop provider of a full range of employee benefit services tailored to meet the needs of companies of any size or in any industry sector. Recently I had a chance to speak with Pamela Sabourin from Maxxam Employee Services, a division of Maxxam Insurance. When I sat down to speak with Pam about the Maxx Safety Systems that her and her team created I was interested in the process these women took to create such a user friendly program in the innovative construction industry. What these women bring to the table is a way for employers to save time, documents, administration and money. Can it really be that good? Yes it can. She explained to me the three key elements of Maxxam Employee Services and what they offer to their clients. It’s very simple. 1. Group Benefit Packages


Fu l l T h i rd Pa rty Work Safe Management 3. Web based Maxx Safety Systems “As an Insurance brokerage we can audit a current plan or help create a new benefits package to fit your company’s needs. Our main focus when implementing a plan is building a sustainable plan, cost containment and making sure the plan reflects the company’s culture,” Sabourin explained. She went on to explain that her team has the skills and the tools to manage all the administration on the client’s behalf. They even run employee meetings to ensure sure the employees have an open communication line with their team. Intrigued that Maxxam Employee Services can fully manage its clients Work Safe accounts, I had to know

Maxxam Employee Services can develop a benefits package to accommodate any type of business


more. “When relieving the employer of managing Work Safe claims, i nju ries a nd ongoi ng ma i ntenance, it is a huge cost and time saver for the employer,” explained Sabourin. Encompassed within their Third Party Work Safe Management is submitting Form 7’s, implementing Stay At Work and Return to Work Programs and ensuring constant communication with injured workers. Being experts in injury management, these women can help lower claim loss time, while ensuring employees get all the help and resources they need. To tie all their services together, these women have created a web-based online program to host Occupational Health and Safety Manuals, forms, safe

practices, procedures and all other required documentation. The program serves as a fail safe way for employers to track the submission of daily, weekly, monthly, annual, and pre-project forms, right from their personal computer or Smartphone. As safety becomes more and more prevalent on work sites, their system allows safety to be at the forefront and top of mind for employees without taking hours to complete paperwork. “As business women ourselves we understand the importance of having a job completed on time and budget, yet in high risk industries our clients are juggling so many aspects, we wanted to create a safety system that does the job while saving them time. At the end of the day we want to see all employees to

return home to their families safe and sound,” she passionately described. After sitting with Sabourin and chatting for an hour or so it was difficult to put in a few paragraphs what these women do for their clients. To encapsulate the innovative program they have created and the multiple services they run. It’s obvious why so many companies have placed their business with them. W hen I asked Sabou ri n to explain to me a little bit about her tea m her response was: “To speak frankly, the team we have here at Maxxam Employee Services is nothing short than amazing. We all work and communicate to ensure our client’s needs are being met. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail, innovative thinking and always being one step ahead. At Maxxam we truly care about what we do, who we work for and I feel it shows.” That’s just part of the Maxxam Employee Services story. This innovative division, with its unique set of skills and products, can package the right mix of tools to make any business function better, safer and more successfully. To lea rn more please v isit the Maxxam website at: www.


JUNE 2017


All Hands On Deck For Women In Construction Industry With The Building Boom in BC, More Women Are Joining the Family Business to Help Out With Administration and Project Management BETH HENDRY-YIM


ot all women wear skirts and high heels to work. S o m e w e a r s te e l to e boots, a carpenter’s belt and a hard hat. With BC’s construction industry booming, it’s a good thing and an outfit they can proudly wear to the bank. “There is still a shortage of workers in this industry, with plenty of opportu n ities a nd benefits,” sa id Frank Rossi, Dea n, School of T rades a nd Technologies, College of New Caledonia. “The income potential is high and the education relatively low-cost with great entrepreneurial potential.” The college, located in Prince George, is seeing a consistent number of women entering its trades programing over the past five years, around the 10 per cent of the program enrolment.

At the 2017 Vancouver Island Business Excellence awards the Interior Design Group took home two VIBE awards SEE WOMEN IN CONSTRUCTION | PAGE 15

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JUNE 2017

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JUNE 2017



In BC, by the end of 2016


Providing electives in construction at the college and university level is how Casey Edge feels women can better test the variety of jobs available in the industry CREDIT:VICTORIA RESIDENTIAL HOME BUILDERS

Rossi emphasized that with many resource-related projects coming down the pipe in the next five years, jobs will need to be filled. Women with the right skill set can tap into that wideopen job market. “The timing is right and there are places within the industry for women to excel,” said Sherri Paiement, executive officer, Canadian Home Builders Association (CHBA) Central Okanagan. “I’m seeing more women on the stage winning Tommie awards, not just in supportive roles but as business owners.” In BC, by the end of 2016 more than 3,900 women were registered in 75 different trades, a 180 per cent increase over 2005 - 2016. Last year, the BC government invested $400,000 to create a unique made-in-BC mentorship program to help women succeed in their path to becoming a tradesperson. This year it’s providing Sprott Shaw with $166,238 to give up to 28 unemployed women training in construction trades. But according to Casey Edge, executive director, Victoria Residential Builders Association, jobs in construction aren’t limited to the trades. “Construction is a diverse industry with a variety of opportunities for women outside of the

more than 3,900 women were registered in 75 different trades, a 180 per cent increase over 2005 - 2016


Kinetic supports women throughout our operations from field crews and project management to company ownership.



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C: 250.619.3218 P: 250.751.1223 Wendy Acheson, vice president and Registrar, Licensing and Consumer Services presents a 2016 CARE award to Deborah Patterson, partner and interior designer, Città Group CREDIT:JOHN YANYSHYN, VISIONS WEST PHOTOGRAPHY




JUNE 2017


trades,” he said. “We’re seeing a shift in the industry itself to more sustainable construction and new energy codes and that brings unique job offerings. Today’s job site is not so much concerned with stereotypes or restrictions in terms of participation in work. Its more about finding workers with the necessary skill set. If someone embraces the industry and is passionate about getting the job done, it doesn’t matter what gender they are.” For Kelsey Botting, executive officer, CHBA Vancouver Island, whether a woman is in the trades, in administration or in the management side of construction, women bring a unique perspective to custom home building. She also pointed out that women are taking a more active role in leadership positions within the industry. “The President of our Provincial CHBA this year is a woman. Her company is a marketing company that works mainly with residential builders. Last year, the President of our National CHBA was a woman builder from Newfoundland.” She added that over the past year her association has seen a larger than normal number of female builders applying for membership in CHBAVI and, like Paiement in the Okanagan, is seeing more women in supportive roles in the industry, standing beside husbands and partners. “Construction companies are busy,” Paiement said. “So many builders are now turning to family for help and that’s why we’re seeing more women running the office, working directly with clients

According to Kelsey Botting, women are taking a more active role in leadership positions within the construction industry CREDIT:CHBAVI

“Today’s job site is not so much concerned with stereotypes or restrictions in terms of participation in work. It’s more about finding workers with the necessary skill set.” CASEY EDGE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, VICTORIA RESIDENTIAL BUILDERS ASSOCIATION


Commercial & Institutional Projects We Support Women in Construction

JUNE 2017


Janna Geisbrecht placed second in the 2017 Regional Skills Competition held in Prince George CREDIT:MATT PARTYKA

and involved with onsite project management. It’s like ‘all hands on deck’ right now.” She added that Okanagan College is doing a great job of selling the industry across genders by sending representatives to high schools and opening a dialogue about the opportunities and diversity of employment. Accord i ng to K im Noakes, Recruiting and Marketing Coordinator, Okanagan College and a Certified B Level Welder, Women in Trades Training (WITT) has introduced over 900 women to trades training at the college since 2008. “WITT guides women through trades education and helps them connect to the labour market with additional support of Employment Readiness training and WITT mentorship.” Walls, boundaries and stereotypes are coming down, thanks in part to awareness campaigns and funding, but also because of the women taking advantage of opportunities available and

17 not letting anything stop them. Nineteen-year-old Tijana Nelson, a first-year carpentry and joinery student at Okanagan College, originally had her eye on a career in architecture, but opted for building homes rather than designing them. “The last term of high school I decided I didn’t want to sit behind a computer all day, I wanted to actually build houses. I didn’t take any time off and jumped right into college, getting sponsored by WITT for the carpentry program. With dedication and hard work, I made the Dean’s list.” She also recently won a Silver medal at the provincial Skills Canada Competition in Abbotsford, and in Prince George, Janna Giesbrecht, Fall 2016 Carpentry Foundation Program student at the College of New Caledonia, is also making strides in the industry, placing second in the 2017 Regional Skills Carpentry Competition. Both women are setting the stage for future generations of women and showing that it’s all about the skills!

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JUNE 2017

ENGINEERING NO LONGER A MAN’S WORLD Key to Success in Gender Parity is Finding Good People With The Right Personality


ANAIMO - At Herold Engineering, diversity in its workforce means more perspectives for generating solutions to construction problems. “Anytime you get a diverse point of view in this industry, it’s a good thing,” said Kate Ulmer, professional engineer (P.Eng) and manager of Herold Engineering Victoria. “Solving problems is a huge part of what we do.” She added that with each individual approaching things differently, no matter their gender, problems get solved more effectively and efficiently. With almost half of the Victoria office employing women in both professional and technical roles, Herold Engineering has almost reached gender parity. But according to founder, Mike Herold, it wasn’t necessarily intentional but a natural consequence of finding the right people. “When I find someone with the right personality, whether I have a job position for them or not, I hire them,” he said. “In this industry, the ability to communicate and listen are a priority and good people with those skills don’t come around all the time.” U l mer, who joi ned Herold five years ago, didn’t start her post-secondary education with a focus on engineering. It was when she was three quarters of the way through an arts degree, with a focus on international relations, that she realized the study was interesting, but may not offer many job opportunities. “I didn’t want to end up with a degree that wasn’t employable,” she said. “I looked into engineering and saw that it was practical and hands on, provided a good living, and there was work available.” She explained that, prior to entering the engineering program she knew nothing about the field,

Erica Baartman, Shannon Foster, Sarah Campden, Heather Roberston and Megan Chambers stand united at the ASTTBC AGM and as members of the BC Women in Technology Association CREDIT:RICHARD MAYER

Kate Ulmer has been the structural engineer on numerous infrastructure upgrade projects at the Esquimalt Graving Dock CREDIT:MARK BYRAM

emphasizing that though she did not consider herself a math whiz, with upgrading she was able to earn her degree with hard work. “It was challenging, but kept me engaged. I liked the fact that there is a definite right and wrong.” Ulmer, who is also the chair of the Women in Construction Association in Victoria, said that many people don’t understand what her job entails and that to get more young women involved in the field that has to change. “As a structural engineer, my job is to create the bones of a building, considering things like its gravity and seismic load, and each system from foundation to roof,” she explained. “A lot of people think you need to be good at math to become an engineer, but you don’t have to be innately good at it. Everyone can learn.” Sarah Campden, civil technologist (CTech) and vice president of the Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of BC (ASTTBC), said that there is a lot of team playing in her field. “Our association has seen an increase in female members from eight per cent to 12 per cent in the

A tour for the Women in Trades Training program at Camosun College of a project at George Jay Elementary where Kate Ulmer was structural engineer CREDIT:ROBYN QUINN

Mike Herold founded Herold Engineering in 1994, today it has offices in Nanaimo, Victoria, Fort Nelson and a satellite office in Ucluelet CREDIT:HEROLD ENGINEERING LTD.

past year. Women are excellent problem solvers and because we are a helping profession, we bring that ability to work as a team.” She added that she didn’t begin her career as a civil technologist, her initial goal was in architectural design. She switched careers because someone saw her various skillset and encouraged her to take on her current role in an engineering department. She’s glad they did. Both Ulmer and Campden say

that Herold Engineering has been a good fit because of the inclusive and supportive environment. “Herold Engineering fosters training and challenging ourselves. It has also been flexible and encouraging of volunteer positions. I will be taking on a new leadership role in ASTTBC, it’s an eight-year commitment. The company was very supportive and didn’t hesitate in allowing me the time I needed.” Herold emphasized that in his company there are many stars in the industry, pointing to both Ulmer and Campden. He added that it isn’t just because of their ability to design and engineer a structure, but because of how well they get along with clients, colleagues and the community.

“It isn’t just about technology and knowledge, it’s about how you interact with contractors, trades and even coworkers. Skills can be learned, knowing how to get along and be respectful can be harder to achieve.” Herold said that when he first founded the company, his intention wasn’t to move toward gender parity, it was simply to find good people. “It’s not just a man’s field anymore,” he said. “All our workers are an integral part of this company’s success, with collaboration and teamwork its greatest asset.” Herold Engineering is at 3701 Shenton Road in Nanaimo with offices in Victoria and Fort Nelson and a satellite office in Ucluelet.

HEROLD ENGINEERING LIMITED is proudly represented by women as a valued part of our team in technical, business, and leadership roles.



JUNE 2017

Resource Economy is Optimistic


ANCOUVER ISLAND – According to the latest CPABC Regional CheckUp, an annual economic report by the Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia (CPABC), the overall economic prospects for the Vancouver Island/ Coast Development Region are positive, but uncertainty surrounding the softwood lumber agreement, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and the global trade climate may dampen growth. “Unlike the southern tip of the Island, the mid and north Island are largely dependent on our resource industries. We saw increases in the export of wood products and logs of 2.4 and 22.1 per cent respectively, which led to employment gains in the manufacturing industry in 2016,” said Woody Hayes, FCPA, FCA. “While we may see some scaling back in manufacturing activity should global demand decline, with the low Canadian dollar and an expected increase in US housing starts demand for our region’s wood products and logs should continue.” Another bright spot in the economy is in the real estate market. With expected in-migration of new residents to all parts of the Island, the region’s housing activity is expected to remain busy. Continued population growth and demand for housing will

also propel employment in the construction, the finance, insurance, real estate and leasing, and the business, building and other support services industries. On the other hand, the outlook for the mining sector remains uncertain. The region’s last operating coal mine, the Quinsam mine, closed its doors in 2016 due to global surplus and weakened demand. This, along with overall reduced mining activity across BC and Alberta contributed to the 1,300 job losses in the region’s forestry, fishing, mining, quarrying and oil and gas industry. However, as commodity prices begin to recover, exploration and economic assessment activity should begin to pick up in the region. “Another traditional mainstay for our region is the agricultural industry. Favourable weather conditions and the expansion into viticulture and wine production led to a good year,” continued Hayes, “As a result, the agricultural industry added 1,500 new jobs while the food and beverage manufacturing sub-industry also added 1,300 jobs. However, the weather has been particularly cold this year, with the result of delayed crops by about a month. This has a special impact on viticulture where early heat is necessary for the timely production of crops and this creates uncertainty in that industry.”

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Buyer Demand Continues to Exceed Supply


ANCOUVER ISLAND – The Vancouver Island Real Estate Board (VIREB) reports that in May 2017, 632 single-family properties sold on the Multiple Listing Service System compared to 765 last May, a decrease of 17 per cent. VIREB attributes the year-over-year decrease to continuing inventory challenges, not a weakening market. Month over month, sales increased by 32 per cent from April, which saw 477 sales. This increase likely reflects seasonal selling conditions since the housing market is typically busier in the spring. Inventory of single-family homes declined by 28 per cent from May 2016, with 1,210 active listings available last month compared to 1,681 one year ago. Listings of single-family homes have steadily increased each month since VIREB hit its historic inventory low of 859 in December 2016. However, demand continues to exceed supply, and well-priced properties are snapped up almost as soon as they hit the market. “Limited supply, combined with high demand, means it has been a sellers’ market for months. Sellers are in the drivers’ seat, and the lack of inventory is frustrating buyers and realtors alike,” says Janice Stromar, 2017 VIREB President. “That said, even though we’re in a sellers’ market, homeowners still need to price their home correctly. Houses can sit unsold for months if they’re priced higher than the market will bear.” She adds that sellers are not immune to the frustration that buyers are experiencing because it is hard to sell your home if you cannot find another property to buy. Still, homeowners reluctant to sell due to concerns of housing availability should make the most of this hot market. “Real estate is cyclical, and consumers need to take advantage of these market conditions because they won’t last forever,” says Stromar. “When the market does correct itself – and it always does – it usually happens without warning.”

Stromar also has advice for buyers, stating that patience and preparation are a must in a sellers’ market. “When you find a property you like, you need to act quickly, so make sure your financing is pre-approved. Since many homes are selling above list price, you should also decide on a comfortable price point you’re willing to pay.” She adds that connecting with a local REALTOR® is especially crucial in a competitive housing market. “This kind of market can be confusing and chaotic for buyers and sellers, but realtors have specialized knowledge of their communities that can help clarify the situation,” says Stromar. “We’re also equipped with sales tools, such as custom analytics, to help buyers formulate winning offers and ensure sellers receive maximum dollars for their home.” In May 2017, the benchmark price of a single-family home in the VIREB area rose to $431,200, up 18 per cent from one year ago. Prices increased in every zone, ranging from 15 per cent in Duncan to 21 per cent in Nanaimo. The benchmark price of an apartment in May rose 26 per cent board-wide from the previous year, with Campbell River and Comox Valley posting increases of 37 per cent. The townhouse market also strengthened in May, registering a price increase of 21 per cent board-wide. The May 2017 benchmark price of a single-family home in the Campbell River area was $346,600, an increase of 21 per cent over May 2016. In the Comox Valley, the benchmark price hit $426,600, up 18 per cent from last year. Duncan reported a benchmark price of $366,200, an increase of 15 per cent compared to May 2016. Nanaimo’s benchmark price rose 21 per cent to $473,200 while the Parksville-Qualicum area saw its benchmark price increase by 18 per cent to $491,500. The price of a benchmark home in Port Alberni hit $232,300, up 18 per cent from one year ago.

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JUNE 2017

AUTOMATION GIVES HOLDFAST METALWORKS THE COMPETITIVE EDGE Increasing Efficiencies in a Highly Competitive Industry Improves Safety, Costs and Success


ANAIMO - After recently completing three large multi-million dollar projects on Vancouver Island, Holdfast Metalworks Ltd. is looking to expand its reach to the lower mainland. Created in 2009, the company, owned by Mark Bettney and the Supreme Group, Canada’s largest steel fabrication company, has seen dramatic growth over the past eight years. “We started from scratch, diving into the deep end, bidding on small and large jobs and growing faster than we expected,” said Bettney. “One of the projects we just completed was the phased naval expansion contract(s) at the Canadian Armed Forces base in Esquimalt with 2,000 tonnes of steel.” The other two recently completed projects in Courtenay and Campbell River were a combined 1,250 tonnes of steel for the new hospitals built in both communities. Other projects included the Klahoose First Nations New Relationship Building/Multi-Centre, which won them the Vancouver Regional Construction Associations Silver award for Manufacturer and Supplier in 2011, a 1,000-tonne steel expansion at Hillside Mall in Victoria, Nanaimo City Hall Annex and the Nanaimo Cruise Ship Terminal to name a few. “It’s very exacting work,” Bettney explained, “with no room for error. We have our own inhouse drafting using Tekla software, a 3D modeling program that builds the structural steel in virtual reality, and then prints out a 2D drawing of each piece to be fabricated. Every bolt hole, bolt, plate and beam is generated into a drawing with each piece

Steel fabrication is very exacting work. Every bolt hole, bole, plate and beam is generated into a drawing with each piece being fabricated within an accuracy of 1/16th of an inch CREDIT:PETER SCOTT

To increase efficiencies Holdfast put in an 11,000 square foot painting bay SEE HOLDFAST METALWORKS LTD. | PAGE 21


(Division of E&E Enterprises)

Congratulations HoldFast Metal Works, from your friends at EJD Trucking

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Best wishes to HoldFast on their new facility.

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JUNE 2017

“We started from scratch, diving into the deep end, bidding on small and large jobs and growing faster than we expected.” MARK BETTNEY OWNER, HOLDFAST METALS LTD.


then being fabricated within an accuracy of 1/16th of an inch. We cut, weld and paint the steel in the plant and then ship to the job site for installation by our field crews.” The passion Bettney has for his industry is evident. A professional engineer, he moved into steel fabrication after a career as a consultant designing steel structures, and as a welding engineer. He explained that the steel fabrication industry is highly competitive with each bid requiring careful analysis of material and labour hours. “Incorporating automation at different levels of production is part of our ongoing goal to increase efficiencies,” he explained. “We were the first fabricator on the Island to install an automated drill line. Information is downloaded into the machine’s computer and, as the steel is conveyed through, it drills holes in the right places. We’ve also put in an 11,000-square foot paint bay and an eight-wheel shot blaster.” According to Bettney, the shot blaster, which cleans steel of rust and millscale and leaves it with a pebbled surface for better binding of paint, is the first and only one on Vancouver Island.

For Mark Bettney the company’s strength is its people CREDIT:PETER SCOTT

As business grew, Holdfast expanded operations to a three and a half acre site at Duke Point’s Industrial Park SEE HOLDFAST METALWORKS LTD. | PAGE 22


A Division of Russel Metals Inc.

Congratulations to the Holdfast Team We are proud to have been part of establishing your new location.


Best wishes to HoldFast on their new location and expansion!

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Congratulations to the team at HoldFast. Best wishes for the new location. 1950 East Wellington Road Nanaimo

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JUNE 2017


Traditionally, blasting steel is a labour-intensive process, w i t h a w o rk e r u s i n g s a n d , hose and compressor. The shot blaster, using eight turbines, throws steel pellets at 300 feet per second as the piece rolls through a compartment. L a st week, a ver y excit i ng piece of autom at ion equ ipment was purchased by Holdfast: a six-axis robotic plasma cutting system called the PythonX. This new system loads the bea m onto a conveyor, a file is inputted from the detailing software and the PythonX c a lcu l ates t he cutt i ng pat h and sequence, moves the beam into position and makes all the needed cuts with a powerful plasma torch. T he m ach i ne w i l l u se less floor space and less processing time and will cut fabrication costs. “This machine is very much i n the spi rit of ‘lea n ma nufact u r i ng’, a concept pioneered by Toyota but getti ng i mplemented across m a ny industries”. T h is concept, a nd the mach i ne, w i l l reduce m ater i a l handling, waiting time, defects and over-processing. But creating better systems for improved efficiency hasn’t been the only challenge Holdfast has faced over the past several years.

From all of us, at Varsteel Congratulations


“One of the biggest challenges we faced at the beginning was finding qualified people. There weren’t that many strong steel fabricators in the area. One person at a time, we built a great team, then we were able to ramp up production.” But as business grew, Holdfast hit another roadblock - having the capacity to do the work they were winning bids on. “We were operating out of a 10,000-square foot plant and relying on our partner to help with the fabrication. Holdfast needed a larger plant.” In 2016, Holdfast expanded to a three-and-a-half-acre site in Duke Point Industrial Park. It boasts 5,000 square feet of office space and a 22,000-square foot fabrication plant and paint bay. It’s equipped with two 88foot gantry cranes, a CNC drill line, three five ton overhead cranes, two-10 tonne cranes, several ironworker machines and the welders, experts and designers to put it all together as the largest commercial steel fabrication company on Vancouver Island. “Now the challenge is to get the new plant fully up and running,” Bettney said adding that although Holdfast entered the industry at a time when construction of large commercial and industrial properties was down, it always had work. “It was a lean market for the past few years, but those large projects saw us through the bad times. In the past two to three months we’ve landed quite a bit of work including in Vancouver. We’ve hired more people and are back to having a day and evening shift.” For Bettney, looking for and seeing ways the company can continuously improve and being willing and able to change and incorporate innovation and better processes, is how Holdfast will continue to stand out in a competitive industry. “Innovation and automation keeps us on the road to success,” he sa id, “but ou r rea l strength is our people.” Hold fa st Meta l s i s at 1061 Maughan Road in Nanaimo

"CONGRATULATIONS" from the staff at Advantage Crane, on your expansion and new location.

Holdfast recently completed a large phased naval expansion and two hospital projects in Courtenay and Campbell River CREDIT:PETER SCOTT

Congratulations HoldFast!


CONGRATULATIONS to the Holdfast team

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BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Building, land & business in downtown Nanaimo. Operations include bar with patio, hostel, commercial leased premises & residential rental. Good income potential! $1,950,000

QUALITY COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 4700 Hammond Bay Road, Nanaimo Approx. 2.896 acres, 2 modern buildings, ample parking, prime location. Property can be subdivided purchase one of the two buildings with its accompanying land or the whole package!


Historic Cambie Bar & Hostel

1388, 1769 or 3157 sq ft (combined)

For Sale or For Lease Commercial Strata Unit

Bob Moss 250-753-5757

Custom Framing & Art Supply Busy central Nanaimo mall location; tools and fixtures included in price.

1900 Griffiths Road, Nanaimo

Nanaimo l $169,000

Family-Style Motel

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Scott Forbes 250-618-1840


Well established, 9-unit motel in excellent central location; many upgrades. Includes land, building & business. Ideal for owner/operator. Nanaimo l $978,000

Phase 3, Green Rock Industrial Park . Prime location. 3 contiguous .67 acre lots Zoned I-3 High-Tech Industrial.

Cedar Furniture Manufacturer

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3645 Tralee Road, Qualicum

Tofino | $675,000

Coffee/Tea Specialty Bar Central Nanaimo - Zoned COR-2 Newly constructed 1,238 sq ft strata unit ready for your business. Ample parking, easy access. For Sale | $369,000

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Well established, coffee/tea bar in great location. Light meals & more! Includes 2 strata lots.

Approx. 6 acres near Hilliers; includes home and 2 industrial buildings; zoned MU-1 Mixed Use.

Parksville l $350,000

For Sale | $998,000

Restaurant & Pub/Lounge

600 Hellesen Drive, Tofino

Well-established in great location. Premium food & service. Land, building & business included. Qualicum l $1,495,000

Plumbing & Heating Approx. 1.0 acre corner lot parcel in an established residential neighbourhood and busy shopping area close to amenities. Zoned LUC - Land Use Contract. For Sale | $849,000 1. 2414 Island Hwy E, Nanoose 2. 2430 Island Hwy E & 2433 Summerset, Nanoose


Rare Opportunity - In popular tourist destination community, this 10 acre property has approx. 400 feet of oceanfront; zoned Tourist Commercial.

Long-established plumbing & heating business. Price includes vehicles & equipment. Nanaimo | $150,000

For Sale | $4,250,000

2601 Mission Rd, Courtenay

2714/2694 Island Hwy South

Highly visible 2.8 acre development site adjacent to the newly constructed Comox Valley Hospital.

CAMPBELL RIVER: Great development property with ocean views close to amenities, zoned RM-3. 2714 - Approx. 1.66 acres $779,000 2694 - Approx. 2.74 acres $899,000

For Sale | $1,960,000

For Sale - together or separately.

Retail, Commercial & Warehouse


1. Approx. 2.57 acres - $1,200,000 2. Approx. 3.17 acres - $1,300,000 Highway exposure with good access. Possible rezoning to allow gas bar & convenience store. Currently zoned Commercial 5.

Gerry Van Vaals * 250-616-2155 * Personal Real Estate Corporation

COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL MIX 20,000 sq ft building on .65 acre in Coombs. Ideal for owner-occupier &/or lease a portion of the premises.

For Sale | $1,495,000 Scott Forbes 250-753-5757

Bob Moss 250-753-5757



JUNE 2017

John Hart Project on the Campbell River Nears Another Milestone Campbell River Mirror A MPBELL R I V ER - BC Hydro’s project contractor, InPower BC, has successfully achieved another significant milestone in the John Hart Generating Station replacement project. The most recent accomplishment is the competition of the drilling and blasting for what’s called the tailrace tunnel. The tunnel, at 10.7 metres in height and about si x metres wide, runs about 600 metres from the underground powerhouse to the tailrace outlet where the water will re-enter the Campbell River. The excavation milestone was ach ieved at t he end of April. “We are very pleased and proud to see this tunnel competed,� says project a nd BC Hyd ro spokesperson, Stephen Watson. “It’s very impressive to stand within a tunnel of that size. It was excavated in two stages by removing an upper rock heading and then the lower bench. The last section of the upper heading broke through

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at the end of March, and the lower rock bench was fully excavated by the end of April. And of course it nicely aligned with the concrete tailrace outlet works that were already in place.� The concrete form work at the tailrace outlet was completed months ago and includes the steel stop logs that were placed in position. Looking ahead, the solid rock plug that keeps the Campbell River water from entering the tunnel work area, is planned to be removed with one controlled blast towards to the end of 2017. “SNC-Lavalin and their subcontractors Aecon and Frontier-Kemper continue to progress well and it’s rather amazing to see the changes at the site from month to month,� sa id Watson. “It’s visually impressive and the project has been quickly transitioning from a rock removal and a concrete placement process to an electrical and mechanical focus with turbine/ generator supplier General Electric.� Watson said the current

schedule shows the nearly 1.6-kilometre-long power tunnel, from the John Hart dam to the powerhouse, fully excavated by July. “When that happens, the underground rock removal process will be complete.� The John Hart project remains on schedule for the new facility to be in-service in fall 2018. W hile people are unable to get into the tunnel, the tailrace outlet area is part of the site tour during the John Hart project community site event on July 9. The tunnel end where the steel stop logs are in place. Once the rock plug on the other side of the steel gate is removed at the end of this year, this is where water will re-enter the Campbell River starting in 2018.

PHOTOGRAPHER NOTICES A RESURGENCE IN PRINT ADVERTISING ACTIVITY ITS-Food: Food Photographer Increasingly Producing Images For Trade Publications


ANAIMO – For a business to effectively market its services or products it must be willing to use all of the communication mediums available to it, with consistency and with a continuity of branding and imagery. But for many, according to professional photographer Tim McGrath, the world of Social Media may have lost some of its luster. Increasingly he has found that a return to more traditional forms of advertising – such as magazines and newspapers – is becoming increasingly effective. “I would never dissuade any business from using Social Media. It remains a key part of my business, and has the potential to reach specific audiences with focused messages and with an immediacy that can’t be attained any other way. But branding, and carrying your branding to a more traditional type of exposure is proving to be increasingly important as well,� McGrath, the owner of explained.

The object of a quality food photograph is to illicit a response in the viewer’s mind, ideally that they’re hungry Specializing in food photography, McGrath has been working for clients as diverse as restaurants, grocery stores and publishing houses for more than a decade. His work has appeared in everything from newspaper and magazine advertisements, to cookbooks, menus, Social Media marketing campaigns and even on posters. “Restaurants and places that sell beverages such as public houses and even craft breweries can benefit from advertising in outlets such as specialized trade publications and even newspapers. The sorts of bars I work in typically aren’t your basic beer parlor, but the more upscale public house that offers good food and craft beers. For businesses like that photography has to reflect their brand, it has to encourage the viewer to come in and share in the

unique experience that can only be found there,� McGrath said. In his experience branding is at the heart of any effective marketing campaign. Much more than a logo or a colour scheme, true branding has to effectively capture the spirit of the business, reflect its character and showcase its business philosophy. Increasingly that presentation is taking places within the pages of traditional publications. “I’ve noticed recently that I’m doing more print based work than before, but not so much in the traditional newspapers. Increasingly I’m working in specialty magazines, those serving niche markets such as industry trade publications. Whether it’s in Beer BC or Growler Magazine or in food magazines such as Taste or Eat Magazine, the businesses are turning to these sorts of publications for at least part of their marketing,� he explained. McGrath’s overriding message to any business interested in marketing is to use all forms available, as each offers avenues to different segments of the potential audience. “Social Media has in a way matured. That’s why many businesses are finding that what’s old is new again, and are going back, at least part of the time, to print advertising.� To learn more visit the company’s website at:


JUNE 2017

OCEANFRONT RESORT CELEBRATES 40 YEARS ON THE WEST COAST With Front Row Seats to The Pacific Ocean and Mckenzie Beach, Guests Find Ocean Village an Experience Worth Revisiting


OFI NO - For 40 years, honeymooners, families, couples and people wanting a quiet get-away with spectacular views, have been visiting Ocean Village Resort. Situated on McKenzie Beach on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, it has a rustic feel with its iconic beehive cabins and beautiful natural surroundings. “There is a unique, downhome feel where every day people get to walk on a calm beach, chill in the sun, paddleboard, and explore the amazing coastline,” said Dena Bruno, general manager. The Hellesen family built the first of the resort’s cabins in 1976. Over the years, more buildings and amenities were added, including a pool and hot tub. Seven years ago, the Hellesen family sold the resort to a partnership of Jason Gordon, Chris Nelson, and Robert Brown, who also purchased the Pacific Sands Resort down the road.” For Bruno, one of those rare finds who was born and raised in Tofino, she’s seen a lot of changes in the area, but at Ocean Village, although

it’s had renovations and additions, it’s managed to stay true to that elevated cabin-stay experience. “We’re the only resort with an indoor pool,” she said. “It’s a real draw in the winter when we have 3-5 and 7 night packages.” Bruno has worked in the industry for several years and has watched the area develop and grow. Within the resort however, the biggest change has been the traffic during off season. “During the off-season months, occupancy would be low and summer would be the time for full 100 per cent occupancy. But Tofino has become a real destination spot,” she explained. “Over the past five years we’ve seen occupancy rates stay at 80 per cent during the week in shoulder season and 100 per cent on weekends.” Some of that traffic is made up of returning guests, coming back year after year, but there is also a multi-generational component with families and individuals returning every year. “We have g uests who have brought their children to the resort in the past and now those children are bringing their children, and couples who have honeymooned at our resort are now bringing their families.” Since the new ownership has taken over, Bruno said that the renovations and new systems have made the resort more welcoming specifying its unique status as resort, not hotel.

Built in 1976, Ocean Village Resort is located on the West Coast’s beautiful McKenzie Beach CREDIT:OCEAN VILLAGE RESORT

The biggest change over the years for Ocean Village is the increase in traffic during off season and the need for year round staff CREDIT:OCEAN VILLAGE RESORT

“Each of the cabins has a kitchen, which makes us stand out, especially from the high-end resorts.” Last October, Ocean Village celebrate its 40th anniversary, and enjoyed marking this monumental milestone with returning and new guests alike. Bruno emphasized that with Tofino becoming a hot tourist spot, Ocean Village offers an affordable stay on the West Coast, minutes from the village center, and a short drive to Pacific Rim National Park, the Wild Pacific Trail, Lighthouse and Ucluelet Aquarium. “Three years ago, we brought in the Pacific Surf Company. They set up on our property and rent out stand-up paddleboards. This year, it opened on the May long weekend and was very popular.” Because Tofino has an international reputation for art, culture and incredible outdoor experiences, Bruno said that the resort is seeing more travellers from other countries. “Most of our guests are from the Island and BC, but we are also getting more and more visitors from other countries.” As Tofino continues to grow as a popular destination Ocean Village is perfectly situated to enjoy the view. Ocean Village Resort is at 555 Hellesen Drive in Tofino

Accommodation includes one and two bedroom cabins, garden and studio suites CREDIT:OCEAN VILLAGE RESORT

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JUNE 2017




n May, T he Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce welcomed two students from NIC, Caitlin MacNeil and Luna Yang. Both students are studying Marketing at NIC, and will

work closely w ith Kirra a nd Julie throughout the summer. ■■■ This month’s mixer was held at the Comox Valley Seniors Village (Casa Loma). Attendees watched a video showcasing who the Comox Valley Seniors Vi l lage is, a nd a l l t he wonderful things they are doing. The Chamber hosted two info sessions in the month of May, Futurpreneur with Mina Haghighi and the RCMP Lunch with Tim Walton. M i na Hagh igh i provided useful information to future mentors and aspiring business owners aged 18-39. Futu rpreneu r is a Ca nad ia n non-profit dedicated to growi n g Ca n a d a’s e c onomy one

young entrepreneur at a time. Tim Walton, head of the Comox Valley RCMP Detachment, gave great insight on workplace safety for small businesses in the Comox Va l ley. T i m a lso enlightened attendees on the external issues affecting the Comox Valley business community, and all the “what-is” around them. ■■■ In June, the Chamber is hosting a Mobile Shredding Event on June 8th. Copious amounts of paper will be shredded on site by R&R Mobile Paper Shredding. For more details, visit the events section on the Chamber’s website. T here is a Member Mi xer at Beaufort

Estate Winery on June 14, and we are excited! This event has already sold out! Beaufort will share their transition to organic certification in the vineyard, as well as their dedication to sustainable and progressive viticultural practices to showcase wines of the highest quality! Chamber mixers are proving to be a popular networking activity in the Comox Valley. ■■■ The Chamber welcomed some dynamic businesses into membersh ip i n May: Cushman & Wakefield Ltd., Brian McLean Chev rolet Ltd . a nd Kye Bay Guest Lodge & Cottages. 37 years this month, Jackson & Associates Ltd. Real Estate

Appraisers & Consultants has been a Comox Valley Chamber member! More long-term members that deserve ment i o n i n g a re: B en n et t Sh e et Metal & Heating, Comox Moving & Storage, Courtenay Air Centre, Filberg Heritage Lodge and Park, Parker Marine, RBC Royal Bank – Ryan Rd Branch, Ski Tak Hut and Sunwest Auto Centre all celebrating 30+ years as Chamber members! Dianne Hawkins is president and CEO of the Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce. Reach her at dhawkins@ or 250334-3234.



Growing Number of Building, Development Inquiries Slowing Processing Times It’s getting harder for Campbell River City staff to keep up with another surge of applications and permits in Campbell R iver. According to Ron Ne u feld , t he C it y’s d ep ut y manager and general manager of operations, Campbell River is i n a nother boom cycle. I n 2 016, t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n

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Three new homes at The Ridge subdivision in Courtenay statistics were comparable to bu i ld i ng i n 2007 a nd 2008. This year, 2017 is expected to rival the numbers for the last peak construction boom year of 2006. To date, this year, the City h a s received a l most 50 development applications, one and a half times the number of requests for the same period of time in 2016. Employees in the community planning and development services department are working hard to try to meet the rising demand for development application and building permit processing. Delays due to the increased volume are adding approximately four weeks to the standard turnaround times for development permits and approximately six weeks to building permits. Larger building projects often rely on a certified registered professional, which helps both the projects and related permitting process run more smoothly.

Builders, developers and individuals thinking of building a house, developing land or planning to construct a new building need to talk to City staff ahead of time to get advice that will help ensure the permitting process goes as smoothly and quickly as possible. For more information, or to book a meeting about business plans, development or buildi n g proje c t, ple a s e c ont a c t the community planning and development services department at 250-286-5725 or email or v i sit: c a mpb el l r iver.c a / planning-building-development ■■■ Comparing lot and real estate prices between the Comox Valley and Campbell River Chris Kutyn of Kutyn Property Services Ltd. has written a brief article comparing the prices in the Comox Valley to those in Ca mpbell R iver. As of June 1, 2017 the average lot

price in the Comox Valley is $214,801, compared to the price of $141,358 for Campbell River. The average house price in the Comox Valley is $443,930. In Campbell R iver, the average price is $365,526. Chris notes that the Reg iona l Grow th Strateg y (RGS) was adopted nine years ago in the Comox Valley. Is the RGS one of the reasons for the high cost of real estate in the Comox Valley he asks? Food for thought for the upcoming 10-year anniversary of the RGS. Note: Content excerpted from Market Minute posted on June 1 by Chris Kutyn of Kutyn Proper ty Ser v ices Ltd. a nd from Ju l ie Douglas, Com mu n ications Adv isor at the City of Campbell River. Clarice Coty is the editor of Building Links. Contact: clarice@ or find Building Links on Facebook at

BBB ACCREDITATION... do you have what it takes? Becoming a BBB Accredited Business is no easy task. Only companies that meet our high standards and expectations, and who operate ethically, are allowed to become and remain Accredited Businesses. Any business that wants to become accredited must meet a stringent set of screening requirements before they are even considered for accreditation. First off, a company must have been in business for at least six months and have a B rating or better on their company’s BBB Business Profile. BBB requires copies of their business license, contracts or service agreements, advertisements or promotional materials, as well as other relevant documentation that proves their legitimacy and commitment to trust in the marketplace. But filling out forms and providing documentation is only the first step. Once we have the required paperwork, BBB staff conduct a more extensive online investigation of the company, to ensure their reputation and operating practices are in alignment with BBB values. Rosalind Scott, BBBVI President & CEO

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24/7 Electric (Sooke) Easy Installations Inc. (Victoria) Glass Doctor Victoria (Victoria) Hughes Construction Ltd. (Victoria) Just in Time Towing & Bins (Victoria) MB Renovations & Construction (Victoria)

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JUNE 2017

2 BURLEY MEN MOVING: WORKING ACROSS THE ISLAND & BEYOND Launched In 2009 Company Completes More Than 15,000 Moves Annually


ANCOUVER ISLAND – If you’re thinking of moving anywhere on Vancouver Island (or even off of it) then 2 Burley Men Moving Ltd. is probably one of the first companies you think of. Not bad, considering the company has only been in business for less than 10 years. “2 Burley Men Moving started operations August 1st 2009, with the second ‘Burley Man’ being my son Josh, however at the time he was only nine years old. But without him I wouldn’t have two Burley men would I? That’s where the name actually comes from,” explained company founder and President Scott Burley. Since 2009 2 Burley Men Moving has grown from what was initially a small scale venture into one of Vancouver Island’s most successful moving companies. Today the company operates a fleet of more than 60 trucks and handles well in excess of 15,000 individual moves per year. A full service moving company serving both residential (more than 90 per cent of its workload) and commercial clients all across Vancouver Island and as far afield as Calgary, 2 Burley Men Moving offers a number of bonus services not normally provided by a typical moving company. These range from a separate and dedicated cleaning division based in the Victoria area, to a relationship with local storage firms to provide safe and secure storage of household goods if required. Not a mover himself, Burley recognized the need for a high quality moving company that stressed customer service and a willingness to go beyond the call of duty in the Victoria marketplace. Filling that role was the goal that helped him launch his business. Initially working on the trucks himself (something he continued to do until 2014) he learned through practical experience how

Scott Burley is the founder and President of 2 Burley Men Moving, with the second ‘burley man’ being his son Josh

“What I learned was that it’s not really about the move at all, what makes the difference is the

Serving clients across BC and beyond, 2 Burley Men Moving currently operates a fleet of more than 60 trucks

level of customer service provided.” SCOTT BURLEY PRESIDENT, 2 BURLEY MEN MOVING

The company’s head office is located at 858 Esquimalt Road, but it also has offices in Nanaimo and Courtenay

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important providing customer service was to his clients. Headquartered at 858 Esquimalt Road in Victoria, 2 Burley Men Moving, maintains Vancouver Island branch offices in Nanaimo (where the company purchased a building this year) and in Courtenay. The company also has local telephone numbers set up in the main communities it serves throughout the province. “What I learned was that it’s not really about the move at all, what makes the difference is the level of customer service provided. The customer can plainly see how they are being treated. As long as you’re working hard and not breaking their stuff and treating them properly they will be happy,” he said. Giving back to the communities the company serves has been at the heart of the 2 Burley Men Moving’s business philosophy from its very beginning. The company has long been a community champion, offering extensive support to a diverse group of charitable organizations. “We regularly do a ton of service work. This year our big plan is to do work at Fairview Elementary School in Nanaimo. It annoys me that in our society we can still have kids who are going to school without eating breakfast because their parents can’t afford it. At Fairview School they put on a breakfast, a snack and a lunch program because they have so many kids who come to school without being able to eat first. We want to change that,” he said. For the future Burley expects to continue providing the best service possible for his clients, expanding on the level of community work he and his team provide, while increasing its corporate footprint into the BC Interior and beyond. To learn more please visit the company’s website at: www.


JUNE 2017

Michael Graw, left, and Derrold Norgaard of Green Sky Labs point to where they think the company can grow


“There is a perception that this industry is filled with cowboys, criminals and a bunch of hippies,” says Chief Financial Officer Derrold Norgaard, FCA. “The team we’re building includes lawyers, doctors, scientists, entrepreneurs, business professionals and experts. We want to change this business and peoples’ lives with a sound product, from plant to patient.” It is the task of Norgaard to make Green Sky Labs a public company by this fall. A fellow of the B.C. Institute of Chartered Accountants and former Operating Managing Partner of KPMG in Victoria, where he was involved in taking almost two dozen companies public, he is now Principal of Norgaard Kratofil Professional Group. He notes Green Sky Labs has raised over $20 million in a initial private offering to facilitate expansion and growth, and new investors are coming on board in anticipation of the company being made available on the stock market. Company co-founder Michael Graw came up with the idea for the company eight years ago, after his best friend’s wife was diagnosed with cancer. Cannabis noticeably helped her cope with the immense pain, although she eventually did succumb to the disease. Cannabis eliminated the possibility of reliance on traditional opiod medicines, which often can become addictive, with long-term negative consequences. “From there, a group of friends got together and wanted to make a difference, by trying to find better quality products to the cannabis growing industry reliably, instead of in backyards and garages,” Graw says.

G re e n S k y L a b s c u r re n t ly h a s 35 f u l l-ti me a nd a nother 10 pa rt-ti me employees. Partner institutions include the University of Victoria, the University of British Columbia and McGill University. “What makes us good is our science and our team,” says Norgaard. Jay Van de Vlugt, Senior Bio-Chemist, and Dr. Jan Burian, Chief Technology Officer, joined as they recognized the health benefits and believed the cannabis plant’s medicinal properties could be extracted more efficiently and accurately. “We wanted to bridge the gap between how the public perceives cannabis in the 21st century of medicine, and how it affects the body in a meaningful way to improve the quality of care and quality of life,” says Van de Vlugt, who left UVic to join Green Sky Labs. Burian’s focus is on scaling up technology and production to meet the expected demands of the market. They now have processes in-house that can produce “tens of kilograms” of THC per day, and it is his goal is to move that to industrial scale. “We have come up with an organic method of extraction without chemicals, which is a safer, better, purer way,” he says. Paul Carpanini is Di rector of U.S. Operations based in Green Sky Labs’ first American processing and isolation centre in Kirkland, WA. His responsibility is not just the U.S., but Europe and other international business development aspects of the company. Green Sky Labs is currently in negotiations with entities in Germany, California, Nevada and several of the 26 U.S. states that allow marijuana grow operations. 12 states have decriminalized recreational marijuana.

While Green Sky Labs plans is to access medicinally grown marijuana from the top existing dispensaries in the state, they are about to open their own grow operation in Zillah, WA. There is no shortage of cannabis on the market, but Norgaard believes that at the end of the day, there will be artisan and large-scale growing operations. “Our process could work with either; it doesn’t matter,” he says. “What we want is the pure product, the isolated molecules from which can be utilized in creams and other applications, accurately. We’re all about producing real medicine for real people to help with real diseases.” Norgaard says in Canada, they recently signed a contract to build an operation that will be based either on Vancouver Island, or in Alberta. Canadian headquarters are in Victoria and Toronto. Norgaard notes that Green Sky Labs’ Isolation Division has formed a 50-50 partnership with IBM Watson Health called Ask Watson Pain. “The key executives of this company


are from IBM, who are opening the door and showing doctors and professionals the benefits of the cannabis-based products we’re producing,” Norgaard says. He believes getting the message out that these concentrated cannabis-derived products are reliable, safe alternatives to opiod-based medicinals is key to the company’s success. It doesn’t hurt that their advisory board includes U.S. General Wesley Clark, who recognized the medicinal benefits of a non-opiod solution to long-term pain and health conditions in American military veterans, in particular. “With their involvement, the good news will get out much faster than we could do on our own,” he adds. Green Sky Labs is at 2 45-1627 Fort Street in Victoria.

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JUNE 2017

BAYVIEW CUSTOM MOTORCYCLES GAINS FULL-THROTTLE MOMENTUM IN NICHE MARKET With a Combined 100 Years of Experience, Bayview Custom Motorcycles Can Accommodate all Needs And Wants of Motorcyclists Today


ARKSVILLE - In 1987, Paul and Lori Nielsen’s backyard saw the humble beginnings of Nanaimo Motorcycle Salvage. “We moved here thirty-two years ago from Calgary, Alberta,” said Lori. “We had always talked about starting our own business because we both knew that we didn’t want to work for somebody else.” As Paul was working in the auto-salvage industry, he thought that a motorcycle-salvage would be a good idea as there was nothing like it on (Vancouver) Island or anywhere else on the West Coast. With faith in their dream and in her husband, Lori sold her car and handed Paul a thousand dollars and told him to go start his motorcycle salvage company. Between word of mouth and small ads in the local Buy Sell & Trade, word travelled fast with Nanaimo Motorcycle Salvage

The Bayview Crew does not discriminate. “We just like bikes.” CREDIT:EMPIRICAL PRESS

quickly gaining full-throttle momentum and moving closer to getting out of the backyard and into an actual storefront. “I scouted out a place in the Lantzville Industrial Park,” said Paul. “We rented out a twentyfoot by forty-foot building for one-hundred and fifty dollars per month and just started buying motorcycles and salvaged bikes. After a year and a half, we bought the property and built a shop on our own.” No longer a dirt-floor dream, Nanaimo Motorcycle Salvage grew overnight, expanding into new and untapped territory. “That’s when we really started to get into custom builds,” Lori said. “We started doing that way before Orange County Choppers and Jesse James made it trendy. In fact, everyone thought that we were a little bit crazy.” Paul explained that the

“We were now playing in the big leagues; Walmart, Toys R Us, Canadian Tire and Lordco to name a few.” LORI NIELSEN OWNER, BAYVIEW CUSTOM MOTOCYCLES

company built custom motorcycles, grafting Japanese race bikes and integrating them to make hybrid Harleys. “We were the first along the West Coast to coin the phrase, ‘We Just Like Bikes’. Everything that is in vogue now, we were

Bare Bones Leather will custom make Jackets and Vests as well as do alterations CREDIT:EMPIRICAL PRESS

doing thirty years ago.” “Back then, you didn’t just go and buy a Harley like you do today. Sometimes there was a

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two or three-year wait, which is why we got into doing rebuilds. We’d actually wrench on bikes, refabricate and rebuild motors,”

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JUNE 2017

Choppers, bobbers, café racers, original stock motorcycles of all types are welcome Tuesday through Saturday twelve months per year

The Nielsen’s ‘all or nothing’ motorcycle mentality fueled several successful ventures



Doug McFeely and Rick Kocis will help the Bayview crew create the perfect bike to fit a customer’s style, personality and needs CREDIT:EMPIRICAL PRESS

said Nielsen. “The culture was a lot different. We would bore our own cylinders, grind valves, we’d install our own guides, we’d do hand-built motors, and we’re doing all of that again.” After growing Nanaimo Motorcycle Salvage to full capacity, the Nielsen’s sold all inventories and Paul funneled his brainpower into the next big thing. Enter ‘Rite On Time,’ the world’s first Harley Davidson timing tool for the right-hand side of your bike. “My father, John Nielsen and I, were responsible for the invention of the Rite On Time Timing Tool. I learned everything that I needed to know from him.” In 1995, in between businesses, the Nielsen’s moved to a

five-acre homestead where they lived off grid and raised their two children. “I went back to school and took a marketing course at the then, Malaspina College. I decided that I was going to take the timing tool that dad and I had shelved and market it. I had no experience marketing an invention, but I did have a lot of drive.” The Nielsen’s ‘all or nothing’ motorcycle mentality fueled what most people thought to be yet another ‘off-the-wall’ decision. “We scraped everything we had together and literally flew against the grain,” said Lori. “We now had patent pending, which let us proceed to promote and market ‘Rite On Time’ to the masses.

We flew south to Florida, and on our way to Daytona Bike Week to meet with distributors, we took a shortcut through a back alley and came across our next ten–year business venture.” Lori explained that as she was sitting down to take a break, she saw Paul looking at some L.E.D. lighting products. “I thought to myself, ‘Here we go again.’” The Nielsen’s picked up a few packages of L.E.D bicycle wheel lights and upon returning to Vancouver Island, started distributing to retail venues. This turned into the launch of a new company with over one hundred L.E.D products for the automotive, marine and motorcycle markets. “We were now playing in the big leagues,” said Lori. “Walmart, Toys R Us, Canadian Tire and Lordco to name a few.” Working within a ten-year plan, the Nielsen’s sold and retired. Not surprisingly, this was shortlived as Lori’s famous quote goes, ‘Paul Nielsen never sleeps.’ With a nudge here and there from friends and acquaintances, Paul formed Bayview Custom Motorcycles 2011 Corp. “I saw a real need for a custom motorcycle shop in this area,” said Paul. “There is a huge void to be filled within the V-Twin motorcycle industry,” he said. Always passionate about motorcycles, the Nielsens expanded from their initial one-thousand square-foot ‘Ma and Pa Shop,’ located in Parksville’s Industrial

Paul and Lori Nielsen’s backyard saw the humble beginnings of Nanaimo Motorcycle Salvage in 1987 CREDIT:EMPIRICAL PRESS

Park, to their now five-thousand square-foot, full-service retail venue. The store carries unique product geared to the biking crowd, from Bare Bones Leather jackets, riding vests and custom clothing to brake and clutch lever covers and leather bandanas. It stocks pre-owned bikes, Harley Davidson Take Off parts and fabrication parts as well as its own branded BCMC merchandise. “We’re not the norm,” said Lori. “We’ve always thought outside of the box.” The Bayview Crew does not discriminate. We just like bikes,” said Paul. “Choppers, bobbers, café racers, original stock motorcycles of all types are welcome T u e sd ay t h rou g h Sat u rd ay twelve months per year.” “Every th ing old is becomi n g n e w a g a i n ,” h e a d d e d . “One-hundred plus years of combined experience allows us to accommodate all needs and wants of motorcyclists today. Our shop has the capacity to work on everything from old knuckleheads to the latest computer-controlled bikes of today. We’re able to effectively diagnose all North American motorcycles with our electronic diagnostics computer, which also gives us the ability to fully tune these ECU-controlled bikes. Much like changing carb jetting in the old days, we’re able to correctly map your late model bike’s ECU to account for any performance modifications that you want to make to your bike.” Bayview will also create the

perfect bike to fit a customer’s style, personality and needs, assisting in its design as well building it from the ground up. “It doesn’t matter if it is a café racer or a pro-street chopper, we will make sure the bike you dream of is the bike you will be riding.” Voted Employer of the Year, by the City of Parksville’s Chamber of Commerce, the Nielsen’s are proud to support local businesses as well as up-and-coming entrepreneurs. “Providing training and local job opportunities is very important to us,” said Lori. “Everyone deserves to love what they do and do what they love.” Bayview Custom Motorcycles is at 1480 Industrial Way in Parksville

Excavators Bobcats Gravel Trucks



JUNE 2017




wo ye a rs a go my Ju ly column for the Business Examiner focused on the proposed Alberni Valley Runway Ex pa nsion a nd the $5.9 million estimate for lengthening the runway to 5,000’ and widening it to 100’. Since then, staff and Board Members at the A lberni-Clayoquot Regional District, supported by sta ff a n d C o u n c i l a t t h e C it y of Port Alberni, have addressed a myriad of issues, including financing, Obstacle Limitation Survey requirements, existing tenures of several sorts, road allowances and Agricultural Land Reserve matters. I am delighted to report the pav i ng is now complete a nd the runway is expected to open to a i r tra ffic i n m id-Ju ly. In t he me a nt i me, work on t he

med iu m-i ntensity l ig hti ng, painting of lines and the installation of civil works cont i nues. T he a i r por t r u nway ex ten sion wa s done for t he pu rpose of i ncreasi ng aeros p a c e s e c tor opp or t u n it ie s rather tha n accom modati ng scheduled passenger service a lt hou g h t h at i s a l so b ei n g looked at. E x i s t i n g l e a s e-h ol d e rs a t the a i r por t have been g iven limited openings to land aircraft and, thanks to the runway ex tension, the Cou lson Group used their opening to land a Boeing 727 and two of the six Boeing 737-300’s they have acquired from Southwest A irlines with the purpose of bri ng i ng about a new age i n aerial forest-fire fighting. One of those jets was repainted in the Coulson Fireliner colours at an International Aerospace Coatings facility in Spokane, Washington before coming to Port Alberni. Work has already started on that aircraft for the installation of a 4,000-gallon rapid fill and deployment tank for water and fire retardant. The c onve r te d je t s w i l l b e a bl e to du mp up to 2,100 ga l lons per second using systems the

company originally developed for its f leet of four Lockheed C-130 Hercules cargo aircraft. The modifications on each jet w i l l re q u i re approx i m ately 20,000 hou rs. T he jets w i l l also have room for 63 passengers, or enough for three strike teams of 20 firefighters each to drop at airports in fire zones. T he compa ny employs approximately 120 people and its Aerospace Division operates a fleet of C-130s and Sikorsky S-61 helicopters in Portland, O r e g o n , M e l b o u r n e , A u stralia and Port A lberni. T he company also operates an air tanker base in Reno, Nevada and has an MOU in place with A i rbus for mod i f ications to t hei r C-295’s for aer ia l forest-fire fighting. The company currently has employ ment op p or t u n it ie s for 20 A ircraft Maintenance and Structures Technicians, a Logistics Coordinator/Purchaser and a Component Shop Supervisor. Pat Deakin is the Economic Development Manager for the City of Port Alberni. He can be reached at 250-720-2527 or Patrick_deakin@

Cantimber Biotech Closer to Starting Up Alberni Valley News L B E R N I VA L L E Y Cantimber Biotech is getting closer to restarting operations on Port Alberni’s waterfront. T he wood-based activated carbon manufacturer, located in Port Alberni, must complete a couple more recommendations from a list of 21 provided to them from the third-party consulting group, Golder and A ssociates, b efore sta r t i n g operations. Cantimber underwent stack testing at the facility last fall, under supervision from Golder, to check for potential chemicals in the volatile organic compounds (VOC) and to monitor emissions inside the building during full operation. From the testing, Golder provided a 146-page report to the mill with a list of recommendations that were suggested to be completed prior to beginning operations. Michael Liu, director of project development and research at Cantimber, said he hopes the mill will be running in a couple weeks. “We went th rough most of the 21 recommendations. We provided a progress update last


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week to the [Port Alberni] Port Authority who has jurisdiction over us,” Liu said. “They are rev iew i ng…once t hey work that through and we get their approval we are going to get started.” Liu said there’s two recommendations that a re sti l l i n progress for Cantimber staff to complete before beginning operations. One is the installation of a weather station close to the facility for ambient monitoring. “ We’re dow n to t he mo del that was recommended by the professionals and also the Ministry of Environment. We’re just moving towards getting that installed,” Liu said. “We k now the exact model a nd I have quotes…it’s a matter of installation and waiting for the machine to arrive.” The second task that needs to be complete prior to operating is acquiring a revised license of occupation from the Port Alberni Port Authority (PAPA). “That has to come after everything gets inspected,” Liu said. Zoran Knezevic, president and CEO of PAPA, said they have received a progress report from Cantimber and provided their feedback recently.


JUNE 2017


oppor tu n it ies for t he bu sinesses, run by his sons. Foster oversees Coulson IceBlast and Britton looks after Coulson Aviation. Coulson is pleased that the San Group will be expanding in the Alberni Valley by adding a shift and hiring more employees, as Coulson Forest Products has 70 employees. Wayne’s father, Cliff Coulson, fou nd e d Cou l son Forest Products in 1960, and in 1984, Wayne became General Manager overseeing logging operations. T h a t y e a r, t h e y fo r m e d a joi nt ventu re compa ny w ith t he E h attesa f t Ba nd n a med Hecate Logging, providing the f i rst i nd ic at ion of Way ne’s remarkable knack for making successful, proactive moves. The Coulson’s negotiation of a forest-related partnership with a local First Nation was the first of its kind, and a forerunner of many similar relationships that other companies have developed throughout the province since. As the forest i ndustry was continually subjected to market and supply-related struggles, Coulson looked elsewhere for opportunities to grow the company. Helicopter logging became a savvy mode of removing logs from steep mountain-sides, and Coulson Aircrane (now Coulson Aviation) was born. But Coulson didn’t just stay there. He forged ahead, using t he Sikorsky hel icopters to hook up to “Bambi” buckets to dump water and retardant on forest fires, eventually purchasing the legendary Martin Mars water bombers from MacMillan Bloedel to front a forest fire fighting f leet that started in BC, but has grown to the United States, Australia and perhaps soon, South America and Europe. Coulson Aviation purchased its first C-130 Hercules plane in 2013, and on May 27, Coulson landed its first Boeing 737300 pla ne, the fi rst of si x it is acquiring from Southwest

Foster Coulson, left, and Wayne Coulson with a Coulson IceBlast unit A i rl i nes. Work h a s a l re ady started at their Alberni Valley Regional Airport facility to convert them into the world’s first multi-purpose air tankers, the Fireliner. The first one is expected to be completed by the end of November. That is possible due to the recent extension of AVRA’s runway to 5,000 feet, which allows Coulson Aviation to do much of its maintenance and aircraft adaptation work in the Alberni Valley, where 70 of the 120 employees reside. When converted, each Fireliner tanker will be capable of carrying 4,000 gallons of flame retardant or water, which can be dropped at 2,200 gallons per second – a rate Coulson says no other aircraft can match. That’s possible due to the RADS (Retardant Aerial Delivery System) developed by the Coulson Group. The Fireliner has 25 per cent more tank volume than its three competitors: the Avro RJ85/BAe 146 a nd t he Lockheed L-188

Electra. “We’ll carry the most fuel and fly the farthest, which is important for re-position flights,” says Coulson. “Our average fuel load will give us almost four and a half hours of gas while contract spec only requires two and a half hours. “Keepi ng wel l below g ross weight allows us to have a safer, more capable airplane and to exceed all the contract minimum requirements.” Not only that, but the Fireliner will also be able to carry up to 63 passengers – the equivalent of three firefighting teams – at once. Besides oi l a nd reta rd a nt, the system is capable of dispersing oil and chemicals for other usages, for example, crop dusting or destruction of illicit crops. Coulson has three Next Generation Air tankers and two Sikorsky S-61 helicopters currently under contract with the United States Forest Service. Coulson Aviation is the lone

commercial company that has the only C-130 Hercules aircraft in the world that is used in firefighting. Coulson Aviation has two Sikorsky S-61 helicopters and one Sikorsky S-76B helicopter in Australia, and four Sikorsky S-61s in North America. “All of our revenue is generated outside our country,” he says. Coulson is now working on a night flying firefighting program in Australia. “One of my visions and goals is how to have a program where we can fight forest fires at night,” Coulson says. Fighting fires at night would obviously help contain blazes quicker, but it would also allow the company to fully utilize its aircraft, around the clock and throughout the year. C o u l s o n’s o t h e r p u r s u i t s throughout the world are aimed at utilizing the company’s firefighting fleet year-round, helping battle blazes in both north a nd sout her n hem i spheres.

33 When it’s summer and fire season in the northern half of the globe, it’s winter in the south, and vice-versa. The Fireliner will include intelligence technology that will allow pilots to utilize GPS plans for foreign military customers, as well as allowing the massive tankers to fly over homes at 200 feet, if necessary. “T hey can do things that other pla nes just ca n’t do,” Coulson notes. “These planes allow clients to put us in their urban interface, and let us put fire retardant lines wherever it makes sense.” Coulson Entertainment is a subsidiary of Coulson Aviation, and works with the movie industry. Cou lson hel icopters have been in many Hollywood films, including The Interview and White House Down. Coulson IceBlast started three years ago, when Coulson purchased Universal Ice Blast and obtained the patent for a revolutionary machine that performs the same tasks as typical sand blasters – except it uses ice, and leaving a minimum of residue, and the resulting water evaporates. Coulson IceBlast has refined mobi le u n its t h at reta i l for $30,000 and can clean almost everything. “It’s amazing how ice cleans e x c e p t i o n a l ly w e l l ,” n o te s Coulson, adding the units use 90 per cent less water t ha n other types of pressure-based cleaning. “It can be used at nuclear power plants, in oil and gas operations, hospitals, and a lot of other places. “With our program, you can go to the store and buy a bag of party ice, and the IceBlast machine fires it out at 300 miles an hour to clean objects,” he adds. A nd just as Way ne worked closely with his father, he works closely with his sons Foster and Britton. It was, and remains, a family business. “O u r t wo b oys a re ju s t a s committed as I am,” he says. “They’re both smart kids and and they’ve had to earn their way. We’re very excited about the future of both companies.”

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WHO IS SUING WHOM Chateau Realty Ltd CLAIM $165,144

Goudy, David CLAIM $25,176

DEFENDANT CBS Masonry 4321 LAYRITZ AVE, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Hobson, Richard CLAIM $11,674

DEFENDANT Go Daddy Domains Canada Inc 2900-550 Burrard, Vancouver, BC PLAINTIFF Bilobrowka, Darryl Alexander CLAIM $41,624

DEFENDANT Cobble Hill Collision Corporation 1123 Stuart Cres, Cobble Hill, BC PLAINTIFF Perron, Glenn Paul CLAIM $7,113

DEFENDANT Klompas & Rothwell 212-895 Fort St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Price Security Holdings Inc CLAIM $275,796

DEFENDANT 1003708 BC Ltd 321 St Julian St, Duncan, BC PLAINTIFF Dalcon Contruction 2001 Ltd CLAIM $294,336

DEFENDANT David Bennett Restorations 1515 Millstream Road, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF G Elliot and Associates Consultants Ltd CLAIM $9,356

DEFENDANT Mada Construction Ltd 32-850 Shawnigan Mill Bay Rd, Mill Bay, BC PLAINTIFF Tyler Electric CLAIM $6,792

DEFENDANT Alan Jones Construction Ltd 1145 TREADWELL DR, North Saanich, BC PLAINTIFF Slegg Building Materials CLAIM $91,376

DEFENDANT Eagleye Restoration and Construction 1027 Pandora Ave, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Jordans Rugs Ltd CLAIM $10,346

DEFENDANT Malloch Industries Ltd 210-737 Yates St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Finning International Inc CLAIM $12,421

DEFENDANT Ankido Holdings Ltd 3-4488 Wellington Rd, Nanaimo, BC PLAINTIFF

DEFENDANT Echelon Insurance 2600-595 Burrard St, Vancouver, BC PLAINTIFF

The contents of Who’s Suing Whom is provided by a third-party resource and is accurate according to public court documents. Some of these cases may have been resolved by publication date. DEFENDANT 0936810 BC Ltd 201-1364 Pemberton Ave, Squamish, BC PLAINTIFF Chace Whiteson Personal Real Estate Corp CLAIM $9,216

DEFENDANT Mike Geric Construction Ltd 4520 West Saanich Rd, BC PLAINTIFF Robert, Pamela CLAIM

JUNE 2017

$18,236 DEFENDANT Merz Pharma Canad Ltd 2900-5550 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC PLAINTIFF Haz, Kristie Lee CLAIM $25,156 DEFENDANT Mountain Lake Construction Ltd 210-737 Yates St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Finning International Inc CLAIM $12,421 DEFENDANT Sakman Fine Woodworks 551 Traenor Ave, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Haydar-Alaghband, Nima CLAIM $7,438 DEFENDANT Sams Auto 64715 Somenos Rd, Duncan, BC PLAINTIFF Perron, Glenn Paul CLAIM $7,113 DEFENDANT Seagate Hotel Inc PO Box 1770, Port Hardy, BC PLAINTIFF Community Futures Development Mt Waddington CLAIM $394,032

DEFENDANT Suncoast Waste Services Ltd 201 Morison Ave, Parksville, BC PLAINTIFF 1700 Maple Ltd CLAIM $5,616 DEFENDANT V Ferreira Contracting Ltd 468 Ash St, Campbell River, BC PLAINTIFF DTF Construction Ltd CLAIM $53,477 DEFENDANT VPC Doors 671 Webb Road, Courtenay, BC PLAINTIFF Back, Barry Steven CLAIM $6,069

DEFENDANT Victoria Royal Vacations Inc 3rd Flr 512 View St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Peppamin Holdings Ltd CLAIM $15,643 DEFENDANT You Move Me 301-887 Great Northern Way, Vancouver, BC PLAINTIFF Banister, Lori CLAIM $7,126


JUNE 2017

NORTH ISLAND The Village of Zeballos took top honours for having the best tap water in BC at the 2017 “Best of the Best� Tap Water Taste Test, an event hosted at the BC Water & Waste Association’s yearly conference in Victoria. Zeballos was in competition with nine other participants from across the province whose water was sampled and evaluated by a panel of “aqualiers�. Samples were adjudicated according to appearance, aroma, mouth feel, taste, aftertaste, and overall impression.

Society (NIEFS) has announced their move to a new location at 920 Alder Street at the Campbell River Employment Services Centre. The move is effective as of May 29 th. A third Dodd’s Furniture and Mattress location has opened on Vancouver Island, this time in Campbell River. The facility is located at 825 12 th Avenue. Dan Evans and James Binnersley have joined the team at Bill Howich Chrysler RV & Marine, in Campbell River. The Discovery Passage Aquarium and Discovery Passage Explorer Lab have opened their doors as of May 13 th for the season, and welcome visitors to their location at the Discovery Pier, 705 Island Highway.

Above: judges crown Mike Atchison of the Village of Zeballos the winner at the 2017 “Best of the Best� Tap Water Taste Test, held at the BCWWA Conference The Kwa’lilas Hotel recently held its grand opening at 9040 Granville Street in Port Hardy. The premier first nations destination hotel offers a $119 introductory rate offer on a standard guest room until June 13 th. The Port McNeill & District Chamber of Commerce recently welcomed new Chamber members: Seven Hills Golf and Country Club, Port McNeill Rotary Club, and Lemare Group. After four months of extensive renovations, Port Hardy restaurant, Captain Hardy’s, has reopened for business. The establishment, owned by Brent Borg, Lynea Borg, Noriko Niida-Smith, and Executive Chef Gregory Smith, also features an updated menu with will offer fish and chips, hamburgers, and food for breakfast, lunch and dinner; but will also feature takeout sushi as a new option.

POWELL RIVER Quality Foods celebrated their 35th anniversary in business this year, holding a customer appreciation day on May 27th with cupcakes and coffee. The BC and Yukon Community Newspaper Association awarded Powell River Peak publisher and editor, Jason Schreurs, with an Environmental Initiative Award for his April 6th, 2016 story “Environmentalist turns 100�. The story, which featured local environmentalist Ruby Roscovich, also received a $500 donation, which Schreurs donated to the Powell River Regional District’s Let’s Talk Trash team.

CAMPBELL RIVER] North Island Employment Foundations


w w w. C o w i c h a n S o u n d . c o m

The Sandtrap Restaurant and Lounge is now open for business at the Campbell River Golf and Country Club, at 700 Petersen Road. The team at Downtown Tyee Chevrolet Buick GMC Ltd. welcome Joe Bowerman on board as a new salesperson. Bowerman brings experience in marketing and sales at a national level for the automotive industry to the position, and welcomes new clients to Tyee’s 570 – 13 th Avenue location.

Locally owned & operated


Bailey Western Star Trucks has donated $5,000 to the NIC’s Heavy Duty Apprenticeship program, which enables access to four transmissions for students in the program. The transmissions allow for improved training, career outcomes and qualifications for the future, and they add to students’ learning experiences.

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A Motion Specialties location is now open in the Comox Mall at 24 – 215 Port Augusta Street.

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Courtenay will soon be home to a major seniors’ housing complex, Ocean Front Village. The project location has been proposed near the corner of 29 th Street and Cliffe Avenue, and would span 3.61 acres over five lots. The complex plans include 78 independent living units in a four-storey building, as well as a 76-bed assisted-care facility in a two-storey building. Golden Life, based in Cranbrook, has put forward the proposal to city council and the project has begun moving through appropriate approval processes. The Comox Valley Children’s Day Care Society is now celebrating their 47th year serving the surrounding community with quality early care and learning programs.





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Level 10 Eurospa, owned by Leanne Boyd and located in Courtenay, has joined forces with Green Circle Salons (GCS) in effort to reduce their environmental footprint and help reduce waste produced in the

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salon industry. Level 10 and GCS recently hosted an information session for the 15 other salons in the area on how they can reduce waste. Green Valley Aromatherapy celebrated their first year in business in downtown Courtenay, at their 505 Duncan Avenue location. Cathy and Derek, owners of Searle’s Shoes at 250 Fifth Street in Courtenay, celebrate their 23rd year in business this year. The Immigrant Welcome Centre celebrated some milestone events this year with their 25th year serving the community, incorporating a new logo, becoming facilitators for the LINC language service classes, and most recently – moving to a new office. The new office space is located at 407A 5th Street, and an open house will take place on June 20 th from 3-6pm.

PARKSVILLE - QUALICUM June 6th marks the opening of Coastal Community Credit Union (CCCU)’s re-located Nanoose Branch. The branch will continue to be located in the Red Gap

Above: Ship and Shore Restaurant’s new owners, Melanie and Bruce Cook Centre, a few doors away from its former location. The Nanoose branch will continue its full range of services with the same employees, and will keeps its original hours of operation.

years ago in the 1970s and has operated as a 12-seater diner,

JUNE 2017

along with a campground, marine fuel station and boat launch as part of the business.

Dealers who demonstrate outstanding product promotion and deliver customer satisfaction.

Arbutus Self Storage is now open as a brand new self-storage facility in the Parksville Industrial Park, at 1164 Franklins Gull Way. The facility is open seven days per week and features heated units, resident managers, indoor and outdoor RV and boat storage, and up to 10-foot doors for easy access.


Pope & Sons Refrigeration and Heating has received a 2017 President’s Award from Carrier, which recognizes exceptional companies in the heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) industry. The award honours Carrier Factory Authorized

Alberni Bookkeeping Services Ltd., owned by Gabrielle Frost, welcomed Joyce on staff at their Unit 3-4505 Victoria Quay location. The business offers full service accounting and bookkeeping to their clients in the West Coast, Parksville, Qualicum and surrounding areas. This year marks the 11th anniversary of The Ink Spot office SEE MOVER’S AND SHAKERS | PAGE 37

Peter McCully, the Publisher of The Parksville Qualicum Beach News, has announced that employee Steve Weldon has been named as the Print & Digital Advertising Manager, taking over from Brenda Boyd. The Ship and Shore Restaurant in Deep Bay has undergone renovations and a change in menu – featuring fresh ingredients and large portion sizes, thanks to new owners Bruce and Melanie Cook. The restaurant was opened 40

Above: Pope & Sons receives a 2017 President’s Award from Carrier

JUNE 2017


equipment supply, located at 4940 Argyle Street. Port Alberni’s Pizza Hut location, owned by Parminder Parhar and Kabir Mahal, raised $7,916.54 through a fundraising promotion that will be donated to the West Coast General Hospital Foundation (WCGHF). The location donated 10 per cent of their sales from March 13 th – May 7th to the foundation. Spring into ART! is a new group exhibit open at the DRAW Gallery from now until June 30 th. The exhibit features the work of a variety of talented island artists and begins a celebration of DRAW’s 10 th anniversary in the Alberni Valley. After a two-year planning process, a third Alberni Co-op gas bar has broken ground, located on 10 th avenue behind the Tim Horton’s. The completed gas station will feature four pumps, eight lanes, and a convenience store. Coombs Junction Furniture & Mattress has opened a new Alberni store location at 4035A Redford Street. Nexcar Sales Ltd., located at 3990 10 th Avenue, has been in business for five years this year.

TOFINO UCLUELET Kirsten Soder has resigned her position at Tourism Tofino as she prepares to transition to her new position and contract with Destination Think!, an organization that works with destination marketing organizations across the globe. Destination Think! has received a contract to oversee the tourism development and destination marketing for Campbell River, and Soder will be the new Executive Manager of Destination Marketing for Tourism Campbell River and the surrounding region. A new Chief Administrating Officer (CAO) has been hired for the Ucluelet municipal office. Mark Boysen will officially join the staff as of June 19 th, after having moved his family from Victoria. Former CAO, Andrew Yeates, resigned his position in March after serving for eight years. Local Tofino artists, Peter Clarkson and Dan Law, have constructed a unique art exhibit featuring locally collected marine debris and have been commissioned by the Canadian Museum of Nature to set up a permanent exhibit at the museum in Ottawa.

NANAIMO Tourism Vancouver Island prepares to bid farewell to their CEO of 17 years, Dave Petryk, who plans to enter retirement. Petryk served as CEO on the Board of Directors since December 2000 and will leave behind a legacy that includes the development of a stakeholder business model, and developing and promoting a renowned Powering Economic Alignment and Growth through Tourism initiative, amongst many other note-worthy accomplishments. Petryk’s retirement is effective December 1, 2017, after which he and his wife, Sandra, plan to relocate to Thailand.



Katherine Wolfe, a student in the BC Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) program, was recognized as one of 13 students who achieved spots on the National Honour Roll for exceptional results on the Common Final Examination (CFE). She was honoured for her accomplishments at the Chartered Professional Accounts of British Columbia (CPABC) convocation ceremony at the Vancouver Convention Centre, held on May 27th. The Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce welcomes Zoë Anderson aboard as the new staff member responsible for Member Services, co-chair of the Ambassador Team, and the lead on communications. The Coastal Community Private Wealth Group has been announced as the lead sponsor for the Nanaimo & District Hospital Foundation’s 24th annual Golf for Life Charity Classic, which will take place on Friday, September 8, 2017. This year marks the first time in the last decade that the event has had a lead sponsor. The Nanaimo Museum, located in the Vancouver Island Conference Centre, is set to host the eighth induction ceremony for the Nanaimo Sports Hall of Fame this month. This year’s inductees feature: Aaron Guiel, Steve Smith, Richie Nichol, and the 2009 VI Raiders football team. Athletes are recognized in five distinct categories in the Sports Hall of Fame: Team, Pioneer, Media, Builder, and Athlete. Nineteen local non-profit organizations and businesses were honoured at this year’s 17 th Annual Business & Achievement Awards, hosted by the Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce and held on May 4th at the Port Theatre. The list of businesses and their respective awards categories include: NYLA Fresh Thread – Micro Business of the Year, Foley Dog Treat Company Inc. – Small and Medium Enterprise of the Year, Tilray – Major Employer of the Year, Baby Salsa Mexican Restaurant – Restaurant of the Year, Nanaimo Art Gallery – Arts & Culture Business of the Year, Primal Communications – Professional Services Business of the Year, Datum Point Studios – Planning / Design Firm of the Year, Alair Homes – Developer / Builder of the Year, Resonance Software – Technology-Based Business of the Year, Chatwin Engineering – Cowichan Tribes Partnership and Chief Chip Seymour of the Cowichan Tribes – Sustainability Excellence of the Year, Tilray – Healthcare / Medical Service Business of the Year, Nanaimo Precast Ltd. – Outstanding Corporate Social Responsibility, Coco Café – Social Enterprise of the Year, Central Vancouver Island Multicultural Society – Not for Profit Organization of the Year, London Drugs – Inclusive Employer of the Year, Tim’s Automotive Repair & Used Car Sales – Automotive Business of the Year, Mazzei Electric – Building Trades Business of the Year, McLean’s Specialty Foods – Retailer of the Year, and Catrina Elliot of Elite Image – Young Entrepreneur. The Nanaimo Child Development Centre (NCDC) celebrates its 50 th year in the community, since opening in 1967. Sixty of the seventy-one home sites in The Foothills, Lantzville development project have sold on the first day of sales on April 29th, totaling $20 million in its first phase of construction. It was reported that 98 per cent of SEE MOVER’S AND SHAKERS | PAGE 39 all sales

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JUNE 2017 A division of Invest Northwest Publishing Ltd. Vancouver Island Office 25 Cavan Street,Nanaimo, BC V9R 2T9 Toll free: 1.866.758.2684 Fax: 1.778.441.3373 Email: Website:

PUBLISHER/EDITOR | Lise MacDonald SALES | Shawn Bishop –, Josh Higgins –, Joanne Iormetti – WRITERS | Julia MacDonald, John MacDonald, Beth Hendry-Yim, David Holmes, Kristin Van Vloten WEBSITE | John MacDonald –




here has been a seismic shift in our political system and the way Canada gets things done – or stops them altogether. Non-political organizations, which are really political action groups like LeadNow, Tides Canada and the Dogwood Initiative, have become extremely effective political “push” groups, driving their ideologies through the path of most effectiveness – candidates and parties that see things the way they do. They have found a way, mostly through social media, to circumvent Elections Canada guidelines that are supposed to ensure fairness in this country, spending untrackable revenue via virtually untraceable methods to capture public opinion and carry out their own agenda through election campaigns. It’s most ironic that Canada, a country that sees itself as a beacon of democracy and fairness, and

which sends citizens throughout the world to monitor elections in other countries to ensure those same standards are maintained, is now suffering from the same maladies they’re trying to cure elsewhere. U.S. groups mostly opposed to Canadian resource development amply fund organizations like these. For some reason, Canadians are not enraged to discover that their domestic policies and livelihoods are being directed by American special interest financing. Financiers include the oil industry, as they want to keep Canada at its current competitive disadvantage by maintaining the current 35 per cent discount U.S. companies have long held with Canadian suppliers. Want more information? Check out the work of Vivian Krause at rethink_campaigns/ Anti-free enterprise political parties like the NDP and Greens are the direct beneficiaries. While the NDP’s mismanagement of government is well-chronicled – see Alberta under Rachel Notley, Ontario under Bob Rae and BC under Dave Barrett, Mike Harcourt, Glen Clark and Ujjal Dosanjh, there is no such track record for the one-note Greens. The Green Party’s list of “demands” for negotiation reportedly include the possibility of thwarting Site C dam construction and the twinning of the Kinder Morgan

Trans Mountain Pipeline – both representing thousands of direct, well-paying jobs. The Green push for electoral reform, more specifically proportional representation, is its most cunning. It is this plank that provided the missing link to ignite BC voters to fight Premier Christy Clark with almost the same vigour with which it assailed former Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau catered to that during the last federal campaign then reneged, which only incited those same masses to rally in similar fashion during this provincial election. The suggestion that “first past the post” elections are unjust and unfair demonstrates a profound ignorance about how our governments are constructed and operate. Our system, while imperfect, was designed to be fair, and allows for a clear winner and a time frame in which to do things, unhindered. The Green preference will ensure political logjams and an inability to make decisions on major projects in perpetuity, giving them exactly what anti-free enterprisers have discovered is the way to stop everything: Through slow strangulation. That strategy includes three essentials: Delay, delay and delay. Long enough to drain the resources of individuals and companies who want to actually do something. In that way, it’s mission

accomplished. Really, it is pure socialism. These groups capitalize on anti-business public relations on a national scale, aka brainwashing, by cinema, the media, and many involved in public education. Hollywood does an effective job of producing heroic story lines about “the little people” rising up to “take back” the country from developers and overall corporate greed. The message? Business is bad, owners are greedy, against the people. Most taxpayers see their contributions to public education as a good thing, although they can’t be happy that 90 per cent of public school funding goes towards salaries. But what are the kids learning in school? Reading? Writing? Arithmetic? Often, not until after they’re indoctrinated in the “most important” aspects of life – the environment and, of course, self esteem. The end result? Generations of new voters heading to the polls after years of indoctrination by unionized teachers, members of the BC Teachers Federation, which has spent significant amounts of time, energy and dollars supporting the NDP over the years, in hopes of their political allies having the final say on how much more money is being spent on education. No conflict there, right? The media also has a part to play, with editorialized opinions

constantly hidden in news stories. The negative, anti-free enterprise drumbeat drones on, year after year, pre-empted only by the occasional editorial or opinion piece just prior to voting day. That last-gasp attempt is virtually fruitless, as it’s impossible to have one opinion in one issue/program offset years of anti-free enterprise messaging. Less than five per cent of Canadians pay regular attention to politics, so election campaigns become a crash course in catching up to what’s going on, looking at what is being promised, and weeding through the myriad of aggressive messages sent out by competing parties. Emotion causes people to purchase goods and services. And vote. These groups know that, and are deft at fanning the strong feelings of hatred and violation within people raised on anti-free enterprise diets. Voting day is simply time to reap from all those seeds, sown through various methods, for years. A nd these groups get what they want: Anti-business governments to carry out their own agendas, hi-jacking democracy in the process. Paid for, largely, by Americans. They may not want to say they’re anti-business, but once in power, their boa constrictor-like deliberate actions reveal they will have succeeded in stopping economic progress.

can hold hostage the economy of another province or, in this case, the economy of our entire country.” In principle, Notley is absolutely correct. Unfortunately, it’s not an argument that’s likely to sway pipeline opponents. Amidst all this posturing, the federal government faces renewed pressure to reconsider its approval of the project. The Grits have already heard from unhappy West Coast Liberal MPs who run the risk of losing seats in the next federal election. Will Prime Minister Justin Trudeau still be willing to pay an ever-growing political price for allowing the pipeline to proceed? The irony in all this fuss is that Trudeau effectively gave succour to the opposition leading up to the last federal election when he promised his government would listen to the wishes of British Columbians. If he were really listening, the message from that province is clear enough - on balance, most citizens of BC want the pipeline stopped.

Of course, in this case a federal government that bends to the will of one province betrays the wishes of another. Either way, somebody is going to hate you. Trudeau needs to stay the course. The National Energy Board imposed 157 conditions on the pipeline project. If built as required, it would be the safest, most heavily regulated pipeline in the world. To be sure, such conditions don’t eliminate the possibility of a spill (or deliberate sabotage), but they reduce the odds to infinitesimally small. Building the pipeline also would provide a much-needed boost to Canada’s economy, and represent a meaningful step toward reducing our dependence on the U.S. as our dominant trade partner. In the era of an erratic, isolationist president, isn’t that a worthy goal?




ew issues in recent Canadian history have been as divisive as the debate over the construction of new pipelines to carry crude oil to market. The uncertain results from the election in British Columbia only add fuel to a roaring fire. The “blue” Liberal government of Premier Christy Clark won the most seats in the May 9 vote, but not a majority. Her party must now court the support of either the New Democratic or Green parties to achieve a mandate to govern. Should the Liberals fail to reach an agreement, it’s conceivable the

NDP and Greens could combine to form government. For proponents of the twinning of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain Pipeline, either scenario provides ample reason to lose sleep. Clark, you may recall, played tough in her opposition to having a pipeline carry diluted Alberta bitumen across BC for shipment to Asian markets. A lot of watchers felt her theatrics were orchestrated so BC could extract the largest amount of compensation from its neighbour to the east. As if to confirm those suspicions, and almost on cue, Clark announced the five conditions she had spelled out for provincial acceptance of the pipeline had been met. Signs pointed to a green light for the $7.4-billion project. It was an audacious standoff, considering pipeline approvals rest in the hands of federal authorities, not provincial. But Clark knew that, regardless of the jurisdictional parsing, environmentalists and First Nations communities in

BC were - and indeed, are - ready to fight to the finish to stop Trans Mountain. That’s pretty hefty negotiating leverage. Unlike the pro-business Liberals, the NDP and Greens of BC aren’t ready to roll over on the pipeline. Both parties are fiercely opposed to it, regardless of the boost it would add to both provincial and federal economies. Clark now faces a very awkward dilemma. It seems almost certain that either opposition party will demand resistance to Trans Mountain as a condition for the co-operation needed for the Liberals to form government. If Clark doesn’t play along, her party’s days in government will be very short indeed. Obviously sensing that Clark needs a hand, Alberta Premier Rachel Notley spoke out this week, reminding BC politicians that pipeline approvals are federal business. She told reporters, “I fundamentally disagree with the view that one province or even one region

Veteran political commentator Doug Firby is president of Troy Media Digital Solutions and publisher of Troy Media.

SUBCRIPTIONS | $45 PER YEAR (12 ISSUES), $80 FOR 2 YEARS (24 ISSUES), SUBSCRIBE ONLINE: BUSINESSEXAMINER.CA. DISTRIBUTION: SECOND WEEK OF EACH MONTH VIA CANADA POST AD MAIL. The publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited submissions. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Produced and published in British Columbia. All contents copyright Business Examiner Vancouver Island, 2017. Canadian Publications Mail Acct.: 40069240


JUNE 2017


were purchased by local buyers. Lone Tree Properties, a subsidiary of Storm Mountain Development Corporation (SMDC), is developing the land. The City of Nanaimo has named eleven members to the new Tourism Advisory Committee, which was put in place for their transition plan after separating tourism from the Nanaimo Economic Development Corporation. The new committee consists of: Henry Traa, Joan Spencer, Robert Plante, Dale Partridge, Jenn Houtby-Ferguson, Rosemary Gibson, Lex Dunn, Chao Chang, Dan Brady, Leif Bogwald, and Mike Bauche. Ajacs Equipment (1982) Inc. celebrated their 50 th year in business this year with an open house, held at 160 Cliff Street. United Way held their annual Spirit Awards in Nanaimo last month and honoured 12 workplace and individual donors from the Nanaimo and North Cowichan regions who participated in the 2016 workplace campaigns. This year’s recipient list included: Vancouver Island University; Laura Blackburn of Catalyst Paper; Jay Xia and Tamara Schmidt of CIBC; Terrapure; BC Ferry and Marine Workers’ Union; BMO; CIBC – Duncan; BC Hydro; Catalyst Paper – Port Alberni; Costco; and Timberwest. Jingle Pot Pizza is now open for business at their location on 2211 Jingle Pot Road. The Nanaimo Casino and The Well Public House have celebrated the grand opening of their newly renovated facility at 620 Terminal Avenue, with live entertainment and a contest featuring a grand prize of a trip to Las Vegas. Jason and Dawn Burrows have joined the Royal Service Group at Royal LePage Nanaimo Realty. They are welcomed onto the team, bringing with them a wealth of experience in the real estate industry, and they will be operating out of the 4200 Island Highway location. A year-long campaign, ‘Share the Fare’, is a new initiative launched by Harbour Air that will see $1 donated for every passenger who flies on Fridays over the coming year. Harbour Air has partnered with the BC Cancer Foundation, Canuck Place Children’s Hospice, and the Boys and Girls Club of South Coast BC to distribute the funds earned in their campaign to each of the organizations. Merit Home Furniture, located on 3230 Norwell Drive – behind Country Club Mall, celebrates their 30 th anniversary in business this year.

Nanaimo Memory and Complex Care has opened its doors at 4989 Wills Road, offering a unique approach to memory care that includes resident-centered care planning, unique cognitive placement, specialized activities, and a solid pricing guarantee. Two local children’s entertainers, former graduates of Dover Bay Secondary School, Robyn Hardy (also known as ‘Bobs’) and Lorraine Pond (also known as LoLo), have created an educational app that teaches about the life cycles of Pacific salmon. The app is called Run Salmon Run, featuring interesting facts from the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans.



renovated the space. The facility will now include a card-lock feature which will enable customers to gas up 24/7 with their cards.

for the Chemainus Valley Courier and Arbutus magazine, in addition to other publications produced by Black Press.

June 10th marks the grand re-opening of the Mid-Island Co-op in Lake Cowichan. More than one year ago, Mid-Island Co-op purchased the former Esso location at 137 Lake Cowichan Road and has

Randy Blair, Chief Operating Officer of Black Press BC, announced the appointment of Warren Goulding as the new Publisher of the Cowichan Valley Citizen. Goulding will also be responsible

JYSK, a Danish household retailer, is scheduled to open a location in Duncan. The store will be open this summer, making this the second store on Vancouver Island after Nanaimo.

Two local Vancouver Island University (VIU) students, Amanda Rizzo and Leesy Ferguson, received gold and silver placements in their respective skills categories at the Skills Canada country-wide competition in Winnipeg. Rizzo has her culinary management diploma, and Ferguson is in hairdressing.


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LADYSMITH – CHEMAINUS Riot Brewing Comp., located in Chemainus and owned by Ralf Rosenke, Aly Tomlin and Morgan Moreira, received a prestigious award at this year’s Canadian Brewing Awards in Ottawa. Riot Brewing received a silver placing for their Good Vibrations Classic Pilsner in the Kellerbier/ Zwickelbier category. The microbrewery was opened just six months ago and this is their first award for a product. The 49 th Parallel Grocery store celebrates 40 years serving the community this year.

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