JULY 2015
Sourcing the RIGHT goods and services at the RIGHT price?
Career change drives Rempel to The Light Choice
Audio-visual specialist showcases new brand and expanded services
All Elements is a
big winner with its
ELOWNA – Tracey Cochrane fell in love with technology and it’s changed her
design, manage, built projects
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Points West poised for new horizons life. “I visited my daughter’s class room one day and was fascinated by the interactive SMART Board the teacher was using,” says Cochrane. “I went home, found out who was selling the product locally and convinced the owner to give me a job. “Two years later I bought the company.” She is the owner of Points West Audio Visual, a provider of collaboration and presentation tools for businesses, the education sector and non-profits. Recently, the company rebranded to reflect an expanded service offering. “We’ve become a more wellrounded organization,” says Cochrane. “When I purchased the company in 2011 our clients were primarily education providers, but we felt that businesses and many non-profits were being underserved throughout BC. “There’s opportunity in the market, we’ve been able to solve some challenging problems for
Tracey Cochrane, Owner of Points West Audio Visual our customers, and we’re looking to build on that.” A primary focus with this relaunch is the company’s acoustic consulting and design services, a concept birthed during a meeting
at an unusually loud restaurant. “I was heading into a lunch meeting with a friend, but there was so much noise that I could barely hear myself think,” she says. “We ended up leaving within
a few minutes, but the incident got me thinking that there had to be a way to improve that environment. “Our team started looking at SEE POINTS WEST | PAGE 5
SICA Commercial Building Awards Deadline Approaching
ELOWNA - The nomination deadline for the 7 th Annual Southern Interior Construction Association Thompson Okanagan Kootenay Commercial Building Awards competition is fast approaching. New institutional, commercial, industrial building, multi/single family, recreational or renovation projects located within these regions and completed between July 31, 2014 and July 31, 2015
are eligible for a Commercial Building Award, with the Gala Celebration set for October 22 in Kelowna. This event recognizes the winning efforts of the Thompson, Okanagan and Kootenay regions’ new institutional, commercial, industrial building, multi/single family, recreational or renovation projects located from Kamloops to Osoyoos, and from Revelstoke to Fernie.
R e/ M A X Com merci a l a nd Coldwell Banker Horizon Realty are sponsors of the event. T he deadline for accepting nominations is September 1, however, they can be submitted prior to that date, providing the project is completed by July 31 this year. “These events are all about celebrating the best of the best in commercial and industrial construction and the people behind the scenes
that make them happen,” says Mark MacDonald, President of Business Examiner Thompson Okanagan newspaper, which coordinates the event for SICA. “The quality of buildings in the region continues to get better each year, which is a testament to the companies and talent involved in each project. We expect another great competition this time around.” SEE SICA COMMERCIAL BUILDING | PAGE 11
2 BC
Chartered Professional Accountants of BC Established T he President/Chairs and CEOs of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of BC (ICABC), Certified General Accountants Association of BC (CGA-BC), and Certified Management Accountants Society of BC (CMABC) are pleased to announce that the Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia (CPABC) has been established through legislation as of June 24, 2015. “The provincial government enacted CPA leg islat ion, a l low i ng t he CA s, CMAs, and CGAs in BC to amalgamate, and establish CPABC - one of the largest professional organizations in the province,” said Dan Little, FCPA, FCA, President of ICABC. “By establishing CPABC as the only regulatory body for designated accountants we’ll be able to better protect the public interest. Marketplace confusion about the different accounting designations will also be eliminated.” T he CPA desig n at ion i s Ca n ad a’s pre-eminent accounting and business designation. With more than 38,000 members and students in BC, and over 190,000 members across Canada, CPAs are providing crucial financial expertise to businesses in every sector of the economy. “The first CPA students started the CPA Professional Education Program in September 2013,” said Simon Philp, FCPA, FCMA, Chair, CMABC. “Now they can convocate as CPAs after successfully completing the program. The
new CPA program builds on all three accounting designations’ strengths, and best prepares candidates to meet the needs of employers both here in BC, Canada, and internationally.” T he C PA prog ra m i s t he key t h at opens the door to bou nd less ca reer opportunities in business, public accounting, government, not-for-profit, and education. The profession is developing the next generation of BC’s busi ness a nd accou nti ng leaders i n order to meet the economic needs of the province. “We’re excited to have successfully arrived at this significant milestone, hav i ng merged a l l th ree accou nti ng designations. It showcases our province’s leadership both here and across Canada,” said Brian Friedrich, FCPA, FCGA, Chair, CGA-BC. “We are building a new profession, one that we can all be proud of that honours our collective past wh i le striv i ng for a f uture that positions Canada and British Columbia on strong footing within the global business community.”
BC BC government beefs up livestock fencing program The Province will spend $4 million to expand livestock fencing in BC as part of a partnership with the BC Cattleman’s Association as part of BC on the Move, the G overn ment of BC’s new 10-year transportation plan. This investment will extend the existi ng Prov i ncia l Livestock Fenci ng Prog ra m th rough to the end of 2017
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JULY 2015
with $2 million in 2016 and $2 million in 2017. The current funding commitment of $10 million over six years will end in 2015. T he BC govern ment officia l ly launched the fencing program in 2010. By the end of 2015, more than $10-million will have been invested to build nearly 650 kilometres of livestock fencing adjacent to provincial highways th roug hout the prov i nce. T h is new investment is expected to help build an additional 250 kilometres of fencing in BC The BC Cattlemen’s Association will continue to administer this popular program, by taking applications from livestock owners who are seeking assistance to build fences adjacent to the highway. Applications are reviewed by the BC Cattlemen’s Association and applicants are contacted regarding the status of their application. Projects are selected based on several factors i nclud i ng cu r rent fence cond it ion, livestock headcount and the highway designation. BC on the Move is government’s 10year plan for the improvement of the prov i nce’s tra nsportation network. T he actions prioritized in BC on the Move w i l l en ha nce sa fety, g row the economy, ma i nta i n a nd replace aging infrastructure and support trade for BC’s expanding resource sectors through Canada’s Asia-Pacific Gateway. Over the nex t th ree yea rs, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastr uctu re w i l l i nvest up to $2.5 bi llion to improve BC’s transportation network.
KELOWNA New Downtown Kelowna Board of Directors The Downtown Kelowna Association is proud to introduce their 2015-2016 Board of Directors following the Annual General Meeting on June 3, 2015. The Downtown Kelowna Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring that the Downtown Business Improvement Area (BIA) is a safe and desirable place to conduct business, live, work, play and enjoy through the cooperative efforts of its members and government. This new Board is an excellent mix of the various types of businesses that can be found Downtown. The new Board is as follows. President – Dustin Sargent – Streaming Café & Davara Enterprises, Vice President – Dan Allen – Doc Willoughby’s Public House, Treasurer – Rob Collins – Grant Thornton LLP, Secretary – Yarden Gershony – Rush Ihas Hardwick LLP, Luigi Coccaro – La Bussola Restaurant, Perry Freeman – Colliers International, Angie Bricker – Georgie Girl Vintage, Brent Lobson – Imperial Parking, Trevor Neill – Mosaic Books, Jan Johnson – T igerlily Fashions, Renee Wasylyk – Troika Developments, Renata Mills* – Festivals Kelowna, Jim Meiklejohn* - Meiklejohn Architects and Ex-Officio - Councillor Maxine Dehart, City of Kelowna. *denotes new member “It’s wonderful to see the continued growing interest in Downtown after we had 21 nominations come through,” says Downtown Kelowna Association Executive Director Peggy Athans. “I’m
looking forward to working with this Board of Directors as we all move forward with the Downtown Plan and the revitalization of Downtown Kelowna.” The new Board is effective immediately
KELOWNA New Kelowna subdivision to be built on City’s first Green Street Okanagan developer AJH Development announced the launch of Parkside at Clifton Road, Kelowna’s newest subdivision and the City’s first Green Street. Located on 341 Clifton Road, 13 contemporary-designed homes will be constructed at the edge of Blair Pond Park. Following a comprehensive review, Kelowna City Council gave approval for bylaw variances and endorsed the Green St reet at Pa rkside at Cl i f ton Road. At only 100 metres, the small cul-de-sac will pilot sustainable storm water management. “W hen City Council saw the plans for this community, we welcomed the i n novation a nd saw how it matched our vision for a more connected and sustainable city,” says Kelowna Mayor Colin Basran. “This is Kelowna’s first ever g reen st reet a nd I applaud the developer for working with City staff to help bring this great idea to life.” The Green Street will become an integral part of the natural ecosystem around Blair Pond, contributing to its long-term sustainability. Through an innovative storm water system that uses bio-swales, the Green Street will recharge the groundwater rather than piping storm water off site. The pedestrian pathway will be flush with the street allowing water to flow over the sidewalk into the swale, and the area’s native soils will provide ground water filtration. The water will make its way back to Blair Pond helping to maintain its water levels. Landscape guidelines include drought tolerant planting and an island community garden in the centre of the culde-sac. The Green Street also links to a walkway, connecting Parkside to Blair Pond Park, Knox Mountain Park East and hiking and biking trails. “We wanted to create a smaller footprint with this development and honour the Okanagan lifestyle which is all about connecting with the outdoors,” says developer A. J. Hazzi. “The home desig ns bu i ld on the stu n n i ng work of architectural pioneer Frank Lloyd Wrig ht wh ich i ncor porates natu ra l building materials such as wood and stone, and floor plans which open the interior to views of the beautiful natural landscape and park just steps beyond your door.” T he green street will be home to 13 single-family homes, six of which back on to the park. The homes will be custom designed for each new Parkside homeowner by West Coast Designs, ranging from $529,000 to $699,000. Floor plans include three-, four- and five-bedroom homes within a modest footprint of 2,000 to 3,880 sq. foot.
KAMLOOPS New highway signs support
JULY 2015
the Kamloops wine industry New highway signage will lead the way to local wineries in the Kamloops area this summer, announced Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Todd Stone. Work i ng i n pa rtnersh ip w ith loca l communities by promoting economic growth and diversity is a key theme of BC on the Move – the Province’s 10yea r tra nsportation pla n. T h is new signage will provide important directional information for visitors to the Kamloops region. “Supporting local businesses around the province is a priority for my government,” said Stone. “With this improved signage along our roads, we are encouraging the growth of these businesses and providing a valuable service for tourists and residents alike.” The suite of signs includes: Sig n s w i l l be d i spl ayed at a l l f ive entry points to Kamloops, welcoming visitors to the local wineries that make up the Kamloops Wine Trail. Service and Attraction signs will direct visitors to wineries located off the highway. Confirmatory signs will guide visitors to each individual winery`s front door once they have left the highway. A billboard map displayed outside the Kamloops Visitor Centre will direct visitors to each winery in the area. “On behalf of the Kamloops Wineries Association, we are extremely grateful to Minister Stone for his overwhelming support and com m itment to the emerging wine region in Kamloops,” said Trish Morelli, Kamloops Wineries Association acting executive director. “T he comprehensive highway signage program that the minister and his staff have put together will have a tremendous impact on success and future growth of the wine industry in this region.” The new signs are installed on Highways 1, 5, 5A and 97. BC on the Move is government’s new 10-year plan for the improvement of the province’s transportation network.
KAMLOOPS Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Kamloops Opens for Business T he Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Kamloops officially opened its doors on June 17. The 114 room hotel is located in the Aberdeen area of Kamloops at the corner of Pacific Way and Hugh Allan Drive on the former Home Hardware site. The hotel is owned and operated by the Pacific Hospitality Hotel Group based i n Su rrey, BC. “T he Fa i rfield Inn & Suites by Marriott is a terrific add ition to ou r g roup of hotels a nd something that the whole community of Kamloops should be proud of. Marriott is one of the most recognized hotel brands in the world and is known for its outstanding quality and service” says Lucky Gill, spokesperson for the Pacific Hospitality Hotel Group. “Our goal is to make sure that each hotel we develop is a model for the bra nd we represent and we feel we have exceeded th is goa l w ith ou r latest property”, added Gill. Other Kamloops locations owned by Pacific Hospitality include
the Hampton Inn by Hilton, Holiday Inn & Suites, Comfort Inn, Pacific Inn & Su ites a nd Hospita l ity I n n. O utside of Kamloops the hotel operates properties in Vernon, Osoyoos and the Edmonton area. The hotel offers a mix of contemporary king rooms, double queen rooms and suites. With onsite meeting space, recreational amenities, corner market, business centre, wireless internet and compl imenta ry brea kfast, the hotel truly offers it all to guests looking for the latest in hotel style and comfort. The Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott concept is ideally suited for a wide mix of customers including business travel, leisure and sports.
PENTICTON Cycling Network ads signage A South Okanagan-based pilot project for a new cycling tourism signage and marketing strategy was announced. T h is was one of the com m itments made in the Province’s 10-year transportation plan, BC on the Move. Sig n s w i l l b e i n sta l led across t he region which will identify routes for cyclists to follow. Cyclists of all skill levels who visit the region will be able to go online to the Regional District’s website and find the route they want to take. Once they hit the road, the route signs will guide them along a route of their choice – whether that’s a leisurely day ride th roug h w i ne cou ntr y or a challenging multi-day ride of several hundred kilometres. As the pi lot for the ma rketi ng a nd signage strategy, the South Okanagan Si m i l ka meen Cycl i ng Network w i l l help g uide the creation of the provi nci a l cycl i ng tou r i sm sig n age a nd marketing strategy and inspire other potential cycling routes in the province. The ministry will work with Destination BC, loca l govern ments a nd stakeholder groups to promote cycling tourism in various regions throughout BC “Penticton and the South Okanagan h ave world-cl a ss cycl i ng ter ra i n – road, mountain and recreational cycling. The community truly is a cycling destination, with amenities that support active, healthy lifestyles for local residents and visitors,” said City of Penticton Mayor Andrew Jakubeit. “Cycling is part of our culture, which is why Penticton has developed signature sport tourism events like Challenge Penticton and Prospero Grandfondo A xel Merck x Oka naga n. We a re extremely happy that the Province of BC has launched a pilot project recognizing the unique cycling experience here in the South Okanagan.” Cycling was a key component of BC on the Move and during consultations the ministry heard that enhanced cycling infrastructure and improved transportation choices are important to British Columbians. T he G over n ment of BC is a lso i nvesting $18 million over the next three years through the BikeBC cost-sharing prog ra m to help loca l govern ments bu ild projects that attract a nd supp o r t c o m m u t e r, r e c r e a t i o n a l a n d tourism cyclists – making cycling a safer and more convenient option for travellers. Since 2001, the Province has committed over $155 million for
cycling infrastructure and has worked with local governments to create new bicycle la nes a nd tra i ls i n over 100 communities.
KAMLOOPS BC’s Newest Wine Region Emerges with the Launch of the Kamloops Wine Trail The Kamloops Wine Trail showcases BC’s newest wine experience with four unique and diverse wineries pioneering a new wine region in the Kamloops Thompson Valley area of British Columbia. Situated along the picturesque banks of the North and South Thompson Rivers, the Kamloops Wine Trail connects Harpers Trail, Monte Creek Ranch, Privato and Sagewood Wineries. Under the newly created umbrella of the Kamloops Wineries Association, these fou r K a m loops w i neries have come together to collectively promote a nd m a rket t he K a m loops w i ne region as a whole. “This is very exciting not only for Kamloops, but for wine lovers everywhere,” says Trish Morelli, Executive Director of the Kamloops Wineries Association. “Thanks to the dedication and vision of our four local producers, a vibrant new region has emerged right here in Kamloops. Not t rad it ion a l ly recog n i zed a s a g rap e g row i n g reg ion, t he pione er winemakers of Kamloops have proven otherwise. Local grape growers and winemakers are discovering that the sem i- a rid cond itions of Ka m loops, along w ith 2000 hou rs of su nsh ine,
high heat units and well drained soils are providing optimal growing conditions for a variety of early ripening g rap e va r ie t ie s. E a rly re c og n it ion and awards garnered from across the cou ntry suggest a prom isi ng f utu re for the area. “The Kamloops area offers incredible potential and endless opportunities,” says Morelli. “From t he w i ne qu a l it y to t he v i sitor experience, all the markers are in place i n suppor t of success a nd g row th.” T his marks the launch of a comprehensive awareness campaign that will help bring people to the region and deliver the message that an exciting new wine experience exists in Kamloops. The campaign includes a new website, www.kamloopswinetrail.com, a consumer brochure, billboard advertising and in partnership with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, a comprehensive new highway sign program that will help inform and provide directions for the driving public. About 60 km in length, visitors can drive the Kamloops Wine Trail on their own or book with one of our local wine tour operators, Divine Tours or Tasteful Excursions, specializing in the area. Anchored by the meandering Thompson R ivers, the iconic hoodoos, sage covered h i l ls a nd my riad of natu ra l wildlife will provide a stunning backdrop to your wine tasting experience. From intimate tasting rooms to expansive patios, winery picnics to vineyard tours, the wineries along the Kamloops Wine T rail offer a more personable, more authentic wine experience where tasting with the owner is the norm not the exception.
250-862-3278 fastsigns.com/2028 1980 Springfield Road Kelowna, BC
JULY 2015
CANADA: EVEN BETTER THAN CREST TOOTHPASTE Brakel points out that Canada’s tourism contribution of $88 billion generates 627,000 jobs
his month, I’m going to channel Hendrik Brakel’s research on the Canadian “tourism economy” in the first quarter of 2015. Brakel, The Canadian Chamber’s Senior Director, Economic, Financial & Tax Policy, has turned his sharp eye on Canada’s second largest export industry: tourism. His insights are worth noting. What could be more appropriate than talking tourism in the midst of our glorious Okanagan summer? With a weak national domestic economy, Canadian business increasingly needs to look for opportunities in international markets. Canada’s overall economy shrank by 0.6 per cent in the first quarter. Consumers stopped spending, business investment went into retreat and inventories began piling up. Not totally the
case in BC, however, we benefit when Canada grows. Wouldn’t it be great if we could get foreigners to come spend money here in Canada? That’s why tourism is one of the top priorities of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. We need it now more than ever. The Governor of the Bank of Canada warned that Canada’s first quarter would be “atrocious” and he was right. Consumers have put their credit cards away and spending barely grew, at just 0.1 per cent. More importantly, the hit from falling oil was severe as business investment fell by 2.5 per cent and support activities for the extraction sector plummeted by 30 per cent. So, is anyone spending? Yes: first quarter 2015 visits from China to Canada were up 24 per cent, and from Mexico, 38 per cent. Wow. US visits to Canada also rose by 6 per cent. Canada’s tourism industry is larger than agriculture or the auto sector, supporting 170,000 small- and medium-sized businesses across the country. Overnight arrivals to
Canada hit 2.32 million in 1Q 2015, a 6.8 per cent increase compared to the same period last year. Closer to home, Tourism Kelowna’s most recent numbers for 2014 (estimated) tell us that the Kelowna CMA (census metropolitan area) room revenue is $80.6 million, an 8 per cent increase over 2013. Room revenue in Kelowna has grown every year for three years. Brakel points out that Canada’s tourism contribution of $88 billion generates 627,000 jobs. It’s not all wine and Okanagan sunflowers, however; Canada has fallen from #5 (international destinations) to #16 in the last ten years. This is where I explain my toothpaste analogy. Proctor and Gamble spends $275 million on the Crest brand alone every year in the US. What does Canada spend on promoting the Canada brand in the US? Well, less. Much less. Zero, in fact. Overall the Canadian Tourism Commission’s budget is half what it was in 2009. CTC doesn’t even market in the US, although a new infusion of $10 million was earmarked in May of this year for US marketing. That’s $265 million less than Crest toothpaste. Even the Canadian government spends about $90 million annually to market its own programs to Canada. Marketing works. When Canada marketed itself last year in
other countries, tourism revenue grew an average of 13.7 per cent from those countries. That’s triple the growth from countries where Canada doesn’t market. So what is going on in the Central Okanagan? Is anyone marketing us? The answer is yes. Nancy Cameron, the CEO of Tourism Kelowna tells us their mission is to generate increased overnight visitor demand to create economic benefit for Kelowna and neighbouring communities. So, is Tourism Kelowna spending? Yes. Wisely and well, it turns out. TK’s annual revenue last year was $2.7 million, primarily from hotel tax. Provincial and federal funding makes up a small 2 per cent of Tourism Kelowna’s budget. So how do they stretch it? TK has been utilizing a content strategy and digital online ads “Get Outside and Do Some Stuff” in a surprisingly wide range of media: HGTV, epicurious, The Seattle Times, Tripadvisor, the Food Network, and more. Kelowna golf experiences also are featured in Tourism Kelowna’s TV ads on the most-watched sports and news networks. They’re modern, edgy, bright and short. Combined with social media marketing and the garnering of hundreds of travel articles, TK’s total “exposure value” for 2014 – which is a combination of paid advertising, leveraged value and editorial value – totalled a
whopping $3.48 million. A ll this on a paid investment of only $867,800. An Australian tourism report showed that each $1 of additional marketing was returning $16 of revenues from tourists, an extraordinary ROI. And, the US tourism industry is currently booming. April in the US saw the highest occupancy ever – 67 per cent – and the highest room demand (99.4 million) ever. US hotels are struggling to keep up with demand. With Canada’s cheap loonie and our soft economy, this is a great time to let the Americans know that we’re open for business. That’s why the Canadian Chamber is calling for a much larger investment, of around $120 million annually, to market Canada internationally. The CCC ran a “Stand up for Tourism” campaign for a week in May/June – a campaign we are all proud of, and know will help raise the issue of how important tourism spending and income is to all of us. With thanks to Nancy Cameron and Hendrik Brakel, I’ll sign off now. Think I’ll go book a golf game, rather than shopping for toothpaste this afternoon. Caroline Grover is the CEO of the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached by email at caroline@kelownachamber.org
PROPER TECHNOLOGY CAN: Create effective collaboration Reduce travel time Improve productivity Save money Simplify and streamline the boardroom Create a comfortable work environment
JULY 2015
how to improve acoustics in buildings, the goal was to see if it was possible to eliminate, or at least enhance situations where communication was difficult. Now acoustics consulting and design represents one of our biggest growth areas.” Her company is contracted by businesses in all stages, from the design phase of a new development, to situations like her restaurant dilemma. “Architects and developers have started to bring us in to consult on HVAC and facility designs,” says Cochrane. “Acoustics are a very real challenge that can have a significant effect on a building’s usability. “The other aspect of consulting relates to fixing existing issues. We have an in-house specialist, Monique Peck, who uses interior design techniques to improve problematic environments. She’s able to provide functional, yet beautiful solutions for our clients.” Despite operating out of Kelowna, Points West’s customer-base is not limited to the Okanagan. It services all areas of the province, Yukon and the NWT. “We’ve done work everywhere,” says Cochrane. “Our team just finished projects in Bella Bella, Fort St. John, many different aboriginal communities, and school districts all over the province. “Some of our most notable projects have been close to home. The provincial wildfire centers in Kamloops and Merritt used us to help create a positive communication environment. This time of year there’s a lot of chaos, and we were able to solve a number of challenges for them by using a variety of acoustic products.” In addition, her company has worked with Teck Resources to provide a 300 pound, 84 inch interactive display. Okanagan College has been another major client. They recently completed a new audio-visual system and the first stage of an acoustics solution for their central atrium. “They were dealing with a number of challenges with their sound system when we were called in,” she says. “The work we’ve done has made such a difference for them.
A policy in support of digital media as an economic driver was also supported by delegates, something that resonated well with GVCC as it Interior acoustics products like those used by Points West Audio Visual
An example of interior acoustics products, like those used by Point West Audio Visual “Before our work, you would want to tip toe through the Atrium because of how loud it was due to the reverberant nature of the space. Now it’s an enjoyable place to be, you can actually have a conversation.” Points West has also done work for Okanagan College’s Penticton campus, where they designed and installed many components of their innovative wine sensory lab. Including the primary audiovisual control system, cameras and displays. Going forward, the company is focused on being a problem solver. “Quite often when you find someone who’s dealing with a challenging issue, there are others dealing with the same thing,” says Cochrane. “That’s how we expanded our service offerings, and the sectors we serve. “We often end up saving customers money because we’re
A Crestron boardroom control system with large displays in action
focused on delivering the right technology for the right environment. There’s usually a simpler solution than what they originally expect.” That focus on providing an appropriate solution, instead of simply the most profitable one, has carried Cochrane’s company to where they are today. “We appreciate our customers, and treat them the best way we know how,” she says. “The amount of repeat and referral business we receive speaks volumes about our quality of work. “Our culture is around helping people, and the staff often do things that aren’t necessarily in their job descriptions, just to help someone out. You won’t find our team stuck in their offices, they very engaging. My desk is up at the front in reception so I can welcome our customers and answer phones every day, it’s something I really enjoy.” Outside of day-to-day business, Cochrane is heavily involved in supporting the community. Her company volunteers, supports and donates equipment to organizations like the Arthritis Society, Rotary International and many others. “Being a good corporate citizen is very important to me,” she says. This September Points West will be having an open house to showcase their newly renovated offices. The new space is outfitted with an acoustics display, highend boardroom and presentation equipment from brands like Crestron and Sharp Electronics, SMART and Epson. Visit their new website at: www.pointswestav.com
reater Vernon Chamber of Commerce’s call for the Province to take a more active role in regional governance reviews got the green light from delegates attending the BC Chamber AGM in Prince George. The issue stems from the challenges that arise when you have two growing municipalities that are adjacent to each other or adjacent to electoral areas. GVCC’s members have continually raised concern about the region’s convoluted governance structure and its negative impact on economic growth. The GVCC policy resolution calls for changes that would enable the Province to initiate a study even if only one jurisdiction is interested in exploring the business case for changes in regional governance. It also calls on the Province to implement changes if the business case demonstrates the benefits to business and the economy. “We were pleased to have received the support from our peers from across the province,” said Jaron Chasca, GVCC president. “Our Chamber is committed to creating a more business-friendly region and we think this policy will help achieve that outcome.” A policy in support of digital media as an economic driver was also supported by delegates, something that resonated well with GVCC as it had co-sponsored the resolution with the Kelowna Chamber. Another resolution calling for greater attention to protecting BC’s fresh waters from zebra and quagga mussels was also unanimously endorsed. The resolution notes that what is really needed is 24/7 inspection stations at all border crossings between BC and Alberta and Washington state. The seriousness of the issue is well articulated by Okanagan film maker Brynne Morrice who has posted his six minute documentary film online in hopes of drawing more attention to the pending crisis. You can find the video online by searching: Mussel Threat - Protecting BC’s Freshwater. The Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce is embracing the anti-mussel campaign along with many other Chambers across the province. “The only certain way to prevent
had co-sponsored the resolution with the Kelowna Chamber this highly invasive species from devastating our fresh waters is to have a rock solid inspection program at the point of entry into the province,” says Dan Rogers, GVCC general manager. “We think this is a small investment to prevent a devastating impact on our pristine lakes and ultimately on our economy.” Policies that are adopted become part of the BC Chamber’s advocacy agenda. This year, delegates voted on nearly 50 proposed policies. GVCC was represented by Jaron Chasca, president along with Tracy Cobb Reeves, vice-president. The 2016 AGM & Conference is scheduled for Kelowna. In other news, GVCC is going to be busy over the next few months as a number of major events are scheduled. The Annual Local Government Leadership Breakfast was held in early June and featured City of Vernon Mayor Akbal Mund making his first major public address since being elected Mayor last November. As a newcomer to politics he advised the audience of Council’s four year strategic plan. Next up is the Honourable MP Ralph Goodale who will be in Vernon later this month to talk about implementing the conditions for economic growth. The event is part of the Chamber’s Speaker Series which will also see MP Blake Richards come to the North Okanagan in July. He is the Chair of the Parliamentary Tourism Caucus and will participate in a roundtable discussion on the challenges and opportunities in strengthening the tourism sector of Canada’s economy. Tickets for both events can be purchased through the Chamber office and are available for both members and non-members. Finally a big welcome to Greater Vernon Chamber’s newest members Peace Builder Mediation Services, Axis Intervention Services Ltd., Apple Auto Glass, Aly Pain Professional Coaching Services, Rollin’ Spring Rolls and Full Lotus Recreational Decks Ltd. Dan Rogers is the General Manager at the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce and can be reached at manager@vernonchamber.ca
JULY 2015
MORE OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEMBERS We take great pride advocating on our members’ behalf whether it’s to Mayor and Council, provincial ministries or as a member of the Canadian
Chamber of Commerce
ETO June 2015 – Greater Westside Board of Trade Kudos to our neighbouring Chamber ‘across the bridge’, the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce, for receiving the prestigious honour of “Chamber of the Year” award recently presented at the 2015 BC Chamber of Commerce Conference and AGM in Prince George at the end of May. And, speaking of kudos, the end of an era has arrived with the retirement announcement of John Winter, President & CEO, BC Chamber of Commerce. John is a true leader who has inspired, motivated and encouraged BC Chamberfolk for 17 years. On behalf of the GWBOT Board of Directors and staff, we wish John the very best during his retirement. •••
Left to right: Chris Cruz, Director - Greater Westside Board of Trade, Jeanne Kaminski with husband Torsten Kaminsky behind her, Lyndon Dyas & Spencer Brown - Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan On June 11 we held the annual Member Appreciation BBQ at Volcanic Hills Estate Winery with Blu Saffron Bistro serving amazing appetizers, sliders and BBQ ribs. It was, by far, our best attended Business After Hours of the year with more than 120 members and guests in attendance. Chair Norm LeCavalier explains, “Our goal is to offer members as many opportunities as we can, to connect them with other local people so their business can grow, prosper and be sustainable. We take great pride advocating on our members’ behalf whether it’s to Mayor and Council, provincial
ministries or as a member of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. We encourage members to come to us with their issues so we can work together to come up with a solution or a strategy that works for them.” Guests in attendance stepped up to the challenge – the $150 Donutopia Challenge! The Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan, administered locally by TD Benefits, sponsored the amazing $150 donut that was created by Dolicious Donuts and made literally with gold flakes, edible diamonds and other delectables. Tickets were sold with 100 per cent of the proceeds going
towards building a soup kitchen in West Kelowna (#feedtheneed). In total $300 was raised with many thanks to all those participating. ••• It’s Nomination Time! The 2015 Key Business Awards nomination forms are available on the website. There are 10 different categories - All Greater Westside businesses are eligible –Board of Trade members and non-members alike! This is your opportunity to nominate an admirable business –including your own. Nomination deadline September 18th, 2015. The Key Business Awards recognize
businesses, organizations and individuals located on the Greater Westside who have achieved excellence in the community through their own abilities, efforts and initiatives. The Key Business Awards will be presented October 15 at Two Eagles Golf Course. ••• We are pleased to welcome the following new members: Aesthetique Francaise, Agape Co. Homes and Renovations, Arbour Bell Home Improvement Renovation & Repair, Beaumont Family Estate Winery, Ginza Sushi, Raynor Massage School Canada Inc. Training & Treatment Centre, Rollingdale Winery Teehouse Bed & Breakfast, Thai Fusion Restaurant. Karen Beaubier is the Executive Director for the Westside Board of Trade. She can be reached at 250-768-3378 or admin@ gwboardoftrade.com
Melissa, graduate of TRU’s Industrial Electrical Instrumentation Mechanic program
Millwright Foundation and Apprenticeship | Levels 1–4 Instrumentation Mechanic Foundation and Apprenticeship | Levels 1–4 Partsperson Foundation and Apprenticeship | Levels 1–3 Online Instrumentation Engineering Diploma Program Construction Project Management | Online
New Trades Training Opportunities at TRU
AMLOOPS – Answering t h e d e m a n d f ro m i ndustry and the growing economy, T hompson R ivers University (TRU) in Kamloops has added new programs to its trades curriculum. T he Millwright (Industrial Mecha n ic) Fou ndation P rogram begins this August and is offered at the new NorKam Trades and Technology Center, in a partnership between the TRU School of Trades and Technology and School District 73. The founding instructor, Carl Burton has 17 years of teaching this trade and is well known for being a leading expert. “There is an increased demand for millwrights,” said Heather Hamilton, manager of industry and contract training. “This prog ra m is open to the h igh school students and the general public. “We’re trying to attract youth into trades.” She added that TRU will also be offering apprenticeship levels one through four beginning in 2016. Dean for the School of Trades a nd Technology Dr. Lindsay Langill, said “This is one of the government’s priority trades,
“TRU offers trades programs at a fullfledged university and that’s exceptional in itself.” HEATHER HAMILTON MANAGER OF INDUSTRY AND CONTRACT TRAINING, THOMPSON RIVERS UNIVERSITY
and a trade that will see demand as la rge prov i ncia l projects ramp up.” TRU is also delivering the new Instrumentation Mechanic Foundation program at the Kamloops campus and will also be offering apprenticeship levels one through four. As with the millwright program, there is strong demand for this Red Seal trade, Hamilton said. “People are retiring and there is a need for the next generation to fill these jobs. Talking to the mines and the mills, they’re seeing an exodus of older trades people.” The final new program is Construction Project Management offered online. This program w i l l a l low students to w rite the PMI certificate exam at the completion of this program. “TRU is an excellent choice for students interested in the new offerings,” Hamilton said. “TRU offers trades programs at a full-fledged university and that’s exceptional in itself. The opportunity this affords our students is unique and different than anything they will find elsewhere. TRU’s touchstone is to meet the demands of industry while keeping the needs of the student in mind. T hompson R ivers Un iversity is at 900 McGill Road in Kamloops. www.tru.ca
JULY 2015
Lighting provider celebrates milestone anniversary
ENTICTON – Chapter 1 of Chester Rempel’s silver linings playbook reads: embrace opportunity. That’s exactly what the owner of leading Okanagan lighting supplier, The Light Choice, did when a back injury forced him into an early retirement from h is ca reer as a refrigeration mechanic. “My wife and I knew that I had to make a career change, and decided to take a chance and start our own business,” he says. “We were building a home i n tow n, a nd we were able to find everything to outfit it, except lighting. “We were able to take advantage of suppor t f rom WorkSafeBC that came as a result of my injury, and bought into a company that eventually became The Light Choice.” His business specializes in lighting layouts for new constr uction, renovations, a nd energy efficiency retrofitting, serving customers throughout the province. “Because of the level of serv ice we prov ide, cl ients a re willing to use us in their projects all over BC,” says Rempel. “We’ve done work i n Pri nce George, Vancouver Island, the Kootenays, and the Okanagan Valley. “Our product is line very diverse, wh ich mea ns that we get called to consult and offer solutions to a w ide ra nge of projects. The focus is on delivering the unique combination of the right quality and quantity of light necessary to enhance that specific project.” Some of these solutions include an extensive landscaping project in Carrs Landing, residential projects in Christina La ke, custom homes on Va ncouver I sl a nd a nd L a ke Ok a n a ga n, a nd a va r iety of
Chester Rempel, Owner of The Light Choice m u l t i-u n i t d e v e l o p m e n t s across the Valley. In Penticton alone they count Regency’s Southwood Retirement Resort, Star-Line Enterprise condom i n iu m towers, Brentview Estates, and numerous projects for RMF Construction Services in their portfolio. Outside of new construction, LED retrofitting represents a big pa rt of busi ness for T he Light Choice. “It’s a game-changer,” says Rempel. “LED has been huge for us lately, they’ve become a no-brainer for anyone who pays for electricity. Users save as much as 90% on power consumption, and when I’m showi n g c u s tom ers t he pay ba c k timeline the value proposition is very clear. “T he on ly ch a l lenge r ig ht now is that the ma rket is flooded with a lot of products w it h poor qu a l ity. We work around that with our customers by only providing fixtures and bulbs that are Energy Star or Desig n Light Consor tiu m certified, ensuring that we’re on ly del iver i ng t he h ig hest standard.” Recently, T he Light Choice completed a major LED conversion project for the Osoyoos Railroad Company, and a number of multi-unit residential developments. T he company is also an energ y ef f iciency advocate, t hey host reg u l a r ‘desig ner
An example of The Light Choice products in an open-concept kitchen, dining room setting
A view inside The Light Choice showroom
The outside of The Light Choice showroom nights’ that educate interior designers and developers on the benefits of LED products. In addition, they handle Fortis BC PowerSense rebates on location, incentivizing those who aren’t interested in doing extra paperwork to make the sw itch from ha logen products. T h is yea r m a rks t he 2 1st A n n i v e r s a r y f o r R e m p e l ’s business, which has seen its success come from strong relationships with his customers. “When I first started out we had a small, 350 square-foot unit in the Cannery Trade Centre,” he says. “I built the business on cold calls, going job site to job site. My goal was to be as transparent and honest as possible, and that’s really paid off. “You can buy your lights from anywhere, but I’ve invested a lot of time into client relationsh ips, my customers a re my friends. When they’re building a new project, they know from experience that my prices are fair, and that whenever they
need me, I’m there.” His personalized service offer i ng ca n even go a s fa r a s having clients come into his home to see various products in use. T he focus on relationsh ips isn’t just limited to customers. “ S o m e t h i n g t h a t’s r e a l l y helped me out of a number of
challenging situations is my relationships with my suppliers,” says Rempel. “I’ve i nvested in them, and when I’m working with a difficult time frame, or something has gone w rong on a project, t hey’re there for me, and go the extra mile.” T he company also owes its a ch ievement s to T he L i g ht Choice staff. “We have a very knowledgea b l e t e a m h e r e ,” h e s a y s . “They’ve grown and developed with the company.” Rempel is a strong believer in giving back to the business community and his industry. He’s a 20-year member of the Canadian Home Builders Asso ciat ion Sout h Ok a n aga n , and has served a term as Vice President. The company is also i nvolved w ith the Penticton & Wine Country Chamber of Commerce, and both the commercial and residential departments of Fortis BC. www.thelightchoice.ca
Happy 21st ANNIVERSARY Wishing you continued success!!
Lighting Solutions that Save.
JULY 2015
atch for Destination Showcase Caravan Bringing the Thompson Oka naga n to Va ncouver from September 17-20, 2015. As a n nou nced th rough the TOTA Road Shows held in May and June throughout the region, TOTA is breaking traditional marketing channels to showcase the Thompson Okanagan in our key markets. Ca rava n w i l l “Bri ng the Thompson Okanagan to Vancouver” to a prominent central downtown location. T h e event f u s e s e l e m e nt s of a festiva l, tradeshow a nd ma rketplace, showcasi ng the wide range of remarkable
tourism experiences available in the T hompson Okanagan. Featuring an Experiential Pavilion Harvest Bistro serving Thompson Okanagan wine and culinary masterpieces, Main Stage programming illustrating the best talent of the region, a weekend Market where attendees can purchase regional crafts, art, or products and a point of sale area where consumers can research and purchase special event - priced packages. T he event i s a cu rat ion of T hompson Okanagan essentials designed to entice your sen se s a nd br i n g ou r tou ri sm products a nd of fer i ngs to the public in a compelling and unique way. Caravan will ignite four-season consumer interest in the 6 regions of the Thompson Okanagan. In order to achieve the objectives of the 10-year regional tourism strategy, “Embracing Our Potential” it is necessary to break with tradition on current marketing strategies, dramatically elevate the tourism products available and broaden the mindset of the consumer away from their long standing vision of the Thompson Okanagan Region as simply summer sun and fun. ••• We a re excited to be pa r tnering with brand.LI V E
Ma nagement Group who a re widely regarded as one of North America’s leading event production and creative agencies with an unrivaled portfolio of extraordinary events including the Honda Celebration of Light, the Squamish Valley Music Festival, and Canada Day at Canada Place. Fo r m o r e i n fo r m a t i o n o n stakeholder participation or sponsorsh ip oppor tu n it ies, plea se contact m a rket i ng@ totabc.com. ••• Save the dates! TOTA Golf Tournament, in partnership with the BC Hospitality Foundation, Aug 26, 2015 Talking Rock Golf Course TOTA AGM & Summit, Oct 2829, 2015 Manteo Resort. Glenn Mandziuk is President & Chief Executive Officer of Thompson Okanagan Tourism Region. He can be reached at 250-860-5999 ext 0 or by email ceo@totabc.com.
Joanne Iormetti
Senior Marketing Advisor
PUT YOUR COMPANY IN THE SPOTLIGHT In the life of every business, certain events always stand out: • A grand opening • A brand new building • Completing a major project • Landing a major contract • Celebrating a milestone anniversary Spotlights are your opportunity to spread the word about your firm to the entire region of the ThompsonOkanagan. Contact me today to have your business featured in our publication.
To market your firm in the Business Examiner contact Joanne Iormetti at 1-866-758-2684, ext. 122 or joanne@businessto.ca
CRASH A CLASS THIS SUMMER Sandler Training offers strategic planning
ELOWNA – Sandler Training is best known for its focus on developing sales-driven organizations – and rightly so. But the organization lends its knowledge and expertise in far more areas, particularly in the field of strategic planning and tactical execution. In the last six months, company president John Glennon, has been comprehensively involved in delivering custom in-house training to various companies in the Thompson Okanagan. Much of this training focuses on strategy and tactics. “We tailor the programs to the company’s needs,” Glennon said. “Where are we going and how are we getting there?” He stressed that Sandler Training is flexible with a top priority of answering a client’s needs. Glennon regularly travels as far north as Kamloops and south to Penticton to deliver his customized in-house programs. Recently, a change in the energy sector, particularly in the oil fields, has meant changes for many local businesses. Sandler Training is adept at assisting businesses to adapt and move into other areas. “We’ve been helping a lot of businesses with strategically planning out territorial expansion and helping
“We tailor the programs to the company’s needs. Where are we going and how are we getting there?” JOHN GLENNON OWNER, SANDLER TRAINING
them scale their sales team,” Glennon said. “And the drop in the Canadian dollar has actually helped exports.” Because Sandler Training focuses on strategic planning as well as sales, Glennon can help owners understand how and where to expand. “Why would you expand into a territory if you haven’t determined the strategic plan and how to scale it?” In addition, Glennon has also been assisting in the hiring of sales people to help expand those new markets. For those who want a clearer idea of what Sandler training can do for their business, Glennon is offering a no-cost, “crash a class” experience over the summer. Those who are curious can simply drop in – all they need to do is RSVP that they are coming. “Check out if our philosophy is aligned with the vision of your own company,” Glennon said. (What do you have to lose? Come check us out.” To RSVP and for more information: www.glennon.sandler.com
As Owner, General Manager or Sales Leader… • Are you frustrated over missing sales forecasts? • Are you or your team not comfortable prospecting for new business? • Are you concerned because your sales strategy is not working? At Sandler Training® learn honest, no-nonsense sales and sales management strategies that will give you the tools, insight, and confidence you need to generate the business results you want.
JULY 2015
AUTOMOTIVE ENERGY EFFICIENCY Fueling Clean Flames of Competition Automakers unseal patents to stimulate competition and speed up infrastructure for energy efficient vehicles BETH HENDRY-YIM
hese days it’s hard to find an automaker that doesn’t offer an energy efficient vehicle as part of its line-up. Every year billions of dollars are invested in the pursuit of better fuel economy and a smaller carbon footprint. With BC posting some of the highest gas prices in the country, consumers are looking for the best options that pull double duty, saving on their fuel bill and caring for the environment. Toyota hit the market first with the Prius more than 15 years ago and started a revolution in hybrid technology. But the revolution is far from over. Automakers are following the dotted lines leading to a rapidly increasing market, with estimates by Navigant Research showing a compound annual growth rate of 23.7 per cent. In fact, the auto industry is fueling the flames of competition and speeding up construction of vital infrastructure by sharing technology and patents. Roy Lancaster, general manager of Prince George Toyota said that Toyota led the pack when it sold its hybrid patents to Ford. Then in June of 2014, Tesla CEO, Elon Musk said, on the motor company’s blog, that it promised that it would not “initiate patent lawsuits against anyone who, in good faith, wants to use our technology.” And recently, Ford added its push for product advancement, announcing it would be opening up its portfolio of EV technology patents. It’s an important move for electric vehicles and the industry. Kevin Layden, director of the Ford Electrification Program, said, “…by sharing our research with other companies, we will accelerate the growth of the electrified vehicle technology and deliver even better products to customers.” Good news for consumers and the environment. Today electric vehicles include battery electric vehicles (BEVs) that run only on a battery and an electric drive train and plug into an external source to recharge. There are also plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) that can use both a plug-in source to recharge and/or internal combustion should the
“We have a nocompromise philosophy and are 100 per cent focused on producing electric vehicles.” ALEXIS GEORGESON COMMUNICATIONS, TESLA MOTORS
Tesla has supercharging stations from Vancouver to Calgary battery run low. Currently, hybrid technology can be found in a range of models from compact two-seaters to the popular sport utility, and fully electric vehicles can be found from compact to sedan. But as fuel costs continue to rise and technology improves, the roads could be seeing more variety in models and sizes of electric vehicle. Tesla spokesperson Alexis Georgeson said that a strong market demand in BC could see a fully electric sport utility model as early as 2016. “Last year saw an important step in our technology with the release of an all-wheel-drive Model S,” she said, adding that the high performance sedan won the number one spot on Consumer Report’s list of Top Ten Cars for 2015. “We have a no-compromise philosophy and are 100 per cent focused on producing electric vehicles,” she said. Though the popularity of EV’s is growing, there are still consumer drawbacks. The biggest is the distance travelled on a single charge. After all, British Columbians like to drive, and not just around town. Tesla’s Model S rear wheel drive, with an 85 kWh battery, has a range of 425 km; other EV’s have up to 200 km. Both the latter can take up to six hours to recharge at a regular charging station. To address the range issue, Tesla has begun installing supercharging stations throughout BC, allowing Tesla drivers to charge their car in 20 minutes. “Stations strategically placed along the TransCanada Highway allow the driver to seamlessly get back on the road after taking a quick pit stop and recharge,” Georgeson said. She added that
station locations in BC currently take drivers to Calgary, and future plans for extending the supercharger’s reach are in the works. For cars like the Nissan Leaf, Mitsubishi iMiev, Mercedes Smart for Two, Chevrolet Volt and Ford Focus Electric, the commute to and from work sees the most returns, providing a no-cost traveling experience and easier access to charging stations. Ken Kirubi, sales manager for Kelowna Infiniti Nissan, said, “With the Leaf you get a lot of bang for your buck, and a luxury ride for the commute to and from work.”
He added that, currently, the electric model serves a niche market to individuals who want more than fuel savings; they want to be part of the solution to climate protection. He also said that BC still has a learning curve when it comes to energy efficient vehicles. “We’ve been using gas to power our vehicles for decades; it will take time to learn a new system.” Lancaster said that sales of EV’s revolve around gas prices. “When gas prices are high, sales of hybrids goes up, when gas prices are low, SEE FUELING CLEAN | PAGE 10
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JULY 2015
sales go down.” David James Gray, sales consultant for Steve Marshall Ford Nanaimo, who converted his own car to solar powered electric, believes the day is coming when all vehicles on the road will be either electric or fuel-cell powered. “For Canadian drivers a viable option for long range driving and city driving is a car that can run on electric but has gas for a backup,” he said, adding that with hybrids, gas is used if there is more power drawn, as in acceleration or traveling up a grade. “During acceleration the gas is powering the vehicle, but once you reach speed, you can switch to electric by taking your foot off the gas pedal and then putting it back on. At that point the electric motor kicks in.” Blair Qualey, president and CEO of the New Car Dealers Association (NCDA), said the hydrogen fuel-cell electric vehicle is also a contender for future energy efficient automobiles. At the 2015 Vancouver International Autoshow, Hyundai unveiled its latest energy efficient vehicle, the CUV fuel-cell electric Tucson, and other automakers like Honda, Toyota and GM promise to introduce their own version in the next couple of years. But the key still remains that BC needs infrastructure, recharging stations and fuel centers.
NCDA of BC is making it easy for consumers to cash in on incentives for purchasing a clean energy efficient vehicle said Blair Qualey “There is only one hydrogen fueling station in the lower mainland,” said Qualey. That limits the viability of purchasing a car with planetsaving technology. You can’t fill up with hydrogen at a corner gas station, at least not yet. According to Ministry of Energy and Mines spokesperson, David Haslam, there are currently, 550 publically-available Level 2 charging stations across BC and 13 DC fast charging stations along strategic corridors. “Investments in infrastructure will be based on the results of a charging infrastructure gap analysis, currently underway. It will identify critical gaps and where provincial investments can have the most impact,” he said, adding that details of the charging
Ken Kirubi, Sales Manager at Kelowna Infiniti Nissan
The Nissan Leaf provides a luxury ride on the commute to and rom work
infrastructure program will be available by the fall of 2015. Though NCDA of BC acts as an advocacy group for new car dealerships, providing training, publications and liaison services between the government and media, it is also partnered with the Ministry of Energy and Mines to administer the Clean Energy Vehicle Program for BC (CEVP). Initially running from 2011 to the spring of 2014, the program has recently been renewed when on March 23, 2015, Minister of Energy and Mines, Bill Bennet announced that it would once again subsidize Canadians purchase of an electric, hybrid or fuel cell vehicle. “We wanted to make the process as uncomplicated for the consumer as possible,” said Qualey. In the program, BC residents, businesses, non-profit organizations and local
government organizations (including municipal and regional governments and First Nations, but excluding provincial, crown, and federal government agencies), who purchase or lease qualifying new vehicles, will be eligible for up to $5,000 off qualifying electric, fuel-cell electric, and plugin hybrid electric vehicles and up to $6,000 for a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle. “The car dealership takes the incentive value off the negotiated price, before taxes, and then it applies to the CEVP of BC for reimbursement,” he said. The CEV program will run until March 31, 2018 or until the more than $5 million in the program is exhausted, whichever comes first. The long-term goal is for five per cent of new light duty vehicle purchases in BC to use clean energy by
2020. That means lower spending on imported transportation fuels and more use of locally produced electricity and hydrogen. According to Green Car Reports, the number of electric and hybrid cars on Canadian roads is growing. In January 2015 EV’s hit a landmark number with a total of 10,000 vehicles sold. And the total of all models and types of plug in hybrids sold in Canada in 2014 was 10,175. In BC, there are currently, 1700 CEV’s on the road. With added cash savings inc ent ive s, B C m ay se e more EV’s plugging into clean, cheap power. And that spells greater diversity for the province’s auto industry, a new direction for getting ahead in the race for fuel efficiency and auto sales and new opportunities for a skilled and specialized work force.
ERNON – As the Bannister Automotive Group celebrates 25 years in business, its success can be distilled into one word, family. They’re a second-generation company comprised of 8 General Motors and Honda dealerships throughout BC and Alberta, and they leverage that size to provide a unique customer service experience. “No matter what location you purchased your vehicle at, you’re looked after like you’re a part of the family, says Chad Bannister, Managing Partner. “Our stores have strong relationships with one another, and our customers get treated the same at each dealership. “We’re a family business built on family values, and the way we treat our buyers reflects that.” Those values are a key component of the company’s corporate culture, including its growth strategy. In the past few years they’ve purchased 4 new dealerships, and are in the process of looking to grow even more. “The acquisitions we’ve made so far are a result of strong relationships that have been developed with the former dealers,” says Bannister. “When we start looking at purchasing a new dealership, one of the main concerns the owner has is how their staff are going to be treated when they’re gone.
“Our corporate culture is focused on treating company stakeholders like family, they’re comfortable selling to us because of how we treat our staff and customers. We have a really good reputation in the communities we operate, we do what we say we’re going to do.” Chad is a Chartered Accountant by trade, and handles the company’s strategic direction and dayto-day operations with his brother Mark, while their sister Mary-Jo is involved in running their Vernon location and manages various administrative components within the business. The company’s origins go back to 1979 in Barrhead, Alberta, where Chad’s father Lyn opened his first dealership, Lyn Bannister Pontiac Buick. Lyn and his wife Joanne sold that location in 1990, and opened Bannister GM in Vernon. Since then they’ve grown at an increasingly rapid rate. In 1996 they purchased Salmon Arm GM, Edson, Alberta-based Bannister GM in 2001, and Champion Chevrolet in Trail in 2004. Then in 2012 they acquired three new dealerships: Browns Chevrolet in Dawson Creek, Penticton-based Huber Bannister Chevrolet, and Vernon-based Bannister Honda. In 2013 they added Bannister GMC Cadillac in Kelowna. www.bannisterautomotivegroup. com
JULY 2015
PLAN AHEAD FOR NEW OPPORTUNITIES Learn about the six components of governance and how to make them work for your organization
am loops Chamber of Commerce T he su m mer doesn’t mean business comes to a stop. In fact what a great time to be thinking ahead to the fall and planning for great new opportunities! These two chamber events will have you making new connections and thinking long and hard about current committees and boards you are on. Are they as efficient as they could be? Do you find you meet way too often and rarely accomplish anything?
••• Chamber Social - hosted by Kamloops Innovation Wednesday, July 08, 2015 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Join us at Kamloops Innovation and meet the innovators and technology entrepreneurs that are creating a vibrant startup community in our region. Come and get excited by what’s
on the horizon for Kamloops. The event is free for members and $10.00 for Future Members (attend up to 3 times). Registration is not required for socials which are the first Wednesday of every month (unless a holiday lands on the first Wednesday). ••• Take your board to a whole new level! Chamber Workshop - Board Governance Thursday, July 09, 2015 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM T h is workshop is desig ned to inform, educate and assist both volunteer board members a nd sta f f about gover na nce best practices and the effective operation of a board. Learn about the six components of governa nce a nd how to ma ke them work for you r organization. This highly interactive session is designed to assist you with the answer to some of your challenges and frequently asked questions. Facilitated by Deb McClelland ••• Kamloops: A great place to do business!
MCM Real Estate is leading the i ndustry i n Com mercia l Sales & Leasing in Kamloops. I f you r compa ny i s lo ok i n g to expand or relocate into the Thompson Okanagan the staff at MCM can help you find inn o v a t i v e s ol u t i o n s to yo u r needs. When looking for a new locat ion you need a professional who knows the current ma rket va lues a nd trends to help negotiate the best possible terms for you. We offer a w ide ra nge of serv ices i ncluding Commercial Property Management, Consulting for developers, the sale of Businesses & Investment Real Estate. Please visit our website w w w.m c m re al e stat e .c a for more information on our services or call 250-372-2277 to speak with an experienced staff member. We are always happy to answer any questions you may have. Deb McClelland is the executive director of the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached by email at deb@kamloopschamber.ca
SINGLE SOURCING DRIVES GRMINC FORWARD Local Company services big corporate clients across Western Canada
EST K E L OW NA – GR MINC is a heav y hitter in the building envelope and exterior maintenance sector. The company provides facility a nd m a i nten a nce ser v ices to high-profile corporate cl ients th roug hout Western Canada, across 3,400 job sites. “If the outside of your buildi ng need s m a i nten a nce, we have a solution,” says GRM’s Vice President of Business Development, Josh Bergsteinsson. “We’re a si ng le sou rce provider for our clients, meaning that they don’t have to deal with multiple vendors to make sure their project’s aesthetics are maintained. “We’ve really drilled down on becom ing more complete as a company. We responded to a need in the market a number of years ago, where these major national brands started looking to reduce the number of vendors they were dealing with, and work with one company to manage their sites.” That focus has lead GRMINC to f u rther ex pa nd thei r serv ice of fer i ngs. T hey’ve recently acquired Lloyd & Gale, n ow GR M S ea la nts & Coatings to en h a nce t hei r bu siness. The new company deals
Josh Bergsteinsson, Global Roadway Management’s Vice President of Business Development w ith specia lty construction applications such as, parkade coatings, joint sealants, waterproofing coatings, caulking and fire-stopping. “T his was another piece of t he busi ness model for us,” says Bergsteinsson. “It’s given u s t h e a b i l i t y to o f fe r 3 6 0 deg ree c a re for ou r cl ient’s properties’. Not only can we maintain, but we’re now also a bl e to re s to re b u i l d i n g s.” Working with their preferred client base such as PCL, Clark Builders, Graham Construction, Greyback a nd Stuart Olson, GR MINC plans to extend market share throughout Western Canada.
In add ition, GR M I NC provides concrete & asphalt repa i r, g rou nds ma i ntena nce, s now remova l , ic e c ont rol , parking lot maintenance, line p a i nt i n g, d u s t c o nt rol a n d graffiti removal services. GRMINC has humble beginnings as a snow removal company, and its small business core values have enabled them to build the business to where it is today. “Our owner, Garth Dietrick, is very passionate about worki n g w it h lo c a l compa n ies,” says Bergstei nsson. “T hat’s how we’ve been successf u l, we take on these large scale, multi-provincial contracts and assume the risk of searching out local vendors to provide maintenance services. “The industry is shifting towards this model, and the local vendors are happy because we’re keeping them involved in the process. We know the companies that we want to work with, we really focus on developing long-term partnerships with businesses that want to grow with us, and the results have been very positive.” The company covers BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, the Northwest Territories a nd Yu kon. T hei r cl ient l ist includes major corporations like SNC Lavalin, Jones Lang LaSalle, Brookfield Global Integrated Services, Home Depot, Walmart Canada, Loblaws and government/municipal institutions such as City of Kelowna, Shared Services BC, UBCO,
Kelow n a G enera l Ho spita l, School District No. 23, Authority and Westbank First Nation. GRM has recently purchased a new bu i ld i ng i n West Kelow n a, a 3-acre site at 17 18 Byla nd Road. T hey have expanded further East by openi ng offices i n Pri nce George and Fort McMurray, with further expansion plans to open in Regina and Winnipeg. www.grminc.ca
Each submission will be judged by a team of independent judges on the categories noted below, using the following criteria: • Does it complement t he su rrou nd i ng properties a nd area? • Is it esthetically pleasing? • Are there unique architectural features? • W hat is the level of fi ni sh (choice i n con st r uct ion materials)? • Does it answer a specific development need within the community? • Does it contribute t o a h e a l t h y, s u s t a i n a b l e community? • D o e s i t h a v e a n y e nv i ron menta l ly f r iend ly or g reen elements for possible consideration? The categories for this year’s awards are: • Mi xed use (commercial / residential) • Community Institutional i ncludes Chu rch / Scho ol s/ Government Facilities • Retail/Shopping Centres • Office • Community Recreational • Senior’s Housing • Industrial • M u l t i Fa m i l y / S i n g l e Family • Hospitality-Hotels/Motels • Recreational/Resort • Commercial renovation/ Restoration • Green For further information about the event or sponsorship, cont a c t B i l l Ever it t at SIC A at weeveritt@sica.bc.ca or Mark MacDonald at Business Examiner Thompson Okanagan at mark@businessexaminer.ca Nomination forms can be obtained by visiting www.sica.bc.ca or www.businessexaminer.ca
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JULY 2015
Latest eye-catching project won Home of The Year Grand Tommie Award
ELOWNA — All Elements Design.Manage.Build has been creating a big splash in the Okanagan – and in BC. Recently it won the coveted Home of The Year Grand Tommie award at the 2014 Canadian Home Builders Association awards presentation. It also picked up four silver awards in various categories for the same project: Sin˜Ceras. At the same time, All Elements also won three silver Tommies for another Kelowna project, Olympus. As a final feather in the company’s awards cap, Sin˜Ceras also won two provincial Georgie awards including Excellence in Best Single Family Kitchen under $100,000 and Excellence in Custom Home valued over $3 million. “That last award meant more to us than we ever expected,” said company director Kim Larson. “Winning Home of the Year in the Okanagan was amazing. It was something that my co-founder, Stephan had wished for from the day we first saw the plans for this house. But winning at the Georgies where we are competing against homes in all of British Columbia,
Congratulations All Elements your award winning projects
Kelowna BC 250.317.0600
mainly in Vancouver and West Vancouver where budgets are often unlimited, that means a lot. It was very gratifying.” What makes Sin˜Ceras so special? “It’s the jaw-dropping architecture,” Larson said. “It’s a statement piece on the hillside of Kelowna. It’s monochromatic back-drop allows the architectural elements to stand out on the hill viewed from any direction. It has also been masterfully designed by Carl Scholl.” She added that the company has worked frequently with Scholl over the years. In fact, Larson worked with Scholl before she and Stephan Ams founded All Elements in 2009. Indeed, She and Ams met while working on a Scholl project. “We’ve always had a really good relationship with Carl,” Larson said. “He appreciates that we take his designs and work with him through the process so that his overall concept is achieved.” She added that the admiration is entirely mutual. Scholl designed the concept for Sin˜Ceras and recommended that the homeowners meet with Larson and Ams. They saw eye-to-eye on the concept and began work on the project that comprises a 12,000 sq. ft. main house, separate guest house, seven-car garage and two pools. Larson noted that they formed a close and excellent relationship with the owners that extended even beyond the completion of the project. “We are still close,” Larson said. “It’s a relationship that I think we’ll have for life. The process is so personal – you go through everything together. To be able to take them to the awards after it was completed was so special. It was an honour for all four of us. We set out on this journey together and for the house to be acknowledged meant a lot to all of us.” With the expert help of structural engineer Randy Wiebe of Wiebe Engneeering, site and structural challenges were overcome. Together, Wiebe, Larson and Ams pored over models along with the homeowners to make sure that the house would be not only beautiful but also structurally sound. The plans also changed along the
Olympus is one of All Elements’ award-wining projects CREDIT:COLIN JEWALL
way. Larson said that one of her favourite features is the two-storey master suite, which was originally only on one floor. But an outdoor courtyard was co-opted to create access to the lower level of the suite and houses an indoor gym and spa. The kitchen and great room are other striking features as is the three-sided infinity pool that appears to completely blend into the lake below the house. Larson noted that although the house is spectacular, partly because of its size, All Elements also builds smaller and equally special homes. The award-winning Olympus is one of Larson’s favourite homes. At under 2,500 sq. ft., it proves that luxury living is accessible. “We can still build beautiful custom homes that are smaller,” she said. “It was built for under $500,000 and it has the most luxury custom finishes that you can imagine. We designed the home in-house and it turned out beautifully.” Larson has come to her love of fine home building with years of experience. She studied architectural technology in California and worked in California, Australia
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Kim Larson says that All Elements can custom design and build smaller homes like the award-winning Olympus CREDIT:COLIN JEWALL
and Vancouver before moving back home to the Okanagan where she worked as a construction project manager before meeting Stephan Ams, a journeyman by trade, on a Scholl designed site. “Stephan and I discovered that we worked really well together,” she said. “We brought together our expertise in a perfect balance of what he knew and I knew – it was a dream working relationship right from the start.” A year after meeting, All Elements was born. It
was a great decision, Larson said. “We are sought out for this caliber of project – and that is exactly what we set out to do. We want to keep our company small and do a minimal amount of projects each year so that Stephan and I and our crews can be working on our projects and not subbing out framing and foundations. All the communication with our clients is one-on-one with myself or with Stephan. We want to ensure the highest quality so rather than
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JULY 2015
Kim Larson and Stephan Ams recently won Tommie awards as well as a prized Georgie for Sin˜Ceras Sin ˜Ceras won the Home of the Year Grand Tommie in 2014 CREDIT:COLIN JEWALL
“We are sought out for this caliber of project – and that is exactly what we set out to do.” KIM LARSON DIRECTOR, ALL ELEMENTS DESIGN.MANAGE.BUILD
Sin˜Ceras recently won a major provincial Georgie award CREDIT:COLIN JEWALL
Sin˜Ceras features a three-sided infinity pool CREDIT:COLIN JEWALL
subbing out foundations and framing, our crews with our lead, physically build each home in-house.” She added that All Elements is meticulous in paying attention to detail. Because All Elements is a design/build company, it can
design, manage and build the home. Everything takes place under one roof – from architectural design to building to project management. It streamlines the process, Larson said, and it puts all the responsibility in one place.
“We’ve had great feedback from people,” she said. “We end up building a lot of homes for clients who live out of town because we have simplified the process.” She added that she and Ams both care about the people they work with and about every project they take on. “We treat every home as though it were our own until the day we hand over the keys. We spend a lot of time in each home. A lot of people say this should just be a business, but we definitely make it a lot more personal.” It’s not surprising to hear that All elements has been asked to build homes on a bigger scale, as in dozens of homes a year, but that’s not the direction they want to head in, Larson said. “We have respectfully declined so that we can continue to build these landmark homes in the Okanagan,” she said, adding that they have also been approached to design and build custom homes in Vancouver. That is a possibility, she said, but the company still
Sin ˜Ceras offers outstanding lake views CREDIT:COLIN JEWALL
must remain small enough that she and Ams can be hands-on with every project. All Elements is also involved in the community, in designing and reviewing new subdivision plans throughout the Okanagan. The company likes to give back where it can, so it offers an apprenticeship program. “We want to teach the young people from day one and hopefully set them on the path of a career in the construction industry. We’re short on trades and talented young people. We want them to stay in the Okanagan and we do that by creating rewarding jobs here.” All Elements Design.Manage. Build is in Kelowna. www.allelements.ca
Kelowna: 250-862-9063 Penticton: 778-476-7699 Vernon: 778-475-7699
JULY 2015
Modeling software prevents building design problems
will create a cacophony of musical compositions that
ER NON – AcuTruss simplifies the complex construction process by providing innovative 3D modeling software solutions for its clients. “We’ve lead the charge in applying modeling software for whole house design use,” says Barry Schick, company General Manager. “Over the past 15 years the complexity of residential construction has increased dramatically. “Builders and developers have had to adapt to the needs of consumers, who are looking for unique aesthetic and structural components for their homes. 3D modeling software is needed to effectively visualize and develop these plans to make sure the projects are going to fit building code requirements.” The company was started by Dave Marcoux in 1971, and delivers high quality engineered and manufactured roof truss, floor support systems and design services to customers throughout Western Canada, United States and Asia. “As our customers have changed over time, so have we,” says Schick. “In today’s market we certainly talk about a whole lot more than just trusses. We’re often involved in multiple levels of design, from foundation and flooring, to the supporting products we built our business on.” The provincial building code and homebuyer demand have not advanced at the same rate, and though not at fault, developers are sometimes challenged to keep up with construction trends, and making sure they fit building legislation. “The original Residential Part 9 of the building code was designed so that you could build a house without an engineer,” says Schick. “That worked great in the 80s, but times have changed. Housing has now stepped past the 15.KelownaBizExaminerAd 15-06-03 building code.
vary according to where the audience walks or how many people are in An example rendering of the 3D modeling services provided by AcuTruss
the room. When the space
to silence.
A front view rendering of an AcuTruss project, produced by their 3D modeling software “Components like sheer walls, high glass windows, suspended slabs, engineered columns, point loads and weight allowances need special approval that aren’t covered in Part 9. The services we provide help to solve these challenges for our clients.” The modeling software acts as a construction ‘safety net’, saving customers from potential headaches and costly mistakes. “We actually end up providing solutions that aren’t apparent when you get the plans the first time. When they’re drawn out everything might look nice, but it doesn’t mean it’s actually going to work when you start building. “It’s very difficult to know this in advance, unless you see everything laid out at once on a screen.” 11:52 AM Page 1 AcuTruss ‘s relationship with
its clients is symbiotic, they work with each other to provide solutions. “We know the technical side of construction, how what they’re trying to accomplish applies to the building code, and they know the practical side,” says Schick. “We’re as much of a design service provider as a product producer. “Often we’re working in conjunction with engineers, architects, mechanical contractors, electrical contractors, home design services, and even a municipality’s building department to make sure everything is in order.” B e t w e e n A c uT r u s s’s fo u r sales and design offices, and two plants, they employ about 80 staff. They have locations in Kelowna, Vernon, West Kelowna and Winfield. www.acutruss.com
Congratulations to the management and team at AcuTruss Industries on all your success!
very special opportunity has been presented to the Salmon Arm Art Centre to host the only North-American sound exhibit of Cardiff and Miller in F# Minor. This unique showing will involve a large table with a collection of bare speakers of all shapes and sizes. As people enter the room, the light sensors inside the speakers will be triggered and cause a variety of sounds and instrumental tracks to fade up and overlap, mingle and then fade down. The people in the room will create a cacophony of musical compositions that vary according to where the audience walks or how many people are in the room. When the space is empty, the table fades to silence. Don’t miss this exceptional opportunity to take in this exhibit, which will be showing between July 4 and August 29. For more information, please visit www.salmonarmartscentre.ca or call (250) 832-1170. ••• Proudly featured in the summer 2015 issue of All You Need Is Cheese magazine as one of their Cheese Heroes is Salmon Arm’s very own, Grass Root Dairies. This article features owners Gary and Kathy Wikkerink promoting their delicious Gouda and family farm. Grass Root Dairies have been operating as a working farm, store-front, and family-favourite tourist destination for many years. With cheese ranging from mild, medium, aged, extra aged Gouda to Maasdammer, Goat Cheese, and
is empty, the table fades
more. Kathy and Gary welcome you and your family to stop in and enjoy their sample tray of delightful gouda bites as well as partake in their self-guided walking tour and instructional video. You can find them at 1470 50 Street S.W. or call (250) 832-4274 for more information. ••• Pierre’s Point Campground is now under new management and managers Lars Tegtmeyer and Barbara Callihoe are poised and ready to make your next family vacation to the Shuswap a relaxing and enjoyable one. Conveniently located 10 minutes from Salmon Arm, Pierre’s Point makes a perfect base to enjoy a lake-front campground and be close to the city and surrounding area’s amenities and attractions. The newly updated campground features 2800 feet of beach, including a dog beach, as well as a boat launch, free wifi, store and concession, minigolf, playground, kayak, canoe, paddleboard rental. With so much on-site, there is something for everyone. For more information, visit www.pierrespointcampground.com or call (250) 832-9523 to book your spot. Corryn Grayston is the General Manager at the Salmon Arm Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at (250) 832-6247 or admin@sachamber.bc.ca
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JULY 2015
I WANT TO FILE MY OWN PATENT APPLICATIONS BIG Steps, BIG Vision a success There are step by step guidelines on both the Canadian Intellectual Property Office website and the United States Patent and Trademark
id you k now t h at a s a resident of Canada and as an inventor, you are able to file your own patent applications in Canada and the US? Assuming that the invention is owned by you and not owned or licensed by a company, you are able to deal directly with both patent offices from beginning to end. There are step by step guidelines on both the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) website and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) website that take you through the requirements and the steps for filing. Filing can be done electronically, or as a paper copy. If you a re fi l i ng a paper copy w ith CIPO, make sure to send it as
Office website that take you through the requirements and the steps for filing
registered mail at the post office, if the filing is time sensitive, as CIPO will use the date of receipt in the post office as the filing date – but only if it is sent by registered mail! Remember, if you are filing an application on your own, there are other steps that you will need to take. For a Canadian application, you will receive a notice that maintenance fees are due by the second anniversary after the filing date. After that, maintenance fees will be due yearly – and no reminders
will be sent! As the fifth anniversary approaches you will receive a reminder that a request for exa m i nation needs to be filed. The fee and the request must be received by the deadline. At some time after that, you will receive an Examiner’s report. For a US ap pl ic at ion , yo u will not be required to pay the maintenance fees for the appl icat ion a nd you w i l l h ave a l ready pa id the sea rch a nd examination fee at the time of filing. At some time, you will receive an Examiner’s report. For b ot h a US appl ic at ion and a Canadian application, the Examiner’s report is the first indication as to whether the application that you filed is going to have any chance of becoming a granted patent. If you really know what you are doing, and you truly have an invention that is novel and is non-obvious, the prospects are good. G oi ng it a lone i s not for the fa i nt of hea rt – but it is possible! Anne Flanagan is the principal at Alliance Patents. She works with a cadre of highly skilled professionals and can help you build the team you need to succeed. She can be reached at anne.flanagan@alliancepatents.com
for BC Women Lead
E L OW N A – T h e b u z z about the “BIG Steps, BIG vision” spring conference is stilling going on. Organized by BC Women Lead (BCWL), the one and a half day event went from March 26-27, and catered directly to the needs of business women in BC. “We were really excited about this years line up of speakers,” said founder Deb Leroux. “We had a few favourites returning from last year, and a number of new speakers, including a brand expert from Mountain Equipment Co-op and a financial expert. We asked the women to come prepared to take steps out of their comfort zone.” This year’s event for BCWL was a tremendous success with a full venue of attendees from all over the Okanagan. Leroux highlighted the event’s atmosphere, and the inspiring level of honesty and professional integrity that each attendee brought to the event. She also spoke on the great ideas were exchanged and new business alliances formed. “We hope to build upon that,” she added. “This year we chose speakers we believe will resound with the variety of business women who represented 13 sectors of careers at our 2014 event,” said Leroux. “We were very proud of our demographics last year, including entrepreneurs and corporate women under age 35, who are our business leaders of tomorrow, as well as women in the strongest years of their careers, and matriarchs who have been at this a long time… and encouraged us all to continue to seek out challenges well after Freedom 55 has come and gone.”
Deb Leroux, Founder of BC Women Lead A strong contingent attended from throughout the Valley, the Lower Mainland and perhaps the Yukon as well. “We invited them to come for the complete experience and stay right at the Four Points Sheraton.” The 2015 theme was BIG steps, BIG vision. “Completing a brand strategy that incorporates the steps women are taking in their business lives was important, and the variety of the workforce” said Julie Melanson, Co-creator of BCWL. “We were tired of the regular old stock photography. We wanted to step out of the box and away from the ordinary, and show the business women as they are each and every day.” Event sponsors included: in the Innovator category, Kelowna International Airport, Okanagan Woman, Shaker category, Today’s BC Liberals, Mover category, futurpreneur Canada, Blenz Coffee, Friend category, Women’s Enterprise Centre, Read Head Copywriting and Veronica Law. www.bcwomenlead.ca
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JULY 2015
Fabrication and manufacturing specialist prepares for growth
ELOWNA – Building a longlasting business begins by answering the question ‘why?’ Rob Woudwijk, Vice President of Command Industries, a fabrication and manufacturing services provider, identified the answer a number of years ago, and it’s been a key component of the company’s growth. “I had a mentor challenge me to ask our top 10 clients why they were doing business with Command,” he says. “I was sure the answers were going to be pricing related, and focused on comparing costs with our competitors. “But the results of those conversations shocked me, it was never about the money. Instead they talked about the way we communicated with them, the level of transparency and honesty we have as a company, and our problemsolving mentality.” Command has leveraged these discoveries to develop as a company, and the results speak for themselves. “We have put a lot of work and time into our clients,” says Woudwijk. “The personal relationships that we’ve built and invested in have taken us from a small metal fabrication facility to a mid to high-end manufacturer. “We’ve gone from working on gravel boxes and truck decks to building component parts, doing assembly work and providing turn-key solutions for our clients. This evolution has been driven by adapting to customer needs, and expanding to be able to provide solutions when necessary. “Keeping the lines of communication open with our clients has opened up new doors for us,” he says. “There have been times where they’ve asked us to develop something that we didn’t have the capacity to do at the time. These situations presented opportunities
From left to right: Rob Woudwijk, Command Industries Vice President, Joerg Hopp, President, and Eric Hiller-Mann, Controller to grow, and we took advantage.” This has materialized particularly with the expansion of their machinery capabilities. In the past few years they’ve purchased a CNC vertical bridge mill. It’s the largest piece of equipment of its kind outside of the major centers in Western Canada with a working capacity of 5’ x 7-1/2’ x 40” and table that can take as much as 13,000 lbs. The clients it’s drawn have lead to the purchase of additional machining components like a CNC lathe, which allows them to produce very small and intricate projects. “We want to position ourselves to become more than just a fabricator,” says Woudwijk. “These purchases have given us the ability to SEE COMMAND MANUFACTURES | PAGE 18
Command Industries staff checking clearances on a line-boring machine
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A line-boring machine working on a large weldment
target new industries and sectors we haven’t worked with before. “Adapting with our customers is leading us towards becoming a one-stop-shop machining and fabrication solution. As we look to grow, our focus is on taking advantage of the potential business our service expansions have created.” Another example of this adaptive approach was when a military vehicle manufacturing contract required Command to attain its Canadian Welding W47.2 standard for aluminum work. The result of the certification was 10 years of business, and an industry watermark that’s given them the opportunity to work with major organizations like CNRL, Suncor and BC Hydro. Woudwijk owns the company in partnership with President, Joerg Hopp and Controller, Eric Hiller-Mann. Hopp handles production and facilities management, Woudwijk manages sales, customer relations and estimating and Hillmer-Mann manages administration and accounting. The idea of ‘Command’ started with a question from Hopp and Woudwijk’s father-in-law, Bert Willms, after a Sunday afternoon
family meal. He asked, “What do you guys think?” He then proceeded to lay out a plan of how he would start a company where they would work for him and he would pass on his high level of industry knowledge and experience. “We said ‘yes’ pretty quickly, but at the time really had no idea what we were getting into,” he laughs. “We then purchased an existing ten year-old company, and thirteen years later after much teaching, training and learning we bought Command from him.” Command is now celebrating 28 years in operation, and its success has come as a result of learning to work together. “Bert talked to us a lot about using each of our strengths and working on our weaknesses,” he says. “We’ve attained what we have because we understand the role that we play in the company, and how it contributes to the bottom line. “There have been differences and obstacles to work through, but we’ve overcome them and are stronger because of it. That process has been very positive, and no matter what’s going on, we have each other’s back.” Many company’s successes are marked by a turning point, and
A 40-foot long, 9.5-foot tall, skidded building that’s preparing to ship to a client
On-site machined pins that are in various states of completion Command is no different. “Like most young businesses, the first few years were challenging,” says Woudwijk. “We invested a lot in establishing our names in the industry and adding those core clients you need to grow. “Our turning point came about 5 years after Bert started the company. A client, in the railroad industry, retained us to prototype, and eventually manufacture, a product line for them, that really set us on our way.”
A piece of equipment for a drilling customer, which has been fabricated, machined, assembled, painted and sandblasted on site That contract gave Command a strong reputation in their industry, and built the momentum necessary to push through the 2008 recession. “When the economic crash hit, we put a focus on building on the relationships with our existing
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clients, the emphasis was on providing service rather than the lowest price. We knew our strengths, and we made sure to build on them to the best of our abilities. “Our vision is centered on strong business relationships, innovative solutions and quality manufacturing. By focusing on those core themes, we’ve weathered some big storms, and are now well prepared for growth.” The company is looking to leverage their existing customer base as they look to expand, as opposed to simply adding a new geographic service area. “When you’re a business of our size, you need to be strategic with growth,” says Woudwijk. “There are a lot of competitors out there, which means that we need to think ‘outside the box’ to get to the next level. “We have a plan, and we’re sticking to it, sometimes it’s challenging to push through, but over the years we’ve learned that we’re going to see success as long as we stay committed.” www.command.ca
JULY 2015
Economic Gardening is strategic research expertise for stage 2 growth companies geared to solving their key
wo weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend a 2-day ‘Introduction to Economic Gardening’ workshop in Penticton. Sponsored by Community Futures Okanagan Similkameen, the course was taught by Chris Gibbons, founder of the National Center for Economic Gardening. For 20 years Gibbons was the Business Director in Littleton, Colorado. During that time, employing Economic Gardening principles, the number of jobs in the city doubled from 15,000 to 30,000 and sales tax revenues more than tripled from $6-million to $21-million. The city did not recruit a single new industry during that period, nor did it offer any money in incentives or tax breaks. For a community and its businesses to be healthy, new jobs have to be created. In the US, according to Gibbons, companies with more than 500 staff have not contributed one net job to the economy since 2000. The reality is that almost 40 per cent of jobs come from companies defined as Stage 2 growth companies – those with 10 or more staff and over $1-million in revenues. I n most com mu n it ies t hese represent about 10 per cent of businesses. These companies represent a community’s wealth creation opportunities and can benefit from economic gardening tools. So what is economic gardening? Economic Gardening is strategic research expertise for stage 2 growth companies geared to solving their key problems. Through interviews with the compa ny’s execut ive tea m,
researchers will explore a company’s core strategy, their market and team dynamics, their level of innovation and their qualified sales leads. Then, utilizing highly sophisticated business intelligence databases for market, GIS and SEO research, economic gardening professionals will help a company identify such things as national and global competitors, market trends and key opportunities for growth. In the US, economic gardening has been utilized for 25 years across 46 states and for those Stage 2 companies that have participated, has contributed to double digit growth in new jobs and revenue. In the US, the service is supported through Foundations in many states. In Canada, because no sponsoring organization has yet been identified, there are reasonable fees associated with the service. The services are offered through the Canadian Centre for Business Growth, headquartered in Penticton. In a region where we are all searching for ways to support our business members, economic gardening can be a great new tool. For more information about the program go to: http://edwardlowe.org/tools-programs/ economic-gardening/. To learn more about the Canadian Centre for Business Growth go to: http://www.c2bg.ca/ Christine Petkau is Executive Director of the Summerland Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at cpetkau@ summerlandchamber.com
“We’re always looking at where a city is growing and how to tie new markets to the right inventory.”
Community connection helps determine future development opportunities
ELOWNA - Argus Properties doesn’t just develop land into award winning hotels, office buildings, and malls. The 46-year-old company, owned by Ted Callahan, envisions potential growth opportunities, and creates spaces that fit client needs. An integrated development operations compa ny, A rg us provides construction, build to suit developments, leasing, and property management services with a commitment to building the best for the best. “We can take a project from bare dirt to a fully operational facility,” said Peter Downward, vice president of construction. “It’s like a one-stop shop for development needs.” Based in Kelowna, Argus serves an international and national clientele with developments throughout BC and northern Canada, including projects in Fort St. John and Whitehorse. Its goal is always to provide premium properties with the emphasis on quality and value.
A large contributor to the business entrepreneurial program at the University of British Columbia Okanagan campus, its donations support programming that train new business developers and entrepreneurs. “The city is an excellent base for business and the company is very connected to the community,” Downward said. “Part of that close connection helps Argus identify opportunities and potential for future growth.” Argus’ corporate headquarters is a perfect example of this forward thinking. Called the Manhattan, the location of the
class “A” office building, was once considered an industrial area, but is now a trendy, growing section of town boasting a mix of residential homes, condos, townhomes and walking/ bicycling nature trails. T he building even won the 2009 Communities in Bloom, Best Small Commercial Landscaping award for integrating its landscape design with the adjacent creek and park. But it isn’t the only award-winning building Argus has created. I n 2013, its Four Points by Sheraton Hotel was awarded the prestigious Canadian Home Builders’ Association, Tommie Award for Best Mixed Use development. With a clear vision of a community’s growth and expansion potential Argus has amassed an impressive portfolio of industrial facilities, multiunit residences, hotels, office buildings and retail malls, with new projects continually being developed. “Our company owns property waiting for the right development opportunity,” Downward said. “We’re always looking at where a city is growing and how to tie new markets to the right inventory.” Argus Properties is at 1060 Manhattan Drive in Kelowna. www.argusproperties.ca
Luke Johnson Owner/Designer
as a trial lawyer.
Peace Hills Trust Company has appointed Westbank First Nation Chief Robert Louie as chairman of the board, after serving on the board for 19 years.
Gateway Casinos, owner of the new Cascades Casinos, is asking for the city’s support for three new liquor licenses that would allow it to serve alcohol to more than 3,000 people in its casino, restaurants and pubs. Epp Cates Oien has congratulated Lisa Mae Scruton on her recent call to the bar, and has welcomed her as the firm’s newest associate. She practices predominantly in criminal and family law, and has appeared in Traffic, Provincial and Supreme Courts.
one roof, to better service the region’s most vulnerable citizens.
Zimmer Autosport MercedesBenz has welcomed Jade Domenichelli to its sales team, located at 695C Laval Crescent.
Culos & Co. Law Corporation has announced that Kevin Robertson has recently completed law school, and has joined the firm as an articled student.
BC Agriculture Minister Norm Letnick announced a series of reforms that will make it easier for farmers to set up agricultural processing plants and otherwise earn more money from their land. Breweries, distilleries and meaderies will now be allowed to open up on farmland in the Agricultural Land Reserve provided they meet the same rules set out for wineries.
Dr. Trinity Smith and Dr. Carey Keith have announced the moving of their practice, Central Animal Hospital, to 1901 Kal Lake Road.
The new Interior Health building is under construction at Doyle and Ellis, while work has started across the intersection on the Innovation Centre.
Tenders for the BC-Swan Lake fire hall expansion have closed as of June 4, with construction beginning June 29. The development is estimated for completion by November 1.
The new Cactus Club restaurant is set to open soon at its location in the Kelowna Yacht Club.
4 Oaks Oil & Vinegar, located at #22-1415 Hillside Drive, is celebrating its first anniversary this year. Gillespie & Company LLP has announced that Amanda M.K. Strangways has joined the firm as an associate. Dr. Rick Hallett and Dr. Tracey Murphy have announced that Dr. Ho-Young Chung will be leaving the dental practice after five years as an associate. Dr. Navreet Dhaliwal will be continuing Dr. Chung’s general practice, located at 629 Lansdowne Street. Bilkey Law Corp. has welcomed Charlotte Manning and Blair Driedger to its firm, located at #301-186 Victoria Street. Dr. Fiona Reid and Dr. Andrew Reid have announced the opening of their new veterinary practice, Oriole Road Animal Hospital at 2020 -G Falcon Road. Rivershore Ram has congratulated Dan Theriault on achieving top sales for the month of May.
VERNON The Lavington pellet plant is currently under construction, with approximately 25 jobs up for grabs in the community. The plants is expected to be up and running in the fall. The new Centre for Community Collaboration has officially opened, which brings eight different programs from three different agencies under
JULY 2015
Ruth McGrath has purchased Cheek to Cheek dance studio from Lorna Robb. The business will now be known as Ruth McGrath Dance.
Banner Recreation and Marine has announced the appointment of J.R. Muncaster as its new General Manager, located at #3-3001 43rd Avenue.
A number of new restaurants have opened in downtown Kelowna, including Curious Alchemy Café, El Taquero and B&A on Ellis Street, FSH Social House on St. Paul, and Antico Pizza Napoletana on Bernard.
Okanagan Spirits Craft Distillery has opened at 5204 24th Street.
Cake artist Cindy Finnigan has opened her new business, Cakery Arts in Kelowna.
CK Design has opened its new 3000 -square-foot showroom at 44068-29th Street.
George Hakim has opened Scoops Ice Cream in West Kelowna at 103-2231 Louie Drive.
Vernon Dodge has welcomed Scott Nicholas as its new sales manager. JCI Vernon is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year. Element Eco Design has been presented with an award for Sustainable Business for its sustainable design and community contribution at the City of Vernon’s 2015 Sustainability Awards. Teeter Totter Toys is celebrating its 18th anniversary, located at 3416 Coldstream Avenue. Orchard Valley Retirement Residence is celebrating its 25th anniversary, located at 2829 34th Street.
Con Litz of L&O Jewellers has retired from the business. Con’s brothers Rudy and Todd Litz will continue on with the business, located at 1735 Dolphin Avenue. Paul Marck, manager of media relations at UBCO, is moving on from his position to relocate to the University of Victoria. Marck’s colleagues Bud Mortenson and Patty Wellborn will be taking his calls and requests. Roman Moskal has opened Classic Okanagan Tours, which transports clients to wineries, golf courses, and other tourist destinations. Matthew Blow has joined the firm of Benson Law LLP Lawyers
16 Chartered Accountant students have been congratulated on graduating from the CA qualification program. Graduates include: Dietrich Bauer of Crowe MacKay LLP; Thomas Butterworth and Dragica Saric of BDO Canada LLP; Victoria Hayes, Michael Naito, Jessica Strycharek, Billy Thompson and Joshua Wildmann Smith of Grant Thornton LLP; Ryan Dolan, Jessica Grantham, Stephanie Light, Brett Matushewski and John McWhirter of MNP LLP; Andrew Rebus of Tolko Industries. The Regency Missionwood Retirement Resort, located at 1975 Barnes Avenue, is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. Quest Martial Arts Academy has relocated to #108-1634 Harvey Avenue. The academy celebrated its grand re-opening June 27. Kelowna journalist and photojournalist Bruce Kemp received a first place award for a portrait at the national travel media awards in Peterborough Ontario. Kemp also received a second place award for his feature in BoatGuide Magazine. Interior Health president and CEO Robert Halpenny will be resigning from the board of directors to pursue other opportunities. Halpenny will remain on the job until the fall, while a replacement is being found. Interior Savings has announced its Board of Directors for the upcoming year, which includes: Elmer Epp as Chair, Jeff Holm as Vice Chair, Rolli Cacchioni, Liza Curran, Stacey Fenwick, Don Grant, Bianca Iafrancesco, Gordon Matthews, Pat Ryan, Shelley Sanders, Stephanie Teare and Rick Weger. Factor Furniture has opened for business at #102-1851 Kirschner Road under the ownership of Scott Vigar. Alf Kempf has retired from his position as an elected trustee on the Black Mountain Irrigation District board after 25 years of service. Gordy Ivans has been re-elected chair by acclamation, and Sohan Johal has filled the position left by Kempf.
Ian Lorimer has been named the new vice-president, finance and CFO of Fortis BC. Quality Greens Farm Market, located at #101-1889 Spall Road, is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. The Kelowna Chamber of Commerce has won this year’s BC Chamber of the Year Award. Bjorn Oldendorf, executive banquet sous-chef at the Delta Grand for the past 23 years, has moved on and accepted a new position as assistant general manager at Fernbrae Manor at 295 Gertsmar Road. JDFSports.com has been named the winner of the Central Okanagan Economic Development Commission Metabridge 2015 Full Event Pass. The prize, valued at $3,500, supports local technology companies and the industry. Dustyn Baulkham has joined the Economic Development Commission in a contract position to coordinate components of the human resource strategy as the workforce development coordinator. Drew Vincent has joined the team in a contract position to lead the Okanagan Young Professional Collective. Jeff Hudson, formerly of Colliers International, has left to start a new company, HM Commercial Group, located at 2700 Richter Street. Power 104’s creative director Doug Loepp and producer Tim Allen have won a BC Association of Broadcasters Award for Best Radio Station Imaging. Sandhill Winery has won two gold medals at the Los Angeles International Wine Competition, including Best of Class for Viognier. John Simes, chief winemaker at Mission Hill Winery, has been named the company’s new director. Darryl Brooker, winemaker at Mission Hill’s sister winery, CedarCreek, will take over the head winemaking duties. FarmFolk CityFolk has partnered with Slow Food Thompson and the Okanagan College culinary arts program to start up a bi-annual program called FoodFlicks. The program will build an evening around a documentary about a certain part of the food industry and drink from that industry.
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JULY 2015
The Central Okanagan School District has hired a new school superintendent, Kevin Kaardal, who will replace Hugh Gloster. Gloster announced his retirement in the Spring, effective December 31, 2015.
West Kelowna at #170-525 Highway 97.
Benson Law LLP Lawyers has welcomed articling students Brett Sanguin and Dawson McKay to its firm, located at 270 Highway 33 West.
Jennifer Park is the new community investment manager for Telus in the Thompson Okanagan region.
The new Interior Heart and Surgical Centre at Kelowna General Hospital is set to open September 28. The province provided $296 million for the centre with another $85 million coming from the Central Okanagan Regional Hospital District. The Rotary International District 5060 is celebrating its 110th anniversary this year. James Leong has purchased Minnella Dry Cleaners at 559 Bernard Avenue from Joe and Sandy Minnella. The business has been renamed Miss Tulips Green Dry Cleaner. Al Hildebrandt, founder and CEO of QHR Technologies, is heading into partial retirement after 15 years with the company. Via Veneto Hair Design and Esthetics, located at #102-3001 Tutt Street, is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. Ten Spot Beauty Bar, a new franchise owned and operated by Lisa Kelley, has opened in
Dan Burbridge has been welcomed to the team at Mercedes-Benz as a service advisor.
Community Futures Central Okanagan is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, located at #210-1726 Dolphin Avenue. Milestones is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. Work is underway to extend the Mission Creek Greenway upstream from KLO Creek.
PENTICTON Joey’s Restaurant is celebrating 30 years in business, located at 2436 Skaha Lake Road. Dr. Anita Buttar has welcomed Dr. Ashkan Afshinkia to her practice, located at 123-725 Carmi Avenue. Parkers Chrysler is celebrating 70 years in business, located at 1765 Main Street. Bad Tattoo Brewery brought home silver medals in the North American Amber ales and Belgian abbey ales categories at the 2014 Canadian Brewing Awards.
Penticton Toyota congratulated Martin Longmore on achieving top sales for the month of May. John Devitt, Executive Director of the Penticton & Wine Country Chamber of Commerce, is stepping down from his position to pursue other opportunities. Cannery Brewery is now officially open for business with extended hours, located at 198 Ellis Street.
SUMMERLAND Giant Head Estate Winery is the newest winery in Summerland, opening its wine shop this month to feature its boutique wines. The newest farm market opened in Summerland with the launch of The Peach Pitt this month. At the former location of The Market, Sandi and Charlie Kaufhold have established The Peach Pitt to provide everything from fresh fruit and vegetables to pies, syrups, and macaroni salad. The Wag Spa, run by Jennifer Louise Albertson Peters, has opened for business and will be operating out of The Dog Den, providing high-end spa services for canine companions. Summerland businesses celebrated a number of anniversaries in June. Bead Trails commemorated its fiveyear anniversary this month.
21 Generation Vineyard started the conversion of the old farmhouse on its property into its new wine shop. Bernd and Stefanie Schales, have said that the move will give them more production space and also allow them to exhibit local arts and crafts in the renovated space.
Established by artist Karen Griggs in Summerland in 2010, the trail now includes 9 communities and 140 participating organizations including businesses, artists and tourist attractions. Summerland Women’s Fitness Centre celebrated its second birthday on June 17. Physiotherapist Tracey McQuair celebrated 10 years with ProPhysio Clinic this month. Tracey has helped many people, from office workers to athletes, meet their rehabilitation and fitness goals. Lawrence Buhler will move from Ontario to join ENCORE Vineyards as director of winemaking. With over 15 years experience in the industry Buhler will oversee all winemaking operations including the newly established Evolve Cellars brand. A s a means to attract more local s and v isitors to downtown businesses, Summerland Rotar y successfully launched the Summerland Sunday Market on June 21 st w ith 45 booths. The market, which happens each Sunday from 10am to 2pm until September 20th on Main Street, w ill feature on-street vendors, local stores and members of Bottleneck Dr ive throughout the summer. There are lots of new developments in Summerland’s wine industry. This month 8th
Mike and Gillian Stohler have unveiled plans to expand their business, SummerGate Winery. The new vineyards will double the size of the winery and feature Kerner, Siegerrebe and Pinot Noir blocks. Sumac Ridge Estate Winery has been awarded a regional trophy for its Estate Winery’s Steller’s Jay, Pinnacle Méthode Classique 2006 last month in London, at the Decanter World Wine Awards. The awards, the world’s largest and most influential wine competition, also gave a bronze medal to its Steller’s Jay Méthode Classique Brut.
SALMON ARM Crowns Furniture &Mattresses and Crowns Appliances & Electronics is now operating under one roof at 120 5th Street S.W.
1 eB ag p – dS B1 aR ge aW B paucket g e – R S B illin 7 VI F e Rd ag The Hive restaurant has opened at for Wa ep Se d a t W B ke o former e business as of June 24 in the uc ing R R B I C ll V Fi e7 d ag e Rd Doc’s Pub location. at ep m Se s Co i ction Wd Re t o » ec tru CR roj cons ed Rd The Columbia Shuswap Regional d t p the is m tion Co an 3 l e 5s age in 1 0 s 5 e R t c 02 p n 20 District has moved its r I to1221 0w »new office e 13 oormy e jec stru ks ve n li ve n g s ha di il am d to Bu ee te cte for 1T3hr sele ids land
Solar panels power up College’s Kelowna campus
E L OW N A - Oka naga n College has activated BC’s second largest solar panel system at its Kelowna campus, taking another large step towards its ambitious goal of seeking to be energy net zero by 2025. “With the longer and sunnier summer days upon us, we’re thrilled to have the solar panels up and running,” says Peter Csandl, Manager, Operations and Energy Systems at Okanagan College. “Imagine the electricity consumed by 26 homes annually. That’s the equivalent power the system is anticipated to provide the campus.” The College is now benefitting from 793 solar photovoltaic module panels, which cover the top of the new outdoor training space at the College’s Kelowna Trades Complex. T he outdoor shop was built as part of the Trades Training Complex renovation and expansion project currently underway along KLO Road. The 194 kW electrical solar photovoltaic array system is the second largest in the province, only slightly smaller than the 258 kW system built on top of the LEED Platinum certified Jim Pattison Centre of Excellence at the College’s Penticton campus. The array is part of the College’s larger sustainability plan that includes seeking LEED certification for its buildings and
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Ith he s war memUS) t ve ng ccou Ca ers & o i a ir a ic e e l W e ,” m rs m o to e a h o v v o ss tet u a uo u e.” yUNeV ewd sa toria app and Mo rial sity tial c Ca mitas d,hch eerrfn nydothutelyhav Ila(M o r n t w agnic nodv ina aitc.” ue eDra t meinla tion s it ] s m e p ic a o reo t h Na un 5 V elo ing ed iv idues: e s 8t4, sceols ininga wofog itiohn ooun yth a- of st she SI n es t te 6n ge s v v s iteh ’s fais y yy acxIM pa Io de d sa gres e U prtac it 8-2e iaCa Mc Itard edirec esple ilnitb ais“Ne er ir ewr ah a yN t h ’s on m -75sid eier nar b“o ths akeo sibio naNhs b F a de tog il ri od n ria C m 66re ritm eeut,syae y’s puot u 2m0 ppoencis egaw em ple ’slelik ethnot u u bu k pro to S rd o go he to h co1-8w p of [Jc a m c ic id h rsit nim lsad es d oba m eo itIt e“vI nd ey By tra Vic a rc ne st d tos2a8tive ivuena e ah ethre sseelsb a.”s a ve p hidat. “aidof. ora at ll es v se d a g li hua r un taras ta itte sathid Cdath li8n1 g ha wewsa easre em )3th va seri f in tin teo f isw m ls an 19b y.to oh wh m gUe ve ky TV in o au n ida y o lin com sse tee hinumcufltul uokun,” nlyg,”a ea.” | poVa ice de o t le a u r o g il n d d it m t U in w C mit nd dfae yinoy yuote hav eNat(M w a an rs d nadtia at sp oksv ootin y r me la sid a n “ ec e do haI d he c : ive aid 5 n e e s e,r y com g wo ith uu’ra you eSreIde t h pre n o Sp tspasghe Vall it S t t gn es te andt ar itin ’s fa yyoo y pcRa of ic he r n NIo ha hdeinUempicr e it didlee iornia r c “It eir kes ibilitNehWis er UV e w t d ’s ncm es ise de sta icha dy t nclu t th a ns eae n b w k ug in craia iem arse vrit ilet, w oo pu o miospno beSg mem Ne ’s li I tho he •ato pherco ew-bp aonfdc bmue Co ey it . “ ls are t els a yg n ic ip t x a e c lu B e 5 t e g l s V aer van gics sdhto m iv ha aid 0 ice asse as t al erie se •ad a ate g li tiohna acu tra15 0m2 u nthpCa 981 a.t ow w he s 3 yv Vs 1 ge f in nSttrin alate ss gis 12tric013 pa yin y thlty dk, n d g,” in n 2 com sok le T g in to u• idre e isin or sacu woeu aonunof t | n da •ad sin ram ce f nko vil n id w a an Bu ndad t- l o lsip veoks oti y eg tofa v“iey 0e12y e f eN 17 es do had he c : • Faund den leevre y onat rate e re inu2’r Jun te oeSId ge pr ng s Shpao sho Valle pa it at t ing ic• Stu lehad nar ersC ccu at w imoyond in n dWapR y Vic di il am d torts an th clud dem nc•e Hedig lsisio ledepr be a s th ana rou letieoNe reallw dU s kilv opil Bu e te cte staforwich g p Se n • a a e a a te N k ie in t c n ld a l s u le m a b N d re e 3 a per e- nd pbe ou id of reaio co Th n se bids Co lan a aip wen nd ity bat a . ’ll g dica ith ,” • 4 ex alu gic • h Itm ca C toic ith 14 we me g w ers Is t e s e e v h to t “ e ts c n n b vid 7 •a ate tio acu the th ec u ar w r 20 tha t of lon on es al je ort in tr a n a ti op X te s f xp m e e pro r N Pro 10 •S rela es ino g tric eom is y mb pe isy thatiod,sts racti e h edicbeulls n de pda jo ls n a o in ws u a ma pita 14 •a usin drais ce of c thSreipte y h msabiniecwiaeli ral p at sh er mrraosfw rasnad e s Ne tori gneg17 16 •B un ent- velnna cton 5“Mtee ctoo resvpe ene g th r othmflobo altbhe ba Ho Vic epnati h 17 •F tud h let Do5cvoin-rso.20cunraicetnwtae l of g addincy o aninu mhem ed fr y S v 1 eo a d fe In anic hore alle 1S8I • H ig– blsu12thele ps3s0e adc athgdae up ais, rma t ine m aarnd g amllsemo il e s1 b n te.s gro H ha gnhth boop tin wnct loer Sa st S an V rs NIo 20 •orldsk akeoyple0 lder a ap y id p uo h eias. e mn b u td We wich 3 hakoedy om ’s2w1 g ma ps t r w2noaug dllidL entor sa ee a bicroes eseeds rvinicit uarfer tow a b 23 2 •d u Itma caWna sideg - s rv ocffu sne uitce toch efrr omg Co les &4ySgog Wh man elp2in ge B 7 pa h in “l eb) re t om - se afoc sgsu qnd ghe othn in X te Sa vers Suin s a is n era f(Btho o pCant c lop ids e,” -as llbne getta v?inT our wadadsvinelp eX de pda Mo ho’s 10 t’4 Hais uct ioe gen .Wo. is als pme eveaensatsge hham r-we Wpeaslesmultosanads gsroaidafrilbhluheearnn stin s u lXl so W w a1l s t r th in R She velo sh D rmWia wyhcic ebd e s “ opre acipe hshefeyrgeow mersbtr vXiX oa ew rioa 6 is r o. de Ca tode oefr pm it pe sph ,” obin habn tra a t c erni,N VTicotofin ntimng L ditori 1 1a7is: rtne im d cmve dis mXsX edd i,cathn e0aell5v vmeloe hat n ore for sfullninuugm bb. H s a 8a 4 ll’s n vin es e“ e w iam d re an b ilhmaenee feehDeu smicw aXrX leasn naslit ut w Alb and Invuerisnich ore e lley ct ua 1p8 N-2a6n . Wa nad2iaw15tiitohn o0lnik2s, bs edg T th s t n a cXhX tmdeorl psim 8 .W a 1tsorra rae13r.ti inog a onotaBrut theyeo- tot ninewoaormdeitinhcagreincmelien trp a rt la uolpte t a h ta to 5 V o a S in n g s 0 le t h C t t l e mu P R r. s a b m erg bbec ia r m wh beuna hisab’nes e Co ers66-7 2of R1ny, hyaoenrpa v2rpa0oli uis ild p in rayfo th S est han lu SUut teology ilpisron uini ric racam br rdruof sed eitalt in g ittekeinogf Cooro W wic ak1-8 om p2a nrcht C eCcao ol abl cusegiso d mto Uc ture q ta h cuerd fehH a m in h in tb e aom ta u h r a e li ta o r in S k o o s . t 2 e l g fo eh m e inth c n M moc p C les & g W sdtr ated vt ere rmte ca et 2mm82 idstra dsic a–ll , tlos o me lombts o foed staleu enlfd hee mfiwrsonretfrBovhbeaa elu inye hoalu Sa vers uin rk r 10sa reer,mite ric. W” itioCanreaurecyo’rChnataidthcee,”m- volvntl’sbyliettggsitotfsa so?foTn hro e r,nyly am u adho wXthm lintcd S ma t dders n foth ocsotso alymin cs.e It in ab Rn.W Mo o’s ou pag a-rdlt ssg Ceroah coinr slise owa rie ndnin foNsau ha faetha elytobe bye a b o t, aimr eals ucghh s ere -t geiXsrolX llsim Wh w al ar c Inem tsthaNagnueelaW is ry abvit beitragsin ne oBre opiple osocfnhy likamrtictru sXvX mrita he s m ndasin terre La itori thh veoroereahmctif ere o l pesh oegr ec’sh pa is e atb seotsdreid a S eth p a,hnhe e DSh w tos: ng a84 ath u anmin d rXmX leasnesedd slit reeirhine.ndikd.eis mre“bnm’ssstwothh m e e e X rf s. a y u to d c s 6 S G g a a e u t a a d n ct o -2ck . twhiterc aaln hbiled caoetna rsunWt oywon Nerw tuisarTg : h th eswe cXhX tmdeorl psim lan uolpteu oL trantagaes26y 5b8a ase tsrmelixeupr.r etrocch pro g eawr.teaB stbpe ilaeylrietojeJacn inwitic a lusin sant mu r m yN r th refo b o ch d sCo pay 6-7g e c n,”aena vafo Tishhe desein va p rino t a k e dinim SUut5 teologgye ilpisron uini Re g minog o aoDrd r e ab un nit-86 in th tiohy i-Ca aalll th nu Gr sh q r m IC lita 15 20 tropada mto so u 1om be raetrch ulse go ewfodoc hyekeain 20ok aim einCe nhtaird etarot-t lfm anamTe h re eR e244 12 130 sd eluated inyevt ere hoalurmte ht m c to bom8 a b r &s – sisto d’roe’s.lo eacnlts r r-c u n s fo see Nf ital. mfroom ha By agge ig com k is ms ollra 2e2’ssaidar,lieit o-” reathloarim d ya nenNcta’ csuco e ntlyre-g itth d lym ppa 20 radyho iswthm walintc io is a s ivce u a in to rdoosp lan Coany in t m at a ba n see woc ur. H Ca9bve netcricicetrs a thnTe ySth o c s e H t a o g gesro im e ismtrb at, labr Haardr e ss re-s q nden Boal th nhe to th est at X s: ne alie . Lre ascth te s -t o c r d itall W ut th doerd pCdaatev Nhe.Jeya esll 11dmDe n th r-gu b epr ha0 0reabdraja ideene hase oersoce’s Ca sX semr b 0,0ofic satsl G rc a mp , h , b ionw sLUe t aVtotall asgwa k an 8tha irbere re. im XaXs life TLdwS oNerwm gnhisgaen o.,un akntorc. e1. mtehme maand ham c3escsli nr Wioen y pu r c ary cXl its s td ac ese r 19 oxp e c “o N ate XdX epdir las wraic Ls y stb teReeg pan l ie nu yN id strCsot sa o eb me cma no,”u w he0 Th e p5ro rea g XrXl alensS adliCt t 0 G a com a v a in Jath o no f 2 Re sa eussnd cniaitteaynaimeinWg Cleth XXo nt adgo simorl lpu w m osvbfile israoti yuosi- 1215 2ed0th2 he p e C air mi nso sou Nofoth RIC au dre24'W 4 rkr ubosaost aanb r & 2 13 s t e. l -ch ys nu i ht oAmsmaisir c pbsaeto ye aC m’s ey lie -20 2a ad yc e o ad OUtk bopaelo c B is agge ig ll u h r c k mm foost e ll a o 3 r c l bdp emr' il liq tem t m at a bacn Csheae uwrWce sr.e ,Hx VCaav iveerc ict TegSoi n as e duo pp nt lutitell in v olu th est at s“:one abliaCeom.oLe eallsRth isatrkers a3t4 oard t,” o C t fi e s a nta Ddois issXm lit d ad W ut th ord s hCipav N.J mepllb d&DSh r- b es f th a s ng cou me be r e , b o w Le t at aCsaw kaearsn e b o . It eXas Xs im vi ac to e s th hair ors e tt N life Tw orm gis ., owaMnnov rceri. almem m a y sa toria app andXcXl ritirits ss as , c ern d th pi “ N ate Ltd lstb e o r o Il Xd epd s la ] w agic gov n an it.” e o Da id tr s ee m dit u h Vic elop ingXrsXl alensSe adliCt t sa ss s iate ekW om en o f w us: 684 ssels hin of isio on y thaxIM v a Me ard ec ple n b a“Ne 8 a ne oc f th f C is o o tact 8-2 Xv Xogrenstsadgo simorl lpu irsp de d saw C e d y r N o 5 s o o i F s n g u o na b s e io a r'W n il kau paor As air ber cus a n Co 66-7 amie usa lendle i bu k proOUt boelod ilis ye ’s ou 0 p cis w t opra O [J idtSh rsity nim ad 2 e de oard qu m c ch am r fo e , m ' 1-8 bd vic pe g “Itre e e a h tra sa duo tellemr veli lute 14 C ou a s 28 iv n e h th e b .” e id.tu of o luti “ b ge r un as a u itte said nd th ling hav e sa areFodermo in u pa 2 h ip Ddois m lit d h m m a b w o of w m sels e a m l to ,” a ea.” o a s sis y l co as itte hu rfu you telyntgavme (M 3 es sim na C m nd de in u oiuth h at U sit tia c r m it e r en s a t X 34 ow om g a on h a ypou ite e 5 er elSI n iv sid tee nt, c itin ’s w fait youanyy y ecfaare eoirf th de date ge pa 14 5 kNIo in s Up e U pre it e ia c “SItI eir keos mbilito chitis r tehr en y0 th a si n b th t h ’s m sid er 8 f w od2 n ria m re rit et, NIo ut m toon whga n efom ut ’skdelip Ne wepnaXage rie b li go 262 he to h co w p of c me dy p lson’tsp rsbe som Bd y ic a ree re euels eas a es, na’trtaitn . e Beyy le s enlod inlan 308V ea rc a n list ad to goo al erieKi ewasch imo 14Vall e athpreCnassre81r a e do rwishg.e sauride t r s g 2 v y d h e e s N b n 3 n B n p ana s ahgae lley h tre co19 riey. ansotow u,”rsh t reor k y TV 1to306fi unti idate ers N pic as en theiniscPult hupk unneg moFin |p a d oo ille ng in SCaolew oloxovp 2rnSihak d n o 9 o t 1 r s n re fa p e 3 a Ch o“uy epy endgIdeN nt w a31 ca s oksv ooti y m e . y ’rre hu a s o CKoa alb & eil do ad e er ss r onut nyco ReSaitsh t Sp s sh ValleX ate portoversMcN l 34 itkehrsat th ing: ad nary ce me r ey nuy eWdepwfa meeirUnVi rt n d ge d M ort ririaal 4Sehta th lud a e Ncnit pthw ipnla d le io r uc r e s la sta icha in id Up p dititoo 1&he5 inc se is de s eSIfo oth h am a lo e lt e w ba d v uil N tuth s ws th f on o itSeeho evfoe r m e r ed fe d veenrsS 20 Co e- n b NIo t o atir’tisto bsw Ne wenXa rie e re dn abu wkae lu a ip en pl les o 262s: lod in Bnd Mg ey 84a va tegiconsh um ody lo nrCicehn weue rsthaeso ines,, ha’ttli se u e 6 n ma t do sim is 0 e u la Ki wsh o all uo t n ct 3 88-2 tra ti ac go me a nen in u c il r e r at gd sis ha Npeea naim an V ey onta -7532 •S realarness isinByg ntric cohmer eopreacrotry thPieebnde, ktoidr ursrc. nye Ut olo tem in C ers66 106 •yae si ra ce f d m lit ntr pe sa brwe ars pu aor Na alewsich vpasll i ak-8 3 a h Bu nd t- l o e s tteh toCrisreluvPiemtehfopwreasneodmmp onin. do dolu ssis SCo oloxo ernSh 1 y 3191t • Fu den leve n a ra he a u p Ce lin t e m sim & il • tu h le 28 rso cu . Cw gyo ltitre y h a sila tss ali ut CKoa rt aelb rs cNe it rsr te ng •S ig pe e ac esths at er feun nuenc 0wm n 5 gueglpe i er ls pMoovrt M aall htaokeu is 35 lae d la •H il ople b uctec s rm her Dla ri sk pe uld s a fo t a s ra$nd hpism, aipnla 15 20 pa nd qu po dititoori &heSe o did he f o h foe r,elo ylt 12 130 e ri veedli tem eed enrsS •a It w can t t o is sit yeeav urmitu yaMs l s 0 e v r y “ p r le olu o 2 e lo h eb e d ec, a oatttw 4 : Mgre th d C w th Sin ttPh se us 68 maego t do sim of u c e a -2 ct t u ilis r a n in ng u s h nta 58 in Ca Ut dolo tem in t ar ri o art Pe kid u rc yr Cog 66-7 m li to 5 p lub for s p pmabne m 16 ye n lu o a e -8 ti ic is a mu ne . o h d C n 1 y y t 17 ve h 15 v 20 e am w oa n limo t d ess im le In anic hore alle 28 18 12 130 ag g u l it ehyt inC omailrd titensg ali ut rit s 24 ng Sa st S an V ur rs 20 lp e ge 20 p ory f Droisung $s3ed50b isitiala rnred la pa nu qui We wich o hake om 21 b cru n hin c,ua c g li Co les & S g Wh 22 te fofo egaur, nritd y hyeM ve tem e a T e,” Sa vers uin Ca lu id m- by aestcu s?ottgro S o o ts eX d lt M o’s k es cha er- pS scut Phas e lXl Wh w al ac vXiX e W ry b s reu ip of y La itori th ve em t it sh g c i w ed mXsX edd 4 in e in e e m ha ore ed aXrX leasn naslit ilult oles us: 68 ith ik “ w m d n T h t -2 ct w r. l be on ut on cXhX tmdeorl psim la chuolpte t d im is ith nta 58 mu ar alie to g r. B bey er to r m ui nts w b il r24s Co 66-7 SUut teology ilpisron Utuin hyae av l is usin g fo ing rd - in q dpoamgloe tem ta ad 1-8 etrch leC goa foc kin ok in o min lit te lu art lf m sdtro ated mto evt ereli oalurm o 2m8said its ” – re loo ’re lo cts dho elu sis im a y st itse of iny r tl y ta r, a ic adho wthm lintcd lit d t es e n g s be ntr ers th con ou a ce din ard sis owa it u e -t gesro llsim lp i er s re ran e Bo r ce emb that, ular u a a cnh k o a t e h b nc qu h as m an reg oers e’ semri er re id th eir d. mb of ests wa edli m a mp , h e to ng
JN ad pr e c VI st in th oIsNlan S, we omen b Ie RveSr e e R W e Nou or ’ n rw Ntnc eW ais und fo n f hlowend VIVa H e BR , o c r p e a S » Ie nn ks g : o 12srtsK ort Nb eR donaaisgbarnea n–keplawizgeepWaoeutno Imfop ren a eW aH e R b a k n w t C t B o n» esdVoIrevNi GermoapertsKcehlort N so
3 01
5 ge 15 20 pa 12 130 20 ry go te Ca
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striving for the esteemed Living Building Challenge standards. Achieving energy net zero will require the College to produce as much energy as is consumed; the College is targeting to reduce its net carbon emissions by 80 tons per year, and is already well underway. From 2007 to 2013 the College successfully reduced its energy consumption per square meter by 32.2 per cent. “There is the misconception that energy efficient systems can be cost prohibitive, but that is not the case,” explains Csandl. “In three short years, working with Skyfire Energy, we’ve seen a 40 per cent reduction in the cost of the installation of our solar panels.” Csandl credits the maturing of the industry for this, including increased demand and production, as well as advances in the application of innovative technology.
Solar photovoltaic modules are made of crystalline silicon, the same material used in a circuit board, and mounted on an aluminum frame. They have a glass front to protect them from the elements, while letting light in. Placed in sunlight, they produce direct current electricity (similar to a battery), which then goes into an inverter before being converted to electricity used by the buildings. They are durable, with relatively low cleaning and maintenance requirements. As part of its commitment to sustainability, Okanagan College is a member of the STARS (Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System) program and was the first college in the province to earn a silver ranking in sustainability from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE).
13 20
W k: wn tban o t es wn do wn W o t wn do I
n at poes mpo gaI Nt ks na en loo wze W to0I e ali aneau2 ka StM o i t i t N o - e a rev ermg on V or to Gpa ps N INllab ks S– s om o co int loo NeS th CUSNew n p0o o 62 e ti SI ge9. sid Fo ora BU ugpxa12 ” l b » r 8 e hene lla & EaS1–.6 x 1. pr tc co eS S20 .8” w oinnitsm w e I Ne IC IN 2 e ampum p om th
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JULY 2015 A division of Invest Northwest Publishing Ltd. Thompson Okanagan Office #210-347 Leon Avenue, Kelowna, BC V1Y 8C7 Toll free: 1.866.758.2684 Fax: 1.778.441.3373 Email: info@businessexaminer.ca Website: www.businessexaminer.ca
PUBLISHER/EDITOR | Lise MacDonald, lise@businessexaminer.ca SALES | Thom Klos –thom@businessexaminer.ca, Josh Higgins – josh@businessexaminer.ca, Joanne Iormetti – joanne@businessexaminer.ca WRITERS | Goody Niosi, Julia MacDonald, John MacDonald, Beth Hendry-Yim WEBSITE | John MacDonald
o whatever you want. Just don’t lose any money.” Those words from a boss, in response to my apparently constant queries regarding whether or not I could undertake a new project, have stuck with me like glue. It’s a mentality that has helped guide me. Simple. Direct. Effective. Of course, there are a lot of ingredients that go into a successful project, but having clearly defined goal posts at the start of the journey is a worthwhile target. In business, if a profitable venture isn’t the end result, well, we won’t be in business long.
W h at I’ve seen is t h at t he words my boss shared with me are the essence of a “winning” mentality. In the case of business, a “win” is a project that, ultimately, makes money. I could understand that, and have applied that ever since. It has been said that those who think they can - and those that think they can’t - are both right. We can never underestimate the power or importance of having a positive mindset. Look around at the vast majority of successful people around you, and you’ll l i kely fi nd one com mon denominator: A positive, “can do” attitude. It’s not enough to be simply positive about business, even though it is essential. T here must be goalposts and guidelines whereby we can measure success. Not ones that we effortlessly surpass, but ones that make us stretch forward to reach our intended destination. Setting goals, ones that are achievable and measurable, is such an important part of business, and life in general. Those that set goals often achieve them. Those that don’t set goals don’t
achieve those, either, obviously. The result of having no targets is often drifting, and ultimately, frustration, because we never really know where we are for a certainty. We recently sat down with some friends to discuss goal setting. From that, one person has created a “vision board”, upon which are stated goals and photos of what they want to accomplish over one and five year periods of time. It’s exciting to hear them share, already, that some of their goals are within reach. Surpassing goals brings with it an accompanying sense of satisfaction, and it’s exciting to hear them talk excitedly about what they’re doing, with a building sense of anticipation and expectation. It is hard to believe, but there are plenty of businesses that don’t even have budgets. Surely that is a recipe for disaster. Perhaps some won’t budget because they don’t want to see what’s happening in their business, and are afraid of the disappointment of failing to meet their financial goals. Or perhaps they’re intimidated and don’t want the
pressure of being accountable to a ledger or calculator. Ultimately, business comes down to numbers, and “beating” the budget is a big part of a “winning” company. Participating in sports can be a tremendous training ground for a strong, positive mindset that will pay great dividends in many areas of life. When I grew up, hockey was fun, but we didn’t win much at all. We enjoyed playing, win or lose. But we became good at losing, being satisfied with individual accomplishments rather than rare team wins. So, If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. I moved to Nanaimo to play junior hockey, and that’s where I learned how to “win”. I vividly recall the game that was a turning point in my life. We were trailing by two goals heading into the third period, sitting in the dressing room, when someone yelled: “Who’s going to get the winner?” I stealthily kept my “inside” thoughts, inside. “We’re close, what’s the matter with that?” “I am,” one player replied. “I’m going to,” added another. . . They
simply expected to win, and they’d done so plenty of times before. Soon after, we went back on the ice, scored at least three goals, and won. My attitude changed that day. It was no longer good enough to just participate. My teammates expected to win, and so did I. And we did. Lots. I brought that mindset into business. It’s not enough to be “close” to making money in a company: Do that for too long, and we won’t be in business. We must “win” on the balance sheet much more than we lose, for the sake of everyone connected to the company. It is the owner and manager’s job to “win” the battle for profitability. Do we every month? Not every time, which I suspect is fairly normal. However, we knew that if we stuck with the process, worked the systems properly, and put in as much hard work and hours as required, the “wins” would come. And they have, thankfully. As it goes in sports, it is similar in business. It all starts with a winning mindset, and it can be learned.
CANADA’S PIPELINE DEBATE NEEDS REALITY CHECK On an apples-to-apples comparison that takes into account the volume of oil transported, pipelines are associated with fewer accidents, injuries and KENNETH GREEN
fatalities when compared
to rail and truck, which
t’s been a difficult couple of weeks for Kinder Morgan’s proposed expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline. The Santa Barbara oil spill has irritated already-sensitive public concern about oil pipelines. And as the pipeline’s review before t he Nat ion a l E nerg y B oa rd continues, several new reports commissioned by municipalities and groups in the region have expressed serious concerns about the potential effects of an oil spill. One study found that more than one million birds might be affected by a spill and 100,000 could possibly be killed as a
is how oil will move if pipelines are not built
result. Another asserted that millions of barrels of oil could erupt into flames, start a forest fire on Burnaby Mountain, stranding 30,000 students at Simon Fraser University. The latest report concluded that a 16 million-litre spill in the Burrard Inlet could deliver a $1.2 billion blow to Vancouver’s economy. Alarming scenarios indeed. B u t a fo c u s o n w o r s t-c a s e
scenarios loses sight of what’s vastly more likely to happen, which can only be assessed by looking at the overall performance of pipelines, where progress in controlling spills has been tremendous. According to Transportation Safety Board data, from 2009 to 2013 there were 770 pipeline accidents and incidents in Canada. Of this number, 654 resulted in some sort of release of product. Again, this may seem large, but during this period Canada’s federally regulated pipeline system moved more than 11 billion barrels of petroleum and natural gas products, making the per barrel accident rate remarkably low. More telling still is that only five accidents or incidents in this period resulted in any sort of environmental damage. This means that only about 0.65 per cent of all accidents and incidents cause some form of environmental damage. This is not entirely surprising when 90 per cent of releases are less than one cubic metre. Moving from the generic to the specific, let’s consider the safety record of the existing Trans
Mountain pipeline. Since 2004, the earliest year with data, the pipeline has had 36 accidents or incidents, with 14 resulting in the release of product roughly equating to 790 cubic metres. T he largest of these releases amounted to 305 cubic metres of oil. By way of comparison, the hypothetical 16 million-litre spill, which could have a $1.2 billion dollar impact on Vancouver’s economy, is equal to 16,000 cubic metres - 52 times larger than the worst release in the pipeline’s history. The debate over oil transport is often dominated by worst-case scenarios and discussion. And of course, nobody wants to see oil spilled and nature harmed. But let’s be honest: rationa l people do not live their lives by worst-case-scenario avoidance or zero-risk lifestyles. If so, you’d never ride a bike, never drive a car, never board an airplane, or for that matter, never take a shower. In fact, your list of things you wouldn’t do given worst-case scenarios and a zero-risk threshold would encompass pretty much everything you have ever or will ever do. Worst-case scenarios aside,
real-world data and experience show that pipelines are one of the safest ways to transport oil. It’s not perfect, but it’s the best of the available options. On an apples-to-apples comparison that takes into account the volume of oil transported, pipelines are associated with fewer accidents, injuries and fatalities when compared to rail and truck, which is how oil will move if pipelines are not built. Oil will remain a part of Cana d a a nd t h e world’s f ut u re for a long time to come. And continue to fuel a large part of the Canadian economy while providing Canadians with access to reliable and affordable energy. Consideration should be given to the safest and most efficient way to transport oil and gas across the country. Despite high-profile spills and worstcase scenarios, pipelines remain the safest, most effective way to transport oil. Kenneth P. Green is Senior Director and Taylor Jackson is a Policy Analyst in Natural Resource Studies at The Fraser Institute.
SUBCRIPTIONS | $45 PER YEAR (12 ISSUES), $80 FOR 2 YEARS (24 ISSUES), SUBSCRIBE ONLINE: WWW.BUSINESSEXAMINER.CA. DISTRIBUTION: FOURTH WEEK OF EACH MONTH VIA CANADA POST AD MAIL. The publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited submissions. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Produced and published in British Columbia. All contents copyright Business Examiner Thompson Okanagan, 2015. Canadian Publications Mail Acct.: 40069240
JULY 2015
ETTING THE COURSE SHOULD SALES BE ASSERTIVE? WhenIt’s personal not that visions being nice is a bad but these and goals arething, in alignment types of salespeople with team visions and generally are so
goals as well as company
relationship focused that
visions and a the they endgoals, up letting
powerful synergy is dance prospect lead the created
hile working with sales teams in a variety of ou m ay not industries, re a l i z e it one of the but, most as a debated sa les leader, topics is how assertiveoften shouldserve a salesperson be? you must as On one level, there are those who vigator. You set the course advocate complete your sales teamfor orafor yourrelationship approach, where salespeople artment. Youbuild set atrust course slowly and create an ourself.environment You help your staff where prospects mbers set their courses in- to buy feel comfortable enough their products services. On dually and within theorteam the other, there are those tex t. You a re consta ntly that say salespeople should push through gating. any Youand map out terriall stalls or objections to es, chartclose, steps to testmore agclose take, close. The conditions, correct others gressive the better! Of course, the right answer for most is probably have strayed off course and somewhere in between. o reach the destinations deLet’s start with the mild man- media, the reason they still exist mined fornered, you, in large, by the of the vision andthey the often attainment polite, relationship cenis because are quite pany. tered salesperson. Whileof the goals. this effective at delivering their nume coursesou thends company Establish plan of short action toSo in the term. wondertakes f u l, h i r i ng a bers, ataleast that is the tension:It weis want sales salesperson by withits these rgely determined vi-primary achieve the vision. poswe can’t pushy attributes always ends toresults , just as the coursealmost we take in sible movebut “what is”stand closer to in disaster. David Sandler, de- salespeople. as individuals is determined “what could be” – but not alone veloper of the Sander Selling SysIf you don’t want either extreme ur personal vision. When and without a plan. The last tem, said that the bottom line of not then what’s the right balance? We onal visions and goals are in to step visioning establish a professional selling is going the insuggest that is theto best salespeople bank! He recognized the reality in fact Develop quite assertive, though nment with team visions and plan ofare action. the goals a salesperson actually must not life aggressive. They to arethe nurs as wellthat as company visions that give and action sell something. It’s not that be- turing and gentle in their mangoals, aing powerful synergy vision. Here is where leader and nice is a bad thing, but these nerisms so their prospects and eated throughout the comfollower are joined theirbut comtypes of salespeople generally customers likeinthem, they y. Part ofare what you have the mitment to the vision. so relationship focused that have a high self-esteem and don’t up lettingisthe needyour a prospect’s aper to dothey as aend manager toprospect Thinkactually about how personal proval. They are friendly but also lead the dance. Their need for the k to shape your vision, the vision and goals fit with the viprospect’s approval is more im- direct and professional. They lison of those on your staff and sion and goals of your company. portant to their psyche than get- ten more than they talk and they Is it a good fita or a forcedapproach fit? Theto vision ofting the company a virtue, paid. Patience isin their follow systematic best is when your vision cothat gives meaning the work but that doesn’t to usually so fitqualify (or disqualify) a prospect. wellto forset. the company who isalesces pay- They arethe willing to take a vi“no” with company’s s you work their base salary while sion. they When and yetyou theyachieving win far more sales your ow youring company’s vision. take their time to develop rela- and are more productive than sion is different from goals goals helps the company achieve tionships. Look at the resumes most others. They have a great goals, synergy created. Immission.ofItsalespeople expresseswho a view are likeits this attitude and is high self-esteem, agine what would happen if the what could be. The vision, and you will generally see some- they work hard to consistently fromcan a customer needed behavior, andcothey vision do of the each team member sharingone in who the came vision, service or support background practice and execute strong nonalesced with your vision for the ivate and inspire us to reach who typically holds a sales job manipulative questioning and goals. Determine your com- team? What if their goals led to for just a year or two before their selling skills. attainment of your y’s visionnext and share vi- time job. Theythat get hired afDo your best togoals? hire salespeople with your This creates If youwith were set traits out to make terstaff. time because they generally theto above and you’ll arewhich wonderful people and nice to or have basis for a highbeperntext in company some allthe of your visions team.goals If youwould have an with. Unfortunately, come aformance reality, what s make work personal sense to their team that isn’t as just won’t be there. to getsales there, in the real loyees, results which in turn is a you setexisting On the other extreme is the strong as you want, then please world? erful motivating dynamic. ■ highly pushy salesperson whose consider training or replacing volve everyone might bea no” or the non-performers. And never mantrawho is “never take “a lways be closi ng”. T h is is forget David Sandler’s rule: The cted. A leader with a vision bottom is line of owner professional the that stereotypical salesperson John Glennon the of sellds to share vision with portrayed in many Hollywood ing is going to the bank. Insight Sales Consulting Inc., yone who will be affected movies as a lying, cheating, self. The navigator the the authorized Sandler Training absorbedinforms jerk. Unfortunately, licenseeJohn forGlennon the Interior of B.C. w. The crew knows the desis the owner of Insight this salesperson is still very much Salesat Consulting an authorized alive and of functioning tion. Members the crewparticuReach him toll-freeInc,1-866-645larly in some retail environTraining Licensee. He can be then empowered with the 2047 orSandler jglennon@sandler.com. ments like autos, furniture and reached at jglennon@sandler.com, acity to share in the pursuit Visit www.glennon.sandler.com. time share sales. So while this toll free at 1-866-645-2047 or visit salesperson gets vilified in the www.glennon.sandler.com
Kault Hill Rdnew – Rural Bareland commercial Strata Subdivision PROJECT
23 PROJECT STATUS Construction underway – construction completion anticipated early 2016 ARCHITECT Abbarch Partner Arch – 1830 One Bentall Ctr 505 Burrard, Vancouver V7X 1M6 604-669-4041 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER SIMONE SUNDERLAND Unison Construction Management – 609 West Hastings Street, Vancouver V6B 4W4 604-685-1422
over an enclosed parking strucPROJECT ture with 98 parking spaces – New cement water treatment facility - the disbrick, fibre board, Gentek trict istransom currently testing several methroof soffits, windows ods including membrane technology – community garden between buildings – pedestrian trails and LOCATION PROJECT STATUS pathways – to be built in 2 Phases Green Ave and the Channel Parkway Design underway - Tender call for – Channel Crossing Shopping PROJECT STATUSContractor anticipated General Centre Construction start anticipated
July/14 - construction completion
July/15anticipated – construction PROJECT TYPE latecompletion 2015 LOCATION PROJECT TYPEHotel in the Campbell anticipated summer/16 commercial new New Ramada CONSULTANT Subdivisions 2241 Springfield Rd - Missio Creek industrial park - 4 storeys - ARCHITECT PROJECT Opus Dayton Knight 255 1715 Crossing Westside 3,780 sm - 80 rooms - restaurant - pool Meiklejohn Architects Inc – 233 PROJECT New commercial shopping centre Dickson Ave, V1Y Newwaterslide bareland strata rural subAve, Kelowna V1Y9G6 6N2250-868-4925 with - elevators - concreteBernard PROJECT on 22 acres – 278,000 sf –TYPE mix of division – 10- one lots – to bewith 250-762-3004 OWNER retail, wholesale and commercial, construction roofha articulation commercial new developed in 2- Phases institutional and porte cochere asphalt shingles - 98 DEVELOPER District of Sicamous - 1214 light industrial,PROJECT surface parking Riverside Ave, –Sicamous 2V0 use residential – preliminary Mission Group Homes 10th floorV0Emixed PROJECT STATUSstalls commercial plans call for 9New buildings of vari- urban lifest Construction start anticipated 1631 Dickson Ave, Kelowna V1Y 250-836-2477 PROJECT STATUS centre - 6include buildings ous sizes – tenants may TD - 2 to 7 s summer 2015 – lots to be sold for 0B5 250-448-8810 PROJECT MANAGER Construction start anticipated late Canada Trust, Shoppers Drug Mart, retail commercial at ground purchasers to build on OWNERMHPM - 550 555 W 12th Ave,private liquor store, 2014 Dollarama, with office units above - und Watermark Developments CIVIL ENGINEER food store, electronic and- 80 fashion Vancouver V5Z 3X7Ltd, 604-714-0988 parkade above ground s ARCHITECT Omega & Associates – 120 6th Inc No BC0642787 – 106 975 stores – aboveterm ground parking parking stalls St Architecture NE, Salmon Arm 4P3 4871 250- Shell Academy Way, Kelowna V1V 3C8 DF IncV1E - 1205 PROJECT STATUS PROJECT STATUS 833-5643 250-763-8840 Rd, Richmond V6X 3Z6 604-284-5194 Design underway – further developDevelopment permit applica GENERAL CONTRACTOR ment of project anticipated upon DEVELOPER submitted D Pukas Excavating Ltd – PO Box completion of Satikw Crossing LOCATION Prism Ventures Barmond 56, Salmon ArmInc V1E- 3571 4N2 250ARCHITECT bridge for access to the site Ave, Richmond V7E 1A4 604-338-4656 To Be Determined - Ice Facility 833-2522 Ekistics Town Planning - 192 DEVELOPER LOCATION OWNER PROJECT TYPE St, Vancouver OWNER PDG – Property Development V5T 3C1 604-7 653 Harvey Ave – Commercial – Prism Hotels and Resorts 800 Rocstan Holdings Inc – PO -Box 42 institutional add/alter Group – 717 1030 W Georgia St, DEVELOPER Residential – Central Green 14800 Landmark Blvd,V1E Dallas Stn Main, Salmon Arm 4P3 Texas Vancouver V6ER366 2Y3 604-696-5155 PROJECT Enterprises Ltd - 4870 75254 214-987-9300 PROJECT TYPE Newdev ice facility for the Greater Kelowna V1W 4M3 250-764GENERAL CONTACTOR mixed-use Ledcor Construction Ltd – 4CONTRACTOR 3302 Vernon area to replace the aging GENERAL PROJECT Appaloosa Rd, Kelowna V1V 2W5 Civic Arena - 4,000 seats - may be Lambert and Paul Constructi New mixed use development in 250-491-2991 an addition to Kal Tire Place or the LOCATION the Central Green area – 16, 18 & 300 2000 Spall Rd, Kelowna Priest Valley Arena or construction OWNER of 4405 and 4611 Bellevue Dr – 20 storeys – 645,830 sf 250-860-2331 LOCATION a new ice facility Penticton Indian Band Development Duplexes – Okanagan Ridge PROJECT STATUS 451 Shuswap St - SD 83 North OkanaCorporation – 200 Westhills Dr, PROJECT STATUS Development permit application PROJECT TYPEAdministration Building gan Shuswap Penticton V2A 6J7 250-492-3154 Feasibility studyshortly and cost analysis multi-family new submission anticipated PROJECT TYPE study anticipated shortly - the – construction start anticipated PROJECT institutional new Vernon Advisory Committee late/15Greater or early/16 – rezoning New duplexes – 17 buildings – 34 approved will decide in June whether or not to PROJECT units – 2 storeys – wood frame hold a referendum in November/14 construction – doublebuilding or singleon the ARCHITECT New administration LOCATION to fund a newArchitects ice facility Letkeman Inc- location, attached garages old JL Jackson school site - 2,640 smRaymond 317 to 351 Van Horn St – design and estimated – 200 preliminary 970 Homer St, Vancouver 2PROJECT storeys STATUS - 75 parking stalls Townhouses – Joie cost604-669-3339 to be determined V6B 2W7 Construction is approx 50% comPROJECT STATUS PROJECT TYPE LOCATION plete – construction OWNEROWNER Site work underway completion mixed-use dev Vintage Boulevard, Okanaga Al Stober 515 1632 of entire project anticipated sumCityConstruction of Vernon - –1900 48th Ave, ARCHITECT PROJECT Vintage Views mer/16 Dickson Ave, Kelowna V1Y 7T2 Vernon V1T 5E6 250-545-1361 New townhouses – 4 buildings –3 MQN Architects - 100 3313 32 Ave, 250-763-2305 PROJECT TYPE ARCHITECT storeys – 28 units total with a half stoVernon V1T 2E1 250-542-1199 Paul Tarjan Architects – 555 11 subdivisions rey below ground flex area that could OWNER Ave SW, Calgary T2R 1P6 403be developed asPROJECT extra living space or 514-0558 School District 83 - North Okanagan commercial space – 28 parking stalls- 30 SFD lot New subdivision Shuswap – to be developed in 4 phases OWNER - 220 Shuswap St NE, LOCATION PROJECT STATUS Salmon V1E 4N24250-832-2157 CarlisleArm Group – 342 Ave SE, PROJECT STATUS 2100 Main St – Cherry Lane Construction start anticipate Calgary T2G 1C9 403-571-8400 PROJECT MANAGER Foundations for Phase 1 underway Shopping Centre – BCAA June/14 Service Centre Stantec - 400 1620 Dickson Ave, Automotive LOCATION ARCHITECT OWNER Kelowna V1Y 9Y2 250-860-3225 PROJECT Interform Investments – 1936 TYPE 2425 Orlin Rd - Addition to the Vintage View Developments Templeton Dr, Vancouver V5N 4W1 commercial new Village at Smith Creek 604-644-5308Robert Milanovic 250-492-5 LOCATION PROJECT PROJECT TYPE DEVELOPER 845 Academy Way – U Two New commercial building – BCAA seniors housing Bastion Development Corp – 500 Condominium Building Automotive Centre – 1 storey and PROJECT 1681 Chestnut St, Vancouver V6J LOCATION mezzanine – 29,776 sm – conPROJECT TYPE 4M6Creek 604-731-3500 crete construction –the brick exterior Addition to Village at Smith 524 Dabell St Mara Lake Water multi-family new – service shop, carwash, office seniors housing facility1,810 sm - 4 CONTACTOR Treatment Facility GENERAL and administration space,- staff PROJECT storeys 23 units 8 additional u/g Scott Mayhew Contracting Ltd PROJECT TYPE New condominiums – 2 buildings and public washrooms land-cement board parking stalls - –fibre – RPO 24096 Government St, – 4 storeysnew – 66 units each – built scaping industrial exterior - 4th floor stepped back as V2A 8L9 250-488-4367 Penticton
Jeff Bosch
PROJECT STATUS Construction underway - foundations
P r o f e s s i o n a l
D e v e l o p m e n t
Invest in Your Business Invest in Yourself Courses and Programs
Explore our business-focused Continuing Studies courses at
s ,EADERSHIP 3KILLS #ERTIFICATE (Kelowna, Vernon, Penticton, Salmon Arm) s ,EADERSHIP 7ORKSHOPS (Kelowna, Penticton, Vernon, Salmon Arm) s 0ROJECT -ANAGEMENT #ERTIFICATE (online) s 0ROJECT -ANAGEMENT 7ORKSHOPS (Kelowna) s "ASIC !CCOUNTING MANUAL ACCOUNTING (Kelowna, Penticton, Vernon, Salmon Arm) U "OOKKEEPING COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING (Kelowna, Vernon, Penticton, Salmon Arm) s 1UICK"OOKS (Kelowna, Vernon, Penticton, Salmon Arm) U 2EVIT !RCHITECTURE %SSENTIALS 3ERIES (Kelowna) U NEW /CCUPATIONAL (EALTH 3AFETY Certificate (Online) U -3 /FFICE 7ORD %XCEL 0OWER0OINT U 0RODUCTION AND )NVENTORY -ANAGEMENT (Kelowna)
For more information or to register visit www.okanagan.bc.ca/cs or call 1-800-856-5445
People and expertise are the most vital components of your business. Invest in them with professional development at an institution that boasts nearby campuses and a 50-year history of answering community needs with quality education and training. Okanagan College offers a comprehensive range of programs and courses to serve the business market.