Business Examiner Victoria - July 2015

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JULY 2015

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COLWOOD Hockey academy also offers corporate gym memberships

National in Scope, Local in Focus


#220 - 645 Fort Street, Victoria



Security system provider prepares for rapid growth

Victoria’s Business of the Year, Graphic FX Signworks has a lot to celebrate



INDEX News Update


West Shore






Saanich Peninsula






Who is Suing Whom 23 Movers and Shakers 24 Opinion




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Culture catapulting CAMACC to success AANICHTON – Every business has its secret, but ask Ho Kim, President and CEO of CAMACC Systems, and he’ll tell you he doesn’t have one. “One of the key things we’ve done is to be as transparent as possible with our employees,” he says. “We haven’t been afraid to share our corporate strategy within the company. “It’s helped to increase buy-in, and as we’re preparing for rapid growth over the next 3 years, getting everyone on the same page is invaluable.” His company sells, designs and installs video surveillance systems to the North American corporate market through 8 locations. The company boasts a client list with some of the largest organizations in Canada, including: Shell, Esso, Chevron, Federated Co-Ops, Money Mart, Best Buy and Save-On-Foods, among many others. One of their primary focus points during the upcoming year will be to increase brand awareness within the petroleum, retail,

The CAMACC Systems team in front of their corporate headquarters in Saanichton grocery and casino markets. “We are the biggest security system integration company in Canada that no-one’s heard of before,” says Kim. “We really want to go deeper into our primary verticals.”

“Most of our clients are large national accounts, now we want to go one step below that, and look regionally. There’s a lot of untapped potential that we can take advantage of.” Before developing their new

strategy, Kim and his management team thoroughly examined the organization’s current situation. “As leaders we needed to know SEE CULTURE CATAPULTING | PAGE 22

Hot House has Cause to celebrate Advertising agency focused on social good wins multiple awards


ICTOR I A – L oca l ad agency Hot House Marketing has become internationally recognized for their marketing expertise. The firm is owned by husband and wife team Dan and Wendy Dagg, and they’ve been on an award winning streak.

Since February their agency has won three international honors, beating out thousands of other entrants across the globe. They received a Bronze Summit Award at the 2015 Summit Creative Awards for their work with UWC Pearson College, and two AVA Digital Awards for projects

completed for the Yates Street Taphouse and Canada’s Temperance Foundation. “We’re thrilled about the wins, it reaffirms that we have been making the right moves and evolving as an agency,” says Dan. “Our work has never been better, it’s as good as any that comes out

of Vancouver or Toronto. “We’ve really started to hit our stride as an agency over the past 12 months. The company has gone from $500 local projects when we first purchased the business, to now managing SEE HOT HOUSE | PAGE 4

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2 VICTORIA Massive Month for Victoria Real Estate A total of 905 properties sold in the Victoria Real Estate Board region this May, a 26.8 per cent increase compared to the 714 proper t ies sold i n t he sa me month last year. May was another great month for local real estate. It’s been a very active month for sales and listings, and we continue to see consumer confidence in our market as people continue to purchase properties. Across our entire market, home values are up compared to this time last year. In high demand areas with less inventory available, we may see some pressure on pricing, but we also have areas in our market with great variety that offer more options in terms of property and price. The Multiple Listing Service Home Price Index benchmark value for a single family home in the Victoria Core this time last yea r was $570,500. T he benchmark value for the same home this month has increased by 3.98 per cent to $593,200. There were 4,043 active listings for sale on the MLS at the end of May, 13.5 per cent fewer than the 4,672 active listings in May 2014 Accord i ng to Guy Crozier,

president of the Victoria Real Estate Boa rd there have not been this many sales in May si nce 2007 when t here wa s 9 63 p ro p e r t i e s s o l d i n t h e month. Despite the demand, prices remain competitive and there is great variety in what is available.

VICTORIA Belleville Ferry Terminal receives funding Good news for residents, tourists, a nd the loca l economy with a planned $17.4-million i nvestment i n upg rades a nd improvements to the Belleville Ferry Terminal to support ferry services between downtown Victoria and U.S. destinations, T ra n s p or t at ion a n d I n f rastructure Minister Todd Stone announced. The revitalization of the terminal is a priority outlined in BC on the Move, the Province’s new 10-year transportation plan. The Province is embarking on a lease negotiation, which will see the $17.4-million project costshared between the Province, the Black Ball Ferry Line and Clipper Navigation Ltd. T he P rov i nce is work i ng together with the operators of the MV Coho and Clipper ferries to address the much-needed repairs to both the Black Ball and

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JULY 2015

Clipper wharves. Construction on the new Black Ball wharf is scheduled to begin in October 2015 and is expected to be completed within two years. Repairs to the Clipper wharf will take place over winter 2015. The Province will also work with the ferry companies and other stakeholders on a shared vision for a revitalized ferry terminal that would make tourists feel welcome and excited to be d isemba rk i ng right i nto the heart of the provincial capital. This and other long-term measures are being explored because the ferries provide important econom ic ties to the Un ited States and create significant trade and tourism opportunities for Victoria and Vancouver Island. The Belleville Terminal has a major estimated economic impact of $180 million/year GDP. It is also expected to support approximately 4,500 full-time jobs in Victoria and Vancouver Island and is a vital border crossing to Pacific Northwest w ith a n esti mated $200$300 million in goods carried annually.

BC International students continue to choose BC L atest stat i st ics show t he

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number of international students choosing British Columbia as their study destination i ncre a se d 2 2 p er c ent f rom 94,000 students in 2009-10 to 114,600 in 2013-14. International students enrol in all levels of education in BC, including public and private post-secondary, private language schools and K-12. 2013-14 i nternationa l students in BC: Public post-seco n d a r y : 3 9,6 0 0 s t u d e n t s , Private post-secondary: 17,400 students K-12: 14,100 students and Private language schools: 43,500 students International education is a key sector of the BC Jobs Plan and is a driver of a strong, diverse and growing economy. In 2012-13, international students in BC spent $2.3 billion on tuition, accommodation and living expenses, arts, culture and recreation, which supported almost 25,500 jobs. This created a positive economic effect on communities throughout the province. The top five source countries for international students in 2013-14, were: Brazil - 8,900 students, China - 28,700 students, Japan - 13,500 students, Saudi Arabia - 6,200 students a n d S o u t h K o re a - 13,6 0 0 students T he on ly educat ion sector that experienced a decline in the nu mber of international students between 2012-13 and 2013-14 was the private language schools with a 12 per cent decrease (5,700). Nationally, th is sector saw a 9 per cent drop. Alberta and Nova Scotia saw a 19 per cent drop. Influencing factors include job action by Foreign Service workers and strengthened federal requirements for institutions that host international students. BC’s I nternationa l Educat i o n S t ra te g y i n c l u d e s t h e goal of a 50 per cent increase in the number of international students in BC by September 2016. In support of the strategy and this target, government cont i nu e s to adva nce col laboration opportu n ities between jurisdictions, opening doors for an even greater two-way exchange of students, faculty and ideas. During the mission to China led by Adva nced E duc at ion M i n i s t e r A n d r e w W i l k i ns o n , go v e r n m e n t p ro v i d e d $130,000 to BCI T, L a nga ra College, SFU a nd UBC to support the development of schol a rsh ip prog ra m s w it h education partners in China. Participating BC institutions, Ch inese post-seconda ry ins t i t u t i o n s , t h e C h o n gq i n g Mu n icipa l E duc at ion Commission and MITACS matched the funding for a total of almost $1.4 million to provide for more than 300 scholarships benefiting both BC and Chinese students.

VICTORIA Pass it Around Victoria Announces Partnership! Pass it Around Victoria, the single admission pass that connects seven heritage attractions in Victoria, announces an exciting new partnership to begin in 2016. Launched in 2014, Pass It Around Victoria provides discounted admission to The Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, CFB Esquimalt Naval and Military Museum, Craigdarroch Castle, Emily Carr House, the Maritime Museum of BC, Point Ellice House, and the Robert Bateman Centre. After a successful first year, Pass it Around Victoria is aiming to expand its offerings and reach by partnering with the Victoria Heritage Tourism Alliance. The Heritage Tourism Alliance, an informal group of Victoria’s museums, galleries, and historic sites, will bring new cultural partners and a greater reach to the Pass it Around program. Under the administration of the Heritage Tourism Alliance, the Pass program will continue to raise the profile of Victoria as a prime cultural destination, improve local appreciation of Victoria’s cultural heritage, and support collaboration between the city’s cultural institutions. This new partnership provides an exciting future for Pass it Around Victoria. Du ri ng the tra nsition period, the sale of Pass it Around tickets will be stopped immediately and be resumed in 2016. Existing passes will continue to be honoured by all participating partners for as long as they are valid. In 2016, the Victoria Heritage Tourism Alliance plans to re-launch the Pass it Around program with more partners and new opportunities and benefits.

Vancouver Island Aerospace Alliance facilitates growth The recent formation of the Vancouver Island Aerospace Alliance (VIAA) will ensure that Vancouver Island Industry and Academia will be in a prime position to play a far greater role in this exciting new era of aerospace manufacturing than ever before. VIAA will facilitate the growth and marketing of Vancouver Island’s higher education, products, services and infrastructure to both regional and global aerospace markets. Their key objectives include promoting the Island’s aerospace response readiness to the R&D, Commercial and Defense sector - while raising Island student under/post graduate training and career options. Comprising both Industrial p a r t n e r s ( A i r p o r t A u t h o rities) and Educational partners


JULY 2015

(UVIC, Royal Roads University, VIU and Camosun College) the Alliance will be able to offer leading high tech talent that i ncludes st r uctu ra l desig n, analysis, composite research, analytics, avionics, simulation, manufacturing and rapid prototyping plus expertise in green technology - wave, tidal, biomass, solar and wind energy. The executive, which consists of: President, Mark Sylvester (President of ASAP Avionics, Campbell River) Vice President, Scott Dewis, (CEO and Fo u n d e r o f R ace Ro ck s 3D, Victoria), Acting Secretary Dr Jenner Richards (CTO of the University Centre for Aerospace Research) and Treasurer Ray Brougham (President of Prototype Equipment Design, Victoria). We i n i t i a l l y r e a c h e d o u t to Boeing Commercial Aircraft Company to secu re i nter n posit ions for three Island Students – these were acknowledged as a great success and resulted in full-time job offers for the students concerned. Plans are now afoot to expand the program next year to accept additional Island students at Boeing locations in Washington and beyond. We aim to further engage with regional and global aerospace primes and hope to further push forward with increasing our visibility in order to build on

membersh ip. Ou r Executive will be reaching out to all Island based Airport Authorities, Po s t-S e c ond a r y E du c at ion Deans of technology and Aerospace Industry Leaders. In addition, plans are also underway to host Vancouver Island’s first Aerospace Trade Showcase.

SIDNEY Viking & Reignwood Group Partnership Agreement Following Transport Canada’s recent announcement that the Series 400 Twin Otter has received Type Certification by the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CA AC), Viking Air Limited and Reignwood Aviation Group of Beijing, China, have entered into an agreement forming a strategic partnership to develop the Chinese market with commercial commitment to purchase up to 50 aircraft to be delivered over the next five years. At a signing ceremony held earlier today at the Paris International Air Show, Viking president & CEO David C. Curtis, and Christopher Wang, Executive Director of Reignwood Group, executed a strategic partnership agreement for the purchase of fifty aircraft including exclusive representation rights for the

Series 400 Twin Otter in China. Del iver ies of Reig nwood’s Series 400 Twin Otters will commence in the 4th quarter of 2015, with the first two aircraft configured in regional commuter landplane and amphibious floats. In the coming weeks, Viking a nd Reig nwood w i l l a lso be working to determine a suitable location for the development of a factory endorsed completion and service center (FECSC). The FECSC will see aircraft manufactured at Viking’s Canadian factories destined for the Chinese market undergo customer completion and customization in-country. Dav id C u r t i s com mented, “Reignwood’s world-class reputation and depth of experience in the aviation sector will give the Series 400 Twin Otter immediate traction in the Chinese market, which is anticipated to reach 500 aircraft over 20 years.” He added, “This strategic partnership will allow Viking to tap into this extensive market potential, where the seaplane segment in particular is expected to expand rapidly over the next ten years.”

Investor Acquires Minority Share in Harbour Air H a r b o u r A i r, t h e w o rl d ’s largest seaplane airline, has entered into a strategic partnership with China’s Zongshen

Industrial Group Co., to export the seapla ne com muter service to major cities throughout China. Zongshen Group, founded and run by Chinese billionaire and entrepreneur Zuo Zongshen, has acquired a minority share in Harbour Air. Zongshen Group believes Harbour Air has built a model for seaplane commuter air travel that will benefit millions of Chinese living in cities on the coast or near major waterways. The strategic partnership will not impact Canadian control of Harbour Air, whose Canadian ownership retains 75 per cent of voting shares. All Canadian regulatory requirements have been satisfied. “We are delighted that one of China’s most respected business leaders is investing in the British-Columbia made airline we have built and will take our airline model into the world’s largest market place. This unique investment from China is an historic moment for Canadian aviation,” added Alex McDougall, Harbour Air founder. China has recently opened the door to low-altitude commercial flights, making seaplane travel a viable method of transportation in many of China’s cities on the coast or near other waterways. It will offer air travel to millions of Chinese, many of whom a re m a ny ho u rs away f rom

3 airports but near waterways where seaplane bases can be established. “China’s rate of urbanization creates enor mou s dem a nd s for innovative transportation needs,” said Zuo. “In partnership with Harbour Air, we will bring this unique airline model to China to give the Chinese people an efficient, affordable and sustainable way to travel and connect with each other.” Started in 1982 by CEO Greg McDougall, with just two aircraft, Harbour Air has become the world’s la rgest seapla ne a i rl i ne, a n essentia l pa r t of British Columbia’s transportation system that con nects the province’s coastal cities and communities. The scheduled airline has an average of 200 flights a day and 60,000 flights per year that transport more than 420,000 passengers annually. ZongshenGroup was founded in 1992 by Zuo Zongshen, who started as a motorcycle mechanic in 1983, and became one of the leading motorcycle and engine compan ies in Ch ina. Zongshen Group is dedicated to the continuous expansion of its business segments, now cooperating with strategic partners to strengthen the development of the general aviation market in China and to integrate overseas technology with local manufacturing.

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multiple national and international campaigns.” This dramatic growth is due in part to the fact that Hot House has found their niche. “To excel in advertising, you need to pick a category,” he says. “We made the decision to drill dow n on ‘cause ma rketi ng’, which is tiered towards positive campaigns and initiatives for NPOs and organizations focused on improving society. “We make our money by helping clients who support thousands of people annually. Our longterm goal is to become known as a leader in ‘cause marketing’ throughout North America, we want to be the best.” Their philanthropic clients of note include Inclusion BC, the Community Living Victoria, and the BC Games Society, among others. “We’ve started to attract business from other areas of the country because we excel at this segment,” says Wendy. “Our philosophy is different than other agencies out there. “For us there’s a focus on getting our clients to think about strategy, instead of execution. You can grow a business and have huge success with mediocre creative and good strategy, but it doesn’t work the other way around.”

The couple began their entrepreneurial journey eight years ago, despite coming from much different backgrounds. Dan has spent the majority of his career in advertising, working in leadership roles with industry heavyweights DDB Canada (then Palmer Jarvis) and Copeland Communications. Wendy’s professional path has evolved over time. “Dan and I met when I was in school working on an accounting degree,” she says. “He was in the process of leaving Copeland and had started his own consulting company. “Marketing really intrigued me, and at the time I was using my accounting background to help him out. I decided to change my major to marketing and we started working together.” In 2007 Dan’s non-compete agreement related to his departure at Copeland had ended, and the couple had considered starting their own firm, when the former owner of Hot House contacted them looking to sell the company. They jumped at the opportunity. “ We ended up buy i n g one employee, a brand name, and a bunch of furniture and computers in storage,” he says. “We didn’t have a lot when we bought in,” added Wendy. “There weren’t many clients, I remember when we would find a small job and rush back to the

JULY 2015

Dan Dagg & Wendy Dagg (Hot House Marketing owners), Patrick Derricourt (VP Creative Development), Matt Johnson (Senior Art Director), Kelly Rocque (Art Director), Laura Cooper (Digital Developer), Ann Conrod (Marketing Coordinator), Paul Despins (Account Coordinator), Curtis Fleming (Senior Digital Developer), Stephanie Scurr (Office Manager), Jess Clark (Videographer) office to produce the creative within 24 hours just to make sure we had steady cash flow.” They didn’t struggle for very long however. Within the first year they had tripled in size. They doubled to seven employees the year after that. “We’ve been blessed to have some really strong long term relationships with our clients,” says Dan. “The average size of a project for us is around $20,000 now, we’ve come a long way. “It takes a while to hit your critical mass, success in this industry is all about the quality and caliber of the staff you can hire. We’re nothing more than the sum

of our people.” Their first office was a shared 1,100 square foot unit. T hey ended up taking it over after two years, then eventually outgrowing it before moving to their current 2,500 square foot location on Government Street. “We found that it was hard to attract good talent and higher level clients with our first office,” says Wendy. “The expansion took us to the next level, the feel of the building is a nice foot forward, it sends the right message. “Our staff work so well together, there are different flavors of staff, different viewpoints, and skillsets. That melting pot has

had great output.” Working together as a husband and wife team has presented its own set of challenges. “We have different skill sets,” says Wendy. “We work wel l together, but it took some time. Dan is very strategic and sees the big picture, I get the details, it’s become a very symbiotic relationship. “There came a point where we needed to lay out clear boundaries, you can’t bring issues from home into the office, and visa-versa. About three years in we made a deal, he’s the boss at work, and I’m the boss at home.”


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JULIE LAWLOR At the Chamber’s monthly mixers, I have the pleasure of speaking to a lot of people. June’s mixer, hosted by Farley Martin Notaries and Wise Financial Services, was no exception. One of the people I spoke to was Dr Janine Fraser of West Shore Family Naturopathic, and one of the things we discussed was building relationships. From speaking to suppliers who work elsewhere in the country, she observed that the importance of building relationships and getting to know the people you are doing business with is an approach valued more here on the west coast than perhaps in other areas of the country.

It was an observation that reinforced the tagline my colleague Joshua Schmidt has been usi ng a rou nd the office: “business is personal.” This mix of business and personal is a real strength in the West Shore, and I certainly find that it is easiest to support our local businesses and organizations when I better understand the people behind it all, what their challenges are and what motivates them. One example of this is Vancouver Island Alarms, a local security company with 13 years of experience providing security systems and monitoring services across Vancouver Island. While this company provides service across the Island, it has a strong presence in the West Shore and this means that if I pick up the phone to owner Barry Gribbon I get an immediate response. One of the lessons I find myself absorbing is that a national company usually has a local face, and a good example of that is the well-know n security company ADT, whose

local representative Bonnie Drouillard is based in Langford. I met Bonnie at our February mixer hosted by Browns Socialhouse, and was impressed by her passion, and how she infuses the company she works for with her personal drive. July 17th the WestShore Chamber of Commerce partners with the Young Entrepreneurs Society to present the WestShore Quay Classic Golf Tournament at the beautiful Olympic View Golf Club. Starting at 1:00 pm, this fun golf tournament will involve surprises and prizes across the 18 holes before a delicious dinner, awards, music and a casino night. All proceeds will support the non-profit WestShore Chamber and the Saanich Legacy Foundation. Limited tickets and sponsorship opportunities are available. Julie Lawlor is the Executive Director at the WestShore Chamber of Commerce. You can reach her at 250478-1130 or jlawlor@


JULY 2015




Our Chamber knows there are five key ingredients in any successful economic development strategy



here’s no a rg u i ng that Sooke is a rapidly growi n g c o m m u n i t y! N e w business starts are up significantly in the last year as are home sales and enquiries at our Chamber office from those interested in relocating to our town. As British Columbia’s economy continues to gather steam, there are clear indications that Sooke will remain one of the fastest growing communities on Vancouver Island for years to come. Our large land base and reason ably pr iced resident i a l, c om m erc i a l a nd i ndu s t r i a l prop er t y i s re s p on si ble for some of the growth but much of it can be attributed to the community itself. Known as the “Volunteer Capital of Canada”, Sooke’s community spirit has long attracted young families

looking for a safe place to raise a family as well as older couples looking to retire surrounded by natural beauty. As the economy a nd t he tow n h ave developed, it has become obvious that Sooke needs to focus on a

clearly defined growth strategy that will ensure our community maintains its unique character while developing necessary infrastructure, creating good jobs a nd broaden i ng the ta x base for sustaining the future. Our Chamber knows there are five key ingredients in any successful economic development strategy: having a vision for the future, sustained participation and political commitment from local government, active engagement from business and com mu n ity g roups, i nvestment from multiple funding sources and collaboration on projects by leading community organizations. Although all of these ingredients are important, developing and communicating a widely shared vision for Sooke is arguably the most crucial. Community leaders must achieve a broad consensus on Sooke’s strategic agenda, decide how to progress towards our goals and then effectively communicate the plan to our citizens. For too long, we have been a community divided not due to any great philosophical differences but by the need for a well-communicated vision. We definitely have the strong leaders in our community necessary to achieve our goals and our Mayor and Council are making great

progress. The challenge comes in coordinating the efforts of the many hard-working organizations across our community. With this in mind, the coming weeks will see the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce taking the initiative to coordinate a meeting of Sooke’s political, business and community leaders to discuss our shared vision for our community and to define how to achieve our goals over the coming decade. This meeting would be the start of a new level of collaboration that would see all organizations working in their area of expertise towards the future we all desire. So oke i s at a n i ntere s t i n g cross-roads. Forecasts show


ou r popu lation w i l l l i kely double to 25,000 people in the next twenty years and so we have the incredible opportunity in front of us to decide how this extraordinary growth occurs. The Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce will take a leadership role and act as a catalyst to show how our community can seize this opportunity. Welcome our new Chamber Members: Northern Board Distribution Co. Ltd., Camosun College, Bliss Companion Care, and Sooke Water Inc. Sean Dyble is the President of the Sooke Region Chamber of Commerce and the owner of 120 West Management Consulting





JULY 2015

MINIMUM WAGE – LEAVE IT BE! With seven per cent of the 110,400 a head of a family, it may be safe to assume that the majority of minimum wage


recipients are entry-level youth

BRUCE CARTER With the d iscussion about minimum wage re-emerging in Alberta, what do we think about BC’s minimum wage? Is the 18-year old working for minimum wage in downtown Victoria being provided adequate compensation? First, what is BC’s minimum wage? Presently, it is $10.25 an hour, up from $8.00 an hour in April 2011. The BC Government announced in March 2015 that the general minimum wage will increase to $10.45 in September 2015. Second, how is minimum wage calculated? In March 2015, the BC Government announced that minimum wage will be based on the BC Consumer Price Index (CPI). Positive BC CPI change over t he prev iou s c a lend a r year will see increases to the

minimum wage, while negative CPI change will see minimum wages remain as is. Each March, the BC Government will announce the minimum wage rate effective Sept. 15. T h i rd , who re ceives m i nimum wage? According to the BC Government, 110,400 British Columbians received minimum wage in 2014. That is 5.9 per cent of the paid workforce, below the national average of 7.2 per cent. Ninety-one per cent of the 110,400: worked in the service producing sector, e.g. retail and hospitality; 57 per cent were part-time; and 52 per cent lived with their parents. With seven per cent of the 110,400 a head of a family, it may be safe to assume that the majority of minimum wage recipients are entry-level

youth. As the voice of the business community, is The Chamber satisfied with minimum wage and the planned mechanism for future changes? Upon close examination, we find that the BC minimum wage policy is: Predictable: Employers now have a predictable process so that they can plan, grow, and invest with confidence. Fair: Employers have a process that considers the impact on both employers and workers. T ra nspa rent: Employers have a process that is open and non-partisan. Supportive to our economy: As job-creators, employers have a process that does not discourage investment, job creation, and economic growth. As a predictable, fair and transparent policy that is supportive to our economy, BC’s minimum wage works well to ensure those earning minimum wage are compensated for their work, while contributing to economic prosperity within the Greater Victoria area.

JULY CHAMBER EVENTS ■ Thursday, July 9 Prodigy Group Mingle 5 pm to 7 pm Hosted by Strathcona Hotel, The Clubhouse

■ Thursday, July 16 Business Mixer 5 pm to 7 pm Hosted by: Victoria HarbourCats

■ Wednesday, July 15 Get Found: Increase Your Leads and Boost Your Sales 8 am to 9 am The Chamber

■ Thursday, July 30 Summer Social Series: Winemaker’s Dinner 5 pm to 9 pm Horticulture Centre of the Pacific

Coming in 6j\jhi

Spotlight on

Bruce Carter, CEO of Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce, 250.383.7191 and bcarter@


CONTACT: THOM KLOS 250.661.2297

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JULY 2015

FROM COP TO CAPTAIN, BARRY HOBBIS GUIDES FERRY TO FORTUNE Victoria Harbour Ferry celebrates silver anniversary


ICTORIA – Ex-RCMP officer Barry Hobbis, Vice President of Operations at Victoria Harbour Ferry Tours & Charters, had a chance encounter in 2004 that changed his life. While out for a coffee at a local establishment, he overheard the owners talking about selling the company. “I waited until their coffee was over and asked them if they were interested in telling me about their plans,” he says. “In a period of a few days, we signed an agreement to purchase and I gave them a ‘good faith’ deposit of $10, all the cash I had on me at the time, and within a month or so a group of key partners, including Nick Samson, John Chew and John Heraghty were on board as new owners.” Hobbis took the plunge into entrepreneurship despite having a limited business background. “From an early age it was embedded in me to take risks,” he says. “I didn’t think about failure, and being 56 at the time, maybe I should have been afraid, but that’s not how I’m wired. “I felt that if I worked hard and immersed myself in all areas of the business, that I was going to be successful.” That success has come as a result of planning for the future. “My first thought when I wake up every morning is, ‘how can I protect this company?’ he says. “I’m focused on building a sound foundation of business practices, learning how to move the organization forward, and managing external forces, whether it’s dealing with City Hall, some bureaucratic structure or a competitor. “Having a vision is really important, but you need to have that left and right brain connection. The vision needs to be backed by details and strategy, and you need

Barry Hobbis, Vice President of Operations at Victoria Harbour Ferry Tours & Charters to be prepared to work through the constant challenges and obstacles you’re going to face.” The company provides guided tours, water taxi and ferry services, private charters and event viewings to downtown Victoria harbour visitors. However, its success is rooted in the people it employs. “In our business model the boats are secondary. The core of the company are the captains who operate them,” says Hobbis. “They all have a lot of life experience that’s not typically directly related to the tourism industry. “At the top of my recruitment list is the word ‘retired’. We’ve had ex-Boeing 747 pilots, lawyers and doctors lead tours here, and they’re very outgoing, and really enjoy what they do. The job isn’t just some ordeal they have to go through, and that’s evident through the high level of care that they show to the customers.” The impressive resumes of the captains are due in part to Hobbis’ extensive network. “Leveraging the relationships I’d developed over the years in my previous career has been an important part of developing the team we have today,” he says. “Those personal connections are vital to being successful, I feel fortunate to work with such a diverse group of people.

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“I’ve made a poi nt of su rrounding myself with others who are better at their jobs than I am at mine. That’s really helped with my own personal development, and the grow th of the company. I’m fortunate to have an outstanding team around me” T he Miller fa m i ly fou nded the business in 1990. Mr. Miller was an island-based shipwright contracted to build boats for Expo 86. A few years later, he brought the concept to Victoria’s harbour, and the unique transportation mode became rapidly successful. “The Millers did a remarkable job of building the business,” says Hobbis. “There’s no doubt that when we purchased it that it was very successful, we weren’t starting from scratch here.” S i n c e t h e p u rc h a s e , V i ctoria Harbour Ferry has nearly doubled in size. “I’ve always been a strong believer that when an opportunity is knocking on the door, you need to open up and take advantage,” says Hobbis. That’s exactly what he did. The company has grown from 26 employees and 11 boats when he took over, to its current roster of 70 employees and 17 boats, which carry more than 300,000 passengers every year. “ I m m e d i a t e l y a f t e r p u rchase we set about on a path of growth,” he said. “The challenge

Captain Stan Huston on an H20 Taxi PHOTO CREDIT: MICHELE HORNELL

for many people was that they’re comfortable being a part of the status quo, they like the comfort zone. Our culture has changed and now we look at ‘new and different’ as being a challenge and not a problem “My plan from the beginning was to stretch the company and take risks and that’s carried through to today. I push the envelope every year trying to grow.” That mentality has created an environment that allows innovative and ‘outside the box’ ideas to become new income streams. One such idea was the now enormously popular Pickle Pub Crawl, which was originally developed by a staff member who pitched the idea to Hobbis. The event is now in its fourth yea r, a nd more tha n 10,000 people are expected to participate in 2015. There were just 300 in the first year, 3,000 in its second, and 6,500 in its third. Coming up next for Victoria Harbour Ferry is a brand new 12-passenger electric ‘Duffy’ b o at, wh ic h i s e x p e c te d to launch July 1. “You can’t believe you’re on a boat when you’re in it,’ says Hobbis. “It’s very quiet, the power is clean and there are zero

emissions. “Right now we’re waiting for approval from Transport Canada and if all goes well with the launch, we’re prepared to purchase two additional units. It’s going to be exciting to see what our customers think.” Outside of day-to-day business, Hobbis is an avid fisherman and teaches a high school class through Tourism BC on building a career in the industry.



JULY 2015

UNDERSTANDING THE REGIONAL ECONOMY Consider that almost no business located in Sidney operates in isolation from Central


Saanich or North Saanich



e a re so pr iv i leged to live in this region. It’s a true mosaic of communities, each of which contribute to the lifestyle and prosperity of the whole. One of the greatest places on earth. Tou r ism Victor ia’s re c ent v ideo promot i ng ou r ent i re region brilliantly captures the ‘why’ of why we l ive where w e d o. ( h t t p s: //y o u t u . b e / LUXZ1OjFUIM). Although the video features visitors, my experience has been that most locals respond similarly. Tou r i sm Victor i a’s recent v ideo promot i ng ou r ent i re region brilliantly captures the ‘why’ of why we live where we do. Local business owners/

managers, have much the same reaction when questioned why we chose to locate our business here. W h i le t here a re m a ny valid personal influences, there are also many compelling business reasons. Explanations become stronger and more business related when asked, “why the Saanich Peninsula in particular” and even more so when asked, “why Sidney, Central Saanich and/or North Saanich.” It is important to understand the reg iona l economy. Consider that almost no business located in Sidney operates in isolation from Central Saanich or North Saanich. And although these businesses may compete for clients, which is a healthy part of an economy at any scale, that’s not necessarily what needs attention. Consider instead the supply chain. For example: A manufacturing company located next to the Airport may rely on a trucking company in Central Saanich to move raw materials to the site – the trucking company supplying those goods benefits from this business but is sustained only if it can supply other companies. Both companies will depend on maintaining employees in the region to supply the labour

necessa ry to operate. T hose employees will live throughout the greater Victoria region, stimulating other sectors of the economy. Consider that the Peninsula has 50per cent of the entire capital region’s manufacturing base of which about 60per cent of their workforce com mute from either Saa nich/Oak Bay or the Westshore communities. Also, our own behaviour as individual consumers has consistently shown that we move through the region. Economic Development Officer Dallas Gislason pointed out to me recently, that “citizens in Sidney are just as likely to shop in Langford at Costco as residents in other pockets of the region are to shop in downtown Sidney. The key should be, keeping each “shopping destination” u n iq u e a nd ta ke adva nta ge of t h at u n iqueness t h roug h planning and positioning that aligns to the attributes O n t he topic of t he g loba l economy, consider also that t he t h ree mu n icipa l it ies on the Pen i nsu la together prov ide t he g reater propor t ion of Victoria’s g loba l tou rism brand, i.e., Central Saanich’s Butcha rt Ga rdens, North Sa a n ich’s m ajor a i r a nd sea transportation hubs and the


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entire Peninsula’s suburban/ rural farming culture (it’s the la nds wh ich constitute over half of the agricultural land in the CRD). The Saanich Peninsula Chamb e r e x i s t s t o b u i l d o p p o rtu n it ies for bu si nesses to communicate and collaborate on a local and regional scale. We continue to be an advocate and voice for business for the entire Peninsula and in order to serve those busi nesses i n to the future, I am proposing that we build our understandi ng of ou r reg iona l busi ness environment. As I hear John Treleaven say of ten, “a l l busi ness is loca l but there will not be a vibrant reg ion a l, prov i nci a l or n ational economy unless every municipality understands the v ita l role loca l gover n ment plays in strengthening wealth creation.” Please feel free to w rite or email me with your thoughts on what you think makes (or will make) our region a good choice for business. Craig Norris is president of the Saanich Peninsula Chamber of Commerce and can be reached at

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JULY 2015

H2X CONTRACTING DIGS DEEP TO REACH SUCCESS Victoria based company specializes in hydroexcavation and specialty rock excavation


ICTORIA - H2X Contracting Ltd. is a fully insured company known primarily for hydro-excavation and speciality rock excavation servicing the government, municipal, residential, and private sectors. The company provides the following services: â– Sign installation that involves safely excavating holes for Sona tubes in the vicinity of underground utilities, allowing the sign to be installed. â– Pole excavation: excavation in the vicinity of underground electrical lines that requires specialized equipment. â– Utility locating: safely excavating around active utilities, which include gas, sewer, water, fibre optic and electrical lines. â– Utility repair involving excavation around damaged utilities once they have been shut off or made safe by the utility owner. â– Line flushing: cleaning out storm and sanitary lines to allow proper flow and prevent back up, thus allowing for CCTV inspections. â– Catch basins: full service for cleaning and draining street and parking lot drains and sumps. â– Environmental daylighting and monitoring well installations and environmental clean-up. H2X Contracting is family owned by husband and wife, Kevin and Genevieve Harold and Kevin’s brother, Richard Harold. H2X is probably best known for its hydro excavating, which uses pressurized water and vacuum to remove material. Richard explained that it is a non-mechanical and non-destructive method that combines pressurized water and a high flow of moving air to simultaneously excavate and remove material. He noted that the method is particularly safe and effective for locating utilities safely and for use in remote and environmentally sensitive areas. “It’s the safest way of digging and locating any underground utilities,â€? he said. Kevin founded the company in Victoria in 2003 after gaining experience in the Lower Mainland. In the beginning the operation wasn’t as sophisticated as it is today. “I started with just a pick-up truck and some shovels,â€? he said. “I worked my way up and talked to BC Hydro – I explained to them that I knew what I was doing. It took some convincing to get them to give me a try, but after a few years of proving myself, the company started to get larger and larger.â€? In fact, he had to

The H2X owners say they are proud of the expert work its team does begin bringing on more people as the company’s reputation grew. As it expanded, Kevin put the money back into the business. His first new purchase was a vacuum truck in 2006 and that started the hydro-excavation process. H2X is also known for specialty rock excavation, which involves digging a seven-foot hole by hand, specifically for BC Hydro and TELUS utility poles. Over the years, the company has gained loyal customers. “We provide a good service,�

Kevin said. “And we have the experience.� Richard added that the company is also known for its professional, qualified and certified staff. Its work regularly attracts praise from customers. “H2X Contracting Ltd. has supplied both pole hole excavation and hydro vac excavation for BC Hydro Duncan for the past 5 years. They have provided us with excellent, prompt service during that time, and have met all our needs and expectations.� — Daniel Payne, Foreman. BC Hydro.

H2X Contracting has been working with BC Hydro for years

“H2X Contracting Ltd. has been doing work for the Town of Sidney for approximately one year and is very dependable and accommodating when we phone for service even after hours, or weekends or holidays. We as the Town of Sidney are very happy with H2X Contracting Ltd for their service and we are still intending on using them in the future.� —Brad Thomas, Foreman of Underground Utilities. Town of Sidney “In my experience with H2X Contracting Ltd, I have found them

to be punctual, professional and a pleasure to work with. In particular, I value their dedication to rigorous health and safety protocols that we employ on our job sites. I can therefore recommend them for hydro-excavation work with no reservations.� —Jari Eikenaar, Project Scientist, SNC Lavalin Environment Moving into the future, Richard said that the company plans to continue to grow and invest in new technology. It will also continue investing in its team and their safety. “We have all our safety tickets and safety is one of the most important things for us,� Kevin said. “We have ongoing training and our team has training tickets for their different jobs including confined space, first aid, WHMIS, transportation of dangerous goods and more.� Genevieve noted that the company is proud to have a zero incident safety record. It is also proud to be a local, familyowned island company serving Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. And it prides itself on fairness and honesty, not only with its customers about also with its staff. “We’re the owners and we’re the face of the company,� Genevieve said. “We deal directly with the customers. We’re on the job sites and people can reach us 24/7 if they need to. We always make the extra effort.� H2X Contracting Ltd. is at 601 Terlson Way in the Millstream Industrial Park in Victoria.

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JULY 2015

AUTOMOTIVE Fueling Clean Flames of Competition Automakers unseal patents to stimulate competition and speed up infrastructure for energy efficient vehicles “We have a no-



hese days it’s hard to find an automaker that doesn’t offer an energy efficient vehicle as part of its line-up. Every year billions of dollars are invested in the pursuit of better fuel economy and a smaller carbon footprint. With BC posting some of the highest gas prices in the country, consumers are looking for the best options that pull double duty, saving on their fuel bill and caring for the environment. Toyota hit the market first with the Prius more than 15 years ago and started a revolution in hybrid technology. But the revolution is far from over. Automakers are following the dotted lines leading to a rapidly increasing market, with estimates by Navigant Research showing a compound annual growth rate of 23.7 per cent. In fact, the auto industry is fueling the flames of competition and speeding up construction of vital infrastructure by sharing technology and patents. Roy Lancaster, general manager of Prince George Toyota said that Toyota led the pack when it sold its hybrid patents to Ford. Then in June of 2014, Tesla CEO, Elon Musk said, on the motor company’s blog, that it promised that it would not “initiate patent lawsuits against anyone who, in good faith, wants to use our technology.” And recently, Ford added its push for product advancement, announcing it would be opening up its portfolio of EV technology patents. It’s an important move for electric vehicles and the industry. Kevin Layden, director of the Ford Electrification Program, said, “… by sharing our research with other companies, we will accelerate the growth of the electrified vehicle technology and deliver even better products to customers.” Good news for consumers and the environment. Today electric vehicles include battery electric vehicles (BEVs) that run only on a battery and an electric drive train and plug into an external source to recharge. There are also plug-in hybrid electric vehicles

compromise philosophy and are 100 per cent focused on producing electric vehicles.” ALEXIS GEORGESON COMMUNICATIONS, TESLA MOTORS

David James Ray converted his car to solar powered electric (PHEVs) that can use both a plug-in source to recharge and/or internal combustion should the battery run low. Currently, hybrid technology can be found in a range of models from compact two-seaters to the popular sport utility, and fully electric vehicles can be found from compact to sedan. But as fuel costs continue to rise and technology improves, the roads could be seeing more variety in models and sizes of electric vehicle. Tesla spokesperson Alexis Georgeson said that a strong market demand in BC could see a fully electric sport utility model as early as 2016. “Last year saw an important step in our technology with the release of an all-wheel-drive Model S,” she said, adding that the high performance sedan won the number one spot on Consumer Report’s list of Top Ten Cars for 2015. “We have a no-compromise philosophy and are 100 per cent focused on producing electric vehicles,” she said. Though the popularity of EV’s is growing, there are still consumer drawbacks. The biggest is the distance travelled on a single charge. After all, British Columbians like to drive, and not just around town. Tesla’s Model S rear wheel drive, with an 85 kWh battery, has a range of 425 km; other EV’s have up to 200 km. Both the latter can take up to six hours to recharge at a regular

charging station. To address the range issue, Tesla has begun installing supercharging stations throughout BC, allowing Tesla drivers to charge their car in 20 minutes. “Stations strategically placed along the TransCanada Highway

allow the driver to seamlessly get back on the road after taking a quick pit stop and recharge,” Georgeson said. She added that station locations in BC currently take drivers to Calgary, and future plans for extending the supercharger’s reach are in the works.

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JULY 2015

For cars like the Nissan Leaf, Mitsubishi iMiev, Mercedes Smart for Two, Chevrolet Volt and Ford Focus Electric, the commute to and from work sees the most returns, providing a no-cost traveling experience and easier access to charging stations. Ken Kirubi, sales manager for Kelowna Infiniti Nissan, said, “With the Leaf you get a lot of bang for your buck, and a luxury ride for the commute to and from work.” He added that, currently, the electric model serves a niche market to individuals who want more than fuel savings; they want to be part of the solution to climate protection. He also said that BC still has a learning curve when it comes to energy efficient vehicles. “We’ve been using gas to power our vehicles for decades; it will take time to learn a new system.” Lancaster said that sales of EV’s revolve around gas prices. “When gas prices are high, sales of hybrids goes up, when gas prices are low, sales go down.” David James Gray, sales consultant for Steve Marshall Ford Nanaimo, who converted his own car to solar powered electric, believes the day is coming when all vehicles on the road will be either electric or fuel-cell powered. “For Canadian drivers a viable option for long range driving and city driving is a car that can run on electric but has gas for a backup,” he said, adding that with hybrids, gas is used if there is more power drawn, as in acceleration or traveling up a grade. “During acceleration the gas is powering the vehicle, but once you reach speed, you can switch to electric by taking your foot off the gas pedal and then putting it back on. At that point the electric motor kicks in.” Blair Qualey, president and CEO of the New Car Dealers Association (NCDA), said the hydrogen fuel-cell electric vehicle is also a contender for future energy efficient automobiles. At the 2015 Vancouver International Autoshow, Hyundai unveiled its latest energy efficient vehicle, the CUV fuel-cell electric Tucson, and other automakers like Honda, Toyota and GM promise to introduce their own version in the next couple of years. But the key still remains that BC needs infrastructure, recharging stations and fuel centers. “There is only one hydrogen fueling station in the lower mainland,” said Qualey. That limits the viability of purchasing a car with planet-saving technology. You can’t fill up with hydrogen at a corner gas station, at least not yet. According to Ministry of Energy and Mines spokesperson, David Haslam, there are currently, 550 publically-available Level 2 charging stations across BC and 13 DC fast charging stations along strategic corridors.

“Investments in infrastructure will be based on the results of a charging infrastructure gap analysis, currently underway. It will identify critical gaps and where provincial investments can have the most impact,” he said, adding that details of the charging infrastructure program will be available by the fall of 2015. Though NCDA of BC acts as an advocacy group for new car dealerships, providing training, publications and liaison services between the government and media, it is also partnered with the Ministry of Energy and Mines to administer the Clean Energy Vehicle Program for BC (CEVP). Initially running from 2011 to the spring of 2014, the program has recently been renewed when on March 23, 2015, Minister of Energy and Mines, Bill Bennet announced that it would once again subsidize Canadians purchase of an electric, hybrid or fuel cell vehicle. “We wanted to make the process as uncomplicated for the consumer as possible,” said Qualey. In the program, BC residents, businesses, non-profit organizations and local government organizations (including municipal and regional governments and First Nations, but excluding provincial, crown, and federal government agencies), who purchase or lease qualifying new vehicles, will be eligible for up to $5,000 off qualifying electric, fuel-cell electric, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and up to $6,000 for a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle. “The car dealership takes the incentive value off the negotiated price, before taxes, and then it applies to the CEVP of BC for reimbursement,” he said. The CEV program will run until March 31, 2018 or until the more than $5 million in the program is exhausted, whichever comes first. The long-term goal is for five per cent of new light duty vehicle purchases in BC to use clean energy by 2020. That means lower spending on imported transportation fuels and more use of locally produced electricity and hydrogen. According to Green Car Reports, the number of electric and hybrid cars on Canadian roads is growing. In January 2015 EV’s hit a landmark number with a total of 10,000 vehicles sold. And the total of all models and types of plug in hybrids sold in Canada in 2014 was 10,175. In BC, there are currently, 1700 CEV’s on the road. With added cash savings incentives, BC may see more EV’s plugging into clean, cheap power. And that spells greater diversity for the province’s auto industry, a new direction for getting ahead in the race for fuel efficiency and auto sales and new opportunities for a skilled and specialized work force.

NCDA of BC is making it easy for consumers to cash in on incentives for purchasing a clean energy efficient vehicle said Blair Qualey


Eventually all vehicles on the road will be electric of fuel-cell powered said David Gray

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JULY 2015

EXTRAORDINARY SERVICE CREATES OPPORTUNITY FOR SOOKE CENTRE AUTO Automotive repair shop owner takes care to the next level.


OOKE – Carl Scott, owner of Sooke Centre Auto Repair, has forged incredibly unique bonds with his customers through a commitment to care. “I had one long-time customer give me his house,” says Scott. “He called me over one day and asked if I’d be the executor of his will, the house was his main asset, and I was to inherit it when the time came for him to pass on.” Despite owning the property outright, Scott’s client didn’t have an income stream. The client signed over ownership of his home to Scott, and in exchange now receives rent-free accommodation for life on the property. Scott leveraged the home’s equity to purchase the company from its previous owner, Norman Reid. “I’ve always tried to be as transparent and honest as possible with the people who walk through the door,” he says. “That’s come back to me over the years, it’s come back 1000 fold.” “Many clients have become great friends, I spend a lot of time building trust and clearly explaining the costs and process. We have a high rate of repeat cliental because we work very hard to eliminate surprises when the customer comes to pick up their vehicle.” For most, receiving unexpected high value gifts doesn’t happen often, if ever, but Scott has recently gone through another similar experience. “One client sold me his $200,000 customized Chevrolet pickup for a fraction of the cost,” says Scott. “The deal was that I can’t sell the truck, the customer told me ‘use it, run it, race it. I want you to have it to keep in your family.’” The former owner had taken the pickup out of storage and used Sooke Centre Auto to repair and service it. After trying to sell it for a year and a half, he came back to Scott with the offer.

A revitalized 1940 Ford Sedan Delivery in front of Sooke Centre Auto Repair

“Many clients have become great friends, I spend a lot of time building trust and clearly explaining the costs and process. We have a high rate of repeat clientele because there are no surprises when the customer comes to pick up their vehicle.” CARL SCOTT SOOKE CENTRE AUTO REPAIR OWNER

“There are a lot negative perceptions about this industry,” he says. “People don’t want to be pouring money into their cars, and I think when you really go the extra mile to be personable and explain the cost process, it’s going to come back to you. “Our customers know we’re going to treat their vehicles properly.” Exceptional customer service is just one component of his business’s success. “Every day is a learning curve, you don’t just figure things out right away” says Scott. “My professional education has changed

Sooke Centre Auto Repair employees, Ron Booth, Jason Mawle, Daryl Garder and Owner, Carl Scott as the company has grown. Early on I did a lot of technical training, and as I prepared to purchase the business I started taking management courses. “I’ve heeded the advice and training that I’ve been given over the years, it’s been a big factor in the company’s longevity.” Maintaining and growing the business has taken time, and a focus on the little things. “If I’m going to make a change, its not going to be drastic,” he says. “I’ve learned to modify different areas of the company incrementally, I measure the performance of that change, then move onto the next thing. “Problems come when attention

to detail is missed, trying to do everything at once can make that challenging. I watch our numbers daily, weekly and monthly, I need to know what’s profitable and what’s not. Who are the good customers, who are the bad ones, and what helps attract quality customers who understand the importance of proper maintenance?” Scott has worked for the company for 27 years, but his ownership is fairly recent. “At 14 I was looking for a job,” he says. “The owner at the time, Norm, hired me to do cleanup on the weekends. I worked there through high school and learned everything I could about the business.”

He started his apprenticeship with the company in 1993 after graduating high school, and completed it, receiving his mechanic’s license in 1997, before purchasing the business in 2010. Norm (Norman Reid) sold the business to Scott in 2010, and retired shortly after. “I was fortunate to work for the same guy for so many years, the mentorship was huge for me. He and I had a very close bond, and we’d planned for me to succeed him when he was ready to retire.” Since then, Scott bought the building the company sits in, and the adjacent property. The location houses three bays and employs five. When he took over, one of his first decisions was to overhaul the building’s exterior. “Appearance is a big thing,” he says. “We replaced the plain stucco with a custom orange paint job, there’s a certain level of ‘curb appeal’ that it brings. “Customers like the clean new look, we get a lot of compliment, and it’s generated a lot of business. A clean look, shop and parking lot say a lot about how we do things here.” The company’s reputation has given it the opportunity to work on a number of unique projects, including a 1965 Chevelle convertible, multiple muscle cars and a 1932 Ford Highboy Roadster.

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JULY 2015

NZ BUILDERS WINS VIBE AWARDS FOR A UNIQUE HOME Built with concrete sandwich panels, award winner is highly energy efficient


ICTORIA - At this year’s inaugural Vancouver Island Building Excellence Awards (VIBE) sponsored by the Canadian Home Builders Association Vancouver Island (CHBAVI), NZ Builders Ltd. took home two prestigious prizes. It won in the categories Best Single Family Home Between 1,500 – 3,000 sq. ft. and Best Innovative Feature New or Renovation. It was also a finalist for Best Single Family Kitchen under $50,000. This recognition came on the heels of several silver CARE awards in 2014 presented by the Victoria Residential Builders Association. Company president Damon Gray said he was more than pleased to receive the VIBE awards. “It’s brilliant. All my hard work has paid off.� He added that every time he stands back and looks at Wain Road, his award-wining house, he realizes it truly is a good-looking home. “I’m always proud of what we do. And as far as entering the awards with a house built with concrete sandwich panels, I’m really chuffed that it pulled through – it’s totally different.� NZ Builders has

entered the market on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands with a unique product. While concrete sandwich panels are used commercially on the West Coast, it is extremely rare to see them utilized in residential construction. However, they present compelling advantages. The panels allow low fluctuation in temperature as well as durability and low maintenance, without compromising on great design. Gray said that a home built this way, can be just as beautiful and creative as any other building method, with the difference that the beauty comes with big savings in heating costs. “Because it’s so insulated, you don’t have to do a complicated heating system,� Gray said. “It actually has a simple, basic heating system because you don’t need heat.� He said that while some people spend thousands on geothermal heat and noisy heat pumps, he spent money instead on solar panels and time on situating the house correctly – and with no heat pump, super insulated walls and triple glazed windows, his house offers complete quiet, shutting out annoying outdoor sounds. Gray said that he builds houses to last without a constant need for maintenance, which can be expensive and a liability in the long run. With so much going for it, one would think that this style of building would catch on quickly.

Damon Gray notes that highly energy efficient building with panels costs no more that standard building

Damon Gray says he wants to help other builders with concrete sandwich panel construction But Gray pointed out that change takes time. An entire industry has been building stick frame for generations. Concrete sandwich panels may be a superior way to build but the method will catch on gradually as people come to understand how the system works and how efficient it is. He noted that when guests come to stay with him, they invariably remark on the comfort of the home – and that even, comfortable temperature is accomplished without air conditioning or complicated mechanical systems. The Wain Road house has been certified Built Green Platinum – the highest Built Green rating. Gray brings his passion for sustainable building to every project he takes on. He did his apprenticeship in New Zealand. When he left, he worked in his trade in California for four years before moving to Victoria and starting his company in 2004. Since then he has built and renovated a number of residential and commercial projects. He recently completed a fully off-grid home on Salt Spring Island and is currently constructing a net zero home on the Sunshine Coast. Gray noted that his total energy costs for the Wain Road house average $75 per month at a conservative estimate, and he believes that he will soon be building energy positive homes – residences that put energy back into the grid.

Building with concrete sandwich panels is still unique in residential construction In fact, his goal is to continue building homes completely off the grid if the site allows. “And we’ll do it for the same price as conventional building,� he said. “I think it’s sad how much demand we put on infrastructure. We put so much demand on BC Hydro and all the big items like sewage systems. You ask people where does your sewage go and where does your water runoff go and where does your power come from? No one knows. No one knows the problems we’re having and the costs of these problems. So, for us, it’s an environmental thing. I want my costs to be an asset, not a liability.�

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Gray is driven by innovation, strict attention to detail, thinking outside the box, and a focus on creating healthier and more comfortable living spaces. He said that one of his goals is to move on to multi-family residential projects where he can cut a landlord’s maintenance and heating costs by up to 80 per cent with his method of building. He also wants to pass on his knowledge to other builders. “This system could be part of their offering to clients. We can act as consultants to those builders. We’re working with other builders already – and that’s a good thing.�

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JULY 2015

ICE VICTORIA IS A FUN LEARNING ENVIRONMENT FOR KIDS AND ADULTS “We want to create an Hockey academy also offers corporate gym memberships


OLWOOD - ICE Victoria, located in Colwood, prov ides fu n a nd positive experiences for everyone who loves hockey, from five-year-old beginners to adults who are looking to stay active for life. “We want to create an environment where people can develop in a fun and positive atmosphere while improving their hockey skills,” said facility manager Justin Isaac. “From beginners to adults, we want to make it open to everyone. They can come here and have a good time playing hockey.” ICE Victor ia is a pr ivately owned facility that first opened to the public in 2011. At the time, it was known as Puckmasters Victoria. In 2012, it was re-named, The Island Centre of Hockey Excellence. Two years ago, Geoff and Jody Carrow became the sole owners; at that time the name evolved to ICE Victoria. Since then, the centre has begun to thrive, Isaac said. “We’ve been on a steady track up. We’re getting a lot more people coming through the door and we’re getting a lot more

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environment where people can develop in a fun and positive atmosphere while improving their hockey skills.” JUSTIN ISAAC FACILITY MANAGER, ICE VICTORIA

recognition in the community.” ICE Victoria is open year-round with eight consecutive oneweek summer camps running throughout the school holidays. Camps are open to initiation and beginner players at level one, experienced novice and atom house players at level 2 and atom rep and peewees at level three. Ages are from 5 – 12 years. “I’ve worked here for four years now, so it’s kind of cool seeing them first when they were five years old and seeing how far they’ve come now,” Isaac said. “Even at nine years old, they’re doing really well.” All staff members have previously played and coached hockey. They work as a team, Isaac said, doing everything from coaching to handling reception and running the Zamboni. Above all, Isaac said, the job is tremendous fun. A day camp is great fun for everyone, he added, especially the young players. They might start in a group of 12 people learning skills on the ice for an hour and 15 minutes. The group then goes out to play road hockey, have a snack and go back on the ice for some three on three play. Activities include nature hikes and play on a basketball court. “We keep them busy and keep them active,” Isaac said. “They

Justin Isaac and Josh Bryan coaching the After School Hockey Academy at ICE Victoria CREDIT: ICE VICTORIA

love coming here. It’s also quite rewa rd i ng for us to see how happy they are. They always come back. There are kids who have been coming for four summers now. We even get families from Alberta and California. It’s pretty cool to see them coming back year after year.” Adults have as good a time as the kids. For them, there is a three on three adult league in three divisions. The top division boasts a fair number of college and ex-junior hockey league players. The lowest adult division is for beginners. Because the arena has a smaller rink, it gives everyone, especially beginners, more involvement in the play. “You can see that everyone is having fun out there,” Isaac said. He also noted that, for adults, the gym is a big draw. Right now corporate memberships are available. Isaac said the owners hope to encourage greater well-being

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in the workplace through those memberships. “They want to show the benefits of exercise and how it reduces people’s sick days and gives them greater morale. Right now they are contacting local employers to show them the benefits we can offer.” Hockey, whether its kids or adults playing, naturally draws spectators, especially friends and family. For them there’s a specially built viewing lounge with a TV for younger kids. The viewing area is warm and as comfortable as a living room. For the convenience of families, ICE Victoria picks kids up after school to bring them to their hockey practice and play. “We are very committed to making sure that each kid has a positive environment to learn and improve in,” Isaac said. “We’re not just here doing a job; we enjoy developing the players

and helping them get better.” Recent ly ICE Victor i a h a s formed a partnership with the Dwight School of Canada. This September it is open i ng the Westshore Independent Middle School, which will include a hockey academy run through ICE Victoria. Isaac said that the school endeavours to develop the unique characteristics in every child. “We think this is a great facility to do that because we use small class sizes in an education model that integrates physical pursuits – hockey in this case – into their actual learning curriculum that they will be focussing on in school.” Isaac added that everyone on staff is excited about the new partnership and the growing number of people of all ages who are discovering ICE Victoria. ICE Victoria is at 2657 Wilfert Road in Victoria.


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JULY 2015


ENGLISH INN NEW OWNERSHIP WELCOMED With so much happening in Esquimalt and at the Chamber it’s a great time to join us for our monthly



s a Chamber representative, one of the ma i n questions we get all too frequently is, “How do we get more economic development in Esquimalt?” While the majority support growth others say, “Not at the expense of my community’s liveability.” For us at the Chamber we believe responsible development will not only enhance our community but it is the only way to maintain Esquimalt’s outstanding quality of life. That’s why we are so pleased to see new ownership of the English Inn. An owner whom by all accounts not only has the wisdom to maintain the historic nature of the Manor House and its grounds but a vision for the previously rezoned portion of the property. From what we know Aragon Developments of Va ncouver

“Coffee-and-a-Danish” has already started planning to restore the grounds and refurbish the Manor. These projects will not only provide short-term employment opportunities but having the Manor House brought back to its former glory can only help to ensure long-term tenure for hotel staff and the many local businesses providing supplies and services to the Inn. As locals will know much of the Inn’s property was rezoned more than a year ago to allow for the construction of up to 250 condominiums. Of course that didn’t happen but with the new owner now in place there is word a more modest condo development that will respect the park-like environment is on the drawing board. This would be one of the largest single redevelopments in Esquimalt in roughly a decade and bring some much-needed growth to our tax base. ■■■ While our Board awaits future

progress reports from the English Inn we continue to forge ahead with our own development. As such, it is a pleasure to report the addition of Richard Beck, the Strategic Supply Chain Manager from Babcock Canada - a key naval support provider to the Canadian government and a major employer in the area. Richard’s extensive business background gives the Board added strength and fulfills our recruitment strategy by adding a representative of the ship building industry. ■■■ With so much happening in Esquimalt and at the Chamber it’s a great time to join us for our monthly “Coffee-and-a-Danish”. This open house is held the first Thursday of every month (8:30 – 10 am) at the Chamber Office (#103 – 1249 Esquimalt Road) and is quickly becoming a premier networking event for both members and non-members. For more information on business opportunities in Esquimalt visit our website or you can give us a call at 250-590-2125. RJ Senko, Vice-President Communications and Government Relations of the Esquimalt Chamber of Commerce

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A FRESH WAY TO SLICE IT FreshlicePizza is coming to Victoria


ICTORIA - Freshslice Pizza is about to conquer Vcitoria. Freshslice is arguably the freshest new idea in franchises that Vancouver Island has seen for some time. Freshslice Pizza franchises in Courtenay, Comox and Nanaimo are already so busy they can barely keep up with demand. The Greater Victoria area’s first Freshslice Pizza will open in Langford late this summer to be followed by locations in Victoria itself. When area developer Dave Martyn first came across the franchise in Vancouver he was convinced that this was a concept that was going to take BC – and the nation – by storm. So far he has been absolutely correct. “It’s successful because of the concept and the actual franchise model,” Martyn said. “People aren’t paying royalties back to head office and they’re not paying for marketing – those materials are free.” Freshslice has 0 per cent royalty fees, 0 per cent advertising fees and 0 per cent markup on food items. Head office generates profits through a patented dough distribution method. That allows the franchisees to run a successful business with assistance

FreshslicePizza is taking Vancouver Island by storm such as business coaches and construction help, but they don’t pay any fees once they have actually opened the business. Freshslice’s focus is unique, Martyn added. Freshslice sells by the slice. Its traffic tends to be people walking in and mixing and matching what they want. Pizzas are baked fresh throughout the day with six to eight ready to go at any time. Customers can walk away with as many as eight different pizza slices in one box. Prices are also highly competitive while the quality is top notch. Martyn noted that franchise owners have been doing very well, not only because they keep far more of their profits, but also due to the quality of the product. In Vancouver, Freshslice has been voted best pizza three times

and best pizza by the slice in 2014. And now Freshslice is inaugurating home delivery at A call centre purpose built at the head office is also due to begin taking orders. Martyn said he expects the Freshslice reception in Victoria to be excellent. “There’s a growing customer base. This is something unique in the marketplace. If we can make others successful, then we have done our job. I think the model is in place to empower other people to build a strong financial future for themselves.” Freshslice Pizza is opening at 732 Goldstream Avenue in Langford. Va ncouver Isla nd a rea developer, Rohn Mahen is at rohn@

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OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT VANCOUVER ISLAND For more information visit or contact Dave Martyn: 250-307-5805 •


JULY 2015

BUSINESS OF THE YEAR GRAPHIC FX BRACES FOR GROWTH Company’s success comes from pushing boundaries


ICTOR I A – Victoria’s B u s i n e s s o f t h e Ye a r, Graphic FX Signworks, has a lot to celebrate. They were this year’s winner at the Victoria Chamber of Commerce Business Awards in the 11-25 employees category, and the success has motivated them to bigger things. “I’m already looking at our next milestone,” says Kyle Velikovsky, the company’s Operations Manager. “It’s a huge honor to even be nominated let alone win. “There’s so much going on right now, and we really want to focus on how we can be better, grow, and improve the operation of the company.” Graphic FX provides signage, vehicle graphics, tradeshow displays, commercial printing products, graphic design services and unique physical marketing components to businesses throughout Vancouver Island. “We have evolved as our customers’ needs have changed,” says Velikovsky. “Initially we were just a vinyl and sticker shop that provided coroplast printing, decals and signs.

A Graphic FX Signworks illuminated sign for Bolen Books

Big or small we’re open for your business.

“Over time that changed, clients started asked us to tackle new projects, and create things that they weren’t able to find anywhere else. Now so much of the work is custom, and has a high level of detail. We really like to push the limits here and that’s how we’ve been able to grow to where we are today.” Kyle joined Graphic FX 10 years ago, after watching his brother Jay Velikovsky steadily develop the company. They manage the business in partnership with Jay’s wife Jessica, and together they’ve seen it expand from 5 employees to 25 in the past

decade. “It got to a point where Jay couldn’t keep up with the demand,” he says. “I had finished my business degree and was trying to decide what to do, there was an opportunity here and I took it. “I really like the family dynamics of the job, we look at ourselves as a ‘tripod’, we rely on each other. It’s great to have someone’s shoulder to lean on as we go through the challenges that come with growth, especially over the past few years where things have started to snowball.”

Jay Velikovsky, owner of Graphic FX Signworks and his wife Jessica, Sales & Marketing, Accounting Manager, with their 2015 Business of the Year Award


JULY 2015

A Graphic FX Signworks vehicle wrap for Jackson’s Ice Cream

An illuminated sign by Graphic FX Signworks for Lure Restaurant and Bar

Congratulations to Our Friends at Graphic FX Signworks!


Other notable clients include Country Grocer, Adams Storage Village, Liquor Plus, 2 Burley Men Moving & Hauling, among others. The company’s future looks bright, and the growth they’ve seen is expected to continue. Three years ago they purchased their current location, which represented a 50 per cent increase in space at the time, and now they’re looking to expand further. “It’s been a rollercoaster growing the business, we’re very grateful and excited about the potential here,” he says. “We’ve just signed a lease on a second warehouse for fabrication and h ave sta r ted look i ng at t he option to expand our current location. “A t t h e s a m e t i m e w e ’ r e searching for more staff. There isn’t schooling available for some of the positions that are open, like a senior installer, and it’s been challenging to find the right people for those really specialized jobs.” Outside of day-to-day business, Graphic FX is a significant contributor to the community. Recently they supported 2 Burley Men Moving’s 1 st Annual Food Fair, an event where food trucks partner up to feed the homeless. They also contribute to a number of other philanthropic initiatives.


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They have been successful because they have a large, capable staff, and a diverse product and service offering. Their size allows them to take on many projects their competitors might not be able to handle. “We have an outstanding team who ca n do it a l l,” says Velikovsky. “Their different skill sets are organized into different teams who handle specific products. “This allows us to turn projects around very quickly, while maintaining a high level of quality. The size we’re at now gives us flexibility in terms of workload, the staff work very hard and go the extra mile.” That capacity has given them the opportunity to work on a number of notable and prestigious projects. “One of the most unique and recognizable pieces we’ve done is the University of Victoria’s (UVIC) Mystic Market,” he says. “There’s nothing like it in the city.“ The University has been one of Graphic FX’s more prominent clients of late. This past April they completed the first graphic and sign phase of its new Carsa Building, the new home of Vikes Athletics. “They used us to dress up the project,” says Velikovsky. “Now we’re preparing for the second phase, which is several times the size as the first one. We’ll be doing grand format banners, environmental signage, graphics and custom millwork, complimented by signage for the entire gym. “Some of what we’re doing isn’t traditional sign company work, but they chose us because we have the capacity to complete it, in addition to talented staff who can work through the many different challenges the project presents. This project will be one for us to remember as areas such as the Hall of Fame and Walk of Excellence pay tribute to the amazing athletes that have become a part of the University and sports history. When we install the last panel on this project there will definitely be something to celebrate on our end.”

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Carmanah to Acquire Sabik Group of Companies


armanah Technologies Corporation has announced that it has entered into a share purchase agreement to which it will acquire the Sabik Group of Companies, which includes 100 per cent of Sabik OY based in Finland, 100 per cent of Sabik GmbH based in Germany, 100 per cent of Sabik PTE Ltd. based in Singapore, 81 per cent of Sabik Ltd. based in the United Kingdom and 80 per cent of Sabik Offshore Ltd. based in the United Kingdom. Of these entities, Sabik OY and Sabik GmbH generate more than 88 per cent of Sabik revenues. In 2014, Sabik revenues were €17.7 million. The purchase price will be €21.5 million and the certain closing conditions. Sabik was founded in 1982 and is a leading competitor in the worldwide marine aids to navigation market. Sabik’s marine aids to navigation activities are headquartered at Sabik OY in Porvoo, Finland. Carmanah and Sabik have operated in a collaborative partnership since 2010. The Carmanah and Sabik product offerings are largely complementary and

both companies have collaborated on product development as well as sales and distribution. In addition to the aids to navigation market, Sabik also pursues the provision of sophisticated lighting and monitoring solutions for the offshore wind industry. These activities are headquartered at Sabik GmbH in Germany. T he offshore w i nd i ndustry is a new business endeavor for Carmanah. Each of Sabik’s two UK and Singapore entities are smaller, earlier stage ventures that are pursuing the aids to navigation and offshore wind industry markets in their respective geographies. Carmanah shares which will result in the issuance of 1,180,414 shares at closing. Carmanah was also recently awarded a $5.9 million contract for the design, supply, install and commissioning of eight rooftop solar systems. These systems are being installed under the FeedIn Tariff Program based on contract offers to Hydro Ottawa by the Independent Electricity System Operator in the Province of Ontario.

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JULY 2015




hile most Victorians are appreciative of the beauty of ou r loca l oceans, many folks don’t realize that Victoria is home to many industry leading ocean science and instrumentation companies. One such compa ny is AML Oceanographic, a 40 year old manufacturer of oceanographic monitoring sensors and devices. AML currently has clients in over 100 countries, including many notable oceanographic research groups and military organizations such as the US Navy. The company is unique in that it has developed technology to allow more accurate measurement, greater reliability and more flexibility in the field. In fact, they

AML currently has clients in over 100 countries, including many notable oceanographic research groups and military organizations such as the US Navy pioneered the concept of “field swappable” sensors in order that instrumentation can be fixed or updated on demand at sea instead of shipped back to a maintenance facility. In April, A ML was selected to supply instrumentation to Ocean Networks Canada’s Smart Oceans™ program. The Smart Oceans Systems form a $200,000,000 facility representing a major shift in oceanic monitoring. Previously, monitoring was limited by factors like weather, instrumentation battery life and the duration of individual expeditions. With

their innovations, permanent facilities can be set up to gather in-depth ongoing research in a manner once thought impossible. Using these systems, Ocean Networks Canada facilitates four different underwater observatories, including the VENUS observatory with installations in the Saanich Inlet and Strait of Georgia. Ocean Networks Canada also offers assistance to groups around the world looking to set up their own underwater observatories. AML was also the recipient of 2014’s VIATeC Technology Award for Innovative Excellence. They won this award for their invention of an environmentally friendly UV light device which prevents the formation of biofilms and other growth, which otherwise quickly foul underwater instrumentation. With accomplishments like these under their belts, we’re curious to see the next developments from AML. Rob is a Director at VIATeC and founder of PlusROI Online Marketing, a web development & marketing firm. He can be reached at

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JULY 2015

ADAMS STORAGE GROUP GROWS SERVICES AND SPACE Jim and I had a lot of fun Adams Storage Group adds MoBoxes to their line up of customer storage services


ICTOR I A – For brothers Scott and Jim Adams setting business goals six years ago started something big; 236,000 sq ft big. That’s the total square footage of properties now owned by their company, Adams Storage Group. First created in 1983 by Scott and Jim’s father, Gord, the original storage center sits on the site of the family farm in View Royal. “Growing up in the business it was natural for Jim and I to take over when dad was ready to slow down.” By 2009, the family owned three companies. In the same year, the brothers decided they could accomplish more in the business so they set down some long-term goals. One of those goals was to diversify, and the company purchased its first commercial leasing property. “It was one of the largest industrial purchases in Victoria in 2009,” Scott said. “With three strong tenants it has been a successful addition.”

designing the logo and picking the colour for the MoBoxes. SCOTT ADAMS, OWNER ADAMS STORAGE GROUP

The next step was to renovate the old Town and Country Storage facility, giving it a major makeover and renaming it Adams Storage Uptown. “We got feedback and input from our clientele,” Adams said. “That helped us update and redo the storage units so they had a more user friendly layout, including electronic entries, better office space, and a classier look.” After the renovations had been completed, the company took another growth step by purchasing

MoBoxes range in size from a Mini Mo for those smaller moving jobs to Big Mo for larger needs

Scott and Jim worked together to create the hard-to-miss colours and logo of MoBox the clientele from the Old Winery Storage facility and then moved them to the upgraded facility at Uptown. Adams said the move was smooth and the clients appreciate the new updated facility. Tapping into those customer needs has been an effective tool in reaching the company business goals. It’s provided ideas for growth and expansion. Adding a truck rental service was a good fit and is helping clients make moving and storing household and business items seamless. “Moving is a stressful event,” Adams said. “We wanted to ease some of the pressure by providing positive solutions.” Adding a fleet of rental trucks on site means clients don’t have to worry about picking up or returning vehicles to a different location. They can leave the vehicle at the storage center. Developing its niche market and providing value added service in the storage industry might be

part of the reason why the company is the largest storage provider in Victoria. It could also be the reason why Jim Adams was named one of the city’s “Top 20 under 40,” a business and

community achievement award that recognizes professionals based on achievement, experience, innovation, leadership and SEE ADAMS STORAGE | PAGE 20

Congratulations on your new Glanford location! Great working with all of you at Adams.


JULY 2015


community involvement. Both brothers believe giving back to the community is important. Jim was a volunteer firefighter for 11 years and the company assists the International Order of Odd Fellows by collecting and delivering non-perishable food items. Most importantly however, with the company’s 28 years of experience, the brothers understand moving and the importance of storing people’s property. Storing valuables is serious business, not just for homeowners but for businesses as well. Companies that have outgrown

Scott said his dad, Gord Adams, is an inspiration with his hard work ethic and dedication to the business

Urban Web Web Design – Specialists in Wordpress Branding – SEO – Social Media Hosting – Domains Proud to work with Adams Storage Group 250 380-1296

the storage capacity of an existing location may find moving to a larger location prohibitive and costly. Having a storage unit or locker where they can store excess inventory, files or materials is not only convenient but also significantly less expensive. “Retail or office space can cost up to $22-$35 a square foot; a storage unit can be as little as one or two dollars a square foot,” Adams said. “Plus we’ll receive deliveries for the business at no extra charge.” For businesses that are unable or unwilling to move, this offers

a viable solution to a shortage of storage space. But it has to be easy to access and not at the other end of town, so the company added to its property inventory and purchased Hub Storage in Esquimalt and renamed it Adams Storage Esquimalt. “Locations around Victoria have been strategically located to minimize the client commute a nd ma x i m ize storage

and service capacity,” Adams said, adding that some of Adams Storage Group clients are in the military as well as in retail or service industry and they need to easily and quickly access their belongings. Adams said that both he and Jim are constantly looking for ways to improve their clients’ moving experience, so in 2013, the company added another division to the

group - a very visible new division, that offers both long-term and temporary storage solutions. SEE ADAMS STORAGE | PAGE 21

They are called MoBoxes and are hard to miss with their bright green and orange colours and eye-catching logo. The premium, insulated, vented and portable boxes range in size from Mini Mo,

Colliers International and Ty Whittaker are pleased to be a part of the Adams success!


Ty Whittaker 250 414 8395 MoBoxes can be stored at one of four convenient locations around Victoria CREDIT: SCOTT ADAMS

To your continued success Congratulations Adams Storage Group. Here’s wishing you much “MO” success.


® / ™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada.

30075 (05/2015)


JULY 2015

In 2014 Adams Storage Group was voted Best in the City by readers of the Victoria News

Adams Storage Langford was purchased in 1996


Standard, Mid and Big Mo and provide customers with a safe, unique and transportable storage alternative. “Jim and I had a lot of fun designing the logo and picking the colour for the boxes,” Scott said, adding that MoBoxes can be dropped off by the company’s crane truck, filled by the customer and then picked up and taken to one of five clean, dry and secure MoBox locations or stored at home until moving day. He said the boxes allow households to store belongings safely during a move. And to ensure clients can easily access MoBox booking information, quotes and delivery options, Adams Storage Group created a fully supported mobile site for iPhone, android, blackberry and windows applications. “The software is amazing,” Adams said. “It lets any of our clients look at a ledger of their account whenever they want.” He added that the self-storage

software also allows the company to monitor where a client’s MoBox is at all times. W hen mov i ng or stor i ng people’s valuables, security is a major factor so Adams Storage has installed monitored video surveillance at each of the storage facilities. In addition, the facilities have computer-keyed access so clients can access their units and belongings after hours. Adams said the company takes security seriously because it gives clients peace of mind. For Adams, one of the most exciting additions to the Adams Storage Group’s line up of properties was the recent purchase of Williams Moving and Storage at Royal Oak. In January 2015 the local branch of Williams Moving announced it had filed a notice of intention under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. The Adams brothers saw this as a great opportunity to expand their storage capacity, fulfill business goals and set up MoBox with its own headquarters. The location’s new name is Adams

MoBox Storage. “It was a fast purchase,” Scott said. “We did our research, and brought in a strong offer.” Since setting business goals six years ago, the brothers have not only added significant space to the company’s inventory but also depth of service in a very specific market. They have also won Black Press’ Best of the City award. “We were surprised when we first saw the award,” Adams said adding that he felt honoured because the award is won by nomination. “Our clients voted us number one,” he said. Adams pointed out that the secret to the company’s success lies not just in the loyalty of its clients, but also in the level of trust the company has in its employees and professionals. He said having faith in your team allows you the confidence to move forward, create a vision and achieve your goals. Adams Storage Group is at 1 Adams Place in Victoria


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JULY 2015


where our weaknesses were,” he says. “To develop a growth plan, we had to identify any gaps, and then decide what we were going to do to address them. “That’s been a key part of our success, pushing to be better and striving to develop. I want to maximize the productivity of my team.” Kim’s mentality is representative of CAMACC’s corporate culture, which has unified company employees. “A key intangible of our success is our culture,” says Kim. “I want every team member to enjoy coming to work, and believe in, and understand the cause we’re working towards. “It fosters a contagious environment, the staff work hard because they want to, instead of being forced to.” T h e c u lt u re i s b a s e d on a family-centered value set, which consists of: innovation, ‘yes we can’, safety, fun, integrity and teamwork. Those values have translated into an enviable client retention track record. “Every business strives to get new accounts,” he says. “But if you’re gaining and losing them at the same time, you’re just spinning your wheels. We put a lot of emphasis on keeping our existing customers happy and satisfied.

Ho Kim, President and CEO of CAMACC Systems “We have great products, but we sell even greater service and support. Over 17 years we have less than a 1 per cent corporate attrition rate, and I can count on three fingers the number of clients we’ve lost. It’s a testament to the level of service the staff brings every day.” Compa ny M a rket i n g Cz a r David Sovka knows first-hand about the impact of a positive corporate culture, saying, “I see the effects of the fun and family values in the staff-led ‘CAMACC Crusaders’ program.” Kim added, “It’s important that we give back to the communities we operate in. We branded our corporate fundraising efforts through the Crusader program, and the results have been a rallying point for all of our locations.”

CAMACC staff members problem solving for one of their clients Each year a specific cause is chosen and CAMACC offices compete with one another to raise the most money for that cause. It culminates at the annual Christmas gathering held at the corporate headquarters in Saanichton, where the company matches any funds that are raised. The most recent cause was a staff member’s young daughter who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Over a 79-day period, more than $23,000 was raised for the family. “It was the coolest thing to see every office challenging each other,” says Kim. “Our cultural values were being put into action, and can’t I think of a greater team

building exercise than what I saw in those during that time. “As a leader, all you can do is plant that seed, it takes the staff individually to take it and do something with it.” CAMACC’s origins date back to 1998, when a high school friend approached Kim about purchasing the business. “At the time I had a 1-year old child, and another on the way,’ he says. “It may not have seemed like a logical decision then, but I saw an opportunity and jumped in headfirst. “We made a business plan, but didn’t have the capital to fund it. We invited a few employees to see if they were interested in being involved, and from there we took

the business plan and P&L to our friends and families with the goal of raising $100,000 each.” None of the company’s purchasers came from affluent or wealthy families, but each family contributed, with some taking out a second mortgage, while others cashed in RRSPs. “They had faith in us,” says K i m. “I n a spa n of 2 weeks, everyone had quit their regular jobs. We rented a tiny office, bought a vehicle, hired a lawyer and accountant and began building from there.” He and his fellow purchasers based the name of the business on the services it provides, CAMera ACCess control units. Kim grew up being a part of the first South Korean family in Victoria, and that experience helped him to become comfortable being unique, something that’s been a big part of his company’s development. “Find a way to stand out,” he says. “Our company needed to find out what separated us from everyone else, or what our differentiator was going to be. “In the early 2000s there was a digital revolution that saw digital video recorders replace the VCR. We embraced that change and saw it as an opportunity. As a result, we developed our own software engineering system that’s evolved into the various products and services we offer today.”


JULY 2015

WHO IS SUING WHOM The contents of Who’s Suing Whom is provided by a third-party resource and is accurate according to public court documents. Some of these cases may have been resolved by publication date. DEFENDANT 0587667 BC LTD 4503 Tyndall Ave, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Downs Construction Ltd CLAIM $5,497 DEFENDANT Burns & Taylor Registry Services Ltd 4th Floor 888 Fort St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Lac Ross Law Corporation CLAIM $37,038 DEFENDANT Cantech Construction Ltd 7th Floor 1175 Douglas St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Line Level Landscaping & Development CLAIM $261,336 DEFENDANT Care Biotechnologies Inc 1212-1175 Douglas St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Bailey Walsh & Co LLP


CLAIM $13,355

CLAIM $5,050

DEFENDANT CC Coastal Construction Ltd 201-2377 Bevan Ave, Sidney, BC PLAINTIFF Van Isle Bricklok Surfacing and Landscape Supplies CLAIM $141,995

DEFENDANT GMG Consulting Services (2012) Inc 300-736 Broughton St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF White, Lee CLAIM $17,790

DEFENDANT Koole Bare Enterprises Ltd 602-732 Broughton St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Line Level Landscaping & Development Corp CLAIM $261,336

DEFENDANT Gold Star Auto Sales Ltd 2439 Calais Rd, Duncan, BC PLAINTIFF Chapman, Miranda CLAIM $5,300

DEFENDANT New Pacific Designs Ltd 837 Burdett Ave, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Rushworth Electrical Services Inc CLAIM $56,425

DEFENDANT Clo-oose Holdings Ltd 13690 Long Lake Rd, Ladysmith, BC PLAINTIFF Carroll, Richard CLAIM $15,186

DEFENDANT Goldstream Projects Ltd 202-1006 Fort St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Lamar Transit Advertising Canada Ltd CLAIM $7,486

DEFENDANT Owners of Strata VIS5132 4103 Gordon Head Rd, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Downs Construction Ltd CLAIM $5,497

DEFENDANT CRD Housing 4th Floor 1007 Fort St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Wong, Melissa CLAIM $25,000

DEFENDANT Heavy Metal Marine Ltd 107-2605 Bridge St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Advanced Subsea Services Ltd CLAIM $20,026

DEFENDANT Gardeners Plumbing Heating & Gas Fitting 5388 West Saanich Rd, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Cole, Shane Alexander

DEFENDANT Island Dream Kitchen Cabinets Inc 204-655 Tyee Rd, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Isaacs, Roland CLAIM

DEFENDANT Citta Construction Ltd 1002 Wharf St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Wilkinson, David CLAIM $6,350



Rolling Tides Construction Inc 1929 West Shawnigan Lake Rd, Shawnigan Lake, BC PLAINTIFF Wilkinson, David CLAIM $5,468 DEFENDANT Ruskin Construction Ltd 3542 Blanshard St, Victoria BC PLAINTIFF McFarlane, Tim CLAIM $ 25,216 DEFENDANT SHS Services Management Inc 14-91 Golden Dr, Coquitlam, BC PLAINTIFF Longview Roofing CLAIM $8,946 DEFENDANT Spenceres Excavating Ltd 560 Fulford Ganges Rd, Salt Spring, BC PLAINTIFF Parkland Industries Ltd CLAIM $ 22,722

DEFENDANT Pre Electric Inc 2111 Wenman Dr, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Holland, Dorothy Lynn CLAIM $15,836

DEFENDANT Stint Construction Ltd 1-1938 Northfield Rd, Nanaimo, BC PLAINTIFF Wilkinson, David CLAIM $35,752

DEFENDANT Reda Enterprises Ltd 400-888 Fort St, Victoria, BC PLAINTIFF Durham, Jordan CLAIM $54,196

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JULY 2015

Tasha Noble, John Monkhouse, Dave Lynn, Alli Munro, Gina Sundberg, Menno van Driel, Mark Meichsner, Tom Fraser, Scott Munro and Sandy Sauve. The Jusu Organic Juice Bar has opened their new location in Chinatown on Fisguard Street. Esquimalt’s Lighthouse Brewing celebrated the 3,000 tank mixed after 17 years in business recently.

To get in Movers and Shakers, call Thom at 250-661-2297 or email Christopher Junker is the new President and Chief Executive Officer of Procura, a leading global provider of software and solutions to home health agencies, community care agencies, hospice and residential care agencies. He has replaced Scott Overhill. The Shatterbox Coffee Bar has reopened at a new location at 916 Pandora Street. Royal LePage Top Producers for May were Tammi Dimock, Cheryl Bejcar, Mark McDougall, Sarah West, Roger Levesque, Mary Brookes, Rick Hoogendoorn, Sladja Stoijkovic, Tom Croft, Tim Ayres, Neil Bosdet, Rosemarie Colterman, Ross Breckon, Mike McCulloch, Pat Meadows,

Victoria Spirits distillery has been sold to the Marker Group, a development company that operates the Sidney Pier Hotel and is led by Grant Rogers. The distiller will move to a larger location at the end of September on Seaport Place. Previous owners Bryan and Valerie Murray are retiring. A new creperie will be coming to the former site of the Cleopatra Hookah and Coffee Lounge on Broughton Street. Crag X climbing gym at 767 Pandora is scheduled to open this year. The facility was designed by Chandler Architecture and replaced the climbing wall in the Rock Bay area. Co-owners Ken Cronin and Nikolai Galadza purchased the Pandora property for $1.14 million in 2013. Story Construction has been working on the project with concrete panels supplied by Nanaimo Pre Cast. Odlum Brown Ltd has been named one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies for the 16th consecutive

Thom Klos

Senior Marketing Advisor

PUT YOUR COMPANY IN THE SPOTLIGHT In the life of every business, certain events always stand out: t A grand opening t A brand new building t Completing a major project t Landing a major contract t Celebrating a milestone anniversary Spotlights are your opportunity to spread the word about your firm to the entire Southern Vancouver Island region. Contact me today to have your business featured in our publication.

To market your firm in the Business Examiner contact Thom Klos at 250-661-2297 or

print by developing a culture of continuous improvement and exceeding regularity compliance. Ian Robertson, CEO of the Greater Victoria Harbour Authority, and Shawn McBride, President of King Brothers, welcomed the Carnival Cruise Lines’ Carnival Legend last month, marketing the ship’s maiden visit to Victoria. year. Charles Garcia has joined the team at Starfish Medical as vice-president. He has also worked at Chandler Industries/MicroGroup, Byers Peak and Baxter Hospital Supply/Edwards CriticalCare. Quadra Street’s Italian Bakery has re-opened. It’s been around for more than 30 years. Imax Victoria has received a TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence from users of the site. It is based on opinions and ranking over the past 12 months. Chinatown heritage buildings at 533537 Fisgard St. and 534 Pandora Ave have been sold after being listed for $3 million. The unknown heritage developer is said to be considering renovation plans that will maintain the character of the two buildings. Lady Marmalade has closed its doors have ten years in business. Jim Dores, Thirfty Foods’ CEO will retire after 42 years in the grocery business. His replacement is Lorne MacLean of Sobey’s, Thrifty’s parent company. Victoria head office employs 130 staff. Since Sobey’s has purchased the Thrifty’s chain, they have gone from 20 stores and 3,700 employees to 26 stores, 11 of which are on the Island, and approximately 5000 employees. Stevenson’s Shoe Clinic at 714 Fort Street is celebrating 90 years in business. This fourth generation business also offers rebuilding shoes, shoe stretching, orthotics, luggage and travel accessories in their 2,500-square foot store. Stevenson’s also has an online store. Toronto-based chain Quesada, which specializes in burritos and tacos, has opened a new location on Yates Street.

Citta Construction Ltd. is celebrating 30 years in business. University Heights Shopping Centre has been in business for 45 years. Sager’s Fine Furniture Ltd. is celebrating its 45th Anniversary this year. Century 21 Stucco Ltd. has been in business for 15 years. BC Hazmat is celebrating 15 years in business. Gibraltar Management Ltd. will be celebrating their 10th anniversary this year. The Ruby, a 42-seat, retro-style diner is now open at Hotel Zed. The Bin 4 Burger Lounge has opened their third location at 100 – 3271 Maple Street. The former location of the Swiftsure Restaurant at the Day’s Inn is now occupied by Belleville’s Watering Hole and Diner. The Beijing Bistro has recently opened at 769 Fort Street. The Cowichan Pasta Company is now located in side of the Cure Artisan Meat & Cheese Deli. Brooke Fader and Oliver Kienast are the owners of brand new restaurant. Wild Mountain. Green Marine has officially certified BC Ferries after the transportation service underwent an independent assessment. The certification is a globally recognized, voluntary, industry sustainable initiative for ship operators, ports, terminals and shipyards. Participating entities reduce their environmental foot

Geoff Dickson, President and CEO of the Victoria Airport Authority, has announced a new three times a day non-stop service from Victoria to Seattle, which will be provided by Delta Air Lines. Mike Holmes, Manager of Pemberton Holmes Ltd., is please to welcome the following agents who have recently joined their team of real estate professionals, Bobbi Belknap and Ellie Matheson. The Cowichan Valley Regional District has launched a new website called It offers tips and resources to help residents deal with water conservation measures and food preparedness. The South Cowichan Parks Commission and the CVRD recently hosted reopening celebrations at Bright Angel Park, recognizing 57 years that the park has been in service. Barbell Hero, a fitness blogger as opened up in Sooke, visit his website at: Speedsource Fitness has relocated with Sooke Upholstery into the vacant building, previously Mulligans, on Otter Point Road in Sooke. The Salvation Army Thrift Store has announced that the Sooke location is closed. The Victoria high-tech sector has announced the finalists for the 14th Annual VIATEC Technology Awards. This year, 50 companies and individuals have been named as finalists in 10 categories. The awards will be handed out at a gala on the evening of June 26th at the Victoria Conference Centre.

Sports Traders is listed on the market for the second time in three years. Owner Greg Penno says it is best suited for an owner-operator involved full time at the location. Indian-inspired Delhi (deli + love + india) is now open at the corner of Government and Bay Street. Zaffran Exotic Indian Cuisine has recently opened up on Wharf Street. Shoemaker, Guy Gaudio is closing shop at 1124 Blanshard after 50 years due to high rent. He will continue his business part time from his Saanich home. Guy custom makes shoes as well as doing repairs.

The Directors of Vancouver Island Aerospace Alliance are (l to r): Scott Dewis, Mark Sylvester, Dr. Jenner Richards and Ray Brougham. The organization is raising the profile of local aerospace talent and manufacturing PHOTO CREDIT: ELDAD ALBER.


JULY 2015

VIATEC has also announced that Todd Dunlop will receive the Colin Lennox Award for Technology Champion, Codename Entertainment will receive the VIATEC Member of the Year award, and teacher Josh Elsdon from Monterey Middle School will receive the Education Champion award. The record number of finalists were pulled from a total of 92 nominations. The awards celebrate the achievements of technology companies responsible for making Greater Victoria the fastest growing technology region in BC, as well as the educators, creators and innovators that support this sector. This year’s Finalists are: Technology Company of the Year: AXYS Technologies Inc, FTS, Latitude Geographics Group Ltd., Reliable Controls Corporation, RevenueWire Inc. Emerging Technology Company of the Year: Crowd Content, Engenuics Technologies Inc.,Go2mobi, Pretio Interactive, RingPartner, SilkStart Technology Inc. Executive of the Year: Jim Hayhurst - Pretio Interactive, Ho Kim - CAMACC Systems, Bobbi Leach - RevenueWire Inc., Chris Noel -Hipwood Digital Inc., Tobyn Sowden - Red Brick Media. Innovative Excellence: Beanstream, Echosec Systems Ltd., Giftbit, Schneider Electric Victoria, Stocksy United. Strategy of the Year: Atomic Crayon, Caorda Solutions Inc., FCV Interactive, Go2mobi, MetaLab Design Ltd. Product of the Year: ASL Environmental Sciences Inc., First Light Technologies Ltd., MediaCore, Red Brick Media, Youneeq. Employee/Team of the Year: Jessica Allan - Unit4, HP Advanced Solutions (Team), North Studio (Team), RaceRocks 3D (Team), Reliable Controls Corporation (Operations Team). Employer of the Year: CAMACC Systems, Cerner Canada, MediaCore, StarFish Medical, Tutela Technologies Ltd. Start-up of the Year: Accio Delivery Inc., Echosec Systems Ltd., LlamaZOO Interactive Inc., Tournamatic, VidTime Online Inc. Creative Excellence: Abeego Designs, Inc., Creole Jewellery Design Ltd., Hotel Zed, Is this Menswear? and Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry Vancouver Island Brewery won three awards, two gold and a silver, at the 2015 Canadian Brewing Awards. Islander Lager took gold in the North American Style Lager category, Hermann’s Dark Lager in the North American Style Dark Lager and Beachcomber Summer Ale, earned silver in the Wheat Beer, German Style category. Colleen Milne has re-activated her real estate license and now working with Geoff McLean and Associates at Re/Max Camosun. Milne had been living abroad for five years.

Residents of Central Park Strata on Pembroke Street have voted to install 60 solar electric panels on the roof of the four-storey apartment building. The condominium strata council is one of the first on Vancouver Island to do so out of the residents’ pockets. Atria Retirement Canada welcomes the new Executive Directors Jake Pelletier and Nicole Evans. Kerry Brown from has received her certification in EQi-2.0 and EQ 360 from Multi-Health Systems Inc. Having completed the advanced level course in these assessments Kerry now offers these tools to help business leaders and their teams to improve performance and their results. The law firm of Geselbracht Brown (located at 4488 Wellington Road) is pleased to that Mike Brown is celebrating his 20th year of providing legal services to the mid-Vancouver Island region. The BC Chapter of Les Dames d’Escoffier has announced the induction of ten new members from across the province to the prestigious professional association. Les Dames members from all over British Columbia gathered to welcome: Ali Ryan – Spinnaker’s Gastro Brewpub, Executive Chef, Victoria Allison Markin – All She Wrote, Founder & Owner, Penticton Dana Hauser – Fairmont Waterfront Centre Hotel, Executive Chef, Vancouver Elizabeth Manville – Cactus Club Café, Product Development Chef, Purchasing + QA, Vancouver Jackie Kai Ellis – Beaucoup Bakery & The Paris Tours, Founder & Owner, Vancouver Lana Popham – MLA for Saanich South & Opposition Spokesperson for Agriculture & Food, Owner of Barking Dog Vineyard and Farm, Victoria Lise Magee – The Listel Hotel & Forage, Director of Marketing & Communications, Vancouver Mandy Hamilton – Culinary Capers Catering & Special Events, Event Planner, Vancouver Monika Walker – Okanagan GroceryArtisan Breads, Owner/Head Baker, Kelowna Susan Mendelson – The Lazy Gourmet, Cookbook author & caterer, Vancouver In addition, Dames were recognized for twenty, ten and five year membership milestones. Lisa Bumbaco is retiring after 12 years with Seaspan as vice-president of human resources. She is being replaced by Brent Hale who was previously with ICBC. Dennis Olson has sold his barbershop after 23 years at 1516 Cook Street to Rolf Moosman, who was formerly with Cliff’s Barbershop. Buddies Toys has moved to 1831 Oak Bay Ave from Estevan Village. Their


other location is in Sidney on Beacon Avenue. In partnership with Camosun College, Tourism Victoria is pleased to honour Hospitality Management program graduate Mary Buss with the Tourism Victoria Award. The Tourism Victoria Award of $500 is presented to the graduating student who has achieved the highest marks in the Hospitality Management program, whose focus is a career in the Greater Victoria Tourism Industry. The Murray Chiropractic Group is pleased to announce the addition of Dr. Michael Cummings to their Saanich clinic.

(From left to right): Paul Nursey, President & CEO Tourism Victoria, Mary Buss, Tourism Victoria Award Recipient and Carl Everitt, MBA Chair Hospitality, Tourism and Golf Management with Camosun College PHOTO CREDIT: TRACEY MORRIS/CAMOSUN COLLEGE



JULY 2015 A division of Invest Northwest Publishing Ltd. Office 200 - 3060 Cedar Hill Road, Victoria, BC, V8P 3Y3 Ph: 1.250.661.2297 Fax: 1.250.642.2870 Toll free: 1.866.758.2684 Website:

PUBLISHER/EDITOR | Lise MacDonald, SALES | Thom Klos –, Josh Higgins –, Joanne Iormetti –, Shawn Bishop – WRITERS | Goody Niosi, Julia MacDonald, Beth Hendry-Yim WEBSITE | John MacDonald




o whatever you want. Just don’t lose any money.” Those words from a boss, in response to my apparently constant queries regarding whether or not I could undertake a new project, have stuck with me like glue. It’s a mentality that has helped guide me. Simple. Direct. Effective. Of course, there are a lot of ingredients that go into a successful project, but having clearly defined goal posts at the start of the journey is a worthwhile target. In business, if a profitable venture isn’t the end result, well, we won’t be in business long. What I’ve seen is that the words my boss shared with me are the

essence of a “winning” mentality. In the case of business, a “win” is a project that, ultimately, makes money. I could understand that, and have applied that ever since. It has been said that those who think they can - and those that think they can’t - are both right. We can never underestimate the power or importance of having a positive mindset. Look around at the vast majority of successful people around you, and you’ll likely find one common denominator: A positive, “can do” attitude. It’s not enough to be simply positive about business, even though it is essential. There must be goalposts and guidelines whereby we can measure success. Not ones that we effortlessly surpass, but ones that make us stretch forward to reach our intended destination. Setting goals, ones that are achievable and measurable, is such an important part of business, and life in general. Those that set goals often achieve them. Those that don’t set goals don’t achieve those, either, obviously. The result of having no targets is often drifting, and ultimately,

frustration, because we never really know where we are for a certainty. We recently sat down with some friends to discuss goal setting. From that, one person has created a “vision board”, upon which are stated goals and photos of what they want to accomplish over one and five year periods of time. It’s exciting to hear them share, already, that some of their goals are within reach. Surpassing goals brings with it an accompanying sense of satisfaction, and it’s exciting to hear them talk excitedly about what they’re doing, with a building sense of anticipation and expectation. It is hard to believe, but there are plenty of businesses that don’t even have budgets. Surely that is a recipe for disaster. Perhaps some won’t budget because they don’t want to see what’s happening in their business, and are afraid of the disappointment of failing to meet their financial goals. Or perhaps they’re intimidated and don’t want the pressure of being accountable to a ledger or calculator.

Ultimately, business comes down to numbers, and “beating” the budget is a big part of a “winning” company. Participating in sports can be a tremendous training ground for a strong, positive mindset that will pay great dividends in many areas of life. When I grew up, hockey was fun, but we didn’t win much at all. We enjoyed playing, win or lose. But we became good at losing, being satisfied with individual accomplishments rather than rare team wins. So, If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. I moved to Nanaimo to play junior hockey, and that’s where I learned how to “win”. I vividly recall the game that was a turning point in my life. We were trailing by two goals heading into the third period, sitting in the dressing room, when someone yelled: “Who’s going to get the winner?” I stealthily kept my “inside” thoughts, inside. “We’re close, what’s the matter with that?” “I am,” one player replied. “I’m going to,” added another. . . They simply expected to win, and

they’d done so plenty of times before. Soon after, we went back on the ice, scored at least three goals, and won. My attitude changed that day. It was no longer good enough to just participate. My teammates expected to win, and so did I. And we did. Lots. I brought that mindset into business. It’s not enough to be “close” to making money in a company: Do that for too long, and we won’t be in business. We must “win” on the balance sheet much more than we lose, for the sake of everyone connected to the company. It is the owner and manager’s job to “win” the battle for profitability. Do we every month? Not every time, which I suspect is fairly normal. However, we knew that if we stuck with the process, worked the systems properly, and put in as much hard work and hours as required, the “wins” would come. And they have, thankfully. As it goes in sports, it is similar in business. It all starts with a winning mindset, and it can be learned.

CANADA’S PIPELINE DEBATE NEEDS REALITY CHECK On an apples-to-apples comparison that takes into account the volume of oil transported, pipelines are associated with fewer accidents, injuries and KENNETH GREEN

fatalities when compared


to rail and truck, which


t’s been a difficult couple of weeks for Kinder Morgan’s proposed expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline. The Santa Barbara oil spill has irritated already-sensitive public concern about oil pipelines. And as the pipeline’s review before the National Energy Board continues, several new reports commissioned by municipalities and groups in the region have expressed serious concerns about the potential effects of an oil spill. One study found that more than one million birds might be affected by a spill and 100,000 could possibly be killed as a result.

is how oil will move if pipelines are not built

Another asserted that millions of barrels of oil could erupt into f lames, start a forest fire on Burnaby Mountain, stranding 30,000 students at Simon Fraser University. The latest report concluded that a 16 million-litre spill in the Burrard Inlet could deliver a $1.2 billion blow to Vancouver’s economy. Alarming scenarios indeed. But

a focus on worst-case scenarios loses sight of what’s vastly more likely to happen, which can only be assessed by looking at the overall performance of pipelines, where progress in controlling spills has been tremendous. According to Transportation Safety Board data, from 2009 to 2013 there were 770 pipeline accidents and incidents in Canada. Of this number, 654 resulted in some sort of release of product. Again, this may seem large, but during this period Canada’s federally regulated pipeline system moved more than 11 billion barrels of petroleum and natural gas products, making the per barrel accident rate remarkably low. More telling still is that only five accidents or incidents in this period resulted in any sort of environmental damage. This means that only about 0.65 per cent of all accidents and incidents cause some form of environmental damage. This is not entirely surprising when 90 per cent of releases are less than one cubic metre. Moving from the generic to the specific, let’s consider the safety record of the existing Trans

Mountain pipeline. Since 2004, the earliest year with data, the pipeline has had 36 accidents or incidents, with 14 resulting in the release of product roughly equating to 790 cubic metres. The largest of these releases amounted to 305 cubic metres of oil. By way of comparison, the hypothetical 16 million-litre spill, which could have a $1.2 billion dollar impact on Vancouver’s economy, is equal to 16,000 cubic metres - 52 times larger than the worst release in the pipeline’s history. The debate over oil transport is often dominated by worst-case scenarios and discussion. And of course, nobody wants to see oil spilled and nature harmed. But let’s be honest: rational people do not live their lives by worst-case-scenario avoidance or zero-risk lifestyles. If so, you’d never ride a bike, never drive a car, never board an airplane, or for that matter, never take a shower. In fact, your list of things you wouldn’t do given worst-case scenarios and a zero-risk threshold would encompass pretty much everything you have ever or will ever do. Worst-case scenarios aside,

real-world data and experience show that pipelines are one of the safest ways to transport oil. It’s not perfect, but it’s the best of the available options. On an applesto-apples comparison that takes into account the volume of oil transported, pipelines are associated with fewer accidents, injuries and fatalities when compared to rail and truck, which is how oil will move if pipelines are not built. Oil will remain a part of Canada and the world’s future for a long time to come. And continue to fuel a large part of the Canadian economy while providing Canadians with access to reliable and affordable energy. Consideration should be given to the safest and most efficient way to transport oil and gas across the country. Despite high-profile spills and worst-case scenarios, pipelines remain the safest, most effective way to transport oil. Kenneth P. Green is Senior Director and Taylor Jackson is a Policy Analyst in Natural Resource Studies at The Fraser Institute.

SUBCRIPTIONS | $45 PER YEAR (12 ISSUES), $80 FOR 2 YEARS (24 ISSUES), SUBSCRIBE ONLINE: WWW.BUSINESSEXAMINER.CA. DISTRIBUTION: FOURTH WEEK OF EACH MONTH VIA CANADA POST AD MAIL. The publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited submissions. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Produced and published in British Columbia. All contents copyright Business Examiner Victoria, 2015. Canadian Publications Mail Acct.: 40069240


JULY 2015



Look for PNP changes after July 2nd

1,085 861


he reason that BC PNP (BC Provincial Nominee P rog ra m) suspended receipt of business immigrat io n a p pl i c a t io n s fo r t h re e mont h s (a nd h a s sche du le d recommencing on July 2, 2015) was because of the volume of applications it received over the last three years. Under the busi ness strea m up to 2011, the BC PNP business prog ra m was receiv i ng between 150 a nd 200 appl ications. However four major changes took place at the federa l a nd prov i ncia l levels starting four years ago: ■ 201 1 - C IC s u s p end e d t h e Fe d e r a l E n t r e p r e n e u r program. ■ 2012 - CIC suspended the Federal Investor program. ■ 2012 - Saskatchewa n, Ma n itoba a nd New Br u nsw ick placed l i m its on their programs. ■ 2014 - CIC terminated the Federal Entrepreneur and Investor programs.





Federal Entrepreneur Program Suspended

David Aujla

As a result of these major events, the BC Business immigration applications sky-rocketed from a low of 152 in 2009 to1085 applications in 2014


A s a re s u lt of t h e s e m ajor events, the BC Business immigration applications sky-rocketed from a low of 152 in 2009 to1085 applications in 2014. T he BC PN P was basica l ly inundated with applications without the resources to process the applications. A second problem was that many applications being re c e i v e d w e re o f l e s s t h a n stel la r qu a l ity. T he depa r tment bega n to not ice t h at prices of the busi nesses being purchased were inf lated, goodwill was far in excess of

Federal Immigrant Investor Program suspended. SK, MB & NB Business PNPs limit intake

Federal Entrepreneur & Investor Programs terminated Feb 2014

what g ross sa les wou ld just i f y, b u s i n e s s p l a n s b e i n g subm itted were suspect, net wor t h cl a i med wa s dubiou s and lastly there was no connection between the business experience of the individual in relation to the business being purchased. As a result, almost 50 per cent of these applications were being refused. Becau se of t hese d i f f icu lties and because of the inundation of applications, the BC P N P h ad no ot her re cou rse but to issue a moratorium and rev iew the system of i nta ke and system of approving such

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appl ications a nd is presently d ra f t i ng reg u l ator y procedu res by wh ich to qua l i fy b u s i n e s s ap pl ic a nt s rat h e r than relying on policy-driven procedures. Under the new scheme (which will be announced on July 2, 2015), you can expect: ■ Online applications to replace the paper applications. ■ P r ior it i z at ion ba se d on significant economic benefit to various regions. ■ Ranking of entrepreneurs by way of a comparative system based on points. ■ Third-party verification of net assets by established accounting firms. A n update will be provided on announced changes after July 2, 2015. Dav id Aujla practises Ca n ad i a n I m m ig rat ion l aw a nd h a s of f ic e s i n V i c t o r i a a n d Va n c o u v e r .

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