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INDEX New Update
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Airport vision coming to fruition Master Plan forecasts already beat
ELOWNA - Kelowna Airport has ta ken steps towards the largest expansion in its history in efforts to stay ahead of demand. 2014 marked a record year for airport users, with more than 1.6 million passengers coming through the facility. The record breaking number marked a 6.53% increase year-over-year, and beat forecasts made in the Master Plan 2025. The airport didn’t expect to hit the number until the end of this year. “Exceed i ng ou r forecasted passenger mark one year ahead of schedule is quite remarkable,” says Airport Director Sam Samaddar. “If you look back at our numbers 2007 to 2011, we stayed within the 1.3 million range and by 2012 we grew to a passenger count of 1.4 million. After reaching 1.5 in 2013 we were ecstatic to break through the 1.6 million milestone. “It may not be long before we
Sam Samaddar, Airport Director, Kelowna International Airport start talking about approaching two million travellers. This is pretty incredible.” Samaddar expects to hit the 2
million mark sometime in 2020, and between 2.4-2.5 million in 2025. In order to keep up with the
steady increase of users, the airport announced a $55.6 five-year multi-phase plan that includes enhancements of the concourse, apron and a new Airport Plaza development. T he project w ill be funded through a $15 airport improvement fee charged to departing passengers. The airport’s concourse expansion will cost a total of $40 million, and includes the baggage and front-of-house pieces. Construction on the baggage area begins this June, with completion expected in early 2016. It will see the baggage handing capacity increase from 480 bags per hour to 900. Aside from the obvious need to keep up with passenger demand, another motivator behind this expansion was international travel. Currently, passengers coming through the airport en route to America have to go through secondary screening once they reach their destination. Once construction is complete, SEE AIRPORT VISION | PAGE 5
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More ‘heads in beds’ as tourism increases across BC
ELOWNA – Hospitality properties in Kelowna are benefiting from a substantial tourism increase. Room revenue has been growing steadily over the past few years. Between 2012 and 2013, there was an increase of 8.2%, and Tourism Kelowna is projecting another increase of 8% between 2013-2014. Visitor origin varies greatly than other areas of the province, with Canadian travellers making up 92.7% of visitors to the area. Of that number 60% are from BC,
20% from Alberta, 7% from Ontario and the remaining visitors split between the other provinces. American visitors represent between 3-5% of the total tourists to the area. To help increase that number the organization’s travel media relations team met with 43 media in 12-minute one-on-one appointments, over the course of a two day Canada Media Marketplace event put on by the Canadian Tourism Commission. Catherine Frechette, Tourism
Kelowna’s Communications Manager, attended the event in New York. “To grow our brand in these markets, we need frequent coverage and content in the US market, this trip helps build towards that,” she said. North American-wide publications like Afar and Food & Wine Magazine have featured Kelowna and the surrounding area in the past. With Food & Wine highlighting the area as an emerging wine destination and US Today
recently profiling the area as one of the best wine regions in North America. “Attendance at events like the Marketplace definitely contributes towards our long-term attraction goals, added Frechette. Tourism across the country has been increasing as well, with the federal government recently announcing that overnight arrivals to Canada by non-residents reached 17.1 million in 2014. SEE TOURISM INCREASES | PAGE 19
BC Home Builders Welcome Senior Renovation Tax Credit and Transit Investment in Federal Budget T he Canadian Home Builders’ Association (CH B A) welcome d t he introduction of the Home Accessibility Ta x Cred it and the P ublic T ra nsit Fund as measures that it expects w i l l help suppor t a f ford abi l ity a nd c h o i c e i n h o u s i n g fo r C a n a d i a n s . “CHBA and our professional renovator members applaud the govern ment’s recognition that seniors and persons with disabilities face special challenges related to making improvements to improve safety, access and functionality of a dwelling to meet their needs. We are very pleased to see this targeted home renovation tax credit that will not only help seniors make necessary changes to their homes, but by requiring receipts will help protect them from poor - sometimes dangerous – workmanship, and outright fraud by cash operators,” said Kevin Lee, CHBA’s Ch ief Executive Officer. “T h is new and permanent Home Accessibility Tax Credit, in addition to helping seniors and persons with disabilities, will be an effective method for combatting the underground ‘cash’ economy.” C H B A a n d i t s m e m b e r s w e re a l s o very pleased to see continued federa l leadersh ip i n fi na nci ng the cost of core i n frastructu re. “Strong com mun ities requ ire h ighquality and efficient infrastructure, including transit,” said Mr. Lee. “The
a n nou nc ement of a P ubl ic T ra n sit Fund should help relieve the need for municipal development-charge taxes on new homes to fund transit projects that benefit the entire community.” CH BA v iews proper i n f ra st r uctu re investment as essential to economic prosperity, and that it should be supported by all three levels of government. The residential construction industry contributes $5 billion annually to infrastructure construction across Canada. A n n o u n c e d re d u c t i o n s to t h e t a x bu rden on fa m i l ies a nd sm a l l- a nd med iu m-sized enterprises w i l l a lso help improve opportunities for Cana d i a n s t o o w n t h e i r o w n h o m e . Representing more than 8,500 smalland medium-sized businesses across Canada, the Canadian Home Builders’ Association (CHBA) is the voice of Canada’s residential construction industry. Construction is a vital part of Canada’s economy in every community across the country which directly and indirectly supports more than 900,000 jobs, paying more than $50 billion in wages. The industry generates $125 billion in economic activity each year, and provides over $30 billion in federal and provincial revenues each year.
KELOWNA Canadians with disabilities gain job skills The Government of Canada is helping Canadians with disabilities gain the skills and experience they need to find jobs. The announcement was made by the Honou rable Candice Bergen,
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MAY 2015
Minister of State for Social Development, along with the Honourable Ron Cannan, Member of Parliament for Kelowna–Lake Country. Employment and Social Development Canada has approved funding of $63,761 to Kelowna Community Resources Society from the Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities for its project to help 12 people with disabilities in Kelowna to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful in the job market. During the 18-week project, participants will be prepared to improve their employment readiness through resume writing and interview sessions, which will be followed by paid work experience in non-profit, private or public-sector organizations. T he majority of the work experience placements will be in the retail, hospitality, manufacturing and clerical fields. Since 2006, the Opportunities Fund has helped 40,000 people with disabilities across Canada. This is part of the Government of Canada’s overall strategy to equip all Canadians with the skills and training they need to connect with available jobs. To p ro v i d e m o re d e m a n d-d r ive n training solutions for people with disabilities, the Government’s Economic Action Plan is increasing funding to $40 million annually to the Opportunities Fund. Employers and community organizations will be involved in designing and delivering training projects. The Government provides $222 million annually to the provinces and territories through Labour Market Agreements for Persons with Disabilities to help Canadians with disabilities develop skills to improve their job prospects. Through the Economic Action Plan 2014, the Government is providing $15 million over three years to the Canadian Association for Community Living to help connect people with developmental disabilities with jobs. It is also providing $11.4 million over four years to the Sinneave Family Foundation and Autism Speaks Canada to expand vocational training programs for people with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
KAMLOOPS Slight dip in travellers Executive Search & Recruitment Specialists. Offices in Kelowna & Kamloops with affiliates throughout Western Canada.
There has been a decline in travellers using the Kamloops airport compared to last year. To date there has been 56,316 compared to 57,568 last year, a -2.22 per
cent change. This has been caused by a reduction in the number of resource workers traveling to Northern Alberta. This has been somewhat offset by the new Edmonton connection bringing new travelers who are leaving the 8 hour drive behind them as they travel via WestJet Encore to Edmonton. There has also been some success this season in attracting the Edmonton ski market to the Kamloops area. The low Canadian dollar encourages Canadians to stay in Canada and it attracts more visitors from the United States as well.
OLIVER Golden Mile Bench on the label The BC government has approved a request from the BC Wine Authority to establish a new sub-geographical indicator for the Golden Mile Bench in the Okanagan Valley wine region. Agriculture Minister Norm Letnick made the announcement at Tinhorn Creek Vineyard, one of 11 wineries that are included in the new Golden Mile Bench area. “For 20 years I have dreamed of this day - a day when the land we have always known to be special can be officially recognized on our label. I am so proud of all the work that was done by wineries and the government to get sub appellation status for the Golden Mile Bench,” said Tinhorn Creek Vineyards President and CEO Sandra Oldfield. The new sub-geographical indicator, or sub-appellation, is a first in British Columbia. It allows wineries that meet the requirements of the Wines of Marked Quality Regulation to label their wines Golden Mile Bench with a commitment to the consumer that at least 95 per cent of the grapes in the bottle come from that specific area. Appellations are used to legally identify where grapes for BC wines are grown. The list of wineries in the Golden Mile Bench include: C.C. Jentsch Cellars, Checkmate Artisanal Winery, Culmina Family Estate Winery, Fairview Cellars, Gehringer Brothers Estate Winery, Hester Creek Estate Winery, Inniskillin Okanagan Vineyards, Golden Mile Cellars (Road 13 Vineyards), Rustico Farm and Cellars, Tinhorn Creek Vineyards, and Willow Hill Vineyards. The Golden Mile Bench region is on the prominent terrace escarpment southwest of Oliver that ru ns south from
MAY 2015
Fairview Road and near Highway 97. I n 2014, the Oka naga n Va l ley was na med by USA Today as the world’s second best wine region by the newspaper’s Reader’s Choice Awards. USA Today noted the Okanagan Valley offers excellent opportunities for outdoor recreation in between tastings. B C W i ne I n s t it ute P re s id ent a nd CEO Miles Prodan commented, “The designation of the Golden Mile Bench sub-appellation is a ref lection of the maturation and progress of BC’s premium wine industry.” T here are five designated wine regions in BC including: Okanagan Valley, Similkameen Valley, Fraser Valley, Va ncouver Isla nd, a nd Gu l f Isla nds producing more than 80 different grape varieties. In 2013, BC grape growers generated farm cash receipts of almost $45 million. In that same year, BC wine exports were valued at $7.8 million nearly quadrupling since 2008.
KAMLOOPS New Finance Director Hired The City of Kamloops announced the appointment of Kathy Humphrey to the position of Finance Director. Humphrey is the current Director of Finance at Thompson Rivers University (TRU), a position she has held since 2008. Prior to TRU, she was employed with BC Lottery Corporation and KPMG. The hiring panel, which consisted of the City of Kamloops Directors team, was particularly impressed with Humphrey’s escalating level of responsibility at the organizations where she previously worked and her obvious interpersonal skills and energy levels, which bode well for the leadership of the City. David Trawin, City of Kamloops CAO, said, “We are very pleased that Kathy is joi n i ng ou r tea m. She bri ngs new experiences and perspectives to build on the work we do. Our commitment to financial accountability and transparency will be a key responsibility and we are confident Kathy will lead us forward in these areas.” Humphrey starts her new position on June 1, 2015.
KELOWNA Collaboration to Propel Regional Economic Growth through Women On May 22, leaders, influencers and others interested in economic growth in the Okanagan will come together to discuss how our community can remove barriers and create opportunities to grow women’s impact on the BC economy. This is the Catalyst for Growth project, which is taking the lively dialogue from the highly successful BC Economic Forum (BCEF) to four regions of the province, and providing opportunities for women, sponsors and partners to get involved in each region to expand the focus a nd create rea l cha nge a l l around BC. T he i naug u ra l BCEF took place i n October 2014. Over 400 leaders and small business owners gathered at the sold-out event in Vancouver to provide ideas and input on how to grow women leaders – in business, on boards and in
growing industries. The event in Kelowna this May will support and enhance the work that was initiated at the BCEF and collect input from people in our region to identify actions that can be implemented in the Okanagan, then allow for unique solutions and resources to be developed to address the issues. In small, facilitated group discussions, women and men will actively explore how we can affect change and support economic growth through women – in senior leadership, as entrepreneurs and in trades and emerging sectors. Participants will be briefed on the major outcomes of the BCEF, so they can build on those ideas and reflect our region’s differences. As a n added value, pa rticipa nts in the morning’s working forum will take pa rt i n a popu la r a nd l i fe-cha ngi ng workshop “Overcome the I mpostor Syndrome” with Dr. Valerie Young in the a fternoon. T hey’l l lea rn how to overcome the self-limiting mindset that is a common barrier to women (and men) taking on challenging leadership roles, scaling their business and maximizing their potential as contributors to their economies and communities. Funded in part by Status of Women Canada, Catalyst for Growth: Women for t he BC E conomy i s a project of Women’s Enterprise Centre in collaboration with the WEB Alliance and the Premier’s Women’s Economic Council as well as many other supporting orga n izations a rou nd the prov i nce. A Steering Committee led by Jill Earthy a nd Lois Nahirney, co-cha i rs of the BCEF, will ensure that the input collected f rom p eople t h rou g hout t he province will enrich the data collected at the BCEF and address regional issues in the overall action plan. For more information or to register, please visit www.catalystforgrowth.ca
L to R: Honourable Dr. Kellie Leitch, Minister of Labour and Minister of Status of Women, Laurel Douglas, CEO of Women’s Enterprise Centre, Janet Austin, CEO of the YWCA Metro Vancouver and Chair of The Vancouver Board of Trade, Iain Black, CEO of The Vancouver Board of Trade increasing awareness of the positive impact women entrepreneurs have on the BC economy. A non-profit organization funded in part by Western Economic Diversification Canada, Women’s Enterprise Centre is celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2015. Since Ms. Douglas joined as CEO in 2004, WEC has provided business loans and leveraged financing of over $45.7 million to business owners in BC, which has generated over $1.3 billion in economic activity in the province and has helped create or maintain over
2,000 jobs for British Columbians. Ms. Douglas is the only person from outside the Lower Mainland to be recognized with a Wendy McDonald award so far. The Board Chair of Women’s Enterprise Centre, Joyce Groote, is delighted that Ms. Douglas has been recognized with this award, noting that Laurel has ”… done much to move the needle for women in BC and it is wonderful for Laurel to be recognized for all of her hard work carried out at such a credible and professional level.”
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Local CEO recognized by Vancouver Board of Trade with Wendy McDonald Award Kelowna-based CEO of Women’s Enterprise Centre, Laurel Douglas, was recently recog n ized by the Vancouver Board of Trade with an inaugural Wendy McDonald Award in the Community Catalyst category. The award was presented on April 8, 2015 at a Vancouver Board of Trade luncheon featuring a keynote by the Honourable Dr. Kellie Leitch, Minister of Labour and Minister of Status of Women. The Wendy McDonald awards were created by the Women’s Leadersh ip Circle of the Vancouver Board of Trade in 2015, in memory of the former president of BC Bearings Engineers Ltd. A force in Canadian business and a pioneer for women in leadership, Wendy McDonald left an indelible impression on The Vancouver Board of Trade when she beca me the orga n ization’s fi rst female chair in 1990. M s. D ou g l a s wa s sele cte d for t he Community Catalyst Award based on the contributions she has made in her role as CEO of Women’s Enter prise Centre over the last 10 years. During this time, she and her team have successfully assisted thousands of women entrepreneurs in BC to start, grow and succeed in their business while also
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MAY 2015
CHAMBER WORKING CLOSELY WITH DISTRICT The GWBOT hired Jim Fry as its Ambassador of Member Services and he has provided outstanding results with over 90 new members joining last year
ased on the mandate of “impacting growth and prosper ity of t he loca l business community by advocating opportunities, economic sustainability and collaboration among Greater Westside businesses a nd va rious levels of government,” it is our duty to provide leadership and to advocate on behalf of Board of Trade members and the Westside business community. With that in mind, the GWBOT recently had the opportunity to make its annual presentation to the District of West Kelowna Mayor Findlater and Council. The presentation provides an update on activities and events and more importantly gives us the
opportunity to give Mayor and Council some constructive feedback we receive from the business community on their experiences when they are dealing with the District. The GWBOT hired Jim Fry as its Ambassador of Member Services and he has provided outstanding results with over 90 new members joining last year. Jim is in touch with many businesses in West Kelowna, both members and non members alike, as well as new business licensees and established businesses. Some have had challenges when dealing with the District. We applauded the addition on the District’s website of a link to a Development Services Customer Service Survey form which encourages communication with its customers. Further to this, we asked if the District was working to have a system in place, that could be published on the DWK
website, where there are acceptable standards, timelines and consequences that businesses can visit so that if they feel that things aren’t progressing the way they should, they can communicate with the appropriate staff member to resolve their issue. By asking these questions, we learned that the District is currently working on adding a tracking program to its website to do exactly what we were inquiring about. This is valuable information that we can pass onto members. We appreciate that we have the synergies and co-operation of the District of West Kelowna by working together with us in the support of business. Every month, directors have the opportunity to join Mayor and Council on a business walk. Up to three Westside businesses are visited and are from every sector imaginable. It is fascinating to hear our business owners’ stories of how their business got started, why they are located on the Westside (mostly lifestyle), the challenges they face and the best part is to appreciate how successful they are. The District is also close to launching its Economic Development Committee which we look forward to participating and contributing towards through the Board of Trade’s representative, Norm LeCavalier, who happens
to be the Board’s Chair as well. Norm also meets monthly with Mayor Findlater which greatly contributes to keeping the communication lines open with the District. The Board of Trade offered its assistance with any marketing efforts the District deems appropriate that will enhance its economic development presence with West Kelowna businesses and any networking activities hosted by the District. With our Business After Hours events becoming increasingly popular, they have proven to be a valuable resource for DWK Council & staff. We extended a standing invitation to Mayor, Council and all department heads to attend the Business After Hours events as our ‘guests’. Coming up May 8 we are hosting two events. In the morning, in partnership with Kelowna International Airport, we will be hosting the second Okanagan Fort McMurray Business Exchange at the Four Points Sheraton. Members of the Fort Mac Chamber of Commerce, tourism and economic development organizations will be invited to attend and present valuable information on their community and their Okanagan counterparts will reciprocate. We are anticipating upwards of 20 people from Fort Mac will be attending. Please let us know if you would like to
attend. And in the afternoon, the Board of Trade is hosting its Golf Classic at Sunset Ranch. Interesting to note, is that the Fort McMurray International Airport sees such value in this event and the morning session that it stepped up to be the event sponsor of the tournament. If you know of any businesses here on the Westside that are interested in establishing business networks in Fort Mac please call the office so we can follow up with them. This whole day is a tremendous networking opportunity for them. I am proud to say that our organization has a very positive and engaging relationship with Mayor and Council as well as Chief Louie, Council and the Economic Development Commission of Westbank First Nation. Not all Boards of Trade or Chambers of Commerce throughout the province can make this claim. We are pleased to welcome the following new members: Kelowna Enviro Wash, Westside Sales & Rentals Ltd., Zipzone Zipline, Property DNA & Consulting, Peachland Radio and Phoenix Interior Design. Karen Beaubier is the Executive Director for the Westside Board of Trade. She can be reached at 250-768-3378 or admin@ gwboardoftrade.com
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MAY 2015
s a recognized business leader in Kelowna, I was invited to participate in a Canadian Chamber of Commerce Energy Tour that provided an in-depth opportunity to hear from a good cross section of energy companies and actually get onto mine sites in Fort McMurray. My perceptions on the opportunity and constraints of this economic behemoth – and the threats to it, as it relates to our local community and to Canada were strongly affected by my visit. These oil sands developments are generational opportunities for economic growth. I agree with the views of the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters Association; we must leverage and harness their development to maximize economic opportunity today and for future generations. The twelve companies I was introduced to on my trip had something in common beyond oil sands. Their staff demonstrated pride in the work they do; they are professionals in their fields; most are career oil production people. The commitment to working under the strictest federal government regulations plus their passion for improving
the border and customs processing will be harmonized with US standards, removing what may be a barrier for some cross-border travellers. The office area will also receive attention in the expansion, with new airline space being made available, alongside a new lobby and other front-of-house pieces. Completion is expected in 2017. Ultimately the goal of the concourse improvement is develop the automation aspect of the airport. The enhancements will eventually allow passengers to use self-serve machines to check in, check and print luggage tags, and drop luggage directly into the baggage system. T hese automated check-i n counters will be available in 2018. T he apron ex pa n sion, t he paved strip beside the runway closest to the terminal, will provide much-needed relief, as it is currently at total capacity during the evening. Upgrades include expanded de-icing services, and additional space to house new aircraft, that will accommodate the increasing passenger volume and aircraft mix that comes with the growth.
environmental conditions was evident and credible. Between 1990 and 2012, GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions associated with every barrel of oil sands crude produced were reduced by 28%. Today, Canada’s oil sands only account for 0.13% of the entire world’s GHG emissions. I saw evidence of environmental collaboration. Oil sands companies have formed COSIA, Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance. COSIA participants capture, develop and share innovative approaches and best thinking to improve environmental performance in the oil sands. COSIA companies focus on four Environmental Priority Areas (EPAs) – tailings, water, land, and greenhouse gas. Collaboration and transparent exchange reduce environmental impact and costs of production. Both are positives to us as consumers. Petroleum exporters are also making great strides in reducing their environmental footprint. It was clear to me personally, that for transporting oil safely for long distances, pipelines are unmatched in their safety performance. In fact I feel very strongly that Canada needs to be a primary exporter of oil products to Asia markets. I would rather have Canada extracting and shipping oil with our strict regulatory conditions than Asia purchasing from countries with less than stellar safety records or government instability. We all use products derived from oil every day, from plastic cellular cases, to computers and tires for our bikes or shoes on our feet. Let’s get real, the world needs oil to make products and move the products to stores and homes. Larger 737 Airbus jets from airlines like SunWing and WestJet will be able to use the airport once the expansion is complete, meaning that travellers will have access to destinations like Puerto Vallarta and Cancun. The cost of the apron and gate expansion will be $9 million, beginning this month, with completion coming in October. The de-icing service expansion will cost $2 million and is expected to be completed by September. “Most of this is something that we will work on for the next three years, what makes it challenging is the need to maintain the operational component of the airport,” says Samaddar. The transition to the upgraded project components will be strategic and phased; and business is not expected to be interrupted by the expansion. The enhancement announcements will contribute towards Master Plan 2025, a visionarydocument established in 2006. This plan is in the process of being updated even further. Recently the Kelowna International A irport’s adv i sor y committee appointed former Kelowna mayor Walter Gray, former city councilor Andre Blanleil
The forest products industry is also one of Canada’s most innovative and sustainable sectors Canada’s role as a responsible innovator in commodity production appears matched by the resource sector’s ability to pay good wages. Mining, oil and gas extraction wages flow back to every province. Resource jobs produced up to 15 times more value for Canada’s economy than the average job. Manufacturers play a critical role in this development. In 2010, BC manufacturers sold over $6 billion worth of high tech products and services into the development and operation of Alberta’s oil sands. This is a large and growing sales sector for many companies — especially those manufacturing machinery and equipment, steel and steel products, and construction equipment. And these opportunities are being felt right across the country in every province and region including here in the Okanagan. As a first step, Canada’s manufacturers must understand the specific opportunities offered by oil sands development. Second, governments, oil sands producers and manufacturers must work much more closely
Restoration of former tailings pond now home to toads, deer, bears and small mammals. Very impressive safety procedures and huge strides in reducing environmental impacts here in the oil sands PHOTO: CAROLINE GROVER
together to improve domestic supply chains and to make them more efficient. We must all work together to ensure that Canadians fully understand and appreciate the economic importance of natural resource development, and specifically Alberta’s oil sands, to ensure their development continues responsibly and is not unnecessarily restricted. The oil sands leaders are taking a page from Canada’s forest product producers – who are constantly adapting to service the world’s marketplace. As the Forest Products Association of Canada said recently, business as usual is no longer an option. That industry employs more than 235,000 Canadians and plans to renew its workforce by 2020. The forest products industry is also one of Canada’s most innovative and sustainable sectors. This sector is
Artist’s rendering of the outside view of airport expansion and Meryle Corbett to four-year terms. The appointments were made in order to aid in the development of the 2045 Master Plan, according to Samaddar. “We’ve had tremendous leadership from the community in regards to this airport, this is about using the people who have experience and who have seen the growth in the region to help us grow towards 2045. Getting their input is extremely valuable,” he says. The 2045 Master Plan will be integrated and with Kelowna’s Official Community Plan, and regional district plans. This long-term planning is important to the region due to the significant economic impact the
airport has on the region. It creates 1,400 direct jobs and has an economic output of $300 million. Using a multiplier, and taking into account-induced growth, that number increases to 2,700 jobs and $610 million. In addition to the facility and operation expansions, a new carrier, NewLeaf Travel Co., has made an announcement regarding its intentions to offer an ultra low-cost air service. The company previously offered ch a r ted f l ig hts to sk i tourists between Kelowna and Hamilton, but has expanded its outlook based on a joint-venture arrangement with Flair Airlines. Flair operates chartered passenger and cargo services in Canada, the
demonstrating environmental responsibility. In fact, a recent report found Canada has only a 0.02% deforestation rate and leads the world in forest product exports. I urge you to consider this: ensure that your opinions are based on today’s facts. Today’s oil sands do not resemble the first mining foray into this area – the very first oil sands drilling was, after all, in 1894. Today’s natural resource industries are responsible, transparent, motivated to reduce emissions and to lower environmental impacts. The industries are also critical to our economic future. I stand behind the technology and the knowledge that leads Canadian resource development. Caroline Grover is the CEO of the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached by email at caroline@ kelownachamber.org United States, the Caribbean and other worldwide destinations. T he joint-venture business model is based off of A merica n compa ny Allegiant Air, where customers pay a flat base rate for a seat, and additional fees for checked backs, luggage and other ancillary products. The airline is proposing a service focused on leisure travel lers i n seconda r y ma rkets like, Saskatoon, Regina, Thunder Bay, Ont., Moncton, N.B., Hamilton or Kelowna. There is also the potential for winter month flights to Las Vegas, Oakland and Los Angeles, giving American tourists direct access to the Okanagan. “The goal of this ultra low-cost concept is to induce leisure travellers who do not traditionally use airlines, to use services like NewLeaf,” said Samaddar. “Annually, five million Canadians travel south of the border to travel through airports in the United States. These services aim to provide a competitive fare structure that will change traveller behavior,” he says. “This is a tremendous opportunity for the country, especially because of the Canadian dollar.” www. ylw.kelowna.ca.
MAY 2015
Company builds on a successful quarter century with an eye to the future
ELOWNA – Valley Curbing Ltd. in Kelowna never tries to curb its enthusiasm! The four partners are excited about the work they do and eager to prepare for what promises to be a growing future in the Okanagan. Valley Curbing, noted for its exceptional municipal, industrial and subdivision work, was founded in 1991 by Peter Layhew, Bob Oliver and Lloyed Brandner. Prior to that, the company was known as Okanagan Paving Stones and Curbing Ltd. In 1997, Doug Valentino joined the company, taking over from Peter Layhew. In 2007, one of the current managing partners, Gary Brandner, replaced his brother Lloyed who retired. In 2014 Bob Oliver retired and in March of this year, Jesse Oliver and Chad Valentino became junior partners. Gary Brandner said that it was never the intention of the original or current partners to make Valley Curbing a family business, but it has definitely become just that. “The sons just ended up being very good at what they do,” he said. “And, in fact, when I replaced my brother, I was working with Doug Valentino again, who was my first foreman. I worked for him starting in the summer of 1981 to put me through college. But it is 35 years later and I’m still here.” The company’s size has fluctuated over the years between 15 and 25 employees, depending on the strength of the economy. Brandner said that today, Valley Curbing is as large as it has ever been, with the local economy in full growth mode. “Valley Curbing has been a very successful company,” he said. Asked what has brought Valley Curbing so much success, he said “Service and reliability: we put a lot of effort into great service.
Gary Brandner says that service is the prime ingredient in Valley Curbing’s success
“We do everything in our power to be there within a week at the latest and we try very hard to fit into everybody’s schedule.”
Valley Curbing recently completed upgrades to Lakeshore Road
We do everything in our power to be there within a week at the latest and we try very hard to fit into everybody’s schedule.” He noted that customers appreciate that kind of service – with both its crews. One Valley Curbing crew devotes the majority of its time to municipal projects like area revitalizations and upgrades. This type of work requires greater attention to detail and generally is more esthetically pleasing. The
subdivision crew is more focused on infrastructure of new residential neighbourhoods where the emphasis is on timelines and production. They demand different skill sets, Brandner said, and both crews are highly skilled at what they do. Valley Curbing also provides a variety of curb and gutter profiles and sidewalk finishes, including stamped concrete. It services a large area that includes the Okanagan, Central Interior and the Kootenays. It owns and operates a fleet of three Gomaco Commander lll curb extruders, and a steel form contractor. In fact, the company was recently featured on the front cover of Gomaco Magazine. In addition to regular sidewalks, Valley Curbing is also known for decorative and architectural finishes including a selection of stamped and exposed finishes. Brander said that Valley Curbing has grown into a reliable, responsible and trustworthy contractor that prides itself on excellent communication with its clients. Its management is constantly working with contractors, engineers, and local governments in the design and budget portion of projects.
Farris is proud to be legal advisors to Valley Curbing Ltd.
Valley Curbing does municipal, industrial and subdivision work “As with any successful company, you’re only as good as your people,” he said. “We offer decades of experience; our extruder operators offer over 50 combined years, and our foremen are young, motivated, and very successful.” He added that the company actively searches out the challenging municipal jobs, all subdivision work, and commercial projects of all types. Recent projects include:
• Municipal: Bernard Avenue revitalization, Lakeshore Road upgrades, Clifton Road upgrades, Westlake Road upgrades, Okanagan College Transit Exchange • BC M i n ist r y: H ig hway 97 Rapid Transit, Sneena Road. WFN • C o m m e r c i a l a n d Institutional: • GH emergency parking, Orchard Park Plaza parking
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MAY 2015
Valley Curbing pulls out all the stops to get to a job quickly and complete on time
Jesse Oliver and Chad Valentino are the new generation that will take the company forward
Valley Curbing invests in the best equipment
Valley Curbing is known for its exceptional work in subdivisions
FARRER Supplier of Quality Products to Valley Curbing
275 Okanagan Ave. E PENTICTON
lot upgrades, Richter and Raymer commercial development, Aberdeen Hall School • Subdivision: Black Mountain, Highlands, T he La kes, La kestone, T he Ponds, Rose Valley, Sunset Ranch, Tallus Ridge, Tower Ranch, West Harbour, Wilden, The Uplands • Mu lti fa m i ly: Brighton Townhouses, Boucherie Beach, Brookside, T he Gates, Green Square, Keystone, Kensington Terrace
“We do a high standard of work as well as giving exceptional service,” Brandner said. “And we really emphasize the service aspect of our business. In the late fall, when it’s hardest to do this kind of work, we’re working 12 hours a day in the cold and dark, trying to finish a project on time.” He noted that the company has been designed to continue to deliver the service that it is known for, for a very long time. “We tend to recruit a lot of young people who then tend to
stay with us season after season,” he said. “These young people are making the company successful and will continue to do so for years to come.” He added that Chad Valentino and Jesse Oliver both have experience and ability beyond their years in looking after the management and day to day operations of the company. “They have an outstanding skill set to take them well into the future,” Valley Curbing also cares about the community with donations to local charities and sponsorship of minor sports. “We’re very charitable,” Brandner said, noting that the young people who work for Valley Curbing are raising young families in the community. Supporting that community just makes sense. He added that with the growth planned for Kelowna and the entire Okanagan Valley for the next 10 years, helping to build a strong community is a win for everyone, including the company. “We’re trying to be ready for that growth and we are actively preparing ourselves for that growth over the next decade.” Valley Curbing Ltd. is at 102 – 1358 St. Paul Street in Kelowna. www.valleycurbing.com
Congratulations Valley Curbing on a quarter century of success! Premium Truck and Trailer thanks the team at Valley Curbing for their business. Best wishes for another prosperous 25 years.
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MAY 2015
SUMMERLAND Summerland is attracting new businesses Agri-tech is putting Summerland on the map BY GOODY NIOSI
hange is in the air for the District of Summerland – and that’s got local people excited. The first change came last fall when a new mayor and six new councilors were elected to offer. Change continues in the downtown with new construction and new amenities. Top of the list is the new library, which is twice the size of the old library, replacing the old Municipal Hall and a decommissioned gas station. “It’s a nice, big presence on our main street,” said director of development services Ian McIntosh. “It’s a first class library with a parking lot that is going to double as a parking plaza/community square for when we do events.” He added that the library receives tens of thousands of visits a year and that will likely increase. “It will certainly bring a lot of excitement to that section of town,” he said, adding that the art gallery, which was housed in the old municipal hall, has moved to a storefront on Main Street – and that has turned out to be excellent news. “Their gift shop is doing much better,” he said. “They’re getting a lot more visits because of their new location, so that’s a bonus as well.” One of the first priorities of the new council was to undertake Summerland’s first cultural plan with a community task force undertaking the work to identify the town’s cultural assets and determine what is required to support and fund them as well as assessing the economic benefit. Summerland has always been known as a strong agricultural community and the recent creation of the Arctic Apple by local, Neal Carter of Okanagan Specialty Fruit has put the community on a much bigger map. The genetically modified apple doesn’t turn brown when exposed to the air. Mere weeks after receiving FDA approval in the United Sates, Carter sold his company to U.S. biotechnology giant Intrexon for $41 million. At the same time the local Chamber of Commerce with the help of BC Economic Development is looking into precision agriculture. “The whole idea is how does technology benefit agriculture,” McIntosh said. “We have the Arctic Apple that has been very successful and we have Mazza Innovations that is taking compounds from fruits and vegetables
Summerland is well known as an agricultural community
Ian McIntosh says that Summerland is ready to explore agri-tech
Plans for Summerland include more core densification
“As a municipal
for cosmetics, food supplements and vitamins in a whole new way – and that business is also very successful.” He pointed out that because the Pacific Agrifoods Research Centre is located in Summerland, pursuing agri-tech industries is a logical step. “As a municipal government, we are finally starting to recognize that there is some technology around us that we weren’t really aware of before,” he said. “It has certainly come to the forefront so we are certainly investigating that a lot more diligently, trying to see if there is something we can do to
government, we are finally starting to recognize that there is some technology around us that we weren’t really aware of before.” IAN MCINTOSH DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES, DISTRICT OF SUMMERLAND
further that agri-tech industry.” The new council has also requested an inventory of municipal property. The list is impressive, McIntosh said. The question now is: how to develop some of those properties and make the best use of those assets? Christine Petkau, executive of the Summerland Chamber of Commerce said that this year’s 77th annual Business and Community Awards were telling. In the past 18 months, nine new businesses opened on Main Street. That was a positive sign in itself. But one of the categories in the awards is Rising Star, geared towards new
MAY 2015
Peter Waterman says he’s excited about Summerland’s future
Summerland’s setting is idyllic
The art gallery has benefited from a move downtown
businesses that are thriving. There were eight nominees in that category, six of them located downtown and all owned by women – mostly younger women. “What’s exciting for us is that Rising Star has very clear parameters,” Petkau said. “It’s about what you’re doing to make that busi ness successfu l. You’ve brought a great plan into place; you’re connecting; you’re networking; you’ve got your social media in place; your marketing is very clearly reaching out and connecting with people – so that was very exciting.” Main Street Yoga and Fitness Studio won the award. “I think it’s telling because it’s women,” Petkau said. “Many of them are very recently arrived: they’re women, they’re younger, and they chose Summerland for a variety of reasons, one of them being that we had gaps they could
address.” And while there are still some gaps on Main Street, Petkau noted that there is a big difference between the 76th and 77th annual awards just in terms of age and vibrancy. Younger people are coming to Summerland, seeking a lifestyle change and new business opportunities. They also want to get away from the anonymity of the big city and connect in a smaller community. Petkau is also excited about the opportunities offered by agricultural technology. At this year’s awards, Mazza Innovations and Okanagan Specialty Fruit were both nominated in the technology and innovation category and tied for the award. “We awarded two trophies,” Petkau said. “It was really exciting because both of them have attracted significant international interest for their product and both
these products had their genesis at the research station. As a community we have a lot of interest in seeing where this can go – and how can we grow this sector and support it?” Mayor Peter Waterman also noted that business is picking up in downtown Summerland. “There are still some empty storefronts,” he said. “You can take a look at the economic situation as half full or half empty and I prefer to think that any locations that are empty present real opportunities for people who want to come in here and open special niche businesses.” He added that many of the businesses on Main Street have a valley-wide appeal, citing a framing shop that attracts people from a much wider community. With an all-new council, it’s not surprising that changes are taking place at City Hall. Waterman said that one of the mandates of the new council is more openness and transparency with the public and a strong, solid OCP that gives developers stability and confidence. “We’ve got some talent here on council that’s just waiting to burst out of the gate,” Waterman said. “I think we’ve got some excitement here that we can translate to the community.” www.summerland.ca
UPCOMING CONFERENCE EXPLORES THE IMPACT OF WOMEN IN THE BC ECONOMY The goal of the day is to explore how we can affect change and support economic
n February the Summerland Chamber of Commerce held its 77th annual Business and Community Awards Gala. In the category of R ising Sta r/ New Bu si ness, t he w i n n i ng busi ness – Main St. Fitness & Yoga Studio – is owned by a savvy female entrepreneur. Not surprising since 8 of the 9 nominees in the category were
growth through women – in senior leadership, as entrepreneurs and in trades and emerging sectors
businesses owned by women. And the 9th is an artisan’s coop made up primarily of, you guessed it, women. This award honors new businesses that have demonstrated strong potential via growth, i n novat ion, a nd le adersh ip during the first two years of operation. Additionally, the bu si ness h a s demon st rated a cu ltu re of risk-ta k i ng a nd trailblazing and has positioned itself to achieve similar successes in the future. T hese characteristics were ably demonstrated by all of the nominees but the fact remains that female entrepreneurs and women in leadership and in the work force still face a variety of barriers. On May 22nd leaders, influencers and others interested in economic growth in our region will come together in Kelowna
to discuss how our communities can remove barriers and create opportunities to grow wom en’s i mp a c t on t h e B C economy. T he project is called Catalyst for Grow th: Women for the BC Economy and is a project of the Women’s Enterprise Centre and a number of other provincial organizations. The goal of the day is to explore how we can affect change and support economic growth through women – in senior leadership, as entrepreneurs and in trades and emerging sectors. In each of these areas there are gaps in the participation of women. T hese gaps show unprecedented potential for economic growth, and a need to advance the conversation i nto act ion st rateg ies a nd pract ica l recom mend at ions for government, business and
individuals – to shape policy and create changes that will lead to success. The Summerland Chamber is a promotional partner for the conference. We believe this is an important conversation to be part of in order to help boost the participation of women in our communities in entrepreneurship, leadership and nontraditional employment. For more information or to register for the conference please visit www.CatalystForGrowth.ca. Christine Petkau is Executive Director of the Summerland Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at cpetkau@ summerlandchamber.com
MAY 2015
Engineering firm has a service-oriented, hands-on approach
ELOWNA – Eric Schredl and his team have reached success in the industry due to the way they treat their customers. His company, Delta-T Consultants, has focused on changing the way engineering firms do business. “Our service offering tends to be more specialized. We have a flexible and young staff who like to take on challenging projects,” says Schredl. “We offer our clients an inclusive, service-oriented experience, when many other companies in the field would tend to take a more directive approach.” “Our clients are included in the process from the beginning, we respect them, and are willing to think outside the box to make their project a success.” “They come back to us for their next project because they appreciate the hands on approach, integrity and honesty we provide.” Delta-T is a consulting engineering firm specializing primarily in mechanical engineering, HVAC, plumbing and fire protection design services.
A commercial kitchen project similar to one that Delta-T’s would design “We wear many hats at this office”, says Schredl. “As a small firm, we’re able to be more flexible, compared to larger companies in the market.” This flexibility, and a commitment to high service standards has given them the opportunity to work on unique and customized projects in BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan. They’ve become known for niche and one-off projects like commercial kitchens, ice arenas, energy studies, strata depreciation reports and swimming pool design. “The majority of our business, between 60-70 per cent, comes from outside of the Okanagan Valley. Locally it can be challenging to compete, there is a lot of undercutting, and we find that decisions
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Eric Schredl, President of Delta-T Consultants are mostly made on price,” says Schredl. The company’s portfolio is very diverse, including work on commercial, multi-family residential, hospitality, institutional and light industrial projects. They’ve designed locations for BC Assessment and Service BC and other government clients. Other notable clients include Orchard Ford for their new building, the Western Budget hotel chain, the City of Vernon and Teck Metals. Canadian Helicopters retained Delta-T’s services for their new flight school in Penticton back in 2012, including design for aircraft hangers, corporate offices and the school building. Engineering runs in the family, Schredl’s father worked in the field until his retirement in 2012, and this was the tie that eventually brought him towards the engineering field.
Thinkspace Architecture Planning Interior Design Announces Two New Partners Thinkspace is pleased to announce that Todd Dust and Henk Kampman have become TEVXRIVW MR XLI ČVQ EPSRK [MXL 1EVO 1EXLMEWIR ERH 6SR ,SJJEVX
Todd Dust
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Henk Kampman
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His professional career began following graduation from the University of Victoria in 1998, when he took a mechanical design position with Western Star Trucks focusing on powertrain and heavy duty truck systems design. When the company relocated to Portland, Oregon, he moved with them and remained there for five years. As his young family began to grow, he set his sights on his hometown of Kelowna and made the decision to move back and work under his father. His father was managing the Kelow na office of Yoneda & Associates that is now Delta-T Consultants. In 2013, Eric made the decision to purchase the company and move it from under a national engineering brand. While the company name has only existed since the beginning of 2014, the organization’s origins date back to 1979, with assets changing hands throughout the years. “We were fortunate that we bought out an existing business, we maintained the staff and project list, and had an existing client base. That complimented my local roots and family ties to the region,” says Schredl. “It can be challenging to start a company in this sector without help like that.” “The rebounding economy has also helped contribute to a successful first year and a half in business,” he added.
Strategic partnerships with Vancouver-based firms have also contributed to the company’s achievements. “We’ve been able to extend the service offerings of our partners without them having to put a physical location in the region. These relationships have been mutually beneficial and continue to provide new projects for us.” As far as the future is concerned, Schredl is happy with the current state of things. The company has five full-time staff that work on approximately 120-150 projects annually. “We’re not looking to be a big firm, we’re looking to be service oriented, and focused on effectively completing unique projects. “My wife runs the office, my children and dog come into work, we like the small business feel.” Within the next 18 months he plans to hire one additional person to his team, but his focus is more on expanding internal expertise. “We’re trying to optimize our current business base,” he says. Recently the company expanded its services into fire protection, which builds on existing internal strengths and doesn’t stretch the company outside of its comfort zone. Delta-T contributes to the local community through minor sports sponsorships, and Schredl also coaches his daughters in minor soccer. For more information, please visit www.deltatconsultants.com.
MAY 2015
Expediting the BC PNP Application by the CIC Express Entry System
n January 1, 2015, Citizenship and Immigration Canada introduced the express entry system - a selection method to ensure efficient processing and shorter wait times for permanent resident applications. The express entry system shifts the burden from the federal government, to the intended immigrant, to en su re ( by way of federa l ly approved third party verificat ion) t h at a l l educat ion a l credentials are equivalent to Canadian standards and that la ng uage sk i l ls a re at above average standards. Potent i a l appl ica nts enter i n to a n e x p re s s e n t r y p o ol and are then awarded a compa rative ra n k i ng score w ith other appl ica nts w ith i n the pool. Higher scores are given to those candidates who have had Canadian education, Ca n a d i a n wo rk e x p e r i e n c e a nd a job of fer w it h a Ca nad ia n employer ready, w i l ling and able to hire them. Six hu nd red (600) bonus poi nts are allocated if the applicant has a formal job offer. Applicants with excellent language skills will enhance their overall point total. I n t h e f i rs t ro u n d s o f I nv itat ion s to Apply (I TA) by Citizenship and Immigration Ca n a d a , it w a s i nte re s t i n g
Comparative Ranking System (CRS) Points Level January 31, 2015
February 7, 2015
February 20, 2015
February 27, 2015
March 20, 2015
March 27, 2015
David Aujla to note that the comparative ra n k i ng system was set at a very high level which would en su re t h at c a nd id ates h ad e m p l o y m e n t , e i t h e r s a n ctioned th rough a Labou r M a rket I mpact A ssessment (LM I A) or th rough the British Colu mbia Prov i ncia l Nominee Program (BC PNP). However, over the succeeding two months the comparative ranking scores have dropped a nd the nu mber of I TA s has increased, as seen in the following table: In order to match the express entry system of Citizensh ip and Immigration Canada, the
berdeen Hall Preparatory School in Kelowna has reached another milestone by offering students in the Okanagan Valley the opportuntiy to attend one of British Columbia’s top independent schools. Beginning in September, 2015, students from communities in the Kamloops, Penticton and Merrit regions can now study and live with a local family from Monday to Friday, returning to their homes and communities on the weekend. Head of school Christopher Grieve said that this opportunity offers the best of both worlds. “Parents who want to give their children an academically challenging environment, but are 100 – 200 kilometres away from a world class university preparatory school, now have an option. Accessing exceptional academic, athletic and arts programming in a world class faciltiy is now attainable and provides a tremendous opportunity for students
Number of Invitations to Apply (ITAs) Issued by CIC
wishing to prepare for university, and life beyond.” Students will live with carefully selected host families, all of whom are interviewed in their home by the school’s family boarding coordinator. Host families pass the school’s screening process which includes a criminal record check. Students are provided with a private, fully furnished bedroom. The Host Family will provide nutritious meals and snacks; in other words, this is the student’s “home away from home.” Students are treated as part of the family and encouraged to expected and welcomed to participate in family activities. The charge for weekly boarding is $600 per month, in addition to tuition. Adjacent to the University of British Columbia Okanagan campus, Aberdeen Hall’s 40 acre campus offers state-of–the-art facilites including the magnificent Great Hall with sky labs, a robotics lab, digital recordi ng stud io, science labs a nd exceptional atheletic and arts facilities. For more informaton and to register, visit www.aberdeenhall.com, or call Susanne Raye at 250 491-1270
BC P N P a l so i nt roduced its ow n e x pre ss ent r y s y s tem . Assuming that the candidate ca n qu a l i f y to enter the express entry pool of Citizenship and Immigration Canada, the BC PNP will use the Citi zensh ip a nd I m m ig rat ion Canada express entry profile nu mber (issued by Cit i zensh ip a nd I m m ig rat ion Ca nada when creating an express entry profile) to fast-track the BC PNP candidate. For t ho se c a nd id ate s who h ave c o m pl e te d a M a s te r ’s Deg ree or Ph D i n certa i n fields, under BC PNP they will not have to obta i n a n L M I A
or a job offer before updating their express entry profile at C i t i z e n s h i p a n d I m m i g ration Ca nada. T hese a reas of study include the following: Biolog ica l a nd biomed ica l sciences, Computer and information sciences, Engineering tech nolog y, He a lt h professions a nd related cl i n ica l sciences, M at hem at ic s a nd statistics and Natural resources conservation research. Fo r m o r e i n fo r m a t i o n o n t h e B C P N P E x p re s s E n t r y p ro g ra m s e e t h e fol l o w i n g website: http://www.welcomebc.ca/Immigrate/
About-the-BC-PNP/ExpressEntry-British-Columbia.aspx Fo r m o r e i n fo r m a t i o n o n the BC PNP Post-graduation p ro g ra m s e e t h e fol l o w i n g website: http://www.welcomebc. ca/Immigrate/About-theBC-PNP/Express-EntryBritish-Columbia/ Express-Entry-British-Columbia-International-Post. aspx Cu rrently, norma l BC PN P approva l s a re t a k i n g ab out 13 months, after the application has been filed. However, anecdotal evidence indicates that express entry through the BC PNP may be shortened to two months or less, although BC PN P has not officia l ly published the statistics. S. David Aujla is a Canadian Immigration Lawyer. He can be reached at david@BCimmigration. com
MAY 2015
First Nation company does residential, commercial and industrial work
AMLOOPS - CSC Electric Ltd. in Kamloops has been receiving significant kudos for some time. Most recently it was a finalist in the Thompson Okanagan Kootenay Commercial Building Awards for its new quarters at Mount Paul Industrial Park. It has earned a Business of the Year award from the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce and, in 2011, was named BC Aboriginal Business of the Year based on the exceptional electrical services it provides to its clients. A nomination letter from one of those clients, New Gold New Afton Mine stated in part: “Owner/operator Clayton Scott has been a fantastic businessman to deal with; he understands the industry and does what he can to fill a need when the opportunity comes available… I would recommend CSC Electric to anyone that is looking to have any electrical work done.” But CSC Electric does far more than mining work. It is known for service and installation work on residential, commercial and industrial sites, with the smallest repair receiving just as much attention as the largest project.
“We still give the same great service and we still have the same great electricians. We still guarantee our work. Our job now is to spread that message.” SUE SCOTT PARTNER, CSC ELECTRIC LTD.
The company was founded by Scott in 2001 after serving his apprenticeship and working with other electrical companies. He began working out of his home and enrolled his wife, Sue Scott, to help with the bookkeeping. In 2005 she joined him full time because the business had grown to the point where he needed more help. By 2006, crew and office staff had grown considerably, resulting in a move to Mount Paul Industrial Park. “Fortunately Clayton’s mentors were very well-rounded, oldschool electricians,” Sue Scott said. “In those days they learned all aspects of the trade and because he was so diverse, he could work in any area. And fortunately, anybody that works for us, gets to learn that same way.” Tough times in BC came with a downturn in the economy in 2007
The new CSC building is a head turner
Sue and Clayton Scott recently received a certificate of recognition from Rick Caspar of the Industry Training Authority for the company’s commitment to training apprentices.
CSC Electric is known for its work in mining and 2008. However, CSC Electric continued to grow. “I think we thrived because we do good work,” Scott said. “We are reliable. It’s service work, so you need to show up when you say you’re going to show up. You have to guarantee your work. Our prices are fair. And, really, I think it comes down to the quality of our workmanship and relationships. We built a lot of relationships at that time.” In 2009, CSC Electric began
working at the New Gold Mine, a project so immense it continued for five years and required all the company’s resources. At that point CSC employed more than 50 electricians. More recently, with the drop in commodity prices, new mining projects have been delayed and CSC Electric is once again going back to diversification and rebuilding its relationships in the residential and commercial areas. “ We n e e d to h a v e a l l o u r
CSC Electric’s new building was a finalist in the recent commercial building awards
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Reine English, the owner’s brother, has recently joined CSC Electric departments working,” Scott said. “We need to have residential, commercial and mine construction. We want to always be working in those areas.” She added that the company’s reputation for superb service and quality work is helping it immensely in rebuilding relationships and moving back into the areas it had to abandon for five years. “We still give the same great service and we still have the same great electricians,” she said. “We still guarantee our work. Our job now is to spread that message.” Part of that message is that CSC Electric is happy to go out on the smallest service call to a private home; it is equally adept at wiring new custom homes and large commercial buildings. “We can really do it all,” Scott said. “We are not limited.” The company recently built its own facility in Mount Paul Industrial Park that got a nod from the Commercial Building Awards. Scott said that the team was very proud of that award, and even more proud when it won the BC Aboriginal Business of the Year. “We are a true First Nations company,” Scott said, noting that her husband is First Nations from Vancouver Island. “That is important. Our company is very mainstream, but being First Nations is more important in the mining industry, We are very sensitive to the needs of First Nations organizations and bands.” CSC Electric has done significant work with the local First Nations bands. The company also gives back to the community by contributing to various organizations such as the Kamloops Blazers, Kamloops Pow Wow and Project X Theatre. It also holds a charity golf tournament for suppliers, staff and clients every summer at the Mount Paul Golf Course. Scott said that she and her husband aim to continue growing their company and providing stable jobs for local people including members of First Nation bands. “We want to be respected as one of the leaders in the industry. We’re not done yet. We still have a lot to contribute and give to the community.” CSC Electric Ltd. is at 1 – 415 Dene Drive in Kamloops. www.cscelectric.ca
MAY 2015
LEADERCAST COMES TO KAMLOOPS! Awards have the potential to really take a business to the next level, but recipients need to see that potential and embrace it!
e a d e rc a s t e x i s t s to p o s i t i v el y c h a n g e t h e w a y t h e w o rl d thinks about leadership. On May 8, 2015, for the first time in Kamloops, join more than 100,000 leaders from around the world and discover what it means to be a leader worth following. This one-of-a-kind event provides local businesses and individuals a cost effective training opportunity generally found in major cities. The speakers include: Malala Yousafzai— Nobel Laureate; Ed Catmull—President of Pixar & Disney Animation Studios; Rudy Giuliani—107th Mayor of New York City and many more. The event will take place at the Coast Kamloops Hotel & Conference Centre from 7:00AM – 3:30PM and the cost is $109 for Members and $129 for Non-Members. Included are: Snacks, refreshments, lunch, networking, welcome package and more!
= = = Using the Business Excellence Awards as a Marketing Tool! Most communities celebrate an awards program of some sort, but why are only 10-15 per cent of local businesses participating? Awards have the potential to really take a business to the next level, but recipients need to see that potential and embrace it! We find it is way too often businesses have an awards icon on their website, but don’t even know what the acronym or award was for. There is so much more that can be done with that recognition and much more exposure available for business through these great awards programs. Awards as a marketing tool: 1. Encourage your clients to nominate you; it all starts with a nomination! 2. Celebrate that nomination! Post on your website and social media that you have been nominated. Thank your clients for the nomination. Send out a press release that you have been nominated! 3. Fill out the nominee submission package! This is where businesses often drop the ball. Remember this is a FREE marketing tool! It only takes a few minutes of your time and can
have HUGE impact! SUBMISSION TIP: Carefully read the criteria for the award and make sure you address each of those points in your submission. That is what the Judges are looking for. 4. As a finalist you need to post on your website and social media that you have been nominated with a photo, finalist icon or anything else that you have been given. Thank your clients for the nomination. Send out a press release that you have been nominated! A sk the orga n izers how you can gain better exposure through their specific program. There is a good chance your business will be mentioned through the many sources of local media. Watch for those messages and promote them further on social media. Be sure and attend the awards event and make a party out of it. Invite your staff, friends, and family to join you! Always prepare an acceptance speech, just in case! 5. And the winner is… Now is the time to really celebrate! This is where your website and social media pages are key! Post photos from the event, your award, anything else you have! Add the W I N NER icon to you r pages w it h a shor t description of the program. Definitely send out that press release with any photos you have! Add the winner icon to your email signatures. Host a celebration party to thank all your fantastic clients! Celebrate throughout the next year
and beyond, keep the momentum going! You are a winner and that should be celebrated!! On May 13th the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce is excited to launch our 30th Anniversary Business Excellence Awards with a call for nominations. Nominations will be open until June 30th and can be submitted online at kamloopschamber.ca. = = = What feels good & saves money? Counselling isn’t just helpful in a crisis but a form of prevention as well. It can move people toward happiness and companies ahead in profits with an 8 per cent return on investment. The cost of mental illness in the workplace is $51-billion (U.S.) a year or equal to all of Canada’s mining and oil-and-gas industries. In any year 18-25 per cent of Canada’s working population will experience depression. Cou nsel l i ng a lso saves compa n ies money. Issues like drug use and depression take a heavy toll not just on individuals and families but a company’s bottom line as well. For example, every smoker costs a company an estimated $4500 more a year than non-smokers. Depression is a contributing factor for roughly 40 per cent of workers claiming long-term disability benefits. The good news is that with quick & skilled help the burden of these issues can be reduced. Deb McClelland is the executive director of the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached by email at deb@kamloopschamber.ca
Looking ahead June Issue:
Commercial Real Estate Women in Construction Community in Focus Featuring Vernon Contact Information:
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Congratulations John Shapter on obtaining your CGA Designation
1-866-758-2684 ext. 122 joanne@businessexaminer.ca
John Shapter, born in Ontario, raised in Alberta and long-time resident of Korea, started the process of obtaining his CGA designation shortly after moving to Kamloops in 2007. John joined the Daley & Company LLP team in 2008 and has successfully completed the rigorous requirements to qualify as a Certified General Accountant. John primarily works in the areas of personal and corporate taxation and small business financial reporting. In his spare time, he enjoys cycling, ice-fishing and spending time with his wife and son. Daley & Company LLP is Kamloops’ largest locally owned accounting firm.
MAY 2015
INVESTING Financial planners provide risk management and retirement tools Financial planners stay with the client for the long term, working through the process of ensuring their dreams and goals are reached. BY BETH HENDRY-YIM
sk a small business owner what their greatest asset is and most will say their hom e, b u i ld i n g or veh ic le. They’d be wrong! Their most valuable asset is their ability to make money. Take that away and the effect on the business can be catastrophic. Jared Webb, President of the Vancouver Island Chapter of Advocis, the National Financial Advisors Association of Canada, said if a small business owner (SBO) is the key person and unable to produce income there is a ripple effect on the business, lifestyle and future earnings. “It can be illness or death, related or unrelated to work, but without the proper risk management tools in place, the owner may face complete dissolution of the business.” As a financial advisor for Fernhill Financial, Victoria, Webb work s w it h s m a l l b u s i n e s s owners to put strategies and tools in place that minimize interruption and disruption of cash flow and lifestyle by providing risk management tools. “Specific insurance tools like living benefits, life insurance, disability and critical illness policies are invaluable and most well known. But they aren’t the only tools the financial advisor offers.” Webb explained that in the case of a partnership, a buy-sell arrangement with insurance products removes the questions and concerns around how the business gets bought out and who does the buying. And when the SBO isn’t the key person in the company, a product to insure that major player can save the employer from scrambling to fill the void and keep a steady income. Sma l l busi ness ow ners a re experts in their field, working hard, being innovative and bringing valuable services to the public. With 98 per cent of all businesses in BC classified as a small business with fewer than five employees, they make up a viable and integral part of
”Owning a business is a dream, while you own it.” TODD PETERS INVESTMENT PLANNING COUNSEL, KAMLOOPS
Jared Webb works with small business owners to put strategies and tools in place to minimize risk CREDIT: JARED WEBB
Mark Roberts said that financial security means having a guaranteed income for life CREDIT:MARK ROBERTS
MAY 2015
the province’s economy. Unfortunately, many do not have a retirement or risk strategy plan in place. “Statistically, the odds that an individual will use their household insurance in a given year is 1 in 1200, the chance of using auto insurance is 1 in 240, but the chance of an individual using critical illness insurance or long term care insurance in a year is 1 in 3, and 1 in 2, respectively,” Webb said. Todd Peters, of Investment Planning Counsel, with offices in Kamloops, Kelowna and Williams Lake said, “After being a certified financial planner for more than 20 years, I’ve seen an increase in the complexity of financial planning. The rules and regulations and government oversight have increased dramatically, all for the protection of the client.” But, as he reiterates, it can be intimidating, which is why making a financial planner part of your business team can save and make money. Peters likens what he and his team do to coaching: helping with accountability, determining long and short term goals and creating and implementing a plan that makes sense within the client’s time horizon. “We look at financial planning holistically,” Peters said. “Helping owners plan with an end in mind. What do they want to achieve? What are the steps needed to get there?” As a business develops and grows, begins to turn a profit and increases in value, protecting its assets becomes a priority, but navigating the labyrinth of issues can be bewildering and time
Just as the business owner is an expert in his field, so is the financial planner in his
Todd Peters said that over the past twenty years the complexity of financial planning has increased CREDIT: TODD PETERS
consuming. Just as the business owner is an expert in his field, so is the financial planner in his. “A certified financial planner requires a high level of education,” Peters said. “And then ongoing upgrades and continuing education hours,” adding that with an understanding of the business process and knowhow in managing the intricacies of a long-term plan, a financial planner can help steer the client through financial decisions, like whether to use tax free shelter growth over a registered retirement plan, drawing dividends over wages, and so on. “I work with accountants and lawyers, but whereas they are concerned with the here and now, I look at the whole picture, including preparing an exit strategy and succession plan.” Most business owners hope for the day when they can enjoy the fruits of their hard labour. After
all, owning a company is supposed to pay off in the long run. But that means being clear on how and when you want to exit the business and what life looks like afterwards. “Exiting a business isn’t always straight forward, “ Peters said. “Questions need to be asked: will the company be sold or dissolved? Is it going to be passed on to the kids, a key person, partner or stranger? Will you need to stay connected during a training phase and how long will that last? Is it a ‘clean’ business with no personal assets attached or will it need to be purged before the sale? These are all questions a financial planner can walk an SBO through, taking into consideration tax implications and long term personal cash flow.” Mark Roberts, Certified Financial Planner and Director of Business Development for the Nanaimo office of Freedom 55 Financial, a division of London Life, said “When we look at the landscape of the financial industry today, a lot of information is available, but there still exists a problem with financial literacy.” He added that statistics show when businesses, individuals and families take the time to sit down with a financial planner, they achieve greater financial security and are able to retire earlier. But every person is d ifferent. Age and the individual’s time horizon influence investment allocation, so too the risk tolerance. “The population is living a lot longer, meaning there’s more risk of health issues,” Roberts said. “Financial security means having a guaranteed income for
life. You don’t want to outlive your money.” Roberts said he looks at four areas of an individual’s financial plan: liquidity, or access to cash; when retirement will be and what it will look like; financial security at death; and living benefits should you be unable to work due to illness or injury. Products can include: annuities that offer guaranteed income, segregated funds with the performance potential of a mutual fund tied to the security of an insurance product, mutual funds which are professionally managed investments with each one fitting individual needs and values and living benefits insurance policies. “A financial security planner helps you work through the different financial life stages, helping you adapt to changes and staying focused on your goals. There is tangible value in financial advice,” Roberts said. When looking for a financial planner, Peters stressed getting referrals from friends and family who have experienced a positive and successful relationship. Webb encouraged interviewing several different professionals, while Roberts suggested working with a financial advisor who makes the planning process less bewildering. “Owning a business is a dream while you own it,” said Peters. “It’s not the complete dream though; when you retire it may change.” He added that a financial advisor stays with the client for the long term, working through the process of ensuring those dreams and goals are reached.
my friend is someone who will be contributing in a very meaningful way to the success you want to achieve. Do you know what your ‘why’ is? If someone came into your office and asked you that question, would you have an answer? If you answered yes, it is probably clear to everyone around you by the way you live out your leadership values. If not start by asking yourself these questions: What do I believe in? What do I stand for? How do I know that? How strongly do I feel when something or someone challenges my stand? How do I want to be remembered? What do I want people to think of when they think about me? What makes me sing when I’m heading into work? What am I engaged in when time disappears and I’m having a great day at work? Laying new pipe starts with having a clear sense of who you are. Stop. Your leadership identity can and should change each time you move on to bigger and better things. Yet such growth doesn’t require a radical personality makeover. Small changes—in the way we carry ourselves, the way we communicate, the way we interact—often make a world of difference in how effectively we
lead. Your team wants to see this congruency from the time you first interviewed them to how you manage your daily affairs. The way we grow as human beings is by stretching the limits of who we are—doing things differently. This will always feel uncomfortable, yet it is how we learn. The discomfort comes from being out of our comfort zone. Simple but scary stuff. Yet staying there and not retreating back into our old behaviours, may challenge us to our very core, yet staying the course to become who we want to become, as leaders and as better people serving the world, are amazing. Once you get clear on your ‘why’, you’re ready to craft your interviews in such a way that you’ll quickly be able to see whether that potential new employee walks the talk; in other words how they act and behave when they are in alignment with their values.
iring by trial and error for business owners is an exhausting and expensive way to learn what works and what doesn’t. Hiring is both an art and a science that few of us get right in the early stages of our business career. We learn from the people who we work with. They in turn learned from the people who they worked with, and so on and so on. The telltale signs of inefficient hiring are all there, i.e., you aren’t finding the talent you need, employee referrals are drying up, you find yourself saying yes to hiring people who really aren’t what you need, and worst of all, you rationalize this by saying they’re the best people applying, to your tired old job posting. There is a better way. Yet getting there may seem daunting, as it requires a whole new way for you to see – and do – your hiring. That’s what I call laying new pipe. I use this analogy because it fits. If what you’ve been doing isn’t working any more, it’s because your pipe is clogged, cracked and filled with ‘stuff’ that doesn’t serve you, or your organization. And maybe it never did. So instead of trying to fix and fuss with old stuff, it’s easier just to start over and lay new pipe.
The telltale signs of inefficient hiring are all there, i.e., you aren’t finding the talent you need, employee referrals are drying up, you find yourself saying yes to hiring people who really aren’t what you need, and worst of all, you rationalize this by saying they’re the best people applying, to your tired old job posting Step one: Start with why. As the business owner you may not have an exact, crystal clear vision of what your company will look like in the future, but if you can speak with conviction about the meaning of your work (your why), and how this ‘why’ is the foundation
Barbara Ashton of Ashton & Associates of your company’s culture – and subsequently the single most important factor in the success of your company – and when you are able to convey this to a prospective new hire who ‘gets your why’, then you’re on your way to nailing a great new hire. When you can nail down your ‘why’ factor in your interviews you’ll be hiring more people who are ‘engaged’. By simply communicating your values clearly and concisely you’ve touched on values that resonate with them. And when you do that, people immediately feel and see themselves being a part of something bigger than they are. And that
Barbara Ashton is the founder and CEO of Ashton & Associates, one of BC’s leading executive search and recruitment firms exclusively serving the unique hiring needs of Thompson Okanagan employers.
MAY 2015
OKANAGAN VALLEY WIDE BUSINESS AFTER HOURS TRADE SHOW Coordinated annually by all of the Chambers of Commerce in the Okanagan Valley from Vernon to Osoyoos, over 450 attendees and 100 vendors will be set up at Rotary Park in Penticton on Wednesday, May 20th
h e P e n t i c to n & W i n e Country Chamber of Commerce has been servicing the business community of Penticton since 1907. In fact, the Chamber was providing service to the community before it was first incorporated in 1908! Despite the longstanding history of the Chamber in our community, there are many who don’t know what it is the Chamber does. Over the years, the Chamber has gone through changes just like any business and evolved to better serve the needs of the business community. If you’ve been a member in the past, or never been a member before, and own a business, we’d like to invite you to sample our membership! During the month of May, the
Chamber will be coordinating two very special events that we’ve decided to open to the wider business community of Penticton. As it’s said, ‘membership has its privileges’, and as such, most Chamber events are for members only. However, this month, we’d like to extend this privilege to anyone with a City of Penticton busi ness license. First up, is a very special Business After Business event hosted by the Cupcake Lady Café on Front Street. Business After Business is a bi-weekly event hosted by a different business each time. It is an opportunity to expose your business to other business leaders in the community, meet new faces, and create connections than can lead to new business and new ideas! On Thursday May 14th, Business After Business will be hosted by the Cupcake Lady Café, and they are planning something we have never seen before! Gigi Huscroft, owner of the Café, and her team will be closing down Front Street to traffic, partnering with nearby Chamber members and throwing a Business After Business Block Party for the history books! We want to welcome all Penticton Business License holders to join us a nd sa mple membersh ip.
Contact us at the Chamber to reserve your FREE guest pass! Next up the following week is the 2015 Okanagan Valley Wide Business A fter Hours T rade Show! Coordinated annually by all of the Chambers of Commerce in the Okanagan Valley from Vernon to Osoyoos, over 450 attendees and 100 vendors will be set up at Rotary Park in Penticton on Wednesday, May 20th. Once more, we would like to open this to all of our Penticton Business Owners, and invite you to sample our membership! Contact the Chamber for ticket details! The Chamber of Commerce is constantly evolving and adapting to the needs of its members. New, lapsed, long time, or ‘never-been’ members of the
Chamber are invited to join us for either of these events and learn more about what we can do for your business! Learn more at: www.penticton.org John Devitt is Executive Director of Penticton & Wine Country Chamber of Commerce. He can be reached at 250-276-8133
Today! EMERGING TRENDS FOR 2015 POINT TO A NEED FOR RIGHT PEOPLE IN THE RIGHT PLACE Sandler Training works with business owners to increase the bottom line
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ith 2015 already almost half over, John Glennon, president of Sandler Training, pointed out three trends that have emerged in the business community in the BC Interior. First, and perhaps most important, is an upward surge in the economy – and that means that good, skilled workers, particularly good sales and customer service people, are harder to find. “All the good people are working,” he said. “At the same time, the business owners I work with are growing their businesses and they need top sales people.” He especially stresses that the real indemand people are order-makers, not order-takers. “We’ve been helping business owners with getting the right people in the right sales positions in their companies. Make sure you’re not trying to turn ordermakers into order-takers.” At Sandler Training they call them “hunters” and “farmers.” It’s all about putting the right person in the right position. “In an interview, nobody says
they can’t sell,” Glennon said. “But will they sell?” He said that the key to finding the right person and putting them in the right position is knowing where you want your company to go in 2015 and beyond. The second trend for 2015 is the educated consumer. More and more, consumers have done their research online before shopping. That means that the sales and customer service team has to be fully on its game to drive value conversations. “Otherwise, they’re going to end up in a price bid,” Glennon said. “If you can’t articulate your value, you’re going to be in a price fight – and that’s not where you want to be.” The third trend is all about mapping out a playbook. Glennon said that too many business owners “fly by the seat of their pants.” When everything about the business is in one person’s head, that company doesn’t have a strong future. Best practices need to be captured, he said; they have to be defined and replicated. “And then you have to practice the best practices,” he said. “We call this a ‘playbook for success.’” Coming up soon is Sandler Training’s June workshop: “Break the Rules and Close More Sales.” It focuses on sales and ensuring that businesses hit the numbers they want to hit for the rest of the year. To register and for more information: www.glennon.sandler.com
MAY 2015
CHAMBER CALLING FOR CHANGES GVCC is calling for changes that would enable the Province to become more active in regional governance reviews
hambers from across the Province are getting ready for the Annual BC Chamber AGM in Prince George in May and the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce is no exception. Reps from the GVCC’s policy advisory group have been busy over the last several months examining various policy issues and will be tabling a policy paper that calls on the Province to become move actively involved in regional local governance reviews. The issue stems from the challenges that arise when you have two growing municipalities that are adjacent to each other or adjacent to electoral areas. Questions quickly arise as to who pays for what services, who benefits from those services, and more importantly is a convoluted governance structure impacting economy
growth. As a community grows, local governments need to continually look at ways to be more efficient and effective while ensuring accountability to its citizens but any mention of the word amalgamation in the North Okanagan has resulted in far too typical parochial responses from politicians who come off sounding like they are more interested in protecting their own turf rather
than being open minded to doing things differently. “The challenge in current provincial legislation is quite limiting in allowing for the exploration of different governance models that could achieve positive results for business in streamlining regulatory and development processes among neighbouring local government jurisdictions,” says Matt Davidson, chair of GVCC’s policy advisory committee. “We appreciate that there are pros and cons related to different governance models but those can’t be examined if there is unwillingness by local governments to explore those ideas or if there is a lack of financial resources from the Province to undertake such reviews.” That is in essence what GVCC is seeking to have happen. GVCC is calling for changes that would enable the Province to become more active in regional governance reviews. Such reviews would identify the options, opportunities and challenges with restructuring so that decisions can be made based on facts and evidence rather than turf protection rhetoric. “The GVCC is proud to take this policy forward to our peers from across the province,” said Jaron Chasca, GVCC president. “Our Chamber is committed to creating a more business-friendly region and we think this policy
will help achieve that outcome.” In other news, the chamber has bolstered its board by adding Geordie McLennan and Phil Dyck, effective immediately. Geordie McLennan is the current branch manager with Western Financial Group while Phil Dyck owns Okanagan Real Estate Investments. As appointees they will serve until the end of the current year but will be eligible to run again in the elections slated for the end of September as part of the chamber’s AGM. “I believe we have a lot to look forward to in growing the organization,” says McLennan who spent a number of years on the board for the Fort Nelson Chamber of Commerce. “I’ve been impressed by the work of the chamber both here in Vernon and across the province and I look forward to working hard to ensure the North Okanagan has a strong economic foundation.” In bringing on two new volunteers to the board, the chamber also bid farewell to past president Ingrid Dilschneider. After many years on the chamber board, the current director for business development with Wesbild Okanagan has stepped down to concentrate on the ever growing business at Predator Ridge. The Chamber recently joined with Community Futures North Okanagan in staging the 2015 Enterprize Challenge. Budding
entrepreneurs had the opportunity to pitch their business idea to a panel of judges for the chance to win a business package worth nearly $25,000. The program was developed to support and encourage entrepreneurship in the North Okanagan. Entrepreneurs did a 10-minute pitch and out of twenty-two participants, five were selected as finalists. It was an incredibly difficult decision for the judges but in the end it was Rollin’ Spring Rolls that came out on top. Congrats to the new mobile food vendor who will be hitting the streets in the North Okanagan this summer showcasing their special spring rolls. A big “way to go” also goes out to Community Futures for coordinating the event which is expected to return next year. F i n a l ly, we a re ex t remely pleased to welcome our new chamber members which include Blacktop Café, Headbones Gallery, GetU2TheTop.com, Aberdeen Wellness, Foothill Rocks Import + Export Inc., 30 Minute Hit, Rain Wellness & Supply Inc., The Boardwalk, RMJ Holdings, MECH 1 Plumbing & Heating Inc., and A & D Asphalt Solutions Ltd. Dan Rogers is the General Manager at the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce and can be reached at manager@vernonchamber.ca
College honours community builders
kanagan College will recog n i ze fou r esteemed community builders as Honorary Fellows during its 2015 Convocation ceremonies in June, including renowned Chef Rod Butters, entrepreneur Norm Embree, lawyer Rick Pushor and social planner Annette Sharkey. “I am extremely proud to announce these four individuals as Honorary Fellows of Okanagan College,” said president Jim Hamilton. “Much like the College, they are diverse, unique and represent a wide range of interests and communities. We recognize them as Honorary Fellows for demonstrating excellence in their chosen fields and decades of service to the people of our region.”
Rod Butters is best known locally as one of Kelowna’s top chefs, but his reputation extends well beyond the Okanagan. He is the chef and owner of both RauDZ Regional Table and micro bar & bites. Butters’ career has taken him into the kitchens of the Four Seasons Hotel group including Toronto, Chateau Whistler, and Shangri-La Hong Kong, to name a few. In 1996 he became Chef de Cuisine of the world famous Wickaninnish Inn of
Tofino. He relocated to Kelowna in 2000 to open the award-winning Fresco Restaurant and Lounge. He was inducted into the BC Restaurant Hall of Fame in 2007 and the Canadian Chefs Federation Honour Society in 2013 for outstanding commitment to his profession. Butters is credited with advancing the farm-to-table movement through his local restaurants. He is also heavily involved in a number of not-for-profit initiatives and supports the Kelowna Food Bank, Growing Chefs, and Nature’s Trust, among others. Butters is an active member of the Okanagan College culinary community – he serves as Chair of the Culinary Arts program advisory council and has mentored and hired numerous Okanagan College apprentices and Red Seal chefs. Norm Embree has spent a lifetime working as an entrepreneur and has devoted decades to public service, most notably as the former Chair of the Interior Health Authority Board of Directors (2007-14) and as Chair of the Board of Governors as Okanagan College transitioned from Okanagan University College in 2004-05 and served until 2007. E m bre e’s c a re er b e g a n i n
securities and he eventually joined his family’s machining business, Embree Industries Ltd. of Hamilton, ON, which was founded by his grandfather in 1913. At just 34 years of age, he bought the company from his father and became President and CEO. Embree would grow the company to become a manufacturing and distribution business with more than 90 employees and several million dollars in annual consolidated sales. Embree moved to Salmon Arm in the late 90s and became deeply involved in a number of not-forprofit organizations. He has served as a Board member of the Salmon Arm Economic Development Advisory Committee, OUC, Haney Heritage House, Shuswap Hospice Society, Nature Trust of BC, and the College of Pharmacists of BC. He has been a driving force behind the fundraising efforts of the Shuswap Hospice Society, the BC Liberals, the Shuswap Centre for the Neskonlith First Nation and the Rotary Club of Salmon Arm. Rick Pushor is a founding partner of Pushor Mitchell LLP in Kelowna. Established more than 40 yea rs ago, Pushor Mitchell now numbers more than 120 employees and is
the largest law firm in B.C. outside of Vancouver. He earned his undergraduate degree and law degree at the University of Alberta, relocated to Kelowna in the 1970s and practiced with Pushor Mitchell until 2013, when he retired. Pushor’s preferred practice areas include business formation, financing, restricting, acquisition, and share and asset transactions. Pushor is a founding director of both the Rutland Rotary and the Ogopogo Rotary clubs and past director of Pathways (formerly the Central Okanagan Society for Community Living). He is the past president of the B.C. Curling Association and the B.C. Interior Junior Downhill Ski Association. He was also deeply involved in the Kelowna Minor Baseball Association, where he served as past director and was a longtime coach. Pushor continues to be active in Chaparral Industries (86) INC., a business he owns with his two sons. Annette Sharkey is the current Executive Director of the Social Planning Council of the North Okanagan and has provided leadership in the
social services field since taking on the role in 2006. Raised in Vernon, Sharkey attended classes at the Vernon campus of Okanagan College. She went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in political science and English from the University of British Columbia but continues to be deeply involved with the College, serving on the Vernon Regional Advisory Committee and partnering in several College initiatives, such as Patchwork Farms at the Kalamalka Garden. Sharkey has worked in the notfor-profit sector since graduating from university in front-line roles with agencies such as the RCMP, women’s centre, and immigrant services. Her passion and commitment to inspire significant change led her into the social planning field and she is a proponent of Partners in Action, a consultative model of social planning. Partners in Action has mobilized the community and created significant change when it comes to social issues. Sha rkey has broug ht more than $6 million dollars in capital into the North Okanagan through the Partners in Action model. Each Honorary Fellow of the College will address a unique graduating class in June.
MAY 2015
Staff have superb product knowledge
ALMON ARM - With new management at Salmon Arm Window & Door Ltd. and a talented young crew, the sky is the limit for future growth. Salmon Arm is a small town, said partner and general manger Luke Engel. Some might consider it unusual to find a window and door specialty store there but Salmon Arm Window & Door has been thriving for almost 18 years. It supplies everything from high-end custom wood doors to garage doors, skylights, shower doors, frameless showers and windows of all kinds. The company changed hands in September 2013. Engel was a finishing carpenter at the time with a background in small business management. A couple of the people he worked with had heard that the business was for sale and told Engel about it. “And so we took it on,” he said. “We thought it was a good opportunity. With the growth in building here and people retiring here and all the activity taking place, we saw
“With the growth in building here and people retiring here and all the activity taking place, we saw some real opportunity for growth for this business.” LUKE ENGEL PARTNER AND GENERAL MANAGER, SALMON ARM WINDOW & DOOR LTD.
some real opportunity for growth for this business. So I put my business schooling to good use.” He added that they bought the company at a time when the economy in the province was still struggling, but Salmon Arm seemed a good bet. “I think Salmon Arm is a bit more insulated from economic ups and downs because of the demographics,” Engel said. “We have so much to offer here. It’s a stable community and this was worth investing in. Looking back, it was definitely a good decision business-wise. We’ve surpassed our expectations for growth.” He attributed part of the business’s success to the product
Luke Engel says that product knowledge and great service has made Salmon Arm Window & Door successful knowledge of the staff and the service that goes above and beyond. Engel pointed out that people can buy a window or a door at a box store but by shopping at Salmon Arm Window & Door the customer knows he or she is dealing with a person who specializes in only one type of product. Staff can evaluate the house plans, research products and make sure that those products comply with the building codes for the customer’s area. Salmon Arm Window & Door also provides
Salmon Arm Window & Door has every kind of window and door including garage doors.
The company supplies windows and doors for custom homes, home renovations and commercial enterprises. delivery, excellent post-purchase service and even installation if that is required. The company also provides direct access to warranty service and it completes the warranty service work for certain suppliers like JELD-WEN. The company also offers competitive prices. “We pride ourselves on being able to at least match or beat the box store pricing and still offer all those services,” Engel said. The company also takes the headache out of doors and windows for new homes because essentially, it’s a one-stop shop. Not only does it provide all interior and exterior doors plus garage doors but all the hardware as well. Its windows and doors come in every price range to suit people doing renovations on a budget or people building their custom dream home. Salmon Arm Window & Door works with contractors and designers to choose the right product for every project. The company also works with local custom wood manufacturers that can make truly unique and special doors. It also offers high-end metal clad wood doors and fibreglass stained grade doors that Engel said, “You have to see to believe – you can’t believe they’re not wood.” Salmon Arm Window & Door also has competitive options for commercial buildings and retail stores with the ability and expertise to supply aluminum storefronts and
a crew experienced in installation. The company installs automatic entry systems, skylights and everything else a business might need. “It’s nice to be able to offer a full range of products to contractors,” Engel said. “They like having to go to only one place.” The business also gets positive feedback from homeowners who appreciate the staff’s extensive product knowledge. “It’s really nice to deal with someone who has gone through the process with people before and can steer them in the right direction,” Engel said, adding that the installation crews also receive high praise from customers. “We have a really great crew that gets along really well, and they do a super job. They take a lot of pride in their work.” Looking ahead, Engel said that the partners see Salmon Arm as a stable community that will continue to grow. Several new subdivisions are currently being built out and surrounding areas are also seeing renewed growth. “There are a lot of growth opportunities that we can take advantage of, A lot of contractors know where we are and who we are and we have a lot of drive – all of that will help propel us forward.” Salmon Arm Window & Door Ltd. is at 1015 Lakeshore Drive SW in Salmon Arm. www.salmonarmwindow.ca
Central Valley Glass We make all kinds of windows for all kinds of projects. Choose from vinyl, wood, clad and hybrid options. For a better look, visit plygem.ca
It’s always a pleasure to work with Luke and his team!
Salmon Arm Window & Door also sells and installs shower doors and frameless showers.
MAY 2015
Speaking to an audience of 130 individuals, Premier Clark had a number of exciting projects and opportunities to share with our business membership and community
he Salmon Arm Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce their 1st Annual Chamber Charity Golf Tournament to be held on June 7, 2015. This event is a fun 9-hole (shotgun scramble) tournament and will finish up with a dinner and silent auction. All proceeds from
the Silent Auction will go to the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Entry fee is $80.00 per person and teams are welcome to enter as a foursome. There will be prize opportunities at each hole including a $10,000.00 Hole in One. For more details on registration, sponsorship or how you can donate, please contact the Chamber at admin@sachamber. bc.ca or (250) 832-6247. T he Sa l mon A rm Cha mber of Commerce was extremely pleased to have been asked by the Premier’s office to host a luncheon with Premier Christy Clark on April 1, 2015 at the Prestige Harbourfront Resort in Salmon Arm. Speaking to an audience of 130 individuals, Premier Clark had a number of exciting projects and opportunities to share with our business membership and community. Business opportunities associated with BC LNG
projects as well as job training initiatives were highlights from Premier Clark’s presentation. Additionally, as the luncheon host, the Chamber was afforded the privilege of being able to ask 3 questions (prepared by the Chamber) directly to Premier Clark. Those three questions touched on topics such as TransCanada Highway traffic safety, Salmon Arm job opportunities relating to LNG projects, and wage parity between men and women. A new start-up company has emerged in Salmon Arm, bringing energy and vibrancy to the business community. Owner Melanie Hart and her company T h e D re a m Ro om B u si n e s s Coaching & Marketing Solutions offer a variety of services to a number of different types of clients. Services range from branding to copy writing, from
creative marketing strategies to professionally designed marketing and advertising media - online or print. If you can dream it, they can design it and produce it. In addition to their coaching and marketing, Melanie also coordinates an event every Wednesday for the months of April, May and June called Women on Wednesdays which provides a casual opportunity for other professional business women to come together and enjoy friendly conversation to build connections and be inspired. For more information, visit their website at www.thedreamroom.ca or call Melanie at (250) 804-6922. Corryn Grayston is the General Manager at the Salmon Arm Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at (250) 832-6247 or admin@sachamber.bc.ca
T his is a 3% year over year increase, meaning that more 537,600 additional people visited Canada last year. The increase was more than double the rate of growth in 2013. The increase in overseas overnight travel for British Columbia was 4.8% during the same period. Other areas of the province are also seeing the effects of the growth. “We have seen good numbers through 2014, with strong growth from the US,” says Tourism Nanaimo Executive Director Lesley Anderson. “This is thanks to favorable tourism conditions caused by a strong US dollar, lower gas prices and pent up demand.” In addition to increases in American and European travelers, visits from China increased by 29%, visits from India increased by 19% and Mexico by 14%. A contributor to the increase in tourism numbers has been “an alignment of initiatives through regional, provincial and federal partners, like Tourism Vancouver Island, Destination British Columbia and the Canadian Tourism Commission,” says Anderson. Targeting Seattle residents is not a new strategy, however. “We were the first ones to directly target Seattle four years ago and now that’s one of our top markets,” says Paul Nursey, President and CEO of Tourism Victoria. “Victoria has seen a “mirroring of the overall Canadian trend,” Nursey adds. “We have experienced growth from the American market and international travel, the growth has been strong especially in January and February, and we’re expecting it to be stronger in the coming years.” Growth in Victoria is good for the Island says Nursey, who adds “we view ourselves as a gateway. If we do well, all of Vancouver Island benefits.”
Panoramic view of The Harvest Golf Club CREDIT: DESTINATION BC
Catherine Frechette, Communications Manager for Tourism Kelowna Looking forward, Nursey and his team have a “strategic focus on the United States, working together with Tourism Vancouver Island and our provincial and federal partners.” April marks the launch of their Victoria, Beyond Words destination marketing campaign.
The initiative will be focused on using targeted media and trade activities to promote the area to prospective visitors in Vancouver, Seattle and San Francisco. “In 2014 we saw a 19.6 per cent increase in the California market,” says Nursey. “We feel it’s a smart business decision to build brand equity into this important source market.” The provincial government couldn’t be happier with the results, as the tourism industry is a significant economic contributor, injecting $13.9 billion into the province in 2013. “British Columbia is a worldclass destination for international visitors with 4.7 million people visiting our province in 2014. That’s nearly a quarter of a million more people who came to BC in 2014 compared to 2013. Our work with the federal government and our tourism partners, as well as our focus on the tourism sector in the BC Jobs Plan, means we expect even more visitors will come experience our beautiful province,” said Naomi Yamamoto, Minister of State for Tourism and Small Business, for the Government of British Columbia. From the federa l perspective the numbers are even more
View of Okanagan Lake and the Cedar Creek Estate Winery vineyard CREDIT: DESTINATION BC
significant. In 2014, the tourism industry provided nearly 628,000 direct jobs, and tourism revenues in Canada reached $88.5 billion. The government acknowledged the strength of the partnerships between industry and government as key contributors to success. “Canada has a reputation as one of the best places in the world to live, work and invest,
and continues to attract visitors from across the globe. The government recognizes that tourism is a significant growth driver for our country, and we will continue to work with industry and other levels of government to support an internationally competitive sector,” said Maxime Bernier, Minister of State for Small Business, Tourism and Agriculture. www.tourismkelowna.com
MAY 2015
Pandosy Street. Welsh works with individuals, couples, and families, working as a generalist social worker who specializes in clinical therapy.
With the closing of Kamloops’ Nando’s location, Browns Socialhouse has announced that it will be opening in the Spring of next year in Summit Shopping Centre.
Specialty Bakery Ltd. is celebrating its 32nd anniversary this year, located at #101-833 Finns Road. Murrays Pizza is celebrating its 21st anniversary, located at 3640 Gosset Road in West Kelowna.
Jim Lightbody has been appointed to the BCLC’s Board of Directors as President and CEO. Lightbody has been with BCLC for 14 years, and has held executive positions overseeing the corporation’s lottery and casino divisions. Kamloops Dodge has welcomed Derek Deneef as its new sales manager, located at 2525 E. Trans Canada Highway. The dealership has also announced that Brant Roshinsky has rejoined the team as General Manager. Thompson River University’s director of finance, Kathy Humphrey, will be taking over as finance director at city hall effective June 1. Humphrey will be replacing Sally Edwards, who retired last year. Canadian Tire is celebrating the grand opening of its Kamloops location, at 1441 Hillside Drive. Workers from Innovative Civil Constructors Inc. have began the five-month, $10-million rehabilitation of the Overlanders Bridge. Six new mines in various stages of development are proposed for the Southern Interior, among which is Ajax in Kamloops. Others include Harper Creek and Ruddock Creek.
VERNON The Rise Golf Course is preparing for a new season under the new ownership of Lake Country’s Renton Family. Ian Renton has worked with the golf course from initial design to development. Vernon’s Davison Orchards was a recipient of an Okanagan Family Business Award
from the Okanagan chapter of the Canadian Association of Family Enterprise. The familyrun operation includes an orchard, field crops, a bakery, café and retail outlet. Vernon’s Jennifer Innis is now out of the running in MasterChef Canada. Innis was teamed with Chef David Jorge of Surrey. An Armstrong company, Synergy Pacific, is being Jennifer Innis featured on national television. The company’s product, QuattroPost, will be featured on HGTV’s Disaster Decks. Vernon Chiropractic and Massage has welcomed Dr. Erin Woitzik as an addition to its team, located at 105-3301 24 Avenue. Woitzik is the only Sport Specialist Chiropractor in Vernon. Serene Studio celebrated its grand re-opening at its 108-3374 30th Avenue location. The business offers laser hair removal, MediSpa, threading and esthetics to its clients.
Former Kelowna Mayor Walter Gray and former councillor Andre Blanleil have each accepted an appointment to the Kelowna International Airport advisory committee.
KELOWNA The Rotary Club of Lake Country is spearheading a drive to provide the local Food Bank with a permanent facility to continue its work. To date, the Rotary has raised close to $200,000 in donations from individuals, businesses and grants. The initiative has also been awarded $100,000 from Aviva Insurance in an on-line contest where over 8000 supporters participated in the Fall of 2014. Maggie Moldovan, formerly of TD Benefits, has taken on a new position as Executive Assistant for a financial boutique in Kelowna known as The Wealthy Tortoise Financial Group. Moldovan will be looking after administration, client relations and marketing for the business. Kelowna Toyota is celebrating 45 years in business this year, located at 1200 Leathead Road. Valley First’s newly renovated Orchard Plaza Branch has welcomed the addition of Marek Buryska as its new manager. Okanagan College will recognize four esteemed community builders as Honorary Fellows during its 2015 convocation ceremony in June. Renowned chef Rod Butters, entrepreneur and past Interior Health board chair Norm Embree, lawyer Rick Pushor and social planner Annette Sharkey will all be recognized. Choice’s Markets is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, located at 1937 Harvey Aveue. Julie Rennier and Paul Gardner have re-opened their wine shop and winery experience, Pentage Winery, after a short trial run last season. The winery sports a 5,000 square foot natural wine cave, and its open from 1-5pm daily, from May to October. Trout Waters Fly & Tackle is celebrating its 20th anniversary, located at 2340 Highway 97N. The federal government has provided a $21,000 grant to the friends of the South Slopes Society to enable rail improvement projects to proceed in Myra-Bellevue and Okanagan Provincial Parks. The funding is from the National Trails Coalition made available to groups across Canada. Dennis Gabelhouse, former general manager of Global Okanagan, has partnered with Josh Cairns to form CREW Marketing Partners, located at 302-1353 in downtown Kelowna. Kelowna Flightcraft is celebrating its 45th anniversary this year. Giobean Express has opened a small second location on Lanfranco Road in the Mission across from Tim Hortons. Sarah Wimmer is the assistant manager of Giobean Express. Urban Systems has been named one of the best workplaces in Canada for the 10th consecutive year. The list was compiled for The Globe & Mail by the Great Place to Work Institute in Canada. Renee Wasylyk has been appointed to the Interior Health board of directors. Wasylyk is the president and CEO of Troika Developments Inc. Debbie Welsh has opened Inner Reflections Counselling Services, located at 208-1460
Amy’s Gifts, located in Towne Centre Mall on Bernard Avenue, is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year. The store is owned and operated by Amy Nevery, and offers collectables, rare perfumes, music boxes, jewelry, tapestry and more. Clarissa Pruden is the new general manager of Lake City Casino, located at 1300 Water Street in downtown Kelowna. Laurel Douglas, CEO of the Women’s Enterprise Centre, is the recipient of the inaugural Wendy McDonald Award in the community catalyst category from the Women’s Leadership Circle of the Vancouver Board of Trade. Savoy Equipment, owned and operated by David and Blossom Turner, has consolidated its West Kelowna operations and moved to a location 1929 Windsor Road. Urban Barn, at 504-1500 Banks Road, has re-opened operations after being closed for several weeks for renovations. Bella Clothing Boutique, located at 3005 Pandosy Street in Kelowna, is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Sun City Treasures & Imports has relocated to 105-2900 Pandosy Street. Lori Placide has opened a new business at 1855 Spall Road, Fun Bugs Indoor Playground. Fun Bugs is made for children aged six and under, and is designed so that parents stay and play with their kids in a large space that is safe with an open environment. Okanagan College business students Erika Swanson, Brandi Antonucci and Kristen Schmid took first place at the TRU Hum Resources Management Case Competition. A fresh new supply of student housing could be on the agenda for the lot on the corner of Ethel and Highway 97. Kevin Bird of Boardwalk Housing Corp. is behind the project, and says the company is still in the planning stages. The push to purchase the CN Rail corridor running from Kelowna to Coldstream has been given a $7.2 million boost from a provincial government grant to help with the acquisition of the discontinued rail line. The inter-jurisdictional team has a goal of raising $22 million for the purchase of the rail corridor. Gallagher’s Canyon Golf Club is celebrating its 35th anniversary this year, located at 4320 Gallaghers Drive West. Delicious Donuts & Coffee has opened at 3711 Elliot Road in West Kelowna. Dr. Melissa Eek has joined the team at Strong Roots Dental, located at #105-519 Highway 33 West in Rutland. The Okanagan-Kootenay Sterile Insect Release Program has been awarded the International IPM Award of Excellence at the 8th International Integrated Pest Management Symposium held in Salt Lake City, Utah. Vance Evans has been named the new account executive for TSI Print Solutions, which has a satellite office for the Thompson Okanagan. TSI is a full service commercial
MAY 2015
Harbour Brewing. The Best in Class, Judges Choice Awards went to: Okanagan Spring Brewery for Lager/Pilsner; Canuck Empire Brewing for Pale Ale; Powell Street Craft Brewery for IPA; Granville Island Brewing for Hefeweizen; Persephone Brewing Company for Ales; Coal Harbour Brewing for Stout/Porter; Driftwood Brewery for Belgian; Longwood Brewery for Fruit Beer and Other; Twisted Hills Craft Cider for Ciders. The People’s Choice Awards went to: Cannery Brewing for Best Beer; Crannog Ales for Best Booth; Burger 55 for Best Food; Roland Allen Trio for Best Band.
print brokerage company based out of Coquitlam. Pilgrim & Pearl is the Okanagan’s newest oyster bar, opened by The Revival Group. The restaurant is located at 1675 Abbott Street. Savoy Equipment Ltd. is celebrating its grand opening, located at 1929 Windsor Road. Kelowna Airport officials have announced plans for a multi-year, $55.6 million expansion at YLW. The development will see improvements and additions to the baggage handling system, plane parking area, departure lounge, check-in area and taxiway. The work is part of the $92 million airport improvement plan started in 2008.
Pure Gym & Juicery will be opening this summer at the Penticton Lakeside Resort. Cannery Brewing has announced the launch of its new craft beer, Stumbling Goat. Lakeside Fitness is opening in a new location in the Penticton Racquet and Fitness Club.
Tutt Street Optometry has welcomed Dr. Bree Anderson to the clinic, located at 2918 Tutt Street. Christopher Miller has been elected president of the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board for the 2014-16 term. Anthony Bastiaanssen of West Kelowna has been elected as the vice-president of the board. Kelowna realtors Tom Down, Dave Favell, Michael Loewen and Tanis Read were also elected as board members. After 26 years in the vehicle appraisal business, Ron Gray of Special Interest Appraisal, is retiring, and handing the reins of the company over to son Jon Gray.
Coal Harbour Brewing accepted the Best of Show Award
PENTICTON Penticton played host to the 20th annual
Okanagan Fest-of-Ale beer-tasting event on April 10-11, put on by the Okanagan Fest-ofAle Society. The winner of the Best of Show, Judges Choice Award category was Coal
The Summerland Chamber of Commerce has welcomed Vicky Jones as its new Communications and Membership Coordinator. Originally from the UK, since moving to BC Jones has worked with multiple community and arts organizations including the Vancouver Film Festival, the Whistler Arts Council and the Okanagan Children’s Festival. The Chamber has also welcomed the following new members: Clay Resources Ltd., Lakeshore Racquets Club, Leaf Mining and T Switzer Trucking.
21 Granny’s Fruit Stand is under new ownership, and will now include the new Summerland location of Penticton’s Wouda’s Bakery. Extensive renovations are underway, with a scheduled reopening in May. Delong Studio in Trout Creek is celebrating 25 years in business. Delong has undergone a dramatic overhaul of its studio, with new display cabinets and all new lighting. Chef Bradley Clease is the new executive chef at Local Lounge • Grille. Brad and his wife Lindsay were the original creators/owners of the Vanilla Pod restaurant, which began its existence in Summerland back in the early 2000’s. Since then the couple’s culinary travels have taken them to notable kitchens around BC, the Pacific Rim, Bahamas and most recently Bermuda. Now back in the South Okanagan, Chef Clease is developing new menu items that reflect his passion for local ingredients and “Farm to Fork” cuisine. Summerland Dental Centre celebrated its grand re-opening April 24 after extensive renovations. Along with opening up the reception area, the company has added more hygiene chairs to accommodate dental emergencies, as well as a new crown milling machine that will allow for same-day service for its clients. In addition to these changes, Summerland Dental has welcomed Dr. Laura Bowman, and expanded its hours on evenings and Saturdays.
Okanagan-Shuswap Housing Market Continues to Strengthen
he Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board (OMREB) reported March 2015 sales activity of all MLS property types improved 21% compared to the same month in 2014 and saw a 14% improvement year-to-date over the first quarter last year (January through March). “The Okanagan-Shuswap market continued to show strong growth in March with sales being driven by confident local buyers rather than recreation and retirement buyers from Alberta where the economy has taken a downturn. Days on market for all property types in our Board area continues to improve and is now at 103 days on average compared to 122 last year at this time,” says Christopher Miller, OMREB President and active realtor in the Central Okanagan. “The first quarter sales for 2015 in the OMREB are at a much stronger level compared to the same period in 2014. An increase in demand has outpaced supply in some segments that have edged firmly into seller’s market conditions. While selection has been reduced with the ongoing decline in inventory, the price of single family homes is steady and strong in most areas with modest gains seen in some locations where supply has tightened.” “The Central Okanagan led the way in March with single family residential sales improving 30% compared to 2014,” Miller reports. “Inventory is beginning to rise but new listings are not yet meeting the market demand, and some buyers are still waiting to find the ideal
property to purchase.” In the Shuswap, single family home sales were up 16% compared to last March. Homes in the lower end of the market are moving quickly but overall inventory is still high so a buyer’s market prevails. The North Okanagan saw a 30% decline over this time last year when the Zone experienced an unusually high spike (73%) in home sales over 2013. The market is more balanced but demand has tapered and inventory has remained stable despite new listings. Board-wide, Peachland to Revelstoke, showed overall sales of all property types improved by 20.6% compared to 2014 (to 745 units from 618) – up 46% compared to February. Total residential sales for the month jumped by 21.7% (672 units board-wide compared to 552 in 2014), while single family home sales were up 11.6% compared to March 2014. The 1,945 new listings taken board-wide for the month were up 28.2% compared to the 1,517 listings posted in March 2014, while inventory declined 5.5% to 6,821 from 7,217 last year at this time. In the Central Zone, Peachland to Lake Country, overall sales of all property types were up 28.7% – to 516 units from 401 in 2014. Year-to-date sales activity was up 23.4% compared to the first quarter last year. Total residential sales for the month jumped by 33.0% to 476 units compared to 358 in 2014. The sale of 250 single family homes saw
a 30.2% improvement over the 192 in March 2014, while townhouse sales improved by 43.9%, and apartment sales were up 41.8%. The 1,204 new listings taken in the Central Okanagan during the month saw a 28.5% increase compared to 937 in 2014, and total inventory was reduced by 8.2% to 3,549 units from 3,864. Predator Ridge to Enderby, the North Zone, showed overall property sales for March dipping 2.1% to 139 units compared to 142 units sold last year at the same time. Year-todate sales activity was down 7.4% compared to the first quarter last year (to 311 units from 336). Total residential sales for the month were down 7.6% from 2014 with 122 units sold compared to 132. Single family home sales declined by 30.0% compared to March 2014. The 452 new listings taken for the month were up 23.8% from the 2014 level of 365. Inventory for March saw a nominal 0.2% dip to 1,922 from 1,918 in March of 2014. Shuswap Zone, Salmon Arm to Revelstoke, overall unit sales improved by 18.7% over 2014 at 89 properties compared to 75. Yearto-date sales were up 4.4% compared to the first quarter last year. Total residential unit sales for the month were up 19.4% at 74 units compared to 62 in 2014, while the sale of single family homes improved 16.2%. The 288 new listings taken in the Zone were up 35.2% compared to 213 in March 2014. Overall inventory dipped 5.8% to 1,345 from 1,428 last year at this time.
Joanne Iormetti
Senior Marketing Advisor
PUT YOUR COMPANY IN THE SPOTLIGHT In the life of every business, certain events always stand out: • A grand opening • A brand new building • Completing a major project • Landing a major contract • Celebrating a milestone anniversary Spotlights are your opportunity to spread the word about your firm to the entire region of the ThompsonOkanagan. Contact me today to have your business featured in our publication.
To market your firm in the Business Examiner contact Joanne Iormetti at 1-866-758-2684, ext. 122 or joanne@businessto.ca
MAY 2015 A division of Invest Northwest Publishing Ltd. Thompson Okanagan Office #210-347 Leon Avenue, Kelowna, BC V1Y 8C7 Toll free: 1.866.758.2684 Fax: 1.778.441.3373 Email: info@businessexaminer.ca Website: www.businessexaminer.ca
PUBLISHER/EDITOR | Lise MacDonald, lise@businessexaminer.ca SALES | Thom Klos –thom@businessexaminer.ca, Josh Higgins – josh@businessexaminer.ca, Joanne Iormetti – joanne@businessexaminer.ca WRITERS | Goody Niosi, Julia MacDonald, John MacDonald, Beth Hendry-Yim WEBSITE | John MacDonald
ENTREPRENEURSHIP, DEMOGRAPHICS AND CAPITAL GAINS TAX REFORM IN CANADA One likely explanation for the decline, which has to-date been almost totally ignored, is the relationship between demographics and entrepreneurship
nu mb er of prom i nent Ca n ad i a n s, i nclud i ng Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz, have raised concerns about the state of business start-ups and entrepreneurship in Canada. There is no question that entrepreneurship is critical to a well-functioning, prosperous economy. New firms are the lifeblood of innovation, creativity, and economic progress. While the decline in business start-ups is a worrying sign for future economic dynamism and progress, the concern has not been met with practical solutions. Capital gains tax reform is one practical possibility. Consider first the worrying trend in Canada that the rate of business start-ups, a key measure of entrepreneurship, is declining. Since peaking in 2004, the rate of business start-ups, as a share
of existing firms, has declined by 16.2 per cent. Specifically, in 2004 there were 17.9 business start-ups (all firm sizes) per 100 existing firms. The rate has since
declined to 15.0 business startups per 100 existing firms. The rate of decline in business start-ups is more pronounced for larger firms (measured by employment). For instance, the rate of decline in business startups between 2004 and 2012 for firms with 50 to 100 employees was -68.0 per cent. Some of the explanation for this decline is not particular to Canada. That is, declines in business start-ups are also observed in other industrialized countries. For instance, over the last decade of available data (2003-2012), the United States has experienced a decline in the rate of business start-ups of 8.0 per cent. One likely explanation for the decline, which has to-date been almost totally ignored, is the relationship between demographics and entrepreneurship. Younger people, for example, are less risk averse and more prone to question the status quo and experiment. Such characteristics are key to the entrepreneu ria l process. In older populations, not only are there prop or t ion ately less you n g workers with these characteristics but they are typically not in positions of influence within firms. Canada, like all industrialized
countries, is experiencing an aging of the population where a larger and larger share of the population is over the age of 65. Statistics Canada expects the portion of those over the age of 65 as a share of the population to increase by 74.1 per cent between 2008 and 2035. Given the importance of entrepreneurship to the economy and the absence of any serious policy options available to governments with respect to demographics, it’s critical that governments enact policies supportive of entrepreneurship. One such policy lever is capital gains tax reform. Capital gains taxes are applied to the sale of an asset when its sales price is nominally (not adjusted for inflation) above its original purchase price. The sale price is based on the present value expected by the purchaser from the future stream of income received by the asset. However, that stream of income is subject to annual taxes. The application of a capital gains tax after the sale is a type of double taxation and worse still, it creates disincentives for entrepreneurs and firms that finance entrepreneurs. Cu rrently, Ca nada has the 14th highest capital gains tax rate among the OECD countries
despite two reductions in the tax rate implemented by the Chretien Liberals. A number of options for capital gains tax reform exist, but one that holds great policy and practical promise is the replication of a Clinton-era reform from the U.S. Specifically, the Clinton Administration created a rollover provision whereby the proceeds of a sale of an asset are exempt from capital gains if they are reinvested within a specific time period, perhaps six months. Such a reform frees up capital today that could boost entrepreneurship while deferring the eventual capital gains taxes. Improving the incentives for, and the environment within which entrepreneurship occurs, can help mitigate the demographic headwinds currently impeding entrepreneurship, which has clear and serious implications for the economy as a whole. Capital gains tax relief offers an opportunity for Canada to supercharge entrepreneurship, and it’s worth considering.
on a larger scale, which can be achieved through the power of partnerships. Partnerships in a business sense can be very rewarding, although there are some caveats. If you’re thinking about entering into a partnership, always try to make sure you begin negotiations from a position of strength. You probably don’t want to be partners with someone who has decided to join forces with you simply because they smell blood in the water, and they know you need their help more than they need you. It’s always best to choose to go the partnership route when positive opportunity looms. Contrast that with being in a position where you need a helping hand or bail-out, because that will make it difficult for you to make a good deal. Really, the only good partnerships are where both - or all – sides win. So choose partners carefully. Conduct proper risk and vision analyses to determine if you’re even going down the same path. Weigh expectations and capabilities to make
sure this really is a good fit before proceeding, because once the ink is dried on the contract, you’re joined at the hip. Separation after that point could become a very painful exercise. When people ask for my advice about partnerships, I always seem to offer this: Pick a winner. If you have a choice in partnership opportunities, it’s always best and safest to sign on with those who have a proven track record. That goes for organizations as well. One very successful friend shared her steps forward, noting that she joined Rotary for this reason: “I wanted to meet people that had something to teach me, and they have,” she said. “I went there to be a sponge and absorb information from them.” There are a number of other worthwhile groups to become a ‘partner’ in like these, all for different, good reasons. The Chamber of Commerce, for example, is an excellent place to start, because while they offer networking opportunities and chances to meet other, like-minded business
people, the Chamber’s strongest suit is advocacy. Speaking up for its members is something the Chamber can do like no other group. Raising issues that may be a problem for one or two companies who dare not address government policy or decisions in fear of retribution, is something that the Chamber is perfectly positioned to do. When one or two concerned individuals speak up, they may not be heard and can often be ignored on the wrongful assertion that it’s just a few people. However, when the Chamber – with hundreds of members – raises an issue, it must be considered. Any level of government would be unwise to close its ear to the city’s main voice for business. And while doing so, if necessary, the Chamber can protect the identity of the member who raised the complaint. Partnerships enable us to do bigger and better things, faster, than we can do ourselves. Get the right partners, and you can use your collective power to everyone’s benefit.
Jason Clemens and Niels Veldhuis are economists with the Fraser Institute and co-authors of Entrepreneurship, Demographics and Capital Gains Tax Relief, which is available at www.fraserinstitute.org.
any years ago, a clever leader provided a list of three things that are exceedingly wise in the earth. Included within that was a rock badger. He explained that this particularly small animal was wise because it made its home in the rocks. Simply put, it surrounded itsel f w ith th i ngs that were stronger than itself. That principal, I believe, is one of the secrets of success, particularly in business: Surrounding ourselves with people who are smarter and stronger than we are, and complement us.
Even the most successful business owner has to realize that they need people – and customers – in order to emerge triumphant. So, as much as we may like to believe independence is the pinnacle, once we make it to the top – if we do – we’d be remiss in failing to acknowledge the people who have helped us get there in the first place. We’re probably all aware that T E A M sta nds for: Together Everyone Achieves More. That’s a good rallying cry for staff, but it also extends out into the communities we serve through organizations that draw people together to work for the common good. One of the benefits of being a small business owner is that, technically, we don’t have a boss to answer to. (Of course we do: it’s our customers.) But sometimes our strengths can actually become our weaknesses. While our independence and ‘smallness’ allows us to maneuver quickly and change direction on a dime, it also might mean that we won’t have as much success
SUBCRIPTIONS | $45 PER YEAR (12 ISSUES), $80 FOR 2 YEARS (24 ISSUES), SUBSCRIBE ONLINE: WWW.BUSINESSEXAMINER.CA. DISTRIBUTION: FOURTH WEEK OF EACH MONTH VIA CANADA POST AD MAIL. The publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited submissions. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Produced and published in British Columbia. All contents copyright Business Examiner Thompson Okanagan, 2015. Canadian Publications Mail Acct.: 40069240
MAY 2015
When personal visions Consider framing your
and goals are in alignment advice as a helpful,
with team visions and
neutral partner, someone
goals who as well asjudgmental company avoids
visions and goals, a messages powerful synergy is created
id you ever have a con-
ou m ay not re a l i zwith e it a prosversation but, as a sa les leader, pect who suddenly, and for nooften apparent reason, you must serve as became unreceptive to perfectly vigator. You set the course good advice? your sales team or for your It h appen s to m a ny sa lesartment. You a course people. set Shortly after we offer ourself.advice You help your staff or insights rooted from mbers set their courses indeep personal and organizational experience, to team be technically dually and within the correct, we find ourselves in a tex t. You a re consta ntly conversation that loses momengating. tum You… map out terrior stops altogether. In es, chartsome steps to test even cases,take, the prospect conditions, stopscorrect returningothers phone calls or e-mailoff messages. have strayed course and Wdestinations h a t h a p p e n eded in these o reach the exchanges? mined for you, in large, the advice” of the vision and the attainment Typically, theby “good pany. we of fer i n s uch sit u at of ionthe s goals. e coursesou thends company a plan of action to somethtakes i ng l i ke thEstablish is: “The problem Jim, you aren’t rgely determined byis,its viachieve the vision. It is posconsideration. theto list conducting assessment , just as the course we take in surveys sible tofor move “what is”(See closer on your new hires. You should on the right below.) as individuals is determined “what could be” –Helpful but not alone i ncorporate a si mple on l i ne Judgmental ur personal vision. When and not without a plan. last You may findThe more value in… questionnaire into your hiring You should… onal visions andThen goalsI bet areyour in turnstep in You visioning isHad toyouestablish a should have… considered…? process. overteam numbers would start to go ofYou shouldn’t… Develop It might notthe help to… nment with visions and plan action. goals Don’t do… may want to consider… s as welldown.” as company visions that give life and You action to the Jim may not respond well to You’re wrong about… Your perspective might change if… goals, aapowerful synergy vision. Here is where leader and message like that. Why not? You missed the point. Have you considered…? eated throughout the comfollower are joined in their comBecause we’re telling Jim what You just don’t get it. Perhaps you should think about… y. Part ofhewhat youdo have the mitment the vision. Listento to me. “should” – and that mesMay I suggest…? sage is not likely to be a welcome er to do as a manager is to Think about how your personal So, using you one,your no matter how muchvision ex- and k to shape vision, the goalsour fit example, with theifviperience we have that backs it were to say to Jim, “In addition on of those on your staff and sion and goals of your company. up. We’re telling Jim that what to what you’re doing now, Jim, Is it a good fit or afind forced fit?inThe vision ofhe’s thedoing company in isn’t a what right now you might value conbest fitducting is when your vision cothat gives meaning the some basic assessment he “shou ld” betodoi ng. Even on your new hires. though our advice is soundalesces and surveys with the company’s vi-If s you work to set. you were to incorporate simple it’s likelysion. Jim When you achievingayour ow yourwell-intentioned, company’s vision. will interpret what we’ve put online questionnaire into your sion is different from goals goals helps the company achieve forward as an unwelcome mes- hiring process, those high turnitsof goals, synergy created. mission.sage It expresses a view of judgment. That’s one over numbersismight startImto go agine what would happen if the what could be. The vision, the big reasons why prospects down.” down and decide framing your advice vision ofConsider each team member cosharingshut in the vision, can to keep salespeople at arm’s length … or as a helpful, neutral partner, alesced with your vision for the ivate and inspire us to reach even further away! someone who avoids judgmental goals. Determine your com- team? What if their goals led to Messages that communicate messages. Using this approach, ofwell your goals? y’s visionjudgment and share that(see vi- theattainment or bias list you may find that it’s easier with your This creates If youtowere to set out to make onstaff. the left below) about what keep the conversation movingall forward, easier to makebeyour is right or wrong, good or some bad, or ntext in which company of your visions accessible, easier to keep one should or to shouldn’t come aadvice reality, what goals would s make what personal sense and what is acceptable and the prospect engaged as a peer, loyees, do, which in turn is a you set to get there, in the real what isn’t, are likely to trigger and, ultimately, easier to close erful motivating ■ sale. emotional dynamic. responses fromworld? the the volve everyone who might be Copyright 2015 Sandler Trainlistener. Those responses can range from cted. A leader withcompliance a vision (which ing and Insight Sales Consulting Inc. All is rights reserved. maythat carryvision with it some of Glennon John the owner of ds to share withdegree resentment) to rebellion, neither Insight Sales Consulting Inc., yone who will be affected of which are desirable or conthe authorized Sandler Training . The navigator theand trust ducive toinforms the rapport John Glennon is the owner of Insight licensee forConsulting the Interior of authorized B.C. w. The crew knows theto desyou are working establish in Sales Inc, the a sales discussion. Sandler Licensee for the tion. Members of the crew Reach him at Training toll-free 1-866-645R at h e r t hwith a n te lthe l s om e2047 on e orInterior of British Columbia. He can then empowered jglennon@sandler.com. what to orpursuit how to act, you be reached at jglennon@sandler. acity to share indo the Visit www.glennon.sandler.com. can frame the message around a helpful suggestion or a point
com, toll free at 1-866-645-2047 or visit www.glennon.sandler.com
LOCATION LOCATION 7762 to 7766 Okanagan Landing
175 Kokanee Way - Ramada Hotel PROJECT TYPE
PROJECT TYPE subdivisions – Seasons in the Okanagan new commercial
23 PROJECT subdivisions – SFD Residential Subdivision PROJECT STATUS Construction start anticipated summer/15 DEVELOPER Paradigm Okanagan SIMONE–SUNDERLAND Developments 250-809-7136
SURVEYOR Steven J Buzikievich Land Surveying Inc – 54 Nanaimo Ave New water treatment facility E, - the dis- V2A 1L9 250-492Penticton PROJECT STATUS trict is currently testing several meth0559 Construction start anticipated ods including membrane technology summer/15
– prefinished aluminum railings PROJECT – 6 parking stalls
CENTRAL OKANAGAN PROJECT STATUS REGIONAL PENTICTON Design underway - Tender call for General Contractor anticipated LOCATION DISTRICT July/14 - construction completion
DESIGNER Protocol Home Planning and Design – 7 1811 Ambrosi Road, Kelowna, V1Y 4R8 250-878-7318
117 Calgary Ave anticipated late 2015 LOCATION NewRamada strata subdivision 40 SFD GENERAL CONTRACTOR New Hotel in the– Campbell PROJECT TYPE CONSULTANT Okanagan Valley Construction lots – final Phase of the Season 2241 Springfield Rd - Missio Creek industrial park - 4 storeys multi-family new – Townhouses Clifton Rd,Knight Kelowna Development – strata owners will Ltd – 709 Opus Dayton 255 1715 Crossing Westside 3,780 sm - 80 rooms - restaurant - pool 250-878-9672 have access to development ame- V1V1A7 PROJECT Dickson Ave, V1Y 9G6 250-868-4925 with waterslide elevators concrete PROJECT TYPE– 20 nities – pathway will connect to New townhouses – 3 storeys OWNER construction roof articulation with commercial new Ellison Parkway units – wood frame construction porte cochere - asphalt shingles - 98 District of Sicamous - 1214 – stucco exterior PROJECT PROJECT STATUSstalls surface parking Riverside Ave, Sicamous V0E 2V0 Development permit application PROJECT STATUS New commercial urban lifest 250-836-2477 PROJECT STATUS Construction start anticipated submission anticipated spring/15 LOCATION centre - 6 buildings - 2 to 7 s PROJECT MANAGER Construction start 539 Truswell Rd May/15 – construction startanticipated anticipatedlate 519 529 - retail commercial at ground summer/15 2014 MHPM PROJECT TYPE- 550 555 W 12th Ave,APPLICANT with office units above - und Vancouver V5Z 3X7 604-714-0988 parkade - 80 above ground s ARCHITECT mixed-use dev – Commercial – Bradco Holdings Ltd – 1507 ARCHITECT term parking stalls MQN Architects – 100 3313 32 Apartment Hotel Wharf St, Summerland V0H 1Z9 DF Architecture 1205 4871 Shell Ave, Vernon V1TInc 2E1-250-542250-809-7089 PROJECT STATUS PROJECT Rd, Richmond V6X 3Z6 604-284-5194 1199 New mixed use development – ARCHITECT Development permit applica DEVELOPER CBA Architectural – 201 207 tourist rental apartment hotel GENERAL CONTRACTOR submitted Lakeside Development Corp – Main St, Penticton V2A 5B1 250and commercial development – 6 LOCATION Prism Ventures Inc - 3571 Barmond 7760 OkanaganV7E Landing Rd, 490-8668 ARCHITECT storeysTo– Be 8 commercial units Ave, Richmond 1A4 604-338-4656 Determined - Ice– Facility Ekistics Town Planning - 192 Vernon V1T 8C8 250-558-4795 flat roof, stucco, fibre cement OWNER siding,PROJECT balconiesTYPE with painted St, Vancouver V5T 3C1 604-7 Prism Hotels and Resorts - 800 metal guardrails, tempered glazinstitutional add/alter DEVELOPER 14800 Landmark Blvd, Dallas Texasing – 29 parking stall parkade PROJECT R366 Enterprises Ltd - 4870 75254 214-987-9300 – 23 above ground parking stalls LOCATION Kelowna V1W 4M3 250-764Newpaths ice facility for the Greater – walking LOCATION 245 Edmonton Ave Vernon area to replace the aging GENERAL CONTRACTOR 1975 Union Road PROJECT STATUS Civic Arena - 4,000 seats - may be TYPE PROJECT Lambert and Paul Constructi Rezoning Application at 1st readan addition to Kal Tire Place or the multi-family new – PROJECT TYPE ing 300 2000 Spall Rd, Kelowna Commercial new – Car Wash Condominiums Priest Valley Arena or construction of 250-860-2331 LOCATION Facility – Suds City ARCHITECT a new ice facility PROJECT Garry Tomporowski Arch – 243 451 Shuswap St - SD 83 North OkanaPROJECT STATUS New condominiums – 3 storeys – PROJECT 1889 Springfield Rd, Kelowna gan Shuswap Administration Building New commercial building – car 17 units – 19 parking stalls Feasibility study and cost analysis V1Y 5V5 250-979-1668 wash facility – 1 building 3,932 sf PROJECT TYPE study anticipated shortly - the PROJECT STATUS – 2 storeys –new 5 bays – 1 residenOWNERGreater Vernon Advisory Committee institutional Construction start anticipated tial unit, office and storage area MKS Resources Inc – 546 July/15 will decide in June whether or not to PROJECT on 2nd floor – fibre cement sidBernard Ave, Kelowna V1Y 6P1 hold a referendum in November/14 ing, administration prefinished aluminum winNew building on the 250-868-2324 ARCHITECT to fund a new ice facility - location, dows, culturedschool stone cladding, Norman Goddard Architecture – old JL Jackson site - 2,640 sm preliminary design and estimated panel roof, metalstalls cladding 218 219 Main St, Penticton V2A 2solar storeys - 75 parking cost to be determined 5B1 250-770-1104
Rezoning Application at 1st readSite work underway ing
LOCATION OWNER GENERAL CONTRACTOR Vintage Boulevard, LOCATION Singla Brothers Holdings – 567 Okanaga City of Vernon - 1900 48th Ave,
Vintage V2A Views 9348 Alder St.V1T 5E6 250-545-1361 Heather St, Penticton 6N8 Vernon ARCHITECT 250-490-1700 MQN Architects 100 3313 32 Ave, PROJECT TYPE Garry Tomporowski Arch – 243 PROJECT TYPE Vernon V1T 2E1 250-542-1199 Mixed-use dev 1889 Springfield Rd, Kelowna subdivisions
OWNER V1Y 5V5 250-979-1668
School OWNERDistrict 83 - North Okanagan Shuswap - 220 Shuswap MKS Resources Inc – 546St NE, Salmon 4N2 250-832-2157 BernardArm Ave,V1E Kelowna V1Y 6P1 250-868-2324 PROJECT MANAGER
Stantec - 400 1620 Dickson Ave, Kelowna V1Y 9Y2 250-860-3225
PROJECT TYPE LOCATION multi-family new – Fourplex
524 Dabell St - Mara Lake Water PROJECT Facility Treatment New fourplex – 2.5 storeys –
PROJECT TYPE wood frame construction – fibre cement siding industrial new – roof top patios
New subdivision - 30 SFD lot
2425 Orlin Rd - Addition to the Village at Smith Creek
Construction start anticipate June/14
Vintage View Developments Robert Milanovic 250-492-5
BusinessExaminer.ca PROJECT TYPE
seniors housing
PROJECT Addition to the Village at Smith Creek seniors housing facility- 1,810 sm - 4 storeys - 23 units - 8 additional u/g parking stalls - fibre cement board exterior - 4th floor stepped back as gables
PROJECT STATUS Construction underway - foundations
Jeff Bosch
Metal Shop
620 Recreation Avenue Kelowna BC, V1Y 9V5 Tel: (250) 717-0081
4409 31st Street Vernon, BC, V1T 5J8 Tel: (250) 545-6224