–PAGE 11 Le Fo as r e
SEPTEMBER 2015 PENTICTON Employees are best resource for E Phillips
Industrial Office Retail
250.763.6789 ArgusProperties.ca
While not as high profile as tourism or wine making, the Okanagan Valley’s manufacturing sector remains vibrant and growing
KELOWNA Wall to Wall known for truly unique and
personalized work
INDEX News Update
Summerland 3 West Kelowna
Kamloops 5 Kelowna 18 Vernon 20 Penticton 23 Movers and Shakers 24 Salmon Arm
Opinion 26 Sales 27 Contact us: 1-866-758-2684
Valley’s Manufacturing Sector Serves A Global Marketplace K A NAGA N VA L L EY When a person not familiar with the region hears the word ‘Okanagan’ images of tourist-friendly destinations, farmer’s fruit stands straining under the weight of fresh produce or glasses filled with worldclass wine might spring to mind. But how likely would thoughts of bustling factories or state of the art manufacturing plants pop into the imaginations of the average non-Okanagan resident? “Actually if you combine manufacturing and the construction industries in Penticton alone they represent 19 percent of the town’s economic drivers. So basically between manufacturing and construction they’re the number one economic force in Penticton,” explained Darrell Clark, a Director with the Penticton Chamber of Commerce. “Tourism is, I believe number four on the list. But it’s easy, it’s the shiny thing everybody can see and put their hand on really easily, but the manufacturing
shops here in town are working year round and they’ll pay your mortgage in January when the town is kind of slow. Tourism at the same time of year is quiet. Manufacturing jobs are the kind that we need to have in the Valley for people to be able to pay their mortgage year round.” Communities throughout the
Okanagan directly benefit from the region’s active and diverse ma nu factu ri ng sector. “We have a number of members who are in the manufacturing sector and we’re well aware of the success that they’ve achieved. Piscine Energetics (a fish food and products manufacturer) for example which was the winner of
our Business Excellence Awards has really grown their business. They’re relatively below the radar but they’re well known on the international front for fish food and for providing products to aquariums around the globe,” explained Dan Rogers, General SEE VALLEY’S MANUFACTURING | PAGE 21
Sticks & Stones builds offices and homes Award winning company continues to grow and expand BY GOODY NIOSI
Canadian Publications Mail Acct.: 40069240
Operating a successful manufacturing company requires access to good transportation the upgraded Kelowna Airport is a key part of the region’s transportation mix
ELOW NA - On August 26, Sticks & Stones Design Group Inc. in Kelowna, received another significant feather in its much-decorated cap. Its office was named one of the top 11 best designed offices
in Canada. Along with the Tommie awards it has won and, most importantly, the accolades from clients, the award aptly caps a highly successful 20 years. Company president Carla BondFisher, founded her architectural/interior design/home styling firm in 1995 after a move to Canmore from Calgary. At the time,
Canmore was a small town of no more than 3,000 people. “I had done custom home design and corporate design in Calgary,” she recalled. “So I came to this small town and thought, ‘What am I going to do?’” She assumed there was no work in her profession and that work as a ski instructor might be her
Canada’s Leading Group Benefit Plan For Firms with 1-50 Employees. Don Brown Brown Benefits Tel: 250-763-4284 www.brownbenefits.ca
For more information contact us, or your local Chamber office.
best option. However, the 1988 Olympics had made a difference. The spotlight had shone on the sleepy mountain town and people from all over the world wanted to build a home or open a business in Canmore. I nstead of teach i ng people SEE STICKS & STONES | PAGE 19
PENTICTON New provincial grant now available Household budgets will soon be feeling the effects of the annual back-toschool spending season, but there is some relief in sight for further education or training after the kids finish high school. The BC Training and Education Savings Program (BCTESP), which became available on Aug. 14, will provide $1,200 to eligible children for post-secondary education or training programs. A lthough the program was announced earlier in the year, the application process is now open for BC parents with children between the ages of six and nine. “Even if your children are just beginning their school life, you need to start planning on how to finance their postsecondary education or training aspirations,” says Rob Oleksyn, an investment expert with First West Credit Union’s Valley First division. “The BCTESP is just one of several grants available that will really help jumpstart education savings.” I n add ition to $1,200 from the BCTESP, the Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG) will match 20 per cent of yea rly contributions up to a maximum of $2,500. Eligible children could receive as much as $7,200 in CESG by the time they graduate high school. The Canada Learning Bond is another program which provides eligible children with $500 for their R ESP right away with an additional $100 each year
until the age of 15.
KELOWNA High-tech Company ushers in a new era of Home Safety iGuardFire has introduced their new product for families who want to prevent stove fires in their kitchens. The iGuardStove is a safety and home monitoring device that quickly connects to existing stoves turning them into Sma rt stoves. T he iGua rdStove ca n connect to the internet and is innovative, interactive and intelligent and the best insurance against kitchen fires for your home. T he iGuardStove has the ability to automatically shut off the stove when it determines that cooking has been left unattended on the stove with the potential for a fire. The device’s firmware is also upgradable which keeps the iGuardStove current and fresh with new features for years to come and the dev ice ca n be i nsta l led i n m i nutes. iGuardStove is built in Western Canada and is sold all over North America. It’s been in development for 2 years now and was released in mid-2015 to a great deal of excitement and anticipation.
OKANAGAN CHBA Actions Result in Canada Post Suspending $200 CMB Fee Indefinitely T he Canadian Home Builders’
Association announced that after further d iscussions w ith Canada Post, they can confirm that Canada Post has ag reed to defer the i mplementation of the proposed community mailbox (CMB) fee indefinitely - $120M in Savings and Counting. This is a significant victory for CHBA’s members, and especially for new home b uyers, f rom coa s t to coa s t. CHBA, working in concert across all th ree levels of the A ssociation, has vehemently opposed any implementation of the proposed fee. Previous suspensions due to CHBA’s efforts, from 2013 to 2016, have already resulted in savings to home buyers and industry of an estimated $60M. According to Canada Post, the initiatives set forth in their Five-point Action Plan are transforming their financial position and they continue to project that this will help Canada Post to return to financial sustainability by 2019. Based on this they do not consider that it will be necessary to implement a CMB fee for new developments. They note that should Canada Post not return to financial sustainability upon the successful completion of the plan, they would consider reassessing the need for additional measures. At that point, CHBA would take action yet again if CMB fees are being considered. CHBA stands ready to oppose any implementation of a CMB fee any time. But with this indefinite suspension, developers, builders and new home buyers can rest assured that even just through to 2019, CHBA action will have saved new home buyers over $120M, w ith savings continuing annually thereafter.
KELOWNA Small Business BC And The Province Launch Mybizday Tour This Fall
PROPER TECHNOLOGY CAN: Create effective collaboration Reduce travel time Improve productivity Save money Simplify and streamline the boardroom Create a comfortable work environment
T h roug hout t he fa l l a nd du r i ng Sma l l Busi ness Month, Small Busine ss B C w i l l re a c h o ve r 3 0 0 s m a l l busi ness ow ners a nd entrepreneu rs in the grow ing business hubs of the T hompson Oka naga n, Northern BC and Vancouver Island through the new MyBizDay tour. This full-day event connects small business owners to the programs and resources that are available to entrepreneurs. Attendees will have the opportunity to access information and support through a mix of education, interactive panel sessions, exhibitors and networking. MyBizDay is free to attend and will engage communities in: Kelowna, Laurel Packing House - September 16, 2015
KAMLOOPS Sun Peaks Tourism receives funding Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality will receive a total of $289,472 for projects that help support tou ri sm i n f ra s t r u ct u re a nd a men it ie s, Terry Lake, MLA for Kamloops-North Thompson announced recently. The funding comes from the government’s Resort Municipality Initiative (RMI) which helps to grow the tourism sector in eligible municipalities. This
year, the BC government is providing a total of $10.5 million to 14 eligible communities and is extending the RMI program for another year to the end of 2017. More than $98.1 million in RMI funding has been invested since 2006 to support tourism infrastructure and programs, helping to grow these local and regional economies. Sun Peaks has been participating in the RMI program since 2011. It is prioritizing its RMI spending on projects that expand recreational opportunities and encourage visitors to return to the community including summer music events and recreation infrastructure improvements. Summer concerts and events have been successful in drawing a more diverse group of visitors to the community, beyond those coming to Sun Peaks for the outstanding skiing and snowboarding. T he B C tou r i sm i ndu st r y cre ated 132,200 jobs and generated $13.9 billion in revenues in 2013. RMI supports the BC Jobs Plan and Gaining the Edge: BC’s Tourism Strategy by helping resort-based municipalities address the unique challenges they face as seasonally dependent economies. In addition to RMI funding, the Province invests more than $90 million annually in the tourism sector throughout BC Sun Peaks is receiving $289,472 for FY 2015/16 and has received a total of $1,613,413 since 2011.
Kamloops Airport sees steady passenger growth T he Kamloops Airport a n nou nced the traveler numbers for the month of July and year-to-date as compared to the same period in the previous year. Monthly travelers grew from 25,102 in 2014 to 27,198 in 2015, an increase of 8.3 per cent. Year-to-date travelers rose from 182,170 in 2014 to 185,731 in 2015, an increase of 2 per cent. Kamloops is beginning to see a higher number of tourist related travel due to the lower Canadian dollar as compared to the US dollar. Routes to and from Kamloops are performing well and all are contributing to the increase in year over year numbers of travelers. A i rcra f t movement for t he mont h of May increased for IFR (instrument flight rules) flights rose from 1,210 in 2014 to 1,168 in 2015, an increase of 3.5 per cent. However, VFR (visual flight rules) f lights dropped from 2,337 in 2014 to 2,054 in 2015, a decrease of 12 per cent. T he lower V FR traffic is related to a change in the size of aircraft being used for wildfire operations. The larger Electra aircraft replaces many smaller aircraft in one operation. This reduces the number of overall movements in that sector. The Kamloops Airport, with the assistance of Transport Canada, is currently in the midst of reconstruction of 6,000 feet of its main runway. On August 10, the western most portion of the original runway was fully rebuilt and now the activity swings over to the western most 3,000 ft. A g reat portion of this section will be done during daylight hours. The entire project has been coordinated to minimize impacts on scheduled passenger flights, wildfire activity and medevac traffic with much of the construction being conducted overnight.
ravel w r iters f rom a l l over the world w i l l be i n Pent icton t he l ast w e e k o f S e p te m b e r fo r t h e 12th annual GoMedia Canada Marketplace. GoMedia is produced annually by Destination Canada (formerly the Canadian Tourism Commission). This year’s event, hosted by Tourism Penticton, the City of Penticton, the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association and Destination British Columbia, will be staged at the Penticton
Convention Centre, with events and tours scheduled throughout the region. As the Summerland Chamber also manages Tourism Summerland, we will be participating for the first time in this event to market our community. In the GoMedia model, tourism marketers from across Canada have the opportunity to speak with top travel media from around the globe. The event features a market place where pre-arranged 15 minute meetings take place between journalists and exhibitors. Through these one-on-one meetings, networking events and tours in the local communities, we will have the opportunity to showcase Summerland and provide writers with a roster full of inspiring stories that they can tell in their publications and on-line. Summerland is also responsible for hosting 2 tours during the conference. These tours will be held the morning and afternoon of September 28th. Summerland’s
tours are designed to illustrate how the Okanagan region was originally opened up via the Kettle Valley Railway system and went on to become a fruit supplier to the rest of the country. Our tours will include a ride on the KVSR, a stop at Summerland Sweets, an organic harvest lunch and an apple tasting demonstration provided by scientists from the Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre. According to their profiles, t he jou r n a l i sts h ave a w ide range of interests, media, audiences, demographics and clients that they write for. Our job is to help the writers find stories they can sell to their editors and those editors want stories that are compelling and relevant. In order to make these writers’ work easier, a media section is being developed for our website. This area will have story ideas, contact people and images all ready to go. We always keep in mind that travelers may someday a lso
become residents. Those of us who came here as visitors and then moved here know this is true. Travel is an excellent funnel for residents and future investors in our communities so we wear our economic development hat for an event like this as well. All in all, the GoMedia conference is no small undertaking. The expectation is that we will
see many exciting stories being written about the Okanagan in the year to come and these will entice new visitors to our region. Christine Petkau is Executive Director of the Summerland Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at cpetkau@ summerlandchamber.com
Coming next month:
October Theme:
Meeting Places
Community in Focus:
Contact: Joanne Iormetti at 1-866-758-2684, ext. 122 or joanne@businessexaminer.ca
GETTING A HEAD START THIS FALL Sandler Training delivers three workshops in coming weeks
ELOW NA - September doesn’t just mark the end of summer and back to school; for many people it also means back to work. And sometimes, people need a bit of help getting back in gear. Sandler Training has the answers for gett i ng back w it h renewed energ y to generate increasing success. Sept. 16, Sandler Training is offering a free workshop: Delivering Great Customer Care. Company president, John Glennon said that no one typically admits to giving bad customer service but when people experience it, they talk about it. Glennon said that this workshop is for companies with customer service representatives, inside sales people, project managers or others who fulfill orders. “These are often people who are never trained,” Glen non s a i d . “ T h e w o rk s h o p i s a n introduction to what great customer service has to look like in this new economy. Customers are more demanding and they want better service. This two-hour workshop introduces Sandler’s concepts regarding del iveri ng exceptiona l customer service.” Sept. 30 Sandler Training is of feri ng a pa id lu nch workshop dea l i ng w ith ef fective
prospecting. Glennon calls prospecting “The lifeblood of sales.” “People come back to work and they want to reach out to people because the summer is over. But a lot of people struggle with prospecting. We’re going to talk about effective prospecting to build your pipeline for the fall.” The workshop covers subjects such as using LinkedIn effectively and building referrals. Most i mpor ta ntly, it covers dreaded cold calling. “It’s the 800-pound gorilla called the telephone,” Glennon said. “At some point, even with social media and leads, you’re going to have to say hello to other human beings – and m a ny p e ople s t r u g g le w it h a nt icipat i ng, ‘ W h at i s t h at going to sound like?’ We believe it doesn’t have to be that difficult.” Looking farther into the fall, Sandler Training is holding its premier workshop, The Sales Driven Organization, Oct. 23. T he Sa les Driven Orga n ization is a one-day workshop for business owners and general managers who are running a compa ny t h at ty pica l ly h a s more than 10 employees. “It’s a workshop where we are exploring what it takes to be the best in class as a sales driven organization,” Glennon said. “For over 45 years, Sandler Training is proud to say that we get results. We know what it takes.” He added that it is a collaborative workshop that ex plores strategy, structure, staff and skills. This workshop focuses on improving the top, middle and
bottom lines of the company. top l i ne: revenue i mprovement, market share, business
development; middle line: gross profit, more profitable deals, i mprov i ng t he g ross prof it;
bottom line: net income.” To register: w w w.glennon. sandler.com
We Create
Market Leaders. Are You Next?
Introductory Workshop
The Growth Driven Organization
Date: Time:
Investment: Location: Details
October 23, 2015 10:00-12:00 (Presentation) 12:00-1:00 (Lunch and Networking) $49.00 Sandler Training Centre, Kelowna, BC www.glennon.sandler.com
The Workshop includes the “Sandler Rules: Forty-Nine Timeless Selling Principles…and How to Apply Them” book, lunch as well as a session workbook to all the participants.
Suite 109B-3677 Highway 97 N Kelowna, BC V1X 5C3 email: jglennon@sandler *Unfortunately seating is limited, you must pre-register and pre qualify to attend.
HOSTING THE 2015 BRITISH COLUMBIA CHAMBER EXECUTIVES CONFERENCE This is our opportunity to showcase West Kelowna in the best light possible as this will be the only time over the next couple of decades that this
conference will be held here
he Greater Westside Board of Trade (GWBOT), and mysel f esp eci a l ly, a re ve r y pl e a s e d to b e h o s t i n g the annual British Columbia Chamber Executives Society Conference and Annual General Meeting, September 9-12 at The Cove Lakeside Resort. So who are these people and why is hosting this event significant? These people are Chambers of Commerce Executive Directors and Managers from every corner of the province descending upon West Kelowna. There will be approximately 60 of them plu s spon sors a nd spea kers which will push attendance to around 90 people. This is our opportunity to showcase West
Kelowna in the best light possible as this will be the only time over the next couple of decades that this conference will be held here. Although this may seem l i ke a sma l l group of loca l ly community minded business folks, they are a mighty group not to be underestimated. They are leaders in their home communities and play a valuable role shaping both local and provincial government policies, organizing community events and much more. With the conference theme of “The Evolving Chamber – Fresh T h i n k i ng, Ex ped iti ng Change” this year’s goal is to give executive directors and managers some easy to implement, ‘plug & play’ solutions upon their return to their communities. I am looking forward to the ‘Fresh Idea Greenhouse’ s e s s io n w h i c h w i l l h ave a s ma ny Cha mbers as possible present their one or two success stories of the past yea r with opportunity to ask questions and brainstorm. Another topic that will be addressed is how ou r com mu n ities’ econom ic development of f ices and Chambers of Commerce/ Boa rd s of T rade somet i mes combine efforts and in other communities they are two distinct offices –what are the pros
and cons? We will be looking at outside member organizations as what drives them and how they are successful – perhaps Chambers/Boards of Trade can glean something from them. T here w i l l be some va luable personal and professional development sessions too a nd with more than twenty firstyear Chamber executive directors attending, a session will focus on their specific needs. G W B O T w i l l b e ho s t i n g a Westside sig natu re even i ng for delegates a nd sponsors, September 10 sta r t i ng w it h a pontoon boat cruise where delegates will enjoy the many spectacu la r Westside v istas including a dormant volcano, orchards, beaches and wineries. They will then be whisked away to Rollingdale Winery, a farm gate organic winery, for a true Okanagan-style gourmet - yes, gourmet - BBQ featuring local & fresh Westside ingredients prepared by none other than Chef Martin, T he Chef Instead. Guests will enjoy wine tasting and traditional First Nation appetizers, star-gazing and kick up their heels to some old-time rock n roll performed by T he Journeymen. Tickets can be purchased by calling the GWBOT office 250.768.3378. I wo u l d l i k e to t h a n k o u r
sponsors and acknowledge them for their support and that they recognize the importance of the host community event: Platinum Sponsor – Gorman Bros; Gold Sponsors – Westbank First Nation, Kelowna International Airport, Dockside Marine and Let’s Go Transportation; Silver Sponsors – 24/7 Investigations, Global Roadway Maintenance, Kubera Payments Corporation, and Sandler Training; Bronze Sponsors – NichePlus Digital Media and the Sandman Hotel. Sponsorship opportunities are still available. Many thanks goes to the following West Kelowna wineries who will also be involved in the conference: Rollingdale Winery, Little Straw Vineyards, Mission Hill Family Estate Winery, Quails’ Gate Winery and Indigenous World Winery. We are pleased to welcome the following new members: Accent Kurb Appeal, Eagle View Financial, Empire Sonic Recording Studio, Karley Scott, Vital Alternative Healing Association and Angelique Wood. Karen Beaubier is the Executive Director for the Westside Board of Trade. She can be reached at 250-768-3378 or admin@ gwboardoftrade.com
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i Phase One - 23 Sites & Phase Two - 15 Sites i Gated & Paved Entry, In-Ground Pool i Amenity / Laundry Building
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FEDERAL ELECTION – HELPING CITIZENS CHOOSE THEIR RIGHT CANDIDATE In our last municipal election, the chamber introduced a video survey of candidates to help the public understand the candidates’ positions
on issues that were important to our business
o quote M acle a n’s magazine, “(m)uch has b een m ade of t he fact that the 2015 federal election c a mpa i g n w i l l b e Ca n ad a’s longest since the 19th century, when horse-powered ba l lot delivery necessitated voting per iod s t h at st retched over severa l mont h s. But even i f technology has improved, an 11-week c a mpa ig n c a n st i l l b e put to good u se tod ay i n the 21st century.” We agree. T he Kamloops Chamber approaches each election w ith the goal of educating the public on the various candidates v y i ng for thei r vote, a nd a n extended campaign allows a great opportunity to do just so. I n ou r l a s t mu n icipa l ele ction, the chamber introduced
a video survey of candidates t o h e l p t h e p u b l i c u n d e rs t a nd t he c a nd id ate s’ p ositions on issues that were i m p o r t a n t to o u r b u s i n e s s c o m m u n i t y. B a s e d o n t h e s u c c e ss of t h at proje c t, we h a v e e x p a n d e d t h i s t o i nclude provincial and federal elections/candidates as well. In add ition to hold ing a roundtable session and member su r veys, we have created a n on l i ne form to col lect “ b u r n i n g b u s i n e s s i s s u e s” f ro m o u r m e m b e rs a n d t h e c o m m u n i t y. T h e s e i s s u e s will be crafted into questions wh ich w i l l be asked of each candidate in video-recorded i nter v iews. T hese u ned ited interviews will be posted on our website after September 21st so that you will be able to view each candidate and hear their answers to the questions t h a t a re i m p o r t a n t to yo u . With such an important decision on the horizon, we believe that prov id i ng more opportunities to become educated on the platforms and positions of ou r loca l ca nd id ates w i l l help you to make an informed decision at the ballot booth. To lea r n more a nd v iew t he videos, visit www.kamloopschamber.ca. •••
THOMPSON OKANAGAN TOURISM GLENN MANDZIUK The Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) in association with Destination BC, Recreation Sites and Trails BC, Trails BC, Trans Canada Trail Society, BC Cycling Coalition and Cyclo Touring BC Program announce that a formal Thompson Okanagan Regional Rail Trails Tourism Strategy is underway with a series of Workshops taking place in early September. T he St rateg y, scheduled to be completed by October of 2015 will assist our regional rail trail network in creating an i nternationa l ly ex por t
ready tourism product and will further advance the goals presented in the 10 year Thompson Okanagan Regional Tourism Strategy, Embracing Our Potential. The centerpiece of the trails strategy will be the Kettle Valley / Columbia and Western Railway rail trails routes that form the basis of the Trans Canada Trail (TCT) through the Thompson Okanagan Region. The rail trail products that are available throughout the tourism region have the potential capacity to elevate the tourism experience in the large and small communities situated along the trails and provide operators in all of those communities the oppor tu n ity to rea l i ze positive and sustainable revenue increases. The destination development process is being led by TOTA w ith support from Destination BC and a team of leading industry consultants. A tourism strategy of this nature is critical to the success of developing the Rails Trails of our region into a
viable tourism product offering. The team that has been assembled to lead this process has extensive background in developing comprehensive strategies that produce results. For more information please contact Ellen Walker- Matthews, Experiences Development Specialist at experiences@totabc.com. Dates and locations are subject to change. ••• Save the date! TOTA AGM & Summit, Oct 28-29, 2015 Manteo Resort. Glenn Mandziuk is President and Chief Executive Officer of Thompson Okanagan Tourism Region. He can be reached at ceo@totabc.com
Spin the wheel, throw som e d ic e, w i n a pr i z e a nd m a k e g re a t c o n n e c t io n s a t our upcoming CON NECT 2015 T radeshow. Free to attend and open to the public, t h i s t radeshow w i l l featu re o v e r 6 0 e x h i b i to r s , a Ca sc a d e s Ca si n o g a m e z o n e , a Ch a mb er net work i ng z one, a nd a ton of pr i z e s i nc lu ding two grand prizes: a $500 g i f t c a rd to A b e rd e e n M a l l and an HP printer from Staples. Come a nd see us on September 23rd at the Coast K a m l o o p s H o te l & C o n fe rence Centre f rom 4:00PM – 7:00PM a nd check out kamloopschamber.ca for more information! ••• On September 18th, hea r from David Tulk for a Global Market Update at our Chamber Q u a r terly Lu ncheon. Dav id is t he Head of Globa l M acro St rateg y a nd Ch ief Canada Macro Strategist for T D Securities. Wit h a focus on Ca n ad a, he prov ides res e a rc h a n d a n a l y s i s o f t h e global economy and financial markets. Hear what you can expect in the business market over the next few months and gain the knowledge you need to ma ke i mporta nt busi ness decisions.
September 18th, 11:30AM – 1:30PM at the Sandman Signature Hotel (225 Lorne Street) in Kamloops. Deb McClelland is the executive director of the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached by email at deb@kamloopschamber.ca
Nominations sought for SICA Commercial Building Awards
he deadline for projects eligible for the 7 th Annual Southern Interior Construction Association Thompson Okanagan Kootenay Commercial Building Awards competition was July 31, and it’s time for project developers and builders to put their best feet forward for the competition, which culminates in an October 22 gala dinner celebration in Kelowna. T h i s event recog n i zes t he winning efforts of the Thompson, Okanagan and Kootenay r e g i o n s ’ n e w i n s t i t u t i o na l , c o m m e rc i a l , i n d u s t r i a l building, multi/single family, recreational or renovation projects located from Kamloops to Osoyoos, and from Revelstoke to Fernie. N e w i n s t i t u t i o n a l , c o mmercial, industrial building, multi /single family, recreational or renovation projects located within these regions and completed between July 31, 2014 and July 31, 2015 are eligible for a Commercial Building Award. Re/MAX Commercial, Coldwell Banker Horizon Realty and MNP are sponsors of the event. T he deadline for accepting nominations is September 11. “These events are all about celebrating the best of the best in commercial and industrial construction and the people
• Community Institutional i ncludes Chu rch / Scho ol s/ Government Facilities • Retail/Shopping Centres • Office • Community Recreational • Senior’s Housing • Industrial • M u l t i Fa m i l y / S i n g l e Family • Hospitality-Hotels/Motels • Recreational/Resort • Commercial renovation/ Restoration • Green For further information about t he event or sp on sorsh ip, contact Bill Everitt at SICA at weeveritt@sica.bc.ca or Mark MacDonald at Business Examiner Thompson Okanagan at mark@businessexaminer.ca Nomination forms can be obtained by visiting www.sica. bc.ca or w w w.busi nessexaminer.ca
Bill Everitt of SICA behind the scenes that make them happen,” says Mark MacDonald, President of Business Examiner Thompson Okanagan newspaper, which coordinates the event for SICA. “We expect another great competition this time around.” Each submission will be judged by a team of independe n t j u d ge s o n t h e c a te go ri e s n o te d b e l o w, u s i n g t h e
following criteria: • Does it complement t he su rrou nd i ng properties a nd area? • Is it esthetically pleasing? • Are there unique architectural features? • W hat is the level of fi ni sh (choice i n con st r uct ion materials)? • Does it answer a specific development need within the
community? • Does it contribute t o a h e a l t h y, s u s t a i n a b l e community? • D o e s it h a ve a ny e nv i ron menta l ly f r iend ly or g reen elements for possible consideration? The categories for this year’s awards are: • Mi xed use (commercial / residential)
Congratulations to the FortisBC Efficiency in Action Award winners! Ten organizations, from the health care, education, foodservice, pulp and paper, new home construction and entertainment industries, are improving their bottom line through energy efficiency and winning awards for it too. Find out who won and how your organization can be at the forefront of energy efficiency. fortisbc.com/commercialawards
FortisBC uses the FortisBC name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (15-065.14 07/2015)
Wall to Wall known for truly unique and personalized work
ELOWNA - This year, as a first-time entrant in the Canadian Home Builders Association Tommie awards, Wall to Wall Kitchen & Bath was honoured with two gold awards for its custom cabinetry work. Rob Wall, who owns the company with his father, Bob Wall, said it was amazing to be recognized for their custom cabinets. T he awa rd s a re re a l ly t he culmination of a dream. The father and son team started the company in 2009, just when the economy had taken a downturn. But the dream had been alive even before that. While the elder Wall was a financial planner in Kamloops, he also had an all-consuming hobby: woodworking in his own home shop. His son had also caught the woodworking bug and became a certified wood process technician, earning his technology diploma at Thompson Rivers University. He worked for six years at Excel Industries Ltd., building cabinets in the shop. During those years, he and his father began to talk about starting their own shop. Then Rob took a position as project manager at Lortap Enterprises Ltd. in Revelstoke. At the same time, Bob and his wife moved to Kelowna where they built a house with a large threebay garage he intended to use as a shop for his woodworking hobby. Then, in 2009, father and son decided it was time to realize their dream, turning the “hobby” garage into a full-time professional shop. “It was challenging,” Rob said. “At first we took on smaller projects – and then, one day my dad walked into the office of a local designer.” And that was when things turned around. Catherine O’Neill of Kit Biz specialized in designing custom cabinets and millwork for kitchens, baths and features like fireplace surrounds. When the elder Wall approached her, she decided to give Wall to Wall a chance. Until she retired in 2013, she gave the Walls everything she could. Rob said that if she had any complaints, it was that the two men couldn’t turn out the volume she wanted. But they were stars when it came to quality. Wall to Wall became so busy that the Walls moved out of the garage, rented a larger commercial space and took on their first employee, Anthony Watson and then another employee, Tony Wall. Wall to Wall was thriving – and then O’Neill retired. With the majority of their work gone, the Walls took a new tack: they
Rob and Bob Wall recently received two gold Tommies for their work
Wall to Wall builds some high quality Shaker style furniture
Wall to wall does renovations as well as new custom builds approached the contractors O’Neill had worked with. Today, Wall to Wall works with some of Kelowna’s top contractors doing new custom builds and renovations. Wall to Wall also builds a small amount of high quality Shaker-style furniture. With the continued growth Sam Kilback was added in the shop and Mike Schneider as a dedicated installer. As well, the continued growth gave Wall to Wall the confidence to purchase the building that housed their shop. “Business today is very good,”
Rob said. “I’m grateful every day for the business we have and I feel very fortunate that I have my own business and I can make a living doing this for myself.” He noted that Wall to Wall doesn’t just build kitchens and baths for the top homes in the valley, but also for regular homes where people are concerned about quality in their kitchens. People love to entertain and cook, Rob said – and for those people, a beautiful, quality, hard-working kitchen is essential. “One of our edges is
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Every bath and kitchen Wall to Wall builds is unique uniqueness,” Rob said. “We’re going to give you something different from everyone else. Every kitchen we make is different and we really listen to our clients. We think of their needs when building that kitchen.” Rob said that Wall to Wall’s success is at least partly due to the fact that it takes custom to the next level. “Some cabinetmakers buy some of the components. We actually build everything ourselves in the shop. That’s how we maintain high quality control. And when you want a new kitchen, I will
work with you. I will provide you with a quote and some preliminary designs. If you want to work with us, I’m going to design your kitchen and I’m going to make sure the quality is maintained while it’s being built. I’m going to meet with the installer on-site. That’s the thing about meeting with us – I will work with you directly on the project. Nothing is lost in translation – and that makes customers happy.” Wall to Wall Kitchen & Bath is at 1087 Gordon Drive in Kelowna. www.kelownakitchens.com
Employees are best resource for Penticton contractor
E N T IC T O N - A f te r 15 years leading river rafting excursions and directing travel expeditions, in 2007 Evan Phillips started a new adventure, one that would take him back to his carpentry roots. The 45-year-old owner of E. Phillips Contracting got his start in construction just out of high school working on renovations and new builds. Although he segued into adventure travel, of f-se a son he cont i nued to fi ne-tu ne h is bu i ld i ng cra ft on the lower mainland and in Squamish. When his family began growing, however, they made the decision to settle in the familyfriendly, opportunity-rich community of Penticton and take on contracting full-time. “We wanted to live in a community where there would be opportunities for our kids when they grew up,” he said. To d ay, b u s i ne ss for Ph i llips is going well. He said that he has a crew of experienced,
Evan Phillips sees the future of buildings integrating energy efficiency and architecture
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Phillips said each home defines his staff as talented craftspeople
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hard working tradespeople, has excellent relationships with designers and architects, and has developed a reputation for taking a job from conception to completion on time and on budget. “We’re known for our extraord i na ry attention to deta i l at every step in the building process.” Specializing in custom singlefamily homes, project management and renovations, Phillips said that he and his crew believe in doing a job right the first time. “What we build is a reflection of who we are,” he said. “All my employees have spent time learning and practicing their art, so each home we build defines us
as craftspeople.” He added that his employees are his best resource because of t hei r q u a l i f ic at ion s a nd experience. “I have carpenters with their red seal certification, a cabinet maker and exceptional framers, all of whom want to be a part of creating a beautiful project.” He believes that the success of E. Phillips Contracting is due, in no small part, to the relationships and teamwork he has fostered, not just with his staff, but also with designers, planners, architects and trades. “My success is led by the questions my tradespeople ask. If I don’t have a ready answer, then I’ll find it,” he said, adding that supporting his staff is essential to achieving an atmosphere SEE ATTENTION TO DETAIL | PAGE 10
Proud to supply cabinetry and millwork for Evan at E Phillips Contracting. Showroom hours are: Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm Saturday 10 am to 4 pm
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of willingness, courtesy and respect. With the professiona ls h is company works with, good communication allows both renovations and new builds to come together smoothly from beginning to end. “In a renovation, we’re taking someone’s idea and transforming it into a home. In many cases, the homeowner is still living in the house. Being able to share ideas with professionals, means we stay focused on making that project something we are all proud of.” Phillips said that being able to listen and work together on projects produces an end result his customers appreciate as it helps achieve the intended vision. “I look for the best resource for each job to maximize the customer’s value,” he said. “That means taking the best qualified person and putting them in a position where they can do a great job.” One of Phillips’ favourite projects, that epitomized his company’s values, was converting what once held the first police station in Penticton, built in the 1920’s. He said that the three floors originally housed a jail, office and quarters at the top joined by an interior staircase. An earlier renovation had moved the staircase to the exterior allowing for two suites. “The current owner wanted to reclaim those stairs, converting it to a single family home,” Phillips said, adding that with architect, Norman Goddard, the best value for the homeowner was to rebuild half of the house. “My guys are really proud of the job they did and still talk about it. The homeowners were happy because it was done with a craftsman’s approach and produced a beautiful home.” As E. Phillips Contracting continues to grow, it is looking to build homes that go beyond code compliance in energy efficiency. Phillips said that he is looking at building homes that take advantage of the sun, warmth and natural beauty of the Okanagan.
Phillips’ crew believes in doing a job right the first time “T here is a science to new homes,” he said. “With current regulations in energy efficiency encouraging the consideration of future generations, my goal is to upgrade my knowledge and incorporate more efficiency into the designs and building of our homes.” Phillips’ background in wilderness travel has given him an appreciation of the natural world. Embracing the new model and science of home building using existing resources prepares the company for future growth in this branch of the industry. It also fits his perspective of sustainability in jobs and environment. “I see the future of building as an integration of energy efficiency and architectural design because architecture tells a story about who we are and how we live.” E. Phillips Contracting is in Penticton www.ephillipscontracting.com
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CONSTRUCTION Construction industry builds momentum Forecasts have all levels of construction bringing renewed opportunities BETH HENDRY-YIM
C’s construction industry gets added momentum in 2015 with major resource projects a nd a new cycle of growth. In a report by BuildForce Canada, a national industry-led organization providing labour market information (LMI) to t he c on s t r u c t ion i ndu s t r y, indications show non-residential and residential construction in BC adding investment and employment opportunities throughout the province. Projections have 2015 kicking off the increase with new projects in mining, infrastructure and liquefied natural gas (LNG); modest improvements in housing starts; and investment and employment growth in industrial, commercial and institutional (ICI) building. Analysis of the data for 20142015 showed that the impact on oil price decline in Alberta has benefitted British Columbia by bringing skilled workers back to BC to fill the labour short fall. N o r t h e r n B C w i l l re a d i l y accept those workers as the prov i ncia l leg islatu re ta kes a step closer to the sta rt-up of the first LNG plant in the province through its recently passed Liquefied Natural Gas Project Agreements Act. The agreement, passed in July of this year, removed one of two final conditions. T he proposed project, near P r i nce Ruper t, has pla ns to create 4,500 construction jobs and will generate $9 billion in
Prince George gears up for growth with 25,000 sq ft cargo warehouse CREDIT:LINDSAY COTTER
revenue i n its f i rst 10 yea rs alone. Growth in this region is seeing expansion in vital infrastr uctu re as wel l. At Prince George Airport an aggressive cargo program has construct ion of a 25,000 sq f t ca rgo warehouse slated for completion in November, and preparation work for the north bank of the Site C dam has begun with contracts awarded for initial road preparation and building. Construction of the dam itself will contribute $130 million to the regional economy. Ken Morland, director for the BC Construction Association North, and branch manager for Sterling Crane, said that although commercial construction has slowed down recently, the region is poised and ready to see a l l level s of bu i ld i ng SEE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY | PAGE 12
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dramatically increase. “We’re seeing preparations starting with logging and road construction and large compa n ie s b u i ld i n g c a mps a nd moving equipment onsite,” he said. “The region is waiting for the pipeline.” A s the prov i nce a lso holds its collective breath waiting for the final go ahead on the pipeline and preparing for substantial industry growth, Bill Everitt, president, Southern Interior Construction Association, said that cities in the
Okanagan region are seeing a good resurgence in large and medium size capital projects. “There’s new interest in the com mercia l side from mu lti density residential construction to large capital projects: l i ke upg ra d e s to ho s pit a l s, h ig hway i mprovements a nd municipal infrastructure upgrades,” he said. “In Kelowna a lone t here a re $90 m i l l ion worth of upgrades.” T he reg ion, w it h its close proximity to northern BC and Alberta, boasts a more mobile population living in the Okanagan and working elsewhere. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation statistics show that, i n Kelow na, decl i n i ng inventories of completed and unsold homes, combined with a stronger resale market, has supported an increase in housing starts. G re g B ay nto n , p re s i d e n t , BC Construction Association Vancouver Island, said that the construction landscape in BC is changing, not just in commercial projects, but also in residential building. “On the island we’re seeing a decline in retail construction and more mixed use properties being built, with developers
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ma k i ng better use of density, infilling downtown cores and upgrading existing properties.” He also said that commercial construction on the island has seen a decline year over year since 2012, but that the trend need s to b e ta ken i nto historical context. “P r ior to 201 2, t he con st r uct ion i ndu st r y reached historical highs with growth happening up and down the island. T here were new m a l l s built in Campbell R iver and UpTown in Victoria, plus the refitting of existing locations for new reta i l out lets l i ke Target and West Marine in Nanaimo.” He added that the construction pea ks ca me on the heels of the 2008 recession, when the government and public sector weren’t spending money, giving the industry a growth boost. “Now that we’ve reached new peaks we’re left with a vacuum in retail, especially as some of the A merican companies like Target and West Marine have left the Canadian market.”
Ken Morland said the region is poised and ready CREDIT:BCCANORTH
Although retail may be in a lull this year, mixeduse development is not. In Victoria, Baynton said that tw i n towers composed of mixed use residential, office and retail space is being built by one of the biggest developers in BC in a partnership with the builders of the Concord Pacific, and the trend towards mixed use isn’t isolated to Vancouver Island. Communities throughout the province are creating small town-centers that combine residential with retail, medical and other serv ices. In both
the Okanagan and on the isla nd, developments include single and multi f a m i l y d w e l l i n g s , recreation and resort-style amenities. With the construction industry contributing 7.9 per cent to the province’s GDP, a nd capita l costs of major infrastructure projects in BC hitting a record h i g h i n 2014 of $312 billion, Manley MacLachlan, president BC Constr uction Association, said that the construction sector is at the centre of the province’s growth. According to BuildForce BC, employment in BC’s con st r uct ion i ndu st r y w i l l g row more rapid ly than in other provinces between 2015 and 2024, a reverse of the 2010-2014 employment decline that saw i ncrea ses i n ot her prov i nces. I n the ea rly sta ges of t h i s g row t h, expansion will focus on new ut i l it ies, m i n i n g, pipelines, LNG and other resource-based projects, w ith key trades reaching employment peaks in 2017-2018. In residential construction a modest and steady increase is projected for
HYDROVAC TECHNOLOGY A SAFER ALTERNATIVE TO MECHANICAL EXCAVATION Hydrovac excavation is just part of the range of industrial services currently being offered by Lynx Creek Industrial and Hydrovac
AMLOOPS - If digging a hole with a backhoe is like using a sledgehammer, removing soil with a hydrovac truck is like using a scalpel. That level of precision is what sets the services offered by Lynx Creek Industrial and Hydrovac apart from its competitors. “We’re an industrial service provider of hydro vacuum trucks, industrial vacuum trucks, high pressure washing / steam cleaning, jet rodding / line flushing, water hauling and related services. We’re based out of Kamloops so we basically call our operating area South Central BC,” explained company owner Clayton Crawford. An experienced hydrovac owner / operator, Crawford had owned and operated a similar business in Alberta before opening Lynx Creek Hydrovac in 2010. “One of the biggest benefits of hydrovac excavation is it’s really the only truly safe form of digging without running the risk of contacting
“We’ll be making further investments in good equipment and capable operators.” CLAYTON CRAWFORD
or damaging existing infrastructure underground. If you’re only using high pressure water and a vacuum to remove the soil around whatever you’re working on it’s going to be much easier and safer. You can be much more surgical than you could with a backhoe.” Fully licensed and bonded to transport dangerous goods, one of only a few certified companies in the region, Lynx Creek Hydrovac is the first choice when it comes to removing and transporting contaminated soils or spills. “That’s a huge feather in our cap and it took a lot to get that. We have the certification, the bonding and the proper coded equipment, to handle and transport dangerous substances,” he said. Not only is using a hydrovac system a more environmentally friendly form of excavation, it also makes for a safer workplace. “It truly does, in my opinion save lives. We’ll start hydrovacing and all of a sudden we’ll expose a
Lynx Creek Hydrovac operates a fleet of specialized vehicles designed to service a range of unique functions
The suction power of a hydrovac unit is the ideal way to draw off contaminants and small industrial spills gas line or a major electrical line underground that nobody knew was even there. If they had been mechanically digging with an excavator or backhoe they would have contacted it and somebody
would have gotten hurt.” Operating a fleet of nearly a dozen specialty vehicles, from steam cleaning units to water haulers in addition to the hydrovac trucks, Lynx Creek is also available 24/7
to handle emergency situations. They also offer extensive industrial vacuum truck and pressure jet rodding services to plants, mills and mines. With proven technology and a track record of success, Lynx Creek Hydrovac looks forward to the future. “In the future we’re looking at keeping on, keeping on. We’ll be making further investments in good equipment and capable operators. We will continue to expand the knowledge of Lynx Creek Industrial & Hydrovac Ltd., and its capabilities within our region,” he said. “T here’s lots of opportunity for growth in the Kamloops area. Our goal is to continue to build lasting relationships with our clients - helping our clients realize that we’re a vendor of choice when it comes to hydrovac and industrial vacuum truck services.” www.lynxcreekhydrovac.com
Construction trends need to be taken in context said Greg Baynton
Bill Everitt said the Okanagan is seeing a resurgence in large and medium sized capital projects
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2015 but it t hen w i l l be followed by a moderate 10 per cent decrease up to the end of the report period of 2024. Gains in this sector will be seen in renovation and maintenance work with a 16 per cent increase in jobs. Approximately 39,400 construction workers are expected to retire over the next 10 years. Added to the 18,600 workers needed to meet demands created by increased construction, BC will need to train or attract 58,000 workers. Although BC’s built environment a nd prov i ncia l l abou r
force show compa rat ively strong growth, the estimated demand for skilled workers will challenge employers, especially as new and unique projects demand a highly specialized skill set. Donna Lomas, regional Dean Okanagan College, South Okanagan-Similkameen, said that it’s desirable to have training in highly specialized areas because of the shifting construction landscape. “Building codes are changing, not just in how things are built, but also in how the materials are used.” T h e Ji m Patt ison’s Cent re of Excellence for Sustainable Building has recently attained
13 its LEED Platinum certification and is working towards a net zero level of energy cons u mpt ion. It’s c a l led a l iving building that Lomas said demonstrated how good design doesn’t have to cost a lot. She added that in the long run these kinds of buildings save money after construction in operating expenses. “Traditional trades are being challenged to look at how they can do things differently, more efficiently, with less waste and a lower footprint,” Lomas said, adding that it’s more than just re c yc l i n g b ut a l so for wa rd thinking and planning. SEE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY | PAGE 14
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She said that, with the increased awareness and desirability of a trade as a ca reer, t he col lege is seeing wait lists for their programming, especially in electrical, welding and technology. According to the BCAA 2 015 B C C o n s t r u c t i o n I n d u s t r y S u r v e y, t h e top ten trades employed a r e c a r p e n t r y, e l e c trical, concrete finishi n g, h e a v y e q u i p m e n t operation, plu mbi ng, cra ne operation, weldi n g , p a i n t i n g , H VAC , a nd meta l fabr icat ion. Within these trades t h e m a j o r i t y o f wo rkers have been in the industry for more than 25 y e a r s a n d a re o v e r 4 6 years of age. W it h a n a g i n g workfo r c e , l a r ge p ro p o s e d projects a nd a for wa rd thinking mentality, BC and developers are looking to train apprentices. I n 2 015 , r e s p o n d e n t s to the su rvey sa id they would be hiring at least 600 apprentices. Many cited reasons from preparing for the future to b a c k f i l l i n g s t a f f w it h young talent. T he Skilled T rades
Kelowna Hospital expands with a new heart and surgical unit CREDIT:CAROLYN MANN
E m p l o y m e n t p ro g ra m gets skilled trades workers job-ready and helps tra nsition sta f f f rom a non-skilled worker position to the trades. Created i n 2006 by the BC Construction Association, the program is looking forward to a rapidly
growing province with a strong workforce. BuildForce BC reported that, even after peak levels of activity have been reached, ongoing projects in ICI construction will sustain grow th. T hat’s a positive outlook for a built BC.
620 Recreation Avenue Kelowna BC, V1Y 9V5 Tel: (250) 717-0081
4409 31st Street Vernon, BC, V1T 5J8 Tel: (250) 545-6224
ELOW NA - Maple Reinders Inc. is a forward-thinking, Top 20 Canadian construction firm and has been named one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies by Deloitte for five consecutive years. The company continues to grow without sacrificing quality and integrity. District manager Bodo Papke said that Maple Reinders is dedicated to building great things – solid teams, amazing projects and lasting relationships. “We endeavor to be a truly exceptional company,” he said. “Many of our clients have turned to us time and again to provide total turnkey solutions for all of their design-build and construction management needs.” With offices in Kelowna, Vancouver, Mississauga, Cambridge, Calgary, and Edmonton, the Maple Reinders Group has successfully completed over 2,600 projects
“Many of our clients have turned to us time and again to provide total turnkey solutions for all of their design-build and construction management needs.” BODO PAPKE
National Presence, Local Touch
across Canada. It specializes in industrial/commercial/ institutional facilities, municipal infrastructure and environmental projects, ensuring local coverage in almost every major region of Canada. Maple Reinders has operated a branch office in Kelowna for over 22 years. Papke noted that the company is intimately familiar with the geotechnical conditions, climate, municipal requirements and market strengths of British Columbia. “Maple Reinders has an unparalleled network of local sub-trades and suppliers to complement our team,” he said. “ Our entrepreneurial beginnings and a culture that empowers employees create an environment that is dedicated to providing creative and value oriented solutions.” Maple Reinders has
completed over $100 million worth of projects in the Kelowna area, including several Kelowna Airport expansions, the Holiday Inn, the West Kelowna RCMP facility, schools and several commercial buildings. The company has also completed infrastructure projects for most local municipalities. Papke said that Maple Reinders is proud to have been named one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies and to have attained Gold Level status the past two years. “This is one of the country’s leading business award programs recognizing excellence in Canadian-owned and managed companies and evaluating the caliber of their management abilities and practices.” Maple Reinders Inc. is at 225 Lougheed Road in Kelowna. www.maple.ca
Passion, Knowledge and Experience Maple Reinders is one of Canada’s largest and most trusted construction firms, specializing in industrial, commercial and institutional buildings, water/ wastewater and environmental infrastructure.
• General Contracting • Design/Build • Program Management • Construction Management • Design/Build/Operate/Finance • Public-Private-Partnerships
www.maple.ca Maple Reinders Inc. 225 Lougheed Road Kelowna BC V1V 2M1 250-765-8892 Contact: Bodo Papke bodop@maple.ca
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EXPERTISE AND COMMUNITY MINDED FOCUS GETS RESULTS Law firm employs practical and strategic approach
ERNON - At Nixon Wenger Lawyers, giving back to the community is more than a part of its corporate culture, it’s a passion. Steve Brandner, partner, said most of the company’s 25 lawyers sit on non-profit boards or volunteer with organizations like the Vernon Jubilee Hospital Foundation, Teen Junction Literacy, Restorative Justice Society or the Downtown Vernon Association. “We want to be connected to our clients and our community. It supports us so we want to support it,” he said. Serving the Vernon area for more than 40 years, Nixon Wenger provides full service on any legal issue. “Our lawyers have a broad array of expertise,” he said. “With 60 support staff, we can make sure our clients get a quick response.” He added that a typical client is a small business owner or developer who wants to create a long term relationsh ip w ith a law yer, especia l ly i n regards to purchase and development agreements, leases,
personal legal work and succession planning. “We help busi ness ow ners th roug hout the l i fe of thei r company,” Brandner said, adding that the right Nixon Wenger lawyer can determine problem areas in contracts or deals before they happen. But the company doesn’t limit its service to business owners; it also provides services in litigation, family law and personal injury claims. “We let the decisions in court speak for themselves,” Brandner said. “Our lawyers have an extraordinary reputation for obtaining excellent results for our clients.” Other specialty areas are in preparing wills, conveyancing real estate, advising on complex transactions and litigation, personal injury claims, property disputes and family law, estate planning, lending, and mediation. “Our lawyers have an indepth knowledge of the region, and employ a practical and strategic approach to each file,” Brandner said, adding that this expertise and community minded focus helps provide effective results and solutions for their clients. Nixon Wenger Lawyers is at 301-2706 30th Ave in Vernon www.nixonwenger.com
Proceed with confidence with our Construction Services Team. A leading full service law firm proudly serving the Okanagan for over 40 years.
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Okanagan Lawn Painting: Instant Alternative To Brown Lawns Lawn painting system used by company is safe for the environment and entirely non toxic to children or pets
On a larger scale, this corner lot’s lawn appears dead, brown and completely unappealing
ELOWNA - It’s a common problem for homeowners at this time of year. The harsh effects of the hot summer sun, coupled with the city’s water restrictions, have left your lawn burnt, brown and unattractive. You can’t fight Nature or City Hall, so what can you do? If you live in Kelowna you can call Okanagan Lawn Painting (OLP) and in a few hours your lawn will be green, natural looking and the envy of the neighborhood. “Basically we’re a lawn painting service provider,” explained Lee Coulthard, OLP’s owner / operator. “What it provides is basically a lawn dye, it’s a product that comes from California and what we do is we try to restore dormant or brown grass back to a healthy
“I ordered some samples first to try it out for myself on my own lawn and was pretty happy with the results.” LEE COULTHARD
green looking color.” In operation for just over a month, Okanagan Lawn Painting has already enhanced nearly a dozen local lawns in the Kelowna area. “The materials come from a company in California called Lawn Lift. I’d say the response
After the use of the coloring solution the same lawn has taken on a perfectly natural look that will enhance the property from the people I’ve talked to is about 50 / 50 in terms of receptiveness. Naturally some people are going to be skeptical towards spraying a green solution on their lawn but other people who are educated on the product are pretty receptive.” Applying the coloring solution is straight forward and does not require complex equipment or machinery. “I don’t need a lot of material to haul around as the distribution is through a backpack sprayer that I fill up with solution and I usually tap into the customer’s water supply and
just fill it up and off I go. There’s not a lot of material that I need. There are a couple of companies that have a truck to disperse the product but that’s more than I need. That would be for covering a much larger area.” Safe for the environment, pets, children or anyone else who uses the lawn, the solution used is entirely non-toxic. Used solely for esthetic reasons, the Lawn Lift product is not a lawn feed as it provides no nutrients for the grass or soil. The key to Okanagan Lawn Painting’s product is the natural appearance of the end
result. “Lawn Lift has done an extensive amount of field studies to find the best color match for natural grass,” he said. “ We obv iou sly ex plored a couple of different companies who were producing similar products and this stuff just seemed like the best fit, the best quality. I ordered some samples first to try it out for myself on my own lawn and was pretty happy with the results.” To learn more check out the company’s website: www.okanaganlawnpainting.com/
create achievable performance metrics for new hires to reach. Cognitive skills – Know which processes the top sales people use that the new hire should employ as well. Habits – Encourage the top salespeople to share their everyday work habits to help create a framework and better understanding of a typical day in the position. For example, how many calls do they make per day? How many are to current clients? How many are to new business prospects? • Ask your network for recommendations. Some of the best hires will be people you know, have already impressed you or that your team has already been exposed to in some fashion. Ask clients that you trust, associates that network often or reconnect with someone who made an impression on you.
• Refer to LinkedIn. These days LinkedIn is a top tool for recruiting. Look to your connections on LinkedIn to see who’s performing well and engaging with other LinkedIn users in your industry. • Incentivize associates for leads. Consider creating (or reinstating) a program that rewards associates for leads and referrals on new hires that meet milestones. The milestones can range from sales quota milestones to rewarding once the new hire reaches 6 months with the company. While your top performers can never be “replaced,” a process can be relied upon to help you rebuild and re-staff when the time comes – and it always does.
ll good things must come to an end, especially in the world of sales and staffing. Whether all-star performers are leaving for retirement reasons or new opportunities on the horizon, the thought of finding someone who will deliver the same results and fit in the culture can seem daunting. Rest assured though, it’s not impossible. With some planning and putting a few processes in place, you’ll be well positioned to celebrate the departing team members and welcome the new ones. Sandler Training recommends the following tips to help identify potential sales professionals that are worth the investment and will help bring long-term success to the company. • Create a playbook for training. On a quarterly basis consult with top salespeople to get them to share their approach to the job.
More often than not, veteran and top salespeople have a hard time putting into words how they go about their job. For some of them, they’ve doing it for such a long time, they just do it. Make an effort to ask them to take a step back and think about the attitudes, behaviors and techniques that lead them to success. • Sandler Training often looks to its SEARCH process when it comes to training and recruiting situations. By taking time to evaluate exactly what is needed to be successful in the position you’re looking to fill, you’re more likely to find someone who will be worth the investment. Skills – Identify skills your top salespeople possess and teach new associates the importance of those skills. Experiences – Know the ups and downs your top salespeople
experienced and what they learned from each experience. Bring those good and bad experiences to life for the new person. This way, pitfalls can be avoided and the lessons will be learned. Attitude – Look at the attitudes of top salespeople and identify the common traits among them. Incorporate the importance of these attitudes in the onboarding/ training process. In most cases they all have the ability to bounce back from failures, stay focused on goals, remain positive, have a healthy self-concept, etc. Results – Look at the numbers these top salespeople are hitting. In many cases, new hires are competitive and will want to know the shoes they’re ultimately going to have to fill. But, don’t expect them to hit these numbers immediately – that will come over time with proper training. In the short term,
Lucy Glennon can be reached 250260-7875 or visit www.glennon. sandler.com
Since its founding only four years ago Aesthetic Designs Construction has worked on more than 60 projects
ELOWNA - In only four short years Aesthetic Designs Construction has earned a reputation as one of Kelowna’s premier custom home builders. One of the keys to the company’s success has been its steadfast adherence to the three principles upon which the firm was founded. “We focus on three areas: that starts with integrity in terms of the character of the company and the character of the people we employ. We really push integrity. Construction is an area where unfortunately a lot of people have been burned and our model is based on a totally different idea – it’s based on the good old fashioned you do what you say when you say you’re going to do it! So we start with integrity,” explained Keith Wilfley, Aesthetic’s owner and founder. “We also have a focus on quality and service. So, in a nutshell we’re looking to build you a quality, attractive home for the price that we say we’ll be able to do it for, and give you the service along the way so that we take the
Quality and an attention to detail in all aspects of home building is a hallmark of every project undertaken by Aesthetic Designs Construction
“We always maintain our integrity, quality and service, all growth has to be based on those three key principles.” KEITH WILFLEY AESTHETIC’S OWNER AND FOUNDER
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Not all of the work carried out by the company involves new construction, as much as 50 percent of the workload involves renovation work headaches on us and hopefully leave you with very few to deal with yourself.” For Wilfley the idea of owning a construction company had an inevitable quality to it. “Growing up I’ve been in and out of construction most of my life and ended up going to university for a four year business degree and some of the counsel that I had at university was if you’re looking to build your own business start with an area of expertise as opposed to starting something you have to learn along the way. I’ve always had a passion for carpentry and for houses and all that
so it just made sense to make a plan to someday have my own construction company, building houses,” he explained. “Having a business of my own building houses was something I’ve wanted since I was 17. So combining my field experience with the business training that I’ve had made a lot of sense. Four years ago here in Kelowna I made the decision to start out as a sole proprietor and just in 2013 we incorporated, so it took many years to get to the point where we could start working on that goal of owning a company and building houses here in the
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Okanagan.” While Wilfley is Aesthetic Designs Constructions sole owner, he k nows the success of h is business is in reality a team effort. “We currently have about 13 employees, after bringing a couple more on this week. We have a few things that we do inhouse because again it protects our ability to honor our commitment to quality and service. So we do all of our own framing, finish carpentry and painting. We actually have a fully professional master painting crew that we farm out to other contractors as well. Basically you can think of our professional painting crew as a separate division of the company. We also have just started a new sister company, or what will become a sister company which will look after the landscaping.” A business showing dramatic growth, Aesthetic Designs Construction has been involved with more than 60 projects in the past four years, with many of those jobs involving renovation work to existing properties. “As far as dollars coming through the company, when comparing new construction versus renovation work on existing properties, I’d have to say that it’s pretty much about 50/50 right now. Partially because of our finish carpentry crew and our painting crew we do a lot of renovation work. Because we offer both of those things as in-house services, that generates a lot of leads on renovation work. So were probably close to 50 percent new versus reno.” Another key element in the company’s success has its ability to draw from the resources of the region’s extensive construction industry. “The Okanagan has a strong pool of contacts that really excel in what they do and we certainly want to thank those who have teamed with us on our projects, doing that quality, professional work. It’s a true collaborative effort from within the building community. The success our company has had with projects really is the collaboration with the professional trades people in the Okanagan.” The company’s future growth will always be based on its core corporate philosophy. “We’re constantly looking to increase our ability to offer more and more services. Looking down the road, we’re looking to take on other types of housing projects such as townhome developments, high end projects and even commercial projects. Really it’s just a matter of expanding and continuing to grow on what we’ve already put in place. Where we draw the line is that no matter what the project, we always maintain our integrity, quality and service, all growth has to be based on those three key principles.” http://www.qualityconstructionbc.com/
JOBS, JOBS, JOBS The questions are unknown at this point, but likely will focus on the economy, parliamentary decision-making, and
accountability, judging from what we hear of
ast month I wrote about points for candidates to ponder prior to the federal election, and the impact of Canada’s – and the world’s – declining economic numbers. Now, only a few days into August, the election has been called and we’re all hyper-focusing on the issues a good month before we had planned to do so. We’re hosting a Federal Candidates Breakfast here in Kelowna September 25, for our members. We know it will sell out. The questions are unknown at this point, but likely will focus on the economy, parliamentary decisionmaking, and accountability, judging from what we hear of local issues.
local issues I’m hoping to hear questions containing a word I’ve used a lot so far this year: Jobs. Jobs are always a top issue in a federal election, but with this shaky economy, it’s fast becoming the number one priority. Even with recent poor economic news, the Canadian labour market has held up well, adding an average of 20,000 jobs per month since the beginning of 2015. In fact, Canada added a rip-roaring 59,000 jobs in May. While we were all braced for poor numbers for June, in fact, we ended up even: losses and gains balancing out to zero growth. BC continues to add jobs, even though there is noticeable job
migration back to central Canada. Add in the continuing weakness of the Loonie and oil prices, and the outlook remains very mixed. Let’s try to make sense of this. Primarily, how the election may affect jobs creation, and what the individual candidates are saying. Opposition parties have made much of the recent bad news: in the first quarter, Canada’s GDP shrank by 0.6 per cent, exports tumbled 5.6 per cent and corporate profits fell by 14 per cent as the drop in oil prices slammed the Canadian economy. Where are new jobs coming from in the midst of economic uncertainty? Our regional differences are as stark as ever. Now lower oil prices and a weaker Loonie have flipped the numbers from central Canada to the “outliers” such as BC. There are now 25,000 fewer jobs in the Alberta oil patch, but there are some indicators that the worst may be behind us. Oil prices semistabilized in June, but as of August 13, Western Canadian Select suddenly hit $23.48 (again, it was $86/ barrel in June 2014). Even in June of this year, it was $51. Martin Pelletier with TriVest Wealth, which operates a Canadian energy investment fund, says “there is some shock and awe to see WCS pricing so low, under
$23.” Pelletier expects the price to rebound as market pressures stabilize. Is this an issue for the candidates in the election? Well, yes. The diving prices affect employment, exports and production costs. Oilsands producers now are just able to cover variable costs, and if producing high amounts, are losing money on each barrel. Oilsands projects are likely safe – for now – exploration and drilling costs have been scaled back, and you don’t stop a project midexploration, as analysts say. But the impact on jobs is severe. However, the political parties are missing the big picture by focusing so heavily on jobs in manufacturing and natural resources because together they account for just 11 per cent of the labour force. The overwhelming majority (78 per cent) of Canadian employment is in the service sector and recently it’s been the fastest growing part of our economy. Services are a poorly understood grab bag of different occupations. It’s sometimes perceived as lowpaying because it includes retail and restaurants, but there are also scientists, engineers, lawyers and financiers. Over the past year, Canada’s
fastest job growth has been in sectors like business and support services (up 4.5 per cent compared to last year), education (up 4.1 per cent), finance and insurance (up 3.5 per cent) and professional, scientific and technical (up 1.7 per cent), while retail has barely budged (0.3 per cent). And the gains in high-end services employment are spread right across the country. With the election looming, we would love to hear a candidate say: “we need highly specialized skills to compete and succeed in the service economy. That’s why we must invest in Canadian education and training to make it the best in the world.” On September 25, we’re using some exciting new software called Pigeonhole to ensure real-time audience participation at our candidate’s forum. Fingers crossed for it to give us a true reflection of the technological excellence we’re all striving to embed in Canadian business growth with the next government. Caroline Grover is the CEO of the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached by email at caroline@kelownachamber.org
Ever Wondered, How Much Money You Could Make In a Small Business? Serial entrepreneur delivers actionable strategies for small business owners
ELOWNA – Author Tim Young has launched a new book that leverages his extensive entrepreneurial background to deliver success strategies to small business owners. How Much Money Can I Make? – Proven Strategies for Starting,
Managing and Exiting a Canadian Small Business is a compilation of Young’s business ventures over the years, ‘how to’ guides, and benchmarking data aimed at helping small business owners to take their companies to the next level. “If you’re a business with less
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than $5 million in annual revenue, this book is for you,” says Young. “I’ve had the opportunity to start a number of businesses throughout my career in varying sizes. Some have been raging successes and others have been miserable failures, but win or lose, I learned something in every situation. “My goal with this book was to help other entrepreneurs and business owners avoid some of the challenges that I’ve gone through, break through plateaus in different operational areas, and become increasingly competitive in the sectors they operate in.” Young’s decision to pen his experiences was driven by a transition from the corporate world to the small business realm he now inhabits. “I quickly noticed a significant disconnect between the way both large and small companies operated,” he says. “Despite the revenue numbers being separated by a wide margin, there are fundamental principals that are equally important, no matter how big your company is. “Concepts like key performance indicators (KPIs), earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization multiples (EBITDA), and benchmarking, are often a mystery for small business owners, and I’m interested in changing that.” How Much Money Can I Make? would be considered a hybrid of
Tim Young, Author of How Much Money Can I Make? a ‘how to’ book, and a reference manual, and is broken down into 3 different sections. The first dictates Young’s successes and failures across 12 different ventures, while the second focuses on the ‘how to’ lessons he’s learned. The third section concentrates on benchmarking information and interpretations compiled through an in-depth analysis of Canada Revenue tax data. “I almost felt naked when I was writing the first few chapters,” says Young. “It’s a little challenging sometimes to be so open about what has and has not worked throughout your life, especially in such a public format. But the feedback has been incredibly positive; people have been very encouraging as we’ve gone through the launch. “The second and third sections of the book are very practical, there are step-by-step guides on how to derive things like marketing
budgets and key financial ratios, how to value your business, how to spend and direct earnings, managing employees, and learning how your company stacks up against others in your industry across the country.” One of the key benefits of the book is that readers have access to actionable content and strategies that are based on real statistics. There is no guesswork involved in the benchmarking data. “I really wanted the readers to be able to immediately leverage what they’re reading,” says Young. “The third section of the book allows a business owner to instantly measure their financials against sector averages. “It’s been amazing to find out just how few people actually know what areas of their company need improving, or what areas they’re excelling in. Ultimately, I want people to come away knowing how to improve the way they manage their day-to-day operations.” Young’s previous entrepreneurial ventures include a directory publishing company, real estate, outsourced secretarial services, wholesaling, relationship marketing, a Mail Boxes Etc. franchise, and an in-ground swimming pool company, among others. He and his wife JoAnn have lived and worked in Kelowna for the past 23 years. www.howmuchmoneycanimake.com
Water detection system saves on damage costs and house insurance
ELOWNA - Getting back from a sunny vacation to a flooded home is no one’s idea of fun! Which is why Blair Mechanical Services Ltd is encouraging homeowners to install a water leak detection system. Blair Husak, owner of Blair Mechanical, said that the simple installation of a water leak detection system not only saves the homeowner money on damage costs but it can also save on home insurance. “One of the biggest claims insurance companies get is for water damage due to flooding,” he said. A water leak detection system senses the movement of water. When the flow is detected over the length of a preset time, the main water line is shut off stopping more water leakage and alerting the homeowner of a problem. “The sensors can be set for both duration and time of day,” Husak said, adding that the homeowner can program the system to monitor water flow for the length of a holiday or for the middle of the night or day when water shouldn’t be flowing, as well as after a certain amount of time. “W hen tied into the homeowner’s alarm, if the system detects water flow, it will send an alert to the alarm company,” he said. “It can even be synced to a smartphone.” Making homes safe from flooding is only a small part of the services Blair Mechanical provides its clients. For 23 years it has served the Okanagan’s plumbing, gasfitting, heating and cooling needs. It offers servicing and cleaning of all types of fireplaces, furnaces and air conditioning equipment, indoor air quality assessments, hot water tank maintenance and servicing, drain cleaning, camera pipe inspections and 24-hour service.
Blair Husak and family give back to community “We focus on service,” Husak said, adding that at one time the company did both service and new builds, but decided to put its emphasis on repair, maintenance and installations to provide more whole home care for its customers. “With our maintenance agreements we develop long term relationships with our clients. They trust us and appreciate our reliability.” The agreement or maintenance package underscores the importance and cost savings of annual inspections. Not only can it extend the life of the appliance, Husak said, but it will also detect problems before they occur. “Homeowners don’t want their furnace breaking down in the middle of December or to be forced into suddenly buying a new one in the middle of the night.” Husak said that with a maintenance agreement, Blair Mechanical takes care of maintaining service records for each appliance, books the inspection and ensures the system works as efficiently as possible. It will also let the homeowner know if there are any rebates available. He added that for some appliances, rebates may apply to the maintenance packages or the purchase and installation of new energy efficient appliances. “Some on-demand water heaters are 98 per cent energy efficient,” he said. “That means that for every dollar spent on heating water the homeowner gets 98 per cent return on their money. A typical water heater may give you 65 percent.” This type of tankless water
Always Proud to work with the team at Blair Mechanical.
heater provides an endless supply of instant hot water, has a very small storage tank and has a lifespan up to twice as long as a conventional water heater. Husak said that Fortis offers a $500 rebate for replacing an old water heater with an on-demand system, and when Blair Mechanical does the installation it assists with any rebate paperwork. The company also installs ductless splits for heating and cooling homes and offices. “With a ductless system, homeowners can save up to a third of the cost of electric base board heating,” he said, adding that depending on the type of ductless split installed Fortis will give an $800 rebate. Husak said that getting regular maintenance on a home’s fireplace and furnace is the most important preventative measure a homeowner can take, and Fortis offers a rebate of $25.00 if done before September 30. “With the rebate it is a pretty inexpensive way to keep your furnace and fireplace working well.” Although Husak started his company as a plumber and gas fitter, he said that he enjoys the business aspect the most, especially when it comes to ongoing service improvements. “Blair Mechanical has been a great vehicle for generating ideas on better ways to serve our clientele. It is well-branded, recognized and has a reputation for making service a priority.” Blair Mechanical Services Ltd is at 4-1060 Leathead Rd in Kelowna www.blairmechanical.com
to sk i, B ond-Fi sher op ened her business. Within two months she had her first m u lt i-fa m i ly proje c t a nd a couple of months after that, she hired her first employee. E s s e n t i a l l y, s h e h a s n e v e r l o o k e d b a c k . T o d a y, s h e op erate s t h re e lo c at ion s i n Ca l g a r y, Ca n m ore a n d K elow na w ith a total of 18 employees i nclud i ng i nterior desig ners a nd a rch itectu ra l technicians. Bond-Fisher was certain about her career path at a young age. “I was in grade four when I figured out scale, and I would draw my bedroom, draw my furniture, and move it around accordingly. By grade six I had picked my career. I knew that this is what I was going to do.” She had other opportunities, but nothing could dissuade her from her goal. “This was my passion,” she said. “And as it has grown, it has also changed. My creativity is now in the business and growing it and mentoring my young interior designers, architectural technologists and home stylists – and it’s also in expansion ideas.” She said that her business grew dramatically in the early years, not just through her skill in design but also because of her love of people. “I love our clients and I love the people who work at Sticks & Stones,” she said. “We have created so many beautiful residential spaces and business spaces – and we’ve created relationships with all these clients.” In 1999, she opened her second office in Calgary. In 2004, when her family moved to Kelowna, she opened her head office there. Interestingly, Sticks & Stones employs architectural technicians as well as interior designers and home stylists. Bond-Fisher herself studied architecture because, she said, she wanted to know how to construct a house as well as how to design beautiful interiors. It gives her firm more strength and expertise in all areas of design. She said that one of the great strengths of the firm is its staff. “Our edge is our talented group
Carla Bond-Fisher concentrates these days on mentoring her staff of designers and technologists. We’re young, progressive and innovative. We have that good balance of understanding budgets and time frames – and we listen to our clients. We can create something amazing, but we balance the right and left brain and that also makes us practical.” People who work with Sticks & Stones normally come to the firm at the outset of a project, perhaps when the land for a dream home is purchased or when a corporate project is ready for the planning stages. Bond-Fisher said that the earlier her firm gets involved, the better. Sticks & Stones has completed dozens of prestigious commercial projects including the Penguin Club, a 45,000 sq. ft. technology office building in Kelowna for the Disney Corporation. It has also recently been awarded the Kelowna Innovation Centre that is currently under construction in Kelowna. The firm has designed homes across Canada including waterfront homes and legacy homes that are intended to be passed on to future generations. Its work on dream homes has earned it several Tommie awards from the Canadian Home Builders Association. Bond-Fisher said that future plans call for continued growth and expansion. One of her projects is to make design more affordable for a younger generation. Above all, she said that the firm’s success continues to depend on its people. “The team is like my family. It takes that group of people to make the company as great as it is today.” Sticks & Stones Design Group Inc. is at 50 – 1615 Dickson Road in Kelowna. www.sticksandstones.ca
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From its base in Vernon Caufields Engraving has been serving clients throughout the region for more than three decades
ERNON - A leader in the commercial and custom engraving industry since 1984, Caufields Engraving in Vernon has left its indelible mark across the Okanagan and beyond. “Engraving today is really art meets science meets tech nolog y,” ex pl a i ned t he company’s owner / manager Kim Nasipayko. “We do all kinds of engraving from traditional rotary engraved plates to the latest in laser engraving and everything in between. We can mark virtually any surface. Engraving is now done with laser technology and we now have three lasers. We can do laser cutting and laser engraving on any material including glass, metal, wood, plastic, stone, just about anything.” Founded 31 years ago the company has grown dramatically since its inception. “The company began with a traditional rotary engraver and the previous owner Greg Caufield ran it out of his garage. Soon after, he built it up and moved it into the Alpine Centre (100 Kalamalka Lake Road) the same location where it is today.” Today Caufields Engraving operates one of the most powerf u l laser eng rav i ng systems built. “We have a new machine that features the latest laser technology (Class 3 laser) with the highest power and the biggest table in both BC and Alberta. “We can do anything up to 40” wide and longer items as our machine has ‘pass-through tech nolog y’ wh ich mea ns it h a s a d rop d ow n f ront a n d back panel so we can do doors, skis, or other similar items of length,” she explained.
DAN ROGERS Caufields Engraving has been serving the Okanagan Valley and beyond for more than 31 years
Despite new technologies such as laser printers, sometimes an engraving project still needs that hand’s on touch
“We just want to let people know that we can mark or engrave just about anything.” Kim Nasipayko
“We also added a walk-in sand blast booth in-house for headstone/ grave markers and are the only company in the Valley doing onsite stone blasting. The combination of laser technology and traditionally sandblasted
monuments is what really excites me. We are able to laser any image on to a head stone in combination with traditionally blasted letters. The beauty we can now capture on headstones to remember your loved one is remarkable.” A core part of the business is the niche markets it serves across Canada such as industry engraving, corporate awards, of f ice sig nage, sa ndblasted monuments and equine industry. “We just want to let people know that we can mark or create just about anything, round or flat it doesn’t matter, and if you think engraving is just jewelry it’s a whole lot more.”
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Caufields is the only company in the Valley with an in-house walk-in sand blast booth, allowing it to work on any size project
he Greater Vernon Chamber is looking for young professionals under the age of 40 years of age who are making their mark through business success and community involvement. The move comes after the Chamber teamed up with KPMG recently to launch the Top 20 under 40 in Vernon. “Vernon is fortunate to have many young, skilled, and knowledgeable professionals who are becoming our next generation of leaders and change-makers,” says David Adams, Managing Pa rtner w ith K PMG’s office in Vernon. “KPMG is proud to sponsor the Greater Vernon Top 20 Under 40 and to recognize individuals who are making a positive impact in Vernon.” Starting September 22, 2015 recipients will be announced over the course of four weeks and will be featured on the KPMG Top 20 Under 40 website. The recipients will also be honoured at a special recognition event on Thursday, October 22, 2015 during Small Business Week. “This initiative wouldn’t have been possible without the suppor t a nd encou ragement of KPMG and for that we are grateful,” says Jaron Chasca, Greater Vernon Chamber president. “We believe that by recognizing some of the talented young entrepreneurs that it will encourage other young professionals to invest in and strengthen our community.” If you know a resident of the Greater Vernon area who is excelling in their career, passionate about the community, helping to raise the profile of the Greater Vernon area, and will be under the age of 40 as of December 31, 2015, then they are a perfect candidate for the KPMG Top 20 Under 40. Nominees can be entrepreneurs, executives, managers, or professionals in public, private, or not-for-profit sectors. To nom i nate someone v isit: www.20under40vernon.ca. Nominations will be accepted until Friday September 4th. ••• In other news, the Chamber’s Annual General Meeting is fast approaching marking what is shaping up to be a very busy September for the Greater Vernon Chamber. The AGM will mark
Nominees can be entrepreneurs, executives, managers, or professionals in public, private, or not-for-profit sectors
the end of the term for another President. Jaron Chasca of Alternatives Funeral Services joins a long list of dedicated Chamber Presidents who have worked tirelessly to improve the business environment in the area since the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce (previously known as the Vernon Board of Trade) was founded in 1897. The Board of Directors is made up of volunteers who are passionate about what they do and many times they don’t get the recognition they deserve. Our members specifically, and the business community at large, benefit greatly from the work of the Chamber. Have you hugged your Chamber board member today? The Annual President’s Dinner is scheduled for Thursday evening September 24th at Turtle Mountain Vineyard. A fun evening, fabulous food and a fantastic view all combine to make this unique event one that you don’t want to miss as the Chamber swears in its new board and pays tribute to those leaving the board. ••• Finally, the Greater Vernon Chamber is pleased to welcome a number of new members including Locher Projects Inc., J-Ball Electronics Inc., Mystic Skiff, Interior Freight & Bottle Depot, Leona Snider Developments, Hayden Fitness Studio, Tambellini Design Studio Inc., and TRTA Architecture. Welcome to the Chamber network! Dan Rogers is the General Manager at the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce and can be reached at manager@vernonchamber.ca
Manager of the Salmon A rm Chamber of Commerce. “They are also an example of the types of businesses governments and organizations like the chamber are working to encourage opening in the Okanagan as they bring good paying jobs to the community. We’re doing everything we can to encourage a positive environment that would attract those types of businesses.” The range of products and materials produced by Okanagan based manufacturers is as broad and varied as the character of the communities the businesses are located in – from steel fabrication to electronics manufacturing and from boat builders to food products developers the Okanagan Valley’s manufacturing sector represent a full spectrum of products. “T he Cit y of Sa l mon A r m has a very vibrant and growing manufacturing sector. The City’s designated industrial park is home to more than 80 world class design, engineering and manufacturing firms, as well as the Shuswap Regional Airport and the Okanagan College Trades Training Centre. Our manufacturing firms are producing unique and innovative products which are being exported around the world,” explained Lana Fitt, with the Salmon Arm Economic Development Society. “Salmon Arm has many comp e t i t i ve a d v a n t a ge s w h i c h support our world class manufacturing businesses, including a highly skilled workforce drawn to our Shuswap lifestyle, ready access to markets via the TransCanada Highway, a dedicated Industrial park with available and affordable land and fiber optics allowing our businesses to operate locally and compete globally.” M a ny of t he m a nu fa c t u ring companies operating in the Okanagan, especially those servicing high tech markets, had origins that have spanned the globe. “We design, manufacture and sell electronic controls for hydronic heating, which is heating with water. It’s a very specialized product and it provides for things like radiant floor heating systems and snow melting systems for example,” said Greg Leupin, Senior Product Manager with Tekmar Controls in Vernon. “We sell products all across Canada, the US and some in the UK as well, so the product we manufacture is sold worldwide. The company started back in Germany in the 1960s and it came to Canada, starting Tekmar Control Systems in Canada in 1984. We got acquired in 2012 by Watts Water Technologies (a major American builder of water solution products). Currently Tekmar in Vernon has about 60 employees, it varies based on seasonality.” N a t i o n a l l y, d e s p i t e t h e
Penticton’s Cut Technologies is an industry leader in the manufacture of blades, both round and band, for the North American sawmilling industry
Specialty refrigeration units are manufactured at Penticton’s Piscine Energetics plant. The company serves a global aquarium and fish food market
Specialty refrigeration units are manufactured at Penticton’s Piscine Energetics plant. The company serves a global aquarium and fish food market fluctuating Canadian dollar and a slower economy the country’s manufacturing sector remains active and growing. In a recent report the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters Association stated that most of Canada’s major manufacturing industries posted gains in June. When addressing the British Columbia manufacturing industry the Association’s report stated: “Although growth has slowed in recent months, BC is nevertheless emerging as the runaway leader in sales growth across Canada. While national sales through June are down 1.6 percent compared to the first six months in 2014, shipments from BC are up 4.5 percent. The next best performer is Nova Scotia, where sales are 2.5 percent higher.” Clark, when not wearing his Cha mber of Com merce hat, works in management with a manufacturer of saw blades for the sawmilling industry. “The company I work for, Cut Technologies is a leader in the sawmill industry as a manufacturer of round saws and right now we’re doing fairly well. A full 70 percent of our product goes down to the US. Currently there are no plans to lay off anybody, we’ve not hired anybody for a while either, but we’re definitely not laying people off. There’s opportunity to be had you just have to think outside of the box sometimes.” T he Cent ra l Ok a n a ga n E c o n om i c D e ve lop m e nt
“The whole Okanagan lifestyle is a real selling feature when it comes to hiring new employees” GREG LEUPIN
The Piscine Energetics assembly line is a busy place as staff finish work on the latest batch of its fish food refrigeration units
Commission’s recent (May 2015) report which summarized the economic expectations of the region’s manufacturers expressed optimism about the sector’s future growth. The report stated more than two-thirds of Okanagan’s manufacturing companies expect to continue to grow during the next five years, with two-thirds of the companies polled expecting to hire additional employees (as many as 75,000) during that same period. For manufacturers the Okanagan Valley itself is one of the most effective recruitment tools.
“Being part of the high tech industry we manufacture here but we also design and we also provide the marketing and tech support – it’s a high tech product and therefore a lot of the people who work for us are coming from a lot of other areas,” Leupin said. “We have employees here who come from Ontario, from Saskatchewan, Alberta, all down the coast – all working here. So yes we’ve definitely attracted a lot of people to the area from outside of Vernon, or the Okanagan in general. The whole Okanagan lifestyle is a real selling feature when it comes to hiring new employees I think a lot of people really like that for sure.” “The climate is certainly one of the pluses of the area. We’ve seen growth across the Okanagan’s population where you have not only access to the expertise you need for some of this manufacturing, as well as the good quality of life that makes it attractive
for people to relocate,” Rogers said. “The region is definitely a positive while the supply line improvements, from a railway perspective, roads and the expansion of the Kelowna Airport are all contributing in an advantageous way for the manufacturing sector.” Economic development leaders throughout the region are optimistic about the future of Okanagan’s manufacturing community. “Nothing is ever going to be perfect. The economy is a cycle, the forest industry is a cycle it will go up and it will go down. The progressive companies are one step ahead of it and are already planning for the next downturn and figuring out how they are going to get through it,” Clark said. “With some innovative thinking and some creative management you can be optimistic, you can make it through the next downturn and be ready for whatever the world gives us.”
PENTICTON City looks to cut red tape for business
Penticton offers solutions for business and population growth BY BETH HENDRY-YIM
ENTICTON – With beachfront bistros, gently rolling sun-drenched hills, sandy beaches, and blue water as far as the eye can see, visitors might think they were in California. But tucked between Skaha Lake and the southern tip of Okanagan Lake lies a city that lays claim to some of the best weather, outdoor recreation and wine in the world. Penticton, with a population of more than 34,000, is a favourite holiday mecca for British Columbians and Albertans, said Colleen Pennington, economic development officer. It boasts abundant sunshine, mild winters, world class cycling trails, a large farm market, sun-sweetened fruit and internationally acclaimed wines, she said. Mayor Andrew Jakubeit and his council are capitalizing on these appeals by creating incentives and initiatives to convert tourists to residents. “The city sells itself to visitors,” he said. “We want to put a bug in their ear that the city is not just a place to visit but also a great place to live and work,” Jakubeit said. He added that to recruit tourists, the city has three task forces looking at affordable housing, tourism and economic development. “A strong economy leads to a strong community. We’re putting a lot of focus on economic development, working with four of the city’s strengths: niche manufacturing, technology, leveraging partnerships and sports training centres.” Pennington said people traditionally think of Penticton as either a retirement or a tourist center. Her job is to introduce them to its other sides. “We have an amazing custom manufacturing segment that no one knows about,” she said, citing Slimline Manufacturing, which builds airblast sprayers for agricultural use; Peerless Ltd. that manufactures specialized trailers and chassis for a variety of industries including oil and gas; Cut Technologies that produces globally in-demand precision saw blades and Unit Electrical Engineering that provides power solutions to a variety of industries. Manufacturing also contributes the largest number of jobs at 29 per cent of all employment in the city. Pennington said that other segments provide opportunities for
Jim Pattison’s Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Building Technologies and Renewable Energy Conservation is one of the world’s greenest buildings CREDIT:SIMONE BLAIS
employment as well, especially in entrepreneurial endeavours. In fact, in 2015 the Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses (CFIB) rated Penticton in the top 20 entrepreneurial cities in Canada. Pennington said that the city is looking at barriers to business growth. That includes fees, business licenses and taxation. The city’s zero-based budgeting is making its business tax rates the most competitive in the Okanagan Valley and the lowest among BC cities with comparable populations. Penticton’s efforts were rewarded when it won the Golden Scissor award from the CFIB for initiatives that cut red tape for business. With young families being the fastest growing population in the city, Penticton is encouraging those families to stay by offering solutions to identified barriers. Jakubeit said that one barrier for families moving to Penticton were a perceived lack of jobs for spouses. “The jobs are there. They just aren’t that easy to find,” said Pennington, so in a unique spousal recruitment initiative, the city is creating programming to connect spouses with jobs. She said that in a partnership with the Community Foundation of South Okanagan, it is running
networking and connection opportunities through 100 Women Who Care. “With regular meetings the organization encourages women to deepen their connection with the
community.” Jason Cox, President of the Penticton and Wine Country Chamber of Commerce, stressed that citi zens and organizations working together for common goals are
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the solution to improving the city. “Penticton is a community with
a real sense of place and people here are very involved in all of the
great things that happen here,” he said. “Working together with the Community Foundation, the Chamber developed the ‘Be Bold Penticton’ program where businesses express their needs, wants and big bold solutions on how best to improve the city.” “What we learned in that process is that the involved individuals and groups have the ideas and the energy to move forward,” he said. “We recognize that the Chamber is one group capable of combining efforts with other community organizations like Tourism Penticton, the Penticton Industrial Development Area, The Downtown Penticton Association, Economic Development and others to develop business solutions through ongoing advocacy efforts.” Leveraging partnerships is key, Jakubeit said, adding that working with groups like the Penticton Indian Band (PIB) has created unprecedented and sustainable growth in the area. Chief Johnathan Kruger, (PIB), said that the complex network of relationships between the province, the federal government and Penticton’s City Council has helped his Band to move forward with mandated economic and sustainable development. “Our members wanted sustainable economic growth. They wanted to build something our community would be proud of that was state-of-the-art and sustainable.” Its pl a n for bot h l a nd a nd
23 as well as with locatees (PIB private landowners),” he said, adding that a protocol agreement between all stakeholders, including the regional district and other Southern Okanagan bands, allowed the project to move forward. He said the development has ignited so much excitement that phase two; a collection of 155 units, already has a wait list. In addition to the homes, the band is also constructing a bridge over the channel that connects the city to a proposed complex of retail and commercial buildings. But it isn’t just Skaha Hills that is seeing a boom in property sales. Sally Kilburg, president of the South Okanagan Real Estate Board, said that 2015 has been quite busy in real estate sales, exceeding all forecasts. “We’re seeing a filling in of the downtown core with people buying older character homes and fixing them up.” With council’s fresh perspective on growth, the city is also building on a strong sports tourism foundation by creating and supporting sports training facilities, promoting the Kettle Valley Trail experience, and recently Transportation Minister Todd Stone announced a pilot project to sign cycling routes throughout the South Okanagan. As a lifestyle community with employment opportunities, rich cultural history, over 200 wineries and prime real estate, Penticton is not only a place to visit, but a place to call home.
John Cox, Chamber President, stressed that citizens and organi zations should work together for common goals in the community water use will protect 30,000 acres of land with 8000 acres for community and economic development. One of the most important economic boosts for the Band and Penticton is the Skaha Hills development, a multi-phase community created through a partnership with Greyback Construction and the band. The residential resort-style housing development includes singlefamily homes, vineyard settings, organic gardens, views, hiking and biking trails, and easy access to the channel that connects Skaha and Okanagan Lakes. “In order to be successful we needed to have the input and agreement of our band and partnerships at all levels of government
enticton is unique and has its own flavour and character. The local stores, merchants and market vendors reflect what we as a region have to offer. When you come Downtown to shop in Penticton you will see a diverse selection of boutique shops that have a Penticton flavour, from the beach floaties at Smartshopper to the beach signs in At the Front Door. We have a unique style a n d s o m e t h i n g to s a y about our area. This shows pride in our community and where we come from. Shopping local not only helps the businesses, but it helps to keep the money locally and contributes to strong neighbourhoods.
W hen we keep sp ending our money local the majority stays within our community and that in turn helps to keep our City economically viable. Our land and business owners are the decision makers in our community and when we keep them vibrant they are able to make better decisions which reflect on our community as a whole. More money goes into the economy which reflects on not-for-profits, on better infrastructure, schools and other important pieces of the overall community. We feel the impact of these decisions, so we want to make sure the decision makers are kept local. Keeping our dollars local helps to create and maintain employment within our local economy. More jobs, means more money to circulate throughout the local economy. Better jobs, means more people able to buy houses, cars and makes living in Penticton possible. Shopping local encourages creativity from local shop owners. If you cannot find something you want, they are more likely to order in your request or in some cases make something truly
unique for your enjoyment. Creativity promotes entrepreneurship, and competition and we are then rewarded with even more shopping opportunities. Small local stores help to maintain and sustain a vibrant town center. Keeping Downtown compact and walkable, helps to reduce urban sprawl, vehicle use, air and water pollution as well as habitat loss. Penticton has a strong agricultural base and keeping our Downtown vibrant and strong, allows us to keep our land for orchards, vineyards and other agricultural uses. Shopping local also keeps us from all buying the same exact thing from a box store, so our homes are unique and reflective of us, rather than that of a giant corporation. Shoppi ng local reminds us why we love our community, why we love our stores, and why we love our Downtown…. come and show us why you #iheartpenticton. Kerri Milton is Executive Director of the Downtown Penticton Association. She can reached at kerri@ downtownpenticton.org
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KAMLOOPS The new, $40-million Cascades Casino has opened for business, located at 1555 Versatile Drive. The Kamloops Airport is currently undergoing its first major reconstruction since its expansion in 2008, which includes repaving the old runway to make take-offs and landings smoother for planes. The project is estimated to cost around $7.5 million, and currently remains on budget. Crannog Ales, located in Sorrento, is celebrating its 15th year of producing craft beer. Barnacle Records, Kamloops’ newest record store, has opened for business downtown. Three Kamloops wineries have received awards at the WineAlign 2015 National Wine Awards of Canada. Monte Creek Ranch received a silver medal winning for its 2014 Riesling, and five bronze medals for its 2013 Cabernet Merlot, 2013 Hands Up Red, 2014 Pinot Noir Reserve Ice Wine, 2014 Riesling Ice Wine and 2013 Gewurztraminer. Harper’s Trail’s 2013 Cabernet Franc and 2013 Late Harvest Riesling Thadd Springs Vineyard both won bronze medals. The Sagewood winery’s 2013 Pinot Noir and 2013 Gewurztraminer both received bronze medals as well. The Kamloops Okanagan Dairy Association hosted an open house at Riverbreeze Dairy Farm in Spallumcheen to increase public awareness about modern dairy farming and its effect on the economy.
KELOWNA The Women’s Enterprise Centre is hosting its first Mentor Advisory Forum on September 15. This free phone-in session is called, Not Just Surviving but Thriving on the Job: Tips and Tools for Women in Trades, and will feature Betty Barton of Barton Construction, Lisa Langevin of Build Together, and Laila McMillan of WaterMark Design. The LifeLine Canada Foundation will be hosting its first Benefit for Life Sept. 9 at Manteo Resort,
acting in conjunction with the World Suicide Prevention Day. Catherine Frechette has announced her retirement as CEO of Tourism Kelowna to take a position with Ottawa Tourism. Nancy Cameron will be filling in for her position temporarily until a permanent replacement can be found. AutoCanada has announced that it has obtained approval from General Motors of Canada to purchase 80 per cent non-voting equity interest in the assets of Don Folk Chevrolet. The deal also includes the acquisition of the assets of Don Folk Autobody, a standalone body shop located next to the dealership. BC Corrections continues to offer additional readiness sessions to help fill the 240 fulltime correctional officer jobs that will open up at the new Okanagan Correctional Centre once construction of the facility is completed. The Hatch, West Kelowna’s latest, 18-acre winery, has opened for business at 3225 Boucherie Road. The winery is owned and operated by Jesse Harnden, Andrew Melville and Jason Parks. Paul McIntyre has left his position as artistic director with Chatters Salon, and has ventured into a chair renting arrangement under the banner of Sass Studio and Spa, located at #6-605 KLO Road. Ron Doig and Debbie Segate, owners of Baxter’s Pub, are celebrating the company’s 10th anniversary this year. Jesse Nguyen has recently opened Nail Spa & Salon at 2653 Pandosy Street. Jordan and Steven Kupidy have partnered with the CBI Health Group to open the Okanagan Valley’s first CBI Health Centre, located at 1772 Baron Road.
Bath Planet, which works jointly out of the Granite Transformations showroom at 740 McCurdy Road, has opened for business, offering accessibility solutions for mobility challenged individuals. A feature film, called Tomato Red, has begun shooting in Kelowna. The film is adapted from the novel by David Woodrell. Ben Wasyliuk has been appointed by the Regional District of Central Okanagan as its new fire chief for the Joe Rich Fire Protection District. Dr. David Wikenheiser, whose practice is located at #3081500 Hardy Street, is celebrating his 20th anniversary of being licensed as a Neuropathic Doctor in BC. Valley First, a division of First West Credit Union, has welcomed Ken Spence to its team as its new Senior Commercial Account Manager. Spence is replacing Rennie Wutke, who has retired as of July 31. Tania Meyer has left her 11-year position as the executive director of the Kelowna & District Safety Council to live and work in China for a year, teaching English, business and French at Guangxi University in Guilin. Lois Daigneault is the new head coach of the Kelowna AquaJets. Food Network Canada has named Memphis Blues BBQ House, located at 289 Bernard Avenue, one of its 12 Great BBQ Joins in Canada. TJ Papp has launched www. ShopKelowna.com, which is an online franchised platform to the Okanagan developed to help give locally owned businesses everything they need to be successful online, and make it easy for consumers to support local businesses. Five Kelowna CA students passed
Marie-Catherine Bruno (right) with Ken Derpak, managing director of Silver Star Mountain Resort the national Uniform Evaluation, among the total 125 who passed in BC and Yukon. Those who passed are: Justin Egert, Christian Knight, Mark Macgregor, Mandy Smith and Casey Wenzel. Egert, with Andrew Tse Inc., joined two other BC students to make the National Honour Roll for his outstanding result on the UFE. JW Lee, owner of EK Cell Repair, is celebrating the first anniversary of his business after moving locations to 2079 Enterprise Way. The business was formerly known as EK Cell Accessories, and spent 10 years in the Orchard Park Shopping Centre before gaining its new ownership. Amy Nevery of Amy’s Gifts in the Towne Centre Mall, has announced her retirement after 35 years in business, and will be closing up shop. Grant Hardwick has joined the firm of Rush Hardwick LLP, located at 200-591 Bernard Avenue. Sandler Training has been named as one of the top 30 training companies in the world by magazines Selling Power and Training Industry. Jenny McAlpine, communications coordinator for Tourism Kelowna, has left her position after three years to start a new business, Jenny McAlpine Weddings. Ryan Schwindt has been named the new Kelowna station manager for Westjet.
VERNON Silver Star Nordic coach MarieCatherine Bruno has been selected by her Nordic ski instructor peers to represent Canada at the 2015 InterSki conference in Argentina, representing the Canadian Association of Nordic Ski Instructors for Telemark. Sweet Caroline’s Bakery is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. Shaun Wiebe has opened Wiebe’s Pharmacy on 35th Street, focused on keeping people healthy and excellence in customer service. Vernon and Armstrong are among cities across BC that will receive financial support from Destination BC for pilot projects that test and document innovative approaches to providing visitor services. The program will be giving out more than $200,000 to communities. Vernon Toyota, located at 3401 48th Avenue, has welcomed the addition of Steve Russell to its sales team. Russell was also named the dealership’s salesperson of the month for July. Cornerstone Dental Group has welcomed Dr. Johnny Tran to its practice, located at #102-4005 27th Street. Vernon Dodge congratulated Kam Randhawa on achieving salesperson of the month for July. Bannister Honda congratulated Gene Kushniruk on achieving Salesperson
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of the Month for July. Rouck Bros. Log Homes hosted a twoday workshop on tiny homes at its craft mill, trying to raise awareness for the concept. Vernon KIA, located at 6365 Highway 97 N, has presented Tyler O’Dwyer with its High Performance Award. The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association has named the Squaw Valley Ranch, operated by Darrel Squairs, the recipient of its Environmental Stewardship Award. Watkin Motors has welcomed Sean Lewko to its sales team, located at 4602 27th Street in Vernon. The dealership also congratulated Tim Hooper on being named Salesperson of the Month for July.
owners of Rocky Ridge Vegetation Control, are using goats to rid fields of invasive weed species, as an alternative to herbicides. Okanagan Spirits Craft Distillery has announced the opening of its 2015 Laird of Fintry Single Malt Whisky lottery.
Bannister GM congratulated Robert McLaren on achieving Salesperson of the Month for July, located at 4703 27th Street. The dealership has also welcomed Cody Edwards to its sales team. The Greater Vernon Athletics Park is set to celebrate its grand opening September 26. Donna and Conrad Lindblom,
Consultant, for obtaining his Registered Retirement Consultant designation from the Canadian Institute of Financial Planning.
Mel Arnold, the local federal Conservative candidate, celebrated the grand opening of his campaign office, located at 360 Ross Street.
The newest Co-op location will soon be opening at 2007 Main Street.
After 15 years with Edward Jones Investments, Jim Kimmerly has announced his retirement.
Kelowna-based R355 Enterprises Ltd. has been awarded the tender for the 2015 capital road project on Vernon Street from Cliff Avenue to King Avenue.
Emily Pothoven has opened her new cleaning business, Shuswap Got It Maid Inc., which offers residential cleaning around the Shuswap area.
Gerard Kampman has announced the opening of his new pharmacy practice at Railway Plaza, North End Pharmacy Remedy’sRx.
Susan Robinson has opened Sunrise Business Developments at 121 Hudson Avenue, with the aim to create bright futures for small businesses.
Expansion of the Penticton Regional Airport is set to begin soon, with an anticipated completion date of February 2016. Black Iron Grill is celebrating 10 years in business this year. Old Order Distilling Company celebrated its grand opening, under the ownership of Naomi Gabriel and Graham Martens. Elizabeth Marion is celebrating 10 years of ownership of Princeton Wood Preservers Ltd.
Head Gamez, formerly known as Hot Headz, has moved to a new location at #101-351 Hudson Avenue.
The Twisted Purl yarn studio celebrated its grand opening August 15, located at 2543 Pleasant Valley Boulevard. Splatsin First Nation celebrated the opening of its new Quilakwa Stop ‘N’ Shop, located on Highway 97A. The building was constructed by Enderbybased Canadian Pride Log and Timber Products.
Trans Canada Highway NE.
Victoria Olynik has been named the new Administrator at the Shuswap Hospice.
The following businesses are the newest members of the Summerland Chamber of Commerce: The Back Door Winery, located on Jones Flat Road; Kraut Haven, located on Main Street; Noah’s Ark Metal Work; VOSH Mechanical.
PENTICTON Joe Pearson Joe Pearson has been named a Managing/Associate Broker Member of the Real Estate Council of BC, representing the County of Yale.
John Devitt has joined the staff of the Penticton Herald as a business advisor for marketing and media solutions.
Diversicare Canada Management Services Company Inc. is the new operator of the Concorde Retirement Residence, which will now operate under the banner of Verve Senior Living.
Drop Zone Weight Loss celebrated its grand opening, located at #104-650
Investors Group has congratulated Chris Hawkins, Financial
Grasslands Nursery, taken over from Toni Boot by Lauren Forsyth and Mike Hughes earlier this year, has launched its new website. The website was redesigned to better showcase the demonstration gardens at the nursery that show self-sustaining water landscapes. Evolve Cellars has also launched a new website to highlight its beautiful location and delicious
25 wines. Two companies have recently changed names to better reflect their services. Pro Angle Contractors Ltd. is now known as Big Lift Crane Service, offering rentals of its 92’ Boom Truck Crane. In the James Lake industrial area, Century Aluminum Products has changed its name to DekSmart Railings. Last month marked the 2015 Wine Align National Wine Awards of Canada, where the country’s leading wine writers and judges gathered to evaluate wines grown in Canada in two dozen categories. The Align Awards named Haywire Winery at Okanagan Crush Pad No. 11 in the Top 25 wineries in Canada and No. 8 in BC as well as awarding the brand 3 Gold, 2 Silver and 1 Bronze medals. The 2014 Kerner from SummerGate Winery also won at the awards taking home a Silver medal, while Evolve Cellars was also the recipient with a Bronze Medal for its 2014 Pinot Blanc. Dirty Laundry’s Pinot Noir 2013 was the recipient of the highest honor at the 2015 All Canadian Wine Championships, winning a Double Gold Best in Class for the Pinot Noir category Under $25.
1 eB ag p S– Rd B1 Wa ge a B paucket g e – Okanagan Crush Pad has recently IR dS B Fillin ge tV a aR announced Switchback Vineyard ep Se da aW t W B ke o This e uc ing getting organic certification. R R B I C ll V Fi e ag Rd ep m sustainable way of growing isaat Se s Co i Wd Re t o key factor in other»Summerland CR jec nstr Rd Hills, d pro the co s vineyards, including Sage t Co an 3 l e 5s age in 1 0 s 5 e R 2 p 1 ti 20 12 w rI »SummerGate Saxon Estates and s e20130 oormy en jec str ve nk
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he Salmon Arm Chamber of Commerce is pleased to host an All Candidates Forum on Thursday September 17, 2015 between 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the Salmon Arm Recreation Centre. We are soliciting individual questions from our community members through our website www. sachamber.bc.ca. We also encourage all our community members to contact the candidates directly to speak to their specific issues and/ or questions. Questions can be e-mailed to admin@sachamber.bc.ca. ••• Some exciting news for
campaigns. To see the work that Jim and his company have done, please visit their website at www.mountainmedia.org or call 1-877-3046710 for more information. ••• Continuing to expand their health and wellness products are owners Russ and Hilda Skinner of Nutters’ Bulk & Natural Foods. They pride themselves on their impressive inventory while also boasting the largest freshly stocked bulk section of nuts, rices, beans, chocolates, spices and more. Nutters’ also carries frozen natural and gluten-free foods as well as dairy, fruit and other specialty items. With their vast selection, Russ and Hilda invite you to drop by to see what’s in store. You can locate them inside the Centenoka Mall at 441 – 360 Trans-Canada Highway S.W. or visit www. nutters35.com for more information.
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N Ro roj e co JaNmt Nanad VI st pn in th o e S, Isl S e e r I ew m euRve eR NoW ’ n r wo f Ntnc eW aisound fo VIVa H e2nsKc BR , r p a g » n eS o s 1 r t I k n k:agepWoes Im eR donaaisgbarnea eW bVaICenevN–itepalwrizmeapn aeutno fc kaH t BR -o s n » r e d o Ge o rtsK so
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r s yocomsmtlioorenr i my IN se , V tro een Fra eS lmuo issig RIlley y in gr v uois ortte t e d W Va le el srsee q o sdotlra in en e g r i f ase t d er pe BR e n » Fras La wn titrpor s eeraen olor ssim nd i r m i : o brolaegynimi imlaidunsatgganse quis dboalonrtkealwize pWaoe s-ioek es dsot vNit an g s M e f Lan ompwprsanon dit pratis eWrate ks to re Germ ck wa ed ro m s n o li il les ch ut do sim is tbh agni imoiuw ion lo year il r Ut dolo tem t min alit M gAGe do dolu ssis essn borat our 28th t sim te raw p–aP ali la po lpu i erit u k S– anc qu col d P S iw sveedli tem l U w e il le dolu NP ch ut do sim Ne . ilis r RSAI Ut dolo tem g 129 min alit do dolu ssis BWU rlu x 8” t t e it sim ali D&S Ea 01.6 x 1. lpu er R S XssX nu qui I a X A 2 .8” e l li mXcX I ve W te 2 XlXd C lu A r X o I dw a X Xo anrc oNLG XpI pom brxtmemeceutiv eD iro dL te o ace inIt imri tJe es na W ae BeUN Nap M p nd N a s N RER ri m estJur VTeH Ch w cotirrepoprxrteemtcnuahtfnstioeteahvg X gOoR de in ne uanngaimeoneisarttJmedteoesnndeiroeactos »» N
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Paper Name: Name: Address:
b v S tsid mMo o’s p es cha erWh w al e W ry b s La itori th eve em at it re 84 ed hin ike “m wh mo d us: ct 8-26 wit r. l b e on But yon 5 nta nts alie to g r. be er Co 66-7 ha Cav a l is usin g fo ing ord 8 rc k c in 1o e e m id l s g – fo look e loo ts in y sa r, it ic” are ey’r tac tl en in b e ntr ers th con rec d ce emb at, ular as ran e ar m an threg he as r h reb id th eir d. mbe of ests e to ng dS ng ou k to . th pan cha cess r W oL tra s y bac ase ex he pro ate yN a li T e re d s y a g e c n,” Re av th G un nit in th tio IC ed the . l e C hair so u om be ra usi eR e244 s de e ht omm is c s to llabo ’s a b er & -c a By gge o ig li c pa c k e a o o pa Tra in as c t m at a a n seemew c rr. H Cav e c ict S rd th stb at n lie e s th tr a 14 We t th rds: ava .J. L ll a Dis bo rrge u o C N e d pa be r e , b o w Le t at as w k an . m fe a s n is e w li T orm g td.,. ba rc me m it ss “ N te L st dir e me u r h o id ra s sSep adliCt la sa 3ss st iate e W om on o f w alen orl lput adgo sim ne ssoc of th of C is y o u aunt r'W A 14air ber cus a n Utk boelod ilis n ui O ch am r fo e , m m bd emr' liq ef duo tite ll ve olute C2h0 ou b a s Bri lu “ min lit d Ddois 2ip s in S y s2h
a sis es im ts eri
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M noeVxpIRreesBs s nengeco5mRCR N n a t g st e o ria ic sdseal nc a –stpr a Firs a in sL cto V Wa RM Vi U CmRieoC nou ressoeL RC R 5 a p n J d e a ls Nexa R ag Co ic sseo a –p aS Re CeR LL » UV ie W ect
Corryn Grayston is the General Manager at the Salmon Arm Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at (250) 832-6247 or admin@sachamber.bc.ca
13 20
per year
1 20
5 ge 15 20 pa 12 130 20 ry go te Ca
13 20
13 20
o’s y os oarn buailll ide -a tesee f Cvoic offfe ebrv eitalte d icto ae is it oer erco s s hu e to Hth c l) W s e m an pealpnin t dCu m Mg orfo td a m h nenin raatal dicoab aollp.re, sthco mpm- bers otsha endeins leet q v in eu s t’s ais is t iom10esntre m.e(B ls iomnen rvceolo hgaems e m avw ell litte g fmo nodno eafiidra olv . aW H r u c he g are R.W .Wis itp Due aonCa ohtichhly in s. It“’sWinpgleo ac-e a hsehs thweilr,l s t is t r in bySRhe eavdedlo oanshfo aim s fag ly m aflsw gphed ie neo f N a o ulo vit inp e or spopllle,” din livkeen is ne o. I nd snitCs Naannd is d tenr , hs,eall eovroe acti bneg onfo Ha part naim all’s nia pefu builnan e pharu ao e.oSn issthd n’s threia eed fual re e a Na . W naad re ti a rcti d g re tta am th w-er ewnse. w isoma : -acarel c in R.W , Ca poGr oera adnin hild aatRao as nat poom tec glth a l a 26 r N m f r p c il e y b c f e o r o h n y g w tC arilo o je k iea icd ic o a n C o buu er r is t pa l ll.h dee shite te roosf D pa ent ata c afo e rin a h e de f H o hset 0bme imoothn tedp eler t t m Mnae im m str edic aall no,nshyeoamr m2m r 10 m . W iow uisr c oC’sha ahneamr rveolvu’snlidtt f ooof e Noa nal.e Tfi or,m th imo Nt uin e. It e -g h- itsh d fre 2 are R.W d it fo a lseo ’hcly v s anrin o ta sp n th y ad on nim i ie t N o lafa ly a is 9 b I n sits ana bisy th a ug svsit qguin netof l Hple e like r r N he H X d oro rceti -bse dcoen el rpaeo ed th pa 11 an reate e. S is th mn’spa t0h0e dja n a. s a n de date y e refu i ,0 h a m s c G in s Up Valle re t G d a e a r l uercw t is : 18 me r an hild a3t0a ansicn noaw w l g pN aen26 li io Ne u er c th ecw t p aanilyy o je c k i n ic a o ahg ic 9 g s fo p r 1 o pD r a e d h e w h Rmee Co aimo all nd e5ar s 0 g omo n t p e r ttht m na imT he 2a cim 2105 wo 20 n le a d io m is y ’sp na e Na vil 12 22130 th imo Na u r r e u nyes-mf o he N ital. d fro rks oas2t c t e p pa C ey 20 32 na y th ry ’ i v aadr to os lan st a9ll r bgo a is e s s s qlu ent al H the We ox V Rive H p r 0 - c er ” ed X p rs 3t4e ll11 ke de date omy ap tant Ca i m 0,0 0 adjal Gesntrcfiht,athse in s Up VaClle mpbe 8Sha gs coun ic na bepu of It & 3 1 a w n n n . C a rs Ne to ac cli giothaenyhair ors e vi ve ich 9 t eeas p , c rn d th sa toria app and o e Mo orial1 ow R e C 5 ag wom ic v an .” k Da im s it 2105: na le 4 ls] c ag f go nithn ituc e o g 20 Vic elop ings ed Na vil s v v 12ct us22183-2068 aspseMehinard o ecyissiomple o nBby ath“NlealxIMi-n rks oast de d sa gres 05 2 ie C arnyar bo us dadpeo io F ia pa C ey nta 6-7 aNsi il is 3 m uosye y’s o l 0 st or all Co r 2 bu k pro g it im 2 dec o”ard w eople We ox V Rive1-86 rs [Ja 4eSh ct cp “ 3atidt ers an ad e vi p m ll nt trap ke Co be Cs2a8niv un tee h id th thtefibt,g.”e ave aidS. e ha s a nta mp &S urf u was a mit ls sa aenbdes blionf thto. Ith he s war ng ccou Ca o rs i e e eh mir lrs u,”e a ea. m to a o v v ly v co ass itastet ,hcuhaerrfnuo ydoth sa toria app and Mo orial sity tia l C m n cu.”te u ha Dra w agnicd nodve in s r t a n it ] s m e p ic a a it o e reo e g 5 V ed n iv idues: e s 68t4, lo ceols inga wofog faisitiohn ooun yyyth IM a SI ge s vin ve esctitte 8-2en ass citehinIta’s U prta pa Io rd eirec espyle ilnitb ais“Neacx-er o de d sa gres N e ia a M C y t h ia’sConm m6r-7e5s id itmeier t,saenar’s b“o ot uths d apkeo nis sibio awnaNhs mb le il ri od n g e 6p cra eSeuy ity pu o2m0 poec erd bu k pro to go h e ictor h co1-8 ba m eop “ c w of [J am id h rs nim lsd rees dels ey s vic p t. By bo a tra V a rc ne list d to s 8t e ena aha eth ll e sse 1 ga.”s ave wsahida s id Cdath a r 2 univras taivu ittee sath se d a g hu va seri li8n h we hear t f in tin ateo of in iswa mm sels e an m19b ltly.to kn,”oh g,”aw a ky TV in u ufu u unly ve. to u n id co as itte hin oo ille g n da nd sity diaml a C m nd dfaecr yinoyuo cyuote sp oksv ootin ey m g a on h“ ’rea ou hSIdeer ow ad a e ca er ndenat sat r o d 5 o it u iv u c y e re I h ll , e : e h id w h a p sg a S itIoS at t inUgn icres itteeleeandt nary citinIt’s ir fa syyoo ility WispcRa r o rtspa n V e esdid eioria er “ the ake sib e nNeh b e hde de’smp ncm y N th clu t sta icha d is w d t n ea inn acraiaercieom-bparse dcvritbueilet, w oo pu o miospno beSg mem Ne he • to ph ew aonf ip m n Co ls are t gels a yg ey s ic t x a e c lu B e 5 t e l a V aer van ligic s sdhto m tiv 0nthice asse a s al rie wh e s se •ad a ate g tiohna acu t12 ra15 02 u pCa 981 a.t y v V se 1 y , now ,” h gis ic 13m m f in Sttrinrealate ess in lt dk d g yin th sok ille T g in to au•n•a is incentr2f0co d id sin d m or sacyu woeu aonun f nko n t- l o w n a d a n Bu dara lsip veoksv ooti ey eg tofa iey 012y e o f e 17 d o had he c : • Fa unnd den leevre y onat rate e rev“inou2’re Junate oeSId ge h ll ng hpao pa it at t ing ic• Stu lehad nar ersC ccu at w imoy nd in n dW pR y di ams S torts s n Va ll il a e Hedig lsio leepr e a th na rou tieoNe d th clud dem nc• reaeawn s kilvis opild ld b tes Na k ng pleSe Bu e te cte staforwich • a a a ie in t c s u le m a b N d re 3 a per e- and pbe ou did y of bretaio co ge al Th n se bids Co lan aip n ’ll dic i a a 4 • ex valu gic • Is e sh It we an Cit toic ith 14. we e w be vide rth ject 7 •a ate tion ac“umthe c the ectsu nar w r 20 thatt of m long on o tr X te s ofg ic exmp mye be e is thtiaon, ts a ctiti pro r N Pro 10 •S rela es in de pda jo ls ntr o is m p y a d s ra e in ws u a ma pita 14 •a usin drais ce of c thSreipate y ho msabiniecwiaeli ral p at sh e B n nt- el na to “M ctoo vpe e g th oth s e ri eg17 6 o N • 1 n u te e to H v n c n 5 e e re gn f l s ge in or um Vic vepnati h 17 •F Stud h let Do5cvoin-rso.20cunraice y 1 es0o ac gdaetnwtaup of is, add acyine ma aninrnd In anic hore alle 1S8I • H ig– blsu12thelesps3 aa t 1 bendte.a s th gro Ha harmnhth e Sa st S an V rs NIo 20 •orldskilakeople0 lder a ap y id p og hboop ias td We wich 3 hakoedy om ’s2w1 g ma ps t r yw2noaug dllidL entor sa ee a bicroesu ueseeds rvinicite e s rv ocff sne itc 23 2 •d u“Itma caWna stidegmCo les &4ySgog Wh man elp2in ge c ssu qud in ral oeb) prea co p- e,”se afo 7 pa h a rs B in a s neg eta n inT t eX ate S Move ’s Su 10 t’s ais isc t iongene o.f(Bthalso C en elo eids -a ellb eagst ltovs? eX na o tind s upd l u H r u e R.W e is pm Deviaensatsg ichham r-w “Wp lesm X a h 4 s l e 1 lo W w a Wa rwyhc ebd e s eopre acip hs w a vXiX al s t th in Sh ve shtoderm co i,Ne torino ng La itori 16 ais is ner o. ’s de n Caicath n ell5 voef eloepm at it rep r spsh ll,”ugm mXsX edd 4 all ia5 v i st ern VTicofi ntim d H1u7s:art n8aim n o dfo re fuannin e“vm e wh iam aXrX leasn naslit ut buT 1 tiitohnin, o0lnik2s,e0abs edg we Alb and Invuerisnich ore e lley n a ct a 1p8 N-2a6 . W nad2w cXhX tmdeorl psim r.ti tinog ag onotaBrutt theyeo- htot ninewoaormd rt let la uolpte a Sh Va e13 nta in580 .W a 1tsorraa0 u e to a m Po olira R r. s a b m uergf bec w Cokers66-7 2of R1ny, Chyaoenrpa v2 ild psin rgayfo l th S est han gyr pisronm uini rp uis lue SUut teolo rdr o sed b heitaia W wic oin ittekeinogf Cooro il Uc ture Ccao l abl cu is q ad ha -8 om p2a 2eetnrcht C ta rnt-in M to vt erelita c tem le icgao all.fo, tsehoegkmmloobetsr inothb efoecduinta p Co les & S g1Wh sdtro ate 2 id m dm m8 – na lo co’re amce,”m lv yesttgleu saenlfd ca stra eds W et oalurm elu ye Sa vers Suin rk sa r,mit f o?fo reurey Ch ta . ” ioC e - vo ntl’sbli gsit r 2 10 t a o a min lintcdh ic adho is id th o n s u e it d m tr dders n fothimocsotso thaly min cs.e It din abre Rn.W weX M o’s o pagoNsaaurlt sro a b o t, a r eals cghh s ere rnin lsXl -towa ie in bcye m f pleha Wh w u atibvit bra sn e oBre In tsthaNanueelaW ar vXgeiX ritallsim al g h isveorroyereahm n eohip oegr mendasin te rreth c tbeitg id he as La itori d mXsX esedm a seotsdreo ul ps a m S eth bnm’s ohf ere ath a irin pa ree hrce.ndikd.eis amre ed e erfd ws.c nin e utos: ng 84 aXrX leasn naslit ut y hite aln ed “cetnsastwthr unWtam dS ngct ou -26k to . Gtwm won er tuisarTg cXhX tmdeorl psim s la uolpte oL r elixeupr.r ahetrocchhbilpro ietoje cn i n trantages26y 5b8ac ase nts g ao eawr.teaB stbpeoy ilaeylrN u m yN r th refo o Jaa k ew aeaavafo Tishe eein d sCo pay a 6-7g e c onhy,” ggyre pisronm uini va p rin SUut5 teolo Re g minog o aoDrd r sh alll thuds G il un nit-86 in th etirch q r t t- m C n tair ra 15 20 o ada mto vt erelita t bulsei-C&s goa ewfodocnistohyekeaine’s.lo20oknlaim so mu c1om be om ein RIC tem dsetaro t lfNa h 4 e e t 8 rm 24 c r n b e 12 130 sdtrp eluated in s r lu o ts a a rfo see f a 2 2’said lieit -” – athlo ad’re N ye cdhoa By agge igh com k is s to ollr y nenctae’ccsuco e nutlyr e-g itth ppa m th 20 c u He s abvear, etcroic trs are nTaerim radyho is lint io is a s ivce u a in to rdoosp th t m at a ba n seemew o w o a th w r. ic S y e c s 9 C n H t a o g gesro im e ismtrb at, labr Haardr e ss re-s q nden Broal th th est at X s: n alie . Lre ascth te o d lls -t W ut th doerd Cdaatev t Nllhe.Jeyawaesll 1n1dmDe an therer-gu bi mepr ha0 0reabdrajacideene hase oe Ca rita sX sem a sg k a 8th ir b r e. b 0,0ofic esatsl G urc a mp , b ionw sLUep t aVto XaXs s n p c ry life TLdwS oNerwm gnhisgaentdo.,uan cakntorc. e1. mtehme maand ham c3ecssli nr W it cXl “o N ate gio ny r ua raic Ls yo ebstb a maese u r 19 heoxp he c ro ate XdX pdir lass w Ree pa l ie n yN id trCsot teysaaimW g om XrXl lensSe rladliCt t e c nono,” f w 20 T e0p5 reagcom a v a in Jath Re sa eussnsd cn iait n ein ilCleth i o X Xo nt adgoa sim w m osvbfe israoti yuosi- 1215 2ed0th2the Gp nso sou Noafoth lpu e C air m RIC 'W au 4 r uabosaost aanb r & 02 13 s rk nu i e. y e l -ch dys ht oAmsmais dre24 ir c pbsaeto ye y lie -2 d a Utk bopaelo O c B C is agge o e ’s ig ll a u a m 2 c h r c k m foo e allva rco t 3 Tr on s c l bdp emr' il eliq tem t m at a bacn CsheaemeuwrWcestsr.e ,H gS i rd a x V a ivee ic duo tite ll v rs 3t4e pp nt th est at s“:on abliaCeom.oLeC eallsRth isatr t,” lu ke in t dolu Ca boa t fi e s a nta Ddois issXm av N.J mepllb d DSh W ut th ord s hCip res f th ali ss ng ccou be e , b o w Le t at Csaw kavearsn &. e b o . It eXas X to im a vi th air ors e no e l em a r life Tw orm gis td., aowaMn itss d Xl sa toria app anX as , ch ern d th “ N ate L lstb eritcorira m o m dXc epdritir lass s ] w gic ov an it.” id tr s ee m d u h Vic elop inogXrsXl alensSe adliCt sa ss s iate ekW om en o f w us: 684 ssels hina of g ision on y v o tact 8-2 Ca Me ard ec ple n b orl lput 8 a ne oc f th f C is o Xv X grenstsadgo sim de d saw e d y r o 5 s o o i n g u au r'W il paor ena ’s b ous 0 pe cisio wa As air o ber cus a n Co 66-7 amie usa Utk boelod ilis n ui bu k proO t [J idtSh yrsity nim ad 2 e de oard c ch am r fo e , m m 1-8 bd emr' liq vic h tra sa8 ive na e h th e b duo tite ll ve olute 14 C o u a s b lu “ ge r 2 un s a u itte aid d th ng.” ha pa 2 h ip Ddois is min lit d ouof wa mm sels s e an mbli l to ,” a s s y l co as itte hu erfu you 3 es na C m nd d in cu sim sit a m a n er enti sat X 34 ow 5 erit co ing wo faith ou nayy elSI n iv sid tee nt, de date ge U pa Io cit ItI’s eir es ymailit c re e 14 5 k in s Up it N e p ia “S th k o sib hon y0 t h ’s m s id er 8 ew od2 n ria m re rit et, NIo ut m’tato nXage ef on wegaon go b spurs 262 he icto h co w p of c me dy p alsoenre y N elodwepa in Bnrid ls sa m e Beyy le sn ar e ne e reaas o 308V ea rc a n list ad to goo al erieKi eewaschlaimo 14Vall re th re assre 1 e d s g 2 v y d h s N n 3 n B p ana s ahgae lley he trep Cco198riey.b ans 0 n ti te k y TV 1to ers s p 36fi au n d ida en theiniscPult ohupk oo sville ng in NSCaolewic oloxovpa 2ernSihak d n 9 1 n p as Chrfa o“uyt epyro ti s ok m & 3 il ow a31 ca oo ey y ’rre o CKoa rt aelb rs cNe 3 d ehrsad the g: er ry sh ValleX ss. er eyonut uyn d Sp e v o e s a it te t a k M l 4 c m r rt n d g da pMoort oririaal 4Sehta tha ludin an N d le ion er suc for the s la sta icha in s Up 1&e5 id c p ditito e I o nhoam See eoacn ase vis ild w w e d enrsSh 20 in th S f isoto e r ed -b nd bu ith en Co nXa riefe re NIo t o ati Ne r’t bsw d lue a ip n pl les ove 262s: lodwe Bd M g ey 84 va gic nsh ume ody lo nrCicehn weue rstehaeso u ma ut do sim is u Kien wschinlano u ct 3088-26 a Stratelatio ac g go ic all me a nreen in il r e r at gd Npeea naim an V ey onta -7532 • rearness in By ntr ohmer eop acrot ry thPieeebnde,rs Ut dolo tem tr pe sa brw fo min alit •ae si rais ce f c ers66 1306 Na alewsich vpasll iC ak-8 pa h y Bu nd t- l o nen s tteh toCrisreluvPiem do dolu ssis SCo oloxo ernSh 1 teh pwr y 38 191t ••Fu den leve u h a im e a t e ra e m o o lb s & it l il C g li tu h a g CKoa rt aers cNe it ut ers ccuss.at w r y unltrenen rs 2 •S ig an 5 agnueglpe i er keur H ills ple p be acces thrme erfe la pMoovrt M aall isu $ ao l 0 • h t u D te ri o u sk pe uld sida e fo th a s ra 15 2 prid liq po dititoori &heSe o d h 12 130 e f o h fo eed enrsS ey sveed tem •a It w can t t o is s it ye l 0 e v r “ p r le dolu o 2 e lo h eb e d : M gre th 84 C w th us mtaegout do sim of u e ct 8-26 ilis r a n in ng 5 nta in Ca Ut dolo tem ar ri o art Pe Cog 66-7 min alit to 5 p lub for 16 ye e tin -8 ic h do dolu ssis y en h1 y t 17 8 15 v 20 e C am w t le Inv anic hore alle 28 1 t e it sim 12 130 ag g u l it eh ali 24 ng Sa st S an V ur p ry f isung 20 lpu er ge rs 20 la pa nu qui We wich o hake om 21 o bDro cru g h S o li 2 C les & g W fo m 2 te fo ve e,” Sa ers uin yee Ca lute
th lu Uc tuargee 23 pp ca ket atr ams no co i, st ern Tofi m we t Alb and uris r let e to Po th lue Uc ture p t a c e rk ma
13 20
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V ad SUBSCR I Nt N e I o TODAY &BFoECUS NVeStM sid STAY » US oN I premgeitmB w INFORM » FoC ne gSc–opma sNid ED! toria cesas aWsatrRodn Fpirrestitm n u e w m ic Ve IN
The Comfort Inn and Suites in Salmon Arm. They are one of the top two Canadian Choice Hotels that raised the most money for their Sleeping Children Around the World charity campaign. This worthwhile program raises money to buy bed kits for children in need. Each kit consists of a mat or mattress, pillow, sheet, blanket, mosquito net, clothes outfit, towel and school supplies. General Manager, Jill Power, could not be more pleased for this recognition as well as being awarded with the opportunity to travel to Honduras and hand out 400 bed kits. To reach the Comfort Inn, call (250) 832-7711 or visit 1090 22 Street N.E. ••• Jim Wannop, owner of Mountain Media Inc. is thrilled to have recently increased their regional service coverage to now include Salmon Arm and is looking forward to helping our tourism and industry create art files of our city and geographical regions. These attractive digital files are mainly used for the development of corporate presentation materials, economic development and tourism
your source of local Business news www.businessvi.ca www.businessexaminer.ca
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SEPTEMBER 2015 A division of Invest Northwest Publishing Ltd. Thompson Okanagan Office #210-347 Leon Avenue, Kelowna, BC V1Y 8C7 Toll free: 1.866.758.2684 Fax: 1.778.441.3373 Email: info@businessexaminer.ca Website: www.businessexaminer.ca
PUBLISHER/EDITOR | Lise MacDonald, lise@businessexaminer.ca SALES | Thom Klos –thom@businessexaminer.ca, Josh Higgins – josh@businessexaminer.ca, Joanne Iormetti – joanne@businessexaminer.ca WRITERS | Goody Niosi, Julia MacDonald, John MacDonald, Beth Hendry-Yim, David Holmes WEBSITE | John MacDonald
MENTORS PROVIDE VALUABLE INPUT AND INSIGHT ON THE ROAD TO SUCCESS Businesses need premises, so doesn’t it make sense - and cents - to have your company own the building and property it needs to MARK MACDONALD
n essential ingredient in the recipe to success is hard work. Over the years, I’ve interviewed many business owners, and hard work is a common theme for every one of them. So, too, are mentors, as in the people who have encouraged them to reach out and be the best they can be. Here are some of the inspirational quotes and examples that these accomplished individuals have shared with me, when I asked them not only about their secrets to success, but about the people who helped them get there. - “Never get greedy. If you’re making your margin, don’t try to make more and more from
the same customer, or they’ll go somewhere else.” - On the book “T h i n k a nd Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, one friend gleaned this: “A lot of people hate rich people. Therefore, they’re doomed to be poor the rest of their life. Do you know why? Because you can’t become what you hate, and if you became rich, you’d hate yourself. If you want to be rich, find out what rich people do.” - “The number one rule in business is own the dirt”, as in: buy real estate.
Businesses need premises, so doesn’t it make sense – and cents – to have your company own the building and property it needs to operate? At the very least, when it comes time to sell or retire, that real estate could be paid for, and can produce revenue for you many years in the future. - Own the dirt. One gentleman shared how his mother told him when he was a teenager that he was going to “buy a lot”. As in, purchase a piece of property, and pay for it with his paper route money. A lthough he d id n’t u nderstand why at the time, he wisely heeded his mother’s advice (not sure if that was an option), and he says that over the years, that initial piece of property has been re-mortgaged several different times for other transactions as he expanded his business holdings. - “Never get emotionally attached to your assets”. - “Don’t be afraid of hiring people who are smarter than you. Just keep an eye on them.: He was also inspired by the words of Jimmy Pattison, who told him: “The toughest part of his life’s work has been driving the mediocrity out of his
organization.” - Join successful organizations like the Chamber and Rotary. Filled with experienced, successful individuals, they offer wonderful opportunities to glean and learn. “I went to Rotary to be a sponge and absorb information from them. It’s been a great group to belong to,” noted a very successful businesswoman. A not her gent lem a n p ut it this way, as a mentor told him: “You’ve got to join Rotary. I said I didn’t have time, and he said ‘you can’t afford to not have time for Rotary. Trust me on this.’ I spent quite a few years in Rotary. Can you imagine what the community would be like without groups like that?” - “Don’t tell people what you’re going to do. Show them.” “It’s a pret t y ba sic statement, but it kind of had a lot of impact because it represented who he was,” he says. “That was powerful to me. I’m surprised how many times I’ve told that to people over the years, and kept myself in check with it.” - The influence of parents. Parents are often listed as key motivators and inspirers, but this
one man found that in a different way. His dad inspired him because “I heard him talk about either buying another home as an investment property. I’ve often thought about the difference it would have made in his life if he did it, because he didn’t do it. “I am highly motivated because of that,” he adds. “My dad believed in the concept, wanted to do it, but for whatever reason, he didn’t do it. Choices are so important, and there are long-term impacts for action or inaction. Until you do something, it’s just talk. Action is the only thing that is going to make it happen. - Ta k e t i m e to t h i n k a n d strategize. One man spoke warmly of a boss he served for 25 years. “He taught me how to think and strategize in business. I’d be working away in the office, and he’d be just sitting there, thinking. His ability to see the forward was amazing. When the 1981 crash came, he was ready for it. He could see it coming.” All of these suggestions, and many more, offer “freebies” that make the path to success a little bit clearer.
Rail is more than 4.5 times more likely to experience a spill But perhaps the most telling statistic regarding pipeline safety is that 99 per cent of pipeline occurrences from 2003 to 2013 didn’t damage the
ragic accidents, such as the recent rupture of a Nexen oilsands pipeline southeast of Fort McMurray, should not detract from the fact that pipelines are the safest way to transport oil and gas. Such accidents are unfortunate and regrettable. This recent accident has stoked concerns, particularly from pipeline opponents, about the safety of oil and gas pipelines. Oil and gas pipelines, however, are a critical piece of Canada’s energy infrastructure, moving more than 2.4 billion barrels of oil and gas in 2013 alone. A recent Fraser Institute study used data from govern ment
sources to determine whether pipelines or rail were safer for transporting oil and gas. The study focused on the number of occurrences or accidents per million barrels of oil and gas transported. The result was clear. Both rail and pipelines are quite safe, but pipelines are without a doubt the safest way to transport oil and gas. Fewer incidents In every year from 2003 to 2013, pipel i nes ex perienced fewer occurrences per million barrels of oil equivalent transported than did rail. Overall in this period, rail experienced 0.227 occurrences per million barrels of oil equivalent transported compared to 0.049 for pipelines. This means that rail is more than 4.5 times more likely to experience an occurrence. A d d i t i o n a l d a t a o n p i p eline safety from the national Transportation Safety Board a lso ca l ls i nto quest ion t he often worst-case scenario rhetoric that surrounds pipeline debates. Consider that 73 per
cent of pipeline occurrences result in spills of less than one square metre, and 16 per cent of occurrences result in no spill whatsoever. The vast majority of pipeline occurrences - more than 80 per cent - also don’t occur in the actual line pipe. Rather, they happen in facilities that are more likely to have secondary containment mechanisms and procedures. But perhaps the most telling statistic regarding pipeline safety is that 99 per cent of pipeline occurrences from 2003 to 2013 didn’t damage the environment. Ignoring the facts Debates about pipeline expansion often ignore these realities. But make no mistake, transporting oil and gas by rail has been booming in the absence of new pipelines. According to the Energy Information Administration, annual exports of oil by rail to the United States in 2010 amounted to a measly 42,000 barrels of oil. Fast forward five years to 2014 and that number spiked to 42 million barrels of oil. T hese
numbers will continue to rise if new pipelines are not built. So while pipelines may attract much of the attention, rail too is not without its share of accidents. A string of events this year led to new regulations, which may provide little additional benefit, seeing as many of the newly required safety measures existed before the Lac-Mégantic tragedy. In both Canada and the United States, rising oil and natural gas production necessitates the expansion of our transportation capacity. Yet proposed pipelines linger in regulatory limbo, facing stiff opposition and little political support, best exemplified by the premiers national energy strategy, which managed to barely gloss over Canada’s pipeline conundrum. On the mode of transport, the choice is clear. It should be the safer one - pipelines. Kenneth P. Green and Taylor Jackson are co-authors of the Fraser Institute study Safety in the Transportation of Oil and Gas: Pipelines or Rail? Available at www.fraserinstitute.org
SUBCRIPTIONS | $45 PER YEAR (12 ISSUES), $80 FOR 2 YEARS (24 ISSUES), SUBSCRIBE ONLINE: WWW.BUSINESSTO.CA. DISTRIBUTION: FOURTH WEEK OF EACH MONTH VIA CANADA POST AD MAIL. The publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited submissions. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Produced and published in British Columbia. All contents copyright Business Examiner Thompson Okanagan, 2015. Canadian Publications Mail Acct.: 40069240
THETHE INTOUCHABLES ETTING COURSE When personal visions Learning from mistakes
and goals are in alignment is often the greatest gift
with team visions and
that guides great leaders
goals as well as company
visions and goals, a powerful synergy is created
ou m ay not re a l iof z eleadership it he subject is but, as a more sa lesofleader, a topic for many of our clients you must often serve as asopposed to management. It reveals a new vigator. You set the course awakening for many people who your sales team or for your want to adjust how they guide artment. You set a course their organizations to greater ourself.success. You help your staff Leadership is a tricky topic because thereinis a distinct mbers set their courses linewithin between the it andteam the traditiondually and al management role. My personal tex t. You a re consta ntly observation when working with gating. leaders You map outmanagers terri- is their versus es, chartability stepstoto take, test first, know themselves as well as their people. conditions, correct othersThey are in touch with both in a way that that guides great leaders. They have strayed off course and is completely different from the don’t hide from their missteps o reach the destinations debut use them to help others. Mismanagement role. mined for you, large, by the of the vision and the attainment takes allow them to forge new Manyin a leadership expert notes pany. that vision is a key elementoffor the goals. paths that may have been missed if theyahadn’t a lesson however most are not e courseleadership the company takes Establish plan learned of action to thevision. experience. born with theby innate gift butachieve it is from rgely determined its vithe It Adapting is pos-to rather a learned skill. What does these changes is the very essence , just as the course we take in sible to move “what is” closer to one need to work on to build their of leadership. as individuals is determined “what could – but alone Most be” leaders arenot competent visionary abilities? The answer ur personal vision. When without a plan. The last communicators. That is differcould easily fill several booksand and not than being a great orator. it’s important that weinbe able to inent onal visions and goals are step visioning is to establish aI noted hundreds times lookteam at ourselves to ofhave nment with visionsand andknow plan action. Develop theofgoals degree wevisions have it and what that regardless of the role or s as wellwhat as company that give life and action to the situation, when things go badly, we need to expand it. goals, a powerful synergy vision.typically Here isthe where leader and root of the problem Leaders see the big picture. eated throughout the comare joined in their comcommunication. How Ma ny ma nagers see the follower i m- is poor and the things will many have we intended one y. Part ofmediate what you have thethatmitment totimes the vision. goals in the next days, andhow it’s been very er to doachieve as a manager is to Thinkthing about yourreceived personal weeks, and months.the Leaders go differently. communication k to shape your vision, vision and goalsClear fit with the vibeyond the immediate and think is the mark of a true leader. They sion and goals of your company. on of those on your staff They and master in terms of years. take the time to talk, to ask quesIs it a good fit or a forced The vision ofthe the company in a to undercontext of time and make the tions, to listen, and fit? stand. It is a skill that must purpose of their people and the that gives meaning to the best fit is when your vision co-be youcompany’s want to be a leader. organization ob- learned with ifthe vis you work to set. bigger than isalesces vious and engage others to get ow your company’s vision. sion. When you achieving your behind it. the company achieve sion is different from goals goals John Glennon is the owner of Insight Maybe most important, they helps its goals, synergy isInc, created. Immission.know It expresses a view Sales Consulting an authorized themselves. Most leaders Sandlerwould Training happen Licensee. He watch themselves closely and are what agine if can thebe what could be. The vision, jglennon@sandler.com, of what theycan do andvision how reached of eachatteam member cosharingaware in the vision, free atyour 1-866-645-2047 visit affects others. Learning from alescedtollwith vision fororthe ivate andit inspire us to reach mistakes is often the greatest gift www.glennon.sandler.com goals. Determine your com- team? What if their goals led to y’s vision and share that vi- attainment of your goals? with your staff. This creates If you were to set out to make ntext in which company some or all of your visions beS sense to come a reality, what goals would s make personal W loyees, which NE in turn is a you set to get there, in the real erful motivating dynamic. world? ■ volve everyone who might be cted. A leader with a vision ds to share that vision with John Glennon is the owner of yone who will be affected Insight Sales Consulting Inc., . The navigator informs the the authorized Sandler Training w. The crew knows the des- licensee for the Interior of B.C. tion. Members of the crew Reach him at toll-free 1-866-645then empowered with the 2047 or jglennon@sandler.com. acity to share in the pursuit Visit www.glennon.sandler.com.
NORTH OKANAGAN REGIONAL DISTRICT LOCATION SIMONE SUNDERLAND 1401 Keefer Lake Rd, Cherryville - Keefer Lake Wilderness Lodge
PROJECT PROJECT New Open Air Farmers and NewMarket water treatment - the dis- TYPE Crafters facility - 5facility PROJECT Commerical add/alter buildings trict -is97,000-square currently testing several methLOCATION foot public market membrane consist- technology ods including LOCATION PROJECT 1027 Clement Ave - Fourplex ing of several large buildNew commercial tourist lodge PROJECT STATUS 175 Kokanee Way Ramada Hotel ings resembling barns, PROJECT TYPE - 1 building - 2.5 storeys Designand underway PROJECT TYPEnew Multi-family farmhouses stables- Tender call for with a mezzanine and baseGeneral Contractor anticipated - The Granery retail studios commercial ment - 11 rooms - lounge, PROJECT new July/14 construction completion - Mission Crossing Spirits New fourplex - 2.5 storeys restaurant, retail space, PROJECT winery and brewpub The anticipated late -2015 LOCATION wood frame construction administration office, recreNew Ramada Hotel in the Campbell Yard nursery and landscape CONSULTANT - fibre cement siding - roof ation room, saunaSpringfield and mes- Rd - Missio 2241 supply - Central Market Hall Creek industrial park 4 storeys top patios - prefinished alusage facility, wine cellar, Opus Dayton Knight 255 1715 Crossing Westside permanent Farmers market 3,780 smrailings - 80 rooms restaurant - pool minum - 6 -parking elevator - timber frame conDickson Ave, V1Y 9G6 250-868-4925 Gatehouse live work studios with waterslide - elevators - concrete PROJECT TYPE stalls struction, rough sawn cedar Mews residential OWNER construction - roof articulation with - Artisan commercial new fascia, peeled cedar trunk PROJECT STATUS porte cochere - asphalt shingles - 98 townhouses District of Sicamous - 1214 posts, stone,PROJECT siding, asphalt Site work has stalls commenced surface parking PROJECT STATUS Riverside Ave, Sicamous V0Eshingles 2V0 - onsite sewage - construction start anticiNew commercial urban lifest Construction start late 2016 250-836-2477 PROJECT STATUS disposal, electric pated fall/15 centre generator, - 6 buildings - 2 to 7 s solar panels- and driven at ground PROJECT MANAGER ARCHITECT Construction retailwind commercial DESIGNER start anticipated late generator - landscaping Ekistics Town Planning -12th 1925 2014 MHPM 550 555 W Ave, with office units above - und Protocol Home Planning and Main St, Vancouver 3C1 Vancouver V5Z V5T 3X7 604-714-0988 Design - 7 1811 Ambrosi PROJECT STATUS parkade - 80 above ground s ARCHITECT 604-739-7526 Road, Kelowna, Developmentterm permit applicaparking stalls DF Architecture Inc - 1205 4871 Shell V1Y 4R8 250-878-7318 DEVELOPER tion submitted PROJECT STATUS Rd, Richmond V6X 3Z6 604-284-5194 R366 Enterprises Ltd - 4870B GENERAL CONTRACTOR DESIGNER Development permit applica Chute, Kelowna V1W 4M3 DEVELOPER Okanagan Valley Construction Purcell Timber Frame Homes submitted 250-764-8963 Ltd - Ventures 709 Clifton Kelowna LOCATION - 808 Radio Ave, Nelson V1L Prism Inc -Rd, 3571 Barmond ARCHITECT V1V1A7 GENERAL CONTRACTOR 3L3 Ave, Richmond V7E 1A4 604-338-4656 To Be Determined - Ice Facility Lambert and Paul 250-878-9672 Ekistics Town Planning - 192 1-800-655-5574 OWNER PROJECTLtd TYPE Construction - 300 2000 St, Vancouver V5T 3C1 604-7 OWNER Prism Hotels and Resorts - 800 Spall institutional Rd, Kelownaadd/alter V1Y 9P6 Keefer Lake DEVELOPER Wilderness 14800 Landmark Blvd, Dallas Texas250-860-2331 PROJECT Ltd - 4870 Resort - 625R366 Hwy Enterprises 6, 1051 75254 214-987-9300 New ice facility for the Greater Keefer Lake Kelowna Rd, Cherryville V1W 4M3 250-764LOCATION V0E 2G3 250-483-6611 Vernon area to replace the aging GENERAL CONTRACTOR 140 Mugford Rd, 405 & 425 Civic Arena - 4,000 seats - may be Rutland Rd - Townhouses Lambert and Paul Constructi
SALMON ARM LOCATION an addition to Kal Tire Place or the
300 2000 Spall Rd, Kelowna CENTRAL 250-860-2331 a new ice facility OKANAGAN PROJECT TYPE 451 Shuswap St SD 83 North OkanaPROJECT PROJECTnew STATUS Institutional gan Shuswap Administration Building REGIONAL New townhouses - 4 buildings Feasibility study and cost analysis - 2 fourplexes OKANAGAN PROJECT PROJECT TYPE - 2 duplexes study anticipated shortly - the DISTRICT New Fire Hall to replace 2 storeys 12 units wood institutional new Greater Vernon Advisory Committee PROJECT TYPE
Priest 990 74 Ave Valley – Fire Arena Hall or construction of
LOCATION Multi-family New
existing fire hall on Main June whether orLOCATION not to Streetwill - 1 decide storey in - 1,232 sm hold a referendum in November/14 ments - gabled roof line on the with 170 sm mezzanine - 4 New administration building Oyama Lake Rd, Oyama to fund a bays new ice - semi attached garages or through to facility accom- - location, Single Family Homes - Oyama old JL Jackson school site - 2,640 smdrive preliminary estimated modate 8 vehiclesdesign - hoseand and Estates 2carports storeys - 75 parking stalls costtower, to be determined training storage, workPROJECTSTATUS STATUS PROJECT PROJECT TYPE shop, OWNER training room, kitchen LOCATION Rezoning application submitsubdivisions Site work underway and administration space Vintage Boulevard, Okanaga ted City of Vernon - 1900 48th Ave, ARCHITECT PROJECT PROJECT STATUS Vintage Views Vernon V1T 5E6 250-545-1361 ARCHITECT subdiviMQN Architects - 100 3313 32- Ave, Tender call for a Construction New single family PROJECT TYPE Water Street Architecture sion - 5 large rural SFD lots Manager closes September Vernon V1T 2E1 250-542-1199 1848 Riverside Ave, Kelowna - 4.86 ha to subdivisions 6.88 ha PROJECT 9/15 V1Y 1A7 OWNER STATUS PROJECT 250-762-2235 School District 83 - North OkanaganARCHITECT Rezoning application and - 30 SFD lot New subdivision KMBR Architects Planners Shuswap - 220 Shuswap St NE, development permit applicaDEVELOPER 1788 W 8th Ave, Vancouver PROJECT STATUS RA Quality Homes - PO tion submitted Salmon Arm V1E 4N2Ltd 250-832-2157 V6J 1V6 Box 22024 Capri PO, Kelowna Construction start anticipate PROJECT MANAGER 604-732-3361 CONSULTANT V1Y 9N9 June/14 CTQ Consulting - 1334 Saint Stantec - 400 1620 Dickson Ave, CONSULTANT LOCATION 250-861-7127 OWNER Paul St, Kelowna V1Y 2E1 Kelowna V1Y 9Y2 250-860-3225 TRUE 2425 Consulting Group - 201 to the Orlin Rd - Addition 250-979-1221 Vintage View Developments 591 Bernard Ave, Kelowna Village at Smith Creek Robert Milanovic 250-492-5 V1Y 6N9 DEVELOPER PROJECT TYPE 250-861-8783 Oyama Estates Properties seniors housing 5874 Oyama Lake Rd, Oyama LOCATION OWNER V4V 2C9 2030 Benvoulin Rd - Open Air Town PROJECT of Osoyoos - 8707 Main LOCATION Market Facility Townhouses St, Osoyoos V0H 1V0 Addition to the Village at Smith Creek 524 Dabell St - Mara Lake Water SURVEYOR - Mission Crossing - Eastside 250-495-6515 seniors housing facility- 1,810 sm - 4 Short Land Surveyors Russell frame construction - vinyl
PROJECT siding - unfinished base-
KELOWNA BusinessExaminer.ca SICAMOUS
Jeff Bosch
Treatment Facility
storeys - 23 units - 8 additional u/g 32 St, Vernon V1T 5L8 - 2801 parking stalls - fibre cement board 250-545-0511 exterior - 4th floor stepped back as gables
mixed-use dev
industrial new
P r o f e s s i o n a l
D e v e l o p m e n t
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