Business Examiner Thompson/Okanagan - October 2015

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–PAGE 8 Le Fo as r e

OCTOBER 2015 SUMMERLAND Tight Lines Contracting, has been building

Industrial Office Retail

high end homes for more than 30 years




KELOWNA TKI Construction has an impressive track


INDEX News Update


Kelowna 4 Kamloops 5 Vernon 7 Penticton 19 Summerland 19 Salmon Arm


Movers and Shakers 24 Opinion 26 Sales 27 Greensheet 27 Contact us: 1-866-758-2684


Canadian Publications Mail Acct.: 40069240

Annual gala celebrates the best commercial buildings in Thompson, Okanagan and Kootenays



7th Annual SICA Commercial Building Awards set for Oct. 22 ELOWNA – Builders and developers throughout the Thompson, Okanagan and Kootenay regions have been busy over the past year, and they’re getting ready to celebrate their accomplishments. The 7th Annual Southern Interior Construction Association Commercial Building Awards Gala October 22 at the Coast Capri Hotel in Kelowna will honour the best in commercial and industrial construction throughout the region. Commercial and industrial properties from every corner of the Thompson, Okanagan and Kootenay regions are represented as finalists in the 6th Annual Southern Interior Construction Association Commercial Building Awards, set for Thursday, Oct. 22 at the Coast Capri Hotel in Kelowna. T he event, which annually draws the top developers, general

contractors, realtors, contractors and business people to celebrate the best of the best from Kamloops to Fernie and Osoyoos to Golden, is also sponsored by Gold Sponsor Re/MAX Commercial, and Category Sponsors Meyers Norris Penny (MNP) Chartered Accountants, Coldwell Banker Horizon Realty and Colliers International Kelowna. “We are extremely pleased to once again be hosting the SICA Commercial Building Awards for the southern interior,” says Bill Everitt, SICA Chief Operating Officer. “These awards are an opportunity to celebrate the owners, consultants and contractors who bring these creative, environmentally sensitive, and innovative projects to fruition. “We appreciate the efforts of Mark MacDonald and his team at Business Examiner Thompson SEE COMMERCIAL BUILDING   |  PAGE 21

Painted Rock Estate Winery of Penticton won the 2014 Award of Excellence for the Wine Industry category. Presenting the award was Ken McLaughlin, right, from Re/MAX Commercial

Sound quality key for Okanagan Dance Party Entertainment specialist leverages experience to deliver high level of service


ER NON – Okanagan Dance Party has quickly become one of the Valley’s most sought-after event entertainment providers thanks to a unique service offering and exceptional customer care. The mobile music production company is lead by owner Paul Cousins, an area native with

decades of industry experience. His company provides professional DJs & MCs, sound, and audiovisual equipment to weddings, karaoke nights, school dances, graduation galas and corporate events from Osoyoos to Revelstoke, based out of Vernon and Kelowna. “We’ve grown quite rapidly

For information or a free quote contact or visit

Tel: 250-861-8834

over the past few years,” he says. “When you offer a premium service and deliver it at an excellent value point, people are going to pay attention. Word spread quickly after we launched and it hasn’t really slowed down since. We’re already booking well into 2016. “A l o t o f w h a t w e ’ v e

accomplished so far is due to our somewhat ‘old school’ approach to the business. We can provide a lot of certainty to our customers, as we own all our own equipment, our music library is fully licensed and the audio quality we deliver is bar-none. It’s a point SEE OKANAGAN DANCE PARTY   |  PAGE 22


2 BC Measures taken to increase use of wood residue

Af breact onp anrecent yannouncedw he pgeneratemoreva uefromtheprov nce s forest resources The p an conta ns act ons that w support forestry-re ated obs n BC and ncrease the eff c ency of f bre ut zat on n the short-term wh e durab e onger-term so ut ons are deve oped The act ons are des gned to ncrease eff c ency of ut zat on of ower-qua ty wood and wood res due for secondary users nc ud ng the wood b oenergy sector and other non- umber manufacturers such as pu p and paper and or ented strandboard The f bre act on p an prov des support and encouragement for bus ness-to-bus ness re at onsh ps between pr mary harvesters and secondary users support for remov ng res dua s from the forest where bus nessto-bus ness re at onsh ps do not ex st and tenure opportun t es for secondary users where there are no pr mary harvesters S nce2014 theForestryandF breWork ng Group made up of representat ves from the umber pe et non- umber pu p and paper sectorsandm n strystaffhavebeenwork ng together to prov de the M n ster of Forests Lands and Natura Resource Operat ons w th recommendat ons to stream ne and ncrease the eff c ency and recovery of owqua ty f bre from BC s forests The mounta n p ne beet e nfestat on has caused an ncrease n the amount of owqua ty wood that s not su tab e for umber product on However th s wood and wood res due and debr s s su tab e for use by pu p and paper m s that use ch ps for pu p


product on or ented strandboard m s pe et p ants and others Wood pe et product on capac ty has doub ed over the ast few years and there are now 12 pe et p ants operat ng n BC Pu p and paper producers a so put s gn f cant cap ta nvestments nto the r p ants to der ve energy from wood res due “W th the adopt on and mp ementat on of these recommendat ons we ook forward to mproved access to forest f bre res dua s generated from harvest operat ons We ant c pate an e evated eve of f bre ut zat on thereby enhanc ng econom c opportun ty for the secondary f bre users The assoc ated ga n n forest stewardsh p w benef t the ent re BC forest ndustry ” says Cra g Lodge v ce pres dent Forestry P nnac e Renewab e Energy Inc

I fee a respons b ty to support the next generat on and to he p keep the automot ve tradea veandhea thy ”saysFender sowner Norm Cross “The fact that oca emp oyers have chosen to support the new trades tra n ng comp ex s very aff rm ng for us as we bu d for the future ” says Okanagan Co ege Pres dent J m Ham ton “We are tru y gratefu to Fender s and a of the other automot ve bus ness owners nvest ng n our campus our programs and our students as we grow to tra n ahead of the sk s gap pred cted for the prov nce ” Cross s connect on to the Co ege dates back more than three decades he earned h s Red Sea from the Co s on Repa r Program n 1983 “I worked for my dad Norm Sr who started Spr ngf e d Auto Body n the m d-1970s ” exp a ns Cross “My father was the one who s gned off on my apprent cesh p t cket ” “It s very fu f ng to be part of a group of bus ness owners w ng to back stuFender’s supports College in carrying dents enter ng the automot ve trades ” he on rich history of trades training says “I ve seen many examp es of peop e A oca automot ve bus ness owner has my father knew and worked w th who are made a ma or donat on to OkanaganCo ege support ng the Co ege a ong w th the r to ensure that one of the Va ey s econom c k ds—my generat on—who are now honeng nes doesn t sta out as veteran trades- our ng the r parents egac es ” peop e ret re n the com ng years The Foundat on s endeavour ng to ra se $7 Fender s Automot ve Center n West Ke- m on through the Br ght Hor zons Bu downa has p edged $50 000 to support upng for Sk s Campa gn n support of the grades underway n the Co ege s Co s on renovat on nc ud ng $5 m on for cap ta B1 ge pa Repa r shop The shop s current y be ng S–construct on and $2 m on for student and d B1 aR program upgraded as part of the $33-m on 10 000 support The prov nc a governe W g a paucket g eB has comm tted $28-m on to the sq metrerenovat onandexpans onoftrades S–ment B llin IR d i V F R t ic n i Wa pro ect tra n ng fac t es at the Ke owna Wcampus l da a t lc ke o eB uc ing BW IR ica y CR wh ch nc udesconstruct onofanewTrades ll th severa Fi ed industr inic renovated shops a ready n tV Rd a o m C n operat Tra n ng Tower a ong K L O cl new Trades Tra n ng Comis on Wd tio althe Re Road » Ro ectonsstrucexpected jex dic dustry p to be fu y comp eted and “As a bus ness owner who hRres o d C Red Sea e r c p the s m n in d Co an o n slwent techn c ans and as2013someone who est eopen Re ctistudents by next spr ng n i ct i to rI u w » r e e m e t uv ’ nf or wo proj he cons through the apprent cesh p process co myse an ndis d f



Bu ee te cte for 1T3hr sele ids land



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pr Pr rkNs aijon als gml pvite in Hsohsa m d to ld ui tea





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U Moer ores ignc and oth I s Bankruptcy a growing to U ny zin threat VI eS pad copper, n Mother ores ad m SUBSCR NV I an increasing number of seniors o n o t g y i d t i f I eN c i N t univers ninghoping to any esr, zinc an TODAY I&BFoECUS o NVeStM engures i show n pa ogrow pp he d tio New f ng number of t m i a o esmB1ent t andesrFsiirtsyt N g comg to find c r STAY » US oN I p n u t sen ors out v ng the r sav ngs carry ng n n eit are pi i iinv n n o a o g w m h n a daeti hhemu INFOR2013M » FoC mit Nation and fac ng the oom ng nedebt c–opm snto Ni ngtatnod tCret s d rement dngS re t Vancouver Island | Thompson-Okanagan Skeena Vancouver V Island| Victoria | V Victoria | thompson-okanagan m o | Peace| Cariboo Fraser V Valley o rs ED! toria n e R i r s n e F t i a inus c a Fpir iMtmin ofnbankruptcy dur ng the r go den c un as aWs threat a Vi 13 noeVxpIRreesBses newngeco5mRBCmuFRciklleintNg atinod Chem 20 n years a a t g Vancouver Island | V V Victoria | thompson-okanagan m o | Fraser V Valley ic ia ic sdsealst ce stproa irs ining n i r n s La– Numbers cl F CR Ma YOUR SOURCE OF LOCAL BUSINESS NEWS cto V Wa the Off ce of the Superalfrom Vi U CmRieoC nou ressoeL R a a dic dustry n ls Nexpa R ntendent e5 e a RdJ g ori n of Bankruptcy and Stat st cs o m i t a c eo C n i p c s s e o s i i i – What’s happening in your region? Make sure you find out R V ie W t truct V agper CeRa S ca LL Canada ain » U r e o s revea 10 9 cent of Br t sh Co s j N o d m n R s l by subscribing to: ro e co JaNt p fy to bui toria Nanad VI inersshidec 34 st pn in th ans uwho s o umb ared bankruptcy n 2014 c ad e 011 S, i Isl e 20 S s r e e r b uasilneeettinsg or V again I 2 ew wom euRve eR NoW 65 b is ges off age ild or o der W th a ret reforeyears s’ nd forwere d ae i Natnc eW bu kn p n I r a n i o V R o n t V H u e cehlowNetuwpopu B si rsssh reaat dy on 65+ of 110 000 n the S, » na gro ment op 2 sKage t Ie onagbarneaks kp:awzgeepW1oeustrto Imfoporr bda ebuasilniesTegSettingm kameen and Thompson eR d n s W i Okanagan n a a e b eN–itealrimapn aen cehlowenetwork kaH 13 BR oUr ores 20 -o » ith toMc esatds tVoIrCevreg on ose to 12 000 G:e o ons oesrtsKImport N that transtorates ps e w use idgn d othe aInW tok k p m g W N a n e n o c ynse nc a s Tng potent na Men lo u2to0 ansen ize n aors th i fac es th s in r, zbankruptc e lls good aesnsa ttio b alw koaw 13 i t f t S a i e t 0 e N o ' 2 p - e a s v m n B


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S is th mn’spa t0h0e dja Va n de date y tN e n as sm ie ve ve S rin i ,0 IS RS to M c d R i ube v u ge in . in s Up Valle re t aam l Gerefurcwhs. is a a dy ch g in ati G e Ha e FI 18 mer r an hild a3t0a ansicn noaw la ion in s N cu w RRC HD y fo na o k a r sw pNue t g : l Na Se aen26 li io Ne u er c th ecw a r Nat Min inu e do ther rR C Diosnh enc ma e lo a ye a n t p aanilyy o je c k i n ic a o oN ahg e ic 9 g s d fo p r l r r 1 a h n t g o pD r a e d h e m is w e h Rmee R Se Co aimo all nd e5ar s 0 g r y irs RC em n t r fu ontfoh t S a he a us to – a h in k e s any omo n t p e r ttht m na imT he 2a cim 2105 wo 20 t in e t s w it p o p n B as ito s F ed t Ch sig w fo ratio le d io N a m – rr is y ’sp na e Na vil 12 22130 te a inu join ge a 25 tol allo -pa C o rp. ’um a s s e a l n d s e com th imo Na u r r e u nyes-mf o he ital. d fro rks oas2t c t e p pa m iott sta pril wil dCphree nnt. Co Stz e s s a d r a th C ey 20 32 na y th ry ’ i v aadr to os lan e st eh a9ll r Ell on ge a ich ahn. m bgo a is e s s s qlu ent al H the th s in c u re e s to said We ox V Rive H p r 0 - c er ” ed e Jo tX p rs ors lle wh tiomnit gie s ref es e 3t4e b u se in v bard ll11 ke de date omy ap tant es l Co ent, ltdays l cah inv ativ Ca i m 0,0 0 adjal Gesntrcfiht,athse to R ub in s Up VaClle mpbe 8Sha sin u a ua tian ing N cu C gs coun ic na bepu of It s H & u m 3 1 a l w n n R n n n s n nio r . n C S rs Ne ha d b n sig W to ac coa r teat in u do e cli giothaenyhair ors e vi ve Do 9 Ne an a n a and ding ry ne aspt oN R M main the furth for eeas p , c rn d th wic y sa toria app and Mo orial1 Rw C Co aimo 5 ag n ajo e a Il s ion d om ic ve an .” or s Fir d R Che sign for tion it 2105: n le at s e nc sta mrit 4 ls] c ag f go nithn it e o D 20 Vic elop ings e ed us Na vil s v v 12ct us22183-2068 aspseMehinard o ecyissiomple o n by ath“NeaxIM- irst Ne r s u nnou nder totea r maininu join ge at 25 tol allow para rks oast de d sa gres a u re tt il 05 2 ie C arnyar bo us dadpeo io aNs ia F a d to pa C ey nta 6-7 il et 7 of lead tz’um llio sta pr wil d p nt. is 3 m uosye y’s o l 0 st or all Co r 2 bu k pro g it im 2 dec rd w eople Itlepeavgen ndumould t in S E ors onege a hich n an eme We ox V Rive1-86 rs [Ja 4eSh ct cp 3a8tidt ers nan had the bt,o”a ll w tio gre vi p . “ e f ra t c en ess traap tant ke a o s om bell e t, e a e iv e a fi a o id C 2 o .” e C m u h g hav sa Sre em tha p sin u a l s n en ult ial st nth rC un s a itte aid deth mp lo &S ng ccou Ca ouof wa mm sels s ehaenb mairbliof lrsto. It ,”e he awaa.”m oeWUicS) deve d bu a n n sign g mconsotent rs to a vi ve u ly e (MUN V ew an n nd in y co as itastet ,hcuh errfnuo ydoth sa toria app and Mo orial sity tia l ap d C m e an cu.”te hav raIl aty inla ion d a e a nd jor d le us r n t it m] w agnic nodv in oue reo eD t hme Nat uns e unc rsta ma us 5 a u ta , Vic elop ings ed n ive idues: e sa68t4, ceols ga wofog faisitiohn oounaityyyth a- f t s e o e a in SI ge d res lete s acIM v v ss citehinin ’s y es t e n pa Itard eirec esple ilnitb Nhsais“Nex er o Firs deewr h ahnt,n f und d to ’um de d sa gres a n &W mp gen NIo e U prtac itt 8-2e iaCa M a t h ’sCon m6-7e5s id eier t,aenar b“o ot uths d apkeo nis sibio awna mb le liak ot utog o lea Stz il ri dy a s A o wa up u o2m0 poec erd g e bu k pro to oo p ’sle vIethn dum uld in g l an is c lks ht e n toria com-86pr f [Jcraitm eSheusy ity’s im p c o g d h b m s y a c i h 1 w o am id rs n lsd ree els o u ind h at Vo roug pe t. “itIt . e“ n co ent By bo a le tra aid sv Vic a rc ne list d to s 8t e ena aha eth sse 1 ga.”s ave wsahida saeidofmora hat pm ie r D beh en t ring e b al erie ” s an e d a g ha r 2 univras taivu ittee ath id Cdath a s r n t v h we hea e e)3 elo m b s s rt, r m d li8 u t n e reets W h bou il l f in tin ateo f iswa m els an m19b kn,”oh g,”aw a m poVagU ky TV in ic dev nt Ja sels sta e h a u ufu u unly ve.”(M st nt. eigh ip w s to au n d id y o mlin com ass ittee hin toy e G r k oo ille g d a Ntt|U inew ide Ca C m nd dfaecr yinoyuo cyuote ab r a e n rs h aditlegut-h w o w n a a n rsitd nadtia at sp oksv ootin ey st he u h er a me la es m a n “ e e2 ta e t, d o haI d he c : ive aid 5 th a le . n’tawu t in n e s e,r o co g wo ith uu’ra yo eSreIde t h pr n o e rsc s ores leNte n | pag Sp tspasghe Vall itIoS at t inUgn icres itteeleeandt nary citinIt’s ir fa syyoo ility WispcRa r of Vic whe t, de date acna d ,W s t o h it r n e ik& n omr pt age HIp or nd P b is agen e esdid eioria er “ the ake sib e nNeh b e U ke gh hde de’smp ncm to t p y N th clu s W p t sta icha o c S d is u A w r u d t e “l a w mc sw Rt n ea o inn acraiaercieom-bparse dcvritbueilet, w pu o miospno beSg mem Ne ’s li I tho t ra h- e f u sw ik u g rdzaenot Iis olk euagLeh go he • to ph ew aonf ip m n Co it ls are t e T ta V e do on ig d r olk tey s id e w r, o in By at id. “ Vic aerxc vanlue ligic e g els s a es , st sdhto me tive 0an5th ll sa n e c w h a n ed V e r z loroD -beh na ut h ring SeCHbr 2 u icpCaass 81 at wh e sa ie d he u ol Rb se •ad a ate g tiohna acu t12 va seri t,” m a d e Wroup ey h ir a ne ip uir ra15 0m r T on-efau ilets 3 r m w h p 9 tr ” a in e o r h . y e o th s in q a o 1 ls la g te V 13 eW hb eeil t w is ic m Ja s c f St rea es in G kt sta G e h ag lty dk, n d g,” Sw yin th P e n-, t o tsbtre ncat.s ig ith t’s of elitosh le r ly a . sok ille T g in nt sse k to au•n•a is incentr2f0co | p d id sin d m e th ip or sacyu woeu aonun f d t it to t he o r nko n ide Ca d w han ion lik wdne a nt hip a n lit aob feo elrrya aeunto t- l o w n a a n Bu dara lsip veoksv ooti ey eg tofa “iey 012y e o f eN rs 17 u il wa ing e t w es e2 ate rc at uld to ryce rs s m eils e -h w d o had he c : • Fa unnd den leevre y onat rate e rev inou2’re Junate oeSId tdh ble . ge pr h ll ag ng hpao or e niz o wrnt vere eale o k e .5tom uoarrsc “je pa it s en eea te n’t t N it at t ing ic• Stu lehad nar ersC ccu at w imoy nd in n dW pR y Vic | p di ams S torts s n Va ab e M ga o w dpoo a d - p o$r4s s qP isa h igehn- n bd da e ca , no r t il a e Hedig lsio leepr e a th na rou tieoNe d oll ntr or wh Iinm aavdey . all dU n S cat 0n-d rto th clud dem nc• to W ik p o HIp b hag s o o s a g plee Bu e te cte staforwich “ ew m •s ilvis pild b RS a 0-e kfinu e’s w l o c Ce ots ers ruivtoe yg hre this cou tshtaerid a a re ewn I le d re z e g 3 in ac perie e-ba nsdk pbeou ould idate of N reaiok ncom S l get icNal a h a ik aLe ,0h are cohlks il als nk srISoT own e th A thin by- ,toon e1hla Th n se bids Co lan a aip wen nd ity bat a . e’l d 6ig Tr u to de st- lo,sbt ab tip g mgn–d odrsV – w r z e w or, 4 • ex valu gic • ba goralosN ess emrcan ngdettie. vein h Itm ca C toic ith 14 w me g w it ers,” ree c nw Is e He s e e t C s a s h e a to e P e n t p “ e ts c lo n in n b 7 •a ate tio acu the th ec u ar w r 20 tha t of lon on es al es as a C sin memr kk. ais aacehinWisroeto RS u- cryeshhir c hAnees teip ku.rir il e r T -f il d vid ort je eS po X date g nlyGr ic q o b e te two b u se” ye be e is thtiaon, ts a ctitie hop dic ullsin d h mTIM bu ehceoG anor ahyath arhsidaf nErds htbaacnfo pro r N ofg tric eoxmp m kleteo to Pro 0 •Str rela ess in e ee s 1 a iv f is m e S e d s o t a s d s io a b jo p a p m tw w d ls n o P , ra y t c n e icuwilit isnesnt’ hendcoe ek,”ePli rnboarle ic se eNstb etsly in ws u a ma pita 14 •a usin drais ce of c thSreipate y ho msabiniecwiaeli ral p at sh er merraosfw rasnad k f r he ip. n on o o lry auto ilt ead e W W eto too vpe e g th oth obo bhe ac . T rcifdb m s heac tdtioi oarliywtont w n eVn u th 5 a li f u Ne tori gneg17 16 •B Fun ent- velnna c- ton 5“Mte s il ewrrin pate urrcr Avuea nooucrld Ho eyc ors ge s m il e - we d e c e re fl eem a lt db m l s gen in or um e r be os r oeg oiz p oo-obworunt nahtoip v eaable| poak e .5 m u a r “je -en b e b Vic vepnati h 17 • Stud h let Do5cvoinrso.20cunraice y 1 es0o ac gdaetnwtaup of is, add acyine ma aninrnddmh g feelles mfrobkinmgesmbegin ollab traev“Minilodtorgaamnnnttheoomww,inm rdesy . y isdaNnK-S p a $4 -s q to a ig h o n ncdpdale oavw In anic hore alle 1S8I • H ig– blsu12thelesps3 h o n Bu aa in am o’s g t c d nH ce waw neaI ehare t 1 bendte.a s th gro Ha harmnhth 0 e Sa st S an V yg thp ais eScto tshaeid ,0 0 a k in he’s il l s rs NIo 20 •orldskilakeople0 lder a ap y id p og hboop ias. t wnct mn bloeuril2d5in0tath.eaolsoipnakteCensarISlioTos htswt dunoeprs’BrthoAroruieivmtorhieinedin td ce w We wich 3 hakoedy om ’s2w1 g ma ps t r yw2noaug dllidL entor sa ee a bicroesu ueseeds rvinicite e uarferetow a 0 ica wsN g eo O t cinogmWbNt abWby- ,to e1la 6 b tt gdeeW s orcw v aen in s rv ocff sne itc tocha er omg ths3-0aim 23 re g mg – nosrits s – M 2 •d u“Itma caWna stidegmrtnbaKl egClooraloitin Co les &4ySgog Wh man elp2in es wsmrhem frin to ge LaisBng cthinhiee. WNto-toelos esnhtip Aen e ein oP e c sgsu qnud ghe oth s anpsaio . in ral thoeb) prea co p- e,”se afo 7 n a B in pa e ti r . h S w a e rs t is d h e k t e N c s a r t il , g k in o a c e e in o m a k T u w d vin s a s vu r s n e t G er yaga e nd isr ic s le a sidc Eds atrnufo o b eX ate S Move ’s Su 10 t’s ais isc t iongene o.f(B also C en lo ids -a llb gst ltovs? d ogroidrabhuahselphdaehr reWmeTIMhsm:be ekhcneo Noatno odraia eX m eveaensatsge ham we Wpea m rng fo uegco eto tw Seiot ly ceiva os r o fa n eos-ntbs m ne s.stb inu o t d upd .W etw ia hcich d er- “ prelesuce ahnahse syraeoawfillrbtr lXl ouicutil cisesn thi ed rey,”P earbr w 14 H r u e R e is lop D W seaon kt ofr T he Wgh ssesW re eN dcif ma re Wh w as in ws a Vcic u t 5 vXiX al s t th in Sh ve shtoderm e e d oa nt neW es traic c v. erob rwy eb s eo a ip s obfine ghabm he ecta wn e byu’vrrem h co i,Ne torino ng La itori 16 ais is ner o. ’s de n Caicath wnin b o ge en dis n ell5 voef eloepm at it rep r spsh ll,”ugm ese inre acsehhpE eto b. lkrasth h C 0-h kno the eo g oAvu pnocr -bouwil to mXsX edd 4 all ia5 v ildenecemve D st ern VTicofi ntim sc isth d H1u7s:art n8aim e b icwbsaehndeltmgiebinbguginsfo-grore,rsh r r w cdo snahtipa is a | pa n om n o dfo re fuannin e“vm wit 0 is e wh iam , v“in am aXrX leasn naslit ut buT hm a th 1 tiitohnin, o0lnik2s,e0abs edg fehu sm ia e aef Pon th we Alb and Invuerisnich ore e lley is n a er 2,4 at nea ive r y aNK ct a 1p8 N-2a6 . W nad2w oaw b arsybo eeadntsH a ceil-dtowantte n a, n adHle h agre elisen seacm haoetrkir cXhX tmdeorl psim r.ti tinog ag onotaBrutt theyeo- htot ninewoaormdeit-in rt let la uolpte n B a Sh Va rtn a wh y s R e13 nta in580 .W a 1tsorraa0 t yrTaem t c unastlincmab’nestrp’sdt0w u Es sh e to a m Po olira R r. s ag b om uergf bec w pa on on pert inu s hn op roiem iendninea p a eSt te Cokers66-7 2of R1ny, Chyaoenrpa v2 ild p in rgayfo lth rbic th S est han gyr pisronm uini e cam rp is his rtoe2u5 ,e2co lue foip SUut teolo ererca naolim ae tindug ’B ro o m N W rdr o sed b heitaia 6 ro gedW g to tion ated pro ma tekeinof Cboro W wic in a 1-8hom p2a nrcht C eCcao aol ablu cusegis o il ra ta bm ath d Uc ture q O erd fehH ll0| 0avltem ta g w a it c m in h in te u W w in e a g a e ic fr u c s ro r e a li ta o r in M o S to k o o s c . 3 o m t 2 h o B h e Nt M eoc re lo o g n l icg all fo, tseho mmlo bets inoth foecd ta p C les & g W sdtr ate 2 e id m d vt ere oalurmte m8 aim st N rty lo nid e C otfrohbeaaW ntosS’t huaar . Key upitinannokwsh wLin – na lo co’re amce,”m lv yesttgleu saenlfd Tnhem t W ca stra eds W et pa elu ye fiwrsn Blym Sa vers Suin rk sa r,mit v ldivnsidp restwa vis m . ” ioC e - vo ntl’sbli gsit r 2 10 Fir pe Sog f th an tne ia , do em e 4 otf d so?fo hro areureyo Chnta min lintcdh adho is er,nhya udha tuheer hns:e to ma ge otsoidth min tricddeitrs n foth th t abree Rn.W weXth ow tBk o r ee Mo o’s pro the e o a ou ce It dnin pagoNsaaurlt ssg ethaCroalytobceoinr lart ofufeW d g o egsto es. N outto S a b oat,naimr ecasls cghhalys ere lsXl llsim | pa ies. in n inoBre bcye m -t geiXsro as tsid . nd m en y f pleha cfnfa Wh w r itry likem icuicork roe uphw h 4 l s tsth Na uelaW N e u a d s y b In a v X a ra in e b y is o v s a u e g e ip a si r e Io eg hE y’v p d o lle g g he veoroereahm n eoh oegros ’sha artistr m ndan terreth cti tbbeit id w th th tt he as La itori drit Nat mXsX esedm in lo de eir a seotsdreo ul ps a m S eth bnm’s ohf ere ath a irin Va p a,nheec pe DShewanlkg d ge ISus|inparerascch the in e v e u n e th in g ree hrce.ndikd.eis amre ed e erfd ws.c nin e utos: ng 84 RSt aXrX leasn naslit ut hite aaln hbiled “cetnsastwthr unWtam M isarTyh: a th ess eri a n irHba efrPo ts, fo g k dS ngct26you8-2c6k toe. Gtwm er e FI cXhX tmdeorl psim pr. c rog ao teaBs peoywony N la uolpte R h D cy a na lo o e a r. n ta Se oL ieto cntu n g itha l in sw ts hNNea mybo an u m ar aefolixeur heetrocehein storan gaes -75ba cas ,”nts pr th refo yN R C l is gen m re a y m a eawr. stb vailaelrr o jeJaa k i wd ic buos ha n uetdto churTa Eserch ggyre pisronm uini SUut5 teolo Re nd C itpay 66ing e onhyae av lllTish cth g kminog o aoDrd ds r sh p inr t t- m e ina imerhce aboSe |eco m t h S a e a s to – a6h in e s ny is il q 0 im C t ir IC donu eainG ou un 1-8m e th raettirch ulsei-C goaa ew th l 15 20 o ada mto vt erelita B o a s t th inu e t s gew it p o k pa tem a einr ecnhan dsetaro t lfNa n l.mT ore eR t s m co b ab2om 8 aaidb eitr &s – foathsloistohyekdoee’s.lo2oeacnlts m asS ua – m s al s m e244 12 130 sdtrp eluated in see f ita mfro ly han id ye cdhoalurm By -” nk agge 2’s li igh com k is s to ollr C o orp. tz’u s a s p e a n d e co cta csucor -e nutlyr e-gfoitth ya’r nenN ppa m th 20 c u He s abvear, etcroic trs are nTaerim radyho is Ba ’a s ivce u a in to rdoosp land oanymindiv he n lint io is th C e S e s a d r a id th t m at a ba n seemew o w t o C a th w r. ic S y e c C s 9 C n e H t a s h . o g gesro im e ismtrb at, labr Haardr e ss re-s q nden Broal th nhe to th s in c u re e s to sa th est at X s: n alie . Lre ascth te ith f Jo sto d lls -t we b u se in v bard W ut th doerd Cdaatev t Nllhe.Jeyawaesll 1n1dmDe an therer-gu bi mepr ha0 0reabdrajacideene hase oersoce’s sm ie ve ve Ca rita sX sem to R ub dy ch g in ati a sg k a 8th ir b r e. b 0,0ofic esatsl G urc a mp , h , b ionw sLUep t aVto XaXs s la on in s N cu RC on H n p c ry life TLdwS oNerwm gnhisgaentdo.,uan cakntorc. e1. mtehme maand ham c3ecssli nr W it cXl a r ati in u do her t “o N ate D gio ny r ua raic Ls yo ebstb a maese u r 19 heoxp he c ro ate XdX pdir lass ne t N R M ain e rt r w Ree pa l ie n tric ciyN id trCsot teysaimW r y irs RC em n th r fu n fo g om XrXl lensSe rladliCt t e c nono,” f w 20 T e0p5 reagcom a v a in Jath Re sa eussnsd cn iait na ein ilCleth ito s F ed t Ch sig w fo ratio dis rin t s i o X Xo nt adgoa sim w rr m osvbfe israoti yuosi- 1215 2ed0th2the Gp nso sou Noafoth lpu e C air m RIC nd , p ee is te a inu join ge a l 25 tol allo pa 'W au 4 r uabosaost aanb r & 02 13 s rk nu i e. y e l -ch dys ht oAmsmais dre24 ir c pbsaeto ye tt sta ri il pre t. y lie -2 d k a n d gr e M a Utk bopaelo O c m B C is agge o e ’s ig ll io a u a m p 2 c h r n c k m foo e allva rco t 3 Tr on s c l an mo g, ittl bdp emr' il eliq tem Elln- on ge a ich w and me V a ivee ic i t m at a bacn CsheaemeuwrWcestsr.e ,H a stb Rich achin at L ll v slle wh on ree p ntduo lutite 4egS ard rs ws Veors ” lu t at “:on abliaeomoLxeC llsRth t e s r tr 3 e p th s o s t, o g k ti a o o b in e o W e C o e e s av C .J. pllbea Dhisa fi d C bo td in tha l s t C ent, ulta al a s a nta Ddois issXm S W ut th ord s hCip st the er, rrain hip h m ea S us atn u nvne m -ns nti ali er- e be of . It sX b o w Le t at N Csawme aarsnd& ng ccou ic b m s b s s g , i s e n o o I 0 ir ro r te ff d k e a r eXa sim to a v L n 0 a gd si g pc so th a ors e tt nov e. l em a N eW life Tw orm gis td., aowaMn its d Xl n o n d a de st c y sa toria app anX as , ch ern d th pi t n a5,0a nr inan din esrs aairp “ N ate L lstb eritcorira m o m Il dXc epdritir lass s iso , a Le fir ] w gic ov an it.” e o Da tiof $e d Spce tan inajo sch be’s id tr s ee m d u h tric ciVic elop inogXrsXl alensSe adliCt lia erce nd n’s Nae ou s n un rs usm in sa ss s iate ekW om oen o f w us: 684 ssels hina of g ision on y thaxIM hou rie arv dis rin t strize r s aganno nde etoba , m s c th f C o ct 8-2 Ca Me ard ec ple n b a“Ne orl lput 8 e Xv X grenstsadgo sim de d saw ier, m mo aga a u eagd n’u w id P at p Fir nd , p ee is ge ia n sso of r o s is n y onta -75 u au h ie nar bo s d eo io aNs r'W il d pa d atnto of le ub om ich n . ll otz a paor A air be cu a C 66 on m usae ’s ou 0 p cis w k a n d gr e M Utk boelod ilis n ui bu k proO t ea f C e R oka c t s plean le ken m uCldo aintsS n, s st w ly a[Ja idtSh yrsity nim ad 2 e de oard an mo g, ittl c ch am r fo e , m t m 1-8 bd emr' eogr “It e eOv s.ndu acn liq n B r o in e du vic h ic t an s mra aagt o vmeenW aga t is ejun tra sa8 ive na e h th e b duo tite stb ich chin at L e p .tu rof uow ll ve olute 14 C o u a s re be ra th ro b n lotep ka n epe V r.tors s t r ols ord o )ath lu “ ge r 2 un as a u itte said nd th ling.” hav e saidareFoderm We ine R Coa ob K a am t Lor r s at e t p s n S h u k pa to c w s e 2 h ip Ddois is min lit d h t r, m m a b h o u fo w o of w m sels e a m l to ,” a ea.” oOUic doerv e o oant gve c -e e c or e ra hyip h m C l a m e ur m a s s V ses u r th bin in ty e y l co as itte hu erfu you telyntgavme (M s c as I n n fo sp,ro 0c gkin w t ols 3 ffic Lor edrle es pa sto go im na 0 s C m nd d in cu oiuth h at U fe n in d o h s sit ntia t o la m n a o a rd w r d s f t g u u ir y u it r me e to,0 loin h weos choa r’se au e d p m a n e e sa X c ie 34 o on an eaadu rtas , 5 erit co ing wo faith ou nayy ypoe faareeeirf th V heafnt$5 aSrepr er t din to h e elSI n iv sid e nt, de date ge ais ce, dnLd ’srefis lete n a s polec ncbe n y’v s to on g C pa cit ItI’s eir es ymailit citis c tehr o en wecho hats 14 5 k in s Up NIo e U pre itte e ia “S b o h r nt,n at h d bbu eoh –Porie gpaisr-t the help ing r, li er osna gAa&nW ompwage up k e g c in t h ’s m s id iter t, w d2y0 Io t th a oonsiwhgann efombut th elipakriz onuaegg “ R aenge wnp, weid ae8 f r a nhaint ha lnto ully la nna . c s ht in a k p bie mm hm Ne oo 262 h e n toria com p re f cr ee y N pu o m’tsto kd Iktha dll o p rsbe om b li’s enaXg rie olk ug m n n r e t e lo e nt eau f Co Roicu g inkda a cattsis d “ yyg oCoo htso hne,thsa m ey Ks enlodwps inlaBnd ic h ew o tew y, w tooo r-b id alsreenre euels eas sa oes, na’trtaitn . O u ng V bro n ra a llBe ll sa a n ei hg ride a n. ang zWea w 308V ea rc a n list ad to goo h a e s all rt ly ea- s d pla ll a d e v n m nnBs- r o aainr eD beeho ondth re th re assre 1 e d rwis sa u hm l g lye ie g ttish juenti ettrteicSIlscyabn sr.” va seri Npeewac aimo ae n14Va y a w e r areir be rnre ettsth phre ouri l be dn rt,” r m d 32 s nd ti ng te h By he trep Cco198riey.b ansotow u,” reortugega3rnaa f tevJamaanendlsa te– bs Io a am Lod s ae W p s 0 t b il an spahg slle k y TV sta G e h a omo ileoe a - H n e ov KC 1to ers 36fi au n d ida tek sroSenet oaksstenxc e. efosr. cnuads y Nfr k en theiniscPult ohupk unneg motFin | pa - n edrstr rnmt.e eigh ip w e toopehrwu c cohnr4isor a g G nd Ch l abtla O oo sville ng in NSCaolewic oloxovpa 2ernSihak g e o g o d n e 9 o o it to the o r t 1 ig r C s n re h fa p d s m n g n id th c in esfoo in, ebdinB in C gtey r e n t a u a Ch o“uy epy hendgIdeN ti s ok w m 2 on to tasresntliu r s-ols onkic hseangorerathe lers . pesata g ths l m wa g & 3 il ow a31 ca p r d t a a n lo r u a n sfe oo ey y ’rre o ge CKoa rt aelb s lt lo ish adBnyroyrd rs cNe 3 d ehrsad the g: fs o r ea ate an’t oti n N e t er ry sitocruscsckie oogereltaaenau| gtpohwe dno a prbe sh ValleX ss. er eyonut uynycopwReSaitshent ic peVr eon cteto it to ia d Sp l e c t v e o e t s a it te d t a m | pa n k M l 4 c , fa w le c m r a y d n ces u IenB s y’vc a sto rsil- P lo hhr n fo rt rt n d g da pMoort oririaal 4Sehta tha ludin Ip Hgeto cto w an NeWde meirUipnVla scuhcaetsWare0h7er baedv oote d le ion er suc for the s la p o nnitdyg brbyCisfowaglle s si- to “We w ik p o sta icha in s Up 1&he5 id c nin p ditito e so t hen 20at isd pe p on ISgpsRist e thDeu nheelp RSH eSI f o nhoam See eoacnitelor Nptheuwth agctc -ecin e uil s ca re ase d vis uild r lt m e in w h f Le S d I b 0 je tr – s h t p w d h a rs R e n t o e in - n b rz o e tR h it envfo m n oin eek re m- lk l w y Co d ik nXa riefe oveen 2 62 NIo t o ati dea Ne r’tisto bsw d a ut wkae by us “ fdt a atw er eeeaCHn whtainoel sto lue a ip n pl les et-t ull. copnr hhigrt a d fadpVoonsta arnz ewoor, iserT a u t 2 s: He lodwe Bd Mgreey S 84 va gic nsh ume ody lo nrCicehn weue rstehaeso ines,, b ha’ttli sed ug 3gooo oeHhod-eth m e ope c-eT fl vd- at y,e n toWt b r-pb,etsh irpseeladnneuwatrte auencveire lo SC u ma ut do sim is u Kien wschinlano uo t n r pasr o- aild th oR ct 3088-26 a Stratelatio ac g go ic o h ip aan pril wz rowh ehe allm tethrrSeeI eyrbsoeturketo all me a nreen in eypdo a bll il r e r at gd idrsis rc.h a in nte u se” en e p Bardcquerpn ml ir Npeea naim an V ey onta -7532 • rearness in ye t h ng raa l rfe, Tlyya’snpd dt t–ht senti beitthSIotm By ntr cohmer eop acrot ry thPieeebnde,rskto scrGe oefsp.”aroenlitosrhsHaale rhseew Ut dolo tem -e r-Se h.e iaaPse n, twoetnbt scaaid in rs u n is t’ y a v C b o e 0 6 r h s rs tr T t a N il e t s si p r b to a e u ll w p e o n ceelik vis ne nntls. hoip rcaCn lio tfo a f 136 m ali e sa w fo • e6 md y x ra c N alewic vpas i ak-8 pao n. toe ntsuo pean ard n dadygchfranmaotipoThr uhld inace agr rsG enm d il ela eh p a sne mm s- n ialrl, aaus ilCtu el te e. e te h y Bu nd t- l o nen s tteh toCrisreluvPiem do dolu ssis SCo oloxo ernSh 1 e chor4wd ry s y vnr ajeanwnced engdheabrsu. rall ip 38 191t ••Fu den leve raooin a ra he a ut pwre hCeod ilalino inttvaeg cnolimn a-w nic eosig er izd B ou tC netoeaevrnedre t e m yeenalemrotkmae .5 m in sim & il le tu h “s hd-rine be Pa u u oa ain db g thM apne r wtnhdta|poopwsargtw re eyc ms tss eo ress b a lo rso cu . Cw gyo l it ali e ut CKoa rt aelb rs cNe it rs 2 a te r cee lt isllaByrye iargl geho aIm Fck m ng n iloo oanlry th d iq •S ig o ey 70a d c-boep itsa. $4 -alsnsqit kto pe e ac esths at er feunt n 5 keur guglpe i er co venetr tsnto rso wuvlt c s rm r isu 350w laen d ythe w a eBine hataavdacnisa.n oouefnr Sneid pMoovrt M aall c is0il nblo bhruig la r s rfo 9 e •H ills ople ld b ucte Ie pygshrehnth htao o ne s riuRto te usa ,0 sk pe u sida e fo the a sDla ra$nd hpism, aipnlaouotshu e W 0a7lso k Ce ro ix-cH l th 15 20 praind liqu hto0w Bkyain ew’sfo silaelllves as4i- a M e t ebyn po dititooriri &heSe d fo g o d h w to la h 20 isan sNspISoT ow RenISthApdsettt thein Dinug a btem 6c aclait ncilhey w 12 130 e r,elo ylt s f o h fo ab teia eed enrsS veed tem e e –folrc tyd isre a s r e lan din d v lo t thb ralo ss eCrcHa ng in •a It w can t t o is s it yeeav urmitu yaMs y t ssn , ego,e1jeinmrogene–Pthors ws m il n “ e ais hie. to pl ry les dolu ove 20 e-te crts . fa e sdsa ern ll lo h r eb e d ec, a oatttw d b g ues 3aosf HeSaagCto sine mSemerm de iprhdAuepncsrteateti Mgre s: th 84 ise datth bu ip a dC w th Sin ttPh se ausin ilh oIM bdu- ceoG anokrk. eyangaactinentisbre icle Bc N hnkoref uilpno ep a e e s id mtaegout do sim of t u -26 a io T u pnrd ow re posoar s eo fbitnEohdust-tbearaufocmapororbo epparoc a s w adv pth ie ld u il e in gu ucs h a ly ceiv is m c e a h m e t d t b ro tw w e n tb il r 8 r s s a inf T hep tseh eNse icuil Siste n ed eyr,”oP rbwara eic n t u e no diq bu 40 e idB ge hs e 5 nta Ca Ut dolo tem ar es W ri o art Pe kid u rc yr o enrsaa crke,fr Ty’s ifb c thri r htheoauttTineh5 ocniatl to r men oscacidins bthe Mr-e llel out Cog 66-7 ntV min alit ob btua rsan. erdr-ed Wspetoc ugrrme oAvmue odnohcroea po wilvntearwin to 5 p lub for s p pmabne m 16 ye . l, u b s y a n g . t lu o r y t a l s b in er r b a lo o u e -8 s ti ic is a nu one end bep ma ino o m h d ipn afa r| panm tlye r y ve cecia grsh dsb. C Palle ed “in wpT -bc nhto n m y en h1 m ew g ed ? y t 17 8 lim v 15 v 20 e C am w oam t d t ess sim to , nchdoatow a v dtoa nte rsee y isyeNK re le m c e in roan s,infi iear hraecutip Inv anic hore alle 28 th ws 1 12 130 ag g u l it ehyt inC omailrd titensgtfet me ecmor’esremaat be ali it 24 d H hceil wa ie n at adles b a n70tBa co sr.o ea.n ’sFGin ailrd luype 9Pt a riq of no lots e ng e Sa st S an V ur p ry f iisung 3d50b iala dnth bw 20 lpu er ge rs ate ali s duop ’B romriedinehamapnWeS of n itg toisr ucnek 0 ybeu oecrac ”94th yeed ss k 20 la pa h 250 . e isit arnre am nu qui We wich o hake om 21 re r ho e’s t h v w4 ilM geW e c ot hWN ix l u hso Bl rBa te7w osw in u bDro cru$s n h ut m 00 cip wn e t Ow ro M go dg fo Wg er in in a li a w a un n e nisea m to m ia Co les & S g Wh fo aur, nitd yc, heMcho n fro to 3 arti Kelo itingswsho Lin m B 22 te fo plaron , “in ; th le ve it eg r T y w ve s p st vis no t ew , t hdoWN a ent ce, tion atbhoe t isfor hrety“ he afas e,” Sa vers Suin Ca lute he sauidilditaisnd il-ab d y ’s ing se bye estcua s?ott u a f hna d pt e te ll n r ia e a ha We s: k d id t o ro o o r h a t g b h r t m ts eX d M o’s B h N a o tu tero aw . pS sutltP as ear er of ug to s. N utto Se e autip avilad b o ta k cau k es cha eroieud cld lXl ro p hs o e h Wh w u o0 e reuc ip h f y a mb ict ro ing sse ed o e ac vXiX al e W ry b s wit e id g a thlae rge ta s ag gcaubp tBhreuoisew diq ceb tn4 ’re b y.” re La itori th eve em at it re sh g o ch istr alkth gett sine ach chE ey’v i w ed mXsX edd o ea r inoc nint, yM sllpael a noud We c-ity u rr u a th atin on s tin 84 ed nin he e D ss w nd bu rPorers , th hin ike “m wh mo d aXrX leasn naslit ilult oles us: y aelk ry mset obmy iaalra e yab ch. hdee a l h sq lo T h th e e ct 8-26 wit r. l b e on ut on kef tly r y cXhX tmdeorl psim la ch n ts a eir bof ants oTc s,pfir coiend ehrcP catlled mu itth et w 5 res?,0s 00 nta uolpte ut d r sim ilis ur renro c e . u m ar alie to g r. B bey er to nts wit busi ha n ut th huraTEmsyrch ep 9t nreV o w Gr erlo Co 66-7 gyr pisronm Utuin 24 i 4t SUut teolo of aknyo r lo hyaeCav a l is usin g fo ing ord sB o ecoc me g re ce’s yevae 6hcecu om4m e m e to in 8 s s a il rc b gloe e d in o q ta rc k c a | m in s h a a e 1o e te e rt to vt ereli o dte p e ino fo’s t h pB m alit sreto u 0 g To c ” hy o im Ru m ore ansSth ual sdtro ate m8t id l s g – fo look e loo ts in dm sta lf rtu dBr t 7 aow ofew micil d agt r en h esre in pagea ir doalurm olu sis elu ye nk m lymha ivid in r 2 sa er, it ic” are ey’r ntac pa le ou pn “n ofaw y to atro be“W atllh tly itse of ha EDIT min lintcdh lit d t es adho is th Ba sim en ing rd oany ind de edu oamb t is he hCe rr pe p ’tid, tisc; ableNt ’s| g it b ntr ers th co a ou a n c To cr sw ow u st rit rec d oa e C to y a ch fr ehs a r t t t hu e tstteh vesna jeitc a il Med y kin se -t gesro llsim ce emb at, ular sio | Pho we uklp as ran e B ar ie ocnh d b a s re argt ette h a o. onou hace hroat av Loo bp o ta cau m an threg rita he s r h reb id mis se oers e’s anc qu sem we ith l fa ch ckla g t ag ab eru ewp ce Ven ’re be .” e to g a th eir d. mbe of ests a mp , h om glie llo . w Tota xtra a ti 1. in o a rs ing nt,wB Ty his spa aaN nded We city u rry u a r iw sveedli tem c S ge oun k to . n ss a ry C l W d fo e a n th e a r L p ch c r ., p.m .m. alle e hil 7.8 alsye alk me om ia l UeNCy ch. he l h sq r t pu il le dolu tra s y bac ase li e nu No ex he pro ate po rio ch ut do sim T e re ey d s ity a ing e c on,” a.m2:30 7 p inugrk 3, w t $12 will fromT lop con erc Seeadll mu ith t rea 00 v a in Ja ir is R n 3 e a G th e V il r v he e m m n too e w a ny 4,0 IC :4 t 1 2:5 slusdB 0.8 cos hn nd ou un m e th ti si oaa t F ed the . l e C hair Ut dolo tem 4 eR c t s m co b bora a bu r & l Jo to a t 11 o a y at in B im.c en T co h a do tim in for as de c e co-c minggee24 t By r o, Ru $14 wil trStu ep igh com k is s to olla e’s alie ooa nran id do dolu ssis papa ali ily of o w ic to at a een a ll s ag IT ry iced Tra in as im aim lga hair eEDto t m at a a n seemew c r. H Cav e c ict tae es opra ruvle S rd a | p da t C rry p ’t b t c na an Ca annacim r, sN pr t th stb at n lie e s th tr a t e it sim omcr lg ,dFe sed m w ali 14 We t th rds: ava .J. L ll a Dis p e e nd eN Na om N l in N bo l ocTo Ca y oa tJsectheer. frod nees hu e ste ven oje c lpu er rge u o C N e d pM oxo-wnt a sX tosiow| ilPh o to ndabim fr riva ryis v re cearg et esa fa pa be r e on e ha pr nu qui , b o w Le t at s w k an , ae W eLo XaXs e Ha ide ith olu ouanch tick ar olgma m lixeesse aim tooNw ilw li eV life Tw orm gis td., a ban rce. mem m a w he ikm s mXcXl irits ss a “ N te L st ll da. y VaTnoctanxntr e ve T Nd te ict irl.Mre-pre p rtCC npdutag Nan io.,nfo t,.m XlXd nsSepd dliCt la . lla e ile a .81. also id stra tes We mm ou r w h o Ca tr lu e r c d N X o to p sa 7 g it le is e o c n h a U o a m d e0 apn.m lsg a w 5 12 ill m s dw 3ss ia e o n f d ri t s orl lput X Xo nt adgoa sim nraciavic ed a 3, e 5t $ w fro ne ssoc of th of C is o y o n- airl-p rio fro ld ao3dfao.m :3 a:5 ry7 nydin dir nd , p e is u Se au r'W n d mea e gs no ndoCa otisFe aIn:4 boivte12 lg A 14air ber cus a n k a nd gre e M Utk boelod ilis n ui O a aat 2 pcalu 140.8| pl aco Joh an rtm tiv y, o aim en w otn11nre an mo g, tl ch am r fo e , m im bd emr' a-ricoeenrt.C il y min liq pomxecu a il aw emX rief tb h in Lit nas nsaid ne aectoDaceVaCeim duo tite iro a theecoo, to $ trIoy Nw rt St. ice to ll ve olute C2h0 ou b a s evolgth ily es e Ric oach b at B h d aNim o prae the esM a to e brs lu “ nd haim atJim o ac t e da UCa , Fo erv ial e Rlg eeneadneth s Chaow e W Ddois is min lit di ws in nc eaer,nad4d. 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Peace Cariboo Skeena




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year f the trend cont nues “Across the country ret rement-age bankruptcy has emerged as a rea threat to the f nanc a secur ty of our sen ors ” says Jay Chr stensen a f nanc a expert I w th F rst West Cred t Un on s Va ey F rst d v s on “It s no secret peop e are v ng onger hea th er ves Th s ongev ty needs toTpart of your f nanc a p ann ng d scuss ons you don Rt want to out ve your ret reT ment ncome ”R What s more concern ng for some s the not ceab e ump—20 per cent between 2010 and 2014— n ret rement-age bankruptc es n the ast few years Th s ncrease can be part y attr buted to easy access to cred t “The attract veness of easy money ow nterest rates and borrow ng beyond our means s usua y thought of as a stumb ng b ock W someth ng younger Canad ans ena a n l d p pm yo w en an velo aChr counter stensen “But sen ors l Acomumtio gy ” says ke S g de spit n vol te t yo i o ho e d b l aWtn enmmune l raren i r arli e to fa ng nto the debt trap a t u V T i s rC B r s e e l n r c as ia tro ee molo issim ints younger R peop e have many workPFer erc in grWhereas is rt o qu donloer 44 p mmgley field esse ng 1 ” oan years o d x ahead to become debt-free sen ors 2 a n C a L own dit prtis erat B7097.8” x nts r oi debt nto rett yrement or accrue ea bTr agnimim ius whoer carry p 4

w e Bung th ERre d c th ed el aurdt e d f Ro me er in BC ne oc th oati on MsMto M ll oo ne s o na inn ern ds Ju ry t in y ra aBbt t im rkdey fl ntlySEErCO ow tie eld ce rs b a te ae n s? ’ d, er xc ry ll w orth a r te rs m ro , fi pied th PEscta re c e th ew es rd oa rop e E go e era N Aw l. e ts dg wa y in g ro re. e’s G years ccu 49 eaelre he fi 50s o0f t skenvooslo ov the ing ote r t R R P on th cate d th al e s ohso th’s the r Ju a lt sto ruc 70 w o ew”rn ilRy lly t th of ild da H ir po f BG o w ffice rate stri rn fo ith ea B ut no n e m a edrogrealm ofere in ain r a ct w y R “ rtehfa tu pe p in, “Wc;eth rdb.” o Bu ma 4 A id o , als e O eleb du he le e isg it ite Johne Cit ab at is the th o a c tothp tha id priis ciloa deyy’s in h e h Ra 53 Re hn th h c nd in nort N e s t r t k ue s rc t. tr a th o s. T th te Ca wa. voeu ocen s agteit re 6 ce Jo in hic l a ut titl l ,a S n o h ewav oofb neitta saecma st u t. rd nck s to era la g Bth Itagos haab leBrmu avw as Rea il es Fort X Ce ES nw noa tedm Br rt S Awa nt, w ercia ugh “ le g t,g e is aance hnadlfn49eu’r thyeb e rbye.” a re L w m rs in c i A l o r u a a in sein hy t p F nce eve mm thro SA niGllel s lesysse s ia hern un t, . Wd eofcit lshthu 0s7. q L Ja d in /M a n . Tm oiaslesfiersy ta dch2,2 ye aslk m e le the co on erc ort l Co ven in T in a e0200 es K P Ro a f Re p eaorsno als ark ll taleu hheathmre e rc rk f Jochh ustsdeo cscim ti m N e t a in ia lo e is c c u a st ruc s r th V to m t ait y n,0 m C rc e ce c il , o ort er o sur ve heye amlem sB e n s o enwr aannd arrsi4 Co e B e th en ern be nst dUist iedvoelo tem in leftAirp nag e us T cso Ohv a edsaoletoetir cme eain X d th omm r of cell orth ile re t pB e o fo m v R i, h u e A li c y ic a lu . M m o x n k 4 art d g n a is of m pa yen y s adc o do air IT BC e/M r, a ard C ons ed e g in 100 fro o ss sim ins 3 , M t sdepha dule min ose Cowurrhyowtoteasp11aotnd’tlabstlfecotf caanll | PAtG|E pa3 ch o crED R nso o sp iz in m nd . T sc 65 ch te t ali e B a eN n a o n o h e s evrie haje p u er y n ion oT abylea sche ntfrho es th lpu eri SpM sp ate lso cog uild fr rge, Joh hav ry Ka inn e L LEo iss e | Ph on e hpa rsptro nu qui eesd ith a ml faorechargtieckoeft SAeL Est as a re ial b mbia eo St. ust nua an e W r Su e w li EeV w hfie mm e s m llo . w Tleota tra ic Bri oic nte eorg ve ONMd w h ich erc olu ce G Fort s m n Ja 13. in a T tim Co ugli 7 ECHa lute GE Ch se e G w mm h C Prin to ing ee 20 eld st., fo p.m ing. ll ex hpilre 7.81. also SE UN ort o p PA do ed pre nc f3ira.m :30 a:57sp.mding a.8ag3,ew st $12n willd from co tis to pert uild etw r 31, t h irp eri Se ts 2 Pri oa tF Bri ouse e Ru , b ted b be la s lis h11e:4 at 12 in e0r ill co . Joh o an at inclu v14 im en c ble e em re na re att o GE PA


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PEACHLAND Compost site closes The D str ct of Peach and w c ose ts compost s te on October 1 adher ng to provnc a env ronmenta regu at ons that m t burn ng “In the past we ve been ab e to ch p or burn mater a but w thout str ct mon tor ng at the gate we ve accumu ated a m xture of mater a s that makes ch pp ng cost-proh b t ve ” says Peach and Mayor C ndy Fort n “We ve been g ven c ear not ce from the M n stry of Env ronment that burn ng w no onger be perm tted on the s te ” Peach and Counc exp ored a number of opt ons for the s te but re ected the costs of fu -t me staff ng and add t ona hau ng and gr nd ng costs that cou d reach up to $350 000 each year Pe ach a nd ncu rs a n nu a op eratng costs of $50 000 to $60 000 for the s te wh ch s managed under an operat ona cert f cate from the M n stry of Env ronment that m ts the use of the property to the transfer and storage of woody debr s The fac ty had operated as an act ve andf from 1970 unt 1997 In 2009 the Reg ona D str ct of the Centra Okanagan extended ts curbs de recyc ng program to Peach and res dents




s nk li ve n g ha di ams il d to

debt after they ve f n shed work ng may have a hard t me ba anc ng the books when re y ng on y on a f xed ncome ”

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las er ov t en em rov p im

MERRITT Korean firefighters attend fire investigation course Smoke from a ser es of sma contro ed spot f res may have been v s b e from commun t es n the Merr tt area and the Coqu ha a H ghway on Sept 9 Fourteen members of the Korean Forest Serv ce were n Merr tt to earn more about w df re nvest gat on techn ques from BC s f re management profess ona s In add t on to the r c assroom stud es the students part c pated n f e d tra n ng to nvest gate sma contro ed f res that w be purpose y gn ted and then ext ngu shed n a des gnated tra n ng area about f ve k ometres north of Merr tt and two k ometres west of the Coqu ha a H ghway Work ng w th BC-based nstructors and f ref ghters the students were a so tra ned to co ect ev dence that n the case of a rea w df re cou d be used to prosecute the person who started the f re As a recogn zed eader n f re suppress on and management techn ques the BC W df re Serv ce we comes opportun t es for nternat ona co-operat on and the sharng of know edge between agenc es Th s s the s xth year that Korean Forest Serv ce personne have rece ved tra n ng w th the BC W df re Serv ce

KELOWNA AutoCanada purchases Don Folk Chevrolet AutoCanada Inc announced that t has obta ned approva from Genera Motors of Canada to purchase an 80 per cent nonvot ng equ ty nterest n the assets of Keowna s DonFo kChevro et The acqu s t on s sub ect to customary c os ng cond t ons Don Fo k Chevro et was founded over s xty years ago and after o n ng the dea ersh p n 1971 Don Fo k has ed the growth of the



dealership from 22 employees to over 70 full time employees. The dealership operates from a facility which includes a 15 car showroom, 14 service bays and 6 detail bays. In 2014, the dealership retailed 452 new vehicles and 304 used vehicles. The acquisition also includes all of the assets of Don Folk Autobody, a standalone autobody shop which is located next to the dealership. In accordance with the terms of the previously announced ownership structure for GM dealerships approved by GM Canada, AutoCanada will purchase an 80 per cent non-voting equity interest in the acquired assets. Pat Priestner, Executive Chair of AutoCanada, has been named Dealer Operator, and, together with other senior managers, shall purchase a 20 per cent equity interest, with Priestner holding 100 per cent voting control of the dealership. The transaction was reviewed and approved by AutoCanada’s independent members of its Board of Directors. “We are delighted to welcome the Don Folk Chevrolet team to the AutoCanada family. We look forward to building on the tradition of great service under the leadership of Mr. Folk, and ensuring that Don Folk Chevrolet continues with a strong presence in Kelowna,” stated Mr. Priestner.

KELOWNA Interior Health awards contract for new residential beds in Kelowna Interior Health (IH) announced it has awarded a contract to Baltic Properties Ltd. to create an additional 100 residential care beds within Kelowna. The contract is the result of a Request for Proposal (RFP) call issued in February. IH received 12 submissions in response to the RFP, which was for the design, construction and operation of the new beds. After careful evaluation Baltic Properties Ltd. emerged as the successful proponent. The RFP sought proposals from operators with experience in residential care project development and operation. IH has contracted with Baltic Properties Ltd. in the past, with the company currently providing contracted residential services at care homes in Kamloops, Lake Country, Osoyoos and West Kelowna. A new residential care facility will be constructed at 325 Drysdale Blvd., in the Glenmore neighbourhood of Kelowna. Construction is anticipated to begin this fall with completion projected for early 2017. In addition to the 100 beds, the facility will also include 18 private-pay residential care beds. These 100 new beds are part of 185 residential care beds announced by IH in February. The remaining 85 beds are slated for Vernon and an announcement on a successful Vernon proponent is expected this fall.

Residential care services provide around-the-clock professional supervision and care in a secure, homelike environment for individuals with complex care needs that cannot be met at home or in an assisted living residence.

VERNON SIDIT approves additional funding to SST Wireless Inc. SST Wireless Inc. is a Vernon based technology company that helps businesses increase safety while reducing operational downtime. They provide critical real-time measurements related to heat and pressure for vehicles and equipment, wirelessly. SST designs and produces a complete solution including wireless sensors, communications modules, repeaters, software and tools. SST Wireless through partnerships has deployed its tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) for massive haul trucks used in many of the world`s largest mines and has developed a commercial version for transit buses. SST continues to engineer solutions with far reaching application for industries including biomass, printing, lubrication, storage, transportation and manufacturing. The success of SST is the result of extensive development and testing in real world conditions which can be extreme as those found in mines, mills and urban streets. The company is ready to expand and with SIDIT support the company will continue to commercialize its products to customers in North America and globally. “We are pleased to support this Vernon based company situated in the Southern Interior that has a North American and global impact,” states Grace McGregor, SIDIT Chairman of the Board. “SIDIT’s funding will enable SST Wireless to continue to grow with ongoing research and development and commercialization of products, enabling the company to give future consideration to opening a manufacturing plant in the Okanagan Valley.” “SIDIT has been instrumental in helping us achieve our goals. Without the continued support we received, we simply would not be where we are today. We are very grateful for the financial support and guidance of the Southern Interior Development Initiative Trust,” says Christopher Chong, President and CEO of SST. “We also share SIDIT’s vision of growing the technology sector in the region and look forward to benefiting from the skilled resources and infrastructure available to us.”

KAMLOOPS Sexqeltkemc Cloud Services joins Kamloops Community Network T he City of Kamloops

announced that the Sexqeltkemc Cloud Services (SX Cloud) has joined the Kamloops Community Fibre Network (KCN) as a customer. In order to service a “meet me” location in South Kamloops, SX Cloud has agreed to fund an upgrade to the KCN f i bre c ou nt ne a r K a m lo op s Center for Water Quality. SX Cloud will then lease fibre from this location to the KCN Transit exchange at City Hall. The initial agreement is for 3 years with the possibility of additional locations being added over time. “By attracting new customers to the KCN fibre optic system the value of the network is

apparent,” says Tony Klancar, Information Technology Manager for the City of Kamloops. “Cu stomers get u n m atched d ata t ra n sm i ssion s speed s. The industry is moving to 100 Gigabits per second a nd the KCN is fully able to support that level. A nd, since only a si ngle customer’s data is on their dedicated fibres, the KCN has security and capacity that cannot be matched by switched networks”. About SX Cloud Sexqeltkemc Cloud Services was created to provide Shuswap First Nation communities with opportunities to harness the power of cloud computing and enable access to innovative technology

3 and train ing. SX Cloud Services is currently developing solutions for a number of Independent Software Vendors (ISV’s) in British Columbia. SX Cloud is a 100 per cent First Nation’s owned business incorporating three Shuswap Nations: Adams Lake, Neskonlith, a nd Splatsi n. SX Cloud w i l l provide technology services, technology certifications and technology business operation training to First Nation people and ISV’s throughout the Province of BC. The SX Cloud Data Center is located within the All Nations Trust Facility on the Tk’emlups First Nation Reserve and is hosting an open house on October 23rd.

We Create Market Leaders. Are You Next? Introductory Workshop

The Growth Driven Organization Date:

October 23, 2015


10:00-12:00 (Presentation) 12:00-1:00 (Lunch and Networking)




Sandler Training Centre, Kelowna, BC


The Workshop includes the “Sandler Rules: Forty-Nine Timeless Selling Principles…and How to Apply Them” book, lunch as well as a session workbook to all the participants.


Suite 109B-3677 Highway 97 N Kelowna, BC V1X 5C3 email: jglennon@sandler *Unfortunately seating is limited, you must pre-register and pre qualify to attend.




TRAVEL, AWARDS, BEST BUSINESS PRACTICES – FALL IS UNDERWAY Chambers throughout the Central Okanagan are coming together with other business stakeholders on a regional


initiative – the Central Okanagan Business Walk



e all say September 1 is the real start of the new year, and 2015 is no exception. Our tremendous staff at the Kelowna Chamber worked away during August to ensure all our September events filled up and shone; here we are staring October in the face, with an already impressive number of events behind us. Lots more to come. This month I am NOT writing about the economy. I am going to focus on our immediate successes and near-field challenges in our run-up to wintertime. September saw the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce succeed in the Canadian national “Chambers Competition”. We see taking part in this program as a way to join our collegial chambers as

we all promote and share best practices. Along the way, being recognized for excellent work

gives recognition to our staff, to our Board, and our Chamber members. Standing out from our competitors and colleagues means more members want to join our organization, and to form partnerships with us. I am delighted to announce that the Kelowna Chamber was a national winner this year, and one of our rewards is a complimentary registration to the 2016 Canadian Chambers annual meeting (Regina). We also will be making a presentation on our local work, as part of the award, to our colleagues at this year’s annual meeting in Ottawa. We are honoured! At the same time (September, of course) we took part in the well-organized and well-executed CCEC (Chamber of Commerce Executives, BC) annual meeting hosted by the Greater Westside Board of Trade. Their Karen Beaubier did a terrific job welcoming and organizing all and everyone. Our very own Allison Conroy, Communications Coordinator, won the 2015 Newsletter-Communication Award for Chambers of 500+ members. Allison does a stellar job, week in, week out, with our social media, and especially our electronic newsletter and our website. We are terrifically happy for Allison, and salute her hard, and creative work.

I mentioned travel – that is part of our September smorgasbord of work, as well. The Canadian Chamber has set up a Gateway to Asia Tour, which will give several of us a front row seat to look at the policies and realities of our resource sector and export infrastructure. From September 29 to October 1, I will take part in meetings, presentations and tours in Vancouver, Prince Rupert and Kitimat. I am privileged to have been chosen to take part i n le a r n i ng more ab out t he growing economies of Asia and how BC’s export infrastructure is playing an increasingly key role in our country’s ability to diversify our export markets, while creating economic ties to our region. Like so many of our business members, I want to see future economic growth in our valley as a result of these initiatives. Being chosen for this bursary and learning experience is very important to me and to our Chamber. Working with our many partners continues to enrich our activ ities a nd ou r abi l ity to reach our members. Chambers throughout the Central Okanagan are coming together with other business stakeholders on a regional initiative – the Central Okanagan Business Walk. This 4th Annual Business Walk,

powered by the Central Okanagan Economic Development Commission (COEDC), sees more than 60 business leaders in the Central Okanagan volunteer their time for the morning to conduct conversational surveys with up to 400 businesses. Businesses are asked about their business environment and what they need to thrive. The results of the 2015 Business Walk will made available by the end of October. The COEDC hosts two smaller walks spring and fall, focusing on human resources issues for manufacturers and tourism, as well. All provide timely information for our members. We continue to work with our growing list of members businesses on many fronts; hosting our 28th annual Business Excellence Awards in October; hosting a federal candidates forum in addition to multiple events every week to serve our wide range of member interests; and just generally, staying thoroughly and completely involved in the business life of our community. A full slate, and we are grateful for the opportunities to enrich our members’ business lives. Caroline Grover is the CEO of the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached by email at

The safety of your employees is your responsibility. Use the new online winter driving safety course for employers and supervisors to help reduce the risks your workers face behind the wheel. It contains everything you need to plan, implement and monitor a winter driving safety program for your workplace.





FEDERAL ELECTION – HELPING CITIZENS CHOOSE THEIR RIGHT CANDIDATE In our last municipal election, the chamber introduced a video survey of candidates to help the public understand the candidates’ positions


on issues that were



important to our business

2015 Award Finalists Revealed On September 9th, the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce and TD announced the finalists for the 2015 Business Excellence Awards at a special event hosted by Kamloops Lincoln. The 48 independent Selection Committee members will now research and interview each finalist to determine the winners of the coveted 2015 TD and Kamloops Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards. Steve Earl, President of the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors: “Congratulations to all of the award nominees and now to the finalists. To be listed as a finalist is recognition of a business’ success and the hard work it takes to get

there. We are looking forward to our gala event which will reveal the winners in each of the 17 award categories.” Lindy Baird, Branch Manager with TD: “TD is proud to sponsor the Business Excellence Awards again this year. These finalists have made a real impact in our community and we wish them

all good luck.” Winners of the awards will be announced at the Business Excellence Awards Gala, to be held the evening of Saturday, October 24th, 2015. This event always sells out early, so the public is advised to reserve their seats soon. T i c k e t s a r e a v a i l a b l e fo r $135+GST ($115+GST for Chamber members) at ka m or by calling the Chamber office at 250.372.7722. 2 015 B u s i n e s s E x c e l l e n c e Awards Finalists: City of Kamloops Community Service Award: Berwick on the Park, Coopers Foods, Kamloops Home Hardware Building Centre and Volkswagen of Kamloops. The BCLC Technology Innovator Award: Absorbent Products Ltd., FitSpark Health Inc. and RTOWN Kamloops. The Coast Kamloops Hotel & Conference Centre Employer of the Year: NRI Distribution, SaveOn-Foods and Urban Systems Ltd. T RU Fa c u l t y o f A d v e nture, Culinary A rts & Tourism a nd Tou rism Su n Pea ks Tourism Award: Paddle Surfit, Rainbow’s Roost, Sun Peaks LLP and Terra Restaurant. Kamloops Home Hardware Building Centre Aboriginal Business of the Year Award: Inspire Chiropractic & Wellness Studio, Sportsman Light Truck & Offroad




ourism stakeholders from across the Thompson Okanagan will gather in Kelowna next month to give a major boost to their $1.7-billion industry. We will be learning what’s trending with travel consumers and unprecedented market analysis with the release of new market research for BC and Alberta markets as it relates Canadian Tourism Commission Explorer Quotient™ program. As the tourism eco-system evolves, new roles are emerging for Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) to support industry

with destination development and to implement the 10-year Tourism Strategy designed to improve the region’s standing as a worldclass visitor destination. The two-day event commences with the TOTA Annual General Meeting October 28 at Manteo Resort, with Destination BC presenting their “Winning Together” Road show. This session is open to all tourism stakeholders. The Summit opens with a reception hosted by Tourism Kelowna in the SmackDab Restaurant. Our Keynote speaker, Daniel Levine tourism trend analyst and director of the Avant-Guide Institute will set the stage for this year’s conference. TOTA President & CEO Glenn Mandziuk says this Summit’s theme – “Exceeding Expectations” – will build on the momentum of the Tourism Strategy and current growth in the development of visitor experiences, relationships with communities, and routesand-corridors. All of which is creating a more vibrant industry with significant growth targeted to extend

the travel season. TOTA Board Chair Michael J Ballingall says, “The annual Summit provides that face-to-face connectivity we need as an industry to create and develop long term relationships with each other and learn how to navigate the road ahead with this ever changing industry.” Previous Summits have attracted close to 200 tourism leaders from communities throughout the Thompson Okanagan region. Tourism businesses will benefit from the experts in trend and research analysis as well as the provincial and national destination marketing organizations on new programming. Other speakers will provide insights and case study examples of how operators can benefit from connecting to thei r com mu n ities a nd what’s trending. The Summit also provides a number of opportunities for tourism leaders to network. Glenn Mandziuk is President and Chief Executive Officer of Thompson Okanagan Tourism Region. He can be reached at

and ZERO Tolerance DD’s Services Ltd. BC Hydro Green Award 1-10 Staff: Dragon Decorative Concrete Company, Ezzzy Moving & Cleaning and Van Houtte Coffee Services Inc. Nutech Safety Young Entrepreneur of the Year: Brady Erixon - Sportsman Light Truck & Offroad, Brendan Shaw - Brendan Shaw Real Estate and Meaghan Summers - T he Noble Pig Brewhouse. Rock y Mou nta i neer Green Award 11+ Staff: Absorbent Products Ltd., Lafarge Canada Inc., Kamloops Plant and The Noble Pig Brewouse. Excel Personnel Business Person of the Year Award: Vicki Collett - Harper’s Trail Estate Winery, Anna Harrison - Genesis Fashion & Beauty and Principessa Parties and Jason Paige - Acres Enterprises Ltd. Aberdeen Mall Retailer Award 1-10 Staff: Erwin’s Fine Baking & Delicatessen, Lizzie Bits Baby Co. and Trent Art & Frames. Berwick on the Park Service Provider Award 1-10 Staff: Ashton & Associates Recruiters, Ebata Eye Care and Expedia Cruise Ship Centre. Underwriters Insurance Brokers Retailer Award 11+ Staff: Cooper’s Foods Valleyview, Kamloops Home Hardware Building Centre and Ra Hair Studio & Spa.

Kamloops Lincoln Service Provider Award 11+ Staff: Duffy’s Pub, Kamloops Home Hardware Building Centre, The Noble Pig Brewhouse and Ra Hair Studio & Spa. Venture Kamloops Resource Industry Award: Absorbent Products Ltd., Monte Creek Ranch and New Gold – New Afton Mine. KGHM International – Ajax Project Home Based Business of the Year Award: Brain Train International, Kent Wong Photography and Tradeopolis Communication – BDC Manufacturer Award: Absorbent Products Ltd., Fresh is Best Salsa & Co. and Moly-Cop Canada. Thank you to all of our sponsors who make this event possible! ••• Our Federal Election Candidate Videos are now available! Visit to hear our local candidates answer your burning business questions in these short, unedited videos. Special thanks to the Kamloops & District Real Estate Association for their partnership in this initiative and to Joy Factory Films for the Video Production. Deb McClelland is the executive director of the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached email at






ou know good customer service when you experience it. It’s hard to explain at times when it’s not so great, but it’s easy to recognize when a customer service agent has gone above and beyond to make sure you’re satisfied. At some point, every day, everyone is a customer. A good customer service experience is something that everyone can relate to – so what is it that makes for an exquisite customer service touchpoint? Because of word-of-mouth and social media, companies can’t afford to provide less than stellar customer service. Sandler Training teaches companies how to focus on the fundamentals of customer service due to its direct impact on the bottom line. Whether you’re in B2C or B2B sales, the following tips are tried and true and will help your company reap the rewards that come

with exceptional customer care. Ask questions upfront. From the very beginning of a customer relationship, it’s crucial to know exactly what’s expected. This allows for you to manage expectations and also gauge what your customer will consider a success. If you’ve heard Sandler mention the “upfront contract” you know it all starts at this step. Listen to your customer. When a customer speaks, you should be listening. This is when you’ll discover their pain and identify where you’ll really be able to make an impact and move the needle for their business. Additionally, sometimes a customer just needs an outside opinion to ‘hear them.’ This is when you’ll establish that trusting relationship salespeople long for. Communicate regularly. A good business practice is to always be ahead of your customer. They should never be wondering when they’ll be hearing from you. Make it your practice to establish regular communications. And if there’s a particular situation that needs tending to, make sure you’re on top of the need and communicating accordingly. Remember, you’re there to make their job easier and more efficient. Be sincere. This should go without saying, but your efforts and communications with your customers should be nothing short of

sincere. Take a moment and put yourself in their shoes. If it’s important and pressing to them then make sure they know you understand their concerns and needs. Then, do your best to provide solutions to remedy the problem. Request feedback. A customer likes to be heard – and why shouldn’t they? They’re paying for a service and want to be handled to their liking. Insist that they rate you and give their feedback so that you can better service their needs. This is mutually beneficial as you’ll grow as a professional and they’ll likely continue to do business with you. K e e p a l o n g-t e r m m i n dset. There’s no quick fix when it comes to customer service. Companies that thrive invest in longterm training that the tackles behaviors, attitudes and techniques that are essential to customer service. Customer service has often been called the “frontline” of an organization. When executed properly, a happy customer will share their positive experience which will ultimately lead to referrals and positive word-of-mouth marketing. What are some of your customer service best practices? Lucy Glennon can be reached at 866-645-2047 and our website is

BC’s Newest Alternative Dispute Resolution Centre Opens with Fanfare


AMLOOPS - On September 18TH in the presence of 70+ members of the law community and other invited guests, including Minister of Justice and Attorney General of BC, Hon. Suzanne Anton, a ribbon cutting marked the official opening of Centrepoint Kamloops, setting the stage for what is expected to be one of the flagship alternative dispute resolution centres in the province. “Congratulations must be extended to our contractor A&T Developments and our sub trades for getting the facility ready on time and on budget, along with our team at National Hospitality Group who had the vision for this facility and made it all happen,” says Bryan Pilbeam, Vice President of the National Hospitality Group. “Now that we’re officially open, we are ready to offer an exceptional service and facility to not only the legal community for mediations, arbitrations, and witness discoveries, but also to the business community with our serviced offices which are perfect for meetings, or to host job interviews.” Prior to Centrepoint getting its start, an extensive research project was launched engaging arbitrators, mediators, court reporters, and lawyers to see if such a centre would be needed and subsequently utilized. Additionally, through discussion with the Faculty of Law at Thompson Rivers University, the vision of

GOLD BUSINESS TECHNOLOGIES LTD. WINS GOLD Company is a dealer for Kyocera Document Solutions


AMLOOPS - Gold Business Technologies Ltd., a dealer for Kyocera Document Solutions Canada Ltd. based in Kamloops with offices and service in Salmon Arm, Vernon, Kelowna, Prince George and Penticton, recently announced that employee Mike Gryba received national recognition from Kyocera for his outstanding work as a top digital technician. Kyocera invited Gryba to travel to Toronto to compete in the Kyocera Canadian Technical Service Competition, based on his high test score in the November 2014 pre-qualifying test for Kyocera technicians in the West Coast region. In Toronto, technicians competed in five stages including a timed, closed-book written test, handson knowledge troubleshooting, break fix logical workflow, network diagnostic, application solution support and Apple driver support. Speed and expertise were essential during the troubleshooting stage, when participants were required to solve four knowledge troubleshooting scenarios

within 30 minutes for each case. Gryba came out on top and took first place in Canada. “It was a lot of fun and I’m proud of it… I know there are a lot of great technicians out there,” Gryba said. “This is a huge accomplishment for Gold Business Technologies as well as for the team of technicians we have working at Gold’s.” Shaun Horan, owner of Kamloops Gold Business Technologies, said that the win for his technician was a fantastic honour. “We are very proud of Mike and he reflects the efforts we have all made in our service department to provide the best service in the country,” Horan said. Tony Swierkot, m a rket i ng director at Kyocera Document Solutions Canada, Ltd., explained that Kyocera is a dealer-oriented manufacturer. “Kyocera provides high-quality and reliable products. The way we back that up is that we have tremendous service and support from the technicians in our dealerships who are very well trained.” He noted that technicians train at the Canadian head office in Toronto as well as the North American head office in Dallas. In addition, they do online training. To support the training, each year Kyocera sponsors a Pan-American training competition.

There are over 500 Kyoceraapproved technicians in Canada. Only the top scoring technicians from each of the five regions are chosen to compete in the Canadawide contest. The first-place winner of the competition is awarded a trip to Japan, to tour the Kyocera Document Solutions facilities. Kyocera products have received nu merou s i ndu s t r y awa rd s for outstanding performance and reliability. Swierkot said that printers and copiers have changed exponentially in the past few decades. The traditional photocopier was a relatively simple machine. Today, those machines can print and copy, plus scan, route, connect to a server and connect directly to people’s emails. “All that information needs to be supported with training for the technicians,” he said. “In addition to knowing the mechanics of the equipment, now they have to know how to wipe the hard drive and to make sure there’s a firewall between the copier and the network. They have become IT people.” The point, he added, is to have the best technicians in the country working on the top office solutions products North America has to offer. Gold Business Technologies Ltd. is at 1 – 953 Laval Crescent in Kamloops.

Centrepoint was fine-tuned and built, to the pleasure of Peter Armstrong, Partner with the National Hospitality Group. “Centrepoint is an incredible facility,” says Armstrong. “It was nearly two years ago when the idea was first discussed. To see the vision executed so well has been wonderful. We know that those using the facility will also be pleased with the savvy atmosphere, high-tech audio/ visual, top-level service, and professionalism of our team.” Also pleased with Centrepoint is BradfordMorse, Dean of Law at TRU. “We were exceptionally pleased to have been engaged by Bryan Pilbeam and the team at Centrepoint early on in the development process. Their team wanted to ensure they were building a facility that would encompass all that the legal community would require in an alternative dispute resolution centre. The recent announcement by Centrepoint of a bursary to the benefit of students in the Faculty of Law at TRU is very exciting news and shows the true cooperative and supportive spirit of the Centrepoint team.” Also of note for the legal community, Marina Hopkins, owner of Kamloops Court Reporting Services, has relocated her offices to the facility which will add extra convenience for those requiring professional court reporting services at Centrepoint.



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ALL CANDIDATES FORUM AT OKANAGAN COLLEGE IN VERNON The longest established Ford dealership in Canada was started by Joe Watkin in 1915 in downtown Vernon and the long-time chamber member recently


celebrated its 100th anniversary



he Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce has been in existence for more than one hundred years and for most of that time Watkin Motors has been selling vehicles to those living in the North Okanagan. The longest established Ford dealership in Canada was started by Joe Watkin in 1915 in downtown Vernon and the long-time chamber member recently celebrated its 100th anniversary. When he started the company Joe had only a few employees and reportedly was willing to take livestock as a down payment. The company has seen many changes over the last century including a couple of different locations, new ownership and tremendous growth. With over

50 employees, the auto dealer is one of the larger members of the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce. The entire community along with dignitaries from across the country paid tribute to the long standing business last month and the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce was among those saying “thanks” for the positive contribution to the community! ••• It is estimated that 60 per cent of those that vote in the federal election this month will be voting first for the party while 30

per cent vote for the leader and roughly 10-15 per cent put the strength of the local candidate as their top priority. Perhaps a more important number though is the number of Canadians that for one reason or another, don’t exercise their right to vote. Voter turnout in the last federal election, at 61.4 per cent, was the third lowest in Canadian history. Not as bad as local government elections but still not where it needs to be. Encouraging people to vote is something that the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce has been focused on over the last few months. It used its various communication channels including social media to encourage people to be informed and then considering taking a friend or family member to the polls. A s youth voters tend to be underrepresented, instead of hosting their own all-candidates forum, the Greater Vernon Chamber partnered with JCI Vernon (Junior Chamber International) in staging their All Candidates Forum at Okanagan College in Vernon. The forum was focused on a variety of issues impacting youth and young adults ranging from the economy to the environment. It hopefully helped raise awareness among young voters and leads to an increase in overall voter turnout. The chamber also used the event to stress

with all candidates the need for policies that focus on the fundamentals of a strong economy and the important role business, in particular small business, plays in this growth. In addition the Greater Vernon Chamber asked each local candidate to complete a short written questionnaire that was posted on the GVCC website for all chamber members and the public to review at their leisure. This questionnaire dealt primarily with the economy and trade. ••• Speaking of mobilizing youth, the Greater Vernon Chamber continues to celebrate the many talented young professionals in the area who are making their mark through business success and community involvement. KPMG recently teamed up with the chamber in launching the Top 20 under 40 Vernon. All the recipients will be recognized on Thursday October 22nd at a community celebration event during Small Business Week in BC. In celebrating the area’s young leaders, the chamber is also recognizing the enterprises they are leading as small business is critically important to Vernon and every other city for that matter. Small businesses represent 98 per cent of all businesses in the province. In fact BC is at the top of the pack in terms of small

businesses per capita in Canada. BC has 83.4 small businesses per 1,000 people, which is ahead of Saskatchewan at 83.3 and well ahead of third placed Alberta with 74.4 and even further beyond the national average of 70.1. ••• The Chamber’s Annual General Meeting was held in September marking the end of the term for another President. Jaron Chasca of Alternatives Funeral and Cremation Services moves into the Past President role with Tracy Cobb-Reeves, Communications Director at Kal Tire elected as President. With its head office located in Vernon, Kal Tire not only contributes significantly to the local economy, its strong management team doesn’t hesitate to get involved in volunteer activities throughout the community and that includes sitting on the chamber board. ••• Finally, the Greater Vernon Chamber is pleased to welcome a number of new members including Hayden Fitness Studio, Tambellini Design Studio Inc. and TRTA Architecture. Welcome to the Chamber network! Dan Rogers is the General Manager at the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce and can be reached at

Congratulations to the FortisBC Efficiency in Action Award winners! Ten organizations, from the health care, education, foodservice, pulp and paper, new home construction and entertainment industries, are improving their bottom line through energy efficiency and winning awards for it too. Find out who won and how your organization can be at the forefront of energy efficiency.

FortisBC uses the FortisBC name and logo under license from Fortis Inc. (15-065.14 07/2015)



BRITISH COLUMBIA Huge Range Of Business Meeting Options Available In BC Whatever the size, whatever the need, if you’re in BC there will be a meeting place available to handle any style of business function BY DAVID HOLMES


R I T I S H COL U M BI A – Rustic to sophisticated, sprawl i ng to i nt i m ate, the range of venues available to host business gatherings in BC are as diverse and unique as the communities in which they’re situated. From state of the art conference centres in the urban core, to out of the way retreats that are living echoes of simpler times, British Columbia is blessed with an embarrassing wealth of exciting meeting place options. If you’re in the Victoria area and are organizing an event for several hundred of your closest friends or business associates, the premier Capital Region destination has to be the Victoria Conference Centre (VCC). Located in the heart of the city’s downtown core, this sprawling complex, linked to the world famous Fairmont Empress Hotel, features a mind-boggling 73,000 square feet of magnificent meeting space, spread across no less than 19 separate multi-purpose meeting rooms. The VCC also features a large exhibit hall if a companion trade show is part of your get together plans and a 400 seat lecture theatre for formal training opportunities. Ample parking space is also available for all of attendees, thanks to a large two-tiered underground parking lot located directly beneath the centre. If that isn’t enough, right across the street from the Conference Centre is Victoria’s historic Crystal Gardens, which serves as a companion meeting venue for the VCC. Considered one of the most beautiful meeting places in western Canada, the Crystal Gardens boast more than 25,000 square feet of meeting space, enough legroom to host exhibits or functions for more than 1,000 people. To learn more about the Victoria Conference Centre check out its website: However, if you’re planning a business or social event in the Okanagan, then consider maki ng the Summerland Waterfront Resort and Spa your target

The Cariboo Log Cabin Guest House is located near the shores of Lac le Hache, just north of 100 Mile House

A working winery, Church and State Wines is equipped to accommodate groups of up to 300 in its spacious rooms destination. Located on beautiful Lake Okanagan, Summerland is ideally situated only minutes from the area’s main urban centres, yet a world away in terms of lifestyle and idyllic beauty. The Summerland Waterfront Resort

is the perfect spot for business meetings of 100 or so individuals. The facility, with its magnificent lake backdrop, features a waterfront ballroom (1,800 sq ft) with a capacity of about 150, an intimate lakeshore boardroom

for small gatherings and an outdoor venue perfect for informing or entertaining groups of 100 or more - ideal for open air meetings or team building activities. SEE MEETING PLACES |  PAGE 9




The main conference room of the Delta Grand Okanagan Resort and Conference Centre can accommodate up to 1,500

The Delta Grand Okanagan Resort and Conference Centre is perfectly situated overlooking Okanagan Lake


Church and State Wines in Brentwood Bay just outside of Victoria has hosted many functions, including one for Porsche

The Summerland Waterfront Resort and Spa is the perfect place to unwind, or get down to business (as long as the beautiful views don’t distract too much). The facility has earned a solid reputation for hosting everything from wedding parties and sporting themed events to business retreats and small scale banquets. To learn more visit its website at: http://summerlandresorthotel. com/ Returning to Vancouver Island, if a business gathering in the Victoria area is scheduled, but

something other than a city centre venue appeals, then consider planning your next session at Church and State Wines in nearby Brentwood Bay. A working winery, Church and State Wines actually operate two facilities in the province, the Brentwood Bay location and its main vineyard and outlet in Oliver in the Okanagan. Described as Vancouver Island’s largest and most prolific winery, Church and State is well stocked to handle small to medium sized functions. “For corporate events, we are able to host up to 300 people, with a full kitchen and bar. Our executive chef can prepare menus ranging from passed canapé’s to full multi-course custom dinners,” explained Church and State’s John Pullen. “We have indoor and outdoor spaces, with the wrap around patio being heated in cold weather. We offer

a full building PA system with wireless microphones. In the past, we have hosted events for Porsche, BMW, multiple hospital and health organizations, the BC Wine Institute, and many other high-profile national and multinational businesses.” T he faci l ity (on ly m i nutes from dow ntow n Victoria) is very adaptable, as the Church and State staff are able to tailor the layout of the building and exterior to meet the needs of its clients. Learn more online by visiting: If your business activities carry you to the Peace / Cariboo the heart of the region is the bustling city of Prince George, and at the heart of Prince George is the Ramada Hotel. The Ramada Prince George is considered one SEE MEETING PLACES |  PAGE 10









The VCC is one of the largest and most sophisticated business meeting venues in the province


of the best choices for business meetings in the city. The hotel offers a range of options for business and personal gatherings, from intimate boardrooms for private discussions, to the hotel’s spacious convention facility capable of seating as many as 300. The hotel offers seven individual meeting rooms, many of them bright with natural lighting and views of the active downtown core. The Ramada Prince George’s staff is one

of the hotel’s key assets. “Our experienced team is prepared to assist you in choosing the best layout to suit your meeting or event. Each of our meeting and event spaces are able to accommodate many different set up styles. Should you be attending for a trade show, media event or a classroom session, we have many options to best suit your needs,” the hotel’s literature states. As one of Prince George’s principal meeting and conference specialists the SEE MEETING PLACES |  PAGE 11

Looking for the Perfect Location for a Conference, Retreat or Trade Show? How about the heart of Silver Star Mountain Resort?

The Vance Creek Hotel & Conference Centre offers a setting like no other. Revitalize your team as you power through concepts in the morning then power through the powder in the afternoon! | 250-309-1110 or 1-800-610-0805




Located on Lake Okanagan, the Summerland Waterfront Resort and Spa offers plenty of activities once your meeting is over

The original Old House Restaurant continues to operate, offering the culinary delights that have made the restaurant famous



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Ideal for incentive retreat events, corporate regional meetings or gatherings.

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Just 15 minutes east of Kamloops No distractions Various size meeting rooms Full catering services Licensed lounge Team building

and one that allows each department head to be more connected with their staff and, most importantly, able to pursue a keen interest in guest service. “We have a tremendous team with everyone having a say in how to provide the best service,” he said. “We care like crazy and never say no to a client unless it’s ‘no problem’.” That dedication and commitment has paid off. Not only has the inn and manor house hosted such well-known names as Reba MacIntyre, Bill Gates, the King of Jordan, and the Prime Minister of Singapore but for the past five years the inn and conference centre has earned the coveted TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence and was named TripAdvisor’s 2015 Hall of Fame winner for receiving consistently outstanding traveler reviews.



estled amongst the rugged hills of Kamloops and fronted by the clear waters of the South Thompson River, the South Thompson Inn and Conference Centre offers guests a unique and first class holiday and corporate experience. Situated on 55 acres, the property features meandering nature walks, white fenced paddocks, quiet river front gazebos, well maintained lawns and gardens, horses, llamas and a variety of outdoor, onsite recreational activities. Owner David Patriquin, who first opened the doors on the four star resort in 1993, said every aspect of the inn and conference centre has been developed with guest comfort and service in mind. “All of the staff are relentlessly dedicated to customer service,” he said, adding that when a delegation of 85 people from Mumbai booked the conference centre he brought in a local restauranteur and chef to prepare the menu and food. The centre attracts corporate conferences from around the world to just for their uncompromising service but also because of its location and quiet surroundings. “It’s an opportunity to escape distraction and really focus.” With no general manager, the facility employs a management team to oversee all levels of operation from individual guests to weddings and conventions. Patriquin said it’s a more hands-on approach

riverside character home that had been converted into a restaurant noted for its spectacular fare. But over time the current Hotel and Spa complex sprang up around the original structure, adding volumes of luxurious accommodation and a well-equipped business and meeting centre designed for groups of 60 or more.


The Resort’s main ballroom can easily accommodate groups of up to 150, while open air meetings can be held outdoors

Ramada Prince George has partnered with the best audiovisual experts in the region to provide a range of state of the art presentation tools for its visitors. The complex is equipped to provide everything from video conferencing to multi-media presentations. To learn more visit the

hotel’s website: From large scale business events to small scale team building, the Old House Hotel and Spa in Courtenay on Vancouver Island is the perfect place to get away from it all, without losing access to the latest in services and technology. With an origin story going back decades, the original Old House was just that, a unique





“Our executive chef can prepare menus ranging from passed canapé’s to full multi-course custom dinners”


“Our meeting centre is fully wired for commerce and commu n ication i nclud i ng aud io visual equipment, screen, ceiling mount projector and can accommodate up to 64 guests,” as stated on the website. The business centre is actually two separate rooms, the Denman and Hornby (named after two nearby islands), but the staff can quickly shift the walls to convert the location into a single room of nearly 800 square feet. Of course the food and catering the Old House is so famous for is also readily available for the delight of the business traveler. Check out the Hotel’s website to learn more: http://www.oldhousevillage. com/ If you’re in the mood for something completely different, how about the intimacy of a gathering in a rustic log house, a literal stone’s throw from the waters of Lac la Hache in the heart of the Cariboo? The Cariboo Log Cabin Guest House is located only 200 meters from the expansive body of water that gives this quaint community its name. The Guest House is like a living legacy to the pioneering spirit that opened up the region. The perfect spot for small scale team building or private business functions, far from the stresses of the workplace, the Cariboo Log Cabin Guest House consists of six rustic rooms and a


In all the Victoria Conference Centre features more than 75,000 sq ft of space, including a 400 seat amphitheatre companion restaurant big enough to hold a gathering of a dozen or more. Internet-equipped, the peaceful spot offers personal and friendly service in either English or German. Actually a Bed and Breakfast operation, under normal conditions the related restaurant does not serve dinners, but when a special group session is in progress meals are served

throughout the day, according to the owner. Located on Highway 97 just north of 100 Mile House, the Cariboo Log Guest House feels more like a ski lodge than it does a traditional hotel – a feeling experienced routinely by visitors from around the world. To learn more visit the Guest House’s website: Finally in our whirlwind tour of

refreshingly local


Kamloops’ premier leisure and business hotel, featuring over 9 million dollars in fresh renovations! Everything you need under one roof for an exceptional stay. Amenities: • Nearly 30,000 square feet of meeting and event space have received a fresh multi-million dollar transformation. This includes an AMAZING lecture theatre & ballroom! • Beer, wine & spirits store onsite • Romeos Kitchen + Spirits • Room service & great outdoor patio overlooking the city • Indoor sauna, hot tub, pool and fitness facilities

Complimentary Services: • Wi-Fi • Parking • 24 hr. business centre • PressReader

For a conference with a keynote speaker, professional meeting, training session or a grand gala, we have the perfect space! Coast Kamloops Hotel & Conference Centre 1250 Rogers Way, Kamloops, BC, V1S 1N5 ph: 250.828.6660 | fax: 250.828.6698 |

some of the province’s best and most unique business venues, let’s end where we began, at an expansive and state of the art urban conference centre, this time in Kelowna. The Delta Grand Okanagan Resort and Conference Centre in Kelowna is the city’s crown jewel for business gatherings. The Hotel itself features nearly 400 guest rooms, while it offers business visitors a choice

of 17 different meeting rooms, with varying degrees of size and intimacy, right up to a massive 14,000 square foot conference room with a capacity of about 1,500. Full access to all of the latest in online resources and a full range of audio video services are also on call for business users of the centre. The hotel is located on the shores of Okanagan Lake, while the hotel and conference centre themselves were recently ranked among the Top Waterfront Hotels in Canada by When not engaged in business activities (and we know what all work does to Jack), visitors are encouraged to visit some of the many other attractions of the area such as the numerous nearby vineyards and recreational opportunities. Check out the centre’s website to learn more: https://www.deltahotels. com/Hotels/Delta-Grand-Okanagan-Resort-Conf-Cntr




Anthony Deane, the owner of Tight Lines Contracting, has been building high end homes for more than 30 years


U M M E R L A N D - S u mm e rl a n d’s T ig ht L i n e s Contracting Ltd. has t h rou g h decades of ex p er ience developed a w in n ing busi ness model: the perfect combi n at ion of sm a l l tow n business values coupled with providing 21 st Century buildi n g te c h n i q u e s. “ I ’ve b e e n in the construction industry for almost 30 years. I moved to Su m merl a nd i n 1981 a nd served my apprenticeship in t he late 1980’s. T ig ht L i nes is a genera l contractor speci a l i z i ng i n new bu i ld s a nd renovations, mostly high end projects” explained Anthony Deane, owner of Tight Lines Contracting. “E nerg y ef f iciency i n new home construction is very important and we try and go above and beyond. There have b e en m a ny c h a n ge s to how homes are constructed since I sta r ted . I’ve le a r ned a lot in the last 10 years. In 1995 I left Summerland and moved down to the coast to work in com mercia l constr uction. To be exposed to such a wide variety of construction techniques in the commercial sector a s wel l a s i n resident i a l was a great learning experience for me,” he explained. After starting a family at the coast Deane knew he wanted to move back to Summerland a n d ra i s e h i s f a m i ly t h e re. “Being home and having our children grow up around their g ra ndpa rents wa s ver y i mportant to me,” he said. T ig ht Li nes Contracti ng w a s for m e d i n 20 0 0, b ut i s not t he f i rs t cont ract i n g f i r m op erate d by D e a ne. “I

Over the past 30 years Anthony Deane has built a solid reputation constructing some of the Summerland area’s most exciting homes


Homes constructed by Tight Lines are noted for their energy efficiency, landscaping and the general quality of the fit and finish

Always a pleasure to work with Anthony and his team! Carpet • Hardwood • Tile • Laminate • Area Rugs • Vinyl OPERATED BY LONGS FLORALL LTD.

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Serving the Okanagan Valley

Congratulations to the team at Tight Lines Contracting. Ph: 250.764.8849



For many people the kitchen is the heart of the home, and a project completed by Tight Lines will include high end appliances


Home builder Anthony Deane has had experience in constructing both residential projects like this home, as well as commercial ones

Accent Fireplace Gallery Always a pleasure to work with Tight Lines Contracting! 1295 Fairview Rd Penticton , BC

250 770 2903

cu rrently employ si x people a nd over t he ye a rs we h ave developed a nd ma i nta i ned relationsh ips w ith a va riety of local sub trades, a team of people we a lways work w ith and can rely on,” he said. “It’s very important to have good communication with your sub trades. I have been blessed to work with an amazing group of people who help make the project ru n smooth ly. W hat we do is a team effort.” For Dea ne the satisfaction of b u i ld i n g a q u a l it y h om e that is as comfortable as it is energ y efficient never loses its app e a l. He’s fou nd over the yea rs that h is ma ny cl ients ag ree a nd to such a n ex tent that he seldom has

CLAY Proud to work with Anthony Deane

to look beyond h is i m med iate area to find contracts. “I h ave b e en for t u n ate to not have to commute far, buildi ng most ly i n Su m merl a nd, Penticton and Naramata. The past five years have consisted most ly of new bu i lds, however at the end of last year we have saw an increase in high end renovat ion s. T h i s ye a r I h a v e t h re e c u s to m re n ovat ion s l i ned up, a nd when cl ients choose to do a l a rge renovation it’s a lmost like a new build,” Deane explained. H e ’s a l s o v e r y a p p r e c i at i ve t h a t m u c h of h i s wo rk i nvolves h is former cl ients, eit her i n t he for m of repeat bu si ness, or a s a refer ra l to t hei r fa m i ly, f r iend s or coworkers. “I feel very fortunate to have had many referrals sent my way.” I n t h e t h re e d e c a d e s h e’s been bu i ld i ng homes Dea ne has seen many changes, both i n con st r uct ion tech nolog y and in the tastes and preferenc e s of h i s cl ient s. Awa re that cha ngi ng ti mes a nd attitudes w i l l d i rectly i mpact the success of h is busi ness, he and his team strive to rem a i n at t he lead i ng ed ge of their trades in terms of home construction techniques and tech nolog ies. “O u r focus is bu i ld i ng energ y efficient h o m e s t o t h e R-2 0 0 0 a n d B u i lt G re en s t a nd a rd s,” he said. Dea ne recog n ized ea rly on t h at f u nd a menta l pract ices such as honesty, staying true to your word and openness in all aspects of the transaction wou ld be the centra l pi l la rs of h is business’s success. “I don’t come f rom a bu si ness background I just know that I’ve pro duce d go o d qu a l it y work over the years. My home wa r ra nt y i s w it h T ravelers Canada and to date I’ve never had a claim. No controversies or litigations, just a focus on putting out a good product.” He’s also not afraid to give back to t he com mu n ity a nd to the industry he both loves and which has provided him SEE TIGHT LINES CONTRACTING |  PAGE 15


Proud to work with the team at Tight Lines Contracting! Kevin Clay

250.486.7725 8 6 2 7 Vi c to r i a R d. S • S u m m e r l a n d, B C




Open floor plans often factor into Tight Lines new home construction, the company has built homes all across the Summerland area


h i s l i v e l i h o o d t h ro u g h t h e yea rs. He is cu rrently the V i c e P re s i d e n t of t h e Ca na d i a n H o m e b u i l d e r s A s s ociation (CH BA) i n the South Okanagan and has been a mem b er of t he A sso ci at ion for the past 10 years. “I’m in l i ne to become P resident of the Canadian Homebuilder’s Association,” he said, someth i ng he ad m its to bei ng ner vou s to. “I’m excited to grow in this new adventure,” he said. He also credits his involvement with the Canadian H o m e b u i l d e rs A s s o c i a t i o n fo r h e l p i n g to p re p a re h i m and his team for the changes that have marked the evolving home building industry in recent years. “Training in the new systems and techniques are ongoing and through the CHBA we offer many courses for continuing education. C o n t i n u a l ly re v i e w i n g t h e new building codes and constant changes that come with the industry is an important part if you want to be a successful builder,” Deane said. Work i ng a longside bu i ld i ng of f ici a l s a nd t he lo c a l d i st r ic t s i s a n i mp or t a nt p a r t of industry as well. “It’s impor ta nt to stay educated i n this field,” he stated. For Deane the real key to the success of h i s bu si ness h a s been his willingness to listen to t he ne e d s of h i s c l ient s. “Bu i ld i ng you r d rea m home c a n b e ver y over whel m i ng. T here’s ju st so much deta i l that goes into it. Some people like modern some like the more t ra d it ion a l . T he on ly real trend I see is an increase i n c l ient s c om i n g f rom out of p rov i n c e. M a ny of t h e m bu i ld i ng t hei r second home here,” he said.

“I just think that being honest with people is the best and only policy” ANTHONY DEANE OWNER, TIGHT LINES CONTRACTING

A Tight Line home is one that has been designed for energy efficiency, but not at the expense of comfort and enjoyment “I just think that being honest with people is the best and only policy. No BS, just open a nd up front from the sta rt. You r reputat ion, especia l ly



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in a small town, is so important. To this day I have mainta i ned st rong rel at ion sh ips w ith ma ny of my past a nd present clients, often meeting

when they are back in town. K now i ng my cl ient is happy is what’s most important. At the end of the day, that’s all that matters to me.”

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Commerical contractor has impressive track record


ELOWNA - TKI Construction Ltd. is a homegrown Okanagan success story. The mid-size commercial general contracting firm that was founded in 2009, has grown to 18 employees and continues to expand each year. Its list of clients is impressive. It has built four Mr. Lube stores located in Kelowna, Courtenay, Calgary and Lethbridge with more to come. The company does work for the BC Ministry of the Environment in provincial parks. In 2012 it completed a $2 million renovation to the Trail Aquatic Centre. It also has a strong relationship with Primaris, the management company at Orchard Park Mall in Kelowna where it does store fit-ups. Currently TKI Construction is renovating the fire halls at Big White and BX Swan Lake in Vernon. Company president Tim Krogh had years of experience as a general contractor under his belt before founding TKI Construction, first as a residential builder and then for six years as a project manger with PCL Construction. “I learned a lot in the years I was there,” he said. “It was a great training ground. And it helped me launch what we have here.” He added that he left because he had an independent streak and an entrepreneurial spirit. Starting his own business made good sense. He also had a vision for doing smaller and mid-size jobs with more efficiencies than a large company like PCL could handle. “It’s fun to overcome challenges, issues and problems” he said. “I want to please my customer. Our attitude is that the buck stops here. We take care of

Tim Krogh and Brandon Panopoulos are steering TKI Construction into the future

“Our attitude is that the buck stops here. We take care of things and make sure that things are good.” TIM KROGH PRESIDENT, TKI CONSTRUCTION LTD.

TKI Construction has developed a solid relationship with Primaris


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TKI Construction has built four Mr. Lube locations with more to come


things and make sure that things are good.” In 2010, Brandon Panopoulos, also an eight-year veteran with PCL, joined Krogh as a partner in the company. Krogh said that Panopoulos was instrumental in building the success of the firm. Krogh noted that in its first year, TKI Construction completed 13 jobs; in 2014, the company had 53 active or completed projects. “We have increased revenues every single year,” he said. “We go the extra mile. We care about our clients. If there are any little issues or problems, we deal with them –whether it’s good for us or not, it doesn’t matter. We always try to do the correct thing.” He added that the number of jobs and revenues in 2015 are on track to surpass those of last year. He said that the company’s success

TKI Construction does store fit-ups in malls like Orchard Park in Kelowna

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TKI Construction is known for excellence in commercial construction and renovations


is due not only to the right attitude, but also to quality work. “Our goal is to finish a job complete with no deficiencies – and deficiencies could be any tiny little thing. Also, we make up a list and pro-actively go after those items and get them done.” One of the things that makes a TKI job a good one is the preplanning long before the work begins. Krogh said that every job has challenges. “We have a system – we are very, very organized. We conduct pre-award meetings with sub-trades. We bring the subtrades in and ask them if there are any issues and problems. We try to anticipate every problem that might happen. We check schedules to make sure they coincide with our schedule so that everyone is on the same page.”

He noted that TKI then takes it one step farther. The company does meeting minutes that the sub-trades sign off on. If there is ever any doubt, the issue can be traced back. Krogh said that a good relationship with sub-trades, based on trust and respect is essential to doing an excellent job. Over the years, TKI Construction has garnered a raft of reference letters. Krogh noted that typically those letters are full of glowing praise. But what is really telling is when a job has had issues and still gets a great reference because TKI has done what is right to overcome issues and end up doing a good job. Krogh said that the company leaves no detail to chance. Even cleaning up afterwards is of prime importance. Krogh said that the intention is to continue to grow the company year after year. In fact, he said that the company occasionally

has to turn down jobs because it doesn’t have the supervisory personnel to handle the volume and it won’t compromise the quality of its work. The intention, he said, is to look for those

good people and to bring them on board. The intention is also to have Panopoulos take over the company in the coming years. “He broug ht relationsh ips to th is compa ny a nd was

instrumental in growing it. We are equals in this company.” TKI Construction Ltd. is at 17 – 737 Stremel Road in Kelowna.

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Across British Columbia, 98 per cent of businesses are small businesses, employing more than a million people



mall Business Week in Canada will be celebrated from October 19th to the 25th. This is the national celebration of entrepreneurs and the contributions of their small businesses to our country’s economy. Across British Columbia, 98 per cent of businesses are small businesses, employing more than a million people. And here in Summerland, small businesses are the heart and soul of our community and the engine of our local economy. T h is yea r we a re celebrating with a couple of events. On October 20 our Business after Business event (small business week edition) will be celebrated at Summerland Credit Union and will include a trade show of Credit Union member businesses. Later that week, Summerland will conduct its first ever Business Walk event. Business Walks were first initiated in Canada in 2012 by the Central Okanagan Economic Development Commission. Since that time business walks have been conducted in many BC and Alberta communities and the majority of Okanagan communities. The goal of a business walk is to provide an informal opportunity to connect with businesses face-to-face and take the pulse of the business community. On October 22nd, Chamber Board members w i l l tea m up w ith Summerland’s Mayor Waterman and Councillors to visit a number of local businesses to ask some brief questions. We anticipate being able to reach



over 100 local businesses in a half day. Fo l l o w i n g t h e v i s i t s , t h e Chamber will create a report i nd icat i ng com mon t hemes raised by the business community. Working together with Mayor and Council will provides us with an opportunity to celebrate and promote local businesses and provide our business members with an opportunity to share their views and build new relationships. This is a great way to celebrate Small Business Week. Christine Petkau is Executive Director at the Summerland Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at cpetkau@



very year we work on new and important strategies to s upp or t ou r D ow ntow n a nd t hereby ou r community. Last year we did all kinds of new events and “shop local” campaigns. This year, in partnership with Sun- FM/ EZ Rock and the Penticton Herald, we have created a yearlong campaign “I Heart Penticton”. T h roughout the com i ng year you have seen all kinds of contests and exciting things both on air and in print from our partners, supporting the DPA’s i n i t i a t i v e. W h y t h i s ca mpa ig n? We rea l i zed you have a l l hea rd the “shop local” verbiage over and over,

through the TV, radio, on- line and other outlets and although we fully support, we wanted to create something unique and fun - no one likes to be harped on repeatedly. We wanted to challenge you, our community, to really look around and think about why you love Penticton. In our day to day living, we don’t ever pause to think for a second, about where we live, how we live or what we love about ou r City. We a re asking you to pause....and share w it h u s - why do YOU love Penticton? Is it the amazing a nd u n ique loca l shops, the va r ie t y of re s t au ra nt s, t h e fact we a re between two i ncredible lakes, that we are 25 m i n s f rom sk i i ng a nd sk ating or is it the biking/hiking t ra i l s t h at get you excited? When you come Downtown to shop - make it fun and meet for brea k fa st at a loca l, i ndependent café, then go shopping in our small Downtown stores. D i d y o u a l s o k n o w, w h e n y o u s h o p s m a l l i n d e p e n de n t s to re s , t h e b u l k o f t h e money you sp end a nd most of your taxes stay local which

helps schools, paves streets, and also supports the police a nd f i re depa r tments who are keeping you safe. T his is called the “multiplier effect” and as per the research firm, Civ ic E conom ics, for ever y $100 you spend: on average, 48 percent of each purchase at lo c a l i n d e p e n d e nt b u s inesses is recirculated locally, compared to less than 14 perc e n t of p u rc h a s e s a t c h a i n s to re s a n d a l m o s t n o t h i n g on line. T hese are just a few re a s o n s to t a k e yo u r t i m e , a n d s h o p, e a t, a n d l i v e loc a l . We a r e e x c i t e d t o b e pa rt of you r Dow ntow n a nd wa nt you to tel l us why you “heart Penticton”? Watch for the new “I Heart Penticton” logo, online, FB, and twitter a nd sh a re you r ex per iences and stories all year long with us. The DPA looks forward to another great year and being part of your story. Kerri Milton is Executive Director of the Downtown Penticton Association. She can reached at kerri@

Sales Activity Driven by Strong Consumer Confidence


h e O k a n aga n M a i nline Real Estate Board (OM R E B) rep o r te d s a l e s a c t iv it y of a l l M L S prop er t y t y p es i n Aug u s t 2 015 re m a i n e d s te a d y th rough a ty pica l ly slow su m mer mont h a nd despite smoky cond itions – posti ng the strongest month for Aug ust since 2007. W h i l e t h e h o u s i n g m a rket is bei ng u nderpi n ned by rock bottom mortgage interest rates, a not iceable l i f t i n c o n s u m e r c o n f id e n c e i n ou r prov i nc e h a s prop el le d the market to elevated activity. Smoky conditions due to wild fires may have had some impact on viewings but have n o t d e t e r re d p u rc h a s e s b y p eople who a re choosi ng to

buy now. “ B o l s t e r e d b y h i g h c o nsu mer con fidence as loca l e mploy m e nt a nd e c onom ic conditions improve, demand for homes i n the Oka naga nShuswap is strong and keeping pace w ith other ma rkets in BC,” says Christopher Mill e r, O M R E B P r e s i d e n t a n d active rea ltor in the Centra l Oka naga n. “Most sectors in ou r Boa rd a rea saw a very active su mm e r a n d w e a re o p t i m i s t i c th is upwa rd trend w i l l continue into the fa ll w ith solid sa les act iv ity i n September a nd October,” M iller notes. “Now is the ti me to l ist as i nventor y cont i nu e s to d ec l i n e. S i n g le fa m i ly hom e s w it h i n ou r Boa rd a rea a re

selling w ith in 88 days compa red to 104 days on ma rket year-to-date during the same eight-month period in 2014.” With i n OM R EB’s th ree d iverse markets – Central Okanagan, North Okanagan, and Shuswap Revelstoke a reas – sales activity and prices, and supply a nd dema nd tends to va r y a mong prop er ty ty p es at d i fferent ti mes a nd locations, w ith ups a nd dow ns e x p e r i e n c e d z o n e-b y-z o n e a nd month-by month. In the Shuswap, pu rchases by loca ls, retirees a nd those looking for a lifestyle change have continued on an upward climb this year after lagging sa les i n 2014. Si ng le fa m i ly home sa les for t he mont h ro s e 19 p e r c e n t c o m p a re d

t o A u g u s t 2 01 4 a n d s a w a 16 p er cent i mprovement yea r-to-date. Some segments in the Central Okanagan are experienci n g shor t a ge s a nd mov i n g i nto sel lers’ m a rket cond itions. Single family residential sales improved by 12 per cent over last Aug ust wh i le year-to-date totals improved by 11 per cent over the sa me time period in 2014 (January th rough Aug ust). T he Nor t h Ok a n a ga n reported a 19 per cent decl i ne i n si ng le fa m i ly resident i a l sales during August and a 9 p er cent decl i ne yea r-todate, but on the heels of a v igorous ru n up of sa les activity last year that outpaced the two other zones.

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Company promotes leadership for its staff with a focus on values


ELOWNA - SK Form and Finish Inc. in Kelowna is not your ordinary concrete company – not by a long shot. Certainly the company does excellent work as the testimonials on its website attest to, but SK Form & Finish is, first and foremost, about the relationships it has built with its employees, suppliers and staff. It has a set of values that are enviable and that are leading it to continued growth. A testament to how well it is doing in all areas is its recent status as finalist for the Mid-Size Business Excellence Award through the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce. SK Form and Finish has been involved in residential, commercial and industrial projects in the Okanagan since 1992. Steve Kraushar, who owns the company with his wife Angie Kraushar, grew up in the business, working with his father who owned a ready mix company. “Even before he could drive, he was batching concrete into the trucks and washing the trucks and loading the hopper with sand and gravel and cement,” Angie Kraushar said. “If his dad wasn’t around and a truck would break down, he would ride his bicycle to where it was, fix it and ride back. He got a really hands-on start in concrete.” She added that over the years he honed his natural mechanical abilities and learned everything he could about concrete. He also had a strong entrepreneurial spirit and decided to fill a need in the valley by starting a concrete forming and finishing company. One of the biggest challenges early on in the business was to find skilled tradesmen who would show up for work. The Kraushars hit upon an idea that encouraged their employees to take their jobs seriously.

SK Form and Finish does big industrial and commercial jobs as well as simple ones For two years, they offered a motorbike promotion: whoever showed up for work consistently, on time, would receive a new dirt bike at the end of the year. But something even more important happened during those two years. “We were able to lay down some values,” K raushar said. “We wanted the people in our team to really understand our values – and that was a real shift for us.” She added that the three core values the company upholds have developed a strong foundation for the business and its people. “We’re really about our people – and that focus on our people sets us apart from the rest.” SK Form & Finish’s first value

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Life’s brighter under the sun *Mutual funds offered by Sun Life Financial Investment Services (Canada) Inc. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada is a member of the Sun Life Financial group of companies. © Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, 2015.

is honesty and integrity in every relationship. “This is huge,” Kraushar said. “We do things with integrity and we stand behind our work – and we really mean it. If that driveway was compromised in a way that it needed to come out, we would take it out and re-do it.” She added that honesty goes hand-in-hand with integrity. When customers have questions, they can rest assured they will get honest answers. “That’s what we’re known for,” Kraushar said. “We are a very authentic company. We strive to have honesty and integrity in every relationship, whether it’s with our suppliers or customers or with each other.”

The second value is healthy families. “We believe that healthy families and relationships matter,” Kraushar said, noting that if something comes up in an employee’s family that demands their time and attention, then that is a priority. The employee can be assured that the company will support them without being penalized. Kraushar said that the value of healthy families affects each employee’s daily life and so it makes sense to get involved and support them at the workplace. The third value is recognizing that each staff member is a leader. For instance, Kraushar said that the company’s full-time mechanic

Whether it’s a business plan, a financial plan or a group benefits plan, as a business owner, you know how important it is to be prepared. Helping business owners like you, we’ll work together to build a plan that suits you, your family and your employees – for a bright today, and an even brighter tomorrow.

strives to stay educated and up-todate on the latest technology in his field. When people come to him with issues, he can problem solve. She noted that many of the SK staff attend leadership conferences each year to hone their ability to lead. “It’s amazing to watch our staff take something and run with it. As owners, it’s our job to empower them. That’s why conferences and courses are a must” Because the company values its employees, it provides a full hot breakfast for the staff each day. It’s a time for staff to sit and talk – to discuss the day and often, to find ways to assist or advise each SEE SK FORM AND FINISH |  PAGE 21


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Okanagan to organize the event.” Business Examiner Thompson Okanagan has coordinated the Commercial Building Awards since its inception, and also produces similar programs throughout B.C., including Northern BC, the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island. “The projects that are nominated are exceptional and on par with any area throughout the province,” says MacDonald. “These events are great because this is a time to celebrate the people behind the scenes who make these important buildings come to life, and have them come out and take a bow for their fine work.” Last yea r’s Judges’ Choice

21 winner for best overall entry went to Southern Okanagan Secondary School of Oliver, which also took top spot in the Community Facilities category. T his year, there are a large number of entries from Kelowna, and there are also entries from Kamloops, Lake Country, Penticton, Salmon Arm, Vernon and West Kelowna. An independent team of expert judges pore through the nomination packages before making their final decisions on who will win each category. Tickets to the event are $95 plus tax, available through www., but must be booked by Friday, October 16. For further information, contact Mark MacDonald at 1-866-758-2684 Ext. 120.

Berens Estate Winery is a recent project

“We do things with integrity and we stand behind our work – and we really mean it.” ANGIE KRAUSHAR CO-OWNER, SK FORM AND FINISH INC.

Angie Kraushar says that SK Form and Finish takes care of the complete project and stands behind its work


other. Kraushar said the morning breakfast also facilitates community, another value the company holds dear. All of this makes a difference to SK’s customers, Kraushar said. When the staff arrives on a job site, they are prepared and ready to give

their best to the job. “The customer gets a team that is organized, feeling good about where they work and feeling valued where they work,” Kraushar said. “That can’t help but reflect in their work.” She noted that SK has a solid reputation for great work. What is different is how strongly it values its staff and how intent it is on fostering its people to be the best they can be. That, Kraushar said, is what leads to the best possible work. SK Form & Finish does everything from a simple driveway to

some of the biggest commercial and industrial projects in the valley, including very high end homes. Recent projects include Kelowna International Airport, the Fort Berens Estate Winery in Lillooet, the Bad Tattoo Brewery in Penticton and a large calcium plant in the north. The company serves Kelowna, and all of Western Canada. “We’re a different concrete contractor,” Kraushar said. “We are all about taking care of the complete project. We don’t just come in, do our part and leave. We orchestrate the entire concrete part of the project.” She said that homeowners appreciate the complete management aspect of the concrete portion of a job as much as contractors do. SK Form & Finish is also all about continued growth. “If our company doesn’t grow, our staff doesn’t have the opportunities to rise up in the future,” Kraushar said. “We want them to be able to excel in our company. We’re all about our people so there’s no option for us – we need to grow so that we can attract and hire the best. Then we can give the best service to our clients.” SK Form & Finish Inc. is located at 1292 Findlay Road in Kelowna.

Southern Okanagan Secondary School was the winner of the Judges’ Choice for best overall entry in the 2014 SICA Commercial Building Awards last year.

Joanne Iormetti

Senior Marketing Advisor

PUT YOUR COMPANY IN THE SPOTLIGHT In the life of every business, certain events always stand out:






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of pride for us to be one of the few companies in the Okanagan to offer pure, uncompressed, broadcast-quality music at our events. The difference it makes is substantial.” The company’s high standards and strong reputation have lead to an impressive client list, featuring some of the area’s most notable events, venues a nd brands. T hey have preferred vendor status at Sparkling Hill Resort, the Prestige Harbourfront Resort in Salmon Arm, the Prestige Hotel in Vernon, Best Western Plus Vernon Lodge & Conference Center, Kelowna’s Sunset Ranch Golf & Country Club, Okanagan Golf Club and The Harvest Golf Club, among many others. They also count Silver Star Mountain Resort, the Lake Okanagan Resort, Okanagan Bridal Expo and Vernon Bridal Event among their customers. “Our team here really enjoys what we do, and I think that’s been a big contributor to our success so far,” says Cousins. “That enjoyment is reflected back in the quality that we deliver, and our clients know that we’re not only going to bring a high level of service, but we’re going to make their events memorable for everyone who’s coming through the door. “The result has been a lot of referrals and a significant amount of repeat business. We have the flexibility and capacity to handle specialized events like intimate weddings and receptions, all the way up to large conferences at places like Kelowna’s Prospera Place. We are committed to seeing the event through from beginning

Paul Cousins, Owner and Founder of Okanagan Dance Party

Cousins auctioning off items for charity at the Vernon Golf & Country Club

to end, our staff come prepared, well ahead of time, and they do whatever they need to do to make sure things go as smoothly as possible. That range, coupled with our experience and service standard, has been a big contributor to the growth we’ve seen.” Cousins’ journey to the creation of Okanagan Dance Party is rooted in his earlier career in radio and his education as a Professional Sound Engineer. Following more than a decade in broadcasting, he joined Celebrity Cruises as a nightclub disc jockey, moving up into Cruise Staff and eventually being sought out by Princess Cruises for their Fine Art Program, leading an

auctioneering team to sell high end artwork to guests, including works by Picasso, Chagall and even Rembrandt. “Customer service on cruise ships is unmatched,” he says. “You learn to recognize each person, learn about what they like and how you’re able to keep them happy throughout the duration of their trip. It becomes your job to give the customer what they want, and ultimately let them know what they need. At the end of the day our goal is to make our client’s experience the best it can possibly be. “That’s translated over to the business dramatically, where we end up guiding each customer

through their event and helping them discover things and explore options that they may not have even known existed. Perspective is really important in the planning stages, and because we have more than 30 years of experience in entertainment, we have a pretty good idea of what is, and isn’t going to get people more engaged. When you put everything together, our service, experience and quality, the output that we provide is at another level you’re not going to find anywhere else in the Valley.” Cousins’ son Daniel Gauthier joined the company when it was launched, and now performs as a primary DJ & MC after going

through an extensive training process. As well as being a leading company for weddings and corporate events including holiday parties, Okanagan Dance Party also provides charity-auctioneering services to non-profit organizations, including the Kindale Development Association, United Way, the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce, and Restorative Justice, among many others. Watch for their brand-new Winter Carnival Event next February – “Burlesque on Bourbon Street” has just been added to the Carnival of Mardi Gras calendar for 2016

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e have seen it many times before. A busin e s s m a n o r b u s inesswoman attends our office outraged that another business is blatantly copying their product. They want action taken and want it taken now. Copyright protection has no time limitation. If we can claim copyright protection on the product, we can take immediate action. However, design protection and patent protection each have a time limitation. If an application for design protection or patent protection has not been filed within 12 months of the first public disclosure of the product, it is no longer possible to obtain design protection or patent protection. Sadly, we must sometimes advise the businessman or businesswoman that they missed their deadline (sometimes by several years) and have no recourse. We cannot over emphasize the importance of taking early action to protect your

product. Unfortunately, due to time limitations, a decision must sometimes be made before it is clear whether or not your product has significant commercial potential. Equally important is the name of the business and the name of the product or service. The law recognizes “common law” Trademark rights, if a competitor is using a similar Trademark in a geographical area in which you have worked hard to establish a reputation for your business. However, you cannot rely upon a “common law” Trademark if the use by another business is not in a geographical area in which your business operates and has an established reputation. We were recently consulted by a client who received a “cease and desist” letter from a legal firm. A person, who was aware of our client, took the concept to a different city a few years ago and started using very similar Trademarks. To make matters worse, they subsequently

filed and obtained Federal Trademark Registrations. The legal firm is now demanding our client change the name of their service business and Trademarks used in association with the service. In order to deal with this threat, the client is going to have to ask the Federal Court to invalidate the Federal Trademark Registration on the basis that it would never have been granted by the Trademarks Office had the facts been known. Unlike other types of property, such as real estate and automobiles, it is possible to lose control of “Intellectual Property” assets. The title of this article is “taking preventative measures”. The intended message is to caution you to take steps to protect your Intellectual Property assets as soon as you realize that you have created something of value that others may wish to take and use for their own purposes. M ich ael Coop er a nd Dou g Thompson are with ThompsonCooper LLP.



Total Prepare: Serving Canada’s Expanding Prepper Market


Total Prepare’s customers view stocking up on food and other supplies as an investment in their future BY DAVID HOLMES


ICTORIA - A hedge against uncertainty, an investment in the well being, perhaps the actual survival of their families, for many Canadians the concept of preparedness has become mainstream. That quest to be prepared, to have stocks of food, water and basic supplies at hand in the event such commodities become scarce, was what motivated Niels Baartman to found Victoria’s Total Prepare Inc. “Initially the company started because I was trying to buy earthquake preparedness products in BC and found that there was absolutely nothing readily available out there that was worth buying,” he explained. “For me I wanted a really good water supply where I can store a vast amount of water, not necessarily an underground tank but something I can place in the garage, and I wanted some real hearty food, not just a five-year bar and that sort of thing. I wanted real food that we could cook while having a really long shelf life – products that would give me some survival options other than just a little knapsack with a few goodies tucked in it.” But after conducting extensive research across the country, he found that what products were readily available fell short of both his requirements and his expectations of quality and longevity. “For me it became a priority to get prepared and to get prepared for a long time, two weeks to a month at the minimum. I just found that there was so little available that the search led me to other provinces and into the US. At that point I decided that you know what? There’s got to be something easier than this, there’s got to be someone out there to supply this product and that’s sort of how the business started. In 2011 we came up with the concept and we incorporated in 2012.” Today Total Prepare operates a showroom in Victoria (48 Crease Avenue) where a sampling of is many products can be displayed and purchased. But for Baartman the real strength of the company’s marketing efforts is the 24/7 power of its online presence. “We have a website where we ship right across Canada, it’s a very interactive website,” he said. “We really go above and beyond just earthquake preparedness products. We service any type of disaster, for any type of concern really. We also actively service the prepper-minded community as well. Whether you’re just getting an earthquake kit or whether you’re in the market for a six month food supply or more we essentially

Niels Baartman often takes samplings of Total Prepare’s products to trade shows where they always get a positive response have everybody covered.” Total Prepare has become one of the country’s premier providers of all forms of preparedness products, marketing everything from first aid and camping supplies, lighting and communication systems, long term storage products and of course a vast range of emergency and survival food and water supplies. The company also actively puts its products to the test in real world applications to ensure the material works as advertised. “We really do look at all of our products closely, making sure it works. We field test what we sell and we stand behind it. If something fails or something doesn’t work out we won’t sell it, we get rid of it. Ray just went out with his sons to a park with some of our gear and tested it out for two or three days,” Baartman explained. T he Ray in question is Ray Boeyenga, Baartman’s business partner. “That’s the only way that you can actually market the stuff with confidence. Knowing that you have done the field testing, learning how it can perform under different conditions. Knowing how it would perform if you ever find yourself in an emergency situation,” Boeyenga explained. “As a point of note, we’ve got a lot of different products on our website. There are eight areas of preparedness that you really should look at. Although our website goes well beyond those areas the key things that you should be looking at are food, water, heat, shelter, first aid as well as communication, light and sanitation.” While in operation just over three years, the growth of Total Prepare’s business has been remarkable. “We’re growing substantially, especially during the last several months. We’ve had exceptional growth. Every year we grow and we receive awesome customer feedback – I think we’ve only had one product returned and that’s about it,” Baartman said. “Obviously people like what we’re selling them. At the end of the day 90 per cent of our customers come back and buy more

products. Repeat customers are the best compliment anyone can pay a business. We have a ton of referral business and a ton of repeat customers and we can honestly say that they’re thrilled with us and they’re thrilled with the services.” In addition to individuals and family groups wanting to purchase supplies as a safeguard against the uncertainties of tomorrow, the pair has been finding there is a large and growing corporate market for the goods and services Total Prepare markets. “Corporate clients are coming all the time. Embassies are buying freeze dried food from us to stock in foreign countries in case of emergencies. What if something happens and they can’t leave their embassy? They need to have stockpiles of food. So we’ve seen the growth of that market,” Baartman said. Boyenga explained that senior’s facilities have become another significant market for Total Prepare. “Carehomes are another emerging market for us now. They buy food and large water storage containers for emergency water back up supplies. They buy devices for charging cell phones in case of an outage of power, these are huge growing segments for us and we’ve got the solutions for them. We’ve figured out what they need, we’ve figured out how to service them. When we do one, say a senior’s facility, we’ve built a model package that we can now market to another one when they inquire, to show them the solutions, as opposed to having them try to figure it out. It makes it much easier for them.” Being prepared for the unknown, storing goods and supplies in anticipation of future harsher times is not a new concept. For Baartman it’s merely a 21st Century interpretation of the steps earlier generations would routinely take. “We’ve forgotten what people did generations ago. They would prepare for times of lean years or famines or things like that. We’ve become such a walk to your grocery store society, assuming everything is always going to be available, but that could change in a heartbeat. I think we’re very complacent that way and we just assume the services are always going to be there but if you were to go back just two generations they never thought that way.” “We don’t want to scare people we’re not fear mongers we just want to make sure that you’re ready for any disaster,” Boeyenga said. “Food and water are absolutely critical – those are the things you have to have to survive. The water may not come out of the tap tomorrow, so what are you going to do then?”


with advance polls from October 9th to the 12th



aving recently accepted fall and winter apparel, The Happy Zebra in Salmon Arm is ready to clothe and accessorize your little one for the upcoming season. Owner Sabrina Saunders prides herself on being a locally owned and operated children’s shop and baby boutique store. Sabrina provides our community with new and consignment clothing, toys and accessories. They also support local handmade products and services. For more information, please visit www.thehappyzebra. com or visit their store at 30 Lakeshore Drive N.W. ••• The area between Salmon Arm and Winfield will now have its very own Vernon Homepage, which manager Leah Riley is very excited to launch. This means that we will have our very own local news, content, classifieds and sports coverage similar to the ever-popular Kelowna Castanet website. Leah invites any businesses interested in looking to advertise to give Castanet a call as their website boasts 700,000 page views

a week. For more information, call (778) 506-2002 or visit www. ••• T he Salmon Arm & District Chamber of Commerce recently hosted its 1st Annual Chamber Charity Golf Tournament on September 20 at the Salmon Arm Golf Club. This fun 9-hole shotgun scramble tournament raised funds in support of the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. This will be an event the Chamber looks forward to putting on every year. ••• The Salmon Arm Chamber of Commerce also hosted a successful All-Candidates Forum on September 17 which saw an attendance of over 300 community members. The forum gave the candidates an opportunity to showcase their parties’ platforms and to answer questions submitted from our community. Remember that voting opens on October 19, with advance polls from October 9th to the 12th at the SASCU Recreation Centre. To find out if you are registered to vote, visit register. Corryn Grayston is the General Manager at the Salmon Arm Chamber of Commerce. She can be reached at (250) 832-6247 or

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Street. The 9,000-square-metre building is set to be completed by the spring of 2017.

Accountants has recently signed on as a sponsor with the Penmar Community Arts Society.

The fourth annual Interior Savings Daybreak Rotary Ribfest in August raised $95,000. Sandra Blair, the co-chair said the majority of the profit raised from more than 60,000 people will be used for youth originations.

Ernie and Jeanettle Pawluk, owners of Okanapure Water are celebrating 25 years in the water business. They mainstay of their business is selling and delivering 19-litre bottles of water for coolers.

The Penticton and Wine Country Chamber of Commerce has announced the appointment of Brandy Maslowski to the position of Executive Director. She has been promoted from the position of Events and Communications Coordinator.

Boys and Girls Club of Kamloops celebrates 60 years in the community. Carolyn Rankel joins the teams at Robinson Lighting & Bath Centre at 830 Laval Cres. She has been in the industry for over 15 years. Kleo’s Pharmacy is now open at 90B 1967 East Trans Canada Hwy. The United Way Thompson-NicolaCariboo has a new executive director, Danalee Baker. She replaces Brenda Aynsley, who held the position for the past 11 years. Jonny Walker joined River City Nissan’s sales team. He previously worked as a Realtor.

VERNON The Vernon Jubilee Hospital Foundation has announced that it has completed its fundraising goal a year ahead of time to equip the top two floors of the Polson Tower. The foundation›s goal was to raise $2.5 million for the project by mid-2016, and has raised nearly $2.6 million to date. The foundation has also unveiled its new logo. Memphis Hair Group, in the Alpine Centre on Kalamalka Lake Rd, welcomed Dana to their team of stylists. She brings with her many years of experience. Watkin Motors is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, with its Vernon location at 4602-27 Street. The new Greater Vernon Athletics Park celebrated its official grand opening, located next to Okanagan College. Bannister GM has welcomed the addition of Len Fraser to its team, located at 4703-27 Street. Nixon Wenger LLP has congratulated Leah Volkers on completing her Articles, as well as being admitted to the British Columbia Bar. Vernon and Kelowna have been selected to host upcoming BC 55+ Games. The 2017 games will be held in Vernon, supported by Armstrong and Spallumcheen, and the 2019 games will be in Kelowna. Cranbrook and Kimberley in the East Kootenays will host the games in 2018.

KELOWNA DJ Ilg and Felipa Marioras, have opened their second Canadian Brewhouse & Grill at 3030 Pandosy Street in Sopa Square. They opened their first location in Camore Alberta. The 256 seat restaurant is managed by Dustin Martin formerly with Original Joe’s.

Kelowna Psychologists Group, has expanded their office to 1510 – 1631 Dickson Avenue, the 15th floor of Landmark 6. The practice includes Drs. McEachern, Lea, Young, Woodworth, Libben, Langill, Aubrey, Keating, Burnett, Driscoll, Dominelli and Marceau.

and Denise Ceselli.

Fast Signs at 1980 Springfield Road celebrated their first anniversary.

Kelly Peters joins Crowe MacKay as a new associate. His focus is privately held businesses, ongoing corporate income tax planning and advice, assurance service as well as personal income tax services and planning.

Catherine Frechett is the new director of destination development at Tourism Ottawa. She previously handled corporate communications at Tourism Kelowna. Aberdeen Hall Preparatory School celebrated new campus additions. The additions include a renovated high performance gym floor, Digital Design Studio, Innovation Learning Centre a commercial grade kitchen and the Loft Café. Gary Johnston has begun Strong Voice Media. He works as a voice actor with agencies and clients in the area of narration for a wide variety of projects. He was formerly with QHR Technologies for 12 years. Chelsea Bussemeier of Red Velvet Bridal Design celebrated her grand opening at 4748 Gordon Drive. They specialize in exclusive wedding and formal gowns. Glenmore McDonald’s manager, Laura Belinski, has been awarded with one of the top ten Outstanding Managers of the Year Award in Western Canada. The Kelowna Chamber of Commerce 2015 Business Excellence Award finalists are: Cottage Quilting Ltd., Express Employment Professionals, Float Space (Rising Star); CareSmart Seniors Consulting, Magnetix Matchmaking, Meadow Vista Honey Wines (Micro Business); Bellamy Homes, Giobean Coffee, Okanagan Spirits Craft Distillery (Small Business); Ecora Engineering & Resource Group, Edgecombe Builders Group, SK Form & Finish Inc., Yeti Farm Creative (Mid-Size Business); Arion Therapeutic Farm, Habitat for Humanity, Open For Change (Social Enterprise); AJ Hazzi, Yuriko Larson, Shane Pizzey (Young Entrepreneur); 1-800-Got-Junk, St. Hubertus Winery, Summerhill Pyramid Winery (Sustainability ); BC, Hotel Eldorado, Urban Distilleries (Distinction in Hospitality & Tourism); Smart Betty Media, McManus Marketing & Communications, marketer inc., (Marketer); QHR Technologies, QuestUpon, TELUS (Technology/ Innovation); Big Steel Box Corp., Emil Anderson Construction, KF Aerospace and Sun Rype Products (Large Business). Travel Time Inc has opened an office at #501 – 1630 Pandosy Street. Brenda Sbrozzi manages the office and works with senior travel consultants Colleen Kellar

Brijesh Negi and Sheeshpal Singh have opened Made in India Restaurant at Unit 2 – 1790 KLO Road next to Williams Automotive. They offer take-out and eat-in services.

Blue Sky Clothing, owned and operated by Karen McLennan has opened at 101 – 1447 Ellis Street. They offer locally designed natural fiber women’s clothing. Edmonton based Westcorp’s application to the City of Kelowna for the development of a landmark boutique hotel on the former Willow Inn site at the corner of Queensway Ave and Mill St., has been approved. The hotel is expected to open in 2017. Debbie Korbyck has joined the team at Kelowna Toyota as an advisor in the service department. The $8-million, 36-bed KARIS Support Society facility recently opened. It is only one of two facilities in BC for female clients. The project was funded by the family foundation of Dave and Donarva Krysko. Melanie Lyne ladies fashions, managed by Krista Pallos, has moved to Orchard Park Shopping Centre. Andre’s Electonic Experts, owned by Andre Blanliel, has opened its 22nd location in Quesnel. The 21st location was opened in 100 Mile House. Choices Market in Kelowna is celebrating their 8th anniversary. Valley Mitsubishi welcomes Shawn Kisling to their team as a new sales and leasing consultant. The owner of Whistler Creekside Village has reached a proposed lease agreement with the quick service restaurant called The Chopped Leaf according to Peter Morris of the Greenstead Consulting Group, the firm advising the owner on developing the Creekside Village remerchandising plan. Chopped Leaf opened its first location in Kelowna, BC on May 2, 2008 as a corporate location. The original company was subsequently purchased by Innovative Food Brands based in Toronto in 2014. As a franchise, the chain has quickly grown to 33 locations in BC, Alberta and Ontario. The $48-million police services building has begun construction at Clement Avenue and Richter

Intercity Insurance and Financial Services Inc. at 100 – 1500 Hardy Street, a division of Capri Insurance Group Benefits, has been nominated for the Canadian HR Awards and is a finalist for Best Industry Service Provider. Travor Bass, previously of Brown’s Socialhouse in Vernon, is now general manager of Original Joe’s Kelowna at 2728 Pandosy Street. Kal Tire, Canada’s largest independent tire dealer, has become the official tire retailer of the Canadian Football League. Look for their signage while watching the games on TV. Orchard Ford, owned and operated by Dan Assam, celebrated the opening of the new facility at 2741 Highway 97 North. The renovations included a new showroom, exterior upgrades, customer lounge and energy efficiency features. They dealership has been in the community for 33 years.

PENTICTON Community Futures Okanagan Similkameen appointed Dr. Sheilagh Seaton as Chair at their AGM held on September 15th. New members appointed to the Board are Kelly Marshall (Summerland), Gil Szabo (Penticton), Dan Bauer (Osoyoos), Tara Atkinson (Princeton), and Brenda Gould (Hedley). CFOS acknowledged the retirement of Rory McIvor and George Stayberg (both from Penticton), board members since 1984. Other retiring members this year were Linda Larson of Oliver, Jeff Rowe of Keremeos, and from Penticton Jack Lank, Barb Sheppard and Jane Coady. Midtown RV, owned by George Stayberg, is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year. Okanagan College and the Justice Institute of British Columbia (JIBC) have launched the JIBC’s Bachelor of Law Enforcement Studies degree program, now available at the College’s Penticton campus Greyback Construction has been awarded a $366,000 contract for the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen’s head office renovation in downtown Penticton. Work on the 30-yearold 1,000-square-metre building will improve space utilization, improve energy efficiency and address some structural challenges. The 4th annual United Way Drive-Thru Breakfast, held in the parking lot of the Penticton Lakeside Resort, raised more than $15,000 this year. White Kennedy Chartered

Nav Canada is in the process of updating localizer antennae navigation aids at the Penticton Regional Airport. The project is expected to be completed on October 9 th. Peach City Radio CFUZ has wrapped up the fourth annual Okanagan Vinyl Festival.

SUMMERLAND Summerland’s Okanagan Crush Pad has recently been featured on CTV News Vancouver to discuss the debate over using concrete rather than oak barrels, particularly for red wine. Crush Pad discussed how their wines’ “raised in concrete” processes highlight the tastes unique to the region rather than using the traditional oak taste of a barrel. The company also celebrated its 4 th anniversary on September 28. Ron Vollo of Summerland Heritage Cider Company, and Mike Harris of Dominion Cider Co. were the focus of a profile about the rise in cider popularity on Global TV. Since 2014, the sale of cider in BC Liquor Stores has risen by over 20%. The Dog Den, a licensed grooming, daycare and u-bathing facility operating in downtown Summerland, has added new services to its business. Jenn Peters has opened her own shop within the Dog Den called The Wag Spa, which will provide both regular grooming and “Spa Packages” including blueberry facials and oatmeal ease baths. Eyes4You, owned and operated by Brenda Yunker, has launched its new mobile eyewear store, to bring services to clients at home. The Beanery Café has launched a new website that fully captures the feel of the location, highlighting the staff and product. Thornhaven Estates Winery has launched its new website, complete with an online shopping cart to make purchasing wine more convenient for customers. Van Doren Sales North Inc. has set up base in Summerland to provide a northern arm for its company, which has almost 70 years of experience designing and building custom fruit and container-handling equipment for cleaning, waxing, storing, packing and boxing fruit. Kelso Entertainment Agency has opened for business, offering a diverse range of services from entertainment through bands, tribute shows, solo artists, variety acts, note speakers and SEE MOVERS & SHAKERS |  PAGE 25




children’s entertainment. Classically trained Rochelle Dionne has opened Sing Your Song Studios, offering private and group lessons for students of all ages. Fox and Fairy Child Care, a licensed daycare facility offering care for small groups of children has opened. A new construction company, Duri Services Inc., specializes in home renovations, landscaping and property service throughout the Okanagan Valley. Julianne Diubaldo of Complete Copywriting offers online promotional requirements including search engine optimization (SEO), web design and the full portfolio of marketing options.

Ogopogo Valley Tours have opened their doors. They offer year-round sightseeing and wine tours for groups of 4 to 14, day or evening. A new business, Keen’s Catering, provides catering and concession services at the local arena. Summerland Waterfront Resort launched a short video that includes sweeping aerial shots, intimate interiors and their large range of amenities Ron Vollo of the Summerland Heritage Cider Company and Mike Harris of Dominion Cider Co. discussed their love of cider, the heritage of cider apple growing in Summerland and the growth in popularity of craft cider alongside the increased interest in farm-based products on Global TV recently. They were profiled because of the rise in the sale of cider in BC Liquor Stores, an increase of over 20 per cent since 2014.

The Beanery Café launched a new website that fully captures the feel of the location, highlighting their staff and their products. Thornhaven Estates Winery has launched their new website with an online shopping cart to make purchasing their wine easier. The Dog Den, a licensed grooming, day care and u-bathing facility operating in downtown Summerland for the past 4 years, has added luxury new services to its business. Jenn Peters has opened her own shop within the Dog Den called The Wag Spa. They will be providing both regular grooming and ‘Spa Packages’ including blueberry facials and oatmeal ease baths. Brenda Yunker’s Eyes4You eyewear has now launched its mobile eyewear store. The new website offers more information. Local Lounge • Grille celebrated the 6-year anniversary of serving

COEDC Earns National Awards


ELOW NA – T he Central Okanagan Economic Development Co m m i s sio n (C O E D C) i s t h e p ro u d r e c i p i e n t o f t h e M a rk e t i n g Ca nada Awa rd for Best Bra nd Identity/Application from the Economic Development Association of Canada (EDAC) for its ‘Ma ke it Here’ Ca mpa ig n. T he awa rd was presented at EDAC’s 47th National Economic Development Conference in Whitehorse, YT, on September 22. On its continued support for the local business community and efforts around attraction and retention of new and innovative companies and skilled talent, the COEDC led the creation of the ‘Ma ke it Here’ ca mpa ign kicked off by the campaign video released in May 2015. The Commission appreciates those orga n izations w ith in the local tech community that provided in-kind expertise and staff resources to develop the brand and video. The COEDC acknowledges that individual recruitment efforts and one-off c a mpa ig n s a re bot h ex p en sive a nd ineffective. Focusing on a culture of collaboration, the ‘Make it Here’ campaign was created to help promote the region around the globe with a consistent message that ca n be appl ied to any industry and business sector. In May 2015, an invitation was extended to busi ness a nd sta keholder organizations in the Central Okanagan to use the Make it Here video for their promotion a nd recru itment efforts. To date, approximately 15 companies and multiple organizations, including the Okanagan Centre for Innovation, Accelerate Ok a n aga n a nd Tou r i sm Kelowna, have made use of the video. Fi nd the essence of why you do what you do, tell your story. Anyone c a n m a ke “I T ” h app en i n K elow n a a nd the Centra l Oka naga n. W hat is you r “I T”? Enterta i n ment? Adventures? Games? Robots? Money? Love? Family? Dreams? E DAC r e c o g n i z e s t h e m a rk e t i n g community as an integral part of the e c onom ic d evelopment profe ss ion a nd therefore prov ides the Ma rketing Canada Awards competition as an

opportunity to exchange and review promotional and marketing material pro duced by mu n icipa l it ies across Ca n ad a. P rojects w it h i n t he Bra nd Id e nt it y/A p pl ic at ion c ate gor y a re evaluated on the brand’s creativ ity, memorability and consistent identity, a s wel l a s its abi l ity to i n spi re a nd influence the community. The COEDC is also the proud recipient of the 2015 EDAC / RBC Royal Bank Economic Development Achievement of the Year Award from the Economic Development Association of Canada (EDAC) for its Okanagan Young Professionals (OYP) Collective program. T he award was presented at EDAC’s 47 t h Nat ion a l E c onom ic D evelopment Con ference i n W h itehorse on September. Establ ished i n Febr u a r y 201 2, t he OYP Collective, the first program of its k i nd faci l itated by a n Econom ic Development Organization in Canada, has become the col lective u mbrel la that fosters and supports the ex isti n g com mu n it y g roups by op en i n g the lines of communication, helping cross-pollinate memberships, as well as hosting its own outstanding events a nd act iv it ies, a l l w it h a focus a nd shared vision of creating a dynamic, vibrant and engaged culture that att racts a nd reta i n s ta lented professiona ls i n thei r 20’s a nd 30’s to the Okanagan Region. The OYP has gained significant traction over the last three years: To d a te t h e OY P h a s ra i s e d o v e r $260,000 i n f u nds a nd ser v ices for non-profits and charities. Over 3000 volunteer hours of business service valued at $150,000 (accounting, web development, business pla n n i ng, H R , etc.) have been provided to local not-for-profit agencies. So ci a l med i a re ach h a s i ncre a sed ex p onent i a l ly to 1019 fol lowers on Twitter, 1162 likes on Facebook, 660 m ont h ly web s ite v i s itors, a nd 455 newsletter subscribers with a weekly reach of up to 1500. The EDAC/RBC Economic Development Achievement of the Year Awards recognizes the evolving excellence in

their first guests in 2009 at the beautiful lakeside location. Their menu, that blends classic styles with seasonal Pacific Northwest inspired ingredients, has encouraged people to support their mantra of “Eat Local. Drink Local. Be Local.”

SALMON ARM RONA recently revamped their Salmon Arm store, taking on 30 new employees over the past year. Winners and Dollarama are scheduled to open in 2016 near Walmart. Big Al’s House of Hockey is open in the retail location at the Shaw Centre, formally Chevy’s. Monique van Lindert has opened Pure Flowers at #102 – 40 Lakeshore Drive in the former Telus location. She had previously been at Uptown Askews for 3

community driven economic development projects across Canada and it is only given to one community-driven economic development project every year. Projects are assessed on degree of orig i na l ity, i nvolvement of community partners, effectiveness of the delivery mechanism, and attainment of program goals and objectives. Co r ie G r i f f it h s , M a n a ge r fo r t h e COEDC, states “It is a great honour

25 years. Stew Bird and Travis Johnston have purchased Be-Ja Cabinets and renamed the company The Wood Shop, Millwork & Joinery Inc. Tarnow’s Hair & Day Spa will be relocating from their Centemoka location and the stylists have joined their partner salon team, Tangles, in Piccadilly Mall. Shuswap Sparkles at 250 Alexander Street has opened with Tarnow’s spa manager Taylor and nail technician Kirstie. Andover Terrace Retirement Resort, a new active adult independent living resort, is slated to open at the beginning of October and located at 2110 Lakeshore Rd NE. David and Emma Duan are the new owners of Chester’s House of Cinnamon in Salmon Arm.

to have the COEDC’s Okanagan Young Professionals Collective program selected a mong the ma ny exceptiona l economic development projects taking place across Canada. We are very thankful for the recognition and want to acknowledge the collaboration and continued support from many organizations and individuals in the community that contribute to the OYP’s continued success”.





OCTOBER 2015 A division of Invest Northwest Publishing Ltd. Thompson Okanagan Office #210-347 Leon Avenue, Kelowna, BC V1Y 8C7 Toll free: 1.866.758.2684  Fax: 1.778.441.3373 Email: Website:

PUBLISHER/EDITOR |  Lise MacDonald, SALES |  Thom Klos –, Josh Higgins –, Joanne Iormetti – WRITERS |  Goody Niosi, Julia MacDonald, John MacDonald, Beth Hendry-Yim, David Holmes WEBSITE | John MacDonald




re we equipping our children with tools and information they’ll need to succeed once they leave school? We know – and boy do we know – that our kids are being taught the epi-importance of having a healthy level of self esteem. And the environment. But what about other important things in life? Specifically, what are our children learning about the economy and business? Very little, it seems, and when the lessons are presented, the information can be somewhat jaded. It is a common misconception with young people that just because someone is in business,

they’ve made it. They’re rich! Somehow they’re getting the idea that success in business is achieved “By taking advantage of others, or at the expense of customers,” are other erroneous thoughts. In reality, those that conduct their affairs thusly soon find out they’re putting up “Closed” signs. Businesses are not easy to run, as an estimated 50 per cent of businesses fail – and that number rises to 85 per cent for restaurants and eating establishments. Clearly, it is not easy, and from my own anecdotal research gleaned from 25 years of interviewing business people, I can tell you that anyone who has had corporate success has followed a path complete with many bumps and divots that they’ve managed to navigate in order to reach their goals. And, as I’ve said many times, they’ve injected plenty of elbow grease and good old hard work into their companies. A recent conversation with a young high school graduate (or thereabouts) was, I believe, a microcosm of what kids today are being taught – or not being taught

– about the connection between the economy and the lifestyle we live as Canadians. I asked if he knew the difference between free enterprise-style government and socialism. He didn’t, and I could tell from the puzzled look on his face that this topic had never been broached. So I explained it to him. Free enterprise governments believe in lower taxes for individuals and businesses. To those that don’t understand this concept, they think it will directly result in lower government revenues, and thus less publicly funded programs. In reality, what happens when governments take less from our pockets is that people spend more. They redistribute that money throughout the communities they live when they choose where to spend it. Businesses thrive this way, as they’re busier. Companies also benefit when their tax burden is lightened. With less obstructive up-front tax costs, business owners are more willing to take calculated risks to move their firms forward, which often results in expansion. Growing

companies hire more people, which means more people employed, more taxes for the government, and at the end of the day, business owners write cheques to the government based on their profitability. Government revenues rise this way, meaning the costs of social programs and benefits we’ve come to expect are covered. Literally, everyone benefits. “Oh,” he responded. I could tell that for him, this was an entirely new concept. I then explained socialism, or what I term “Robin Hood Economics”, where governments rob from the so-called rich and redistribute to whom they deem to be in need. That puts government in a position to play favourites when it comes to wealth redistribution, and also makes citizens more government-dependent. Taking more tax dollars away from people and corporations are major disincentives and such initiatives are ambition killing. Why work any harder or expand if employees and owners can’t get more out for putting more in?

A basic understanding of the relationship between salespeople and commission - and in the restaurant business, servers and customers – reveal that people work harder if there’s a reason to, namely more earning potential and bigger paycheques. Is that crass commercialism, or a simple deduction about human nature? I boiled it down for him: “Would you work harder if you kept less and the government kept more?” “No,” he replied. And why would he? Why would anyone? That, I explained, is the bottom line with Socialism. Free enteprise, on the other hand, thrives on incentives and offers opportunity and hope. These are the types of things ou r you ng people shou ld be taug ht i n school. T hey’d be much better prepared for life, and they’d understand the importance of a thriving, healthy business community and economy. It is that, after all, which pays for the services and lifestyle we hold dear in Canada, and provides jobs and futures for individuals and families.




ne of Canada’s most important positive policy reforms over the past 15 years has been on corporate taxes. Federal and provincial governments of all political stripes realized the economically damaging effect of corporate income taxes and lowered rates to make the business tax regime more competitive. This includes Jean Chrétien’s federal Liberals, Gordon Campbell’s BC Liberals, Ralph Klein’s Progressive Conservatives, Lorne Calvert’s NDP government in Saskatchewan, Gary Doer’s NDP government in Manitoba, Shawn Graham’s New Brunswick Liberals, and Dalton McGuinty’s Ontario Liberals. As a result, from 2000 to 2015, Canada’s combined federal-provincial corporate income tax rate fell dramatically from 42.4 per cent to 26.3 per cent (see chart below).The

cross-party agreement on cutting corporate taxes is because of the significant benefits provided to all Canadians by making the economic landscape more attractive for investment. Jurisdictions that lower business taxes increase the aftertax rate of return on investment. And increased returns improve the incentives for investment. When businesses invest in machinery, equipment and technology, workers have more capital to work with and can produce more and higher valued output for each hour they work, making them more

productive. Because increased productivity leads to higher wages, workers, in the end, benefit greatly from corporate tax reductions. And increased investment can also lead to more jobs and a faster growing economy. Unfortunately, we’ve seen some backsliding recently with governments in Alberta, British Columbia and New Brunswick raising corporate taxes. And now, federal politicians are making pronouncements along these lines. But in the past, Liberal, NDP, Conservative and Progressive

Conservative governments all reduced corporate tax rates to improve our economy because the evidence on the beneficial economic impact of lower corporate taxes is well-documented (see also here). For instance, a recent Department of Finance Canada study analyzed corporate tax cuts implemented by the federal Liberals between 2000 and 2004 and found that each 10 per cent reduction in the after-tax cost of capital increased the amount of capital by 7 per cent. In a study led by former World Bank Chief Economist Simeon Djankov, the authors analyzed data from 85 countries and found that higher corporate taxes produce negative economic effects including reduced investment and entrepreneurial activity. An OECD study explored the direct relationship between various taxes and economic growth for 21 developed countries over the period 1971 to 2004. While personal income, consumption and property taxes all had negative effects on per person income growth, corporate income taxes had the most damaging effect. A similar result was found in an analysis of Canadian provinces by professors Bev Dahlby and Ergete Ferede: higher corporate taxes are associated with greater declines in

the tax base compared to other taxes. Aside from the formal studies, Canada’s recent experience is telling of the beneficial results of tax reductions and fiscal reforms, which helped drive strong economic performance relative to the U.S. and most other G7 countries over the period 1997 to 2007. As corporate and other taxes declined, Canada outperformed other countries on investment growth, job creation and overall economic growth. The reality of the global economy is that countries compete with one another for investment, so any advantage is critical. And the corporate income tax rate is an important component of a positive economic environment. Yet, according to OECD data, Canada’s combined federal-provincial corporate income tax rate (26.3 per cent) is currently 15th highest among 34 OECD countries (our statutory rate, however, is much lower than the U.S. rate of 39.0 per cent—see chart below). The evidence is clear: raising corporate taxes is bad economic policy. Authors Charles Lamman, Director, Fiscal Studies and Feixue Ren, Economist are both with the Fraser Institute.

SUBCRIPTIONS  |  $45 PER YEAR (12 ISSUES), $80 FOR 2 YEARS (24 ISSUES), SUBSCRIBE ONLINE: WWW.BUSINESSTO.CA. DISTRIBUTION: FOURTH WEEK OF EACH MONTH VIA CANADA POST AD MAIL. The publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited submissions. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Produced and published in British Columbia. All contents copyright Business Examiner Thompson Okanagan, 2015. Canadian Publications Mail Acct.: 40069240





FINDING YOUR NEXT When personal visions “KILLER” SALESPERSON and goals are in alignment Quality hunters set

with team visions and

appropriate expectations

goalsand as well company makeas sure they and




theand prospects visions goals,are a on the samesynergy page every powerful is step of the way


GLENNON ou mJOHN ay not re a l i z e it but, as a sa les leader, here are many salespeople you must often serve as all have out there, but not vigator. You set the course that “killer instinct” that business your sales teamleaders or foroften yourdesire. are naturartment.Some You salespeople set a course working Yougood helpatyour staffwith an existing client base, looking for mbers set their courses incross-selling and up-selling opdually and withinwithin the team portunities developed retex t. You a re consta ntly lationships. They are often called gating. “Farmers”. You map out territhen havetest those people es, chart And steps toyou take, who truly love “the hunt” for new conditions, correct others clients. “Hunters” When looking have strayed off course at the makeup of aand salesperson o reach the withdestinations a real ‘hunter’dementality, some common mined forthere you, are in large, by the traits of the vision and the attainment pany. that are critical to success… of the goals. Hunters have that natural “fire e courseinthe company takes Establish a plan of action to their belly.” When these people rgely determined by its vi- achieve the vision. It is pos, just as the course we take in sible toexpectations move “what is” closer to and make sure they as individuals is determined “what and could be” – but alone the prospects arenot on the same ur personal vision. When and notpage without a plan. every step of theThe way.last Hunters take onal visions and goals are in step in visioning is toaction. Simply establish a the best hunters nment with team visions and plan ofput, action. Develop thewon’t goalssit on their hands waiting for somes as well as company visions that give life and action to the one else to make a move. They do goals, a powerful synergy vision.not Here is where leader and suffer from “analysis pareated throughout the com- follower are joined in their comalysis” or concoct reasons why theyto aren’t on the sales call. y. Part of what you have the mitment the going vision. set their intend to er to do as a manager is to ThinkThey about howgoals yourand personal them. k to shape your vision, the vision achieve and goals fit with the viHunters take responsibility of your company. on of those on your staff and sion and forgoals their results. I’ve never met fit or a forcedthat fit? didn’t The vision of the company in a Is it a good a great salesperson accept responsibility for what that gives meaning to the best fit is when your vision cowas his to own. Too often people wake up each day, they rekindle alesces with the company’s vis you work to set. make excuses like, “I was given natural, innate drive to sion. suc- When you achieving your ow youracompany’s vision. ceed. Their ambition to be the the worst territory” or “This goals the is company achieve sion is different best drivesfrom theirgoals results and is helps economy just too tough.” But itsset goals, is created. mission.ever-present. It expressesThey a view tend to notsynergy the hunters; they attackImtheir verybe. strong personal goals, agine have what goal nowould matterhappen the obstacles. if the what could The vision, in their can abilities,vision and ofFarmers like tomember Farm and Hunteach team cosharingconfidence in the vision, like to hunt. Self-motivated a high of energy to ers alesced with your vision for the ivate andbring inspire us level to reach and determined salespeople who their daily performance. What if their goals led toin goals. Determine your comto find new business day Hunters create value andteam? de- love attainment of your goals? y’s visionmand share that via n d . S u c c e s s f u l h u n t e r s and day out are not growing on understand that they are not When youout discover people with your staff. This creates If youtrees. were to set to make simply fulfilling demand are or with rare traits, hirebethem ntext in which company butsome allthese of your visions a demand for ato particular compensate them appropricome aand reality, what goals would s make creating personal sense product or service. They possess ately. It will be one of the most to get there, in the loyees, the which is a you decisions youreal ever skillsin to turn communicate the setprofitable world? make. erful motivating dynamic. ■ value of their products/services volve everyone whosolutions might be Copyright 2015 Sandler Trainand deliver to ease the ing and Insight Sales Consulting unique ‘pain’ each prospect. cted. A leader with of a vision Inc. All is rights Hunters take control the Glennon the reserved. owner of ds to share that vision with ofJohn sales process. This is a critical Insight Sales Consulting Inc., yone who will be affected trait for successful hunters bethe authorized Sandler Training . The navigator informs the cause it is easy to get caught up in John Glennon is the owner of Insight licensee forConsulting the Interior ofauthorized B.C. w. The crew desthe pknows rospect’s the process instead of Sales Inc, an their own.ofTaking control takes Sandler Licensee. He can be tion. Members the crew Reach him at Training toll-free 1-866-645confidence, with assertiveness and orreached at, then empowered the 2047 a healthy amount of influence. toll free at 1-866-645-2047 or visit acity to share the pursuit Visit Qualityinhunters set appropriate



27 include concession and lobby expansion, meeting room space, media gondola upgrade, electrical, HVAC and parking lot upgrades PROJECT STATUS Planning is ongoing - design SIMONE SUNDERLAND and public consultation anticipated 2016

includes tasting tap room, retail PROJECT sales, production, storOWNER New water staff treatment - the dis-of West Kelowna - 2760 age, processing, and facility District outdoor patio space - 2nd levelseveral methtrict is currently testing LOCATION Cameron Rd, Kelowna V1Z 2T6 includes walkway membrane mezzanine technology odsaincluding LOCATION 2127 Ethel St – Condominiums 778-797-8805 area to view brewery operaPROJECT STATUS – Micro UnitWay Row- Housing 175 Kokanee Ramada Hotel tions below, brewery tasting Design underway PROJECT area, administration and- Tender staff call for PROJECT TYPE TYPE General Contractor anticipated Multi-family new areas tumbled brick and timcommercial new July/14exposed - construction ber accents, metal completion PROJECT PROJECT finishes - 64 above ground anticipated late 2015 5325 Trepanier Bench Rd and LOCATION NewRamada condominiums 2 buildNew Hotel in -the Campbell parking stalls CONSULTANT ings - 2 storeys - 12 units each 5334 Huston Rd - - Missio 2241- Townhouses Springfield Rd Creek industrial park - 4 storeys - 24 micro unit row housing PROJECT STATUS Opus Dayton Knight 255 1715 Crossing Westside Huston Road Cluster Housing 3,780 rooms - restaurant Construction underway - 250-868-4925 units sm - 24- 80 above ground park- - pool DicksonisAve, V1Y 9G6 with waterslide elevators concrete PROJECT TYPE ing stalls construction completion antici- PROJECT TYPE construction - roof articulation with pated OWNER mid 2016 commercial new Multi-family new PROJECT STATUS porte cochere - asphalt shingles - 98 District of Sicamous - 1214 PROJECT Footings and foundations comARCHITECT surface parking stalls Riverside Ave, Sicamous V0EPROJECT 2V0 menced September/15 BlueGreen Architecture Inc New commercial urban lifest 250-836-2477 PROJECT STATUS - 202-110 Highway 33, W New townhouses - 14 centre - 6fourbuildings - 2 to 7 s APPLICANT PROJECT MANAGER Kelowna V1X 1X7 778-753-2650 plex buildings Construction start anticipated late - 2 storeys - 52 at ground - retail commercial Worman Commercial - 202 474 2014 MHPM - 550 555 W 12th Ave,residential units with-office units above - und West Ave, Kelowna V1Y 4Z2 DEVELOPER attached Vancouver V5Z 3X7 604-714-0988 Compass Real Estate 250-762-0040 parkade - 80 above ground s ARCHITECT garages Development Ltd - 1574 Harvey term parking stalls OWNER DF Architecture Inc - 1205 4871 Shell Ave, Kelowna V1Y 6G2 778PROJECT STATUS PROJECT STATUS Simple Pursuits - 202 474 Rd, Richmond V6XInc 3Z6 604-284-5194 436-2077 DevelopmentDevelopment permit applicaWest Ave, Kelowna V1Y 4Z2 permit applica DEVELOPER 250-762-0040 tion approvalsubmitted anticipated fall LOCATION Prism Ventures Inc - 3571 Barmond 2015 ARCHITECT




DISTRICT Be Determined - Ice Facility ARCHITECT Ekistics Town Planning - 192 OFToPROJECT WEST TYPE St, Vancouver V5T 3C1 604-7 New Town Planning Services KELOWNA institutional add/alter DEVELOPER Inc - 1464 St Paul St, Kelowna

Ave, Richmond V7E 1A4 604-338-4656



Prism Hotels and Resorts - 800 LOCATION 14800 Landmark Blvd, Dallas Texas 3787 3791 3795 Lakeshore Rd PROJECT R366 Enterprises Ltd - 4870 LOCATION V1Y 2E6 250-860-8185 75254 214-987-9300 Westcorp on the Lake Area A New ice facility for the Greater Kelowna V1W 4M3 250-7642370 Tallus Ridge Dr - Tallus CIVIL ENGINEER area to replace the aging Ridge Vernon Area Subdivision PROJECT TYPE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Civic Arena - 4,000 seats - may be Systems Ltd - 304 1353 Mixed-use dev Urban PROJECT TYPE Lambert and Paul Constructi an addition to Kal Tire Place or theSt, Kelowna V1Y 1Z9 250Ellis subdivisions PROJECT 300 2000 Spall Rd, Kelowna Priest Valley Arena or construction of New mixed use development 762-2517 250-860-2331 LOCATION PROJECT a new ice facility - hotels - commercial space New residential subdivision 451 Shuswap St SD 83 North OkanaSURVEYOR conference space - multi family PROJECT 13 single family STATUS house lots gan Shuswap Administration units - underground parking Building Russell Short Land Surveyors Feasibility study and cost analysis podium TYPE PROJECT STATUS PROJECT - 2801 32 St, Vernon V1T 5L8 study anticipated shortly - the Site work underway - construcinstitutional new PROJECT STATUS Greater Vernon Advisory Committee tion start anticipated late 2015 250-545-0511 Working drawings underway will decide in June whether or not to PROJECT construction start anticipated CONSULTANT hold a referendum in November/14 New building on the Protech Consultants - 200 1461- location, lateadministration 2015 fund a new ice facility old JL Jackson school site - 2,640 smSt- PaultoSt, Kelowna V1Y 2E4 preliminary design and estimated 2CONSULTANT storeys - 75 parking stalls 250-860-1771 cost to be determined MMM Group - Rada Group 245 Edmonton Ave -



PROJECT STATUS 3993 Henning Dr, Burnaby V5C

DEVELOPER LOCATION OWNER Condominiums Catana Developments Ltd Vintage Boulevard, Okanaga City of Vernon - 1900 48th Ave, 1666 Pritchard Dr, Westbank ARCHITECT PROJECT TYPE DEVELOPER Vintage Views Vernon V1T 5E6 250-545-1361 V4T 1X5 250-768-1116 Westcorp Properties - 20032 Ave, Multi-family PROJECT new MQN Architects - 100 3313 TYPE CollegeV1T Plaza 112th St, Vernon 2E18215 250-542-1199 subdivisions PROJECT Edmonton T6G 2C8 780-431OWNER 3300 PROJECT New condominiums - 3 storeys School District 83 - North Okanagan New subdivision 17 units - 19 parking stalls - 30 SFD lot

Site underway 6P7work 604-263-7232

DISTRICT DISTRICT OF WEST Shuswap - 220 Shuswap St NE, OF WEST Salmon Arm V1E 4N2 250-832-2157KELOWNA KELOWNA KELOWNA PROJECT MANAGER LOCATION Stantec - 400 1620 Dickson Ave, Ethel St V1Y and 9Y2 Clement St Kelowna 250-860-3225 - Commercial Building Starkhund Brewery and Brew Pub at Urban Square



PROJECT 524 Dabell St - Mara Lake Water New commercial and retail Treatment Facility

building - 1 building - 2 sto-

PROJECT TYPEsf - main floor reys - 58,000 industrial new

LOCATION LOCATION 2760 Cameron Rd - Royal

OWNER LePage Place Upgrades (Mountto the 2425 Orlin Rd - Addition ARCHITECT Vintage View Developments Boucherie Complex) Village at Smith Creek Norman Goddard Architecture Robert Milanovic 250-492-5 PROJECT TYPE TYPE PROJECT 218 219 Main St, Penticton V2A Institutional add/alter seniors housing 5B1 250-770-1104 PROJECT PROJECT Development of a Business GENERAL CONTRACTOR to the Village at Smith Creek Plan toAddition investigate future Singla Holdings - 567 seniors housing facility- 1,810 sm - Brothers 4 potential uses, future finanHeather St, Penticton V2A 6N8 storeys -and 23 units - 8 additional u/g cial potential necessary parking stalls fibre cement board 250-490-1700 upgrades - proposed upgrades

Jeff Bosch


exterior - 4th floor stepped back as gables



PROJECT STATUS start anticipate ConstructionConstruction start anticipated June/14 November/15



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