The Complete Business Matching Company
Montico is a Complete Business Matching Company offering complete solutions to businesses and individuals in areas of recruitment, staffing, education and matchhing services.
”It was in the year 1996. There we sat, me and my two colleagues, in a small office, assisting businesses on the opposite side of the street in mounting strings onto snowracers. Who would have thought that Montico would grow into what we are today? A complete partner in recruitment, staffing and education with more than 20 offices in southern Sweden and with almost 1000 employees. A company that each year help hundreds of businesses finding qualified work force and thousands of individuals finding the right job or education. It has been a fantastic development and much have changed since back when we started. But our vision has always been the same, to assist businesses and individuals to grow.”
Börje Johansson Founder and GM/CEO
Our Vision At Montico, we want to make a difference to people, customers and businesses. We accomplish this by: Contributing to individuals growing in competence and personal development which allows them to create new possibilities for themselves in the workplace. Contributing in order for customers to maintain and develop their ability to succeed in their own marketplace. Contributing to the development of local business communities and societies in regions in which we are present, constantly reinforcing the success of individuals and businesses. .
Our Offer We offer effective business matching services to help you find what you are looking for, regardless of you are seeking employment, personnel or education. Recruitment Staffing Business education Validation Recruitment education Adult education College education Labor market education Matching services Swedish for Immigrants
For Business We assist you in finding the right co-worker or assisting when you wish to further educate you staff. NEWS
Our experienced and certified recruitment officers will help you in the entire recruitment process. Starting by creating a qualification profile and interviews to personality testing, reference checking and final employment.
At Montico you may hire staffing crew of various competences and skills, in all types of industries, short or long term.
You will have a personal Montico contact person who will be with you during the entire process as well as a team of recruitment-, marketing- and rearch specialists. We work with quality assurance in which we match your company needs and all types of professions.
Our Consultant Managers are staffing specialists of both white and blue collar professions. When you hire staffing from Montico, we as employer, take full responsibility. You staff only during the period of you needs and pay only for actual hours staffed.
Validation We to validate the quality level of staff in NEWSoffer complete tailored solutions for businesses needing NEWS NEWS areas of welding and CNC. Montico is an approved testing facility by Swedish Welding Commission (Svetskommissionen) and Skärteknikscentrum with a solid experience in validating competence. Through practical as well as theoretical testing we map, assess and document individual competence. Our validation can be performed on location at your company or at any Montico facilities.
Recruitment Education
Company Education
Montico act as a competence provider by training individuals seeking employment in areas in which there is a shortage of qualified workers. We call this Recruitment Education..
Montico offer individually tailored company trainings in which we arrange the content according to company needs. The training may take place on location at your company or at Montico training facilities.
The training is performed in cooperation with Swedish Employment Agency (Arbetsförmedlingen) or in cooperation with each community and is individually tailored according to the needs of each business. After training is completed, each business has the opportunity to hire the students as consultants from Montico or to fully employ them.
At our training facilities, we also offer open classes starting at set dates throughout the year. We offer classes in i.e. CNC, electricity/ energy, welding, machines and safety as well as leadership training. Company Educations are also available to private individuals.
For Indivduals We will help you to find emplyment or give you suitable training in order to find employment.
Finding employment Regardless if you seed your first employment of if you have experice and aim to go furhter in your career, we can assist in finding you the job you want. We offer employment in all kinds of businesses and positions, blue collar as well as in white collar professions. At Montico you may work eihter as a consultant which means that you are emplyed by Montico and rented out to our customers. Or you may be emplyed by one of our customers by direct employment.
Swedish For Immigrants /Business-SFI If you have recently arrived in Sweden you need to learn the Swedish language. At some of our NEWS facilities Montico offers SFI as well as Business-SFI, learning Swedish in a specific area of employment. Montico SFI we starts with you: What do you want and what do you need. Everybody has different experices, life situations, education levels and goals. Together we will find what is right for you and find the best way for you to learn Swedish as fast as possible. NEWS
Matching services
For private individuals we offer several forms of education, labor market education, adult education, college education and SFI.
In our matching services, Stöd och matching and Rusta och matcha, we coach unemployed individuals needing extra support on the way to employment, if needed by the way of education.
We offer education aiming at a specific profession as well as separate trainig classes. With Montico you may complete or improve your grades in individual subjects. We also have business related education within i.e. welding, machines and safety, production management, electricity and energy as well as in other areas such as child/youth development, health and social care. We also offer leadership management training.
At Montico you are given a personal supervisor based on your specific needs and conditions. All this will give you the right tools and prerequisite to enter into the labor market. As example, you will be assisted in creating your CV, finding and applying to available positions, guide to choosing your education and profession, language education and much more.
Our Values The company culture at Montico are based on five core values that have been a part of us since we started in 1996. Our values guide how we act and how our business climate should be:
Respectful treatment We, as employees of Montico, always want to meet others in the same way we would like to be met ourselves. This means that we respect whomever we meet and that we always keep our promises. Through this, we create the open professional environment that we want and wish to work in. We show respect towards our customers and colleagues by always be prepared and in time.
Open and straight forward communication We always aim towards open and straight forward communication. In all situations, we listen to the view of others. We strive to make information accessible creating dialogue instead of monologue. Constructive feedback is a vital part of our communication. We-culture At Montico we share responsibility and we will always be there for sharing joy and to give support. By being prestigeless we create the open atmosphere we all wish to work in. Together, by being honest, positive, correct and responsible, we create the business culture we thrive in.
Courage to act At Montico we aim for a culture in which you learn by your mistakes. This way we create a mentality of daring - wanting - winning. We encourage creativity, responsibility and the will to seek opportunities.
Business focus By being responsive and effective, Montico delivers minimum what the customer is asking for. Quality and entrepreneurship should aways permeate our way of doing business.
Quality & Environment We are authorized in all our business areas and our work is based on certified processes to assure the quality of our serivces. Customer or employee, you should always be and feel safe working with Montico.
Montico is certified according to ISO 9001 Quality Management System. This means that our management system including our processes and working structure are approved according to this ISO standard. Our management system is continously enhanced and followed up in annual revisons. We are also certified according to ISO 14000, the collective name for Standards of Environmental Management. By following these standards we create an environmental managament system which is integrated in all parts of Montico business. Montico was one of the first companies in the country and the first in our industry to be certified according to new Standard for Systematic Working Environment Management, ISO 45001. The goal of ths stardard is to assist companies and organisations in systematically managing the environment at the work place and demands i.e. psychosocial work environment, management engagement and empoyer participation.
To be authorized and certified assures that Montico is a reliable business partner that, in a professional manor follows laws, regulations and general directives applied by the industry organizations. Our authorizations are issued by each organization respectively and are renewed annually after being reviewed by the board of authorization.
Sustainability For us at Montico it is important to make a positive impression on our society. We work actively with issues of matching on the labor market where we focus on diversity, equality and safe working conditions.
Business Deal
Sustainable Labor Market
• Customer and supplier cooperation • Responsibility in the public debate • Ethics and anti-corruption
• Working towards a goal of youth swiftly being emplyed after completion of education. • Assisting individuals to achieve skills needed in today’s working environment, making them employable all throughout their professional life. • Contribute to equal and including work places.
As a substantial employer, Montico businesses affect the society and the people living in it, both in short and long terms. We attach great importance to whatever we plan to be sustainable, and that our co-workers daily create added value to our business and to society.
Business Deal is about creating a long term customer-supplier cooperation. Focus area Co-worker includes i.e. health, working environment and supporting skills and competence. Our aim is to work towards a sustainable labor market in which our contribution is an equal and including work place and to assist individuals being employable all throughout their professional life.
Co-worker • Health and environment • Supplying skills and competence • Equality, diversity and equal opportunity treatment
Environment and Climate
Our sustainablity is based our Swedish conditions with focus on questions in which we have the greatest opportunity and duty to act. We have collected these questions into four focus areas; Business Deal, Co-worker, Sustainable Labor Market and last but not least Environment and Climate. These areas have different managements and ways of working depending on goals and performance.
Great emphasis is placed on issues of environment and climate. Our goal is continuously reducing our environmental impact and working towards developing our environmental engagement. Examples are reducing our carbon dioxide emission, lowering our use of electricity, reducing amount of office paper used as well as waste management.
• Climate impact • Resource efficiency
Nyköping Norrköping Mjölby
Read more about us at Find contact information to all Montico offices and education facilities.
Västervik Vimmerby
Jönköping Vetlanda
Ljungby Älmhult Markaryd
Follow us on social media: Helsingborg
Phone: 0200-76 70 00 Email:
Tranås Borås
Montico Box 416, 573 25 TRANÅS Visiting address; Västra vägen 14
Montico have more than 20 offices and currently 8 education and traning facilities in Sweden, located from Scania in the south to Värmland. Our office for international work force is located in Warsaw, Poland. Head office is situated in Tranås, Småland.
Olofström Karlskrona Kristianstad
l Montico office locations l Montico education and training facilities