N332 RoadWatch Issue 10

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RoadWatch Issue 10 www.n332.es 2,00€

HIGH VISIBILITY POLICING New high visibility motorbikes with portable radars and alcohol & drug testing equipment.

PLUS: ITV Changes, Drink Driving, Pet Security, New Signs and MORE...

N332 RoadWatch Welcome to the latest edition of N332 RoadWatch eMagazine. We have had a busy couple of months, with the N332 team visiting various local associations and groups as part of our Road Safety Tour, with a couple still to do before the end of the year until we take a break from touring until the spring. You can read more about where we have been inside, but if you are a member of a social club, association, neighbourhood, group, anybody who can muster around 50 or more interested people together, then we are able to visit you and give a presentation to your group. If you don´t have so many members, perhaps you can talk to other local groups, or contact us anyway and we may be able to put you in touch. Thanks to the support of our sponsors, in this case Salus Health Insurance and SC Innova, and the technical support from Securitas Direct, we have been able to visit locations outside our usual catchment area. So, if you have been in touch previously, but we were unable to attend as you were too far away, we might now be in a better position to attend. In other words, wherever you are, and irrespective of whether we have visited you previously or not, if you would like us to visit you during our 2018 schedule then get in touch by emailing news@n332.es and we can start to make arrangements now. We also have a new collaboration with the Quiron Hospital network. You can read more about that in the next edition but we hope to hold a series of talks in their hospital facilities in Torrevieja in the New Year, which will be free for any individual or group to attend and booked through us direct. As I say, we will give you more information next time, and through the website. Finally, before I let you read on, yet another collaboration is with the La Siesta Clinic in Torrevieja, where they will be offering you some great services such as licence renewal reminders, for free, and a complete renewal service. There will also be more information about that soon, but we hope you can see that we are working hard to get collaborations with more recognised and trusted partners to try to expand our network of services to you even further. That´s enough for now. Until the next time, stay safe. N332 RoadWatch is published by Mark Nolan, an independent and autonomous publicist. ALL content is protected by international copyright laws and must not be reproduced or copied, in part or in full, without the express permission of the publisher. For advertising and sales enquiries, please call (0034) 69 44 65 821 or email admin@n332.es. Website support and development is from MANDAMEDIA.eu The publisher is not responsible for errors and information presented herein is not legally binding.

Be Seen!

The Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo (INSHT), the Spanish national health and safety at work institute, collaborating with Invassat, has launched a pilot campaign under the slogan “Hazte visible”, which translates to “Become visible”, or simply “Be seen”, with the aim of preventing accidents at work amongst home delivery drivers. In recent years, businesses that are related to food and food delivery are booming and the enormous development of the Internet contributes to this: ordering food at home, booking restaurants through applications, etc., all of which are increasingly common activities. In 2015, the year for which the latest data is available from INSHT, 1,565 motorcyclists from the "Food and Beverage Services" sector, had a traffic incident whilst making their deliveries. Of those, 83 were hospitalised due to the seriousness of their injuries and one died. Of the total number of those injured, 61% were under 26 years old. The activity of food and beverage services has a high incident rate during the working day, occupying the third place in index of incidence. In addition, in the last four years there has been an increase of 36.2% in this incidence rate.


Primarily, the aim of the campaign is two-fold, firstly to remind road users of the importance of checking their “blind spots� before moving off or altering speed, course or direction, and secondly to make more vulnerable road users more visible, such as moped or motorbike riders, as well as larger vehicle drivers when they leave their vehicles. Always check fully around your vehicle, including over your shoulder, before performing any move. You never know who or what could be in your blind spot until you check.


Alcohol Alcohol Limits Limits and and Penalties Penalties It is often not realised that the maximum permitted alcohol limit in Spain is considerably lower than many other European countries, including the UK. It is also worth noting that these limits are precisely that, a maximum that is permitted. Alcohol affects people differently and the only real safe limit is zero. That said, in Spain the maximum legally permitted alcohol limit is in general 0.25 mg/l (or 0.15 mg/l if you are a learner driver / professional drivers). If the amount of alcohol exceeds this limit, the driver will be heavily fined and lose several points from their licence. In the event such amount of the breathalyzer exceeds 0.60 mg/l, the driver becomes subject to a criminal proceeding and will be arrested. The Fines Professional / novice drivers - 0,15-0,30mg/l - 500€ +4 points, from 0,30mg/l - 1000€+6 points Other drivers - 0,25-0,50mg/l - 500€ + 4 points, from 0,50mg/l - 1000€+6 points A blood test is only available when you have finished the alcohol test and you disagree with the result. Refusal to co-operate is also considered a criminal offence.

Driver Type General Professional Novice


Blood Limit 0.5 gr./l 0.3 gr./l 0.3 gr./l

Air Limit 0.25 mg/l 0.15 mg/l 0.15 mg/l

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Drink and Drug Message Still Not Hitting Home The latest data released by the DGT has revealed that 43% of the drivers who died in traffic related incidents in the last year, on urban and interurban roads, tested positive for alcohol, drugs or both. The report by the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences (INTCF) indicates that the figures show almost identical levels as those of 2015, a trend which has stabilised and therefore not shown either an increase, or decline, since 2013. Of the 589 samples analyzed, there is a significant indication in the differences between men and women, in that a staggering 95% of those who died with alcohol and / or drugs in their system were men. The myth that alcohol and drug use is more prolific in the younger age group has once again been dismissed as 67% of those who died were between 25 and 54 years of age, with a predominance of the group of 45 to 54 year olds, in which 25% of the cases are recorded. When analyzing substances, about 69% had taken alcohol, while the presence of drugs reached 36% and that of psychotropic drugs 21%. As for drug use, cocaine and cannabis are the most frequently found in 48% of tests. In case of having detected the presence of a single drug instead of an association of them, cannabis prevails. The report also includes a study conducted on the total of 167 pedestrians who died as a result of a traffic related incident. In this case, 32% of those killed had consumed some form of substance. Also males (72%) who tested positive in these tests for alcohol, other drugs and / or psychotropic drugs far outnumbered women.


Changes to the ITV System The ITV inspection is a mandatory requirement for ensuring the minimum safety standard for vehicles is maintained, so as to ensure the minimum conditions of safety and respect for the environment on the road. However, from October of 2017, a number of changes were implemented by the government, some of which are of benefit to the motorist, aimed at making things easier for them. Retest at another ITV station In the event that the result of the test is unfavourable, it is now possible to have the retest carried out at another ITV station than where the first test was conducted, once the faults and failings have been rectified. Early renewal without affecting the date Another development which favours vehicle owners is that you can now submit your vehicle for a test in advance, without it affecting the date of the renewal. Specifically, you can now submit your vehicle for testing up to a month before the expiration date and, upon successfully passing the test, the renewal will still be valid from when your current certificate expires. More comprehensive emission controls Now, the monitoring and control of emissions will be much more exhaustive, so as to avoid recent problems where potential and actual fraud has been detected, some by the vehicle manufacturing sector of course. ITC stations will have more means, equipment and procedures that will allow them to contribute to the protection of the environment and ensure greater road safety. In fact, sources of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness have indicated that these new means are “a first step towards the inspection of electronic security systems and the improvement of emission control.� Recognition of certificates between EU countries With the new regulations, it will be possible to recognize ITV certificates issued by other member states of the European Union, so if we buy a car in France, Italy or Germany, for example, we will not have to submit the vehicle for immediate inspection here in Spain in certain circumstances.


ITV Sticker Colours and Placement

The stickers used to indicate the validity of the ITV inspection, the Inspección Técnica de Vehículos, are colour coded on a three-colour cycle of green, yellow and red. So long as the vehicle is displaying only one sticker in the required place, the upper right hand side of the windscreen as you look out, traffic and police officers carrying out roadside checks can have a clear idea instantly, from afar, if the vehicle is displaying a valid sticker. Known as the V-19, “DISTINTIVO DE INSPECCIÓN TÉCNICA PERIÓDICA DEL VEHÍCULO”, the sticker indicates that the vehicle has favourably passed the periodic technical inspection and the date when the next inspection is due. The sticker is self-adhesive, designed to stick on the glass of the windscreen, but where a vehicle doesn’t have a windscreen, it must be placed in a clearly visible place. As well as the sticker, the ITV report is one of the mandatory documents which must be carried in the vehicle. In the event of the technician requiring repairs to be carried out, they must have been completed within the timeframe indicated. Remember, you must only display a single ITV sticker, not collecting them every year, only the one which indicates that the current inspection is valid.


Motorbike F With an apparent alarming growth in the number of serious and fatal incidents involving motorbikes, which is greater than the growth in the number of vehicles being sold, the Director General of the DGT, Gregorio Serrano, has announced several measures that will help improve the safety of motorcyclists. Among them, the implementation of an 'INVIVE' plan for motorcycles in collaboration with the different owners of the roads, to identify those sections of the road network with high incident rate, where special measures to reduce incidents could be adopted. In addition, the plan will involve the installation of new complementary information signs on some roads which will provide more information of dangers along the route for motorcyclists. Serrano also announced the continuation of the progressive implementation of the emergency call system ('eCall') in motorcycles and the connectivity between vehicles and the road, with the imminent start-up of the platform DGT 3.0, which will also benefit motorcyclists. During the conference where these plans were announced, participants highlighted the importance of making progress in road safety education, driver training and awareness. With this objective, the DGT and ANESDOR will collaborate in a plan for the training of motorcyclists. ANESDOR has highlighted how the technological advances in motorcycle manufacturing have accelerated over the last two decades, and so the importance of renewing the fleet on the roads is crucial in order to take advantage of these developments not available in older vehicles. On average, the motorcycle fleet on the road is 15 years, and so far older than those motorbikes with the latest technology installed. In addition, to improve the training of motorcyclists, ANESDOR proposes granting quality certificates to training centres, incentives for conducting driving courses (obtaining driving licence points for example) and has designed the 'Viva la Moto' initiative, to reduce the number of incidents where motorcyclists have been involved. On the other hand, the DGT themselves have been monitoring statistics of motorcycle related incidents since 2012, where 46% of incidents occurred without the intervention of any other vehicle. The DGT also concurs that the progressive aging of the vehicle fleet in the last decade is a factor for consideration, however, more worrying is the data regarding the consumption of substances among deceased motorcyclists: 26% of all motorcyclists killed in incidents in 2016 would have tested positive for alcohol, and 17% for drugs. During the conclusions, patron of the Pons Foundation and former director of the DGT, Pere Navarro, said that “the bike is not a problem but a reality that must be managed” and has predicted that “2017 will be the first year in the that the number of vulnerable road users (pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists) who are victims of traffic accidents will be greater than that of the users of the four wheels”.


Focus Ahead Motorcycles: 10 Measures for Greater Security Fundación Pons and ANESDOR have developed a decalogue of proposals to increase the safety of twowheel drivers and all users of the road. 1. Resources. In 2016, motorcycles account for 15.2% of the total number of vehicles, but fatalities have grown to 22%. It is recommended that the agencies involved in road safety dedicate a proportion of attention and resources equivalent to the representativeness of this percentage of its victims. 2. Strategic Road Safety Plan. It is recommended that, 10 years after its approval, the plan be revised and updated to adapt it to the new circumstances. In addition, we would recommend including an Urban Road Safety Plan, which facilitates practical application at the municipal level. 3. Regulation of the motorcycle. The development of a Vulnerable Users Law is recommended. It is also recommended that, in the agencies responsible for road safety, both on the road and in the city, an official be appointed, who is a motorcycle user, as a reference in the field of motorcycle travel and in permanent contact with associations of motorcyclists. 4. Extension of "zones 30". The promotion of traffic calming policies or "zonas 30" is recommended because of its significant impact on the safety of motorcyclists, which means acting on speed and improving coexistence with other modes of travel. 5. Parking on public roads. It is recommended to organise and increase the availability of parking spaces for motorcycles on public roads in our cities, establishing objective criteria to ensure that a proportion of the available area equivalent to the quota of the vehicle fleet. 6. Training The majority of incidents are triggered by a human error (88%), either directly from the motorcyclist themselves (35%) or from another vehicle that collides with them (65%), many of which the motorcyclist´s actions may be a contributing factor, over speed for example. It is recommended that there be a comprehensive review of the training in the school year and post-permit, along with the revision of the driving licence system 7. Awareness, road safety education and coexistence. It is recommended to increase road safety campaigns, informing of the specific risks suffered by moped drivers and motorcycles in the city due to the actions of other users and their vulnerability in the event of an incident. 8. Safe driving courses. It is recommended the development of a quality certificate through which the Administration accredits the rigor of the schools and the quality of the training courses; accompanied by incentive measures for the user. 9. Professional drivers. The road safety of the motorcycle must be included in the occupational risk prevention plans. It is recommended to manage before the State Foundation for Employment Training the inclusion in its catalogue of continuous training subsidised by the corresponding offer of training and training for motorcycle delivery workers. 10. Equipment. It is recommended to open the debate with the associations of motorcyclists on the possible obligation of the use of gloves, and to transfer the message of the importance of the suitable equipment to minimise the injuries in case of an incident.


New Signs Can Warn of Cyclists Ahead

The DGT has installed the latest set of so-called intelligent road signs, this time being tested on the roads of La Rioja, aimed at trying to make the roads safer for cyclists. Intelligent road signs are able to read the characteristics of the road and vehicles on it through means of sensors. On the N-332 passing through Torrevieja there are examples of signs which monitor for queues ahead, illuminating flashing lights to warn of the presence of danger ahead. Further north, there are signs which warn when vehicles are waiting or crossing traffic at junctions which would otherwise be blind to oncoming vehicles.


These latest signs are able to detect the presence of two-wheeled vehicles, whether solo or in groups, and illuminate the sign as a warning to other road users of the potential hazard ahead. According to Jaime Moreno, the Deputy Director of Operations and Mobility of the DGT, “this measure is part of the Plan of Urgent Measures announced by the Minister of the Interior earlier this year to increase the prevention of accidents involving cyclists.” At the moment, this pioneering system has been installed in several kilometres of the LR-111, LR-250, LR-254 and LR-255, where the visibility of the road is reduced, although Jaime Moreno states that “the idea is to extend this type of system to other roads where the influx of cyclists is important, so that the cyclists can move safer.” However, it is important to remember that the placement of these signs is to offer additional protection to cyclists, and should not lead to complacency. Being constantly prepared for what´s ahead is a vital part of safer driving and proper observation is crucial, whether signs are in place or not.


Pets Deserve Security Too!

According to the latest statistics released by insurance company experts, 1 out of 4 drivers have been distracted by their pet whilst driving. The report also reveals that males in the most dangerous group, those between the ages of 18 and 24, suffer most from these distractions. Moreover, the research also shows that up to 32% of those who travel with a pet leave in the vehicle do so without restraining the animal, leaving it loose inside the cabin, a situation which is not only extremely dangerous, it is also illegal, on account of the risk to both the animal and the other vehicle occupants. That said, when questioned further, the research shows that only 4% admit to carrying the animal insecure at all times, whilst the remaining 28% suggest that they only do so “occasionally”, although generally speaking it is only “occasionally” that animals are carried. As for sexes, men carry their pets more often; specifically, 23% more than women. The figures are even more important if we take into account that more than half of these drivers, specifically 59.4%, also have children. The combination of a child and loose animal in the rear seats could increase the risk of being careless while driving and, therefore, of being immersed in an incident. Regarding those who travel the most with their companion animal, the analysis shows differences by geographic zones. In particular, it is the Andalusians who do it more frequently, 74% of the time. They are followed by Basques and Madrileños, with 73%. On the opposite side we find the pet owners of Galicia and Castilla y León, who only take them with them 51% of the time. The Catalans claim to do so on 55% of their trips. Animals, like humans and any object carried in the vehicle, must be secured. If a frontal collision oc-


Driver fined for transporting a pet in an unsafe way - Just sat on the passenger’s lap.

curs, deceleration causes the weight of the item, in the case we are talking about our pet, to multiply by 20 to 30 times. For example, in a frontal collision where two vehicles are travelling at just 30 kilometres per hour, the combined collision speed therefore being the equivalent of about a 60 kilometre per hour collision, a dog weighing 10 kilos would increase its mass and weigh up to as much as 300 kilos at the point of impact, causing significant damage to the vehicle, its occupants and the dog itself. We must also realise that generally speaking, insurance companies do not consider animals as vehicle occupants, according to Carlo Brßggeman, co-founder of Acierto. Com, and would therefor unlikely be covered by the vehicle´s policy, although there are specific policies to cover the expenses of the veterinarian and even include compensation for accident or death. The report also reveals that more than 85% of Spaniards prefer to use the car to travel with their pet compared to other means of transport such as train or plane, whose followers are reduced to 11.4% and 3% respectively. A point in which the ignorance of the users and the restrictions of the transport companies themselves take on special relevance. In fact, train operating company Renfe itself circumscribes its service to pets weighing less than 10 kilos. In the case of long distance trains, in addition, it is necessary to buy a ticket for them. The limitations established by airlines are similar, although they vary enormously depending on the entity. However, obtaining documents and permits in accordance with the legislation of the country of destination may determine the trip. Overall, the advice is simple. To keep everybody safe, including your pet, and to comply with the law, the animal must be secure at all times. If carried in a cage or carrying case, then that too must also be secure.


Overtaking Mu Staying safe on the road should be paramount for every driver. Overtaking is one of the most dangerous manoeuvres we can carry out, demands the utmost of attention, skill and ability, and is one of the leading causes of collisions. This seemingly simple manoeuvre accounts for a high rate of fatalities, particularly during holiday periods such as the upcoming Christmas break, second only to driver fatigue, and if poorly executed can quickly turn a few seconds on the wrong side of the road into a nightmare. Often the problem is a lack of familiarity with either the geography and/or the ability of the car under conditions we as drivers are not accustom to. All year there’s usually you – the driver – and little else in the car, but on holidays with a car full of kids, clothes, kit and caboodle, the driving dynamics of your car are changed dramatically. Aside from the obvious dangers, there are two questions which commonly occur, is it illegal to overtake 2 cars at the same time on a single lane road, and can (as in the example picture), a vehicle overtake multiple cars in front? If you have looked far enough in the distance and are sure there are no cars oncoming that you are going to conflict with, no hidden dips where oncoming cars might be and no offside lay-bys or junctions on either side, and you are confident of the performance of your vehicle, you have been watching the drivers in front and are aware of their vehicles and their potential intentions, and you also have somewhere to go if the situation changes, your “exit strategy”, and signs or signals do not prohibit the move, then it is legal to overtake. If the cars are spaced out enough for you to overtake one and have enough space (if needed) to move back (without causing the driver you’ve overtaken to brake), treating each individual car upon its own merits and dangers, you may proceed to overtake multiple vehicles, remembering that you may have to move back in, safely, at any time, and so each vehicle must be treated and planned for. However, if the cars are bunched up together with no room to get back in, then you have to treat the 7 cars as one overtaking move. Imagine it as a huge long goods vehicle. So if you don’t have enough power in your car and road ahead to pass all of them safely in one go, then don’t do it. Regarding the sample picture, the green Volvo wants to overtake all vehicles and although there is a broken line there are two trucks which hide the oncoming traffic from the curve a few metres ahead. So it is not advisable to do it until you have a better visibility.


ultiple Vehicles


High Visibility Policing

With a 5 million euro price tag, the Guardia Civil has taken delivery of 300 new motorbikes which will carry more equipment in the battle for safer roads than ever before. These new motorcycles will be equipped with both the portable speed detecting equipment we have already featured, and the new portable alcohol and drug testing kits. This new equipment will allow officers to set up checkpoints at a moment’s notice and in more locations than ever before, particularly useful in combating reports of their location through social media, which can also be monitored and those responsible dealt with. The new motorbikes also have another new feature, in that they will be more visible than ever before, thanks to the new high visibility colour scheme the motorbikes will adopt. It’s not only the bikes that will be more visible however, the officers themselves will be too, with new high visibility helmets replacing the standard white models. The extra highly visible markings not only serve as additional protectors for the officers, but also increases their visibility on the roads which is hoped will be a deterrent to drivers who may consider breaking the law, especially those which revolve around the highest contributing factors to fatal and serious incidents. The colour scheme has been developed through a series of trials and will also be accompanied by a similar scheme on other traffic vehicles in the future. It will take some time for the entire fleet to be replaced but these new vehicles will start to take to the streets almost immediately, whist the portable kits can also be carried on many of the bikes already in service and will be operational soon too. During 2018 all motorbike patrols will be carrying the portable equipment.


Gregorio Serrano, the head of the DGT, presents the new motorcycles for the Guardia Civil


The N332 Tour – Autumn 2017

Members of the N332 team have been out and about on tour during this autumn, visiting even more local groups with the Road Safety Road Show. We have been able to travel further afield, thanks to the support of our sponsors, Salus Health Insurance – SC Innova, and the technical support of Securitas Direct, who help us by providing such items as the equipment we use, computer, etc, to enable to talks to take place. Amongst the talks we have given this season, we have been south to La Manga where we met with the neighbourhood association and gave a talk to their members at the Owner’s Clubhouse. We visited Los Alcazares and met the members of the fantastic Help and Home association. We took a trip to Lo Crispin where we spoke with residents at the local club, The Tavern, and we came back to the Orihuela Costa where we gave a talk, through a translator, with the local German association. We still have a couple of talks scheduled before the end of the year, and we are now starting to book visits for the spring. If you are a member of a group of around 50 or more people, or a member of a group who knows another group and you can collectively get 50 or more people together, then we are keen to hear from you if you would like us to visit. We have 5 different presentations ready now, with more being developed, so if we have visited you before then we are also willing to return to update you on any changes, or to give you another presentation that you have yet to see. If you would like us to visit then send us an email to news@n332.es and we will be back in touch soon. Please be patient though, remember that everybody who works on the project volunteers their time and we are all very busy, but we will be in touch as soon as we can.


Meet Floki This month, the Guardia Civil in Alicante has been joined by a new member, aged just 3, but with double the number of legs of the usual officer recruits Meet Floki, a mixed German and Belgian Shepherd, who has begun patrolling the area accompanied by a human handler, Antonio. Floki is one of the many dogs born and raised in El Pardo, the Guardia Civil´s own facilities. From the moment of his birth, Floki´s destiny was already mapped out, to serve as an agent of the Guardia Civil, assuming the young pup worked hard and managed to pass the selection tests of course. Although there are many roles that dogs like Floki fulfil within the corps, Floki´s main role will be in detection, with specialist training in methods for sniffing out money. Covering both the Valencia and Murcia regions, and capable of moving to other areas across the country, Floki will be based at Alicante-Elche airport. Among his daily services, Floki will be called on to search homes and businesses where crime is suspected of having been committed, common requests being for cases of money laundering, for example. When not involved in crime detection, Floki will be on duty at border points, including Alicante-Elche airport, checking travellers who may be carrying larger amounts of cash than permitted, or other items. As well as active duties, Floki has a daily routine of exercises, including games where money detection is also part of the play. No doubt, at some point, Floki will also meet with his 4-legged companions in the Alicante province, which is protected by another 4 dogs who detect drugs, 4 who search for explosives and 1 specialising in tobacco.


Archaeological Museum of Cartagena “Enrique Escudero de Castro”

Discover our history The Museum was founded in 1943, had different locations, until 1982 when the current location was inaugurated, its main feature it was built on a Late-Roman necropolis (cemetery) that is harmoniously integrated into the exhibition area. The Museum shows the history of Cartagena and its region since ancient times, paying special attention to the period of Roman domination, which highlights one of the best collection of funerary epigraphy in Spain and a variety of tools, utensils and especially ceramic tableware that they give testimony of the intense commercial traffic that maintained the port as century II .C. , without forgetting areas dedicated to Roman housing and commerce. The Roman sculpture also has examples of quality, among which stands out for its brilliant execution the portrait of a child with a crown representing a character belonging to the imperial family. The permanent exhibition continues on the first floor with a sample of ceramics, heraldic and inscriptions from modern times, sharing space with a temporary exhibition hall.


Address Street: Ramón y Cajal, 45 Tel. +34 968 12 89 68 informacionmuseo@ayto-cartagena.es www.museoarqueologicocartagena.es Schedule of museum visits from Tuesday to Friday 10:00 to 14:00 h. 17:00 to 20:00 h. Saturday and Sunday de 11:00 a 14.00 h Closed monday and holidays Free Entrance

The Perfect Security System for your Home or Business Securitas Direct are one of the largest companies in Spain who offer independent and monitored alarm systems. N332.es have teamed up with Seguritas Direct and are able to offer substantial discounts and special offers for our followers. This could be something like a 200â‚Ź discount for example, or an extra piece of equipment for FREE. Please watch the video below and if you see for yourself some of the benefits of this system, then, if you are interested in having the latest security technology at home or business call N332 Services on 694 465 821 where we will speak to you in English and arrange for the Seguritas Direct team to carry out a free security study of your property. They will then assess your needs and give you advice about what to install at home, all without a purchase obligation. However, if you decide to hire their services, you will get a FREE anti-inhibition system valued at 199â‚Ź on the sport, just for being an N332 follower. You can read more about Seguritas Direct, and watch a video on the website, n332.es, and you can contact us by sending an email to services@n332.es, or call us on 694 465 821. For your home, the VeriSure alarm offers the best protection thanks to the latest technology, providing safe cover around the clock, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with the support of more than 4,000 security professionals. Last year alone, the systems help to prevent 22,000 robbery attempts. Their range of products can provide as much cover as you and your home might need, which can be monitored from anywhere in the world. One of the key elements of their systems is a central control unit in your home which monitors whilst you are away, and when you are inside, with different settings dependent on whether you are in your home. At the touch of a button you can be in contact with the control centre who can summon the emergency services to attend to you within moments.


Any warning or emergency situation will be handled by one of their security experts in an average time of 29 seconds. The control centre is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year, and will summon the most appropriate emergency service depending on the occasion, be it police, fire or ambulance, or one of their own security patrols, of which there are 4 which operate in our local area around the clock. Watching your home you could have a camera unit which can monitor movement, has a flash for night time, can be viewed by a secure connection on your mobile phone, and works from batteries so will continue to monitor your home in the event of a power cut. Every home is different and, therefore, requires specific measures to ensure protection against theft and other threats. Agents from Securitas Direct are happy to visit your home and provide you with a comprehensive assessment, explaining where they feel your vulnerabilities are, and providing solutions for those issues. There is little delay in having the system either, whatever you choose from their range, your system can be installed within 24 hours, without the need for laying cables or other disturbance. If you are interested in a no obligation visit, email or call us, details below, and we will arrange for one of their teams to visit you and explain the systems, in English, so you too can be protected from threats in your home.

Call: 694 465 821 29

Travel insurance – Why bother? Having travel insurance in place is not only for when you travel to some exotic place but also for those weekend city breaks and trips back to your home country to visit family. What could possibly go wrong? Well maybe…………………………………. • You may need to cancel or curtail your trip due to illness or injury to you or a loved one. • You may need emergency medical treatment whilst overseas and that may also result in the need for medical repatriation. • If you were injured or worse still were to die as a result of an accident there would significant legal costs and expenses. • Your outward or return journey could be seriously delayed. • You may need to abandon your trip if you were involved in an accident en route to your departure point. • You may have an accident during your trip. • Your baggage could be lost or delayed. • Cash or important documents, including your passport, could be lost or stolen. • You may cause an accident or an injury to someone and be faced with heavy legal expenses and legal liability. Anything could happen, thus having travel insurance in place will give you peace of mind. Besides we have added the following new covers; • Missed UK or International Departure Connection & Assistance (within your country of residence). • Winter sports (optional cover): avalanche delay. • Business Plus cover (optional cover): laptops, business samples & business money. • Cruise Plus cover (optional cover): missed port benefit, cabin/stateroom confinement, unused pre booked excursions, itinerary change & cruise connection. • Enhanced missed departure & travel disruption (optional cover): missed connection, substitute accommodation & enforced stay. • Double excess option (optional cover). • New extended duration for the single trip: up to 180 days. • Enhanced standard sport activities. • Adventure Pack Sports (optional cover). • Many medical conditions covered. Leave it to the experts and give Jaimy, Tracy, Jamie and Ainhara a call on 966 761 575 or email orihuela@ibexinsure.com or Andrea, Carol, Michele and Emma on 966 719 951 or email quesada@ibexinsure.com If you want to find out more about our covers please see http://www.ibexinsure.com/travel-insurance/travel-insurance-covers As your insurance broker Ibex can find the policy to meet your needs.


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If you snap an interesting road or traffic based picture, email it to news@n332.es to be featured or use the hashtag #n332es

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Preparing for Winter Carrying Gas Canisters Although the weather might still seem warmer than normal for the time of year, it´s time to remind ourselves of the safe and legal process for carrying gas canisters in the car. Although the gas supply companies will deliver the bottles to your home, many people find it more convenient to pick up their own supply at many of the outlets across the country, exchanging the empty bottles for full ones, but in order to do this, we have to think about the safety and security implications of carrying a potentially lethal canister. Depending on their size and weight, the canisters can be very heavy as they are filled with pressurised gas. At home, care should be taken as to where they are stored, in well ventilated places, away from heat and ignition sources, far away from toxic materials and always in an upright position. In the car, it is equally crucial to take the necessary steps to ensure your safety and the safety of other road users. Spanish law states that you can carry 2 gas bottles of up to 15kg in the car, and they must be carried in an upright, vertical position. You must also take necessary measure to ensure that the canisters are secured in the vehicle and cannot move during the journey. The law also states that when you are carrying gas canisters, it is forbidden to park the vehicle in an underground car park. You should also check with your local supply company for their recommendations for storage and carriage, as gas canisters can pose a major threat if not handled correctly, but are perfectly safe if the advice is followed. If you´d like to practice your Spanish, here is the Royal Decree which relates to carrying Gas in the car... Real Decreto 919/2006, de 28 de julio, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento técnico de distribución y utilización de combustibles gaseosos. Centros de almacenamiento y distribución de envases de gases licuados del petróleo (GLP). 6. Transporte de envases de GLP: Que los vehículos particulares que transporten envases de GLP tendrán limitada su carga a 2 envases móviles de hasta 15 Kg. de capacidad unitaria. Además indicar que: Los envases, tanto llenos como vacíos, con válvula de seguridad, se transportarán siempre en posición vertical en sus correspondientes jaulas para el transporte o correctamente estibadas. Los envases nuevos o reparados, sin gas, en transporte desde fábrica o taller a la planta, podrán ir en posición horizontal. Los envases, tanto llenos como vacíos, deberán ir sujetos y se tomarán las disposiciones necesarias para evitar su caída durante el transporte. Queda prohibido el estacionamiento de vehículos que contengan envases de GLP, cualquiera que sea su volumen de carga, en estacionamientos subterráneos.



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UK Supports Life sentences for killer drivers Killer drivers face life behind bars after plans to increase maximum sentences received resounding support from families and campaigners. UK Ministers confirmed that drivers who cause death by speeding, racing, or using a mobile phone could face sentences equivalent to manslaughter, with maximum penalties raised from 14 years to life. Offenders who cause death by careless driving while under the influence of drink or drugs will also face life sentences, and a new offence of causing serious injury by careless driving will be created. The move comes after an overwhelming response to to a government consultation which revealed substantial backing for the plans from a wide range of people including victims, bereaved families and road safety experts. This month Ministers announced the outcome and confirmed the introduction of much tougher penalties as part of wider action across government to clamp down on dangerous, criminal behaviour on our roads.

Justice Minister Dominic Raab said: We’ve taken a long hard look at driving sentences, and we received 9,000 submissions to our consultation. Based on the seriousness of the worst cases, the anguish of the victims’ families, and maximum penalties for other serious offences such as manslaughter, we intend to introduce life sentences of imprisonment for those who wreck lives by driving dangerously, drunk or high on drugs. On the new offence of causing serious injury by careless driving, Dominic Raab said: We will introduce a new offence of causing serious injury by careless driving, punishable by imprisonment, to fill a gap in the law and reflect the seriousness of some of the injuries suffered by victims in this category of case. The measures were confirmed in a government response to a consultation which were published in October 2017. The consultation sought views on whether current maximum penalties available to the courts should be increased, and received over 1,000 replies in just three days when launched in December 2016 – reaching more than 9,000 when it closed in February 2017. The proposals confirmed include: • • • •

increasing the maximum penalty for causing death by dangerous driving from 14 years to life increasing the maximum penalty for causing death by careless driving whilst under the influence of drink or drugs from 14 years to life creating a new offence of causing serious injury by careless driving In 2016, 157 people were sentenced for causing death by dangerous driving, with a further 32 convicted of causing death by careless driving whilst under the influence. The announcement delivers on the government’s pledge to consider the sentencing powers available to the courts for the most serious driving offences - making sure that punishment reflects the harm caused to victims and their families. The move forms part of government wide action to improve safety for all road users, following recent devastation caused by irresponsible motorists and dangerous cyclists. In September the Department for Transport (DFT) launched an urgent review to consider whether a new offence equivalent to causing death by careless or dangerous driving should be introduced for cyclists.


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Blue Lights in 2018

Having followed the process from the beginning, we are now able to report that the mandatory referendum on all emergency services to display flashing blue lights has received unanimous positive support through the legislative process. As the process will now continue to proceed and, if all still goes to plan, blue lights (Rotativos azules to give them their Spanish name) will enter into service on ambulances and fire tenders from March, 2018. Traditionally, only the security services such as the Guardia Civil and police would use blue lights when operating as priority vehicles, with ambulances, fire and other priority vehicles using orange lights, the same as slow moving or special vehicles, which some drivers found confusing. This is not the first time this move has been announced. The change had already been approved by previous congressional committees, in 2006, 2010 and 2011, but had not been previously implemented. More recently, in 2016, the Spanish Government voted 37 votes in favour, with 2 abstentions. Spain was the only European country which had not adopted the standard.


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