Sample Physical Condition

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Physical Condition Survey for Typical Acute Hospital Trust

Reference: XXXX Issue

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File Ref: XXXX Oakleaf Surveying Ltd

Telephone: 0870 738 6047

7 Brookfield


0870 738 6048

Duncan Close


Northampton NN3 6WL

Typical Acute Hospital Trust Physical Condition Survey

October 2008 Project XXXX Issued by Oakleaf Surveying Ltd - 0870 738 6047

Physical Condition Survey

Buildings included in this report Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - External Grounds (00) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - MEB Sub-Station (01) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Doctors House (02) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Mortuary (03) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Main Stores (04) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Generator House (05) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Administration (07) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Pharmacy (08) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Ward 7, Medical Records & Orthotics (09) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Hydrotherapy (14) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Assessment Clinic (15) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Admissions & Medical Secretaries (16) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Multifaith Room/HR Offices (17) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Out Patients/Ward 10/Ward 7 (18) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Out Patients Department Reception (20) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Spinal Unit (21) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Hospital Street (22) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Covered Way (25) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Ward 5 & 9 (26) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Day Unit (27) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Theatres 1, 2, 3 & 4 (28) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Theatre Plant Room (29) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Theatres 5, 6, 7, 8 & HDU (30) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Switchroom (35) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Gas Meter House (36) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Childrens Ward (11 & 12) (37) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Oncology (39) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - IT Training/Patient Power (40) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Duct (43) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Nurses Home (44) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Gymnasium (45) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Rabone Hall (46) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Oxygen Compound (51) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Facilities Department (52) Typical Acute Hospital Trust Physical Condition Survey

October 2008 Project XXXX Issued by Oakleaf Surveying Ltd - 0870 738 6047

Physical Condition Survey Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Compactor Compound (53) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Linen Room (55) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Gas Meter House (57) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Research & Teaching (59) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - MRI (60) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Therapy Services (63) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Theatre Sub-Station (64) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Link Corridor (65) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Theatre Medical Gas Plant (66) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Clinic D (67) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - X-ray Department (68) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Ward 6 (69) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Clinical Waste Compound (70) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Treatment Centre (71) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Theatres 9 & 10/Recovery (72) Typical Acute Hospital (RRJ) - Ward 7 Plantroom (73)

Typical Acute Hospital Trust Physical Condition Survey

October 2008 Project XXXX Issued by Oakleaf Surveying Ltd - 0870 738 6047

Physical Condition Survey

Index Executive Summary General Comments Survey Method Physical Condition Methodology Risk Assessment Matrix Remaining Life of Building Elements Remaining Life of M & E Elements

Typical Acute Hospital Trust Physical Condition Survey

October 2008 Project XXXX Issued by Oakleaf Surveying Ltd - 0870 738 6047

Physical Condition Survey

Executive Summary Oakleaf have undertaken a Physical Condition Survey of a Typical Acute Hospital The surveys undertaken within this study relate to conditions prevailing on site during September 2006. MAIN ISSUES Backlog Maintenance Works Total remedial work required for the BUILDING and M&E Elements: Building Survey M & E Survey TOTAL COST Cost per m2 (average)

£ 207,045.00 £ 237,320.00 £ 444,365.00 £ 18.93/m2

(Please note that this is based on an estimated Gross Internal Floor Area of 23,468m2) Budget for Future Maintenance Works Total remedial work likely to be required within a five year period for the BUILDING and M&E Elements: Building Survey M&E Survey TOTAL COST Cost per m2 (average)

£ 1,013,960.00 £ 411,200.00 £ 1,425,160.00 £ 60.73/m2

(Please note that this is based on an estimated Gross Internal Floor Area of 23,468m2) These figures are exclusive of Prelims, Profit, Contingency, Fees, Expenses and VAT. Please note that these costs are for backlog works only, they exclude costs relating to any proposed service or facilities developments. They are based on bringing all areas up to a sound and operational (not new) condition. Breakdown of Condition Bands The Typical Acute Hospital blocks surveyed fall into the following Condition Bands: Band 1 (£0 - £25/m2) Band 2 (£26 - £75/m2) Band 3 (£76 - £100/m2) Band 4 (>£100/m2)

33% 24% 12% 31%

Please note that the percentages above are based on the number of properties that fall into each band. Breakdown of Priority Grading The Typical Acute Hospital blocks surveyed fall into the following Priority Grading: Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4

1.4% 15.0% 36.4% 47.3%

£ 25,670.00 £ 280,035.00 £ 679,915.00 £ 883,905.00

Please note that the following bands have been applied: Priority 1 - Urgent Work, Priority 2 Essential Work, Priority 3 - Desirable Work and Priority 4 - Long Term Work.

Typical Acute Hospital Trust Physical Condition Survey

October 2008 Project XXXX Issued by Oakleaf Surveying Ltd - 0870 738 6047

Physical Condition Survey

Typical Acute Hospital Trust Physical Condition Survey

October 2008 Project XXXX Issued by Oakleaf Surveying Ltd - 0870 738 6047

Physical Condition Survey

General Comments General Structure Block 4 - Main Stores: The prefabricated timber frame building has become structurally unsound and is considered beyond a state of repair It is therefore recommended that the building be demolished and replaced. Block 37 - Children’s Ward 11 & 12: The brickwork to the building is subject to cracking, the cost in the report allows for a structural survey to be carried out to determine the cause. External Fabric Block 7 - Administration: The render to the building has started to blow and crack with evidence to localised areas on all elevations. The cost in the report allows for the render to be made good within the confines of the 5 year maintenance schedule. Block 29 - Theatre Plant Room: It is suspected that the lintel to the high level plant room has failed with a large crack evident. The cost in the report allows for the crack to be made good along with further monitoring, though due to the lintel's location the cost has been increased for the safety and access issues created. Block 55 - Linen Room: The softwood timber boarding that makes up the cladding to the building requires replacing within the 5 year maintenance schedule due to its age and condition. Windows & Doors Block 7 - Administration: The softwood timber windows to all main elevations, the steel windows to the round tower and the elevation behind the spiral fire escape require redecorating and making good, within the 5 year maintenance schedule. Block 21 - Spinal Unit: Softwood timber frames to the windows have become rotten, costs allowing for complete replacement within the 5 year maintenance schedule. Block 39 - Oncology: The softwood timber windows to the block require replacing within the 5 year maintenance schedule due to their age and condition. Block 52 - Facilities Department: The crittal steel windows to the block require replacing within the 5 year maintenance schedule due to their age and condition. Cost stated in the report is inclusive of the large Georgian Wire Plate windows to the front elevation. Block 55 - Linen Room: The softwood timber windows to the block require replacing within the 5 year maintenance schedule due to their age and condition. Pitched Roofs Block 7 - Administration: Localised replacement of the artificial slates to the roof is evident. Cost allows for the continued replacement of the slates over the 5 year maintenance schedule. Flat Roofs Block 7 - Administration: A section to one of the mineral felt flat roofs has suffered water ingress, it is suspected this was caused by seam failure. The cost allows for the replacement of the mineral felt and the making good to the decking that has probably deteriorated due to the water ingress. Block 27 - Day Unit: The stone chipped covered mineral felt flat roof is suffering from drainage problems which is causing ponding of rain water on the roof. This ponding is subsequently causing the premature ageing of the mineral felt. Therefore a cost has been included for complete replacement within the 5 year maintenance schedule. Block 29 - Theatre Plant Room: Excessive pooling of rain water to one of mineral felt roofs has become an issue. Drainage to the roof requires improvement within the 5 year maintenance schedule to prevent water ingress occurring. Block 30 - Theatres 5, 6, 7, 8 & HDU: Two of the high performance felt roofs require replacing within the 5 year maintenance schedule, due to their condition and the level of pooling that has occurred. Block 37 - Children’s Ward 11 & 12: Three of the mineral felt roofs will require replacement within the 5 year maintenance schedule despite some historic patch repairs. The cost includes allowances for any repairs to the decking that might be deemed necessary. Block 72 - Theatres 9 & 10: Pooling has occurred to a high level roof. It is suspected this has been caused by poor drainage from the central internal down-pipes. The cost allows for this to be made good within the 5 year maintenance schedule. Other Block 26 - Ward 5 & 9: The reinforced concrete balconies are showing signs of water penetration. It is recommended that an investigation be carried out to determine whether the reinforcements have been affected.

Typical Acute Hospital Trust Physical Condition Survey

October 2008 Project XXXX Issued by Oakleaf Surveying Ltd - 0870 738 6047

Physical Condition Survey

Typical Acute Hospital Trust Physical Condition Survey

October 2008 Project XXXX Issued by Oakleaf Surveying Ltd - 0870 738 6047

Physical Condition Survey

Survey Method Oakleaf have developed specific data capture pro-forma’s to cover each aspect of the regulations for each type of survey. This approach enables us to not only identify which items do not meet an appropriate condition, but also those which do. We consider that this approach is thorough and also enables the client to confirm that no items have simply been missed. Client Checks on Data Capture This approach enables the client to be able to check all on site data captured to see first hand that all items are covered and that nothing has been missed. Survey Quality Checks It also provides a mechanism to standardise on the quality of information being collected and allows ongoing monitoring of survey staff to check for quality and standard. Hand Held Electronic Data Capture using PDA's Oakleaf have their own data capture software which we will use to ensure data consistency. This uses pre-populated 'pick lists' to ensure data integrity between all auditors.

Typical Acute Hospital Trust Physical Condition Survey

October 2008 Project XXXX Issued by Oakleaf Surveying Ltd - 0870 738 6047

Physical Condition Survey

Physical Condition Methodology Oakleaf have developed specific data capture pro-forma’s to cover each aspect of a Physical Condition Appraisal. Oakleaf's approach is not only to identify which items do not meet an appropriate condition, but also those which do. We consider that this approach is thorough and also enables the client to confirm that no items have simply been missed. We will also provide a written Executive Summary for each site that lists the main findings relating to each site. Aspects covered in the appraisal:Each element states Condition Category (A, B, C, CX, D or DX). Each element has been identified with a budget cost to repair it. Each element has been identified with a remaining life expectancy when it will have to be either repaired or replaced. Each element has been identified with a budget cost to upgrade it to Condition 'B'. All the above have been recorded on our standard pro-forma’s and listed in a spreadsheet and database to enable the local users to maintain and update the data base on an ongoing basis. The survey covers:a) The condition of all building and engineering components, the cost for repairs and renewals and the time scale projected over a five year period. b) Any enforceable requirement necessary to comply with current legislation. Each building (block) has been appraised under the following categories:BUILDING A) Physical Structure B) External Fabric C) Internal Fabric D) Roof F) External Works G) Gardens MECHANICAL H) Drainage I) Heating Systems J) Steam Systems K) Vent & Air Con L) Medical Gases M) Hot/Cold Water N) Lifts O) Main Plant P) Main Plant (Fixed) P) Lightning Protection

Typical Acute Hospital Trust Physical Condition Survey

October 2008 Project XXXX Issued by Oakleaf Surveying Ltd - 0870 738 6047

Physical Condition Survey ELECTRICAL R) Electrical V) Fire Alarms W) Telecoms Each element category has been sub-divided into subsidiary components for ease of identification for example structure has been sub-divided into: General Structure, Foundations, Ground Stability etc. A supplementary note and cost has been provided to support identifiable work listed under subsidiary components i.e. a roof frame may require numerous items of repair such as work to wall plates, tie rods, bracing, etc. Each subsidiary component has been graded, utilising the DfES system viz: Condition A = Good. Performing as intended and operating efficiently. B = Satisfactory. Performing as intended but exhibiting minor deterioration. C = Poor. Exhibiting major defects and/or not operating as intended. D = Bad. Life expired and/or serious risk of imminent failure. In addition a repair cost has been entered against each repair to bring the component up to a sound/operationally safe condition. An estimate of time remaining until the repair is implemented has also been allocated. Time allocation covers a five year projection. Extent of items has been measured and a descriptive note recording location within premises so that items can be located. A note describing the fault and corrective work has been provided together with its location by floor and room number. Digital Photographs We have included digital photographs of key items requiring remedial work to assist in communicating the works required. Priority Grading Each non compliant item has been given a Priority Grading to indicate the urgency of the work being undertaken: Priority 1 - Urgent Work Priority 2 - Essential Work Priority 3 - Desirable Work Priority 4 - Long Term Work

Typical Acute Hospital Trust Physical Condition Survey

October 2008 Project XXXX Issued by Oakleaf Surveying Ltd - 0870 738 6047

Physical Condition Survey

Risk Assessment Matrix

Typical Acute Hospital Trust Physical Condition Survey

October 2008 Project XXXX Issued by Oakleaf Surveying Ltd - 0870 738 6047

Physical Condition Survey

Remaining Life of Building Elements When calculating the remaining life of elements Oakleaf use the BMI publication: Life Expectancy of Building Components. Below are building elements that have the potential to fall within the 5 year backlog maintenance plan and their respective life expectancy. Timber Pitched Roof Asphalt Flat Roof Bitumen Felt Flat Roof Slate Covering to Pitched Roof Tile Covering to Pitched Roof Softwood Windows Hardwood Windows Aluminium Windows Cast Iron Gutters PVC Gutters PVC Windows Steel Windows Vinyl Sheet Flooring Carpet Flooring Decorations Lathe and Plaster Ceiling Suspended Ceilings

85 years 35 years 20 years 75 years 65 years 35 years 50 years 45 years 50 years 30 years 35 years 50 years 10 years 10 years 7 years 60 years 25 years

Clearly these are affected by on site conditions and in many cases have deteriorated to the extent that they require replacement within the above stated periods. Conversely; if the element has reached the end of its expected life but is in good condition the stated remaining life will be greater than the above.

Typical Acute Hospital Trust Physical Condition Survey

October 2008 Project XXXX Issued by Oakleaf Surveying Ltd - 0870 738 6047

Physical Condition Survey

Remaining Life of M & E Elements When calculating the remaining life of elements Oakleaf use the BMI publication: Life Expectancy of Building Components. Below are building elements that have the potential to fall within the 5 year backlog maintenance plan and their respective life expectancy. Plastic Water Storage Tank GRP Water Storage Tank PVCU Water Storage Tank Copper Pipework Boiler Solid Fuel Back Boiler Major Pump Radiators Thermostatic Radiator Valves Aluminium Air-Conditioning Ductwork Steel Air-Conditioning Ductwork Air-Conditioning Heater Air-Conditioning Chiller Air-Conditioning Pump Air-Conditioning Fan Heating Program Controller/Timer Thermostat Controls Electric Lighting Circuit Electric Power Circuit Fuse Box/Consumer Unit Power Outlet Socket Light Switch Fluorescent Luminaire Fluorescent Tube Incandescent Light Bulb Wet Riser Sprinkler System Dry Riser Sprinkler System Sprinkler Head Traction Drive Passenger Lift Hydraulic Passenger Lift Industrial Scissor Lift

30 years 35 years 25 years 40 years 20 years 20 years 12 years 25 years 15 years 30 years 25 years 15 years 15 years 15 years 15 years 15 years 15 years 30 years 30 years 30 years 25 years 25 years 15 years 3 years 2 years 30 years 40 years 25 years 30 years 25 years 20 years

Clearly these are affected by on site conditions and in many cases have deteriorated to the extent that they require replacement within the above stated periods. Conversely; if the element has reached the end of its expected life but is in good condition the stated remaining life will be greater than the above.

Typical Acute Hospital Trust Physical Condition Survey

October 2008 Project XXXX Issued by Oakleaf Surveying Ltd - 0870 738 6047

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