Sample Risk Assesment

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Fire Risk Assessment Report for

Sample Day Centre - 006 Main Block - 01 Whole Block

Overall Risk:

Moderate Risk

Prepared by:

Emma Blaikie

Assessment Date:

3 March 2009

Assessment Type

Fire Risk Assessment

Issue Date:

10 March 2009

Review Date:

10 March 2010

Sample Day Centre - 006 Main Block - 01 Whole Block

Main Report: Page 1 of 9 Issued on: 10 March 2009 Report by: Oakleaf Surveying Ltd

Fire Risk Assessment Report

Index Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order Building Description Instruction About The Report Risk Assessment Matrix Overall Risk Level

Sample Day Centre - 006 Main Block - 01 Whole Block

Main Report: Page 2 of 9 Issued on: 10 March 2009 Report by: Oakleaf Surveying Ltd

Fire Risk Assessment Report

Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order The previous Fire Regulations have been repealed with new emphasis being placed on Risk Assessment. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order (RRFSO) is intended to replace fire certification under the Fire Precautions Act 1971 and amends or repeals other primary legislation concerning fire safety. The requirements of the RRFSO will be imposed on, the employer, building owner or any person who has control of premises so far as they relate to matters within their control. The main objectives of the Fire Safety Order are: To create a regime clearly based on Risk Assessment, Fire Prevention and Mitigation measure. To increase compliance. To focus resources for Fire Prevention on those premises that present the greatest risk. To ensure that fire safety facilities and equipment (including fire alarms) are well maintained. The person responsible must ensure that: Premises are equipped with appropriate fire fighting equipment and with fire detectors and alarms. Emergency routes are kept clear at all times and sign posted accordingly. There is a suitable system of maintenance for all premises and any facilities, equipment and devices. A competent person is appointed to assist in undertaking the preventative measures and they are suitably trained. The findings of the Fire Risk Assessment are communicated back to all employees. All employees are provided with adequate fire safety training.

Sample Day Centre - 006 Main Block - 01 Whole Block

Main Report: Page 3 of 9 Issued on: 10 March 2009 Report by: Oakleaf Surveying Ltd

Fire Risk Assessment Report

Building Description The accommodation in the Sample Day Centre is a two storey Resource Base Centre for people with learning disabilities and physical disabilities. The building is a brick built construction and is stand alone so there is little risk of fire spreading to nearby buildings. The building is occupied by 18 staff and 32 service users. There are no sleeping occupants on site although there may be a number of occupants with physical disabilities that require personal emergency evacuation plans. The staff are responsible for evacuating the occupants in an emergency situation, all staff are trained in the emergency evacuation procedures and refresher training is said to be given. Members of the public in the building would be supervised or by appointment only. The building is accessed via a controlled entrance and all visitors are required to sign the visitor's book. The ground floor accommodation houses the Main Kitchen, ADL Kitchen, Dinning Room, a number of group rooms, Day Room, Boiler Room and Office space. The first floor accommodation is Office space with a large Store Room. The building has one internal staircase and there are adequate numbers of exits. Smoking is not permitted on site. The building would benefit from additional detection throughout, this is currently very limited. There are also a number of fire hazard rooms that are missing automatic detection. Several breaches were found in the building, these need to be sealed to help stop the spread of fire, gases and smoke. The final exit door to the building is key and lock with a lever handle which may not be easy to operate in an emergency situation, the installation of panic bars is recommended. The exit from the main Kitchen is shuttered and was locked at the time of the survey, however this was said to have limited use. It is recommended that all fire exits are kept unlocked when the building is in use. The evacuation policy in the event of a fire is to meet in the entrance lobby area then proceed to the external meeting point if necessary. This is considered adequate in this case due to the nature of the service users. No special provision is currently made for protection against arson and a separate risk assessment needs to be undertaken and any necessary compensating measures undertaken. The existing alarms system is not believed to be linked to a control centre. There has been one reported fire approximately six years ago. To comply with the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act ideally the existing audible alerts should be supplemented with visual alerts. Signage needs to be upgraded throughout for disabled people. Please note that limited access to roof voids was gained, further investigation is required.

Sample Day Centre - 006 Main Block - 01 Whole Block

Main Report: Page 4 of 9 Issued on: 10 March 2009 Report by: Oakleaf Surveying Ltd

Fire Risk Assessment Report

Instruction In March 2009 Oakleaf Surveying Ltd. were commissioned by the Estates Manager on behalf of Sample Council to undertake a Fire Risk Assessment of the Sample Day Centre, in accordance with:The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order (RRFSO) 2005 The surveys undertaken within this study relate to conditions prevailing on site on 10th March 2009 only.

Sample Day Centre - 006 Main Block - 01 Whole Block

Main Report: Page 5 of 9 Issued on: 10 March 2009 Report by: Oakleaf Surveying Ltd

Fire Risk Assessment Report

About The Report The detail report comprises a question and answer format, each question has a unique reference number. Each Non Compliant item has been scored using the Risk Assessment Matrix (see the following page) as a way of ranking the significance of each deficiency. This will enable the Non Compliant items to be prioritized and can be used to produce a ‘hit list’ of remedial actions. Oakleaf have recorded on the plans (as a record of conditions prevailing on site), the locations of all alarm systems, sounders, detectors, fire fighting equipment, fire doors and escape routes for reference. Restrictions of the Survey The purpose of this report is to provide an assessment of the risk to life from fire in the premises. The report does not address the risk to property or business continuity from fire. Statements regarding the fire resistance of the structure have been based on typical expected resistances of materials and construction. They comprise a visual inspection of the readily accessible areas only. Statements in the report regarding escape lighting are based on visual inspection only. The mains services were live at the time of inspection. No test of luminance levels was carried out. Statements regarding the fire alarm system are based on visual inspection only; no audibility tests have been carried out. Statements regarding Staff Fire Training are based on interview with the Premises Manager/Key Staff. Staff competency has not been checked by the Surveyor. Statements regarding the performance of the Fire Alarm or Emergency Lighting systems are based on examination of maintenance logs and/or interview with the Premises Manager/Key Staff.

Sample Day Centre - 006 Main Block - 01 Whole Block

Main Report: Page 6 of 9 Issued on: 10 March 2009 Report by: Oakleaf Surveying Ltd

Fire Risk Assessment Report

Risk Assessment Matrix RISK VALUE MATRIX LIKELIHOOD (L) Negligible Low


SEVERITY OF OUTCOME (S) Negligible Slight damage to property Minor injury to occupants, first aid required



Moderate damage to property Partial evacuation required Injury to occupants, medical attention required



Large scale damage to property Complete evacuation required Occupants require hospitalisation



Major loss of property Major loss of life



1 2 3 4 5

2 4 6 8 10

3 6 9 12 15

4 8 12 16 20

5 10 15 20 25

Risk Rating Action 1-3 Record findings and review in twelve months 4-6 Moderate risk - Implement additional controls within 12 months 8 - 12 High risk - Implement interim measures immediately and full controls within 3 months 15 - 25

Sample Day Centre - 006 Main Block - 01 Whole Block

Extreme risk - Cease use of area until additional controls have been applied.

Main Report: Page 7 of 9 Issued on: 10 March 2009 Report by: Oakleaf Surveying Ltd

Fire Risk Assessment Report

Overall Risk Level It is innate to the process of carrying out a Fire Risk Assessment that there is an overall assessment of fire risk. The overall assessment of fire risk enables the fire risk in one building to be compared with the fire risk in other buildings, so identifying those buildings in greatest need of attention. Even applied to a single building in isolation, the assessment of fire risk can provide a useful descriptor that imparts a sense of the magnitude of fire risk. The overall ‘Risk Level Estimator’ (taken from the recommended methodology in PAS 79:2007) will determine the action required and timescales:-

Consequences of fire

Likelihood of fire

Slight Ha rm Mode ra te Ha rm Ex tre m e Ha rm


Trivial risk

Tolerable risk

Moderate risk

Me dium

Tolerable risk

Moderate risk

Substantial risk


Moderate risk Substantial risk

Intolerable risk

Using this methodology, once all relevant fire hazards have been identified and measures for their control or elimination have been determined, the fire risk assessor has made an assessment of the likelihood of fire. In this instance it has been classed as ‘MEDIUM'. Once all the fire protection measures and all aspects of fire safety management have been assessed, the fire risk assessor has made an assessment of the likely consequences of a fire. For the building in question this has been classed as ‘MODERATE HARM'.

Sample Day Centre - 006 Main Block - 01 Whole Block

Main Report: Page 8 of 9 Issued on: 10 March 2009 Report by: Oakleaf Surveying Ltd

Fire Risk Assessment Report

A suitable risk-based control plan should involve effort and urgency that is proportional to risk. The following risk-based control plan is based on one advocated by BS 8800 for general health and safety risks:-

Risk Level

Action and timescale

Trivia l Tole ra ble

No action is required and no detailed records need be kept. No major additional controls required. However, there may be a need for consideration of improvements that involve minor or limited cost. It is essential that efforts are made to reduce the risk. Risk reduction measures should be implemented within a defined time period. W here moderate risk is associated with consequences that constitute extreme harm, further assessment may be required. Considerable resources may have to be allocated to reduce the risk. If the building is unoccupied, it should not be occupied until the risk has been reduced. If the building is occupied, urgent action should be taken.

Mode ra te

Substa ntia l

Intole ra ble

Building (or relevant area) should not be occupied until the risk is reduced.

As the overall risk level for the Sample Day Centre has been scored as MODERATE it can be seen that: It is essential that efforts are made to reduce the risk. Risk reduction measures should be implemented within a defined time period. Where moderate risk is associated with consequences that constitute extreme harm, further assessment may be required. Please note that although the purpose of this Risk Assessment is to place the Fire Risk in context, the approach used by Oakleaf Surveying Ltd is subjective and for guidance only. All hazards and deficiencies identified in this report should be addressed by implementing all recommendations contained in the following section. The Risk Assessment should be reviewed periodically. It is intended that the ownership of the report will pass from Oakleaf Surveying Ltd to the ‘Responsible Person’* for the Sample Day Centre. It is important that the ‘Responsible Person’ agrees with the factual content of the report and its accuracy. *Responsible Person is defined as: The person on whom legislation imposes a requirement for the Fire Risk Assessment. NOTE: The responsible person is normally an organisation, such as an employer, rather than a specific named person.

Sample Day Centre - 006 Main Block - 01 Whole Block

Main Report: Page 9 of 9 Issued on: 10 March 2009 Report by: Oakleaf Surveying Ltd

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