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The Highway to Financial Success: Career Options in Commercial Driving by EveryTruckJob on March 14, 2013
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Some people just aren’t cut out for office work, food services or retail. They feel confined by buildings and dislike dealing with workplace drama. The idea of looking at a computer or punching buttons on a cash register just isn’t appealing to them. The idea of a mobile office—a stable job where the scenery changes constantly—is a winning proposition for this kind of person. Operating such a mobile office, in the form of a bus or truck, is not an easy task. Not only is getting a Commercial Driver’s License a considerable task, but operating a large, commercial vehicle comes with its share of difficulties. As we all know, there’s no such thing as a stress-free job anyway—so if you’re the type of person who’s troubled by the prospect of standing or sitting around in a building all day, a CDL job might be perfect for you. Let’s look at the possibilities.
Local Truck Driver Driving a truck doesn’t necessarily mean being away from home all the time. There are plenty of local truck driving options, most of which require a Class B CDL. There are cargo transportation opportunities that don’t require long hauls, but it goes way beyond that. A Class B license allows you to drive utility vehicles, garbage trucks, cement mixers, dump trucks and a variety of other rigs. If you love to drive, aren’t intimidated by larger vehicles and don’t like the prospect of being away from your family for extended periods, a Class B CDL job is a great option.
Long Haul Truck Driver When you first think of a CDL job, chances are this is the first thing that comes to mind. Long haul trucking isn’t for everyone, but if you’re the kind of person that can handle it then it’s an opportunity you can’t pass up. The pay is good, you get to see parts of the country you’d never see otherwise and you enjoy a certain amount of freedom. Most long haul trucking jobs require a Class A CDL, and many also require the T endorsement for additional trailers. Long haul trucking serves as the infrastructure for entire countries, so its importance can’t be understated. It’s a stable, rewarding job that’s perfect for the right person.
Local Bus Driver