Refrigeration Magazine - January 2018

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January 2018 Vol. 201 │ No. 1 ISSN #0034-3137

EDITORIAL STAFF Editor/Publisher Mary Y. Cronley (404) 819-5446 Senior Staff Writer Joe Cronley (404) 295-5712 Art Direction Markurious Marketing (678) 439-6534

ADVERTISING, SUBSCRIPTIONS, ACCOUNTS Mary Y. Cronley Editor/Publisher (404) 819-5446 Established as ICE in 1906, Refrigeration Magazine™ is published thirteen times a year, including the Annual Buyer's Guide. Postmaster: Send notice by form 3579 to: Refrigeration Magazine 260 Lakeview Ridge East Roswell, GA 30076 Annual Subscriptions: US: $49/year or $79/two years International: $79/year Single Copies: $6/copy

Copyright © 2018 by REFRIGERATION Magazine™. All rights reserved.









13 19

6 Safe Ice: The Cold, Hard Facts 9 Group Weighs In On Making Ice 16 Why you should never order drinks with ice, bartenders say

7 Worst passwords of 2017, study finds 20 How to make your passwords worthless to cyber thieves NEW PACKAGING MACHINE

Coalza RS Series, DH Automatic Packing Machines


Brian David Inglis, son of ITC's Davin and Cindy Inglis


4 spICE

A Cold, Hard Hurricane Lesson


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REFRIGERATION Magazine │ January 2018 3



Tragedy Is Shared It’s a New Year already. It got here faster than I can remember any New Year getting here. Now that my boys are grown and my mind isn’t constantly consumed with their health and whereabouts, I have time to pay better attention to those around me. Many of those thoughts turn to you, my friends in the industry, especially around the holidays. I am heartsick for my friends Cindy and David Inglis, and the loss of their beloved son Brian, who tragically died on December 11th. Brian was only 32. I haven’t been able to stop feeling the pain connected to their loss, and I am sure it’s because we are all connected as family in this industry. At least I feel that we are. An account has been set up in the name Memorial Fund for Brian Inglis’ two young sons at Kirkpatrick Bank, 102 N. Cascade Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903. In person, donations can be made at any Wells Fargo Bank location. Please reference account name Memorial Fund for Brian Inglis’ Sons. Businesses are coming and going at a record pace. Names of companies change at a greater frequency, and the insane pace of mergers and acquisitions leave me lost as to who is who, and where did the last guy go? That’s why I feel so fortunate to have known kind, solid, incredible folks like the Inglises, and to have known them for a long time, through the family of our industry. They raised an incredible son in their Brian. I’m thinking of them, and of all of you this New Year. Here’s to the continued family among us. Our cover photo features the fun work of Minnesota Ice Sculptures. Company CEO Robbie Harrell said the company started in a garage in 2013, selling textbooks for startup money. "When I told my parents I was going to drop out of college and sell ice for a living they were a little nervous," he said. But nearly five years later, the company has carved up more than 4,300 ice sculptures. The Super Bowl's 150,000 pound sculpture will make its way to Nicollet Mall, and Harrell said they're hoping for weather in the sweet spot of between 10 and 25 degrees. Minnesota Ice Sculptures is also making specialized ice cubes for bars and restaurants during the Super Bowl. "It's a lot of fun," Harrell said. "We have a good time at the office in building all this cool stuff - especially when it comes to Super Bowl stuff." The team said they're outgrowing their freezer and planning an upgrade. "This cube business is just blowing up," said the company's Jim Field. "Now to see how much it's grown and everything else," Harrell added. "It's awesome."

Mary Cronley


4 REFRIGERATION Magazine │ January 2018

"I’m thinking of them, and of all of you this New Year. Here’s to the continued family among us."


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SAFE ICE The Cold, Hard Facts

As all frequent travelers know, it’s best to avoid drinking beverages that contain ice when in lessdeveloped countries. The ice could be made from contaminated water, and that can make you sick. But local ice made with fresh water should always be safe, right? In fact, ice can and does cause foodborne illness in developed countries such as the United States. Some of the illnesses are caused by bacteria and some are caused by viruses. Many outbreaks have been linked to the presence of norovirus in the ice. In some cases, the norovirus came from contaminated well water that had been used to make the ice; in other cases, from poor handling practices. Other outbreaks associated with ice consumption have been caused by Salmonella, Hepatitis A and Escherichia coli O157:H7. There is no excuse for using contaminated water to make ice; freezing water does not kill bacteria, nor does it inactivate viruses. Viral particles can survive undamaged in ice for lengthy periods, and just a few viral particles can cause illness. In fact, norovirus has been described as the most infectious agent ever studied in humans. It accounts for more than one-half of all foodborne illnesses. Last year, over 11,000 children in Europe were sickened by norovirus that was in a shipment of frozen strawberries from China. Norovirus usually finds its way into food, including ice, due to poor 6 REFRIGERATION Magazine │ January 2018

handling practices. Norovirus originates in human fecal matter, and improperly washed hands are thought to be the main cause of contamination. If you have ever seen a bar person drag a glass through an ice tub with his bare hands or watched an employee drop the ice scoop back into an ice machine bin with the handle coming into contact with the ice, you have seen a norovirus outbreak waiting to happen. If ice is handled with care, many problems can be prevented. However, the ice itself must be safe to begin with. Most commercial quantities of ice are made using ice machines or ice makers that are permanently connected to a water supply. It is the responsibility of the ice

machine operator to ensure that the water supply is safe. If the water comes from a well on the premises, the water must be tested frequently. If it is connected to a municipal water supply, remember that if the authorities notify you of any problem with the water, then the ice from the ice machine may not be safe. Cleaning and sanitizing the ice machine is another very important step to provide safe ice. Ice machines should be cleaned and sanitized using the chemical products supplied by the machine manufacturer at least once per month. Machines on some sites will require even more frequent cleaning, especially those in environments with dusty air, high humidity or high airborne microbiological load. Bakeries, microbreweries, sandwich outlets with on-site baking and bars with draft beer on tap can have high concentrations of airborne yeast, and this can cause

Ice machines should be cleaned and sanitized using chemical products supplied by the machine manufacturer at least once per month.

CYBERSECURITY microbiological buildup to happen very quickly inside ice machines in these environments. Needless to say, cleaning an ice machine can be a difficult and expensive exercise. In a large commercial kitchen, it is often performed by outside contractors, and these contracts can be the first to be downsized when cost-cutting measures are called for. In addition, deep cleaning and servicing involve dismantling the equipment, which can be difficult to do without disrupting kitchen service. Some ice machines are better designed than others for ease of cleaning. Nooks and crannies, joints and deeply squared internal corners are difficult to clean because cloths and brushes do not penetrate easily. A well-designed ice machine will have rounded internal corners on its ice chutes and ice bins, smooth internal surfaces and an easy-toaccess, ice-making chamber. External surfaces should be impervious, corrosion resistant and designed so that food scraps, grime and dust can easily be wiped off. Water contact and ice contact surfaces inside the machine should be made only from food-safe materials to prevent migration of unwanted chemicals into the ice. Ice machine sanitation has recently received a boost from new technology that can aid in the prevention of biofilm formation. Many new models of ice makers include a built-in device that uses ultraviolet (UV) light technology to convert air and water vapor from inside the ice machine into powerful oxidants that circulate through the machine and destroy microorganisms. Retrofit systems using a similar UV disinfection technology are also on the market and can be installed into all makes and models of commercial ice machine equipment. Both the factory-installed and retrofit systems require only a simple annual UV lamp replacement to maintain effectiveness. Users of these devices report significantly cleaner ice-making chambers, with less mold and slime. Karen Constable is the certification manager of HACCP International.

Worst Passwords of 2017, Study Finds Brett Molina, USA TODAY Strong passwords, these were not. With Star Wars: The Last Jedi now in theaters, "starwars" made its debut among the worst passwords used in 2017, according to security company SplashData. The password "starwars" entered their list in the 16th spot, ahead of passwords including "passw0rd" and "hello." "Hackers are using common terms from pop culture and sports to break into accounts online because they know many people are using those easy-toremember words," said Morgan Slain, CEO of SplashData, in a statement. SplashData said in a statement the list is based on more than five million passwords leaked during the year. Once again, "123456" is the worst password of the year, followed by "password." New entrants into SplashData's list include "123456789" (No. 6) and "letmein" (No. 7). The company estimates nearly 3% of people used the worst password on the list, while almost 10% have used at least one of the top 25. To keep accounts secure, users can follow these tips: Think passphrase, not password. Originally, experts suggested thinking of a super complex password with a variety of numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, and symbols. The problem is they're way too tough to remember. Instead, consider a phrase for your password, then tweak it with numbers or symbols you can more easily recall. Use two-factor authentication. Most big websites offer an additional layer to the login process, where you can request a text message with numeric code or confirmation through an authenticator app to verify your identity. Make passwords unique. Use a different password for every website. According to SplashData, if hackers get a password for one set of credentials, they will try them across other services. Consider password managers. If you have a lot of logins to manage, password managers such as Dashlane and LastPass offer automatically generated passwords for the sites you use. The user will have one master password they need to remember to log in to the manager. REFRIGERATION Magazine │ January 2018 7


GroupWeighs In ON MAKING ICE

By Robert W. Powitz, Ph.D., M.P.H., R.S., C.F.S.P.

ixty years ago, an article on the

Even clean, potable water can

sanitation of crushed ice was

become contaminated ice in

published in the Journal of the

ways that may not be readily

American Medical Association


(JAMA).[1] The authors commented that an investigation of crushed ice

Secondly, using a classical

revealed heavy contamination with

Hazard Analysis and Critical

coliform organisms. They opined that the

Control Points approach in

contaminants can be introduced into

evaluating the use of ice

crushed ice in many ways, chiefly by dust

in the average retail food

from the floors of freezing rooms, trucks

establishment will reveal

and restaurants as well as by reusing soiled

that ice manufacturing,

containers and through human hand

storage, distribution

contact. Of these, it was no small wonder

and handling is quite

that handling during dispensing was found

complex because of its

to be the most prolific source.

almost universal use in preparation, service and

It took another 15 years for the U.S. Centers

as a food. The analysis

for Disease Control and Prevention to issue

will reveal Critical Control Points we

a publication in which epidemiologists

would never imagine when dealing with

traced several outbreaks of gastrointestinal

meat or poultry.

illness —including noroviruses — to the use

water. The assumption is that both water

of contaminated ice, although many of

Additionally, applying a detailed plan

and ice are clean, with the latter merely

these were in hospital settings (see “Safe

review to the use and traffic of ice in a

being an extension of the tap.

Ice: The Cold, Hard Facts”). Nonetheless,

typical restaurant, the patterns that are

ice is no different from food or water

revealed would make any sanitarian

when viewed as a comestible. However,

cringe, particularly those that lead to

there are differences between ice and

multiple and inappropriate handling

of microbial contamination, science has

potentially hazardous foods.


given us a better understanding of biofilm

First, even though the temperature of ice is

Finally, because ice is so common and

a collection of microorganisms, mainly

well within the “safety zone,” ice machines

its use is constant and universal, we tend

bacteria, growing together in a matrix of

are prone to microbial contamination.

to view ice much the same way we do

polymers secreted by the microorganisms.

Controlling Contamination

Since the recognition of ice as a source

production and its control. Biofilms are

DID YOU KNOW? Biofilms are a collection of microorganisms, mainly bacteria, growing together in a matrix of polymers secreted by the microorganisms. The associated slime formation is mold or fungus that accumulates from bacterial growth on surfaces constantly exposed to clinging water drops and warm temperatures.

The associated slime formation is mold or fungus that accumulates from bacterial growth on surfaces constantly exposed to clinging water drops and warm temperatures. The biofilm may cause objectionable flavors and odors in ice. Once well-developed biofilms establish themselves on surfaces, cleaning and sanitation become much more difficult. Biofilms have a shielding effect on the bacterial cells that live within them. It is

REFRIGERATION Magazine │ January 2018 9

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10 REFRIGERATION Magazine │ January 2018

well known that normal cleaning and sanitizing

consumption. Consider the following. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration Food

methods may not control or eliminate biofilms,

Code is the standard. Chapter 1 part 1-201.10 defines ice as food. This mandates

but rather they must be physically removed or

ice to the same handling and cleanliness standards as everything else in retail

prevented from forming on surfaces. For instance,

food, including manufacturing equipment. Ice itself falls under 40 C.F.R.

Listeria can be 1,000 times harder to eliminate

141 governing drinking water purity. Ice machine cleaning is governed by

if it is living in a protective biofilm and can be a

Food Law 2009 Chapter 4 part 602.11 section (E) item (4a and b), which

continual source of pathogenic and spoilage

states that the machines must be cleaned “at a frequency specified by the

organisms if not completely removed.

manufacturer,” which in most instances ranges from two to four times per year, or “at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil or mold.”

Manufacturers of ice machines recognize the

Ice machine sanitizing is governed by Chapter 4 part 702.11, which states that

biofilm phenomenon and have engineered

the ice contact surfaces must be sanitized after each cleaning. Annex 7 Form

units that minimize its formation and facilitate

2A section 5 states: Federal law provides under the Criminal Fine Enforcement

its removal. Clean ice, clean ice storage bins

Act of 1984 for a fine up to $100,000 for a misdemeanor by a corporation

and sanitary handling practices are the key to improving the product quality. The current and traditional methods of sanitation have come under scrutiny by the manufacturers of ice machines and providers of standards for these units, such as NSF International (NSF/ANSI 12–2012: Automatic Ice Making Equipment). Because of manufacturers’ initiatives, users are given more options for ice machine configurations, capacities and methods of delivery to minimize the inherent problems of the earlier units. These enhancements include automated cleaning cycles, light indicators when the unit needs cleaning and servicing, sensors that detect scale buildup and construction with materials that facilitate ease of cleaning and confer a degree of bacteriostasis on its wettable parts. In addition, manufacturers report that 70 percent of ice machine performance problems are associated with the water supply, through poor water quality, slow fill or insufficient water supply, and have acted accordingly to cope with these problems as well. All manufacturers now provide customers with valuable information on selection and operations.

The Regulatory Environment

The regulatory community has become more aware of the potential for contamination and is now asking questions as part of the inspection process regarding frequency and methods of routine sanitation, and operations and maintenance in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations. When ice machines are inspected, it is clear that many are not cleaned and sanitized very often, if ever. Mold and slime buildup inside them is quite visible. Numerous studies show that dirty, contaminated ice is more common than people think. As the ice-making machine has changed, so have the laws governing ice used for human

REFRIGERATION Magazine │ January 2018 11

or individual not resulting in death and, for misdemeanors resulting in death, a fine of up to $250,000 for individuals and $500,000 for corporations. The bottom line is that cleaning and sanitizing the ice machine on a regular basis is required by


law, whereas operations and maintenance in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations extend the optimal life of the unit and help minimize risk of contamination. As a final note, there is an excellent guideline on procedures for cleaning contaminated ice machines developed by the U.S. Army Center

There are several common-sense guidelines that should be followed to avoid liability problems associated with contaminated ice in addition to adhering to manufacturers’ recommendations on cleaning and maintenance. Not mentioned in most manufacturers’ instructions are the following common-sense issues:

for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine, Food Sanitation and Environmental Health, DEHE. It’s available at PHC%20Resource%20Library/57-019-205 ProceduresforCleaningIceMachinesfs.pdf. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Forensic sanitarian Robert W. Powitz, Ph.D., M.P.H., R.S., C.F.S.P., is principal consultant and technical director of Old Saybrook, CT–based R.W. Powitz & Associates, a professional corporation of forensic sanitarians who specialize in environmental and public health litigation support services to law firms, insurance companies, governmental agencies and industry. For more than 12 years, he was the director of environmental health and safety for Wayne State University in Detroit, MI, where he continues to hold the academic rank of adjunct professor in the College of Engineering. He also served as director of biological safety and environment for the U.S. Department of Agriculture at the Plum Island Animal Disease Center at Orient Point, NY. Among his honors, Powitz has received the NSF/ NEHA Walter F. Snyder Award for achievement in attaining environmental quality and the AAS Davis Calvin Wagner Award for excellence as a sanitarian and advancing public health practice. He is the first to hold the title of Diplomate Laureate in the American Academy of Sanitarians and is a diplomate in the American Academy of Certified Consultants and Experts and with the American Board of Forensic Engineering and Technology. Dr. Powitz can be reached at or through his website at



Wash hands before obtaining ice.

Hold the ice scoop by the handle and do not touch other parts of the scoop.

Do not handle the ice with hands.

Do not return unused ice to ice storage chest or ice machine.

Keep the access doors to ice storage chests and ice machines closed except when removing ice. Ice scoops should be smooth and protected against contact with contaminated surfaces such as floors, access door handles, service carts and non-food contact surfaces, to cite a few examples. Scoops should be kept on an uncovered stainless steel, impervious plastic or fiberglass tray when not in use. The tray and scoop should be cleaned daily in the kitchen scullery dishwasher. Remove all extraneous equipment and items from around or in the ice storage chests and ice-making machines, and if possible, limit access to them. Clean the ice storage chests on preferably a weekly schedule, but no less than monthly. Consider routine microbiologic sampling of the ice and ice contact surfaces of the machine. Although this is not necessary, it can provide guidance on cleaning frequency and methods.

12 REFRIGERATION Magazine │ January 2018

Reference: 1. Sanitation of crushed ice. 1953. JAMA 153(12):1101.


Coalza RS Series, DH Automatic Packaging Machines The industry proven Coalza RS series, DH packaging machines are specially designed for food-safe ice packaging operations. AIS has recently collaborated with Coalza to re-design this proven vertical form, film and seal packaging machine to better accommodate the needs of North American packaged ice producers. Coalza, a Spanish company, was founded in 1963 to develop better automated packaging solutions for the food industry. The first Coalza ice packaging machines were built in the mid-70’s. Since then, Coalza has made continual product improvements to yield better solutions. Today, Coalza ice packaging machines are the preferred industry standard for European packaged ice producers. In fact, the Coalza presence is so big in Europe, that the current standard 2-Kg ice bag size was driven by Coalza equipment. Currently, there are over 500 Coalza ice packaging machines in operation, and more than 5000 total Coalza packaging machines in the food industry, in 60 countries, worldwide. Coalza is a second generation, family owned business. The company founder is still actively involved and manages a team of highly experienced engineers that share his passion to produce the best available packaging solutions. Coalza ice packaging machines are simplistic by design. Fewer moving parts mean less failures and better operational productivity. Less parts to break, or malfunction, also means less replacement parts. The average annual cost for replacement parts for Coalza RS300-DH is less than $1000 per year. These easy to operate packaging solutions also save on poly roll film consumption. Every inch of film is utilized to make the bag of ice, with no waste or extra film needed. In addition, long service life makes Coalza packaging equipment an even better investment. The serviceable lifespan of Coalza machines is more than 25 years. There are even some Coalza machines still working today that were installed in the early 80's. More operational up time, less packaging disruptions, low PM cost, packaging savings, and long service life make this proven packaging platform a solid solution.

REFRIGERATION Magazine │ January 2018 13

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r's N ote




The title relates to what we in the ice industry already know. Ice machines are nasty.


At your next company happy hour, you may want to consider ordering your mixed drinks “neat,” or at room temperature—without ice. Business Insider recently asked more than two dozen bartenders to “weigh in on what they’d love to tell customers but can’t.” Their response: Think twice about ice because it may be unclean. Of course, this is just anecdotal advice from a handful of mixologists. While some bars and restaurants may not rigorously clean their ice machines, others may do so.

16 REFRIGERATION Magazine │ January 2018

Here’s what you should keep in mind

Yes, in some cases ice has been found to be contaminated. Some studies and news stories over the past decade lend credibility to these bartenders’ warning about ice machines. In 2014, HuffPost spoke to two experts on ice and ice machine contamination. Three main issues were discussed in the piece: mold, bacteria, and whatever is found on peoples’ hands. These contaminants can come from a variety of places. Mold can build up in ice machines—especially if they’re not cleaned or are turned off for a period of time. And despite the Safe Drinking Water Act in 1974 and EPA standards for clean water, water can become contaminated with bacteria while being frozen and stored from ice making machines or from contact with other contaminated food. A 2011 study by researchers at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas examined the prevalence of bacteria in ice and soda dispensed at Las Vegas restaurants. The study found that 33.3% of ice samples contained heterotrophic bacteria—higher than EPA standards. It also found that “72.2% were positive for presumptive coliform bacteria presence.” (The soda samples fared far worse in both categories.)

four times per year, or ‘at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil or mold,'” Food Safety Magazine notes. “Ice machine sanitizing is governed by Chapter 4 part 702.11, which states that the ice contact surfaces must be sanitized after each cleaning.” Restaurants that don’t comply can be levied hefty fines. Food Safety Magazine offers tips to combat human error, including washing hands, proper ice scoop handling, and not handling ice with hands.

The takeaway

There are cases in which ice contamination has caused serious illness or death. However, your immune system can probably handle some contact with contaminated ice, experts told HuffPost. As with any foodborne illness, there are certain groups who are more at risk of getting sick, including the very young, the very old, those with HIV/AIDS, those with diabetes or autoimmune disorders, or pregnant women, according to Some customer tips for avoiding contaminated ice include paying attention to the cleanliness and health ratings of restaurants and bars you visit. And if you’re really concerned, skip the cocktail and stick with beer, wine, cider, or a shot.

And of course, there’s human negligence. Bartenders who work while sick, don’t wash their hands before scooping ice, and use their hands to touch ice can contaminate ice from their hands. (Norovirus can be spread this way.) “Most people don’t realize that not washing their hands could cause death,” Debra Huffman, a microbiologist at the University of South Florida, explained to NBC News in 2006. “They just don’t see the risk. It’s not going to smell funny. It’s not going to look funny. These are microscopic, and so you’re not going to see it. You wouldn’t know it happened.”

How restaurants can avoid ice and ice machine contamination

Restaurants and bars can take steps to avoid contamination, and a big part of that is treating ice with the same safety precautions that they would treat food, Martin Bucknavage, senior food safety extension associate at the Department of Food Science at Pennsylvania State University, explained to HuffPost. This is also codified by the Food and Drug Administration. Ice is defined as food by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Food Code, according to Food Safety Magazine. Cleaning and sanitizing ice machines can also help prevent contamination, and it’s mandated by law. “Ice machine cleaning is governed by Food Law 2009 Chapter 4 part 602.11 section (E) item (4a and b), which states that the machines must be cleaned “at a frequency specified by the manufacturer,” which in most instances ranges from two to

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Brian David Inglis

son of ITC’s David and Cindy Inglis Brian David Inglis was born to David and Cindy Inglis on November 7, 1985, in Colorado Springs, CO, and and passed away on Monday, December 11, 2017. Brian was a resident of Colorado at the time of passing. Brian's boyhood was filled with family traditions and adventures including yearly summer trips and boating at Lake Michigan, snow skiing, four-wheeling, dirt biking, skeet shooting, multiple fishing trips, and camping in the Colorado Rockies. Brian graduated from Lewis Palmer High School in 2004. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of North Dakota in 2008 with a degree in Aeronautics, majoring in Commercial Aviation. He was also a member of the university’s Air Force ROTC program. During college, Brian excelled as an instructor pilot at both UND's flight school and at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. After college graduation Brian flew commercially for Delta Airlines. Subsequently, Brian became a vital asset and partner in the family business and had tremendous success and relational impact, particularly in the company's produce packaging division. Brian also continued his flying career, piloting their business aircraft for more than half a decade. As he transitioned from undergrad and into his vocation, and then becoming a husband and father, Brian constantly exemplified excellence, perseverance, and integrity in all his endeavors. He loved, he created, he worked, and he celebrated his loved ones in this life in a most man-honoring and God-glorifying way. Brian's first love was his wife, Heather. On a meticulously planned proposal, Brian became engaged to Heather atop the Manitou Springs Incline. They soon married and within a handful of years, their family grew from two to four in a home that was full of love, friends, family, sports, and adventures. Brian’s vigor, his smile, the twinkle in his eye, the way he loved his wife and boys, his value for relationships, and his work ethic all contributed to Brian’s flourishing as a family man and working man. Brian's love cannot be overstated, particularly for his wife and boys. Brian is survived by his beloved wife, Heather Inglis of Monument, CO; their two young sons, Jackson James and Harrison David, who were deeply loved and pursued by their daddy; his loving and proud parents Dave and Cindy of Monument, CO; his sister Christa (Chris) Payne of Denver, CO and nephews Elliot, Clement, and Isaac. In lieu of flowers and gifts, contributions can be made to Brian’s sons’ college fund:




An account has been set up in

Donations can be made at

Donations can be sent to

the name "Memorial Fund for

any Wells Fargo Bank location.

through to

Brian Inglis’ Sons”

Please reference account

the memorial email address:

Kirkpatrick Bank

name, “Memorial Fund for Brian

102 N. Cascade Ave.

Inglis’ Sons.”

Colorado Springs, CO 80903

REFRIGERATION Magazine │ January 2018 19


How to make your passwords to cyber thieves Mike Feibus, Special for USA TODAY

When IBM introduced the first laptop with a built-in fingerprint sensor in 2004, it sparked a wave of product development in biometrics. At the time, a colleague delighted in fooling sensor after sensor with a rubber replica of his own finger. Everything is relative. Today, in a world where cyber thieves routinely pry into valuable data stores from far-away lands, compromised passwords are 10 times more likely, according to Verizon, to be the culprit than physical interaction with computers, smartphones and other connected devices. Even the worst fingerprint reader, in fact, can help make those passwords more secure by acting as a second line of defense. The best way to make your accounts more secure is to render your passwords

20 REFRIGERATION Magazine │ January 2018

worthless to cyber thieves, by requiring proof in addition to — or better yet, instead of — your password. Here’s how:

Yes, the goal is to neuter your passwords. But many apps and websites don’t yet offer options for multi-step verification. Which means that if hackers have your password, they’re going to get into those accounts. If you have a simple password, then you should assume the bad guys can already get in. A password like, say, “password,” is akin to leaving the keys in an unlocked car on a crowded street. Misery loves company. So if it’s any

consolation — which, trust me, it isn’t — there are millions of other unlocked cars out there. “Password” is one of the 10 most common passwords on the Internet. And one in six personal passwords are “123456.” Seriously. So as a first line of defense, you should have hard-to-guess passwords. And you should change them often. Which takes more effort than most of us are willing to expend. Password managers like Dashlane, LastPass and RoboForm take care of all that for you. You only need to remember the password that gets you into your password manager. But for gosh sakes, make it a good one!

Eighty-one percent of data breaches last year leveraged weak or stolen passwords, according to Verizon’s annual Data Breach Investigations Report. With regard to stolen passwords, by far the most common method is by phishing — sending urgent, seemingly genuine emails that try to get you to click on a link. The link might take you to an imposter site that snags your credentials before logging you in to your actual account. Or it might load malware that collects all the usernames and passwords you type. The best way to thwart phishing attempts is simple: don’t click on links in emails. That notice from PayPal that your account is in danger of being frozen looks authentic. And it might be. Or not. Cyber thieves spend their days dreaming

up ways to convince you to click, and they’ve gotten pretty good at it.

six- or eight-digit number generated by authentication apps.


The apps might require biometric authentication — like iris, face or fingerprint scans — as further proof. Enabling multi-step verification on your accounts will go a long way toward making your passwords worthless to cyber thieves — and your accounts far more secure as a result.

If you haven’t gotten the message by now, we’re notoriously bad at protecting our passwords. Which is why more and more accounts are leveraging physical markers to validate that the person who just signed in is really you. In fact, many of the multistep verification, or multi-factor authentication, schemes are built on a foundation of “trusted hardware” — your smartphone and laptop. Then, if someone tries to log on with your credentials on a different device, the app will demand more proof that it’s really you before granting access. The app might ask for a code it sends in a text or email. Or it might require a

Mike Feibus is principal analyst at FeibusTech, a Scottsdale, Ariz., market strategy and analysis firm focusing on mobile ecosystems and client technologies. Reach him at Follow him on Twitter @MikeFeibus.

REFRIGERATION Magazine │ January 2018 21


Ad Index American Ice Equipment Exchange, 21 & 23 Automatic ICE Systems, 8 Classified Ads....................................................................................................... 22 – 26 HawkEye Ice Co., 17 Ice Systems & Supplies Inc. (ISSI), 18 & 24 Ing-Tech Corporation (ITC), 10 & 22 Keet Consulting Services, LLC (KCS), 11

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Rates are $1.00 per word, with a minimum charge. Any blind ads, with an assigned box number c/o publisher, add $10.00. Deadline for upcoming issue is the 1st of the previous month.

KEITH Walking Floor, 10 Matthiesen, 5 Modern Ice, 25 & 27 Polar Temp, 28 Polar Temp Block Maker, 2

For advertising and listing information, contact Mary at (404) 819-5446 or

Polar Temp Express,







• Vogt Ice Machines



• VL - 510


• VLS - 510







• Strong existing customer base • $200K Annual Sales









WANTED VOGT 6000 to 1000 pounds capacity daily. Miguel A. Retamoza | 22 REFRIGERATION Magazine │ January 2018

• 3-Ton Stainless Steel Auger • Feed Ice Bin • 2,500lb Storage (Walk-in Freezer) • Isuzu MPR Refrigerated Box Truck • Turn-Key

Call (808) 384-7033 for more information. $80K

YOUR AD HERE To place a classified ad, contact Mary at (404) 819-5446 or



USED EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • L eer 4x8 Auto Defrost Ice Transport Unit With Trailer • Matthiesen Bagger Take-Off System, Less Conveyor • Matthiesen VLS, Bottom Load Bagger, Galv • Matthiesen VL510, Top Load Bagger, Galv • Belt Conveyor, Hytrol TA 6 • Belt Conveyor, Hytrol BA 10’ • Belt Conveyor, Hytrol TA 12’ • Belt Conveyor, Hytrol BA 16’ • 9x10 Galvanized Portable Screw Conveyor • 9x12 Stainless Portable Screw Conveyor

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Ice Max 3 Ton Moving floor Ice Bin MGR 3000SD Stainless Bin Mannhardt 2801 Ice Bin Vogt HE40’s 7/8 Vogt HE30’s 7/8 Vogt 118’s 5 Ton Ice Maker 7/8, W/C Vogt 118 5 Ton Ice Maker 7/8, W/C Turbo CF8SCER 2007 5 Ton Ice Maker Turbo BF40SC, 20 ton Ice Maker Turbo BF28SC 15 Ton Ice Maker Arctic Temp 4000 Lb Ice Maker Clinebell CB300 300lb Block Makers Clinebell S-60 Snow Cone Block Maker • Hamer 125 Bag Closers with Stands

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Hamer 125 Rebuilds Hamer 310 Form, Fill, & Seal Hamer 525 Form, Fill, & Seal Machine Vivian Manual Block Press Kalamazoo 4000M-SA Stretch Wrapper Amcot ST-25 Cooling Tower Marley 4821 Cooling tower 19x30x12T Walk In Freezer 10LB Ice Cans (45) 4.5” x 8” x 14”T Snow Cone Block Cans 16lb Wicketed “misprint” Ice Bags 5lb Wicketed Ice Bags 1/2HP Drop In Refrigeration Units


If you have discontinued ice bags or used equipment you would like to sell PLEASE CALL. SEE OUR USED EQUIPMENT WEB PAGE AT WWW.AIEEXCHANGE.COM. Call for surplus ice! Polar Temp Equipment Mike Landino - Toll free - 1-877-376-0367 E-mail (NEW ADDRESS): Don’t forget to call if you have a quality piece of used equipment for sale.

HARD TO FIND PARTS? Impossible to get? CALL FRANK! If he doesn't have it and he can't get it, it can't be found!

TRAILERS FOR SALE Two 1998 Pup Trailers – Road Ready $7,800 each

Contact Ruben Walden at (239) 936-3876 or


Large Selection of Parts for Compressors,

16ft gooseneck trailer with tandem 8000lb axles. 2hrs low temp condensing unit with cold plates. 7ft wide outside and 78” tall inside. Pulls great with pickup. Call for pictures. Hamilton, Ms. $7,500 OBO

Block Plants.

Call 662-319-7460

We buy all types of used ice making &


refrigeration equipment.

45 foot refrigerated trailer with electric refrigeration. Evaporator in trailer w/ 5 HP condensing unit on the ground. Great for cross-docking.

Compressors, Vilters, Eclips, MRI 90, York, Y & G Series HDI Compressors, Frick, York, Vilter ALSO


(386) 328-1687 | (386) 325-0909 (fax)

Tennessee Valley Ice Company Call Gary at (423) 698-6290

More Southeast classifieds on the next page » REFRIGERATION Magazine │ January 2018 23


SOUTHEAST (continued) USED EQUIPMENT FOR SALE • Turbo Tig 33 Ice Maker, 98 model • Mycom N6WB Compressors w/125 HP motors skid mounted with oil separators (used with Vogt P34AL ice makers) • Turbo CB38 Rake • Screw Conveyor Drive Packages for 9" and 12" conveyors (great condition) • Hammer RBC with conveyor • Stainless 9" and 12" screw conveyors • 21' Hytrol belt conveyor • Turbo CB87 with plastic chain and sprockets and stainless steel flights • Morris 18 ton Tube Cube Maker, R22, 2006 model complete with evap condensor 1" ice • Vogt 218, rebuilt in 2005, complete with cooling tower

"NEW" KAMCO PARTS Ice Systems & Supplies Rock Hill, SC Toll free (800) 662-1273 or (803) 324-8791



We are looking for a Plant Manager and a Refrigeration Tech for a distribution center in Southwest Louisiana.

Central North Carolina Southeastern Virginia

Resumes may be faxed to 337-238-5095, or e-mailed to Candidates may apply in person or mail a resume to: West Louisiana Ice Service, 1707 Smart Street, Leesville, LA 71496-1507.


45 year old business

Business 220 Rockingham to North of Martinsvilla, Va. 100 miles wide Wanting to retire in 2 years Interested parties call


FOR SALE ICE FOR SALE A Family Owned Ice Company

Tube Ice, 7, 10, 20, 22 lb Bags Over a million bags in stock. Shipped or Picked up PIQCS Plus Accredited Arctic Ice Inc. Call Steve Camenzind

(314) 989-9090

• Universal Vibrating Screen 3’x5’ with 7/8” Screen Openings • Hamer 540 Roll Stock Assembly

Please email at or call 920-231-7784 and ask for Tom

WANTED Used trailer to haul frozen foods – small, only up to 12'



• 36 " x 8' suction accumulator, 150# vessel good cond. • 9- 36" 2 hp direct drive fans, 220 volt • 3 evaporators evapco two fan, runs on ammonia, good condition • 200 amp three phase 240 volt,disconnect

Contact Jim Riley

231-218-5868 or

24 REFRIGERATION Magazine │ January 2018

ICE PLANT FOR SALE Well established plant, wholesale and retail sales in the Ozark Mountains. 45 ton production capacity. Excellent tourist area. Owner wants to retire.

Contact us at CONGR8@COX.NET



USED EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 1-800-543-1581 Ice Makers • Vogt Ice Maker – P24A • Morris Ice Maker • Vogt Ice Maker – P118 • Turbo Ice Maker – CAR120 • Turbo Ice Maker – CF40SCER • Vogt Ice Maker – P418 • Vogt Ice Maker – HE30 • Kold Draft Ice Maker

Merchandiser Parts for all brands at competitive prices.

(877) 984-5945

USED ICE MAKING EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Tig 85 SC, SN 941010, Alum panels Tig 33 SC, SN 910170 Alum panels CF 40 SC, SN 8325500 SS panels BF 3690, SN 7801300, SS panels Morris TNT SN 785-388 Alum panel

Packaging • Matthiesen Heat Seal Bagger • Matthiesen Baler (3 Available) •H amer Form, Fill, and Seal Machine - 310

Check our most recent inventory online at!

Contact Bob Morse @ Getchell Brothers, Inc. 800-949-4423,

Handling • Matthiesen Shaker Belt with Stand • Shaker •1 2” Stainless Steel Auger (Several Lengths) •1 2” Stainless Steel Shroud Trough Cover

EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Suction Accumulator - Chil-Con, Model #AA24084, 24” x 7’ high, with boil out coil – Like new condition $6,000.00


Receiver 12’ x 30” with warming loop used with Vogt ice makerLike new condition - $6,000.00

5, 7, 16 & 40 lb. bags. Water is lab tested for purity. Delivery or pick-up. Six generations of quality.

Toshiba 125 HP Motor, Premium Efficiency Contact Kyle at Long Island Ice & Fuel Corp.

(631) 727-3010 or (516) 790-6842

Long Island Ice & Fuel Corp.



40’ Frick herring bone coil & new coil 1,800 block ice 40 gal. cans, 50 36-can grids, 2 5-HP Pond Agitators 2 Shephard Niles 9–ton cranes, 40’ span, controls, spare parts

Call (631) 727-3010

• 140 ft. York herring bone • 4 ton bridge crane • Two Tuffy upenders • Perfection block scorers • Tip tables • 14 can filler Plus other equipment

50 ton Turbo TIGAR ice maker, 2 CB 50 Turbo rakes and controls Compressors: 150 HP FES screw, 350 HP Frick screw, 4 – CrePaco 100 HP recips. Accumulators, Surge vessels, receiver, valves & VFD controls 20 HP fan IMECO & 50 HP BAC evaporative condensers

Call Gary Evans, Clayville Ice Co., Inc.

Scott Memhard, Cape Pond Ice Company, Gloucester, MA

(315) 839-5405

Tel. 978-283-0174; email:


ICE FOR SALE Vogt Mini tube ice, 8, 20 & 40 lb. bags. All ice is screened, palletized & stretch wrapped.

Plastic liners for clear block makers - $1.24/ea Reusable drip pans – from $6.50/ea Over 500 items in stock for Ice Carvers

or (440) 717-1940

We deliver or you pick up. Our water is treated with ozone for sterilization. No chlorine added!

Martin's Ice Company

Phone (717) 733-7968 or fax (717) 733-1981 PA

REFRIGERATION Magazine │ January 2018 25




(1) Vogt P118 Reconditioned, runs on R404 Freon (1) Mini Tube Vogt, air-cooled 404 Freon (1) Mid Tube Vogt, air-cooled 404 Freon (1) Rebuilt CB P118 Call Charlie Bolton (Houston, TX)

(713) 643-0573 FOR SALE

2005 12 Ton Kamco Bin in good condition. $5000. Contact Greg LeBlanc at Orange County Ice, Bridge City, TX

(409) 920-0037 WANTED Vogt 6000 and Vogt 9000 Call Charlie Bolton Houston, TX

(713) 643-0573

4 P118 7/8 tube with cooling towers, 16 ton Kamco steel bin, 1 Matthiessen VLS top load bagger and 1 bottom load bagger. 4 Hamer 125 bag tiers Screw conveyors with drive motors

For information call Tom

(817) 475-2459 COMPLETE ICE PLANT FOR SALE P24 Freon Vogt w/ cooling tower (no compressor) P18 Freon Vogt w/ compressor (no cooling tower) Matthiesen 10 ton bin Screw conveyors from maker to bin Matthiesen bottom feed bagger

Visit for more info.

email call (210) 842-1977

WEST BUSINESS FOR SALE Full service ice manufacturing and water purification business for sale. Located in western Arizona on three parcels with living quarters consisting of one bedroom. Two 10-ton ice machines as well as commercial water purification system. Too many assets to list: trucks with refrigeration, store front with 24-hour vending, trucks with 10,000+ water tanks, over 60 ice merchandisers. Solid customer base in addition to seasonal contractors during growing seasons. Owners wish to retire.

Please call 928-859-4233.

26 REFRIGERATION Magazine │ January 2018

ICE CRUSHER/SNOW BLOWER FOR SALE Snow Blower-Tri-Pak 300lb. Block Ice Crusher/Blower on Tandem Trailer. Ford 300 Inline 6 Industrial Gas Engine Original owner, well-maintained, very clean, unabused machine! Will sling ice 70'. In Southern California.

Will ship anywhere!

$29,000 Call (661) 269-2093

Modern works with packaged ice clients who face increasing costs and require financing solutions and technical and engineering assistance to decrease downtime and increase their profits.

Modern helps those clients with sales and terms programs, the best equipment and automation solutions, our Freeze Force technical support team, and by utilizing the best buying practices and inventory controls. Contact us to review your critical concerns – we are the company to partner with to create solutions for your business!



Learn more about Modern at



28 REFRIGERATION Magazine │ January 2018

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