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The Masonic Homes for Seniors & Quadriplegics
Masonic Homes For Seniors & Quadriplegics
The Masonic Spring Ball is the primary fundraiser for the Masonic Homes. Here’s a closer look at the properties you’re supporting – and the lives you’re helping to change.
In 1974, RW Bro Andy van Niekerk OSM was appointed as Provincial Grand Master, Southern Division. In his installation address, he announced his vision to provide homes for seniors in need. Now, some four decades later and thanks to years of tireless hard work by dozens of Freemasons like RW Bro Geoff Burchell OSM, that vision is a reality.
Today, we own a block of flats for retired couples, three communal houses for retired single people and a communal home for quadriplegics. These properties are managed by Masonic Homes NPC, with the annual Masonic Spring Ball serving as the primary fund-raising event. The Masonic Home for Quadriplegics This specially equipped home caters for seven quadriplegics and two staff. GLSA Southern Division is fully responsible for the house itself, while the
Quadriplegic Association (QASA), under direction of Wor Bro Danny Retief, takes care of managing the project. Ted’s House
Our second Masonic Abbeyfield Home, located in
Rondebosch East, is managed by Lodge Hiram under the chairmanship of RW Bro Ronnie Smith. It houses seven residents.
Desmain Lodge
Our flagship property, this block of 13 flats in Plumstead, has become a Main Road landmark. The project is managed by MW Bro Geoff Edwards OSM, who is ably
assisted by Joan Halls.
Geoffrey Burchell House
This property in Bergvliet was our first Masonic Abbeyfield Home, and it set the standard for our future efforts. This Home is under the management of Wor Bro
Mike Burchell and caters for the needs of eight residents.
Andy van Niekerk House
Our newest venture opened in March 2010. Located in Bothasig, this property is our first Home for Seniors in the northern suburbs. It is managed by Wor Bro Jan Venter and caters for eight senior citizens.
2019 Pledges
Our sincere thanks to the many individuals who contributed to the success of last year’s Masonic Spring Ball, and who continue to support the Masonic Homes. In addition to the magazine advertisements, “bricks” and charity auction purchases, the following generous donations were made in the form of pledges at last year’s event.
Donor SPRING BALL PLEDGES + AUCTION - 2018 R Value Donor
Peter Duckworth Lodge de Goede Trouw Marius Botha Lodge de Goede Hoop Bridget Benadie Lodge Simon van der Stel Lodge Cape Town English Constitution PGL Northern Division Dennis & Daphne Benadie Lodge Mutual Camps Bay Lodge PGL Central Division Alf Brönner Keith Hutton & Gerry Bicknell Scottish Constitution Lodge de Goede Verwachting Brandon & Mari Topham Clinton Barendse Excelsior Lodge 368 IC Frans Appelgryn Gareth & Aimee Place Godfrey & Linda Place Haiko Ruperti-Campbell Jim & Margaret Duggan Lodge de Vereeniging Lodge Koh l Noor Lodge Royal Alfred Losie Jacob De Mist Scot Jordaan Bernard Neuhaus 50 000,00 20 000,00 20 000,00 12 000,00 10 000,00 7 000,00 6 000,00 5 000,00 5 000,00 3 000,00 2 475,00 2 100,00 2 000,00 1 500,00 1 500,00 1 500,00 1 700,00 1 000,00 1 000,00 1 000,00 1 000,00 1 000,00 1 000,00 1 000,00 1 000,00 1 000,00 1 000,00 1 000,00 1 000,00 1 000,00 1 000,00 du Toit van den Bergh Claudia & Michael Burchell Cyril Engelke de Oliviera Do Tui Tuanh Tam & Leon Shears Kenneth Marcus Lodge Johan van Riebeeck Lodge Unity SC Michelle Correia Simon Nash Star of the West Steve Horwood The Petronios Darren Bergman (LdGH) Lesley Symons Sheldon Topham Auction: Raymond Yosimbom Auction: Neels van Schalkwyk Auction: Krisna Keyser Auction: Attie