Drama: Edexcel 1DR0 GCSE Drama is all about understanding what it is like to be in another person’s shoes. Pupils will play many parts in different imaginary situations and will have the opportunity to create their own work as well as look at plays written by other people. As well as acquiring the skills involved in creating and performing Drama, pupils will also be able to acquire skills in working with others, problem solving and communication, making them more self-confident and preparing them to deal with a range of different situations and people. The course is in three parts: Component 1 – focuses on the production of an original piece of theatre based on a prescribed stimulus. You will also create a portfolio analyzing and evaluating your process and final performance. (40%) Component 2 – involves the production of an edited, published text and for performance to a visiting examiner. (20%) Component 3 – is a written exam based on your directorial and design ideas for a set text. (40%) The course is enjoyable for pupils who want to study a subject that is both practical and creative and who are keen to attempt making a play, performing, making costumes, building a set or operating the lights. Drama involves a lot of teamwork and is suitable for anyone who enjoys practical exploration and exploring the creative process. Drama also gives you the chance to explore how to structure and communicate your creative ideas in writing. The written elements of drama will introduce pupils to a wide range of theory and practitioners that contribute to the role performance makes to our diverse culture.