Selection for the Separate Sciences or Science (Double Award) Decisions regarding which examinations a pupil will be entered for when they reach the Hundred year, Separate Sciences or Science (Double Award), are made at the end of the Remove year, and this process, which is rigorous, is the responsibility of Dr Doyle, Head of Science, from whom further information may be obtained. Pupils will be offered advice on the most suitable approach for them following consideration of their Remove end of year examinations, Science beak comments and comments from Housemasters and mistresses. In terms of progression to A level, the majority of our Sixth Form scientists will have been prepared for the Separate Sciences. However, a number of pupils elect to study one or more A level sciences having come instead via the Science (Double Award) route. Parents and pupils should be reassured that it is perfectly possible to go on to study A level sciences regardless of the examination route taken at IGCSE. For further information, please contact the Head of Science.
Biology Our curriculum is based upon the Edexcel 9–1 International GCSE Biology (4BI1) qualification. In addition, the Biology department is responsible for delivering a substantial component of the College PSHE programme, and therefore also teaches pupils about a range of issues such as contraception, sexual health, diet, drugs etc. The following topics are studied: Shell: Cells – tissues – organs – systems; Photosynthesis and nutrition in plants; The foundations of a healthy diet; How enzymes work; Digesting and absorbing food; Ecology – organisms in their environments; Human impact on ecosystems.