1 minute read

The College Policy on Alcohol

The Master has the right to inform the Police of the possession, consumption or supplying of an illegal drug, since it constitutes a criminal offence. iii. If the only firm evidence that a pupil has been involved with illegal drugs is a positive test, he or she may be allowed to stay in the College provided that he or she: a. gives a written assurance to the Master, and to his/her parents, that he/she will not become involved with illegal drugs again; b. agrees to undergo tests for illegal substances at various times during his/her remaining school career.

The same undertakings will also be required of any pupil who, under very exceptional circumstances, may be allowed back after a first offence (see ii above).

Any subsequent offence, including a positive test result, will always lead to expulsion.

Alongside our sanctions policy is a constructive educational programme of lectures and discussions on illegal drugs as well as other important health issues such as alcohol, tobacco, diet and exercise.

Because of the widespread use and acceptance of alcohol in society, the College educates its pupils about the dangers associated with this depressant drug, while seeking to encourage a mature, responsible attitude towards it amongst all those who choose to drink alcohol. The College’s policy on Smoking, Alcohol and Misuse of Drugs and Substances can be summarised as follows:

(a) Education for all pupils about alcohol is covered by the PSHEE programme. (b) At College functions, private or public, involving pupils, the following code is adhered to:

Lower School: Alcoholic drinks are never supplied;

Upper School: No more than two pints of beer/cider or two glasses of wine will be supplied to any pupil on any occasion.

Soft drinks and water will always be available freely as an alternative to alcoholic drinks.

When a pupil moves into the Upper School they and their parents are invited to consider their behaviour in relation to access to alcohol, and sign an agreement acknowledging their responsibilities in respect of the College rules.

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