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Bursarial Matters: Insurance

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Fees Refund Scheme

The College has arranged a scheme which provides a refund of fees in the event of your son or daughter being away from the College by reason of illness or accident. A claim can be made if a boarding pupil is away for at least eight consecutive days and a day pupil for at least five consecutive days, including weekends and exeats. The termly charge for the scheme is 1.05% of the fees. This premium also includes Accidental Death cover for the fee payer to the value of five future terms’ fees. Details of the scheme will be sent to you during the Summer Term prior to your child starting at the College. Copies can subsequently be obtained from the Bursar’s office.

Personal Accident Insurance

The College contributes to personal accident insurance cover for all pupils. This provides compensation for a pupil should he or she sustain permanent injury. It provides cover 24 hours a day, all year round and world wide. Such injury should be reported to the Bursar’s Office. The premiums are included in the fees and details of the scheme will be available to view on the Parent Portal at the end of July.

Travel Insurance

The College holds an annual travel insurance which covers all pupils worldwide when they travel on any College organised trip. The basic premium is included in the fees but trips that feature activities excluded by the policy will be subject to an additional premium which will be passed on to individual participants.

Insurance of Personal Belongings

Whilst every effort is made to safeguard pupils’ personal belongings, the College cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to such items that might be kept at the College by pupils. Parents are asked to make their own insurance arrangements to cover all their child’s personal belongings including musical instruments, computers, radios, mobile phones and other expensive and vulnerable items which may be brought to school. Many household insurance policies will provide the necessary cover. Alternatively, you may wish to consider a personal possessions insurance scheme tailor-made for insuring your child’s possessions whilst at school or on the journey to and from school.

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