2 minute read


If a parent resident overseas obtains a specific undertaking from the College for the safekeeping of belongings during the holiday, liability can be accepted, but such an undertaking is only given in very rare circumstances.

Medical Cover

Normal medical attention (including admission to the school Medical Centre) is covered by the fees, and specialist/hospital treatment under the NHS will be arranged where necessary. Private medical treatment under such schemes as BUPA is the responsibility of parents.

The Medical Centre makes arrangements (with parental consent) for pupils to have physiotherapy. This is paid directly by the parent or re-claimed on personal health insurance.

A sheet detailing the current fees, including the charges for Music, Learning Support and Outdoor Activity weekends, is available on the Parent Portal. Any annual increase will be communicated to all parents, including those with children due to join the following academic year, before or just after the start of every Summer Term.

A. Other Extras

Unavoidable Expenses: a charge is made for such things as: Examination fees, stationery and books (see under Book Office opposite). Voluntary Activities: these include, for example: Trips to concerts or to the theatre, Form trips, House outings and entertainment and Duke of Edinburgh’s Award weekends.

B. The Chit System

Chits are issued by HMs, Dames or other authorised staff and enable pupils to add items to the termly account. These include purchases of uniform and games equipment from Crosby & Lawrence, books and stationery from the Book Office and haircuts from barber shops.

Aldbourne Taxis, Arrow Taxis, Marlborough Taxis and PD Taxis accept chits, which are only given for emergency travel. Transport to and from the College at the beginning and end of term and for fixed Privs (Exeats) is the responsibility of the parents. The College provides coaches to a number of destinations and these are booked by parents using the transport booking system on the Parent Portal before travel. The fares will be put on the end of term bill. Taxis can also be arranged on the transport booking system, with sharing encouraged, if no suitable coach is available. Charges for taxis will also be added to the termly bill. Please note: should a pupil regularly require a taxi to transport them at these times, parents are expected to open an account with one of the local taxi firms.

C. The Book Office

The Book Office provides the College, both pupils and teachers, with all their academic texts and stationery requirements. It also has a large selection of other sundry stationery items, printer consumables and stamps plus a small range of toiletries and snacks. Pupils are charged directly to their accounts via subject teachers or on production of a chit and a smartcard.

The Book Office also takes back a limited number of second hand books. They have to be in very good condition as most get heavy use by pupils for at least two years. They also have to be the right edition and required for the current syllabus. The numbers available for re-purchase are always small in relation to the number of books handed out to sets.


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