Academic Matters The College’s Academic Aims can be found on the College website. Structure Pupils who enter the College at 13 years of age spend three years in the Lower School (Shell, Remove and Hundred) and two years in the Upper School (Lower Sixth and Upper Sixth). The Lower School During the Shell year, all pupils follow a broad and balanced curriculum and the key aim is to develop good work habits for the future. As part of this mission, pupils are taught “Form”, in place of English, History and Religious Studies (details can be found in the Shell Curriculum Booklet or on the College’s website). At Christmas of the Shell year, a GCSE Curriculum Booklet is sent to parents to describe the various GCSE courses from which their children may choose and in late February, following the Shell Parents’ Meeting, pupils select their GCSE subjects. At the end of the Shell year, there are internal examinations: these provide a clear objective for pupils and, in streamed subjects, help to ensure that the setting is correct. At the start of the Remove year, pupils embark upon their chosen GCSE courses in earnest. GCSE examinations are taken at the end of the Hundred year. There is a Remove Parents’ Meeting in May to discuss progress and another set of internal examinations at the end of the Remove year. During the Hundred year, pupils complete their GCSE courses, including the appropriate coursework. There are Mock Examinations in January, followed by the Hundred Parents’ Meeting, at which there is a discussion both of GCSE prospects and of possible Sixth Form choices. The Upper School The College expects pupils to undertake post-16 courses which are demanding and of sufficient breadth to enable them to differentiate themselves in a competitive university admissions market. Pupils are encouraged to stretch themselves and to develop their abilities to the fullest and our Sixth Form Curriculum is designed to help them do just that. 23