Introduction from The Master Welcome to Sixth Form life, a time when you have the freedom to construct for yourself a stimulating and tailored curriculum which will help you to make key transitional steps towards life beyond school, whether that be to university, conservatoire or college, and ultimately towards your chosen career. The three key factors to consider in choosing your A levels should be: • your ability profile: what subjects do you excel at? • your academic preferences: what subjects do you enjoy? • tertiary entrance requirements: what subjects will get you to the next stage? The College’s Guidance department will be keen to offer you the latest advice to ensure that you make the best possible course choices and they will be ably supported by your subject teachers, Heads of Department, Tutors, Housemasters or Housemistresses and, of course, your parents. Many of you will elect to specialise in the sciences or humanities while others will choose one or more contrasting subjects to maintain a broader intellectual skill set. Both routes are equally valid but what is important is that you take the time at this juncture to research your options, preferences, strengths and course requirements to allow yourself the very best chance of success. I wish you every success as you design your own programme of study to reflect your talents and university and career aspirations, and would urge you to aim high, setting yourself the challenge of being the very best you can be.
Louise Moelwyn-Hughes Master