Irrigation made easy: Part 1
Principles of irrigation by Kevin Scott
It is important to understand the fundamental principles of irrigation to become a good farmer. In this series, we shall discuss all the steps and general practices to ensure that your crops will be satisfied and healthy, and reach their full potential.
plant is similar to an animal and human and also needs the following to survive: 1.
Principles of Irrigation 1.1 Why Irrigate?
A plant is similar to an animal in many respects, to live they both need: Food Food
Water Water
Air Air
A home A Home
An animal can always travel to find water.
Plants rely on water that comes to them. Without water both plants and animals will die. Soil is an important component in the irrigation process. During irrigation, many interesting and vital processes are happening in the soil underneath the crops. ProAgri Botswana / Namibia / Zimbabwe 08