ProAgri Zambia 31

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ProAgri technology for the farmer

Z a m b i a No 31


Seed Co breaks a record Zambia welcomes KSB Pumps

enfolds smallscale farmers

Falcon stands the test of time, generation after generation

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ProAgri Z a m b i a

technology for the farmer

No 31

Letter from the Editor



Seed Co breaks a record


he maize price crisis is not resolved yet, and this is so important that it already took a lot of my advertorial space and will probably take up a lot more in editions to come. “Maize is a poor mans’ crop.” I love this quote from the Green Party’s President, Peter Sinkamba, which he repeated recently. He is 100% correct, because there is absolutely no way that a farmer can make a living with K65 for a 50 kg bag of maize. This is surely a recipe for poverty. The increase of K5 per bag from last year will not improve the situation at all. ZNFU is constantly offering reasonable alternatives, but negotiations between the three stakeholders, ZNFU, the Food Reserve Agency and government, are going in circles. However, poverty is not the only concern. Famine might also be on the cards if farmers refuse to plant enough maize due to the low price… Maize production dropped 33,6% between the




2017 and 2018 season. During the 2017 season, maize farmers produced an impressive 3,6 million tonnes, but the expected tonnage for 2018 might be as low as 2,3 million. Luckily for the maize consumer, there is enough carry-over stock, but we shall definitely not be this lucky after this season. The solution is simple. Do not cage farmers in like in totalitarian countries. If government opens the borders for exports, everything will get back to normal. The willing buyer, willing seller principle will stabilise the industry. This month we look at the recent NAMPO-show in South Africa, which is growing bigger every year. KSB pumps opened a branch in Lusaka and besides our regular series, we started a new one on aquaponics. Farm smartly! Du Preez de Villiers






Bonnox has a fence for every need


Seedco breaks a record in Mpongwe


Sheep farming made easy: Part 7


Novatek: Dissolved oxygen – importance in fish farming


How to get started with aquaponics


Walk with us through NAMPO


ETG offers a lot at the Agriculture and Commercial Show


KSB Zambia opens Lusaka branch


Make more from your crops: Processing of oil seeds: Part 7


Spray to protect your crops: Part 7


Empowering women through plant breeding


Agrivi boosts performance the affordable way

ProAgri Zambia 31

Zambia welcomes KSB Pumps

enfolds smallscale farmers

Smallholder farmers have a lot to secure and protect. Bonnox invested a lot of research into manufacturing efficient fences. Read more about their various fencing products for almost every application on page 3.

ProAgri technology for the farmer

Z a m b i a

Office no. 3 Fens Investment Building Lusaka Show Grounds +26 (0)96-216-9801 Copyright © 2018. All rights r­ eserved. No m ­ aterial, text or p ­ hoto­graphs may be r­ eproduced, copied or in any other way t­ ransmitted without the written consent of the publisher. O ­ pinions ­expressed are not n ­ ecessarily those of the publisher or of the e ­ ditor. We recognise all trademarks and logos as the sole property of their r­ espective o ­ wners. ProAgri shall not be liable for any errors or for any actions in reliance thereon.

ProAgri Zambia Editor Du Preez de Villiers > +27 82-598-7329 General Manager and Distribution Zambia Quintus Grobler > +26-(0)96-216-9801 (WA only) South Africa + 27-078-978-6339 Reporters Annemarie Bremner > +27 82-320-3642 Benine Ackermann > +27 73-105-6938 Senior Production Manager: Zainab Pandor > +26 (0)97-769-9786 Marketing Xander Pieterse > +27 79-524-0934 Tiny Smith > +27 79-531-0024 Design Christiaan Joubert > Enquiries Lize du Plooy > +27 12-803-0667 Engela Botha > +27 12-803-0667 Accounts Ronel Keet > +27 12-803-0667 Business Manager George Grobler





ProAgri Zambia 31

Bonnox has a fence for every need by Du Preez de Villiers

Jacques Pretorius knows that since he erected Bonnox, his flock of Dorper sheep will only increase.


properly fenced off farm is a secure and organised farm. The same applies to smallholder farmers, since they experience the same challenges as larger farmers. Jacques Pretorius is a smallholder farmer near Potchefstroom in the North West province of South Africa, who swopped his truck for a flock of sheep. “I was in the livestock transport industry and dealt with contractors who erected Bonnox for the mines. I regularly transported their stock from the Bonnox factory in Pretoria to Potchefstroom,” he says. “Over time I grew to know the people at Bonnox and learned that their products are very durable. When I compared it to other brands, I realised that the quality is not the same. It is galvanised deeper. The Bonnox personnel were also very helpful and professional, which convinced me to buy a roll with every delivery, to erect my own fence on my smallholding.”

Three years ago, Jacques bought his first roll of Bonnox until he had enough for all his needs. He bought three different types. “Dorper sheep love to crawl underneath standard strained wire and I experienced a severe setback when they managed to get into my lucerne field. They bloated and many of them died. After I erected a 648 mm high Bonnox fence, that problem disappeared.” “One night, thieves stole the wheels from my truck and I fixed that problem with a 1 800 mm high fence along the road perimeter. I also placed two strains of barbed wire on top. Now it is almost impossible to scale and very difficult to cut. This was a brilliant suggestion from Bonnox, since I never had to face a burglary again.” “I also erected a 1 410 mm high fence between me and my neighbour. Before that, stray dogs attacked my lambs, but now Bonnox is keeping them out. Since I erected the Bonnox

fence, I haven’t had any problems.” Jacques used his existing anchor poles and only placed Y-standards and droppers in between. “I managed to erect the fence on my own, without any helpers. And it was a breeze! I made my own straining clamp and it worked very well,” he says. Jacques is particularly impressed with the ease with which different rolls of Bonnox are joined together. “I will not waste my money on buying other brands. When you erect Bonnox, you know you won’t have to touch the fence for another ten to fifteen years. Bonnox also has a very special offer. If you buy ten rolls, you get one free. It will be worthwhile to go for this special,” he says.

The 1 410 mm high fence between Jacques and his neighbours keeps out the neighbourhood’s stray dogs.

The Bonnox fence next to the road effectively keeps out thieves and burglars.

ProAgri Zambia 31

For your fencing needs, call 076-169-9068, 072-704-8764, 081 863 4543 or e-mail, or Also visit their website at 3


ProAgri Zambia 31

ProAgri Zambia 31


Seed Co breaks records in Mpongwe by Du Preez de Villiers

Jackson Kapumba, Farm Supervisor; Ryan Stassen, Commercial Sales Manager at Seed Co; Aaron Sekeleti, Tractor Driver; Elrina and Abri Botha; Pieter Janse van Rensburg, Abri’s partner and Adrian Chibanga, Head of Agronomy at Seed Co, can’t wait to see the final results of this record breaking maize harvest.


bri Botha is a farmer who challenges the norms. He farms in the Mpongwe farming block and a huge part of his crops is maize. Since the maize price is desperately low and fixed, and farmers will always be price takers, most commercial farmers do not want to touch it, but Abri plants maize every year. “I have always been in love with maize and it makes me excited, although I didn’t make a lot of money. It is always beautiful to see the colours when I drive into the farm and see the maize standing cheek by jowl and level as a table,” he says. Abri always believed that if he can increase yields sufficiently, he would make a profit. This season was his year for celebration. He made a huge success… with the help of Seed Co “I have 12 years of experience with

Seed Co in Zambia and I do my own trails where I compare Seed Co with other brands,” Abri says. “Seed Co’s maize proved time and again to be the superior product, and I became stuck on their exquisite SC 719 cultivar. Two years ago, Seed Co provided me with a new variety, SC 727. They claimed it to be even better than SC 719. I planted trials on different dry fields all over the farm, 600 hectares in total, with the old and new cultivar next to one each other for easy comparison. “The visual differences weren’t obvious, but as the combines drove next to each other, I could see the tanks filling up much quicker on the SC 727. Last year, I started to plant SC 727 on my whole farm. My farm average increased from 10 to 11 tonnes per hectare,” he says.

The proof is in the pudding with this freshly harvested SC 727 maize from Seed Co. 6

“This season, I started to think on how I could break the norms and increase the potential of my fields even more. I work with precision farming experts and agronomists, and many agriculturists visit my farm to give their opinions. My cob sizes used to vary and I experimented with basic nutrients to fix that problem. I applied more micronutrients and increased my nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. According to the experts, I could have added even more phosphates and potash, but this year my cob sizes look much better than previous years. I also added an extra aeroplane spray, which I don’t normally do.” Abri planted a population of 58 000 plants per hectare with a row width of 76 cm. He used a 12-row planter and started planting on 28 October. “Towards the end of October, we had a good downpour and I decided to start planting although it was a bit early. I finished planting before 25 November. Early in January we had no rain for three weeks and the maize reacted splendidly. This variety tends to grow too long, but the dry spell forced them to grow for a shorter time while the energy moved into the cobs.” Last season, his average cob weight was 300 grams, with one cob per plant and the pip weight was 0,54 grams. He estimated that this year it will be even better, and he will gain over 14 tonnes per hectare. ProAgri had the privilege to be present when Abri’s combine harvester entered his maize field for the first time this year, and the result was mind boggling. The yield monitor on his combine harvester showed up to 20 tonnes per hectare on some patches. Abri was targeting an average of 15 tonnes and he achieved that.

ProAgri Zambia 31

20,277 Tonnes per hectare... Adrian Chibanga, Seed Co’s Head of Agronomy says: “SC 727 is a semi dent white hybrid, registered at 140 to 148 days to maturity. It is GLS and MSV tolerant and handles drought stress well. Because it is a late maturing variety, it is also high yielding at 14 metric tonnes per hectare. A farmer will easily make a profit out of it in a region II and III rainfall area. Experiments are still being conducted to determine its performance in lower rainfall regions. We have done some yield thrust experiments on small plots of up to three hectares and SC 727 has shown potential of up to 21 tonnes.” Ryan Stassen is the Commercial Sales

One of Abri Botha’s brightest decisions was to plant Seed Co’s SC 727. The long and healthy stalks with big and uniform cobs confirmed the wisdom of this decision.

An important feature of a good maize cob is the pip to core ratio. Adrian explained that a farmer should strive to get the length of two opposing seeds to be longer than the diameter of the core. Abri managed to achieve this goal with ease. Manager at Seed Co and looks after Abri’s seed interests. He says: “We have to do something regarding the bad commodity prices on maize. As a seed house we want to boost our maize sales and farmers have to do crop rotation for their soil health. The only answer is to get higher yields per hectare, and this is either variety dependant or population dependant. We have excellent varieties genetically wise, but that by itself is not enough. We have to consider increasing plant populations. Last season we decided to do commercial population trails, and by planting higher populations, we could produce more cobs per hectare. That was exactly what Abri did and he found the sweet spot on pushing safe populations.” Seed Co’s representatives take pleasure in visiting their farmers around the country on a regular basis. “We saw quite an outstanding crop on Abri’s farm. He told us a little bit about the farming practices behind it. Instead of spending as little as possible on his crops, Abri dished out the nutrients. It is a solid proof that if you pamper it a bit more, the potential is there to obtain even higher yields,” Ryan says. “Abri’s harvest proved that in a plus 1 000 mm rainfall area, even at $150 a tonne, you will make a profit. If the price goes up to $250 a tonne he will earn serious money. What you lose on the price, you make up on the yields,” Ryan says. Abri says: “For the next season I want to plant SC 727 on half of my irrigated fields for weed management and if I am making the same profit as on my soya beans, it will benefit me and my farm.” “I think Seed Co’s maize, soya beans and wheat are the strongest in the country and regarding maize prices, the light is beginning to show at the end of the tunnel.”

ProAgri Zambia 31

Elrina and Abri Botha are committed maize farmers who employ outstanding practices to boost their yields. Seed Co recently treated some of their loyal customers to a farmers retreat weekend away. The weekend kicked off with a quick tour around the Seed Co facilities. The farmers were very impressed with the state of the art facility and the strict quality control measures throughout the supply chain process. The rest of the weekend was spent relaxing on a luxury houseboat on Lake Kariba. Some of the highlights were the jet skiing, fishing, golfing and hiking up a mountain with spectacular views of the lake. Seed Co’s maize seed is designed for the die-hard maize farmer. Contact Ryan Stassen at +26(0) 97-799-9014 for more information. 7

Sheep farming made easy Part 7: Systems and methods to treat and handle sheep waste


nimal waste is not something exciting to monitor on a regular basis. It can therefore easily accrue to unmanageable levels before anyone notices. This month we look at different methods to handle sheep waste. We thank the ARC Institute for Agricultural Engineering in South Africa who made their manual on sheep production and facilities available to the readers of ProAgri Zambia.

Systems and methods The handling of waste has come to the fore strongly the past few years resulting from the pollution potential of waste. The direct inlet of run-off water from feedlots and intensive production systems into rivers and streams is currently prohibited by legislation and it is the responsibility of the designer to ensure that waste is handled according to the prescribed norms and standards.

Figure 1: Handling of sheep waste 8

As production systems are intensified, stricter legislation is expected. The correct handling of waste will not only decrease potential pollution, but also diseases and unpleasant odours. Figure 1 shows a diagram of how waste is handled in the different production systems. Waste handling in systems with a large component of planted crops or natural grazing, is normally not a problem, because it is already spread over a wide area. A directive to be considered here to minimise diseases and pollution, is that no waste handling measures are necessary if the area utilised as grazing is large enough to maintain vegetation. In intensive systems, waste is handled according to the lay-out of the facility. Figure 2 shows the handling of sheep waste in an open feedlot system. In open feedlots, liquids are collected by means of a run-off control system, after which the solids are separated from the liquids in a sedimentation dam. Sedimentation dams are usually shallow structures lined with concrete to simplify the maintenance and cleaning process. The inlet to the sedimentation dam is bevelled to a fall of Âą 10% to make access for a tractor possible. See figure 3. The filter can be made of ordinary rectangular bales that hold back the solids and let the water seep through. As the effectiveness decreases, the bales are removed and replaced by new ones. The filter can also be a stone stratum consisting of a mass of small round stones that retains the solids and lets the water flow through. The stones must be sprayed clean regularly to prevent blockage.

ProAgri Zambia 31

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ProAgri Zambia 31

as possible and to prevent deposit of solids in the canals. The slope can then be graded to approximately 1% to the sedimentation dam. The size of the sedimentation dam can be calculated from: ~ surface approximately 1/40 of the total feedlot area. ~ volume 0,15 to 0,3 m3 for each 10 m2 of the feedlot surface (These values can be smaller in regions with a low to very low rainfall). More general and design information and directives are given in the manure handling manual of the ARC-ILI. Next month we shall look at feed handling and distribution. Published with acknowledgement to the ARC Institute for Agricultural Engineering for the use of their Sheep Facilities Manual. Visit for more information.

Figure 2: Waste handling in open feedlot systems The liquid flows from the sedimentation dam to a storage dam where it either evaporates or is pumped out by an irrigation system or other distribution methods onto nearby fields. Alternatively, the liquid can be led away to an infiltration dam or a vegetated area to evaporate or infiltrate there. The solids are immediately spread onto the nearby fields or stored in heaps for composting or later distribution. Maize


Figure 3: Concrete sedimentation dam

cobs covered with a layer of straw can be used as a basis for the dung heap. Directives for waste handling systems: • The infiltration dam in which the water is accumulated must be at least 100 m long and preferably have a slope of about 0,25%. The infiltration tempo of the region will decrease drastically with time and can cause problems if sedimentation dams are not used to remove solids beforehand. • The use of infiltration dams are only recommended for production systems with fewer than 750 animals. Alternatively, water must flow into storage dams and be sprayed out onto fields. • The slope of the first 20 m of the run-off control system must be approximately 4% to achieve run-off from the housing complex as soon

ProAgri Zambia 31


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Dissolved oxygen – importance in fish farming by Robert Kanyembo, Aquaculture R&D Manager


ormulated fish feeds are vital as they offer fish a balanced diet, which in turn promotes accelerated growth. Aquaculture as a business relies heavily on the shortest time to market because you have to consider the time value of money. What this means is that money that is available at the present time is worth more than the identical sum in the future due to its potential earning capacity. To tap into this ‘value of money potential’, the fish farmer can, for example, harvest sooner to create the potential for multiple harvests. As soon as the farmer is able to grow fish faster, the more money he will make. At a seminar I presented recently, I met two fish farmers who received fingerlings from the same supplier at the same time and both were feeding our Novatek Fish Feeds. At four months, there was a 120 g difference in fish growth weights (between these farmers) and they wanted to know why. The truth is that explanations for such scenarios do not lie in one single answer; there might be multiple factors at play. For instance, we often find the management aspect to be the determining factor for on-farm growth variations, but management encompasses a variety of other factors including pond, cage and tank management and how personnel are guided in maintaining ponds and fish stock density.

In this case, however, there was one parameter variation that was responsible for the growth differences, namely dissolved oxygen. To support aquatic life and enable tilapia to thrive, dissolved oxygen levels must be at least 5 mg/ℓ, and the temperature must be in the range between 25 and 32˚C. The farmer with the better growth had better water quality for his fish. He achieved this by employing a high frequency of water exchange in his fish ponds, thereby making dissolved oxygen readily available for his fish. Oxygen depletions can happen. They are typically associated with high water temperature, which can reduce the oxygen-holding capacity of water. Pond turnover is also very important as the upper 120 cm of the water column warms quickly and becomes less dense or lighter than deep water. Because the upper layer is warmer and lighter, it does not mix with the cool, deep water. The cool water near the bottom thus becomes stagnant and consequently depleted from oxygen. The farmer with the better growth had also manured his fish ponds well. Manuring fish ponds gives the water a green colour due to the growth of plankton, and in the presence of light this plankton produces oxygen as a byproduct. The oxygen is released into the water to be available to fish as dissolved

Robert Kanyembo from Novatek shows how healthy fish look like. One important contributing factor is enough oxygen. ProAgri Zambia 31

Joyce Chisenga from Zambeef in Chiawa, gives the right amount of fish feed for the right growth stage. oxygen, which enables respiration. Respiration is the process by which oxygen, carbon dioxide, acid and ammonia exchange take place through the gills of the fish. The fish then grow better and develop faster due to the higher levels of, for example, oxygen travelling through their gills. Thus, dissolved oxygen plays a significant role in the growth of fish. The farmer with the better growth achieved it by the simple management practices of frequent water exchange and manuring his fish ponds. However, it is important to remember that plankton consume oxygen at night and only release it during the day. Therefore, all farmers should exchange their water on a regular basis to get rid of the lower oxygen levels. As we can see, then, oxygen is at the centre of fish growth. It is not a given fact that when a farmer uses good feed and good fingerlings he will manage to get good yields; rather, it is the management practices employed that keep growth parameters optimal, which then leads to supreme performance. Please feel free to contact Robert Kanyembo at for all information on fish feeding and feeds. 13


ProAgri Zambia 31

How to get started with aquaponics 80%

of entrepreneurs starting a business fail within the first 18 months (Forbes) – this is a scary statistic for anyone looking to start a new aquaponic venture. In this series we shall cover principles that will increase your success rate and reduce your risk for failure. You don’t have to be part of the 80% that fail! Invest what you can afford to lose This statement is profound and can be summarised in two words, ‘start cheap’. In our aquaponic journey, we found that the vast majority of people are taking risks and chasing profits but neglecting the core principles that will ensure the longevity of their venture. Aquaponics is an industry that is riddled with business risks that you need to consider and then reduce. Consider the following smart ways (“aquaponic hacks”) to start off with: DIY projects We shall discuss two of the most popular DIY aquaponic systems, the gravitybased NFT system (made of PVC) and the CHOP aquaponic system. NFT stands for Nutrient Film Technique. The NFT system is ideal for anyone and everyone on a tight budget. As with most systems, there are a couple of things that you need to consider to optimise your system and increase plant growth: NFT system should only have exposure to diffused light. This means that you should not leave your system in open sunlight – diffused light will keep your water at a stable temperature and prevent your plants from being damaged. Please read the section on lights and plants as well as the importance of water temperature control.

PVC sizing is important to avoid blockages in your system Consider the root systems of your plants. Plants with large tap-root systems are more likely to lead to blockages in your system. On https:// you will find a video guiding you in the process of constructing your own NFT system. The CHOP (Constant Height One Pump) system is the most popular system among beginners as it is arguably the most efficient way to run an aquaponics system. This system, including it’s variant (Chop #2) is explained in detail by Murray Hallam who leads the industry in promoting commercial aquaponic systems. The picture below illustrates the typical CHOP system design (image by www.

Aquaponic starter kits Several companies specialise in developing ready-to-go systems that are perfect for your initial experimenting. These systems range in size and price. If you are not sure where to start, search on Amazon for an aquaponic starter kit for a small investment: Experiment and adapt With this mindset, flexibility and adaptability are a competitive advantage. You succeed not by becoming too fixated on a single goal or outcome, but by being responsive to changes in the environment. By starting small, you could have more than one experiential system, collecting data and analysing performance. The secret is optimisation in your country and climate – what works in Canada will not necessarily work in Africa. Consider light, humidity, legislation and temperatures in setting up your experimental systems.

The CHOP system was designed by Murray Hallam of Australia. “Greenhouse design – considering light” is an article that we wrote after we struggled to understand why certain greenhouse designs can only be found in certain climates; we didn’t take climatical differences into account. Understand what you do before you branch out and invest in something new – you might just find your niche in obtaining that in-depth understanding.

A NFT system can get you going to experiment with aquaponics. Photo: ProAgri Zambia 31

Networking “If you don’t have an ecosystem of people you can tap into for support, to help out with, say, finding talent or just making contacts, it’s 20 to 30 times harder to get your business off the ground.” – Bryce Keane, co-founder, 3beards. It is interesting to note that when looking at aquaponics, we are building an ecosystem, and the same principal should be applied to your business.


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sive breed with the idea to ultimately sell your fish. Conclusion Purposeful design, experiential farming and an investing mindset (“invest what you can afford to lose”) makes for success rate far above the 20% mentioned in the introductory paragraph. Apply the principles discussed above and you will increase your chances of success drastically. Make that profitable aquaponic venture a reality!

In this system around 30 different types of leafy vegetables and herbs are thriving together. Grow an organic network by reaching out to aquaculture farms, plumbers, botanists and any other persons who could add value to your venture and life. We started our business by reaching out to an aquaponic farm in South Africa, and they influenced some of the business decisions that we have made. They raised concerns and advised us when we needed guidance in our decision making, just like parents who are looking after the best interests of their children. Please support them by visiting their website; Build an ecosystem with purpose In this last section, we don’t want to advise you to start with certain plants or species as the purpose behind your system should be the driver here. In this decision, it is also very important to understand what plants will thrive in a mature system versus a new system. Plants that carry fruit tend to thrive in mature systems (for example tomatoes, cucumbers, and eggplants) where your leafy greens tend to thrive in either one (kale, spinach, lettuce, and herbs) due to the nutritional demand.

Let us break the intentions down in more detail: Commercial When your intention is to experiment with a small-scale commercial system, it would be wise to incorporate your envisaged fish and plant species. This will not only allow for comparable data, but it will ensure that you cross certain of the red tape in establishing your venture – in South Africa for an example we have to obtain numerous fish permits to farm with Nile Tilapia. This will make the transition from experiential farming to commercial farming smoother and it will promote informed decisions to be made. Residential When your intention is to feed your family, in any shape or form, it creates room for easier alternatives. Fish species like goldfish, catfish and koi make for excellent aquaponic fish species as they are hardy and can usually be obtained without the necessary red tape. These fish have different points of attraction – koi for example can be an investment if you invest in an expen-

Nile Tilapia is one of the best fish species to farm with commercially, as they are fertile, hardy, and grow fast. ProAgri Zambia 31

Microgreens can also be grown in aquaponics, explains Jeannette Molefe from Kleinskuur Aquaponics.

This article was published on Visit the site for many more interesting articles on sustainable living. 17

Walk with us through NAMPO N

AMPO is the biggest and one of the most important agricultural shows in Africa, if not in the world. The annual show is held outside the small town of Bothaville, in the huge western maize producing area in the central Free State province of South Africa. The show grows steadily in physical size as well as in exhibitor and visitor numbers. This year around 70 000 people attended the event over four days. ProAgri was present in full strength and we paid a visit to many interesting exhibitions:

When BIG solutions are needed, Agri Afrika is ready with their Great Plains, Ombu and many more implements!

Agrico is expanding its own series of implements drastically. At NAMPO they unveiled the new SB1000 fan sprayer (back) to the farmers. The chassis is fully galvanized, the tank is made of durable polyethylene and you can choose between an option of 630 mm for vineyards or 800 mm for orchards. Farmers were able to see the new Agrico high speed disc (in front) that works at 12 km/h. Each disc is spring-loaded and different rollers are available for seedbed preparation. Kindly follow the link to see the implement in action: https://youtube/7SiAuDZJfM4 18

Many farmers in Southern Africa depend on Falcon for making hay and cutting grass. Anna du Plessis and Bennie de Villiers from Falcon say with the help of the F60/450 Flexwing mower farmers can cut 4,5 metres wide faster with less tractor power and lower maintenance costs, and only need to lift the mower’s wings to move through the camp gates.

ProAgri Zambia 31


Falcon also distributes Amazon spray equipment and at NAMPO, the range of UF-mounted precision pipes with their slim tanks from 1 050 to 1 920 litres that fit snugly against the tractor, gained the most attention. With the FT 1001 front mounted tank, you can increase your fluid capacity with up to 1 000 litres.

Irrigation Unlimited demonstrated their wide range of products on a noticeably bigger stand manned by Barry van Wyk, Ryno Serfontein and Martin Uys. Their Ocmis water-driven irrigation systems attracted much attention from farmers.

LEMKEN caused a revolution in soil cultivation in South Africa as frontrunners in multifunctional seedbed preparation equipment that can – in one movement – cut through stover, incorporate it into the soil, level, reconcile soil and leave a perfect seedbed. The blue team at NAMPO consisted of Rudi Botha, Christo Prinsloo, Karel Munnik, Blackie Swart, Monia Shears and Jacobus Beyers.

The EGO battery system that will enable farmers, home owners and contractors to move away from expensive gas and electricity as power source for power tools, is also one of Smith Powers’ products. With two batteries you can work in the field the whole day because you can put the one on charge while using the other one. Smith Power, mostly known as the distributor of Kubota tractors, plays a growing role in the agricultural sector with a range of equipment that makes the farmer’s work easier from cultivation to storage. In addition to somewhat 40 traders that distribute Smith Power products, they are also opening up ten new branches nationwide: Stefan van Wyk (left) and Annemarie Bremner (right) from ProAgri shared the enthusiasm of Wally Berman, Managing Director of Smith Power, for the new Kubota M7-172 tractor which will easily make itself at home on any livestock or crop farm, with its unbelievable lift capacity of eight tonnes.

Not only does New Holland offer excellent after sale services, but their equipment is also of the best quality. Their CR Twin-rotor harvester made its way into the “Guinness World Book of Records” as the most powerful harvester with the biggest capacity in the market. The harvester that works hard but handles your grain gently, was seen at NAMPO. New Holland is growing in South African and is planning on becoming a market leader.

ProAgri Zambia 31

Dirkie Jerling is the designer of the wind pump tilting apparatus that gained her the first place in the B2 section (adapted tools) during the Omnia Farmers’ Patents competition. Her husband, Stan, supports her all the way. 19



CONTACT US TODAY Wise Sibindi +26(0) 21 122 7497 / Barry Hutchinson +26(0) 96 802 2320 /

ProAgri Zambia 31


All ProAgri’s readers wanted to know what the JOLT looks like – now here it is! Jaco Pieters from Rumax, who built the electric bakkie for the farm, said he had to be careful or some of the farmers would just climb in and drive away with the bakkie. Each wheel has its own electric motor and you just have to remember to charge it once a week.

Sharon Kock and her husband, Anton, are the owners of Ember Down, a down processing plant on their farm outside of Ficksburg. They contract out their goose farming and they use the down and fine feathers to manufacture jackets, slippers, pillows and duvets. Nthabeleng Mokoala (left) is their dashing saleslady.

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ProAgri Zambia 31

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ProAgri Zambia 31



ProAgri Zambia 31

ETG: What to look out for from us at this year’s Agriculture and Commercial Show “S

ustainable Economic Empowerment” is the theme of the 2018 Agriculture and Commercial Show, and ETG has much in stock for their esteemed customers. For some years now, ETG has been successfully participating in the Agriculture and Commercial show, not only for the company to promote its business, but also to assist farmers in expanding in their farming activities. ETG is best known for its unique blended fertilisers and various agrochemicals which contribute significantly to the upliftment of farmers. In a bid to continue contributing to the success of farmers and the agriculture sector at large, they will display their products yet again at the upcoming show in a more innovative manner. The ETG staff agronomists will also offer other advanced agronomic services for the benefit of their valued customers. The expert agronomists will present training programmes for their customer farmers. The training sessions will cater for both small-scale and commercial farmers. The training will be based on the following: • What are blended fertilisers? • How to use veg mixes such as Veg A, Veg Mix B, Veg Top 24 and 32 • Timing of application and advantages of vegetable mixes • How to use chemicals effectively • The best time to apply chemicals • How to do soil sampling • Advantages of using water soluble fertilisers • Safety during handling of chemicals and other related topics • Advantages of using Kynoplus compared to ordinary urea • The benefits of buying Lima packs The platform will also be open for discussions on all other products offered by ETG. There will be ample time for farmers to ask questions, and the agronomists will be available to respond to all the queries. 50% discount! In addition to that, the sales team will offer most of the products at a 50% discount to farmers who visit the show. The team will also hand out soluble foliar fertilisers such as one kilogram bags of Veggie Oemffs (Veggie Oemff Starter, Veggie Oemff Grow and Veggie Oemff Fruit/Flower), and Kynoplus for free to customers who interact with the agronomists. Moreover, as farmers are preparing for the season, ETG will also offer them a package called ‘Lima pack’. This package contains all the inputs required for one season’s crop production. For example, ETG has a Soya pack which consists of the following: seed, fertilis-

ers, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and foliar fertilisers. The whole idea of offering such a pack is to encourage more farmers to diversify. Farmers usually engage in mono-cropping for a number of years due to various reasons. This practice tends to affect their income and food security. However, with the launch of the various ETG Lima packs, farmers will be able to venture into production of different crops and thereby increase their income. Furthermore, ETG, in conjunction with the Zambia National Service (ZNS) will prove on the demonstration plots how the best results can be achieved with a variety of crops by using the blended fertilisers (soil specific, crop specific, lime enriched and organic enriched). The crops and fertilisers to be featured include: Tomato production • Veg Mix A as basal fertiliser • Veg Top 24 as top-dressing fertiliser Tomato hybrid varieties • Tomato Basal as basal fertiliser • Tomato Top as a top-dressing fertiliser Cabbage production • Cabbage Basal as basal fertiliser • Cabbage Top as top-dressing fertiliser


Rape, Chinese cabbage, lettuce, broccoli • Veg Mix B as a basal fertiliser • Veg Top 24 as top-dressing fertiliser Onions, carrots, beetroot • Veg Mix C as basal fertiliser • Veg Top 24 as top-dressing fertiliser On top of that, farmers will be given the following guidelines on herbicides: • The best practices in using herbicides • Time of application • Dosage • Different types of herbicides one can use in different crops • Different herbicides supplied by ETG ETG announced that this year, their team will not operate from its usual stand no 10 opposite Zambia Sugar Ltd, but it will occupy its newly allotted stand no 7 adjoining the Zambia National Service (ZNS) demo plot next to the livestock section. ETG invited all the farmers to visit their stand during the show to gain much needed product knowledge and receive other important agricultural information that will help them to greatly improve their farming activities.

Contact details


ETG Kafue


ETG Mazabuka


ETG Monze


ETG Choma


ETG Kalomo




ETG Mumbwa


ETG Chongwe




Eastern Province

ETG Petauke


ETG Katete


ETG Sinda


ETG Chipata


Central / CB Province/ NW 0967694248

ETG Kabwe


ETG Kapiri


ETG Luyansha


ETG Mpongwe


ETG Ndola




ETG Chibombo













ETG Mkushi


ETG Serenje


ETG Mpika


ETG Kasama


ETG Mbala


ETG Chinsali


ETG Isoka







Muchinga / Northern Province/ Luapula Province






















ETG Chinika







The Rubin 12 from LEMKEN is the ideal tool for mixing in large quantities of plant material evenly into the soil, thanks to the large 736 mm disc and a unique dual-angle to the soil. It is equally at home in hard soils. The hydraulically adjusted following rollers accurately control the working depth and crumble and firm the soil to leave behind an ideal seedbed.

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The Karat 9 from LEMKEN is capable of loosening and mixing the soil at the same time thanks to the unique tine spacing. This means the soil is loosened and aerated while large quantities of plant residue can be mixed in without plugging up. Thanks to the share quick change system from LEMKEN and the accurate depth control it is easy to always work at the right depth with the correct share. Contact your nearest area sales manager to find out more about LEMKEN Karel Munnik, director + area sales manager, 082 412 2577, Blackie Swart, area sales manager, 082 404 9651,

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Maintenance free overload system for tines Working depth of 5-30 cm Available in 3-7 m working widths Heat treated wearing parts for longer service life

KSB Zambia opens Lusaka Branch with a new range of submersible borehole pumps by Limose Musungu

Achim Burkart, German ambassador to Zambia (middle) is very impressed with the work of the KSB managing team, consisting of Fanus Terblans, Lusaka Branch Manager; Clinton Knott, Country Manager Zambia and Botswana; Andreas Gremels, Manager Southern Africa & Dealers Sub-Sahara Africa, and Desmond Dreyer, Technical Sales and Field Service.


that needs or may need our products and services.” The newly launched UPAchrom 100 CN (50Hz) submersible borehole pump from 100 mm (4 inches) has been tested and proved to meet a high quality standard. This pump is efficient. It has an integrated check valve, ensuring minimum pressure loss, and optimised hydraulics. It is suitable for installation in narrow, deep wells, for vertical, horizontal or inclined installation. The borehole pump is suitable for drinking water, needs zero maintenance due to hydrodynamic bearings, and its motor has been rated for maximum pump output. It offers a low-noise operation and a hermetically sealed motor which eliminates the risk of contamination. This high-quality pump is corrosion and wear resistant due to the quality materials and components used to manufacture it. The pumps have a capacity of up to 24 m3/h, at a discharge head of up to 300m with power rating up to 7,5 kW, and can handle fluid temperatures of up to 30 °C. KSB’s motto is ‘Our technology; your success’. Their services include pump and valve products for domestic water supply systems, general irrigation and spray irrigation systems, lowering of groundwater levels and pressure boosting. The company also provides pumps for air-conditioners, firefighting systems and cooling circuits for various customers, as well as a full range for mining, petro chemical and chemical applications. KSB is one of the leading providers in its field, and is close to its customers. The The newly launched UPAchrom 100 CN company is famous for the (50Hz) submersible borehole pump comes production of valves since in a neat kit to put an end to any farmer’s 1872 and pumps since 1873. pumping problems. ith the goal of ensuring quality products and customer satisfaction, KSB is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of pumps and valves. They’ve recently extended their Zambian operations to Lusaka, with the new branch located in Kafue Road. The German company, established 1871 in Frankenthal, has been in existence for over 140 years and provides a comprehensive range of products and services. Having opened its doors in Kitwe last year, the company is growing, has gained trust and established a wide market, which enabled them to open the new branch. Andreas Gremels, Manager Southern Africa & Dealers Sub-Sahara Africa, says the company is committed and dedicated to providing high quality products and reliable service to the Zambian market. Mr Gremels said: “We aim to ensure customer satisfaction. We enjoy doing business in the country and we shall definitely expand to other parts of the country. Our target group is everyone

ProAgri Zambia 31

Over the years, they have established branches and presently, they are operational in Europe, Asia, the Americas, Oceania, the Middle East, and Africa. With its many production and assembly sites in 16 countries and a tightly knit global sales and service network, KSB has over 15 500 employees in more than 100 countries. The company manages 170 service centres worldwide and has over 3 000 service staff members who provide inspection, maintenance and repair services for pumps and valves, as well as spare parts. Currently they have a service center in Kitwe and will also open one in Lusaka in the coming months. The KSB brand stands for technical expertise, excellent quality and maximum reliability, and promises technology that drives success. During the official opening of the Lusaka branch, the German Ambassador to Zambia, His Excellency Achim Burkart, said: “It is proof that quality products ‘made in Germany’ are very much appreciated throughout the world at large, throughout Africa and also throughout Zambia.” He noted that Germany was uniquely connected to the world, and its foreign trade is a central foundation of growth, competitiveness and employment. KSB in brief: Products and services include: Pumps and valves for process and industry engineering, rock-solid transport solutions, inspection and maintenance of products (KSB supplied), water transport, waste water treatment, energy, building services and many more. The benefits KSB products: High operating reliability as all components are made of high-quality materials, optimised in hydraulic design which enable high efficiency, highly flexible in vertical, horizontal and angular installation options, reliable operation by anti-jam lift check valves, motors selected for maximum pump performance, service-friendly bearings and casing wear rings that are easy to replace, and low noise emission.

A wide variety of pumps and motors are ready for customers to pick up at KSB’s new Lusaka branch. Contact the KSB Kitwe office at +260-968-670-002 or the Lusaka office: +260-967-330-851 for more information. Visit their user-friendly website at 27



124 Ridge Road, Laser Park, Honeydew, Ext 15, Gauteng P O Box 4012, Honeydew, 2040, South Africa Phone: +27 (011) 794 4455 | Fax: +27 (011) 794 4515 Email: | Website:



Make more from your crops Processing of oil seeds Part 7: Soya ice cream By Theresa Siebert, Petrus Britz, Pr Eng and Agrelek



oya ice cream is a great substitute for people who suffer from lactose intolerance. It is classified as Paravine, in other words, a non-dairy frozen dessert. It resembles traditional ice cream, but contains soya protein products instead of milk protein. It is thus a dairy analogue with several health advantages including zero cholesterol, zero lactose, low calories and saturated fats. We thank the ARC Institute for Agricultural Engineering in South Africa who made the information available to the readers of ProAgri Zambia. Product description: Soya ice cream Soya ice cream is prepared in the same way as dairy ice cream, but replaces the dairy cream with tofu, soya milk and/or soya isolates. Other typical ingredients include water, high fructose corn sweeteners, soya oil or vegetable oil, fruits, flavouring, soya lecithin, vegetable gums, salt and colourants. It may or may not contain egg. All other standards of identity are similar to ice cream. The quantity and quality of each ingredient used in the formulation of an ice cream mix is a crucial factor in the

quality of the end product. The processing conditions play an equally important role in the success of the product. Soya proteins: Soya milk is the main ingredient of soya ice cream. Fortification and formulation of the soya milk is necessary to obtain 10% total solids and 4,5% protein content. A good quality soya milk is required to produce good quality ice cream. Any off flavours that may be present in the milk will also be noticeable in the ice cream. (See report on “soya milk” for preparation details.) Sweeteners: Generally, a mixture of dextrose, maltose and glucose is used to sweeten soya milk and to increase the solids content. Cane sugar and corn starch syrups are used. Sweeteners reduce the freezing point while it improves the volume, texture and shelf life of products. Vegetable oils: Vegetable oils contribute to the taste, texture and colour of the product. It is also a source of fat. Hydrogenated cocoa

ProAgri Zambia 31

oil is highly saturated and resembles dairy fat very closely. Therefore, it acts in a similar way as dairy fat regarding freezing properties, mouth feel and flavour. Other common vegetable oils that can be used include sunflower oil, maize oil and soya oil. These are polyunsaturated fats and act differently in the ice cream formulation. Stabilisers and emulsifiers: The primary function of a stabiliser in ice cream is to reduce the formation of ice crystals during storage, thus ensuring a smooth texture during storage and product uniformity. Stabilisers also increase the yield of the ice cream by increasing and stabilising the volume of air whipped into the mix. The percentage of volume increase in the mixture is referred to as the “overrun” and varies between 70 and 100%. Examples of stabilisers used in soya ice cream include gelatine, sodium alginate, cellulose, carrageenan, locust bean gum, guar gum, and pectin. The level of stabilisers added to the ice cream mix varies between 0,2 and 0,3%. Soya lecithin is also added as an emulsifier 29



A nutrient absorption enhancer.


ProAgri Zambia 31

cream mixture is homogenised at 82째C and in two phases, at 3 000 psi and 1 500 psi respectively. Cooling and ageing of the mixture The homogenised mixture is cooled to 4째C in a plate heat exchanger and pumped to an insulated, temperaturecontrolled tank. Here it is kept at 4째C for 3 to 24 hours to age prior to freezing. Various reactions take place during ageing, including the hydration of stabilisers and proteins, crystallisation of fat droplets and increased viscosity.

Soya ice cream. Photo: to ensure that the oil and water (milk) soluble ingredients are mixed into a stable, homogenous dispersion (emulsion). Approximately 0,1 to 0,2% emulsifier is added to the ice cream mix. Other emulsifiers such as mono and diglycerides can also be used together with lecithin. Flavours: The addition of flavours of good quality is an important step. Soya ice cream comes in a wide range of flavours, including vanilla, chocolate and strawberry in the USA. A cream or butter flavour is also typical of soya ice cream.

pre-mixed ingredients are added. The high temperature aids dispersion and hydration of the various ingredients. Heating also pasteurises the mixture. Homogenisation of ice cream formula Homogenisation is the process whereby a fluid is forced through a very narrow opening under high pressure. It aims at breaking up fat globules, reducing them in size and thus ensuring their suspension throughout the liquid. Homogenisation prevents the separation of fat and aqueous phases and produces a stable emulsion. The ice

Flavouring of the ice cream mix Although some of the flavours can be added to the mix during blending, volatile flavours should only be done after ageing to best preserve their aroma. Permitted colours, flavours, fruit concentrates, cocoa et cetera are mixed into the aged ice cream mix. Mixers with a gentle stirring action are used to blend all added ingredients into the ice cream mix. Freezing of the ice cream mix The main purpose of the first freezing process is the formation of small ice crystals and the incorporation of air into the mix. This is achieved by special scraped surface freezers with capacities of 100 to 3 800 litres per hour, which allows for rapid freezing and the

Other ingredients: Salt (sodium chloride) may be added to improve certain properties of the final product. Preparation of ice cream formula Soya milk is mixed with water and heated to 82째C before the oil and other

Soya ice cream. Photo:


ProAgri Zambia 31


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formation of small ice crystals. Rapid freezing is desirable for the texture of the final product, which is correlated to the size of the ice crystals. A large number of small crystals are desirable since they cannot be detected in the mouth and create the impression of a smooth, creamy texture. The ice cream mix enters the freezer and is chilled by cold, compressed air that is incorporated into the product while it is being frozen to –6°C. The freezer agitates the mixture continuously with scraper blades that scrape the thin layer of frozen product off the side, while beaters mix the ice crystals with the unfrozen mixture to seed the mixture with small ice crystals. The residence time in the freezer is only about 30 seconds. The compressed air that is incorporated into the mixture increases the volume of the final product with 70 to 100%.

Packaging and hard freezing of soya ice cream The ice cream is immediately filled into the retail containers, sealed and taken to freezer rooms. Here it is hard frozen at –20°C for six hours. Retail containers are generally plastic tubs of various shapes and sizes with resealable plastic lids and paper labels. It is very important that the packaged product should be kept at –20°C or below throughout storage, transport and display to maintain the aerated and fine crystallised texture. Labelling of soya ice cream The containers should be correctly labelled according to the Labelling and Advertising Regulations. All added ingredients must be listed. The storage requirements and expiry date of the product should be clearly displayed on the container.

Soyamilk & other ingredients


Next month we shall look at soya milk. Published with the acknowledgement to the ARC Institute for Agricultural Engineering for the use of their manuals. Visit www.arc. for more information.

Soya ice cream Table1: Process description - Soya ice cream ProAgri Zambia 31

LITERATURE SOURCES 1. Applewhite, TH. 1989. Vegetable Protein Utilization in Human Food and Animal Food Stuffs. 2. Lui, KeShun. 1999. Soybeans: Chemistry, Technology and Utilization. Gaithersburg: Aspen Publishers, Inc. 3. Snyder, HE & Kwan, TW. 1987. Soybean Utilization. 4. Tanteeratarm, K. 1992. Soybean Processing for Food Uses. 5. Marshall, RT & Arbuckle, WS. 1996. Ice Cream, 5th ed. New York: Chapman & Hall 33

Spray to protect your crops Part 7: Use the right nozzle

Compiled by J Fuls (Pr Eng)



ProAgri Zambia 31


lot of design and development goes into sprayer nozzles, since spraying is an exact science. Placing the right amount of chemicals with the right pressure and drop size in the right place is essential to produce healthy crops. This month we look at various nozzles and how to use the knapsack sprayer for optimal spraying results. We thank the ARC Institute for Agricultural Engineering in South Africa, who made this article available to the readers of ProAgri Zambia. Use the right nozzle Each nozzle is designed for a specific job. This means that they do not all spray in the same way. Some nozzles are intended to form more large droplets than small droplets, like the “flat fan” nozzles”:

These should be used for spraying weeds.

With a short spray on clean and dry ground, standing still, with no wind, one can get an idea of the kind of nozzle you have.

Other nozzles are intended to produce small droplets:

The picture on the ground will look like one of these above.

These nozzles are used to kill insects and fungi on plants. Two kinds of “flat fan” nozzles are available. One will spray evenly on the ground and the other is intended to spray unevenly, even though the nozzles may look alike. If one were to spray over a row of glasses, the water collected in the glasses will be like below:

Nozzle size Within the same kind of nozzle, the hole size of nozzles also differs. A nozzle with a bigger hole will deliver more water at the same pressure. If the nozzle is too big, you will have to pump faster to spray correctly. The tank will be empty very soon and a lot of refilling will be needed. Nozzle spray width The width that nozzles cover also varies. If a nozzle only covers a narrow band at a time, one would have to hold the nozzle high to get the required spray width.

ProAgri Zambia 31

Holding the nozzle high may be uncomfortable for the operator and there is more chance for the wind to blow the spray away. Next month we shall look at uneven and even spray nozzles. Published with acknowledgement to the ARC Institute for Agricultural Engineering for the use of their manuals. Visit for more information. 35

Empowering women through plant breeding Women play a very important role in agriculture and in the secondary value chain.


Dr Tufan says the NEXTGEN Cassava Gender Responsive Cassava Breeding Initiative is not just about being gender inclusive or breeding better cassava; it is about going to the female farmers and identifying the traits they are looking for in a cassava crop, and then breeding for those traits. “We focused on a trait called softness, a cooking time issue, and it matters to both men and women,” Dr Tufan says. “Having cassava that cooked more easily and was softer was a winwin for everyone. We identified that need and developed measurements for

hile plant breeding has historically focused on improvements to a plant’s immunity, productivity, or quality, researchers are increasingly looking to understand and enhance traits which make crops more attractive to both men and women. Male and female farmers are just like consumers in that they look for certain traits that make planting and harvesting easier in terms of their roles and responsibilities in the value chain. Female farmers might need crops that are easier to harvest manually, or they might look for reduced cooking times in tuber crops.

Dr Hale Ann Tufan, a Turkish native and plant scientist with NEXTGEN Cassava, works with the Gender Responsive Cassava Breeding Initiative which focuses on certain trait preferences that help female farmers and consumers in sub-Saharan Africa. “As a researcher, you focus on gender issues and agricultural research in terms of a researcher’s perspective,” Dr Tufan says. “The NEXTGEN project received funding to do gender research on how women are involved in cassava production and what their needs and constraints are in that sense.”

Dr Hale Ann Tufan

Gender-responsive Researchers Equipped for Agricultural Transformation (GREAT) is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Photo:


ProAgri Zambia 31

it, so the programmes could breed for the softness trait.” In her mission to address genderspecific needs as part of plant breeding and research implementation, Dr Tufan established Gender-Responsive Researchers Equipped for Agricultural Transformation (GREAT). She is now the principle investigator for the project and says the idea emerged from NEXTGEN as a training mechanism to bring together social scientists, biophysical scientists, breeders, and agronomists, and encourage them to think of the gender question together. “The programme was started because I was desperately trying to get the breeders I worked with to go to a gender training course, but absolutely could not find one that fitted,” Dr Tufan says. “We began to think that we should create one if it isn’t there.” GREAT is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and is in its third year of operation. Dr Tufan says the programme’s model has led to holistic solutions of bringing together individuals from the entire research and development chain of food crops. Their vision — GREAT equips researchers to create more inclusive and effective agricultural systems by addressing the priorities of both women and men in sub-Saharan Africa — speaks of Dr Tufan’s work and the work that still needs to be done with gender in the industry. “Being gender responsive means challenging and questioning your own norms and assumptions about whose voice is heard, who has the power to

decide, what data are we basing our assumptions on, and ultimately: who benefits and how?” Dr Tufan says. “As researchers, even if we ask ourselves one of these questions, we may uncover kernels of truth that can lead to unravelling our most firmly held assumptions. That is when the real learning and transformation begins.” Programmes like this are essential to women who are farming in areas like the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa. On small-scale farms with limited access to modern farming techniques, the innovation that comes from genderresponsive breeding is not only empowering from a confidence and decisionmaking standpoint, it is financially empowering as well. In some instances, women can only sell to other women within their own communities, and if they are growing and selling products that don’t cater to the needs of their client base, their income will suffer. True gender equality requires empowerment across the board for researchers, growers, and the consumers. To address what still must change, Dr Tufan says there are multiple projects in the pipeline, as well as one that has already been funded, which takes the concept of capturing the farmer’s needs and creating a crop that addresses those, this time in root and tuber crops like bananas and potatoes instead of cassava. Future projects like this one will further enable the gender conversation during the breeding process and will help the women who need these innovations.

ProAgri Zambia 31

We thank Croplife for giving ProAgri Zambia permission to publish this article.


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