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Let Tal-Tec and eWeigh be your solution for traceability

Let Tal-Tec and eWeigh

be your solution for traceability


Tal-Tec has been supplying farmers with durable cattle handling equipment since 1972.

Create a better future for your livestock by knowing your animal's history. Be part of the solution in the world’s food value chain by enhancing the traceability in the livestock industry through the use of eWeigh and iLivestock powered by Tal-Tec. By just marking your animals with your registered brand mark and a numbering system, you can start the process of creating a database on your farm. Tal-Tec has a solution to manage this data system/application namely iLivestock and eWeigh. iLivestock is a smartphone app that connects wirelessly to your scale and reader. Your ear tags, brand mark or electronic tag can be recorded onto your smartphone.

The latest technology allows you to trace your cattle’s growth every time they are weighed by storing the data digitally.

With iLivestock and eWeigh you can weigh, upload a photo and then store the animal's number along with all the necessary information. Typical information that can be stored includes gestation periods, when the cow will calf, birth dates, inter-calving periods, calving weight and calf number. Even GPS coordinates can be stored so you can track where you last worked with your animals or where they originate from. You can also record the genealogy of your herd. All the calf's information can be recorded from weaning weight, weaning date or days to weaning. Daily weight gain and inoculation schedule are some of the many fields of data that can be captured. Tal-Tec is South Africa's leading manufacturer of innovative livestock equipment. Designed and manufactured at their factory in Brits in the North West Province of South Africa, all their products are built to withstand the rigorous conditions experienced by farmers in Africa. Equally important to Tal-Tec is that they listen to their customers and continually implement improvements and enhancements to the tried and proven products. The result is an unmatched range of productive, durable products for livestock farmers. If it carries the Tal-Tec brand, you can be sure it carries a guarantee of superior quality and reliability. Tal-Tec serves the local and regional markets of Southern Africa, but also welcomes

Greg Talbot, owner of Tal-Tec shows what you need to use the eWeigh system. The cattle crate, eWeigh instrument, ear tags and ear tag reader are all you need to receive the information on your phone.

enquiries from other parts of the African continent. Tal-Tec has been in operation since 1972 and has always kept up with the latest demands from the agricultural market. That is why they have adapted to the new demand of traceability using the iLivestock and eWeigh systems. Tal-Tec is dedicated to providing quality products that meet the changing needs of cattle farmers throughout Southern Africa. So, be a leader in the livestock traceability field with Tal-Tec and eWeigh.

For more information phone TalTec on +27(0)12-250-2188 or +27(0)66-299-7939, or send an e-mail to sales@taltec.co.za and visit the website for the full product range at www.taltec.co.za.

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