4 minute read
Bayer shapes the future of agriculture through innovative products
from ProAgri ZM 64
by ProAgri
Bayer shapes the future of agriculture through innovative products by Jaco Cilliers
Improving production and profits while minimising expense and effort is every farmer’s goal. Bayer understands this and continuously develops products that will enable a farmer to achieve these goals. That is why Bayer introduced new crop protection products to the agricultural market. These products are specifically focussed on the tobacco and cotton industry and were brought to Zambia after being applied successfully in other African regions. With the introduction of SIVANTO Prime and Vayego 200 SC, the farmers of Zambia will be able to effectively control sucking and chewing pests on their tobacco and other crops.
How does it work?
Each of these crop protection products was specifically formulated to target certain pests on crops such as tobacco and maize. The reason for the specificity is to minimise the risk to beneficial insects such as bees. • Sivanto Prime was developed to target aphid infestations in tobacco crops. The active ingredient is Flupyradifurone, which was derived from the Asian plant,
Stemona japonica. The SIVANTO
Prime penetrates the xylem and the phloem of the plant cells.
When the insect inserts its proboscis, it gives a bad taste and causes the insect to stop feeding quickly. Thereafter it affects the central nervous system of the insect, causing paralysis. This ensures that the aphid will not be able to move to a different plant once it has come into contact with the active ingredient of SIVANTO
Prime, thus limiting the spread of damage to the plants, as well as diseases that are carried by these pests from one plant to the next.
SIVANTO Prime works fast and has a quick feeding cessation effect on the insects. The results of tests showed a significant decrease of
up to 99% in aphid activity within the first five days after initial application. • Vayego 200 SC proves to be highly effective in budworm control. It reduces plant damage as a result of lethargy, paralysis, rapid feeding cessation and eventual death. It is a plant mobile insecticide that is suitable for application by foliar spray against larval or adult pest stages, but also by drip/ drench application.
How should it be applied?
SIVANTO Prime insecticide can either be applied as a foliar spray or as a drench application. Vayego 200 SC can also be applied effectively as either a foliar spray or a drench application.
What is the recommended application rate?
• The recommended application rate for SIVANTO Prime is 200 ml per 100 ℓ of water per hectare.
Therefore, on 5 hectares you will mix 1 ℓ of Sivanto Prime on 500 ℓ of water. • The recommended application rate for Vayego 200 SC is 38 ml per 100 ℓ of water, making it an economical pest control product.
On a 5-hectare field you will therefore mix 190 ml with 500 ℓ of water.
To calculate the mixing rate for your farm, you multiply the recommended application rate by the number of hectares to be sprayed. You also multiply the hectares with the quantity of water that is recommended by Bayer. Once you have mixed the correct quantity of water with the correct quantity of the product; you can spray it onto your crops. Depending on the size of your farm, it would be wise to have a large mixing tank so that you will be able to get a consistent mix with every application.
Photo: pinterest.com

Photo: gazettenet.com
Can I use it on maize and vegetables?
Legislation dictates that an insecticide should be registered for use on specific crops against specific pests. This is in order to control the use of harmful chemicals and to ensure that pesticides are not overutilized and cause threats to people and the environment. In Zambia, SIVANTO Prime and VAYEGO 200 SC have been registered for use on tobacco plants specifically. However, in other areas of the world, these products have been used on a variety of crops including maize and various types of vegetables with great success.
Is it safe to use the crops after spraying?
Yes, provided that the instructions on the product label are followed correctly. For each crop protection product there is a minimum time that must pass before the plants can be safely used by humans. This is normally referred to as the PHI on the product instruction pamphlet and indicates the period that has to pass from the last date of application before the plants can be harvested safely.
Where can I buy these products?
Bayer Zambia has several distribution points throughout the country, and also supplies products to other distributors within the agricultural industry.
For more information on how you can benefit, call Henry Mutelo on +26-096-759-6475 or send an e-mail to Henry.mutelo@ bayer.com, or contact Emmanuel Banda on +26-096-360-4694 or send an e-mail to emmanuel. banda@bayer.com.

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