2 minute read
Cattle farmers benefit from Reinke irrigation
from ProAgri ZM 64
by ProAgri
by Jaco Cilliers
Irrigation is not only for grain farmers. Any cattle farmer can also benefit from it. Buying feed for animals can often be very expensive, and can negatively affect your profitability. Furthermore, the purchase of feed can expose the farmer to price fluctuations and variations in the quality of the feed. During severe droughts, there may be no feed available to purchase at all. Therefore, many farmers prefer to produce their own feed instead. Willie Odendaal from Aliwal North in South Africa is such a farmer. Willie produces his own feed by planting 11,8 hectares of feed crops under irrigation. The mixture he plants under the centre pivot consists of teff and feed sorghum. He says: "The Reinke centre pivot enables us to produce more kilograms of meat per hectare. Therefore, I can say that this pivot is an excellent investment for the farm." This statement is supported by the scale: The growth mass of Willie's 280 calves increased on average by 860 grams per day over 30 days on the irrigated pasture.

Willie Odendaal planted a mixture of teff and feed sorghum to give his cattle nutrition a proper boost. With the Reinke centre pivot, Willie can now ensure that his cattle will have enough food throughout the year without him having to purchase feed. Willie Odendaal farms with Fieldmaster cattle outside Aliwal North. The Reinke pivot on his farm helps him to produce more meat per hectare.

Willie Odendaal (right) is very pleased with the service he receives from Kobus Labuschange (left), the local Reinke agent of Aliwal North.
Willie farms with Fieldmaster cattle, a new breed that he and a few other farmers developed to ensure better meat production in the area's climatic conditions. The main aim is to ensure high fertility. Willie irrigates from a rainwater dam on the farm. From the large dam, the water is pumped to a smaller irrigation dam, and from there to the centre pivot. Willie explains that he decided on a Reinke pivot because of the sturdy structure and the excellent service he receives from Kobus Labuschagne, the local Reinke dealer from Aliwal North. “Kobus helped with the whole process from the design to erection of the pivot. He is always available to help, and he is always readily available," says Willie. Apart from the structure and aftersales service that is very important to Willie, he also states that Reinke offers excellent value for money. "I would recommend Reinke to anyone. The difference I can see in the meat production of my cattle is worth it all," says Willie. Reinke uses only the best quality high-strength steel in their pivots. The pivot structure is smartly designed to provide stability and strength with the least quantity of steel. The pivots are designed with an unusually low centre of gravity, which helps with overall sturdiness and stability. Reinke prides itself in providing irrigation solutions to any farmer who needs their expertise. "We are part of the whole process, from planning and design to the construction of the pivot, and after-sales service," says Patrick Ellis, Sales Director for Reinke Africa.
For more information on how Reinke can assist you to make more profit from any form of farming, contact Patrick Ellis at +27-(0)31350-4525, or send an e-mail to