3 minute read
Valley: The pivot that keeps going season after season
from ProAgri ZM 64
by ProAgri
An investment for future generations Valley: The pivot that keeps going season after season by Jaco Cilliers
Pivots are an essential component to thousands of farming operations globally. They are chosen because of their reliability and longevity. Farmers want assurance that their investment will benefit them for years and decades to come. Valley pivots are renowned for their longevity and durability, as well as for their reliability and efficiency. These characteristics are to be expected from a company that has been in the irrigation industry since 1947. “We have bought this pivot in 1997 as a movable pivot that can be used on various circles on the farm,” explains Frikkie du Plessis from FAG Du Plessis Farm near Roedtan in the northern region of South Africa. Frikkie uses the pivot to irrigate lucerne that serves as feed for the game on his farm. The pivot covers fifteen hectares with three towers and a 25-metre overhang. “Some of the wheels on this pivot still have the original tyres that the pivot was bought with,” says Frikkie. This pivot was erected in 1997 and is still going strong. The pipes were recently replaced due to the high prevalence of lime in the soil. The farm
Frikkie du Plessis of FAG du Plessis farm near Roedtan in South Africa invested in a Valley irrigation system in 1997, and his only regret is that there is not enough water available on the farm to allow for more Valley pivots.

The high quality of the galvanised steel used in the construction of a Valley irrigation system was proven by seeing very little corrosion in this pivot over the past 24 years, even though fertiliser and water with very high lime content were used in this irrigation system. Frikkie du Plessis is proud of the fact that the original control box is still being used on his Valley pivot, and that the irrigation system has given him reliable service for more than 32 000 hours over the past 24 years.

is surrounded by lime quarries. “After 24 years of irrigation with a high lime content in the water, and also applying fertiliser through the pivot, the insides of the pipes had surprisingly little corrosion,” says Frikkie. The maintenance that Frikkie performs on the pivot includes ensuring that all the vital components are greased regularly, and making sure that there is enough oil in the gearboxes. “Apart from that, the pivot demands very little maintenance,” says Frikkie. Valley offers the farmer peace of mind to plant his cash crops without worrying about the risk of drought. This is not an inexpensive investment, but it is essential for the farmer who wants to expand his farm and increase certainty over yields. This investment allowed Frikkie to produce enough feed for the game on the farm, and also to be able to sell the surplus to boost his cashflow. “When it comes to pivots, there is only one brand that comes to my mind – Valley. I would gladly recommend Valley pivots to any farmer, not only for the quality of the equipment, but also for the level of service. The only reason that I have not invested in more Valley irrigation systems on the farm is due to the fact that we have a very limited amount of water available for irrigation,” Frikkie explained.
Valley has a well-established dealer network that provides excellent service to farmers. To invest in your farm with a Valley irrigation system, contact Francois Griesel on francois.griesel@valmont.com or +27-067-412-9089.