7,000 Vol. 95., No. 9
MU journalism hits the century mark Letter from Digital expansion the goal for the the editor next 100 years Dear Tribune readers,
Almost 94 years ago to the day, the very first issue of The Marquette Tribune hit newsstands. This year, the College of Communication is celebrating the 100th anniversary of journalism being taught here. Marquette was the first Catholic university in the world to have a journalism program. In honor of that accomplishment and last week’s kickoff of the centennial celebration, the Tribune decided to mix things up with our design this week. We’ve adopted the original flag, some of the original section fonts and a collection of actual advertisements from the first issue of the Tribune. (Take a closer look at some of the ads in this issue — they’re guaranteed to make you laugh.) Thanks for picking up today’s issue. Although the Tribune has changed a lot in the past century, I think we’re just as committed now to “purveying news of Marquette and her students to the people who want such news” as they were in 1916. Here’s to another century of journalism at Marquette, and to another century of the Tribune. - Jeff Engel, editor-in-chief
By Allison Kruschke & Sarah Hauer Special to the Tribune
At the height of the sensationalist and corrupt Yellow Journalism movement in America, John Copus quit his position at The Detroit Daily News. He was discouraged by the immoral and unethical turn journalism was taking. Copus decided to use his interests in journalism and morality to create a program that would teach students how to be principled, truth-seeking reporters. In 1910, Copus founded the College of Journalism at Marquette. Over the next 100 years, Copus’ ideas flourished through Marquette’s Catholic and Jesuit values. William and Mary Diederich helped continue the tradition through a donation made to the college in 2005, and the college was renamed in their honor. The College of Communication has produced many notable alumni in various professions, including Gail Collins, the first female editorial page editor at The New York Times, and John Solomon, executive editor of The Washington Times. One hundred years after Copus founded the program, faculty, alumni and students are celebrating a century of journalism at Marquette. A yearlong commemoration of the past and
future of journalism began at the Centennial Kick-Off Celebration on Friday at the Milwaukee Public Museum. Attendees of the event walked through the “Streets of Old Milwaukee” exhibit to learn more about journalism’s past at Marquette. Timelines, photos and interactive media told the story of the history of journalism and the development of student media. “Journalism, in many ways, is at the center of what we’re doing in the college this year,” said Lori Bergen, dean of the College of Communication, referring to this year’s focus on journalism-related content. “We have a lot of illustrious folks who’ve had an opportunity to serve in this role over many years, but for me to be the person who gets to be dean when we do celebrate the first centennial of journalism at Marquette, it’s an honor. It’s a privilege.” Bergen said Marquette will continue to advance its journalism program in the next century by being digital, distinctive and diverse. “There’s almost nothing that’s happening anymore that doesn’t have a digital component,” Bergen said. “Marquette is distinctive in why (we teach journalism). “We are driven in a mission to serve and be men and women for others. And we’ve been able to make forward progress in bringing inclusiveness to excellence in our communication programs.” Gary Meyer, vice provost for undergraduate programs and
Photo by Emily Waller/emily.waller@marquette.edu
Lori Bergen, dean of the College of Communication, speaks on Friday.
teaching, shared Bergen’s enthusiasm for the centennial. “It’s wonderful to be able to celebrate such a rich history, and to see all the people who have been touched and touched the lives of others,” Meyer said.
“It’s a privilege to be a part of a living history like that. It gives us a peek into what was and what will be. It lets us imagine.” See Centennial, page 5
Religious studies Embattled D.A. set to resign majors on the rise following ‘sexting’ scandal National numbers increase, MU’s stay steady over time By Kara Chiuchiarelli kara.chiuchiarelli@marquette.edu
Recent reports by the American Historical Association and the American Academy of Religion have found increases in undergraduate history of religion and religious studies majors over the past decade. However, those numbers don’t necessarily affect the theological culture at Marquette. During the past decade, Marquette’s undergraduate department of theology has “held about steady” in enrollment, according to Mickey
Mattox, director of undergraduate studies in the department. However, with its graduate program, theology has grown to be the largest department on campus, with more than 30 full-time faculty members currently on staff, Mattox said. According to the AAR Census of Religion and Theology Programs, the number of religious studies majors increased nationally by 22 percent in the past decade, with similar percentage increases in the number of courses offered, course enrollments and faculty positions. Likewise, an online report released by the AHA in 2009 claimed 7.7 percent of its 15,055 members declared “history of religion” as a specialization, the most See Religious, page 5
DPS REPORTS.....................2 CALENDAR.......................2 VIEWPOINTS.....................6 CLOSER LOOK .....................8
STUDY BREAK...................10 SPORTS..........................12 CLASSIFIEDS..................15
Calumet County official violates professional trust By Matthew Campbell matthew.e.campbell@marquette.edu
Teens have made “sexting” one of the most notorious portmanteaux ever created, almost as popular as “Brangelina” or “jorts.” It’s become so popular that even the district attorney of Calumet County, Kenneth Kratz, partook in it. Robert Craanen, Kratz’s attorney, announced Monday Kratz will resign from his position as D.A. after it was made public that he had sent sexually suggestive text messages to at
least five of his clients. atmosphere, but considering Kratz announced last week Kratz’s role as D.A. of Caluthat he was taking an indefinite met County — a position that medical leave. Craanen said the is supposed to defend victims leave will include therof abuse — unprofesapy for a “non-physical sional may be an unillness.” derstatement. A former client of Kratz was in a posiKratz, Stephanie Van tion of “extreme trust,” Groll, began to receive said Tom Kukowski, “sexts” from Kratz last a professor of social October. Recently, and cultural sciences four other women have at Marquette, in an eKratz accused Kratz of simimail. lar actions. “By his own admis“You are beautiful sion, he used ‘bad and would make a great young judgment,’” Kukowski said. partner someday. But I won’t “At this time, the actions of beg!” said one text message D.A. Kratz go far beyond ‘bad Kratz sent to Van Groll. judgment.’ There appears to Text messages like these be a pattern of behavior that would be unprofessional in See Sexting, page 5 any situation involving a work Sports
Closer look
Men’s Soccer
No superpower
‘Dark Knight’ named the No. 25 freshman in the country. See Sports, PAGE 12
U.S. trails developed nations in college graduates. See Closer Look, PAGE 8