The Marquette Tribune | Tuesday, April 16, 2019

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Celebrating 100 years of journalistic integrity

Body cameras

Marquette University Police Department decides to forego technology following years of considerations on topic NEWS, 2

Goodbye to Hausers

Brothers announce intentions to transfer at end of spring semester SPORTS, 12

Volume 103, Number 26

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Rally for union Supporters request fair process from Marquette officials

Locker room sex leads to citations Men’s lacrosse player, female student seen by custodian in Al

By Natallie St. Onge

By John Steppe

Beneath a cloudy sky Friday afternoon, a group composed largely of Marquette University non-tenure faculty and graduate student workers rallied at the Father Marquette statue near Raynor Library, shouting in unison, “Hey hey! Ho ho! Short term contracts got to go!” The group gathered to ask university administration for a fair process to form a union. They were joined by members of the Marquette and Milwaukee community for support. “This came about through basic conversations from non-tenure-track faculty and grad students. Grad students lost their access to health care three years ago,” Sam Harshner, an adjunct instructor in the College of Arts & Sciences, said. Harshner said non-tenure faculty and graduate students have been trying to form a union on their own so there can be better pay, job

2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018 SPJ Award-Winning Newspaper

Photo by Andrew Himmelberg

Faculty and community members leave the Father Marquette statue.

See RALLY page 5

Photo by Andrew Himmelberg

Rally participants walk to Zilber Hall to present their signatures.

A men’s lacrosse player was arrested March 3 for disorderly conduct and obstructing and resisting arrest after allegedly engaging in sexual activity in the women’s volleyball locker room, according to an incident report from Marquette University Police Department obtained by the Marquette Wire. MUPD redacted the name of the men’s lacrosse athlete. A janitor called MUPD at 3:10 a.m. to report the two students allegedly engaging in sexual activity in the women’s volleyball locker room, the incident report stated. The men’s lacrosse athlete claimed he was at the Al McGuire Center to do laundry, the incident report said. Reporting officer Carolina Seidl said in her report he did not have any laundry with him. MUPD then arrested and cited him for disorderly conduct and ob-

structing and resisting an officer. He continued to deny the assertion that he was having sex with the female student before eventually admitting to it. The arrest came six days before Marquette men’s lacrosse’s loss to Cleveland State, in which head coach Joe Amplo suspended 19 players. It’s unknown whether the arrest was related to the team’s suspensions. The alleged sexual activity was consensual, the female student involved told MUPD. She drank an unknown amount of vodka, which MUPD confiscated at the scene. She told MUPD she last drank the vodka at 2 a.m., slightly more than an hour before MUPD received the call. She initially denied having sex with the male student, but changed her answer after Seidl “reminded her to be honest.” Her name was redacted, and the incident report said she lives in Cobeen Hall. Spokespeople from Marquette Athletics, Marquette University Police Department and Marquette University’s Office of Marketing and Communication were not immediately available for comment.

O’Brien Fellow arrested in New Mexico on DWI Journalist says she was racially profiled by responding officer By Annie Mattea

O’Brien Fellow and independent journalist Jenni Monet was arrested April 5 and charged with aggravated driving while intoxicated and resisting arrest in Sante Fe, New Mexico. Monet, whose full name is listed

as Jenni Renne Monnette in court records, was selected for the 2018’19 academic year to work on an investigative project for the O’Brien Fellowship in Public Service Journalism. Through the project, Monet was paired with Marquette University student interns for research and reporting assistance. O’Brien Fellows at Marquette receive $65,000 salaries for nine months of work in the fellowship, according to the program’s website. They receive a travel and research allowance of up to $8,000.

Monet was officially booked to Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility April 5 and was released April 7, according to the inmate information from the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility. Monet pleaded not guilty to both charges against her April 10, according to court records. Monet declined to comment on her arrest. O’Brien Fellowship director Dave Umhoefer declined to comment as well. Ana Garner, chair of journalism and media studies in the College of




Brewed Ideas awards

New Purple Door flavor WI minimum wage

CALENDAR......................................................3 MUPD REPORTS.............................................3 A&E..................................................................8 OPINIONS......................................................10 SPORTS..........................................................12

Competition provides money prizes to student businesses


Communication, said she does not know the details and cannot comment on whether anything will happen regarding Monet’s position in the fellowship. Monet was at a liquor store in Santa Fe and attempted to buy two bottles of wine, according to a report by KRQE, a television news station in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Staff refused her purchase, claiming she appeared drunk. Both Monet and the staff called for deputies, according to KRQE. An officer asked Monet if she had

Shop presents all-natural twist on classic blue moon ice cream PAGE 8

been drinking, to which she replied she had not, according to body camera footage obtained by KRQE. The officer then asked why he could smell a strong odor of alcohol. Monet stated she did not know, and she said she had not been drinking. She refused requests from the officer for field sobriety tests and a breathalyzer. “I’m not walking any f—ing line for you. You hear me? I am not walking any f—ing line for you,” she said, according to the body See O’BRIEN page 6 OPINIONS Proposal to increase amount to $10.50 per hour in state by 2023 PAGE 11



The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

MUPD decides against using body cameras Reasons include privacy issues, cost of footage storage By Claire Hyman

The Marquette University Police Department has decided to remain without body cameras, police chief Edith Hudson said. MUPD has debated implementing body cameras since 2015, according to previous reporting by the Marquette Wire. Hudson said the cost of storing body camera footage contributes to MUPD’s decision not to implement the cameras. She said this cost is exacerbated by the fact that open records laws have caught up with body camera technology and require longer video file retention periods. However, such laws are not currently in place. In 2017, Assembly Bill 351 was proposed in the Wisconsin legislature. The bill would’ve created rules relating to video retention periods for police departments using body cameras, requiring body camera footage to be stored for a minimum of 120 days. According to the Wisconsin Legislature’s website, on March 28, 2018 the Senate didn’t agree on the bill, and it hasn’t passed. MUPD’s years-long process started in December 2015 when the department’s previous police chief Paul Mascari said an MUPD initiative was checking into the purchase and use of body cameras, according to MUPD Advisory Board minutes. MUPD followed up on this initiative the next month. In January 2016, Mascari told the Wire that MUPD planned on meeting with Marquette IT Services to comb through logistical elements of implementing body cameras. The purpose of MUPD’s meeting with ITS was to evaluate costs of different models of body cameras and storage of body camera footage. Three weeks after the meeting, the MUPD Advisory Board unanimously endorsed body cameras, according to previous reporting by the Wire. The Advisory Board offers counsel to university officials about MUPD policy and initiatives. The following semester, MUPD told the Advisory Board that it had tested three different models of body cameras and decided on body camera provider Axon’s body-worn model, according to the Advisory Board minutes. “The plan is for body cameras to be worn by shift commanders and those officers actively on patrol,” the meeting minutes said. One year after this meeting, Mascari “indicated that MUPD is not where it had hoped we to be (sic) at this point with respect to the implementation of body cameras,” according to the Advisory Board minutes.

The process slowed down due to a price change of the Axon body cameras, according to the board minutes. The minutes said Axon originally offered to provide body cameras for a free year-long trial. The Wire previously reported that Axon’s National Free Trial Offer would provide interested U.S. police stations with one camera per officer. The Advisory Board minutes said that Axon’s offer was more popular than Axon anticipated, and the company no longer offered free equipment. However, when the Wire reached out to Axon in December 2017, a representative said the offer was ongoing. Then, in March 2018, Capt. Katie Berigan told the MUPD Advisory Board that MUPD had chosen Motorola Solutions as its body camera vendor, according to previous reporting by the Wire. MUPD negotiated a $237,000 contract with Motorola. The funding would need to be approved by the Board of Trustees, and the contract would require that unlimited storage and equipment be replaced every 30 months. MUPD submitted the request for funding to the Board of Trustees the following month, according to previous reporting by the Wire. The Marquette Wire recently reached out to Jordyn Leadingham, a spokesperson at Motorola, for more information on MUPD’s contract with the company. Leadingham said in an email she had limited access to account information. Hudson wasn’t at MUPD when the trial periods occurred, but she said officers’ opinions about the body cameras wouldn’t have been a “deciding factor” on whether to implement them. “It always helps if they like them, but it wasn’t an option,” Hudson said, referring to the fact that equipment isn’t optional for officers. For instance, officers can’t opt out of carrying pepper spray. Since MUPD participated in body camera trial periods, Hudson said studies have come out “that contradicted early manufacturer-sponsored research regarding the impacts and efficacy of body cameras.” One study that found contradictory results regarding the effectiveness of body cameras was conducted by The Lab @ D.C. in 2016. The organization is a research group under the administration of D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser. In the study, 2,224 members of the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department worked with The Lab @ D.C. to examine body cameras. The study compared a “control” group — members of D.C. MPD who didn’t wear body cameras — and a “treatment” group — members of D.C. MPD who were assigned body cameras. Over the course of 11 months, the study tracked the use of force by

police officers and civilians, civilian complaints and arrests for disorderly conduct. The D.C. Lab concluded that there was no significant difference between the two groups in these categories. A study conducted by the nonprofit research organization CNA had different results from The Lab @ D.C.’s study. CNA’s 2017 study followed more than 400 officers at Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. Two hundred and eighteen officers were equipped with body-worn cameras, 198 were not and all 400 officers were monitored for 20 months. The study found that the number of citizen complaints for officers who wore body-worn cameras decreased by 16.5 percent. Contrastingly, the number of citizen complaints for officers who didn’t wear body cameras decreased by 2.5 percent. In addition to decreasing citizen complaints, CNA concluded that the group of officers who wore body cameras also saved time and money that would’ve been spent investigating those complaints. According to the study, a detective might spend 80 paid hours investigating a complaint against an officer without a body camera, whereas the same detective might spend six hours investigating a complaint against an officer with a body camera. The study said officers with body cameras saved the LVMPD $6,222 in investigating time. While CNA’s study indicated that body cameras saved LVMPD money, one of the reasons MUPD is foregoing implementing body cameras is because body cameras would cost too much. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Police Department decided to go the opposite direction. It purchased Axon body cameras in July 2017, said UWMPD police chief Joseph LeMire. Lemire’s department purchased the unlimited cloudbased storage program from Axon at the same time it purchased the physical cameras. LeMire said the initial cost of the physical cameras was $38,736 for his department. For each year after, the cost is $40,896 per year. This includes the storage cost for body camera footage as well as maintenance, LeMire said. LeMire said he is unable to quantify exactly how much time the body cameras save, but he said the impact of the cameras is noticeable to members of UWMPD. The cameras are both a record of civilian interactions and a training resource for officers, he said. Officers spend “less time investigating because (they) have the video that shows you exactly what happened,” LeMire said. Similar to athletes watching post-game tape, officers are able to review interactions and learn from them. “I think (body cameras are) very important for being transparent,” Meghan Stroshine, an associate

Photo courtesy of UWMPD

The UWMPD recently implemented body cameras for its officers.

professor of criminology at Marquette, said. “For saying, ‘Look, we have nothing to hide. We’ll have our officers wear these and then you can see what they see when they encounter someone who is suspicious or resistant or what have you.’” During MUPD’s body camera initiative, Mascari told the Wire MUPD was looking into privacy policy issues concerning when body cameras should be on or off. Privacy is a significant component in the body camera debate. It impacts both police officers and civilians. While body cameras can be perceived to create transparency, they can also be viewed as an invasion. “(Police officers will) say, ‘I don’t want to have a camera on me while I’m eating lunch, or I’m on the phone with my wife, or I’m going to the bathroom,’” Stroshine said. This is also an issue for civilians, who might not want to be recorded by officers when they are in sensitive or compromising states. The initial public reaction to UWMPD implementing body cameras was positive, LeMire said. Now, two years out, LeMire said the cameras are a non-issue and don’t get much attention at all. LeMire acknowledged that departments across the country are going the opposite route, especially smaller departments that do not have large budgets. “People are starting to either not go with body cams or getting rid of them strictly because of the cost,” LeMire said. He said departments have to make decisions such as choosing between buying a squad car, hiring an officer or implementing body cameras. In September 2018, the Madison Common Council’s Finance Committee allocated $108,000 to fund a year-long body camera pilot program for the Madison Police Department. The program never came to fruition because in November 2018, the funding was voted down and revoked by the committee, according to the Madison Common Council livestream of the meeting. “In the limited amount of time that

America has had body cameras, studies have not borne out that it has any impact on officer behavior whatsoever,” Madison Alderwoman Amanda Hall said. “We have here a situation where we’re starting to see that this isn’t protecting officers, this isn’t really protecting citizens, but we’re spending money on it and moreover putting our faith in it to do both of those things.” For MUPD, Hudson said the department is prioritizing continuing existing community outreach programs and also adding new ones. One program MUPD is continuing is safety training classes for students and faculty. During the classes, officers teach participants physical maneuvers to protect themselves, as well as what to do in an active shooter situation. MUPD is also continuing the Adopt a Residence Hall program, in which two police officers are assigned to each residence hall. The program was announced in October 2017 in the minutes from an MUPD Advisory Board meeting. The minutes said the residents have the opportunity to get to know the officers specific to their hall and may be more likely to reach out to them. Participating officers volunteer for the positions. Hudson said these programs aim to create consistency in MUPD’s relationship with students. Hudson also mentioned the Diversity Liaison program, through which officers attend events like Pride Prom in a nonMUPD capacity. “(Diversity Liaison officers) provide an extra ear for students who are of different ethnic backgrounds, so they can meet with someone they identify with,” Hudson said. Capt. Ruth Peterson said there are currently seven officers participating in the Diversity Liaison program. “I think we had more officers volunteer than we had positions available,” Peterson said. Hudson said MUPD is also looking to add a feature to MUPD’s Eagle Eye app that will allow students to call a LIMO, similar to ride-share apps Lyft and Uber.


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Marquette Tribune

Voter shift raises questions in polls Trump re-election, Russian interference included in survey By Donna Sarkar

Charles Franklin, director of the Marquette Law School Poll, went “On the Issues” with Mike Gousha April 10 at the Marquette University Law School Lubar Center to discuss the results of the new statewide poll conducted by the law school, which measured data for topics ranging from President Donald Trump’s approval rating to opinions on Gov. Evers’ public policies and the legislature. The poll was conducted April 3-7 after the Wisconsin spring elections. There were 800 registered voters surveyed, with a margin of error of plus or minus four percentage points. Voter opinion has shifted geographically, causing more Republican views to be present in the Law School Poll, Franklin said. “This shift has raised questions about what it is happening, or is it something about the polls?” Franklin said. Gousha questioned Franklin about past political races and how well the Law School Poll has predicted the outcome. Franklin said for Gov. Tony Evers’ election, the Marquette poll was off one point from the actual statewide results. Gousha shifted topics to the poll’s findings regarding the changes in evaluations of President Donald Trump. According to the poll, 46 percent of registered voters currently approve of the job President Trump is doing as a president while 52 percent disapproved. In January, 44 percent approved of the president. Twenty-eight percent of voters

said they would vote to re-elect Trump, showing a one percent increase since January, according to the poll. Gousha questioned the reactions to the federal investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller and the confidence Wisconsinites had in the investigation. The polls showed 42 percent of voters thought the Mueller investigation was fair and impartial, showing an increase in confidence in the investigation since October, when voters polled were 31 percent confident. Franklin said confidence in the Mueller investigation rose among Republicans and Independents, while it declined among Democrats. In addition, the polls showed 60 percent of people thought Russia interfered with the 2016 presidential election. Franklin said that among current Democratic presidential candidates, the polls revealed Sen. Bernie Sanders as the top choice with 32 percent and Joe

Biden as a close second with 29 percent. Sen. Elizabeth Warren came as the third presidential pick with 17 percent. In January, Biden was the top choice with 32 percent, while Sanders was at 23 percent and Warren at 15 percent. The polls also measured opinions on Evers’ public policies and the legislature. After three months in office, the polls showed Evers’ approval at 47 percent and disapproval at 37 percent. Fifty percent said they approve of the job the Wisconsin legislature is doing. Franklin said the legislature numbers were surprising because “People usually don’t have good things to say about Congress.” State issues and public policies were also discussed, including marijuana legalization, voucher schools, gas taxes and the minimum wage. According to the poll, 59 percent of voters said marijuana use should be legal and 83 percent said use of marijuana for medi-

cal purposes with a doctor’s prescription should be legal. Hannah Jones, a junior in the College of Health Sciences and who follows the polls, said this issue was one she always had interest in because she hears differing opinions constantly. “It’s surprising to see so much support for medical marijuana because I still find people in the medical field refusing to use it or suggest it for treatment,” Jones said. The polls also showed a 41 percent support for a freeze on the number of students in voucher schools and a suspension of new independent charter schools, while 46 percent opposed. Franklin said opinion has shifted negatively on Foxconn, a Taiwanese technology company that chose acres of land in Mount Pleasant,Wisconsin to build a new manufacturing plant. 41 percent of voters said the project is worth its cost, while 47 opposed, thinking the project will cost more than it is worth.

MUPD responded to a report of a non-MU subject possibly in possession of drugs in the 800 block of N. 19th Street. The subject’s minor child was placed with a responsible party by Child Protective Services. APRIL 12 An MU student reported that her unattended and unsecured package was removed from the lobby of her residence in the 800 block of N. 14th Street.

The Marquette Tribune EDITORIAL Executive Director of Marquette Wire Jennifer Walter Managing Editor of Marquette Tribune Sydney Czyzon NEWS News Editor Natallie St. Onge Assistant Editors Annie Mattea, Donna Sarkar Reporters: Joseph Beaird, Emma Tomsich, Alex Garner, Margaret Cahill, Alexa Jurado, Autumn Hirchert, Molly Glowacki, Bryan Geenen PROJECTS Projects Editor Matthew Martinez Assistant Editor Jenny Whidden Reporters Lelah Byron, Claire Hyman, Clara Janzen ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Arts & Entertainment Editor Mackane Vogel Assistant Editors Kelli Arseneau, Amanda Parrish Reporters Grace Schneider, Ariana Madson, Colin Landers OPINIONS Opinions Editor Maya Korenich Assistant Editor Reilly Harrington Columnists Aminah Beg, Matthew Harte, Sarah Lipo SPORTS Sports Editor John Steppe Assistant Editors Zoe Comerford, Daniel Macias Reporters Maddie Adams, Aimee Galaszewski, Tyler Peters, M’Laya Sago, Matt Yeazel COPY Copy Chief Emma Nitschke Copy Editors Julia Donofrio, Emily Rouse, Eleanor McCaughey, Lauren Goetz, Mike Jelcz VISUAL CONTENT Design Chief Chelsea Johanning Photo Editor Andrew Himmelberg Opinions Designer Anabelle McDonald Sports Designer Katie Delia Arts & Entertainment Designer Ryan Hagan Photographers Jordan Johnson, Ricky Labrada, Elena Fiegen ----

ADVERTISING (414) 288-1739 Sales Manager Adriana Bonilla

THE MARQUETTE TRIBUNE is a wholly owned property of Marquette University, the publisher. THE TRIBUNE serves as a student voice for the university and gives students publishing experience and practice in journalism, advertising, and management and allied disciplines. THE TRIBUNE is written, edited, produced and operated solely by students with the encouragement and advice of the advisor, who is a university employee. The banner typeface, Ingleby, is designed by David Engelby and is available at David Engelby has the creative, intellectual ownership of the original design of Ingleby. THE TRIBUNE is normally published Tuesdays, except holidays, during the academic year by Marquette Student Media, P.O. Box 1881, Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881. Subscription rate: $50 annually.

Photo by Andrew Himmelberg

Mike Gousha (left) and Charles Franklin discuss the latest Marquette Law School Poll in the Lubar Center.



After a MPD report of a reckless driver in the area, MUPD located and cited the non-MU subject in the 1600 block of W. Wells Street. APRIL 11 MUPD cited a non-MU subject for fraud on a restaurant keeper at a business in the 1600 block of W. Wells Street. APRIL 9 A motor vehicle was reported stolen to MPD from the 800 block of N. 22nd Street.




MUPD and MFD responded to the 600 block of N. 23rd Street for a report that a non-MU subject battered an MU student victim.

“Early Maladaptive Schemas in PTSD: Assessment and Treatment Planning” colloquium AMU 227 Noon-1 p.m.

Does Democracy Protect Human Rights? Marquette Law School, Eckstein Hall 4-6 p.m.


APRIL 18-22

LinkedIn workshop AMU 245 6-8 p.m.

Easter Break No classes

Unknown subject(s) removed the victim’s catalytic converter from her secured and unattended vehicle in the 2100 block of W. Michigan Street.



The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Student business competition awards money Members of MU community gather to hear new ideas By Margaret Cahill

The Brewed Ideas Challenge awarded a total of $21,000 among six prizes Friday during the annual competition in the 707 Hub from 1- 5 p.m. In the categories of social innovation track and traditional business track, first place winners were awarded $7,500. The second place prizes were $2,000 and $1,000 each went to the audience choice prize and the Brady Corporation Innovation Prize. This money came entirely from the Brady Corporation, Kelsey Otero, associate director of the 707 Hub’s Social Innovation Initiative, said. The Brady Corporation has been working with the 707 Hub for the past six years. The Brady Corporation is “a manufacturer of products for identifying components used in workplaces,” and is based in Milwaukee. It manufactures signs, printers and other office technology, according to its website. “This is a longstanding partnership,” Otero said. “We matched the Brady mentor with the finalist

based on area of expertise” A total of five groups competed in each business track. The social innovation track included REVIVE; a company for upcycled products made from campus-collected plastics, Sol Flame, a company providing solar vendors with electric stoves to allow for smoke-free cooking, The Hub MKE, a used bike shop in the Near West Side; TEDxMarquette U, a student-led initiative to bring speaking events to campus and Oloumo, a company specializing in made-to-fit Nigerian women’s fashion. The traditional business track included ConfIdence, a curated box service that delivers care packages of self-motivation and stress relief; Liv a Little Vegan Ice Cream, a homemade vegan-friendly ice cream company; MU Clippers, a mobile barber service; Togs R&D Technologies, a company researching health-related impacts of hemp and finding future applications for the plant; and The Locker Room, a personalized sports website that allows users to get sports news about any combination of their favorite teams. Olivia Menzia, a senior in the College of Communication, won the first-place prize in the traditional business track for her vegan ice cream company Liv A Little Vegan

Ice Cream. She said she has big plans for her cash prize. “I’m excited to expand my business even more,” Menzia said. “We’re hoping to buy more ice cream machines and start selling at vegan restaurants.” Claire Heneghan, a senior in the College of Health Sciences, was Menzia’s roommate last year and said she came out to support Menzia’s business proposal, as well as hear the other business pitches. “Outside of even supporting the people we knew who were doing it, I was really interested in some of the ideas,” Heneghan said. “They’re insane and it’s crazy that Marquette students are doing this type of thing so close to us.” Oluwapelumi Oguntade, a freshman in the College of Arts & Sciences, won the first-place prize in the social business track for her Nigerian women’s clothing line OLUOMO. “I’m just so grateful for my family, my mom for helping and supporting me, and for everyone at the 707 Hub for helping my idea come to life,” Oguntade said. “We definitely need to hire more tailors now.” Katherine Hovland, a freshman in the College of Arts & Science, said she is a friend of Oguntade and came to support her. She even

had the opportunity to model some Oluomo clothing. But she said she found many other ideas presented interesting as well business. The audience choice award was given to theConfIdence team for the self-motivation and stress relief box. It also won second place for the traditional business track award. The team consisted of Mae Haggerty, a senior in the College of Business Administration, Isaac Feil, a senior in the College of Business Administration, Jonathan Constantine, a senior in the College of Health Sciences and Pan Roumeliotis, a senior in the College of Arts & Sciences. There were four judges in the competition: Thomas Felmer, the president of Workplace Safety at the Brady Corporation; Katie Milbeck, the senior manager of the Innovation Incubator at Brady Corporation, Asim Khan, a 1998 Marquette alum and co-founder of ZYN Holistic Wellness; and Marianne Szymanski, a 1989 Marquette alum and Founder and President at Toy Tips Inc. The judges evaluated the contestants by giving them a score out of five points in multiple categories, including whether they are solving a significant problem (in terms of money or social impact), if they have evidence that the solution is

Jesuit mission. Marquette has in the past rejected speakers who are misaligned with the university’s mission,” Stolarski said in an email. Catie Petralia, president of the College Democrats and junior in the College of Arts & Sciences, said she was disappointed but not surprised when the speaker got canceled. She said when she was planning the event, she took necessary precautions to be transparent and open with the university. “Abortion is a controversial topic, so we tried to keep the event private,” Petralia said. She said she didn’t want to publicize the event with posters and she wanted to keep it between the College Democrats’ and Empowerment’s email lists. “It’s just kind of sad that the university wants to be part of the country that silences women on these issues and conversations,” Petralia said. She said that this wan’t a good thing to teach the community and students. We were trying to be reasonable and work with them, and it’s just disappointing,” Petralia said. Melanie Hernandez, a senior in the College of Arts & Sciences and member of the College Democrats, said she was looking forward to the speaker and was upset when she heard the event was canceled. “I felt that the school not allowing the speaker to speak for MU Dems and Empowerment goes against my rights as an American citizen,”

Hernandez said. She said she believes that information about abortions that are safe and accessible to all is an important topic, especially for women who are unable to afford more expensive medical procedures. “As a student at Marquette University, I feel that the word abortion is used in a way to shame women and lead them to think that their decisions are wrong,” Hernandez said. “I thought that having this speaker speak to myself as well as other Dems or Empowerment members would educate us about the organization and its goal to help Milwaukee women.” O’Connor said it’s important for educational institutions to bring in opposing viewpoints so people can come in and learn. “It’s not saying you have to

believe this. It’s saying this is what people who believe this believe and now you know about it,” O’Connor said. “Marquette saying no I think is shutting down that discourse.” Petralia said it’s important for her organization to educate people on women’s health because it’s important to them. “We’re trying to be a part of a conversation about women’s health because that’s important to us. Because we’re women,” Petralia said. “If you cancel abortion or make it totally illegal, women are still going to do it and they’re going to get hurt.” According to the nonprofit organization Guttmacher Institute, which works to promote sexual and reproductive health, 96 percent of Wisconsin counties have no clinics that provide abortions and 67 percent of women in Wisconsin live in

validated, whether they identify their target market, whether they understand their funding needs and the impact of Brewed Ideas Challenge seed funding and if the idea and team “stood out.” The judges took an hour to deliberate the results after the presentations while a small reception with refreshments was provided to the audience. The winners were announced at 4:30 p.m. Otero said students have been working with mentors from the Brady Corporation for months perfecting their ideas. The mentors listened to the students ideas and met with them continuously to give advice and explain how to further improve their businesses. “It’s great for students to have this opportunity to learn from people working in the field and learn how to start a viable business,” Otero said. Megan Carver, associate director for the Kohler Center for Entrepreneurship, said the Brewed Ideas Challenge has awarded more than $100,000 to students over the past six years. “We’ve seen students go on to really grow their businesses with this grant,” Carver said. “It’s a really great opportunity we have here.”

Abortion speaker canceled by student affairs Clubs’ invited guest deemed counter to university mission By Emma Tomsich

Marquette University’s Division of Student Affairs declined approval for Marquette Empowerment and Marquette University College Democrats to collectively host a speaker from the Women’s Medical Fund which provides financial assistance to people in Wisconsin who need abortions and cannot afford the full cost. Lucy Marshall, vice president of the WMF, was scheduled to speak to both clubs April 11 about women’s reproductive health and rights, Shannon O’Connor, president of Marquette Empowerment and senior in the College of Arts & Sciences, said. The Division of Student Affairs declined approval March 6, but said March 8 it would reconsider and send a follow-up answer to the clubs after spring break. But neither club heard back from them after spring break, O’Connor said. University spokesperson Chris Stolarski said the event was declined approval based on the state purpose of the organization represented by the speaker. “(The speaker) was found to be counter to Marquette’s Catholic,

those counties. “There’s just not enough (clinics),” O’Connor said. “There’s three clinics (each) in Sheboygan, Madison and Milwaukee, and not enough women have access to abortion,” O’Connor said. “Not that they have to get (an abortion), but if they choose to, they need to have access to it.” Hernandez said nonprofits are vital to states like Wisconsin which have some of the most restrictive abortion laws. According to Wisconsin state law, a woman must receive state-directed counseling that includes information designed to discourage her from having an abortion, and then wait 24 hours before the procedure is provided. In additon, the parent of a minor must consent before an abortion is provided. “It’s important for young adults — such as Marquette students — to be knowledgeable about organizations such as these so that they have the tools to help themselves or anyone else who might need this crucial information,” Hernandez said. “Someone needs to talk to students about abortion and such topics since Marquette refuses to provide students with this crucial information.” O’Connor said Marquette Empowerment will spread these messages and continue the conversation about women’s reproductive Photo by Ricky Labrada rights and abortion statistics at its Catie Petralia is the president of the College Democrats on campus. meeting Wednesday.


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Marquette Tribune


RALLY: Group goes to Zilber with signatures Continued from page 1 security and health care benefits for non-tenure faculty and graduate students at Marquette. “We’ve been working for the past six to seven months in getting support and we have majority of support from most graduate students and non-tenure faculty,” Harshner said. Faculty Forward, part of Service International Employee Union, supported the rally. SEIU has 57,000 faculty and graduate student workers on 60 campuses who have joined the Faculty Forward movement and formed unions, according to its website. SEIU declined to provide a public comment regarding their efforts at Marquette. Several non-tenure faculty gave speeches at the Father Marquette statue. Harshner welcomed the group, and said he was there Friday because he was deeply moved by the stories of faculty that show life outside of the non-tenure track. “To be honest, I’m here because I love my job,” Harshner said at the rally. “Teaching and learning from the incredible young people I’m in charge of instructing here at Marquette is the most rewarding, professional experience I can imagine. And I stand here today protecting the things that make Marquette University great.” Harshner said non-tenure faculty and graduate students have greater workloads, administrative obligations and research obligations than tenure faculty. “It affects our students who feel our anxiety and distraction, and we know that sometimes we are forced to focus more on how we are going to pay our rent next September than how we can help their arguments on their final research papers,”

Harshner said. Harshner said the rally’s purpose was to push back the “destructive race to the bottom” and to reiterate the “crazy notion” that education is the primary purpose of the university. “We demand that the workers who provide that education are both respected and admirably compensated,” Harshner said. Harshner said the rally was to assert the radical notion that workers can serve not only the full value of their labor, but have the security of knowing where their next paycheck will come from, livable wages and quality health care for graduate students. “This is a Jesuit university that really wants to live its values, who does so in its community in so many ways,” Sue Giaimo, an adjunct associate professor in the College of Arts & Sciences, said at the rally. “And yet, right under its own nose, there’s this major inequity that we have to address. Let’s remember, workers have a right to form their own union.” Giaimo said graduate students and adjuncts would like the university to provide them with health insurance benefits and have the same level of job security as tenure faculty. “Right now, they are either paid by the course or get a contract lasting a semester or a year. These conditions cause enormous insecurity among NTTs (non-tenure-track) and grad student researchers,” Giaimo said in an email. Additionally, Giaimo said non-tenure-track faculty want reasonable pay. “Many adjuncts are paid by the course and it is quite low,” Giaimo said in an email. “Those NTTs who have a yearly contract are paid salary, but it is still well below that of tenure track faculty. We believe that

Photo by Andrew Himmelberg

Rallygoers show support of union at the Father Marquette statue.

the University should value teaching as well as research contributions from all faculty.” Carly Ogletree, a senior in the College of Arts & Sciences, attended the rally to support the faculty and graduate students. “When adjuncts have to work at two or three universities to make ends meet, it mitigates the educational experience that we can all have because they’re completely stretched,” Ogletree said. “As people who have dedicated their lives to education, they deserve much better than what Marquette is giving them.” Ogletree said she believes Marquette has an obligation to be fair and unbiased in this matter and to let the non-tenure faculty and graduate students decide if they would like to unionize. “We care about our professors. We care about our grad students. They deserve the right to health care and to live. They shouldn’t have to struggle,” Mary Claire Burkhardt, a junior in the College of Education, who attended the rally in support, said. “They are providing us with so much education that is going to do good for the world, why wouldn’t we care for them, too?” The rally then moved to Zilber Hall to attempt to present signatures of non-tenure faculty, graduate students, resident assistants and teaching assistants announcing their respective intentions to form a union. Upon arrival, participants were locked out of the building and Marquette University Police Department guarded the doors. “I’m a little bit dismayed that the university is not allowing us to get in the doors,” Robert Riordan, a graduate teaching assistant in the College of Arts & Sciences, said. Riordan participated in the rally and went to Zilber Hall. “Before I came here, I taught as a non-tenure-track faculty at a University of Wisconsin college, and all of us have multiple extra jobs and it’s horrible,” Riordan said. “It degrades the quality of education students can get.” Moments later, Acting Provost Kimo Ah Yun approached the crowd. Ah Yun said he has been talking about the matter to the University Academic Senate, a committee that discusses immediate academic and professional importance upon collective experience of faculty. “(University Academic Senate) supports the faculty. We’ve been talking about putting a statement out on Monday, driven by faculty, to say that both faculty, non-tenure and tenure, and administrators, should remain impartial in this process,” Ah Yun said. At the University Academic Senate meeting Monday, the statement was tabled to its next meeting May 6. When asked if there would be a fair process, Ah Yun said, “We will work with everyone.”

Photo by Andrew Himmelberg

Sam Harshner welcomes the rally with why he wants to form a union.

“They granted us neutrality, meaning they will not fight us anymore on our unionization efforts,” Harshner said after Ah Yun spoke. “So we will be going forward in the fair process to formalize a non-tenure-track and grad student medium.” Ah Yun said Marquette’s Catholic, Jesuit mission has been central to the university since its founding in 1881, providing foundation and guidance as an institution of higher education. Ah Yun said Marquette’s current operating model of utilizing a mix of tenure-track and non-tenure-track faculty helps control costs, maintain flexibility and offer students unique perspectives, while ensuring Marquette is providing the highest-quality education at a price that is competitive with peer universities. “All faculty, including non-tenure-track faculty, have multiple inperson, online and anonymous avenues to share input or concerns with senior leadership,” Ah Yun said in an email. Ah Yun said the president and provost host an annual faculty forum where faculty can share input and questions. Additionally, faculty can turn to Marquette’s Office of the Ombuds, a confidential, impartial, independent resource for all faculty and staff, as well as the University Academic Senate’s subcommittee on part-time faculty that provides a forum for discussing and addressing matters of particular concern to parttime faculty. Marquette employees, including non-tenure-track faculty, can share their input in the campuswide online employee engagement survey, where the results are shared with senior leadership anonymously and in aggregate. Tom Hasenberg, a lecturer in the College of Arts & Sciences, said some of his colleagues reached out to SEIU originally because they were not happy with the working conditions and the university’s responses to their needs. Hasenberg said SEIU has demonstrated success in building gradu-

ate worker and non-tenure-track unions in other similar institutions like Fordham University, the University of Chicago and Loyola University Chicago. “We are educators — not organizers — and we did not have the expertise or knowledge to feel confident building a union for hundreds of underpaid and overworked people in the Marquette community all by ourselves,” Hasenberg said in an email. “SEIU helped us learn how to build our community so that we could work together for the common good in a new way.” Brittany Pladek, an assistant professor in the College of Arts & Sciences, attended the rally in support of non-tenure faculty and graduate students’ efforts to unionize at Marquette. She was part of the crowd that went to Zilber Hall. She said that as a Jesuit school that cares for its people and adheres to the principles of “cura personalis”, Marquette owes its workers a living wage and contracts more than a couple of weeks in advance. “That is simply the caring, Jesuit, Christian thing to do,” Pladek said. “Marquette as an institution that is going to believe in its values and embodies them, owes the non-tenuretrack faculty and graduate students the right to an unmolested unionization process and a fair bargaining once they form a union.” Kay Mann, a Milwaukee citizen and visiting assistant professor at Miami University in Ohio, came to Marquette for the rally to show their support of non-faculty and graduate students forming a union at Marquette. “I think they certainly deserve a fair shake, like every worker and every employee,” Mann said. “They’re making great contributions to a university that has a huge endowment and certainly can afford to treat its family in a fair, decent, dignified matter. That’s why I am here: to show solidarity.”



The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

O’BRIEN: Monet Center for Peacemaking founder honored in capital pleads not guilty Humanitarian award remembers MU almunus Foley By Bryan Geenen

Terrence Rynne, founder of Marquette’s Center for Peacemaking and board member of the National Catholic Reporter, was honored by the Foley Foundation with the 2019 James W. Foley Humanitarian Award April 2 in Washington D.C. The Foley Foundation is an organization created in the legacy of James W. Foley, an American journalist who was an alumnus of Marquette University. Foley became a conflict journalist, reporting in countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria, according to the James Foley Foundation website. The journalist was detained once in Syria before he was killed Nov. 22, 2012 by the terrorist group ISIS. “After looking at Marquette’s

location and Jesuit mission, my wife Sally and I created the center to help educate students in peacemaking,” Rynne said. “Undergrad years are when most people are open to new things and learning. We thought this was important to work with students to help them understand that peace is so much more effective than violence.” Rynne founded the center to create peace locally. Center for Peacemaking director Patrick Kennelly said Rynne is a special part of the Marquette community. “He teaches a peace studies program … and he’s a world-renowned scholar,” Kennelly said. Thomas Durkin, researcher and grant coordinator at the Center for Peacemaking as well as good friend of Foley, said Rynne has published three books and has written an encyclical, a papal letter sent to all bishops of the Roman Catholic Church, showing his accomplishments. “The day after he got the

humanitarian award from The Foley Foundation in D.C., he was flying to Rome to meet with Pope Francis,” Durkin said. “He’s a voice that is recognized around the world.” Durkin said Rynne also makes a local impact, with students getting involved with the Near West Side through the center. “It was everything, he was impacting Marquette and making a difference in Rome with the Vatican,” Durkin said. “It was impressive to see that he could do things locally as well as globally.” Rynne said he was looking forward to making a difference with the nonviolence movement, especially within the Church in the United States. “So many times, we see that bishops in the U.S. are totally okay with violence,” Rynne said. “We need to work towards looking at everything with nonviolence. I think that’s what I’m most looking forward to.”


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Continued from page 1 camera footage. Monet told the officer she was being racially profiled. “You f—ing fat-fingered f—!” Monet said. “You f—ing racist motherf—er. You f—ing white supremacist!” Monet planned to speak at the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture in New Mexico April 7. However, due to “a personal emergency” she canceled, according to a Facebook post from the museum. Monet remained in jail on the date of the event, according to the Santa Fe County Adult Detention Facility. An appearance bond and conditions of release were established April 9, according to court records. An appearance bond allows an accused individual to make a written promise to appear in court. It indicates the amount of money the accused person will have to pay if he or she does not appear in court as required. Monet’s appearance bond was $2,500 with the use of Soberlink, an alcohol monitoring breathalyzer, according to its website.

Monet’s bond and conditions for release were amended April 10 to allow her to leave the state of New Mexico, according to court records. Monet is represented by Paul M. Linnenburger, an associate at Rothstein Donatelli LLP, according to court records. The law firm specializes in criminal defense in Santa Fe, Albuquerque and Tempe, Arizona. Linnenburger did not respond for comment. Monet will have a pre-trial hearing May 14 in New Mexico, according to court records. Note: Members of the Marquette Wire who are part of the O’Brien Fellowship were not involved in the reporting of this story.

Photo courtesy of Santa Fe Detention Facility

Monet appears in a mugshot.


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Marquette Tribune

The Commons receives accolades for design Residence hall recognized for style, layouts

By Autumn Hirchert

The Commons, the newest residence hall on Marquette University’s campus that houses nearly 900 students, was recently honored with four construction and design awards. The Commons was named one of the top projects of 2018 by The Daily Reporter. According to its website, this newspaper gives out the award as a way to honor those in the commercial real estate industry whose projects met and exceeded expectations in the industry. “The Commons really was a big step for Marquette in several ways,” said Daniel Chee, a sophomore in the College of Business Administration and a resident of the Commons. “When you think about style, co-ed floors, and food choices, the Commons is more than just a new McCormick.” Lora Strigens, vice president for planning and facilities man-

agement, has lead Marquette’s Campus Master Plan implementation efforts for the past four and a half years. She said The Commons was the first project she engaged with of Marquette’s Beyond Boundaries from the initial discussions all the way through implementation. The Campus Master Plan integrates university priorities and serves as a road map for Marquette’s capital projects during the next 10 to 20 years, according to its website. Beyond Boundaries serves as a strategic plan for capital projects, according to its website. “The central idea of The Commons is creating community, and the project addresses that at every scale,” Strigens said in an email. Marquette’s effort to curate community within the Commons was recognized by the Milwaukee Business Journal in its 2018 Real Estate Awards. According to its website, the awards name 19 winners based on best real estate deals and projects, overall success and community impact. “Elements like the dining hall, the theater, the spiritual spaces and the large common spaces on

the buildings’ first two floors that are open and accessible to the campus community all help bring people together,” Strigens said in an email. “The floor layouts feature more functional sleeping rooms with a greater focus on more generous lounge spaces (to) encourage students to build community with others in these ‘neighborhoods’ within the building.” Chee said one of the first things that stood out to him about his room in the Commons was the room’s design. “I didn’t expect it to be as minimal as it is,” Chee said. “I really like the simplicity and style of it.” The American Society of Interior Designers gave Marquette first place ‘Wisconsin Gold’ for the university’s work on The Commons’ design. “One of the first things I noticed about the Commons was how modern but home-y everything is,” said Haylie Ruelle, a sophomore in the College of Health Sciences and a resident on the 12th floor of the Commons. “I think it’s all the big windows, I just don’t feel like I am in a dorm when I am inside.”

Marquette Wire stock photo

The Commons is Marquette University’s newest residence hall.

Stigens said when Marquette considered the interior design of the building, it wanted to provide warm and inviting spaces while leaving room for the aesthetics of the building to evolve to avoid becoming outdated over time. “We wanted to be respectful of the fact that this is home for our students,” Strigens said in an email. “There wasn’t a single time on the project when we made decisions where the team wasn’t thinking about how we could positively impact the student experience or do what was best for Marquette’s long-term future.” Business Magazine named

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The Commons Best New Development or Renovation for its education building category. “The Commons does something that is truly remarkable; it houses nearly 900 students and provides them with all the functionality required of a residence hall, while also creating and environment that is at once homelike and inviting to the community,” Strigens said in an email. “These awards truly belong to the entire Marquette community. I believe we have created something that we can all be very proud of.”

The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Arts &


Page 8

Purple Door releases new ice cream flavor

Photo by Kelli Arseneau

Purple Door will celebrate its new flavor with a Full Moon Party, this Friday which coincides with the actual full moon. The event will feature free mini cones and hourly raffle prizes.

Friday’s event will offer free mini cones of Purple Moon By Kelli Arseneau

In celebration of its eighth anniversary and 414 Day, Purple Door Ice Cream launched a brand-new flavor Sunday. Purple Moon, Purple Door’s version of the classic blue moon ice cream, was handed out in free miniature cones to guests that came in all day at both of the Purple Door scoop shop locations, Walker’s Point and Sherman Phoenix. A celebration of the new flavor will continue Friday with a “Full Moon Party” coinciding with the actual full moon. According to the press release, the party will take place from noon to 10 p.m. at Purple Door’s Walker’s Point location, 205 S. 2nd St., and will feature free Purple Moon mini cones, hourly raffle prizes and specials featuring Purple Moon ice cream, including a Purple Moon sundae with rock candy, a Pop Rocks soda with Purple Moon and Purple Moon ice cream sandwiches, which have sprinkles rolled on the side and are “super cute (and) super Instagramable,” Cunningham said. Purple Moon will be available

at both locations for the rest of the spring and summer season, Purple Door co-owner Lauren Schultz said in an email. It can also be found in pint containers at grocery stores around Milwaukee and other local stores that carry Purple Door pints. Some shops that sell Purple Door ice cream, like Indulgence, Anodyne and 5Points in Waukesha, will add Purple Moon to their menu, “at least for the near future,” Schultz said. Customers have been requesting blue moon ice cream from Purple Door for years, according to a Purple Door press release. “A lot of times we have people come in and they ask for Superman or blue moon and flavors like that. … Traditionally they’re good and they’re popular, but they’re all artificial flavoring and they’re all artificial coloring,” Megan Cunningham, retail manager of Purple Door, said. “We don’t do anything like that. We are all natural and we don’t use any colorings in our ice creams, so we never really had that option.” The ice cream is free of artificial colors and flavors, and its purple hue comes from a mixture of berries, Cunningham said. Purple Door’s flyer advertising the new flavor calls Purple Moon “A Purple Door Twist on a Midwest Classic.” The twist re-

fers to the ice cream’s color and use of exclusively natural ingredients. Purple Moon was created following Purple Door’s custom of using the most natural, local ingredients possible. Purple Door creates its own ice cream at its shop. Cunningham said the process of creating Purple Moon took a few months, more than 20 tries and a bit of research. “The history of Blue Moon itself is kind of mysterious because no one knows who really made it, no one really knows what it officially was because every different ice cream shop made it a little differently,” Cunningham said. In researching the ice cream, she said she discovered that the first blue moon ice cream is believed to have originated in Milwaukee. The ice cream makers at Purple Door originally tried to achieve a purple hue through using ube, a purple yam popular in the Phillipines and Thailand, Cunningham said. It produced a vibrant color, but they had a difficult time getting ahold of the yam. They also tried getting the purple color through beets, but settled on a berry mixture. The final ice cream has “hints of almond and citrus,” according to the press release. Ice cream sandwiches of the new flavor are now being sold at the

Walker’s Point Purple Door location and various other shops including Wyeast Pizza, Downer Theater and South Shore Beer Garden. A Purple Moon ice cream sandwich pairs the purple ice cream with sugar cookies from Sugar and Flour bakery in Greendale, Wisconsin,

Schultz said in an email. With its natural ingredients, unique flavors and in-house creation of ice cream and waffle cones, Purple Door has become a staple for residents and students living in Milwaukee.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Arts & Entertainment

The Marquette Tribune


Milwaukee Comedy hosts series of roast battles Insult & Battery is geared toward 18 and older audiences By Amanda Parrish

Eight comedians will go headto-head in a series of roast battles organized by Milwaukee Comedy Friday at 8 p.m. at the Underground Collaborative, a venue for creative arts and performances in downtown Milwaukee. Milwaukee Comedy, a live comedy production company, has been around for over a decade, putting on its Insult & Battery: Comedy Roast Battle event each month for the past two years, said Matt Kemple, creative producer and founder of Milwaukee Comedy. Tickets can be purchased online for $10 or at the door for $15. Kemple said the idea for the event came from Comedy Central’s Roast Battle and New York Roast Battle, in which rising comics go up against each other in battles of words. Milwaukee Comedy’s roast battle follows a similar for-

mat: one-on-one battles in front of different guest judges. Kemple said the event has eight comedians — usually from Milwaukee, but sometimes from Madison or Green Bay — who compete in four rounds of battles. The winner of each of the rounds gets to perform a standup routine as their prize. He said each show has three judges who often offer their own commentary and add to the show. Kemple said the event is geared toward those 18 and older, calling the battles “equal opportunity, offensive shows.” He said the show is not insensitive, but has adult-oriented humor. Kemple said while the event’s format hasn’t changed much in the past two years, the audience has grown. He said shows often sell out with 80 or more guests. “We have really built the audience,” Kemple said. “(The show) is fun and unique and a good way to find new comics.” Kemple noted that Insult & Battery is just one of Milwaukee Comedy’s high quality comedy events. Milwaukee Comedy organizes 10 to 12 shows each month at venues throughout the city. “All of the events are stand-up based, but every one is unique

by show or venue,” Kemple said. Danny Lang, a senior in the College of Communication and member of Marquette improv group the Fugees, said he got involved in improv and comedy in high school. While Lang said he likes to stick to group improv rather than solo standup shows, he likes the feeling of making his audience laugh. “I like that you come together with people and just make something that has never been done before and will never be done again,” Lang said. “It’s just a fun, goofy time.” Lang said he prefers performing in shows to watching them, but likes getting to see others in his group perform and has attended some of Milwaukee Comedy’s open mic nights. In addition to being a part of the Fugees, Lang is also a part of the Milwaukee based improv group Uncle Jesse. “I’m having the best time of my life when I’m with people who are making me laugh a lot,” Lang said. “I think it’s something everybody would benefit from. It’s fun to take a break and make light of things.” Abby Nolan, a freshman in the College of Health Sciences, said she is not familiar with

Photo by Elena Fiegen

Danny Lang is heavily involved in MU’s comedy scene on and off campus.

Milwaukee Comedy, but enjoys watching comedians like Bo Burnham and John Mulaney on Netflix. Nolan said she has attended some of the comedy events put on by Late Night Marquette, including Comedy Sportz. She said it is something fun to do that helps you forget about school for a little bit, adding that it makes you feel good afterwards.

As for Kemple, comedy is about getting people together and creating a positive environment. “A lot of people walk into a room angry, scared or upset in some way, and that’s where the energy goes,” Kemple said. “To be in a room with everyone laughing creates a positive environment. That’s why I do it.”

Summerfest lineup features variety across 11 days Students dish on memories from past years, plans for 2019 By Colin Landers

For many students, summer plans include attending Summerfest, which will take place at Henry W. Maier Festival Park near the lake from June 26-30 and July 2-7 this year. Summerfest is an 11-day music festival that’s been a staple of Milwaukee’s summers since 1968, with many Marquette students in attendance. At this year’s Summerfest, there are 22 mainstage headliners including a wide variety of artists like the Zac Brown Band, Lionel Ritchie, Bon Iver and Snoop Dogg. These artists will be playing exclusive shows and those who wish to attend will need to purchase tickets to each individual show. In addition to the mainstage headliners, there are more than 125 artists that will be included with the purchase of a general admission Summerfest ticket. These artists include X Ambassadors, The Roots, Walk The Moon, Young The Giant and even The Lonely Island, which features

Photo by Ricky Labrada

Summerfest has been a Milwaukee summer staple since its origin in 1968. This year the 11-day festival will take place from June 26-30 and July 2-7.

former Saturday Night Live cast member Andy Samberg. Visitors can purchase general admission single day tickets for $23, weekday admission tickets for $15, three-day tickets for $57 or a power pass that grants admission for all 11 days for $120. For Katherine Walsh, a freshman in the College of Arts & Sciences, Summerfest has provided nice memories with a few of friends. “It was super fun because we had amazing weather and we all got to listen to the types of music we like,” she said. Walsh said she and her friends saw a variety of artists, which satisfied each friend’s taste. “We started with Lil Uzi Vert, then we got to see an EDM

artist my friend really likes, but we ended the night watching one of my favorite artists, Kane Brown,” Walsh explained. Because of Summerfest’s length and the quantity of artists and fans that will come through, performing on any stage at the festival presents an incredible opportunity for exposure for local bands. Thomas Schimmel, a freshman in the College of Business Administration, said his Summerfest memories include experiences both as a fan and as a performer. Schimmel’s band made up of friends from high school called Sound Tower got the opportunity to play at Summerfest last year. “Our drummer’s uncle works as a promoter for Summerfest, so

he was able to get us the opportunity (to play),” Schimmel said. “Twenty minutes after we finished our set, we all just looked at each other and thought, ‘We just did that.’” While Schimmel said his band is on “indefinite hiatus” as they all went separate ways for college, Schimmel still plays guitar and said he hopes to go on a mini tour of Milwaukee with a new band. Schimmel said as a fan, the best artists he saw at Summerfest last year were Cheap Trick and Greta Van Fleet. For Adam Pink, a sophomore in the College of Engineering, Summerfest has allowed him to reconnect with friends he did not normally see during the year.

“My favorite Summerfest memory was in high school when I went with my friends from summer camp,” Pink said. “We saw Andrew McMahon and during one of his songs they sent out a colorful parachute, like from elementary school gym classes. Everyone was singing along and going crazy under the parachute.” Pink said that he and his friends often do not pay much attention to the show going on. For them, the experience is more about being together and hanging out. The full Summerfest lineup is available at, as well as information on tickets and showtimes.

The Marquette Tribune


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Editorial Board Maya Korenich, Opinions Editor Reilly Harrington, Assistant Opinions Editor Jennifer Walter, Executive Director Sydney Czyzon, Managing Editor Marquette Tribune Matthew Martinez, Projects Editor Aly Prouty, Managing Editor Marquette Journal Natallie St. Onge, News Executive Emma Nitschke, Copy Chief

Mackane Vogel, A&E Executive John Steppe, Sports Executive Gabby Powell, Station Manager MURadio Tara Schumal, Station Manager MUTV Andrew Himmelberg, Photo Editor Chelsea Johanning, Design Chief


MU shows commitment to women’s leadership with Duffy hire

Trump’s sanctuary plans hypocritical Sarah Lipo President Donald Trump tweeted April 12 about his new proposal of sending undocumented individuals to sanctuary cities, since space is limited in detention centers due to the outpouring of immigrants from Central America and various other places. While the White House said this plan was to alleviate space needs in detainee centers, it also sent a clear message to the Democratic Party. Trump is using undocumented people “as pawns to punish their political enemies,” according to an article by David French. Trump’s moves are hypocritical, as he never was a proponent of sanctuary cities in the first place. He believes they can foster crime and should not be federally funded. Sanctuary cities are safe places where local governments do not cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement to round up people who may be living in the United States illegally. Sanctuary cities were created in response to Trump’s policy of deportation of undocumented immigrants and “zero tolerance” policy. Some sanctuary states include California, Colorado, Oregon and Vermont, according to the Center of Immigration Studies. Specific cities include Denver, New Orleans, Boston, Los Angeles and Iowa City. This idea of sending individuals to sanctuary cities has been brought up in discussion at least twice in the last six months, once in February involving a migrant caravan approaching the southern border and once in November regarding a conversation between Democrats and Republicans about the wall, according to Department of Homeland Security messages gathered by The Washington Post. These placements of the undocumented into sanctuary cities will not benefit the country or the undocumented in any way. In fact,

Photo by Elena Fiegen

Megan Duffy will bring expertise to the team and be a role model for women who aspire to be coaches.

Notre Dame women’s basketball coach Muffet McGraw made national headlines during the Women’s Final Four for speaking up about the lack of women in leadership. “We don’t have enough female role models,” McGraw said. “We don’t have enough visible women leaders. We don’t have enough women in power. Girls are socialized to know when they come out, gender roles are already set. Men run the world.” Marquette’s hire of Megan Duffy as its new women’s basketball coach helps the university uphold McGraw’s challenge. The Marquette University Department of Intercollegiate Athletics named Megan Duffy its head women’s basketball coach, according to an April 10 news release. Duffy signed a six-year contract with the university the same day McGraw made her speech. Marquette’s hire of Duffy shows the university recognizes the importance of having women in visible leadership positions and will remain committed to

keeping women in influential roles across campus. In 1909, Marquette became the first Catholic institution of higher education to admit both men and women. In addition, Marquette was given $1 million to support the Women in Business Speaker Series in 2018. This series features distinguished women in business sharing their experiences and insight. These initiatives demonstrate the university’s strides to place emphasis on women at the university. It is important that there are women in coaching positions in women’s sports so that young women and girls have people like themselves to look up to as leaders. It shows girls that they, too, can achieve whatever they want with hard work and can grow up to hold any position or career they work toward. Duffy was also a smart hire for the university because of her exemplary record as an All-American basketball player at Notre Dame and as a head coach at Miami University in Ohio. She led the school in

back-to-back 20-win seasons. In addition, same-sex role models can positively influence self-perceptions, according to the Sports Business Journal. Women in coaching positions can also challenge stereotypes about gender and leadership as well as provide diverse insights. Duffy is the only women’s coach of either a male or female team in the Big EAST Conference. This makes Marquette’s decision to hire a female coach even more important due to its rarity. Duffy has big shoes to fill, and her record makes it likely she can do it. It is not uncommon for men who play sports to have had a male coach at least once in their lives. This should be the same for women. It should be the norm that there are women coaches, not the exception. Marquette made a positive decision for the women’s team as well as the Marquette community as a whole by hiring Duffy.


when Trump’s ultimate goal is deportation back to the individual’s home country, it makes no sense to first send individuals all throughout the United States to these states that may offer protection. Twelve immigrants died in detention in 2017, according to Injustice Watch a non-partisan multimedia journalism organization. In a speech Dec. 7, 2018, Trump blasted sanctuary cities, saying, “These outrageous sanctuary cities are grave threats to public safety and national security.” When these undocumented individuals are sent to sanctuary cities, they will have no resources or connections to thrive. These deportations will ultimately not help them flourish in the long run. Trump has made his opinions of undocumented individuals quite clear, calling Central American immigrants “stone cold criminals.” If he believes this is true, he is expecting these individuals to wreak havoc in sanctuary cities they are placed in. If the end goal is ultimate deportation, then sending individuals to various places around the country may make this ultimate goal more difficult. Trump’s new proposed policy is detrimental to the country and to the undocumented families and individuals who may be spread throughout the country in sanctuary cities. This dispersion is against Trump’s policy that does not support or stand for sanctuary cities, and seems to be more of a threat or warning to the Democratic Party than anything else. There are bigger problems regarding immigration that need to be addressed, and sending the undocumented throughout the United States in sanctuary cities will not alleviate any of the actual dangers and stressors of the current immigration system.

Some sanctuary states include California, Colorado, Oregon and Vermont...”

Sarah Lipo is a sophomore studying journalism and social welfare and justice. She can be reached at


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Marquette Tribune

Nielsen must face consequences WI minimum wage demands increase Aminah Beg Kirstjen Nielsen announced April 7 she is leaving her position as head of the Department of Homeland Security on. She hesitated resigning from the job for some time due to the retaliation and consequences she would face from the American public for supporting President Donald Trump’s inhumane and evil policies as reported by people close to Nielsen. She was fearful of what her future would entail after resignation. Nielsen is most known for to Trump’s brutal policy of separating families at the MexicanAmerican border. Although she was not the one to directly engage in the horrendous action of splitting up Mexican families, she should be known as the one who enforced the order. This means she is responsible for placing children in cages and denying them their basic human rights. Nielsen, as well as other DHS and Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials, must be held accountable for traumatizing these children and their families. She contributed to the permanent damage that immigrants and refugees must now live with for the rest of their lives. The process of moving into the United States and crossing the border is already difficult enough as it is. Nielsen, along with many other people, made this process even harder and more disturbing. She oversaw a corrupt section of our government and is a central part of the racist immigration

system that is perpetuated by the Trump administration. On top of carrying out Trump’s atrocious policy, it is also believed that she committed perjury in front of the FBI when questioned about family separation statements. The memo that outlines how the Trump administration plans to deal with illegal immigration at the border was released by the DHS and the Justice Department in 2017. One of the items on the list is a policy to “separate family units.” During Nielsen’s testimony last December, she continued to deny this point said, “We’ve never had a policy for family separation” in front of Congress. Despite her claims, the government separated almost 3,000 children from their parents in the last year due to the new policies on illegal immigration. Earlier this year, new reports emerged from the Department of Health and Human Services that stated previous reports miscounted and thousands more children have been identified as being separated from their guardians since Trump became president. The fact that Nielsen did absolutely nothing to stop these actions and prevent the obstruction of immigrants’ basic human rights shows how evil she truly is. She also failed to create a system to track the locations of the children who were forcefully taken away. Now, the Trump administration says it could take up to two years to correctly identify these children and find their families. Nielson must face just consequences so other administrators and officials under Trump can understand there are repercussions

to blindly following Trump’s policies and continuing to infringe upon basic human rights. She should not be allowed to leave her position with ease. Those who understand the horrendous actions she took part in must make the effort to ensure she does not have the chance to gain a new high corporate position or esteemed appointment anywhere else. Restore Public Trust, a campaign group, was formed to promote a petition to corporate America. The petition requested individuals to blacklist senior executives in the Trump administration, including Nielsen. Karl Frish, a spokesman for the progressive coalition, made a statement about Nielsen and said, “Allowing her to seek refuge in a corporate corner office or a boardroom, university, speaking agency or elsewhere poses a significant risk to the reputation of those involved.” American citizens must make a decision on whether they believe it is acceptable to support and hire someone who has terrorized children. The correct answer would be to not support those officials who have such a disastrous past. Although there are countless corporations and businesses of elite America with power, it is more reasonable to put the responsibility in the hands of the American public. More individuals must defy this kind of inhumane behavior and step up to make the change.

Aminah Beg is a sophomore studying public relations and cognitive sciences. She can be reached at

Photo via Flickr

Nielsen feared the backlash she would receive for her contentious border policies, like family separation.

Matthew Harte Gov. Tony Evers’ 2019-’21 executive budget proposes to incrementally increase the state’s minimum wage, which currently matches the federal minimum of $7.25 an hour, to $10.50 an hour by 2023. It would also create a task force to assess the possibility of a statewide $15 per hour wage. These proposals must be enacted to provide greater economic security for Wisconsin’s low-income workers. About 57 percent of Wisconsin voters support an increase in the minimum wage, according to the Marquette Law School poll released April 12. Wisconsin is one of only 21 states that currently retains the federal minimum of $7.25, which hasn’t been raised since 2009. This wage lags behind several of Wisconsin’s neighboring states. In late March, Michigan officially raised its minimum wage to $9.45, while Illinois plans to incrementally increase its current wage of $8.25 to $15 per hour by 2025. Wisconsin’s minimum wage is woefully inadequate to provide for the state’s low-income workers. The living wage calculator created by The Massachusetts Institute of Technology shows that an average wage of $11.41 per hour is necessary to support a full-time working adult in Wisconsin. If the adult has a child, the necessary minimum raises to $24.67. Given the inadequacy of the current minimum wage, many workers are forced to take on multiple jobs or sacrifice their living conditions to support themselves and their families. One of the biggest sacrifices that low-income families have made is cutbacks in their purchasing of necessities like food. About 12 percent of American families were food insecure in 2017, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Raising the minimum wage would be a valuable tool at decreasing this alarming number. A 2016 report by the policy think tank Century Foundation found that increasing the nationwide minimum wage to $15 by 2023 would free 1.2 million households from hunger. In Wisconsin, approximately 123,000 households would become food secure because of this increase. No family should be forced to go hungry because of an inadequate wage, especially in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. A commonly held


misconception is that a majority of minimum wage workers are teenagers, laboring for spending money while still being supported by their parents. However, a 2019 report by the Economic Policy Institute shed new light on the true identity of a typical American low-income earner. The report found that fewer than 10 percent of workers who make less than $15 per hour are teenagers, while more than half are adults between 25 and 54. Additionally, 58 percent of these low-income earners are women, and 28 percent have children. This report showed that many working adults are tangibly harmed by the insufficiency of the current wage. Many opponents of raising the minimum wage also argue that it could have a negative effect on employment rates. If employers are forced to pay higher wages, they may choose to automate jobs or lay off workers to maintain profits. However, a 2018 study by economists at UC Berkeley’s Institute for Research on Labor and Employment complicates this theory. The economists studied cities that have recently increased local minimum wages to a rate higher than $10 per hour, such as Seattle, the District of Columbia and San Francisco. They found that the increase had no significant negative effect on employment, and also provided the intended positive increase on the incomes of low-wage workers. Wisconsin lawmakers must raise the state’s minimum wage to provide base living security for the state’s low-income workers. Through this increase, fewer workers will have to work multiple jobs or worry about how they will put food on the table. Matthew Harte is a junior studying political science and economics. He can be reached at

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The opinions expressed on the Opinions page reflect the opinions of the Opinions staff. The editorials do not represent the opinions of Marquette University nor its administrators, but those of the editorial board. The Marquette Tribune prints guest submissions at its discretion. The Tribune strives to give all sides of an issue an equal voice over the course of a reasonable time period. An author’s contribution will not be published more than once in a four-week period. Submissions with obvious relevance to the Marquette community will be given priority consideration. Full Opinions submissions should be limited to 500 words. Letters to the editor should be between 150 to 250 words. The Tribune reserves the right to edit submissions for length and content. Please e-mail submissions to: maya. If you are a current student, include the college in which you are enrolled and your year in school. If not, please note any affliations to Marquette or your current city of residence.

Sports The Marquette Tribune


Tuesday, April 16, 2019 PAGE 12


Brothers bow out of top-25 team

Photo by Jordan Johnson

Junior Sam Hauser and freshman Joey Hauser combined to play 1,081 minutes, score 821 points and grab 411 rebounds this season. The duo started in 30 games together.

Wojo loses two of top three scorers via transfer Monday By John Steppe

Sam and Joey Hauser are planning to leave Marquette men’s basketball and transfer to another school, the players announced on their social media accounts Monday afternoon. A team spokesperson confirmed the departure.

It is unclear where the brothers plan to transfer. “Marquette will always have a special place in my heart,” Sam Hauser said in his Instagram post. “But moving forward with my basketball career, I have made the decision to transfer.” “This has been a difficult decision, but I have made the choice to transfer from Marquette and continue my college basketball career elsewhere,” Joey Hauser said in his post. “Thank you for everything Marquette.” With the exit, Marquette loses two of its top three scorers

from last season. The news comes three days after star-guard Markus Howard announced he is not declaring for the NBA Draft and will stay at Marquette for his senior season. Howard will be the only returning player to average more than nine points per game. Each Hauser brother was involved on at least 17.9 percent of possessions last season, per KenPom, a prominent college basketball analytics site. The brothers have combined to start in 128 of 135 games in

their collegiate careers. The Hausers’ departure leaves Marquette with three scholarships open for next season. Class of 2020 commit Symir Torrence may reclassify to the class of 2019, which would occupy one of those three spots. Torrence told the Marquette Wire in March that he has no timeline yet for making a decision. “We are thankful for all that Sam and Joey contributed to our program and University during their time at Marquette and wish them the best of luck in the future,” head coach Steve

Wojciechowski said in a statement. “We have a tremendous group of returning players and are extremely excited about the upcoming season and future of our program.” The brothers are the fourth and fifth transfers or early departures from Marquette men’s basketball in the last three years. Sandy Cohen III, Duane Wilson, Harry Froling and now the Hauser brothers have all left before the end of their eligibilities


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Marquette Tribune



Junior Markus Howard announces return to Marquette BIG EAST Player of the Year opts against entering NBA Draft By John Steppe

Junior guard Markus Howard will return for his senior season, he tweeted Friday morning. “Unfinished business,” Howard tweeted. “Looking forward to next season with this team.” The Chandler, Arizona native was BIG EAST Player of the Year and an Associated Press All-American last season averaging 25 points per game. His lack of height and turnover issues hurt his NBA Draft stock significantly. projected him as a second-round pick because of his outstanding shooting. His return puts him in position to become the men’s basketball program’s all-time leading scorer. He stands 30 points short of tying

former star Jerel McNeal’s 1,985 points. McNeal graduated in 2009. He needs 45 points to become the second Marquette basketball player to score 2,000 points. Women’s basketball standout Allazia Blockton became the first after scoring her 2,000th career point Jan. 25 against Xavier. With Howard returning, many national college basketball sites include Marquette in their early rankings for next season. ESPN has the Golden Eagles as No. 2 and NBC Sports has them at No. 4. Fellow guards Koby McEwen and Greg Elliott will be coming off redshirt years. Some of Howard’s “unfinished business” will likely include striving to win Marquette’s first NCAA Tournament game since 2012. The Golden Eagles also have never advanced past the BIG EAST Tournament semifinals. Photo by John Steppe

Junior Markus Howard has 1,955 points and is 30 points away from becoming MU’s all-time leading scorer.


Seniors reminisce over airport stay, other memories Nine-person class enters final stretch of collegiate careers By Maddie Adams

A potentially dangerous change of events turned into a bonding experience for women’s lacrosse. As Marquette women’s lacrosse was making its way home from Vanderbilt two years ago, the team experienced a problem with their flight. “We had to land in Ohio because we were running out of gas, and something was wrong,” senior midfielder and captain Grace Gabriel said. “We stayed on the plane there waiting to go home. … They finally told us that we’re not going home and the flight’s canceled.” Fellow captain Laine Dolan said the team was hanging out while trapped in the airport. The unexpected stop in Ohio was just one of the experiences Gabriel and Dolan said they’ve enjoyed together over the last four years. “We have been lucky to do a lot of fun things like go to Niagara Falls and Disney,” Dolan said. “I am also very thankful for our trip to Italy. It created a lot of memories and relationships that we wouldn’t have otherwise gotten.” Gabriel said the time spent during games doesn’t compare to the time away from the field. “You spend more time with your teammates off the field than you do on it,” Gabriel said. “It’s really

Photo by Elena Fiegen

Captain Grace Gabriel (far left) pursues the ball in Marquette’s blowout win over Butler over this season. She is one of eight graduating seniors.

important to make those relationships off of the field to have a good connection on the field.” Many of the seniors also live together. “The moments that are created are little, but special,” Gabriel said. There’s limited time for creating new moments. Alongside Dolan and Gabriel, there are seven other players graduating after this season. “We have been on four different teams since being here,” Dolan said. “Having all of those people who are constantly there for you in a hard time or when you’re just hanging out is the best. It’s really

nice to have this group of 35 girls.” Marquette’s seniors have two games remaining before postseason play begins. The Golden Eagles head to Denver this Friday

and will host Georgetown April 27 “That would be huge and give us for their last regular-season game. momentum going into the BIG “One of our goals is to beat Den- EAST Tournament.” ver and Georgetown, which we haven’t done yet,” Gabriel said.



The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Moya overcomes knee injury, makes immediate impact Redshirt freshman uses different style at attackman position By Dan Avington

In the first practice of then-freshman Garrett Moya’s Marquette men’s lacrosse career, a routine move suddenly became a disaster. “It was a one-on-one dodge, I was running up the left side, did an inside roll and just planted wrong,” Moya said. “I felt the whole outside of my leg blow up and I wasn’t able to walk.” The attackman tore his meniscus and damaged the cartilage, requiring two surgeries to repair his leg. Moya, who previously never suffered an injury besides a dislocated shoulder in high school, was in entirely new territory. “Thank God my ACL was fine, so I don’t have too much stability damage,” Moya said. “Any athlete’s worst nightmare is saying that you messed up your knee or something, so that was a pretty scary moment.” A year and a half later, the redshirt freshman was finally cleared to return to action.

“It was a long journey,” Moya said. “It took a lot of lonely hours in the weight room and the physical therapy room. You have to relearn everything that you have to do.” His clearance and return came just hours before the Cleveland State game when 19 of his teammates were suspended. Although Moya was practicing before, he wasn’t practicing at 100 percent. “I didn’t really start running, running until that game,” Moya said. “I kind of got thrown in there and just had to power through, try to help the boys out.” Moya tallied a goal in that matchup, his first in a Marquette uniform. “He’s a smart lacrosse player with great instincts, really good skills,” Amplo said. “He’s got the ability to play not like a freshman. He’s just a confident kid.” A native of Huntington, New York, Moya appears to be a product of his lacrosse upbringing. “I was blessed because growing up on Long Island, the lacrosse is pretty good your whole life,” Moya said. “You have to have this IQ for the game so that you can make plays. I’m able to see the field pretty well, and that’s how I had to be.” The redshirt freshman plays a much different style than the other attackmen on the team.

Amplo said Moya isn’t anywhere near as fast and agile as players like junior Ryan Fazio and redshirt senior Tanner Thomson. “He’s probably the slowest person on our team,” Amplo said. “He’s got Bambi legs. Truly looks like Bambi. It’s almost painful to watch him run.” However, the 6-foot-2, 205 pound Moya presents a challenge to opposing defenses because of his contrasting frame. “I’m more of a big bruiser and I have pretty equal hands (to my teammates), so I can go lefty, I can go righty,” Moya said. “I’m more of a finisher. We’re similar in the way we can make plays, but different in the fact that I use my body more.” Amplo recognized how crucial Moya’s style of play is to his attack unit. “He’s a great target inside. He’s got the ability to feed when he carries the ball in his stick,” Amplo said. “When he gets it on goal line, he’s big enough, strong enough and smart enough to handle pressure. That’s a skill, that’s instincts.” For Moya, simply cracking the offensive rotation isn’t good enough. He has much loftier goals. “Win a championship,” Moya said. “That’s the biggest goal.

Photo courtesy of Marquette Athletics

Garrett Moya cradles the ball. He has played in four games in 2019.

vPersonally, I’d love to be First Team All-BIG EAST.” He said he knows those goals won’t be easy, but he believes his work ethic can bring him to those heights. “When I’m not working, someone else is,” Moya said. “I’ve just got to outwork everyone.” Off the field, Amplo said Moya is a critical part of the team’s culture. “He brings that Long Island flavor that I miss,” Amplo, a Hofstra University graduate, said. “The

guys love him. I’m not sure if that’s because when the sun goes down, G-Money comes out, but the guys absolutely love him. He’s always smiling, he’s got a great personality and he’s a crowd favorite.” While Moya has already made a big impact in the short minutes he’s been allotted, Amplo said fans might be seeing more of the 6-foot-2 Long Island attackman early in games.


Hulsman secures starting goalie spot, acclimates to MU Sophomore transfer emerges as Golden Eagles’ netminder By Aimee Galaszewski

There was a burning question at the beginning of the men’s lacrosse season: Who will replace graduated goalkeeper Cole Blazer? Head coach Joe Amplo narrowed his options to junior Chris Rolfing, sophomore Gabe Stein, freshman Carver Skarnulis and the recent sophomore transfer from Bellarmine, John Hulsman. Hulsman won the job. “He is our starting goalie right now, and he will be given a longer leash because he’s proven that he deserves that,” Amplo said. Amplo’s interest in Hulsman sparked after Bellarmine defeated Marquette 7-6 in overtime last season. Hulsman also attracted attention after accomplishing various accolades during his freshman year. He was selected as am All-Southern Conference goaltender. “When someone is one of the top goalies in the country statistically and also shuts the door

against you in a game, you look at him,” Amplo said. Hulsman is friends with sophomore Anthony Orsini, who Hulsman said played a huge role in his decision to transfer. “The main reason (I transferred) was probably Anthony and all the great things he had to say about the school,” Hulsman said. Hulsman said Orsini helped significantly in the transition to Marquette. Hulsman made his debut as Marquette’s goalie in a game against Bellarmine earlier in the season. He notched six saves against his old team, and Marquette came out with a 15-9 victory. “It was fun playing them and seeing them again, and it was also good that we beat them,” Hulsman said. The 6-foot-2 sophomore from Baltimore has only improved from there. He has made a name for himself after he earned BIG EAST Defensive Player of the Week with 12 saves against Georgetown and received a spot on the BIG EAST Weekly Honor Roll with his 15 saves against St. John’s. Marquette captured a 12-8 win over St. John’s on senior day,

which was credited to Hulsman’s acrobatic saves and consistency between the pipes. “We all wanted to come out and play for (the seniors) and get the win for them,” Hulsman said. Amplo said Hulsman has adjusted well to the overall transition to Marquette, but there are still areas where he could improve. He said Hulsman needs to watch the five-hole, which is the area between his legs that shots could pass through. “He has to make sure that there’s a big toll booth out front, and no one else has the token to get past him,” Amplo said. Hulsman recognized his need to become more consistent and has created substantial goals for the rest of his Marquette career. He said he plans to win BIG EAST and NCAA titles. His need for Marquette men’s lacrosse goes beyond his spot in the cage. His goofy charm has helped his team and led to an odd nickname for him: “Beans.” He needed a nickname to differentiate himself from John Wagner, who has the same first name. “We were at dinner one day, and they were like, ‘We can’t keep calling you Johnny; it’s too annoying,’” Hulsman said. “One

Photo courtesy of Marquette Athletics

Sophomore John Hulsman has saved 44 percent of the shots on goal.

of the guys on the team was like, ‘You’re Beans.’ And ever since he said that, it stuck.” Coach Amplo said “Beansy” has been a excellent addition to their team. “I walked in the locker room on Saturday after we won (against

St. John’s), and he had his shirt off and he was dancing,” Amplo said. “If that is any indication of how he is off the field, I think he’s having a good time here.”


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Marquette Tribune



Hiring of Megan Duffy ends stressful week for players Returners rely on teammates through coaching transition By Zoe Comerford

For women’s basketball returners, the past two weeks were filled with anticipation. The team found out April 3 then-head coach Carolyn Kieger left to take a Penn State job. The team met its new head coach Megan Duffy for the first time April 10. “Changes happen,” freshman forward Chloe Marotta said. “This happens in college basketball all the time. … We all stuck together, all the returners and also the incoming freshmen.” When the returning players first found out about Kieger’s departure, junior guard Isabelle Spingola said they were shocked. “This week has been pretty long, but we’re just excited to see what the future holds for us,” Spingola said. “We know who our coach is now (and) we’re just ready to get to work and get to know her.” During the weeklong coaching

search, the players said they met with athletic director Bill Scholl to talk about what qualities they were looking for in their next head coach. “We want to keep the momentum going,” Spingola said. “We want this to be a winning culture. We want to prove that next year’s going to be even better.” Lott said besides these characteristics, the team told administration about how their assistant coaches deserve to stay. “(We) talked about our assistant coaches and how much we liked them and how they should also get a spot,” sophomore Selena Lott said. “But (we) knew that we also needed a change.” Spingola said the team didn’t have a ton of contact with assistant coaches Ginny Boggess, Scott Merritt and Vernette Skeete. “We were talking a lot as teammates just knowing that honestly no matter what happens, we’re going to stick together,” Spingola said. “We’re going to get through this. We couldn’t really change anything that was happening so we’re … dealing with it pretty well (and) staying positive.”

Photo by Claire Gallagher

Megan Duffy participated in the WNBA for the Minnesota Lynx and New York Liberty and played overseas.

Despite all the excitement a new coach brings, the transition following Kieger’s departure was not easy. “(Kieger) recruited me,” redshirt junior guard Lauren Van Kleunen said. “It was definitely tough. It has been hard, but the team has been really good together just talking with each other and staying together.” Scholl called a meeting to announce Marquette’s newest

hire April 10. The team found out a 7 a.m., shortly before the press release. “It was definitely a relief because now it’s just time to go,” Marotta said. “It’s time to get this offseason rolling and no setbacks anymore.” The first meeting between Duffy and the team was 15 minutes long Wednesday, which included mostly introductions. “She just wanted to make sure

that we were good and that we know … change is hard sometimes,” Spingola said. Duffy said that change is challenging regardless of age. “It really is special … being able to just for a short time be with your future team,” Duffy said. “I just tried to validate that this program is going to go on in the right direction.”

Cascade, 2015, Oil and alkyd on wood panel, 72 × 144 inches. Commissioned by Grand Rapids Art Museum with funds provided by Peter Wege, Jim and Mary Nelson, John and Muriel Halick, Mary B. Loupee, and Karl and Patricia Betz. Grand Rapids Art Museum, 2015.19

Alexis Rockman

The Great Lakes Cycle

February 8 – May 19, 2019 Free Admission | Open Daily |

Alexis Rockman: The Great Lakes Cycle is organized by the Grand Rapids Art Museum, with support generously provided by the Wege Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Frey Foundation, and LaFontsee Galleries and Framing.



The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Sophomore accomplishes more than personal records Bravo leaps hurdles on track, sings a cappella in free time By Matt Yeazel

On the track, sophomore hurdler Ross Bravo set a personal record in every meet of the indoor season and finished on the podium at the BIG EAST Championships Feb. 23. Off the track, he stays active. A mathematics major, he works as a tour guide on campus he and sings in Marquette’s male a cappella group, where he is also the assistant music director. Bravo said he has always been interested in music as part of a very musical family. His sister is working on a music degree at the Berklee College of Music in Boston. He said the a cappella group gave him a way to continue his homegrown love for music while dealing with his busy schedule. He is also very passionate about being a Marquette tour guide. Bravo said it is more than just a job to him. He said he loves

walking around campus and hyping it up to other people. “The office is full of social people who love the campus and what they do,” Bravo said. Despite the heavy workload, Bravo said he has found a good balance, but it’s still not easy. “I over-commit myself and essentially force myself to have no free time,” Bravo said. “Everything comes up, one (thing) after the other.” Both Bravo and head coach Bert Rogers said the fairly consistent track and field schedule allows track athletes to take part in other activities. Typically, most meets will occur Fridays or Saturdays, and practices are in the morning or early afternoon on weekdays, leaving almost all weeknights open. “Our track schedule is great,” Bravo said. “We get in a good routine compared to other sports, who may not know when they would be available to do other things.” Despite track allowing athletes to schedule other events in their weeks, Rogers said he is still impressed whenever

he hears the stories of his athletes and all they’re involved in, especially Bravo. “Ross has a lot of irons in the fire and he takes care of all of them,” Rogers said. “He’s a perfect example and model of a student-athlete.” Rogers credited Bravo with being a hard worker in practice, always showing up on time and going above and beyond what is asked of him. With all that hard work, Bravo and Rogers said they both feel there has been a lot of growth since the start of Bravo’s freshman year. “There were so many new things freshman year,” Bravo said. “Now I’m making the most out of everything that’s been given to me.” Bravo’s growth impressed Rogers, who said that Bravo is stacking up there with the top hurdlers in Marquette history and that Bravo could easily reach the top of that list down the line in his career. “He takes coaching well,” Rogers said. “He listens and tries to make corrections to his mistakes and it definitely shows on the track.”

Photo courtesy of Ross Bravo

Ross Bravo finished third in the BIG EAST 60-Meter hurdles Feb. 23.


Marotta, others show excitement over new head coach Former Notre Dame guard makes strong early impressions By Zoe Comerford

When new women’s basketball head coach Megan Duffy stepped into the locker room for 15 minutes April 10, returners like Selena Lott or other of her teammates said excitement immediately overcame the nervousness. “Right away, my first impression was like, ‘Wow, I’m excited to get going,’” freshman forward Chloe Marotta said. “We like her a lot.” That excitement has led to hightened expectations despite a coaching transition and a historically young team. Redshirt sophomore Lauren Van Kleunen said some of the team’s goals include winning a BIG EAST title and trying to make an appearance in the Sweet 16, an accomplishment no team in program history has achieved. “Our goals aren’t changing, and she understands that,” Van Kleunen said. “She knows that that’s what we want to do, and she’s going to align with that too, just like we’re going to align with whatever she needs.” “We’re going to continue to put our blood, sweat and tears to keep this program on the national scene,”

Duffy said. Duffy said the 2019-’20 season will be filled with a growth mentality. “We still have the same standards of excellence,” Duffy said. “Really confident that if we get the right talent, the pieces, along with our philosophy, that we’ll keep this program at a very high level.” That includes likely establishing the same up-tempo pace Kieger instilled. “I love being able to be on that sideline and make adjustments and find the best ways to be the best,” Duffy said. “We’re going to have toughness on the defensive end, diving on the floor for loose balls and taking charges.” The similarities between Kieger and Duffy go beyond the playing style. “I’ve known Carolyn for a long time,” Duffy said. “We have similar values, just from knowing her, with the same passion and grit and determination. We will carry that momentum … to keep this program as high as it is right now in the BIG EAST.” Duffy, who played under legendary Notre Dame coach Muffet McGraw, also played against the 2006 Marquette alumna. Duffy described McGraw as a “huge mentor and teacher” for her. “She wants these young leaders regardless of where you come from … to be at the forefront,” Duffy

Photo by Elena Fiegen

Marquette women’s basketball celebrates during the 2019 BIG EAST Women’s Basketball Tournament.

said. “It’s something I know anybody in her circle really preaches.” Duffy said McGraw talked to her about this job prior to coaching the National Championship game in Tampa Bay. “She’s tremendous (and) somebody that will be important to me as I move on in my coaching career and definitely the best,” Duffy said. Under McGraw’s guidance, Duffy was the 2006 Frances Pomeroy Naismith Award winner, a

recognition given to the nation’s top point guard under 5-foot-8. Duffy was a presence in the BIG EAST as two-time All-BIG EAST First Team honoree and the 2006 BIG EAST/Aeropostle Scholar Athlete of the Year. “She embodies who we are as a university,” University President Michael Lovell said. “She really cares about every aspect of our student athletes and helping them be successful in every aspect

of their lives.” As for next season, there’s not much doubt whether some of the team’s returners are excited for the upcoming season. “We’re ready to go,” Van Kleunen said. “(We’re) working toward October, which seems so far away, but it’ll be here before we know it. We’re going to all be really, really excited for the energy that this is going to bring with us in the following seasons.”

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