The Marquette Tribune | Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2018

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Celebrating 100 years of journalistic integrity

Less abroad options

Nursing students can no longer be admitted to SLU’s Madrid program due to program cuts NEWS, 5



Volume 102, Number 18

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016 SPJ Award-Winning Newspaper

Dancers upset over lack of space Sendik’s Fresh2Go location eliminates preferred room By Rachel Harmon

Hype Marquette, a student hiphop dance group, finished one of their last rehearsals for their spring semester show last year. They left Practice Space East with their heads held high. Little did the team know, it would be the last time they would practice in that space. PSE was being transformed into the new Sendik’s Fresh2Go. Tajah Lynch, the co-director of Hype and a junior in the College of Arts & Sciences, was blindsided by the news over the summer. She reached out to the Event Management Office to find out where the group’s replacement practice space would be. Lynch had questions, and she wanted answers. “What do you mean PSE will be gone? We practice there. What happens to our time? What happens to our space?” Lynch worked with Event

Management to reschedule the rehearsals. But the result was less than desirable. The additional spaces in Humphrey Hall or the Alumni Memorial Union weren’t guaranteed to have mirrors. The flooring might be slippery, hard, dirty and pose a likelihood of injury. Plus, it would be hard to work on spacing because of columns in some of the rooms. Event Management declined to comment about the lack of practice spaces. Hype members couldn’t help but feel like an afterthought with the changes. “Instead of just tearing it down and saying here’s a grocery store, it would have been nice if they would have built something else up first before tearing down one of the only things we had,” Lynch said. “It makes us feel like the performing groups aren’t important to the Marquette campus.” She’s not alone. Other Marquette dance groups have also been displaced from PSE. “(PSE) was our favorite practice space. And they got rid of it. It was the most open … two groups could practice at See UNIVERSITY page 2

Photo by Helen Dudley

Dancers rehearse in the hallway in Varsity Theatre, which is an alternative practice space for displaced groups.

Five Greek orgs are on university probation Additional sorority cannot host events involving alcohol By Matthew Martinez

Five Greek life organizations are currently on probation, said university spokesman Brian Dorrington. The five organizations, Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Triangle Fraternity, Kappa Delta Sorority, Alpha Xi Delta Sorority and Delta Chi Fraternity are prohibited from hosting events serving or involving alcohol.

Probation is generally a result of violating alcohol-related policies. It can be administered by the university or by the national chapter of the organization. The Division of Student Affairs had formal hearings for each organization over the past two years. “University probation is a formal notice to the organization that they have engaged in behavior that is unacceptable within the university community, and that if continued or other inappropriate behavior follows, more severe action may be taken, including the possibility of suspension,” Dorrington said in an email. Heidi Roy, director of

communication for Kappa Delta, said the chapter “is on probation to focus on living Kappa Delta and Marquette values.” “The national organization and the chapter are working closely with the university to address the concerns raised about the chapter’s risk management,” Roy said. Sigma Kappa Sorority is currently prohibited from holding social events with alcohol due to violations of the university’s alcohol and risk management policies, according to Jordan Bentlage, executive director of Sigma Kappa. “All Sigma Kappa members are educated on expectations for membership and each individual




Foxconn’s MKE spot

Valentine’s Day alone

CALENDAR......................................................3 MUPD REPORTS.............................................3 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT...............................8 OPINIONS......................................................10 SPORTS..........................................................12

Business hopes to attract recent grads to new, local location


bears the personal responsibility to abide by applicable federal, state and local laws, university rules and regulations, as well as Sigma Kappa policies, rules and procedures,” Bentlage said. “We are committed to assisting our members in reaching their potential and assisting our chapter in meeting the requirements of their probation.” Bentlage said each member of Sigma Kappa bears the personal responsibility of abiding by applicable state local and federal laws as well as sorority standards. “Sigma Kappa has its’ own set of standards based on our values as a national organization,” said Lauren Debertin,

Singles, those in long distance relationships tell holiday plans PAGE 8

president of Marquette’s chapter of Sigma Kappa. “In light of current trends, Sigma Kappa has deemed it appropriate to put us through their own set of member development programs.” Dorrington said the university has comprehensive policies for Greek life and that it takes the conduct of sororities and fraternities extremely seriously. All other Greek organizations are currently in good standing with the university, which means they are not under investigation, on probation or suspended, Dorrington added.


MU Faculty diversity

EDITORIAL: University educators are predominantly white PAGE 10



The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

University attempts to provide alternative areas DANCERS, from page 1 the same time,” said Heather Belingon, a senior of the College of Arts & Sciences and vice president of the Bayanihan Student Organization. Jeff Janz, associate vice president for the Division of Student Affairs, said the loss of PSE was unfortunate, but it was necessary to fulfill another high priority of students. Displaced student organizations now practice in spaces like the Helfaer Recreation Center and the AMU. “A lot of people used the old space where the new grocery store is. A lot of those people needed to find a new home. So we were able to help some of them out,” Scott Anderegg, assistant director of recreational sports, said. In addition to Event Management working with student groups to find new practice spaces, the Office of Residence Life and Rec Sports are working to find new practice spaces across campus, in residence halls and recreational facilities. Annette Conrad, associate director of Event Management, knew the establishment of a Sendik’s on campus introduced a challenge for students who utilized PSE. The shortage of practice spaces will be eased come fall 2018 when new residence hall Wilde Commons opens. “Having a variety of reservable spaces inside the new residence hall was absolutely a priority as the designs were being developed,” Rachel Tepps, coordinator of residence life programs with ORL, said. Despite the frustration of losing PSE, some groups are content with the new spaces. The Irish dance group utilizes the basement of Straz every Sunday and find the space more than adequate, said Kaitlin Shea, co-president of the Irish group, Saoirse, and sophomore in the College of Nursing. But there still are drawbacks to the spaces: There are no mirrors, and the floor is carpeted. “You can’t really hear our shoes,” Shea said. “It would be nice if there was a space for the dance groups that had mirrors and actual flooring.” Not only can poor flooring ruin dancer’s shoes, but it can pose a threat to dancers’ health, Catey Ott Thompson, adjunct professor of dance at Marquette, said. Professional, sprung dance floors act as support systems that absorb shocks that come from hitting or landing on the floor a certain way. Dancing on unsafe floors can lead to chronic muscle, ligament or bone pain and stress fractures.

Photo by Helen Dudley

Bayanihan Student Organization practices routines on stage. Stage flooring can sometimes pose safety and health problems for dancers.

New spaces were made available on the reservation website — but the process has become more complicated. Sometimes, student groups are accidentally double-booked by Event Management to use the same space at the same time, Belingon said. She recalled multiple times last spring semester of being double booked during BSO’s preparation for their yearly Cultural Show. “We would show up with our props, which are very difficult to transport, but find out that the space is being used by another group already,” Belingon. Max Moloney, secretary of BSO and senior of the College of Arts & Sciences, said sometimes groups end up only utilizing a corner of the space because of the miscommunications. Also, students don’t always receive confirmation emails from Event Management about their reservation, which is “crucial” to establishing practice space and time for their group, Belingon said. Even when they send follow up emails and reach out again, Event Management does not always respond. Sometimes, if two spaces are needed to rehearse, which sometimes BSO needs, Event Management combines the two separate spaces. “Things like that are actually a pretty regular occurrence,” Belingon said. “We are always expecting to be double booked whenever we show up for practice.” The university hopes that with other Master Plan initiatives, more practice spaces will open up to help these student groups. “(We) have emphasized the

integration of space for student groups as we plan for new and renovated student life facilities on campus,” said Kathy Kugi-Tom, project manager of

the Department of Facilities Planning and Management. “Dance on campus needs to be discussed more. It’s the bestkept secret, how much dance is

on campus and how hard everyone is working on their craft and their voice,” Ott Thompson said. “The more we talk about the shortage, the better.”


Student Body By Frank Winters

Feb. 15 – 25

Several college students, brought together by a snowstorm, learn about a video taken during a recent party. Find yourself pulled into the argument in this engaging and compelling drama about sexual assault on campus.

Ticket prices (all seats reserved) General — $20 Senior — $16 Marquette employee or alumnus/a — $16 Students — $10 Wednesday ALL TICKETS — $6 Thursday — Two students for $12 with ID Evan P. and Marion Helfaer Theatre Order tickets by phone or online: 414.288.7504


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Marquette Tribune

Students send medical items overseas Blueprints for Pangaea collect donated supplies By Josh Anderson

Ben Rathi went on a trip to Nepal in 2013 as a University of Michigan student. He visited a major hospital that lacked even the most basic medical supplies, and when he returned to the United States, he saw those same supplies being thrown away in American hospitals. Rathi went on to found Blueprints for Pangaea, abbreviated as B4P, a medical surplus recovery organization that collects unused or unwanted supplies from hospitals and suppliers in the United States and distributes them to international medical organizations which lack medical supplies. B4P recently added a chapter at Marquette. “I began connecting the dots, and I wondered how big of a problem this was,” he said. “I learned that in the U.S., we actually throw away hundreds of millions of pounds of unused medical supplies each year.” Much of the unused medical supplies have never been touched, are still sealed and are in better condition than medical supplies overseas, Rathi said. In the nearly five years since Rathi’s trip to Nepal, B4P has expanded to eight additional college campuses around the U.S. He has since graduated and was not directly involved in B4P’s expansion past Michigan. However, he remains a chairman of the program. “There are a core group of people at the University of Michigan right now who are running (B4P), and they are the ones who are coordinating between the chapters that have opened up,” Rathi said. Blueprints for Pangaea was established at Marquette in April 2017. The Marquette chapter works with local hospitals to collect their unused supplies and distribute them to trips going abroad, Shreya Shah, a junior

in the College of Health Sciences and president of B4P, said. “We take any supplies that hospitals are willing to donate, and we store them in a storage unit,” she said. “Then we find mission trips that need supplies or other organizations that need supplies, and we’ll find a way to ship it to them.” Shah said there is no health risk in using supplies that would be disposed of by American hospitals because many of these supplies, though past their shelf life, can be safely used for many more years. “It wouldn’t be anything that hasn’t been sterilized; sometimes

it’s things that hasn’t (sic) even been opened,” Shah said. Utilizing supplies that would otherwise go to waste can be extremely beneficial for the environment, Shah said. “Usually what happens is if the shelf life has expired and the hospital has to get rid of the supplies without donating them, they’ll have to put them through an incinerator, and that’s pretty bad for the environment,” Shah said. Moe Han is a senior in the College of Health Sciences and vice president of B4P at Marquette. Han was friends with Shah and decided to

Unknown person(s) vandalized university property in O’Donnell Hall. Estimated damage unknown at this time. The incident occurred Feb. 8 between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. A student reported that her unsecured, unattended property estimated at $70 was removed from Humphrey Hall. The incident occurred between Jan. 30 at 6:45 p.m. and Feb. 1 at 1 a.m. Three students were in possession of drug paraphernalia in Straz Tower and were cited by MUPD. The incident occurred Feb. 10 at 1 a.m.

The Marquette Tribune EDITORIAL Executive Director of Marquette Wire Patrick Thomas (414) 288-1739

Managing Editor of Marquette Tribune Rebecca Carballo NEWS News Editor Aly Prouty Projects Editor McKenna Oxenden Assistant Editors Sydney Czyzon, Jenny Whidden Assistant Projects Editor Alex Groth Reporters Sanya Sawlani, Josh Anderson, Sarah Lipo, Caroline White, Jenna Thompson, Natallie St. Onge, Grace Connatser, Claire Hyman D.C. Correspondent: Clara Janzen ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Arts & Entertainment Editor Mackane Vogel Assistant Editors Nathan DeSutter, Noelle Douglass Reporters Kelli Arseneau, Rome Gandelsman, Mikala Hershman, Dan O’Keefe OPINIONS Opinions Editor Morgan Hughes Assistant Editor Caroline Kaufman Columnists Reilly Harrington, Maya Korenich, Jackson Dufault SPORTS Sports Editor Andrew Goldstein Assistant Editors John Steppe, Brendan Ploen Reporters John Hand, Sammi Alexander, Zoe Comerford, Chris Reisner, Jack Phillips, Meghan Rock COPY Copy Chief Gina Richard Copy Editors Emma Brauer, Kaelyn Gray, Haley Hartmann, Ingrid Olson VISUAL CONTENT Design Chief Hannah Feist Photo Editor Helen Dudley Opinions Designer Anabelle McDonald Arts & Entertainment Designer Lexi Beaver Sports Designer Molly Mclaughlin Advertising Designer Ava Heiniger Photographers Jordan Johnson, Isiah Gencuski, Olivia Qualls ----

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THE MARQUETTE TRIBUNE is a wholly owned property of Marquette University, the publisher. THE TRIBUNE serves as a student voice for the university and gives students publishing experience and practice in journalism, advertising, and management and allied disciplines. THE TRIBUNE is written, edited, produced and operated solely by students with the encouragement and advice of the advisor, who is a university employee. The banner typeface, Ingleby, is designed by David Engelby and is available at David Engelby has the creative, intellectual ownership of the original design of Ingleby. THE TRIBUNE is normally published Tuesdays, except holidays, during the academic year by Marquette Student Media, P.O. Box 1881, Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881. Subscription rate:

Photo courtesy of Shreya Shah

Blueprints for Pangaea sorts through donated medical supplies that are technically expired, but still safe to use.

MUPD cited several students for underage drinking at a residence in the 800 block of N. 18th Street and cited the students that live in the residence for allowing the consumption of alcohol by underage persons on their premises. The incident occurred Feb. 10 at 11:16 p.m. Feb. 7 A juvenile subject was observed pulling on vehicle door handles in the 800 block of N. 17th Street. MUPD cited the subject for loitering/prowling and resisting/obstructing an officer. The incident occurred Feb. 6 at 11:04 p.m.

$50 annually.



run for an executive board position when Shah spoke about the organization in one of her classes. Han said through her time working with B4P, she has learned to be more confident in her decision making. “You can’t go back and forth with anything,” Han said. “You have to be straightforward and make sure all of the members know what’s going on, so we all can achieve the same goal.” Currently, Marquette’s B4P chapter has sent medical supplies to Myanmar and Jamaica through mission trips, but Shah said they hope to expand their reach to even more countries.


Feb. 6 An MU student was issued a citation for underage drinking in 800 block of N. 15th Street. The incident occurred Feb. 3 at 1:24 p.m. An MU student was issued citations for public drinking, underage drinking and resisting/ obstructing an officer in the 1700 W. Kilbourn Avenue. ((Is this an address or a block?)) The incident occurred Feb. 3 at 11:20 a.m. An MU student was issued a citation for underage drinking in the 800 block of N. 20th Street. The incident occurred Feb. 3 at 10:40 a.m.

Feb. 13 Book Signing: “A Nun on the Bus” Weasler Auditorium 7-7:30 p.m. Feb. 14 Wake Up Milwaukee: Race Base Trauma 1-2 p.m. AMU, room 254 Feb. 15 Presentation by Dr. Kate Ward 2-3 p.m. Haggerty Museum of Art Student Body 7:30-10 p.m. Helfaer Theatre Feb. 16 International Day 10 a.m.-2 p.m. AMU, second-floor lobby Student Body

7:30-10 p.m. Helfaer Theatre Feb. 17 Social Justice in Action Conference 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. AMU, Ballrooms Student Body 7:30-10 p.m. Helfaer Theatre Feb. 18 Winter Orchestra Concert 2-4 p.m. Varsity Theatre “The Blood is at the Doorstep” Film Viewing and Discussion 7-9:30 p.m. Varsity Theatre Feb. 19 Deadline to apply for Peacemaking fellowship



The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Retiring police chief discusses justice system Ed Flynn gives his opinion on mental health, social issues By Jenny Whidden

The criminal justice system is often faced with social issues such as mental illness, domestic violence and drug addiction — an idea Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn has stressed in his speeches throughout the past four years. Flynn’s last speech before his retirement was Feb. 8 in the Law School, where he once again brought up these challenges to law enforcement. In the chief’s last two out of four visits for “On the Issues with Mike Gousha”, he said America’s solution for many social problems, such as mental illness and substance abuse, is the criminal justice system. Flynn reflected on his career of 47 years and made that argument one last time, last Thursday. Flynn said over the past 10

years, politicians have engaged with mental health issues — but their solution is to have officers get more training. He made similar remarks during his 2014 and 2015 visits. He continued on and said that society more often than not, believes the justice system is a solution for those suffering from mental health and committing crimes. “If you think about the number of intractable social problems that are dumped in the laps of our 25 to 30-year-old first responders, we get it. We’ve always done more social work than crime fighting,” Flynn said last Thursday. “But the rest of society still has a role to play in these problems beyond holding the police accountable for every single one of them.” Jeff Kranz, Marquette University Police Department’s interim chief, said a lot of the crime his department encounters is driven by these same social issues. “It’s about trying to find the underlying, driving force behind the behavior,” Kranz said. “Not everybody that commits a crime

is a criminal, but there are reasons behind those behaviors. We try and dig into that a little bit when we can, but we still have to address that criminal behavior.” Darren Wheelock, an associate professor of criminology, said in the case of mental illness, there is a large population of people with mental illnesses that have continual contact with the criminal justice system. Mental healthcare moved away from institutionalization in the ‘60s and ‘70s and toward outpatient care and medication, but these options are not accessible to many people, Wheelock said. Wheelock reiterated what Flynn said that the criminal justice system has become the de facto mental health provided. “They don’t want to be, but no one else is dealing with it,” Wheelock said. Following the deinstitutionalization of mental illness, Wheelock said the incarcerated population increased by nearly 400 percent in the ‘80s and ‘90s. That population grew and stabilized in the late 2000s. Currently, Wheelock said approximately

50 to 60 percent of incarcerated people suffer from mental illness or drug addiction. “More than half of people in prison suffer from the types of problems that society generally doesn’t want to deal with,” Wheelock said. “It’s not an insignificant population. There’s a really strong connection between drug and alcohol abuse, mental health and our prisons and jails.” Paul Nolette, an assistant professor of political science, said the job of a police officer has changed dramatically in the last few decades. They have to deal with everything from domestic violence to mental illness. “Officers, in addition to the traditional jobs of preventing crime and investigating criminal activity, are also expected to essentially be social workers of a type,” Nolette said. Nolette said the political solutions for these social issues are driven by public support. He said it is easier for politicians to acquire funding for police training than funding for drug addiction treatment, for instance.

“A lot of the people with mental illness and those with drug addictions are not people who get a lot of sympathy from the public. Emphasizing the public safety element gets a lot more support,” Nolette said. “That’s why more and more gets pushed onto the police.” Kranz said the role of a police officer has undergone a positive transition from being a law enforcer to being a “community caretaker.” “You’re out there to protect from criminals, but you’re also there to try and find the root cause of what some of these problems are,” Kranz said. “If you can find a way to assist and address that root cause of the problem, you can eliminate the crime that way without having to throw someone in jail.” Flynn’s retirement is effective Feb. 16. As he looked back on his 10 years as chief, he said he and his team implemented changes such as the creation of the department’s Office of Management, Analysis and Planning, which analyzes data relating to social issues.

Graphic by Jenny Whidden


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Marquette Tribune


Foxconn plans to open downtown headquarters Company hopes to attract locals, recent college graduates By Claire Hyman

Foxconn Technology Group is opening its Wisconsin headquarters in a downtown Milwaukee building located at 611 E. Wisconsin Ave., according to a Feb. 6 press release. Genevieve Chow, a spokesperson for Foxconn, said a closing on the property and an opening of the building is expected later this year. The release said Foxconn opted for this specific location to attract recent local graduates. The company has not

disclosed the purchase price of the downtown building. Doug Fisher, director of the Center for Supply Chain Management at Marquette, said in an email that Foxconn’s downtown Milwaukee headquarters offers opportunities for students and is an economic prospect for Milwaukee. Fisher said Foxconn’s Milwaukee location could benefit the city in many ways. Foxconn has the potential to create an “ecosystem” of innovation similar to other clusters like Silicon Valley, Madison Avenue and Wall Street, Fisher said. “A strong economy, a very large global electronics company locating in the area, the stimulus of (Foxconn’s) proposed Innovation Center and our long and successful heritage in

manufacturing all afford the opportunity for ‘Wisconn Valley’ to become one of the most interesting places to work in the nation,” Fisher said in an email. Brian Dorrington, university spokesperson, said he is optimistic about the opportunities that Foxconn’s downtown location offers Marquette students. He said Foxconn’s investment in Wisconsin has the potential to offer “transformative” opportunities, but also necessitates support from local educational institutions like Marquette. “Marquette University will (support this economic opportunity) by capitalizing on its existing strengths, specifically including our engineering experts and highly-ranked supply chain management program,” Dorrington said.

When Foxconn held a showcase at Marquette in October, 750 students attended throughout the day and 250 students submitted resumes to the company, Dorrington said. Chris Procak, who graduated from the College of Engineering in December, was one of those students. Procak said he was attracted to Foxconn because of their jobs in data science and engineering. He also said he liked the fact that Foxconn is a bigger company that would allow him to connect with more people in the industry. “(Foxconn’s downtown office building) would be very appealing for Marquette students because it’s just a couple blocks away,” Procak said. Many of the jobs Foxconn is offering in advanced manufacturing

require a minimum of a four-year degree, Dorrington said. Although some express support for the technology company, Foxconn’s arrival in Wisconsin has been contentious. A poll conducted by Marquette Law School in October 2017 indicated that 48 percent of residents in Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Washington and Waukesha counties said Foxconn is not worth the $3 billion it received in state aid. Foxconn has also generated controversy in Wisconsin politics. In September, Wisconsin State Assembly Minority Leader Peter Barca stepped down after disapproval from fellow Democrats regarding his endorsement of legislation incentivizing Foxconn’s opening of a display screen plant in Racine County.

SLU cuts Marquette nursing study abroad spots OIE creates more opportunities for interested students By Sanya Sawlani

St. Louis University-Madrid’s nursing study abroad program is no longer offering spots to Marquette nursing students due to limited capacity and high demand from SLU’s own nursing program. Marquette sent eight nursing students to SLU-Madrid’s campus in fall 2016 and another eight in fall 2017 before learning this month that the program will no longer be offered. Jessica Lothman, study abroad coordinator in the Office of International Education, said the lack of spots will not hinder nursing students’ chances to study abroad as they have programs in Dublin, Peru and South Africa. A program is held at the University College Dublin for nursing students in the spring semester of their junior year, which offers 16 spots. The university also offers a faculty-lead nursing program in Peru in the summer and another in South Africa during J-session, which runs during part of winter break. The Peru program historically had 10 spaces for undergraduate nursing students. But because of SLU-Madrid dropping their Marquette affiliation, six more spots were added for the next J-session, giving more nursing students the opportunity to

study abroad, Lothman said. In J-session 2018, the South Africa program was five spots under capacity. University College Dublin currently does not have any limitation on space. SLU-Madrid’s nursing program was an option some nursing students said they were looking forward to. “My gut reaction was feeling so disheartened. I love the Spanish language, and I came to Marquette under the promise that I, as a nursing student, would be able to study in Madrid — an opportunity that very few nursing schools offer,” Brendan Blaney, a sophomore in the College of Nursing, said. OIE and the College of Nursing said they are aware students have expressed disappointment, and the offices are working together to increase the capacity in nursing-specific programs. Blaney pointed out that some students plan their college experiences around study abroad because of expenses. “Semester programs can be cheaper than semesters in Milwaukee, and any financial aid a person has at Marquette transfers to their semester abroad, making it affordable,” he said. Lothman said the Office of International Education is working in partnership with the College of Nursing to rectify the decrease in SLU’s study abroad spots. “(We) remain committed to identifying options and preparing students for an increasingly diverse society and globally-connected world,” Lothman said.

Photo by Olivia Qualls

Marquette nursing students can no longer study abroad through St. Louis University’s Madrid program.



The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Gesu parishioner reaches out to board members Jesuit priest says decision process was not collaborative By Caroline White

Archdiocese of Milwaukee and sponsored by the Society of Jesus. It thus depends upon easily accessed parking to carry out its mission,” Flaherty said in the email. Flaherty again expressed his frustration over Gesu’s lack of involvement in the planning process. “The process was, in essence, non-collaborative and not in keeping with the Society of Jesus’ ‘way of proceeding’ in ministry,’” Flaherty said in the email.

University spokesperson Chris Stolarski said Marquette officials met with Gesu Parish leadership last October when the university first determined that Lot F was a possible location from the new Athletic and Human Performance Research Center. Stolarski said Marquette notified Gesu of the university’s intention to move forward with the project on Lot F’s site. “We knew it was impor-

tant to give the parish an opportunity to begin planning for this change,” he said in an email. John O’Brien, the director of operations and administration at Gesu Parish, said he felt the October meeting was insufficient. He said Gesu requested the meeting, in which the university first announced its plans for the site. “Our input was the closing of Lot F would significantly harm the parish,” O’Brien said. “Then, with no further

communication or collaboration, on Dec. 11 the university formally announced the plan we oppose.” Although there is no resolution to this issue to date, both parties plan to continue to meet to find a solution to the parking issue. “Marquette truly values its relationship with Gesu, and we will continue to meet with parish leadership to find additional, agreeable longterm parking solutions,” Stolarski said.

Gesu parishioners and priests are reaching out to additional members of the parish and Marquette community after their primary parking lot was repurposed. Marquette recently announced that it will close Lot F, which upset priests and parishioners who said that Gesu was not part of the decision-making process. The university said it will provide alternative parking options. Marquette alumnus and parishioner Paul Trotter decided to take additional action by reaching out to an outside authority via email. One such email was to Rev. Thomas Neitzke, the president of Creighton Prep School and member of Marquette’s Board of Trustees. Trotter asked Neitzke to “help guide Marquette to provide a solution to the problem they have created” in the email. He also said he would be contacting all trustees regarding the matter. Following the publishing of serval news articles about the dispute between Gesu and Marquette, Rev. Jim Flaherty of Gesu sent out another email to the parishioners to “clarify certain points with regard to the issue of Lot F and its potential closure on February 19th.” “This current situation would not be controversial Marquette Wire Stock Photo were Gesu a University Chapel, but it is not. Gesu is an Marquette says it “values” its relationship with Gesu, while many of the church’s members say they feel frustrated because they weren’t involved in decisions. independent parish of the

MUSG committee elects two vice presidents Monday’s meeting also includes some community updates By Sarah Lipo

Marquette University Student Government elected its programming vice president and communications vice president during an election Feb. 12. This election only occurs once a year. Paige Hunt, a senior in the

College of Health Sciences, was elected to the programming position, and Valerie Del Campo, a junior in the College of Communication, was elected to the communications position. Before the election, an MUSG committee interviewed the candidates. Blake Hartman, a senior in the College of Business Administration, spoke about the committee designed to choose the candidates. “The committee spends a lot of hours choosing the candidates. The Senate is highly confident of the people

they are bringing forward,” Hartman said. This will be Del Campo’s second year in a row as communications vice president. Del Campo said she got accustomed to the position last year and plans on making the position more of her own this year. Some of her plans include introducing more Senate spotlights and student spotlights. Although Hunt was unable to attend the meeting, her fellow senators spoke highly of her. Along with the election, MUSG’s meeting included

other updates for the Marquette community. Dana Warren, a senior in the College of Business Administration, spoke about pursuing a Marquette Madness event using a sport other than basketball. He also proposed an event celebrating freshmen’s successful first year at college, which would take place at the end of this semester. Erin Murphy, a senior in the College of Engineering, touched upon the idea of a single app that would combine many aspects of Marquette.

The app would feature sites for D2L, laundry and wellness. Kevin O’Finn, a senator and freshman in the College of Arts & Sciences, also shared a personal update with his company, Headphones+, which sell light-up headphones that benefit nighttime runners. O’Finn’s start-up is currently on Facebook. “We announced we are launching in May. That’s currently our plan,” he said.


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Marquette Tribune


Speaker advocates for mental health awareness Burke-Harris says we are on cusp of new revolution By Natallie St. Onge

Marquette’s Varsity Theatre hosted Nadine Burke-Harris, a physician and author, Feb. 10. The event highlighted Burke-Harris’s work regarding childhood trauma and adversity. Boswell Book Company and REDgen, a non-profit organization in Milwaukee, sponsored the talk. REDgen’s mission is to advocate for the mental health and well-being of youth. The organization’s president, Amy Lovell said resiliency isn’t something an individual is born with, but it’s something that you can develop and grow when things get tough. “We all have adversity. We all come upon bad times and resilience is the ability to bounce back from that, even stronger or better than you were before,” Lovell said. REDgen Executive Director Jim Flint said everyone encounters a mental health challenge, whether it is a personal challenge or through somebody they know. “I think it’s something that we all

need to break down the stigmas and have more conversations to really support each other,” Flint said. Flint said it’s more comfortable for people to accept physical illness because people’s behavior is not questioned as much as it would be from a mental illness. “So I think we’re working hard to try and even the playing field and recognizing it all as just health,” he said. Active Minds is a national organization that encourages positive conversations about mental health awareness. Emily Rafalik, a senior in the College of Arts & Sciences, is on the executive board of the Marquette chapter. She said because mental illness is not visible, people don’t believe it. “The way we talk about it, we don’t see it as something important,” Rafalik said. “Like if you have a broken arm, someone will believe you. But if you say ‘I’m not feeling well today, I’m feeling anxious,’ you are still expected to go to class. You are still expected to be 100 percent.” However, Burke-Harris said in her speech she believes we are standing on the cusp of a new revolution. Burke-Harris studies connections between lifelong illnesses and toxic stress within her young patients

and their families. Burke-Harris ultimately discovered that childhood stress changes neural systems and lasts a lifetime. “We have to practice self care. Because if there is one thing that I learned from all this research, it’s that self care is not selfish. It is mandatory,” Burke-Harris said. “It’s been a misconception for awhile,” Rafalik said. “Mental health is not mental illness. Everyone has mental health.” Lovell said she thinks the stigma started when mental health got separated from physical health. “When it became physical health versus mental, instead of just health and wellness because it’s continuum, I think it just had originated a long time ago and people carried shame because there’s no shame if you have other illnesses,” she said. Lovell said today, people are more likely to own it and say what it is. Flint said we need to normalize mental illnesses and one way people can do that is by talking about their own experiences. “I think the more we can talk about it, it really helps people feel more comfortable,” Flint said. Rafalik said she hopes to see the day where not going to class because of a panic attack will be acceptable.

Marquette Wire Stock Photo

Student organizations are taking a stand against mental health stigma.


THEIR TIME LIMIT... 3 MINUTES. Three Minute Thesis Competition Friday, February 23, 2018 4 – 5:30 p.m. Weasler Auditorium

Free and open to all.

The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Arts &


Page 8

Alone on Valentine’s Day Students single, separated from their partners share plans By Mikala Hershman

Steph Fuller and her boyfriend have their Valentine’s Day planned. The pair has already exchanged gifts, and they’re going to talk for hours. The bad news: her boyfriend is 67 miles away, at Marian University in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. The gifts were sent through the mail and the only intimate handholding they will be able to do on February 14 will be through a handheld device. It’s a fact that Fuller, a sophomore in the College of Arts & Sciences, is not very happy about. “He plays baseball up there in Fond du Lac, so, unfortunately, we will not be spending the day

together at all,” Fuller said. “I was pretty upset about that when I first found out.” However, she and her boyfriend have plans on how to make the best of the long distance predicament. “He told me he would FaceTime on the day as soon as he could,” Fuller said. “We still plan to celebrate the best we can.” Also facing the long-distance dilemma of Valentine’s Day is Charlie Roberts, a sophomore in the College of Business Administration. Similar to Fuller, his significant other also attends a different college farther away. While the couple will be apart for the second time this February 14, their distance doesn’t deem the day a lost cause. The pair certainly doesn’t think the situation is ideal, but they both try their best to be festive. Roberts and his girlfriend plan to celebrate Valentine’s

Day exactly like they did last year when they were apart — a plan that involves some careful gift-giving and time just for each other. “What we do is send each other small gifts and make sure to talk on the phone for as long as we can so that we are able to make the best of the occasion even though we are long-distance,” Roberts said. Both he and his girlfriend see quality time as a gift, with each not needing to spend money but put in the effort on the holiday of love. For singles on Valentine’s Day, spending lots isn’t required to “feel the love” either. Instead, self-care and spending time with non-romantic loved ones can make the day memorable in its own way. Agreeing with this is Eddie Whitehead, a sophomore in the College of Arts & Sciences, who doesn’t choose to ignore Valentine’s Day despite being single. Instead, he makes plans

Photo via PixaBay

to have fun with friends and make the day about celebrating those closest to him. “I would say that for me, being single on Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to hang out with my close friends and just have a good time in general,” Whitehead said. “Usually, we

Photo by Kate Holstein

Some students choose to send letters, cards or gifts to their significant others who are not able to spend Valentine’s Day by their side.

end up watching a movie or something entertaining and relaxing like that. Sort of like a ‘Palentine’s Day’ I guess.” A possibility for the day, Whitehead said, is going to see the new movie “Fifty Shades Freed.” Beginning with their first premiere, The “Fifty Shades” franchise has been known to release each film in the series on Valentine’s Day, and fans have come to expect it. The book-turned-movie series is known for its steamy love scenes and has a devoted following. Whitehead said he wonders what seeing the film on release day would be like. “I think that it would be fun to go see the new ‘Fifty Shades’ movie with a bunch of my friends that are single too,” Whitehead said. “I have seen the previous two ones that have come out already, but have never actually watched it on Valentine’s Day when it first premieres in theaters, so I feel like that would be a fun thing to go do.” Both singles and those in longdistance relationships will find themselves turning to screens this Valentine’s Day to share and feel some love. Doing so to spend some quality time with the people they care about, or simply to treat themselves to a fun day, each group proves that taking the February holiday into their own hands is all it takes to make it one to remember.

Arts & Entertainment

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Marquette Tribune


Embarrassing love stories from past, present Students share their most cringe-worthy tales of lost romance By Kelli Arseneau

Last weekend, Katie Delia, a sophomore in the College of Communication, received a text message from her high school ex-boyfriend of three years asking her to come visit. They both had recently gotten out of relationships, and Delia initially wondered if her ex had interest in rekindling old flames. This turned out to be far from the case. Instead, “He sent me a picture of him kissing this guy and said ‘I need to introduce you to someone,’” Delia said. The rest is an awkward history. The reality is that many stumble

through difficulties when it comes to love. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it’s a time to reflect on — and laugh at — some shared misfortunes. When it comes to embarrassing moments, Becky Robb, a sophomore in the College of Business Administration, thinks back to a school dance in seventh grade. During Justin Bieber’s “One Less Lonely Girl,” Robb had her first kiss. The seventh grader and her classmates may not have seen fault in the amateur peck and sailing notes of Bieber’s prepubescent voice at the time, but Robb’s view of the moment years later is certainly a more cringe-worthy story. “It was extremely awkward and in front of my entire age group that included three schools,” Robb said, adding that people still tell her that their first memory of her was witnessing

the uncomfortable kiss. Unfortunately, awkward love encounters continue well beyond the awkward stages of middle school. Drew Miner, a freshman in the College of Health Sciences, recalled an uncomfortable moment with a girl during his senior year of high school. “We were just kind of casually seeing each other at first, but then we decided to go to a dance together ... so we just start hanging out a little bit,” Miner said. “Then randomly one day after school she just shows up at my house with no explanation about why. She had never been to my house before. I asked her how she knew where I lived, and she said ‘Oh, I just looked it up.’” Thankfully for Miner, the story ended there, without any tales of stalking or restraining orders to follow. The girl’s presence

Photo by Jordan Johnson

Even couples like Morgan Krouth and Mason Smith have awkward tales.

may have made for an awkward afternoon, but Miner said that times like those just seem to come with the all-too-confusing concept of love. As long as there is romance, there will always be moments of misfortune, embarrassment

and insecurity. Through stories of successes and failures navigating the complications of love, we learn more — and, if we’re lucky, get a few laughs out of it later down the road.

How video games affect couples Gaming brings some couples together, drives others apart By Rome Gandelsman

One hundred fifty five million Americans played video games regularly in 2016, according to a report from Big Fish Games. This means most people — especially college students of this generation — have felt their effects in one way or another. In particular, those in relationships often find their partner’s “gaming” to have a profound role, either for better or for worse, in their shared connection. Sometimes video gaming

means spending less time with a significant other, sophomore in the College of Engineering Paige Myroth said. “My boyfriend has taken some time away from me to play ‘Fortnite,’” Myroth said. Myroth’s experience is not unique, as the recently released “Fortnite: Battle Royale” has captivated Xbox One, PS4 and PC gamers alike. The video game recently reported having 3.4 million players online at the same time, setting the new record for most concurrent players. With figures like these, it’s no surprise that Myroth and others have lost their partners for hours at a time to the game. Jenny Russell, a senior in the College of Business Administration, also said that

her boyfriend has played a lot of “Fortnite.” Yet in Russell’s case, she generally has no problem with him playing it. “It’s a great way for him to destress,” Russell said. “I actually enjoy watching him play video games because it’s just as entertaining for me.” Though the pro-video gaming girlfriend doesn’t usually mind her boyfriend’s gaming behaviors, she did admit that his habits have caused friction between the couple. “The only time we’ve really argued about video games is when he’s playing and says he’s going to be over at a certain time but ends up being late because his games run long, or he starts another one and thinks he has enough time,” Russell said.

Aside from these scheduling mishaps, Russell does believe that her boyfriend does a good job of prioritizing their relationship in his life. Plus, she added, video gaming has even served to bring her boyfriend closer to her family. “(My boyfriend) has developed a pretty cool bond and relationship with my brothers,” Russell said. “And family is really important to me.” Overall, Russell sees video games as a good thing for her relationship. And while gaming can indeed be a great way to connect with people, at other times gaming serves as a way to isolate oneself from others. Edward Duray, a senior in the College of Arts & Sciences and president of the Marquette Gaming and Esports Organization,

said, “Sometimes you just want to stay in and play games.” Despite this concession, Duray said that even the most devoted of gamers can’t use their hobby as an excuse for blowing off their significant other. “You still have to make time for those people,” Duray said. Loved or hated, promoted or warned against, video games have found an unshakeable place in modern society. Though the virtual hobby is here to stay, it is ultimately up to individuals to decide how much hold gaming will have on their lives and relationships. After all, just because there’s going to be “Fortnite” doesn’t mean it can’t be a good night for a couple.


Join Marquette University Graduate School for its annual Three Minute Thesis competition. Watch graduate students compete and present their research in three minutes or less using one slide and no animation. There will be an array of presentations from graduate students in various disciplines. See who will walk away with the coveted prize of $1,000 and international recognition.


Help choose the People’s Choice winner! Be there to cast your ballot.


The event is free and open to Marquette and the community. A reception will follow.

Three Minute Thesis Competition Friday, February 23, 2018 4 – 5:30 p.m., Weasler Auditorium Free and open to all.

The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Opinions Editorial Board

Morgan Hughes, Opinions Editor Caroline Kaufman, Assistant Opinions Editor Patrick Thomas, Executive Director Rebecca Carballo, Managing Editor Marquette Tribune McKenna Oxenden, Projects Editor, Managing Editor Marquette Journal Aly Prouty, News Executive Gina Richard, Copy Chief

Mackane Vogel, A&E Executive Andrew Goldstein, Sports Executive Hannah Feist, Design Chief Ian Schrank, Station Manager MURadio Phil Pinarski, Station Manager MUTV Helen Dudley, Photo Editor


Lack of minority faculty underscores diversity problem Marquette Faculty, as of Nov. ‘17

Source: Marquette Office of Institutional Research & Analysis * Not all demographics listed

- .4%

Hawaiian, - .2% Pacific Islander

American Indian

Hispanic - 2.8%

Black - 3.4%

Asian - 5.8%

White - 83%

When a topic becomes political, the first indicator is the language. The glossary of terms becomes a list of abstractions and jargon, used often, but lacking clarity or impact. Diversity and inclusion are almost inherently politicized terms: used in public addresses and mission statements, but rarely exemplified by those touting the language. At a point, the rhetoric we use in Marquette Wire editorials becomes as inundated with buzzwords and abstractions as the language we criticize the university for using. So, to put it plainly, without the contentious terminology: Marquette should employ more faculty of color. If members of the Marquette community were to believe the language used to describe the university, they may be under the impression that Marquette is less white than it is. The President’s Task Force on Equity and Inclusion, the climate survey, the initiative to become a Hispanic-serving institution and the Center for Intercultural Engagement are each efforts on the part of the administration to acknowledge the need for a diverse campus. In November, 163 of Marquette’s more than 1,200-member faculty were nonwhite, according to Marquette’s Office of Institutional Research and Analysis. This is a one percentage point increase from fall 2013. Currently, 3.4 percent or 42 of the more than 1,200 Marquette faculty members are black. In the U.S., African Americans account for more than 13 percent of the population. Five-point-eight percent of the faculty are Asian, 2.8 percent are Hispanic. All other racial minorities each make up less than half a percent of Marquette’s faculty. More than 1,000 of the 1,220 member faculty, or 83 percent, are white. Marquette is not the only institution that employs few minority faculty. This has been an issue in higher education since the civil rights movement. But, given Marquette’s

Infographic by Anabelle McDonald

Marquette’s faculty is predominantly white, a nationwide trend.

affinity for progress, university leadership should be eager to break from the status quo. It is important for young people to see themselves in positions of authority, for the same reasons it is important for them to see themselves in popular culture, sports and politics. So, when a university doesn’t hire faculty of color, it is telling its minority students that there is no place for them in the professional world. Conversations about diversity almost always devolve into conversations about affirmative action and merit-based admissions. While the faculty hiring process is much different than undergraduate admissions, the root problem is the same: Lack of opportunity disproportionately affects students and professionals of color. University spokesperson Chris Jenkins said in an email that Marquette has developed a “strategic process to address this challenge.” “As part of our strategic plan, we have emphasized changing the culture for faculty hiring processes and establishing more accountability,” Jenkins said. It is important to recognize efforts by the university to improve, and it

would be unfair to say that noone at Marquette is working on this problem. But there has been a one percent increase in minority faculty over four years. There comes a point when even the most optimistic have to acknowledge that whatever effort is being made is ineffective. At the University of California at Davis’ law school, 56 percent of the faculty are people of color. As the law school’s dean, Kevin Johnson, has said, they got there one hire at a time.

Statement of Opinion Policy

The opinions expressed on the Opinions page reflect the opinions of the Opinions staff. The editorials do not represent the opinions of Marquette University nor its administrators, but those of the editorial board. The Marquette Tribune prints guest submissions at its discretion. The Tribune strives to give all sides of an issue an equal voice over the course of a reasonable time period. An author’s contribution will not be published more than once in a fourweek period. Submissions with obvious relevance to the Marquette community will be given priority consideration. Full Opinions submissions should be limited to 500 words. Letters to the editor should be between 150 to 250 words. The Tribune reserves the right to edit submissions for length and content. Please e-mail submissions to: morgan. If you are a current student, include the college in which you are enrolled and your year in school. If not, please note any affliations to Marquette or your current city of residence.


Olympics chance for US diplomacy Jackson Dufault

The Olympics are a symbol of peace and unity and serve as a prime opportunity for the leaders of the world’s countries, allies or enemies, to meet face-to-face and delegate. The 2018 Winter Olympics are a chance for America to meet with North Korean leaders. Vice President Mike Pence is in South Korea to attend the Olympics, which is an opportunity to decrease the threat of an attack from the North Korean regime. This all depends on how Pence decides to act toward these leaders. So far, it doesn’t sound like it’s off to a great start. It seems like Pence is trying to promote the exact opposite of peace talks. Pence is allegedly emphasizing that he has no intention of normalizing relationships with the North Koreans and that he will not allow North Korean propaganda to take over the message of the Olympics. Pence and North Korean delegates allegedly have yet to even interact with each other, going as far to not even look at each other during the opening ceremonies. His aggressive stance toward the North Korean regime makes sense. It has made threats that are inexcusable and should be handled with utmost concern and defensiveness. But since the Olympics are a time of peace, it may be unwise to be intentionally hostile and noninclusive toward the nation’s representatives. It doesn’t reflect well on our administration during a period of peace. Pence should look to how South Korea has been acting to get an idea of how the U.S. should communicate with North Korea. South Korea is one of the United States’ closest allies. It shares many of the ideologies the United States has about the North Korean threat. But South Korea seem to realize that the Olympics may be a chance to decrease the threat of a nuclear strike from their closest neighbor. This explains why North Korea and South Korea have decided to combine forces for some sports, including women’s hockey. The two countries also marched together under a unified flag at the Games’ opening ceremony. The two countries, which have been at odds for years, have also agreed to engage

in peace talks with each other. The outcome of these discussions will most likely not be peace between the two nations. There should never really be peace when North Korea has a ruthless dictator in power. As long as Kim Jong Un is in charge, the two countries should not be close to peaceful reunification. But marching under a unified flag at the Olympic is a step in the right direction. It’s both a surprising and admirable move by both the Korean governments and displays the yearn that both countries have for reunification. It’s just a shame that the political ideologies are so different. The United States should take note of South Korea’s openness during the Olympics. Pence has made it clear that he doesn’t want peace talks with North Korea until they agree to denuclearization. North Korea has absolutely no intention of giving up its nuclear arsenal anytime soon. It’s also not as if North Korea is willing to listen to what the United States has to say either. President Donald Trump has made his discontent with the country and its leader clear through several Twitter rants. The president’s diplomacy has not been the greatest since he assumed office. Which is why Pence’s attendance is an opportunity for the Trump administration and the United States. He’s more of a politician than Trump, and has the potential to be a better diplomat. So far, though, he’s reiterated the United States’ aggressive stance against North Korea, and it doesn’t look like he has any intent to be an ambassador. But perhaps the United States can attempt to add some humanity to the entire situation. The leaders of both countries have never met in person and have stuck to using the internet as their main form of communication, which means the words being thrown around don’t have a physical face to attribute them to. The Olympics are an opportunity for both countries to attempt to comfort their populations. Threats have been thrown around plenty in the past year, but coming to a joint agreement to at least cease nuclear threats would be a powerful move for the U.S. Jackson Dufault is a sophomore studying journalism and political science. He can be reached at


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Marquette Tribune


Stigma surrounding menstruation disadvantages women Maya Korenich Despite the fact that about 50.8 percent of the population is female, there is still a stigma surrounding menstruation. It can be seen as a gross and taboo subject and is often not talked about. Efforts should be made to normalize menstruation and make it a more comfortable topic. It is well known that women pay more for hygiene products. There is an actual name for this issue called “the pink tax.” The pink tax is a perfect example of this stigma surrounding menstruation. On average, women’s products cost about 7 percent more than comparable men’s products. Over a women’s lifetime, women spend about $18,000 on their period including things like heating pads, Midol and tampons. There is also a lack of free products for women, and some women do not have access to the products they need at all. Millions of women in the United States lack proper access to medical supplies. Women in prison are among one of the groups with the least

access to feminine hygiene products. Homeless women are another group who have trouble maintaining their hygiene, especially while on their period, due to lack of resources. Because the prices are so high for tampons and pads, women without access to these products either end up just bleeding in their clothes or wearing the same pad or tampon for days, which can be very dangerous. Bustle’s “Not Safe For Women” series illustrates this. Leaving a tampon in for too long can lead to Toxic Shock Syndrome. TSS, although uncommon, can cause many prolonged health issues or even death in serious cases. Leaving a pad on for an extended period of time is not only unsanitary, but can cause bacterial infections. While some argue against feminine hygiene products being free, many agree they should be cheaper. Those who argue against free feminine products say that tampons and pads are a luxury item and women could feasibly make do without them. Additionally, an economic argument is that stores would go broke if they simply handed out free products. There have been more efforts


Women spend over $18,000 on their period in their lifetime... Women spend

Women’s products cost

Women spend

on tampons

7% more

on Midol


than comparable male products



Source: Huffington Post Infographic by Anabelle McDonald

On average, women spend more than $18,000 over their lifetimes on feminine hygiene products.

lately to reduce the stigma around periods. In 2015, Rupi Kaur posted a picture of herself on Instagram that displayed her in bed with blood on her pants and sheets. She posted this to try to challenge the menstruation taboo. Unfortunately, Instagram removed the photograph twice, but then claimed it was an accident. Posts like these can help to highlight the day-to-day struggles women face while on their period. It is important for people to see what women actually go through

for the stigma to be reduced. Many times, these perceptions about periods and menstruation come from lack of knowledge or education about the subject. Recently, people have been posting pictures of themselves on Twitter holding pads as a part of the “Pad Man Challenge.” There is also a new film that is coming out called “PadMan,” which highlights the stigma around menstruation. This movement came about to bring awareness to the film and get people excited about it.

All it takes are little steps like this to start to reduce this stigma around menstruation. Women and girls shouldn’t have to feel ashamed about a natural bodily process, but that is exactly what happens. Girls shouldn’t have to feel like they have to hide their feminine products, or avoid talking about it.

sponsoring the initiative. In terms of an advertisement, the spot seems wasteful. As cynical as it may sound, the product is never shown, the intended message is unclear and the whole advertisement feels exploitative and self-congratulatory. Following this trend of charitable advertising blunders, AnheuserBusch produced a commercial about the company’s hurricane relief efforts over the past year. Like the Hyundai commercial, its heart is seemingly in the right place but the advertisement is focused on the charitable act rather than the cause itself. Using the biggest advertising platform in the world, Budweiser decides to congratulate themselves on their own charitable activities. The cost of the commercial itself could easily have been dedicated to further philanthropic efforts, but executives at Anheuser-Busch thought the Super Bowl was the perfect forum for a victory lap. Outside of back patting, the misappropriation of figures, words and ideals seemed rampant during Super Bowl LII. An upsetting example of this was T-Mobile’s #LittleOnes advertisement. The commercial focused on the purity of newborns and the struggles of modern living instead of the actual product. The message, though sentimental in its execution, was soundtracked by a lullaby rendition of “All Apologies” by Nirvana, a song that is thought to be a musical suicide note by songwriter Kurt Cobain.

Nirvana as a band represented the anti-commercialization of music despite their global status, so the sting of a cell service company appropriating their music for a faux-inspirational advertisement is particularly painful. The most egregious example of this legacy exploitation, however, was Ram Trucks’ “Built To Serve” advertisement. A montage of cinematicallyshot corporate Americana imagery — a high school football team in prayer, Marines marching in full uniforms, that sort of thing — play while clips of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Drum Major Instinct” sermon narrate the value of service. I remember being audibly outraged by the advertisement’s use of King’s words as I watched the commercial roll. During the very same sermon, MLK criticizes the capitalist system that promotes and sells products to masses who do not need them. He even directly critiques the automotive industry for dividing classes and neighborhoods over the image of the

cars people drive. Dodge parading the words of MLK as a tentpole of their new advertising campaign is not only disrespectful to the man’s legacy but also subverts and erases the activist’s radical voice. These kinds of advertising “failures” rarely affect the business of the companies involved. If anything, producing a controversial advertisement such as the Dodge MLK spot generates press coverage and furthers exposure. The old adage that any press is good press is entirely applicable to these advertisements. Vice Media’s senior politics editor Harry Cheadle put it best: “(We’re) like two years away from a Super Bowl ad that is just sloweddown footage of 9/11 set to choral music and at the end the Taco Bell logo appears in the smoke.” With the commercials we saw in 2018, this is sadly a plausible scenario for future Super Bowls.

Maya Korenich is a sophomore studying social welfare and justice. She can be reached at

Superbowl advertisements exploitative of social issues Reilly Harrington

Television commercials frequently feature classic iconography to sell their products. Shiny new cars, happy families eating dinner together and golden beer flowing freely; all of these visuals are familiar to American audiences. They are visual cues that convince us we not only want these products, but we need them to be happy. This is how advertising works. This pseudo-sentimentality reaches new heights year after year during the biggest commercial event on television: the Super Bowl. With an audience of over 100 million viewers, the Super Bowl is the definitive time to launch a new advertisement for a product. Companies spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for mere seconds of national

commercial space. Every spot is in competition for the big reactions, all wanting to be the commercial that people talk about weeks after the game. Some brands, however, stumble so fantastically that their terrible (or simply misguided) ads are the topic of derision and mockery. This year was no different with commercials from Hyundai, T-Mobile and others drawing flak from the public. If there was a year in American history where pediatric cancer would be used to help sell sedans, 2018 may as well be it. Hyundai’s ad in this year’s Super Bowl focused on the company’s Hope on Wheels initiative. The program distributes grants to pediatric cancer research, which is admittedly an admirable cause. However, the advertisement seems unclear as to what the company is promoting. The name of the program is never mentioned, only the brand

Photo via Wikimedia

The Superbowl gave brands a chance to advertise to a larger audience.

the product is never shown, the intended message is unclear and the whole advertisement feels exploitative and selfcongratulatory. ”

Reilly Harrington is a junior studying digital media and peace studies. He can be reached at

The key to improving Danielle King’s offensive capabilities had nothing to do with her jump shot.


Sports The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, February 13, 2018 PAGE 12

Tournament hopes in jeopardy

Photo by Helen Dudley

A Villanova double-team forces Markus Howard into picking up his dribble. Howard leads the BIG EAST with 21.2 points per game and 93.5 percent shooting from the free throw line.

Eighth conference loss puts Marquette on edge of bubble By John Steppe

Boiling with frustration following a 77-75 loss to Providence Feb. 3, Marquette head coach Steve Wojciechowski sarcastically quipped about the team’s challenging schedule before bolting the press conference. “Obviously, I’ve got to do a great job of coaching all this youth we have, because apparently I’m not, especially against the No. 10 schedule in the United States, the No. 1 schedule in the BIG EAST where we’ve already played Xavier and Villanova twice,” Wojo said. A week later, the strength of schedule that Wojo previously used to defend his team’s high number of losses could keep the Golden Eagles out of the NCAA Tournament. Since National Marquette Day,

the team’s strength of schedule has become slightly easier but remains one of the most challenging in the country. Marquette has played the 18th-hardest schedule in the country and third hardest in the BIG EAST behind St. John’s and Xavier according to the strength of schedule metric used by the NCAA Tournament committee. That schedule has resulted in eight BIG EAST losses with still another month of the season left, leaving Marquette with virtually no margin for error. With each regular season loss, the odds of an NCAA Tournament bid dramatically diminish. Since the BIG EAST’s realignment prior to the 2013-’14 season, 100 percent of teams with less than eight losses in conference play earned a March Madness bid and 90 percent of teams with exactly eight losses did the same. But only 50 percent of nine-loss teams made it to March Madness. No team with 10 or more BIG EAST losses has ever earned an NCAA bid. Marquette’s average of 1.2

years of experience per player is at least 0.1 years less than any other BIG EAST team, which has become evident as the schedule moves deeper into

Everybody’s on the bubble. Hell, you’re on the bubble.” ED COOLEY PROVIDENCE HEAD COACH

February. Seton Hall is the only team Marquette has swept while three teams — Butler, Villanova and Xavier — have swept Marquette. “The quality of teams, of coaches, of talent, of experience in our league makes for a hyper-competitive league,” Wojo said. “The double roundrobin certainly helps with the competitive spirit.” Things don’t get easier, either; the remaining slate includes two games against Creighton, a probable NCAA

Tournament team, and a game against St. John’s, who is coming off three straight wins, including victories over No. 4 Duke and No. 1 Villanova. Teams from across the conference have similarly competitive schedules. “We’re not taking the back seat to anybody,” Xavier head coach Chris Mack said. “This league is as competitive as any league in the country. Period.” The strength of the remaining schedule also presents Marquette with the opportunity to grab two Quadrant One wins and one Quadrant Two win. Quadrant One games include home games against top 30 teams, neutral-site games against top 50 teams and road games against top 75 teams. Quadrant Two represents home games against opponents ranked 3175th, neutral-site games against opponents ranked 51-100th and road games against opponents ranked 76-135th. This is part of the NCAA Tournament selection committee’s new way of categorizing games.

Road games are significantly elevated in the new system, which could play to Marquette’s advantage. Three of five remaining matchups are away games. “You have six to eight teams in the top 75 year in and year out, so you have an opportunity if you do slip somewhere to get a quality either home win or quality road win,” Providence head coach Ed Cooley said. “And with the emphasis on road wins with the new selection committee, you’re never out of it, so you just keep fighting.” Providence is dealing with similar “bubble talk” too, especially after an 80-63 loss this weekend to DePaul, one of two BIG EAST members outside of the top 100 of RPI. “Everybody’s on the bubble,” Cooley said. “Hell, you’re on the bubble.” Everyone might be on the bubble in Cooley’s eyes, but Marquette could see its bubble burst without some of Wojo’s frustration translating into on-court results.


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Marquette Tribune

Men’s basketball cannot afford another BIG EAST loss Brendan Ploen Marquette’s NCAA Tournament chances are in a much different place than they were three weeks ago. After losing five out of its last six games, the Golden Eagles are in “must win” territory for the remainder of the season and will have a difficult road ahead of them, starting Saturday night in Omaha, Nebraska, against Creighton. This scenario is reminiscent of where Marquette was last season. Going into National Marquette Day against Xavier, the Golden Eagles were 6-7 in conference after having lost the previous four out of five games. Marquette snapped out of its funk in a victory against Xavier, which was the start of a stretch in which the Golden Eagles won four out of five games. Unlike last year, Marquette doesn’t have any signature wins. The Golden Eagles have played eight teams ranked in the top 30 of KenPom, a prominent college basketball analytics site, and lost all eight. Last season’s team won two such games by this point in the season, including a win over No. 1 Villanova. Creighton, which is ranked No. 23 in KenPom, plays Marquette twice in the final five games. It’s Marquette’s final two chances in the regular season to get a quality win. The Bluejays boast a talented offense; It’s second in the BIG EAST in scoring with 85.1 points per game. Star guard Marcus Foster is the conference’s fourth-leading scorer with 20.6 points per game and is exactly the kind of ball-dominant slasher that has given Marquette fits this year. Marquette still has some advantages going for them: The team’s shooters are as deadly as ever from distance, ranking second in the conference with a 40.2 percentage from beyond the arc. That includes Sam Hauser’s

49.3 percent shooting from the 3-point line in conference while Andrew Rowsey is at 37.9 and Markus Howard is not far behind at 36.8. There aren’t many teams better at icing close games from the free throw line, either, although the Golden Eagles’ 80 percent clip on freebies would be more meaningful if they got to the line more often. Everything that transpired in the last few games has made Marquette’s weaknesses abundantly clear. In 18 of Marquette’s 25 games, opponents have had an effective field goal percentage higher than the national median of 50.8 percent. Nobody on the team is capable of checking toplevel guards, which was made clear when the Golden Eagles allowed 44 points to St. John’s guard Shamorie Ponds in the 86-78 loss last Saturday. Marquette will have to do better on the road if they are to make the NCAA Tournament. Three out of five remaining games are away from the BMO Harris Bradley Center, although two of them are against the conference’s bottom two teams: DePaul and Georgetown. Considering the

Photo by Helen Dudley

Andrew Rowsey (right) attempts a floater over Providence guard Makai Ashton-Langford earlier this month.

Golden Eagles comfortably beat both at home earlier this season, it’s not out of the question that it could happen again on the road. The question for the remainder of the season will be whether

Marquette’s shooting is enough to mask its poor perimeter defense or, whether it’ll be the other way around. If it’s the former, there might be a chance at a second straight tournament berth.

If it’s the latter, any remaining March Madness chances will be dead by the end of next weekend. Brendan Ploen is a senior studying journalism. He can be reached at


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The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Three-time BIG EAST champion goes for school record Senior Maya Marion leads throwers using energy, experience By Brendan Ploen

Most track and field athletes don’t get close to a conference title. Marquette senior thrower Maya Marion is going for her fifth title in four years. Now one of track and field’s most decorated athletes is looking to continue her leadership role as team captain. But finding her voice hasn’t always been easy for her. “I had to work on intensity,” Marion said. “I had to teach myself to be more intense, even in practice. I’m usually really chill during meets because I have to balance my adrenaline with my personality and stay really calm because that’s just how I operate.” She’s also atypical because it’s fairly rare to have a repeat BIG EAST champion in any event, and it’s even more rare to see someone like Marion, who is on the cusp of winning the outdoor shot put title four years in a row. Shot put isn’t Marion’s only event; she also competes in the weight and hammer throw. She achieved a personal best in the weight throw two weeks ago at the Meyo Invitational at Notre Dame. She threw 17.025

meters, or 58 feet, 0.25 inches, which was the fifth-best mark in program history. By the end of the outdoor season, Marion said she would like to break her close friend Kathryn Koeck’s weight throw record of 61.12 feet. Koeck and Marion became friends when Koeck was a senior and Marion was just a freshman. Last summer, Marion was in Koeck’s wedding. “It’s cool because we’re friends, and she said that ‘if anyone beats me, I want it to be you,’” Marion said. Marquette throws coach Mike Koenning said he believes Marion could break the school record in more than just the weight throw; she is also close in the shot put. Marion’s personal best throw in the shot put was farther in the indoor setting than outdoor. “She knows she’ll likely get the outdoor record, but the indoor record is a good goal,” Koenning said. “We have two really good opportunities here with trips to Wisconsin and the BIG EAST meet to do it.” Marion is also a team captain and her leadership abilities have shined through this season, helping her team get through tough practices. “(I want) to be an example through my characteristics,” Marion said. “Even if you have a rough practice, you have to keep working through it.”

Marquette Athletics

Senior Maya Marion finished second in the shot put in last year’s BIG EAST Indoor Championships in New York.

With the BIG EAST Indoor Championships approaching for the track and field team, Marion hopes to continue the run of form she’s been on in both shot put and weight throw. “It’s a lot of little points that add up,” Marion said. “I’m confident in myself to win shot put, but with weight throw, it’s just getting so much better. Last year I came in

second in the shot put and the pressure is really making me want to work harder so that I can win first (place.) That would be great.” Neither Marion nor any of the other throwers traveled to Michigan last weekend for the Big Meet hosted by Grand Valley State. However, Marion will be at this weekend’s upcoming meet at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, which is one

of Marion’s favorites for a variety of reasons. “Every time I go to Madison, I (reach a new personal record),” Marion said. “I just really get amped up, and it’s a different kind of amp. Amped for some people is not really amped for me, but I really get excited to throw because it’s always a really competitive meet.”

Scott Christian embraces larger role in final season Senior captain performs well in recent doubles play By Zoe Comerford

Senior Scott Christian played in six matches last year, the least playing time of any Golden Eagle. He knew this year needed to be different. “I struggled a little bit in the beginning (as a freshman) with injuries and that definitely affected my confidence on court,” Christian said. “This being my last year, I really felt like I was able to put my game together a little bit, putting more heart into the game and buying into it.” Christian has already appeared in 19 matches this year. Although he is still searching for his first singles win, Christian has accumulated a 7-4 doubles record with three different partners. It all started during his junior season. Knowing Christian only had one season left at Marquette, head coach Steve Rodecap sat him down at the end of last year to discuss his future. “I had a really heartfelt conversation with him about how I felt he could have an impact this year, going into his last year,” Rodecap said.

Marquette Athletics

Christian has played with three doubles partners this year and has gone 7-4, including three wins in the fall.

Christian took that talk to heart and made some crucial improvements this past summer, growing more comfortable with his transitional volley game and making his footwork more precise, all while interning away from home in Hanover, Pennsylvania. “I had a lot of time to be by myself and reflect on what I needed to do to become better,” Christian

said. “That foundation in summer, just having that time to reflect and being on court helped me to catapult (in)to this year.” The biggest transformation Rodecap saw in Christian was his commitment to the team — not only in matches, but in practice. “If I could give (you) a number on how many practices he’s saved for us and what a leader he is in

the practice environment, he’s really really grown in that role,” Rodecap said. “I think the guys have a lot of respect for him.” Leadership is one quality Christian always had. When he was a sophomore, Christian was awarded the We Are Marquette Coaches Attitude Award for his positive attitude. His team saw the same qualities

and chose Christian to be captain. Rodecap has held him as an example to the rest of his teammates, especially his doubles partner, to stay positive when not playing the best match. “It’s really critical when you’re playing shortened sets that you have good energy,” Rodecap said. “I know that on court three, I don’t have to worry about energy.” If given the choice, Christian would pick doubles, where all three of his fall season wins have come, over singles. Playing with sophomore Luke Smrek in the spring season has only made Christian appreciate doubles more. “I love playing with Lukey, and one of the things I think me and him do really well is keep each other calm under pressure,” Christian said. “After every point that we win I try to say a ‘come on.’ But for the most part I try to keep us pretty even-keeled.” Christian is already looking ahead to life after graduation — a life without his teammates. “When (I’m) sitting in a cubicle in a year from now and I’m just typing at a desk, I’m going to be wishing that I was out here at two o’clock hitting with them and spending time with them,” Christian said.


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Marquette Tribune


New NCAA rules drastically impact women’s lacrosse Coach Meredith Black drills offense to prepare for changes By Meghan Rock

Women’s lacrosse may look different from the game fans watched last season after the NCAA instituted new rules to improve the pace and flow of the game. The biggest of these changes is the free movement rule, which allows players to continue moving after a foul or violation has been called, which allows for “quick restarts” similar to those seen in soccer. Prior to the change, all players had to stop at the sound of the whistle. Senior attacker Riley Hill said she is in favor of the new rule. “It gives (attackers) the upper hand, especially with the defense trying to set up and a lot of communication going on,” Hill said. “I can pick up the ball and just go and make something happen.” Women’s lacrosse head coach Meredith Black said she believes the new rule will benefit the Golden Eagles’ play style as well. “I think it’s a nice change,” Black said. “In the beginning of the season, it will be a really interesting game

because it’s just still so new … Once we settle into it, I think it will be a positive change for our team.” Despite the rule providing an upper hand to attackers, there are some drawbacks. Offensive players behind the net are more closely marked than before the rule change. Previously, defenses had to cover long distances in short times to get to those attackers. To compensate for these obstacles, Black engages her team in free movement drills, simulating out of bounds plays or foul calls when the new rules would come into effect. “It’s really important to try and make them as game-like as possible,” Black said. “We’ve done our best.” In addition to the free movement rule, the NCAA changed the way draws are conducted. Draws to determine possessions after goals will now happen with three players from each team in the circle. The revamp ensures player safety and allows officials to accurately determine the player with possession. Hill said she appreciates the extra room for taking draws but finds it difficult to remain disciplined. “I want to jump over the line and try and run in and actually help out the girls that are taking the draw and stuff, but I can’t,” Hill said. “If I do

Wire Stock Photo

Only three people from each team will be allowed in the draw circle at the start of possessions this year.

step over the line, the other team gets the ball, so it’s kind of having that awareness in the back of our minds 24/7.” Adjusting to the midfield draw rule has been easier than getting used to the free movement changes. The basic format of draws remain unchanged; the only difference is three people are allowed in the draw circle

instead of an unlimited amount. Black said she believes the revamp will allow for junior midfielder Grace Gabriel, the single-season record holder for draw controls at 81 in 2016-’17, to be more successful in the circle. “I think now with her having a little more freedom on the circle with less traffic, she actually should be



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able to win more,” Black said. With the new NCAA changes sinking in, Hill remains optimistic about the upcoming season despite its 0-2 start to the 2018 season. “I really hope that I can help our team get to the BIG EAST tournament and have a winning record for the first time in Marquette women’s lacrosse history,” Hill said.


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The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Improved shooting epitomizes growth for guard King

Consistent midrange jumper helps point guard expand range By Andrew Goldstein

For point guard Danielle King, there was one way to fix her shot: consistent practice. “She’s been getting in the gym more,” head coach Carolyn Kieger said. “Her work ethic is improving, and she’s starting to get more confident.” Gaining that self-assuredness was hard for King after shooting 36.2 percent from the field in 2015’16, the lowest mark among seven Marquette players who took at least 100 shots. With just a few adjustments, King bumped that number up to 45.9 percent the next year and is holding it steady at 42.9 percent this season. It started with working on consistency, said King. “I work well with my midrange (jumper), and being consistent with that helped me get into the flow of my three,” King said. “Starting inside then working outside is what I really focus on.” King is a rare breed of player: One that successfully made a dramatic jump that made a dramatic jump in shooting proficiency without altering her actual shot that much. Her release and footwork haven’t dramatically changed since that freshman campaign, but her confidence level has definitely increased. “I wasn’t being aggressive enough, and when I went to score, it was kind of hesitant,” King said. “Being aggressive and confident in myself is really what I honed in on.”

Photo by Andrew Himmelberg

Junior point guard Danielle King (right) drives against two Loyola-Maryland defenders. She is the only Marquette player to start in all 25 games.

Playing alongside talented scorers certainly didn’t hurt King’s development. On most possessions, King runs up the court in lockstep with junior Allazia Blockton, who has averaged at least 17 points per game in each season and became the youngest Marquette player to break the 1,000-point threshold last year. Guard Natisha Hiedeman and forward Erika Davenport, who have both scored 1,000 career points, also help create space for King to work. “Coach always told us we’re

better when everyone’s looking to score,” King said. “It made teams have to guard me once I started looking for my own shot.” Just as King benefits from having talented scorers around her, King’s teammates reap the rewards of her communication skills. “We have four people on our team that can run point guard at any given time, and we’re trying to get to the level where it doesn’t matter who the initiator is,” Kieger said. “It’s great when you have someone like Dani to be able to learn from and to watch.”

Kieger’s goal on offense is to build a unit where anybody could score 20 points on a given night. In Marquette’s 80-63 win over Xavier last Friday, King took a step back and let junior Allazia Blockton run the offense; she scored 23 points. Two days later, King asserted herself, scoring a season-high 25 points to lead Marquette to a 78-59 victory over Butler. Enough trust has been built up between coach and player (Kieger calls King “the floor general”) that King often gets left on the court for longer than anyone else. King

played 35 or more minutes in seven games, twice more than any of her teammates. King is also the only Golden Eagle to start every game. “It’s fun playing that long and knowing that your coach trusts you to keep you in that long,” King said. Even with all the improvements King has made since freshman year, she hasn’t quite finished working inside-out. “I’m trying to be more consistent from three,” King said. If her 5-of-9 showing from deep against Butler was any indication, that goal will be accomplished sooner rather than later.

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