The Marquette Tribune | Tuesday, April 17, 2018

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Celebrating 100 years of journalistic integrity

Dining hall closing

Mashuda’s diner will shut its doors May 10. Wild Commons’ new food options will accomodate 890 students. NEWS, 4


Volume 102, Number 24


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016 SPJ Award-Winning Newspaper

MKE river water contaminated

Photo by Helen Dudley

Three waterways receive lower grade than previous years

By Caroline White

The Milwaukee, Menomonee and Kinnickinnic river watersheds earned the Milwaukee River Basin a D+ grade from Milwaukee Riverkeeper in the organization’s 2016

water analysis. Cheryl Nenn, the riverkeeper, discussed the group’s findings to a group of students in Engineering Hall April 11. Although the watersheds’ report card was low in 2016, the grade has hovered around C since the grading began in 2010. The traditionally low grades typically only fluctuate a few percentage points from year to year, Nenn said. “In general, water quality hasn’t

massively changed much in the last six years or so,” she said. Milwaukee Riverkeeper is a local nonprofit organization that works to “protect, improve and advocate for water quality,” according to its website. This is done through volunteer river cleanup days, community events near the water and the monitoring of freshwater river health. The group tests samples from the rivers for eight different elements:

temperature, dissolved oxygen content, pH, turbidity, phosphorus, chloride, specific conductivity and bacteria content. The data is then compared to the group’s goals and standards, and a percentage grade is calculated based on how many of the data points met the group’s targets. Each factor is measured because of the impact it can have on aquatic life, ecosystems and the surrounding communities if at an unhealthy level.

Each watershed was graded individually, and the three were then averaged, resulting in the overall grade. The Milwaukee watershed scored a C, the Menomonee a D and the Kinnickinnic an F. Beyond the factors tested, Milwaukee Riverkeeper also found high concentrations of illegal and over-the-counter drugs and pesticides in the streams. These include, See SALT page 3

Prof. goes to Supreme Court Housing sign-ups split into two days Timeline of MU, McAdams’ case post 2015 suspension By Morgan Hughes

The Wisconsin Supreme Court will hear suspended political science professor John McAdams’ suit against Marquette University Thursday, April 19. This is everything the Marquette Wire knows about the case: McAdams was placed on suspension in 2015 after a 2014 blog

post. He remains suspended and plans to rejoin the faculty if the court rules in his favor. McAdams argues that his dismissal violated his contractuallypromised academic freedom, while Marquette contends the decision was not viewpoint-based and therefore not a violation. McAdams was never formally reprimanded for several prior incidents involving faculty and students on his blog, which he said served a journalistic purpose. McAdams received a letter from the dean of Marquette’s College of

Arts & Sciences, Richard Holz, in January 2015 notifying him that the administration planned to revoke his tenure and dismiss him from the faculty. It was a response to a blog post written by McAdams in November 2014. McAdams’ blog post on his site, The Marquette Warrior, named a graduate student teaching assistant who a student said did not allow for discussion of gay marriage. That account was not confirmed, but the student did record an interaction with the student teacher after class



CALENDAR......................................................3 MUPD REPORTS.............................................3 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT...............................8 OPINIONS......................................................10 SPORTS..........................................................12

See MCADAMS page 2

Social justice boards

Resident assistant alleges that ORL has a left-leaning bias


ORL, RMS staff will be on standby to help students with issues By Grace Connatser

Sophomore housing sign-ups resumed for the third time April 16 and will continue again April 18, according to an email sent to all freshmen last week, by associate director of residence life and housing operations Sean Berthold. The new ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT

Beer gardens to come

5K race, beer-serving firetrucks included on list for May event PAGE 8

sign-up time is also posted on the Office of Residence Life website. The housing selection process began briefly April 16 between 4 and 4:30 p.m. Only students who originally were assigned a 4 or 4:15 p.m. random sign-up time were allowed to go through the selection process. The rest of sign-ups will be held April 18 from 4:30 to 9 p.m. The gap in registration ensures that technical issues don’t happen again, Berthold said in the email. See BROWSER page 2


Equal pay day equity

BEG: Women of color underrepresented in feminist causes PAGE 11



The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Internet Explorer no longer only browser option HOUSING, from page 1

“Most of the issues and concerns we have seen with any selection process have occurred during the first 30 minutes, thus we want to ensure that those times occur on their own day,” Berthold said. “These students have also been the most impacted by these issues, and we want to ensure that they are not impacted a third time.” The original housing sign-up day was March 25. The website stopped working and the sign up process was moved to April 9. The website went down a second time and ORL opted to delay housing registration again.

Berthold said spreading the selection process over two days allows students other options if their first option falls through. Several causes of the website problems were identified by ORL and the website vendor. Those have been isolated and fixed, Berthold said in an email. Some of the problems students experienced were not being able to see Wild Commons and certain Mashuda units as housing options, and not being able to add on a meal plan. Some students who had a 4 p.m. sign-up time were also not able

to access the system until 4:15 p.m. “IT Services and our application vendor have been great partners in this process to ensure that our system can handle the assignment traffic we have outlined,” the statement said. “We have tested these issues and verified with our vendor that they will not reoccur.” One change since last year’s housing process is that freshmen are no longer required to use Internet Explorer on a PC. In past years, the application would not operate on any other web browsers, such as Chrome or Safari, nor on a Mac or other

operating systems. Starting this year, there is no restriction on web browsers or operating systems. “With any new application or upgrade, there is always the possibility of having some issues,” Berthold said in an email. “However, we did not anticipate the need to restart and reschedule the selection process.” The website vendor is Residential Management Systems, Inc., a private company based in Raleigh, North Carolina. They have been in partnership with Marquette since 2004. Andrew Tanner, vice president of sales at RMS, said the upgrade did

not cause the disruptions experienced during either housing process attempt. He said the configuration settings of the website were largely what caused the problems, and those can vary from school to school according to their needs. Tanner said RMS can fix these technical issues in 24 hours on average, depending on what kind of problems occur. Marquette and RMS staff will be on standby to assist with any issues that may occur during the housing process, Berthold said.

McAdams denies student’s harassment claims SUPREME COURT, from page 1

and took that recording to both the College of Arts & Sciences administration and McAdams. McAdams then blogged about the incident and linked to the student teacher’s website. Rick Esenberg, McAdams’ lawyer, said McAdams called the student teacher for comment prior to publishing the article, and the student teacher had not wished to reply. The post described the student teacher as a liberal and said they were unwilling to argue ideas they disagreed with. The student teacher defended their actions, saying they were discouraging homophobic language in class. The blog post received national attention, and it led to the Westboro Baptist Church’s picket of campus in December 2014. The student teacher received more than 100 aggressive and harassing emails, according to university resources on the case, and they left Marquette for another university soon after. Ralph Weber, Marquette’s lawyer, referred to McAdams’ post as “doxing,” or the intention to generate hostility toward a subject, and he said the post provided the tools needed for readers to take action against the the student teacher. Esenberg said the student teacher didn’t leave the university because of the harassment, but because the attention gave the graduate student an opportunity to transfer to a university they previously were denied admittance to. In September 2015, a Faculty Hearing Committee met to assess the case. The committee concluded that Marquette abused its power by dismissing McAdams without prior recommendations from the FHC, but McAdams’ behavior ultimately warranted an unpaid suspension of

no more than two semesters. McAdams’ side has argued that the FHC’s handling of the case was unfair, particularly because it allowed a faculty member to remain on the committee after they had signed an editorial supportive of the graduate student and critical of McAdams’ blog post. “Marquette wants to say the FHC was a jury of McAdams’ peers,” Esenberg said. But, because the professor had signed the editorial, Esenberg said they should have recused themselves. The FHC defended its decision to not replace the professor in its 2015 report, writing, “requiring the FHC to be composed only of faculty ... who hold no views on the matter would be … impractical.” McAdams said while that may be true, it would have been easy for the committee to find another faculty member who had not published that opinion. University President Michael Lovell accepted the FHC recommendation and attached requirements of his own. Lovell requested that, for McAdams to be reinstated, he had to express regret for the harm caused to the student teacher and to privately apologize to them. McAdams refused and remains suspended without pay. Claiming the university violated his contract, McAdams filed a suit against Marquette in May 2016. McAdams said he believes his dismissal was viewpoint discrimination. Weber said McAdams’ history of publishing controversial blogs proves it is not. “If he was being disciplined for his conservative views, the actual track record makes it hard to believe,” Weber said. A Milwaukee County judge, David Hansher, issued a 33page ruling in Marquette’s favor in May 2017, stating that

Marquette was within its rights to dismiss McAdams. Hansher acknowledged academic freedom in the ruling, but he said it did not permit faculty to intimidate others. Academic Freedom This case is more about contract law than the constitution, Paul Nolette, an assistant professor of political science, said.

By demanding a retraction, it appeared the president was asking McAdams to renounce his opinions. We defend the rights of faculty members to take controversial stands.” AARON NISENSON AAUP’s Senior Counsel

Marquette is a private university, so its employees aren’t automatically protected under the First Amendment, but, its employment contract promises to protect free speech similar to the constitution, Nolette said. Nolette said there isn’t a legal precedent that directly applies to the case, but generally, courts tend to defer to colleges and

universities in contract disputes. Though, he said the attention being focused on the speech aspect may impact the court’s decision. The FHC was unable to interpret the clause regarding constitutional rights, stating in its report, “it is difficult to discern how the committee should apply an uncertain legal doctrine as developed in courts to a hypothetical situation in which Marquette is a public institution.” Nolette said the blog post, and McAdams’ blog in general, “is the sort of thing protected by academic freedom.” He said the ramifications of the post are what make the distinction. Weber said that, had McAdams’ blog post excluded the student teacher’s name and information, he would not have been disciplined, and so the case is not really about academic freedom. Part of the difficulty for the court will be deciding what the university was punishing McAdams for, Nolette said. Aaron Nisenson, AAUP’s senior counsel, said the organization filed a brief on McAdams’ behalf because his case squarely addressed academic freedom, a principle the AAUP had a hand in establishing. The AAUP took issue with Lovell’s handling of the situation, Nisenson said, particularly the requirement that McAdams issue an apology and retract the statements made in his blog post. “By demanding a retraction, it appeared the president was asking McAdams to renounce his opinions,” Nisenson said. “We defend the rights of faculty members to take controversial stands.” Weber said McAdams was never asked to renounce his opinions or to retract his post. Past incidents McAdams named undergraduate students and faculty members

in blog posts in the past, but he was never formally reprimanded. In March 2008, McAdams named an undergraduate student who was the student media advertising director in a blog post, questioning the rejection of an advertisement discouraging the use of emergency contraception. He removed the student’s name upon learning they were not involved in rejecting the ad, according to the FHC report. Later, in February 2011, McAdams named the chair of a student organization facilitating a production of “The Vagina Monologues” on campus. He called the student at their permanent residence and blogged about them after they complained. Then-provost John Pauly met with McAdams but levied no formal rebuke. In response to the post, the student received an aggressive email from somebody not affiliated with the university. The student filed a harassment claim against McAdams as well as an “MU Stay Away” order with the Marquette Public Safety Department, according the the FHC report. McAdams denied the harassment. The report notes a few other incidents with faculty but no more with students, including that McAdams used the chances of being mentioned on his blog to intimidate faculty. The Wisconsin Supreme Court is currently composed of four conservative and two liberal justices. Incoming justice Rebecca Dallet does not join the court until August and Justice Annette Ziegler recused herself. The court will hear oral arguments for the case this Thursday, April 19. Read the full story online at


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

WI road salt travels into water streams WATER, from page 1

but are not limited to, ibuprofen, atrazine and cocaine. Those chemicals and the high levels of bacteria are partially due to the city’s old sewer system, which has overlapping sanitary pipes and storm water drains in some areas. Although the system isn’t designed to allow the mix of pollutants, according to Professor Dave Strifling, it can still happen. Strifling directs the Marquette Law School’s Water Law and Policy Initiative. “Under normal conditions, all this water is treated before it enters surface waters. But sometimes heavy rains can overwhelm the system, and the resulting overflows deliver pathogens to our waterways,” Strifling said. Milwaukee has some ongoing initiatives to make the sewer system eco-friendlier, such as Green Infrastructure, which aims to collect storm water rather than let it flow untreated into the rivers and creeks. Strifling, however, said failing sewer systems are an issue in older cities across the country. “(The Environmental Protection Agency) recently estimated that we need to spend half a trillion dollars on drinking water infrastructure alone over the next two decades. The infrastructure is ‘out of sight, out of mind’ and often doesn’t get the attention it deserves until disaster strikes,” Strifling said. A pollutant that led to the Kinnickinnic watershed’s F rating that did not contribute to the others’ grades was undesirable chloride levels, which is due to the amount of salt put on roads during the winter. The salt ends up in the water when snow and ice melt. The Kinnickinnic’s levels were likely high due to the urban area surrounding the river. “Wisconsin uses about eight times more road salt than other states,” Nenn said. Strifling said reducing the

CORRECTIONS Correction: An earlier version of the “Study abroad experiences can pose problems” story printed in the April 4, 2018 Tribune stated that the nursing program was in Barcelona, Spain. The study abroad program was in Madrid, Spain. The Wire regrets this error.

use of road salt to help the environment is difficult due to its relationship to public safety. “We need our roads to be safe. On the other hand, applying excess salt certainly causes water quality problems that are worsening with time as the cumulative salt load increases,” he said. “We need to find the right balance.” Other cities in Wisconsin, such as Madison, launched public education initiatives to reduce salt usage by switching to other methods of

traction and encouraging people to use salt sparingly. Two other factors that traditionally pull grades down are phosphorus and specific conductivity. Low levels of phosphorus are ideal in freshwater streams and rivers because it can inhibit plant and algae growth, which are necessary for a functioning aquatic ecosystem. Nenn attributed the excess phosphorus to its common use as a supplement in fertilizers and its use as an additive to prevent lead poisoning.

Wisconsin has taken measures to reduce its water’s concentration of phosphorus by banning the use and sale of phosphorus and phosphates in residential fertilizers. Specific conductivity measures the water’s ability to pass electrical currents. It’s affected by the presence of charged particles in the water. These can come from rocks in the river or charged elements, such as chloride or metals, according to the Riverkeeper river reportcard.



Pericles Prince of Tyre Apr. 12 – 22 This rarely produced Shakespeare play is a fairytale adventure about a wandering prince. Colorful characters fill this joyous, delightful morality tale of famiy and the lessons we pass on.

Ticket prices (all seats reserved)

The Marquette Tribune


The Marquette Tribune EDITORIAL Executive Director of Marquette Wire Patrick Thomas (414) 288-1739

Managing Editor of Marquette Tribune Rebecca Carballo NEWS News Editor Aly Prouty Projects Editor McKenna Oxenden Assistant Editors Sydney Czyzon, Jenny Whidden Assistant Projects Editor Alex Groth Reporters Sanya Sawlani, Josh Anderson, Sarah Lipo, Caroline White, Jenna Thompson, Natallie St. Onge, Grace Connatser, Claire Hyman ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Arts & Entertainment Editor Mackane Vogel Assistant Editors Nathan DeSutter, Noelle Douglass Reporters Kelli Arseneau, Mikala Hershman, Dan O’Keefe, David Goldman OPINIONS Opinions Editor Morgan Hughes Assistant Editor Caroline Kaufman Columnists Reilly Harrington, Maya Korenich, Jackson Dufault SPORTS Sports Editor Andrew Goldstein Assistant Editors John Steppe, Brendan Ploen Reporters John Hand, Zoe Comerford, Jack Phillips, Meghan Rock, Alex Milbrath, Shane Hogan COPY Copy Chief Gina Richard Copy Editors Emma Brauer, Kaelyn Gray, Haley Hartmann, Ingrid Olson VISUAL CONTENT Design Chief Hannah Feist Photo Editor Helen Dudley Opinions Designer Anabelle McDonald Arts & Entertainment Designer Lexi Beaver Sports Designer Molly Mclaughlin Advertising Designer Ava Heiniger Photographers Jordan Johnson, Isiah Gencuski, Olivia Qualls ----


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THE MARQUETTE TRIBUNE is a wholly owned property of Marquette University, the publisher. THE TRIBUNE serves as a student voice for the university and gives students publishing experience and practice in journalism, advertising, and management and allied disciplines. THE TRIBUNE is written, edited, produced and operated solely by students with the encouragement and advice of the advisor, who is a university employee. The banner typeface, Ingleby, is designed by David Engelby

Evan P. and Marion Helfaer Theatre Order tickets by phone or online: 414.288.7504

and is available at David Engelby has the creative, intellectual ownership of the original design of Ingleby. THE TRIBUNE is normally published Tuesdays, except holidays, during the academic year by Marquette Student Media, P.O. Box 1881, Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881. Subscription rate: $50 annually.

MUPD REPORTS April 16 An MU student reported that an unknown subject took her bag from her without her consent in the 1500 block of W. Kilbourn Avenue. The incident occurred April 14 at 6:10 a.m. A non-MU subject was arrested for burglary after admitting to being in Straz Tower to take property without consent. The incident occurred April 13 at 3:24 p.m. April 13 A victim’s secured and unattended bicycle was removed by unknown subject(s) without consent from the west side of Schroeder Hall. The incident occurred between April 6 at 2 p.m. and April 11 at 8 a.m. April 11 A victim reported being sexually assaulted at an unknown location after leaving the 700 block of

N. Jackson Street. An investigation is ongoing. The incident occurred April 8 at 2:10 p.m. An MU student was involved in a physical altercation at McCormick Hall. The Marquette University Police Department cited the student for disorderly conduct. The incident occurred April 8 at 3:30 a.m. April 10 The on-duty RA smelled an odor consistent with marijuana outside a room in Abbottsford Hall and requested MUPD assistance. The incident occurred April 9 at 10:54 a.m. A known subject was observed on a city sidewalk with his genitals exposed, and later urinating. MUPD issued the subject a citation for indecent exposure. The incident occurred March 31 at 3:20 p.m.

EVENTS CALENDAR April 18 “The Impact of Trauma in Milwaukee” 12-1 p.m. AMU, room 227 MarquetteX. 7:30-9 p.m. Varsity Theatre “Pericle, Prince of Tyre” (play running from Wednesday to Sunday) 7:30-10 p.m. Helfaer Theatre “You Are Not Alone” film premiere. 8-10 p.m. Marquette Hall, room 100 April 19 Annual Siderits Gender and Sexuality Lecture Series. 3:30-5 p.m. Cudahy, room 001 Discussion of Campus Activism at Marquette University. 5-7 p.m. Haggerty Museum of Art

Denim Day Decorating Party. 5-7 p.m. 707 Building April 20 Lil’ Sibs Weekend. All weekend April 21 Hunger Clean-Up. All day The Meladies Spring Concert. 7-9 p.m. Varsity Theatre April 22 Jazz Band Spring Concert. 8-10 p.m. Union Sports Annex Marquette Orchestra Spring Concert. 2-4 p.m. Varsity Theatre April 23 Pete and Bonnie Axthelm Memorial Lecture. 4-5:30 p.m. AMU Ballrooms



The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Mashuda’s diner will close at end of semester New dining hall will serve students on west side of campus By Natallie St. Onge

Mashuda dining hall will swipe its last round of meals May 10. The retro dining hall will close due to Wild Commons’ 24 hour service, accommodating more than 890 students. “We built a dining room, a state of the art dining room, across the street in Wild Commons,” Rick Arcuri, Marquette’s executive director of Business Operations and Auxiliary Services, said. “When we developed our contract, we decided that McCormick was

closing and we would close Mashuda as well because (Wild) is right across the street.” Twice the size of McCormick’s dining hall, Wild Commons will have a barbecue pit, a smokehouse, an allergy station, a bakery and a salad bar, among other options. “Like how Marquette Place is in little segments, make it five times bigger, where it’s a community,” Donato Guida, operations director of university dining services, said. “Given what we are doing in Wild Commons, I don’t think people will be disappointed that they aren’t dining in Mashuda,” Arcuri said. Freshman in the College of Communication Alex Celis said otherwise. Celis said on a scale of

1-10 of disappointment, he is a 10. Celis goes to Mashuda so often that the workers know his order. “I’ll miss the food and the people the most, also the environment,” Celis said. Jack Eddinger, a freshman in the College of Engineering, said the dining hall should not close if it does not have to. “If you close Mashuda, you lose variety of where to eat on campus,” Eddinger said. Eddinger has Mashuda in his housing preferences for next year, but the dining hall closing does not change his mind. Like most students, Eddinger has yet to see Wild Commons, but he is concerned about the amount of people Wild Commons will have to feed.

“I feel like it might be a bit taxing on one place,” he said. Arcuri said the Wild Commons dining room will be home to a comfortable number of people, and it will have vibrant life all the time. “When you think about what we are doing, we are taking McCormick and taking those people over, adding a hundred or so to that in that building alone. You have O’Donnell across the street, you’ve got Mashuda another half block away and Humphrey right there. You’ve now loaded the West side of campus,” Arcuri said. Though the location of the new dining hall is on the west side of campus and not centered like McCormick, Arcuri said it is not impossible for students

to get there. “I don’t think students will shy away from it because of where it is located,” Arcuri said. Next month, the advisory board will conduct a meeting where there will be potential talks of making Cobeen or Straz 24 hours as well. “It’s a contractual thing. Adding those, it’s actually like another day and half almost to a schedule. You have to pay for that somehow. If we did that, then you as a student will see that in your meal plan rate,” Arcuri said. Mashuda dining hall will have a last goodbye celebration that students will hear about soon, Guida said. “We’ll be doing drawings and things like that, a thank you for the run,” Guida said.

MarquetteX hosts final event, seeks TED license Student speakers, industry leaders to share experiences By Sydney Czyzon

MarquetteX will host three students and two industry leaders at its last TED-style speaker event April 18 at 7:30 p.m. in the Varsity Theatre. The original MarquetteX organization ended in 2015, but new student organizers rebooted the organization with a TED-style event last semester. TED is a global non-profit organization that aims to spread ideas through powerful talks, according to the official website. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design, but today’s speakers go beyond these three categories. Students Kyle Hagge, a graduate of the College of Arts & Sciences, and Parker Dow, a sophomore in the College of Engineering, recently joined forces with Quinten Gerhartz and Louis Finney, vice president and president of MarquetteX respectively. The group’s goal is to take MarquetteX to the next level through applying for an official TED license. The 707 Hub has provided the students with guidance to get them started, Dow said. While anyone can host an independently-organized TEDx event, an individual must submit an online application to receive a license to host official TED events. Then, an individual must attend an official TED conference to receive certification. Dow traveled to New York City last week to attend the TEDFest conference in preparation for Marquette’s eventual TEDx license. By attending the event, Dow received

certification necessary to host over 100 people at future TEDlicensed events on campus, which will be titled TEDxMarquetteU. The 707 Hub paid for his trip. “That was super, super huge, and (the 707 Hub has) been really instrumental in helping us kick-start this,” Dow said. “It’s just really cool to see the enthusiasm and passion everyone there had for their communities.” The group plans to apply online for an official TED license this summer. Hagge became interested in helping Marquette acquire an official license after attending a TEDx event at University of WisconsinMilwaukee in fall 2017. “I thought it was, like, the greatest thing ever,” Hagge said. “I just started asking people on campus who I should talk to to make it happen, and they pointed me to the 707 Hub.” Employees at the 707 Hub connected Hagge with current MarquetteX organizers. Dow, on the other hand, received Finney’s phone number from someone in the College of Engineering and reached out to get involved. As a transfer from Purdue University and previous director of its TEDx program, Dow wanted to bring the official TED license to Marquette’s campus. “I’ve just been working with them on that and using my experience to kind of kick-start that because it takes a while to start it,” Dow said. “It’s a great way to establish ourselves as being professional and very sincere about where we’re headed.” At this semester’s final MarquetteX event, student speakers will explore the topics of fear, independence, passion and courage, Gerhartz said. The industry leaders include

Marcus White, the vice president of the Greater Milwaukee Foundation, and Frank Martinelli, the president of the Center for Public Skills Training. The two will explore social and systemic issues in society. “We had an original meeting with them (a month before the event) to see if they’re interested,” Gerhartz said. “I (told) them to put some ideas down on a piece of paper. It (didn’t) have to be anything formal, just some topics we (could) go off of and explore.” After a couple more meetings, the MarquetteX organizers worked with speakers to finalize scripts. “I go and tell them, ‘Practice for the next week and a half. Practice, practice, practice.’ And then it’s all kind of up to them,” Gerhartz said. “We do have a rehearsal the Monday before the event ... It’s a full run-through rehearsal so they can get comfortable.” After reaching out to individuals in the Marquette community

earlier this semester, organizers received nominations and created a list of potential speakers to choose from. “We just looked up some background information about them. So, what kind of stories they had and picked based on that,” Finney said. “For professional speakers, we’ve really just gone with people who we’ve sort of known.” Dow said TED events are a great way for students to learn quickly about topics outside of their fields of study. “No matter where you are, you’re always here to learn at a university or college,” Dow said. “It’s really nice to learn about economics or history or leadership in the TED-style talks outside of what you’re doing.” Gerhartz said the official TED license will attract more people to the events. The TEDxMarquetteU talks will be video recorded and uploaded on YouTube, Hagge said. “We know as soon as you

switch to TEDx in the name, we’re going to have a lot more people get involved,” Gerhartz said. “A ton of people are going to attend the events.” TEDxMarquetteU events will begin in fall 2018, Dow said. He said the organization plans to host two small events in the fall semester and one large event in the spring semester. The events will be open to the entire Milwaukee community. TED events on Marquette’s campus expose students to their peers’ experiences, Hagge said. “I think a lot of times, you’re either too busy in your own life or you just kind of see someone walking around campus and you assume they just go to school and do their homework, and that’s it,” Hagge said. “But there are some students who are doing some really cool things, which I think is very inspiring.”

Photo by Sydney Czyzon

Quinten Gerhartz (left) and Kyle Hagge (right) are two of four students working to get the TED license.


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Marquette Tribune

Social justice theme creates controversy RA speaks out, alleges that ORL has left-leaning bias By Jenny Whidden

The Office of Residence Life recently implemented a social justice theme in residence halls across campus, but not all students are happy with the result. The theme required resident assistants to decorate floor bulletin boards with issues chosen by residents and resources provided by ORL. RAs were provided with a social justice resource packet, and they will be leading followup discussions on their floors, Tracy Gerth-Antoniewicz, assistant director for residence life education, said in an email. Joel Burfeind, an RA in Mashuda Hall and senior in the College of Communication, recently cited the social justice theme as a form of a liberal bias in an article on Campus Reform, a conservative news website. The article was written by Zach Petrizzo, a freshman in the College of Arts & Sciences, who did not respond to multiple requests for comment. Though residents chose the issues that RAs wrote on the board, Burfeind said the additional resources RAs had to include catered to specific ideologies, exemplifying a bias in ORL. “I think everyone should have resources. I think everyone should have a place to go. I also think that it’s wrong to completely go in one direction and completely alienate another group,” Burfeind said.

The social justice theme is one of four different themes chosen by an ORL committee. Those include self-discovery, life skills and interpersonal skills, Gerth-Antoniewicz said. She said the social justice theme was chosen to facilitate students’ abilities to relate to people who are different from themselves. “This is an important predictor of how a student will succeed later in life, both in the workplace and socially,” GerthAntoniewicz said. “Marquette administrators hear this all the time in conversations with the employers who hire our students: One of the most important traits employers are looking for is the ability to collaborate.” Ellie McNeal, a sophomore in the College of Health Sciences, lives on the Dorothy Day Social Justice Community floor in

Straz Tower. McNeal said she does not think the boards represent a liberal bias on campus, but the boards advocate for people making a difference in the world. She said social justice can represent any political opinion. “If you’re making a difference, that’s what social justice is,” McNeal said. She said social justice is about helping people on the margins. Those people are not Republicans or Democrats, but she said they are people that need help. The social justice resource packet did not include information about pro-life issues, conservative resources or Christian values, Burfeind said. He said when conservative students don’t see those resources, they think they don’t have a voice or importance on campus. “In an effort to be inclusive

to all, our campus — specifically residence life — has gone over the line and said, ‘We’re going to only include these people,’ and has in fact alienated this group,” Burfeind said. Gerth-Antoniewicz said social justice is included in the Jesuit mission, and it is not liberal or conservative. “We believe, as it states on our website that, ‘Students, faculty and staff of every religious tradition are invited to engage in conversations about faith, God, social justice, the search for truth, the desire for peace, global issues, ethics and the dignity of humanity,’” Gerth-Antoniewicz said. McNeal supports the boards because service is a Marquette pillar. Service as Marquette defines it is working toward social justice, she said. Burfeind said he reached out to


ORL last year about his concerns after the presidential election, but he was not given a response. Last week, his residence hall director spoke to him about connecting with someone higher up in ORL. Burfeind said he heard back from his RHD yesterday but has yet to set up a meeting. “It’s really disappointing that they say that they’re inclusive to all and that they want to bring conversation, but at the end of the day, they don’t,” Burfeind said. Burfeind said throughout his two years as an RA, a pattern of leaning ideologies in ORL has prevailed, and the social justice boards are just one example of ORL pushing a certain agenda. Burfeind cited a situation in which his fellow RAs wanted to give out candy and free hugs after the presidential election. “What does that tell people who voted for Trump? What does that say? That says that they’re wrong; that says that they’re bad,” Burfeind said. “Based on percentages, there’s probably 30 percent of this building who share the same views as I have but are silenced because of ORL’s culture.” Burfeind said though it is hard and took him a long time to speak out, he encourages conservative students to voice their beliefs in a constructive way. “Don’t be mean. Don’t be rude. Don’t try to cause problems. Just try to create dialogue and have conversation, so that way you have a voice, and there’s opportunity for both sides,” Burfeind said.

Photo by Kate Holstein

Resident assistants are required to decorate bulletin boards in accordance with ORL’s new social justice theme.

MU partners with MKE Muslim Film Festival There will be talkbacks after each movie showing By Grace Connatser

Marquette will partner with the Milwaukee Muslim Film Festival, hosted by the Milwaukee Muslim Women’s Coalition, from April 22-May 7 to show feature films portraying the Muslim experience. This is the first time the university will host a Muslim film festival. The festival began in 2014, and it is also being hosted by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Cardinal Stritch University and Alverno College. Admission is free, and there will be a talk-back after each film. Janan Najeeb, president of the Milwaukee Muslim Women’s Coalition, said it’s important to emphasize the interfaith leadership necessary in hosting a Muslim event on a Catholic campus.

“One of the things that we have done for literally the past two decades is find opportunities to build bridges of understanding and promote better understanding of the Muslim community,” Najeeb said. Najeeb also said she hopes the festival will create more understanding of the Muslim world. “It’s an opportunity,” Najeeb said. “We’re really hopeful that, although it’s a Catholic university, there’s enough interest and curiosity to learn something new, to experience a film that someone might not necessarily go to, to expand one’s horizons.” The Muslim prayer room located in the Alumni Memorial Union sustained two attacks of vandalism last year. Despite this, Najeeb said she believes the festival will cause students to reevaluate their stance on Islam and discourage the attacks from happening again. “(The festival) will help individuals that maybe have very narrow understanding of the Muslim

community and Muslims in general,” Najeeb said. “Hopefully this will encourage them to attend and ask the questions that are concerning them.” Louise Cainkar is an associate professor of Arab-American studies and on the committee planning the festival. She said the relationship between Marquette and the MMWC began with the Community Engaged Research Partnership Development Grant, awarded to Cainkar by the Office of Community Engagement and the Office of the Provost. The grant seeks to create a community-based partnership “in response to a mutually-identified community need.” Cainkar chose to connect with MMWC for the grant. Cainkar said Najeeb proposed bringing the film festival to Marquette as part of the grant project. Dan Bergen, executive director of the Office of Community Engagement, approved the project and oversees the facilitation and planning. Cainkar said the project will give

the Marquette community a chance to look at its relationship with Muslim communities across Milwaukee. “What’s important about this is individual professors and staff and offices at Marquette have had relationships with the Muslim community, but this is really our first institutionwide relationship,” Cainkar said. Cainkar also said she thinks a majority of people on campus have misconceptions about the Muslim world. She said she hopes the film festival will clear up negative stereotypes about Muslims. “I lead this Islam immersion trip to Detroit every spring break, and I can see from the students’ reactions ... that there’s a whole world of Islam and Muslims out there that they have very little idea about, mainly because they’re presented to us in very simplistic and stereotypical ways,” Cainkar said. Two showings during the twoweek festival period will be held in the Weasler Auditorium.

“By the Dawn’s Early Light,” a 2004 documentary on NBA player Chris Jackson’s conversion to Islam, will be screened May 3 at 7 p.m. “Victoria and Abdul,” a 2017 historical fiction film based on the relationship between Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and an Indian Muslim servant, Abdul Karim, will be screened May 4 at 6 p.m. A full list of the showings can be found on the Wisconsin Muslim Journal website. Brian Dorrington, university spokesperson, issued a statement on Marquette’s Jesuit mission to remain open to all individuals. “Marquette recognizes and cherishes the dignity of each individual regardless of age, culture and faith,” Dorrington said in an email. “One of the best attributes about Marquette is in the way we have open conversations on some of the most significant topics occurring worldwide. We look forward to this festival contributing to this open dialogue.”



The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

App aims to foster student relationships MUnchMates acts as search engine to find meal buddies By Josh Anderson

In 2015, 37 percent of Marquette undergraduate students seriously considered leaving the university, according to the 2015 Campus Climate Project. Ben Zellmer said he wanted to change that. MUnchMates, an organization created by Zellmer, a senior in the College of Health Sciences, officially launched an app last Tuesday that allows underclassmen to connect with upperclassmen over a meal. He worked on the app with several other Marquette undergraduate students.

The MUnchMates app launched April 10 and is available in Apple’s app store. The MUnchMates team held a launch party at the 707 Hub April 12. The app allows students to search for other students by college, year in school and type of student, which includes graduate students, faculty and club or organization members, Zellmer said. Students can also search for Jesuits on campus. “They can get together and basically make a new friend,” Zellmer said. Zellmer formed MUnchMates during his sophomore year with the goal of reducing the percentage of students considering leaving Marquette, he said. He enlisted the help of Michael Ulrich, a senior in the College of Business

Administration, at the end of his sophomore year. “I heard about this, ironically, the last time I ever swiped for a meal,” Ulrich said. “I saw Ben, and I said, ‘Ben, what are we going to do next year? I need food,’ and he was like, ‘I have an idea.’” Zellmer said Ulrich had more experience in app development than he did. Zellmer originally used Microsoft Yammer as an online platform for MUnchMates, but said it never really caught on. “Yammer, I realized, wasn’t customized enough to Marquette,” Ulrich said. “So what could we do to make something that was more customized? Creating an app can do that.” Ulrich and Andrew Webber, a senior in the College of Business

Administration, began working together to develop an app that would more effectively allow students to connect with one another over a meal. “Michael had told me about the app, and I thought it was an excellent idea. When I was a freshman here, I was part of the 37 percent who didn’t see themselves as part of the community and maybe didn’t want to stick around and stay,” Webber said. Kelsey Otero, associate director of Social Innovation, spoke briefly at the launch party about the 707 Hub, which is a collaboration space on campus. While the students created the app themselves, the 707 Hub provided guidance and resources. “We’re here to help you guys do exactly what the

MUnchMates team has done and get ideas off the ground,” Otero said. “We can help provide whatever resources are needed to make that possible.” Ulrich said students need to use the app for it to be effective. “Ultimately, no matter how good this app is, the idea has to take off or the app will be pointless,” he said. Zellmer said his vision for MUnchMates extends far past his graduation in a month. “It’s about next year when we have 2,000 new students on campus at Marquette,” he said. “Two thousand more students moving away from home. Two thousand more students trying to find their place.”

‘Live to Dream’ in search for additional donor Summer program helps kids maintain their reading skills By Natallie St. Onge

Marquette’s Hartman Center for Literacy and Learning’s “Live to Dream” summer reading program secured funding for the next two years and is searching for a donor for summer 2020. Four years ago, the Wade’s World Foundation gave the Center for Literacy and Learning a $195,000 gift, which funded the summer program to help children around Milwaukee maintain or increase their reading skills over the summer. Each summer costs nearly $65,000 to run, and the foundation’s $195,000 amount covered three years. As of now, the center has found donors for the fourth and fifth years. However, they are in the process of finding the sixth, Kathleen Clark, director of the center, said. “In about 18 months, the dean (of education), University Advancements and I will sit down and figure out what the next steps are, but at this point it is really impossible to say,” Clark said. The program aims to prevent the ‘summer slide,’ a decline of literacy achievement commonly found among students from low-income families during the three-month vacation. With three summers well underway, the Live to Dream program exceeded its goals and helped children make significant gains in their reading comprehension skills. “We have a lot of high poverty children in Milwaukee, and often times you see a regression during

the summer,” Clark said. The Wade’s World Foundation seeks to provide support to community-based organizations that promote education, health and social skills for children, according to its website. Bill Henk, the dean of the College of Education, said Milwaukee has no shortage of underachievement in literacy. “There’s a vast opportunity or need depending on how you look at it. If you have the resources, you can help more kids,” Henk said. Clark originally wrote an application for Governor Scott Walker’s “Read to Lead” grant, but Walker did not fund it.

“University Advancement then took my grant proposal and then presented it to the (Wade’s World Foundation), and they were really interested in the program,” Clark said. Henk said the money it takes to run ‘Live to Dream’ is worth it when compared to the amount good the program can do. “When you think about the impact that you are having on the community, with the students who are coming to campus and helping prevent the summer slide, that’s priceless,” Laura Bolger, director of development for the College of Education, said. Clark said summer

programming is typically associated with universities that have masters programs, where teachers are graduate students who take courses in reading assessment and instruction. On the other hand, “Live to Dream” employs newlylicensed Marquette graduates and alumni who have taught for a few years, Clark said. “A lot of the money that we have goes into salaries for the people who teach the program,” Clark said. There is no cost for children to attend. The center provides the children with books, transportation from school to university, snacks

and meals, as well as supplies and assessments for the teachers. Clark said the program is dependent on external funding, and she would certainly like to continue to see it in operation. Without funding, the program will not be possible. “The Hartman Center does amazing work during the academic year, and the Wade program bridges that gap in the summer,” Bolger said. “Really what it is about is instilling in these kids that have the greatest need of all, which is literacy help, the belief in themselves that they can do this, and they are doing it and that they can be successful.”

Photo by Jordan Johnson

Marquette’s Hartman Center for Literacy and Learning’s summer reading program, geared toward impoverished children, costs nearly $65,000 a season.


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Marquette Tribune

Business school launches female speaker series Leader from Baird speaks on finding work-life balance By Claire Hyman

Women of all ages and backgrounds gathered April 16 to hear Marquette alumna Mary Ellen Stanek share insights from her nearly 40 years of business experience. The speech was the inauguration of the “Women in Business” series launched by the College of Business Administration. Though the event was the first and last of the academic year, the series will continue next fall. Stanek currently serves as managing director and director of asset management for Baird, a wealth management firm. Her team manages approximately $63 million in assets. In her speech, Stanek focused on what she would’ve liked to hear as a student. She stressed the importance of finding a balance between work and family life and navigating being a woman in the workplace. “People, particularly women, try to live a life that other people want

them to live ... You’ve got to figure out what really matters to you and go after that,” Stanek said. Shannon Theim, assistant to Dean Brian Till of the College of Business Administration, managed the promotion for the series. She said Stanek was chosen because of her ties to Marquette and her reputation as a distinguished businesswoman. “Some coin her as the most powerful woman in Milwaukee, so we were really glad to secure her for the first event,” Theim said. The concept for the series was originally proposed by a group of students involved in the Women in Business club on campus, Theim said. Kate Shanahan, a senior in the College of Arts & Sciences, is one of the students who organized the event. She said she loved Stanek’s openness about discussing issues that affect women in the workplace — specifically in regard to the #MeToo and the Time’s Up movements. “Twenty, 30 years ago, that wasn’t something people talked about, especially in a group of 500 people,” Shanahan said. The idea for the series was proposed to Till seven months ago. Till said the event was not just for female business students, but for all students

and community members. “To bring in someone who is a very prominent and accomplished businesswoman to talk about her story and to serve as a role model for our female business students — but really for all of our students — is very powerful,” Till said. Till said this event is a new take on other speaker series the College of Business Administration hosts. “I think it’s healthy for our students to see very accomplished female executives as

role models,” Till said. While the College of Business Administration makes an effort to bring speakers into classrooms, most of the speakers tend to be male, Theim said. “I really think (students) have responded favorably because they want the opportunity to hear from women in power,” Theim said. This was true for Shanahan, who said she is not exposed to many female executives in the workplace. “There’s one chief legal officer


at work who is a woman, but every other C-Suite executive is a man ... so it was cool to see a woman in that high-power group speak about her experiences and where she started,” Shanahan said. Theim said she already received feedback from people in the community for next year. Some suggestions include expanding the program to include multiple speakers and bringing in women from different industries.

Photo by Jordan Johnson

Mary Ellen Stanek (left) speaks at the inauguration of the “Women in Business” series that will continue next year.



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The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Arts &


Page 8

Traveling beer garden comes to MKE Sprecher Brewing Company, 5K race part of festivities By Mikala Hershman

The Milwaukee Traveling Beer Garden tour is opening for the season at Juneau Park and Greenfield Park May 16. The tour involves two simultaneously running tours traveling through Milwaukee County Parks. With even more than just beer, the tour has plenty of fun activities like the Beer Garden 5K Series, hosted by Silver Circle Sports Events. “We own the Beer Garden 5K Series and have partnered with Milwaukee County Parks for the past three years to hold 5K running and walking events in their Traveling Beer Gardens,” Sean Osborne, course manager at Silver Circle sports said. Osborne said the 5K Series provides an opportunity for residents to enjoy the Milwaukee County Park system – something they can do while enjoying a beverage with more than 500 of their newest friends over the summer. “The Beer Garden 5K is an unpretentious event that welcomes all abilities from youth to adult,” Osborne said. “We

Photo via Facebook

Sprecher Brewing Company will have two firetrucks repurposed as beer serving stations at the sixth annual Traveling Beer Garden this summer.

even have a free Kiddo’s 1K at the first Beer Garden 5K event in Greenfield Park.” Another option for more active beer drinkers is the HIIT-N-Hops workout series, a 45-minute high-

Photo via Incirlik Air Base

The Beer Garden 5K series will allow garden-goers to run and socialize.

intensity interval training session followed by socializing afterward. Each session costs $25, and the whole five-part workout series costs $100. A big part of the Traveling Beer Garden is one of its major sponsors and exclusive beer partners, Sprecher Brewing Company. The brewing company has been part of the Beer Garden since its inception in 2013 and has been going strong with it for the past five years. “In 2013, there was one fire truck that made eight stops. For the last three years, there have been two trucks. This year, they will make 14 different stops,” Jeff Hamilton, president of Sprecher Brewing Company, said. “In 2016, the Traveling Beer Garden was named one of the 10 best beer gardens in America”. Hamilton said his experience throughout the years with the Traveling Beer Garden has been great, and he has thoroughly

enjoyed being part of something so positive and unique. “It is a great example of business and government working together for the advancement of the community,” Hamilton said. This year, Sprecher Brewing Company’s firkins will feature ingredients harvested from the parks – like spruce tips, Hamilton said. Also new this year is the Oak Leaf Flight – making all 12 beers available at the Traveling Beer Garden. “We have fire trucks, large selections of great beer, craft sodas and special firkin tappings at openings. If you want a very unique, truly Milwaukee experience, great beer, great friends and music, come on down and try out one — or all — of the stops,” Hamilton said. Justin Palmer, a sophomore in the College of Communication, is looking forward to attending the Traveling Beer Garden this year. Although he cannot legally drink

yet, he is excited to check out the other amenities the Beer Garden offers and take in the atmosphere. “I won’t be able to try any of the beers, but I am really looking forward to trying all the different foods and non-alcoholic drinks, as well as enjoying the activities that are offered,” Palmer said. “Hanging out in a Milwaukee park with the great weather, food, drinks and people seems like a great time and I can’t wait.” One of the biggest changes from last year to this year’s traveling beer garden is the ability to use credit cards, per the Milwaukee County Parks news release. Other new features include a fifth tour stop on Labor Day weekend and a partnership with Iron Gate BBQ food trucks. The Traveling Beer Garden will also offer live music at Wednesday night keg tappings and on Friday and Saturday nights from 5-8 p.m.

Arts & Entertainment

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Marquette Tribune


Brady Street serves as nightlife hot spot for students Bloody marys, happy hour deals prove fan favorites David Goldman For Marquette students, Brady Street is an iconic nine-block stretch of bars that offers a bustling spot for parties on the weekend. But 30 years ago, it had a much different image — it was a street in decay. Stretching from Lake Michigan to the Milwaukee River on the city’s lower east side, Brady Street is currently in the midst of a cultural renaissance. And years after renovation, the street boasts some of the best restaurants, bars and coffee shops in the state of Wisconsin. It is a popular spot for tourists and students alike, as there are over 50 businesses in the nine-block radius of Brady Street. For students looking for a good time on a weekend, Brady Street

has become a nightlife hub, with its many bars centrally located and packed with party-goers. “I like going to Brady Street because there’s a lot of unique spots to eat and drink. I haven’t outgrown campus or Water Street bars, but I like that Brady is a somewhat older crowd,” Sarah Hoffman, a senior in the College of Communication, said. While it is fun to go to a specific bar, the street has so many businesses in such a small location, it is easy to spend an entire day there exploring the street’s history, shops and restaurants. “I like Brady because it’s always so lively. There are so many hidden gems that you can discover,” Vanessa Dennis, a senior in the College of Business Administration, said. The Garage, a relatively new bar that opened in 2001, has quickly become a student favorite on Brady Street. The restaurant and bar has been wowing patrons with its drink specials and bloody marys. “The Garage is my latest

favorite because during the day they have brunch and $5 Bloody marys, and then at night, it turns into a fun place to drink and dance,” Hoffman said. The Garage boasts over 70 different beers, a brunch menu on the weekends and an appetizing dinner menu with traditional bar food and specials almost every night. But it’s the bloody marys that stand out at the restaurant and have people coming back for more.

Photo via Wikimedia

“Our bloody marys are really popular around brunch time,” Erica Henderson, server and host at The Garage, said. “The garnish is usually sausage, cheese, olives and a pickle. We just recently started making our own bloody mary mix, and it is really way better than the old generic mix so it’s no wonder those are so popular.” Jack’s is another popular bar on the historic street and has more of a traditional bar feel than the others. It offers a happy hour Monday through Friday from 2-6 p.m. that features $2 off appetizers and $3 Absolut cocktails. They also have over 30 TVs so one never has to miss a second of the big game. It’s not all bars on Brady street either. Some like to find a place to study or just hang out with some coffee or tea. “One of my (favorite places) is Rochambo, which is a tea house where you can study or just hang out,” Dennis said. “They are open late, serve alcohol, and have a ton of board games.” Farwell Avenue offers more

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familiar chain stores and restaurants like Starbucks, Dog Haus, Subway and Walgreens. Though most of Brady Street has been renovated with new, upscale bars and restaurants, one shop has remained constant on the street. Opened in 1947, Peter Sciortino Bakery has been a Italian staple in the Milwaukee community for over 70 years. The aroma from the traditional bakery is evident from blocks away as they serve fresh bread daily. Fans maintain it would be hard to find better desserts in the area, as their Italian cookies and cannolis are fresh and beloved. Through its renaissance, Brady Street has truly become Milwaukee’s premier street for a day of fun. Whether it’s grabbing a beer with friends, snagging a quick cannoli, or finding a quiet spot to study with some tea, Brady Street has no shortage of businesses to entertain. David Goldman is a senior studying journalism. He can be reached at

The Marquette Tribune


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Social engineering impacts everyone

Editorial Board Morgan Hughes, Opinions Editor Caroline Kaufman, Assistant Opinions Editor Patrick Thomas, Executive Director Rebecca Carballo, Managing Editor Marquette Tribune McKenna Oxenden, Projects Editor, Managing Editor Marquette Journal Aly Prouty, News Executive Gina Richard, Copy Chief

Mackane Vogel, A&E Executive Andrew Goldstein, Sports Executive Hannah Feist, Design Chief Ian Schrank, Station Manager MURadio Phil Pinarski, Station Manager MUTV Helen Dudley, Photo Editor


Voter turnout crucial to national, local issues

Photo via Wikimedia

Thousands of students marched across the country for “March for Our Lives,” a gun-control protest.

The 18-22 year-old demographic enjoys the idea of being politically active more so than political activism itself. There was a line snaking around the Alumni Memorial Union for the 2016 Presidential Election viewing party, yet there was only a little over a 20 percent overall voter turnout for the City of Milwaukee during the most recent alderman election. Students making their voices heard by being informed and active voters is crucial to a successful nation. However, there is a large disconnect between Americans eligible to vote and Americans who actually will cast a ballot. Rock the Vote, a nonpartisan organization focused on increasing young registered voters, announced earlier this year that the young adult vote has reached a pivotal status. The Pew Research Center determined that in the 2016 presidential election, millennials and Gen Xers,

individuals under the age of 51 years old, outvoted baby boomers and older generations by nearly 68 million voters. It is even estimated that millennials will outnumber Gen Xers by the 2020 elections. A number of different factors can deter potential voters. One being that the current United States political system puts the burden on the voter — registration takes work. Or, the common misconception that people’s votes will not matter. Over 800,000 people, many being students, participated in a recent social justice protest, “March for Our Lives.” Yet, the support for these issues does not often result in an increase in voter turnout, and therefore, these opinions are not as well-represented as they have the potential to be. Enacting change through social media channels and protests cannot replace actual participation in elections. Without the publicity and sensationalism of presidential and Congressional elections, years


with only local and regional elections don’t draw as many voters to the polls. Across the United States, voter turnout for local elections is dismal. However, these local elections are where the community voices’ go furthest, and individuals have the opportunity to directly see the changes they voted for enacted. On an even smaller scale, student voter participation in Marquette University Student Government elections is crucial to maintaining a campus environment indicative of the values of the student population at the university. In this year’s MUSG election, voter turnout increased by three percent — just shy of their goal of 30 percent. Voting is a duty that comes more than just once every four years. Casting a vote affords Americans a concrete example of standing up for what we believe in. It gives us the chance to say what we think in a formal setting and one that can actually make a difference.

Guest Columnist Dana Warren Social engineering: What may initially seem like a foreign phrase is actually one of the most important topics in today’s society (and not just for aspiring marketers like myself) that impact everyone. Here are some topics to consider: Russian troll farms, election meddling, Tide, Kleenex and Nattie, the Marquette University Police Department dog. While only one of these has a negative association, each instance relies on a phenomenon that is fascinating and varying in complexity. It is the future of advertising, and has long been a relatively nuanced vehicle of progress. One way to think of social engineering is as the practice of using various methods to influence public opinion and solve social problems or improve social conditions. Yet, I would also add it often involves a desired mimicry of behavior and is usually done with subtle execution rather than direct commands of certain actions. Such was the case a few years ago when the Ice Bucket Challenge asked people to pour ice water on themselves in support of the ALS Association, which raises money for research and support services involving ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease. The social engineering component came into play when people saw their friends dousing themselves for a good cause and then followed suit. Then so did their friends, and so it continued. Progress was made, and $115 million was raised. Another great example is the ever-popular and furriest officer in the Marquette University Police Department: Nattie. When students see her and an officer walking around campus, they feel more inclined to approach them and strike up a conversation, Nattie being the method and the behavior being more conversation and student-officer interaction. Social engineering can be a good thing. Social engineering can also be damaging to public trust and sentiments while working against progress. Without being overly political and sticking with just the facts, it has been widely reported

that there was Russian meddling in the U.S. election (President Donald Trump, Robert Mueller and special counsels aside) in the form of a troll farm. BBC’s Dave Lee said the Russian Internet Research Agency posed as Americans after extensively researching the type of statements that would elicit a response from Facebook and Twitter users. Statements like, “Trump is our only hope for the future” spread like wildfire. Again, posts on social media playing into anxieties about the opposing candidate, the method and the vote being the result. There is also a bevy of corporate entities that professionally mine user information for the use of other organizations or companies to influence consumer and individual thought, decisions in the marketplace and pop culture and political and societal trends. Cambridge Analytica is the current poster child of this trend, but there are other companies like IBM and it’s artificial intelligence platform, Watson, which has a social media feature. Consultancies such as Boston Consulting Group and McKinsey & Company also devote massive resources to analytics and big data mining when making recommendations to clients who want to influence consumer decisions as well. These secondary examples may be more neutral, but the point still stands. Social engineering can also be used by brands directly, such as how Kleenex became synonymous with tissues. The method was to gain market share (47.1 percent in the facial tissue market) and use a related brand name to the issue at hand. Tide did this with its Super Bowl LII commercial by suggesting that any time clean clothes are shown, it is probably because of Tide. Again, Tide was the source, and thinking about clean clothes was the result (which also helped people forget about the insane and delirious Tide Pod challenge for at least a little while). In conclusion, social engineering is really important, underappreciated and impacts society in many different ways, good and bad. Dana Warren is a senior studying marketing and international business. He can be reached at


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Marquette Tribune


Equal pay movement Teacher strikes set precedent not intersectional Aminah Beg April 10, or Equal Pay Day, was created for Americans to reflect on the discrepancy between the working wages of men and women. April 10 was chosen in particular because it is the amount of extra time women must work to receive equal to their white male counterparts’ earnings from the last year. What often flies under the radar, though, are the many other equal pay days throughout the year. Aug. 7 marks Black Women Equal Pay Day. Sept. 7 is when Native American women reach equal pay, and finally, Latina women get their day Nov. 1. Similar to April 10, these days are picked specifically to show how much longer these women must work than, not just white men, but also white women to get the same pay. There is a large disparity, not just across gender lines, but racial ones, as well. Women of color, who make up 40 percent of the American population, are falling so far behind white women. This information cannot be overlooked. Women cannot all be placed and grouped into one category, because women of color need a different approach, specific to the issues they face. Though white women may not be in the best situation, they must recognize their privilege in comparison to those who might not have the same benefits they do. White feminism solely focuses on the struggles of white women, while ignoring the difficulties and oppression of women of color. This type of feminism is a problem in this country, and was prominent during the 2016 election. 53 percent of white women voted for Trump, which showed their true lack of concern for the anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim and racist rhetoric he spewed during his campaign. They placed their racial and economic identities above their gender. These straight, middle class women will not face consequences and hardships of the political choice to have a racist predator as the president in the same way as other women because they are white. Lack of concern for women of color is an integral part of our country’s foundation. The fight for women rights in the 19th century through the works of

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and other white women had no intention to include African American women. Nowhere in the Declaration of Rights and Sentiments were black women addressed, and, even beyond that, white women intentionally did not allow them to join their organizations. Women of color cannot continue to be left out of this conversation. Every woman must be able to benefit equally from the feminist movement. Feminism must take into account how racial and gender inequality problems. There are many issues that specifically address black women, Native Americans, Latinas and any woman who is not white, but white feminism willfully ignores this. The experiences of sexual harassment and violence these women endure are often pushed to the side because whiteness is the norm no matter what movement. L e n a Dunham, a self-proclaimed feminist, completely disregarded a sexual assault accusation made against her colleague, Murray Miller. Dunham said she was positive that the accusation was categorized under the 3 percent of false reported accusations. The woman who made the accusation, Aurora Perrineau, is a woman of color. A wealthy white woman felt comfortable completely omitting a lower-income woman of color’s claim because of white feminism. As long as Dunham ensures she and her white women colleagues receive rights, she has no regard for women with problems different than her own. Of course, progress has been made, but there is much to be done. By placing the stories of women of color at the forefront next to their white peers, it is a step towards presenting them with the same importance. More women of color in the entertainment industry must be allowed the same opportunities as white women because representation matters immensely. White women marching in the streets of Washington and wearing pink hats must guarantee they are not only fighting for their rights, but the rights of their entire gender.

There is a large disparity not just across gender lines but racial ones, as well.”

Aminah Beg is a freshman studying Public relations and cognitive sciences. She can be reached at

Reilly Harrington

One of the most impressive and inspirational movements of 2018 has largely flown under the radar in terms of media coverage: the West Virginia teacher’s strike. In a time of protests and resistance, the teachers of West Virginia’s public schools scored a huge win for education labor in the state and have inspired teachers in other states to follow suit. Despite the lack of mass media attention, the teachers of West Virginia have created a sterling example for how to not only enact social change but secure these changes for the future. The strike was spurred by benefit cuts, spikes in health insurance premiums and inadequate pay raises passed by the West Virginia state government. The average salary for a West Virginia teacher is approximately $44,701, placing West Virginia 48 out of all states in terms of teacher salaries. Not only are the teachers of West Virginia negatively affected, but students are as well. Due to unjust pay rates, paired with increasingly disadvantageous benefits and the rise of charter schools in the state, public education is losing quality teachers hand over foot. Unlike most labor strikes, the West Virginia teachers began and continued their walkout without the approval of their union leadership. Through a series of clandestine Facebook groups and pages, the strike was organized by teachers who had enough of being underpaid by their state. Despite the technical illegality of the unauthorized strike, the teachers of West Virginia closed every school in the state until they were satisfied with the solution met between their representatives and the state government. This sustained strike would not have been possible without the support of parents, local churches and labor organizations such as the Democratic Socialists of America and the International Workers of the World. The significant element of the strike that elevates it above most contemporary protest is that it created a crisis that needed to be resolved. These were not just actions filling the halls of the State house or simple picket lines, this was a unilateral demand for fair treatment and worker’s rights. Opposition from legislators was made public by strikers and the targets were clear. Fed up with inaction from their own union and neglect from their elected officials, these brave educators organized themselves and proved how impactful their work is on the state of West Virginia. With schools closed, working parents were suddenly stuck with

Photo via Wikimedia

Teachers protest harmful polcies passed by the WV state government.

children to attend to. Local businesses were affected by the lack of open schools. This display of the role that public education serves in daily life bolstered the striking teachers arguments for higher pay. After nearly two weeks of back and forth proposals to return teachers to schools, the strike ended in a massive victory for the teachers. All of their demands, including restrictions on the development of charter schools and pay increases, were met by the end of the strike. The well-organized movement was powered by impassioned citizens and those involved refused to back down until they knew they had secured some significant victories for teachers across the state. The movement also garnered support from online crowdfunding and local community members, showing that labor struggles in this country can gain traction from outside influences as well. This kind of wildcat mentality is exactly what the so-called #Resistance in this country needs if it wants to be taken seriously. Other states, like Oklahoma, Kansas and Kentucky have begun organizing their teachers to combat policies detrimental to the pay and benefits of the public education system. Watching these educators organize and draw a line in the sand has been an inspirational moment in contemporary American life that has been critically under-represented in the mass media. Refusing to back down in the

pursuit of what is unarguably a social good, even in the face of controversy and potential backlash, is not just an admirable cause — it’s an American tradition. Post-Industrial Revolution labor struggles have been common in this country to varying degrees of success. The labor may have differed between each cause and each strike, but the spirit and intensity of these protests come from the same American ideology: Only through unity and determination can people change their circumstances for the better. Reilly Harrington is a junior studying digital media and peace studies. He can be reached at

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The opinions expressed on the Opinions page reflect the opinions of the Opinions staff. The editorials do not represent the opinions of Marquette University nor its administrators, but those of the editorial board. The Marquette Tribune prints guest submissions at its discretion. The Tribune strives to give all sides of an issue an equal voice over the course of a reasonable time period. An author’s contribution will not be published more than once in a fourweek period. Submissions with obvious relevance to the Marquette community will be given priority consideration. Full Opinions submissions should be limited to 500 words. Letters to the editor should be between 150 to 250 words. The Tribune reserves the right to edit submissions for length and content. Please e-mail submissions to: morgan. If you are a current student, include the college in which you are enrolled and your year in school. If not, please note any affliations to Marquette or your current city of residence.

Men’s lacrosse has won nearly three-fourths of its one-goal games since 2013. It’s not an accident. SPORTS, 16

Sports The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, April 17, 2018 PAGE 12

Collen blazes trail in WNBA

Photo courtesy of Atlanta Dream

Former Marquette women’s basketball standout Nicki Collen is the first Marquette alumna to lead a WNBA team. She graduated from Marquette in 1998 after three seasons at MU.

Basketball alumna set to make pro head coaching debut By John Hand

Marquette women’s basketball has yet to establish a strong presence in the Women’s National Basketball Association, but that is beginning to change. In October, the Atlanta Dream hired former Marquette guard Nicki Collen, formerly Nicki Taggart, as their head coach. “It is a little exhilarating and terrifying at the same time,” Collen said. “I like meeting new people. I like selling our league and selling our team. I think there are a lot of great things about the opportunity to be the head of an organization.” Collen is the first former Marquette women’s player to be a head coach in the WNBA. The last time any Marquette alum went to the WNBA as a player or

coach was in 2011, when point guard Angel Robinson went to the Minnesota Lynx. “Nicki brings impressive basketball and coaching credentials along with great leadership qualities, and we are thrilled to welcome her to the Atlanta Dream,” team owners Kelly Loeffler and Mary Brock said in a statement at the time of Collen’s hiring. Since taking the job last fall, Collen has found the job different than any previous coaching stop. “It is a different perspective on everything when you move over a chair because you are responsible on a totally different level, and you have to answer for a lot of things,” Collen said. Collen came to Marquette in 1995 in search of more playing time after transferring from Purdue University. The 5-foot5 guard helped the Golden Eagles win its first NCAA tournament game in 1997, upsetting Clemson 70-66. In her senior

year, Collen was second-team All-Conference USA and finished third in the nation in assists with 7.4 per game. After graduating from Marquette with a degree in mechanical engineering, Collen

It is a different perspective on everything when you move over a chair because you are responsible on a totally different level.”

Nicki Collen Atlanta Dream Head Coach

played professionally overseas with BCM Alexandros in Greece

for one year. She then returned to the U.S. to begin her coaching career. Collen worked her way up the college basketball ladder and held jobs as an assistant coach at Ball State University, Colorado State University and the University of Louisville. Collen stepped away from the game for six years to raise her family before joining her husband Tom’s staff at the University of Arkansas. After Arkansas, she went to Florida Gulf Coast University and then, she moved up to the professional ranks in 2016 to work for Curt Miller and the Connecticut Sun in the WNBA. Since moving from college to the pros, Collen has noticed a marked difference between the two. “The difference (is) you are less of a mentor,” Collen said. “You are coaching adults at this point. This is their job. You still build relationships, but you don’t have to make sure they are going to class.

They are just more independent.” Last year, the Dream finished with a 12-22 record, the franchise’s worst season for the franchisesince 2008. There is optimism in Atlanta after finding out that Angel McCoughtry, who was the team’s highest scorer before taking a year off from basketball last season, will return. “Their season (last year) — they were hovering with the opportunity to make the playoffs heading into August and then had a tough stretch in August that put them out of playoff contention, but I think the pieces are in place roster-wise,” Collen said. Collen will make her head coaching debut May 6 when the Dream takes on the Chicago Sky. “There is not a lot of downtime,” Collen said. “My Netflix binge-watching ended when I took the head coaching job.”


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Marquette Tribune


Miller defines role as lone starting freshman on MU Aggressiveness helps newcomer compete at Division I level By Meghan Rock

Women’s lacrosse defender Jocelyn Miller is the only freshman to start every game this season for the Golden Eagles, but she hasn’t always held such a prominent role. Miller spent the beginning of her high school career at Eastport South-Manor High School in Manorville, New York, on the bench. It wasn’t until the starting defender suffered a torn ACL. Her coach unexpectedly threw Miller into the game, despite not even having proper footwear. “I wasn’t even wearing turfs or cleats,” Miller said. “I was wearing, like, green sneakers.” Once Miller got a taste of a starting spot in high school, she could not fathom the idea of returning to the sidelines. That drive is now helping her compete at the Division I level. “It’s really hard for me to just sit on the sideline and just watch because I know what I am capable of,” Miller said. “I wanted to prove to everyone that I deserved a starting position and that they could trust me.” Senior defender Alex Gambacorta has seen this first-hand. After just a few practices, Gambacorta told her coaching staff that Miller was one of the smartest players she’d ever worked with. “It hasn’t felt like we’ve had

Photo courtesy of Marquette Athletics

Jocelyn Miller is the only freshman to start all 14 games. She is second on the team in ground balls with 27.

to teach her much because she picked (the college game) up so quickly and had that (lacrosse) IQ that’s so important to be a defender,” Gambacorta said. “She’s definitely someone I would say I want to play with her every game.” Miller developed her lacrosse IQ at a young age from her father, a former lacrosse player at St. John’s. Those fundamentals from her father fortified her to start playing club lacrosse in seventh grade and fully grasp her collegiate career potential. “I always knew my whole life that I was going to play (in college) just because my dad always pushed me to play,” Miller said. “I was really shy and I still am. So, it

was kind of me like getting out of my comfort zone.” Spectators would be hardpressed to observe Miller’s shyness in her playing style. She plays an aggressive game, blanketing opposing attackers whenever they get close to the 8-meter arc. That aggressiveness has a downside in the form of fouls. Miller earned 54 fouls and three yellow cards through 14 games this year. At the beginning of the season, Miller was fouling within that 8-meter arc and the 12-meter fan, which frequently put the opponent on the line for a free position shot. “My coach said to me the other day … ‘They don’t expect this

little girl to run up them and start attacking them,” Miller said. “So, I think it’s just learning to control my aggression.” Gambacorta says that controlling the aggression has been a big adjustment but she says it will make a difference in the long run. “When you get older it’s just drilled into your head: don’t swing (your stick),” Gambacorta said. “Coaches are on you. Your teammates are on you. It just becomes ingrained in your head, and when you get older you don’t make those fouls as much.” Miller said her field awareness has already vastly improved since the start of the season. While she still fouls quite a bit, the

location of her fouls have changed. Against Johns Hopkins, Miller’s fouls put Marquette on the wrong end of close-up free position opportunities. Now, Miller is fouling opponents further from the cage. Despite the on-field challenge of limiting her aggression, Miller said the toughest challenge she had to overcome this season was the adjustment in practice from high school to collegiate lacrosse. “The first month, I actually would call my dad after every practice crying or upset and be like, ‘I’m not playing like myself, and I don’t know what I’m doing,’” Miller said. While Miller struggled early on, Gambacorta realized that she was making a difference on defense. “Obviously, you wouldn’t necessarily be playing like yourself,” Gambacorta said. “But that says something that even when you weren’t playing fully yourself, you’re still making an impact.” Miller has overcome that challenge, ranking second on the team in ground balls so far with 27. Her mentor, Gambacorta, has 26. Despite the toughest challenges that will present themselves throughout the next three seasons, Gambacorta hopes Miller will remember one message. “Leave everything on the field. Never to walk off knowing that you could have given more, or you had some more left in the tank,” Gambacorta said. “When you step on the field for a game, look around and have it sink in because those games go by so fast.”

Former walk-on embraces intramural opportunity Deon Franklin enjoys basketball again on smaller stage By Alex Milbraith

With the intramural basketball playoffs starting this past week, the top-seeded Ivy Squad will be relying on a player some Marquette basketball fans may remember: Deon Franklin. Franklin played for the men’s basketball team in the 2016-’17 season before leaving the program after summer. He still stayed at Marquette to focus on school in the College of Business Administration. “It was a great year, and I made a lot of great connections,” Franklin said. “But to me, it wasn’t worth it in the sense that I wasn’t going to play. I’m here at Marquette to go to school.” Franklin started his collegiate career at Austin Community College in Austin, Texas before transferring to Texas Tech with hopes of playing Division I basketball. When that plan fell through, he walked on at

Marquette. Franklin only appeared in eight games in his Marquette career before quitting the team and never looking back. “It was really hard, way more than I expected,” Franklin said. “I don’t regret doing it, but I definitely don’t miss it.” The main motivator for Franklin has always been a love of the game. That love persists at the intramural level, far away from the bright lights of the BMO Harris Bradley Center. “When it comes to basketball, I always go my hardest,” Franklin said. “I’m a very competitive person. People get scared about how intense I get.” Now instead of playing 16 minutes in one season, Franklin plays for full games. “Even last year when I was on the team, I didn’t get any playing time,” Franklin said. “Now that I actually get to play, it’s always fun.” Franklin currently plays with friends he met last year in Schroeder Hall. These friends also played a big part in keeping him here at Marquette. One of them, Ve’Jhon Johnson, a junior in the College of Arts and Sciences, loves playing with him for multiple reasons.

Wire Stock Photo

Deon Franklin says he doesn’t miss playing with the D-I team. “I didn’t get any playing time,” Franklin said.

“He’s very unselfish, easy to get along with, always passes the ball and makes the right decisions,” Johnson said. Johnson also noticed Franklin is an in-game coach as well, not just a facilitator and competitor. “Whenever something’s not right or he sees something we need to fix,

he’ll just make the adjustment ingame as a coach. It’s really nice to have,” Johnson said. Ivy Squad only lost one game, giving the team the top seed, a first-round bye and the first choice of sign-up times. The team already won its first game via forfeit, meaning Franklin won’t have to play until

the semifinals. Franklin doesn’t lack for confidence in his new team. “Oh yeah, I always think I’m going to win,” Franklin said. The championship game will be on April 22 at 7 p.m. at the Helfaer Recreation Center.



The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Track legend unjustly forgotten in Marquette history

Photo courtesy of Marquette University Department of Special Collections and University Archives, Marquette University Libraries

The oldest individual record in Marquette’s record books is Ralph Metcalfe’s 100-meter dash time of 10.38 seconds, which has stood since 1931.

Andrew Goldstein When the average Marquette fan thinks about the university’s best athletes, basketball is inevitably the first thing to come to mind. Not enough people know the name of Marquette’s most impressive athlete: Ralph Metcalfe. Metcalfe, a sprinter that took a track scholarship to Marquette in 1930, was ahead of his time. He ran the 100-meter sprint in just 10.38 seconds in 1931 per the Marquette record books, a school record still standing 87 years later. It’s the oldest active individual record in program history by a considerable margin. The odds of a track record

lasting that long are infinitesimal. Training methods that are considered routine today – heartrate monitors, carefully controlled diets, sports performance specialists, etc. – were unheard of in that era. A sprinter from that era holding on to the record that long is like a Model T outracing a Ford Fusion. The amazing part is not just that Metcalfe’s record has survived this long — it’s the magnitude by which people are still falling short of him. The fastest Marquette runner at the UNF Spring Break Invitational was Josh Word, who probably would have been part of a BIG EAST champion relay team last year if he didn’t tear his hamstring. He finished at 10.68 seconds, which is three-tenths of a second off Metcalfe’s record. It’s the same distance between Word’s

fifth-place finish and the first place finish in the same event. Metcalfe saved his best accomplishment for one of the strangest sporting events in world history: the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany. Sports fans have heard of Jesse Owens, the American sprinter that won four gold medals with German chancellor and perpetrator of genocide Adolf Hitler looking on from the stands. Many fans don’t know there were 17 other African-American athletes in the American delegation, including Metcalfe. Together, these competitors publicly dashed Hitler’s desire to see an Olympics entirely dominated by Aryan athletes. Owens’ dazzling performance in the 100-meter race is one of America’s proudest sporting moments, but Metcalfe finished

with a silver medal, just a tenth of a second off Owens’ time. The sight of two African-Americans on the medal podium was so upsetting to Hitler, he refused to shake their hands or receive any medalists. He saved his best performance for the 4×100 meter relay, where he and Owens helped America claim the gold medal by over one second. Years later, Owens credited Metcalfe’s words off the track for calming his American teammates down enough for them to win the gold. “As we sat around the cottages at night, he counseled us,” Owens said to Dorothy Collin of the Chicago Tribune in 1978. “He was the guy who set us straight. He told us the deeds we were supposed to do … He said we were there for one purpose, to represent our country.”

Even those that remember Metcalfe often only do so for his athletic pursuits, which omits the extraordinary, purposeful life that followed. Less than a decade after competing in Nazi Germany, Metcalfe fought against Nazi Germany in World War II, reaching the rank of first lieutenant. After returning from war, Metcalfe dove into politics, first as an alderman representing Chicago’s South Side, and then as a Democratic congressman in Illinois’ first district. At the time, Chicago Mayor Richard Daley controlled everything in the local Democratic party, staffing city and statewide offices with loyalists and yes-men. Metcalfe’s proudest achievement was the moment he risked his place in Daley’s hierarchy to stand for something. In April 1972, two black dentists, Dr. Herbert Odom and Dr. Daniel Clairborn, were victims of police brutality. Odom was physically assaulted by police during a traffic stop, then charged with resisting arrest. Police held Clairborn in custody for drunk driving when he had really suffered a stroke. In response, Metcalfe called a meeting with prominent African-American leaders and asked the mayor to attend. When he refused, Metcalfe commissioned a report entitled “The Misuse of Police Authority in Chicago.” Because of that report and his statements condemning Daley over what he perceived as a relaxed attitude toward police brutality, Daley revoked Metcalfe’s ability to dole out patronage jobs and set up a primary challenger in the next election. There’s something we can all learn from Metcalfe’s excellence, commitment to principles and steadfast refusal to flinch under pressure: He ought to be as celebrated a part of Marquette lore as any person to ever attend this university. Andrew Goldstein is a senior studying journalism. He can be reached at

Weekly staff picks














WLAX vs. Denver 4-18-18







Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Marquette Tribune


Bradley Center tradition affects all aspects of alum’s life ‘Jump Around’ expected to continue at new arena in fall By John Steppe

Few people were affected more by the BMO Harris Bradley Center than the fans in section 227, row B, seats six and seven. When House of Pain’s “Jump Around” plays at the BMO Harris Bradley Center, Rick Smith, an alumnus from the College of Engineering, quickly goes from season ticket holder to quasicelebrity as he jumps around and claps rhythmically to the song. Every time it happens, he gets on the Jumbotron. “This is something that you couldn’t plan twice if you wanted to,” Rick Smith said. “Goofy things like this happen.” While the arena that made him famous will be closing once the Bucks finish their playoff run, there’s no doubt Smith plans to continue his legacy in the yet-to-be-named Wisconsin Entertainment and Sports Center. “As long as it makes people happy,” Rick said. Despite the influence the 550,000-square foot facility has had on Smith, which included comparisons to actor Will Ferrell in “Anchorman,” the attachment is to the tradition and not the venue. “We don’t feel real emotional about that,” his wife Joan Smith said. “I think there were more memories (at the MECCA) than there have been at the Bradley Center.” Smith’s fame was hardly intentional. On National Marquette Day against Villanova in 2007, he noticed plenty of jubilance from students during “Jump Around,” yet commented that no alumni were jumping. A nearby fan quipped that Smith was not jumping either. “One of the guys behind me said, ‘Well, what’s your problem?’” Smith said. “What’s preventing you from jumping?” He answered the dare despite sporting a business suit, and ESPN’s cameras quickly noticed. “I got up and started jumping,” Smith said. “As soon as I started jumping, ESPN put me on national news. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was on national TV.” Joan’s phone then began to ring. It was one of their sons, a Georgetown student at the time. “Was that my idiot father that I saw on TV on jumping?” Joan remembered her son asking. Smith never intended for his in-seat athleticism against Villanova to become a Bradley Center mainstay. The student section wasn’t going to let his moment on

Photo courtesy of Marquette Athletics

Rick Smith (center) started jumping in rhythm to House of Pain’s “Jump Around” on National Marquette Day in 2007 at the urging of fellow fans.

national television be a one-off. “All of the sudden, the next game they started playing the song, and I’m not jumping anymore,” Smith said. “The students are screaming at me, and I don’t know what they’re saying. And then the people around me said, ‘They want you to get up and jump.’” Now Smith can’t visit his alma mater without a student stopping him. He’s constantly asked for autographs. On the way out of one game, a stranger wanted him to hold her baby. “This woman comes up to me, and she says, ‘Oh, you’re the jumper!’” Smith said. “She’s holding an infant. This baby looked like it was born a couple of weeks ago, and she says, ‘Could you hold my baby?’ and, ‘I want to get a picture of you with my baby.’” As the founder of R.A. Smith, a civil engineering firm in nearby Brookfield, Wisconsin, Smith has attracted employees to his firm because of his Marquette pride. “There are people who want to co-op here and they like the fact that I fly a Marquette flag outside the building right on Bluemound Road,” Smith said. His notoriety spans far greater than Marquette’s 100-acre cam-

pus. Strangers have stopped him in Florida, San Francisco and New York, among other far-flung places. “We were walking on one side of the street (at Times Square) and there were fans walking on the other side of the street, and they were saying, ‘Hey, there he is!” Smith said. “I have peo-

I never wanted to put the season tickets in his name. In case we ever got divorced, I didn’t want him to get them.” Joan Smith Wife of Rick Smith

ple coming up to me no matter where I am in the country, and they say, ‘Hey you go to Marquette, right?’” During the Tom Crean era at Marquette, Smith visited the BIG EAST Tournament at Madison Square Garden in New York City. As the MSG staff played “Jump Around,” Smith proudly started

jumping. Despite sitting well into the second level of a 20,000-plus seat arena, Smith made it onto the Jumbotron of the world’s most famous arena. “How the heck could they find me?” Rick said. Marquette basketball players know who he is, too. “I didn’t even know the basketball players knew who I was,” Rick said. “I went to the 100year celebration of Marquette basketball and saw some of the players. They said, ‘Oh sure, we know what you’re doing at the games. We’re glad you continue to come.’” While Joan said the idea of her joining him in the tradition “isn’t going to happen,” she is as much of a fan as Rick. “I never wanted to put the season tickets in his name,” Joan said. “In case we ever got divorced, I didn’t want him to get them.” In the 11 years of jumping around, Smith has practically developed the handbook for how to properly jump when his signature song plays. When he filmed a video with the College of Engineering, he gave students specific instructions on how to properly jump. “If you’re going to jump, you

have to jump off the ground,” Rick said. “You have to get off your feet and jump as high as you can, and I don’t want to see any people faking it.” “He doesn’t just pretend to jump. He actually really jumps,” Joan said. “That’s different than people that just bob up and down.” That has come with some occupational hazards. About once a year, the Bradley Center will play the song during a media timeout, which is significantly longer than a 30-second team timeout. “Sometimes if he has to jump during a commercial timeout, it would last quite a while,” Joan said. “He would just get all sweaty, and I’d worry a little bit about his health having to jump for such a long period of time.” Some people have suggested that Smith starts pretending to jump as he gets older, to little avail. “They’re saying, ‘Why don’t you fake it and just go up and down on his knees, but don’t go off the ground?’” Rick said. “No.” He won’t be in section 227, row B, seats six and seven of the Bradley Center next year, but Rick Smith will continue to jump “as long as people enjoy it.”



The Marquette Tribune

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Men’s lacrosse continues to thrive in close finishes Marquette is 21-8 in program history in one-goal games By Brendan Ploen

For all the game-winning goals that John Wagner has scored this season, he said he does not like the nickname “Johnny Clutch.” The junior attackman from St. David’s, Ontario, has scored five game-winning goals this season and four in overtime. Although he’s gotten the credit, and his name is the last to appear on the scoresheet, it’s his teammates who have helped him get there. “You don’t score without the other five people out there,” Wagner said. “Even though the ball is in my stick and I just happened to make the play, you don’t get to that point without five other people out there.” The trend of winning games by one goal has become part of the program’s lore. Marquette has consistently found ways to beat teams in nerve-wracking fashion. Twenty-one of Marquette’s 45 wins in program history have been one-goal games, and the Golden Eagles are 21-8 all-time in games that are decided by one goal. Meanwhile, BIG EAST foe Villanova had two games that were decided by one goal in the entire 2017 season and have four this season. Marquette coach Joe Amplo, now in his sixth season at Marquette, said he believes the program’s ability to win close games late speaks volumes about which team wants it more. “I do believe that the one-goal win success rate is one of the things we’re most proud of,” Amplo said. “This group historically

Photo by Kate Holstein

Men’s lacrosse celebrates an overtime win against the Providence Friars. The Golden Eagles were down by four goals with under two minutes left.

has found a way to win.” Amplo called figuring out a way to win late in games a “team mantra,” alluding to the 2016 and 2017 BIG EAST Championships against Denver and Providence. The only two championships in program history were both one-goal games. Last week saw Marquette visit both ends of the one-goal game spectrum. Wednesday, Marquette was leading rival Notre

Dame late in the game until the Irish scored two goals in the final 42 seconds to pull off an unlikely win. Amplo called the loss “the one that stung the most.” The Golden Eagles found a string of luck Saturday when they were down by four goals with just 97 seconds remaining against Providence. The Golden Eagles stormed back to score five, including the game-winner in overtime.

Per usual, John Wagner scored the game-winner against Providence Amplo said that toward the end of the game, they want the ball in Wagner’s stick. “The ball is always in his stick for a reason,” Amplo said. “In overtime, (my staff) and I were saying, ‘What do we want to do?’ And then all of us said, ‘Just get the ball to John.’” Whether it was defeating Denver to win the first BIG EAST

Championship in 2016, or beating No. 4 Ohio State earlier this season, Wagner said he has always enjoyed being a part of one-goal games. “We say going into every game that it’s going to be a close game,” he said. “We know it’s going to be a gritty win every single time we play.” Wagner said its the players before him that helped set the standard for how the Golden Eagles should play down the stretch. “Last year it was (Ryan McNamara), and the year before that when we won the BIG EAST Championship for the first time, it was with Andy DeMichiei,” Wagner said. “It’s been a long history of guys stepping up when they’ve needed to.” One-goal games are a necessary teaching tool for players for Amplo. In the heat of the moment in a late game scenario, Amplo says that it is hard to know how players will react, but that’s what makes the moments exciting, because it’s unpredictable. “You can go through those scenarios a million times in practice — you cannot teach those moments until you go through them.”

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.