Walking a Day in Subscribers’ Shoes
Walking a Day in Subscribers’ Shoes Get Relevant by Understanding Subscriber Behaviors and Preferences
Living in a Digital Age
What’s Inside?
People communicate more frequently and via more channels than ever before. They are also using a wider variety of media, whether it is messaging friends or reading and responding to communications from their favorite brands. Using multiple forms of media concurrently has also increased significantly. In fact, it’s not uncommon for teenagers to listen to the radio, watch TV, and surf the net at the same time—all while text messaging their friends. For marketers, this means that consumer profiles and habits are changing, and we need to pay close attention just to keep up.
Page 1 Living in a Digital Age
In ExactTarget’s 2008 Channel Preference Survey, we asked 1,500 internet users (ages 15 to 65+) a number of questions regarding their general attitudes and usage of one-to-one communication tools, such as email, phone, text messaging (SMS), and social networking. We learned that there are marked differences between age groups not only in the usage of media, but also their acceptance of and attitudes towards each type. Some of what we learned was not surprising, such as the fact that a majority of people prefer to communicate with friends and family via the phone rather than email. This preference is positively correlated with age. However, other data was quite surprising, such as the survey results showing that 8% of those over 65 use SMS, and 4% subscribe to social networks! Another surprising data point is that 42% of teens prefer to communicate via SMS, yet 62% prefer to receive promotions via email vs. only 1% via SMS.
Page 2 Usage Patterns of Email Page 3 Blended Media and Communication Personas Page 4 Persona: Wired Page 5 Persona: Young Homemakers Page 6 Persona: Retired Page 7 Persona: College Students Page 9 Persona: Teens Page 10 Persona: Established Pros
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