Top10 By Chris Hoyt
P r e s i d e n t, H o y t & C o m p a n y L L C
ew would argue that one of the most important lynchpins in the process of planning and implementing Shopper Marketing initiatives is the relationship between the brand marketer and its agencies. To be “best practice,” both must walk in lockstep and each must be capable of filling the voids where the other is weak until the weaknesses are addressed.
Shopper Marketing has raised the bar on the client/agency relationship dramatically. From the standpoint of brand marketers pursuing a Shopper Marketing strategy, it is no longer sufficient for the agency to come up with a brilliant “big idea.” What Shopper Marketing practitioners need are initiatives that evolve naturally from an understanding of the needs of shoppers and the stores where they shop. These are game-changing requirements for many agencies, especially those that have built their businesses on the premise that “creative” should drive the agenda. This is not to say that brilliant creative is not wanted or welcome when it comes to Shopper Marketing — only that the starting point must be a strategic understanding of what a brand is attempting to accomplish with a particular retailer and perhaps even within a particular segment of that retailer. Once understood, the art of the possible is not just to develop brilliant creative but brilliant creative that fits in a box — the retail store. The other game-changing requirement for agencies wishing to become proficient at Shopper Marketing is to focus on the strategic underpinnings
of what a brand is attempting to accomplish. To do this, agencies must learn to sidestep the temptation of immediately jumping to tactical solutions as the answer to every challenge. As Rob Holsten, practice leader for Shopper Marketing at Deloitte Consulting and previously director of global shopper marketing for Coca-Cola told Advertising Age: “Having a series of one-off programs does not build sustainable organization capability; doing so treats campaigns as nothing more than an attempt to ride the latest fad.” Shopper Marketing is also gradually changing the role of shopper-focused agencies when dealing with their clients. Whereas formerly the agency’s role was one of exceeding client expectations on every event, the advent of Shopper Marketing has created the opportunity for agencies to add value via a consulting role to those clients who are beginning to experiment with the concept. By leveraging their experience with other clients whose Shopper Marketing programs are relatively advanced, shopper-focused agencies can perform an invaluable service to new adopters. In addition, this